#because match was made only using Kon's DNA
suzukiblu · 1 day
I've noticed that in various wips both Kon and Match have been the "younger" brother -- is there actually much of an age difference to them, or is it just both of them wanting to be the older brother? Either way, I am very here for your clonecest agenda, 10/10 A+ thank you!!
ngl I am thiiiiis close to doing a clonecest-themed WIP Wednesday (or WIP Not-Wednesday, maybe, hah), I am so so SO tempted by that idea. Like I'm sorry, I am just WAY too into the clonecest lately, haha. I have so much unpublished Match/Kon right now, like why do I have so much of that.
( I mean I KNOW why, but still, it is SO much. like . . . so, so much. I mean, it is in the realm of like, 30k at this point, jfc self hahaha. )
But yeah, the thing with Match vs Kon as the "younger" brother is a continuity thing, I guess? In the comics--at least in the OG run--Match was cloned from Kon within like the first . . . idk, six months to a year or so or his life as, like, the first run of a line of custom metahuman soldiers (back when Kon was technically just human and did NOT have any actual Kryptonian DNA, much less any of LEX'S DNA) that the Agenda was trying to design and mass-produce for, like, actual SALE. So in the comics, Kon is older and is Match's literal genetic template, but in the animated show, Match was cloned from CLARK as a first attempt at cloning Superman that was made before Project Kr produced Conner, and therefore is the older one--just in the cartoon he couldn't, like, actually be stabilized because said DNA was incomplete and unlike Conner, he doesn't have any human DNA to stabilize his build. And also in the comics, the process that the Agenda used to rip Kon's DNA to make Match actually UNZIPPED his DNA, and repairing it got Kon stuck at physically sixteen for a while, but comics!Match was aging normally during that time, so technically he's at least slightly physically older.
Also like . . . YJA!Match and comics!Match are VERY different, personality-wise. And looks-wise. And . . . everything-wise, basically, hah. Like their only real similarity is the name "Match", pretty much. So that's a thing too!
Personally I usually write more comics-based fic, so in most of my stuff Kon is LITERALLY a little older than Match while Match is PHYSICALLY a little older than Kon, adjusting for, like, interdimensional/time-travel/reality reboot/etc nonsense.
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mocksterling · 2 years
You know, it's so hard liking a character that's not popular or that has so many alternative versions of themselves.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Okay obviously I LOVE that we are supposedly getting some good good Superfamily stories in the coming months, and that all of the Superkids are flying around being cute in their matching jackets.
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But part of me worries that they’re a little too matchy. Like, the most common complaint you hear about writing Superman is that he’s too OP, so how are they going to handle four (five with Power Girl) Kryptonians? Especially since Jon and Kon are so close in age and look so much alike.
One of the things I really liked about Superfam teamups in the 90s was that Clark, Kon, and Linda had entirely different powers. Sure, they were all strong and could fly, but Kon wasn’t even really Kryptonian when he debuted - he was a human clone of Paul Westfield with Clark’s Kryptonian aura grafted onto his DNA. His only power was TTK, which he used for strength, invulnerability, and flight as well, but they didn’t work the same way Clark’s powers did, and he didn’t have any of the vision powers. I’ve always felt that giving him the full Super-suite in the 2000s kind of flattened him out as a character.
And Linda also wasn’t Kryptonian: she was a protoplasmic being from a pocket universe who could shapeshift and fire psychokinetic blasts who merged with a human girl and became an angel with wings of flame that she used to teleport. Obviously.
Anyway, it made group fight scenes really interesting. Obviously we’re not going to get that much variety anymore, but I was thinking about how I would differentiate between the current Superfam Kryptonians, power-wise:
Clark: Clark has the most experience, obviously. He has fully matured into his powers and knows exactly how much he can get out of each one. He’s the best at using multiple powers in concert, interpreting information via microscopic, telescopic, and X-ray vision and superhearing, and navigating sensory overload. His use of his powers is extremely complex and nuanced.
Kon: Honestly, Kon should be the weakest of all of them. He’s only half-Kryptonian, if that (see above re: Clark’s aura), and he’s the result of an experiment where no one really knew what they were doing. I’m not saying he can’t juggle cars, but he should be the weakest, the slowest, his heat vision the least hot. All of which is fine, because he has TTK and that, used cleverly, should allow him to do things none of the others can do. I also think it would be interesting if kryptonite affects him the least, since he’s the least Kryptonian (and because his TTK acts a little bit like a force field).
Jon: Jon is canonically already registering off the scales and will almost certainly be more powerful than Clark, even though he, like Kon, is only half Kryptonian. (This is because Lois is more powerful than Lex.) So yeah, I’m fine with Jon being the tank, maybe a little clumsy with it right now but learning. I think he should have the flipside of Kon’s resistance to kryptonite and be particularly susceptible to it. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, right?
Kara: Kara’s powers should be roughly on par with Clark’s, once you take into account that she’s like half his size, but I like the idea that she’s the only one who knows how to fight. Kryptonians are strong enough that 99% of the time it doesn’t matter how well they throw the punch, only that they threw it. But in post-Crisis it was canon that Kara spent time on Themiscyra training with the Amazons, which means she would actually know what the hell she’s doing. I just have a beautiful mental image of them all going to Warworld or wherever they are going to have to fight someone at their power levels, and the bad guy is all “Send in your champion!” and they unanimously agree that it’s Kara. And then she kicks ass.
Krypto: Krypto is a good boy. Yes he is! Yes he is!
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ectonurites · 3 years
Wasn’t Match dead pre-New 52? Did he get outright resurrected/just poofed back into existence like a bunch of other people were with the New 52, or was he like remade/re-cloned?
So this is one of those things that we don't reallyyyy have a solid answer on yet (and honestly idk when/if we'll get one) but to me it definitely seemed like a new Match
Bc like you're right that Match was dead pre New 52 (killed by Superboy-Prime) and it's not like his dead body'd be just laying around to be resurrected or something, he was used for spare parts to create three new Superboy clones to fuck with Conner's head. There wouldn't be much left of him
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(Teen Titans Vol. 3 #99)
And the Suicide Squad annual even vaguely nods to this, because Conner tells him he thought he was dead
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(Suicide Squad (2021) Annual #1)
Now like, it definitely is possible he just poofed back into existence, because DC has a tendency of conveniently doing that.
But considering we saw all those other clones waiting in their tubes to wake up at what was apparently an old Agenda site... (still losing my MIND btw that they brought back The Agenda. never in a million years did I think they'd actually namedrop it)
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(Suicide Squad (2021) Annual #1)
It definitely felt implied to me that this Match we're seeing is one of those guys who got woken up and brought out onto the field with all the implanted memories and everything. However I don't think Conner really registers that because he's definitely talking to this Match like he was the original, but there're a lot of differences between how this Match acts and how the original did. And like a certain amount of that definitely could just be because of the implanted memories, but... idk.
They could have done something with Suicide Squad Conner devolving into Match without showing all these other Conners that are ready to go dressed up just like him, idk why they'd bother putting that all in unless it was to show he's (being treated as) a replaceable tool made and used by Waller
And, again, want to throw my favorite little connection out there that I can't believe is relevant bc I've been bringing this panel up for MONTHS: Waller gained control of The Agenda's tech preboot. So Waller having access to one of their bases now that things from back then are being brought back into continuity, and thus being able to make a fuckton of new Match copies, makes PERFECT sense
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(Superboy Vol. 4 #87)
Like there's still a lot of questions taking this stance, like how come he's modeled specifically after 2003 era Conner and they only gave him memories of up to back then? (bc TWICE both in this comic & in future state he isn't shown as having any memories between being on the Titans before Kon's death and joining the Suicide Squad) Where did the source DNA come from exactly? (is this like, a sample that somehow survived from before the reboot of Conner from that era? [I think the coolest/most fucked up answer would be Waller somehow obtained a sample from Kon's dead body that pre-reboot would still have been healing in modern day] Was the sample the remains of the original Match himself? Is it from current Conner anyways but they just chose to dress him up different?) etc.
But yeah anyways, until/unless they specifically say otherwise I definitely am leaning far more towards 'its a newly cloned Match'
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legomocfodder · 3 years
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Even more DC/Star Wars minifigs!
First Row
Bart Allen: The son of Barry Allen, Bart is an even more reckless pilot than his father. To increase the speed and maneuverability of his personal A-wing, he made a number of modifications, the most dangerous, being the removal of the life support systems. Because of this, when he flies, Bart must wear a full protective suit, full helmet, and have his own oxygen supply.
Cassie Sandsmark: Born in 0BBY like many other young force sensitives, Diana encountered her by chance, and upon sensing her potential she took Cassie as an apprentice. Growing up after the downfall of the Jedi, Cassie had heard stories of them and was eager to become one, sometimes too eager at times.
Tim Drake: A genius slicer, Tim grew up in the middle levels of Coruscant. However ,after the Destruction of Alderaan,he realized he had to join the fight. He spent months tracking down the Rebel Cell rumored to be on Coruscant. This led him to the Starbird movement,a group of teenagers who spoke out against the Empire. When the Empire cracked down on this cell, his parents were found and captured, leaving the cell broken and Tim on his own. Bruce and his Cell tool in those remaining Rebels, training or relocating them as needed. Following his Creed, Bruce took Tim in, helping him force a set of his own armor, with the end goal of freeing Tim's parents.
Kon-El: An unmodified clone raised in the secret project ‘Match’ on Kamino. He and “Kon-El Prime” were part of one of the first experiments to make Force sensitive clones. Kon was an incomplete clone though. Despite the Kaminoans best efforts, like most other Force sensitive clones, Kon was only able to use telekinetic abilities, and he regularly had to tap into his anger and rage to use said abilities, but with training has been relying less and less on the Dark Side.
Cassandra Cain: The daughter of a Mandalorian Traditionalist, Cassandra’s father raised her as the Mandalorians of old, hoping to raise her to be the perfect Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter. As she got older, Cassandra came to the realization that she wanted to protect people, not kill for money or glory, and when it came time for her to first kill someone, she couldn’t do it and was disowned by her father. She was eventually found and taken in by Senator Wayne, and wants to fight the Empire to protect people. However, she will only ever use a stun bolt on a blaster, but her fighting skill more than makes up for her non-lethal methods.
Second Row
Minerrva: A former Zygerrian slaver, Minerrva was known for enslaving Jedi, until Diana tracked her down and broke up her operation. Since then, Minerrva has vowed to kill Diana. In her hunt, she allied herself with Grail, ditching her Zygerrian whip and learning to use a lightsaber with the proficiency of a Jedi.
Dru-Zod: Kal-El’s former master, Dru-Zod, was expelled from the Jedi Order after the Council discovered he was studying the teachings of the Dark Side. After the fall of the Republic and the Jedi Order, Zod returned to join the Inquisitorius.
F.E.A.R Troopers (First Elite Armored Regiment): Formed by Thaal Sinestro, a former member of the Lantern Squad. When the Republic became the Empire, Sinestro and a number of members of Lantern Squad defected and joined the Empire, instead of fighting against them. They’re distinguished by the yellow markings on their armor, which is made of more durable material than standard Stormtrooper plastoid armor. Due to the experimental and expensive armor these Troopers wear, when one falls in combat, his body is taken and his armor stripped, to be given to the next member to join the regiment. (For Green Lantern fans, yes, this is inspired by the rings getting a new host after the previous one dies)
Kon-El "Prime": A young force sensitive child, taken before the Jedi Order found him, Kon-El was the source DNA for the Kaminoan project ‘Match’. He referred to himself as “Prime” around his clone. However, his whole past is a lie. He is also a clone. Both Kon-Els are clones of Jedi Master Kal-El. “Prime” was regularly experimented on because despite being a clone created at the same time as the other Kon, he developed all the abilities of the Force. Upon finding out he was a clone and that his childhood was a lie, Prime snapped and tried to kill his Kaminoan handlers. He began serving Governor Luthor after falling for Luthor's lies that the other Kon-El was responsible for seemingly ruining Prime's life.
NSFW blogs do not reblog!
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Colony of Gotham (2/7)
The Colony of Gotham is an urban legend that is whispered about in the dangerous city. It's said the Colony is a family of demons and spirits that stalk the night, hunting for the souls of the guilty.
When Bruce became Batman, he'd never intended to be mistaken for a demon. He was happy to lean into it, though, and as he gained his partners -- as his family grew -- they all followed suit.
First Part ~ Next Part
When winter came, Jack Drake used a Christmas gala as an excuse to approach Tim. He brought him into a side room to give him the news that Janet was dead, then proceeded to all but demand Tim return to the Drake mansion before the boy could fully process his words. When Tim tried to bring up the others, Jack stated Tim was nothing more than a charity case for Bruce just like Dick and Jason. Tim knew that wasn’t true for the older boys as Bruce had claimed them. For his own case, however, Jack’s words hit hard.
Bruce had yet to turn him. Tim knew the older boys had both been with him for years before their own turnings, but that was because neither had wanted it. Barbara had been changed right away, so why not Tim? He couldn’t bring himself to ask -- wasn't sure he could handle what would happen if Bruce said no -- but they had to know, right? They must have seen the way they watched them when they ate or discussed their nature. They were all detectives, after all.
He started to wonder if Jack might be right and Bruce didn’t really want him. Between that, his mother being dead, and his father actually wanting him, Tim didn’t fight it when Jack tried to lead him out.
Which was when Jason appeared in all his fury. He didn’t know why Jack was there, but he did know he had no right to be anywhere near Tim after what he’d done. Tim tried to talk him down, but that only made Jason angrier. He pulled Tim away from the man and told him Jack didn’t know what he was talking about. Bruce loved Tim just as he loved Jason and Dick. When Tim tried to argue, Jason realized how Tim had linked being turned with being family.
Temper rising and impulsivity at its peak, Jason heard Jack tell Tim they were leaving without even asking if that’s what he wanted, looked the man dead in the eyes, and bit his little brother. He made sure Jack couldn’t see his fangs or Tim’s wound as he gathered his brother into a hug and told Jack, in no uncertain terms, that Tim was theirs and if he had a problem with it he could take it up with Bruce’s lawyers. Then he led Tim away while passing him a dehydrated blood bar so he could complete his transformation.
Jason realized that maybe his timing needed work as the fever haze of turning began to wash over Tim, but the memory of the sunshine smile he’d received when his little brother had realized what he was doing and the tight hug Tim was giving him even in his declining consciousness made it worth it.
At least until they reached the car and Alfred leveled Jason with a look.
The moment Tim was tucked away in bed, Bruce and Dick laid into Jason about discretion and consent. Jason had been sure Tim wanted it, but doubt started to creep in as the younger boy slept through his transformation.
When Tim woke to an apology, he thought it meant Jason didn’t want him after all. The two quickly reassured one another then, with Barbara’s help, managed to make the others see reason as well.
When Tim’s animal form turned out to be a scrub jay, Jason never let his Tiny Jay live it down.
Kate Kane traveled the world for years to bring herself out of the downward spiral of alcohol and women she’d fallen into after leaving military academy, then returned to Gotham to make a name for herself as the Batwoman.
They called her a succubus with porcelain skin, lips painted with blood, and red fire for hair that had horn-like ears poking out. Unlike the rest of the Colony, she had eyes that could be seen, bright red with black sclera and slit pupils. There were hints of a curvy figure under the armor she donned. It was black with a bat painted onto the chest in blood.
They said she was beautiful.
They also said she was, without a doubt, the most vicious of the Colony. She didn’t carry guns, but she’d be happy to steal yours to use. It only took a few gunshots to men’s knees before word got around she favored women and protected them, though some never got the hint and still tried to flirt with her.
Bruce was not pleased when he found out who she was, but he knew the woman well enough to know she wouldn’t stop so he brought her into the fold as much as she would allow.
Jason and Tim hadn’t met her before, having joined the family after she’d left. The younger boy got along well enough with her, but the older boy was immediately taken with his new crazy vodka aunt (they were technically second cousins once removed, but everyone agreed aunt was simpler) and Bruce regretted introducing them when he realized the two were sneaking off to gun ranges together.
A new team of heroes eventually arrived on the scene, one that would go on to cause problems for one Tim Wayne.
It began one month after the team’s formation when a certain clone -- in a fit of rebellion against one of the men whose DNA had formed him -- decided to take a trip to the one city the Justice League avoided like the plague and ordered their mentees to do the same.
Despite almost immediately regretting it, he held out for three hours before deciding to head back. The problem came when he realized he had no idea how to do that. He was completely lost and had left his phone at home to be sure Clark wouldn’t figure out where he’d gone.
Not for the first time, he wished he could fly.
He wandered around lost for another half an hour, not willing to trust any of the Gothamites that all seemed to eye him with an even greater distrust, before a boy stumbled out of a coffee shop and directly into him. Kon was impressed the smaller boy hadn’t managed to spill a drop of coffee nor lose his footing in the collision considering the massive bags under his eyes and the way he almost seemed to be vibrating from what Kon realized was a half-empty black coffee with six shots of espresso.
Tim managed to show him the way to the train station in between complaining that he was a creature of the night that didn’t need sleep, wishing destruction on his elder brother for dragging him into the city for a book signing before disappearing on him because of an emergency, the brightness of the day (despite the sky being more overcast than Kon had ever seen it in his month of life), and describing the video game he’d stayed up the night before playing.
Kon was honestly extremely worried about the guy, and he might have forced him to swap numbers before he left on the train so he could make sure Tim got home safe, even if the guy claimed he just needed to call his other brother to pick him up. Tim did get home safe, but he also got a second coffee beforehand so Kon felt justified.
In Tim’s defense, he required three times the amount of caffeine to feel the effects. Not in his defense, he had drunk more than three times the amount that day.
Tim did not appreciate the grumpy, yet overprotective puppy he’d somehow gained. All the same, he couldn’t bring himself to block Kon’s number. Even when he put together that Conner “Kon” Kent was Superboy, a founding member of Young Justice.
Tim also didn’t appreciate his brothers teasing him over his new super friend.
The teasing only got worse some months later when Tim and Barbara went to a convention together where he got into a long conversation with one Keli Quintela about the integration of human and alien technology and the pros and cons of utilizing alien coding language in firewalls. They ended up spending most of the convention together and went home with each other’s numbers and emails. So of course she turned out to be Young Justice’s Teen Lantern.
He would never let his brothers know that Keli set mandatory downtime hours on all the projects they worked on together because, apparently, he had “an unhealthy work ethic” and needed to “take more personal time.”
Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep it from Barbara. She soon started setting similar blocks on his other projects.
Stephanie’s story is a familiar one. She took on the persona of Spoiler to help the Colony take down her father Cluemaster whenever he decided to cause trouble. She wore body armor she’d stolen from her father and dyed purple alongside a cloak and a mask that covered the bottom of her face. She interacted with the Robins the most during their on-again-off-again team up so it was no surprise she eventually realized there was more than one. This meant that when Jason decided he was getting too old for Robin, they went with the obvious successor.
Stephanie will never admit how long it took her to realize the lot of them weren’t demonic monstrosities. Or how long it took her to catch onto the vampire thing.
According to rumors, the Red Hood had been the leader of the Red Hood Gang when it was at its prime. He’d been brought back from the dead by Batwoman to serve as her right hand and he held a grudge against the Joker for leading the gang to ruin. He was a brute in armor to match hers under a black and blood-red hooded vest. A red mask covered his mouth and nose while a black domino with glowing red lenses hid his eyes. His hair was a fiery red that matched his mistress’s. They said he was just as vicious as her and while he was thrilled to beat you down with nothing more than his fists, and more than capable of doing so as well, he often used the guns hidden under his vest. Some said he never kills, others said he simply handed those he does over to his mistress. He never spoke but in growls, but his mistress always knew what he was saying.
That might have been because Jason only spoke over comms while his mask filtered his voice into animalistic growls.
During this time, Cassandra Cain celebrated her eighth birthday by killing Miranda Row on her father’s orders. Cass, trained to understand body language better than most understand words, was horrified as she took in how the dying woman was feeling and fled both the scene and her father. He went down for the crime, but Miranda’s daughter Harper knew the man hadn’t acted alone and was out for blood.
On a happier note, this was also around when Stephanie was turned.
If anyone ever asked Stephanie how it happened, she would be sure to give them a story full of lies that was guaranteed to be far more dramatic than what actually happened while Tim would be off in the corner, blushing face hidden in his hands.
Because honestly, it was an accident.
She and Tim had been cuddling in the cave on their night off. Tim had gotten a little enthusiastic with his fangs, not that she minded at the time. Then she grabbed a drink from the mini-fridge. Unfortunately, neither of them realized just what she was drinking until it was too late.
A human is bitten by a vampire. A human drinks another human’s blood. The human is no longer a human.
The situation made the Colony more cautious around their significant others, to the amusement of one asexual-aromantic Jason Todd-Wayne. It wasn’t a problem for Bruce as Selina had turned before he’d ever met her, but Barbara and Kate both started keeping their blood locked in mini-fridges in their closets. Dick, unfortunately, wasn’t as lucky.
The manor was safe, but he wouldn’t be able to keep anything locked away at Artemis’s apartment without explanation. He could easily just keep all his normal blood at the manor, but he usually had a blood bar or two on him in case of emergency and Wally was known to steal food thanks to his speedster-increased metabolism. The bars weren’t toxic to humans in case someone happened to get their hands on one and Wally had only made the mistake of stealing one once before when Dick had first turned (he’d eaten it too fast to react to the taste, but had immediately gagged after and sworn off ever trying one again), but Dick was still nervous one or both of his partners might get their hands on one by accident.
As a result, he stopped nibbling on Wally and Artemis during intimate moments just in case, something that did not go unnoticed. Dick was a biter, so when he suddenly stopped out of nowhere the two began to worry. They tried to talk to him about it, but he talked around them or played dumb. Artemis then texted Jason, Artemis Grace, and Barbara.
Jason simply sent her a vomiting emoji before saying if she still wanted to come with him and Kate to the gun range, she wasn’t allowed to talk about doing that kind of stuff with his brother around him ever again.
Grace advised them that if Dick wasn’t satisfying them then they should rid themselves of him. When Artemis tried to say that wasn’t the problem, all she received in response was a shrugging emoji.
Barbara said she didn’t know but she’d try to talk to him, then immediately texted Dick to tell him to either get over his fear or tell his partners what was up.
Dick worried over it for a week before blurting out that he was a vampire while the three were cuddling in bed.
The two laughed, assuming it was another of his jokes, until they realized he wasn’t laughing but hiding behind his hands. The three had had a long conversation after that about the nature of vampires, how Dick fed, and the powers and limitations that came with vampirism, the latter of which included Wally receiving a painful kick to the shin over a glitter joke.
The two had taken it well, having seen weirder things in their lives, and Artemis got a lockbox for Dick to keep his bars in to prevent any accidents that could come from Wally’s hunger-induced amnesia.
Mary Elizabeth “Bette” Kane was first cousins once removed with Kate Kane, which is how she ended up getting sent to her aunt’s for the summer. She had been excited at first since she knew how much Kate liked to party, but she was more than disappointed when she found out she’d been signed up for a science summer camp at Wayne Enterprises. She fought with her aunt over it and when that didn’t work, she went looking for dirt. That was how she’d accidentally stumbled upon the Batcave.
Kate and Bruce unfortunately didn’t have enough time to figure out what to do about it before something else took precedence.
Barbara was shot by the Joker.
That night affected three young women’s lives.
Barbara’s vampiric durability meant the damage wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but her mobility was still too limited for her to ever go out in the field again. After some time to come to terms with her new state, she settled into the role of Pythia.
It was a serpent made of code, slithering through servers and whispering into the ears of the Colony. It was never seen, only heard. It saw all. It knew all. Beware if it turned its attention to you.
Stephanie stepped up as Batgirl. They needed the cover and she honestly butt heads with Bruce too much to be a good Robin anyway. Plus, purple was much more her color.
Batgirl had grown stronger. When you could see her, she was nothing more than a shadow cloaked in violet. However, it was rare you’d see anything. Thanks to the theft of an invisibility device Penguin had built for her father, sometimes you couldn’t even see her when she was right in front of you.
Bette was in the cave while the others were hunting down Joker, Kate too worried to leave her at home until they were sure he didn’t know their identities. As she watched the Colony work, it suddenly hit her what her aunt was doing as Batwoman. After that day, she put more effort into the camp and even developed an interest in medicine. At the same time, she began to learn how to fight from her aunt. When the summer came to an end, she pulled some strings to get enrolled in Gotham Academy so she could stay with Kate. Then she took her place as Tim’s partner by offering her fashion and makeup skills.
“The shadows have started to overwhelm the Bloody Robin,” people whispered.
The ones that had always wrapped around him rose up in the form of a hood while darkness had ensnared his limbs, leaving only hints of green on his clawed feet and hands. The formation of the hood, though, revealed his neck.
And the long bloody gash that encircled it.
They say the change was done by Batman, that he tore Robin’s head off to bring out his darkness.
During this time, Barbara was dealing with the trauma of what had happened to her. One of the ways she did this was by joining an online support group for trauma survivors. It was through the chatroom that she met Hank Hall and his girlfriend Dawn Granger. The three quickly became friends. Hank was grumpy but well-meaning in a way Barbara was all too familiar with. Dove was more openly kind and caring, though Barbara could see a viciousness lurking beneath.
The three talked for weeks before deciding to meet up for lunch when Barbara was on a trip to D.C. It was only then that she looked them up, not wanting to risk meeting them in person if they were up to something.
She took the teasing over having super friends with far more dignity than the boys. Admittedly their status as super friends was more debatable since the couple were semi-retired and only really went out in emergency cases or as favors to their old Titans friends.
When Bart Allen heard his Grandma Iris and Uncle Wally talking about the latter going on another trip to Gotham, he was ecstatic. The myths about Gotham were always the best horror stories to listen to growing up in the future and now that he was Kid Flash he was sure Wally would let him go with him. He’d been waiting for his opportunity since he’d taken the name and joined Young Justice, but there had always been things in the way. Wally had a mission. Dick was busy so Tigress had come to Central instead. Bart had a mission. Bart had another mission. The police commissioner's daughter got shot so no one was going to Gotham. So on and so forth.
It had been over a year, but finally, Wally was going to Gotham and Bart had nothing planned.
“No, you can’t come,” Wally said immediately.
“Why not?” Bart whined.
“Gotham’s too dangerous,” Iris said, from where she was folding towels. She gave Wally a pointed look. “Neither of you need to be going there.”
Wally shrugged.
“But -”
“No,” the two adults cut over Bart.
He went anyway.
Unfortunately, while he could run just as fast as his uncle-slash-first cousin once removed, he wasn’t quite as coordinated as the older speedster so he lost track of him halfway through the city. Not managing to find him again, he ended up deciding to just grab something to eat and head back. Deciding to ask for a local’s opinion, he ran around until he spotted someone moderately trustworthy looking (it took longer than it would normally, but he’d expected that in Gotham). When the shorter teen offhandedly mentioned he was sneaking away from his brothers and their friends, Bart invited him to come eat with him. When the guy couldn’t seem to remember when the last time he ate was, the invitation turned into a kidnapping.
The guy, Tim, was pretty cool even if he clearly couldn’t take care of himself. He actually kind of reminded Bart of the friends Kon and Keli had mentioned having in Gotham, so maybe a lack of self-care was a Gotham thing. Either way, Bart had them swap numbers and proceeded to bother his new friend around mealtimes to make sure he ate.
Tim hadn’t even needed to look up Bart since Dick showed up in his room with a big grin talking about how Wally’s nephew had gotten a new Gotham friend named Tim.
The younger brother wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve this. He hadn’t asked for it. Why did these people keep showing up out of nowhere!
TFW you find out scrub jays are the only non-primate and non-dolphin shown to plan ahead for the future and just can't help yourself.
Steph wears her suit from Young Justice as Spoiler and her Rebirth Spoiler suit as Batgirl.
Jason's Red Hood suit is a mixup. It's the typical Red Hood suit, but the helmet and jacket are swapped out for the mask and vest from Red Hood: Outlaw.
The updated Robin suit is similar to Damian's from the animated movies, just with the usual black robin mask. And bloody.
Vampires' animal forms:
Tim: Woodhouse's scrub jay
Kate & Bette: Gray bat
Stephanie: Golden jackal
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
Congratulations You’re A Father
TimKon, Future, Time Travel, a kid comes from the future, Fluff, Angst, Getting Together, First Kiss.
Summary: Learning that he has a kid in the future isn't too bad, Tim can get his head around that fact. But learning that the kid is half him and half his best friend is pretty mind boggling, especially when they aren't even together.
Enjoy! :D 
“Congratulations Tim, you’re a father.”
“You being serious?”
“DNA matches 50%. He is your kid.”
Tim gapes at his older brother trying to comprehend what he’s just been told. The last couple hours have basically been a blur of peculiar events.
Tim and his brothers had been down in the cave, doing their weekly sparring competition, when suddenly a glowing purple portal appears at the edge of the cave grabbing their attention. Before they could do anything about the mysterious portal, a teenager stumbles through it and into the cave.
The portal disappears like it had never been there and the sudden teenager it left behind looks disoriented as he surveys his surroundings. Tim and his brothers had been frozen in confusion at the event, because how did a portal just appear in the Batcave without a single trace, and didn’t immediately react to the teenager.
This teenager was in normal clothes, had dark hair, he had a lean but yet muscular body however the most noticeable thing was how there was a large red patch growing on his t-shirt on his left side. The stranger, seeming unaware of his apparent injury, finally notices them and his gaze lingers. His expression becomes one of confusion when he looks in Tim’s direction.
“Dad?” He had called out and before any of them could yet react, the teenager abruptly collapses on the floor unconscious.
From there it had been a flurry of movements to get this kid patched up and medically seen to as best as they can and work out what he meant by ‘dad’. Alfred patched him up, claiming that it looked like a stab wound and how it needed stitches but wouldn’t cause any permanent damage, after a week or two of rest he’ll be fine.
Once working out that the kid was going to be alright, they kept him sedated and then moved onto working out what he meant by calling Tim ‘dad’. Jason made plenty of jokes about who Tim could have potentially had knocked up. Damian wasn’t interested, claiming he ‘couldn’t care less about there being another Drake in the world’. Dick had been the most sympathetic, he had joined in with one of Jason’s jokes before actually taking the matter at hand seriously, he had been the one who suggested they do a DNA test.
It came back positive.
“Looking at that kid’s age he’s about 16 or 17, meaning Tim you would have been three when you… convinced him. Which is really all kinds of wrong to think about. My guess is that he’s from the future, or another dimension, or like an alternate reality.”
That's where Tim’s thoughts were headed to as well. They happen to be the only options that make sense and the next question is, what one of those options was it? Tim glanced the teenager again and now could actually spot of his own features on the kid, his nose for one. His eye shape (despite them closed at the moment) and the colour of his hair.
However as Tim looks at him, there was something else that felt familiar about him but Tim couldn’t place what it was. He guesses that it’s the other parent's features coming through as well, but he has no idea who it was. It suddenly became an itch he couldn’t scratch and now Tim wants to know who the other parent was, who his future partner would be.
Then again did he want to know? If this teenager was really from the future, did Tim want to spoil that for himself?
He shakes his head, trying to clear those thoughts, time travel and everything linked to it was complicated.
Tim opens his mouth to ask a question but his phone ringing stops him from doing so. He leans over and grabs it from the computer desk, he answers it without looking at the Caller ID.
“Tim, buddy, you going to let me inside any time today? Last time I came through the window you yelled at me for a good 10 minutes and I don’t want a repeat of that.”
Instantly Tim smacks his forehead with his palm. “Shit, Kon, I am so sorry I completely forgot!” He turns away from the phone to where Alfred was already heading for the stairs. “Alfred could you-”
“I’m ahead of you Master Tim, I’ll let Master Conner in and send him down as I head for the kitchen to make us all some snacks.”
“Kon, Alfred will let you in. We’re down in the cave alright.” Tim tells him, he hangs up on his friend before he could get the chance to reply.
From next to him, Dick looks up, “Kon here?”
Tim pinches the bridge of his nose feeling a slight headache coming on, it’s been a hectic few hours. “Yeah, I’m supposed to be going to the farm with him for the weekend. He’s here to pick me up, I had completely forgotten considering everything that’s just happened. Shit.”
Dick blinks at him before shrugging, “You can still go, it may be better if you weren’t here until we can get this all sorted. It stops anything happening to the timeline.”
He considers it for a moment, “Yeah perhaps but…” Tim looks over at the sleeping figure, there was something inside of him making him reluctant to go. This was his kid, from the future or another dimension, but he was his. Did Tim want to pass this opportunity up? He wonders what he’s called, wonders when his birthday was, what about school or interests and hobbies? How similar is he to Tim?
He sighs, knowing that Dick has a point. “Yeah I know. It’s just… y’know….”
His brother looks at him knowingly but doesn’t comment further. In that moment Kon finally makes his appearance from the stairs as he descends from them.
“I was stood outside for about twenty minutes dude, not cool. I thought you were playing a prank on me or simply testing my patience.” Kon says getting to the bottom of the stairs and starts to walk over.
As he does, he passes the med-bay and sees the sleeping teenager there. His best friend frowns and looks at them, “So when did the Bat adopt another kid? I didn’t know there was another one of you guys.”
Tim rolls his eyes while Dick snorts, “Just be glad he isn’t around to hear you say that.”
Kon simply grins at them when he stops beside Tim. “Is that why you forgot? What happened?”
“Yeah, sorry about forgetting,” Tim apologises to his best friend again. He looks at Kon before glancing at the teenager again, “a couple hours ago-”
He abruptly stops talking as it sinks in who the other parent could be. He flicks his gaze between his so-called kid and his best friend.
It was Kon.
The other parent was Kon.
He could see it now he’s made the connection. The kid’s got Kon’s jaw line from when he was younger, the same lips, cheek bones and his body type seemed to be similar to Kon’s when he first appeared as Superboy from Cadmus. It had to be Kon, surely. Was that why he felt familiar to Tim?
“Tim? You okay?”
Tim ignores Kon and looks at Dick who was watching him with concern, “Can you run the DNA test again but against Kon’s this time?”
Dick blinks at him, his gaze shifts to his friend before turning back to the computer, thankfully not asking questions. His best friend on the other hand didn’t hold back.
“My DNA? Tim what do you mean? Who you running my DNA against and why? What’s going on?”
Tim continues to ignore him as he watches Dick work. Minutes later his brother turns around to them, he looks up at Kon with a serious expression just as he had done to Tim earlier. “Well, congratulations Kon, you’re a father.”
Kon’s jaw drops in shock as he stares at the older man. “What? What do you mean?” He turns to Tim, his expression hardening as he lets out a fake laugh, “Yeah ha-ha, funny joke. Is this is what you’ve been planning? Because it sucks.”
“It’s not a joke Kon,” Tim tells him. “That teenager in the med-bay is potentially from the future or another dimension and he’s – he’s our kid."
Tim couldn’t believe it. Sure it’s fine that he has a kid, he’s thrilled even, because that means he starts his own family, but with Kon of all people? He couldn’t get over that. He’s been harbouring feelings for his best friend for a couple years now but he hasn’t done anything about it in fear of ruining the friendship between them because Kon couldn’t possibly return the feelings back.
But could he be wrong?
Kon stands silent between them, his face currently kaleidoscope of emotions as he digests the information suddenly thrusted at him.
Still sat on the chair Dick looks between them, “You guys obviously have a lot to talk about, this is certainly unexpected but perhaps it would be best if both of you weren’t here. We don’t want to risk any time line mishaps, or paradoxes happening when we can try and prevent them just for safety measures.”
Tim appreciates what Dick was trying to do, but there was a part of him that was still reluctant to go. It seems that Kon was now having the same issue. “But why? If this is our kid then surely we should get the opportunity to get to know him?”
Dick sighs and looks at them both with understanding and with his ever famous patience he tells them, “I understand why you both don’t want to go but think about it this way, you’ll have plenty of time in the future to be with him. It’ll be even better because you’ll get to see him grow. We’ll handle things here okay, you guys go and enjoy the farm. Tell Ma Kent I say hi!”
Tim and Kon both go quiet, they glance at one another before looking away again. In the end, Tim sighs defeated and starts to walk away, “Okay just at least let us know when he goes back, make sure he gets there safely. Come on Kon, there’s not a lot we can do here anyway, he’s sedated for the time being.”
After some hesitation his best friend follows him, but not without looking in the direction of the teenager first. Tim leads them up the stairs and to his room where a bag was already packed and ready to go. His original plan was to finish sparring with his brothers early so he could get ready for when Kon arrived, obviously that had gone out the window with the turn of unexpected events.
Tim changes out of his gym clothes and into his normal clothes. Once he was ready they head out to the back of the Manor where Kon proceeds to pick him up and together they head over to the farm.
The flight to the farm was awkward and tense as neither of them speak. Both of them lost in their own thoughts about occurred in the cave.
When they finally get to the farm they were greeted with a warm, freshly baked apple pie from Ma Kent. They both accepted the treat with a small gratitude but other than that kept quiet. Ma instantly picked up on the tension between them but thankfully didn’t comment, all she said was that the guest room was all prepared for Tim when he was ready to settle.
They eat in silence and once they were done Kon disappears, claiming he needed to do some chores he happened to forget before coming to pick Tim up. Tim knew the truth though, his friend was going for a long flight in hopes to clear his head, he didn’t blame him. While Conner was gone Tim sets himself up in the guest room, he settles in and gets some work done on his laptop he had brought with him.
When evening came around Kon still hadn’t returned. Tim ate dinner with the Kent’s, making small conversation between them before retreating for the night.
Later on Tim makes his way onto the top of the barn, he was watching the stars in the clear night sky as they dazzled brightly. The sky was always such a contrast in Kanas to Gotham, it was so clear and the air was always so fresh.
It’s about 15 minutes later when Kon appears again. He flies over to Tim on the barn and sits down beside him. They sit in silence for a good while, seeming to be unable to start up a conversation between them.
Kon’s the one to eventually start it, “So… we have a kid in the future.”
“That’s cool. Great even…”
Tim sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “Look Kon, I get that it’s weird, it’s completely unexpected, but…”
But what? How was Tim supposed to continue this incredibly awkward and forced conversation between them?
“I like you.” Kon blurts out from nowhere. Tim snaps his gaze to his best friend, both unsure and hopeful at the same time. “I like you Tim, in a way that means more than a friend. Finding out that we have a kid was great. Obviously shocking but its great. I’ve always wanted a family, yeah I found brothers between you and Bart back in Young Justice and then of course the girls joined and we all became a family. But it means a lot more in a way I can’t describe.”
“I like you too.” Tim says without thinking. “I have done for a long time, but I was so scared of ever saying anything because I didn’t think the feelings would be returned. I didn’t want to risk our friendship.”
Kon huffs out a laugh, “We’re a pair of idiots aren’t we?”
Unable to stop himself, Tim grins, “Yeah…”
They go silent for a beat or two, still not moving or doing anything with one another. The tension and awkwardness was still there but not as prominent as before.
“I wonder how we got him.” Tim comments looking up at the sky. “Did we use a surrogate? Maybe cloned him? He’s got our DNA so we didn’t adopt. “
Then for a horrific moment Tim thinks back to the time he had countlessly tried to clone Kon when he died. His heart drops at the thought, was he successful in the end? What if that kid in the med-bay was a clone Tim created out of desperation for his best friend?
A hand cupping his face and turning back to face Kon startles him from his thoughts. Seeing the way Kon’s piercing blue eyes gleam in the night make him forget about that awful time that happened so many years ago.
“Does it matter? We have a kid Tim. One of which is half you and half me. Which brings up the question how did he get injured in the first place if he has Kryptonian genes but that's a worry we’ll have in the future. But for now think we need to actually get together before we start anything kid related at all don’t you think?”
He was grinning at Tim and Tim smiles back, placing his hand above Kon’s holding his face. He licks his lips, “That may be a good start.”
No more words were spoken as they both lean in close, pressing their lips together for the first time. As they kiss Tim feels all of the tension that had built up drain out of him, he wraps his arms around Kon in a loose embrace and smiles against the Kryptonian’s lips as he feels arms wrap around his waist, bringing them closer together.
Then like that all of the awkwardness and tension bleeds out from the air around them, leaving them comfortably in peace and for the seeable future. They’ll tackle everything together as they always have done in the past, in the current present and now in the future.
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moonraisedsunchild · 7 years
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Character Sheet
Describe them in a sentence: with a Soul as fluid and changing as the Sea, her mind was a Tempest.
 Full name: Adiand'r Kon-El
Alias/es: Moonfire (hero name), Adiary Selene Anders-Kent (civilian name), Adi (nickname)
Species: half Kryptonian half Tamaranean (hybrid)
Gender: Female
Nationality: ‘American’
Eye colour: Blue
Hair: Red-orange
Birthday: July 7th
Defining physical traits: the freckles (there are so many) which is the orange ‘tint’ to her skin which is to resemble other Tamaraneans.
Favorite outfits or style: she likes the punk style but most of the time she either wears loose clothes, sweats/workout clothes, or as little amount of clothes as she can get away with.
Superhero Costume:  a sleeveless Purple and red leotard like suit that goes down to upper thigh. Long Red fingerless gloves that reach her bicep and purple and red thigh high boots. The gloves, boots, and suit have blue gems on them that match her belt.
Family background: ‘child’ of Starfire and Conner. that makes her Clark’s ‘granddaughter’ and the ‘great-granddaughter’ to Clarks parents.
She was created in a way that is similar to Conner but using his and Starfire’s DNA (In Vitro Fertilization). Neither of them knew about her until she was discovered by the justice league, including superman, in another Cadmus Facility, it was being investigated after an anonymous tip that they might be interested in what was found, but she was not ‘fully’ grown as she looked about ten years old while it was likely she wasn’t even that old. 
 At first they couldn’t really interact with her as she was unresponsive but J’onn was eventually called in to see if he could assist. He was able to and after some mental interaction Conner was ready to be a friend at least as he didn’t feel ready to be a parent though he did give her his name (Kon-El). Starfire was a bit slower to completely accept it but she warmed up to it deciding that the girl would be her sister as she too didn’t feel ready to be a parent.
Starfire, Conner and the girl eventually gave the girl the name Adiand'r which meant Moonfire as the main word the girl said was Moon. she had a bit of an obsession with the moon because she saw the moon while in the facility but by day the way to see outside was covered. 
 It has been a few years since and she has grown and soon may go through her Transformation but there is no certainty that she will.
Friends: Anani Bachman(another of my OC’s), Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Kori Anders, Conner Kent, Jason Todd (he is teaching her curse words)
Relationship status: Single (I ship too many things)
Personality: Adi is rather quiet and reserved at first sometimes taken as Aloof and apathetic. She tends to observe first even though she wants to be friends with people. She is a romantic and a daydreamer but is surprisingly down to earth for the most part. She is highly intelligent but that tends to be overlooked when she spends quite a bit of time acting too ‘immature’. She gives good advice but doubts herself so she never follows her own advice. She is passionate and enthusiastic which is found out when she gets use to people. She is often socially anxious and self-conscious as she ‘grew up’ without really talking to anyone and worries that she will do something wrong. She can be indecisive about a lot of things but there are some things that have ‘no’ real choice as there is only one correct answer. She can be rather silly and is often seen sticking her tongue out at people. She often falls to her knees in laughter when she thinks something is really funny. She can be sensitive about being teased which tends to make it hard to know how she will receive it. She can be rather moody and gets overwhelmed especially when stressed. She often hides her fear behind small reassuring smiles or recklessly rushing in because she doesn’t want anyone to see her as a coward. She hates crying (mostly in front of other people) because she heard that it shows weakness and she wants people to see her as reliable. She desperately wants people to like her but for the most part she refuses to conform, only compromising over a few things.
Physically most of her powers resemble those of Tamaraneans, with her starbolts being blue instead of green, internally she has more than a few powers that are kryptonian, like the hearing or different types of vision, but are weaker at first than Kal-el or Kon-el.
Kryptonian Weaknesses:
-Kryptonite but not as much as a full kryptonian.
Likes:rain, tea, shells, food (especially ketchup), books, the sky (especially at night), singing, dancing, candles, dolls, plants, animals
Dislikes: the lavender flower, bullies, yelling, manipulators, doctors/scientists, being overwhelmed, being alone for extended periods of time, small spaces, crowds of strangers, feeling clueless
Fears: helplessness, losing her powers, being hated, not being enough
Strengths: she keeps her promises, her determination, her loyalty to those she cares for, she endures even when she might want to give up
Weaknesses: she can be easily made sad, emotionally volatile, easily hurt by words, she tends to put those she ‘crushes on’ on a pedestal, her origins is a sensitive subject
Stories: TBA
Any other notes:
-she loves pugs, bats, hedgehogs, goats, fish and frogs which she wants as pets. 
-Her ‘moods’ leave her with times when some parts of her powers don’t work. 
-She bottles up her emotions and only occasionally vents by writing in a journal. 
-she lets certain people read certain parts of the journal to help them understand how she is feeling as she has trouble voicing negative feelings. 
-If she drinks she tends to laugh like an imp but gets depressing if left alone. 
-Her powers shine a shade of blue, like her eye color, instead of green. 
-She loves pie but hates pecans which is the only pie she doesn’t really like. 
-The first few months after she ‘woke’ she had a slight fear of heights. 
-Her first flight ended with her faceplanting into a field and it left a small crater.
Face Claim:
at first: Valentina Lyapina
when she looks older: Cintia Dicker
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suzukiblu · 4 months
do you have any kryptonians hcs that you think would be fun to see incorporated in more fics out there? like cultural stuff & biology
Ones I've seen before and really like:
Kryptonians purr
Kryptonians are built physically harder/denser/heavier than humans and don't have much "give" in their bodies
Kryptonians can tell that humans aren't the same thing as them, but humans can't QUITE tell that Kryptonians aren't the same thing as them; there is just the tiiiiiniest bit of uncanny valley there when they aren't deliberately trying to pass for humans, though
Kryptonians immediately just "recognize" other Kryptonians as being Kryptonian ( though maybe this one is at least IMPLIED in canon, though I've never been totally clear on that one--but like, a stronger version of it, if that makes sense?? )
Ones I've been slooowly forming myself for personal use:
Kryptonians have different voices and different hearing, in the sense that a Kryptonian has more tones/nuance in their voice and can HEAR more tones/nuance in a voice, and a lot of other species' voices sound flat or toneless to them because they lack those additional tones
"chiming" as a way for children to get their parent/caretaker's attention; basically a specific musical little sound that they make
Kryptonians typically only being physically expressive or emotive with close family members/friends, and vocal communication frequently being more emotive/descriptive for them than physical is
Kryptonians come in just sliiiightly brighter colors than humans do--eyes, hair, skin, etc
it takes a long time and extended time together to "learn" someone's heartbeat
food is generally served on specific complementing dishware, in terms of color/shape/specific meal
most clothes involve multiple layers, mainly a fitted undersuit that covers as much skin as possible, and then an overrobe or two that hide(s) the shape of their bodies as much as possible; specific cuts of drapery are a big thing in their fashion
wearing house crests is a Big Deal all the time and involves certain rites of passage/ages/etc
diet being fairly simple and minimalistic; they have rice but not really bread, eat more fish than red meat, and cuisine tends to concentrate on very subtle and natural flavors; there's not typically a lot of different things on their plate and they don’t generally use chemical preservatives in daily life
to a Kryptonian it'd be a LOT more normal that Kon and Match got made in test tubes than it'd be that Jon and Chris got made via natural births, and there would absolutely be a "is cloning worse or is just leaving your kid's DNA up to chance worse??" kind of argument going on there, culturally speaking
( also I could go on for a fucking MINUTE how Jon being a successful and healthy hybrid who is also apparently fertile enough to have at least one descendent alive and well in the thirty-first century is an insane and weird thing that makes very little sense that I DESPERATELY wish came up in more of the fics/canon that I see involving or mentioning him; seriously, Kryptonian DNA is so complicated that Bizarro syndrome is a regular thing in clones produced from it even by people who SPECIALIZE in cloning, but the kid who just got whatever random genes won the random race is the one who came out perfectly stable and healthy and has ZERO health issues/concerns? like, EVER?? hOW, canon. HOW. )
I will actually live and die on the hill of "Lex is more genetically compatible with Kryptonian DNA than Lois is" because fuck a) biological determinism and b) loving couples DO frequently have to deal with genetic incompatibility and that's just much more interesting to me narratively, and also I love the weird little not-quite-tragedy of that concept, both in how Lex refuses to be an ally to someone he actually is so naturally “compatible” with and in how Lois would have genetic compatibility issues with someone she loved so much and was loved BY so much
ONE DAY I will write the fic where Jon is actually NOT a healthy hybrid and has a ton of health issues from birth and can't even use any Kryptonian powers without having a freaking asthma attack or HEART attack, resigns himself to it just being an unavoidable Kryptonian-human hybrid thing and that he'll never live up to his dad or grow up to be "Superman"--and then one day an oblivious newborn bb clone Kon shows up out of the blue in perfect health with EXTRA superpowers and very publicly declaring that HE'S gonna be Superman someday, and everyone in the Kent family has to just deal with that and how they all feel about it. ONE DAY.
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