#because of harry's pirate patch
hannahhook7744 · 3 months
The Hook Family in my au (including their 'partners', pets, and next gen) Moodboards (Part 1);
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Zarina Hook.
First wife of James Hook.
Bio mother of Peter Pan, Harriet Hook, Harry Hook, Calista Jane Hook, and Ally Liddell (she was adopted by Alice and Pinocchio in this).
Stepmother of Ginny Gothel.
Adoptive mother of Hannah Hook.
Daycare teacher and worker at the Hook's inlet and shack as well as at Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
No one is quite sure how old she was when she died because she's a fairy.
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Severin 'Bluebeard/Le Barbe Bleu' de Montragoux.
Husband of Lucretia 'Great Grandmumsie' Hook.
Father of Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Pirate and Aristocrat who murdered his first six wives and got murdered by the seventh.
He was around 47 when he died the first time.
He was brought back with everyone else when the isle was created and was killed again in year 11 when he was 58 years old by his wife.
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Lucretia 'Great Grandmumsie' Hook.
Wife of Bluebeard/Le Barbe Bleu/Severin de Montragoux.
Mother of Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Pirate and rich widower whose husband was 'lost at sea' (she still has his ship).
She is around 100 (no one knows how she's still alive).
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Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Mother of James and Jasper Hook.
Ex-Wife of Davy Jones and 'Friend' of Nanny Nell.
Former teacher at Neverland Academy of Pirates and Mermaids (which has been renamed to Neverland Academy).
Current Teacher at Serprent Prep.
She is around 80 years old physically.
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Nell Frost.
Childhood nanny of James and Jasper Hook.
'Friend' of Mama Hook.
She's around 80 years old physically.
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Davy Jones.
(Alleged) Father of James and Jasper Hook.
Pirate captain.
Ex-husband of Adelais 'Mama' Hook.
No one is quite sure how old he is.
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Captain Jasper 'Patch' Hook.
Oldest son of Adelais 'Mama' Hook and Davy Jones.
Partner of Arabella Smith-Hook.
Father of Atticus, Ian, Greyson, Nevin, and Morgan Hook.
He works at the Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop and he's also a pirate captain.
He is around 60 years old physically.
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Arabella 'Bella' Smith-Hook.
Partner of Jasper Hook.
Mother of Atticus, Ian, Greyson, Nevin, and Morgan Hook.
She works at Gaston's Tavern.
She's around 55 years old physically.
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Captain James Bartholomew Hook.
Youngest son of Adelais 'Mama' Hook and Davy Jones.
Bio father of Peter Pan, Ginny Gothel, Harriet Hook, Harry Hook, Calista Jane Hook, Ally Liddell (she was adopted by Alice and Pinocchio in this), and Hope Hook (future).
Adoptive father of Hannah Hook (now), Hort Hook (future), and Hookling Hook (future).
Works at Hook's inlet and shack & Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
He is around 50 years old (give or take) physically.
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Lady Hock.
She is a villain recruiter for the Hook family (mainly James) and also babysat the kids when they were younger. She also works at Hook's inlet and shack & Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
She is rumored to be related to the Hooks in some way but no one is quite sure how or if it's even true.
She's around 35 years old (give or take) physically.
Next up will be more of the present Hook family members and after that will be the pets and future Hook family members.
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thesharktanksdriver · 11 months
Hey! Its me again! :D
I love the fact that Reader plays a ukulele to distract themselves away from their thoughts, it's wholesome oml.
(ALSO Your post abt Zoro and reader is so funny and gives me the giggles- I love platonic one piece ITS SO UNDERRATED)
Anyways, I have a few random memes and incorrect quotes for your reader and the Determination! Series! Hope you'll like it! :)
*this takes place after Zoro just joined Luffy's pirate crew and Reader is tagging along*
Luffy : Hey Zoro! I just have one question for you
Zoro : What is it Luffy? *His arms behind his head trying to nap*
Luffy : What color is an orange?
Zoro : Luffy you bonehead, the color is just the same as its name. Just like a lemon *he is proud of himself*
Reader : *questioning their decisions*
Crewmate : You're smiling. What happened?
Young!Buggy : What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it?
Reader : Shanks tripped and fell down the stairs today. *Treating shanks broken nose*
Young!Shanks : *with a broken nose* >:( jerk (to Buggy)
: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
* they're eating dinner*
Reader : Can you pass the salt?
Shanks : *throws Buggy across the table*
— 🛎️ Anon!
Never thought I’d be getting the honour incorrect quotes for my series from someone else : D
I shall also post some as well
Nami: Every time I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Luffy: Okay, but what is updog?
Sanji: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.
Ussop: No, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.
Y/n: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.
Zoro : Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Nami: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Ussop: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Zoro: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
Luffy: What’s a henway??
Nami: Oh, about five pounds
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*
Y/n and Luffy: Thanks fam!
Ussop: Oh no.
Zoro: Sounds fake, but okay.
Sanji: *A flustered mess*
Nami : Can I get a refund?
Ussop: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Zoro: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Y/n: Oh wow, my childhood innocence and My will to live! I haven't seen these in years.
Sanji : I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Nami: Mental stability, my old friend!
Ussop: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Y/n: *dies*
Luffy: Timer starts now! When are they coming back? I say two months!
Zoro: Bullshit. One month.
Ussop: Nah, half a month.
Nami, scratching chin in thought: One week.
(This one is wayyy to real lol)
*after the Squad has been separated for a few years*
Luffy: So what have you been up to recently?
Zoro: Leading a revolution with Sanji.
Luffy: Good for you two! Me, I've joined the mob.
Zorro: *nods* Oh, how cool! That's awesome!
Luffy: I know! Anyway, have you heard from the others? Y/n ?
Zoro: Happily living as a hermit in the woods. Ussop?
Luffy: Wrongfully locked up in an asylum, which reminds me, we need to break them out later. Nami?
Zoro: Cult leader.
Luffy: Yeah, that sounds about right.
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 days
Which Lexa is obsessed with Harry Potter and dress up like a professor/witch for Halloween
Well none lol. No Lexas support the terf overlord's work, period
If she were to have to go to some HP themed thing for work or something, then Elbow Patches would be the one to take painstaking care to buy all the material needed to make everything herself so as not one red ass cent went to that franchise.
None of the others woukd even entertain it tbh. Demon Lexa prefers just letting her wings out and calling it a costume 🥴. CoA Lexa prefers more debonair costumes. Like being a swashbuckling pirate or a plastic pistol toting cowgirl. A warrior or an old style gangster in a pinstripe suit or a rather attractively dainty Robin Hood in overly tight tights. That kind of thing. CI Lexa barely ever celebrates Halloween and when she does, it's an excuse to wear something sexy. She prefers couples outfits as well, so whatever she lands on its with the full understanding that Clarke is gonna be saddled with the theme as well. And MBFW just wouldn't ever. She's not one for celebrating Halloween as it is because her grandparents never took her trick or treating or bought her anything to dress up in for school Halloween days, so any costumes in her life at all are ones that Clarke has handpicked just for her
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elletromil · 11 months
The Way of the House Husband
For @honey-bee-britt
Some crack we talked about years ago set in the Come Back (Home)
The Way of the House Husband
Harry would like it noted that, for once, he didn’t start it.
He had been doing his best to completely ignore the men that had been following after him for the better part of the day.
He even sent a text to Merlin about them, trusting that Kingsman would deal with whatever that was about in the next few days. It’s not anyone’s fault that the henchmen had proven themselves to be complete amateurs by deciding to act a mere hours after starting to stalk him.
Of course, Harry knows that he looks rather unassuming now, out of his suit, with his beard and his eye-patch. But had their roles been reversed, he would have waited at least a few days to properly establish his mark’s routine before attempting anything.
And if he walked into a deserted alley that isn’t part of his usual itinerary, it is simply because the men following him had already been closing in on him and he hadn’t want to accidentally involve any innocent bystanders in whatever was going to happen.
He had not been goading them into action. Not at all.
One of the men suddenly grabs him by the elbow to stop him and Harry sighs inwardly as he dubs that man ‘Amateur #1’. If he had had an ounce of intelligence, he would have waited for the rest of his group to properly block all of his target possible escape route before making his move. The alley Harry lured them into isn’t quite so narrow that at least one of them couldn’t have made it in front of him
But no, the five of them are all still behind him. A good push on Amateur #1 and a short run towards the nearest busy street would be all Harry needs to escape them.
If he had felt like he was in any actual danger at all.
So instead, he turns around to face the men, easily slipping out of the grip on his arm in a way that feels entirely coincidental, offering his most polite smile. “May I help you gentlemen?”
It’s Amateur #2 who answers, which might mean he’s a a leader of some sort for this group of thugs, but since he seems as much of an idiot as the others, Harry doesn’t bother relabelling him as such in his mind.
“You’d better follow us quietly gramps.”
A couple of them smile in a manner that is probably meant to be menacing, but Harry has seen fiercer expression from Daisy the last time they played pirates. He does take offence at the ‘gramps’ however.
He knows his hair is more grey than brown now, but surely he doesn’t look that old, does he?
He’ll have to ask Merlin next time he sees him. Or maybe Roxy. Eggsy, no matter how much he loves him, cannot be trusted on this.
“And why should I?”
He’s still going for hapless innocence, but judging from the worried look Amateur #5 throws over his shoulder, the mask is probably starting to slip. Or maybe that man has better survival instincts than the others and can subconsciously feel that they ’re the ones currently facing a predator.
“Let’s just say it would be better for your health. It’s your boy toy we want.”
He can feel his eye twitch lightly at what the man just insinuated about Eggsy. It wouldn’t be the first time people make an assumption about them after seeing them together, but that doesn’t mean Harry’s blood will ever stop boiling over such comments.
“Yeah gramps,” Amateur #3 continues, without noticing how Harry’s smile has hardened into something that is definitely less polite, “just don’t make a fuss. We don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh well, that’s a relief. Unfortunately for you, I have no such reluctance.”
His smile is all teeth now and before any of the men can process what he just said, he swings the grocery bag in his left hand at Amateur #1’s face.
The fight is over quickly, leaving five unconscious men laying on the ground and Harry barely out of breath.
Either he’s kept in a better shape than he expected since retiring or whoever hired those men truly scrape them from the bottom of the barrel.
What a waste of his time.
He sends a new text to update Merlin on the situation and ignores his friend’s attempt at calling him. He’s already too late to start on the lasagna he had planned for dinner tonight and if wants a chance to finish plan B before Eggsy’s return, he can’t allow himself any further delays.
Whatever Harry is cooking tonight, it smells delicious, not that there’s any surprised there.
Eggsy deftly avoids stepping on the dogs trying to jump on his legs as he beelines to where Harry is standing at the oven in his apron, pressing his face between his shoulders and wrapping his arms around his waist. Harry, as always perfectly aware of his surroundings, relaxes into the embrace for a moment before his attention is taken back to the pans in front of him.
After the day he’s had, Eggsy doesn’t mind and just lets himself follow whatever movement Harry is making, basking in the silent domesticity of it all.
When he finally steps back after a quick kiss under Harry’s jaw, he notices the bags full of grocery sitting on the counter.
“Busy day on your end too luv?” He asks as he starts putting away the items.
“Hmm. No, not really. About the same as usual, I’d say. Tell me about yours instead.”
Eggsy knows a deflection when he hears one and usually he wouldn’t insist. Whatever it is Harry doesn’t want to say, either he’ll resolve it on his own or he’ll come to Eggsy when he’s ready to talk about it.
But then he gets to the cans and, considering how Harry has been doing most of the shopping since his return to London because he has much higher standards over quality than Eggsy does, seeing the state they’re in is kind of worrying.
“Harry? Why are these cans so dented?”
Most people wouldn’t notice the way Harry grows slightly tense at the question, but Eggsy isn’t a Kingsman spy for nothing.
“Let’s just say I had a little incident today.”
Unimpressed, Eggsy raises an eyebrow in Harry’s direction, even if the other man is still keeping his back to him. Given the fact it’s a habit he’s picked up from Merlin whenever the handler is reacting to Harry’s bullshit, there is no way Harry doesn’t know what expression he’s making right now.
“Does that ‘little incident’ have anything to do with Merlin asking me to tell you to stop ignoring his calls and also that you owe him a whole batch of baklava?”
He hadn’t worried when Merlin contacted him via his glasses when he was making his way home, mostly because the handler had only sounded exasperated, but maybe he should have. With their decades of spy work, even taking Harry’s few years of retirement into consideration, sometimes the two men have a rather skewed judgment.
Harry has the decency to turn away from the stove at that point and offer him a sheepish smile.
They look at each other for a moment, until Eggsy decides that if Harry isn’t telling, then he doesn’t really need to know. If Merlin hasn’t gone into the details with him earlier, the issue has probably been dealt with already. And as long as Harry isn’t hurt, which he doesn’t seem to be, Eggsy is finding it hard to muster the energy to care.
Until he gets to the last bag, that is.
“The fuck you did to those carrots Harry?”
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Also, if you want to talk more about ginny, I would love to hear it.
I've no explanation for the Calista part of her name yet, but I've decided that the Jane part is Hook naming her after Jane, Wendy's daughter, a girl with a sharp tongue, brilliant mind, intolerance for bullshit, and strength of character even he admires.
CJ will readily snitch on the pirates if they do something wrong. Most of them are former Lost Boys and thus don't hate little boys because they felt sorry for the Lost Boys, but some of them are from other backgrounds and hate little boys because of the Lost Boys and Peter Pan. The first time one them them hurt Harry, CJ overheard Harriet patching him up and went running straight to her father about how one of the pirates beat Harry. Harriet used to be a bit more wary because snitching could result in something even worse happening, but not CJ. She heard and she sang like a bird, and that pirate never had any chance to harm Harry again.
All of those random ropes CJ always finds to swing on are actually there because CJ went up into the ceiling a few hours before and tied some ropes up there. She thinks ahead.
Her favourite place on the ship is the crow's nest. She enjoys being up high.
She also has quite the sweet tooth, but she is not allowed sugar because it makes her bounce off the walls.
She specifically butchers her eyeliner and eyeshadow to drive her father and brother up a wall.
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hartwinfilth · 7 years
Harry: In my past I’ve taught you the way of a Kingsmen. But now, in my new life, I must teach you the way of a Seamen!
Eggsy, excited: Did you say semen?
Harry: Here’s your very own eye patch, my boy.
Eggsy: *holds and looks at the patch for a bit then throws it on the ground*
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lululawrence · 2 years
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lululawrence's August and September 2022 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
Sorry August's list never happened! I figure late is better than never.
The podcast will come... maybe soon. Maybe not. It will be here as soon as I can possibly manage for it to be.
As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation for all of the hard work our fandom authors have put into their fics with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
As You Wish by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (25k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, genie Louis, well more like former genie Louis hah, established relationship, but that doesn't mean things are calm and easy because they're anything but lol, Louis is a disaster human but that just makes me love him more, heist, rescue mission, listen this fic was just so much more than I anticipated somehow and has so many feelings, it's amazing truly)
All My Roads Lead to You by @dandelionfairies / dandelionfairies (41k, M, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, drugs, drug runner/bartender Harry, cop Louis, 1990s Chicago, undercover cop Louis, secret relationship, secret identity, mentions of trafficking, this fic has a lot of darker themes and while the most Harry is involved in himself is the drug dealing, please note that it does have a lot of heavy themes and they throw you right into that from the beginning, i actually LOVED how they framed the fic and told the story, it made for an incredibly gripping hook at the beginning and I powered through this so fast to learn what happened lol)
heart meet break by @larrieblr / safetyfilm (1.4k, NR, Harry/Louis, Harry/OMC, post-breakup, but also kind of pre-slash, the breakup was with the OMC, friends to lovers, one shot, this fic is beautiful and powerful and a wonderful depiction of the feelings and hope wrapped in this moment, I loved it so much)
darling just dive right in by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (6k, T, Zayn/Louis, childhood friends, exes to lovers, angst, angst with a happy ending, arranged marriage, royalty, pining, reconciliation, this fic will HURT YOU in the best of ways, and then patch you right up again, I loved every moment, which was why I chose to read it for Mia's birthday episode of @podfic-pals hehe)
Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 (78k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Louis, omega Harry, historical romance style story, with PIRATES YAS, lol, captain Grimmy, I don't even know why I mention that because he's not a massive role in the fic but I adore him so lol, slow burn, kidnapping, escape... gone wrong lol, arranged marriage, adventure, prisoners, listen this fic is EVERYTHING, Anitra truly outdid herself here and I love this fic with my entire being)
Here You Come Again by @neondiamond / Neondiamond (22k, E, Harry/Louis, Country Fest fic, exes to lovers, slow burn, peach farm, American AU, pining, angst, fluff, all the best things obviously, for real though this fic just reads so perfectly smoothly, I loved watching these two figure their shit out even if they were a bit sloppy about it hahaha)
Lonely Shadow Dancers by ohpleaselarry (21k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Harry, omega Louis, friends to lovers, pining, angst, non-linear narration, childhood friends, Harry is a soft alpha and Louis is a protective omega, which goes against their traditional gender roles in this world, and it's still mostly canon compliant as well, which adds a whole THING to it all, but it really is so lovely and beautiful and made me cry at one point hehe)
Fakes (Streaming Live) by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 (4k, E, Harry/Louis, Wankfest fic, A/B/O dynamics, alpha camboy Harry, omega camboy Louis, strangers to lovers, they both clearly admire each other and decide to stream together, and omgosh it's HYSTERICAL because Harry isn't actually an alpha lmaooooo, omgosh it's just, yeah so good)
Mind of Stone by @daggerandrose / amomentoflove (42k, M, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Greek Mythology, Harry Gemma and Alex are descendents of Medusa, kinda, and there's demigods in this universe, and Louis isn't quite as susceptible to their magic as he should be, and there's just a LOT for them to all figure out, and it's FASCINATING, this fic wrapped me up in their world so completely, it was spellbinding, hehehe, for real though this fic was just so fully fleshed out and all of the characters were incredibly written, I could go on for hours)
Endgame by @brightgolden / brightgolden (39k, E, Harry/Louis, omega Harry fest fic, A/B/O dynamics, royalty, omega prince Harry, alpha courtesan Louis, Harry is concerned he's infertile basically, because after four years he hasn't conceived yet, and that's like his entire role, so if this is triggering at all for you please stay safe and don't read this fic, but if it isn't then holy shit stop what you're doing and read this, I read this fic when I was dealing with my husband having covid during what was already a super stressful time, and this fic pulled me through almost singlehandedly, I wish I was joking, It's so gooooooood)
I drown with every kiss, I’m not used to this by @theshotoftruth / just_a_blurryface (41k, M, Zayn/Liam, artist Zayn, chocolatier Liam, music teacher Niall, secret identities, slow burn, sexual tension, angst, fluff, this fic is SO FLUFFY but there's still such an undercurrent of potential pain waiting to hit you, so when it comes you like KNEW it would but also hoped it wouldn't haha, it's SO PAINFUL but so good, and the ending is technically open, but it doesn't really feel that way tbh, it feels so hopeful and like they'll defo make it work, but up to you to interpret really hehe)
Somethin' Old and Red by @absoloutenonsense / nonsensedarling (6k, NR, Harry/Louis, vampire Harry, blood donor Louis, Harry volunteers at the blood donation center so he can sneak blood pouches when he needs them, and his favorite is Louis for obvious reasons, but this fic omgosh it's just, a;sdgkhas;lfkdj, I'm fairly certain I screamed after reading it in the best way so defo recommend it for a bit of comedic gold in your life, and a good old fashioned gasp of surprise too haha)
In Four Colours by @ireallysawanangel / crimsontheory (59k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, chef Harry, restaurant owner Harry, silver fox Louis, older Larry, they're both in their 40s, vacation fic, divorced Harry, Harry's grown daughters and Liam conspire to force him on vacation to make him finally relax, and he meets Lottie and Louis, and omgosh this fic is just beyond perfect, the way it all develops and grows and feels so real, I adore this writer's fics always but this one was just magical)
Skate Into Your Heart by @wabadabadaba / wabadabadaba (2k, G, Harry/Louis, girl direction, skater Louis, punk Louis, wannabe skater Harry, Harry is kind of literally pushed into things to help her meet Louis, and it is SO cute, wingman Zayn, Niall and Liam kind of try too but in their own way lmao)
Souperhero by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (4k, G, Harry/Louis, hero Harry, antihero Louis, enemies to lovers, basically kinda sorta?, except also not really, more like Louis is against everything Harry as a hero stands for, which makes more sense in the worldbuilding, this was basically emmu's excuse to be rose tyler and write an entire fic with pro-union themes, and i adore every moment of it lol)
The Warmth of Your Body by @zanniscaramouche / zanni_scaramouche (46k, M, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, pack fic, werewolves, full shifter werewolves, luna Harry, omega Harry, alpha Louis, loner alpha Louis, Louis is the only wolf left from his pack, and Harry's pack is under attack, Harry is also promised to the next in line leader of the pack Niall, so things are COMPLICATED to say the least, this fic is INCREDIBLE YOU GUYS, but also it is only part one, i... did not realize this when I started, and I was pulled in so completely, I read this so fast, and then had to yell at zanni because i had no idea it was just gonna stop, so like please read it, and then yell at her in excitement with me, so she keeps motivated to write the rest but also, please be prepared lol)
we're still the kings of the Friday nights by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (23k, T, Zayn/Louis, Zouis fest fic, friends to lovers, childhood friends, sexuality crisis, demisexual Louis, coming out, experimentation, cuddling, sharing a bed, kissing, angst, this is like, everything I could ever dream of in a zouis fic it is PERFECTION)
Nights by @nikogdafics / nikogda (800, G, Harry/Louis, wordplay fic, post-breakup, smoking, ruminations, okay listen this fic is just that perfect snippet of a moment in time, and the emotions that are being considered, the nostalgia of being in a place at a certain time that brings back all the memories, and that is one of kodi's BEST SKILLS WITH WRITING, this is just, it takes my breath away to read it, truly it does, i love love love this fic)
dream about a summer night by @onlythebravest / fearsparks (34k, T, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Louis, omega Harry, friends to lovers, sharing a tent, sharing a bed, cuddling, flirting, acting like they're already established but never really talking it out, kinda letting it float around them until they have to talk about it, SO FUCKING CUTE OMGOSH, camp counselors, there's just, this fic is so sweet and soft and lovely and it was the perfect escape while on vacation)
The Only Thing I'll Ever Do by @wabadabadaba / wabadabadaba (8k, T, Harry/Louis, girl Harry, boy Louis, high school fic, first kiss, flirting, Harry dreams that she's dating Louis, which puts Louis on her radar, and he's suddenly EVERYWHERE, and Niall is just confused as shit lmaooooo, this is seriously so sweet and cute and pure)
never beat much faster by temerity (forsanethaec) (23k, E, Niall/Louis, girl direction, summer fic, beach fic, but like made British lol, friends to lovers, flirting, that soft spot of just starting a relationship and figuring things out, it's such a lovely place to be, but also Louis is trying to come back from a bad breakup and is dealing with that, and just this fic is so so so cute, her family are lovely and Niall is just such a bright light, I loved the characters very much in this)
You Only Fall In Love Twice by @beanno28 / Beanno28 (58k, E, Zayn/Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, polyamory, established Zayn/Harry, famous Harry, FBI agent Zayn, meet cute, polyamory negotiations, exploration, secret relationship, traveling, there's just SO much in this fic, and it's such an incredible view of the beginnings of a polyamorous relationship, and the exploration of it and how it might work, and I loved the way it was handled from start to finish, the way you could literally see Louis figuring himself out and getting used to it all, and feeling RIGHT in it, it's beautiful and wonderful and I just loved these three so much)
Just Your Jinx by @larryatendoftheday / larryatendoftheday (10k, T, Harry/Louis, witch Harry, neighbors, accidental jinxing, Harry is trying so hard to be good, and he messed up because Louis was just too beautiful lmaoooo, understandable right?, and then Mitch kinda helps him to fix it, and just, there's so much fun in this, it's so funny and silly and I loved it, absolute perfection)
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be-your-coffee-pot · 3 years
A/N: So this is inspired by 'Picture Perfect' by @kawaii-harrys. Check her out she's the best I swear.
Pairing: Dad!Harry x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k (Idk what happened here)
Summary: Y/N was an accidental baby. An unplanned child. So her parents got another child out as soon as they could and then one more. The two other talented and beautiful children they dote on. She doesn’t fit the picture, she isn’t needed.
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The wind blew her hair around as she stood on the edge of the roof, peering 13 floors down at a playground. Her eyes stayed fixated on a family that was having fun running around in the garden. Her family.
She knew because she had heard them bustle out the door together but nobody had invited her. Asked her if she wanted to come with them.
They assumed. That’s what they did. They assumed she didn’t like watching Rapunzel or they assumed she didn’t like dresses. Today’s example: they assumed she didn’t want to come to play with them.
Y/N was the firstborn. The eldest. After Y/N was her brother Ethan, the middleborn who was just 8 months younger than her. Then came the centre of attention, Charlotte. The youngest member of the Styles family and the most loved child who was about a year younger than Ethan. Her mom, Taylor loved Ethan and Charlotte to the moon but Y/N was pretty sure, she wasn’t on the list.
Her 10-year-old mind thought that she did something wrong, that she made her parents hate her so much. When she wondered what, nothing came to mind. It had been like this since she was 2 years old. Since she had started getting a little understanding of her surroundings. She wasn’t needed, she thought.
Fast forward to her annual music day function when she was 13. She performed ‘The Best Day’ in the hopes that her parents would be there and feel proud or at least happy. She was performing last so she held on to the hope, that they’ll make it.
I'm five years old
It's getting cold
I've got my big coat on
I hear your laugh
And look up smiling at you
I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch
And the tractor rides
Look now, the sky is gold
I hug your legs
And fall asleep on the way home
I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
But I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today
I'm thirteen now
And don't know-how
My friends could be so mean
I come home crying
And you hold me tight
And grab the keys
And we drive and drive
Until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop
'Till I have forgotten all their names
I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
But I know I'm laughing
On the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day with you today
I have an excellent father
His strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother
Inside and out he's better than I am
I grew up in a pretty house
And I had space to run and I
had the best days with you
There is a video I found
From back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen
And you're talking to me
It's the age of princesses and pirate ships
And the seven dwarfs
And Daddy's smart
And you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world
And now I know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side
Even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
Staying back and watching me shine and
I didn't know if you knew
So I'm taking this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today
She can hear people clapping and cheering but she’s searching for a pair of green and blue eyes that belong to her father and mother respectively but no. None of the people sitting in the audience is her parents. With a frown on her face, she steps down from the stage and heads backstage hoping her parents are here. No trace of them here as well.
On an annual day for that year, she won a music award but at the celebratory dinner at McDonald’s, she was barely acknowledged but instead praises were sung for her siblings who gave a dance performance and won multiple prizes. She wasn’t enough for her dad or anyone. She wasn’t needed.
Back to now, her 16th birthday. Y/N is sitting alone in the kitchen with a small chocolate cake she baked for herself sitting in front of her. It is around 9:30 p.m. now and her family is not around because according to her they are at a pizzeria. After all, Ethan wanted to go out. Again they assumed she didn’t want to come and didn’t invite their oldest daughter.
She waves it off though. “It’s just a birthday. Another day of the year, nothing special.” That’s what her birthday has been for as long as she can remember. Nothing special. Just like her.
Her dad didn’t take her to Seychelles for her 12th birthday nor did he make her write down a list of anything she wants and get her all that for her 14th birthday. He didn’t even bother to wish her. Neither of them. However, this wasn’t new as she couldn’t even remember the last time her family wished her or celebrated her birthday. She had no friends because everybody bullied her for being Harry Styles’ daughter. How ironic.
Grabbing a knife, Y/N sits back down and sings quietly to herself.
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday dear Y/N
Happy birthday to you
Between her thoughts and the Louis Tomlinson playing in the background, she failed to hear the click of the lock and the soft chatter of her siblings and parents who had just come back. At first, Harry was just about ready to go to the kitchen and yell at Y/N to stop blasting music but then as the volume decreases and her voice singing the Happy Birthday song alone becomes more audible, they stop in their tracks.
Halting in front of the kitchen, Harry and Taylor belatedly realize that they forgot their daughter’s birthday.
When Y/N cuts into her cake and looks up for a second she finds her family standing near the door looking ashamed and guilty. She quickly eats the piece she was having and stands up herself.
Muttering a few words of apology, she shuffles into the doorway about to leave for her room when Harry calls her. “Is it really your birthday today ?” As if that didn’t shatter her heart into little pieces and drown her further into thinking she wasn’t worth it, she just answers, “No. I just baked a cake and stuff. You know how dramatic I am.” Harry just nods and doesn’t stop her again.
Although when he goes to his room and checks the calendar he finds that it is indeed her birthday today. So did she just lie to save him the guilt? When he conveys the same to Taylor, they both feel shameful and heartbroken over this predicament.
The next morning, they avoid her when she stuffs a small piece of bread in her mouth and leaves. Where? They don’t bother to check.
Harry knocks on Y/N’s door to invite her down for lunch as an apology for yesterday but nobody answers. He takes that as an opportunity to step into her room. She wasn’t there because she was at school but her parents didn’t mind keeping her whereabouts in check.
A soft creme coated the walls but that was it. No trophies or certificates lined the walls nor were any books visible. As he steps into the room he finds a black notebook sitting alone on her table. Picking it up, he flips through the pages finding it to be her diary.
But it doesn’t have any trace of happy memories as far as he can see. They all contain excerpts from days where the family enjoyed themselves but not Y/N. As per Harry’s memory, these were some of the best days he had with children and wife but he never knew that Y/N was so gloomy those days. He doesn’t continue reading ahead but if he did, he would find Y/N’s confessions to her diary. The confessions where she told that her classmates bully her every day. The confessions where she told that she had cuts down her arms and thighs. The confessions where she told that she was getting tired of it all. The confessions where she told that she doesn’t want to live anymore.
Harry looks around to find some trace that a person actually lives in this room but none. Bending down, he catches sight of boxes under Y/N’s bed. He pulls them out and sorts through the content and finds the missing trophies and certificates here. Packed up in 2 boxes sit everything his daughter has ever achieved and it’s a lot. A post-it note on the lid says ‘I wanted to throw these things out but I won’t because I received them from proud teachers but they’ll sit here in this box forever because my parents aren’t proud of me so I don’t want these.’
Harry wanted to cry at this point. Did his daughter really think that? Of course, he was proud of her. But it seemed as if he was trying to convince himself.
Looking through more things he finds pictures. None of Y/N herself but candid shots where the four - Taylor, Harry, Charlotte and Ethan - of them were happy. Snapshots from Charlotte and Ethan’s birthday parties, family vacations and get-togethers, breakfasts and dinners.
So many good memories but none hers.
A single tear rolls down his cheek as he apprehends everything he saw but then Ethan’s voice distracts him. “Come on Dad! Lunch’s getting cold.” He pushes everything back in and leaves the room as he found it.
After lunch, he locks himself in his studio and wonders why did he make his daughter feel like that?
Y/N was an accidental baby. An unplanned child. So her parents got another child out as soon as they could and then one more. The two other talented and beautiful children they dote on. She doesn’t fit the picture, she isn’t needed.
Meanwhile, Y/N enters the house with tears running down her face. Nobody sees her as she quietly makes her way up to her room.
She was done. She was done with school, her parents, her siblings, her life. With everything.
Her classmates bullied her, pushed her and put her down. The teachers tried to call her parents but to no avail. Y/N walked home alone again as Charlotte and Ethan were probably eating ice cream with their mom now because today was another successful basketball practice for them.
She drops her bag, locks the door and opens the last drawer in her desk. There sit the letters she was going to put in everybody’s rooms. The suicide letters. Along them sit the different blades.
She runs through the letters to see everything she has compiled over the years. Apologies that she couldn’t be enough. Thoughts that showed just how deep she had sunk. An anchor that was the hate and needlessness from her family was pulling her down. Throwing her a life jacket now wasn’t gonna save her. If somebody wanted to risk jumping into these cold, dark waters for her and drag her out of it maybe there was hope but from how deep she was, Y/N couldn’t see the light. It’s fading.
She goes to her parent’s room first. She tapes the note onto their bathroom door, Harry’s name written in shaky handwriting. Then she sticks her mother’s note in the kitchen.
She puts the letters for her brother and sister in places where they will find the messages.
She locks her door and grabs her blades. Y/N turns on the shower, sitting under the water for some time just staring at the knives in her hands. And then cuts.
Small nicks on her hands and arms. Then slices the skin on her thighs. She relaxes a little now. The pain made her feel better. The knife hovers over her wrist. She takes a second to think about it and then Y/N slits her wrist.
Harry stepped out of his studio and into his bedroom. He just wanted to wash his face and eat something now. He thought everything out. Everything he was gonna do for her and everything he was gonna tell her. But when he goes to open the bathroom door just to find a letter taped to it with his name written, he feels a cold hand settle around his throat.
His hands shake as he grasps the paper and pulls it off. Opening the envelope a thousand thoughts rack his mind about the contents of this note.
Dear dad,
By the time you open this envelope, I’ll be dead.
I’ll be gone. It’ll probably be because the bullying, the hate, the needlessness got too much for me. I know I was an accidental child, an unplanned one. I was a mistake. You and mom have made that perfectly clear.
I know I am not as smart as Ethan or as pretty as Charlotte or as talented as mum or you but I am me. I am so sorry that I wasn’t enough for you. I tried to be the perfect daughter for you but I’m afraid it won’t ever happen because I’m so imperfect and useless that even my parents gave up on me. I never meant for that to happen. I wondered for years what my mistake was but turns out my only mistake was being alive. So I solved that issue for you.
You can go celebrate parties and accomplishments without me bringing anyone down, you can be the perfect family because you won’t need me for that. I don’t fit the equation, I never did. But everything will be perfect after I die. So go and rejoice that such a huge burden has been removed from your life.
Even though you don’t, I still love you very much, dad.
Love, Y/N
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
badun detective agency fluff where they just gotta help someone find their missing pet that accidentally ran away! Reza and some of his friends maybe! (Or maybe the entire agency? Hmmm)
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Trigger warnings; missing pets, animal attacks, illness, and mention of death.
"I'm sorry, what?" Harry must have heard Hook wrong because there was absolutely no possible way—
"I said I need ya to find Gil's cat," Hook growled with frustration, thrusting a single piece of parchment paper into his face as his eyes shifted around the room. Refusing to meet his own.
Harry was too baffled to be offended and didn't even bother glaring at the older boy as he examined the sheet.
It had a nicely done ink drawing of a white cat with an eye patch covering its left eye and the word 'Lost' above its head. A drawing that was frankly too nicely done to be drawn by Uma (who was only good at drawing sea and pirate related things) or Gil (who wasn't the best at drawing things that weren't egg or weight related).
Harry glanced at Hook over the poster, subtly, studying him for a moment as he wondered where Hook had gotten the drawing from. Only to pause when he spotted a quill in Harry's coat pocket, ink smudges on his fingertips, and an ink splatter on his shirt.
It didn't take a genius to deduce that he had cut out the middleman and drawn it himself so that Gil's supposed cat could be found quicker. Which brought him back to one of his other many questions...
"Since when does Gil have a cat? "
Harry had never heard of the LeGumes having any pets other than Gaston's hellion of a dog that sent shivers down his spine every time he came across it after the summer of shortages and sepsis a few years back.
No one had ever mentioned a cat.
And Gastin hated cats.
He chewed on his lip, annoyed by the information he was just now finding out.  The information which was completely contradictory to what was common knowledge.
It didn't make any sense.
Harry hated it when things didn't make sense.
"He's had the damned thing for a fortnight and it doesn't leave the ship for obvious reasons," Hook replied looking miserable.
"How long has it been missing?"
"Since this mornin'. Sunshine asked me to look after it while he watched mini-sunshine and he won't be back till Monday, and I took my eye off of the blasted little welt for five minutes and now it's gone—"
Harry put a hand up to silence him, already sensing that his nickname buddy frenemy was about to blow a fuse.
"Alright Alright, chill. We'll find the cat before Gil gets back. What's its name?"
"Who names a cat, Patchy?" was the first question that his team asked after he and Jace debriefed them on their newest case.
Harry wasn't surprised in the slightest that it was Reza of all people who asked the question.
"Really, Re, that's the part you focus on?" Yzla sighed, resting her head in his lap. No doubt exhausted from the emotional reunion between her, Zevon, and their family the other night.
Harry really wished she had stayed home and rested instead of answering his call on the walkie. But after 9 years of working with her, he knew better than to try and send her back home when they had a case. No matter the circumstances.
"What? It's a valid inquiry!"
Eddie rolled his eyes from the beat up bean bag chair in the corner, sipping on a slushie he somehow managed to get his hands on. Hermie was halfway asleep in his lap, playing with the zipper on his jacket.
"What else would he have named it? Anophthalmia?"
"Anything would have been a more suitable name than 'Patchy'! It's undignified!"
"I highly doubt Patchy is insecure about his name—"
"You cannot say for sure that he is not!"
"I'm sorry, which one of us has a cat?"
"You're not special, Eddie. Yzla has a cat as well—"
"I never said I was—"
"Guys can we please not fight—
"Stay out of this Jace!"
Jace let out a long suffering sigh from beside him and Harry couldn't help but think that just maybe his cousin didn't get paid enough for this.
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty—” 
“Are you expecting the cat to answer you back?” Reza asked, looking at Eddie as if he had lost his mind. 
Eddie ignored him and kept calling out for the cat, hoping they’d find it soon and relatively unharmed—while also trying very hard not to think of his and his mother’s own cats back home. He couldn’t stand to think of them scared and all alone, and possibly hurt or worse. It hurt too much.
He hoped Gil wouldn’t even notice Patchy was gone. At least until they found him. He had enough to worry about without adding this on top of it.
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty! Come out, come out, come out wherever you are!”
Harry rested his chin on his fist from where he sat atop a rock. Eyes cold and calculating as they scanned the area around them for clues.
Jace could practically hear the gears turning inside his head. 
He wondered if it would be inappropriate to make a joke about being happy that his cousin was actually using his brain for once instead of just throwing himself head first into their investigation before deciding against it.
They couldn’t giggle (or fight): They were at a crime scene. Well, if the last place one saw a missing pet counted as a crime scene. 
Either way, they were on a case. It wouldn’t be right to giggle when Gil was at home watching his sister—completely unaware that his beloved kitten had been lost by his best friend. Who was probably somewhere freaking out about the fact that said beloved kitten was probably, maybe dead.
Jace was torn away from his thoughts by a long, loud, tired sounding sigh that originated from his cousin. Who was now pinching the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated at their lack of progress.
Like always.
“Now if I was a cat, where would I wander off to?”
Jace bit back a groan. Just knowing that they were most certainly gonna require a first aid kit when they got back to base because of whatever Harry was about to do.
"Hermie get down from there!" Yzla called out, cringing at the sheer height of the tree Hermie was in.
"Relax, 'Zla! I'll be fine. I'm an acrobat, remember?" Hermie replied, her voice airy. Head in the clouds and not a care in the world. 
"Being an acrobat won't save you from a broken neck!"
"You worry too much!"
"Hermie, I'm not kidding–"
Yzla could hear the frantic thump, thump, thump of her heart as Hermie grew smaller and smaller in the air. 
Was this what it felt like to have a heart attack?
"I'm fine—AHH!" 
Hermie plummeted to the ground, branches of the thin tree just barely slowing her descent in time for Yzla to sprint over and catch her. 
The beating of her heart was almost deafening now. 
Hermie gave her a sheepish look, holding up a very scared kitten. The exact kitten they'd been looking for.
"Found him!"
Yzla said nothing, giving her a death glare. Far from amused and still too terrified to be in a celebratory mood.
"I'm banned from field work for the foreseeable future again, aren't I?"
Yzla nodded as she slowly began the track back to their base. Still carrying Hermie and the kitten. 
At least Hermie wouldn't be alone in her field work ban, since knowing Harry, he'd probably gotten hurt too and far worse than her. 
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@tearsofbri and I’s thoughts of Jakey being an autumn/early winter boy.
The second the temperature drops to 60-65 and there’s a crisp autumn breeze he has every window in his home thrown open.
If you told him you were cold he’d tell you to just steal one of his sweaters cause he’s not closing the windows.
Movie marathons cuddled up on the couch. Too many blankets, all of the snacks, hot cocoa and apple cider (probably spiked), all of the horror movies from the 80s and 90s, Harry Potter, Twilight and/or all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Stepping on every crunchy leaf he finds.
Trips to the local pumpkin patch and to go apple picking. He would pick out the biggest, roundest pumpkins for you two to carve together. Insisting he pulls the wagon. Buying a hot cocoa for himself (this boy has a sweet tooth especially for chocolate you can’t fight me on this) and he would get you an apple cider. Going on the hay ride together, holding you close as the sun goes down and the temp drops even more. Letting you pet every animal you can find. Taking cheesy pictures at all the cutouts.
This man loves a haunted house. Only because you would cling to him the entire time as he laughs at every jump scare. Also why he loves watching all the scary movies with you, so you can hide in his shirt and he can be your protector.
He’d want to make caramel apples with the haul you brought back from the orchard.
Bonfires. That boy will set fire to anything you let him. When he’s feeling a little more lowkey he’ll tend to it enough to make sure you stay warm otherwise he’s just hanging around strumming away in his acoustic.
And you can’t have a bonfire without s’mores. Jakey loves s’mores and he always makes the biggest mess. He has marshmallow all over his hands and would without a doubt end up with some in his hair that he would sheepishly ask you to help him get out.
I have a hunch that our Jakey Thomas has a love for fall scented candles but is too shy to own up to it. He’s quietly ask of you can go to bath and body works and smell all the candles. You’d get him any he seemed to linger on. Josh probably get him a special limited edition one that Jake pretends not to be excited about but lights immediately.
And the buffalo plaid. Blankets, pillows, it’s every where and you bet your ass he’s breaking out every flannel and worn out pair of chelsea boots he owns.
He would deck out the lawn with Halloween decor and go full out in pirate garb for trick or treating. For sure handing out full size candy bars to become the favorite house in the neighborhood.
He would insist on having Thanksgiving at his house so he can cook a massive meal for everyone. He would only let people bring alcohol, otherwise he will be cooking everything. No one is allowed to help except for you. You can be his sous chef, sitting on the counter watching him, making him drinks and taking breaks to dance to whatever record is playing. He’d also make veg options for Samuel, who would tease Jake and say it was just okay. He would make a minimum of three, possibly four pies - pumpkin, apple, pecan and cherry.
Jacob just radiates fall and autumn energy. Warm, soft and cozy.
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telli1206 · 3 years
Jay + 19, 21, 34, and 42 😘❤
Oh, my sweet boy 🥰 Thank you @hersilentlanguage, I love every chance I get to talk about my boys.
19. Have they ever been physically restrained?
Oh, Jay wishes he hadn't, but it's happened more than a few times. On the Isle, it was an occurence almost every time he dared to enter pirate territory. Because as stealthy and charming and clever as Jay is, Harry Hook is a perfect match for Jay in all of those skills as well. And thanks to that, as well as their similar standing in their gangs, Harry can easily anticipate Jay’s moves. Because anything Jay would do, Harry would likely do the same. 
And Jay’s fully aware of this. He knows that he shares a lot of similarities with the pirate, as much as he hates to admit it. And he can’t stand that Harry can actually get the best of him. Jay’s the best thief on the aisle! So he feels the need to prove himself occassionaly by stealing from Uma and her crew.
Inevitably, each time he tries Jay ends up getting caught. Harry has his fun publicly embarassing Jay and tying him to then mast, leaving him there until Mal and her gang comes to claim him. Again. And it always costs Mal to get him back. Uma’s usually happy with a bit of territory, or first pick on the barges when it comes in. But either way, Mal’s never happy with saving Jay’s ass from the pirates.
21. Do they lash out when hurt?
Never. Not for physical OR emotional hurt. Jay’s the retreating type. He tends to hole himself away when he needs to process or heal. The more of a show he makes about it, the more likely he is to face punishment from his father. Or even worse, Evie and Carlos might make him...talk, about it.
Neither sounds ideal, so Jay tends to find an empty rooftop to sit on, keeping his eye on the isle from his vantage point to think or heal once he’s patched himself up. If he’s gone for more than a day or so Mal usually ends up hunting him down and sitting with him for a bit, asking only a few questions to make sure he’s ok and only getting soft agreeing grunts as a response.She tries to help a bit by sharing any funny stories that Jay might have missed that day, about how she tripped up the Gastons, or whatever crazy outfit Dr. Facilier tried to pull off. 
Jay sits and listens to her talk, laughing softly at her jokes and stories but never saying a word. Truthfully, he appreciates the distraction from Mal. She never forces him to talk, she just makes him laugh and forget whatever happened to him,even if only for a moment. It’s the only comfort he really accepts on the Isle, but it’s more than he ever expected to have in his life.
34. How do they show affection?
Jay loves little touches. He’s very handsy with the people he cares about, but only once they’re in Auradon.
On the Isle, Jay’s touches were used for luring, enticing. It was his way to distract his targets so they didn’t notice his hands moving elsewhere, like into their wallets, purses, or sliding jewelry off their wrists and fingers. All of his touches were reserved for that purpose only. Touching for true affection was seen as a weakness, and he didn’t want to make himself, Evie, Mal or Carlos appear weak to anyone. So to protect them, he just refrained from it. You weren’t supposed to care about anyone but yourself anyway, so what was the point?
But his mentality about touch took a complete 180 once they arrived in Auradon, where affection was so...open. So encouraged. It wasn’t a weakness, and no one would be exploiting it there. Jay almost didn’t believe it. It seemed too good to be true. 
While he still uses his charm and touches to entice the Auradon princesses freely, as he’s accustomed to, he also starts incorporating smaller touches with his friends, to test the waters. Draping his arms across Carlos’ shoulders, intertwining his fingers with Evie’s, ruffling Mal’s hair. It’s all light and harmless in Auradon’s eyes, but Jay is tingly with excitement at the thought of finally sharing the affection he has longed to show his friends.
It wasn’t long before he’s openly bear hugging Carlos, even picking him up and slinging him over his shoulders jokingly as Carlos bucks and laughs out loud. He’ll smack loud kisses to Evie’s cheeks, and even ruffle his nose into her hair before carefully smoothing it back down so as not to ruin her style. And Mal is regularly crushed in between Jay’s arms when he hugs her tightly into his chest and swings her around, making her roll her eyes at him. But even she can’t hide her smile at the look of joy on Jay’s face.
42. When was the last time they said “I love you” to someone and why?
Just a few minutes ago. To Carlos. Just because he can. It’s been his favorite thing to do ever since they started saying it to each other. After Carlos accidentally kissed him during their first Christmas in Auradon, they took the opportunity to confess their feelings to each other. And it wasn’t long after that when Jay blurted out his love for Carlos, which Carlos immediately reciprocated.
Now Jay slips it in whenever he can. “Have a great class, I love you!” or “Here’s that cupcake you wanted. I love you!” and even “C, that was the worst play I’ve ever seen. You need to pick up the pace! Oh, and I love you.”
 It can be sickeningly sappy and sweet to other people (especially Mal, who teases Jay to no end about being “whipped”), but Jay doesn’t care. He’s never been able to tell anyone that he cared before, let alone love them. So he never wants to forget the feeling of saying it. And he also never wants Carlos De Vil to forget how much Jay loves him.
Send me a number and a character
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gucciwins · 4 years
The Hunt
Luna has won the Halloween Hunt two years in a row and she is going for a third with Harry as her partner, the problem well they don’t really get along. 
Word count: 10,761
A/N: Luna, I hope you love her like I do. She was a joy to write. I’m very excited to share so please come and share your thoughts with me. It really means the world to me. Thank you to Gianna (@hunflowers​) for hosting this wonderful Halloween challenge. I hope you enjoy. (prompt: you’ve got to be kidding me).
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The one holiday that Luna is excited to take part in with her friends, finding even the tackiest of activities fun and a joy to do. Luna and Caleb went to the pumpkin patch last weekend and spent the day drinking cider and eating cinnamon donuts. The pumpkin carving was a whole other story that ended with one smashed pumpkin and a grumpy Caleb. 
Luna has spent every Halloween with Caleb for as long as she can remember. From first becoming best friends when Luna and her family moved in next door to Caleb at the age of six to now, age twenty-one going on four years of living together. Much to their parents' disappointment, sparks never did fly for them. Not that Luna ever thought there would be; Caleb just didn't do it for her no matter how handsome he was.  
This Halloween, just like previous ones, they were going as a pair. Their first Halloween at age six, they went as Power Rangers, Luna the yellow and Caleb the blue. It was their most memorable one and has the picture hanging in their living room for reminiscing purposes. Last year Caleb decided on Ghostbusters, and they killed it. Being university students means low money in their bank account, so they went thrift shopping a lot that year. 
Halloween 2020, it is her turn to pick. Luna decided they would be going as Princess Buttercup and Westley from The Princess Bride. 
A true classic that will forever live on, yes, it may be a romantical pairing, but Luna has begged for this for years, and now is their time to shine. She pulled extra shifts at the tattoo parlor she works at as receptionist to get authentic costumes—the red dress of dreams. 
It's Saturday night, there is a Blue moon, and it's Halloween. 
It is time for their third annual Halloween Hunt, where her group of friends pair up and set off to find clues to win the grand prize of a crown, some cash, and bragging rights for a whole year. Luna has won it the last two years with Caleb on her side, and she is ready to do it again. 
Luna stares at herself in the mirror. The gown is elegant and rich with details. The long red, billowy sleeves with a fathered cuff. A high neckline and falls into a loose, pleated skirt. The dress is tied off at the waist with a gold pattern belt. And to top it all off, the beaded crown on her brown curls. The color of her hair the only inaccuracy of the costume. The crown shines more she feels with her darker hair than the original Buttercup. 
Her makeup is minimal, only having used mascara for her long eyelashes she likes having curled. It makes her brown eyes that much nicer to gaze at. 
She grabs her wallet and keys that she will be leaving with Caleb as his look was blessed with pockets, and she does not want to stick anything down her bra for the entire night. She takes the stairs two floors down as they meet at Mitch and Oliver's apartment, who happen to live in the same complex.
To start the hunt, the host will let everyone get into partners before dispersing the first clue, and the first couple to make it to the final location at midnight will be crowned the winners. 
They really are in for a fun night. 
Walking in, she sees the apartment somewhat decorated, not much, purple string lights hanging over the large tv they have. Small orange pumpkins scattered around the room. The excessive amount of fake spider web in every corner of the house. Mitch has always said, why to decorate if you're going to be the one cleaning it up. Oliver did not think the same way; she imagines his room looks like the inside of Spirit Halloween. 
Mitch greets her with a drink. It's water. He smiles at her costume before wandering off. She sips the cold water, never one to drink on such an important night. Also, she's wary about drinking growing up; her dad made her start driving at the age of fifteen because he liked drinking when they went over to her uncle's house on the weekends. He wasn't an alcoholic, but he did drink too often, and instead of putting her and her brother at risk, he taught her to drive. This is why now, she will instead be the designated driver than the one having the drinks. Tonight, she needs a clear head to win.
Luna moves past the kitchen, eyes searching for Caleb in his black outfit and mask, but she stops dead in her tracks once she meets his gaze.
 It's a shock.
Caleb is dressed in slim black pants, a white dress shirt, a messy done blue tie, an unbuttoned black blazer, and completing his look is the signature beige blazer. He looks incredible, but not at all how he was supposed to. He winces when he sees the expression on her face. 
She’s upset. He didn't even warn her. Not a single text or call.
There has never been a reason to break tradition, but here they are doing just that. 
"They asked me to host," Caleb says as he steps toward her. Luna manages a nod. She changes her direction and goes across the room to sit alone on the windowsill, leading to a small flower patio. Caleb looks like he wants to head over, but she knows her well enough; it's best to leave her alone. 
As Luna gets lost in thought, she doesn't acknowledge that everyone else has slowly arrived, the chatter getting louder. She also is oblivious to the lingering eyes on her. If she had looked up, she would have met Harry's concerned gaze.
"Hello friends, thank you for gathering with us here on this day of spooks and horror." Caleb stands on the study coffee table to get everyone's attention on him. "This year, you may not pick your partner. No, there will be random draws." 
"Let's hope this makes Luna lose this year," Oliver shouts, getting lots of cheers in response. 
Luna rolls her eyes at the banter but lets a smile overtake her face because she knows no matter who her partner may end up being, she will be a winner.
Caleb announces how only five of them will pick a name and how it has been decided it will be Mitch, Daniel, Charlotte, Abby, and Luna, who will draw a name. 
She is third to pick a slip, not opening it up until the last two receive theirs. She doesn't focus on the others as they begin to search for their partners because Caleb is shuffling over to her looking sheepish. 
He pulls her in and wraps his arms around her, giving her a big squeeze. Long and hard enough to leave her out of breath. A sloppy kiss on her cheeks, she is quick to wipe away on his coat, not at all wanting to dirty her dress, at least not yet. 
Those hazel eyes are hard to stay mad at, and he knows it. Luna can count all the fights they've had on one hand.
"Whatever, you owe me." She bumps his shoulder. 
He nods, quick to agree. "Name your price."
Luna opens up the folded slip of paper. 
"A new partner." She whispers, not looking up, hoping if she stares long enough, the name will change. 
Caleb leans in and smirks at the name. "That I can't do. You know the rules." 
She furrowed her eyebrows. "There were no rules until today."
Caleb laughs. "Everyone partner up if you haven't already."
Mitch is already chatting with Oliver, and she knows they will give her a run for her money. These two get on so well, but their weakness is that when Mitch gets a lead, he forgets to address it to his partner most of the time, leaving them separated and lost. 
Justine is with Abby, and honestly, she has no worry over them. Abby is a hard person to partner up with, always wanting to lead even when she has no clue what is going on. 
Calvin is with Daniel, and honestly, she knows they are not competition. Calvin told her the clues confused him. 
Mason and Charlotte, she was hoping to partner with Charlotte. That being her closest friend right behind Caleb. She's a music major, meaning their time together is always a joy. Luna singing a random song and Char telling her random facts she knows about the said song. Luna is not sure how good Charlotte and Mason get on, but only time will tell. 
As she sees everyone paired up, she scans the room for Harry. She doesn't spot him, but she does see Pirate Roberts, better known as Westley, her other half. He's wearing a black shirt that has a lace-up front with a matching pair of pants. The mask and headscarf add a touch of mystery, while the sash and gloves put the finishing touch to the look. As much as she hates to admit it, he looks good. 
"You've got to be kidding me." She says, looking him up and down in disgust. 
Harry scoffs, now standing in front of her. "Guess that means I'm stuck with you."
"Yeah, you can lose the mask now."
"No, I don't think so. Makes my eyes pop." He bats his eyelashes at her. 
She ignores him, moving on to an important question. "Who were you supposed to dress with?" 
"Charlotte." His stupidly, charming English accent responds. "She asked me last week, then told me she was doing Ghostbusters with Mason. Her costume is done too nicely to be done last minute."
This is a setup. 
She knows because Charlotte helped her alter the dress's length so that it didn't drag on the floor as she walked, and in return, Luna helped sew Venkman on her suit. 
The only question is, why would they want her matching with Harry if they don't get on well at all, not even a little bit. Every interaction leaves with one of them storming off, not to brag, but it seems to always be Harry. 
"Well, at least you were warned. Caleb didn't even tell me." She shares. "Had me walk in to see him dressed as an angel." 
"Castiel, right?" Harry says, a bit uncertain.
Luna nods, surprised he knows, thinking this might be their one connection to break the ice. "He posted on his story who he was dressed as." She spoke too soon. 
"You're saying you don't know Supernatural." 
"No, sorry." He says, not sounding apologetic. 
Luna shoots him a fake smile before looking away. "He can't be my partner; it's a disrespect to my morals." 
Her only response is laughter. She wasn't joking. 
"You know the rules, baby," Charlotte says, arms around Mason's waist. Luna narrows her eyes at that, mentally reminding herself to check in with Char about that. 
How had she won two years without knowing any rules? 
"Well, I'll still kick all your asses with Dobby on my team." When meeting Harry's eyes again, she smirks, his face shocked, not sure if she was insulting him. 
"Right, do not mess up our chances of winning." Her voice was deep and threatening. At least she hoped that's how it sounded. 
"I would never" Harry looks down at her with a smirk on his pink lips. "But I need motivation, so what's in it for me." 
Instead of responding with half of the money because that much was obvious, what else would he want? She looks him in the eyes. "I'll kiss you if we win," Luna tells him sarcastically, and before Harry has a chance to respond, Caleb is walking over, handing them their first clue of seven. 
Head to the place no one ever cleans
Harry scratches his head. "That's confusing."
"It's the bathroom. Specifically, the toilet." She hands the clue for Harry to put away, making her way there. 
"You sure?" 
Luna doesn't bother replying, pushing first to the bathroom, wanting to get a move on. It's going to be a long night if he keeps questioning her. 
Harry opens the door and jumps back, he's startled at the sight in front of him, but Luna nudges him aside to take a look and is left impressed.
There is fake blood on the mirror, "You're next" written sloppily. What startled Harry was the body bag in the tub, bloody transparent curtains hanged to make it seem like a messy murder. 
"There's not a body, right?" A slight tremble in his voice. 
"Of course not. No one is a fan of jump scares her." She eyes his face. "Especially you." 
Luna picks up the skull sitting on top of the toilet tank, and taped underneath is the second clue. 
"That was too easy," Harry tells her, already heading out of the apartment, not waiting for her to read the clue knowing this one will lead them outside. 
You may sit, you may stand, you may push, but one must never jump.
"Who even made these?" Harry scoffs. "It's awful." 
She chuckles, agreeing because they do stink. "Caleb. The host has to do them all for each group. Talk with owners of shops and all. It's a long process." Luna explains to Harry as she reads the clue once more. "I'm surprised I never noticed how busy he was the entire month." 
"It's what happens when you're self-absorbed." He mutters. 
"Ouch." She feigns hurt, hands over her heart. 
Harry rolls his eyes, not wanting to deal with her any longer than he has to. He has no clue what that clue is pointing to. He looks over at Luna, who has gone quiet.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry exclaims.
"Where is the headscarf? You're messing up the look." She pouts, and Harry would never admit it, at least to her, but she looks adorable. 
"I took it off. It messes up my hair."
Luna stares at his hair. "Looks as messy as always.'
He gasps. "It looks fantastic, trying this new serum to make it shine."
"Sorry to break it to you, but I don't think it is working." She scrunches up her face in disgust. 
"Well, your shoes don't match." He yells. 
She looks down at her Molly metallic leather platform boots that give her five-four self extra height. "My boots are badass. Buttercup still kicks ass in these." She twirls and begins walking away from him. 
"Luna, for fuck sake, where are you going." Harry rushes after her. 
"We've got a hunt to win." 
For someone of her stature, she sure has a fast pace. It seems as if she never slows down, effortlessly moving around pedestrians. All while Harry mumbles apologies as he trips over a person's shoe. 
"The clue." He clears his voice. "How'd you crack it." 
"Easy after a few reads. It's the swings at the local park." 
Harry nods. "That doesn't explain how you knew." 
"Caleb uses things in his life, and if you know him well enough, you can crack it. He's an open book, one talk with him and you'll know his grandparents' name and phone number. He loves sharing everything." Harry motions for her to continue, all while keeping her fast pace, leaving him a little wounded. "As kids, our parents' one rule at the park was that we could never jump off the swings all because one time Caleb and I were going so high I jumped and almost flew past the sand pile and landed on the concrete. No one broke a bone, but we could have." 
"You and Caleb must have given your parents a hard time." 
"Not really, we were angels." 
"Hard to believe." 
She kisses her two fingers before placing it over her heart. "Scout's honor." 
"You were in the girl's scout." 
"Well, aren't you nosy Miss Rosy." She rolls her eyes. "The town didn't have the girl's scout, so when Caleb joined, I made a presentation for Ulysses. He was the man in charge, and I impressed him. He accepted, and no one questioned me."
"Impressive," Harrys tells her, genuinely meaning it. 
"Now shut up, Styles. You have too much information, might have to go kill you or something if these things get out." 
"And here I thought we were becoming friends." 
"Nope, let's keep it that way." 
Harry shuts up, letting the chatter of late-night stragglers fill in the silence. Luna is stopped by a girl their age looking for directions to a party. She is happy to help, giving the girl extra detail to make sure she doesn't get lost. She goes as far as giving the girl her phone number to know she made it there safely. 
Luna is an enigma. 
"I thought you hated all humans, but I see I was wrong." 
Harry is such a jerk that she doesn't bother responding. No, she does something much better. She stops walking, sticking her foot out, knowing how oblivious Harry is. He trips, almost falling to his face, but to some miracle, he manages to right himself without a scratch. 
He adjusts his mask, brushing off the dirt he acquired at the bottom of his pants. "Well, that was mean.
"I thought it was rather kind, knock you off your pedestal." She grins at him, walking away again. 
Harry mutters something under his breath, making sure she isn't able to hear him. 
Luna decides to bring back the conversation of what started their night, his costume. "Why are you even Westley? You don't have the blonde hair for it."
Harry scoffs. "Says the girl with the brown locks of hair."
"The wig was itchy, besides my natural hair is pretty." Her hair is excellent, and she knows it. It's mid-waist, and she does hair therapy to keep it healthy. After Caleb's sister-in-law introduced her to natural hair products, a significant improvement. It added a shine she never had before. She is always paid lots of compliments on her hair. It's enchanting. 
Harry looks at her before staying quiet. He kicks a rock as he walks. "Blondes are overrated."
Luna ducks her head, letting her hair frame a curtain around her face wanting to hide the blush he managed to get out of her. 
Finally, reaching the park entrance, the swings a distance away. They stop, neither of them making a move follow the path.   
"You could just stay here, and I'll text you when I'm done," Luna tells him. 
Harry is quick to rebut, "I'm smart, I can help." 
"I didn't say you aren't smart. It's just I know you don't like me, so why spend the time with me?" 
That's far from the truth, Harry thinks to himself but doesn't deny it. "Together, we're winning this together." He gives her no room for argument walking to the swings. 
Luna nods to herself; she's going to be okay. Maybe the night will start to get better. 
Harry is opening up the clue as she approaches, and he holds it out further, allowing her to read it.
You walk by me, never give me a second glance. Now tonight, I dare you to give me a chance.
"That doesn't sound great," Harry confesses. 
"You alright, with a bit of darkness?" 
Harry nods his head, yes, but he has no idea what's coming next. 
Standing in front of the house, Luna feels a chill run up her spine. It's not like she's never seen this house because she had. She grew up in the town and walked past the lonely house that wasted away day by day as she made her way to school.
"This place is creepy," Harry mumbles, standing next to her.
The grass is brown and unkempt; dried leaves scatter the path to the home's stairs, a crunch under their feet as they approach. She walks slow, counting her steps, and at unlucky thirteen, they reach the first broken step. The wood looked as if someone took a hammer to it, having random holes done. The windows are filled with spider webs and dust, no way to look in. The door was red and had scratches. As if someone small had clawed to be let in.
"Sure you want to go in, Luna." Harry looks at the door in fright. "You can admit you got the wrong location. You can't always be right."
"Look, Styles, I know I'm right."
Harry begins to sweep around to make sure no one is watching them break into an old abandoned house. She leans against the rotting wood, there's a chance she might fall through, but she's always up for the risk. In doing so, she shuts her eyes for a second, and a memory pops in her head; it causes her to let out a chuckle, startling Harry. He whips around to shout at her, but the smile on Luna's face makes him stop. He's never been privileged to a smile so intimate.
Before Harry can even ask her what's got her smiling, she is already talking.
"Caleb and I had our first kiss on these steps." Luna's eyes shift down as if the memory begins to play in front of her."
"With each other?" Harry asks, wanting confirmation.
"Yes, Caleb swore he was in love with me in the sixth grade, and I told him he was insane. The feelings were not mutual." She assures, wanting to get her point across. "We were walking home from school one day, and I, as the brains of the duo, told him we had to check out the house. I swore we had our own Boo Radley after reading To Kill A Mockingbird. He was going on and on about how he swore his love for me." She turned to look at Harry. "I looked at him, put my hands on his shoulders, and put my lips to his. He stood there shocked, and once I pulled back, he grinned." Luna deepens her voice. "So, I don't love you like that."
Harry chuckles, enjoying the story. She's not even sure why she began to tell him. "I was like yeah, you idiot, I see you as a brother. My mom could not stop laughing when I told her. My dad not so much." She stood up straight, took three steps to the door, grabbed the rusted doorknob, and it twisted open. There was a loud creak as she pushed.
"In we go, Farm Boy."
Harry shakes his head, mutters "As you wish." He hopes she missed that.
He steps in; first, his eyes quickly sweeping around the house, a doorway to a living room, another leading to what he assumes would be the dining room, and right in front of them a spiral staircase leading to the second floor where they might venture to if they don't find the clue in the main rooms.
"Right, together," Harry tells her.
"Awe, don't be scared, Styles. I'll protect you." She reaches out to pink his cheek.
He swats her hand away. "You'll be the one needing it."
"Don't count on you being my savior then?"
"Not ever, Buttercup."
They walk the first floor and find nothing. It's quite dull, nothing that stands out of place. Nothing haunting, really. A bit of a disappointment. They approach the stair and see footprints. This must be the correct way. She lets Harry lead. Once at the top, they see footprints are leading left and right. Harry nods left, so she assumes he means she has to go right.
It was not what he meant.
As Luna makes her way to the door at the end of the hall, she turns to see Harry entering the first room. She should turn back and go with him. She thinks about it for a second and decides it's best not and continues on.
Luna enters the boy's room. There is a race car bed, with white drawers full of stickers on either side. Everything is dusty, can feel the twitch in her nose. She approaches the bed when a paper catches her eyes on the corner of the dresser filled with different kinds of dinosaurs. It is their clue. It reads
If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending.
Luna smiles gratefully to have found it. She'll figure it out with Harry, she decides. The quicker she is out of the house, the better. As she folds the clue, she hears the door slam shut. It makes Luna jump. 
She approaches the door and twists the knob, but nothing happens. Luna keeps pulling and nothing; she's slowly but surely beginning to freaking out. 
Maybe Harry was playing a joke on her. That had to be it. 
"If you think this is a good prank, you're wrong." She yells, eager to hear his deep laugh before opening the door. But instead, she is met with silence. 
"Styles, open the door." Her voice firm, anger slowly taking over." Still nothing. "Haha, you've had your laugh; let me out." 
The panic is beginning to set. Harry didn't lock her in; he's on the other side of the house. 
"Harry?" She whimpers.
Meanwhile, Harry, no clue in hand, stands at the top of the stairs staring at a mirror frowning at himself. He looked for Luna, but it's as if she disappeared. He has come to the conclusion that she has finally left him. 
Luna, not sure what else to do, begins to scream his name. The tears streaming down her face in panic. She just wants out. That's all she wants. 
She pounds on the door, her throat hurting from the loud screams she's let out. The tears making it hard to keep on going; with one final knock, she lets herself slide to the floor.
Harry was about to descend the stairs when he hears a pounding on a door. It gives him chills; as much as it frightens him to go check it out, he has a gut feeling he has to. He goes right, the original way Luna went, and makes his way to the closed door. He takes a deep breath before turning the knob. 
Nothing happens. 
He takes a step back before pushing all his weight into the door, causing it to fly open. Harry scans the room quickly but sees nothing until he looks down and sees Luna hugging her knees.
Harry is quick to react. He's on his knees in front of her. "Luna, love, it's me, Harry. You're okay." 
She slowly lifts her head. "Harry." She croaks.
"Yes, it's me."
The tears begin once more. "The door was jammed. I was calling for you." She throws her arms around him wanting to be close, needing comfort even if he may not want to give it. 
"Thought you left me once you got the clue." He confesses as he runs his hand through her hair, he might have always wanted to do it, but not like this, never like this. 
"I'm not that mean, am I?" She looks up at him through her long thick eyelashes. A tear runs down her cheek.
He brings his hand up and gently wipes it away. "No, you're sweet and sassy and perfectly you. Not mean. Ya, hear me."
Luna nods. 
"Let's get out of here, okay. We need to figure out the clue now. Can't do it without your brains." He smiles at her dimples on display.
Luna smiles, he helps her out, and they walk out, Harry guiding her with a firm hand on her waist.
Once outside, the cold autumn wind hits them, and it's like Luna can finally breathe again. Harry guides them all the way to the sidewalk, where she hands him the clue. 
If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending.
"Sweets? There's a candy store, right?" Harry isn't sure, remembering seeing one. 
"It's named Annie's Sweets. Two streets from the library." 
"Well, lead the way, Buttercup." Harry links their hands together and begins walking forward is surprisingly the right direction. Luna stares down at their intertwined fingers, and it feels nice. 
Maybe, she's just a little touch starved. 
Luna is quiet, trying to think of anything but that moment she had in that house. She's going to give Caleb a lot of shit for that one. 
As they walk, Luna notices their hands are still together before pulling away. "Sorry." 
Harry shrugs. "Don't mind."
Luna frowns and looks straight ahead as they walk; he's confusing. Why is Harry acting sweet? A little too sweet. She intertwines her hands together in the front wanting the feeling of his hand in hers to disappear. 
"Are you going to tell the others about my crying? I get it if you do. Good story to get a laugh at me." She mumbles the last words. 
Harry grabs her arm, stopping her. She slowly raises her head to meet his eyes through the eye mask. His green eyes soft but filled with an emotion, she can't place. "I would never, what happened was not a laughing matter, this, all this tonight will stay between us, you good with that." 
Luna nods.
Harry clicks his tongue. "Verbal response." 
Her brown eyes go wide. "Yes, I'm good with that." 
Luna can't hide her surprise, and she knows Harry can see that. He's never acted so kind to her. It's a bit weird, but it beats the back and forth remarks. She's also sick of this façade of disliking him. It's exhausting now that she thinks about it. The banter is fun, but it always ends when it gets taken too far.  
"Harry, I know you hate me for some reason," She clears her throat before continuing. "But it's exhausting all the arguing. I'm great at it, but we've been at it for the two years we've known each other. You can keep hating me and not talking to me. I'm used to people not liking me. You won't be any different. We can co-exist in the same group."  
Harry scoffs, "You still don't get it."
She frowns. Get what? "You never gave us the chance to be friends. I'm giving you the chance to cut all ties while staying in the friend group." It's the most straightforward plan. It's honestly perfect.
"Luna, stop." 
She continues on. "Harry, seriously, you make me miserable, and I make-" He turns around, causing her to almost crash into him. 
"I like you." Luna knows the surprise is written all over her face. Harry's face is serious, no dimples insight and all his emerald eyes tell her is that he is full of frustration. "I like how beautiful and kind you are. How you don't let anyone walk over you and how you always manage to be the smartest person in any room."  
Harry likes her. Her. He likes her, and this was his way of interacting with her. He said she's smart, but honestly, nothing is making sense. She's confused; how does she feel? How long has he felt like this? Has it been since they were first introduced? 
Harry stands there staring at her, trying to see her give him any reaction, but all he gets is a blank stare. He clicks his tongue. "Alright." He turns on his heel and begins walking again.
Luna stares at him, walking away before shaking herself out of her thoughts and hurrying after him.
It's silent.
The quietest it's been all night, and she doesn't like it, but she's also not ready to address the bomb he dropped on her. 
At the start of the night, Luna believed he hated her. That he had hated her for the longest time only to find out he actually liked her. There is no way she'll bring it up, at least not yet. 
She cuts the tension in the way she knows best. 
"You could have at least grown the stache." He looks over at her, confused, not sure about what she just said or how she is brushing aside what he said. "The mustache adds to the character, and well, you don't have it."
Harry gasps. "I like my smooth face." She lets out the breath she was holding, thankful he went along. 
"Is that your way of saying you can't grow facial hair?"
"I can." 
She shrugs and nods. "Sure, Jan."
Harry is about to go off on her, but Luna runs ahead to the candy store entrance, walking in and letting the door shut behind her. 
He walks in after seeing that the store closes in twenty minutes; he finds Luna chatting with the cashier. He recognizes her as a girl he had in his intro to Psychology. She dropped out eight weeks in. He remembers because he lent her notes once and she had left coffee stains on them. As he reads on her name tag, the girl- Amy- was kind enough to pay him five dollars. Both girls don't acknowledge him, more into the conversation of Luna's costume and how pretty she looks in a crown. If Harry didn't know any better, he'd think Amy was flirting with her. Harry smirks but doesn't say anything waving at the girl before filling himself a bag of candy; he deserves it after all. 
"Amy was telling me Caleb came in a few days ago. Asked her on a date and they'll be going out next week. She thinks he's a proper cutie. Did you know her?" Luna tells him as she grabs the small tweezers to get a few sour gummy worms.
"Had her for a class first year, but she dropped out." Harry is focused on getting a few cherry sours in his bag. 
"Psychology. She was going through a rough time when she did it. Not that she ever needed the course. She's a theatre major now." 
"How do you know her?" He really is curious now, as she talks about her with familiarity. 
She drops a few Swedish Fish in the bag, sneaking one in her mouth, chewing it before moving along to add Tim Tams; he's never known for a candy store to have those. Then again, he's never been in this one. "She's my cousin. A year younger than us." 
"Why hadn't Caleb met her then if you've been friends for so long?" 
"God, you're a curious one, aren't you." She closes her bag and follows Harry as he fills his. He's going for Red Vines, nice and easy to snack on; Luna likes those only for movie nights for some bizarre reason she doesn't know. "I'm a protector of hearts. Amy is the sweetest person you'll ever meet, a real-life princess. Amy has been the sunshine in my life since she was born. I know Caleb, and he's going to fall in love with her, mark my words. I think they are a perfect match, but I also know not to meddle, which is why I wanted them to meet on their own." 
Harry smiles down at her. "Didn't know you could be so sweet, Buttercup." 
"Only to very few people." 
Luna places her bag on the scale, but her eyes go wide as she meets Amy's across the counter, realizing she doesn't have any money on her. Before she can even think about asking Harry, Amy saves the day. "Both your bags are covered. He knew whoever got this clue would most likely be buying, so he took care of it, more than enough actually." 
Luna rolls her head to look at Harry. "He's too kind." 
"What did the clue say?" Amy asks curiously. 
Harry and Luna's eyes go wide simultaneously. "Shit." He whispers before whipping out the slip of paper that led them there. "It says If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending." 
"The Pucker Powder!" Luna shouts, rushing over to the middle of the store where the machine of different flavors of powdered candy stands. There the clue is, under watermelon, Caleb's favorite. "I got it, Westley." 
Harry makes his way over to her waiting for her to read it, but Luna gestures for Amy to come listen as well, and she happily skips over. That's when Harry notices her costume; she's dressed in relaxed fitted jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and a faded brown leather jacket with leather boots. A charm hanging from her neck. "What are you dressed as?" He's confused. 
"Dean Winchester." She answers cheerfully. 
Luna feels Harry turn to look at her waiting for an explanation. "She's paired up with Caleb, He's Castiel, and she's Dean and together they are ‘Destiel’. A long-loved ship in the fandom of Supernatural.
He smiles. "You look great." 
"Don't worry, Ames, the reason we aren't friends, is that he doesn't watch." 
"It's not for everyone, Luna," Amy tells her before nudging her to read the clue. 
You swim to the bottom to find the other side but never come back up.
"Sound like the lake," Harry suggests. “Only source of water here.”
Luna nods, agreeing with him, as they head to the door. She stops, suddenly remembering something. "Do you need us to walk you home? You know how I feel about anyone walking out alone, especially tonight."
Amy blushes, looking down. "Caleb offered to walk me home, you know it's close by, and it's still a while until midnight." 
"Say no more, sweets." Luna leaves and follows behind Harry, as he now leads the way. 
It's a half-mile away, not too far but enough to have them silent for a while as they set a steady pace. 
Harry quite likes conversing with Luna and decides to ask her a question that's been on his mind since he saw her back at the apartment. 
"Why this costume, why Buttercup?"
Luna runs her hands down the front of the material, feeling the softness against her hands. "It was my favorite growing up. Still is, honestly. It's a nice story that gives you a bit of everything, romance, friendship, and adventure. Each character was on an adventure, and it brought them all together. Also, because I'd read it to Caleb during lunch breaks, we didn't feel like playing with others. I'd read because he had dyslexia and he grew a distaste for reading." Luna smiles fondly, thinking back to those simpler times. 
"I watched the movie for the first time last year." 
"Did you like it?" Her voice was full of curiosity. 
"Loved it." He tells her. 
She smiles, his answer filling her with joy. "Favorite part?" 
He hums, thinking it over for a second. "When she pushes him down the hill and finds out he's actually Westley." 
"Because he yells as you wish, rolling down." She grabs his arm in excitement, finishing the scene for him. 
Luna realizes what she's doing, and quickly let's go, muttering a small apology. "You're a romantic, Farm Boy."
"Not the first person who's told me." 
The walk to Orchid Lake continues in silence. A comfortable one, each one lost in their own head. Luna keeps playing one moment in her head, the moment Harry confessed his fondness of her, but it doesn't make sense. She replays every one of their interactions, and there is not one moment that stands out to her that proves he likes her. Harry introduced himself the first time but never once pursued a friendship or anything more. Luna is so lost in thought she doesn't realize they've arrived as she bumps into Harry's back as he stopped at the entrance. 
She walks ahead, and instead of walking to the trail in front of them, she goes right and takes a seat on the bench, it's a bit wet due to the mist filling the air, but she doesn't mind. 
"Uh, it's this way." Harry points, wanting to get a move on. 
Luna makes no moves to stand. She runs a hand down her face before letting it drop to her lap. "How is it that you hate, and you like me?" The question slips out before she can stop herself. 
Harry sighs, knowing the conversation is happening now. "Don't hate you." Harry is now standing in front of her, mask in his hand, wanting her to really look at him. "But, you hate me." 
Luna shakes her head, no. She's never hated anyone, she might have disliked Harry at one point, but honestly, they might have just misjudged each other. Harry gives her a look, one that tells her to be honest. 
"Okay, I didn't like you, but can you blame me?" 
"No, I understand completely." Luna stares at him, her eyes now locked with his.  
Harry lets out a deep breath. "I think you're an amazing person. You're kind and smart. Always volunteering to help others. You help set up study sessions for everyone." Luna keeps her eyes on him, not giving him a single expression. "Was mad you didn't treat me that way when we first met." He confesses. 
She nods, letting it sink it. "I've always included you, never not invited you." 
"I mean, you didn't try to get to know me." 
"Harry, I did when we first met." Luna is sure of this. 
"No, I would remember." He exclaims. 
"I'm not that memorable to you, it seems." She rolls her eyes. "Let me paint the picture for you. We are all hanging out in Mitch's apartment when you arrive a little later than the rest of us. A girl is hanging off your arm, not an inch of space between you. Kiersten, does that name ring a bell, Styles?" Luna knows it does. It's his ex, the only one she knows of. "She was rude to me the first time we met, when we were introduced to each other. You stood there and let her do that. Insulted me, and I was fuming. Mitch said you were a kind person and to give you a chance but letting someone treat someone else badly right in front of you, I wasn't so sure." 
Harry stays silent, letting her go on. "The second time we met, she made fun of Charlotte's outfit, and you just sat there. Char cried in the bathroom and then headed home for the night. From then on, I was neutral with you, not giving you anything to move forward on. The last straw was when it was Friday movie night in my apartment, and she tells you it's lame seeing movies together and that the apartment was trashy. You stood there, nodding along, and as soon as I saw you alone for a second, I let you know we wouldn't be friends because you were different than I expected.” Luna tries to calm her breathing, no point in losing control over the past. She's let it go, well, some of it. 
"She was bad. I broke up with her that night." 
"That's not the point. Even in doing that, you didn't apologize, but you did already decide on how you were going to keep treating me." 
Harry has no right answer because he was wrong. He messed up. "I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, and I'm sorry my apology is so late, but you do deserve it. No one should ever put up with someone else's crap, Luna." 
"Thank you, I appreciate that."
"Honestly, I feel terrible. I think I did it because you didn't treat me like the others and-" Harry stops. 
"Yet you never questioned why. You just acted, and well, I reacted." 
Harry sighs, upset that they could have been friends by now, heck even something more maybe. 
"Wait, Harry." 
"Yes, Luna." 
"What was your' and'?" She stands up, not sure what it could be. 
"Uh, I was going to have a conversation with you to see why you never talked to me and had worked up the courage to also ask you on a date, but I heard you were dating Calvin, so I sort of got jealous and well, yeah." 
"We went on one date." She emphasizes. "No sparks. Who even told you?" 
"Makes sense; she was jealous that Calvin asked me out. Seeing as he never once flirted with her. We're civil, but deep down, she doesn't like me." Luna isn't sure what went wrong with that friendship. 
They both let out deep breaths, thankful to have everything out in the open now, nothing hidden. A step forward. 
"I'm not that person," Harry tells her, needing her to know.
She smiles at him. "I know. You proved that today." 
"I hope I haven't offended you with my remarks." His smile was sheepish. 
"You haven't." 
"Luna," Harry chastises. 
"Okay, you have, but we can move past because it turns out you're actually really nice." She lowers her voice to a whisper. "And cause you like me." 
Harry blushes, his cheeks now a rosy red and not from the cold weather. "I plead the fifth." 
"Harry," She teases. 
"Lips sealed."
"Doesn't work if you confessed earlier." She reminds him.
Harry chooses to ignore her. Letting her words fall silent on him. "I know we have to get going, but can I do one thing before we do."
Luna nods, not sure what he wants to do. Harry takes a step forward until he is standing right in front of her. He pulls her in for a hug, his arms around her waist. She slowly raises her hands, being as gentle as she can about it. Their height difference makes her smile; her head reaches just under his chin. She hated it before, but now, in his arms, it's actually quite lovely. He's warm and not as firm as she thought he would be; it's like she's hugging a big teddy bear. 
Harry leans back, looking down at her, a shy smile on her face. His eyes flicker to her lips and back to her eyes, leaning in for a moment before stepping back. He clears his throat. "To the lake, Buttercup."
There's no fear as she walks to the bridge where the clue should be. It's dark, not much light guiding them besides the moon. Harry wanted to turn on his flashlight, but Luna knows it's best not to disturb their eyes with such a harsh light. 
Luna knows this path like the back of her hand. She comes here every morning, sometimes before sunrise, either for a run or walk but in the summertime, she'll even go in for a swim. The lake is well cared for by the community. There is just one house in the back of the property, and the old couple living there love the visitors. They teamed up with the university to set up students to be tour guides, and it's an excellent part-time job. There's a lot of good here. 
She's sure the clue is on the bridge because one time, Caleb got Luna so mad that she shoved him in. She can't even remember why she was angry, but Caleb surely does. She would bet her life on it. 
It's a wooden bridge, a bit old as it creaks under each step taken. It's low, as it sits on the side of the lake, four feet deep at most. She takes a lookout at the lake, the water showing a beautiful reflection of the bright full moon above their heads. 
Luna picks the paper taking a step closer to Harry so that they can read it together. 
"I was the embodiment of every writer's worst fear: A cliche."
"That's a book quote." Luna recognizes it, but not a single book comes to mind. "Let's head to the bookstore. It's fifteen minutes from here, but we can make it in ten." 
Harry lets her lead. They know time is counting down, not once having stopped to look at the time. Harry feels they might be falling behind with all the stops in between the clues, but he knows better than voice out his worries. 
"Do you recognize the quote?" Luna asks Harry to hand it over to him." 
Harry reads it over twice. "No." 
"I know it, but I can't figure out where. I've read one too many books." She crosses her arms across her chest in frustration. 
"Maybe it's one that you've read to him," Harry suggests. 
Luna looks up at him as if he just hung up all the stars in her name. "You're right. He set this all up." 
It's one she begged him not to make her read, but he gave her an offer she couldn't resist.
Luna picks up her pace; she's close to running but stops herself from doing so. 
"Wait up, it isn't going to run away." Harry huffs out. He thought he was in shape, but tonight has proved him wrong. It could also very well be the boots. 
"Farm Boy, put those legs to work!" She shouts, not at all looking back at him. She didn't have time for that. 
"I'm tired," Harry groans. "We've walked a lot.” 
"Please, we'll get something to eat after we win." She throws him a smile over her shoulder, and Harry happily returns it. 
"Deal." Luna is surprised at how quick he was to recover now next to her. She would have thought he was okay if it weren't for the deep breaths he was taking. "It can be our first date." 
Luna falters in her step. She recovers just as quickly, hoping Harry did not notice. It seems like he didn't. "Great joke, get serious." It's weird; she's feeling butterflies in her stomach at the prospect of what could be with Harry, a date. It doesn't sound so bad, but it's not her focus. 
Luna misses Harry frowning. He was serious, but he also understands they just came to a truce of sorts less than an hour ago. 
Walking into Read to Dream, the first thing Luna does is scan the clock. There are forty-five minutes until midnight. That is plenty of time to reach the last destination after retrieving the final clue. 
The bookstore is a family-owned place. Mrs. Bennet, the owner, will be sure to pass it down to one of her grandchildren. Seeing as her children didn't take an interest, but dear Clara has. Clara is Mason's younger sister. She recently turned seventeen, meaning she's now allowed to close shop independently, seeing as her grandmother lives right above. 
The bookstore is what everyone likes to call an organized mess. There are many books on shelves in their respected genre and ordered alphabetically. Still, there are also books on chairs that no one ever seems to touch, the books on top of the bookcases that don't fit, and the books in the back that are stacked in rows in a rainbow color because they don't have a specific genre. Luna spent many summer days here, this was her first job at fifteen, wanting to have more liberty and Mrs. Bennet was kind enough to hire her on. From time to time, she comes in to have tea with her or even volunteer her time around. It's one of her happiest places. 
"Hello, tootsie!" Luna bounces over to Clara going around the counter to give her a hug. 
"Lunes, it's great to see you. You look gorgeous. Red is definitely your color." Clara gushes. 
"Thank you, I'd love to chat more, but I'm on the hunt for a book." Luna turns to scan the store as if it would stand out to her.
Clara nods. "That I can help with.”
"Gone Girl"
"Three aisles down, second row." 
Luna quickly thanks her, and Harry follows after her. Harry's stuck on the fact that she seems to know everyone they encounter. He's never seen a person as social and kind as her. 
"You read Gone Girl aloud to him." Harry finally processes the information that was given a few minutes prior. 
"He paid me to." Luna defends.
"How much?" 
"In lunch for an entire semester." Luna finds the book and begins to flip through it knowing it must be stuck in there. 
"Got it!" Luna cheers. She pulls it out and hands it to Harry. He opens it, and that's when her eyes catch sight of the second piece of paper. This one is pale yellow, meaning it's not a clue and specifically for her. Luna slips it under her sleeve, careful not to have it fall out. 
Evil lurks at midnight. I invite you to join me when they begin to rise.
The cemetery. A chilling place to end the night, but a perfect place to be crowned winners. 
"It's a twenty-minute walk from here," Luna informs Harry, putting the book away and heading to the front. 
"I've never been to the cemetery." Harry decides to tell her. 
"It's not as creepy looking as you would think." 
"Don't believe you," He mutters. 
They say goodbye to Clara and begin the walk to the final spot of the night. 
"Ready to win?" She smiles up at Harry, buzzing with adrenaline, knowing how close they are. 
"Yeah, I am." 
As much as Luna wants to run to the cemetery, she wants to enjoy the last alone time she will have with Harry. She knows they are going to be friends after this. She lets herself fall behind a few steps and pulls out the slip of paper. She unfolds it, and it reads, "You can thank me by making me the man of honor." She blushes, but Caleb might be right, and she honestly hopes he might be. Luna can deny how she feels all she wants, but tonight proved something there, something he saw long before she did. 
Something that had been hiding there for quite some time.  
This could very well be the night that changed it all, the story they tell their grandchildren. That stops her letting out a gasp loud enough to grab Harry's attention. A few hours ago, she couldn't stand him and now is thinking about a future with him, and all Luna wants to know is how she let these feelings grow without really noticing. 
"You alright, Luna?" Harry looks concerned. 
No future talk, not now, at least. First, they will win, and then they both can go from there. 
"Luna, love. Times ticking." Harry teases. 
Luna starts forward once more, not having noticed how close they actually are from the entrance. She passes Harry and is now running. "Pick up the pace, Farm Boy." She's gaining lots of distance from him. 
"You can't beat me, Buttercup," Harry says, beginning to catch up, now right behind her. 
Luna lets out a loud laugh causing her to slow down. "We're on the same team, Westley." 
Harry laughs, pulling ahead, but grabbing her arm, making her run even faster. They turn the corner, and that's when she sees Caleb's car and knows the entrance is right ahead where he has to be waiting. 
Caleb is leaning against the rusted golden fence. Evergreen Cemetery, the name on the arch staring down at them. Caleb raises his head, looking away from his phone as he hears footsteps hitting the pavement. 
"Inconceivable!" Caleb shouts as Harry and Luna stand in front of him, out of breath but smiling. "You have arrived with ten minutes to spare, but I hate to inform you-" Luna's smile drops, and Harry can only frown, a profound bit of sadness forming in his stomach.
Caleb bends over, laughing. He wishes he could have recorded that. "I'm only playing. Of course, you won." 
Luna punches his shoulder. "Jerk." 
"Hey, be nice," Caleb backs away, his hands up in defense. "Winners aren't mean." 
"They are if it's to their best friend." Harry laughs, knowing Caleb deserves the well-given punch he received. 
"Honestly, I wasn't too sure you'd win, considering you two aren't- or weren't the best of buddies." Caleb nods his head to their connected pinkies. Harry blushes but makes no move to pull away. Luna tries, but Harry tightens his hold, and well who is she to fight him. 
"Look who's here," Caleb says, looking over their shoulder. 
It's Mitch and Ollie rushing over, a frown on both their faces as Luna and Harry step to the side so Caleb can adequately thank them for being the first losers. 
Mitch scoffs, a smirk forming on his face. "No surprise, they won. Harry would do anything to see Luna smile."
Harry's cheek goes red, but Luna carries on her conversation with Caleb feigning as if she didn't hear a word Mitch said. 
As time clicks closer to midnight, the teams begin to trickle in. Daniel and Calvin come in with five minutes to spare. Mason and Charlotte right on their heels, and at 11:59, barely making it on time are Justine and Abby. There were many mixed emotions as they found out Luna and Harry were the winners. A few eye rolls (Abby) and lots of cheers. 
Caleb has quieted everyone down, as it is now time to crown the winners, and Luna is buzzing with excitement. She might not have won with Caleb by her side, but Harry was just as great as Caleb, if not better. 
"I am proud to crown Luna and Harry, the winners of the Halloween Scavenger Hunt 2020," Caleb yells, having everyone break out into collective cheers. Luna blows kisses to her group of friends, a large smile on her face. 
Charlotte steps forwards and places a jeweled crown on her head. Luna thanks her softly and watches as she does the same to Harry. He bends down so that Charlotte doesn't need to reach up to place it on him. He has a broad smile on his face, he glances at Luna, causing her to go a deep red, but all he does is give her a cheeky wink. Caleb hands over two yellow envelopes, Winner, written on the front, and in each is the $250 prize money. 
It's $500 total, but it's split because of groups. She's not sure who decided everyone put in $50 to get a nice prize out of it instead of just bragging rights, but Luna was thankful for whoever did.
"Speech, please," Caleb says, backing away to stand with the others.  
Harry nods at her asking if she'd like to go first, but she shakes her head no. He clears his throat and puts on a charming smile, always quick to dazzle a crowd. "This year, I was not expecting to partner up with the best at the game, but I am glad she drew out my name. Luck was honestly on my side." He turns his head to find Luna already staring at him. "I can happily say that I'd do it all over again with Luna by my side." Shoots her a smile before locking eyes with their friends. "As now reigning three-time champion, I'm proud to have been at her side. Her brains and my looks won us this hunt." He fakes a hair flip causing Luna and Caleb to let out a giggle simultaneously. She nudges him gently, shaking her head at his antics. 
Harry smiles at her waiting for her to now start hers. She blushes under his intense gaze wishing he'd direct it elsewhere. 
Luna knows they are waiting for her to share, but she's stuck in a trance staring into Harry's emerald eyes. She thinks back to the evening's start in Mitch's living room and the promise she made to Harry if they won. 
Without thinking twice, she steps close to Harry, closing the small distance between them. Luna brings up her right hand to gently cradle his cheek and as for permission. He gives her the slightest nod, and in the next second, her lips are on his. Harry reacts quickly, wrapping his arms around her waist, needing her close, not all believing it's actually happening. 
Harry's lips are soft, his mouth tasting like cherry from the gummies they bought earlier in the night. The butterflies in her stomach are going crazy, trying to find an escape. Harry lets out a small moan. That's when she knows it's time to pull away. Luna rests her hands on his chest, feeling how fast his heart is reacting to the kiss. 
Luna turns to face her friends,  not caring how they were all witnesses to their first kiss. "I told Harry if we won that I'd kiss him, and well, I'm not one to go back on my word." 
Caleb cheers and starts to clap, not at all trying to hide his excitement. Everyone else joins in the hollers, only getting louder, causing Luna to drop her head to rest on Harry's chest as she takes in her friend's excitement, knowing the teasing will soon be next. Harry has not removed his hands from her waist, liking how close she is. Luna doesn't mind it either. It feels quite nice.  
"Alright, let's head to the diner where we'll buy the winner's food." Caleb begins ushering everyone to the cars. He got Amy's help bringing over Mitch and Charlotte's car which is how they will be leaving, finally the end to all the walking.
Luna and Harry are still wrapped in each other's arms, not at all ready to move. Caleb is waiting for them at the small cobblestone entrance.
"We'll meet you there." Luna knows they have no transportation, the diner being close to their apartment that is a good two miles away. 
Caleb nods, stepping closer to toss his keys to her. She catches them with ease. "I'll be riding with Mitch." 
They watch the two cars drive away before turning her attention back to Harry. 
"What a night." 
She nods in agreement, happy that the hunting is over and can now relax. 
"Favorite part?" Harry asks.
She thinks it over for a second before responding, "The haunted house."
"Really." Her answer really surprises Harry, and he doesn't try to hide it. 
Luna shrugs. "Think that's what broke the tension between us; otherwise, we'd still be bickering." Getting locked in a room was not fun, but Harry coming to look for her and help her showed her a side she hadn't seen before. It was worth it, but would most definitely not do it again. "And yours?" 
He leans down to whisper in her ear. "When you kissed me." 
Luna nods, "That was a nice moment, huh." 
"Care to do it again?" 
"Only," Luna pauses before leaning close to Harry. She feels his breath against hers, mixing together. "If you would agree to dress up with me next year." 
"Done deal." Harry answers. His lips are on hers once more. Harry has a hand on her cheek, deepening the kiss, not ever wanting to pull away. "We could be Noah and Allie from The Notebook."
Luna breaks the kiss. "Gross, please take that back." 
"What's wrong? It's my favorite movie." 
"Why?" Luna asks in disgust. "Allie cheats on her fiancé. Sure, they have true love, but cheating should never be condoned, especially in a love story. Sure the book showed their growth and maturity, but you're not talking about the book. I shall not do it, not ever." 
"Guess you just won our first fight, Buttercup." Harry smiles. 
"First? We've had over five hundred!" Luna tells him. "Now, kiss me again because I won." 
"If we're kissing after each fight, then I owe you over five hundred." Luna shuts Harry up by connecting their lips. She knows kissing Harry will never get old, neither will these pointless arguments that will be forgotten seconds later. 
"Enough of giving these dead people a show. Let's go eat." 
"As you wish." 
Luna gasps, pressing her right hand against her heart dramatically. "Are you saying you love me?" She clears her throat, scrunching up her face in apology. "This might be a little awkward then." She points between them both. 
Harry stops walking, throwing his head back, letting out a loud groan of frustration. "You're a pain in my ass." 
Luna giggles. "Would you want it any other way?"
Harry grins, looking down at her soft brown eyes. "No." He responds honestly.  
Pinkies linked together, bumping into each other randomly to see who stumbles the most, Luna and Harry walk out of the cemetery forever thankful for this Halloween night. 
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I love you! 
Thank you for reading, come chat the hunt with me
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 4 years
Hey, y’all! Stories Update!!
Hey, y’all. So, I know I haven’t exactly been posting much on here lately. I’ve, in a way, taken a small break from writing my Negan/JDM stories for a bit. But, that doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped writing. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! I just wanted to let y’all know that I haven’t stopped writing. In fact, I’ve been working on stories with @mychemicalimagines and @supernaturalwritingbunker. I decided I would let you know what they were, in case y’all wanted to go check ‘em out! If you love my Negan writing, feel free to check out these other stories I’ve worked on/been working on! They’re listed in alphabetical order, based on the first name then by the first name of the fic, unless otherwise stated (i.e. the Jasper Hale “You’re My…” Series). Stories we haven’t posted yet don’t have links, but everything else does. I’m hoping that I’ll get some more inspiration to keep writing for Negan here soon. We’ll see! Stay safe. Stay negative of Corona. Have fun! And as always, feel free to reach out and talk. I’m here. I just might not always reply back right away. 
*For the stories listed below, I’ve separated based on which blog it’s from, and whether it’s a movie or show fic. Beyond that. I’ve separated them based on which show or movie it is, and if applicable, I’ve indicated if it’s a series or not. I’ve included the title of the story, what it’s status is (finished, in progress, or on hiatus), how many chapters there are, and the relationship pairings. If it’s on hiatus, the main reason for that, unless otherwise indicated, is that we just aren’t quite ready to finish that particular story. It’s like having a kid, watching it grow, and then them being all grown up. You wanna hold onto that innocence for as long as you can. XD Another reason that they might be on hiatus is we just haven’t had any mojo for writing it. Now, for the “in progress” stories, we are still writing those, but, some haven’t been updated in awhile because they aren’t getting enough love for us to want to continue. If you read one of them, and decide you love it, please leave feedback so we can continue it for you!
Taglist: @negans-network @prettyboynegan @mychemicalimagines @spnnnxangelsx @rockinkel21 @misskittycat02 @band--psycho@ofxallxwexlost @iron-halt @thamberlinawrites @ravenwings73 @lettherebepink @stoneyggirl @sebs-padawan @cladd716
Stories with @mychemicalimagines:
American History X: Derek Vinyard 1. Changed Forever - One Shot - Derek Vinyard x Reader
American Pie: Chris “Oz” Ostreicher  1. Slice of Pie - In Progress - 5 of 8 Chapters - Chris “Oz” Ostreicher x OFC (Jacqueline Levenstein)
The Breakfast Club: Andrew Clark 1. Fighting Brought Me to You - On Hiatus - 2 of ? Chapters - Andrew Clark x OFC (Emily Marksman)
Final Destination: Ian McKinley 1. Are We Friends? Nope...More - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader 2. Together, We Can Survive Anything - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader 3. Together, We’ll Survive Anything (Part 2)  - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader
Friday the 13th V: Roy:  1. Friday the 13th V: Roy’s P.O.V. 
Halloween:  Tommy Doyle Once A Month - One-Shot - Tommy Doyle x Reader
The Hangover: Phil Wenneck  1. Doctor’s Orders for a Hangover - Finished - 17 of 17 Chapters & 1 bonus photos post) - Phil Wenneck x OFC (Emily Billings)
Harry Potter: Harry Potter 1. Loving the Boy-Who-Lived - In Progress - ? of ? Chapters - Harry Potter x OFC (Kelsey Weasley)
House of Wax: Nick Jones 1. Protected by Love - Finished - 17 of 17 Chapters - Nick Jones x OFC (Melissa Felton)
IT: Ben Hanscom  1. Ageless Love - Finished - 12 of 12 Chapters - Ben Hanscom x OFC (Emily Tozier)
Reggie “Belch” Huggins 1. A Bets a Bet - One shot - Reggie “Belch” Higgins x Reader
Richie Tozier 1. Richie...Married? - One Shot - Adult!Richie Tozier x Reader 2. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - One Shot - Teenage!Richie Tozier x Reader
Stanley Uris 1. Best Friend...Forever - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader 2. Shower Caps - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader 3. Our Fights Don’t Last Long - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader
IT: Chapter Two: Ben Hanscom 1. Forever Love - In Progress - 3 of ? Chapters - Ben Hanscom x OFC (Emily Tozier)
Jumanji: Anthony “Fridge” Johnson 1. Welcome to the Jungle - In Progress - 2 of ? Chapters - Anthony “Fridge” Johnson x OFC (Emily Gilpin)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Will Turner Pillaged Love - In Progress - 2 of ? Chapters - Will Turner x OFC (Emily Swann)
Scream: Billy Loomis 1. All Just a Scary Movie - Finished - 5 of 5 Chapters - Billy Loomis x OFC (Lindsey Prescott)
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Punished by the Big O - One Shot - Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher (Contains Smut)
Twilight: Carlisle Cullen 1. Love As Old As Time - In Progress - ? of ? Chapters - Carlisle Cullen x OFC (Elizabeth Clarke)
Edward Cullen  1. Lost In Silence - In Progress - 1 of ? Chapters - Edward Cullen x OFC (Gabriella Swan)
Embry Call 1. Everything Changed - On Hiatus - 5 of ? Chapters - Embry Call x OFC (Hayley Uley) 2. Holly or Jolly? - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Embry Call x Reader 
Emmett Cullen 1. Girl Almighty - On Hiatus - 3 of ? Chapters - Emmett Cullen x OFC (Jade Stanley)
Jasper Hale: 1. She’s The Original - One-Shot - Jasper Hale x Reader 2. You’re My...Series (In Order) (MOST POPULAR) 2a. You’re My Monster - Finished - 8 of 8 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC)  2b. You’re My Love - Finished - 7 of 7 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC) 2c. You’re My Major - Finished - 6 of 6 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC) 2d. You’re My Forever - Finished - 11 of 11 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC)
Paul Lahote Imprinting Changes a Man - On Hiatus - 6 of ? Chapters - Paul Lahote x OFC (Melissa Black)
T.V. Shows:
Criminal Minds Derek Morgan 1. Stealing Hearts - In Progress - 3 of ? Chapters - Derek Morgan x OFC (Dr. Lily Sanderson)
Spencer Reid 1. Eggnog - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Spencer Reid x Reader
FRIENDS  Chandler Bing  1. Coal - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Chandler Bing x Reader
NCIS Tony DiNozzo  1. Scared, But Safe - One-Shot - Tony DiNozzo x Reader
The Office: Jim Halpert 1. Happens Like That - On Hiatus - 9 of ? Chapters - Jim Halpert x OFC (Melissa Ford)
Sons of Anarchy Jax Teller 1. Patched...But Not Broken - Finished - 5 of 5 Chapters - Jax Teller x OFC (Melissa Winston)
The Walking Dead: Negan “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” - One-Shot - Modern Santa!Negan AU - Negan x Reader (I know this is already in my masterlist, but it is a story I worked on with @mychemicalimagines, so I felt it only right to include it here!)
Rick Grimes 1. Always My World- In Progress - 7 of ? Chapter - Rick Grimes x OFC (Emily Walsh) 2. I Found You - One-Shot - RickGrimes x Daughter!Reader (non-romantic, paternal relationship ONLY)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan: 1. Baby Negan In The Making - One-Shot - Jeffrey Dean Morgan x OFC (Unnamed wife) 
Johnny Knoxville  1. In Sickness and In Health  - One-Shot - Johnny Knoxville x Reader
Stories with @supernaturalwritingbunker:
T.V. Shows:
Supernatural Dean Winchester 1. Apple Pie Life - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader 2. Dinner Date with the Winchesters - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader 3. Self-Esteem - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader  4. Published Before Editing - In Hiatus - 1 of ? Chapters - Dean Winchester x OFC (Emily Morgan) 5. Can’t Stop Loving You - ? of ? Chapters - Dean Winchester x OFC (Michaela “Mickey” Storm)
Sam Winchester 1. Take Back Home Girl - One-Shot - Sam Winchester x Reader 2. Repeated Words - One-Shot - Sam Winchester x Reader
Jensen Ackles 1. Social Media Love - Social Media!AU - 1 of 1 Chapters (18 Photos) - Jensen Ackles x OFC (Hazel Armstrong)
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
For mermay I would love to see some Danbrey for 24 (lighthouse)!
Here you go! I went with SFW for this one
“You excited honeysuckle?” Her father sets her sleeping bag out on the floor.
“Yes” Dani manges her bravest smile. She’s never slept anywhere but their little house on the cliffs, and the lighthouse, with its echoing stairs and lack of true darkness, is the opposite of that.
“It’ll be fun. Like a camp out. I can even make s’mores over the stove.”
“Okay.” She sets her backpack on the floor, then follows him to the kitchen. At nine, she can already tell when her parents are doing their best, can spot the way her father carries himself when he’s tired but trying not to show it.
He makes them dinner, canned chili with goldfish crackers, and gives her a little tour. When it’s time for bed, he tucks her in, handing her the Totoro plush she sleeps with.
“When is mom coming back?”
Her father sighs, “Two weeks, assuming your grandma gets better at the speed they’re expecting. Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll recover even faster than that.”
Dani nods. Her teacher expressed surprise that Dani was staying here and not taking the trip with her mom. The given reason was the gated community didn’t allow children to stay that long. But Dani knows the truth; her grandparents don’t like her dad. And because Dani is the result of her mom loving and staying with her dad, they don’t like her, either.
He kisses her forehead, makes her promise for the bajillionth time that she won’t go in the water, and tells her goodnight.
She’s looking for seashells when it happens. Living by the sea means she knows not to turn her back on it. Too bad the wave hits her from the side, carried up and over the nearby rock and knocking her into the surf. She scrambles up, spluttering, touches her neck, and feels like she’s going to throw up. Her bracelet, the one mom gave her for luck, is gone.
“Oh no, oh no, where are you, oh no”
“Um, are you looking for this?” A girl watches her from the surf, bracelet dangling from her hand.
“Ohmygosh” She snatches the jewelry away, holding it to her chest, “thank you. It’s from my mom and, uh, and I try to be careful but it’s hard sometimes.”
“I get that.” The girl holds up a necklace, “this is from my mom. It’s like one she wears; she says I can have the real one when I’m older. Can I come on the beach?”
Dani nods, then gasps as the girl joins her. She’s seen mermaids in books or that pirate movie her mom watches sometimes. But they’re always grown ups with long hair, pale skin, and green tails. This mermaid is the same age as Dani, her dark skin dotted with freckles and her black held in place with pieces of coral. Her tail is shimmering red and black, the prettiest thing Dani’s ever seen.
“You’re a mermaid.” Dani says, because she can’t think of what else to say.
“Yeah. And you’re a human. Why are you here? It’s usually just that guy.”
“That’s my dad. I’m staying with him.”
“Do you wanna hang out?”
“Yes! Wait, how’s that going to work? I’m not allowed to swim around the lighthouse.”
“I’m allowed to be on the beach, so we’re good.”
“Okay” Dani grins, excited, before her dad’s voice carries down the beach, calling her to come in, “shoot, I have to go.”
“Okay, byyyyyeee!” The mermaid waves as Dani hurries up the sand, and is gone when she turns around for a final look.
“Got any tens?”
“Go fish.”
Aubrey draws another card, “I still think it’s weird that you don’t really fish during this game.”
“You’re just grumpy you’re losing.” Dani teases. Aubrey sticks her tongue out. Dani responds in kind.
“When your dad finally lets you swim, we’re gonna play it my way and I’ll kick your tail. Legs?”
Aubrey snickers, wiggles closer on the warm sand. They’ve found a patch of beach that isn’t immediately visible from land or sea, meaning Aubrey isn’t in danger of being seen and Dani isn’t breaking her promise to her dad to stay out of the water.
“If you come to the beach near my house, I can swim there. But I’m still not allowed to swim alone. I could drown.”
The mermaid purses her lips, “I wouldn’t let you drown.
“I don’t think my mom would believe me if I said I had a mermaid helping me.”
“Man, why can’t humans just have tails? Or, like, fins.”
“I think then we’d just be mermaids. Don’t worry; I’ll get to swim on my own when I’m older and we can play in the water then.”
“FINALLY!” Aubrey raises her arms triumphantly as Dani wades into the surf. It took four years and passing a survival swimming course for her parents to be okay with her swimming alone. The smile on Aubrey’s face makes the weeks pretending to swim in a riptide worth it.
“Do you wanna race? Ooh, or I could show you the ray nest, or we could go look for otters-”
“Let’s start with a race. I’ve been waiting years to kick your tail.”
The mermaid’s smile takes on a competitive edge, “last one to that rock is a rotten urchin!”
With that, she splashes Dani with her tail and zooms through the water. Dani dives forward after her, but even with her newfound swimming skills she makes it to the rock a good ten seconds after her friend.
“Best two out of three?” She says the moment she comes up for air.
“You’re on.”
Best two out of three becomes best out of ten, and on number ten Dani plays dirty, throwing her arms around Aubrey’s waist when she manages to catch her. Her friend shrieks with laughter, spinning and chasing Dani towards shore. The human slips and Aubrey tackles her, sand clinging to both of them as they roll onto their sides, cackling into the salt air.
They stay on the sand until it gets dark, counting stars and holding hands until Dani has to go home.
Dani’s trying not to panic; it’s not the first time Aubrey’s missed meeting her. Sometimes the mermaid gets called away for lessons or has last minute things to take care of, and they haven’t figured out a way to get messages between underwater and above it (they tried a supposedly waterproof cellphone but it only lasted an hour). But it’s been three days without a single sign of her friend.
As she’s contemplating getting the boat her dad uses for fishing on his days off and going further out to look for her, Aubrey surfaces. Even before they reach each other, it’s obvious Aubrey’s been crying.
Dani kneels in the soaked sand, opening her arms, and Aubrey burrows into them, salt water of two kinds dripping onto Dani’s jacket.
Her friend hides her face against her neck, “Mom’s gone. There, there was an accident and she, she didn’t-” it cuts off in a sob.
Dani holds her tighter, strokes her hair, murmurs, “I’m so sorry” as Aubrey shakes in her arms. The wind whips around them, stinging her cheeks, chilling her fingers. She doesn’t care. Aubrey needs her.
“Ta-dah!” Aubrey produces a massive clam with a flourish, narrowly avoiding sending water onto the slices of cake Dani smuggled down to the beach.
“Aw, thanks Aubrey, you didn’t have to--holy crap!” She gawps as Aubrey opens the clam, revealing a pearl necklace.
“Like it? It took me, like, a year to get them all. Had to fight a few otters for some of the oysters.”
“Kidding!” Aubrey flops her head into Dani’s lap, “I’d never bug the otters; Dr. Harris Bonkers would never forgive me for bothering his friends.”
Dani clasps the necklace in place, rests a hand on Aubrey’s tail. She traces figure eights on it, smiling when her friend sighs and nuzzles her stomach.
“You’re the best, Aubrey.”
“Thanks. I, um, I just wanted you to have something to remember me by.”
Her heart turns to an iceberg, “You’re leaving?”
“What? No!” Aubrey sits up, bringing them face to face, “you’re eighteen now. That’s when humans leave home.”
Dani giggles, “Not automatically. I haven’t made up my mind if I want to leave Kepler or not. I might just stay in town; I like it here, and Mama offered me a job manning the community gardens.”
Aubrey’s tail flutters, “Um, I have another point in the stay category.”
“Yeah? Oh” Dani sighs as Aubrey cups her cheek and guides her into a kiss. When Dani deepens it, Aubrey trills, shifting so she’s in Dani’s lap and draping her arms over her shoulders.
“Well?” Aubrey whispers, brushing their noses together.
“Definitely a convincing point, cutie pie.”
Aubrey trills again, knocking her backwards and kissing her senseless in the sand.
Much of Kepler is surprised when, upon his retirement, the lighthouse keeper announces his daughter will be taking his place. After all, why would a charming young woman want such a job?
The charming young woman isn't particularly interested in their speculation. If she took the job in order to be closer to her wife well, that's her business, now isn't it?
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drakesdevils · 4 years
The Five Stages of Grief (Sam Drake x Reader) PART TWO
Summary: Samuel Drake is dead to the world, stuck in a prison for a crime he did not commit for the rest of eternity.
Uncharted Masterlist
RDR2 Masterlist
Of The Valley (Joel x Reader Masterlist)
Two years stuck with Rafe Adler. Two years of living in Scotland in a grand apartment he hated. Two years of having to see Rafe’s smug face every month while Sam busted his ass looking in the Saint Dismas Cathedral. Just when he thought he was free, he was practically owned by Rafe. He had no personal money and nowhere to go so he stayed.
Most nights he drowned himself in booze, hookers, nicotine, anything that would quell the ache in his heart. After years and years of solitude, Sam thought he deserved the party. Rafe didn’t care that Sam spent his money on such foolish things, he was filthy rich, Sam bought more cigarette boxes than he could count, a pack of cigarettes in prison was like a goldbar, so he stocked up on them to feel rich. Force of habit. But it did not stop the guilt, it felt wrong to sleep with other women, it felt wrong to drink without you. He missed you, he did, but he knew that chapter was over.
But eventually he got tired of it, he had found enough clues to gather his own case and look for Henry Avery’s treasure with Nathan. He had been keeping tabs on Nathan, it was true, he had been married, worked for some diving company. He had even found a few of Nathan’s old contacts, a flirtatious woman named Chloe and a brute British man named Cutter. He had them both sworn to secrecy, both of them would rather Nathan be oblivious and remain in his happy, boring, normal life.
He was too afraid to look you up.
Sam felt guilty about coming so abruptly into Nathan’s life again. It wasn’t fair, he knew that, but Rafe did not deserve the treasure and it was him and his brother’s legacy to find it. He wondered how Nathan would react to finding out his older brother was alive.
He tracked down Saint Dismas’ cross weeks ago. So here he stood, knocking on his little brother’s work, early in the morning. His heart was pounding wildly.. he was finally seeing Nathan. Guilt wrecked havoc inside of him, he knew it was wrong to lie to him, to come so suddenly back into his life. But Sam needed the adventure, it was selfish but he had earned it.
“We’re not open yet,” Nathan called out.
It was really him.
Sam knocked again, louder.
“We’re closed!” Nathan shouted back.
Sam knocked insistently.
“Come on, man, alright! I’m coming, I’m coming..” Nathan huffed. He heard the door click..
“Yeah, can I help you?”
“Yeah I’m uh, looking for my little brother. He’s about your height, a little bit leaner, definitely less grays in the temple.”
Nathan’s eyes were wide, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Hearing Nathan say his name again was like music to his ears, he never even thought he would see him again. Nathan was older now, he looked different but it was still him. He was still his baby brother.
“It’s good to see you again, Nathan.”
“And you’re sure he’s in this motel?” You confirmed, Elena nodded, anger spread across her face. She was so disappointed in him.
“I’m certain. A name was registered under ‘Harry Flynn’.”
“Really? He chose Flynn?” You rolled your eyes. Elena shot you a look, not the time for jokes..
You walked her to the motel, you managed to bribe the receptionist for a key to the room. King’s Bay was humid, your clothes stuck to you making every movement more uncomfortable.
Elena called you two nights ago, she explained that she believed Nathan was lying to her, and that Sully had all but confirmed it. Sully didn’t outright say yes or no, but she knew. You lived in New Orleans with them, a few streets over from their house. Elena was your best friend. Nathan was like your brother. So, here you were, King’s Bay. Walking into a rundown motel, ready to confront her idiot husband. You were upset with Nathan too, especially for hurting Elena. There was shitstorm brewing, and you would undoubtedly take Elena’s side.
Elena looked back at you, you looked at her with sympathy.
“Good luck,” You said to her, giving her a quick hug. She nodded and shut the door, you went around the corner to wait for her.
God, Nathan was so dumb, you leaned against the wall and waited. King’s Bay was nice this time of the year, besides the humidity. Maybe if things got messy you would take a walk around the block. What Nathan and Elena were about to step into was personal.. you didn’t want to be anywhere near that right now.
A motorcycle pulled up to the motel, you heard Nathan begin talking. Something about a chase? Shoreline? What the hell was he going on about? You didn’t want to risk it, they could easily spot you if you even popped your head around the corner.
They entered the room.
Silence for a few minutes, you tapped your foot nervously. Elena needed you right now. The humidity was especially suffocating, or maybe it was because you were anxious too.
Then you heard her exit quietly and you let our the breath you had been holding.
“Elena!” You called out to her. “What happened?”
Elena continued walking, she wanted to get as far away from that room as possible. “He lied to me, again. All he does is lie,” She said bitterly fighting back tears.
You walked quickly to catch up with her stride, you were around the corner before she spoke again.
“I- I can’t do this anymore,” She told you, her voice cracking. She shook her head in disbelief.
“Elena, just breathe. What happened?” You said calmly, glancing back at the room.
“He’s looking for some pirate treasure - Henry Avery.”
Henry Avery..? Sam’s, Henry Avery? What the hell was going on.
“And, now he has a brother?” She breathed out.
“What?” Nathan brought up Sam?
“He told me his name is Sam. Nathan looks just like him,” Elena replied, she watched the confusion fill your eyes.
“He showed you a photo of Sam?”
“No, he’s in there. In the room.” She pointed to the motel.
You were speechless, you stared at the door. It couldn’t be true. There was no way.
“What’s going on?” Elena asked, she was the one being kept in the dark.
“I-“ You were at loss of words. There was no way he was in there, it simply wasn’t possible. Sam Drake was dead, you buried him years ago, but your eyes were fixed on the door. There was no way..
“Who is Sam?” She repeated, she was becoming worried.
“Sam is Nathan’s older brother.. he died years ago in a Panamanian jail.. Nathan and I don’t like talking about him,” You confessed, snapping out from your trance to look at her.
Her brows furrowed in confusion.
“We were dating.. And then fifteen years ago he died.. he told me was going to marry me after he found Henry Avery’s treasure.” Sam Drake was dead.. he died years and years ago.
“It’s not possible.. he’s dead, Elena. Sam is dead and he’s been that way for a long time.” You blinked back tears, and yet your eyes kept trailing to that door.
“He’s in there. Sully even told me that it was him.”
“It can’t be true,” You mumbled.
“Just.. go, I’ll be waiting here for you,” She urged you to go to the door.
You nodded, that door felt like miles away, it felt like every step you took it got farther. Until you were right in front of it.
There’s no way..
You knocked.
“Elena?” Nathan opened the door quickly, expecting to see her instead.
You gathered your thoughts.
“Elena.. told me that she saw Sam.”
“Yeah, yeah she did..” Nathan trailed off, his voice quiet.
“What?” You could feel the tears coming on strong now.
“Sam?” Nathan turned around and called out his name.
Nathan moved out of the way, and suddenly there he was.
Now you were truly speechless.
“No.. I.. I buried you a long time ago.”
“I’m still here.” It was like your hearts were beating as one, you couldn’t believe it, Sam was really here.
Tears fell from your eyes like silent raindrops.
“I’m home. I came back like I said.”
Sam promised you that he would come back and marry you.. except he lied. Nathan never told you the details of what happened to save your sanity.. but you assumed it was not a peaceful death. It kept you up at night.. thinking of how Sam probably suffered.
He stepped closer to you, walking slowly and fragile, like you were going to shatter.
“I lived. Doctor patched me up and threw me back in,” He explained, he was right in front of you. You wanted to reach out and touch him, just to make sure he was real.
“If I knew you were still alive, I would-” Your voice broke.
“Shh.. I know. I know. I don’t blame you for anything.”
He pulled you into a hug. He was real.. he felt the same, his hug was still strong and secure and safe. He still smelt the same, he still loved you the same.
“God, I missed you so much,” You sobbed into his chest, he brushed your hair down. You were out of a sync without him.
Sam was dreading the day he would have had to knock on your door and disrupt everything, but instead, you knocked on his. He was scared to face you, to see how you changed without him. It was supposed to be you and him against the world.
Sam asked Nathan not to talk about you when they were in Italy.. Nathan was confused but he agreed. It was too painful for Sam to hear how you had gone to live your life without him in it.
“I missed you too,” He replied. It felt so good to hug you, two years ago he never thought he would ever even see you again, but now you were here in his arms. It felt.. almost wrong.. underneath that happiness there was the current of selfishness. You were a married woman.. he shouldn’t take so much pleasure in being hugged by you. But god, he did. He lied to Nathan and he was going to have to lie to you too.
You let your emotions get the best of you, you took his face in your hands, looking deeply into his eyes and you kissed him, feeling the tears drip down the side of your face.
Sam pushed you away after a few moments.. he looked shamefully away.
“We shouldn’t..”
You blinked in surprise. You were so stupid to have thought that things would be the same.
“Your husband.”
“What husband?” You asked.
“You’re married, aren’t you?”
You lifted up your left hand, “I was saving it for you.”
Rafe lied. He felt his blood get hot.. Rafe lied to him, took two years away from him and you being together, all to get Sam to stay.
You kissed him again, you really kissed him. He melted into your touch, all that anger and pain went away. All those years in prison meant nothing now, he was here and you were here. All those beatings, nightmares, pain, it meant absolutely nothing in your arms. And he was kissing you so lovingly, it was a welcome home kiss. It was a kiss that was a promise, that he would never leave your side again. And you knew it was true. It felt like it lasted forever, and you did not mind forever. Especially with how much time you lost being with him, forever seemed better than good.
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sharraus · 4 years
WIP list tag
tagged by my new-ish(?) friend @writingonesdreams. Thank you! Your WIPs sound damn neat tbh.
Rules: Share a list of all the stories you’re currently working on, regardless of whether or not you have introduced them to writeblr.
well, the rules fail to define “work” so I´m going to put everything I vaguely think and/or add to notes about every once in a blue moon on this list. Mostly because otherwise it would have 3 WIPs at best. Top to bottom by how often or how much I actually work on them.
Hogwarts Elite - Harry Potter fanfiction taking place in Harry´s fifth year. A what if story where prophecies are a bitch, someone is thoroughly done with magical Britain´s nonsense and Albus Dumbledore, Cornelius Fudge nor Lord Voldemort are having a good time. Neither is anyone else, but hey, at least they´re alive. So far.
Question of Trust - A sorcerer, a herbalist, a witchhunter and a noble´s daughter try to save a small village from a terrible curse while failing to hide terrible secrets from each other.
Swindler Zero - A young Terran accidentally escapes the Corps´ best guarded prison, joins a feared group of space pirates, punches an elder being and kills what is probably a god. He really just wanted to get off the bloody Earth before it decalred war on something. Again.
Estranged family - Guardiands of the Galaxy vol. 2 sort of fix-it.The Quadrant got hit by rubble from exploding Ego and sent everyone flying in space. Stakar Ogord showed up fast enough to save them, but trauma and family issues don´t go away just because they are inconvenient.
Not worth the war - Started off as Thor 1 rewrite where the fight on Jotunheim didn´t happen. Now it´s a political novel where Frigga is done, Odin´s empire is falling apart and none of their children are okay. And above it all looms the ever-present threat of the Mad Titan´s ugly mug.
One step back - another Harry Potter fanfiction. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna have been sent back in time during the battle at the ministry. Their memory of their proper time is quickly fading and even the wisdom of the founders and various Merlin´s can stop it. They must get back, but there is a slight problem. In the late 10th century british isles no one has even thought of manipulating time, let alone travelling through it.
Keepers of the Ancient Woods - Four young people get a conveniently easy job - taking care of a patch of land in the middle of nowhere. Except nothing is ever that easy and soon they are trapped on a far larger property where the magical creatures don´t care that the four humans are technically in charge. There is no escape until the contract´s been fullfilled. It´s just too bad they didn´t bother to read it.
Woes of the 4.B class - inspired by the unfortunate group of losers people that´s my class and the shit that goes down on our school. There´s just bad teachers, no organizational skills and a whole lot of swearing. The road to graduation is, after all, paved with tears, bad jokes, bucketloads of chocolate and spite and maybe luck.
I´m going to tag a bunch of people, because why not and also it´s a literal tag game... @writeouswriter @hysteriwah @writtendevastation @emberv @zmlorenz @marewriteblr @goldenzingy46butwriteblr @pens-swords-stuff Feel free to just not, or to join if not tagged.
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