#because most of my ocs tend to be ordinary humans
selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
In the darkness of a house, there was a soft glow from underneath the crack in a door. Inside the room that door led to sat a man. The man had messy red hair and an even messier outfit, and a maddened gleam to his eyes that could be written off as manic determination. 
That man was named Drikha Elvenglen, but despite his name he was not related to elves. 
Instead, he was a Wild Thing, born with the ability to change his shape into any creature he desired, big, small, or human sized. 
His blood also held a curse. It was a terrible curse, one that he struggled to manage on the regular, but was made easier by the presence of his dear friend Hellenath Reidan. It was a wonder to Drikha how his friend simply existing beside him helped him handle the curse that tainted his blood, but he never dared question it, lest he jinx it and ruin his streak of good fortune. 
Inside that room sat Drikha Elvenglen, son of Daire and Menomir. Inside that room sat a man with a hope that flickered like the flame on his writing desk. 
Drikha scrawled something in his notebook, splotching ink on the yellowed paper in his hurry to imortalize the threads his mind was tying together. He swore quietly, continuing to write. Never mind the ugly blotch on the page, it didn’t need to look pretty- it barely needed to be legible. Only his eyes would ever be reading it again- with the ever-present exception of Hellenath. 
Speaking of, he had been gone for a worryingly long time. Drikha could feel the familiar pit of dread start to open in his gut, and he quickly downed the last of his cold tea and shoved his chair away from his desk, making up his mind at once. He would find Hellenath, and they would share the idea together. 
the tolkien inspiration in this one is so vivid i can feel it seeping into the air, 10/10
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ofmermaidstories · 4 months
[im very invested in your oc hana, idkk if any of this makes sense, feel free to ignore]
on my first read thru of your story, her betrayal was nowhere near as impactful to me as it is now. i was blinded by the grandeur of pro heroes being so powerful yet oh so human, and by a selfish, insecure, and very human artist. thus i glanced over one of the most realistic charcters. hana is the epitome of a slippery slope that is being human, so many of us claim to know that we will never tumble, that we will never become the monster, after all its always us versus them. the thing is, we could all be them. we're all capable of selling our identity to society and ignoring that, or worse, denying that notion just emphasizes our susceptibility to being the next victim. it took me a while to figure that out, but once i did i realized how much i could understand why hana went the way she did, and i just began to see how she couldve started to fall (how any of us couldve fallen). it all started with little hisae (what a steep cliff that is). but in hanas eyes, in her mind, its so much easier to blame the heroes, to blame society than to blame the unyielding circumstances that she (and everyone else in japan) found themselves in. just imagining the thought process hana must of gone thru is so devastating. going from regular thoughts of grief and self-blame to slowly becoming more desperate in your search for both answers and justice:
"how did no one see her?", "why did no one save her?", "what if i had stayed in the shelter?", "what if someone had noticed sooner?" and so on, and so forth until hana would finally come to the conclusion "whats the point of heroes?"
then fin, your morals and beliefs are forever changed. the juxtaposition bw hana and hisaes death vs scribbles and hanas death i feel like also highlights how we can all become a monster, we just have to decide not to. at the end of the day, its just like uncle hideyo said. our loved ones have the same duty to us as we do to them. hana had a decision to make - she had multiple decisions to make - and she made hers, so now we must make ours.
anywayss, i just wanted to appreciate your ocs, theyre some of the best ive had the pleasure to get to know, and hana, hideyo, miki, hitomu and yua will always have a special place in my heart (and hikoboshi [rip :(] plus tobi cant forget them) <3
ps if you have any notes/tidbits youve been wanting to share about your oc i would love to hear them
people are a lot more selfish than they tend to give themselves credit for! grief is just a surefire way to illuminate that. and for hana, like you so thoughtfully point out, it’s a slippery slope. 🥺 radicalisation is so easy when there’s pain involved and none of us are the same, none of us will deal with it the same way. and with the world that Horikoshi’s created in My Hero, the power imbalance is so like, obvious and literal lmao. Look at Shigaraki’s pain, and how that was used against him. Spinner’s. Dabi’s and Toga’s! Twice!! it’s not a stretch to imagine ordinary civilians with like, nominal quirks or whatever, seeing that struggle between the villains and the pros and then similarly being affected by it—wanting to fight against that. and then that fight being perverted by assholes with crueller agendas. :/
and like, even then, though? you’re right. hana had choices to make, and she made the wrong ones. she knew what she was doing was wrong. the same woman that was smuggling in nail polish for a captive kid was helping another mail like, photocards. of course she knew; you see the drop even when you’re sliding down that cliff-face, i guess. and we never get this in the fic because the point-of-view never allows it, but i do think hana’s internal justification for staying with the group, for being apart of imprisoning those kids was that it was going to happen with or without her, that by being apart of it she could mitigate the horror somehow. of course, the tragedy is that she still perpetuates it by being there—because she’s selfish. selfish and scared (she knows she’s not walking away from it) but still selfish (at the heart of it she’s still that grieving, angry teenager. she still wants revenge against the pro heroes who weren’t there. and being apart of the gala attack gives her that, and she has to ignore the bruises on Yua’s arms or the resentment of some streetkid? Then whatever. Hisae’s body was unrecongisable, afterwards).
maybe more support as a teenager, afterwards, would have given an hana the ability to transmute her anger. maybe uncle could have done something more in regards to like, trying to press charges or otherwise seeking justice. maybe scribbles could have noticed, should have noticed, the cracks. but none of that happened. you can’t play could’ve, should’ve, would’ve when it comes to other people’s choices, because they still choose. scribbles—and uncle, even—are fundamentally different people to hana. they choose differently! we chose differently, in the end.
for hana and for scribbles both, their grief is about survival (all grief is, which is why all grief is selfish). scribbles—us, we—needs other people. so much of something is people like, reaching out to scribbles (to us). so when it all hits the fan that’s what our little self-insert needs more of: other people who choose to stay. and that in turn gets scribbles to a place where like, they can help other people in turn (uncle, hitomu, miki, tobi). hana by contrast rejects everyone, because she felt abandoned. you can’t change things now; you can only do better for the people in your life going forward. so much of healing is learning that.
thank-you for reading, anon. 🥺 i’m so grateful you liked the gang. 😭 being human—and being loved, even by a perfect superhero—means knowing and being surrounded by others who have their own lives, beyond your story. something needed it’s little cast. 🥹 deku and scribbles are empty puppets without the people they love (or are hurt by) beyond each other. and the fun of doing a series is that they’re not limited to their own stories. hitomu pops up, in shouto’s fic! and hana’s presense drifts in and out—rippling out with those choices she made. a ghost along the riverbank, following the current of a story she’s no longer apart of, i guess. 🥹
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ariparri · 5 months
You're welcome! I have fun with them, too!
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Once again using my four main OCs from Azure Bloom!
Rukka Rosare: Being a princess and part of the kingdom's military, Rukka has a slightly stiff posture. On most occasions, she stands tall with an air of confidence around her. She can maintain and hold eye contact for a long period of time, which sometimes makes the other person uncomfortable. Every now and then though, she relaxes a little bit before going back to being a stiff board because she can’t be caught “slacking.” Due to her training as a soldier as well as her demon genes, Rukka has greater stamina than an ordinary human.
Pheabe Bliss: Pheabe is the shortest one in the group and is the most hyperactive one. Her mannerism when she speaks involves a lot of hand movement and bouncing on her toes. While she does stand up straight, she does tend to slouch a bit when she gets more comfortable. Being the more sociable and approachable one of the group, Pheabe is quite confident. She has a lot of stamina as a speedster and is pretty athletic, being able to keep up with Francis in parkour and Rukka during her training. Pheabe is smaller than the rest of the group, she also has more softer features such as rounder eyes in contrast to Rukka's sharper features.
Dante Manzanares: Dante is more relaxed in his demeanor. There’s a bit of a slouch to his posture and he’s often leaning on one leg when he’s standing with his hands usually on his hips. When he’s walking, the heels of his shoes are slightly dragging against the ground as he doesn’t pick up his feet too far above it. When he sits, he’s practically lounging with either both his feet or one are propped up. Other times his legs are also spread out. Dante is the tallest one within the group, and also the most athletic one. It’s hard to tell under his leather jacket, but Dante is also the most fit and has more muscle than the others.
Francis Barcellas: While he is more relaxed than the girls, Francis is also more on the respectful side compared to Dante. When he’s sitting, he does the same as Dante, propping his feet up and lounging comfortably until someone else joins them and he sits up straight to make some room for them. Francis formerly being part of a group of thieves, is more agile and has better stamina and control as he’s the only archer within the group. He’s the second tallest one in the group, almost sharing the same height as Rukka. His posture has him stand up right, chest puffed out but he’s not as stiff as Rukka.
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How many undertale ocs you have? And wich one is your favourite ??
+ I Love your art style
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Kakzidid THanKU, For the complement, And this question!
I have, a copious amount of undertale ocs, I'll list them here, but I may have to come back and add on to it, Because I might forget some lmaO,
I'll list them in order from oldest to newest! (Note that these are the ocs for my L:XV project, I have one more multiverse with much fewer characters, and I also have a few aus in the daydream factory plus A bunch of independent characters that I never put into stories, so to keep this list short, You'll just be getting the characters featured in L:XV LmaO)
Nari-My narrator that goes with me everywhere
Vincent-Very first oc, I forgot about him and ended up making a bunch of oc's after, and neglected him for a l o o n g time. He's getting revenge on me for it now, actually, That's how L:XV came to be.
Ray- Skeleton who was created in a facility, managed to escape with the help of his 'younger brother' Dio. Hates humans.
Dio- Dio, another skeleton created in the same facility as ray, little brother freind, extremely foul mouthed little thing.
Twin-Twin! My elsest gal in a group I call the 'Gaurdians of newmega', She's the oldest, but she's somehow the most immature. She's come along way from when I first created her.
AvA- Ava! A sort of 'scout' for pat before she made her way to that particular realm. She's an Android, and is sort of the 'Jarvis' of Newmegas castle, shes extremely sassy and sarcastic though, but we love her
Blade- Blade! My second eldest has also come so far. Someone who used to be a bloodthirsty ruthless killer, is now a strong and capable leader, who loves her fellow guardians
Hammer- Hammer, The third eldest, the smiley-est and by far the creepiest guardian, is a force to be reckoned with! She's so big, so quiet so powerful! Ugh we love her
Xixi- xixi! You've seen her all over the this blog! The famous failed prototype with self worth issues! Meant to Bind all the creations of [Pat]! Though she had her defects...she still wishes to be of some use!!!!
Collar-Collar, the youngest, has probably changed the most out of all the other guardians, she's the smallest, and tends to scare people off. She didn't used to be like that, but she's, intimidating now, despite her size.
L:XV dust-Dust! What more can I say, this version of dust isn't like most, he's silly, and loud, and is always up for making 'freinds', this dust does not have a hallucination of papyrus's Spirit...but that comes to bite him in the ass later. Dust is, a punching bag of sorts, for me anyway lmao
OVal-Ugh Oval, this guy's a major prick, Insists on hanging out around xixi, only to insult her and put her in harm's way at any chance he gets. He had a difficult past but it's not excuse. His magic can't digest regular food, so the mf eats rocks. Him and xixi are from the same place, somewhere called [MAYHEM]
Algorithm- Al, hehehehe, This man started out as a normal sans, completely normal. Totally ordinary Version of sans that managed to figure out how to manipulate code. Managed to kill everyone in the underground except his brother and make exact replicas of their soulless bodies, and forced his brother to play along with a new script of the game. One that Algorithm wrote himself. He's, a control freak.
Dbug-Poor baby, love him, he didn't deserve what his brother did. He started out as a normal papyrus, loud, boisterous, fun loving extraverted, And then his brother killed all his frens, forced him into the role of 'The head of the royal gaurd' and kept Dbugs soul in a state of limbo until a human fell and it was time for him to 'play his role'. He's so much different now. Poor baby
Xp- XP!!!! She's just your average glitch, hanging out in the antivoid and eating code she finds throughout the mulitverse. Not enough to destroy anything, just enough to taste and keep her well fed!
Nelly's brother (dead): Nelly's brother! Who held this omniverse in his hands, protecting it from any outside forces! Such a kind kind man, what a shame what happened to him...
Nelly- Nelly! An entity created by his brother to cure the keepers loneliness, he's got seven souls, and he's the keeper of [MAYHEM] he was a villain before, but he's been reformed :)
Benji- Benji! A sans with a cowboy hat who got lost In the multiverse! He's trying to find his way back home! He makes a friend along the way, even though he hates them at first
Copper- Copper! Benji's 'freind' with super cool electricity powers. She's a chill gal, and doesn't remember her home, and doesn't care to find it. Shes good running around the multiverse with this wannabe cowboy
Nelly's brother (revived)-The being responsible for Nelly's death, feeling bad for what they did, tried to recreate him for the sake of his little brother. Unfortunately, once someone is dead, they're dead. You can never make the same soul twice....currently locked up in [STILLNESS]
The Placeholders- The Placeholders! Three skeletons who were created after the unfortunate events during the battle with Nelly, back when he was still a villain. All they want is their brothers back. To kill the copies that stole their lives from them.
Pride: Pride! He's come such a long way! A now reformed villain, this is a papyrus who'd managed to get ahold of a [NEGATIVITY APPLE] and changed drastically. He's better now! He's a very tired man, who misses his dead brother...
D!blu-Denial blue! A regular swap sans who went mad after he found out how expensive the multiverse was, he didn't like the idea of there being so many of him...
Taz-Taz, mf, Is responsible for Bringing Vincent to this multiverse, and is just casually watching three separate groups fight for Dominion of the multiverse. All because he wanted more attention.
Mama Xi-Beloved ghost mother! Just a dead lady who loves Taking care of kids, and never gets sleep because of her graphic, violent nightmares....
Mysterious boat person: What can I say about this person, the name sais it all, he may or may not be related to someone else on this list...
Pat- Ah pat, us, me, everyone! Pat! The anomaly who entered this realm and turned everything upside down! Shes a problem, and she loves it. She doesn't have a Shadow, I wonder why....
Tiger-Tiger, Dblus poor baby brother, he just wants his older brother back, how he was before. He's so tired, so sad.
Signal-Honestly, gremlin dad man, Where did he come from? Why does he want a family? Who knows. (don't tell anyone but I kinda ship him with Mama xi, and one of my friends characters...)
Signals 7 adopted (stolen) children-Seven, stolen kids, All of which I love, none of which I have full drawings of
Invidia- The embodiment of jealousy, that just kinda, manifested, she's awful and terrible, and lives alone in a giant castle in an abandoned universe. She loves it there, and it's filled with shiny treasures
Seal!Papyrus- Actually, Just, Regular papyrus, except there's something.. clearly wrong...why is everyone trying to kill him? Why does he hurt, so bad.....
Gemini/Dustbunny-Poor baby, His brother died in a fight for food, he may or may not have blacked out and wiped out every living thing in the underground, and when he woke up a he saw was a humans outstretched Hand... offering him a new beginning....
Acce-This is actually just negative tale sans, after killing his brother and overhearing talk of his universe being destroyed and consumed, he asked the person destroying his home universe if he could tag along with them. And now he's living the dream...
Unnamed human child- a mysterious child with no known origin, only a mask in the shape of someone's face and a bloody, worn out knife
Nimda-Nimda! Poor baby, cursed to forever wander the universe, destroying each one she comes across until her counter reaches zero and she's allowed to go back home...
Screensaver: a broken, vengeful sans who's au was destroyed by a virus (nimda) who's now searching for her and any other glitched souls in the multiverse, so that he may eradicate them.
Vixx: My vampire! Who made a deal with a devil in green magic, and ended up into a warped version of your average monster, someone who needs LV to survive, someone who does not trust easy
L:XV error-Poor thing, a collection of scattered code though out the multiverse, searching for his true origins, and what all his scattered, broken memories mean...
Jay/jairo: A medic! A loud, fun party girl who's always up to make friends! No one knows how they move their little medical station throughout the multiverse so easily...
Jace: Jay's quieter, but still quite loud freind, she appreciates the little things, and has the most Adorable laugh!
Despair: Despair, the vengeful spirit looking for the person who took his life. He isn't sure who it is he's looking for, but he'll know when he finds them...
L:XV Nightmare: Poor poor thing, Nightmare, left by his brother to die by the hands of Invidia, this guardian of negativity is given a twisted second chance at life, but by who...
L:XV Dream-Two faced garbage, Who uses everyone around him for his own gain. Killed his brother simply because he felt like it. Now he works for someone who has their eyes on the seal....
And, These are all I can remember right now lmao, unfortunately most of them are skeletons, something I will fix once I start the new Multiverse, But! I love them all nonetheless!
I couldn't really choose a favorite, They're all my favorite I could never pick a favorite creation! I have love hate relationships with several of these characters though...
Please! If you guys have!!! Any questions about these characters feel free to ask!!! I always think about the most miniscule of details when it comes to these characters, so ask them, or me, Anything!
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ms-rampage · 3 years
The New Trainee
Summary: Paige, Kate and all the other hunters show Felix how to kill monsters. Monster Hunting 101.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Some language
Note: OC Felix Miller belongs to @the-chaos-siblings (also requested by him)
“Okay so the monster you saw us killed. That was a Wendigo, they’re pretty much humans that resorted to cannibalism, and turned into monsters” Paige tells Felix.
After he witnessed a Wendigo, and saw how they killed it. Paige and Kate along with everyone that lives on the compound showed Felix how to hunt, and kill monsters. 
“Humanoids that are tall and pale. A huge part of Native American mythology” Kate adds. 
“So fire and silver bullets kill them?” he asks. 
Both sisters nod, “Yep, they’re usually in groups, but they’re more likely to be by themselves” Paige tells him. 
Her husband Kenneth, along with their hunters friends/family Adrian, Cody, Mark, Martin, Nate and their mother Mandy walk into the living room.
“That Wendigo was living by itself, but I’m sure there’s more lurking out there in the woods” he tells them. 
“So what other monsters exist?” Felix asks, “Do vampires exist?! Werewolves? Demons?! The loch ness monster?!”. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yes and maybe” Paige answers, “Unless it's freakin' Godzilla, it real!”. 
There were some “animal” attacks in the wood areas of Hope County, Montana, and everyone including forest rangers have concluded them as either bear, or cougar attacks, but the local supernatural hunters say differently. Because after Wendigo’s attack they leave nothing behind, and the campsite had some blood evidence, but no bodies of campers. The site was “too clean” for the Cult to have kidnapped any innocent “sinners”. 
“So I kinda know how to kill vampires” he tells them, but he has an unsure tone in his voice, “A wooden stake to the heart, holy water, sunlight and garlic”. 
They all exchange looks, knowing that’s how you kill them in movies, and it's a huge misconception. 
Kate awkwardly clears her throat, “Well umm, Felix, that’s actually a huge misconception. We all know in movies and tv shows. Killing vampires with a wooden stake or repelling them with garlic is actually false”. 
He looks at her confused, “Then how do you kill them?”. 
“Decapitation” Kenneth tells him, “You chop off its head, and that’s it”. 
Kate takes a seat next to him, “So we’re gonna start off with vampires, and how to kill them, and how they originated”. 
Paige clears her throat, giving him a lesson in Monster Hunting 101, “So as you may know, vampires live forever. Never age. Up until you give them a nice clean head cut. Vampires originate from the Alpha vampire, the very first of the kind. Progenitor of vamps. Killing them is easy, decapitation, but those bastards are fucking strong and fast. Sneaking little bastards”. 
“You can “cure” a vampire” Cody tells him, “Dead man’s blood. The blood of a dead person. It sedates them”.
“It doesn’t really cure them, it just makes them weak, and causes them pain without actually killing them” Ken adds. 
“Next!” Paige exclaims, “Demons! Corrupted human souls!. Twisted, perverted evil spirits! Ghosts with an ego!”. 
“Abominations” Adrian mutters before taking a sip of his whiskey. 
“There are many, different types of demons” Kate tells him, “There are the typical, everyday black eyed demons. Then there’s red eyed demons, white eyed demons, and yellow eyed demons. Princes of Hell, Knights of Hell. Crossroad demons. It’s all a goddamn hierarchy!!”. 
“Basically demons are human souls that were sent to Hell for whatever reason, and were left in the fiery pit to be tortured until there is no humanity left in them” Mandy tells Felix, “Turning them into demons. Direct opposites of angels”. 
“Killing them is very easy, depending on who and what type you’re dealing with. Holy water, salt and iron. Holy fire, hex bags and exorcism” Kenneth explains, “Are all all you need to deal with those bastards”. 
“A Devil's trap” Nate tells him, “Is what you need to trap a demon. It imprisons, binds and overpowers them. Most demons are unable to cross a salt line, but it can be used to harm them”. 
Felix is trying to process all this information, not even 10 minutes into “Monster Hunting 101” and he already feels confident on killing monsters. 
"Okay I'm starting to feel confident in this!" he tells them, "Where do find these monsters?!?".
“You may feel confident now, but these evil sons of bitches? They’re the worst!” Adrian says, before taking another sip of his whiskey, and filling his glass up again, "They're everywhere! Any small town. Like Hope County for example". He takes another hit of the alcohol, drinking it like water.
“Hey, hey cowboy shit, easy on the whiskey” Paige tells him, "Drink water for once!". He gives her a mocking look before drinking again. 
“Anyway! Werewolves are pretty simple to kill, silver bullets” Kate says loudly “Now ghosts are also very easy. They hate salt, and iron. If you want an evil ghost/spirit out of your house. You find the bones of the person, salt em and burn em”.
“Now if the person was cremated, you have to find something they love, something they held dearly to, and you destroy it” she adds. 
“We’re just teaching you the basics on killing monsters because there’s a lot of information on this crap” Paige tells him. 
“Okay so how did all of you get into this stuff??” Felix asks them, “How did you all discover these creatures??”. 
All the hunters exchange looks, “It’s a very long story, but to summarize our story. Our family has been a part of this whole game for 5 generations” the eldest Winchester explains to him.
“My family’s been doing this for 3 generation” Cody explains to him, “I’ve been hunting monsters since I was 5 years old”. 
“My family’s been loyal members of the Men of Letters” Martin tells him, “They do the same thing, track and hunt down monsters”. 
“Well in your case it's British Men of Letters” Kate tells him. 
“Pretty much all of us come from 3-5 generations of monster hunters” Mandy explains to him.
After getting to know everyone in the household, and now having the acknowledgement on hunting monsters. but Felix knows he’s gonna have to learn a lot from these people, and get used to the special weapons they use to kill these creatures. Learn how to speak, and read Latin and Enochian.
“Pretty much Halloween will be an everyday thing for you” Kenneth tells him, “Our lives are a horror movie”. 
With that all said, Felix has one hell of a journey into this life ahead of him. 
“Actually for great practice, we actually summoned a demon” Paige tells them, everyone looks over at her. 
“You did what??” her husband asks her, “You summoned a demon?? When we have our toddler and infant kids in the house?!?”. 
“Yeah but it’s fine. I have him trapped in the bunker. In the torture chamber” she tells them. 
Kenneth was always strict when it came to summon monsters in the house for training, or for getting information.
They go down to the bunker, into the chamber where they keep monsters and interrogate them. 
“Before I open the door Felix” Paige turns to him, “No, you can’t fuck it because its an evil entity”. 
He gives her a bummed out expression, “Then what has all this training been about??”.  
“Killing monsters” Kenneth answers. Patting his shoulder.
She opens the loud metal door, and they see a man tied to a chair, inside a devil’s trap. 
He lifts his head, with a smug smile on his face. “Well hello there red” he says to Paige with a teasing and cocky tone in his voice. 
“Shut up demon trash” she responds, throwing holy water in his face, making it burn. 
He growls in pain and also in annoyance. “Stupid human!”.
“She said shut up!!” Kenneth orders him, throwing holy water in his face again. 
Paige gets into the killing demons lesson. “Okay, so this thing on the floor is a devil’s trap. If the trap is broken, then this fucker right here will smite all of us”. 
“I will boil your flesh!” the demon growls at her, his eyes going black. 
“Anyway!” she says loudly, ignoring him and his threats, “There are many ways to torture demons. Like for example throwing holy water in their faces. It burns them, and they can’t cross a salt line”.
Kenneth goes to a table on the other side of the chamber, and brings over a variety of weapons, setting them down on a table next to his wife. 
“Demons also hate iron. Like holy water it burns them” she continues. 
Kenneth hands Felix a knife that can kill demons. A knife with a wooden handle, and a sharp blade. It looks like an ordinary hunting knife, but it can do great damage to demons. 
The blade can’t kill all demons, it can’t kill Knights of Hell, and Princes of Hell. Like Abaddon, Alistair, Samhain and Lilith.
“Now what you’re holding is an Ancient Demon-Killing Knife of the Kurds” Kenneth tells Felix.
“Or, you can just call it a demon killing knife” Paige corrects him, taking less time on saying the name, "Or just simply a demon knife".
“Ohh I see. He’s the new trainee!” the demon mutters, “How cute!!”. 
“Demons are cocky little bastards” Kate tells them, leaning against the chamber's doorway. 
“Oh Katie how ya doing?!” he asks, eyes blackened “I heard about your little boy toy Johnny Seed getting possessed by Saleos”. 
She scoffs, rolling her eyes “Yeah and what happened to Saleos afterwards?? He got casted out and sent back to Hell. He knew he fucked up when Lucifer punished his ass". 
“So you all do this for a living??” Felix asks them, "Do you ever tell people about this sort of stuff??"
“Yep! And nope because people tend to freak out if they were to ever find out about this stuff” Paige answers, “And now we’re showing you how to kill evil sons of bitches”.
“So take the knife and stab douchebag” Ken tells him, “Stab him right in the chest, or stomach. Wherever you’d like”. 
The demon starts to laugh, “He doesn’t have the guts to kill me!. He doesn’t-”. Getting cut off by Felix without hesitating, stabs the demon in his abdomen, doing a knife trick before stabbing him. Making the redish orange light come out of his eyes, mouth and the stab wound. They all look at him like proud parents. 
“Well shit” Paige chuckles, with a smile on her face. 
“I didn’t think you were gonna stab him” Ken tells him. 
“I think he’s ready for a real hunt” Kate tells them.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
rounding out my male OCs with one of my older guys, who could use some development here: Gritzgrotz the orc!
remodeling him from his origins as a 40k ork, here, he is in the style of warcraft monster boy orcs; he’s a very large (7ft, probably) green orc who is absolutely and indesputably a himbo. Big and beefy, with a bit of a gut, his arms alone are bigger than some humans. he’s big overall, with a bit of a DILF vibe. very handsome, too!
bit square jawed; maybe a bit of beard but mostly on the scruffy side. long hair, for sure! he has tusks, piercings and a few tattoos, most likely.
he’s a cheerful and amiable sort, who is more insightful than you’d expect, but he doesn’t come off as very bright. chairs and small rocks have been known to outwit him, and he doesn’t honestly mind that much; he considers himself a follower, and just likes doing what he’s told. he was basically born to be someone’s sidekick, and he’s fine with that.
he’s very strong, and he’s almost impossible to put down; you keep hitting him, he keeps going and he just does not quit. he applies the same single-mindedness to doing ordinary errands or jobs, usually to comedic effect. he’s very hard to trick, because he keeps patiently asking the same questions until he gets an answer that sounds right.
he’s bisexual and tends to have an easy-going affection for everyone around him. he’s also perpetually happy, shiny and friendly, and he may enjoy winding up people that find this annoying.
he has an incredibly obnoxious drinking hat that is just the worst thing ever. it has sirens on it. it has bright orange day-glo paints. It makes obnoxious sound effects when he talks. he refuses to go anywhere without it and claims the brews it carries are the secret to his mystical power.
very nice guy; he’s very polite to everyone, even his enemies, and considers it a standards thing. for this reason, Odina in particular finds him aggravating. “Nah, ma’am, ya shouldn’t yell at them for calling after midnight, it’s not nice!” “GODDAMIT, NICE STOPS AFTER MIDNIGHT!”
generally speaking: he’s a benign musclehead, he’s a himbo and damn proud of it.
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fattyaly · 5 years
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To make amends for the stuff that I’m preparing (which should NOT take this much time) I wanna show you my league oc which I’m a bit embarrased to do, but hell, I heard tumblr likes original characters, but what do I know. Her story goes smth like this: Once upon a time, one huge lineage of shuriman fanatics exchanged their freedom to the eternal service to the empire and the emperor. Their people spent years praying and trying to climb Targon that housed the legendary Sun, the one who granted Shurima its strength and ascension, a lot of people died for the cause of the family. They were granted their wish and transformed to most loyal subgects, stronger that most ordinary humans, and the leader of the family, The Enlightened, possesed quite a gift of magic. They were all loyal to the crown to the bone. But after the destruction of the disk there remained only one weak branch that were tended the Ascended far away from the capital. Over the years it became nothing but a puny village of 30 people, farmers and foragers. As said before, the “Enlightened” of the family was bestoved with magic from the Sun and had to lead the family and protect the crown and Ascended. And Alkhaya is the first Enlightened one, discovering her “gift” the moment the disc returns. All her life she dreamed of living normal life in the city, studying and working, but received this cursed power, promises of the eternal service and blind admiration. Not much impressed, she dumped her clan and traveled to Zaun. After spending there some time, she tried to replace herself with mechanical parts in blind hopes that she could preserve her freedom, but magic rejected everything she tried to insert, never leaving her body. The influence of the disk increased, and she had to return to Shurima, where she met Xerath earlier than she came to argue to the emperor who was directly responsible for these events in her life. She complained to the mage that she would be imprizoned in mind and soul, bounded, like a slave of the sun’s will with no hope of reclaimong her mind, earned a place in Xerath’s army for herself and a promise to get free her from such a fate, in return she promised to fullfill everything for his victory, because his magic helped. It was her own will to put herself in the harms way, so she felt everything was justified. With the loss of Xerath she was punished by the most efficient brainwashing by the heavens. After the liberation of Xerath, they found a way to bring her back to her senses and she continued to learn magic from him, growing to respect the power given to her. We also kind of decided that she would be the first Ascended New Era and stuff like that. She also has a cousin who was trying to bring her home to make Shurima great again all this time. Game-wise she would have been a quite self-sustained adc, specializing in debuffs, mainly silence and blindness.
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raleigh-ocean · 5 years
✿ ♡ ♥ For delia ?
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✿ - Sex headcanon
Maybe this has been talked about before, but is something that I held close to me for some reason. I tend to think that in vulnerable times or at least, times where raw emotions are shown, a witch’s magic kinda slip through the passive control of the witch body. So knowing this and taking in count that Cordelia is the most powerful witch, her magic ends up being a bit overwhelming for her partner at some point.
If her partner is just a regular human, it wouldn’t affect them - I see it as this raw magic works in another level; but if they are a witch, well, that’s when funny stuff happen. Since Cordelia’s magic tends to pull and push whatever source is next to her, it’s kinda tiring for the other part and sometimes make them black out before anything starts alhfajshlas but well other than that, it depends on how much magic has her partner.
If we talking about ship, Misty handle Cordelia’s magic like a champ most of the time but she kinda doze off right after coming, with some funny magic explosions afterwards when she tries to cast a spell the next day and scaring the crap out of everyone because she is full charged thanks to Cordelia’s power.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Cordelia is the sweetest woman alive, I swear. Very thoughtful woman, she kinda picks little details about what her partner has said and then show up with surprises for them. Most of the time it isn’t necessary to be something material but gestures as making them tea or talking with them about what they like in dept or even just make ‘little dates’ out of daily stuff.
I think after Hank, she tried to be even more attentive with whoever is with her. It wasn’t her fault okay, but even when stuff isn’t your fault it leaves you a little thorn. With time she will feel better about that, but still she loves to make romantic what it seems ordinary. 
♥ - family headcanon
What a tricky thing. Well I talked about this once with Vivi, but I’m gonna explain myself here: after everything she went through with Hank and Fiona, she is a bit reluctant about really pursuing a family of her own. I think Cordelia will take the girls at the Academy as her children, taking care of them and doing anything in her hand to help them and she would feel very content just with that.
But when it comes to her, well, it’s something she has to think about a lot. I don’t see her trying to get pregnant again, as traumatic as it was when she tried to. Do I want her to have a baby? Yes, of course, she will be #1 mom. Do I see her carrying the baby? Heck no, as sad as it is. That maybe affect on her seeing her students as her children. Also we don’t know if becoming the Supreme ‘healed’ her from infertility, which I do think it didn’t (I won’t elaborate in this bc I will drift away from the hc), so there’s that.
If we talk about ship, she wants a baby with Misty and Misty wants a baby with Cordelia and I see them having this two beautiful blonde baby girls named Rhiannon and Victoria (if you thought Misty won’t call her child after Fleetwood Mac, you came to the wrong blog).  
if you want me to tell you my headcanons, send a character/characters/ocs of mine and I’ll spill the beans!
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living-in-margins · 5 years
Chapter 1: Beginnings
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Word count: 1004 Next Prompt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Darkness, nothingness, bliss. An entity of torment moved through the shadows. Existing on his hind paws, the beast had a leisurely stroll through the domain he called home. His hind paws resembled talons of extinct creatures, and were bare of the onyx fur that adorned him. Around him, the warmth of the air tickled at his pelt, but it was nowhere near as warm as the air that escaped through flared nostrils. The claws of his hands were the tone of ash, flawed from having trailed his talons against the floor moments ago. As he strolled, his tail swished against the bars lining the corridor walls. The muscles that rippled beneath his coat were not the only indication that the creature was a force to be reckoned with. With the head of a wolf, the jaws that parted revealed pure ivory daggers for teeth. Teeth that it sought to sink into the flesh of prey, and be rewarded with wails of agony. Humans were nothing to this creature. Looming over them was enough to warrant screams, screams that filled a cold heart with joy. Some say that after a few eternities the thought of torture would become boring, but those never learned to cherish the little ways of psychological torture. For no matter the times he murdered them, they always came back healthy, and intact with the next rise cycle of the moon.  For this was no ordinary realm. This… was Hell.
A guardian of the gates, he like many others emerged from the shadows. Stitched by the hand of their King to an image that suited him, they grew from the souls that were gathered, feeding of the wails of the damned. Each cell contained a soul to be tormented, but today the beast sought to leave the tower, and enjoy the air of their domain. The underworld was a city, a city of towers where the humans were imprisoned, built on the foundation of purgatory. Occasionally a soul was let loose in the city for the hunt, and today was that day. Perching on the frame of a window, the beasts leathery wings stretched out, casting a dim shadow onto the smaller houses below. Sometimes humans were best to be tortured by themselves, and small buildings to enclose them seemed to do the trick. It was a city run by prisoners, some aware of it, and others not. Some managed to keep their memory longer, surviving without being killed off, those were the ones truly miserable.
Alit by fires, no natural light reached the place of eternal darkness. The moon they referred to was merely the largest fire that lit up the realm from the sky. Like the roots of a tree, it wove amongst the ceiling, kept alive by the slaves they did not have time to torture just yet. In transition periods, veins would decrease in illumination and would take awhile to rekindle marking a cycle. None of the monsters in the realm needed light. Their vision was adapted for both to create the optimum hunter. After all, the King did not want to lose a precious soul within the walls of his kingdom. A bell tolled, the low, long ring echoing over the realm. Each ring vibrating in his bones, calling to him like a melody. Behind him, within the winding halls, he could smell the fear of his prisoners. As the bell rang, a higher pitch seeped into it. Hisses emitted from the tangled roads below, displeased with the new tone. This was no longer the game’s bell… it was the summoning bell. Some foul human on the surface of Earth thought they were entitled to summon a demon at their beck and call. The summoning connection was one they would never understand, as those high pitched notes picked one demon to rise. Someone above made the mistake of summoning him. Leaping forward from his perch, wingspan opening to its maximum length, the air rushed beneath his wings. Folding in his limbs, his tail drifted along behind him. The song was guiding his movements, enticing him toward the veins that made up their sky. He could see it from afar, the gap of true light. The rays came down, pulling him into the blinding gap. For a moment, there was nothing, it felt as though the creature was floating without a body. This moment was known to be the bliss a soul felt as it travelled between the realms. It was only a split second, but while drifting it felt like eons. To most it was an experience, to him it was the definition of boredom. Unable to control anything, he was left to dwell in his thoughts, and scowl at the human who beckoned him from his home. The silence became filled by the wind, and a burst of flames shot up from below engulfing him entirely. Feeling the ground from beneath him, the demon rested on his back hunches, his hands rested on his knees as he waited for Hell’s flames to settle. He pulled his wings inward, feeling the warmth of his home tickle them as the fire steadily died down into ashes. Earth. It was in its dormant season, or so the snow sticking to the ground indicated. Everything was covered in a blanket of white, and the trees resembled dead branches interwoven with one another. The snow seemed to stretch out far and wide in an endless sea, except for what appeared to be a little house far off on the flat land. For the most part it was untouched, smoothened by wind drifting across it, except for the perfect circle where the demon resided: the circle of Hell’s gates momentarily opening. Crimson eyes finishing sweeping across the landscape, taking in his surroundings, the beast looked at the figure before him; his summoner. Lips curling back to reveal his powerful teeth, the fiend looked at his game with a menacing smile. Looks like he got a chance to play a game after all. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Next Prompt A/N: Since I am on a mission to simply write for fun, I figured I should go on a mission to try and imagine a scene each day. With OCtober being a thing I keep seeing, I figured that I will try to keep up with the prompt list by @oc-growth-and-development . There is no guarantee that I will be able to keep up because my weeks tend to be chaotic, but I am hoping to integrate writing more into them. Thank you @unblockingwritersblock for the prompt. Tags: @half-blood-potions-master
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mooleche · 5 years
FIRSTLY - Thank you for asking about my babs aaaa
SECONDLY - OH BUD YOU IN IT NOW - These are the current ocs of the week. I have more but I haven’t given them a lot of plot other then ‘I have a mad desire to create this’. Descriptions for them underneath the cut!
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1. Nina (Ink)Y’all know this oc. I will never shut up about this oc because she’s the one I put most of my attention to gdslkgdsl Nina is a 24 y/o french american mutant able to control ink that currently resides in New York for college after a bad vigilante bout that left her just wanting an ordinary life. She doesn’t get to enjoy this for long after trying to go toe to toe with Venom in a fight that eventually completely twists her life around for the interesting. She’s a good egg with a chaotic neutral attitude.
2. Ania (Neon)
Ania is Nina’s clone that isn’t introduced until a bit later in her story. Created after Nina was rescued by the X-Men in her teens, Ania was raised to be a sleeper agent for Essex Corp and only activated for assassination and/or bodyguard duties for the higher up scientist that created her. Her mutant power is neon manipulation and uses it with great prowess and has no trouble in taking Nina down, who is often reckless and blunt with her attacks. Her personality in the beginning is very short and closed off, but once she opens up she’s very shy and timid. She enjoys video games and tends to act a bit childish as she wasn’t able to have an actual childhood but Nina takes her in like a sister and treats her as such to keep her happy.
3. Milo (Scout)
Milo is a hot mess. She’s 23, a human, and has stuck her hand in the cookie jar of demons one too many times in order to avenge her family. Thinking it was a smart idea at the time she made a deal with the demon that murdered her parents to gain more power, but makes him stronger in the process. Desperate to right her wrongs she seeks assistance from Dante to take out the demon and spends her days after looking up demonic artifacts and intel for him and any other hunters looking for the good word on the current hot commodity under the wing of J.D. who she refers to as her uncle (no relation). She has her own demonic powers that involves releasing a shadow version of herself that increases her strength and speed, but requires red orbs in order to keep it tamed. She’s energetic, goofy and stubborn as hell, but she’s always got the best intentions at heart and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. 
4. Shortcake
Embarrassingly enough I don’t have a lot of information about her yet. I just really wanted a dessert oc and strawberry shortcake gave me a really cute idea to work with. All I can say is that she’s unabashedly horny on main and enjoys baking and modeling off cute clothes for fun sglkdsgls
5. Daisy
This fucking oc. She was my first cowgirl doodle years ago and she’s blossomed into a powerhouse of ideas. She’s 24 and the oldest of her siblings who are next in line to run their family cafe Baiser de Crème. I was going to include them all but there’s SO MANY. Daisy is very bubbly and kind though, and she makes sure all of their customers leave with full bellies and smiles on their faces because that’s what makes her day. She’s also the most forward of her relatives, which many of their customers enjoy, but that’s for another time. But yeah, Daisy lives in a town full of anthro creatures that I’m slowly but surely fleshing out more and more every day for fun, if only to satiate my need to create more monstergirls/boys but she’s one of my favorite ocs and I wuv her.
6. Thriller (Mercy Maye)
An Umbrella Security Service operative and locksmith specialist. Originally a part of the Wolf Pack, Thriller was disbanded for a solo mission involving the capture and elimination of rogue scientists from Umbrellas corporation during the outbreak.She was once a marksman with S.T.A.R, but was soon sought out by the U.S.S. due to her high ranking and impressive skills to get in places she shouldn't be in, Umbrella Corporation included. After breaking into their security system she and and her team were sent to investigate some of the more suspicious experiments before ultimately getting overwhelmed.With the risk of having her entire team being killed on the spot she agreed to switch teams and was taken under HUNKs wing to become a lethal weapon among their ranks. She spends most of her days improving the security in Umbrellas computer systems while exploiting other companies to step down when they threaten to blackmail the company. She uses humor to gain trust and friendship among her ranks but is not one to keep ties for long as she does not want people to be used against her again. During missions she often resorts to dark humor to keep herself rooted and instead channels her fear into blood lust to keep herself and her team alive, later given the codename Thriller as a result. She might seem like she trusts Umbrella Corp on the surface but deep down she’s just looking for the perfect moment to strike them and reveal all of the terrible secrets they’ve kept hidden away from the world.
And that’s about it! I wrote so much I’M SORRY. I just love me babies and I hope I can do more with them in the future aaaa
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proxylynn · 5 years
Lynchtale: File Name Game of Death #2
Chapter 2: Pay the price for your betrayal
With each step taken the fog ebbed and flowed back, never revealing the solid surface under its misty shroud. In fact, nothing was capable of being seen. At least, for now. Such is how the Entity makes these spaces between realms. The soft footfall of sneakers barely audible. Though one body walked this path, it castes four shadows. This was the Legion. Four souls bound together in a single body, with only one ever in control at a time. They don't remember much before they were taken by the Entity, but they know one thing. They oddly all share the same name. So to break any confusion they each bare a nickname. Dead-Eye is the impulsive one, quick to show off and enjoys doing so in the most hardcore of ways. Boo is the shy and naïve one, usually only doing things because they're forced or afraid to disobey. Chops is the demanding one, thinking they are deserving of more than they get and taking pleasure in earning such rewards. Then there's Bones the opportunistic leader of the bunch, they are as crafty as they are charismatic yet loyal to a fault. They are Legion. And they are on the move. Or more accurately...Bones is on the prowl.
{where are we going? this isn't the way back to the cabin.}
Boo questions.
{weren't you paying attention, twerp? there's new meat in this game. we're gonna go see if they're worth any trouble.}
Chops barks.
{leave the kid alone. we need to pay attention.}
Dead-Eye makes his point. To which Chops scoffs in annoyance.
"will you guys knock it off. we're almost there. and i want all of you to focus."
It's not easy to keep one's mind centered when three other voices tend to chatter on, but Bones had managed to get used to it. This was what it was like for them all the time. The only exceptions were in trials and if the Entity was feeling they earned a generous reward. In trials, the other three would be held back and allow the one in control to be fully themselves. And the generous reward...temporary separation for a short limited time. Moments to themselves are rare, so any chance to have them is highly sought after. This wasn't one of those moments, but could potentially lead up to one, so scouting out the meat was very important.
The fog begins to lessen. Tress start to come into view. The realm of the Survivors' campsite finally draws near. A sinister grin creeps up Bones' face as the sight of a speck of light is seen in the distance. His pace quickens with a sudden eagerness. A feeling of excitement like a child rushing to open their gifts on X-mas day. The light getting closer the faster he went, almost going into his Feral Frenzy state.
{geez, man, chill. ya don't wanna give away that we're here.}
Chops for once was being logical.
"i can't help it. wraith did hype me up a little bit."
{she is merely another human. there is nothing to get so worked up about.}
Dead-eye states coldly.
"that's not the part i'm hyped for."
{it's her soul, isn't it? wraith said it had more colors than the others.}
Boo innocently chimes in.
"heheh...call me curious, but a human with more than one trait to their soul is a rather interesting surprise, to say the least."
{*chuckles* bet she's some kind of freak.}
{don't be so mean.}
{we are all freaks. the only difference is if you embrace it or not.}
"shut up! all your yammering is pissing me off. i need concentration."
Their murmurers in his mind settle down as the density of the forest wanes and the smell of smoke becomes as clear as the light source creating it. Bones' movement now was but a crawl of its former speed as he crouched into the bushes near the humans' untouchable safe zone.
"okay...now, where is the new face?"
Mimicking the stealth of the very prey he's eyeing, Bones silently moves from one shrub to the next to circle the site and better spy the new odd human out.
{this has to be a record for the closest any killer's gotten to the camp.}
{what about that time one enraged huntress and she charged them?}
{i think he means closest without the entity interfering.}
{oh. then yeah. totally a new record.}
{bones, look over by that log in the back. i think that is her.}
From his current spot, all he can see along this log in question is a pair of arms locked behind a pony-tailed brunette head in relaxation. An easily missable sight if not paying attention. Creeping more around grants him the first view of her at a side angle. Yep. This was her. No one like her has been here before.
While different from what he's used to seeing, she wasn't out of the ordinary and just only contrasted from the other humans. Wearing a simple black shirt with weird white symbols across the chest, faded gray camouflage cargo pants, a dark hoodie tied around her waist, and old worn-out white sneakers that look like they've seen better days. She was new, but nothing special.
{that's her? *scoff* wraith must be losing his mind. the only thing she looks like is an easy kill.}
{i don't know. she looks nice enough.}
{boo, i swear, sometimes ya make me want to beat the shit out of ya.}
{what? why?}
{you're both being stupid. don't dismiss the prey by of how it looks. meat is tricky. do not trust it.}
"if only there was a way to get her to expose her soul."
{we can always get a look during trial. we just need to use our moris on her and bing bang boom, it's soul time.}
"true. but there's no telling when we'd get a crack at her."
{oh! i know!}
"what, boo?"
{we can do as wraith did. we get her to come into the woods and then kill her.}
{it does sound like a reasonable idea.}
{for once, the baby said something i can agree with.}
"fine, let's say we do try to lure her out. do any of you know how?"
{we can always chuck a rock at her head.}
"you've got to be fucking kidding me?}
{i don't see you suggesting anything. and besides, it's not like i said we throw our knife.}
"*sigh* i swear, the more time passes the dumber we get. i mean, what the fu..."
{she is looking this way.}
His attention returning to what's in the camp, Dead-eye was right, and her head was now facing his hiding spot.
"...you don't think she heard me, right?"
{no one else is looking. so my guess is no.}
{so weird.}
{weird bitch. i don't like the way she's staring at us.}
For once the shoe was on the other foot. The killer was nervous about being spotted by the prey. But he knew she couldn't possibly know that he's there. Even if he was talking to himself, she was too far away to have heard him and the fog coated bush hid him too well to be seen. So why then was her gaze just strongly locked on him to the point he could feel her eyes picking away at the leaves to find him.
{what do we do?}
{what do ya mean what do we do? it's only a human. she can't do squat to us.}
{then why does this feel so...?}
{yeah. like, super intense.}
{you two are pussies. bones, can ya believe the lack of balls on these dorks? ...bones?}
Bones didn't hear his companions. For that matter, he couldn't even feel their presence. He was too lost in the eyes staring into his very soul from afar. Something held him there and compelled him to keep staring at her. Then she moved. Standing up yet never breaking contact. She tilts her head, as if unsure of if she indeed sees something. But once her mind is made up, she starts to head his way and he hears something that will surely give his cover away.
{wait...is that...?}
{our heartbeat?}
{why is our heart beating ominously?}
"i don't know."
"'ey Luv..."
She stops at the call and approach of one of the male survivors.
"You're not really wanderin' off again, are you?"
When she doesn't respond to him, the man looks to where she's looking and Bones feels awkward.
"What's wrong, Luv? Somethin' over there?"
She rolls her shoulders and turns away.
"Nah. Just my imagination."
The man puts his arm around her shoulders and guides her back toward the log.
Bones lets out a quiet sigh.
Whatever the reason for this strange feeling, he's at least glad it was going away.
A few beats more and internal silence fell once again...not counting the three voices in his head.
{uh...i don't know about you guys, but i say we go home before something else weird happens.}
{you guys are such bitches. *huff* man...fuck this place. was a waste of time anyway.}
Bones found himself grinning. This human was already proving themselves to be interesting. She was going to be fun in trials. Every killer knows about the Terror Radius. The warning sound survivors hear when a killer draws near. But no killer could ever hear it...till now and only for her. And the thrilling part was that she probably had no idea of the effect that befell him at her coming closer, which means for him, finding her will be as easy as finding a cat in an empty fish tank.
"heh heh heh...this is going to be fun."
Having seen enough, for now, Bones made his way deeper into the forest and headed out into the dense fog. Now knowing what he did, it was time to return to their territory and go over a plan for this new meat. Perhaps he could make a rare offering to the Entity and ask for a small favor? It's worth a shot.
Time is annoying here. There's no way of knowing what is going on. Is it day? Is it night? Who knows! It's always this weird form of dark but isn't dark. Makes no damn sense. Then there's this good and bad stuff. The good, there's no need to sleep. The bad, trying to sleep because dreaming is awesome is nearly impossible due to assholes in this fucking camp! The good, there's no need to eat. The bad, I would kill for a Big Buford meal from Checker's/Rally's right now. It's a paradox! An evil and twisted hell! Only hell would deny me my favorite food! And to add to all of this...I'm so damn bored! I mean, you can only stare into a fire for so long till it feels like it's burning your very soul away with the power of absolute bullshit! Even when the others come and go, the tireless drain on my mental state remains. The only thing moderately entertaining is David. The guy, when not being a dumb flirt, has no filter when it comes to fucked up stories, that are obviously fake, and I love it.
"I went to this girl's party the week after she beat the shit out of my mate. While everyone was gettin' trashed, I went around puttin' tuna inside all the curtain rods. So weeks go by and they couldn't figure out why the house smelled like festerin' death. I only got caught because this bloke snapped a couple of shots where these guys at the party were singin' while I was in the background with a can of tuna."
"*snickering* Heheh...That story smells fishy. Cast a wider net next time."
David groans.
"Luv...Must you do that?"
"Puns aren't funny."
"You sir just aren't sophisticated enough to appreciate the complexity of a well-made pun."
He rolls his eyes.
"Anyway...This one time, my whole class got detention because I drew a penis with a glue stick on the whiteboard. When the teacher went to wipe off the board, all the fluff came off and stuck to the glue. I never got in trouble for it because everyone found it too funny to rat me out."
"Sounds like a sticky situation."
His groan is even louder.
"Wow. Tough crowd."
"Oh? Okay, Luv, why not you give it a go."
"What? You want me to make you laugh, huh?"
"Make me? No. I want you to try."
I glare.
"Oh, you are so on. *ahem* A priest was driving along and saw a nun on the side of the road. He stopped and offered her a lift which she accepted. She got in then crossed her legs, forcing the habit slip to open and reveals some of her legs. The priest looks and nearly has an accident. After shifting gears, he lets his hand slide up her leg. She immediately says, 'Father, remember Psalm: 129'. The priest says sorry and removes his hand but is unable to remove his eyes from her leg. Later on, when he shifts gears again and has ogled at her leg for like the trillionth time, he lets his hand slide up her leg again. The Nun once again says, 'Father, remember Psalm: 129'. Arriving at the convent, the nun gets out and the priest goes on his way. Once he's at his church, he rushes to his trusty bible and looks up Psalm: 129 and it said...GO FORTH AND SEEK, FURTHER UP YOU WILL FIND GLORY!"
He just stares at me. As do some others that were in the range of my overly dramatic finish. It's actually a little embarrassing. But then...He chuckles.
"Heh. Alright, Luv. I'll give you credit, that was funny. Shame I heard somethin' like it before."
My joke pride is dashed.
"Really? Damn."
"Eh, no worries. Better luck next time."
"Oh! I got a good one. So one day this fly is flying over a pond..."
[It is time, little worm. Time to run and hide from the monsters. Do not disappoint The Entity.]
"Luv? You okay?"
Suddenly the air chills. The trees bend as if to look away. And the fog gets so thick around camp that light is inescapable. An unknown impulse beyond my control has me make myself stand. Joining me in this weird stand is Dwight, Meg, and Jake. My comprehension of what is happening is as cloudy as the black smoke that consumes us. And just like that, we are taken from camp to an unknown place.
The transition of this smoke's transportation is one that chokes the very breath out of you. The feeling of these unseen claws skim along exposed flesh and just add this creepy unsettling factor that makes this even more fucked up. Yet just as the cringe factor feels like its approaching hentai levels of uncomfortable, it all stops. The smoke clears and a very Earth looking place in before me. It's bright, cold, and snowing. Things that normally bother me. But honestly...It makes me smile.
Reality comes back to me in the form of Dwight.
"Get down and follow me."
He crouches and I shrug before doing the same.
"What is this place?"
"Mount Ormond Resort. This is Legion territory. But that doesn't mean it would be the killer though."
"Yeah, I was told it can be random."
He nods and I follow behind while taking in as much of the area that I can soak in. The hollowed summit of Mount Ormond looms over desolate patches of dead trees. The abandoned ski facilities litter the ground among large patches of snow and natural rock clumps with other land bumps. Random snow machines, barrel fires, and a freaking watchtower. There's even an impressive chalet in the center, albeit it's not in good condition as far as I see and we are pretty far from it. The stale air makes the rough winds drape a heavy blanket of isolation over the bleak landscape. Oddly though, the area seems to be fenced in and gives me these dropping mice in a snake tank vibes. Humans being the mice and the snake being the killer monsters. Though seeing this barrier, it doesn't look very difficult to climb. Surely one can simply do so if given the chance. Eh, maybe I'll try it after learning more from Dwighty-boy. We continue to creeping along in tall patches of grass till we reach this weirdly positioned assortment that is almost maze-like but not quite. There are colorful pallets of wood on two sides, this red locker that is conveniently large enough to fit a person, and a hook post that looks like a miniature ski lift pylon with a yellow rubber mat surrounding the lower half. Though he ignores these things to take me to a massive generator that is connected to a light post.
"This is what we need to fix to open the gates and leave. Well...leave without dying."
I just blink in confusion.
"Dude. I don't know about you guys, but I don't know jack shit about mechanical work."
"You don't have to. Take a look."
He moves to one side and I do the same.
"The Entity made these simple. The only thing that needs fixing is the wires. They need to be reconnected to their other half. Just find two that have the same color and splice them back to make the connection. Just be careful not to rush or cross the wrong wires together."
"As dumb as it is to ask...Why?"
"It'll make the gen spark and alert the killer to our location."
"That sucks."
"It does. But not as bad when the killer attacks the gen to undo an amount of progress."
"...Now that's just shit."
"Help me with this one. Repairs go quicker when more than one person in on a gen."
"Fine. Just keep explaining things to me. I don't intend to die here."
He nods as he puts his hands in the generator. I doubt my skills are good here but I at least try and do the same, attempting to repair while keeping watch over his blind spot.
"The goal is to repair the gens to open the gates. But aside from messing up, even repairing the gen can alert the killer."
"Let me guess...The lights?"
I point up.
"Yep. They shine bright enough to be noticed and make a sound when turned on. So...It's best to run and hide when that happens."
"Is that what the locker is for?"
"Yeah, they're good for quick hiding or long-time avoidance."
"That last one sounds like a bitch move to pull."
"...It helps when your team is better than you are and you don't want to get int the way."
Ouch...That actually made me feel bad. Uh...Quick! Change the subject!
"And the pallets?"
"Oh, you use those for a few things. Mostly to block the killer. But if they grabbed someone before they dropped it, you can drop it and make the killer lose their grip and they can escape."
"But the killers can break dropped pallets and there's only a set number in the whole area."
"Other than that, there's not much else we can do. Hide, work on gens, and try not to die."
"Gee. That's depressing. So there's no way of, I don't know, fighting back?"
"Well, there are trunks scatted around that you can find one of four items in at a time."
"A med-kit, toolbox, flashlight, or key."
"Wait...So we don't get a weapon?"
"Nope. We can't even use the hatchets that are in the lockers."
"...Say what now?"
"We've tried. They can't be removed by survivors. Only the Huntress can take them. The only 'weapons' we get are the flashlights because it can temporarily blind them, and a shard of glass to stab them with to get out of their grip. That's it. The other items are just to help us get through this."
So wait, if humans are limited that much, then does that mean...?
"...So I take it trying to jump the fence is a no go too?"
"Nea tried that. The Entity raised it higher as a warning. She didn't listen and kept trying. It killed her automatically."
Damn. There goes that plan.
"*sigh* Any other helpful tips you can give me?"
"Keep your eyes peeled and listen out for the killer's Terror Radius."
"The huh?"
"Terror Radius. When the killer starts to get close, your heart will beat loudly. The louder it is, the closer the killer is to you. Thankfully, it's only a sound we can hear. Aside from the sound, beware of the Red Stain. It's a light that shines from their eyes when they target someone."
"I'm starting to see which side the Entity favors more. Is it too late to switch teams?"
We share a small awkward laugh. But I wasn't joking.
We pause at the sudden sound and notice no added light above us. Scanning the dense further out, a small blip of it is just marginally lighter than the surrounding area.
"That's one down."
"How many do we need to power the gates?"
I pale.
"You're joking."
"I wish."
"We have to do five of these things and avoid a killer while being completely helpless? That is the most bullshit of all bullshit I have ever heard!"
"Shhhhh! Keep your voice down."
I take a deep breath to settle down.
"Sorry. It's just I can't handle stupid. Like, no joke. My mind literally can't take it."
"I'm sure you're just..."
"I once put my head through a wall after punching it to avoid hitting someone that was stating the most illogical load of crap like what they were saying was fact."
He just stares at me.
"I'm not a violent person, dude. But when my brain can't comprehend utter lack of sense, it goes primal and demands a way to unload."
"...By hitting things?"
"By hitting things."
"That...doesn't sound healthy."
I merely shrug and connect the last couple of wires on my side.
Light beams down on us as the generator purrs with life.
"Now we need three more."
"Got it."
"This is where I leave you now."
"Increases the odds of us not being taken down in a bunch."
"...Makes sense."
"Take care, Lynsie."
"Same to you, Dwight."
Dwight crouches off in one direction and I crawl away in the opposite. The misty nature of this place and the snowfall makes for good coverage but also obstruct my sight as well...especially when it flies in your eyes.
Unless the killer just ripped the balls off one of the guys, that had to be Meg. What sucks is I feel I should do something. What that something is? Fuck if I know. Maybe if I find one of those chests I can get a med-kit and heal her if she's hurt. Great. Now I have to multitask. Find gens, fix gens, avoid death, and save others. Is it really too late to change sides?
The fuck? Nearly no time passed and a second was attacked? This isn't looking so good.
"Nope! Nope! Nope! So much nope!"
Dwight comes rushing this way.
He speeds past me with a look of "I'm going to wet my pants" and I don't like that one damn bit. His urgency kicks me into "screw this" mode and I bolt. Now the idea of hiding is my only goal. Something I can effectively feel safe in or at. The chalet looks to be three stories, so maybe. The watchtower seems to be missing a ladder, that's never stopped me before. There's a shack that is very out of place. Wait...What did they tell me about that again? Oh, I remember now. And...Nope! Not going there! That's a bad spot. Uh...Fuck it! Going for the trees! I pick one near one of the odd obstacle places and use it to get up to the reachable branches since the trunk is too big around.
That sound...
I climb up higher and try to mold into the branch work. Maybe I can think of a plan from here. It's not like the killer can climb up here...right?
Shit, that's closer. Where is it? What am I even looking for? Just saying "monster" or "killer" doesn't mean I know what it looks like. God, I hate my teammates...except you, Dwight. You actually tell me useful stuff.
A moving light gets my attention. From the height and angle that I'm at, I see the noticeable sight of a gingered haired maiden speed limping while trying to use a flashlight on someone in a dark blue hoodie. Such a human piece of clothing. A big contrast to the Wraith.
Meg's efforts to shake this killer have her darting around like mad. Soon though she heads my way.
I watch as she vaults through window arches and withholds from using the pallets until just the right moment. She even smacks the killer over the head with one and she gains some time to get ahead, adding more escape time by blinding the killer when he recovers. What kind of OP flashlight is that?
Though the killer can still see Meg hobbling away, it for some reason lingers here. Taking small quiet steps.
Why is it still here? Why won't it go after her? It doesn't see me, does it?
It approaches a locker and flings it open, only to not find me...but Dwight. Unable to escape, the killer grabs Dwight and the poor guy weakly wriggles on the shoulder of the monster as it carries him over just past this obstacle thing.
By how loud that scream is that had to be him going on the hook. Now's my chance to do something helpful! If only the killer would leave! I don't know what it's doing. But the thing won't stop stalking around this damn spot! It's making my heart go nuts!
I'm about to lose my shit when suddenly something sparks on the other end of the zone. The killer pauses, looks around, goes over to Dwight and hits him before leaving to check it out. I wait till my heart has stopped racing then slowly make my way back to solid ground and move to Dwight.
"Dude, how's it hanging?"
He cringes with a groan.
"Please don't make fun right now. I'm in a lot of pain."
"I see that. It's just how I deal with things. Now think light thoughts."
I embrace his legs and lift. He on his end pulls up with one hand and move the hook away with the other. The blood falling and the sloshing noise of the nasty hook moving through his shoulder. When freed he slumps down on me and brings us both crashing to the snow.
"*muffled* Mind getting off my head?"
He rolls off me and I shake the snow from my hair.
"Thanks for the save."
"Anytime. So long as I'm not being chased."
He smiles and picks himself up, holding the gaping wound with his good hand. Doing so makes his extra wound at his side stretch and bleed harshly.
"Say...You wouldn't happen to know where Jake is?"
I shake my head.
"Oh well. Here's hoping I find him or my own med-kit before Legion gets me again."
"That was Legion?"
"One of them. You better get going now. It's not good hanging around a wounded survivor."
"Wait, what do you mean by one of them?"
He limps off, groaning and dripping blood.
Sounds like Meg is getting into trouble again. I got to do something. Anything productive. Where's another generator at?
Holy shit! Okay, I need to do something. I'm too far judging by that scream. I need to buy them time to save her. I need to...
Not yell out the killer's name like a fucking idiot!
Well, that's to be expected. Time to run now. With basically having painted a "come kill me" target on my dumb ass, I don't hold back on the speed. Rushing as if Legion were right behind me instead of just trailing from somewhere.
Need to duck it. Need to find something to disorient it. In my haste, I grab some snow and ball it before chucking it at a passing pallet. The thud sound it makes should pull its attention.
Unfortunately, it seems I'm not going to be so lucky. It's not falling for this trick.
That sound means we only need two more generators to power the gates and no one has died that I'm aware of. So far I'd call this a good trial. Scary as fuck, but still good.
It's going after the others again. I can use this opportunity to find a spot to rest for a bit. My lungs are burning from so much running. The watchtower again seems like a tempting hideaway, but if I try climbing now I'll make too much noise with all the huffing and puffing. The shack is again, something I'm not going near due to basement reasons. So the chalet will be my rest stop for the moment. Sneaking in is easy, what with all the broken spots that anyone can use. The inside is trashed. Giving off the vibes of a place used to crash in to get away from the world. Ah, teenage memories. Sadly such destruction makes some parts of it crippled or just plain blocked by debris. Which sucks because that top area is where I want to go and I'm not in the mood to go parkour crazy.
Jake or Dwight just got nailed. The way things are going another hit or hook will happen.
Oh, come on!
You've got to be kidding me.
Son of a...Not much to go on and needing somewhere to hide, I throw myself behind one of the random couches...only to end up skidding into a downward going set of stairs and I tumble head over heel into a wall.
I shake away the stars in my eyes and come to find I'm in the one spot I've been trying to avoid. I'm in the basement. But how? I thought they said it shows up in the shed. What kind of retards am I dealing with here?!
Oh yeah, that's still a thing. Since going back up will get me spotted for sure, I hobble deeper down the steps and find the light seeping through the walls to be very unnerving. The eerie sounds don't help either. The Basement contains four lockers, a chest, and a special set of four hooks hanging all from a center post that looks more wicked than the one's topside.
With not much time, I slip around one of the spaces in the back and hold my breath.
The sound of grunts and footsteps get louder from above as they move towards the stairs. The grunts aren't coming from the killer. I know the voice. It's Jake and, much like Dwight, he's struggling to get free from the killer.
There's some shuffling as the steps get closer and closer.
I think everyone's been hooked at least once except for me. Maybe I have some luck about me after all. Now when the killer leaves I can unhook Jake and the last couple of generators will be done with ease.
Wait...Why is the killer's steps getting closer?
Why isn't it leaving?! What the fuck?!
A dark menacing figure with eyes glowing blue rounds the opening of my little hideaway and I in panic, lack of air, plus pure adrenaline flip the fuck out. Much like the reaction that came from meeting the Wraith, instinct has me utter random shit in hopes of stunning the threat with confusion.
"*loud hiss*"
I don't wait to check if this works. I merely listen to the screaming signals my body is making to charge forward. This move takes the killer and knocks it back a bit as I do the animalistic approach to running for my escape. Sorry Jake. Maybe someone else can get you.
"this is no place for cowards!"
That voice makes my spine shiver. Though nothing freaks me out more than the rapid sprinting behind me.
"where do you think you're going?"
"Anywhere I can!"
"smartasses get killed. we always see to that."
Bounding out of the chalet, it keeps chase with me and even vaults the pallets that I leap over.
"we know this place better than anyone. what makes you think you can avoid us?"
"Two words..."
Leaping over another pallet, I return to a bipedal run and grab some snow in my haste. I ball the snow hard and once I lead the killer into a straight line, I turn back then hurl it into its face.
"Snowball's chance!"
The resulting assault stuns/blinds it and I, not knowing how long this will last, rush for the watchtower. Doing what I can to scramble up some of the supports after jumping off a generator by the time it catches up to me and is not happy. Though now that I'm out of reach, I can get a decent look at this killer. He is in a deep blue hooded jacket that's partly zipped, the hood covering his head is black and there's white fur around the collar. His black pants have a white stripe that runs down the side of the legs, the ends have been rolled up near the knee. He has finger-less gray gloves that match his gray socks. He spots black sneakers with blue accents and laces. The limbs of his outfit are battened down with tape like practitioners of parkour which is done to lessen wind resistance. In his hand is a sharp hunting blade-like weapon with a jagged saw back made of bone. Such a thing is fitting since this killer is a living skeleton, the open part of his jacket showing off his ribcage. He has no eyes, just black sockets with blue eye-like lights. Other than some bloodstains here and there, there's this odd dark mark on the right side of his face. Or should I say skull? You know what I mean.
"there's no getting out of this now. we're too good at it. so why don't you be a good girl and come down here, excepting your death with some dignity."
"Hmmm...I don't know. Seems to me I have the high ground. The way I see it, I can just chill out here and be completely fine."
He attempts to climb up to get me. Though his skeletal digits can't get a real grip and he keeps slipping off on the first board. He gives up on climbing in annoyance and growls at me but then snickers.
"we wouldn't be so sure about that. once your twerpy friends get a gate open or we shut the hatch, endgame collapse starts. and if you can't escape within two minutes...regardless of your health or hiding spot, any survivors remaining in the trial grounds will be sacrificed by the entity itself."
I groan and claw my face.
"You assholes don't tell me shit!"
I shout into the air and Legion laughs.
"sucks to be you. shame you can't trust your teammates to even inform you on basic things."
"I know!"
I slump against the cold wood as he positions himself under me. Maybe he'll try to throw his weapon at me to knock me down.
"if you come down now, we might be willing to forgive that snowball thing and kill you quickly."
This is so not my day.
"Any chance we can work out a deal where I don't die?"
"heh...we think not."
What is it with this we stuff? I hate words games. It's just as bad when assholes play the pronoun game when talking about someone.
Another generator goes off and we both look out to where it alerts.
Not sure he meant to say that out loud, but it gets me an idea. An awful idea. A wonderfully evil, awful, and just plain fucked up idea.
"Say there, killer, you look a bit worried."
He glares up at me.
"worried? *scoff* what's to worry about? we can easily take down all of you before that last generator gets popped."
"Care to make a little bargain then?"
He eyes me.
"Hear me out. You want us humans dead, right? But currently, three of them are causing you some annoying trouble."
"three? not counting yourself among them?"
I hook my legs around a beam and swing down to dangle just out of reach.
"With this lot? No. It's like you said, they can't be bothered with helping me...So why don't I help someone else instead?"
This gets a grin to smear his skull.
"okay. we're listening."
I smirk.
"You let me live, and I'll make sure they don't get away from that weapon of yours when you come running. Sound fair?"
He chuckles smugly.
"you think quite highly of yourself for someone in their first trial. what makes you think we need your help?"
"Fine. Risk it. Risk them getting away while I stay here and let the Entity get me."
He flinches.
"Risk not making them scream."
He fidgets a bit.
"Risk not spilling their blood."
He gets more anxious.
"alright! alright! we get it...we have a deal. but on one condition."
"That is?"
"if this messes up and they getaway, we're going to kill you. yet if this works, we'll let you live...but not without some damage."
Beggars can't be choosers. I don't think I'm getting a better offer than that.
I swing away and drop unsteadily. Part of me thought he'd use the opportunity to stab me the moment I came down. I guess there is some honor among killers...I hope.
"I saw some movement west of here. Not sure if other gens are there, but it's where I'm going."
He shrugs.
"go for it. we'll be lurking behind. we can't have them hearing our terror radius, now can we?"
I nod and sprint away. Not really sure if this is a good idea. Morally speaking this is worth my ass burning in hell for eternity. But in terms of not winding up on a hook or as Entity food, I'll sell out the world if I have to. Especially when they knew shit and didn't bother telling me. Granted, I will feel bad for Dwight as he did help me. But only he has my humanity attached to him. The rest are as good as dead.
Running without the need to be sneaky is a nice little perk in all this. The cold was doing a number on my hands. Taking a moment to pause, I listen for any sounds of movement or repairing.
"What are you doing? Don't run around like an idiot."
Jake moves from behind a clump of large rocks.
"Glad to see you too. Where're the others?"
"Not here, obviously. While you were running distraction, we got another gen done."
"I know. We just need one more, right?"
"Yeah. There are three others available. So we've split up to ensure one gets done."
Crap. This is going to be harder than I thought. I didn't anticipate there being more generators than the required amount. Change of plans.
"Mind if I help?"
He sighs.
"Come on. There's one around here."
I will not regret you dying, asshole. He leads me behind some trees where a generator has a shit placement. A boulder and a tree block two sides of it. I guess it's somewhat helpful. He takes a side and I take the more open side...not that he gave me a choice. He starts to tinker and I begin grabbing wires, picking opposites. I wait a few moments then make bad connections, causing the generator to blow in a loud show of sparks.
"Damn it. Be careful will you?"
"Don't pressure me. I don't do well under pressure."
I repeat this same move. Wait a little bit and then spark explosion!
"Screw this."
He crouches off and I follow in a crawl.
"Go away."
"We're a team, right? We need to stick together."
"I don't need you messing this up. Go run distraction since you're so good at it."
"You sir, need to watch your tone."
So Legion either didn't follow me or found Meg along the way.
"There goes Meg."
"See? Go distract the killer so we can get her. That way someone useful can actually help."
That was the straw that breaks me. I tackle him to the ground and slam his head repeatedly.
"*snarling* Do...Not...Ever...Disrespect...Me...You...Stupid...Mother...Fucker...!"
After about the tenth bash, I stop because of the sickly wet sloshing sound of a cranium on slushy snow snaps me to my senses. Jake isn't dead but he is bleeding like crazy and knocked the fuck out. I've never unloaded like that before. It was so primal and yet...so satisfying. Looking around to make sure no one else saw this, I am relieved that nobody did though for some reason I find my eyes locking on to a nearby hooking post.
[Interesting, little worm. You made the meat bleed. Keep going. Do not resist. Offer it to The Entity.]
My head hurts at the whispers invading my mind. I don't like it. I move off of Jake and drag myself from this scene. It's harder than it seems. Something wants me to do it. To finish the job and hook him. It feels sick. I wander around trying to regain myself from the numbness clawing at my brain. The cold is suddenly worse on my hands, only now do I understand the reason why. Jake's blood is on my hands. Literally and figuratively. I frantically try to clean them off in the snow. Less for the reasons of this is a bad "Oh my god, what have I done" thing but more for "I can't let them see this or they'll know something isn't right" thing. Well, that and the longer I see the blood the stronger the messed up impulses get.
The shocked sound gets me back in my normal mindset. Finding the others.
"Dwight, just stop. That's only making it worse."
Meg shoos Dwight from trying to heal her while taking cover in bushes.
"I'm sorry. I get really nervous near endgame."
Poor guy looks so scared.
"Yeah, about that..."
They nearly jump at my arrival.
"So nice of you lot to tell me about endgame collapse. Real helpful. It's almost like you're not telling me shit on purpose so that you'll have better odds. But that would be a massive dick move that only lowlifes would do. And you guys aren't lowlifes...Are you?"
My tone is spiteful. Not caring for whatever the answer that comes.
"It's not like you needed to know right away."
I glare daggers at them.
"We believed you were able to avoid the killer. So we were going to gen rush for a speedy victory. We weren't counting on Legion being so aggressive. Its deep wounds aren't normally so hard to mend."
"What I'm hearing is a lot of crap. One, my so-called team made a plan and didn't let me in on it. Two, said team leaves out useful information on the killer and trial effects. And three, you thought this wasn't going to bite you in the ass."
They look at me confused when suddenly the sky rumbles. Our gaze goes upward as the part of the white clouds turns black and opens to obsidian spider-like appendages reaching down to the ground.
"What the fuck is that?!"
"That's the Entity. But it only comes into trials to claim a sacrifice. Why is it...?"
The spindly claws retract back to wherever the fuck that shit came from, but it's not leaving empty-handed. The shade of Jake is in its grasp. A small glow of cyan in his chest. Once the thing returns to the clouds, the sky returns to normal and I'm speechless.
"It...It took Jake?"
"How? He was only hooked once. If he was hooked again we would've heard him yell."
Unless he was so knocked out that he was completely incapacitated.
"We need to get that last gen."
"But you need to mend. You'll bleed out otherwise."
"I'll do it myself. You two get to a gen. I'll be fine."
Dwight looks worried but he nods and takes my arm.
"Let's hurry before Legion finds us."
I merely follow. Still too dumbstruck to comprehend the thing I just saw.
"Are you okay?"
"Big thing came out of the sky...Head very fuzzy..."
He frowns.
"I'm sorry we didn't tell you everything. We're just...You get so used to things around here that it's easy to forget what it was like in the beginning. Back when this was new and hard to understand. Back when we wished there was someone to teach us what to do. I'm sorry, Lynsie."
Oh no...Not genuine sincerity! How am I supposed to let him die now after all that? God damn evil plans! He finds a generator and he begins to work on it while I pretend to do so. There's already been some progress made on this thing. That's not good. Fuck, I'm conflicted. I can get out of here at the cost of their lives and risk them finding out. Or I can help them escape and risk pissing off Legion who will hunt my ass down for betrayal. I've doomed myself. Like wielding a double-edged sword, no matter which way I swing the damn thing, I'll end up stabbing myself when the backswing returns. Fuck...I've already got Jake killed. Can't puss out now. I slowly begin undoing the connections on my side, effectively making it seem like any progress he's making like it's going nowhere.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm repairing, but nothing is happening."
"Really? You too?"
I'm such scum.
"Hmmm...Maybe the killer is using Hex: Ruin."
I stop and leer at him, making him laugh nervously.
"Um...It's a power that killers can use to affect our ability to repair generators."
"Let me guess...It wasn't worth mentioning at the time that killers have special powers?"
He gulps.
"Have I mentioned that I'm sorry?"
And there goes the guilt that I was having about killing you, Dwighty-boy.
"Come on, dude. Let's find a gen that isn't bugged."
Dwight jumps.
"Oh no!"
"That's Meg's third time being hooked."
"So let's go get her."
"We can't. A third hooking results in instant sacrifice."
Sure enough, the sky does its freaky arcane Hellmouth thing and the talons of the Entity take Meg up into its unknown lair.
"Oh, this is bad. If we can't fix gens then we're done for."
"How many times have you been hooked?"
"Once. If it hooks me now, I'll have to struggle against the Entity as it tries to kill me for sacrifice."
So does that mean if his stamina runs out or he's tired, it'll kill him on the hook?
"We have to get this gen running. It's the only way."
I feel dumb for thing but the question leaves me without much filtering.
"What about the hatch?"
He frowns and shakes his head.
"While it's probably spawned in since we're the last two left...Only one can go through it."
"Unless we had a special key. Then we both could escape so long as we get in within thirty seconds of opening it."
Again? Again with the very important and useful info that could've been told to me way earlier at the damn camp that I'm only hearing about now? Know what...Fuck it! Fuck you! I blatantly connect the wrong wires and the generator blows in loud sparks, freaking Dwight out.
"What are you doing?"
I growl beastly.
"I will not be toyed with by you people."
With the threat of running into a killer or dealing with a pissed off woman, Dwight decides the killer is his worst problem and tries to flee past me. Big mistake. I grab the back of his shirt and yank him hard, giving him a choke before he falls back.
"Are you insane? The killer is..."
"Not your biggest problem."
I smack him so hard that his glasses are knocked off.
"I am not to be fucked with! Not by you. Not by them. Not by anyone! You will learn! You will all learn! You will all learn that your actions have consequences!"
[Yes, little worm. Teach them of their wrongs. Make them learn. Unleash the beast that dwells within.]
A sharp pain grips me. I grab my head and roar out trying to fight this unknown force. My vision is blurring, something is attempting to take control and I fear it might win.
"Holy crap..."
Dwight, understandably afraid for his life, scrambles to get as far from me as he possibly can. But his efforts and lack of good eyesight have him running right into the blade of the Legion to get a critical deep wound.
Dwight goes down and Legion grins to himself.
"too easy."
He goes to pick Dwight up but pauses when it notices me harming myself. My nails are clawing into my arms and I'm ramming my head into some wooden fencing, hoping this trauma will make the force cease its efforts. These actions blind me to his approach and my system gets knocked out of it at this sudden sting in my back.
"don't move."
The feel of his blade leaving me is strangely painless and I can't help the smile that comes to me as things feel so much clearer...even if I drop to my knees.
"stay put. we'll be right back."
He retrieves a futilely crawling away Dwight and goes to hook him somewhere. If I were a more sane individual, I probably would be trying to run away at this moment. But I think that's been proven not to be who I am. What I'm more focused on is figuring out what the hell was happening to me.
Dwight's on the hook now and no one is around to help him. I know I'm not doing it. I am all out of fucks to give.
Legion makes his return and I don't blame him for looking shocked that I remained where he left me.
"Surprised to see me?"
"a little bit. normally you humans try to getaway. even when in the dying state."
I look at him funny and he sighs.
"wow. they really don't tell you anything. okay...um...that guy we just hooked..."
"remember him being on the floor and only able to crawl? that's the dying state."
"Oh. Kind of a disappointing name."
"well if left alone he would bleed to death."
"Now that makes more sense."
He snickers.
"you are a really weird human."
"As I told Wraith, I prefer quirky."
"quirky doesn't even begin to start with what we'd call you. but it's fine for now."
He huffs a small laugh and closes the distance between us before hiking me over his shoulder. The sky rumbles and we look as the Entity comes once more to claim another victim. With that done, he starts wandering off and I'm amazed that something with no muscle mess whatsoever is this strong. Makes me wonder how his bony body works.
"Can I ask a somewhat personal question?"
"Well...and you don't have to answer...But you're a skeleton, right?"
"last we checked."
"But are you completely skeletal?"
He pauses.
"...where are you going with this?"
"I'm just curious is all. I'm not a light girl. For you to pick me up and be walking so comfortably with no muscle is amazing."
He shakes his head in amusement while starting to walk again.
"What? It's a legitimate reason to be curious."
"oh, like you humans are so normal? what with your weak fleshy bodies full of blood and guts."
"I'm not saying it's normal. Normal is overrated."
"then would you be willing to answer one of our questions?"
"Only if you explain this usage of plural terms you've been using."
"we are legion. four killers in one. only one can be in a trial at a time but we're never alone."
"That is fucking cool. So do you all call yourself Legion or...?"
"ah ah ah. you answer our question first."
"what was happening back there? you know...when you were going nuts?"
My head hurts thinking about that.
"I'm not sure. I got really mad and this creepy voice started talking to me."
"creepy voice you say?"
"I've heard it a few times. But that was the first time...I...Argh, my head is killing me."
"we bet it does. after all, you were hitting it into shit."
"Yeah, but it's fine. I'm thick-skulled."
His body shakes a little with held in mirth. Is he...?
"ah, there's that pesky thing."
Apparently, he's been carrying me this whole time for a reason. He's been listening for this odd and very ominous sound. Funny enough, we find this strange cue at the location of the watchtower where this deal of ours was made. The cause of this sound is the hatch, open and full of dark fog.
He drops me off of his shoulder roughly near it and then very blatantly gets his weapon out.
"Um...Nice bone you got there."
"thanks. it does its job well."
I am not going to like this.
"you look worried."
"Only because I know what's going to happen next."
His grin is bone-chilling.
"a deal's a deal, human. you held up your end and now it's our turn. the hatch is your way out. but like we told you...you're not leaving unharmed."
He twirls the blade so that it's stabbing end is downward in his grip.
"This is going to hurt like hell, isn't it?"
"only if you struggle. but please do...it's more fun that way!"
He lunges at me, weapon aiming my chest. I panic. My hands come up to grab his wrist but I'm not one that knows how to properly do this in quick time. I do stop the blade from hitting its target. But now the thing is skewering my hands to give them stigmata. The grinding of the blade on bone is nerve shocking. He uses this to grab my wrists and pin them above my head with his free hand before removing the weapon, his lower half pinning my legs with his.
"now this is a tempting moment. we could do just about anything to you and nobody will stop us. the only limit is our imagination."
With the blade, he slices open my shirt and the smugness he has makes my insides churn.
"Dude, don't be a creepy pervert like this."
His grin falters and color faintly comes to his skull. Is he...is he blushing?
"that is not...we are not like that! this is strictly sadistic torture and nothing more!"
"But doesn't that mean you're getting pleasure out of causing pain?"
The blush gets worse.
"quit making this weird!"
The blade comes down into my stomach and the sound of pain I make is guttural. This keeps up for quite a few more stabs done to my side, ribs, shoulders, and this really painful one at the hip.
"no more talking! understood?"
I nod weakly through whimpers and a sense of impending death.
"good. now behave and this will be pleasant for all of us."
Like an artist with a sculpting knife, he takes his blade and slowly begins carving into the top of my chest. There are many things my pain tolerance allows me to handle. Cuts, stabs, falls, blunt force, sprains, piercings, and some other stuff I can't think about at the moment. And that's because it all happens typically very fast or instantly. This? No. This isn't fast. This is slow and painfully delicate. My eyes are drowning in tears and melting snow. My hands claw at the ground. And my heels dig into frozen soil. This reaction doesn't go unnoticed. Legion enjoys it. His smile coming back and growing with each wince the blade brings out of me.
"there we go...just a little bit more...almost done."
I feel a chill as the blade leaves me for a moment and hope fills me that he's done. Only to be shattered with a quick slash that has me roar in anguish.
"perfect. the entity may heal it away but you'll feel it even if it's gone. you'll never fort it. you'll never forget who you belong to now."
He nudged my head up with the hilt of his weapon so that I can see what he's done. He's etched the word "LEGION" into me. He's marked me as his. Well...at least this is over.
"now say it."
I eye him and he quickly stabs my side.
"say who you belong to!"
"Legion! I belong to Legion!"
It almost sobs out of me. My dignity and strong will were turned to dust way back at the start of all this. His delight is written all over his face. A twisted smile and eyes that burn with gratification.
"good girl. now we want one last thing from you before you can go."
"*whimpers* What?"
He leans down and I feel the pressure of his aura. Dark, threatening, and very very heavy.
"show us your soul."
I bite my lip and gulp.
"I...I don't know how."
The bone blade is stabbed right beside my face.
"you're not leaving till we see it. so you can either figure out how to bring it out...or we can have more fun cutting into you like a pumpkin on halloween."
"How am I supposed to...?"
He yanks the weapon from the ground and rears back ready to slam it down wherever on me he sees fit. Visions of any of the possible ways that bone blade can end up sinking into me flash before my eyes. My heart races and times seems to slow down as he brings it down. My eyes shut tight and all I can do is pray. Pray that this isn't the end. Because I don't want to die. I don't want to die!
"heheheh...we knew that would work."
My eyes open to see the tip of his weapon hovering over the colorful heart that springs from my body.
"fear is a motivator like nothing else."
I think I just pissed myself. It's either piss or blood from the stabbings.
"wraith was right. your souls is interesting. so many colors all swirling around like crazy. it's almost what we'd call pretty."
He gives my souls a small teasing touch before he sits up and moves off of me, letting me go.
"you can go now. we've had our fun this trial."
I'm not sure what to do. Part of me knows better and should leave while given this chance. The other part wants to beat the shit out of him. And another part is too broken to do anything.
"hey, we said you can go."
"Give me a moment...I...I'm trying to remember how to move."
He can't help but laugh at me.
"you can't be serious? did we really scare you that bad? your shitty teammates aren't even that easy."
"Hello, I'm new. Sue me for freaking out when a skeleton has a knife aimed at me!"
He just keeps laughing.
"*chuckling* and here we thought we were the ones without guts."
I flinch with recognition.
"Was that...a pun?"
His brow cocks.
I smirk.
"I hope that wasn't your only one. Because I have a skele-ton of them."
His face blanks and I feel like I may have messed up. Either that or I'm bleeding out to the pint this might be a hallucination. But then...He busts a metaphorical gut in laughter. This is a reaction I'm not used to getting when I pun. It feels nice. And he seems different when he laughs. Like, a guy that you wouldn't think enjoys killing people.
"that...that was a good one."
"Thank you. The idiots at camp don't appreciate them. So I'm glad someone has a working funny bone."
That again cracks him up. But that isn't the only thing cracking. My sides aren't doing so well. It's time to go. Regaining the use of my arms, I press my soul back into me and then pull myself to sit up which I immediately regret what with the amount of coughed up blood that is being forced out of me.
"yeah. you're going to want to go now. not sure how much longer you've got before your body quits on you."
"Probably a good...*coughing* A good...*wheezing* I go now."
Crawling my fucked up form to the hatch, I share one last look with this killer.
"what? there something in our teeth?"
I meekly snicker.
"My name...*gagging* It's...*hack* Lynsie."
He smirks.
"so that's the name of our new plaything? heh...good to know."
He averts his gaze and I move to enter the hatch feet first.
He's still not looking at me.
"...call me bones."
Something about him telling me his name fills me with this oddly warm feeling. The kind of feeling that makes you smile even when you know you shouldn't.
"Later...*coughing* Bones."
I hope that does something for him. Not sure why or what, but it's something I hope for as I slide into the hatch's dark unknown.
The hatch closes and Bones leans back on his hands, an amused grin on his face as the fog of the Entity begins to consume the realm. Time for the world to be reset for the next trial.
"heh...not a bad time. not a bad time at all. the guys are going to get a kick out of this one."
Maybe the Entity won't care that one got away. He did feed it three humans. That should be enough for a decent snack. It's not like one of the other killers can't finish the job of feeding it. He just hoped that after such an exhausting trial that he'd have a chance to rest for a while. The fog rolls over him and takes him away. The world entirely disappearing into the darkness. Now it wouldn't be long before it was to reform as the Entity fed. No matter the reset, the chalet remains and in there so will the Legion.
I wake up gasping for breath and gripping my chest. The hatch was an escape of sorts, but the feeling of slipping through the intangible grasp of something I can't even begin to describe is horrifying.
"There she is!"
Jake shouts and my attention is gotten. The others cast judging eyes at me. David not so much. But the others for sure. Thank god my clothes are healed. Otherwise, this would be even more awkward.
"Is it true? Did you attack Jake?"
Bill asks but it doesn't feel like a question. This is not how I wanted to wake up.
"Answer the question, kid."
I glare.
"I don't have to answer shit."
"So you admit it? You cost us the trial!"
Jake shouts and I snarl.
"No! You did that the moment you decided to use me!"
I get off the ground but I'm wobbly as hell. Something isn't right.
"We're the Survivors. We're supposed to help each other make it out alive. But none of you want to help anyone else but yourselves. And I'll be damned if I'll let you get away with trying to use me as a damn distraction for your gain!"
I start seething and Dwight steps forward.
"Please, don't get her mad."
"The hell do we care if she gets mad?"
"You weren't there, Nea. You didn't see what I saw. You didn't see her change."
I settle down out of curiosity but it's not like that helps the others.
"Oh, she changed? Big fucking deal! That doesn't excuse her for attacking Jake in the trial."
"You don't understand. It was the Entity...it was turning her into one of them."
My confusion is shared with the rest of them and Dwight looks at me.
"It's true. Your eyes...Your eyes were making the stain. Only killers make the stain but they can't see it."
This...this makes some sense for what was going on at that moment.
"That explains the voice..."
I think aloud to myself.
Claudette repeats in puzzlement.
"Talk to us, Luv. What happened back there?"
Not sure if David cares. But he's at least giving me a chance to explain.
"Since I get here, I've been hearing this strange voice sometimes. Calling us meat and other things. During trial..."
Recalling the events makes my head spin and I drop to a kneel, not able to keep balance enough to stand. David and Dwight move to approach but others hold them back till the story is told.
"During the trial, I got so mad. I kept finding out you guys were or had withheld important things from me. It was just building this raw feeling inside. One that boiled over into something...I can't really put it into words. I had these urges..."
I grip my head in pain.
"I wanted to make a point...but IT wanted that point in blood. *groan* Fuck, don't make me remember any more. It hurts."
I feel so weak. Like being here is draining me. I don't understand what's happening to me.
"What do you think? This kind of sounds like your line of work."
Bill asks Ash.
"Hmmm...It does sound something close to possession. Maybe corruption? Influencing her to kill when angered. That's a theory anyway. Anything is possible in this place. Not knowing the Entity's full ability scope or what her soul is capable of really makes this a hard question to answer."
Nea doesn't like this one bit.
"Are you guys for real? It doesn't matter if she's possessed, corrupted, or some other bullshit. The fact is she attacked another survivor. She's a threat and a liability. I say we kick her out of the camp."
Nea is only pissing me off. Not a good thing to do.
"You don't get to make that call, Nea."
Detective Tapp calls her out.
"After all, the same can be said about you when you act so toxic that the killers try to attack us here despite knowing that they can't."
David comes over and kneels with me.
"You alright, Luv?"
"I...I don't know...I don't feel very good..."
"Take it easy. You look like 'ell."
"Legion...had fun with me...lost lots of blood...great sense of humor..."
"'umor? Luv, killers can't make jokes. 'ell, they can't even talk."
But...they can talk. What does he mean that they can't?
"Luv? 'ey, what's wrong? Why aren't you 'ealed?"
My kneeling trembles. I'm getting weaker. My mouth moves but no words come out.
"'ey! Somethin's wrong with her!"
My eyelids are so heavy. It's getting harder to stay conscious. Their bodies look like blobs to me. I don't even know who's coming over to aid David. Everything's getting dark.
[Do not think you can escape, little worm. The beast hungers. It will feed. It is only a matter of time.]
Yay! This got done super fast and I had fun. Now to establish some stuff and clarify things that went down in this chapter.
#1: Killers/Monsters have better relations than the Survivors/Humans...I hinted this one in chapter one, but I think it really shines here. Even if some killers piss off other killers, they still communicate and teach their skills to their allies. Where as the humans share very little and assume others will get good. This leads to toxicity among the survivors and it's not unheard of for survivors to turn on each other. This happens in game too.
#2: The Survivors can't communicate with the Killers...In game, no one talks. All you get are sounds like screams, grunts and other basic noises. For the story, I'm making it so that both sides can speak but the humans can not understand the monsters. This langue barrier keeps tension high and further divides them. All the humans hear are monster sounds. The monster hear English but think the humans are just ignoring them because they're assholes. Lynsie is the exception to this rule and for one reason, which leads into out next point.
#3: The look and feel of Legion/Sans...For this, we turn to this AU's creator punnysideup who has made some awesome pics of our bone boys. Since ffnet won't let me post links, I recommend looking him up on twitter to see all 4 sides to our killer. Though note one thing, I will be changing the look of Dead Eye from what his creator depicts him. It doesn't really fit well, while looking cool, so expect something close to the other 3 in terms of looks.
#4: The Corrupted Survivor...This was a concept I made up for the game and think it makes things a bit more interesting here. Since Lynsie is the anomaly and her soul is all wonky here, the Entity with its crazy powers can influence her into becoming a pseudo-killer. If fully unleashed, this state allows her to hunt and sacrifice like a normal killer, but she still counts as a survivor and there for can be killed by real killers. There are triggers for her entering this state and snapping her out of it. We shall see them done in time.
#5: The Terror Radius...As in here and in game, only survivors can hear the Terror Radius. But...The story has an anomaly that the game doesn't. Due to Lynsie's ties to the Entity and being a pseudo-killer, this gives her a unique radius that only the killers can pick up on...The Tainted Radius. With this, killers can locate her and trigger her into her killer state in trials to terrorize the other survivors.
Other than those points, I can't think of anything else. If there are any questions or if you want to see a certain killer show up in the next chapter, feel free to let me know. Thank you all for reading and I hope you have awesome days/nights. Laters! ^_^
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Diabolik Lovers OC Rhianna Garroway
Ok so Rhianna has been in the works for... well over a year at this point but I’ve never had the courage to do anything with her on here. I don’t want to just leave her rotting on my laptop though so here we are.
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Image is from a dollmaker, it was not drawn by me.
Name:  Rhianna Garroway
Nickname: Rhi
Gender: Female
Age: 19 (physically), 21 (actually)
Birthday: July 21
Race: First blood (currently) / human (formerly)
Ethnicity: English
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Hair: Mid-brown, wavy hair that comes down to her mid-back
Eyes: Dark grey-blue
Skin tone:  Pale
Scars/birthmark/piercings etc: Light scar on middle finger of left hand
Blood type: O
Personality: Upon first meeting Rhianna, she comes across as a a polite, if reserved, individual. She values logic over her own feelings, but will try to be considerate of other people’s to the best of her ability. Once she’s more relaxed around someone, she has something of a playful streak and is more likely to showcase her dark and dry sense of humor.  Rhianna also has something of a competitive side, although she tends to downplay this in front of other people. She dislikes confrontation and will often capitulate (at least outwardly) in an argument just to get out of it. That being said, she can be surprisingly stubborn once she sets her mind on something and is very protective over the people she cares about.
Strengths: Logical, adaptable, resourceful, considerate, self-controlled, independent
Weaknesses: Shy, indecisive, fearful of commitment, highly self-critical, procrastinates a lot, stubborn
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, rhythm games, making origami
Favorite food: Salted caramel 
Personality type: INTP 
Relatives: Alexander Garroway (father, alive) Charlotte Garroway (mother, alive)
Love interest: Shin Tsukinami
Backstory: A long time ago Carla and Shin’s grandfather overthrew the previous founder king, Farvald. Rather than simply accept defeat after he was mortally wounded in battle, Farvald sealed his soul, his magic and his blood inside his signet ring, in the hopes that should someone take hold of the ring, they would receive his powers and he could take control over their body and then return to claim his throne. The power inside of the ring could be felt by the other founders so they sent it to the human world where they hoped its power would dissipate. It ended up in the hands of the church who sealed it away.
The ring remained sealed away for centuries and was largely forgotten about.
Rhianna was born in England in modern times and had a fairly normal childhood. She had a good relationship with both of her parents but as they spent a lot of time working and she was an only child, she was left to her own devices a lot of the time. This lead to her becoming a little more mature and reserved than other individuals her age.
When she was 19, she found Farvald’s ring in the ruins of an old church in the English countryside and accidentally broke the seal on it.
Because Farvald had sealed his power and blood inside it, she was transformed from an ordinary human into a founder and received his magic. However due to the time the ring had spent in the human world, the fragments of Farvald’s soul had faded to a couple of broken memories, meaning she remained as herself.
Unable to explain what had happened to her, she desperately tried to conceal the situation from everyone around her while trying to work out what she had become. 
A year and a half later she traveled to Japan as part of her studies and ran into Shin in a chance encounter. Although unsure as to how another founder could have survived without their knowledge, Shin wouldn’t let a chance to restore their bloodline slip away and so Rhianna found herself effectively kidnapped by the Tsukinamis.
Random facts: - She’s right-handed - She absolutely loves most animals, especially if they’re cute and fluffy - She has a fear of slugs - While she’s mostly adjusted to her increased strength, she sometimes forgets to hold back if she gets overly emotional and can wind up accidentally breaking things - When she gets angry, her magic is most likely to manifest in the form of white flames. - After her sense of hearing got a lot better, she struggles to sleep with any sort of noise and often has restless nights - She is very easily embarrassed (something Shin likes to abuse A LOT)
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                                            ——— (part 6) ——–
Fandom: TeenWolf
Even a longer list of fanfics :)….
top favourites, more top favourites, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
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Down in Flames Series
Author: standinginanicedress
Part 1: So, Hey, Let’s Be Friends
Summary: Stiles has been fucking obsessed with famous werewolf author Derek Hale since he was fifteen years old and the first book came out. Like, embarrassingly obsessed. Like, had a poster of the guy hanging up on the wall above his bed, obsessed. When Hale moved back to Beacon Hills, Stiles just figured he'd hole himself up in his rebuilt mansion, writing his fourth book, never to fulfill Stiles' endless daydreams about running into him and having the alpha fall madly in love with him.It's completely fucking improbable and nonsensical, would never happen in a million years, so of course Stiles somehow winds up in a no-strings-attached agreement with his literary idol, all while eating chicken McNuggets out of his pocket at random intervals and plotting the demise of the McFlurry mixer.
Part 2: How This One Ends
Summary: “And Stiles,” he's addressed directly for the first time since this whole thing started, and when all eyes land on him this time, he just squeezes Derek's hand and squares his shoulders. He can act like this doesn't bother him. Derek can do it, and Derek's here. He'll be okay. “...how does it feel to know that millions upon millions of people are going to read intimate, private details about your life with Derek?”“It doesn't bother me,” Stiles says with a shrug, going for nonchalant and feeling like he's doing it pretty well. “I knew what I was getting into. Besides – everyone wants Derek Hale to write about them, right?”
Part 3: If It’s Torture
Summary: “I’m – I’m working on my next book.”That, out of everything, anything on the face of the god damn planet, is not what Stiles had expected Derek to say. After everything that’s happened, after Spark and the mess that it was, and after Derek firing then rehiring Lydia, and after Derek pointedly avoiding his office study for months upon months, and after Stiles not hearing a word about any new projects, never seeing Derek writing anything down… Stiles would have thought that aliens invading was a more viable possibility than Derek writing a new book.He’s made his money, more than anyone else needs in a lifetime, and Stiles thought that meant that he would be done. Maybe Stiles forgot that money isn’t why Derek does what he does, after all, and that’s not fair to him. “Oh,” Stiles says, because he honestly can’t think of anything, not a single thing else, to say.
Red Velvet and Fur (A Hanky Code For Gay Werewolves)
Author: orphan_account
Summary: In which Stiles in unrepentant in his (somewhat accidental) quest to get Derek to knot him, Derek is oblivious and sexually frustrated, and Lydia is the incredibly attractive devil on Stiles' shoulder who has nothing but terrible, amazing ideas. Who knew there was a hanky code for werewolves?
Except What Has Been Forgotten
Author: suzvoy
Summary: In which Stiles wakes up with a shiny new case of amnesia and it's immediately obvious that his best friend is lying to him - which might have something to do with the (hot) guy who keeps appearing his room. What the hell has he been doing for the past 18 months?
Seaside Framed in Glass
Author: mrecookies
Summary: "I'm going to name you Derek," Stiles announces, still looking cross-eyed at the puppy in his hands. It's looking back with a confused and sad expression, probably asking Stiles in some baby dog language why it's being named after a brooding werewolf. "It's because you're always sulking, even though I got you a nice basket and biscuits and everything," he says sternly. The puppy whines and hangs its head.
Is That a Gun in Your Pocket, or are You Just Happy To See Me
Author: goodnight_tinyhumans
Summary: Stiles might be a little sick of unrequited feelings or lust or whatever. The situation with Derek- Deputy Hale, he has to keep reminding himself, because he’s never actually told Stiles his name and that’s getting into creeper territory pretty quickly- has gone past the merely-wanting-to-jump-his-bones stage and well into die-hard-crush, complete with inappropriate fantasies involving handcuffs and roleplaying. And the problem with that, of course, is that he tends to resolve situations like these one of two ways: going out and getting drunk, or staying home and getting drunk.
You Don't See Straight
Author: annber
Summary: Stiles finds himself in a secret werewolf community to participate in a mating run. Sterek happens. Side OC's.
Author: Jerakeen
Summary: Stiles expected the incubus to be something ethereal, otherworldly, inhumanly beautiful. This guy looks like a lawyer.
**sidenote: you need an AO3 account to view this fanfic
Practice Makes Perfect Series
Author: blacktofade
Part 1: Practice Makes Perfect 
Summary: In his sophomore year, Stiles gets dragged to lacrosse tryouts by Scott and ends up practising alongside the senior captain, Derek Hale. Stiles just wants to live long enough to become a junior.
Part 2: Picture Perfect
Summary Two years later, Stiles and Derek are still together, but there's 200% more sex and too many miles between them.
**sidenote: you need an AO3 account to view this fanfic
Bodice Ripper ‘Verse Series
Author: Stoney
Part 1: The One With The Scottish Wolf Lord
Summary: The Hales are alive and a royal family in Scotland; Stiles is the waif sent to work in the kitchens, elevated to personal attendant/servant to the young Lord Hale. Who happens to be a wolf who can't shift back.
Part 2: The One Where Stiles Reads The Scottish Wolf Lord
Summary: This is about the actual book and how Stiles - canon-compliant universe set in the future - is reading it in Derek's loft. Derek is very curious as to why Stiles would be interested in such a thing.
Part 3: The One Where They're Forced To Marry in Ye Olden Times
Summary: Due to the destruction of House Hale and the debts incurred in their survival and search for justice, the King (blah blah, make believe world) arranges a marriage between Derek and Stiles, eliminating all debts the Hales may owe. Derek is very unhappy. Stiles is pretty shocked at who he's being matched with, but he's certainly not unhappy. It's pretty clear from the start Derek doesn't share that feeling.Stiles passes the time by hunting with his falcon, Derek broods. Until...
Part 4: The One With The Mail-Order Bride
Summary: Wolves aren't meant to be alone. Laura tells Derek this repeatedly. Which... is why Derek knows he's losing his mind, as Laura has been dead for more than six years. Wolves aren't meant to be alone.And so he sends away for a companion. JUST for a companion, not for a mate. The universe, however, has a different plan in store for him.
**these are more separate stories than a continuous fic
A Strong Heart and a Nerve of Steel
Author: lupinus, uraneia
Summary: Stiles and Derek wake up married in Vegas. Well, they would have if it was legal.In which Stiles is the president's son, Derek is his bodyguard, and Papa President orders them to pretend to be in love for the sake of gay rights. Or in which uraniea and lupinus combine meeting the Hales, President Papa, waking up married, fake/pretend relationship, First Boy Stiles, and bodyguard Derek into one fic.
**sidenote: you need an AO3 account to view this fanfic
The Importance Of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down
Author: otter
Summary: It’s like this dog has walked out of all of Stiles’ childhood dreams and into the real world just because Stiles wanted it hard enough. He is the most awesome dog ever, and he and Stiles have a bond. A deep, unbreakable bond because this animal is his soul mate, obviously. Now he just has to convince the dog of that.
Pack Up, Don't Stray
Author: the_deep_magic
Summary: AU – Werewolves are an enslaved underclass, collared and tagged by human masters. Detective Stilinski’s on duty the night they bring in an untagged stray.
(Sacred) In the Ordinary
Author: idyll
Summary: The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time.Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious.
We Are So Intimately Rearranged
Author: secondstar
Summary: A High School AU where there are no werewolves and no hunters. Stiles is getting ready for his senior year when he meets Derek at the coffee shop he works at.
The Sanctuary
Author: chase_acow
Summary: Stiles runs away during his first heat, right into the waiting and ambiguously scary arms of the Alpha's nephew, Derek Hale. He doesn't have any choice except to submit, but along the way, he digs up a mystery that threatens his family and even the town's safety.
The Hazards (and Benefits) of Channel-Surfing on Friday Nights
Author: herbeautifullie
Summary: He's watching TV over the edge of his laptop when Scott brings up the fact that he's still a lonely loser in his third year of college without a boyfriend which, while being completely true, is really fucking unappreciated. It sparks a desperate need to save what little manhood Stiles has and, before he knows it, he's blurting, "I totally have a boyfriend, dude. Shows how much you know."How was he supposed to know Scott would doubt him? It's not Stiles' fault that someone named Derek Hale really exists. It's also not his fault when his lie grows legs and runs so far he can't find it until it's too late – too late and standing right in front of him, gorgeous and annoyed and not at all the person Stiles made him up to be.Yeah, this could get bad.
Grounded on Living Skin
Author: otter
Summary: The tattoo parlor didn’t look like much. The apprentice who was supposed to be inking Derek's new magical tattoo wasn't immediately confidence-inspiring either.
Cocktails and Dreams
Author: popfly
Summary: Derek is a bartender who works in a dive bar but loves craft cocktails. Stiles just wants a drink.
Open the Door
Author: eternalbreath
Summary: Derek gives Stiles his jacket.
Every Step You Take
Author: Nokomis
Summary: Stiles accidentally ends up magically bound to Derek. It’s super.
Darling Its No Joke
Author: thehoyden
Summary: The first thing Stiles thinks when he opens the door is that it’s not his birthday, but someone has sent him some kind of cop stripper.
It's Been like Years Since it's Been Clear
Author: sirona
Summary: It's six-thirty in the morning, but there are warm lights behind the floor-to-ceiling, de-boarded windows, and the 'For Sale' sign on the door has disappeared along with Stiles' memory of where he'd been headed just moments before. The coffee shop is, apparently, open for business once more.
Love Comes in Spurts Series
Author: talktowater
Part 1: Love Comes in Spurts
Summary: Stiles has always had sort of a hero worship thing going on with Scott's step-brother Derek so moving into a house with him freshman year was basically fulfilling a childhood fantasy. Discovering how Derek was putting himself through college, well that was a whole other fantasy that Stiles didn't even know he had.
Part 2: Now Your Smile Comes Over in Your Voice
Summary: Part two of Love Comes in Spurts series.
Milk Vetch Series
Author: silverlining99
Part 1: A Little Less Sixteen Candles
Summary: In which Derek fails at wooing, and Stiles fails at catching a clue. Isaac & co. are there, but otherwise not season 2 compliant.
Part 2: For A Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic
Summary: n which Derek has a sweet tooth and a crush, Erica has a rom-com collection and all the win, and Stiles has some catching on to do.Season 2 compliance is willfully haphazard.
Part 3: A Slow Dive, A Fast Distraction
Summary: In which Derek opens up in more ways than one, and Stiles could really use a road map to this relationship business.
The Art of Dying Well
Author: kinneas
Summary: "You said we're friends.""Whoa, way to hold what a guy says in the heat of the moment against him," Stiles replies automatically, but... that's not what he wants to say, not at all, not to the quiet contemplation that is Derek Hale on his living room sofa. So he adds, "I guess, yeah."Derek doesn't speak for a long moment. "Then it's inevitable.""Wow," Stiles whistles, "you are the biggest downer."
A Flooring Romance
Author: rlnerdgirl
Summary: After being steamrolled by some rough and vindictive career competition, Derek is finally getting back on his feet when he and his sister purchase Hale's Hardwood, their very own hardwood flooring shop. To Derek's dismay, some eccentric guy, who goes by Stiles and has a buzz that makes him look ridiculous and far younger than he has to be, opens up a tile shop right across the way.
more fics: part 7
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hollowincalmo · 6 years
The Princess of Emptiness - A Lifepath
I got bored and wrote up a GMD-style lifepath for my OC, Sadako Hayashi, the Princess of Emptiness!
The Princess/Prince of Emptiness
Campaign: Looking Glass Heart Academics Skill: Average Sports Skill: Average Favorite Foods: Mozzarella Sticks, Mochi, and Rose Tea Blood Type: O Animal: Owl Age: 17 Genres: Pastoral, Fairy Tales, Immersive Fantasy
Step 1: Choose Your Name
Hello, and welcome to the world of Looking Glass Heart! You're a brilliant glass-maker, part of the Hayashi family. You easily develop crushes on everyone you meet, and everything in the world interests you! It's all so exciting! Everything's so fun! (The sad secret you don't realize yet though is that before too long, you're going to stop feeling that way about things. The world is going to chew you up and spit you back out, and I'm sorry that that's going to happen to you. Please don't blame me for it!) At your core, you're a simple ordinary Fortitude kid. You work hard, and you help people. You have a place you're keeping, somewhere good and beautiful, where people can come to be accepted and happy and well-taken care. A Good Place. A place where people are safe. A place where people are loved. You fuel this place primarily on your love for the people around you. If this is sounding too normal, I should point out now that there's a lot of weird stuff about you too. Your house is probably haunted. One of your moms was a Rider, so your eyes are full of stars. (Your relationship with your other mom is a bit strained because of that.) You have the magical ability to take people's hearts out of their chests and understand them deeply by looking into their hearts. Everything about you seem normal and mundane, but there's a lot that's hidden that's really weird, and a lot of it is harbingers of what's going to come, harbingers of who you're going to become. But enough about that for now! Are you... • ...Sadako Hayashi, the Princess of Emptiness? • …Jiro Hayashi, the Prince of Emptiness? • ...some other Hayashi altogether? Sorry, Jiro! This book is going to assume you're Sadako Hayashi, a girl. But swap the gender and the name and you should find this a useful document about yourself!
Part 2: Choose What You're Becoming
Remember how a little while back I mentioned that bad things are going to happen to you? Remember when I said the world was going to chew you up and spit you back out? That's going to change you into something that doesn't belong in the world. It's going to change you into something at odds with the world. You're going to suffer, but it's all going to have a point at the end, because what you're becoming has a purpose. And most of all, what you're becoming is what you were always meant to be. Will you be... • ...an Excrucian Strategist (the default option), someone who believes that the world is sick and must be destroyed so that people can exist outside of it and be happy? • ...an Excrucian Deceiver, someone who believes the world is a lie and must be removed to free everyone from it? • ...an Excrucian Warmain, who's still trying to figure out what's the matter with the world, and who is devoted to overturning every stone and examining each and every person to work it out? • ...an apocalypse in human form, a thing that will one day tear down the world? • ...a glass dragon who will eat the world's heart? • …a powerful witch of the Outside who wants to drown the rest of the world? • ...a prophet of doomsday? • …or something else altogether?
Part 3: Choose Your Initial Hobbies
I mentioned before that you get interested in a lot of things, because you find everything beautiful and exciting. That means you're probably already interested in a lot of stuff. We need to define what you're into now (in addition to glass-making, of course) before you decide later what else you're going to get interested in! Are you interested in... • ...sewing? • ...art? • ...cosplay? • …photography? • …plastic modeling? • ...bass guitar? • ...painting? • ...fashion? • ...calligraphy? • ...archery? • ...role-playing games? • ...video games? • ...philosophy? • ...manga? • ...superhero comics? • ...sailing? • ...knitting? • ...animation? • ...scrapbooking? • ...stamp collecting? • ...fishing? • ...or something else altogether? You'll want to pick a few things, maybe 3-5. Doing things excites you a lot!
Part 4: Choose Your Favorite Scenes
Are you most often seen... [Purple]...glass-making? [Purple]...doing chores? [Purple]...spending time with your family? [Purple]...hanging out with friends? [Purple]...tending to things in the Good Place? [Purple]...working at your family's shrine? [Silver]...reading manga? [Silver]...daydreaming about one of your many crushes? [Silver]...worrying about the future? [Red]...looking out at the ocean all starry-eyed and filled with wonder? [Red]...taking care of a friend who's hurting? [Gold]...working obsessively on your newest hobby? [Blue]...experimenting with Heart Magic? [Black]...experiencing surreal harbingers of what you're going to become? Pick 2-3 favorites to help you figure out what you might be doing when you're not sure what to do in a scene.
Part 5: Review Your Goals
You've got a lot to work on with your Good Place. You've got a lot of friends to take care of. But that's not the biggest thing you're worried about right now. You're graduating high school in a few months, and you're not ready for that at all. You're going to be an adult, and that has you really scared. Everyone has all these expectations of you, and you don't know how to meet them. People are starting to treat you like an adult already, but you feel like just a big kid inside. Sometimes worry about that overwhelms you, and then it's made even worse when you think about the fact that after you graduate, a lot of your friends are probably going to go their separate ways and you won't see them nearly so often. So right now you're focused quite a lot on figuring out what to do about that. You're trying to make sense of the whole idea of what you're going to be doing as an adult. Do you want to keep being a shrine maiden? Do you want to open your own glass-making shop? Or do you maybe want something weird and unexpected? Maybe you want to go on a great adventure. Maybe you want to destroy the world! (Although you're fairly certain you don't want that last one, at least not right now.)
Part 6: Choose Your Connections
There's a few people you're close to from the start. Your starting Connections are typically as follows: • The Good Boyfriend (or Girlfriend) 3. You grew up with Matteus. He's kind of your rival, but the whole rival thing wears thin at times. You also have a giant crush on him. • Jiro Hayashi (or Sadako, if you're Jiro) 2. You have a little brother (or sister). You care about them a lot, and want them to be safe. • Junko Hayashi 2. You're really close to your grandmother. • Katsumi Hayashi 1. You love your mom, but things are kind of strained with her. You think it's probably because you remind her of her ex-girlfriend, who was a Rider. You can get rid of these Connections later if you don't want them or they start to not make sense. Talk to the other players about your relationship with their characters. If someone agrees that you should feel comfortable around their PC and have a fair amount of knowledge about how to take care of them, you can get a free level 1-2 Connection to their character as well! You can improve these Connections later, if you want. (Knowing you, Sadako, you probably do want!)
Step 7: Review Your Powers
You have the following special abilities. They might be magic, or some piece of what you're becoming that's working within you before you've even become it. Either way, they're things you know how to do. • There's a sense of what you're going to become that lingers on you. People notice it. • You can pick up on little bits of insight from your future self. • You can create blessings based around a theme, small things that you and other can people can do now and then. • You can move around quickly, escaping stressful situations with ease. • You're almost supernaturally good at caring for your friends. • You can sense what's going on with your friends in some capacity, and you can help them a little bit while they're thinking of you. • You can understand someone a little intuitively now and then. • You can sense when your friends need you. • You can help your friends do some really cool stuff. • With some help from your friends, you can do some really cool stuff too!
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Electric Feel: Part One
A/N: Alright you guys so last night I re-watched the movie ‘Savages’. You know, the one with Quicksilver and Serena Vander-Woodsen in it? Yeah, it totally rekindled my love for Polyamorous relationships and after reading a fuck ton of amazing Stucky one’s this site, I decided I just had to write my own. This is going to be a short series. Only five or so parts of fluff and smut. Smut with plot, but smut none the less lol. Enjoy ya’ll. Steve/OC/Bucky
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Heavy mentions Panic disorder, Anxiety, Depression and use of Prescription Drugs. Mental health/illness will be a heavy topic in this one so if it triggers you, I’m sorry my beautiful buttercups but this story might not be the one for you. Cussing because I have the worst mouth and my vocab is made up of four letter words.
Story Summary: Y/N, an overworked plus size model, is struggling to balance her career and her worsening panic disorder. Moving into Avengers Tower, at her Aunt Peppers request, was supposed to relieve some of the stress. She never expected to find solace in the arms of not one, but both of the Towers resident super soldiers
Dragging yourself across the lobby of ‘Avengers Tower’ you feel absolutely numb. The static in your head seemed far away, like a station you just couldn’t tune into. Not that you wanted to. No, you’d take this reprieve, this moment of nothingness happily. At least you felt like you could breathe, like your lungs we’re actually working again, doing the simplest of tasks.
Jesus. How sad is that? That your actually happy you could breathe normally? The most natural thing a human could do, and yet even that seemed like a heralding task to you lately.
“Hello Ms. Y/N” The receptionist at the circular desk greeted as you passed and on queue you forced a smile on your face.
You’d gotten good at it by now, so good, that the woman didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary and went on with her work. Typing away at who knows what. It was nearly thirty minutes past 10. What could Tony have her working on so late? Whatever, you deduce. Whatever it was, you knew she was probably getting paid beautifully for it.
And wasn’t that the point of it all? What made the world go round?
Money is the reason we exist. Everybody knows it, it’s a fact. Kiss, kiss.
You recite to your self as you push your floor button on the elevator and lean back heavily on the rail. It’s only when the doors shut, leaving you in the solitary, boxed in space, that you let the smile fall off of your face, your cheeks felt relieved. The daily strain on your cheeks from holding that fake, plasticine smile sucked and as your face sagged you feel the most yourself.
“You have one major case of resting bitch face, kid” You remember Tony laughing at you years ago. It wasn’t anything you hadn’t heart a thousand times before. Your features we’re naturally…sharp. Moody. Your full lips instinctively pulled down at the corners unless you were either A)genuinely smiling or B) putting on that mask that you’d perfected.
In your line of work, resting bitch face was both a blessing and a curse. That pout of yours, yeah it had scored you a lot of high end jobs. Shooting for A-list magazines with renound photographers. Making you a bit of a “hot commodity” in the modeling world. But it had also earned you a reputation. Everyone had this image of you; thought you we’re extremely bitchy and stuck up. It was already hard, working in the modeling community. Plus size modeling was just starting to boom, to become a norm but even you didn’t fit some of the major guidelines. At well over two hundred pounds and barley reaching 5'3, you we’re an unusual peice for the industry in the first place.
Having everyone think you we’re a high maintenance, hard to work with cunt- well that didn’t help either.
They just didn’t know you, which you almost laughed at because isn’t that what everyone’s excuse is? ‘They don’t know me, I’m so misunderstood’.
Fuck, you we’re a walking cliché, you chide yourself.
Most who met you tended to think you we’re “stuck up” because a good chunk of the time you we’re so stuck in your own head that you couldn’t focus on anyone around you. Trying to breath, trying to focus on anything but the near constant bubble of nervousness that never seemed to leave your stomach. Running through your therapists guide list on how to avoid your next panic attack.
In truth, when most got to know you they were honestly shocked at your goofy, nerdy nature. Those few people, who tried to delve under the surface, we’re greeted with a girl who could make a joke out of just about anything and would rather stay in bed and binge on Star Wars movies and buffalo wings(well maybe no one would be surprised about that your love of chicken wings, you think humorously. Bitterly)
It hadn’t always been this bad, you recite to yourself. It would get better, you encourage.
When you get to your floor, all you want to do is go to sleep. The thought of having to have to drone through any other kind of human interaction physically made you wince.
Most of the time, you didn’t mind the floor you we’re on. Actually, you quite liked your “floor mates”. Yeah, it had been a little weird at first being “bunked” with all guys, but you’d soon found that you wouldn’t have wanted to be placed anywhere else. Steve, Sam and Bucky we’re good to you, yeah they babied you a little and left messes in the living room, but you had your own hoard of annoying tendencies and still, they never treated you like anything but…family.
Like the older brothers you never wanted- while simultaneously being the little brothers you had DEFINATLEY never fucking wanted because Jesus Christ, who had left the empty Oreo package in the middle of the floor? You bend down, almost robotically, to pick it up.
Steve and Bucky are lounging on opposite sides of the long couch, watching some sports show that you didn’t really care to know. You barley notice them, and you really hope that they’re not going to notice you. That they’re too invested in the game on the mammoth flat screen-
“Hey, babydoll. How was work?”
No dice. Not that you’d really thought for a second they we’re just going to ignore your entrance.
The smile, that smile, you plaster on is almost painful.
They both look up at you, Bucky’s head slightly cocked as he waits for an answer.
“It was fine, I’m really tired though. I’m going to change”
To anyone else your tone would have sounded pleasant. Tired, but normal.
To Steve, it’s a big red flag. Gone is the usual bite in your voice, the giggle. The light. You sound…monotone. Like you weren’t really there at all. And that’s what really makes him look at you, take you in. The bags under your eyes are pronounced, even with the makeup that adorns your skin. Your posture is rigid and you look like you might strain a muscle just from standing there but it’s your eyes that confirm it for him. He’d seen that look in them many a time before. He feels the tug on his heart strings as you hurry out of the room.
When Steve turns his head to Bucky, the mans eyes are still glued on your retreating frame. But the look on his face matches the one Steve knew he himself was sporting.
You’d had another hard one. Another attack. Being ‘roomies’ with you meant that they we’re no stranger to your illness, they’d experienced first hand what you went through on a near day to day bases. Hell, Bucky went through his fair share of his own. But it never ceased to put a felling akin to stones in their throats to see you in that state
“I want to go check on her, man” Bucky announces “She looked real rough”
Steve shook his head. They’d been through this. The trial and error of it all.
“Nah, pal. You know she’ll freak out if you go after her right now…let her go cool off” Steve reminds his friend. Didn’t he remember the last time…it hadn’t gone over well.
Bucky sighs through his nose and nurses the beer bottle in his hand. He knew what it was like, what she was going through and it made it worse, the thought of her feeling even a fraction of the strain that he himself frequently endured had him tied in knots. He felt like he had to get up, and go to her. And check on her and make sure that she was playing on her phone like she liked to do, laughing at some meme he knew she’d show him later and not curled up in a corner.
He still winces at that mental image. When he’d found her in the kitchens with her hands over her eyes and her knees pulled up to her chest.
“I’m worried about her, too” Steve’s voice cuts through the silence. He can see the cogs working in Bucky’s head.
Bucky nodded, chewing on the inside of his lip. Yeah, he knew.
Knew that they we’re both royally fucked.
And had been for a while now. Because nothing good could come from the way that they both felt about you. He’d never really thought about it before. Maybe, even though it was a little screwed up, it was because back in the forties he could run circles around Steve when it came to girls. Back then he’d never be in competition with the him. Plus Steve had always loved dark haired dames and Bucky had a thing for Redheads, so he never really thought there would be a day when they a single woman caught both pairs of their eyes.
And then came you. When Bucky had learned Pepper’s niece was coming to live at the compound he’d never in his wildest dreams could have imagined you. All ass and sass and bambi eyes. All understanding touches and long talks in the middle of the night when neither of you could sleep because your brains just wouldnt turn off. You seemed to understand him in a way that he didn’t even understand himself.
You’d snuck up on Bucky…
Steve was different. He’d met you a handful of times before you’d moved in. You were Peppers niece, after all, so you’d been around the tower. Never staying for long- just long enough to throw him that smile. To flip your sheet of hair over your shoulder and be the sweetest thing he’d ever encountered. You rotted his teeth. You brought out the side of him, the one that was foreign to everyone but Bucky.
You hadn’t snuck up on Steve. You’d hit him like a god damn freight train.
And it yet no one was willing to admit it, even though it was nearly palpable. The three of you went on, holding onto a friendship that seemed to keep all of you a float.
Because Bucky needed Steve. It wasn’t a fact he was ignorant to. He needed his best friend if he had any hope of ever truly getting back to the man he’d once been and Steve needed him back. The only link he had to his true self. To the man behind the shield.
So, they kept it unspoken. They didn’t even talk about it to each other, which if you knew Bucky and Steve you’d know was in-fucking-sane because those two told eachother EVERYTHING. Neither of them we’re willing to risk the century long friendship.
Hell no…
But did they really even have to say it? Steve witnessed the way you touched Bucky, your hands trailing over him in something liken to worship and Bucky noticed the way you sought out Steve. The way you needed him, the way you looked at him like he was the sun.
Funny thing? It didn’t make either of them jealous, there was no animosity. No hurt feelings just…need.
Need of what? Neither of them knew.
And so, almost simultaneously, they both tipped their beer bottles back heavily, the screen illuminating their faces. They could lie to themselves. But they never did get the hang of lying to each other.
You stand in the shower for what feels like ages, allowing the scorching water to rush over you. Trying to practice those visionary exercises you’d worked on in therapy. Letting all of the negativity swirl down the drain. When you exit the glass, walk in shower you feel a little better. When you go to your bedside table and pop one of the tiny, yellow pills in your mouth, that helps even more. You’d learned long ago to take your medicine. You would question taking Dayquil when you had a could, so why would you do that in this case?
You didn’t need to feel ashamed for having to use medicine. You repeated yourself that daily, still. It was such a stigma, you we’re still working through it.
You pull a pair of sliky pink pajama shorts up your curvy legs. They we’re your favorite ones, the little cactus’ print always made you smile and then threw on an oversized grey sweater, the one you’d had for years. The littering of holes on the bottom of the sleeves was just proof to your immense love for it. You then brushed through your mess of wet hair, getting out all of the snarls, working through the small kinks before you slathered on your face serum’s and body lotions.
You had to do this.
Because your job required you to take care of your appearance and because your therapist assured you that taking care of yourself even when you felt low was one of the keys to happiness. To getting through it…and you would get through it.
When your finish your nightly routine you stare at yourself in the vanity mirror for a minute or two or five.
You look like a fucking eleven year old without makeup. Your face child like without the sharp eye liner of defining bronzer. But there was a prettiness to you, your eyes seemed even (e/c)er. You shake out your hair, watching the still damp tendrils fall across your shoulder before slipping into a pair of slippers, feeling good enough to go and scower the fridge because your tummy was growling viciously and you knew it was a shit idea to let those pills kick in on an empty stomach.
Your not surprised to see Steve and Bucky still immersed in their game- or maybe it’s a different game because this one looks like hockey and you could have sworn the other was baseball.
“What'er you guys watching?” You inquire, just to start a conversation, as you walk across the living room.
Your voice is still worn out, but you look better. Like you always do after showering off the long day.
“The Rangers game. We’re gettin’ our asses handed to us” Bucky gruffs, taking a look-see at you. Your hairs long down your back, your swimming in that old sweater of yours and your face is bare. Just like he likes you best.
“Hey, have a little faith! We can still pull through” Steve urges and you giggle as you open the stainless steel fridge door.
“We got you an order of those perogi’s you like from Kinga’s” He tells you just as your eyes land on the white take out box and you thank whatever creation there might be for your boys.
“Mmm, thank you kindly sirs” You pop them in the microwave “Sam still on that mission?”
It been a week and you we’re starting to get a little worried. You knew him, Nat and Thor could more then handle themselves but you we’re starting to really miss his booming jokes. His dirty laundry basket in the hallway, not so much. You’d almost killed yourself on that thing in the middle of the night too many times.
“Yeah, don’t worry, he’ll be back on Friday. Unfortunately” Bucky hollers to you and you just roll your eyes and chuckle. Those two pretended to hate each other, but really you’d heard Bucky questioning the bird mans return this morning. No one brewed a pot of coffee like Sam.
When you come back to the living room, your hands full; the take out box in one and a glass of that green tea blend that you could never get either of them could drink because apparently it tasted like grass, it’s no shock that you plop down in the middle of them.
It would have been weirder if you had chosen to sit on one of the empty couches.
It was just normal for you now, your place between them and the comfortable conversation that ensues feels like home. You ask about how their day had gone, wanting to hear details from both about what they’d done for the duration of it. And then, they ask about yours.
To anyone else, even your Aunt Pepper, you probably would of lied. Would have told a wound a nice story about how the shoot had been so amazing. The team, the outfits. The set.
And that was true. Partially. But you don’t tell them the partial truth. You never do.
“I mean it was okay-” Bucky shoots you a knowing look and you sigh “The photographer was really intense. I mean he’s known for that, his crazy antics make for some kick-ass shots but that plus the lights that were set up was all just really…sucky”
You admit, quirking your mouth and swirling your tea. Steve reaches over, his big scorching palm coming to rest on your shoulder. The weight of it reassuring.
“I just feel- ugh fuck, you know? Like I cant go running away every time set gets a little loud or they shine a weird light in my eyes”
“But you didn’t run away right? You stayed and finished it” Steve’s voice is gentle- but not in that annoying clinical way. No, it’s easing the push, it’s encouraging not belittling.
“Yeah. After I had a minor breakdown in my changing room” that was an understatement, you recall the way you’d grasped at your chest. The way all the air in the room had seemingly gone out.
“Then? That’s an impressive feat all on it’s own, sugar” He continues on and you shake your head, poking at your perogi. Unable meeting either of their eyes.
“I’m just thinking maybe I’m not cut out for this anymore” It was so, so hard to admit that. To admit that maybe it was time to change your dreams, to let go of what you’d wanted for so.
Bucky’s chest aches for you, the empathy he feels in that moment is immense, he cant help but reach out. His hand going to you thigh, his thumb rubbing little circles into the smooth, plush skin as he talks.
“Why? Even when you felt awful you stayed put. Listen, doll, anyone who knows you knows how much you want this…I mean you we’re born for the camera, just look at that face- you roll your eyes and he chuckles- Not to mention if you don’t have a professional taking em’ your just going to sit in your room and take a thousand of those selfers anyway. Might as well get paid for your troubles ”
That makes you laugh hard and you tilt your head to him “Selfies, Bucky! God, you’re so old”
They have a way of doing this- making you feel better. Making it all melt away, even if it’s just for those moments when the three of you are huddled together. You dream of this shit, no joke. Of the feeling of both of their hands on you like they are now.
“You wound me, doll” Bucky melodramatically holds his chest leaning back into the couch, not moving his hand.
You continue eating, your stomach feeling more settled. You close your eyes and moan at the heaven sent explosion of favor.
“Mmm, Stevie, taste this” You urge as you stab one of the potato dumplings and hold it out to the lighter haired man, your hand underneath it incase it spilled over. Steve grins and opens his mouth wide and inviting as you pop the entire thing in.
“Amazing, right?”
“Uh, huh ‘real ‘ood” he says around the mouthful of food and you and Bucky both chuckle.
“Don’t hurt yourself there, punk” Bucky teases and Steve reaches across you to swat at his shoulder.
Your more then used to them being hundred year old children “Alright boys let’s watch something that doesn’t make my brain bleed, yes?”
There’s a few moans and groans of protest, from the both of them, but in the end they do what they always do; give you what you want. You’re vaguely aware of your power over the two men and you deviously think how dangerous it is to have them at your beck and call. You end up making them watch ‘The Men in Black’ with you because “It’s a classic, oh my gosh I cant believe you guys have never seen this before” and of course you fall asleep twenty minutes in.
When people talk about anxiety attacks, they don’t ever mention how they physically drain the life out of you. The exhaustion that comes with them.
You end up sprawled out, your head resting on a pillow in Steve’s lap and your legs tangled with Bucky’s as he stretched out on the opposite side of you. Not an unusual positon for the three of you to contort into.
Steve plays with the near dry tendrils of your hair idly, he can feel your short, puff like breaths on his thigh. Bucky’s vibranium hand rests on your leg, where knee meets thigh, the warmth of your sweet smelling skin radiating off of you. It’s peace, the one sliver of peace it seems that you all will ever find.
“Steve” Bucky speaks first. He’s always been the bolder of the two. He’d known he was going to have to be the one to speak up sooner or later.
“Yeah?” Steve can hear it in his voice. Knows what’s coming.
“You love her” it’s not a question or an accusation. Just a statement.
“So do you” Is all Steve can think to retort and Bucky just sighs and nods wordlessly.
Will Smith fights aliens on the TV screen as they both acknowledge what they’d known wouldn’t stay unspoken.
“Ya’ know our lives would be a hellava lot easier if these guys really existed” Steve’s eyes narrow as he drinks in the film. Bucky’s snort fills the room. Aint that the truth.
There’s a moment of silence where they let the movie play, where your little wheezes and extraterrestrial battle sounds fill the living room.
“Your Agent K and I’m agent J” Bucky smirks, knowing his little comment is going to grate his best friend. Steve’s head snaps in his direction.
“That’s a load of crap, your older then me!”
“In years, yes. In spirit-”
“Fuck off, Bucky”
And even in your sleep state, you manage to be a smart ass. Because even though Steve cursed around you plenty, you’d grown up on those tapes of him that they played in school. And the cussing one had always stuck with you. “Language cap'n” you mother incoherently.
They both look like their eyes might pop out of their heads.
Okay guys I hope you liked this first part! I’m still trying to figure out the dynamic I want for the three of them, but I think I’ve got it. Please give me feed back, because I live on that shit. It’s the air I breathe. If you want to be tagged, let me know!😬💛
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Since she’s been brought up, here’s a brief rundown of one of my older OCs, Angilaka
A bombastic and cheerful paladin from a post-apocalyptic land of giant amazons, able to serve as a leader and champion!
Name: Angilaka; her people typically have single names. Their equivalent to surnames are simply geneological records and do not translate easily.
Appearance: A fearsomely large and powerful Inuit woman, Angilaka has a case of the ‘looks like a deadly warrior but is a total sweetheart after about five seconds’ vibe. Extremely large, her basic body has powerful amazonian features; broad shoulders, a muscular and beefy built lines with scars from her rough life and geometric tattoos that may be tied to her paladin abilities.
Her hair is long, white and usually shaved completely on one side of her head, with the remainder worn over on shoulder. She’s very solidly built, thick and has very large breasts/hip proportions. The key look is amazon; she’s not hyper muscular, but she IS beefy and looks built like a truck. Has a lot of piercings on her eyebrows, nose and ears. Generally wears green clothing, with a tendency towards looser outfits, and is a bit of a fashionista. Her skin is a dark shade of brown.
Angilaka comes from a population of human remnants who were mutating towards progressively bigger, more powerful forms, and she likely qualifies as a ogre-variant human. Accordingly, she can grew short but thick claws and her teeth are notably sharp, but she otherwise seems to be an ordinary, if very large, human woman.
Height: She stands roughly 12ft tall even without any power boosts. In Crossthicc speciically, she is somewhere around 40ft with a bit of decent power behind her, but she can grow much larger; assume several hundred feet at her max for brief bursts.
Backstory: Angilaka comes from a colony of humans that survived the Cataclysm, but as their technology failed and magic flooded their world with unpredictable disasters and monsters, they adapted by becoming survivalists and working out how their new home functioned, and learned how to live in such a way that it accomodated them. They grew larger over time, becoming proto-ogre variants, and developed peaceful ties with neighbors who came to the world.
Angilaka grew interested in the outside world and began to explore it, traveling to distant space habitats and ancient ruins to learn more. At some point, she became a devout believer in an unspecified religion (it may differ, depending on continuity), and trained as a paladin to channel holy powers on their behalf to protect the weak and better the world. She tends to drift around from place to place, doing Good as she can best interpret.
Personality: Outwardly a bombastic and loud woman, she’s a cheerful braggart who announces herself with emphatic gestures, doesn’t so much enter a room as crash into it, and just plain loves a chance to mix it up. This is belied by a surprisingly thoughtful and patient mindset. She is very deliberative and a surprisingly good diplomat. Her performative boastfulness may literally be a performance, as she watches, and waits, and makes her private judgments.
She can be surprisingly cynical, in her more honest moments, believing that people inevtiably screw up everything around them. Nevertheless, she still works to help others and repair the world, because if you can choose to do so, what right do you have to make any other choice? She has a very low threshold for bullshit, though, and upon spotting a problem, will take the most efficient route to dealing with it; sometimes, this includes breaking a tyrant in half before his entire court. She does not care!
Abilities: A skilled combatant with an expertise in fighting with her bare hands, with a hint of acrobatic wrestling moves. Her divine powers allow her to infuse holy energy into herself to a variety of effects. In general, she becomes absurdly strong beyond her normal limits for brief moments, has demonstrated the ability to armor herself against damage provided it is from an evil source, and she can heal others or repair damage around her. Her powers do exceptional damage to evil things, to the point that the malicious find her presence deeply uncomfortable, and artworks depicting abhorrent concepts tend to decay around her.
She can do things like jump incredibly high and crash down with tremendous speed (Sort of like platformer action, but played realistically), fire bolts of holy light by punching at them really intensely, and scan people to determine the weight of moral failure upon them. (It’s not very reliable and she tends not to employ it as a ‘who do i smite’ sense.) She is also a very adept healer; mostly through personal touch (her kisses literally make you better), but drinking her milk or being near her when she radiates her power can also suffice.
Pred Level: Fairly low. She’s not terribly interested in vore situations, herself. She’s not opposed to it in order to dispose of a problematic relic or a vicious enemy, but she doesn’t deliberately seek it out.
Prey level: Moderate. She’s fine with being gulped, but evil beings trying to swallow her are in an extremely bad position; her powers DO work from that point, and trying to swallow a paladin can result in an evil belly being incinerated from the inside out. She CAN heal you if you are not evil, and may choose to be swallowed to do so.
Relevant Themes: She’s mainly a big, cute giant girl; her being super busty and milky (with various applications based on her divine powers) wouldn’t go amiss. She’s a rowdy, powerful heroine who is a lot more thoughtful than she lets on, too. Probably fairly lusty, and may even have taken a vow to ‘assist’ others with such urges as part of whatever deity she follows.
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