#because my back couldn't handle sitting at the computer
skayafair · 1 month
A belated Happy Birthday to one and only Elizabeth Bellanger! <3
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gabbytbll · 2 months
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Part 1 masterlist
Love and deep space💫
Authors note: it's definitely not gonna be as good since I can't find my computer😭 so I'm stuck with my phone and I'm very limited so I hope you like it!!!! Also sylus is going to be OOC!
Warnings!!:Spit kink, Cockring, Cock warming, possessive sylus!!, passing out, Chains, Wax play, Anal Penetration, Teasing, Big dick sylus!!, Dick piercing, Sex toys, P in V, Voyeurism, Eye contact, Gagging, Breath play, Humiliation.
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• He loves to take you to the gym to show off his muscles and abilities.
• He loves to randomly show up to your work with some food or just to randomly pick you up and take you home (even tho you can he insist).
• He's the type of guy that threatens your boss for over working you!
• He loves to just be around you even while he's doing his work, or just sitting there and staring at you!
• He hates when you and the twins plot a prank against him he thinks it's childish (but he loves it).
•He thinks it's funny when you get scared of a bug but he still kills it for you while giggling like a child.
•He does not get along with your coworkers, he thinks they are weak and do not deserve your time!
•He likes to think he owns you because you do everything with him and I mean everything.
•He buys you everything even tho you might not like it, you tell him something looks nice and next thing you know it's yours!
• He buys you a bike like his, even tho you don't know how to drive it or if you do know how to drive it he will still have so much fun!
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Sexual content be advised
°When the both of you are having intercourse he loves to grab your face and make your mouth open so he can spit on you or in your mouth.
°He loves to tie chains around your hands to make it more spicy in bed (plus he thinks it's better than hand cuffs because he can grab a hold of it better to pull you back on his dick!)
° He has the ball gag next to his bed in his drawer(which you didn't know about) he randomly puts it on you when your being too much of a brat!
°He loves how you sound as you have the ball gag in your mouth he likes to think it looks cute on you!
°Sometimes when he's feeling more freaky then usual he will let a candle burn on the nightstand to use it on you.
°He loves watching the wax roll down your chest or your thighs,stomach,etc he thinks it's hot.
°He likes when you try to make him submit(aka putting a Cock ring on him) he uses it against you in ways you didnt expect.
°He will make you cock warm him if you put a cock ring on him in his mind he thinks if I suffer then you suffer, he loves how you get desperate for him to move.
°Since he loves to randomly surprise you by showing up where ever you are he has caught you masturbating multiple times so he just sits there watching you unnoticed while hard.
°He never had a dick piercing but he heard you talking about it with one of your friends and saying how pleasing it might be, the next day he got a frenum piercing (but he was sad he couldn't have sex with you for a while to let it heal)
°While he's fucking you he loves to choke you hard enough to where your face gets red while he makes you stare into his eyes (he does this rarely just when he's in a bad mood and needs to let off steam).
°He left a vibrator in your pussy when you and him tried anal for the first time to make it more pleasant for you!
°He likes to call you names in bed like slut,whore,my fuck toy,etc.
°When he's about to fuck you, he loves to tease you by slowly pushing his tip in your pussy and just pull out when you make a sound.
°One time after you and sylus had 5 rounds you passed out in the middle of him fucking you because it was to much for you to handle.
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Well I hope you like it! I kinda rushed it to
But please give feedback and make sure you like and comment I appreciate it!!💫
©️ gabbytbll. do not copy, repost, or translate across other sites. do not copy my sentence structures, plot or characterization.
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kenzirr · 3 months
Y/N sat at her desk, staring blankly at the computer screen. She had been part of the BAU team for a couple of years now, and yet she always felt like an outsider. Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief, never seemed to acknowledge her contributions. While he often praised her colleagues, she never received a simple "good work" from him. The lack of recognition gnawed at her confidence and made her question her place in the team.
Feeling defeated, Y/N decided she needed a break. She approached JJ during lunch, handing her a neatly written request for a leave of absence.
"Hey, JJ. Can you pass this to Hotch for me?" Y/N asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
JJ took the paper, glancing at it briefly. "A leave of absence? Are you okay?"
Y/N forced a smile. "Just not feeling well lately. Need some time to recuperate."
Spencer, who was sitting nearby, looked up from his book. "But you never get sick, Y/N. I don't think I've ever seen you take a sick day."
JJ nodded in agreement. "Remember that time the whole team got the flu? You were the only one who didn't catch it."
Y/N shrugged, trying to downplay their concerns. "Guess I'm overdue, then."
Later that afternoon, JJ approached Aaron's office, knocking lightly on the door before entering. "Hotch, I have something for you," she said, handing him the request form.
Aaron took the paper, his eyes scanning it quickly. His brows furrowed, and he looked up at JJ, clearly upset. "A leave of absence? What's going on with Y/N?"
JJ hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "She said she's not feeling well. But Spencer pointed out that she never gets sick. I think there's more to it, Hotch."
Aaron leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "Thank you, JJ. I'll handle it from here."
As JJ left, Aaron dialed Y/N's number, his mind racing. When she answered, he kept his tone professional. "Y/N, it's Hotch. Can you come up to my office?"
Her heart sank. She couldn't fathom what he wanted to discuss. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the worst, and headed to his office.
As she entered, she saw Aaron sitting behind his desk, his expression unreadable. He gestured for her to sit down.
"What's going on, Y/N? JJ mentioned you're taking a leave of absence because you're sick. But you don't seem ill to me," he began, his tone gentle but firm.
Y/N looked down at her hands, struggling to find the right words. "It's not physical sickness, sir. It's... I just feel unappreciated here. You never acknowledge my work. It feels like you don't like me."
Aaron's eyes softened. "Y/N, I never intended to make you feel that way. Your work is exceptional. I apologize if my behavior made you feel unvalued."
Y/N felt a surge of emotion but held back tears. "It's not just about the praise. It's about feeling like I belong here."
Aaron stood up and walked around his desk, leaning against it as he faced her. "I understand. I promise I'll do better. I value your contributions to this team, Y/N. More than you know."
Feeling a mix of relief and confusion, Y/N nodded. "Thank you, sir."
Aaron cleared his throat, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Is there anything specific that made you feel this way? I want to understand so I can improve."
Y/N took a deep breath. "There were moments when you'd commend others for their work, but you'd never acknowledge mine. I started to think I was doing something wrong or that you simply didn't like me."
Aaron shook his head. "That's not true at all. I see the dedication and effort you put into every case. Your insights have been invaluable. If I failed to express that, it's my mistake, not yours."
Y/N looked up, meeting his gaze. "Why, then? Why was it so hard for you to say anything to me?"
Aaron hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Sometimes, when you care about someone, you find it difficult to act normally around them. I didn't want to let my feelings interfere with my professionalism."
Y/N blinked, taken aback. "Feelings? For me?"
Aaron nodded, his expression earnest. "Yes, Y/N. I admire you more than you know. But I wanted to keep things professional."
Feeling overwhelmed, Y/N stood up quickly. "I need some time to process this. I'll be taking my leave now."
Aaron watched her go, a pang of regret in his chest as she walked out of his office.
A few weeks later, Y/N returned to work, feeling somewhat refreshed but still wary of the situation with Aaron. She tried to focus on her tasks, but the memory of their conversation lingered in the back of her mind.
One evening, as they wrapped up for the day, Aaron approached Y/N's desk. "Y/N, can I speak with you for a moment?"
She looked up, slightly nervous. "Of course, sir."
He smiled, a rare but genuine expression. "Would you like to grab dinner with me tonight?"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "Dinner? As in... a date?"
Aaron nodded, taking a step closer to her. "Yes. I've realized that the reason I avoided talking to you was because you make me feel something I've never felt before. I want to get to know you better, outside of work."
Y/N felt a flutter of anxiety. "I... I don't know what to say."
Aaron gently placed his hands on her curvy hips, steadying her. "Just say yes. Let me show you how much you mean to me."
Her mind raced, but she nodded slowly. "Okay, Aaron. I'll go."
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theemetoprince · 20 days
Time to give back to the emeto community. Some burps and chugging in the beginning, Niagara falls starts at around 3:00. Story and photos under the cut, photos are at the very end if you want to avoid that
Last few days I have been extremely horny. I have been wanting to try emeto/scat/all my kinks for a long time now and just now I am in a point in my life where I can do so. First attempt didn't work though, drank a liter of prune juice two days ago and only got some gas, not super exciting to me. This morning I went to the store to see what else they had that I could use. I spotted some tea and remembered that people had said it could make you nauseous. I bought the tea, but I didn't see anything else that would work so the rest I'll buy online.
I really wanted to try it right away, but thought I should wait till next weekend. However after part of my dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about how hot it would be to vomit it up. It was soft polenta; cheesy, mushy and grainy. I think I was so physically horny that it made me nauseous 'cause I didn't want to finish the rest of my food. Finally I said screw it and got to work.
I grabbed one of my plastic trashcans, emptied it, and placed a napkin down at the bottom (I am very inspired by @fav-emeto). Then I grabbed my two water bottles and filled them with ice. I boiled some water and started to brew some glasses of black tea. I left the bag in the glasses for around 5 minutes, and then dumped the hot liquid into my water bottles full of ice. This cooled it down so I could chug more easily.
I sat at my desk computer with the trashcan between my legs and got to chugging. I felt very nauseous the first few gulps of tea and thought I would vomit right away but after a few burps it dissipated. I had to get up a few times to brew even more tea because I kept running out. Nausea was at a minimum, and I didn't really feel a need to gag. I had downed about two liters by the time the recording starts, and still didn't feel like puking. I started to spit into the bin to see if that would move things along, but it didn't do anything. I kept chugging and would feel some nausea while doing so, only for it to disappear the moment I stopped.
What I did feel though was all the water in my stomach and intestines moving around. It felt like it was rushing through me and bubbling. I have no idea if the liquid was moving up or down, but it was probably up in hindsight.
I started to get frustrated. Little nausea, no urge to gag, disappointing burps. I was considering calling it quits (despite now around three liters of tea plus dinner sitting in my stomach). I decided to try some fake gags to see if anything would happen. (3:08)
I did just one fake gag, and then suddenly a spurt of liquid shot out of my throat and into the bin. I was genuinely shocked that anything happened. It felt bad but I was excited that things were happening. Before I could take a proper breath, I started to expel everything at a force I was not prepared for.
I could not stop the onslaught of vomit that rushed out of me. The moment the liquid left my mouth from the last wave, a gag would bring up another waterfall. Vomit rushed through my nose and stung my sinuses. I wanted to stop but I literally could not. All I could do was hold on and wait for an opening to breath.
Finally I was able to catch a break (3:35). Not that I was done vomiting though. You can hear me holding back gags as I gathered my bearings. I felt horrible. This was not what I had in mind for my first time trying emeto. The force and speed was too much to handle. Then again, I did fill myself up like a water balloon, did I really expect myself to not pop? I had done this to myself and I will learn a lesson from it. But for now, I just have to get through this. I took a shaky breath/laugh and prepared to get the rest of it out.
The second wave started with the strangest sound to have emerge from me yet; a forceful burp pushed out of me by a flood of sick. The spews were just as forceful this time, but with less to get up they sounded much less violent. I brought the last of it up and was left panting and shaking, trying to spit out the bad taste in my mouth.
I am writing this about an hour after the recording, and I feel pretty fine now. No lingering nausea, but I keep smelling vomit, probably from what got into my nose. I actually feel kinda hungry, I'll probably finish my dinner after I post this.
So now I know that this is not what I like. Horrible experience, not sure if I'll ever try to induce vomiting again. If I do I will need to try a different approach. Something that will not feel like I am trying to powerwash my throat and nose. I am open to suggestions :))).
Here are the photos of the result. It is mostly water/tea along with polenta (I would not recommend vomiting it, the bits of cornmeal feel terrible coming out and in the nose). The reddish chucks are actually potato skins from the potatoes I had at lunch. I doubt that they were still in my stomach when I started this, so the bubbling feeling was definitely my small intestines putting things into reverse.
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Please feel free to reblog, comment, and like. Please reward me for the pain I just went through
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bye-shou · 7 months
hex haywire × afab!reader
smut, mdni ❗ (unless you can handle it then go for it lol)
characters : hex haywire
warnings : 🔞 ❗, minors do not interact❗
aphrodisiacs, semi-public sex, more than hex getting pussy drunk probably idk how to write stuff like that uhh sorry if this disappoints you lolol
do not interact if you are sensitive to content marked with exclamation mark(s) / ❗
summary : you go to hex's office to bring him lunch, and maybe in an attempt to seduce him.
I tried cooking this as fast as I could 🙏🙏
for the person who requested (in a way??) this
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you decided to go to hex, your boyfriend's office because his lunch "wasn't ready yet", so you said that you would drop it off at his office.
but, in reality, you purposely lied to try and seduce you boyfriend, to see if he would do the unholy things with you even when he was on duty.
you headed to the 5th floor of his office building, successfully making it past the lady at the counter by proving that you are an employee's partner.
you knock on hex's door, hoping ths6t he would answer.
"come in." hex said, as you open the door and enter his office.
"oh, dear? are you here to drop off my lunch?" he asks, seeing the lunch box you're holding.
"yeah! um, can i stay here while you work? i wanna see you react to my cooking, hehe." you say, as an excuse to stay at his office.
"okay, but it's still a thirty minutes before lunch. you'll have to stay here for a bit. i hope that's okay." he says softly.
"that's completely fine!" you say. "can i sit here?" pointing at a nearby armchair.
"yes, you can sit there." he says, before going back to his work.
you can't help but stare at his arms, moving fast while typing on his keyboard.
your dirty mind is thinking of... some things.
you blush a little, before brushing it off.
when lunch time came, hex washed his hands. then, hex took out the lunch box you brought him and opened it.
inside, you packed him some homemade pasta, and some chocolate strawberries for desserts.
you also packed him some herbal tea, since you knew he had a chronic cough.
"thank you, my love." hex says, before digging in.
you grin to yourself slightly.
the chocolate strawberries you made were dark chocolate.
and the herbal tea... had aphrodisiac herbs brewed to them.
he finished eating, and washed his hands after.
"so~ how was it?" you say smirking slightly, seeing if the chocolate covered strawberries had taken effect yet.
"it was great. thank you, darling." he kissed your forehead, and went back to work.
you decided to test the waters, sitting on his lap.
"oh? okay, you can sit there." hex says, before pressing a light kiss on your head and looking back at his computer screen.
you take off your oversized jacket, revealing a thin black tank top and some short shorts.
hex gulps, and you notice, but he brushes it off.
you subtly grind on him, wondering if he'll notice. and he sure did.
you notice how his skin is getting warmer as he tries to focus on his work.
"dear, i'm working..." he says, his blush very obvious.
you ignore what he just said, grinding harder on him.
"gosh." he grabs your hips, sitting you on the desk while you gasp.
he gets up, and gets on his knees.
"we're in a working environment. and i shouldn't be doing this, by the way." he says, taking off the bad of your shorts and revealing your underwear with some wet patches.
"so, i can't use my cock right now. so you'll have to bear my tongue." (omfg why is this so cringe) hex then takes off your underwear, revealing your soaked pussy.
"oh? wet already?" he asks, teasing your clit with a lick.
"mm- mhm...!" you couldn't say a thing.
he didn't say anything afterwards, instead just thrusting his tongue in and out of his favorite meal.
it was still lunch hour, so you guys had 30 or so minutes.
he kept up his pace, and you wonder on how he doesn't get tired.
however, those thoughts were knocked away when his tongue enters in deeper.
his nose is bumping on your clit, and you moan out in pleasure.
his tongue keeps going over some sensitive areas in your vagina, making you squirm even more.
⇚ ↺ ⇛
you kind of regret giving him aphrodisiacs now.
you expected this to be a quickie, maybe around 4 or 5 minutes, but he's been doing this for 10.
every time you try to push him away, he always begs for more, to let him eat you out for a little longer.
you voice is tired from moaning, and your pussy is puffy after being abused, hex biting your clit lightly and sucking on it.
you can't take it anymore, you've came on his face for several times now.
but still, he keeps going. he doesn't care how messy it is.
you keep moaning, and so does hex. the pleasure is overwhelming for you right now, especially since he's been sucking on your pussy for some time now, without stopping.
you keep convincing him, trying to get him to stop going at you, using work and his job.
however, he doesn't budge.
"please stop it, hex...! lunch is almost over...!" you moan out, and ride out your high again.
he just whines, his need for you just growing more and more.
hex finally pulls away, his face messy and his hair sticking to his face from swearing.
he looks at how messed up you look, and gazes at you apologetically.
"sorry, dear... i don't know what happened to me there..." hex takes a cloth and cleans his face, and getting another one to clean your thighs.
"it's okay... i liked it." your voice reassuring, though you surely are tired.
you head home, proud of yourself for successfully seducing hex.
when hex finishes work, he comes home, and takes care of you some more.
you two have some... time, together, and clean up in the end.
you were worn out, shaking and gasping, while your pussy was abused and getting sore.
filled up to the brim with hex's cum, your thighs were also covered in his and your own releases.
hex carries you to the bathroom, and setting you down inside the bathtub already filled with warm water.
he starts gently washing you down with scented soap, making sure to get every nook and cranny.
when you were both done, he carried you to bed and you both had some cuddles, eventually sleeping right next to each other with a smile on both of your faces.
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dhsgdb there's more plot than smut i'm sorry
it's because i'm a virgin + i don't know how to write smut v well lolol
not my best work by at least i tried to write it 🥹
sorry i don't watch hex often
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AITA for not letting an autistic kid join my group?
Okaayy this requires a LOT of backstory so bear with me on this.
I am 16F and the kid in question is 16M. I shall call him Tyler. I've known Tyler for like 3 years, never really been friends with him but he has been in my classes many times. Tyler is very blatantly autistic, which means it's very easy for people to pick on him. Other kids will be dicks to him and rile him up because they think it's funny. I am also nd but am quite good at masking so I don't get picked on but I am still a loner. Y'know the stereotypical quiet kid. Last detail to note about Tyler, he never does any of the classwork. Every time I have been in class with him he has just watched youtube on his laptop and will not do the work unless a teacher forces him to. This is important to note for my first major encounter with Tyler when I was 13.
There was a group project and everyone had to pick a partner to do a presentation, standard school stuff you get the gist. Me and Tyler ended up being the last ones left so we got paired together. The problem was that he did not pull his own weight. I had to sit with him and slowly walk him through the stuff we had to do for the project. Then I told him I would do X part of the project and he would do Y part of the project. He agreed and I went to work on it. The next day I asked if he had done anything, he hadn't. I sympathized with this because I also have executive dysfunction and very much struggle with completing things so I told him it was fine, he just had to work on it today and to send it to me once he was done. So I got home and waited for him to send me his part of the project but of course, it never came. So I ended up having to do literally EVERYTHING myself at the last minute. I went to the computer room to finish it at break time and lo and behold who do I see but Tyler in the computer room watching youtube. I gave him a firm telling off because I was hella pissed that while I was stressing out trying to do a group project by myself he was doing fuck all. He obviously felt bad but I was still rather pissed. So on the day of the presentation I did something admittedly very petty in that I forced him to do his part in the presentation despite him never seeing the presentation before. So he obviously struggled a lot. But that was that and I was quite certain I didn't want to work with him again. Flash forwards a bit, he tries to sit with me. I don't want to be an ass so I let him. The thing is that he was completely clueless about all the work so I ended up having to be like a surrogate teacher, walking him through everything. Again. The thing is, I couldn't get my own work done if I was stuck being Tyler's tutor. I was like "Fuck this. I'm not his teacher! I'm not even getting paid for this!!" So I started actively avoiding sitting with him so I could actually get shit done and he seemed to get the hint.
Now, to the present. He happens to be in the same class as me and asked if he could be in my group and I ignored him. I felt bad about it but I did not want to be handholding this kid. He seems to be actively trying to get my attention and trying to interact with me but I am just not interested. Especially since he seems to think that doing things like flicking water at me or slamming doors in my face is a good way to get my attention. I've tried to make it very clear I don't like this behaviour but he keeps doing it. In the most recent incident he randomly poked my back when I was crouching down to pick something up. I really hate being touched so I snapped at him but I feel guilty about it now. I feel like I could've handled it better because he clearly doesn't pick up emotional cues very well. And clearly he's just lonely, which I get but I feel he burnt this bridge a while ago and is just blasting the remains with a flamethrower.
So tumblr, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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booboodaddysblog · 4 months
Let’s talk…
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Warnings: none, just talking and healing hearts
Words: 1882
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Marg was glad to be back at work. She sat down at her desk and started up her computer. She didn't know if Colin was already at work or not. She knew that they had planned to have lunch together today.... But in her mind she still had an unpleasant parting. Then she saw Colin at the bar and her heart broke into a million pieces again. He looked sad, drunk and lonely. She felt sorry for him. She wanted them to get along somehow, after all, in seven months she was due to give birth to a child that was his.
Suddenly she heard footsteps in the hallway. She looked toward the window. It was Colin. He stopped for a moment in front of her door. He looked at her and seemed to smile slightly. He walked into his office.
Colin had already been working for about an hour. He wasn't exactly feeling well. He had a hangover. His head hurt and every louder sound irritated him. But when he saw Marg and her smile. He felt better, or at least he thought he did.
He walked into his office and set his coffee mug on his desk. For a moment he wondered what he should do now. They had a lunch appointment, which he was honestly looking forward to. He looked at his watch. It was 10 a.m. The break is usually around 12.
- It would be useful to say hello - he thought aloud.
He went out into the hallway and knocked on Marg's door.
- Come in, Colin - she smiled and looked at him.
Marg looked at him in silence. Colin looked tired. His eyes were sad, she could see it from a distance, but they were shining nonetheless, he looked like he was slightly drunk. He hadn't shaved, his hair wasn't perfectly styled, as was his habit.
He also looked at her wondering what she was thinking about now. He furrowed his eyebrows, he still wasn't sure what he wanted to talk to her about. But since he had already made the effort to come to her office something had to be said...
- Hello, Marg.
- Hello, Colin.
Without taking his eyes off her, he sat down on one of the chairs.
- I... sorry to disturb you, but I just wanted to come here and talk to you a little... before we go to lunch, and… - he fell silent for a moment - is it okay?
For a while she looked at him and said nothing. She had doubts, but finally broke through.
- I thought we would only talk at lunch. But no problem, now we can too. What do you want to talk about? Have you rethought your behavior a bit?
Marg stared at him waiting for an answer.
He sighed, wondering how exactly to answer this question. He didn't want to lie to her, but he wanted to sound like someone who at least somewhat understood his mistakes.
- I thought about it a lot... and... and yes, I have come to the conclusion that I was completely wrong about all of this... about the whole situation... I really screwed everything up...
He hoped that what he just said sounded right. He had been putting it together in his head for a long time.
She nodded, listening to what he was saying.
- We both know you screwed up. You hurt me a lot, you know? Because of you, I sleep very poorly. And I think too much. It's not my style. I feel bad about all this. I really don't understand why you treated me this way.
She didn't look at him. She got up to pour herself some water. When she did she didn't sit back down at her desk, she looked out the window and slowly drank the water. She found it hard to look at Colin.
He closed his eyes. He felt bad to see her in such a state. She looked exhausted and as if she still hadn't come to terms with what he had done to her. He felt the urge to go up to her and hug her, but he knew he wasn't allowed to do that yet until things between them were fully cleared up.
- I'm really sorry, I really messed everything up and I just... I couldn't think of the right way to handle the situation... It was all a complete failure on my part and I regret everything I said...
She still did not turn to him. She only nodded her head.
- Yes, Colin... I really thought I could trust you. You promised me so much and assured me that you would take care of me... me and the baby. However, you did not keep your word. You just gave up.
Finally she turned and looked at him, she was sad.
He looked into her eyes, although with great effort. He understood that her anger and sadness were definitely justified. He had to face it, he wasn't going to lose her now.
- You're right, I didn't fulfill what I promised you... I made so many mistakes, I said things I really shouldn't have said... really...
- Answer me one question. Why are you drunk, Colin? You're at work... if the chief could found out about this... eh you're really lucky he has a week off now - she sat down at her desk again and looked at him with a disgruntled expression.
Now she saw right through him. He could not continue to deny that he was not drunk. It was obvious that he had been drinking. He felt a little ashamed, but was prepared for the consequences of what was about to happen.
- I had a drink this morning to calm myself down. I didn't even think about it, I just felt so anxious. I did it not intentionally - he lowered his gaze to his hands.
- How did you get to work? I hope you didn't go by car and someone gave you a ride?- she sighed looking at him - I'm really worried about you. Even though I’m still angry at you. You are someone important to me.
He raised his eyes to her. It seemed to him that she was sympathetic to his current state, which in turn meant that she might be more sympathetic when it came to his drinking... no rather not... it's time to stop...
- Yes... yes, I had a ride... I couldn't go here myself... I still manage to think soberly. I’m not that stupid.
- That's good. And did you have anything for breakfast, or was the only this drink… this was your meal?
- Well... I just had that drink... - he said with slight embarrassment.
He knew how awful it must have sounded to her, but he really didn't feel like eating. He was so stressed to the point that he didn't even have an appetite.
She raised her eyebrows and sighed loudly.
- And you claim that alcohol will help you be less stressed? Don't be ridiculous. Pull yourself together, please - she rolled her eyes.
He was beginning to feel terrible. Nothing was working out for him. He was definitely acting like a fool, which made everything worse and made Marg lose hope that he would be able to fix himself. He now knew that drinking really wouldn't fix any of his underlying problems. He had to think about it more deeply.
- I know I sound ridiculous now, but I just... - he covered his face with his hands.
- If you promise me that you will stop drinking, I will think about starting to work on our relationship. If you want I can sign you up for therapy. I can go with you sometimes to support you - she looked at him hopefully - do it for our child who will come into this world soon, please.
He uncovered his face and looked at her. He liked what he had just heard. But it also meant that he would have to recover, stop doing all this self-destructive behavior and focus on improving himself.
- I promise... I promise you that I will stop drinking.
It seemed to him that he said it in a confident voice, even though he wasn't quite sure of it himself. He had to keep the promise he gave her, because otherwise he would probably destroy everything between them before he could fix anything.
- Well, I hope you are telling the truth. I will look for a good therapist for you. Now go back to your office. I have some work to do. We'll go to lunch at 1pm, okay? - she got up to open the door for him.
- I understand... I'll go... I'll stop drinking...
Nodding with understanding, he got up from his chair. And with these words he left her office, heading back to his own office.
- Have a drink of water, Colin - she called out after him before closing the door.
He smiled at these words and, without turning around, waved his hand in confirmation. He decided to do it, he had to take a little more care of himself, he had to stop self-harming.
He walked into the kitchen and went over to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. He opened it and took a sip. The cool drink sobered him slightly. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply.
- What’s up, Zabel?
He didn't have to turn around. He knew who had asked the question.
- Mare, oh it's so nice to see you - he turned around and smiled artfully.
- Yes, it is me. What did you screw up this time that you look so hopeless? - she squinted - were you at the meeting with the psychologist yesterday? I hope so... but somehow I don't notice any visible change.
Colin rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling.
- Mare... hmm... I really thank you for allowing me to go to this meeting... this lady messed with my head a bit. I don't know if she brightened anything for me. Rather... she forced me to help myself.
- And isn't that what a psychologist's job is to show you how to deal with problems yourself?
- I guess so...
- What did she say? Did she inspire you with something?
He was silent for a while, not knowing if it was worth talking about.
- She suggested that I should start writing down my thoughts in a notebook. Then I'm supposed to analyze them and draw conclusions. I don't know if anything will come of it.
- This is an interesting idea. She once told me about this method. I haven't tried this. I need to talk to her about it and ask if something like this would work for me - Mare also took water from the refrigerator.
- Do you have intrusive thoughts like me? - surprised Colin.
- Sometimes - she shrugged her shoulders - It's good that I don't "drown" into my thoughts like you do - she left the kitchen and left him alone.
He sighed loudly and went back to his office.
To be continued…
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poppykreslina · 2 months
Robert Hawkins info Post :
He was a big music fan, here’s a list of artists Rob liked.
1. MushroomHead
2. HIM band
3. BlackStreet
4. Misfits
5. Dr Dre
6. DMX
7. Lil wyte
8. Judas Priest
9. Dope
Anything besides country music
His close Friend he was living with at the time told me about the time when he seen Rob return to school after being sent away. He said “ So a couple years go by and l'm in computer class and he's just like heyyyy what's up man and I go holy shit Robby what's up like where have you been. And I remember him telling me he was like man I got sent away like I tried to kill my step mom because she was being a bitch I sprayed raid on her food. And to me at the time I was like kind of laughing like are you serious and just it sounded so stupid it was kind of funny and l'm just like wth hell but we started talking again just immediately picked up right where we left off we were laughing like hyenas never laughed so hard in my life”
“ We would tell jokes and stories and make fun of people and this time it was like we were best friends I'd see him in the halls and say hi but we never hung out out side of class”
His friend also told me about Kaci. The girl he cheated on like twice
“ I knew Kaci and we were talking and they met then rob asked me if Kaci could come over and yeah they hooked up in my basement lol
I could hear it and it was the funniest thing ever”
“ I remember when he got her too like I was jealous because I had a crush on her for the longest and she was hot she liked me but as soon as she met Rob she was just like omg he's the sexiest person I ever seen and I'm like who rob and you look at him and he's all feeble and like ohhh h-h-heyyyy”
“ My friends were there too and yeah... He put the work in on that poor girl
She was screaming his name and you just heard this smacking noise we were like damn rob”
The girl Rob threatened
“ So the girl that he threatened or whatever was his ex girlfriend and I don't know what they were arguing about but I think it was because he wanted to go back to his girlfriend Kaci he cheated on her with that girl and then he apologized to Kacie said he loved her and didn't want to be with the other girl and she flipped out or something and he just said like leave me alone or l'm gonna k*ll you
About Robs mom Molly
“ That's what really pissed him off too is his mom didn't want anything to do with him at all until she found out he was living with us and he even told me like man my mom's being all nice I think his mom was just jealous or she thought we had money or something but she tricked him into letting her back in his life and she let him borrow that jeep and he was so happy he's like man I finally got wheels my mom is talking to me then she did what she always did she turned in him told him how pathetic he was and that she wanted all her stuff back and that what did it. He couldn't handle it anymore and he snapped
Idk what that lady's problem is but shes evil”
Friend telling me what it was like when living with him
“ I just remembered like sitting down at the dinner table with him and my parents and we would be eating steak like regularly my dad always got good beef and grilled all the time he would always say how good everything was
And he like our dogs was always petting them”
Fake Fight Scene Vids
“We did like fake fight scenes and off roading four-wheeling we go to gun range film us shooting stuff we made a manikin and threw at people from inside the woods
I had this crappy purple truck but I cut the exhaust off it and put mud tires on it and we like tricked it out we put big huge stereo speakers in the back and black lights“
1. He was 5’7 (I asked a family member so don’t question it 😐)
2. He taught his sisters how to do the “blood” sign
3. His friends grandma made him a blanket and Rob said it was the best thing ever given to him. When the grandma passed away he even cried.
4. He had a stonery type voice lol
5. He would smoke a pack of cigarettes in one day
6. He worked at McDonald’s and Runza
7. Day before the shooting his friend tested out his gun while Rob was at work because he thought they were going to the shooting range the next day . When Rob found out about it he was furious telling his friend “you’re not supposed to touch that” going off on him.
Concerts Rob Went to
MushroomHead (2004)
Kottonmouth (2006-7??) Rob and His friend got kicked out of the venue because they were both caught smoking pot
All info found out by me
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bean-bean2000 · 7 months
The Hacker - Part 15 - Ending
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Status: Completed
Warnings: fluff!, adorable bucky, happy ending
Please let me know if i missed any warnings and I will add them.
Series masterlist
After the fake mission, you and Bucky have been inseparable and the dynamic in the team has been phenomenal. Once you returned, Tony was furious that he was left out of this entire master plan, but he was happy you and Bucky finally woke up and realized what was in front of him. However, he took this as his opportunity to annoy the living hell out of Bucky any time he would show his soft side in front of the others. This usually ended with Bucky throwing something at Tony while he runs away giggling like a teenager.
One day Steve announces that a new recruit of SHIELD members will be training at the compound. Each avenger was assigned one to train. As Steve is pairing everyone he suddenly calls your name and you turn around quizzically
"Me? What am I going to train them to do? I'm cyber nerd I don't fight."
Steve chuckles "He isn't a fighter either. You're training a new recruit for a new cyber team that Fury is creating to reinforce the cybersecurity of SHIELD. So, your job is to improve his skills and teach his your techniques."
"Oh... I um, sure? Why does SHIELD need a team? I can do it myself for the compound and SHIELD...."
"It's a lot of work, and SHIELD is very vast and complicated, no matter how talented you are, you won't be able to handle it yourself. Plus, we want you here because we trust you the most to protect this compound and the most confidential information that we hold regarding HYDRA."
"Fine... but if he annoys me, I will hack into everything he owns and use it as blackmail forever. I like my peace and he will not disturb it." you tell Steve firmly.
He scoffs and quirks a smile while Bucky chuckles and says under his breath "that's my girl", which makes you blush and walk back to your office.
The next day the new recruits arrive. Steve introduces you to each other.
"Hi I'm Jake. Nice to meet you! I've so much about you, I'm very excited and grateful for this opportunity to work with you and learn from you!" he says very cheerily, smiling ear to ear and shaking your hand enthousiastically.
You smile awkwardly "yeah... haha.... um let me show you to the general IT office and you can show me what you know." you say while yanking your hand out of his grasp.
Bucky watches you from the corner, his new recruit is yapping away and he couldn't care less because Jake hasn't let go of your hand yet.
What's up with this guy? I don't like him.
Bucky is scowling and staring right at Jake. You turn around, feeling Bucky's gaze on you when you see him staring Jake down menacingly.
He locks eyes with you and you give him a look as to say "back off! hes just a new recruit that's an IT nerd... chill!"
Bucky scoffs and turns away, walking with his recruit to the training gym.
Sam nudges him as they walk side by side "what's with that Jake guy? You were staring him down badly..." Sam whispers to him.
Bucky says nothing but grunts in response.
Sam's eyes light up "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU JEALOUS?!" he whisper yells as Bucky elbows him in the ribs.
"No! I just don't like how he looks at her. He wouldn't let go of her hand before, she had to yank it out."
Sam shrugs "I don't know man, he's probably just some awkward computer nerd. You're literally a super soldier, don't sweat it." he says while chuckling.
Bucky grunts again as they enter the gym and go their separate ways.
You're in the IT room, evaluating what Jake knows and how experienced his skill set is with computers. Sitting side by side, you're shwoing him a software you created to simulate a hack.
"Alright so, hack into this software without tripping off any triggers and do it under 5 minutes."
Jake smirks at you "Oh I can do better than that sweetheart. I'm a very talented man."
You brows furrow in confusion and you cringe at his creepy tone.
What the fuck did he just call me? Why is he acting like a dirtbag all of a sudden...?
You decide to ignore it and focus on evaluating his skills. He starts the simulation and 2 minutes in you feel his knee touch yours. You change position in your seat and move away when suddenly you feel his foot laying on yours.
You fidget in your seat, getting uncomfortable.
"So um, where are you at?" you ask to get your mind off of the creepy feeling you're getting.
He chuckles "Am I making you nervous, honey?"
You stare at him in disgust "what? dude, just do the simulation. This is strictly professional, and I highly suggest you back off right now."
You're getting increasingly more frustrated and creeped out while he laughs at your statement.
He turns towards you and leans in closer. You try leaning away but feel your back hit the wall behind you. He corned you.
He starts closing the gap between you two, caaging you in between his arms.
"Am I making you nervous now too? I love seeing your eyes go wide, lips parting, heart racing... and I;m not even touching you... yet.." he says as he leans in to kiss you.
You scream and push him back as hard as you can, dodging his kiss. He grunts in annoyance and pins your arms against you.
"You wanna do this the hard way? Fine. We will." he threatens you as you see his eyes darken.
You're pushing against him but he's stronger than you are.
"Stop. I said no. Back off right now." you yell at him.
He laughs at you again "Or what? Hmmm?" he mocks you.
Suddenly, you remember what Bucky had trained you to do if you were ever caught in a similar situation by an enemy.
You smirk and your stare him directly in the eyes, no longer scared but empowered.
"Or this asshole!" you yell as you quickly lift your knees to your chest and kick him backwards with all your strength.
Jake flies backwards in his office chair and you sprint out of the room. You hear Jake cursing at you, chasing you down the hall.
You make a sprint for the gym when you spot Bucky and yell his name in panic.
He immediately turns around and run towards you.
"What? What's wrong?" he asks you worried.
Before you can answer, Jake appears in the hall. Bucky immediately makes the connection and his jaw clicks. He grinds his teeth in anger and ball his hands into fists.
"Hey man, listen, she came onto me, I swear. She's just a stupid whor-"
Jake is cut short when Bucky punches him in the face. He goes flying backwards onto the floor. He holds his jaw in pain. Before he can even try to defend himself, Steve picks him up and throws him to the security guards.
"Deal with him. Black list him. I want him gone." Steve orders them firmly.
They nod as they drag him away. Jake is screaming in protest but is silenced by the elevator doors closing.
"Are you okay?" Bucky asks you, looking you over for any injuries.
Yeah, I'm fine. He tried to kiss me and he pinned me against the wall but I remembered what you taught me and I kicked him back and ran away." you explain to him.
His eyes gleam with pride "That's my girl! I'm so proud of you! But i'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you... I knew something was wrong with him I should've trust my gut -" Bucky starts rambling.
You cut him off with a kiss "Shhh, slow down. it's okay. You taught me well. I can take care of myself but I will always need you by my side." you tell him as he pulls you into a bear hug.
The rest of the day, Bucky keeps you close to him. You lean your head on his shoulder in reassurance and thanks.
"No more recruits." Bucky says to Steve as he walks past him.
"Oh come on Buck! You know I had no clue!" Steve starts defending himself.
The two super soldiers start arguing as you laugh and walk towards Natasha.
You both shake your heads and say in unison"Men." as you roll your eyes.
A few days later and Tony's birthday is coming up. He set up an entire party, with hundreds of people, 3 bands, a DJ, multiple types of entertainment such as dancers and gymnasts.
You've never attended a birthday party, let alone even celebrated your own. You had no idea what to wear or how to dress for an event this grand. The party is tonight and you're going through your closet, pulling everything out and realizing you have no clothes fit for this event. All you have are sweatpants, leggings, oversized shirts and pyjamas. You never go out nor had a reason to go out.
You groan loudly in frustration.
You hear a knock at your door and find Natasha smiling.
"You doing okay there cyber?" she asks.
"I can't do this. I have nothing to wear for the party. I don't exactly go out. I don't think its appropriate nor will Pepper will be happy if I show up in leggings and an oversized t-shirt...."
"Follow me, you can borrow one of my outfits." She turns around and beckons you to follow.
You enter her room and she's laying out some outfits for you on her bed.
"These are all really tight... and too small i think... I don't have a body like yours Nat... I'm really flattered and thankful but I don't know if i'm comfortable wearing a tight bodycon dress...." you tell her, your voice quiet and faltering. You're embarrassed.
"Girl you are DELUSIONAL if you think you don't have a nice body. As if we all don't see the way Bucky ogles at you half the time" she teases.
"Stop filling my head with nonesense.. I honestly don't know how he could like me with a scar like this across my face...." you whisper.
"I'm not messing with you! Stop selling yourself short! You're gorgeous, you're crazy smart, you're so witty, you're so kind and caring, you need to love that body and mind of yours more! The scar on your face is nothing to hide. It shows your strength, your resilience and your loyalty. You should wear that scar with pride, not shame. If anybody understands that, it would be Bucky."
You blush at her compliments. Natasha grabs a dress from her closet, turns you toward the mirror and places it over your clothes.
"What do you think? I think you'll look so hot, it's your signature colours, with a punk spike to it."
You gasp “Where did you get this? This isn’t like any of your other outfits….”
Natasha giggles “I may or may not have guessed that you would need a dress tonight and I maybe used Tony’s card to buy you a dress… maybe…” She pushes you towards the bathroom.
You giggle excitedly and agree to try it on. As you come out of the bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror you gasp.
It's a black A-line dress with a neckline that emphasizes your chest perfectly followed by long black lace sleeves. A corset cinches your waist and hugs your curves in all the right places, with purple accents across it. The dress ends above the knee with purple lace adorning the ends.
You feel the most beautiful you have every felt. You haven't felt this pretty in a long time.
Natasha stares at you, beaming with pride. She knows you look hot and you know it. You can't deny it.
She squeals with excitement and tells you there's a few missing accessories. She hands you black tights and a pair of gorgeous black platform heels. They're comfortable enough for you to walk in properly and pretty enough to be appropriate for the event.
The sleeves and tights cover any potential scars that would normally be visible. Your heart swells with appreciation as you know that Natasha did that on purpose. Somehow she can always sense how someone feels and what to do to make them comfortable.
Before you can change your mind or doubt yourself she drags you to her vanity and starts applying on some makeup. She guides you through what she's doing so you're comfortable and only uses the products that you agree to. She puts on some lightweight foundation, a bit of blush and concealer as your base. She does a light smokey eye with some mascara and eyeliner to accentuate the colour and shape of your eyes. You stare at the harsh scar across your face, a permanent memory of what you've survived and surpassed. Natasha purposely chose makeup that didn't hide your scar, nor accentuate it. She made it so that you know it's there and wants you to see it and be proud of it. She's right, you won't be hiding it, not today.
Natasha takes your hair down from its bun, brushes it through and curls it with her iron. She places your hair in a style that accentuates your features and the outfit.
You look back at yourself in disbelief. You turn to Natasha and thank her for her help. She then gets ready herself and you're both on your way to the party, arms linked.
You enter the party and immediately lock eyes with Bucky. Natasha notices and walks away from you with a wink.
He approaches you, eyeing you up and down shamelessly.
"Wow, you look absolutely stunning, doll. You are by far the most beautiful woman here." He smirks at you, eyes glistening with affection.
You blush and look down at the floor. Your heart is racing and you don't know what to say. You've never given yourself the opportunity to open up to someone as much as you have with Bucky.
Bucky grabs your chin lightly and tilts your face to look up at him.
"Let's go outside for some privacy." He takes your hand and leads you to the private backyard.
As you walk outside, you see a gorgeous gondola that was installed, shielding you from the natural elements.
Bucky sighs as you both sit down next to each other, your thighs brushing.
He turns to you, his eyes welling up with tears.
"Cyber...doll, I - I've wanted to talk to you about what happened with Pierce and The Reaper for a while now. I feel like I have to get this off my chest. I know that it was extremely traumatic for you, and you've opened up about it so much to me. It means the world to me that you trust me that much. I thought I lost you. I couldn't sleep for the entire week, even worse while you were recovering in the med bay. It made me realize my true feelings for you. I've never felt this way about anyone before."
He sighs and grabs your hands, staring into your eyes.
"I'm falling in love with you. I have been for a while now. I'm happier when I'm with you, I feel like I can be myself, unconditionally around you and you make me feel complete."
You gasp as your eyes also start to well with tears.
"Losing you that week really made me realize how I can't live without you. I need you. So, my final question is: "Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" he finishes his speech with a blush across his cheeks.
He looks up at you, waiting for any answer, verbal or not.
"Took you long enough! Yes, Bucky, I would love to." you laugh.
He chuckles as he grabs your cheek in his hand, softly brushing the tears away.
"Can I kiss you, now?"
"Do you really have to ask?" you answer sarcastically as you grab his face and kiss him.
A hand wraps around your waist and another holds your cheek as your hands tangle in his hair.
The kiss is deep and passionate with all unspoken words and emotions being poured out in physical affection.
You both pull away and smile at each other.
I finally get to have my happy ending, after all.
And that's a wrap! Please let me know what you think! <3 I hope you all enjoyed this crazy ride!
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chocochipbiscuit · 3 months
Hey, Choco,
So, um,
Like, if you are inclined to write fo4?
This has been sitting in my inbox, shamefully languishing, because I just haven't had time to do it the justice I felt it deserved (and am still juggling multiple other WIPs) but I just decided: justice be damned! The only way to exorcise this yelling is to actually yell about it!
FIRST OF ALL. What makes a behemoth vs a regular mutant? Considering that we only see behemoths on the East Coast, we can take the Watsonian approach (we only see behemoths on the East Coast because they come from a different strain of FEV) or the Doylist approach (Bethesda just wanted us to have huge enemies for fun boss fights).
Obviously, I write fanfic, so I'm gonna run with the Watsonian approach. :P
Per official Fallout 3 game guide:
Another unique trait of the super mutants is that they grow larger as they grow older, and can range from eight (2.44 m) to at least twenty feet (6 m) in height; the largest are known as "behemoths." These behemoths seem to be even less intelligent than their smaller brethren, communicating only in echoing roars and blindly destroying everything in their path, acting more like an unfettered beast than a warrior.
Which seems pretty fucking depressing if you're a mutant who actually values your reason and ability to keep a handle on your rage! (Ex: Fawkes, Virgil.)
In fact, per this possible dialogue with Virgil:
The Sole Survivor: "Do you remember Edgar Swann?" Brian Virgil: "Swann? ...Yes, I saw his file. He was one of our first test subjects, years ago. His mutations destabilized. Started turning into a Behemoth. You think that could happen to me? Maybe I'm fine for a few months, a few years, but... god. I couldn't live like that."
Except...again, we have multiple in-universe exceptions to the 'always hostile, always stupid' mutants. We also can also read against the canon as presented to us and consider that since super mutants are capable of forming their own societies, including shared resources and responsibilities for caring for disabled members (such as the fact that Dead Eye gets back up from other mutants if attacked).
I think there is some argument to be made for whether it's socialization vs the type of FEV each mutant is infected with; Fawkes mentions that it took him years of isolation with his computer before he could speak and reason more intelligently, and Strong can grow (through friendship with the SoSu) from literally believing in the milk of human kindness to using idioms like 'got your back' when switching out between companions. Virgil is one of the 'newest' mutants we get to see, freshly turned, so he might be unique due to the FEV strain used or because he's so new to being a mutant.
Swan and Grun are the only named behemoths of FO4, IIRC, so let's take a look at Swan!
Swan was a former Institute employee turned into an experimental test subject as 'probation' for stealing cigarettes. (I can gnash my teeth about the Institute, criminal justice, and their incredibly shaky ethics later.) We can read journal entries and notes about his fear of what the FEV is doing to him, as well as his fears of being discarded as another failed subject. The fact that he devolves to the point where he can only shout his own name and still wears the swan paddleboats as memories of his former self is incredibly depressing and make him more sympathetic to me!
That said...I'm also thinking about one of Magnolia's songs. Specifically, from "Good Neighbor:"
Took a dive with the swans Out in the Commons with nothing on The mutants stopped to savor All my bad behavior It's all in a day's work When you're a good, good neighbor
Especially because of her line: "It's all in the songs. Everything I am."
(/tongue in cheek)
Or rather, it's all fair game for fanfic. :P
All of that said, it's fucking ripe for fanfic. Does Virgil try to make amends for his past by developing other cures for FEV, including for Swan? Does Magnolia actually have an odd friendship with the behemoth at the bottom of the pond? Do we simply need a few more behemoths smashing around until some brave human or ghoul attempts the first overture of friendship?
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The Art of Getting to Know - Pt 3
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· Pairing: Spencer Reid/OC
· Category: Fluff, Angst
· Warning: None
· Words: 2767
· Parts: Pt 1 · Pt 2 · Pt 4
· Summary : Eli, a psychology expert and old friend of Luke's, joins the UAC as a consultant and quickly bonds with Spencer Reid. As they delve into a complex case, Eli and Spencer find themselves drawn to each other on a deeper level.
· Note about Eli: Her neurodivergence is implied but it's never really said.
· Spanish on Wattpad. English isn't my first language, be kind!
· Masterlist
· P O V E L I ·
The sun was just beginning to rise when Eli arrived at the office, one of the first to do so. I had been working with the team for weeks, and although I had managed to integrate well, there was something that kept lingering in my mind: Spencer Reid. The connection I felt with him was undeniable, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was all just a product of my imagination. From his small gestures, like bringing me coffee or staying late to help me, to the conversations that were becoming more intimate and frequent, there was a palpable tension between us that I had no idea how to handle.
As I turned on my computer, I tried to push those thoughts aside. I had to focus on the case, be professional, as Luke had recommended; I couldn't let him down. But no matter how hard I tried, Spencer's image kept creeping back into my mind, accompanied by that warm feeling in my chest that, honestly, was a real pain…
—“Damn it, I can’t live with this pressure in my chest… maybe it's just anxiety, that would be great news. You're such an idiot, Eli, trivializing serious problems because you can't face things… Good for you.”
· P O V S P E N C E R ·
From the first day I saw Eli, I knew there was something special about her. It wasn't just her intelligence and her ability to analyze cases, although that already impressed me, there was something deeper, a connection that I hadn't felt with anyone in a long time. I knew I had to maintain professionalism; I had been in complicated situations before and understood perfectly that mixing personal feelings with work was never a good idea. However, I couldn't help it. Every time Eli came near, I felt my pulse quicken slightly, and my mind, always so analytical, filled with questions and doubts that I didn't know how to answer. “Okay, just don't obsess so much… look away, ignore that she's beautiful, her smile, that she's smart… and argh, stop thinking already.”
· P O V E L I ·
That morning, the team gathered in the conference room to discuss the progress of the case. Spencer sat next to me, as we had been doing lately, though neither of us mentioned it, but at least I was glad it happened. While Rossi presented the latest leads, I leaned forward to take notes, and in that movement, my hand brushed against Spencer's.
It was a brief, almost insignificant contact, but the reaction was immediate. I felt a sort of electric shock run down my arm to the base of my neck, making me sit up straight. I glanced at Spencer out of the corner of my eye, finding him looking at me too, but I couldn’t decipher his gaze. I didn’t have time, I quickly looked away, trying to focus on the meeting, but the sensation of the touch lingered on my skin. "I think I'm not breathing... okay, yes, it's been four minutes, I think I would have passed out, four minutes feels like an eternity... maybe I really did pass out and I don't know it... Oh my God, help, what was that? Was I the only one who felt it??"
After the meeting, I tried to focus on work, but my stupid mind kept going back to that moment. I tried to convince myself that I was exaggerating, that it was nothing more than a coincidence, but my heart was telling me otherwise. How was it telling me, you ask? I think it was about to leap out of my mouth, and I’m completely sure that anyone talking to me from a reasonable distance could hear my heartbeat. "Eli, back off, danger zone, we’ve been hurt before, finish the case, leave, and goodbye..."
· P O V S P E N C E R ·
I was looking at some photos in a folder when I suddenly felt a fleeting brush on my hand. I think I sighed; I hadn't felt anything like it before. My mind went blank, as if a sudden rush of dopamine hit my brain, unexpected, pleasant, and as quickly as it came, it was gone. I had touched many people's hands before, but I had never experienced a reaction like that. It was certainly an accident; when our eyes met, she looked away. Not like she’d purposely touch my hand in the middle of a meeting, of course, but it made it clear that there was nothing. "You already know, focus, it was an accident, stop imagining things, she’s not interested in you."
Later that day, while we were reviewing some reports in the common room, I noticed the atmosphere had turned strange, heavy. Eli was next to me, focused on the screen, but everything felt weird; it was obvious.
Suddenly, she broke the silence.
—"Want a coffee?" —her tone was casual enough to sound spontaneous, but it came off as forced.
I looked at her, and for a moment, our eyes met, as if we were both waiting for a sign from the other, something to indicate we weren’t alone in what we were feeling. But, as always, neither of us dared to take the first step.
—"Yeah, sure," —I replied, with a smile that came out weaker than I had hoped. "Very brave of you, Reid..."
Eli nodded, stood up, and walked to the small office kitchen. I stayed there, trying to concentrate on the report, but my mind was still tangled up in what had just happened. Or rather, what hadn’t just happened. It was as if we were both circling something but not daring to look at it directly.
When she came back with the coffee, she extended her hand to give me the cup, and that’s when our fingers brushed lightly, and that simple contact was enough to send a tingling sensation through my skin. Eli smiled, but I’m sure she tensed up. Something had changed between us, though neither seemed willing to face it. I could swear she almost dropped the cup.
—"Thanks," —I murmured, trying to fill the awkward space that had formed.
At that moment, I was so sure that she felt it too… that kind of latent electricity. We remained silent, both too aware of what was lingering in the air. Eli finally decided to say something, her voice a little shaky.
—"Spencer..." —her tone made me set the cup aside —"No, uh… I… hm."
I don’t know why she suddenly went quiet, but I froze because I knew there was something she wasn’t telling me, and it was driving me crazy. I looked at her, trying to figure out if it meant the same thing I was feeling.
We stayed in silence, with words hanging in the air. I could feel the distance between us getting smaller, even though we weren’t moving. The looks we exchanged were different now, more intense, like we were trying to decipher a hidden code in each other’s faces.
Eli didn’t look away, and I couldn’t either. There was something in her gaze, a mix of uncertainty and curiosity that kept me captivated. I felt my breathing change, and for a moment, everything else ceased to exist. It was just her, me, and that electricity that seemed to fill the space between us.
Time seemed to stop. There was no need for words, because what we were feeling went beyond what we could express with simple phrases. The brush of our fingers earlier had left a mark, and now that sensation was growing, enveloping us in a bubble that was about to burst.
I could see Eli swallow, and her breathing had also become heavier, almost imperceptible. It was as if we both knew we were on the edge of something, something neither of us had planned, but that somehow was there, undeniable.
I wondered what would happen if I leaned in a little, if that distance between us disappeared completely. What would she do? What would I do? My mind analyzed all the possibilities, but none had a clear answer. There was only more uncertainty, more tension.
And then, in one movement, Eli took a step back, as if the pressure of the situation became too much to handle. Her eyes shifted away from mine, and the bubble we were in burst, bringing us back to reality.
—"I think… we should get back to the reports," —she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.
I nodded, though I wasn’t sure what had just happened. All I knew was that the tension had broken, leaving us both with an awkward emptiness. Eli turned around, and as she walked back to her desk, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of relief and disappointment. We had brushed against something neither of us was ready to face.
· P O V E L I ·
As the days passed, the tension between us only grew stronger. I think we were trying to keep things professional, but every little gesture, every glance, seemed loaded with a heavy weight. I felt like I couldn’t verbalize what was happening, and I don’t even remember experiencing something like this as a teenager. We kept getting the work done, and I think we were still efficient and collaborative despite everything, but there was a subtle change in the dynamic. It was starting to become noticeable how weird everything was, to the point where our conversations felt forced and awkward.
One day, while we were working on a report, I leaned in to show him something on the screen. Our shoulders brushed, accidentally, I swear it was… And even though it was the smallest contact, I straightened up so quickly that Spencer opted to make a comment that definitely didn’t draw attention to what had just happened. Note the sarcasm.
—"Is it a little warm in here, or is it just me?" —he cleared his throat with an awkward smile, trying to lighten the atmosphere. It was clear he just wanted to fill the uncomfortable silence that was looming.
—"No, yeah, a little…" —My eloquence was increasing by the day.
Over the next few days, these small touches, looks, and gestures became more frequent. Spencer was becoming increasingly clumsy; he didn’t know how to act around me, and in my case… My neurons had progressively decided to abandon ship, leaving me adrift with my stupid and chaotic emotions.
The breaking point came a couple of days later, during a casual conversation. Let’s remember that I had fewer and fewer neurons by the day, and my logic and rationality were starting to shine by their absence. Seriously, I didn’t know what was going on with me. We were in the common room, sharing a coffee after a long day, when Spencer casually mentioned that he had seen an old friend the day before.
—"We ran into each other by chance, it was nice to catch up. I hadn’t seen her in years," —Spencer said, sounding quite cheerful. "Excuse me, what? What’s this about a friend? Calm down, Eli, relax, use the rational part of your brain before you lose it."
I felt like something had pierced my chest when I heard him talk about another woman. I tried to react normally, but the truth is my face tends to easily show how I feel—unless I want to control it, of course, double standards and all that.
—"A friend from college?" —I tried to sound casual, but something happened… my tone completely changed.
—"Yeah," —Spencer replied—. "We were really close back then. It’s funny how time changes things."
My mind started filling with doubts and insecurities. How close had this friend been? Why had Spencer never mentioned her before? I realized I was being irrational, but I couldn’t help it. It’s not like we had known each other for that long… and I had no right to demand anything from him. "Don’t be silly, it’s just a comment, it’s not like you two have anything going on… stop this."
—"It must be nice to reconnect with old friends," —I tried to sound as casual as I could, but it was eating me up inside.
I wasn’t sure if he was ignoring my change in attitude, pretending not to notice, or if he just didn’t realize…
—"Yeah, it was. We talked a bit about what we’ve been up to these past years, and we had a coffee. It was pretty nice."
I forced a smile, but my expression was serious. It was clear that I wasn’t comfortable at all. The worst part was what it implied emotionally. "This has gone too far, damn it, how can you be upset about something like this?! Am I imagining things that don’t exist? My God… I have to stop all of this somehow…"
Spencer noticed that Eli had become a bit more distant, but he didn’t understand why. He wanted to ask but didn’t, as he wasn’t handling things well with her and didn’t want to create an awkward situation by bringing up something she might not want to share. However, the distance that began forming between them at that moment only increased the tension.
The following days were EVEN MORE uncomfortable. Eli tried to stay focused on her work, but every time she thought about Spencer and his friend, she felt a pang of jealousy she couldn’t control. Spencer, on the other hand, noticed the change in Eli and didn’t know how to address it. They had gone from being almost always together to an unbearable silence that neither of them knew how to break.
One night, after everyone else had left, I stayed alone in the office, going over some reports. I was exhausted from all the tension around this situation, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Spencer and what I was feeling. "No matter how much I’ve tried to keep the situation professional, I haven’t been able to, and now I look like a stupid, jealous teenager with butterflies in my stomach… oh no…" — When I realized what was happening, I tried to disappear by covering my head with my arms, a very ineffective method, by the way.
I started to wonder if Spencer was going through the same thing, if he also felt confused and attracted to me. But then I remembered the conversation about his stupid and fcking friend, and doubt hit me again. *"Okay, it’s unfair, that poor girl hasn’t done anything, but I have to blame someone at this moment in my life. It’s 11 p.m., I’m alone in the office, and I haven’t had dinner; it’s going to be her, even if it’s not very feminist of me. What if Spencer only sees me as a colleague? What if I’ve been misinterpreting everything? Ugh…"
· P O V S P E N C E R ·
I went home early today, honestly, the situation with Eli is starting to be too much for me. No matter how hard I've tried to figure out what’s going on, I just can’t see it. We were fine, everything was going well, and suddenly… "Should we talk? I don’t even know how to start something like this… I thought there was something, but it’s obvious I was imagining it."
I was lying on the couch with a book that I wasn’t really paying attention to. Before I knew it, the book was resting on my chest, and I had my phone in my hands, typing out a message. "Hey, how are you?" —I hesitated because the truth is, I had no idea what to write. I wanted to say so many things, but none of them felt right to say over text, though I doubted I could say them in person either. I deleted the message.
—I started typing again —"Hey, how are you? I was thinking about you." —I hit send without thinking. And then, suddenly, I regretted it. What had I done? How did I write that? "I want to die right now, h-how do you delete this?? Can you unsend it?"
Immediately, a notification sounded, and I opened it nervously, nearly dropping the phone. My eyes widened, and the regret vanished.
"I was thinking about you too, what a coincidence."
· Requests via DM ·
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pyrrhicraven · 2 months
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Morty and Beth both looked a little...Lost? Hell, he was a bit lost too. This Rick was sitting in a home office for starters rather than the garage, not to mention this house was not where theirs was. It was secluded and well for lack of better words rich.
Wearing pretty much what he was wearing but cleaner, and the cherry on top? A young woman with long dark blond hair clinging to him as he typed on a laptop. Face buried on his chest so they couldn't see her, her knees on either side of this Rick, one arm wrapped around his middle the other around his shoulder and a pale dress or nightgown caught around her thighs.
"This is terrible timing you know." Other Rick said and honestly, Rick had eyes in his head of course he could tell that.
"Err." Beth glanced at him and he shrugged, this wasn't part of the plan not that he'd really had one?
"Look whatever you want can it wait? I'm busy." He was blunt to the point but really if he was here then it was more than likely that he had what they were after.
"Uh jeez I mean not really?" Morty said clearly a little distracted by the lady and the other Rick sighed and slammed the computer closed, standing but holding the woman attached to him.
"Give me a fucking second then." They followed him as he moved to the room across the hall. A bedroom done in light creams and evergreens. He set the woman down who immediately buried herself under the comforter. Rick shooed them out and closed the door before leading them downstairs and to the living room.
"Who is she?" Beth asked softly and other Rick sighed, picking his nails. Nervous habit, he'd grown out of that.
"Who are you?" other Rick asked right back. Did he not? Was Beth not here or in his life?
"Beth." Other Rick shivered. "That was my daughter's name...But she died here. Diane left after she. Fuck. Why are you here?" If Beth didn't exist here then neither did Summer and Morty.
"You lost your Beth?" Beth said in a tone that meant she wanted answers.
"Yeah...uh, old house I had a lab in a garage that Beth liked playing in even though both of us told her not to...apparently another version of me planted a bomb to kill me and it." Other Rick placed his knuckles to his mouth eyes unfocused lost in a memory of the death.
"We heard the explosion and found Beth dying. I tried to save her, but it was too late. She died in my arms, Diane couldn't handle it and so she divorced me and I couldn't. I couldn't stay there with that memory." So he'd left the house and got this place?
"So you're not like after revenge or whatever?" Morty asked and other Rick laughed.
"With the way my life ended up so far hell no. If I'd been with Diane or Beth hadn't died I wouldn't have met her." The woman upstairs, what was so special about her? Beth let out a weird laugh and other Rick frowned.
"What the fuck?" Beth said and other Rick put his elbows on his knees.
"I got really fucked up after the death and divorce and man I pissed off a lot of people and some sent assassins. She was one of them, but during our fight, I used the portal gun-shes really good at killing I wasn't sure if I was going to win fucked up like I was at the time." Other Rick laughed, the smile on his face soft. Whimpy.
"She saw it was possible for portal tech and fucking made her own. I didn't even make mine-it was given to me, fucking smartest man in the universe and I used a shortcut. She's been able to keep up with me to the point I don't know if I'd win a fight against her." Probably from both a physical and emotional loss honestly, if they were as close as he suspected they were.
"So she's like your new wife?" Other Rick barked out a laugh, that sounded a little mad.
"Naw, we're more like..." He seemed to think a little too hard for that answer.
"She's not a romantic partner really, mostly because she doesn't float that way. We're like family but not really? I dunno, I try not to give it a name if I can."
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subliminalbo · 11 months
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Hypnovember Day 1: Kayla Versus The Sound
Once Kayla Started, she couldn't stop. It felt too good. Not just the feeling of her fingers sliding in small circles over her clit, or the consistent build up to orgasm. It was the feeling of the sound taking her deeper. She couldn't stop simply because she didn't want to stop. She wanted to listen, she wanted to obey, she wanted to ascend to the higher plane of existence that she'd witnessed Iris and Bailey go to earlier that night.
Just a few hours ago she'd been spooked out watching her friends take turns on the headphones, sinking into trance as The Sound took over their minds. That's the only way Kayla could describe what she'd seen. Those distant stares and empty voices. The people who'd taken off those headphones looked like her friends, but The Sound seemed to shape them into something different.
Kayla shuddered in her bed thinking about it, tossing and turning as she fought the sinking feeling in her stomach that came with her worry for Iris, still working away at her computer in the next room. Kayla couldn't explain why, but she knew The Sound was dangerous.
She was finally drifting off to sleep when she heard the thump thump through the wall.
Maybe it was out of concern for Iris, maybe it was a lapse in judgment from her half-sleep state, or maybe her fear was slowly twisting into odd curiosity, but Kayla found herself sitting up and pressing her ear against the wall.
Even through five inches of wood and plaster, The Sound wormed its way into her mind. The effect was immediate. Her eyes wide, her mouth open, The Sound slipped into her, quickly erasing any fear or doubt that she'd felt in the study room. Fuck, it was better than anything she'd ever felt. Better than hearing The Beatles for the first time, or discovering punk rock with Iris at that toilet the band called a secret show. Even better than the first time she'd felt Iris' lips on her neck, on her breasts...
She didn't need to keep her ear up to the wall anymore. The Sound played on a loop in her head as she settled back down on the bed and began mindlessly masturbating to its Words. A part of her was still there, a small part of the Kayla that had watched in horror in the study room. With one hand furiously rubbing her clit, the other reached out for her phone on the nightstand next to her. Maybe she could find help, maybe she could warn Bailey to stay away. But the phone felt like a boulder in her hand. It slipped through her fingers and landed uselessly on the floor. With her last effort of free will exhausted, the rest of her faded away, totally lost in The Sound's message and savoring every second.
The words came soon after, The Message translated through her moans. “I am the Birth of a new species! I will Prepare my body and my mind for the Great Arrival!"
She didn't know why she was saying it. She didn't even know what it mean. But The Sound was True and The Sound was Inevitable and The Sound had to be Heard. Kayla cried, cumming to the thought of The Sound's Message spreading to everyone on campus. When she was finished, she pressed her feet into the soft carpet of her bedroom floor and marched into Iris' room, still repeating The Message as she moved.
Kayla found Iris in the same state, The Message flowing from her lips. She was slumped low in her office chair, her legs open, body glistening with sweat. Helplessly she forced the handle of a hair brush in and out of her pussy as she worked her clit with the other hand. Kayla knelt on the floor before her, taking the brush from Iris' hand and sliding her fingers inside her wet pussy, then she leaned in and pressed her tongue to Iris' clitoris.
Iris admired her lover as Kayla devoured her. She'd felt that tongue a dozen times before, but everything in the world felt fresh in this new Reality. Iris smiled between her compulsive recitation of The Message, proud to see how quickly she'd gotten Kayla to succumb.
This is a companion to Classified Information #2: The Sound
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aquaquadrant · 8 months
Act two, oh boy. Ughhguhegjeb ok good to go.
Tango, the jig is up, everyone knows everything is NOT FINE dude
And here we go again, I am the Watchers' number one hater fr
Ooooooo, Helsknight mention, realization, yess
Grian's "that makes so much sense" is so funny for some reason
REN TOO LMAO. It was just another Tuesday on Hermitcraft.
Mmmm, explanation, tasty.
I wanna know more about Hels not having an admin, UGHG.
Maybe if I turn off my computer rn, I can live in ignorant bliss.
Nope, continuing.
Reminder that the Watchers literally watch hels too, and probably knew about Tango, like at least one did. Ugh.
This whole conversation is just, ugh, like, everyone is just horrified. I mean, it's really putting into hindsight just how HORRIBLE it was, like omfg.
This explanation of how the farm works, UGH, Tango being so chill about it, UGGHH
When I first read the accident line of Etho's, I thought he meant the portal switching them was the accident, and not that Tango didn't mean for it to happen lol
Seriously Watchers are on my LAST NERVE
Tango talks so casually, omfg.
Hm, how did you not see that coming Grian? Lol
Ty so much for having all the DL people be on Tango's side, literally couldn't handle this otherwise. Cleo's statement about how could they not tell Tango was dealing with this? Mwah
OOOOOOO, Grian askin' about Hels..
???????? Was that???? Grian's voice/thoughts??? In Jimmy's head???? Hm??????
Oh, is this were the decapitation comes in?
I'm still so worried about Tango going back to Hels. Please, so scared.
Oop, Jimmy speaking back to the Watchers omfg, love it.
Tango trying to justify why he should be a damn farm, uggghhh. This is literally just him coping and stemming from trauma, and it's not even hurtful seeing as death has no consequence.
Sometimes the Watchers can be funny, as a treat, they still need to stfu.
OOP "I don’t care if some random guy thinks you’re just the manifestation of all his evil- frankly, I think that says more about him than it does about you.” YEAAAAHHHHHHHH, GAG BRAVO WHEN HE CAN'T DEFEND HIMSELF (he couldn't even if he wanted to)
The l word :) (love <3)
Fade to black and back to the ranch afterwards
"My gloves" awwwwwww, they're Jimmy's gloves now ugghhfew
The DL ppl coming to help ugh, love DL
And Etho takes the comm to explain! Huh, why am I getting deja vu back to a certain Hels player hm
Petition for a oneshot where the DLers explain what happened after this is all over to X, I think that would be great.
Etho a portal expert, do you get deja vu?
LMAO, Patho said he'd need Tango's comm to confirm his theory, and now Etho says he'd need Bravo's comm to confirm his theory, my my how the turn tables have turned. Just sit these two in a room already damnit.
Atlas fr need to move on god damnit. All these issues is because of Atlas, god damn it.
Uhoh, I thought we could be happy and not mention the feather farm again :(
Not the Watchers again 😭 I'll give em a pass, cause they're all moods.
I do wonder how everyone else outside of DL is handling all of them being on lock down. Can they still message, or is everyone just cut off from contacting them? How's X, an admin of a sanctuary world, reacting to this fiasco? How's fWhip, the admin of Empires, doing with a good chunk of his friends stuck in one server with minimal to no context?
Mmmm, please have the decapitation work, pleeaasssee
Jimmy talking back to the Watchers is my favorite Jimmy <3
I was so worried Tango was just gonna BOOKIT through that port 😭
??????? NO?????? NO???????? NO??????????
It's done, it was a roller-coaster, htp can't hurt me (for a while)
Tysm for this incredible fic <3
‘voluntary decapitation’ got a LOT of reactions hagsjdha i didn’t know how else to put it…
one thing about tango is that he is gonna try and insist he’s fine TIL THE BITTER END like asking for help is always the very last resort for him in all facets of life. we stan an emotionally walled-up king.
obligatory ‘the watchers suck’ blanket statement 🫡
i’ve talked abt helsknight before but it was SUCH a handy way to quickly get into the explanation, like that’s the whole reason tango ever even realized he was a doppelgänger. and ofc the other hermits who were there are like ‘OH HEY YEAH wtf was up with that…’ they’re so used to having weird shit happen and then just moving on LOL
“I wanna know more about Hels not having an admin” :3
of COURSE tango had to tell them all about the horrible blaze farm while acting like he’s completely unaffected. no way was i gonna leave out any of those tasty details.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: IMPULSE WAS THE MVP 💪 💪💪 even if he accidentally spooked tango in this case, it’s good to know he would go FERAL to protect his friends.
the rest of the DL gang are p great too, NO WAY they’d buy all the ‘doppelgängers are evil’ bullshit 😤 and i really don’t like mischaracterizing someone just for the sake of added drama/having an antagonist. i can just MAKE a new guy for that (hence bravo and atlas HAH)
WATCHER (kinda) GRIAN MAKES AN APPEARANCE FINALLY 💃 usually he’s more careful about not using his abilities near a listener but the situation had him frazzled.
listen. the scene where jimmy finally confronts tango about the destructive nature of his self-hatred is my FAVE. sometimes love means just being there for someone and supporting them, but other times it means laying down some hard truths. it’s the culmination of jimmy’s arc and i’m SO glad you enjoyed it.
it takes a server to rebuild a ranch 💪
i am an ethogirl first and a person second so u KNO i had to have etho lay it out for us, at the same time allowing me to draw parallels between him and patho.
i’m def not qualified to discuss fwhip or empires in general (i’m a sham, i’ve never watched any of it) but x was for SURE freaking out. this is gonna make one hell of a story (hah) for the rest of the hermits when they get back.
CMONNN i couldn’t have the decapitation work, that’d be too easy ;0
i’m cryin at ur reaction going from “I was so worried Tango was gonna book it through the portal” to “NOOOOO???? NOOOOOOOO” like damn talk about foreshadowing 😂
GLAD U ENJOYED THE RIDE we’ve still got plenty of twists and turns to come 💃 thank u for being absolutely STELLAR w the feedback!!
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caretaker-au · 2 years
you’re probably offline again, and I don’t know if anyone is gonna see this. but your au is genuinely one of my most favorite Undertale AUs ever. I have been in the Undertale fandom for a LONG time, but I don’t think there will ever be something as well written as the Caretaker AU again. the amount of research and love put into it is so cool. it truly does feel like something that could possibly happen in the actual canon and I LOVE it.
your version of Chara is also one of the most best portrayals of them I’ve EVER seen in the entire history of the fandom. when you began releasing the final chapters for the AU, I remember just sitting at my computer and rereading Chara’s lines over and over again. because their character was just so interesting to see in action. even when it was still a comic, their goddamn expressions and words are just so memorable to me. I still and always will have that little sadistic smile ingrained in my brain. (that also includes literally every character in comic even the background ones.) I love how you handle Chara as well, how you made them a horrible person but not totally unrealistic. like that one asker said, you feel bad for them, but just a LITTLE TINY bit. because they always screw up everything for themself and then go blame a 12 year old for it.
speaking of Frisk, your portrayal of them is definitely so very canon to me. I love their design and personality so much. they are so just relatable too, possibly one of the most realistic 12 year olds I’ve seen in a comic. they remind me a lot of me in a way, especially when I was 12 lol. I’m beyond happy they got a happy ending, they deserve it after, y’know, everything.
I wish you all luck on any other projects you may be working on. and I hope you are proud of what you have accomplished. :) you crafted a truly beautiful story. now if you don’t mind me, I’m just going to go reread everything again.
(take a shot every time I say ever lol, sorry for any spelling mistakes, thank you for reading it all)
Thank you so much for your kind words. Caretaker truly was a huge labor of love. I remember back when Ellipsis came up with the concept how it just gripped me like a bear trap. I couldn't stop thinking about it! Eruto felt the same way and was saying we should make a comic, and I was like, "no no, I don't want to do all that line art" but then she was like, you won't be alone we can draw it TOGETHER and then to demonstrate she took one of my super rough sketches and lined and colored it. And I was like, wow okay maybe this is feasible.
The resulting 3-ish years it felt like we were spending every waking hour working on Caretaker. I carried my sketchbook everywhere and would draw out thumbnails during my breaks at work, I'd be thinking about it on the drive home, and then we'd get on a discord call together to draw, line, and color for hours at a time. I could go on but the bottom line is that I LOVED IT. Each finished page (drawn or written!) fills me with pride and I look back fondly on the time spent creating and maintaining this blog together. It was exciting, compelling, and at many times exhausting, but worth it.
As far as the characterization goes, glad that you appreciate it! We reminded ourselves to never lose sight of the fact that Chara was still a human being--full of contradictions and ego and multiple-facets--but we didn't want to justify their behavior either. We all know people who are selfish, manipulative, and arrogant, but what happens when a person like that gets naïve enablement and never has to face any repercussions for their behavior? Without the correcting force that is LIFE, a cynical, angry, cruel child like Chara didn't have any reason to second-guess their worldview. Of course anything that goes wrong must be the fault of someone else!
This has already gotten kinda long, so all I'll say on Frisk is thank you and glad you agree! Personally, I knew some friends of the family who had kids about that age so I tried to reference their behavior in my mind when it came to writing Frisk. (Though most of Frisk's behaviors boil down to "RUN!!") Through the many discussions and occasional rewrites of this story, we always planned on ensuring Frisk had a happy ending. ♥
Thanks once again for the ask, and I hope you enjoy the reread!
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AITA for getting upset over a sims game?
Some context. I (25nb, then 22f) used to have a very close friend (them 20f). I moved in with her and her family for the first few months of the pandemic, because she had a lot of mental health problems that she needed support for that her family didn't understand, and I was just discovering that I was queer and didn't want to be at home with homophobic parents. During this time, she suggested I share my sims 4 game with her. I didn't have a computer that could run it, and she did, and I accepted because it would give me a chance to play it. My understanding of it was that I owned it and was sharing it with her, and I believe now, in retrospect, her understanding was that we both owned it. It didn't take long before she started convincing me to spend money going in on buying expansion packs with her. I wasn't sure at first, because I didn't have a lot of money, but eventually I caved.
We always got packs she wanted, because (in her words) I would "like anything we got". At one point, she realized one of the packs was incompatible with her computer, and I was the one who had to spend days on EA support pages trying to get a refund. She did nothing to help, and kept telling me to stand my ground until we got it. Eventually we did get the refund, and since it was for a whole package of expansion packs as a part of a deal, she decided she wanted to switch out some of the packs, even though I really was looking forward to playing one of them and hadn't gotten the chance to (she had played through everything you could do with the pack already).
After I moved back home, she told me I could come over and play it at any point, but that never happened. She continued to play it though, in her own time.
In early 2021, I got an email (since the account was set up by me) saying that a new pack had been purchased. I knew immediately my friend had bought it, without asking me. I texted her asking if she wanted me to forward her the receipt, since she keeps good track of her budget, and she said yes. I forwarded it to her, and thought that was the end of that.
The next day, I woke up to a text asking for full ownership of the sims, saying she was the only one who played it anyways, and she was spending more money on it, so it wouldn't be fair to share it. She told me I could either buy her out, or she could buy me out. I wasn't happy with this and wanted the game, but a) I couldn't afford it, and b) I felt it would come off as petty if I asked for a game I couldn't even play, like I was just doing it to keep it from her. Anyways, I let her pay me back (which she did in squishmallows of equivalent value).
After a few days, the whole situation was still not sitting well with me. There were a lot of other issues going on (we were in conflict for other reasons that I have realized are mostly due to her being controlling and me reaching my limit, and her not being able to handle my limit. I don't want to rush out all her shit because I will offer her that privacy), but we had always had open communication where we could bring up when things were bothering us, and I told her that it kind of felt like I didn't have a say in giving up ownership of the sims game for reasons a) and b) above, and how originally it had been mine and it felt like through all the pack purchases and things, she was slowly taking it from me. She flipped out, and told me we couldn't be friends anymore. (Like I said, I think it was less of this particular issue, and more the other shit going on with this being the last straw). We haven't spoken since.
I have made my peace knowing that I am not the asshole in most of how our friendship ended (and how she had been pretty controlling of me), and have recognized areas where I may have been the asshole, or at the very least may not have handled the situation at their best in ways that had hurt her, but this is something I have not been able to work out. So AITA for being upset about the sims game situation?
What are these acronyms?
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