#because jellicles can and jellicles do
fullmoondelinquent · 2 months
My greatest creation ever has Got To Be the jellicle jumpscare gif
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They should bring back Growltiger (minus the racist parts), if only to stop the misconception that Jellylorum is boring and hates fun.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I 100% agree with the fact that I'd love for that interprtation of Jelly ease off, if only as a display that even if she's still possibly dour (though tbh I never liked that tack on addition they added to her 3 words later on), or orderly, it'd be sort of a show that different people garner different joy and entertainment from different things, y'know? Just because they don't find what you find fun, doesn't make them boring or unable to have fun in their own way. Diversity of personality and all that.
I'd say, however, I genuinely think, even with editing, Growltiger has too much problematic history to ever be brought back in full. Even if it was heavily rewritten, the poem and performance has such a legacy of racial insensitivity and flat out slur dropping, that it would almost feel like sweeping things under the rug. Like when they just yoinked Rap Tugger after heavy criticism (and also that audiences overall just didn't like the change in the music and structure) but never actually...said anything about it. Or *really* apologized for the oversight (we got the standard ALW response to it - classic). So, I don't necessarily think Growltiger as a number should be revived.
BUT, here's what we can do because I *do* want Jelly to have more fun and also get her time to shine and show what I said before: I don't necessarily agree with the fact that either "In Una Tepida Notte" or "The Ballad of Billy McCaw" has enough real association to the Growltiger number for them to be scrapped, so I would actually be in full support of doing what the Mexico Tours did and just jumping directly into one of those. Write a different lead up interlude; have Gus and Jelly play Cat Morgan and a Pirate Queen, or completely unrelated characters; ham those up as much as possible if you'd rather not play it seriously with the aria. That'd still give Gus his flashback to performing, the other cats could interact with Billy McCaw, win win all around.
If you want to keep the revival P&P instead, how about letting Jelly begrudgingly start singing Munk's parts instead (because the lady is tired - she's like a mom who just settled her kid down for a nap but then dad riled them up again), but have her get more swept up and into it as the number goes? There is no reason a woman couldn't sing those parts, so why not?
Or if all else fails, let Jelly have her own poem as a musical interlude sung maybe by the queens in a fond, teasing tone, for the other cats to introduce her (like they kept putting in the Macavity interludes in the revival), right before she "pish-poshes" it and goes into Gus'. Something like that. Many ideas. Let Jelly be silly.
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hyperfixationtimego · 2 years
people who don’t like cats the musical are so wrong. like sorry you hate fun </3 sorry you can only appreciate art when it‘s presented conventionally instead of enjoying it for its experimental style and inherent individuality </3
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autismmydearwatson · 2 years
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groupwest · 2 years
so. i need to be in cats
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pixiedustjellicle · 1 month
I have such a difficult time connecting with the Cats community now. Part of me feels like maybe I'm too old for the current fandom(I don't feel old, but I'm certainly not 19 anymore). Or that perhaps it's because I don't much care about ships. Sometimes I worry that I intimidate people, and I'd hate that. Let me introduce myself and how Cats has shaped my life, and maybe I can find my people?
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I first saw Cats at a tiny local theatre when I was eight. I fell in love with it, and even though I didn't have the movie yet, I spent months afterwards with just the poem book and highlights album. Eventually I got the 98 VHS too- and then another local theatre put it on when I was ten! I got to see it twice there. And afterwards, I made up my own attempt at a costume, turned our spare room into my attempt at the set, and put some chairs in there to put on the highlights show for some friends of my mother. The CD was worn out, I went on with the show, and they even gave me a card and a new CD afterwards- the London 2 disc set! Looking back, I think how embarrassing it probably was, but I was so happy and proud of myself in the moment. Two more years later, US Tour 5 came through Nashville, and I got to go and stagedoor for the first time. I wore a tail I made and one of the actresses told me I had a perfect Bombalurina tail twirl. For all those years, I worked Cats into school projects, I drew nothing else. My mom put up with it for so long, and I still thank her to this day.
And then I went into middle school. New school, new students, and I started getting bullied for it. I found other musicals I didn't get bullied for- Phantom, Wicked, and Sweeney- to latch onto, and I kinda put Cats in the back of my head. I still loved it, but my hyperfixation had waned thanks to mean kids, and other than occasionally watching the 1998 movie, I didn't think much of it for years.
But the US Tour 6 announced a date in Nashville. I hadn't seen the show in eight years, and I wasn't about to miss it. I had already started taking an interest in cosplay, but I'd never made a costume like that. I remembered admiring the CCDB as a kid though, and I told myself I was totally capable of making my own, just to go see the show in costume. And I did.
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And the cast were SO sweet, and I started finding Cats fans on Instagram. I thought I could do better on the costume, so when the show stopped in Chattanooga a couple months later... I did it again.
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The pandemic hit and I lost my job. Immediately I started getting work making Cats cosplays for others, and I haven't stopped since. And when the show resumed, I made an overnight trip to Memphis to dress up again!
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And then, I saved until I could finally go see the Royal Caribbean production (front row all three performances), and got to cosplay on the cruise and get a picture on stage with the cast! This was absolutely everything to me, especially seeing the original choreography as opposed to the revival. I definitely cried. (I'm in the middle bottom row!)
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I've gotten to make some costume pieces for three regional productions of Cats, in the Dominican Republic, Atlanta Georgia, and most recently Georgetown Texas. I've won some local cosplay contest with my costumes, too! And I'm lucky enough to own a few original pieces- though I've had to part with some too.
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My love for this show has spanned just over 17 years now. I adore the story, the costumes, the choreography, the sets, and the characters. It's part of how I learned I am autistic. It's given me confidence I didn't know I could find. And every time I get to see it live, I feel like I'm where I belong. The fandom has felt quiet. And I'm not sure if that's just because I don't know where I fit in? So here's hoping I can find my tribe.
Favorite productions: Original Broadway, Moscow, and Mexico 2013/2018
Favorite Cats: Jemima/Sillabub, Bombalurina, Demeter, Munkustrap, Tumblebrutus, Jellylorum
Favorite songs: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats, The Song of the Jellicles and the Jellicle Ball, Macavity
Favorite cats to cosplay: Etcetera and Victoria
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cillyscribbles · 6 months
munkuposting (metastrap?) for the jellinclined (i am so sorry)
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you tell me i'm insane but i know my truth and my truth is that munkustrap wants to help her. he wants to reach out and help her up like he just helped jennyanydots during her song. he leans down and it's not just so he can look at her better. it's not just cause there's no point to his defensive stance here except for her to see, for him to communicate she's unwanted, and he knows it. shit dude the guy can't look her in the eyes for longer than 5 seconds.
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like come on. munkustrap's running after old deuteronomy and the rest of the older/less agile cats so much in this goddamn film he might as well be Munkustrap the Mobility Aid Cat. man knows what he wants in life and that's going on as many walks with senior citizens hanging off his arm as physically possible and neither god nor the heaviside layer will stand in his way.
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his responsibility's a whole different thing, though. look at the lad puffing up when grizabella shows up. that's a guard he uses against perceived threats like macavity and it's well and warranted then, but what in the name of ye olde cat gods is the old lady gonna do? garbage stink them all to death? it's performative as hell on purpose. both of them know she's not gonna jump him and he doesn't need to protect himself or his fellow cats from her physically.
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in the macavity scares, odd as it might look on a person, The MunkuStance™ is a genuine threat. he's up above everyone else or he's one of the few cats on the stage, he's spreading himself out to look bigger, he HISSES lmao.
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look at the lad. hissssss lmao i love him.
not only is he saying i won't hesitate bitch he's also establishing himself as The Guy You Fight. if you're an outsider looking in, you're probably not gonna notice Mr Mistoffelees Scampering Through The Pipes Again, but you sure as hell are gonna see the Snarling Tabby Fresh From Hell hopping around in the middle of the stage with his legs 16 kilometers apart at all times. and okay, doing that for the entire musical sure is a Choice, but it's a Character Choice, and mr michael gruber the man you are. the star that you are. i want to send him flowers and chocolate and a card. i would greatly like to do that.
with grizabella though? jesus christ she's about as threatening as a patchy sock. it's not even his first instinct to go Tall Big Puffy when he's trailing after her because there's genuinely nothing to defend against there.
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he just sort of slowly stands into it as though he's forgotten he was supposed to be Protecting for a second. the stance, the threat, all that's only there to set a dynamic. it's there to say you're not one of us, we don't like you, please go away, but he's half-assing it so much it loses all its i won't hesitate bitch and turns into i have never hesitated so hard in my entire life. he still establishes himself as The Guy You Fight, but it's obvious grizabella isn't about to fight anyone, so now he's just The Guy She's Staring In Incredulous Longing At, and he can't even hold her gaze for long enough to pretend it's not getting to him because at his core he's not a bad person and he knows that all this is kind of a Dick Move.
this is what makes munkustrap so dummy god tier as a character to me. he may wish he could help grizabella. hell he may even want her back, if not as openly as old deuteronomy does. when all the cats scuttle away and turn their backs to grizabella before memory reprise, munkustrap never even fucking bothers ?? like he's straight up just watching her, and then later watching old deuteronomy watch her like with the most somber wee eyebrows up so can we finally do something about this expression i've ever seen on a performer lmao.
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but that means nothing without the approval of the entire tribe! absolutely nothing! because munkustrap, in that regard, is exactly like old deuteronomy: what he wants comes second to what the jellicles want. it's harder to see in him because old deuteronomy is mostly up on the tire being cat jesus and munkustrap mingles with the rest of the ensemble way more, but it's really obvious when you look. they defer to his leadership, but he defers to their collective decisions.
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he moves mistoffelees away from grizabella (just like the rest of the older cats) because mistoffelees doesn't know any better and grizabella is untouchable, but then he stalls and waits when demeter reaches out to her. like, i'm pretty sure he would've just let her touch grizabella right then and there. had demeter been a little less aware of the fact that this was the first 30 minutes of the musical, i'm pretty sure she would've just taken grizabella back in right then and there and memory wouldn't have even been necessary. munkustrap sure wasn't about to do shit about it.
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he's actively leaning back to give her space!! (i know logistically that it's mr michael giving an opening for ms aeva to execute her Conflicted Scuttle Away but munkustrap is still leaning back however you put it so i'm right automatically. haw yee)
i'm fascinated by it specifically because this way it's almost as though munkustrap is an extension of the jellicle collective, if that makes sense. obviously he's the narrator so we can't give him a complex emotional storyline if we want to keep the aryas in single digits, but in turn this means that now he's a character who chooses to forgo his own feelings in favour of those of his community, and that's just, man, that's just. man. ca(s)t of all time for real. a guardian and a weapon and a storyteller and a teacher and not one of those for his own sake. Man.
tl;dr, old deuteronomy can be hella proud of his kid, and i can eventually stop crying. also here are the gifs of him finally getting to comfort grizabella a little. experience emotions with me.
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unfortunately i have similar (if slightly less rambling) thoughts on tugger and why he's constantly being such a massive cunt to grizabella lmao. if you guys are unfortunate enough i may subject myself to the giffing and writing of that post too. toodlepip ✌️
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pencil-amateur · 1 year
The Heaviside Layer
Or, Cats and the Narrative Parallels of Steve and Cesare
After watching UP and re-listening to the Bigtop Burger soundtrack several times, I'm finally able to put into words while Steve and Cesare are obviously different in terms of personality, presentation, etc., when you consider their stories... they're more similar than you may initially realize.
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(Watching the 1998 recording of Cats was also very important here. This will come back later.)
So first of all, what's the first thing that these two have in common, ownership of food trucks aside?
To put it the way Cesare does, they're freaks. They're weird. The only way they are able to fit in with others is by being the head of said themed food trucks, and making the uniforms their employees wear match them.
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In other words, they are outsiders.
Even before the narrative begins, Steve and Cesare were shown to be cast aside by others. In "UP", Steve is banished from his home planet because he made a mistake at a crucial time, and the lyrics to Friends In Low Places reveal Cesare "wasn't missed or mourned" after he was killed.
They're both dead to the worlds they once knew.
But then...
"up, up, up, to the heaviside layer" - UP
"I was chosen for a second chance at life" - Friends in Low Places
For those of you unfamiliar with the musical Cats, the Heaviside Layer is the place a single Jellicle cat is chosen to go to at the Jellicle Ball each year to be reborn into a new life. Old Deuteronomy, the role Steve played, is the cat that chooses the one who will go to the Heaviside layer. However, Steve, along with Cesare, is more similar to the cat Old Deut ultimately picks.
I'm talking, of course, about Grizabella.
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Grizabella is a former Jellicle cat who tries to rejoin the group, only to be rejected. Act II's opening number, "The Moments of Happiness", is sung by Old Deuteronomy (and was fumbled by poor Steve). It foreshadows Grizabella's last desperate cry for another chance in her big number, "Memory". The other cats accept her, and she is chosen to go to the Heaviside Layer and begin again.
So how does this relate to Steve and Cesare?
Both allude to having a new life, but are followed by their pasts. While Steve is happy with his food truck and his new friends, he is pursued by unknown authorities telling him he doesn't belong and can't belong. Along with being cast out from society millions of years ago, he's now been rejected from doing what he loves twice.
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Cesare is almost the inverse. He talks up how he's got new friends (in low places), but he doesn't seem eager to stick around underground, and is vocally relieved that he won't have to be a watcher anymore. Despite being clearly very strange himself, his job is to imprison "freaks and weirdos"- and it might not be a stretch to say he's taken that to heart. Where Steve has no problem standing out, even going out to eat with his employees when they're out of makeup, Cesare insists his own employees make him look less conspicuous whenever he's with them. (Of course, this could be partially because he didn't want Steve to catch on to his plans, but I doubt Steve would have cared, since he had no idea Cesare even wanted to capture him.)
So how can this be resolved? Is there a way to truly begin again?
"Let your memory lead you/Open up, enter in If you find there the meaning of what happiness is/Then a new life will begin" - The Moments of Happiness
This part in "The Moments of Happiness" is sung not by Old Deut, but a cat in the ensemble named Jemima (and then sung again by the rest of the cats). The lyrics and melody are reprised in Grizabella's song, "Memory". She then adds some more.
"Memory, all alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days/I was beautiful then I remember a time I knew what happiness was/Let the memory live again...
...Touch me, it's so easy to leave me All alone with the memory/Of my days in the sun If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is/Look, a new day has begun" - Memory
"Touch me" has both a literal and figurative meaning here. Throughout the musical, the Jellicle cats are noticeably physically affectionate with one another. They play with other cats while dancing, snuggle, and even greet each other by pressing their hands together. This makes it all the more jarring when the Jellicle cats refuse to touch Grizabella at the beginning- even the curious younger cats are held back from getting too close. It is a visual sign that they do not accept her. After Grizabella sings her song, one of the younger cats reaches out to her and touches her hand. None of the other cats make any attempt to stop her. Then, the Jellicle cats finally show Grizabella the affection they denied her before, letting her finally belong, and of course she becomes the Jellicle choice.
I think, just like Grizabella, what Steve and Cesare need is acceptance and a place to belong. This doesn't mean the whole world needs to say they're okay with clowns, or zombies, or general weird freaks who don't fit in. It doesn't even mean they have to give up the memories of how they got here, be they happy or sad. What they need is to be loved for who they are, and to live without being afraid to do so.
And I think the friends they have are a good place to start.
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Pookies beloveds do you jnow that cats the musical is the best thing ever created and all the songs are so good and the entire point of the musical is that they are a community and despite it being really weird and having a cat orgy it also has amazing set design, even if it all just happens in the same place and in that one scene when Alonzo kicks a ball and it hits Mr Mistoffeles it was actually an accident and he was meant to catch it and in the 2015 brazilian adaptation in Rio de Janeiro, Rum Tum Tugger holds Mr Mistoffeles' jacket for him so he can dance and also the guy who plays him does a little voice crack while singing and sometimes i repeat it to stim and also do you know that the guy who plays Old Deuteronomy voices that one guy in the Nightmare before Christmas and i headcannon that Victoria is deaf because she is a white cat with blue eyes and its really common for them to be deaf and also i dressed up as Mr Mistoffeles to go to school when i was like 14 and also i think that the 2019 version was really bad not only because of the cgi but because they fundamentally misunderstood the enture story because it makes absolutely no sense that Victoria is the protagonist, the whole point of the thing is that there is no protagonist and that all of them have i am songs instead of i want songs and also the decision to remove Jemima and Demeter and Cassandra and Jellilorum and Etcetera and Electra and leaving only Bombalurina was a horrible idea and making her evil is just fucking up her character, she just think that Macavity is hot she doenst agree with him and also having him sing his own song was so fucking stupid and he was there all the time wich makes no sense because they say in the song that tahy can never find Macavity and he is a ginger cat so why the fuck is he brown, the only person who did a good job was the guy who played Skimbleshanks and thats because he is a trained dancer and not a random celebrity, also they made fun of Bustoffer Jones wich is stupid because in the musical all the cats respect him because he eats everyday and having all the cats singing their own songs was horrible, it took away all of the meaning of all of them being a group, also them making Mr Mistoffeles sing and be all shy was the worts thing ever, Rum Tum Tugger singing his song was to show that he cared about him and trusted him to bring Old Deuteronomy back safely and also he decends from the sky in a sparkling jacket and shoots lightning from his hands, that was a discervice to his characther and dont even talk aboyt beautiful ghosts because this song took away the entire meaning off memory, Grizabella wants to go back to the past so bad that she is willing to do anything for it wich is why she is the chosen for the Jellicle choice and gets to be reborn , the important thing wasnt that it was Victoria who held her hand, the important thing was that no one stopped her, meaning that she had been accepted back in, wich is why in the movie her charactherisation is shit because she would never back away from touch, touch is all she wants, touch means that she is loved and is part of the Jellicles. Also there is way too little dance in the movie. Cats is a ballet. You cant take this out of it. What the fuck do you mean the Mr Mistoffeles song is 1 minute long and he doenst even dance. Where are the piruettes you cunt. Also all the male cats having crushes on Victoria is incredibly out of characther. And they took away my girl Demeter. She had fucking PTSD and it made the viewer understand how evil Macavity trully was and also she sang beautifully and erasing her interactions with Munkustrap was a crime. They fucking had Gus sing his own song instead of Jellilorum wich is stupid because it showed that they cared about him even when he is too old to dance. And Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser didnt even had their dance routine.
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naamahdarling · 9 months
Do you have a favorite musical?
If so, what are your favorite lyrics from it, and why?
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Is it a surreal mess? Yes! But I love it before everything else.
The lyrics are silly but very clever. Most are at least partly by TS Eliot, drawn from a wonderfully nonsensical book of poems.
I think my favorite song is the Invitation to the Jellicle Ball, neck and neck with Mr Mistoffelees.
My favorite cat is Mistoffelees by a lot, followed by the Rum Tum Tugger. They are in love.
But the part that makes me feel the most in my heart is Grizabella. The only cat I relate to is Grizabella.
Memory is the big number that everyone knows and I do absolutely love it, it's one of my favorite songs and probably the best in the musical as it was before CATS 2019 introduced a new song, but I feel that out of context it simply doesn't have punch. It gets trotted out to showcase a singer's skill, as a bit of a tearjerker if you're a sentimental person. It is so much more than that.
I didn't understand Grizabella properly until I was well and truly an adult and had taken in multiple cats off the street, and lived near a colony, and watched my own cats become frail, which are all painful things in many ways; AND until I had begun to really feel the weight of my marginalization as a disabled person and an ill person, which means confronting almost daily the fact that I am unlikely to come to the sort of end I would like.
Hold on because I'm going to be unhinged about this cat for a minute.
Grizabella is an aged stray, once welcomed, now abandoned and unloved, considered ugly even by others like her (who are shown to supposedly accept differences and value, or at least respect, most everyone...but not her).
She lives in a haunted, lonely state unacknowledged by anyone except to be driven away. She can no longer care for herself, she is filthy and matted and scarred and probably in a lot of pain, she is starving, and she has nothing but her memories of better times, and every single dawn is both a gift and a miserable curse. She gets to remember. She has to remember.
If you watch, Grizabella is onstage a LOT, she's just off in the background, usually poorly lit, where she tries to mirror the dances happening on the main part of the stage, dances she knows because that was once her, there in the spotlight, shining. But now she's in too much pain to dance and her body isn't working right anymore. I have no doubt Grizabella is dying. The question is whether she will get to do that well, comforted and with dignity, or do it badly and alone.
I cannot HANDLE Grizabella.
If you have even the tiniest inkling of love for cats, if you believe every cat's life is worth something, her story should destroy you.
The legendary Jennifer Hudson's performance in the movie brought a really angry and confrontational turn to her, and it was flat out amazing. A rebuke of a performance. It really hurts to watch but it's what the role has always needed. She isn't just weak and sad, she clings to the tatters of her dignity and is angry that the others don't see her as a whole person. Just a miserable shadow to be avoided. A cautionary tale. We are never told what terrible thing she did to deserve her fall, and given that most of the Jellicles are young, I don't know that any of them really remember.
I will physically fight anyone who says she should not have been selected to ascend to a new life. She was the only choice. Even Gus. Even him. He can have his turn next year. Grizabella does not have another year in her.
And I'm going to make some folks mad but I love the 2019 movie (it's bad) and the new song, Beautiful Ghosts, is amazing, and I DO prefer Taylor Swift's version as the movie version is a little more timid (fitting the role and musical way better) but TS fucking BELTS IT and I get chills every time.
The lyrics are incredible and the song is gorgeous, gorgeous. And strung together with Grizabella's song, it finishes the musical in a way that it was a bit unfinished before. It uses an actual full song to connect Grizabella to the Ball and the Choice more directly than any choreography ever did or could:
Victoria, the White Cat and viewpoint character, still almost a kitten, has been dumped in the street and into a terrifying and beautiful new life.
After being swept up into its wonder, she sees Grizabella, utterly rejected, hissed at, made fun of, despised, and aches with the injustice of it -- Victoria was snatched right up by the other cats the instant her paws hit the ground, but nobody will take in Grizabella. Not even her own kind.
Victoria sees how strangely similar they are and feels a kinship that has no pity in it at all, but wonder and respect.
So Victoria sings this new song expressing the first admiration Grizabella has heard in god alone knows how long, reminding her she has had an amazing life worth envy and renown, and she pulls this horrible decrepit old mess of a cat into the Jellicle Ball, where she is FINALLY relieved of her pain.
Like? I'm crying right now?
It isn't a serious musical, but Grizabella's story runs through it like a cold current, something real and terrible, surrounded by absolute ridiculousness. Her numbers are deadly serious, never played for laughs. And ultimately it is her story that turns out to be the most important one, the truest one, and it is dark, and it is hopeful but only in only the most painful and grief-stricken way. She isn't brought back into a comfortable life with other cats to be happy and surrounded by love. She essentially...dies and goes to cat heaven. She embodies hope itself to the others, and her ascension represents a deeply humbling lesson in humility and grace. Her suffering and her ascent represent the possible future of every one of them, and now they have to confront that, and their treatment of her. She was rewarded, and for all their beauty and charm they were not.
Anyway I'm not normal about it.
The lyrics from Beautiful Ghosts that I love are:
Perilous night, their voices calling. A flicker of light, before the dawning. Out here the wild ones are taming the fear within me. Scared to call them my friends and be broken again. Is this hope just a mystical dream?
And so maybe my home Isn't what I had known, what I thought it would be. But I feel so alive With these phantoms of night, and I know that this life isn't safe but it's wild and it's free!
Like, come on. It's a lovely song and it took my breath away in the theater.
Ugh this musical touched me as a feral cat girl of 10 and it touches me again as a sad catguy in their 40s. Truly a very stupid work of weirdly meaningful art and one for the ages.
There are much better musicals, but none of them are part of me.
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clovenhoofedjester · 6 months
jellicle lineups; part 3/4
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LETS GO PEOPLE!! LETS GO !! sorry for taking so long to get around to this one !
demeter | 🔒 🍰 🌇
ive seen a lot of complaints about demeters design being toned down over the years so i decided to bring some of the bolder design choices back for mine. mullet demeter is REAL now ! honestly i couldve done more w/ their makeup but shhh its ok....
i tried to push the gold in their design by making the eyeshadow really obvious and giving them gold lips. enjoy their lacy dress too... i tried to design something which they could dance comfortably in
demeters newer 3 words (nervous, sensual, secretive) mean everything to me. love them so much. i think theyd be 29 in human years
bombalurina | 🌹 🍓 🛼
so i totally based her hair on that concept art for drag queen bomba. the bob is too cute ! i had a blast doing her design for the most part. i struggled w that makeup and the color of her dress but its ok.
i also tried to give her something she could dance in—just like. imagine the length of the dress a little shorter. im not going back and fixing it
i based her color palette/patterns directly on her concept art because tbh, i dont love blond/ginger bomba ! so black/white/red hair bomba it is
i think she would be 27 in human years
hysperia | 🪴 ⌚ 🍡
this is my version of exotica, renamed hysperia, because i do not love her og name. its not fun. the name hysperia is taken from an ensemble kitten character from the og london production
i also based her design on a multitude of things, asides from her 2 costumes in 98—like some nbq/greycat designs since i feel like that design not becoming a common ensemble character was a waste. A WASTE I TELL YOU! ive also based her fur length on warsaw victoria because oh my godddd that design is so good. peak
her neck bow is a nod to the 2019 movie... the macavity girls w/ those bow collars. they were onto something there
she would have a much more prominent role than the few times she cameo'd in 98, still retaining the elegant/shy personality she shows in the film. shed be 29 in human years
cassandra | 🪐 ♠️ 🥯
i originally made her makeup a lot closer to her replica designs but decided to go for something a little different based on a makeup look i saw on pinterest LOL. so like. enjoy her slight earthy gothic vibes. i also didnt struggled too much on her outfit since i came into this knowing that i wanted her to be wearing something formfitting and bejeweled. a little circus-y too
more people have got to play up her disdainfulness. she'd be 26 in human years
alonzo | 🎹 🍢 🎳
once again, another design pretty similar to his standard replica one. i just tried to make the black patch on his face a little greyer and with some white detailing. because tbh every alonzo with white mascara makes me go crazy its so cute
i also tried to make his head fur/bangs a little distinctive—inspired by a random pic from a production i dont know the name of
enjoy his little cute fit too. pinklonzo. pastelonzo
that one gif of him pantomiming eating a playing card IS canon to me. he'd be 28 in human years
munkustrap | 📼 🥧🎙
verrrry similar to standard replica munks makeup-wise ! however, fur wise.... say hi to mulletstrap. to manestrap. 2 me he is tuggers brother so he gets that. i have no justification for the mullet other than idk, looks good, is funny, and the oslo 1985 production was right to give him one. also he and demeter can match now
i do like when theyre seen as something of a prince... so say hi to the gothenburg and opera populaire-esque epaulettes. theyre cayoot. they also get warsaw munks Big Pant Vibes
give this man a break. hed be 30 in human years
macavity | 🔥 🥂 🎯
he was actually one of the first cats i made design notes for when i started hyperfixating on this musical like.... two months ago. i really tried to mix elements from a bunch of different designs 4 him.... and sorry yall hes a deut brother too. im predictable
the manginess, mane, more ginger-y head fur, tugger-ness and the mouth markings from the 2016 revival... the big big hair, white fur and general makeup from his replica design... and the stylings of il sistina mac with the fitted coat. he also gets unique eyelashes like tugger—this time white instead of gold. he also gets that ominous magic cat eye shading
i think he would act a lot like 2019 mac... suave. but also not as dorky and desperate as he is in that movie LOL. he'd be 33 in human years
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coricoping · 15 days
CATS: The Jellicle Ball Summary
Sourced from my (admittedly imperfect) memory. I love this production, and this is an abridged summary of my memory of the events of the show. Specific/detailed character thoughts will be saved for their own posts, same with thematic deep dives. If there is any character/theme/question y'all want my thoughts on first, I can move them to the top of my queue of thoughts. That being said: on with the show!
Tumblr decided to post early, so this is just Act 1. I will add Act 2 as a reblog when I finish it
The set for this show is really well done. Talked to one of the workers during intermission, and the whole thing (seating, stage, and all) is completely modular and movable. Floor levels are also all adjustable. It really inclines itself to audience interaction, both with the runway structure and the individual tables at the cabaret level seats.
Junior Labeija handles the pre-show announcements (put your phones away once you've googled me, cheer your heart out, don't film, etc)
Hearing this live for the first time made me cry
The DJ's introduction is great, he has a collection of queer and black artists' vinyls that he pulls out, followed by a Cats vinyl filled with glitter
The eyes (projected up onto the back wall/window panel) have the white cat solo animated inside of them
Shadow outline of a dancer (I think Primo/Tumble on the night I saw) starting out w/ ears and a tail doing classic Cats-style choreo blending into a removal of the ears/tail and a shift to ballroom choreo
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Did the thing I love for this song where there are clear and well-timed spotlights on every cat as they sing their line, w/ everyone else in darkness
Cast appears throughout the audience (Tugger was behind me at his start, I think) before gathering into the area around the stage
Get onto stage for the Mystical Divinity section
The group catwalk is absolutely gorgeous, this show has great choreo
The Naming of Cats
The perfection of this song for a queer viewing of Cats cannot be overstated, and will likely be its own post eventually
Munk as an MC leading this number is lovely to me
"Man over there" is given to Macavity, as the first clear indication to his altered role in this version
There are spotlights on every cat whose name gets said in the song, not just Bombalurina, which makes me happy
White Cat Solo
Gets its own segment because Baby is that good. She is dance captain for this show and you can see why
The white outfit here is gorgeous, kinda sad she changes out of it later
Pink lighting is doing good work making this section feel ethereal
Was way closer to the vibes of the original than I was expecting from a vogue choreo. There were a couple moves I saw as clear references to the original
Emcee Munk continues to be amazing, the rhythm of this was very satisfying
"COME OUT tonight"
They bring in guest judges to sit until Old Deut arrives
Gumbie Cat
Jenny is a tired single mother of three kids who cannot for the life of them get organized
Puerto Rican drag queen Jennyanydots has my heart, as does her stylist
The "sits and sits and sits" line here is not used to imply that Jenny is lazy, it is very explicitly saying that she has a lot of sex (as acted out jokingly by her choreo)
Cassandra is adorable here, both while dancing and after she realizes she's won
Category Is: Virgin Vogue. A category for people in their first year of doing vogue (or similar). Won by Cassandra of House Dots, other competitors are Tumblebrutus of House Dots, Electra 007, and someone I am currently forgetting
The Rum Tum Tugger
I think I've made my love for this setup for Tugger clear before, and will continue to do so in the future, so this is gonna be little moments I liked/noticed
There are some line/blocking switch ups. Bomba gets the "terrible bore" line (said reclined on the stage as Tugger leans over her) along with her standard. Victoria is the girl flirting with Tugger on his "No" drop
Tugger flirts with everyone here. His competition, the other cats, the audience, etc.
Everyone but Misto, who is off to the side mocking his riffs
Sillabub is the one to faint during the ending bit
Category Is: Realness. Ability to pass as a (in this case) a cishet man in a variety of categories (pretty boy, thug, schoolboy, executive, etc). Won by Tugger, other competitors are Tumblebrutus and Mungojerrie
Grizzabella the Glamour Cat
I really like the interpretation of the Jellicles' relationship with Grizz in this show. They aren't angry at her, more...distressed? It seems like her being around is making everyone worried both about her and for her, so they react differently
Munk tries to give her money, she refuses
She comes in holding a trophy that is clearly old, showing that her glory days were a while ago. She also looks like she's likely been homeless.
Demeter's voice is gorgeous here, and she looks really conflicted about Grizz
There is a Demelurina vibe to this whole show, which I started noticing here
I have a lot of thoughts on Grizz and her relationships with the Jellicles here, which will probably be a post pretty soon after this one.
Grizz tries and fails to convince the judges to allow her to compete, and is far more determined/steely in this first appearance than usual.
Sillabub. Making them a giant Grizzabella fan was such a good choice. This is one of the most sweet and genuine through-lines of the musical. They're so genuinely remorseful and excited to see Grizz, but still back off when Demeter warns them.
Bustopher Jones
I know I gave Jenny my heart earlier, but it's been stolen. Nonbinary Bustopher Jones as played by Nora Schell is, I think, the ideal Bustopher. This is what this character was meant to be, for me
Oh gods the costumes. Tugger has a sparkly leopard print jockstrap. Bustopher has a full bustier situation covered in a bedazzled Union Jack. Mistoffelees and Demeter both have lovely sheer situations going on. This is amazing, and I've been informed is even better if you're bi
Nora Shell has pipes, y'all. Their voice is so strong and clear
This number has almost no true choreography, it's just the competitors showing off how hot they are (posing, strutting, stripping, grabbing their asses and shaking them at the judges, etc)
The amount of offense Tugger takes to losing is hilarious to me
Category Is: Body. Usually divided into Femme Queen and Butch Queen, but competed as an Open-to-All for this show. How good does your body look, and how well can you show it off? Won by Bustopher Jones, other competitors are Tugger, Demeter, and Mistoffelees.
Macavity Scare 1
Flashing lights and sirens
Demeter is so done with this. I have rarely heard a clearer "bitch really?" tone than I did in her calling Macavity's name here
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
Making them come from Jersey is amazing, top tier choice paired with some amazing accent work
Costumes are again amazing, Mungoteazer have a lime green/neon pink color scheme going on here
They spend a long time behind some changing racks, and I spent that whole time watching Munk as he got more and more annoyed with every passing second
I really love the dancing in this song, they get very up in each other's faces
Y'all, they steal the trophy when they lose. It's perfect
Category Is: Tag Team Performance. Vogue performance done as a pair. Won by Victoria and Tumblebrutus, stolen by Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer.
Old Deuteronomy
Munkustrap: a professional, on his shit, announcing his House Father right
Tugger: unprepared, eating a snack, oh god why is he giving me the mic
I love the setup for the duet here, Tugger is so surprised to be picked and is both nervous and honored. They sing into the same mic y'all
Andre De Shields, what more do I need to say?
His presence, his voice, the note he held for a solid 30 seconds, he deserves that throne
Jellicle Ball
Macavity again! In his dressing gown, with his bags of stolen stuff, looking like a deer in headlights when the spotlight catches him
The dancing continues to be absolutely gorgeous
Grizzabella is up on an audience balcony for this number looking tragic
The Jellicle Moon is a disco ball and it brought me so much joy
Munk has a killer egyptian look, including full-size wings
There are giant complicated cat face wigs and a giant hat made of hair
Category Is: Bizarre. Fashion category judged on the quality and strangeness of the outfit. Munkustrap was the only competitor, and Old Deut chopped him
Category Is: Hair. Not a category I actually know, but clearly in this show is judging based on the size, design, and quality of wigs. Won by the House of Dots, as sole competitors
Probably other categories I didn't notice clearly enough to remember
Grizzabella comes on and everyone walks off annoyed, except for Old Deut who comes and hides behind a riser. He's right in front of me, so I'm watching this number over his shoulder
Grizz recreating her dance moves is painful for my heart, as usual
Tempress has a gorgeous voice
Sillabub re-enters and looks so starstruck, then runs off again
Comes back with a sparkly dress to offer to Grizz
Grizz sees the dress, starts crying, and runs away. She grabs her coat, but leaves her scarf
We go to intermission on the image of Sillabub holding the scarf to their face and crying
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Skimblegus Family Time--Tumble takes after Asparagus more and more the older he gets, but Teazer takes after Skimble a lot more than people give her credit for. They're both these very bright, clever, and relentlessly cheerful cats who try to put a brave face on things and hide when they're not at their best. But when they crash, they crash hard; it became a bittersweet source of reconnection after she was free of Macavity, especially since Teazer didn't realize her dad ever had bad days. She can basically only stand to be around her dads, Tumble, and Mungojerrie on particularly awful days, and Skimble's learned more from Asparagus about how not to just pack those emotions away to worry about later. Plus, you know she's feeling better when she and Tumble can start picking at each other again.
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I love it so much, and I love this little family <3
#Rumpleteazer#Skimbleshanks#Asparagus#Tumblebrutus#other headcanons#jellicles ask because jellicles dare#theimpossiblescheme#and of course because you and i share the braincell i had a very similar vein of thought#that teazer got told all the time how much like her father she was and she would scoff and do everything in her power to deny that#and she'd especially hate it when mungojerrie would say it because he usually did when he was annoyed with her and they were arguing#which became more frequent when they were with macavity#and skimble was so good at pretending everything was alright he turned it into an olympic sport#he broke down very rarely and when he *did* it was a sight#i also think he and teazer are a lot alike in that they will say things before thinking them through#particularly during high stress moments - and they can be downright nasty and say things they don't really mean#before their brains catch up to their mouths because they operate so *quickly* and so on the line with their immediate feelings#skimble has learned to tone it down over the years - teazer is still young and sometimes her mouth is too big#and of course when even tumble was hesitantly pushing his rope toy towards her and asking if maybe she wanted to play#even though they were way too old at the time after teazer came back you *knew* she was in a bad way#and he feels uneasy and stays relatively in her company (and his dads can sense that he feels bad but doesn't know what to do)#basically begging her to call him names or stick bugs in his ears or a worm in his bed or *something* because whoever this queen is#she isn't his step-sister and he doesn't like it#anyway many thoughts head scrambled - i love them so much thank you <3
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charliesinfern0 · 5 months
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wheee gave clementine a little bit of a redesign ^_^ (also lore dump under the cut >_o)
So when Clementine was a kitten she was a house cat and she had really rich owners and the ladies of the house had all of these extravagant clothes and gowns and they had fancy table cloths and window curtains. Clementine loved to play with them because she loved feel the textures of the different types of fabric, but of course she always got into trouble for playing with them and scratching them up. She ended up getting kicked out of the house and was all alone :(
but then she happened upon the junkyard and was taken in and became a jellicle cat! yay :D
She's called Clementine the Corduroy Cat because corduroy is a type of fabric, and she's kind of based off of the story of the corduroy bear :)
She's one of the more cuddly touchy cats, she just loves hugging her friends and family and feeling the different textures of their fur. She likes making cute outfits for the other cats, i like to think that she helped Jenny design her dress and tap dancing outfit, and Bustopher commissions fancy suits from her ^_^ also there's a scenario in my head where Clementine just sees Skimble in his vest and is like "oh i know what can complete this look!" and makes him the suspender pants and hat he wears in the 2019 movie lol
She also likes to dance! Jenny teaches her how to tap dance, Victoria teaches her some ballet moves, and she and Mistoffelees do a mean waltz together ^_^
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Cats 1998 Anniversary Celebration Announcement + Prompt List
This fandom-wide event will begin on Friday, October 20, and finish on the 25th anniversary of the U.S. release date of the 1998 movie, Friday, October 27!
use this tag for the event so that everyone can enjoy all the wonderful contributions and love for the 1998 movie: cats 1998 anniversary celebration
All of the prompts for the eight days are specifically for the 1998 movie, so actors, characters, performance numbers, everything's pertaining to the movie!
Friday, October 20:
Favorite actor
Saturday, October 21:
Favorite character
Sunday, October 22:
Favorite number
Monday, October 23:
Favorite headcanons
Tuesday, October 24:
Favorite relationships (Romantic or Platonic)
Wednesday, October 25:
Favorite background moment
Thursday, October 26:
Favorite memory surrounding the 1998 movie
Friday, October 27:
Free day to use however you want to celebrate the movie!
i hope everyone participates in some way, though ofc there is absolutely no pressure! You don't have to do every single day (though of course it's encouraged), and make sure to tag it so everyone can see all the lovely things!!!
i'm super excited because this is my first fandom event that i'm organizing, so i hope people will have fun!
Also i just have to give a huge massive shoutout to the amazing @storyweaverofgondor who let me message her frantically about prompts, and who helped me figure out how to organize everything!!! Ily bestie <333333
@storyweaverofgondor @soh-da-meatball @queen-with-the-quill @the-metaphorical-jellicle-cat @rainbowratsstuff @the-cat-at-the-theatre-door @thedragonchilde
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Okay so. A few Ghovie thoughts
1. The ghouls were way more well behaved than i was expecting but every shot of them was so cool my jaw was dropped
2. Okay was anyone else getting heavier Christ symbolism than usual? Like specifically the death of Christ. This is why i was so sure copia was going to die until the end twist. Because-
2a) The conversation Nihil and Copia had. Where Nihil told him to do a crucifixion and Copia said it sounded horrible and he didnt want to do it. He didnt want things to end. But Nihil clarified and said to do a crucifixion pose to show that “he had given all he had to give”. HEAVY christ parallels here, pretty reminiscent of the temptation of christ where he is saddled with the fate of dying for everyone’s sins at the will of his father and he has to grapple with the fact that he is intended to die
2b) The shoe change. Was it planned? I dont know. But what it really made me think of was mary magdalene washing jesus’s feet. And this furthered the parallel i was seeing.
2c) I was so hoping to complete this parallel by spying some kind of last supper or temptation imagery but i didnt really see any. And copia didnt die. Unless we count his rebranding as a rebirth of sorts.
3) They really made Copia the jellicle choice. I did not see the hot air balloon coming.
4) This may be a crackpot theory and im not 100% knowledgeable on every detail of the lore but im kinda thinking now that jim defroque is copia’s brother and will now become the new papa. Why do i think this? For one, the two baby reveal?? Before Sister’s death?? That was implying copia has a sibling right? And then there was some kind of thing involving the apparition of jim defroque’s face albeit changed and almost made more papa-like (to what i can understand???) at download fest. It would be so fascinating to continue to go down this contradictory priest/televangelist theme and to have a Papa that was once a Christian priest. Plus the interesting duality that is the concept of two (twin?) brothers, separated at birth, going down opposing paths of life in opposing faiths only to eventually cross again. Just an idea.
I will still be thinking about this for days im sure 😵‍💫
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