#because she does love her son and want good things for him
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Fathers and Their Children Part I
The Twisted Wonderland boys as fathers.
Third year Second year First year
Trey Clover
Trey will be very attentive to his children, always trying to create a safe and comfortable environment for them. He will always be there to support, guide and help, especially in difficult situations.
He will love his sons with all his heart, but will show it through actions rather than words. He is not one to over-express emotions, but his love and care will be evident in his daily actions.
Trey will try to be a good mentor to his sons, passing on his wisdom and life experience to them. He will try to teach them to be independent, responsible and honest, while not forgetting to show tolerance and understanding for their mistakes. He will patiently explain and repeat important things, but if his children cross the line, he will show that there are consequences. However, he will approach this with thoughtfulness and consideration, avoiding harsh punishments.
Trey will try to set a good example for his children. He will teach them honesty, responsibility, hard work, but also the importance of rest and not forgetting about fun and simple pleasures in life.
He will probably be actively involved in creating family traditions. These can be shared activities, such as baking or going for walks, which will strengthen family bonds and create an atmosphere of comfort. Despite his reserved nature, Trey loves to add playfulness to his relationships with children. He may be the one who will arrange little pranks or jokes to amuse his sons, adding an element of lightness to their lives.
Trey will always plan for the future of his sons, providing them not only with everything they need, but also preparing them for adulthood. He may be the one who helps with their studies, practical skills and moral values.
When his sons face difficulties or worries, Trey will always be there to listen and support. He will show the importance of openly sharing your feelings and not being afraid to show vulnerability.
Cater Diamond
Cater would try his best to be the coolest and funniest father for his daughter. He would arrange joint photo shoots with her, shoot funny videos and could even start her own Magicam account (under strict control, of course). His daughter would definitely know all the memes and trends thanks to him.
If his daughter wants to take a beautiful photo, Cater will set up a real mini-photo studio with perfect lighting and angles. And if she is a teenager and is embarrassed to be photographed, he will patiently wait for the moment when she herself asks him for a photo.
If someone offends his daughter, Cater will not get into a fight, but he will be able to put the person in their place with words so carefully and subtly that the offender will not have a chance. He can also twist the situation on social networks so that the offender himself will regret his behavior.
Cater knows how to make any event special. Whether it's a birthday, graduation, or just a tough day, he'll find a way to cheer up his daughter, whether it's a cute gift, an unexpected picnic, or a whole surprise party.
Cater is a sensitive person, and he always notices if his daughter is in a bad mood. He won't pressure her, but he'll gently lead her into a conversation or just offer to spend time together until she decides to share her worries.
He'll definitely be the dad who buys his daughter a teddy bear the size of a room or suddenly brings her her favorite dessert just because "that's how he felt." But if she starts to be capricious or demanding too much, Cater will find a clever way to explain why this is not an option without abruptly prohibiting her.
His daughter will definitely inherit his love for jokes and sarcasm. They can organize mini-competitions for the funniest memes or come up with funny pranks for family and friends.
Does your daughter want to be an artist? Cater will find her the best materials. Want to become a musician? Here's a cool guitar! The main thing is that she's happy.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona was initially reluctant to become a father. He doubted that he would succeed, and in general did not see any particular need for it. However, when the children were born, his attitude gradually changed... Fate laughed at him and gave him not one child, but two - twins. And although he always says that he treats them equally, it is noticeable that he has a special weakness for his daughter.
Leona loves to play chess with the children, but never gives in. They lose time after time, get angry, sometimes even cry, but each time they demand revenge. He is proud of their stubbornness, but does not say it out loud. The twins inherited his cunning and ability to manipulate, and when they want to get something, they act subtly and harmoniously, but Leona always sees through them.
He does not like it when children scream loudly or demand attention. Usually he just silently picks them up and sits them down next to him, sometimes even lazily throwing them over his shoulder if they are too active.
Cheka used to be the nephew who pestered Leona, and now Farena suffers from the pranks of his nephews. "It's karma," Farena says with a chuckle, watching the children make insidious plans against their uncle.
The cutest moment in the house is when all three lions (Leona and the twins) simultaneously turn their heads to the sound of their mother's voice, and everyone's right ear twitches in unison.
Leona is not particularly strict, but if someone dares to offend his children, he will turn into a real beast. Once, one of his peers teased his daughter - after that, the child never appeared in the Kingskolar family's field of vision again.
Leona can be tough and serious, but when it comes to sleep, the children have no problem climbing into his lap, settling down like on a pillow. At first he grumbled, but then he resigned himself. When the kids cause chaos, he will never admit that it was his idea. Even if it is written on his face that it was his idea.
Vil Schoenheit
Vil surrounds his daughter with care and love, but at the same time brings her up with discipline. He does not tolerate sloppiness, laziness or rudeness, so from childhood he instills in her a sense of responsibility.
His daughter's clothes are always impeccably chosen: only high-quality fabrics, stylish styles and no "childish tasteless kitsch". Even if it's just pajamas, they fit perfectly and emphasize her refined taste (according to Vil).
From early childhood, he teaches her how to properly care for her skin and hair. For example, before going to bed, they have a special ritual: soft creams, combing her hair and, of course, a bedtime story (but not just a story, but something from the classics, with an aesthetic style).
Vil can be strict and even a little demanding, but if someone offends his daughter, that person will regret it. He will not tolerate rudeness, rudeness or, God forbid, bullying towards her. If necessary, he will personally talk to the parents of the "offender" or even the teachers.
Vil will not force her to pursue a career in the fashion industry, but he will definitely teach her a sense of taste and style. If she wants to become someone far from the arts, he will support her, but will still nag a little if her clothes are "non-expressive".
Despite his majestic image, when he is alone with his daughter, he can allow himself to be soft and even a little silly. If she asks, he can dress up in a crown and participate in tea parties with stuffed animals.
Although he always holds himself proudly and gracefully, there are times when he just sits and watches his daughter sleep, realizing how quickly she is growing up. Sometimes he wishes she could remain his little girl for a little while longer.
Everyone thinks that Vil is the boss in their family. But in reality, his little princess can get anything from him - if she approaches with the right approach. He often tells her that she should value herself, never settle for less, and be independent. Vil wants his daughter to grow up to be a strong, elegant, and respected woman who knows her worth.
Rook Hunt
Rook is a father who admires every achievement of his children, even the most insignificant ones. First step? "Oh, mon amour, look at this graceful hunter growing up!" First scribble? "This is a real masterpiece!" He literally turns every event into a celebration.
Like a true hunter, he teaches children not only ordinary things, but also how to be observant, to feel nature, people and the world around them. He could, for example, discreetly follow their adventures to make sure they are safe, but at the same time give them the freedom to explore.
If his son and daughter participates in competitions, concerts, even in ordinary school activities - Rook will support them as if they were the main characters of the world arena. Moreover, his applause and cries of support are so loud and heartfelt that they attract the attention of everyone around.
Rook does not impose his point of view on children, but, on the contrary, helps to reveal their natural talents. If the older child wants to be an explorer, and the younger one an artist, he will find ways to develop their abilities, creating the perfect environment for them.
He teaches his children to appreciate beauty, whether it is beauty in people, in nature, or in art. They can spend hours walking in the forest, listening to their father describe the grace of every detail, be it a flower petal or the movement of an animal.
Despite his enthusiasm, Rook can be strict if his children do something unfair or are lazy in realizing their potential. He will not yell or punish, but his disappointment will be felt more than any punishment. âMon enfant, how can this be? Does a hunter stop when he is faced with a challenge?â
Rook allows his children to try, make mistakes, and learn. He does not limit them, but at the same time teaches them responsibility for their actions. He could let them go on an adventure, but somehow still keep an eye on their safety. Whether it's hunting trips (not necessarily actual hunting, perhaps just nature watching) or morning gatherings with a cup of tea and conversations about life, Rook will create family traditions that will be passed on to the children.
Idia Shroud
After learning that he is going to have a child, Idia will go through several stages: denial, panic, and then... total study of the issue. He will reread all possible guides, create files with parenting tactics, and even try to program Ortho as a nanny.
He will be afraid that the boy will follow in his footsteps - become just as unsociable and withdrawn. Because of this, Idia will try, albeit awkwardly, to support him in his social development. For example, instead of dissuading his son from going for walks, he will push him to go out. However, if the son refuses, he will immediately say: "Well, okay, actually it's fine at home...".
If the son gets interested in games, comics or technology, Idia will immediately become his main supplier of new products and rare collector's editions. He will justify himself by saying that he is simply "investing in his education," but in reality, he is pleased to see his son engaged.
He worries that his son will be embarrassed by him or think that he is weak. Because of this, he will occasionally try to appear "cool" - for example, by demonstrating his hacking skills or trying to play the role of a formidable parent. However, this rarely works, because his son has long known that his dad is a kind, albeit anxious genius.
If someone offends his child, Idia will first find information about this person, hack their accounts, and then come up with a cunning revenge. He will not directly deal with the offender, but will create a situation in which the offender himself will be scared. If the situation requires personal intervention, he will gather his strength and do it - even if it will make him look extremely awkward.
He can sometimes forget himself and treat his son like a playmate, and not like a child. For example, she will suggest him to scold the NPC instead of solving the problem in reality. But if his son really needs support, Idia will put all fears aside and help, even if it means leaving her comfort zone. When her son falls asleep next to her, when they just sit and are silent, when Idia understands that his boy trusts him - at such moments he feels that maybe he is not so bad at this "game" called parenthood.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is the king of Briar Valley, and his son is the heir. He understands the importance of education and responsibility, so he will teach his child discipline, respect for others and traditions. However, he will never be cruel - if his son makes a mistake, he will not yell or scold him, but calmly explain what the mistake was.
He can calmly listen to a million questions in a row, even if it is something like "Why do I have horns, and my mother does not?" or "And if I eat a precious stone, will I become stronger?" Malleus is reserved and rarely loses his temper, so it is difficult to upset him, even if his son angers him with something.
He will not allow anyone to harm his son - not enemies of the kingdom, not magical creatures, not even overly persistent teachers. If someone dares to threaten the heir of Briar Valley... it is better to pray to them.
Malleus understands that his son has inherited the power of dragon magic from him, so he trains him from an early age. He will proudly watch the child's first spells and gently correct him if something goes wrong.
Despite his seriousness, Malleus does not miss a moment to spend time with his son. He can throw him in the air, ride him on his shoulders, or even let him pull his tail.
Malleus rarely shows his feelings in words, but he conveys them through actions. If the child is afraid of the dark or sleeps poorly, he quietly sings an ancient lullaby that his mother sang to him. Perhaps this is even a family tradition, and now this song is passed down from generation to generation.
As a king, he is busy with the affairs of the kingdom, and sometimes he has to leave the child alone. If he sees that his son is sad or lonely, his heart squeezes with guilt. He always compensates for this - brings gifts, takes his son with him to important ceremonies or just spends an evening with him, telling ancient stories.
He is the first time in this role, so sometimes he makes mistakes. He can demand too much from the child, forget that he is still little, or underestimate his emotions. But Malleus learns, listens to you (his queen) and to his son himself, trying to be a better father than he was yesterday.
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia doesn't just educate - he makes the process fun. Need to learn to read? Great, now it's the riddles of ancient runes. Learning math? Excellent, count how many times dad dodges a pillow attack!
Who needs carriages and transport when you have a fae dad? Even if the baby can already walk, she often ends up on his shoulders, joyfully holding his hair.
He can play for hours, run and even rock the baby at night until her eyes close. But when he falls next to her on the couch, he is already unbearable.
Lilia trusts her daughter and wants her to learn from her own experience. He will not overprotect her, but if he feels that she is in real danger, it is better to run.
Whether your daughter wants to become a warrior, an artist, an inventor or just explore the world - Lilia will stand next to her and say: "Excellent! Show me how you do it! "
There is a place in the forest where they can sit for hours, chat or just lie there, looking at the stars. It is their little world, where no one is allowed except for mom, if she brings something tasty.
Her favorite "accomplice" in her pranks. While mom looks away - and Lilia is already helping her daughter hide in the closet or quietly sneak into the kitchen for a night treat.
The fae bat has his fangs for a reason! He proudly teaches her how to fly, night vision and even the ability to silently appear behind people's backs (mom is not thrilled).
He understands that his daughter is more special because of the human blood in her veins, but he will never show sadness. Instead, he makes her life happy, full of fun and adventure. After all, as long as she has dad - everything will be fine.
#twst#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland#trey clover x reader#cater diamond x reader#leona kingscholar x reader#vil schoenheit x reader#rook hunt x reader#idia x reader#malleus draconia x reader#lilia vanrouge x reader
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Meetings and Partings
Rating: Mature Warning: Owen Strand's Death Tags: future fic, grief/mourning, emotional hurt/comfort, found family, romance, canon compliant, non-explicit sex, mentions of cancer
Summary: 20 years later, after time and life have drifted the 126 apart from each other, they reunite in Manhattan to attend Owenâs funeral; to say goodbye to the first departed member of their family and remember why they became a family in the first place.
âHi baby,â TK says.
Carlosâs crinkled eyes shine and he reaches for TK as he steps inside, folding him into a tight embrace. He smells just like he always does, masculine deodorant and laundry soap and his sweet natural scent, and TK burrows into him. Theyâve only been apart a few days but itâs longer than TK ever likes to be away from him, even when times are good. So many people in their lives have affectionately teased them for how clingy they are, how even after so many years together theyâd rather sit and do nothing beside each other than do almost anything with anyone else.
Carlos is his best friend, he always has been. TK laughs along when theyâre teased and knows it comes from a place of love, but itâs truer than even they know. He always wants Carlos within reaching distance and never feels quite right when heâs too far away.
They hold each other just inside the doorway for so long that TK wonders if seasons change around them, Carlos stroking the back of his head with his nose pressed against TKâs ear. Eventually, Carlos quietly says, âIâm turning 50 this year. Am I still âbabyâ?â
Smiling, TK kisses Carlosâs neck and tells him, âYouâll always be my baby.â
Carlos presses kisses to the side of his face and then leans back to look at him. He holds TKâs face in his hands, brushes his thumb over his temples where his hair has gone grey.
âYou wanna graduate to a more mature nickname now that youâre an old man?â TK jokes.
Carlos smiles back at him, bright as the sun despite the shine of melancholy still in his endless dark eyes. âNo. And Iâm not old, yet. Not like you.â
Laughing, TK tilts his chin forward to ask for a kiss and Carlos, as always, meets him in the middle. Their lips brush and then their foreheads connect, TKâs hands curling around Carlosâs thick waist and keeping him close.
âHow are you doing?â he asks softly.
TK sniffs. âI donât know. We knew it was coming. It wasnât sudden and tragic in the way that your dad was.â
âOr your mom.â
âOr my mom,â TK nods. Life has been good for long enough that sometimes itâs hard to put himself back into a time when the hits rarely seemed to stop coming. There was a sweetness to it, mixed in with all the tragedy, because he and Carlos got through it hand-in-hand. That doesnât mean TKâs welcoming the return of loss to his life. He takes an unsteady breath and whispers, âBut he was still my dad.â
âI know,â Carlos soothes.
Read the rest on AO3
Author's note: Â I attended a funeral a few weeks ago for someone I have known since childhood who died of cancer, and one part of the lovely service really struck me â a recorded conversation between her and her son about her famous Caesar salad recipe. It was a family favorite and something she made for over 40 years for all types of occasions, and a recipe sheâd passed on to countless people â her children, her friends, her siblings, and who knows how many people they all passed it on to in return. Her son spoke of the power of a legacy, even when itâs something as simple as salad dressing, and how we all touch peopleâs lives in unintentional ways and leave a mark on this earth thatâs bigger than we even know. Half because the Tarlos brain worms are real, and half because writing helps me process things sometimes, I spun up this little story as both a tribute to her and also to these incredible characters who have left marks on all of us who love them <3
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Thoughts of Uther Pendragon
Hello hello. It's pretty obvious that hatred towards Utherâs character shades most of the fandomâs opinions. But it happens that I find his character pretty intriguing, mostly because the show doesnât tell much about his past or things from his perspective which gives much room for interpretation.
So hereâs another character analysis Iâve made of Uther. Take from it what you want. (In other words Iâm not labeling him as âgoodâ or âbadâ, Iâm simply inspired and wrote this analysis of a commonly not-so-popular character.)
Here are some more themes Iâve been thinking about:
Uther the warrior
Is Uther a lonely king?
Why are Uther and Arthur clashing so much?
Uther's attitude towards the old religion It's a relatively lengthy post so it's under 'keep reading'
1. Uther the warrior
Medieval times were times filled with wars. As far as I have understood, when the show begins, itâs the longest peaceful times for ages.
Backtracking a little⊠Itâs not implied in the show but generally in the Arthurian legends Uther was trained to be a warrior since birth. He wasnât a blood heir but he was given the position by another king which created a domino-effect of conflicts and more wars.
The way I see Uther in the show, he is still a warrior (regardless of his background the show doesnât tell us). He never learned how to act or what to be when itâs finally peace. A king in wartime has a clear purpose: fight, conquer, and protect. But in peace? A ruler has to shift from being a warrior to being a diplomat, lawmaker, and administrator. Theyâre all roles that Uther doesnât seem particularly suited for. For someone whoâs spent decades defining himself through war and conquest, suddenly ruling a kingdom that no longer needs a warrior could make him feel directionless.
This scene between Uther and Nimueh pops up in my mind:
UTHER Don't ever speak of her in that way. She was my heart, my soul. And you took her from me.
NIMUEH She died giving birth to your son. It was not my choice. That is the law of magic. To create a life, there had to be a death. The balance of the world had to be repaid.
UTHER You knew it would kill her.
NIMUEH No, you're wrong. If I had foreseen her death, and the terrible retribution you would seek... I would never have granted your wish.
UTHER I wish you hadn't.
NIMUEH You wish you didn't have a son? Well, your wish will come true tomorrow.
UTHER I will not let you take him.
NIMUEH I have watched so many people I love die at your hands, Uther Pendragon. Now it is your turn.
âI wish you hadnât.â The way I see it is that Uther regrets the mess he has made â not Ygraineâs death or having a son. He is lost, lonely and lives with the fact that he isnât the best father to Arthur (and Morgana).
âYou wish you didnât have a son?â Btw, itâs Nimueh speculating. Uther replies, âI will not let you take him.â He hates the stressfull situation he has created and put himself into â but he does not hate Arthur.
2. Is Uther a lonely king?
Uther still lives like a warrior, a war commander, because he doesnât know what else to be. This could explain why he keeps such a tight grip on power: he might subconsciously provoke conflict (through harsh laws, executions, and persecution of magic users) because it keeps him in his psychological comfort zone. Heâs paranoid, he rarely trusts anyone and he believes that peaceful times are only temporary. (âItâs peaceful â whatâs wrong?â Nowadays we know itâs a sign of being unhealthily in a constant survival mode.)
I have seen some discussions about Arthur being a lonely prince and Merlin being one of the first friends (if not the first) with whom he can just be himself and have a genuine connection with. I think itâs the same with Uther. He has some other noble friends but as far as Iâve understood, Gaius is the only one he shares the more sensitive stuff with. Gaius is his trusted advisor.
Imagine being Uther â not daring to trust anyone, ruling a kingdom you fear might fall apart any moment, raising a future king some people apparently want to kill â and just⊠being lonely all the time. Itâs a poisonous cycle, and itâs hard to find a way out of there. Being lonely yet not trusting anyone. Wanting to protect a future king and the kingdom, having to endure the hatred people have towards you. Heâs not the type to give up. I think he believes that people hating him are a part of the deal, of being a king. He thinks you canât please everyone and is more or less fine with it.
3. Why are Uther and Arthur clashing so much?
Arthur is growing up in a more stable kingdom and sees peace as something worth maintaining. He believes that a king should be loved, not feared.
Uther, on the other hand, sees peace as fragile, temporary, and believes that a king must always be ready for war. His training of Arthur is based on this: he wants Arthur to be a warrior first, a ruler second. But Uther doesn't necessarily know how to be a ruler. This is why they clash so much. Uther believes that Camelot is constantly under some threat - he's the warrior protecting his kingdom, eliminating enemies or possible enemies for the safety of Camelot's people. Whereas Arthur lives in the moment, treasures the peaceful times and wants to focus on the well being of Camelot's residents. He doesn't understand why the king should be feared. He wants a connection with his subordinates.
But in Uther's mind being loved means being weak. Love requires trust and trust is easily taken advantage of.
If Uther fought for his own throne or had to suppress challenges to his rule, then he knows how dangerous it is to be seen as weak. Even though the show portrays him as a rightful king (if I remember correctly), he still might have faced opposition early on (which typically happened with new kings during their era), and it shapes his paranoia about Arthur's future. This could explain his strictness with Arthur. Heâs not just preparing him to rule but to defend his claim against inevitable rivals.
Even though Arthur is Utherâs son and an obvious heir, that doesnât mean everyone will accept him unquestioningly. Nobles, rival families, and even former allies could see a young, inexperienced king as an opportunity to seize power (which, again, was typical in their era). Utherâs an elder man, he has first hand experience of these things. Utherâs harsh training of Arthur (forcing him into battles, making him prove himself constantly) isnât just about strength for strengthâs sake. Itâs about making sure no one dares to challenge him when the time comes. And, the rivals arenât even imaginary threats: the times someone tries to get rid of Arthur in the show⊠Phew.
It might seem heartless of Uther to not let Arthur go on quests to save servants etc, but honestly Utherâs actually being pretty smart since he doesnât want to risk the life of Camelotâs future king. Uther is getting old and if his heir dies it opens possibilities for enemies to attack and try to take down Uther too. To take Camelot.
If you want to beat a group, an army or even a kingdom, you aim for the leader. Sometimes when kings fight in wars with their men, itâs quite easy to think that they're being cowards if they flee the scene when the battles get worse. But really, theyâre being smart (or acting smart, who knows), because if the king is defeated, the whole kingdom is defeated. Nobody wants that because typically the new leader wants to shape the conquered area into their liking, which means that the people might lose their identity and are forced to submit to a new ruler's will.
Uther training Arthur sends mixed messages too. He wants Arthur to take part in tournaments and other competitions and quests to prove his strength, and these aren't always risk-free either. I think that Uther accepts these battles because he is there to oversee most of these happenings, he could step in if he considered it necessary. To protect his son. Also, these tournaments and quests carry a pretty huge reputation: people know and talk about these things. If Arthur survives or wins something, everyone will know about it. It builds his reputation as a strong heir, whereas going on a quest to save a servant etc. is not that grand of an event. Besides, I think Uther fears that enemies might take advantage of Arthur's soft heart. If he goes through that much trouble to save "just a servant", how easy it would be to manipulate Arthur into something more sinister?
Lastly, taking in notice that Uther doesnât seem to trust anyone fully, who would he choose to be his follower had Arthur died?
4. Utherâs attitude towards the old religion
In the show, prophecies and destiny play a huge role in shaping events. A lot of the conflict comes from people trying to either fulfill or prevent prophecies and, to be honest, it doesnât work that well even if the participants truly have good intentions.
If we look at it from Utherâs perspective, the old religion and magic users arenât just dangerous because they have power â it's because they believe in forces like fate and destiny that they actively try to enforce. They manipulate people based on prophecies or visions. Uther might see them as dangerous not just because of their abilities, but because they shape events in unpredictable ways. Even when people (for example Merlin) try to prevent a prophecy, they often just make things worse.
Uther seems to be a person who does what he wants. He makes his own path based on his own reasoning â he doesnât trust these visions or prophesies. Maybe because he knows how tricky they can be? Has he learnt something the hard way himself?
* * *
What do you all think? Would Uther have been less extreme if magic users werenât constantly trying to reshape destiny? Would he have been a better king and a father had he found a way to drop the I-trust-no-one-and-rule-this-kingdom-alone thought?
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i'm not even going to bother with the tags, since I'm pretty sure I'll go over lol. I have soo many questions. As always, your worldbuilding is extraordinary! Kieran is fishing out for trouble asking around for dirt on Isaiah, I wonder if he has a real grip on how powerful Zaya is. So far I get the feeling he thinks Isaiah is playing at being Executor and that he doesn't have the Wolfson's reach, but I think he's failing to see how much the other packs want Isaiah in their circles. Dominick seems to have a clearer sight, but oh my God, the whole talk about the Blackwells and arranged marriages. I'm so glad you brought this into the fold, I've been dying to understand both the family and how marriages work when you have such complexes power dynamics. For example, Dom is an off-marriage human bastard, right? But does he still count as his father's son like Arnie does, in the pack? If not, its because of being human or because he's an extramarital baby? If he's to marry with a Blackwell human, would that change anything on his power status? Because he seems to be going after money and power, but the Blackwells don't have money, do they? I actually am so hyped to see Dominick interacting with Melissa, she's on my shit list ever since being mean to Matt (yeah yeah she's been groomed by her mom, but I hold grudges, she's too old to be acting like a mean girl) and I'm team let Dominick explore this family, because I'm nasty like that :) Aaaand I love that Kieran was a smidge weirded out but not really judgmental! I think your other OCs would be throwing fits at the idea of Dominick wanting to marry into power/money and Kier's only gripe was that Dom could get himself killed like this. I know he's not a bad guy, but its so so refreshing to see how different his perspective is on things. I wonder if Dom would pursue Seline, given she's the witch in Isaiah's pack, she's a powerhouse, but no resources. Isaiah is trying to patch over Matt and the Blackwells? Ha that's gonna go down well. I'm very interested to see what's gonna win, Matt's loving nature and the fact he misses his sisters, which would make him grateful and understanding of Isaiah's meddling... OR, the fact Zaya is pushing him out of his pack without realizing. Because Matt has essentially been replaced by Rip as the trainee, Isaiah won't open up to him and then you add Isaiah trying to push him into Blackwell's arms, you see how nasty it can look in Matt's eyes. Hmmmmm I wonder. Also assuming Seline is none the wiser about Isaiah doing this. In fact, Matt and Sel are none the wiser to a lot of politics happening, from Isaiah's pull as executor, to whatever is happening with Shawn, to Zaya meddling with the Blackwells, his covet claim of the apartment building, his rivalry with Kieran.... Isaiah is extremely smart and powerful, but sir, I think you gotta actually talk with your pack about these things if its to be a pack, no? Though I might be wrong? His father certainly was the closed up type too, so maybe Isaiah is mirroring a little... How does Hex run his? Or Grayson? Urgh, I wish I could have an anthology of vignettes of just all the different packs and how they work, this is so damn interesting. ANd and and okay, the WHUMP! I love a good brotp and a brotp between these toxic little beans?? I'm THRIVING. Dom's condition is getting worse, does anyone know about this but Kieran? Hheheheeh I'm sure that's ALSO gonna go down so well with the Blackwells, Melissa sure seems like the understanding and loving kind (contains sarcasm). It makes me wish they end up as a real romance, because how funny that would be when they're such a bad match on paper. I loved how Dom's secretary gives Kier a free pass to whatever and how Dominick didn't hesitate to call him and to cuddle up to him. He might've been playing tough on the couch, but he was sooo pathetic the minute Kieran got there at night, delicious food
The Sound of a Headache
Kieran visits an old friend, talks about pack machinations and terrible plans and gets called in for a vomiting emergency.
Kieran waited in that brand new office smelling of money for a good hour before Dominick finally showed up.
He got a satisfying yelp of surprise for his trouble and the funniest shocked look.
"Are you hellbent on giving me a heart attack?" Dominick asked. He wore a perfectly fit gray suit and a pink shirt. Like he just walked off a modeling mollo. "How did you get in?"
"Climbed up to the 12th floor through the window like a good stuntman," Kieran said with an eye roll and a grin. "Gerlinde let me in."
Dominick threw a disturbed look through the glass wall towards the table with his young, small secretary with a messy curly bun. She had the most innocent look and the most sly smile, when she caught his eye.
"Not like she is wrong to do it," Kieran reminded him with an amused huff.
Dominick let out a dramatic sight than abandoned his stylishly slanted table in front of the aquarium and sat down on the opposite couch to Kieran. "So what's up?"
Kieran look at his wrist without a watch with grin. "Mr. CEO. Do I have a time limit for my visit? Should I write myself into your calander to get included?"
"You have no gigs for this week," Dominick guessed dryly.
"We can't all be working our butts off all the time."
"I'm trying to win over the council for the next chairman vote, thank you." His eyes sparkled with excitement. "Just finished the funding for the new project. It's gonna be a hit, I'm telling you."
Kieran leaned back in the seat, arms propped on top. "As your most successful stuntman worker, I hope it has a lot of action."
Dominick returned his grin. "Of course. Scenes perfect just for you and your expertise." He rubbed at his face, copying Kieran's position and leaning back a little as well.
Kieran eyed him critically, notcing the pallor and the dark circles, despite the gell little waves of light cinnamon hair. "Dude, how many all nighters did you pull this time? Isn't the point of being a CEO that you have people to assign work to?"
"You have to give the right kind of work to the right person. I don't think you are much into team effort, Kier."
"Oh my god, you sound so boss-like right now," Kieran teased. But it was nice seeing Dominick in his element, even if it was work Kieran would not in million years, choose for himself.
"What about you? Your apartment project going well?"
Kieran huffed. "It's a bit slower than I imagined. You got any extra new info on Isaiah for me?"
Dominick raised an eyebrow. "I found out about the building ownership for you, didn't I? No upper hand from that?"
"I would have to use it against his pack. They don't know," Kieran grimaced, "and I don't want to hurt them."
"That's tricky, then, if you don't want anyone hurt," Dominick sounded smug instead of sympathetic, as if that proved Kieran had morals that won over his more sinister aspirations. "I'm glad though. I don't want to make an enemy out of Isaiah Wolfson."
"Oh? How did he get to you?"
"His Executioner...position or whatever it is? His influence is 10 times the size of what it was last year. If anything, I want him on my side, when I'm dealing with wolves."
Kieran stuck out his tongue at him. "Traitor."
"Wolf packs are the best investors," Dominick said with a shrug. "I got the second breath for this company because of shareholders from wolf packs. They are the richest families with their territories turning to estates and buildings they own."
"Still looking for stashes of gold?"
"All the big names have it. Though the middle sized ones are more willing to spend it to get a hold of this city." Dominick rubbed his hands together, eyes glinting. "I got a deal from the Blackwells for the next movie."
"Blackwells...Margaret Blackwell?"
"Yep. An ambitious witch. Kicked out her husband and took over the pack and it's growing, man."
"I don't get how that woman works. She has more human children than wolves...Matthew is cast out, and only her youngest daughter is a witchling."
"Precisely," Dominick said, leaning forward, fingers connecting at the tips. "A wolf pack of their size and money would never let me near their witches. But so many human daughters?"
"Jesus, man, you sound like you want to marry one."
When Dominick said nothing, smile still on, Kieran sat up straight at once. "Wait, really?"
"So what? I need someone wealthy and with a connection to an old wolf family that could invest in my bussiness? Ideal."
"You are so romantic," Kieran said dryly.
They didn't talk about Dominick's desperate yearning for a wolf community connection. They were both humans, but as much Kieran wanted out of the loop and his family circles, that much Dominick wanted in.
Dominick's mother was a human lover of a wolf with a high position in a middle sized pack (which was rich as hell, just not as established). His father had bussiness aspirations and needed humans for it, falling in love with his secretary.
Scandalous connection as it was, since humans were off limits to a powerful wolf. His human mother was considered a waste and his human son only worth in so far he could carry a shadow wolf gene. If a wolf ever wanted him in the pack, which no one did.
That Dominick had an insane bussiness instinct and could turn a dying movie production company into a leading and prospering one was a suprise wolves were too short-sighted to expect.
But it made Dominick known between the packs, which is also how Kieran got to meet and befriend him. He became a sort of informator between humans and wolves, with connections to some of the bigger names as his investors.
Since wolves were great at owning and keeping something, but not in multiplying and managing their money - which made them interested in humans who could. Preferably inside their packs.
Kieran scoffed at the image. "So what's the big plan?"
"Nothing much. I was at a few dinners with the Blackwells. Margaret's daughters are spirited to say the least. And it also created an opportunity with Isaiah."
"He was here just a week agoâhe asked me if I could arrange a meeting between the sisters at and his pack. Maybe like a premiere cinema stream? I'm assuming he wants their brother to meet with them outside their mother's reach."
"And how is that gonna help you win Margaret over?"
"I'm not sure who is going to have more pullâIsaiah or her. His name and rep mean more but she has money. But imagine I would help them get reconciled. I would have both." He looked at Kieran. "You are friends with him, right? Isaiah and Matt and the sisters in one pocket..."
Kieran frowned, crossing his arms on his chest. "That sounds risky, man."
"Shouldn't you be the one most down with it?"
"I risk myself, that's different." And he didn't think wolf-human family problems were entirely in Dominick's capacity to understand. Kieran knew no specifics of the Matthew case, but he had a few ideas and none of them could be solved over a movie.
"Look, the oldest one, Melissa, is a great catch. Doctor, knows her way around wolves, fitting background-"
"Anyone told you we are not in middle ages and that's not how marriage works anymore?"
"Depends on where," Dominick shot back, rubbing at his temples. His parents couldn't be together exactly for the arrangement reasons. Maybe that's why he didn't believe in love playing any part in the resulting happiness.
"I don't like this plan," Kieran said, straightforward as he was used to. "It's risky and you have no idea what you are getting into. You don't know why he got kicked out and if his sisters want him back at all."
Dominick huffed in disappointment, deflating like a baloon. "You are no fun."
Also likely the only one you told, Kieran realized.
"Hey, what about this. Let's go camping. Two weeks, just fresh air and a lake and the two of us. You will get some distance from these ideas and well-earned rest and everything will look fresh and different."
Dominick shook his head, then stopped himself with a minuscule wince. "You don't know anything about business. I can't just pack and up leave whenever anymore."
"You are exactly the one who can," Kieran said, giving Dominick a meaningful look. You shouldn't be taking unnecessary risks. Please think about yourself. He wanted to say it so bad, but didn't dare to. It was a touchy topic.
"Alright, I'll be going then. Don't let me stop you from making money." Kieran got to his feet.
Dominick still looked disappointed by the reaction, but he knew better than to argue, getting up to hug Kieran goodbye. "See you later, fall guy. Say hi to Alessia for me."
Kieran didn't know why he had such a bad feeling today. Bad enough to check on Dominick and see for himself. But there was nothing more he could do, was there? He could offer his support, distraction and a listening ear, but it wasn't like he could order him to sit and rest. Especially since Kieran would never follow such advice.
Here was to hoping Dominick would tell him if he actually needed something.
That evening around 10 pm he got a sudden call from Dominick though. Kieran called him right back, but when Dominick, didn't pick up, he called Gerlinde instead. The girl was immensely useful, immediately sending him Dominick's schedule for the day and assuring him the CEO was still at the firm.
Kieran took his motorcycle and headed straight there.
The building was dark, some of its glamour disappearing with the lights and the buzz of people in the offices. "Dominick? Hello?"
He looked through the place, the kitchen and the terrace, then settled on just dialing his number and orient himself by the ringing.
It led back to Dominick's office. Another all-nighter? Kieran was worried enough that even an accident call would be a relief.
He found the phone twitching on the desk like a dying fish. The lights were also off, the hush from the aquarium filter filling the room.
There was a small whimper that had the hair standing up on his neck. Kieran circled the giant desk.
Dominick was on the floor, sitting next to the cupboard, arms wrapped around his knees and hunched over, which was a strange position for such a tall man. He was shaking.
Kieran kneeled beside him, heart somewhere in his throat. "Dominick? Hey, buddy, what's wrong?"
His head jerked up towards the voice, his eyes red and swollen. "Kier?"
"Yeah, it's me." Kieran put a hand on his shoulder, looking him over, though he had an idea. "Your head?"
Dominick blinked at him, then closed his eyes with a pained grimace, groaning. "Started...started as static in my ears...then the headache-now I can't see straight, Kier..." He sounded scared, small, all the confidence from just that lunch gone.
"You are such an idiot, you know that? All-nighters for a big project, what did you think would happen?" Kieran whisper-yelled, squeezing his shoulder. "I'll drive you home, come on."
"C-can't move. Everything is twirling and the lights- and-and-" Dominick lifted a hand towards Kieran so his friend could see. His hand was twitching, down from his elbow to the last two fingers, in 2 second intervals.
"Christ," Kieran cursed under his breath. "Hospital?"
"Apparently, it's normal," Dominick said, sounding like he was on the verge of tears. "Can happen now during an a-attack."
"Shhhh." Kieran shifted to sit next to him, pulling him into a hug. Dominick was shaking in his grip, heartbreaking little whimpers coming from where he pressed his face against Kieran's chest.
It started with the headaches. Those were normal for most of his teenage years. But the dizziness, lights and static sounds, the way faces blurred together and he couldn't catch his balance...that got a lot worse in the last years.
And all because of a chip in his brain from an injury, Dominick had when he was a child.
Kieran held him diligently, wishing there was a medication or magical cure he could give him at times like this. When he felt Dominick's head jerk up with a burp, he patted his arm gently. "Nausous, buddy?"
"I hate my fucking brain so much," Dominick said, voice still weak and whiny.
Kieran slowly untangled himself from him to locate a trash can filled with papers and position it into Dominick's lap. "Here. Do you want some water?"
Dominick shook his head. Tears were streaming down his face, more from the pain and disorientation than distress, or so Kieran hoped. He looked through the cabinet and desk for paper towels and a water bottle, pressing it against Dominick's temple.
The other man was left drooling over the trashcan, blinking and squeezing his eyes shut. His chest heaved with a retch.
Kieran rubbed wide circles on his back, biting his lip in worry.
The next retch still caught them both by suprise by how sudden and violent it was. Dominick's eyes were closed as he heaved, so Kieran held the trashcan under his chin, catching a small mouthful of water. The next belch brought up a bigger wave though, splashing against the paper, on the edge and Kieran's hand.
Proud for being used to more gruesome scenes than some puke on his hand, Kieran held his breath before wiping off his hand and then Dominick's chin. He took a fresh towel for the mess of tears and snot on his cheeks.
"W-wanna go home, Kier," Dominick moaned, wrapping both hands around himself with a shiver as if he was cold.
"I'll get you home, buddy, don't worry." Kieran stripped Dominick off the suit jacket. His eyes got more used to the dark by now, so it was easier to gather Dom's bag and other things, put his car keys into his pocket and open all the doors for them to walk through. He even called the elevator in advance.
"You know how risky it is to do such projects," Kieran said as he supported most of Dominick's weightâhe was taller than him by a headâtowards the elevators. "Stress, no sleep. You have to be more sparing with yourself."
"C-can't exactly finish things like that," Dominick said, shutting his eyes against the light in the brightly lit elevator. He sagged in Kieran's grip, pressing his forehead into the crook of his neck to block out the light.
"I'll force Gerlinde to make to free every half a month for camping with me," Kieran threatened, holding him tighter around the waist. It was a delicate balance since he wasn't sure if the pressure wouldn't set Dominick into vomiting.
Dominick's left hand was twitching at his side. Kieran was trying very hard not to stare at it.
They finally reached the underground floor. The ding of the opening door had Dominick spasming in Kieran's hold, leaning over to vomit a giant watery wave on the floor. There were pieces of rice floating in it.
Kieran grimaced, helping Dominick step over the mess. He propped him up against the wall, patting his cheek. "Hey, you with me? Dom?"
"Hmm?" Dominick squinted at him, having to catch himself on Kieran's arms to not fall.
"I'm gonna get the car. Can you stay here for a minute?"
Dominick gave an unsure nod, then leaned down with his chin on Kieran's shoulder with a sigh, that morphed into a burp. His eyes were closed, his left hand still twitching.
"Buddy..." Kieran protested gently, rubbing his back from behind.
"Thanksss..thanks for coming."
Kieran rolled his eyes, not even acknowledging the apology. That was a given. "You are alright. Just leave it to me."
#god all this and I didnt even mention that Kieran is down for arranged marriages but there's alessia#makes me wonder how THAT romance goes#i'm in love with this worldbuilding#a debate club seems like a very cool option now lol
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I so desperately wanna know what lee sookyung and persephone's relationship is like. they share a son, I have GOT to know how lsk feels about that. is there grief that her son allowed himself to be adopted by another set of parents, when he struggles to connect with her? is she relieved that he has someone at all? does she try to tell persephone stories about his childhood, only to find there's only a small pool of stories she can tell, the rest of them colored by suffering and her absence? did they mourn him together?
#orv#you can't hand me a complicated parent and child dynamic and expect me to feel normal about it#i think about kdj and lsk and i CRY#him getting adult adopted by hades and persephone makes me so emotional#because he gets to feel the experience of reliable parents that are in his corner supporting him and protecting him#but at the same time i really feel sad for lsk about it#because she does love her son and want good things for him#and they both want to connect with each other but there's this wall between them#they want to break down they wall but they don't know how#so how does she feel about him getting another set of parents? does she feel replaced?#or is she glad to be replaced because at least that means he has someone?#god. i don't know. im just haunted by them
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I think shmi would be empathetic towards anakin and we shouldn't impose our morals on her
#what is people's insistence that everyone must hate anakin before and after the fall#shmi would still love her son even though he does horrible things#to act like she would not is I fear a misunderstanding of the whole thesis of darth vader's redemption#local terrible man saved because some people loved him and could see through to the good#anyway I want vindicative shmi who curses the jedi order for giving her son over to a slaver#shmi skywalker#star wars
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Iâll start with this: people have pointed out Sawyer and Kate are an abusive relationship too, whichâ despite really not liking themâ I would also call an insane conclusion to make.
Iâm one of the few people who likes Jack, and who doesnât ignore Stranger in a Strange Land. That episode is fucked, and does a good job at encapsulating to the viewer why Jack is âbrokenâ enough to be stranded on that island to begin with. And I agree, his behavior towards Sarah is also fucked, and controlling, and terrible, and itâs him at his worst. Seeing a person at their worst is not them being abusive. Jack is not always a healthy person to be around (as I pointed out in my original post), but heâs not abusive.
Also, him ending in jail is a direct result of his obsession, and his inability to leave well enough alone. Which is what his entire final arc with Sarah is about, obsession. The issue isnât how Jack behaves towards women, itâs how he behaves in general when he is not in control of the things around him.
As for the Kate lying to Jack, I agree he isnât entitled to know everything. And Iâd even argue that Jack knows heâs not entitled to know everything, but people make mistakes when theyâre at their worst. Which is why this is actually never important to Jack again.
Also, I agree, Kate lies because she knows Jack wonât let it go. But I think we disagree on what it is Jack wouldnât be able to let go. Itâs not the knowledge of Cassidy herself, or even the fact that sheâs helping Sawyer, because itâs been proven again and againâ both before and after this sceneâ that outside of that one moment, Jack doesnât care about Sawyer. Itâs the potential of Jack asking more questions, and finding out that Kate has told Cassidy the truth about the island. And itâs also just bad writing because they wanted to drag that love triangle. The actual climax of the break-up isnât even Sawyer, itâs Kate telling Jack to get it together or she canât have him around her son, and Jack walking away because heâs too much of a coward to fix things.
âDo you wonder why Jack doesnât want her to come?â Well, as I said he doesnât want her around in that moment. But I think we just have very different interpretations of that scene: you see a moment of Jack doubting Kate, I see a moment of Jack doubting himself and needing distance.
For your point on the s4 scene, I mean thatâs not what happens. Jack asks her to go, Kate shoots back asking what makes Jack think Locke wonât kill her like he killed Naomi, and Jack replies to her question by saying Sawyer wonât let him, i.e. she has an ally in Lockeâs camp, someone who will looked after her first-and-foremost, and have her back.
And then for your counterpoint of switching the backups, Kate running before putting the backpack down IS self-preservation. She thought about getting away from the black smoke before she thought of putting the dynamite down, because Kate is impulsive. He didnât underestimate his decision-making, he took the beat to drop the backpack, which Kate didnât do (as he correctly assessed from what he knows of her character).
And finally, the âIâm the one who saved youâŠâ line. I mean, again this is just a difference in interpretation. I see it more as a reflection of why Jack would think Kate loves him, than an attempt to hold it over her head or make himself look better than Sawyer. And I think the actorâs made choices in that scene to back that interpretation up (though you could disagree ofc).
I wonât really comment on the alcoholic aspect of it or the âchecking outâ from the island. Because I donât necessarily disagree with you, itâs just that to me itâs one of the most interesting aspects of their dynamic.
Jack Shephard rant.
Iâve been down the Reddit hole over the past few weeks, and seen a a lot of posts I fundamentally disagree with in regards to jack. Primarily having to do with the thinly veiled sexism of the early 2000s, and how this gives way for a ânice guyâ, or âabusive assholeâ interpretation of Jacksâs character.
I mean do I understand the criticism? Sure. Itâs an early 2000s show that definitely feels dated in a lot of its material, and Jack is part of what represents that. Though, I do think people who run with this and try to pin Jack as some abusive asshole are kinda seeing something thatâs not there. Calling him a nice-guy is kinda crazy to me, given that the narrative consistently punishes him when heâs wrong.
The two biggest complaints Iâve seen are his reaction to Sarah cheating, and Phuket. Both pretty valid things to call him out for, because he was in the wrong. But they also happens to be two things thatâ againâ the narrative punishes him for. I mean, he goes to jail because of his obsession with who sarah is cheating with, and he gets the shit beat out of him in Phuket. These are not narratives that allow any positive context for his behavior. He was wrong, and he suffers consequences.
Then thereâs the argument that Jack is controlling towards his partners, which I donât fully agree with. We only see him be controlling WHILE heâs with someone with the girl in Phuket, whichâ againâ is wrong, and presented as such, and he gets the beating he deserves for it.
However, when it comes to other relationshipsâŠ
Well, Jackâs issues with Sarah donât stem from an obsessive need to know her every move while theyâre together. If anything, the problem is his negligence of their marriage because he is always working and fixing things at the hospital. And when heâs not able to fix a case heâs consumed by, he turns to his troubles at home and tries to fix that. Because he will always need something to fix.
Similarly, his issues with Kate arenât that heâs controlling her. Theyâre that sheâs lying to him, and he knows sheâs lying to him, and he doesnât like that. Itâs insecurities and jealousy driving him up the wall because he wants a life with Kate, but the island is calling him, and heâs seeing signs and doing things that underline how he isnât right for her or Aaron. But whatâs most important about this scene, is that Jack does let go. Not in the way Kate wants him to, but in the way he thinks is best for her and Aaron, at least in that moment.
Anyways, I donât even know how to conclude this whole essay. The point is, Jack is far from perfect, or even far from being a healthy or mentally stable individual. But he is not abusive, lol. Sorry , Iâve just seen at least three reddit threads trying to say he was, and I needed to rant somewhere.
#Jack and Kateâs dynamic is kind of like a nuke waiting to go off#as seen by the actual nuke they drop together#but that is why I love them#abuse however?#idk about that#certainly unhealthy#weâre talking about a schizophrenic and a pathological liar#coming together to maximize their joint slay#jack shephard#kate austen#lost tv show
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you know if you guys voted for stretch armstrong i probably would have shut up a lot sooner tonight
#so really this is all your fault /lh /j#i love thinking about h2o tho so im happy#VERY FUCKING TIRED THO WISH I COULD SLEEP#i think my brain is kicking into overdrive after being filled with cotton the past 3 days which. hey im glad ur back bud#CAN YOU SHUT UP NOW I NEED REST#i was just thinking because im probably not posting that essay i will summarize here (i saw#that privating it made it lose like 4 recently edited paragraphs and i don't want to type all that out again my memory isn't good enough)#it just boiled down to the pods basically making a self fulfilling prophecy by orphaning their sons and making them increasingly#desperate for connections to other people like them which is why i think erik behaves the way he does esp when ondina is around#like i am not excusing his actions in the slightest dont get me wrong here he really fucked up BUT#his last conversation with ondina before he goes to the chamber kind of sold that idea to me#how he scoffs at her saying rita says it's dangerous because she's 'old school' and of COURSE old school mermaids think all mermen are evil#and then starts adding on how he wants to do this for HER and get her home back for her by controlling it#like a bit of an add-on at the end to try and convince her#i think what he really wants is to be hailed as a hero. you know. validation and acceptance from the ppl who originally abandoned him#the OGs who made him feel like an outsider. the ppl who ripped everything away from him just bc of the way he was born (which is prob why#when he's trying to convince zac to help him he keeps bringing up their ancestors bc that's what unifies them)#i don't think he's an evil dude per se i think he thought stealing the trident stone from rita's grotto would be small peanuts in the past#once he finally got the pod to come home bc he genuinely (mistakenly) believed he COULD control the power of the chamber#i also think that's why the camera keeps focusing on his face when he's watching the others panic over#zac's sacrifice and i think he is feeling jealousy bc they are paying attention to him and not Erik#like that's not the face of someone who deeply regrets what they just did. my guy is just sitting there like 'that should be me rn'#i think that is why he also sounds so desperate to make things right with ondina afterwards. iirc he's just like 'wait no we can start ove#RIGHT?' and she's like 'uhhhh... no??????' (valid). my dude is lonely as fuck and he finally found a group of ppl like him and he messed up#big time just trying to get their attention and affection bc he couldn't just be normal abt it he had to go big or go home#like i kind of feel bad for him in a way#but i feel bad for everyone#i felt bad for denman the other day! that's how bad this is getting!!#i mean come on imagine making the scientific discovery of a LIFETIME only for all that shit to happen in a row#especially after you get your comeback. they just go right back to fucking you over again
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Royal Bats
DP x DC Prompt
Danny and Jazz always were together in life, and they would remain together as siblings whenever Jazz would reincarnate as a mortal again.
Jazz reincarnated a lot, wanting to experience the different things in those dimensions she chose with a fresh start and no memories. She had many adventures in her new lives, with Danny beside her as her 'Imaginary Friend' whenever she was a kid and her 'Guardian Angel' during the rest of her lives.
This new life she has reincarnated in has her living as a rich woman with a loving husband and a kid. The first time he's seen her have one in her many lives. He couldn't save Jazz or her husband's lives because of Clockwork, who had sent him on a small mission related to time.
When he returned to the dimension with Jazz's new life, he arrived at the funeral for Thomas and Martha Wayne, with their Ghosts behind Bruce. Martha, or Jazz again, had embraced Danny in a hug and told Thomas the basics of who Danny was to her, but before they left, Jazz left some parting words to Danny.
"Look after my son, little brother. Protect him like you how you protect me."
So Danny does. He follows Bruce around while he's training to become Batman. And when Bruce returns to Gotham to be Batman, he helps him with Lady Gotham. With each kid Bruce brings into his family, Danny duplicates himself to help each of them.
Danny had killed the Joker after his resurrection by Bruce when the Clown was alone. He couldn't do it while the Joker was living, as he needed to follow the rules, or else he would have had more paperwork to sort through.
Danny had been telling Jazz and Thomas about their son and what he's been doing about his feats, his children, and his friends. They did support Danny's decisions on killing the Joker. He felt a tug on his core, the tug that happens when he is being summoned, so he quickly said his goodbyes to Jazz and Thomas and accepts the summoning.
What shocks him is seeing that he's in the Watchtower, with the Justice League there, including Bruce and his children. All of his seriousness is drained out of him, and he smiles at Bruce and his family.
"My nephew, it is good to finally speak to you"
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After watching Cinderella (the original animated movie, which was my favorite as a child), it strikes me how it solves many common problems people have with this fairy tale. Like:
Why did they try to identify the mystery girl using her shoe size? Because the bullheaded king's only clue to her identity was the shoe the Grand Duke picked up off the steps.
Why didn't the prince recognize her by her face? Because his father wouldn't involve him in the process at all, and wasn't the one going around trying to find her.
Why did the prince want to marry a lady he only met that night? Because his father was going to force him to marry someone, and he genuinely liked this woman.
Why did Cinderella want to marry a man she only met that night? Because marriage was her best and most secure way to freedom. Fucked up, but you can't say it's unrealistic for the setting of a fairy tale. She also genuinely liked him.
If they're using the slipper to find her, wouldn't it be more sensible to search for the person with the other slipper? Yes. The King is purposefully nonsensical and the Duke is purposefully terrified enough of him to carry out his orders to the letter. Furthermore, they end up doing that in the end anyway, because the Duke's glass slipper is shattered, and Cinderella brings out the one she has to prove her identity.
Why didn't the stepmother and stepsisters recognize Cinderella at the ball? Because they were dancing too far away, and then left the party to dance in private, which was possible because the King wanted very badly for his son to hit it off with someone and tried to arrange the best conditions for that to happen.
Why didn't Cinderella save herself? Because in real life, abuse victims should not have to shoulder that responsibility, and usually can't. In real life, you need and deserve an external support system. Asking for help, in this kind of situation, is very important. She is saved by others because she is loved. Because she is not alone. Because she has friends who love her, and want her to be happy and safe and free. Because in real life, people who want to help someone who is suffering are like the mice. We can't pull out miracle solutions, but we can provide companionship and if we're in the right place at the right time, we can help the person find a better life.
Why didn't the fairy godmother save Cinderella from her abusive household, or try to help her sooner? Because she's magic, and magic can't solve your problems. Quote: "Like all dreams, well, I'm afraid it can't last forever." This (and Cinderella's dream of going to the ball) is a metaphor for pleasurable things in bad circumstances. An ice cream won't get rid of your depression, but it will provide you with momentary happiness to bolster you, as well as the reminder that happiness in general is still possible for you. Cinderella doesn't want to go to the ball so she can get away from her stepmother and stepsisters, or so she can meet someone to marry and leave with. She wants to go to the ball to remind herself that she can still have things she wants. That her desires matter. This is important because the movie does a very good job of illustrating Lady Tremaine's subtle abuse tactics, all of which invisibly press the message that Cinderella doesn't matter. While going to the ball and fulfilling her dreams may not be a victory in the material sense, it is still a victory against Lady Tremaine's efforts.
Why is Cinderella's choice to be kind and obedient framed as a good thing, when you are not obligated to be kind to your abuser? This one walks a very fine line, but I think the movie still makes it make sense. Lady Tremaine never acknowledges her cruelty. She always frames her punishments of Cinderella as Cinderella's fault. Cinderella is interrupting, Cinderella is shirking her duties, Cinderella is playing vicious practical jokes. Cinderella is still a member of the family, of course she can go to the ball, provided she meet these impossible conditions. Lady Tremaine's tactics are designed to make Cinderella feel like she must always be in the wrong and her stepmother must always be in the right. If Cinderella calls her stepmother out on her cruelty, or attempts to fight back, Lady Tremaine can frame that as Cinderella being ungrateful, cruel, broken, evil, etc. If Cinderella responds to her stepmother's cruelty defiantly (in the way she's justified to), she's not taking control out of Lady Tremaine's hands. Disobedience can be spun back into her stepmother's control. She wants Cinderella to be angry and sad and show how much she's hurting. So since Cinderella is adapting to her situation, she chooses to be kind. Not only because she naturally wants to be and it's part of her personality, but because it is a form of defiance in its own way, and it allows her to keep a reminder of her agency and value. Her choice to be kind is her chance to keep her own narrative alive: she is not obeying because her stepmother wants her to and she has to do what her stepmother does, but because she wants to. It's a small distinction, but one that makes all the difference in terms of keeping her hope and identity. (Fuck, I wrote a whole paragraph about how this doesn't mean you can't be angry at people who hurt you or that you need to be kind to deserve help, and then deleted it by accident. Uh. Try again.) Expressing anger and pain is an important part of regaining autonomy and healing. Although it is commendable to be kind while you are suffering, it is NOT required for you to get help or be worthy of help. If Cinderella's recovery was explored beyond "happily ever after" she would need to let herself be angry and sad to heal. Cinderella is not only kind because it comes naturally to her, but because it's her defense against the abuse she's suffering. Everyone's story and experiences are different, and one does not invalidate the other.
Bonus round for answers that aren't part of the movie:
Why didn't Cinderella run away? Where would she go? Genuinely, in hundreds-of-years-ago France, where would she go if she snuck out of the window with a change of clothes? With her step-family, she's miserable and abused, but she's fed, clothed, and in no danger of dying or being taken advantage of by anyone other than her stepmother and stepsisters. Even if she escapes and manages to find financial security, her stepmother might be able to find her and get her back.
Why didn't Cinderella burn the house down with them inside it/slit their throats in the night/poison their food/etc.? Because that's a revenge fantasy, and this story is a fantasy about being saved. There's nothing wrong with making Cinderella into a revenge fantasy. That's perfectly fine, as long as you acknowledge that the other type of fantasy is also a valid interpretation. (I mean, the original fairy tale features the stepsisters getting their feet mutilated and all three of them getting their eyes pecked out, so go for it.)
Why isn't Cinderella more proactive in general? Because she's a child who has been abused for the back half of her life, who has had to be focused on survival because. you know. she's an abused kid.
How did she dance in glass slippers? Gotta agree with you there man, that's weird.
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So you know that running joke on the Argo II about how Percy eats so much and from everyone else's POV it's seen as quirky or unusual? It's quite possible that his open enthusiasm about food is weird to the others because he's actually the only one who's normal/healthy abt food.
Think about it. Leo's been through food insecurity and he may have issues with it because of the way his body looks. He's also a workaholic and generally probably doesn't really have a very good sense of when or what he needs to eat to feel better. Annabeth might be similar, not being able to sense her hunger cues very well because of Trauma (TM) and the way she gets sucked into her hyperfixations.
Piper and Frank might both be conscious about their weight, Piper because of bullying and her Hollywood environment and Frank because he's always been so big naturally and his grandmother probably verbally abused the hell out of him for his weight.
I think Jason skips meals as a form of self-punishment if he doesn't feel like he's earned it. He also wants to make sure everyone else on his team has had what they want to eat before he gets to have any.
Hazel straight up lived in the depression, so food was probably rationed. She was also a girl in the 40s and body shaming was on a whole other level of ridiculous back then so I can't blame her for feeling like she needs to restrict for a few reasons.
And then there's Percy, whose mother did the best she could to make sure her son had a healthy relationship with eating and food. She didn't always have money, but she showed her love through food and treats as much as she could and together they created their blue food tradition. This means that Percy now is excited about food and can probably better measure his hunger cues than anyone else on that ship. This is a good thing not only for him, but if he shows confidence in the way he eats what he likes until he's satisfied and stops when he's full, it might give his friends social cues that they're allowed to eat like he does.
Percy, of course, would be happy to know he's helping them...but right now, he's too excited about those pancakes.
@manygeese @just-call-mefr1es @monarch-of-weird-girlboy-nation @jasonisntboring @erosjournal
#percy jackson#percy jackson headcanon#hoo#heroes of olympus#tw food#tw eating issues#tw ed implied#seven demigods#argo ii#leo valdez#annabeth chase#frank zhang#piper mclean#jason grace#hazel levesque#long post#character analysis
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Bruce comes back from the dead and wants to make things better. Bruce comes back from the dead and Tim was the one who brought him back, so it's obviously Tim who'll know best how to help him reconnect with everyone.
It's Tim who should give him advice on how to bond with Dick. Dick has always been his idol, after all. Tim would know best how to bring him back, and he does. He gives good advice and the two of them begin to get closer.
So Bruce asks about Jason, too. Asks about how to bring his son back into the fold and Tim wished for a brief and brutal moment that it weren't so obvious who the favorite was.
Tim told Bruce to give Jason his space, to loosen his rules, and make it clear that no matter what the Red Hood did, no matter what the Batman believed in, Jason was always welcome. Bruce would always want him.
It worked. Bruce wasn't surprised. Tim was a special sort of bitter.
Bruce asked again for Damian and Tim had to push down his anger. "That boy tried to kill me," Tim wanted to say. "I hate him and I want you to hate him too so that I can remember a time when we had something in common," Tim didn't say, but he got close.
He instead told Bruce how Damian liked art and animals and loved hearing stories of the wonders of Batman.
He told Bruce just how much Damian loved being Robin. Told Bruce to tell Damian what a good Robin he was.
God bless or maybe damn him, but he did and it worked and Tim wanted to start screaming and clawing at something because that would have never worked if Tim tried it and it wouldn't have stopped Damian from cutting his line--something Bruce did not and would never know about.
Bruce asked about Babs. How should he make sure she knew that she was a part of the family? That they loved her and not just for the work she did?
He asked about Steph. How should he make sure she knew that she was more important than his rules and that, if something else should go wrong, she didn't need to run away?
He asked about Duke. He never got the chance to get to know him before leaving--not as well as he wanted to, at least. How should he let him know that he was just as much a son as everyone else? That, whether or not his parents woke up, he'd always be welcome?
He asked about Cass. How should he show her that he loves her even though he has nothing to teach her? How can he convey how much he cares about her, his first daughter?
Bruce gets brought back from time and he makes things better. He brings his family back together by following Tim's advice.
And Tim?
Tim brings his dad back from the dead and Bruce changes, becomes a better father.
Bruce changes, but not everything can.
That, Tim thinks, is why Bruce never calls Tim his son.
#tim drake angst#tim drake#bruce wayne#cassandra cain#damian wayne#dc drabble#duke thomas#stephanie brown#barbara gordon#dick grayson#jason todd#red robin dc#dc angst#call's writing
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Task force 141 reacting to their very pregnant wife still trying to clean, cook etc
This turned more into âTask force 141 preventing their very pregnant wife from trying to clean, cook, etcâ lmaooooo I hope that's alright
HA! Good one!
No seriously, it's actually hilarious that you think you'd do anything for yourself when your hubby's around
That man has been waiting on you hand and foot since you first got together. So now that you're pregnant and you think he'd let you so much as lift a finger? You must have a serious case of pregnancy brain, sweetheart
Price is doing all the cooking, the cleaning, the running errands, etc. throughout the entirety of your pregnancy (and at least the first several months postpartum)
He's kept you practically bed bound these last few months to the point where you think there's a perfect indent of your body molded into the mattress
Seven months in, he's suddenly called away to a quick mission halfway across the globe, and you think finally you'll get some of your autonomy back...
Well, think again because who should show up at your door the next morning than your mother-in-law herself, ready to pick up where her son left off
She came at the behest of your husband, of course, and was armed with a detailed set of care instructions
What does your husband think you are? Some sort of one-of-a-kind, priceless artifact that needs special handling? (Actually that's exactly what you are. Price-less⊠I'll see myself out đ¶đ»ââïž)
When it comes to having some semblance of independence during your pregnancy, Ghost will give you a bit of a longer leash than Price, but only just so
Youâre going for a walk around the neighborhood? Hold on, let him grab his coat to join you. Or you're going into the backyard to tend the garden? He'll pull the weeds while you water the plants
But when it comes to letting you do certain things, there are some hard nos that he will absolutely not budge on
You try to use a stepladder to reach the top of the cupboard? Stop! You'll break your neck! You try to pick up anything heavier than 10 pounds? Stop! Give it here! You try to drive?... Don't even fuckin' think about it, precious.
The farther along your pregnancy progresses, the better he gets at predicting (and intercepting) your next move
You were gonna do laundry today? Well, wouldn't you know, he's already got a load going in the washer. You were about to make dinner? Well shucks, he just ordered takeaway from that Greek place you love
His ability to read your mind is honestly impressive once you get past how damn annoying you find it. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're incapable of fending for yourself, and you're tired of him acting as if otherwise
But really, you can never get mad at anything he does for you. After all, what kind of a husband would he be if he didn't take care of his missus and your little one?
If you take Ghostâs cautiousness, mix it with Priceâs thoroughness, and crank it up to an 11, you get Soap
From the moment he found out you were pregnant, he put your house into full lockdown mode, stopping just short of booby trapping the front door in case you got any funny ideas
You want some fresh air? Just open a window. You want to go for a walk and stretch your legs? Just take a few turns about the living room like you're some Austenian heroine
Don't let him catch you doing any kind of physical labor, because so help him Jesus he will grab a spray bottle and use it like you're a feral alleycat he's trying to house-train (he wouldn't really... but don't test him)
You try to unload the dishwasher? Ehrr! Wrong move. You try to remake the bed? Ehrr! Nice try. You try to mop up your own mess. Ehrr! Enough already. You try toâ OCH, WOULD YE BLOODY SIT DOWN, WOMAN?!
For nine long months during his requested leave from work, your husband is attached to you like some kind of loving, smothering barnacle
But doesn't he miss his job, or the lads for that matter? What if the world needs saving? What will they do without him?
Well, (in his exact words) fuck the rest of the world! You're his world, bonnie, and he'll give you everything you could ever wish for and then some
By far, you have the most independence with Gaz than you would with any of the other three men⊠at least, at the beginning of your pregnancy, that is
Once you get to around five or six months he becomes just as helicopter-y as all the others; he's just ever so slightly more bearable, perhaps
There's lots of peeking his head around the corner to check on you throughout the day or appearing seemingly out of thin air whenever you're doing something he'd rather you wouldn't
You've lost count of the number of times you've been in the middle of cooking or hanging up the laundry or whatever and his hand has suddenly appeared out of nowhere, gently taking the object from you before directing you to sit and rest
And like, look. He knows you can handle yourself. He knows you could conquer the whole world if you wanted to. That's one of the things he loves about you the most
But seeing you like this â so fragile, so vulnerable, so beautiful and soft and pregnant with his child; his child â it just⊠It makes himâŠ
He just needs to do these things for you, alright, love? Just let him take care of you, please? Would you let him do that?
You already have so much you have to carry. Let him ease some of the burden off your shoulders. Let him do these small things for you because they don't even compare to all that you're doing for him đ„Č
#wiw asks#john price x reader#captain john price x reader#captain price x reader#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#ghost x reader#john mactavish x reader#john soap mactavish x reader#soap x reader#kyle garrick x reader#kyle gaz garrick x reader#gaz x reader#john price#simon riley#john mactavish#kyle garrick#tf 141 x reader#task force 141 x reader#cod x reader#cod mw3#call of duty#modern warfare 3#female reader
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Toy Cars | Fernando Alonso x Mum! Reader
Summary:Â Fernando boasts about his step-sons to anyone who will listen. So, when you realise you want more, he's confused why your little family is no longer enough.
Warnings: angst, slight age gap. i pictured reader about 35
Requested: no
just a short one compared to the others
F1 Masterlist
ââââ àŒ»đ„žàŒș ââââ
fernandoalo_official just posted

liked by astonmartinf1, aussiegrit and others
fernandoalo_official not been an easy weekend so far but itâs made easier when one of my favourite people is in the paddock
jensonbutton but iâm not working this weekend?
â lance_stroll we all know iâm his other favourite person
â fernandoalo_official no, the twins are
â user1 step dad nando has my whole heart
â yn_ln mine too!Â
user2 a hug from fernando would heal me
â user3 a hug from y/n would heal me
yn_ln weekends where i get to see you are my favourite
â user4 i will never be normal about these twoÂ
â user5 itâs the fact that he watches the f2 races because it gives him an excuse to hang out with y/nÂ
astonmartinf1 our favourite coupleÂ
user6 need fernando to win now that heâs had his good luck hugÂ
yn_ln just posted

liked by jensonbutton, lance_stroll and others
yn_ln back on track for the twins. both my boys did a wonderful job with high position finishes⊠oh and they were visited by an enthusiastic fan đ
fernandoalo_official iâll be getting you in one of those karts nextÂ
â yn_ln thatâs going to take a lot of convincing, nandoÂ
â fernandoalo_official i can think of a few ways, mi vida
â landonorris ew
â user7 mi vida!! i will never be normal about these twoÂ
aussiegrit howâd he get his hair that tallÂ
â astonmartinf1 itâs so full of secretsÂ
fa_alonsokart calling the boss an enthusiastic fan is such a power move
â user8 the fact that he let her and didnât comment on it thoÂ
lance_stroll they'll be taking his seat soon enough
user9 love how supportive fernando is of his step-sons
â user10 he literally started a karting school so that he could help their karting careers
â user11 the dad that stepped up

user1 whatâs your favourite fa14 fact? mine is that he fell in love with y/n l/n, realised she had twins and immediately started enacting project alonsoÂ
â user2 no because the twins were 11 when he met them and now theyâre 15 and looking at f3 seatsÂ
user3 this is what iâve been saying. fernando doesnât just love y/n, he loves her children just as much, if not more
user4 fernando alonso puts all other step-dads to shame because he is always there for them, no matter how busy his life is
user5 i really need fernando to hurry up and propose because that is his family
â user6 yes! he needs to make project alonso official by giving them all his last name
â user7 and then more babies! Â
ââââ àŒ»đ„žàŒș ââââ
user8 why was this the cutest thing said by anyone ever. like those are his boysÂ
user9 wait, so does this mean he doesnât want kids?
user10 the way he cut that interviewer off because that his family whether they share blood or not
â user11 i read it as he didnât want to talk about it any more because he doesnât want more kids and maybe he and y/n havenât talked about it yetÂ

ââââ àŒ»đ„žàŒș ââââ
yn_ln just posted

liked by kellypiquet, alexandrasaintmleux and othersÂ
yn_ln an empty house for the week makes me realise that i miss hearing about carsÂ
user1 aw are the flowers from fernando?
kellypiquet max keeps trying to convince me to get another cat. donât let him see this
â maxverstappen1 too lateÂ
user2 wait, why isnât she spending summer break with nando?
â user3 because heâs on holidayÂ
â user2 without her?Â
â user4 they donât have to spend every minute together. heâs allowed to have a breakÂ
user5 guys, y/n and fernando donât follow each other anymore?
â user6 i thought you were lying but then i checked and itâs true :(Â
â user7 oh that captions hit extra hard
user8 no because her entire life is racing and now that itâs not there, she realises she misses it
â user9 she misses him
user10 iâm so confused. they were so in love like two weeks ago. what happened?
user11 no because i canât imagine seeing fernando without y/n
user12 is he still going to support the twins?Â
user13 but you were supposed to get married to fernando and have lots of little alonsoâs
â user14 maybe one of them didnât want thatÂ
â user15 canât imagine it being alonso, he thinks the world of the twins
â user16 true. he does mention them in almost every interviewÂ

user1 when i remembered f2 were racing this weekend, i was so happy because that meant y/n and nando content and then i remembered theyâd broken up
â user2 all the tweets on here are tearing my heart out as wellÂ
user3 theyâve not spoken to each other once today
user4 yes she walked straight past him but thereâs clips of her entire face crumpling as soon as sheâs past him
â user5 yes! i saw that. her colleague had to usher her into the garage before she started cryingÂ
user6 the fact that fernando spent the entire time watching her though
â user7 even when people were talking to him, he was full on staring at her
â user8 brokenhearted lover boy made no attempts to hide itÂ

ââââ àŒ»đ„žàŒș ââââ
Baby Fever Angst Series
Love that I mentioned request for Esteban once and I already have 5 requests đ I didn't realise there was that much love for Ocon considering I can never find any fics for him
tag list
#baby angst series#formula 1#f1#formula one#formula 1 smau#f1 smau#formula 1 social media au#f1 social media au#formula 1 imagine#formula 1 drabble#formula 1 headcanon#formula 1 fluff#formula 1 x reader#f1 imagine#f1 drabble#f1 headcanon#f1 fluff#f1 x reader#formula one imagine#formula one headcanon#formula one drabble#formula one fluff#formula one x reader#fernando alonso#fernando alonso imagine#fernando alonso drabble#fernando alonso headcanon#fernando alonso x reader#fernando alonso smau#fernando alonso fluff
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Been thinking about Arcane and good parents v loving parents. Parents who care so so deeply but are toxic and poisonous.
Silco loves his daughter but he put a gun in her hand. He would give his life for that girl but he wouldnât heal for her. He would burn the world to the ground but he wouldnât plant a tree.
Vander seems cold and uncaring but he fights for those kids until his dying breath. Heâs gruff and mean, he takes his kids things and he punishes them but he shows them what it means to live the way they do, what it means to be angry and to see where that anger goes.
Ambessa Medarda loves her daughter but she is a warlord, a conqueror. If her daughter fails to fit the mold then she will be conquered too. She will chisel away at the marble of her children and when the cracks become visible she will toss them out, and when golden tears bleed through the chips in the stone she will cry out âI did it for you!â And yet they are empty words. The golden sunburst of her daughter will wilt in her shadow.
Cassandra kiramman is so cold and venomous and like a disease to everything her daughter loves, but she also gets them a meeting with the council. She spreads her vulture wings over her daughter, clouding the sun, drowning her, and still dutifully feeds her when she asks oh so nicely, when she can no longer deny her.
Ximena Talis is both loving and good because she does what she needs to keep her son safe and by god does she love him. She will make the sacrifices and make the choices and make sure her son can live the life that he almost lost.
Singed is like Viktorâs father, but Viktor will be crushed underfoot if he cannot make sacrifices, love and legacy. He will tear his own body to shreds and he will look into that scarred face and he will feel his body destroy him.
And of course, there are Jinx and VIâs birth parents. We know nothing about them, not their names, who they were, whether they were cold or warm or caring or cruel. What we know is that they were on that bridge. What we know is that they wanted better.
Parenthood will rip you to shreds if you cannot handle it. It will riddle you with bullets and it will cry over your corpse are you willing to lose them, are they willing to lose you?
Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?
#arcane#I know itâs not all the examples of parenthood in arcane#but itâs all the ones I could think of#jinx#vi#arcane jinx#silco#vi arcane#arcane vi#jinx arcane#vander arcane#mel arcane#viktor#viktor arcane#jayce talis#arcane jayce#arcane silco#caitlyn arcane#caitlyn kiramman#arcane analysis#ambessa medarda#my posts#1k
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The Kwamis! Some of these came easier than others, but since Angelic Layer has no magic involved, all the kwamis became human~ They won't be very prevalent, they're mostly here to fill in background character roles - shop clerks, MCs Tournament Directors, fans - so they won't have a whole lot of speaking roles (aside from, you know, the MCs who're there to commentate on the fights lol). But I thought I'd give them all a nice nod in the story somewhere.
As expected, Tikki and Plagg are the main MCs. Marinette and Adrien's fights will be going on concurrently so Tikki will be commentating Marinette's fights while Plagg commentates on Adrien's. They'll have the most dialogue of the kwamis, so I do want them to have unique ways of discussing what they're seeing.
Pollen will be working directly for the Bourgeois'. As a VIP with a direct relationship with the international director of Angelic Layer, Chloe has her own private practice layer in her home and Pollen is in charge of it's upkeep and maintenance. She matches Armand the Bulter's levels of competence.
Trixx is a Rena Rouge mega fan. They've been following Alya's blog for as long as they can remember and are mega stoked that Alya moved to their city. When Alya starts to doubt herself, it's Trixx's voice that can be heard cheering her on to not give up.
Nooroo and Duusu are servants in the Agreste Estate. Unknown to Adrien, they are fully aware of his sneaking around to play and the two do what they can to make excuses and deflect Nathalie when Adrien isn't where he's supposed to be. They're rooting him on from the shadows!
Wayzz is the adult son of Marianne and Fu. He brings them to Angelic Layer fights against his will because the two really enjoy them. The two seem to be really invested in Ladybug and Chat Noir's career (and the behind the scenes shenanigans that they secretly spy on).
Longg is Kagami's bodyguard. Like Nooroo and Duusu, they are fully aware of what Kagami is doing behind her mother's back and feigns ignorance when Kagami pulls something..."sneaky" to get to a fight secretly.
Here's where we get into some existing jobs from the show:
Orikko and Kaalki are the "Layer Hot Girls (and boy)". lol I just thought it was funny that Angelic Layer even has them.
Mullo is the sales clerk at the Princess Piffle store (the store where you can buy your Angel and all the accessories). All of them lol. Mullo and her many many sisters who look just like her.
Barkk and Fluff take similar but still different roles (the uniforms are ALMOST the same but there are some tiny differences). So Barkk is the receptionist at the Practice Ring (literally you pay to reserve a mini-layer to practice on) while Fluff is the waitress/cashier at the cafeteria at the Tournament Center.
(and back to making shit up lol)
Daizzi is a nurse where Rose goes to the hospital and she has segmental localized vitiligo. Rose is particularly close to Daizzi since she helps Rose make her donations to the hospital.
Sass is the backstage directory, aka, the guy who makes things run. He has an earpiece that has the same diamond pattern as his pants on it! The anime does show one person who helps backstage, but I wanted to have a little fun with Sass's look and tie in to him being "in charge" of the kwamis.
Ziggy works at Socqueline's family art supply shop, which is frequented by Angelic Layer players who are on a bit of a budget. They love talking with the customers about their angels, though mostly the design part.
Stompp is Ivan's foster mother and Roarr his foster sister (Stompp's bio-daughter). I actually didn't think of what kind of job this outfit would be good for, but I think she'd make a good security guard - usually working at rock concerts, which she bonds with Ivan over, but she's also been hired for Angelic Layer tournaments. Sometimes sore losers get a little...violent.
Roarr falls in love with Juleka's Angel Purple Tigress immediately thanks to her pre-existing love of tigers in general. She's even bold enough to proclaim her love to Juleka herself!
Xuppu is Ondine's sibling and a fan of King Monkey, though they'll go out of their way to make fun of Kim himself. Secretly, they're very invested in Kim's career and get very upset on his behalf when he loses.
#angelic layer au#alau#alau art#kwamis#tikki#plagg#pollen#trixx#duusu#nooroo#wayzz#marianne#fu#longg#orikko#kaalki#mullo#barkk#fluff#daizzi#sass#ziggy#stompp#roarr#xuppu#alau:kwamis
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