#because its gonna slightly be touched on at least
earth-to-ezra · 9 months
i feel like my brains ripping itself apart so imma put a lil rant in the tags so i can maybe possibly feel slightly better without people having to come across this accidentally! :)
#okay so imma start this off with a trigger warning for suicidal thoughts!#because its gonna slightly be touched on at least#but i am about to turn twenty which is fucking crazy? and i thought by this time id be okay and id have my shit together#but i guess fucking not#nothing is okay in the slightest#im not doing anything i want to be doing because i am a fucking pussy#i dont even know if i WANT my degree anymore???#i know what degree i would definitely strive in because i take my electives in that degree#but its not even a full degree offered by my university#so even if i wanted to switch and strive i couldnt#and if i do it itll be like less stable than my current one#but also (this is where that tw comes in) i dont even w a n t to be alive past 19 let alone past 20 or past getting a degree#like i dont wanna make it to my birthday most of these past couple days and im gonna make it there because the mental illness is not winning#but damn is it fighting back#and man do i feel like absolute shit#but like how the fuck am i meant to know what i want to do and what degree or career i want in life if i dont even want to live#how am i meant to find something that makes me happy when im so tired of being here in the first place#ill just continue on as is#like i always do#but god i just hope that by the time i reach 25 im actually feeling better#like what i told myself when i was 15 about when i turned 20#one day maybe things will improve#and im just gonna have to keep sticking around until then!#i got this i think#i can do it
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koiir · 25 days
꒰͡ ⠀ . ANOTHER GUY? ׂ ⠀ ͡꒱
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ೃ⁀➷ Synopsis; When they meet the other guy in the relationship (your dog) for the first time! How do they act? Or rather, how does your dog act?
Gojo, nanami, megumi, yuji, yuta x gn!reader
Notes. Based on how possessive my little Aussie is whenever any guys are around me…(he’s a year old) . Not proofread . Fluff . Crack
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• First of all, he had seen your dog before you two got together. And let’s just say, he was not a fan of your dog. But maybe now that would have changed! Since you know, you love your dog and Gojo had stolen your heart! So they both have similarities right?
“The hell? Why does your dog keep trying to attack me!”
When he first entered through the door way, your dog instantly started to growl. It gets even worse when gojo tries to wrap his arms around you, cause your dog goes ballistic.
“I already told you idiot! It’s cause you keep trying to touch me and he doesn’t like that!”
Your dog is the one being held, not him! Why must he suffer just for you to be happy? The dog is rather cute, but what isn’t is how you fluff his hair up and give him little peaks all while he’s watching. Are you seriously that evil?
The little creature just won’t give in, and it’s like he’s doing it on purpose. Licking your face, cuddling with you, doing all the things gojo should be doing. (Maybe not the licking part) your dog even has his paw on your thigh!
“Does he always do that?”
“I literally told you that before we arrived.”
“My bad I thought you were joking.”
Most definitely rolls his eyes saying that.
The rest of day, his tries to play with your dog although he makes its worse since your near and the dog is already in extra protective mode.
Though since he is gojo…he did crack the system! Took him three hours to do so.
When you leave to get something, gojo sees that dog stop with his schemes and relax? Nahh you’re dog definitely got shy without you.
“Oh? Not so confident now I see.”
For the small 20 minutes you’re gone, the dog has seem to take a liking to him! Although slightly worried, the dog at least let gojo pet him now without any hesitation.
When you get back, you’re meet the sight of your boyfriend holding your dog up gushing on him like he’s his own dog.
“I see you two got along.”
“Of course we did! We both love the same person after all.”
It seems as though your dog can hear now, cause he jumps off of gojo and holds his ground near you as he growls at him once more.
This is definitely gonna take a while.
• let’s be for real, your dog would love nanami no questions asked. He could already tell that the fellow gentleman to you is worthy of not being barked at! Though a little superstitious but that’s just because he’s meeting someone new.
“You can pet him you know…”
“You told me though that he barks at others near you, so I’m not taking my chances.”
“Weird though…he’s not barking or growling. Especially since your so close to me.”
You nudge nanami a bit playfully and he looks to you, seeing a soft smile on your face. He sighs softly before giving in and crouching down, your dog stays in it’s position although he starts to move, sniffing nanami’s hand. And then he licks it!
He’s a little taken aback, but the little gasp in your voice makes him melt seeing you so delighted that your dog looks him. Nanami then places his hand back on the dogs head after seeing those big eyes of his. (Similar to how he can’t say no to you when you give him that look)
You are most definitely pleased when nanami seems to have taken a soft spot for your dog, as time passes, he’s offered to walk your dog and even along the way buys him treats! Isn’t he just so caring?
Your dog can right next to you and will gladly let nanami stick close by, even going as far as holding your hand or his arms around you! It only warms your heart more when your dog sits beside him now.
After a couple days, Nanami ask you if he can take your dog out. He won’t say it outright, but it’s obvious to one that nanami has gained a liking to the little dog and caring for it as such. Walks around town with a cute dog by his side, contrasting to his intimidating present.
Quite the sight for sore eyes.
• To be honest, it was a 50/50 in your mind. Animals in general liked megumi already, and he’s caring to them more than he is to most people. But you still hold a little doubt that your dog might view him as a threat since you know, you two are together. So why not see and get the answer you need?
It’s like the two are having a stare down, megumi looks down at your dog, and your dog stares at him with his ears up and alerted. Their eyes bore into the others and you feel almost uncomfortable. It’s like they’re speaking to eachother through the mind!
“The dog doesn’t seem to like me.”
His voice settled out the atmosphere as your dog has his ears dropped down, you can hear a little hint of melancholy in megumi voice. His lip is pulled into a frown but it’s almost natural, though you know too well that megumi is feeling a little disappointed. Especially for the care love, he holds for animals.
“I don’t think so exactlyy, I mean, he’s not growling. Especially since you’re pretty close to me.”
You lean closer into megumi which makes him startled a bit before he relaxes, he sees how your dog seems almost distant.
“Is he scared of me?”
“I don’t think so? Hold up…”
You move towards your dog as you pick him up, and megumi feels his heart swell at seeing your dog lick your face. He can definitely tell your dog cherishes you a lot.
You stand next to him once more, and the little dog looks even cuter up close. Though megumi is not going to admit that. The dog sniffs his clothes before moving his nose closer to his cheek. This isn’t exactly new, it’s similar in the way you do your fleeting cheek kisses to tease him or how his shikigami will act towards him.
“See? He just wanted to be closer to you.”
Your voice is quite as if cherishing this moment, it feels as though the proximity is making megumi flush. His head moves closer to the dog, and his hand meets the soft fur of the dog in your hands.
“Can I hold him?”
You hum out as you position your dog into his arms, megumi already knows how to hold the dog and tried to be as gentle as he possibly can. Seeing him so determined to make the dog feel at ease makes your heart pound, the soft spot megumi has for animals one you will always cherish.
Eventually, you two moved onto the couch and it seems as though megumi can’t get tired of holding your dog. He plays with him some, rubs his belly some, and once your dog gets tired, he uses megumi as bed for his rest.
“Looks like you won’t be able to move for a while huh?”
“Yeah…seems so.”
I think if you asked, he might be a little hesitant to bring out his demon dogs to meet the pup. Though one day you get lucky enough to see the three interact and megumi watching guard. Though you can tell he’s watching to see this moment for his own being, and a little smile can be seen on his face.
• ultimate protective mode! Though he won’t say. Since you’ve told him how your dog can get, he hasn’t exactly been super affectionate with you because he feels as though your dog is going to to jump him. “He just might!” He tells you, and you can’t really deny it. Tries to act tough though when outside the door, but when it’s opened and he sees your dog, he becomes a little anxious.
“I think your dog already hates me…”
“Cmonnn it’s been one minute! Nothing has happened!”
Yuji keeps his distance, it’s almost as if he has this invisible gear on to help protect himself from the little critter. The dog stares at yuji, and gets up from its place and walks towards him. Yuji looks to you, and then the dog, then he feels the dog sniff him.
“Hey little guy…”
Yuji thinks he’s safe, so he crouches down and tries to pet the dog although the dog did not appreciate his actions, biting his hand lightly while backing up.
“The hell?! He just bit me! Look!”
You try and not laugh, but yuji makes a distressed face as he moves towards you. Another big mistake.
“Yuji wait-“
Too late it seems, cause your dog just latched onto yujis pants making the boy gasp out…
“This bitch! I swear, why do you have him as a pet! He’s a little demon!”
“Yuji! Don’t say that he’s only a couple months old!”
Very not cool. Especially when you pick up your dog cooing at him to stop but turn a blind eye when he gives you those big dog eyes. Yuji watches as he makes a big huff in return.
Though, it’s not like your dog won’t ever warm up to yuji. In fact, he’s made it his mission to get your dog to like him as much as possible! After all, he wants your dog to like him enough so he can cuddle you when hes around.
A day is spent with your dog and yuji at the park as the have little runs together, where yuji learns that your dog is rather shy in public and around new people. Thus sticking close to him and allowing yuji to be affectionate with him.
The day yuji has achieved the best reward of all, is the day he can walk into your home and greet you with a hug without your dog barking. Your dog still sticks close by, but in regards for Yuji arriving.
Though it took some time, yuji comes to realize him and your dog are rather similar. In the aspect that both boys swear to protect you whenever they are around.
• boy is nervous as hell to meet your dog, especially when you tell him your dog is quite protective over you and will bark or growl at those who are close to you. Which makes it hard for him since he’s rather clingy…but yuta tries to stay positive as he thinks of the possibility of trying to get your dog to like him. It breaks his heart if he can’t be able to get along with the dog you love so much.
“Yutaaa, come closer! I’m holding him so he can’t do that much if he doesn’t like you!”
Yuta can’t help but have a pout, though the need to be closer to you is killing him. He moves closer, and to his disappointment, your dog starts growling.
“Well…I don’t think that’s such a good sign.”
He sheepishly rubs at his neck and looks down, he sees you look saddened at this since yuta is just so sweet! How could your dog growl at him first meet?
Yuta can tell you’re trying so hard to get your dog to warm up to him, though your dog just can’t help but growl at yuta whenever he tries and calmly pet him.
“[name], it’s fine really! We can always try this another time!”
“But yuta!”
He tries to laugh it off, but inside he’s rather sad at this moment. Especially when your dog can cuddle with you and he has to watch from afar. Is this how it feels to be unloved?
With the hatred that he is dealing with from your dog, yuta can only try and help ease his way into your dogs heart. So thus trying to get to know the dog one on one!
At first, he kinda panicked with making sure he didn’t hurt your dog at all. Boy was so nervous when putting on his collar cause he thought your dog would bite him:( but your dog in fact did not. Instead, yuta spends the day with the little dog walking and learning how intelligent your dog is. He finds it amusing and feels content with the experience of today.
“Soooo, how’d it go?”
The boy walks in like a shining star as he smiles at you and then the dog next to him, yuta can only blush as he sees you.
“Good! At least I hope so…”
The fact that he still doubts himself makes you giggle a bit, before you feel the dip of the bed with yuta pulling you close and the dog jumping up with the two of you. The fact that it’s only been a day and your dog has completely changed around yuta actually surprised you. Though at least you can be affectionate with yuta now around him.
Yuta cradles the dog in his arms and the sight makes your heart clench, seeing him so happy with your dog is a miracle to you honestly.
“It’s like he’s our little child..”
Oh. That definitely had you alright.
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a/n: idk why this turned out so long….personally I love megumis
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babydollmarauders · 7 months
jack hughes x fem reader
part of the el!hughes au
summary: when y/n (Lovie) is having trouble sleeping and her pregnancy hormones are at their peak, Jack convinces her she won’t make his injury worse by riding him.
warnings: NSFW CONTENT, p in v (unprotected), pregnancy sex, slight degradation, praise. (2k words)
notes: everyone’s been asking for a Jack and Lovie smut, so i thought when better to do the first one than when Lovie is feeling extra needy?
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my husband and i lay on opposite sides of our mattress.
i’m curled up on my side, one leg curled up towards my stomach and laid on a pillow, facing my husband but at least two feet apart from him. meanwhile, he sprawls lazily on his back, scrolling on his phone.
i peek an eye open to look at him, stretching out my arm and placing my hand on his naked torso.
Jack glances over at me in thinly veiled amusement, an expression of disbelief curtaining his face.
“so, when i try to cuddle you, you push me away and tell me to stay on my side of the bed, but now you wanna touch me?” he gapes, glancing down at my hand that’s plastered onto his abs.
“precisely.” i state, my voice groggy and words drawled, “we touch on my terms, and right now, i can’t sleep and i need to feel you.”
“but i can’t cuddle you?” his full bottom lip pokes out in an exaggerated pout.
“no. you’re like a furnace and your spawn has made me into one too.”
“my spawn.” he echoes my words with amusement, “is that what we’re calling our baby now?”
“mhm.” i hum in confirmation, readjusting my leg on its pillow and wiggling my body. “i forgot how hard it is to sleep while pregnant.”
Jack locks his phone, discarding it onto his nightstand.
“is there anything i can do to help you sleep?” i mull over his offer, carefully considering each option that my mind thinks up.
there’s only one that really interests me, but as soon as my eyes land on his injured shoulder, i shake my head.
“no.” i finally tell him, but he cocks a brow at my hesitation.
“you sure?” he questions, “because based on the look on your face, i’d say you thought of one.”
i eye his shoulder again, thinking it over once more; but this time, his eyes follow my line of sight before he sighs.
“you’re not gonna break me, lovie.” he ushers me forward until i’m curled up into him, my medium sized bump pressed against his side. “i’m fine and i’ll continue to be fine even if we cuddle.”
he thinks i’m afraid of cuddling him.
he thinks cuddling is what will help me fall asleep.
“that’s not what i want.” i murmur, barely above a whisper.
“huh?” his fingers dance lightly up and down my back, sending goosebumps throughout my skin.
“i didn’t wanna cuddle.”
“then what is it you need, lovie?” he asks in a hushed tone, his baby blues gazing into mine as i look up at him.
i press my lips to his chest, mumbling out my next words, “i wanna ride you.”
“i can’t hear you, baby.” my eyes flutter closed, a silent sigh leaving my lips when i realize i’ll have to repeat my statement.
“i wanna ride you.” i repeat, slightly louder this time.
Jack’s hand freezes on my back, eyes widening just slightly before they go back to normal.
“forget it, i’ll go make some warm milk or something.” i huff, making a move to roll away from him, but his hand wraps around my forearm, effectively stopping me from getting far.
“c’mere.” he orders, darkness clouding his eyes as his pupils blow out.
his chest puffs a little when i do as he says, crawling back over to him and sitting on my knees beside him. i look down at him, hair falling to curtain my face.
“you wanna ride me, baby?” one corner of his lips quirk up in a smirk, “you wanna sink that pussy down on my cock and get yourself off?”
my breathing is becoming labored, my thighs clenching at his dirty talk, and he immediately takes notice.
“you do.” he confirms, “you wanna wear yourself out and make a mess on my cock.”
a whimper draws up from the back of my throat, nodding my head hastily.
“go ahead, lovie.” he urges, pushing the comforter down and kicking it off his lower body.
he’s half hard already, his bulge beginning to strain against his gray sweatpants. my body reacts to the sight instantly, my dampening core becoming a puddle.
but before i can jump on my husband, i hesitate, looking back down at his injury.
“are you sure?” my voice is small and meek, unsure in my actions, but when i look into his eyes, i find them darkened with lust, pupils blown.
“fuck, baby.” he groans, throwing his head back on his pillow. “yes, i’m sure. now please, just ride me.”
he doesn’t have to tell me again, i make quick work of stripping off my oversized t-shirt, laying on my back and hooking my thumbs through my panties before trying to yank them down. but my bump prevents me from getting very far in this position.
“Jack.” i whisper, a little embarrassed by the predicament.
“yeah, lovie?” i can hear the amusement in his tone, making me roll my eyes.
“can you help me?” his face pops up in front of my own as he sits up, leaning over my body.
“i’ve got you, my love.” he takes over for me, hooking his index fingers in the sides of my panties and pulling them down my thighs.
“thank you.” i tell him as he throws the now dampened panties in a vague direction towards our hamper. “now lay down.”
he chuckles at my attempt of demanding, laying back down anyways.
i roll back over and get back on my hands and knees, crawling over my husbands body and hovering over his thighs.
“hi, beautiful.” he smirks, letting his fingers trail up my sides, but his hips jerk when my own hand comes down to palm him through his sweatpants. “fuck.”
i bite my lip, tugging at the hem of his pants until they finally come down just enough for his erection to spring out. i lick my lips at the sight, any other time, i would gladly take the moment to get my lips on him, but right now? i need him in other places.
i crawl higher up his body until my face is hovering over his, lowering myself just enough to capture his lips with mine.
a soft moan pours from my lips to his, my hips lowering to grind upon his hardened cock. his hips buck up, his hand now tangling in my hair as he pulls me in deeper. his tongue grazes my lips, urging me to open up to him, and i do so eagerly, letting his tongue into my mouth to battle with mine.
“Jacky.” i whimper against him, grinding myself down onto him again.
“sit on my cock, lovie.” he gruffs, and it’s just the push i need in order to grasp his length in my hand, lining him up with my entrance before i finally sink down onto him.
my head tips back, a moan escaping my parted lips, and his hand immediately covers my mouth.
“gotta be quiet.” he states, voice strained as my walls envelop his cock. “Luke and El are sleeping right down the hall. you don’t wanna wake them, do you?”
i eagerly shake my head, enticing him to let his hand drift away from my mouth and down to my full breast. he squeezes roughly, pinching at my nipple and pulling it.
my hips grind against his, my clit dragging along his pelvic bone, but i bite my lip to hold back my sounds.
“good girl.” he praises, causing a full body shiver to encase me.
i lift myself, beginning to bounce on his dick, and the squelches of him rubbing through my wetness spur me on, lowering myself closer to his chest in order to hit a better angle.
the tip of his cock hits my g-spot and my eyes roll back, my jaw going slack as i drag my hips up and then back down.
“you’re doing so good for me, lovie.” he whispers, leaning up to let his lips graze the shell of my ear. “this is what you needed, isn’t it? to fuck yourself on my cock like a good whore? get yourself all tired out?”
i whimper behind pursed lips, nodding my head, “yes, Jack. fuck.”
he leans back down, his head back on the pillow as his fingers grip at my ass. a strangled noise escapes his throat, his cock twitching inside of me as i swivel my hips.
“just like that.” he breathes, his hips beginning to buck up in order to meet mine.
my breathing is heavy, my hands forming fists on Jack’s chest as i begin to feel that familiar pressure settle in my stomach.
“oh my god.” my words are panted out, my legs starting to ache, but i push myself to finish.
“not god, baby. just me.”
my teeth sink into my bottom lip, a squeak leaving me as my hips begin to stutter, the knot in my stomach growing tighter and tighter with each meeting of our skin.
“Jack, i’m gonna-” i can barely finish my sentence, being cut off with a whine as his thumb finds my clit, beginning to rub circles into it.
“cum for me.” he orders, rubbing faster with each passing second, “make a mess on my cock so you can sleep.”
my walls squeeze him tighter, my legs shaking and my breath catching in my throat as my orgasm hits me. my hips halt in their movements, but Jack’s don’t stop, rather fucking up into me to ride me through my release.
until finally, he falters, his rhythm becoming sloppy as he reaches his own orgasm, his hot cum spilling into me in ropes.
his hand cups the back of my head, pulling me down so his lips meet mine, and i let him moan against them.
our bodies press against each other, as we lay there basking in the afterglow of sex, my eyelids fluttering open and shut, my body on the precipice of sleep.
“did it work?” he asks me, a gentle hand running up and down my back.
“mhm.” i hum, “are you okay?”
he sighs as i peer at him through my lashes, scanning his face for any sign of pain.
“lovie, i’m fine. stop worrying about me.” i pout at his response, nodding my head and laying it down on his chest.
“so what made you want this?” he questions, “the last couple months if i even try to insinuate sex, you look like you wanna beat me with El’s blocks.”
i press my lips to his chest, stifling a laugh.
“damn second trimester hormones.” i huff, “i’m so horny all the time right now.”
the corner of Jack’s lips quirk up in a smirk, “i think i love the second trimester.”
“shut up.” i giggle, rolling my eyes as i finally lift myself off of him, getting off the bed.
i leave my husband behind in order to use the bathroom and change back into my t-shirt and some new panties before i lay back down.
“okay, you can cuddle me.” i decide right after a hefty yawn.
“too late.” he says, an exaggerated pout playing at his lips. “i don’t wanna cuddle anymore.”
“too bad. i’m your wife and i want cuddles now so i get cuddles, because i’m carrying your child.”
Jack feigns an exasperated sigh, pulling me in so my back lays against his chest, his hand resting on my bump. he peppers light kisses up my shoulder and the side of my neck.
“i guess.” i can hear the smile in his tone, making me giggle.
“there is no guess. you love me.” i state, my hand coming down to lay on top of his.
“yeah, i love you.” he playfully concedes, pressing one last chaste kiss to my neck. “so much.”
“i love you too.”
sleep pulls at my consciousness, my eyes falling closed as i let out one final yawn, and just before i fall asleep, i can register the feeling of Jack’s hand soothingly rubbing my bump.
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crestfallenyh · 12 days
new light ; jyh
cw: yunho x reader. reader making things hard for no reason, so this is quite long. sweet boyfriend yunho. a bit of a corruption kink. unprotected sex. backshot lol. breath play, hair pulling, biting and overall roughness mixed with a natural sweetheart yunho. not proofread, i'm testing the waters to start posting again.
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"you should still talk to him, you know"
seonghwa's slightly muffled voice made its way to you as you groaned in disagreement with your face buried on his pillow. he gave you a sympathetic look before laying on the bed next to you, propping himself up on his elbows and seemingly preparing to repeat the same speech about trust and communication he'd already given you twice in the past hour. before he could start, you rolled on your back and laid there, staring at the ceiling where the silver lightning from his bedside lamp drew funny shapes.
"i know i should, i'm just not sure if i'm ready to face his rejection yet"
you ignored the stern look he shot at you, he knew better than anyone how dramatic you could get when it came to your relationship. your fears were not unfounded, though. you had been thinking over and over for the past couple of weeks about the topic and yet you couldn't bring yourself to speak to yunho about your worries, and as much as you shouldn't do it, you couldn't help but convince yourself time and time again that it wasn't worth bringing it up. you wondered why, because your boyfriend hadn't been anything but supportive throughout the couple months you had been together. perhaps that was the problem. deep down you knew he wasn't going to judge you, much less laugh at you, as understanding as he was. it was just that the relationship was still quite new, feelings yet so fresh that despite his bright personality, he was often rather shy around you. the thought of him looking at you with flustered cheeks and doubt on his gaze, not from nervousness and anticipation but because of embarrassment, held you back from getting too sincere with him.
"i know he's gonna listen and maybe even try if i ask, but i don't want him to do anything he's not comfortable with," you sighed and put a hand over your eyes, the lights suddenly too bright.
"you wouldn't, though," seonghwa tried to reason, "yunho is not the type to not tell when he doesn't like something. also, i have a feeling he might be into that even if he doesn't know yet"
and with that you were left thinking. in more than one occasion you tried to play different scenarios in your head on how he could respond. your soft and sweet giant... how would he react if you ever told him about the dark fantasies running through your mind everytime you saw him, simply existing? what would he say if he knew how badly you wanted him to share the same passion for roughness you had, the same hunger?
up until that moment your sex life had been good, for the most part. he was always respectful and mindful of his strength whenever he held you, kissing you with light pressure and fucking you equally as soft. you liked it, but you wanted more. you needed more. you needed his weight on top of you, suffocating and hot. you needed his hands everywhere, those long fingers of his biting into your skin. he was always nice to everyone, it was no surprise he would be gentle in bed too, but you didn't want him to be nice to you. not in that instance.
maybe it was worth a shot. maybe if you told him what you wanted, he would find a new side to himself too. your hope it was, at least. that's why, by the time you met with him at your place a couple of days after your conversation with seonghwa, you were so nervous it was impossible for you to look him in the eye because the possibility of it going wrong scared you as much as the possibility of it going great. he noticed, of course. after all, he was always perceptive of any minimal expression you made and although he tried not to worry, his mind wandered off to sad places whenever he tried to touch you, hug you or kiss you and a slight hint of a wince appeared on your face. were you about to break up with him or something? his mind was restless, and the atmosphere was somewhat tense, with short whispered answers and stolen glances. you hadn't felt that awkwardness in forever. instead of dissipating the awkward feeling, the anxiousness of the situation going in the wrong direction already made you grow even more coy, and you reprimanded yourself. pull it together, you thought.
ten minutes into the movie you were watching and he sighed, pausing it and looking at you with a question in his eyes. impressive, you thought. he held quite well, but it was now your turn to hold your breath. you weren't ready, but you knew you had to let it out. one big sigh of yours after and you tried to ignore the slight shake in yunho's hands as he repositioned on the couch. him being as nervous as you somewhat calmed you, though you didn't want him to get the wrong idea.
"it's nothing bad, i promise," you caressed the back of his wrist with your index finger, rummaging through your brain to find the right words, "it's just... you know, i've enjoyed our relationship quite well so far..."
yunho's eyes were fixated on your expression as you spoke for several minutes about how much you liked spending time with him and how he was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, so intense that you couldn't help but avoiding his gaze. you said not to worry but your body was sending contrasting signals, eyes looking everywhere but him and twitching hands. he was slowly spiraling, waiting for the 'but' within your ramble. he couldn't even feign nonchalance.
"... i've never quite liked being with someone like i do with you, but..." yunho gulped, "... you know, i just.."
"what is it, love? are you not comfortable with something i did? tell me what is it and i'll fix it"
you shook your head slowly, finally making eye contact, "i don't think it's something you did, yunho. it's more like something i want but i fear i might make this awkward"
"you know when we have, you know, sex?," yunho nodded, more confused than before, "well, there's a lot of things i wanna try, and don't get me wrong, i like what we do now but i just... i don't know if you would want to do most of those things, and that's why i don't want to make you uncomfortable"
you cringed on your seat, suddenly hyper aware of the fact you were finally saying it and wondering if you should backtrack.
yunho's eyebrows furrowed.
"try me, y/n. do you want me to tie you up in the air or something?," he was so very obviously trying to joke but seeing how you made yourself small against the couch, he coughed, "wait, seriously?"
"would that make you uncomfortable?"
he stopped for moment to think about it, and finally shook his head no. he'd never tried in the past and he'd actually never thought of something like that to do with you, so he was surprised at his own answer. he considered himself a pretty standard guy when it came to intimacy, vanilla, if you will. he was too aware of the size of his body, so he never entertained the idea even though he knew people did lots of stuff out there. the more he thought now, the more he found himself interested on how the whole thing would play out. he was only worried about the safety of it all, and as such he explained to you. you listened, still a bit shaken up, relishing on how he was seemingly taking it serious even when barely anything had been discussed and you yourself had never thought of trying bondage, not too much at least.
"but seriously, if you wanted us to try something different, you should've told me before doll," he noticed how his words could come up as nagging, so he explained further, "i believe you when you say you've enjoyed it so far, but i'm always open to listen and i would want you to love it, instead of liking it"
and so, a long discussion ensued. at first it took a lot of courage from you to stop downplaying your actual desires and took a lot from yunho to stop blushing with each word you said. he never thought of you as the type to want to be choked and marked up, if he was honest. he wasn't scandalized per se, but the more you explained, the more he started feeling heat all over his body. he knew he was considerably taller than most and in the back of his head he knew people found that attractive, but knowing now how much you wanted him to do all those things to you and take full advantage of his strength made him lightheaded. he really appreciated how, although you couldn't seem to stop talking once you finally turned off the shyness switch, you still listened to everything he had to say to make sure he was also comfortable and just how far he was willing to go.
once the conversation died down you let the silence sink between you two, processing everything you talked about with your gaze lost in the distant glow of the long forgotten movie. after a while his voice and his hand on your thigh brought you back.
"you were scaring me back there, you know," yunho chuckled, soft eyes and a fond smirk drawn on his handsome face, "i thought you wanted to break up and turns out you just want me to rag doll you around"
the simplicity of his tone made you frown.
"well, now that you say it like that..."
he knew you were joking, and from one moment to the next you found yourself swiftly placed on his lap, curling his soft black hair around your fingers and kissing him, softly at first. his embrace around your hips was tender but firm and you trembled a bit, relief replacing the anxiety from before. seonghwa was right, after all, though you would never admit that to his face. you quickly forgot about your friend when you adjusted yourself on top of yunho and felt his hardness against your body. his eyes met yours and your breath hitched. how come the look in his eyes was so dark now?
"we can wait before trying changing things, you know," your soft whisper fell against his plumped lips, "think about it till you're comfortable"
yunho kissed you again, this time more fierce before tightening his grip on you and starting a trail of kisses down your cheek, jaw and neck.
"do you want to do it now, though?," shivers ran down your spine as his now slightly hoarse voice ringed in your ears, "because i do"
you nodded almost too desperately as those electric eyes of his bored into yours and that was all the confirmation you both needed. suddenly your back was against the couch and he held up a hand to caress your face, moving the scattered hair aside while he positioned himself on top of you. as a reflex your legs wrapped around his lean figure and soon enough you were nothing but a bunch of short breaths and flushed pink cheeks, his hands went up and down your sides and a gasp left your mouth when he gripped your thighs with his ringed fingers. amongst the passion there still existed some gentleness and you whimpered, pulling him against you with need. everything was suddenly too hot. his touch, his breath, his forehead against yours after a particularly long kiss.
yunho unfastened the buttons on your shirt and removed it as well as your shorts, leaving you almost completely exposed under his exploring hands. he glanced at you to check how you were doing and you so badly wanted to wipe off the smugness from the curve of his lips, but before you could say anything, two of his fingers pushed your underwear aside and made contact with your wetness. your head fell back with every movement of his, soon enough his lips were on your neck and for a moment you forgot how to breathe. nothing on your head but him, everything was filled with the feeling of the cold metal of his rings against your folds and the sharp occasional pain from his biting on your neck that made you sink your nails on his broad shoulders.
it was intoxicating having him like this, his instincts so good at that moment that he knew where to touch you so as to pull the sweetest sounds from your mouth. he just knew your body so well. you wanted to return the favor, make him feel as good as he was making you feel but as soon as you lingered around the button of his jeans he used his free hand to grab your wrist and hold it above your head. you whined and his response was a chuckle. it was more fun than he expected, and he was honestly enjoying himself, drinking in the expression on your pretty face and the cloudiness on your hazy eyes.
"no, doll. today you'll just take what i give you, yeah?"
he waited for confirmation and once he got it, he flipped you around, pressing his torso against your back and his clothed pelvis against yours. the roughness of his jeans against your bare thighs made you shiver, griping the couch tightly as he got a hold of your hips with his right hand to stop you from pushing back to feel him. his other hand was busy with his zipper and afterwards with prepping you. he slowly pushed two fingers inside of you and you gasped at suddenly feeling stuffed. yunho whispered reassuring words in your ear and after a while he took his fingers out, replacing them with his cock. inch by inch, you shut your eyes closed until he bottomed out and the air escaped his lips in a quick exhale.
you'd never tried it like this before and he could tell you were struggling a bit to take him, which was unusual. he attempted pulling out to let you adjust better but your muffled "no, don't" stopped him. he raised his already furrowed eyebrows, it was hard to concentrate with your warmth around but he paid attention to your breathing, waiting for it to be more steady before intertwining his fingers with yours from behind for support and pushing down with each thrust.
your moans became sharper and sharper and he almost couldn't resist the urge to go harder and faster, afraid he might hurt you. yunho loved the outline of your body and how you jolted every time he hit the right spot. he laid down on top of you, letting his weight fall almost entirely on you and enjoying the way your whimpering was almost involuntary at that point.
after a moment he grabbed a handful of hair to turn your head a bit, just enough for him to be able to kiss your temple. as if that wasn't enough, his other hand sneaked around your body to get a hold of your throat. he didn't put much pressure, but the feeling of his large hand restraining your air intake little by little and the feeling of his large body trapping yours had you shaking with a silent scream around his cock. as you rode your high, yunho slowed down the speed but not the force of his thrusts and so you were left there, overstimulated in the best way as he was chasing his own high. he was almost there, and the ringing in your ears could only be interrupted by the sound of his grunts and moans.
yunho pulled put and let go of your neck to finish himself off, looking at your exhausted figure and blissed out expression was enough to have him cum all over your back with a choked out groan. you smiled at him, taking in the image of him with his dark hair sticking slightly to his forehead. it shouldn't be as hot as it was, but seeing him practically fully dressed on top of your naked body made you feel fuzzy on the inside. your boyfriend smiled back at you and ran to the bathroom for something to clean you up. you would have to hop in the shower at some point for sure, but for now, after he finished wiping his cum off, the only thing you both wanted and had energy to do was to lay down.
he quickly slid one of his shirts on your body so you weren't cold and held you close, both still too agitated to give in to your heavy eyelids.
after a while of him caressing your back and you drawing shapes with your finger on his arm, you heard his voice again.
"you know, i think i liked that a lot," you nodded in agreement, both you and him knew that figuring out what each other liked the best was going to be a journey, but you were grateful for his willingness to try and he loved that you finally decided to confide in him, "what do you say?"
"depends," you joked with a sleepy voice and fluttering eyelashes, admittedly a bit flirty for his inquisitive gaze, "will you spank me next time?"
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qatarsprint2023 · 3 months
Birthday morning— OP81
Waking up early isn't Oscar's thing, especially not on his birthday, but he's always, always up for cuddles — Oscar Piastri x f!reader, sleepy Oscar, no use of y/n, implied nsfw content word count: 1.6k a/n: Please ignore that I didn't actually post this on his birthday because I kinda forgot I wrote this in the first place
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A soft groan slips past your lips as you slowly wake up, the sun tickling your face. You try to stretch your body but find yourself trapped in Oscar's arms. His embrace is nice and cozy, his bare chest warm against your skin.
Your eyelids flutter a little as you try to get used to the light filtering into the hotel room through the small space by the window you must've forgotten to cover with the curtain last night after you and Oscar got back from the track.
Instinctively your hand reaches for your phone and you squint as the screen lights up, displaying that one picture of you and Oscar his mum took when you were in Australia over Christmas. It was very weird celebrating Christmas in the middle of summer at first. Well, for you at least.
Your eyes flick up to the time. 7:12
With a sigh you let your head fall back onto the soft pillow. Oscar's got you trapped in a hug and you can't even get up to close the curtain in order to darken the room, so going back to sleep is going to be impossible. Great.
You turn in Oscar's embrace so you're facing his chest that rises and falls gently with every soft breath he takes. His hair is a little tousled and his face squished against the pillow. He looks so beautiful with the light from outside gently illuminating his skin in a soft morning light.
Your eyes travel over his features that look so gentle and innocent as he sleeps— he's got a bit of acne like so many people your age, the freckles that adorn his cheeks aren't that visible yet, but as soon as summer comes around and he sees some sun they'll be more noticeable. His skin is smooth, the stubble he was trying out now gone after you convinced him to shave it.
You let your eyes travel down to his arms as you lazily trace your index finger along one, noticing the firm muscles that tense and relax under your touch until you reach his hand. Your hand reaches for his and you absentmindedly start playing with his fingers, admiring how nice his hand looks.
A quiet groan escapes you as your eyes land on the window again. Sleep isn't on the table anymore. Once the sun is up, that option is out the window.
Your finger trails up Oscar's left arm once more, gently grazing his skin with your nail as you do so. He stirs a bit, a quiet grumble making it's way past his lips.
"Happy birthday," you greet him softly as a smile spreads across your face, careful not to startle him. Your boyfriend however only lets out a soft hum of acknowledgement and keeps his eyes closed as he pulls you in closer and buries his face in your neck.
"Come on," you giggle a bit and brush some of Oscar's hair away from his forehead, a soft smile making its way onto his features at the tender touch. "It's your birthday."
"No..." his voice is drowsy, a bit of a lazy whine as his lips curve up slightly into an almost pouty expression.
The sheets rustle a bit as he shifts in bed, trying to get closer to you. His body is so warm, his skin so soft, and you can't help but smile as you wrap your arms around him, stroking his hair with one hand.
"Yes, it is," you chuckle in reply and place a soft kiss against his temple. "And I'm not gonna let you have a boring birthday morning before Qualifying."
"Can it be boring if I'm just with you?" he mumbles, his words muffled and barely understandable with his face pressed against your neck.
Oscar lets out a soft happy sound and his hand squeezes yours, pulling it towards him. "Mh... comfy..." he mutters and moves his head out of the crook of your neck a bit, only one eye open. "What time is it even?"
His words are laced with sleep, his voice raspy, coated thickly in his accent. It always comes out more when he's just woken up.
"Like, 7:15?" you reply and shrug, not bothering to actually check. "Come on, Osc.. Be excited or something."
"I don't wanna..." his words trail off as he mutters something else from under the blanket he's got pulled up over his chin. "It's too early... And you're comfy." In a smooth motion, he runs his hand up your torso to give your waist a gentle squeeze and feel your soft, warm skin against his.
"And you're being boring," you sigh and let your head drop against his. "What if I had something planned, mh?"
A lazy chuckle leaves Oscar's lips as he snuggles in closer to you. "What if I just wanna stay here with you?" he hums a little and lets his body sinks into yours.
"What would you even plan that's better than sleep?" he queries, his voice still a bit raspy and his face scrunched up as the light shines into his face through the window.
"I'm sure I could come up with something," you shrug and nuzzle your face against his hair, pressing a soft kiss there. Oscar's body begins to relax more, melting into your embrace as he holds you close to his chest.
"Does it involve having to leave this bed before I have to head to work?" he asks with a sigh as you start to gently scratch his scalp. "If so, my answer's no. I'd say I'm rather content here."
"Come on, birthday boy," you let out a chuckle and tilt his face towards you, your lips brushing against his. "Cheer up. You're 23!"
"I know... don't remind me," your boyfriend grumbles, but can't help the hint of a smile that tugs at his lips when yours brush against them.
"But it can't get better than this... It's warm here.. and comfortable.. and you smell nice.. what else do I need?" His voice trails off into silence as he relaxes in your arms, sighing contently.
"Aw, so sweet," you chuckle teasingly, nose lightly bumping against Oscar's as you lean forward, causing him to scrunch up his face.
"Mmhh... don't laugh," Oscar grumbles and lets out a soft whine as his lips curl into a pout. He reaches up and his hand finds your cheek, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb. "I'm still tired, and you're being mean."
"How am I being mean?" you laugh and prop yourself up on your arm to get a better view of his face.
"You're literally laughing," he huffs but you know he's not being serious. "I just wanna sleep in a bit with you..." His thumb continues to gently rub soft circles on your cheek as he lets the other hand come to rest on your hip, his arm and hand curling around you to pull you against him so you can get a bit more comfortable.
"Alright, alright," you say defensively and scrunch up your face when he leans down and his hair tickles your face. "If that's what you want."
"Exactly. It's my birthday and choose staying in bed," his voice is still a bit raspy, but he's obviously no longer on the verge of falling asleep again. He doesn't seem to want to talk that much, he's content with just holding you in his arms, cuddling.
Oscar nuzzles his face against you again, taking a deep breath. "You smell nice," he tells you again as his hand pulls your hip a bit closer, his eyes closing as he leans his head a little more into you. "Like... lilac."
"I should hope so. I paid some good money for this perfume," you reply with a smile and lean in to give Oscar's lips a gentle kiss. They're soft and the way his hand lands behind your neck almost instinctively makes you feel safe.
Your boyfriend lets out a soft hum of agreement, his lips pressing against yours a little harder, taking the kiss in as he leans his forehead against yours. His grip tightens around you, holding you close as his hand finds your hip and squeezes ever so slightly, his fingers gently tracing the soft dip of your waistline.
You twist in his embrace to grab your phone once more and check the time, which allows Oscar's arms to snake around your waist from behind.
"Almost eight," you mutter with a sigh and rest your head on the soft mattress once more before shifting out from underneath the covers, finally stretching your arms.
"Hey, hey, where're you going?" Oscar inquiries and blinks a little in confusion, his hand reaching out to grab yours as you sit up.
"I gotta shower, baby," you sigh and swing your legs off the bed. "I still have to get ready and we need to go down for breakfast and you have to be at the track by ten."
The smile on Oscar's face falls slightly as you slip away from his embrace, his fingers wrapping around your own as you make your way out of the bed.
"But I just like being in bed with you," he complains somewhat half-jokingly, his other hand reaching out to you as he tries to stop you from escaping.
"Come on, just a bit longer," he whines and lets his head fall back onto the pillow where he lets his body sink into the mattress once more.
"You can come with me if you want," you suggest with a small smile and the most subtle of winks before turning to leave the bedroom in the direction of the bathroom.
At the mention of joining you, Oscar is wide awake, sitting up in bed with an excited smile as he watches you leave the room, his gaze following your figure before he rolls out of bed himself.
You feel a smile tugging at your lips as you take notice of the footsteps behind you and feel his strong arms wrap around your waist, his lips finding their way to your neck, knowing you did manage to make his birthday morning not so boring in the end.
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rubra-wav · 4 months
how do you think Hazbin Hotel characters would react to a demon with butterfly wings?
The main Hazbin cast x Butterfly demon reader
Part 2 >
A/N: This wasn't really specific with what charas specifically, so I'm just doing the main cast. I'll do a part 2 with more characters, though, if it's wanted (sorry)
Reader's wings are written as colourful and proportionate to their body, so they are pretty big.
Realised there's a 10 image limit per post, which is bs. Isn't how i normally would have liked it to be aesthetically bc of that 👎
Cw: Sfw, slightly suggestive stuff in Angel's, reference to decapitation and cannibalism 💀, kinda a bit angsty in Angel's and Vaggie's, gn! Reader
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- Charlie would be absolutely delighted by you, no doubt about it.
- She wants nothing more than to be in a place that's vividly colourful and (assuming reader is a somewhat colourful butterfly demon) you'd be that for her.
- She also probably just really really likes butterflies in general though, let's be real.
- I can imagine her just staring at your wings with absolutely starry eyes while complimenting them.
- "They're so pretty ohhh my gosh!"
- I imagine her being lightly jealous, she'd love to have wings like a butterfly.
- Would probably ask if she can touch, and look somewhat sad when told no due to how it would cause your scales to come off. (Assuming reader's wings are the same as normal butterfly wings)
- It may get somewhat uncomfortable if you don't like attention, she would definitely fixate heavily on them. Tell her to stop though and it's making you feel weird and she will tone it down though.
- If not, though, enjoy the attention you're gonna be getting from Charlie over them.
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- Vaggie would likely be a bit uncomfortable about seeing demons with wings in general due to her history - let alone you with beautiful, delicate ones.
- I think she'd secretly be hiding some angst and jealously about your wings ngl.
- When she sees Charlie fawning over them though oh boy.
- Yeah she's not gonna be happy about them then. She doesn't blame you or anything for how she's feeling as it's her issue and she knows that, but it still hurts quite a bit - especially in the beginning.
- It gets less and less bad though the more she gets used to it, she kind of just becomes 'meh' about it - especially if you ask Charlie to stop being so gaga about them.
- When she gets her wings back, though, I think she'd come to think they are cool. A normal level appreciation though.
- I can half see you two helping each other out with your wings down the line if you two get closer though.
- There are some things that come with upkeep so wings don't become damaged and stuff, so the people who also have wings? Allies 100%.
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- I'm gonna be fr, the first time your wings come out he's probably gonna be panicked due to his baggage.
- Especially if it happens when you're angry.
- He's probably gonna need reassurance you aren't gonna try hurt him tbh.
- As sad as it is, his trauma would definitely play a part in his initial perception of them.
- After he recovers a bit and stops immediately going into fight or flight and seeing you =/= Val though, the switch up is insane.
- He would be all over you about them.
- I can imagine him calling you a bunch of butterfly related petnames.
- If you remember the 'make those wings flap' comments he made about Husk, its gonna be that on a hundred.
- Even if it's just joking flirting about them, it's gonna be constant because he thinks they are beautiful and it's a lot of material considering you're a butterfly and he's a spider.
- I feel like he would touch them at some point without really thinking and pull his hand back to see your scales have rubbed off onto his hand and go ''oh shit.''
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- I don't think he'd have much of a reaction to it at all - at least not initially.
- Of course he acknowledges that they are very pretty, but he won't comment upon it much at all unlike the others.
- Possibly may make reference to it when crafting bitter statements directed towards you, though.
- Down the line, if you grow closer to him, I can see him as actually being concerned about your wings.
- They are extremely eye-catching and unique for a being in hell, and due to that, it could lead demons to actively target you
- Whether with overt aggressive intentions to take your wings and sell them, or with more covert problems like you being scouted for modelling (ie. By Velvette)
- I can see Vaggie and you trying to set up a wing maintenance group and trying to include him in it. Him being vehemently against it to a level that's almost comedic.
- You eventually convince him even though he's complaining the whole way through it. (He is lying and actually enjoys it).
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- He wouldn't like them at all in the beginning.
- They're big and bulky and get in the way of everything, including him.
- The amount of times he's accidentally fallen due to 'tripping' on your giant ass wings is greatly irritating and embarrassing to him.
- Possibly thinks you keep trying to kill him by tripping him.
- Could also see his 'hair' (idk how to properly refer to it, haha), accidentally brushing up against your wings with how expressive it is and getting your scales all over him.
- Basically, he doesn't like them because he's clumsy but will take it out on you.
- I also get the vibe he'd be jealous because of how eye-catching they are.
- In his mind, if he had wings like that, then he'd surely have been acknowledged by the Vees in some way.
- If you change your habits with your wings to be conscious of him not being able to walk normally and start getting onto better terms, though, he will likely become appreciative of them and stop being so pissy about them.
- They are very cool looking to him, and once his poor attitude wears off about them, he'll come to admit that.
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- He'd actually be somewhat weary of you in the beginning.
- It's nature's law that creatures that do not bother to hide themselves are not to be messed with - especially in a place like hell of all places.
- When he sees that you just happen to be particularly colourful, he drops that, though.
- He'd honestly probably be thinking of what it would be like to eat a demon like you after confirming you are, in fact, not poisonous or dangerous at all.
- He doesn't much care all that much for the intrinsic beauty of things as long as they aren't utterly ugly, and as long as they aren't obnoxious and in your face.
- Depending on how bright and vibrant they are and how much attention you bring to them, he may actually dislike them.
- If not, though, he acknowledges they are nice to look at, but again, doesn't really care about them outside of theorising how they would be to eat.
- Would probably make comments about how he could "just eat your wings up," or ask you about how you taste just to try to freak you out.
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- When she sees them, her eyes grow wide in a mixture of surprise and awe. At the exact same time, an unhinged smirk spreads across her face.
- She then proceeds to leap at you, scissors or whatever sharp object is closest to her raised at your wings.
- She'd be absolutely trying to take a piece out of them for her 'collection' 💀
- You're gonna need medical attention after she's done with you because she's hellbent.
- Her obsessiveness over your wings would vary depending on your gender but either way, she'd be trying to get a piece of them for herself.
- Definitely abnormal level of appreciation of them in the absolute worst way.
- If you can get her to stop instantly trying to cut off parts of them, she's still constantly trying to touch them. You need to complain about your scales every damn time she tries to reach out to touch it without fail.
- it's like your wings are a beacon, and she's the insect gunning for it ironically.
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yourbestprincess · 2 months
Mein Kleines Mädchen
Older!König (40s) Young!reader (18- early 20s)
Giant age gap but y’know, size kink, slightly hyper fem!reader, reader is a female, König is rough and also has a cute little German accent and calls you cute pet names in German, König is also your dads bestie but not anymore! Creampie, slut-shaming but also praise , fingering.
Hope I didn’t miss anything! XD
(Gentle reminder that König is HUGE, I'm pretty sure he's 6'10 which, if you're average hight, is ginormous.)
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You’ve always thought König was overly attractive, but you would never do anything…I mean he was your father’s best friend.
He always eyed you when they hung out, which was rare because he was always deployed.
König was way bigger than you were, he merely towered over you when you two would talk. Which, to say the least, you loved.
You thought he was so attractive. From how big he was to his greying ginger hair to his blue eyes which looked at you in such a way that made your stomach flutter.
He was finally coming over today. You were finally in collage now, in your eyes a grown woman.
He was staying the night according to your dad because he got kicked from his apartment from being gone so long, to which you weren’t complaining.
It was so early; almost too early, but you heard a knock at the door. Even before he knocked you felt his presence. Your heart pounds as you peak out of your window to see his car. You walk down the stairs, only in an oversized white t-shirt that covered your tight black shorts. You clear your shirt of any wrinkles before looking through the peephole and opening the door.
“Guten Morgen, schatz.” He smiles softly. you notice that he’s still quite dirty.
“Oh, ‘morning König.” you smile back softly before letting him in, your heart still pounding in your chest, it feels like it’s gonna run away.
He gives you a lousy side hug and drops his bags on the stairs before giving you a forehead kiss.
“Mm.” He breathes you in “Schatz, where is your father?” He backs away slightly to give you some sense of personal space.
“He’s working today until about 8:30. Sorry, I should probably let you settle in and shower I know you’re tired and-“
“Shh, liebling. Stay with me, I suppose I need some company, ja?” He looks down at you, reaching his calloused hand over and putting it on the side of your head in which you lean into.
“Okay, well first let me draw you a shower.” You bite your lip gently before leading him into the upstairs bathroom next to your room. He follows you, humming something you swear you've heard before.
"Du bist so ein liebes kleines Mädchen" (You're such a sweet little girl) König snickers while trailing so close behind you that he's basically hovering over you.
He thought you didn't understand what he was saying. You really touched up on your German before he came back from whatever mission he was on. You knew he said things to you in German before, but he never thought you'd know. Not until now. Your blood wastes no time making your cheeks hot and red with straight fluster.
He grips your arm and turns you with his mere strength. "Oh dear. Du verstehst jetzt?" (Oh dear. You understand now?) He tilts his head, squatting down to your hight.
You try to look down but he forces you to look up at him with your practically pathetic puppy eyes. "Ja...since you got deployed again. I should've told you, but I just wanted to know what you were saying to me."
His eyes feel like they're staring sharply into your soul, like he was looking straight into your heart. He knows that your heart grows and yearns from him. "Ja? Good girl." His accent spills out more when he's eager.
"C'mon lieb." He stands back up letting you finish showing him to the bathroom. You turn on the shower and make sure its the perfect temperature for such a man. You set out a towel and an unopened bar of soap.
"Okay, there you go. You can..um meet me in my room when you're done." You say with just a little bit of excitement in your voice.
"Ja, liebling." He says with a soothing voice rather than before.
As you wait in your room, you change into a pink see-though lingerie dress with a matching pink thong. To top it all off, you wear some white thigh high socks. You sit pretty on your bed and wait for him to get out of the shower.
You hear a knock at your bedroom door. "Hey, Liebling? Can I come in?" You ignore it for a second but before you can cover up he busts through the door.
"Mein gott liebe. Scheisse... don't do this to me. You know I can't hold back." His is heavy. It's obvious that blood went to his dick just from looking at his towel.
"I don't want you to hold back." You say as he steps into the room. His hair wet and towel barley covers his v-line. He sighs and walks closer to you.
“Mein schatz…What a fucking tease are you? Gut Gott.” He towers over your small frame, lifting up your legs and pressing kisses on your thighs as he props them up on his shoulder. His cock is fully hard, it’s throbbing and oozing out pre-cum.
“Bitte…König. You know how many years I’ve been waiting for this..” Your panties are so soaked that it’s visible. Who knew you’d be such a slut for the man who was there when your father wasn’t.
He moves your panties to the side with his middle finger. He pushes his middle and ring fingers inside you and rubs his thumb on your throbbing clit. You cry and whine under his touch. He knows how bad you need him.
“Is this too much schatz? If it is, how am I going to put this cock in you? It craves you, you know that liebling?” He takes his hand away from your wet entrance and lets the towel fall to his ankles. His cock springs up, you can see pearls of pre-cum dripping onto your bed. He gives his drooling shaft a couple of pumps before spitting on his middle and ring finger to wet your entrance just enough to fit his massive cock.
“Ready liebe?” He shoves the tip past your entrance making your shutter and whine from the size.
“Ja, you’ll be okay mein schatz.” You bite your lip and cry with him going deeper, trying to fit his 8 1/2 inches in your tight pussy that’s just taking him so well.
“König…s'too much..Bitte! Pleasepleaseplease!…” You whine and moan from the pain. Your thoughts are clouded with pure white pleasure. You know how wrong this is, but, Mein Gott, is it worth it. You're gripping his back and begging for god knows what.
“Nimm es einfach wie ein braves Mädchen, ja? Getting close for me already, Gut gott." (Just take it like a good girl, yeah?) König can't help but notice how pathetic and weak you are under him. His blunt tip pushes against your g-spot over and over again until you're crying and going cock-dumb over him.
" Du liebst es einfach, wie eine Schlampe gefickt zu werden, nicht wahr? What a good fucking girl for me." (You just love getting fucked like a slut, don't you? What a good fucking girl for me.) You can feel his thrusts getting sloppier and heavier. His breath begins to hitch and he can't help but whimper just a little from how tight his Liebe is.
"König...gonna cum right now.. Vati... fuck- feels s'good..." Before you can even think about getting close, he pulls out of you and sits down on your bed, getting comfy before motioning you to sit on his lap. You slide off your panties and see-through dress, craving that skin to skin with him.
"Ja, that's it Mein Schatz, ease down on me, you've got it Liebe" As you sink down on his fat cock, he notices that it makes an indentation on your tummy.
"S'too much König... too big." You barely make out in whimpers and cries. He continues to thrust deeper into your sopping cunt. You really hope your dad isn't gonna come home anytime soon.
"Shh, It's alright, you'll be okay Mein Liebe. Just let me use this pretty pussy, ja?" He pushes his cock so far up into you that you were genuinely surprised on how he was able to bottom out in you. His thrusts are sharp and fast with so much power that you moan everytime he thrusts. König knows you're close from the way you're clenching down on him and how loud your moans are.
"Bitte... I need to.." You cry out before König's thrusts become sharper and somehow even faster.
"I know, I know. I'm gonna come with... scheisse- come with you, okay?" He can't stop grunting now, its all pleasure now. White pleasure clouds his visions.
"Christ- Ich liebe dich schatz- fuck. I always have. And look, now I get to fuck this little body of yours and even fill you up with my cum, eh?"
His vision returns to you, already cumming on his cock. So pathetic, you can't even speak. You're too entranced at cumming on his thick cock to even think. And now here he is, filling you up with his potent cum. He pumps and twitches just a few more times until you two ride out your orgasm.
"Was I too much Mein liebe?" He wraps his big arms around you as you snuggle into him. warm sheets cover your bodies.
"You were perfect. Everything and more than what I was ever expecting." He wraps you into him even tighter, pressing kisses on your forehead and soft lips.
"Ich liebe dich auch, König."
Your dad's gonna be so pissed when he finds out his little girl is getting fucked by his so called best friend.
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fushigur0ll · 1 year
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — you snuck in the kitchen late at night to eat all the sweets but earth42!miles catches you [ sequel to in sickness & in health ]
including; kisses, you getting caught eating cake, miles carrying you, cuddles and black fem reader!!! not proofread, ignore mistakes
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“i’m not even gonna lie, i’m not in the least bit surprised” miles announced out-loud, making you flinch and yelp, turning around to face him with your mouth messy from the cake and icing.
It was around 5 AM, and miles was rolling into yet another comfortable position in bed when he realized that he wasn't holding you in his arms. He had been hugging air for about an hour now, and as he looked at the bed, he noticed that you were no longer there. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern.
"Babe.." he called out, but received no response other than the faint sound of padding downstairs. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, stretched his limbs, and with a groan, swung his legs off the bed and stood up. He walked across the room towards the door and exited as quietly as possible, hearing the fridge opening and closing. As he walked towards the kitchen, he heard you curse in a loud whispering tone. He saw you struggling to take off the plastic from the cake container, but they made too much noise.
He watched as you huffed in frustration and stepped back, staring at the vanilla cake sitting in its container. You thought to yourself, "If I were to just take it off, it would make too much noise and wake up my beloved sleeping boyfriend." Unbeknownst to you, he was already downstairs, leaning against the doorframe and watching you with amusement.
You sighed and touched the container again, staring at it before taking a deep breath and coughing as loudly as you could to rip off the container. The way you ripped it off was so delayed to your coughing that he wanted to laugh right then and there. However, he held back his laughter and watched as you did a little dance in celebration.
‘cute’ he thinks to himself. you get a fork and start eating the cake, moaning and humming in delight from the taste of vanilla swarming in your mouth.
"I'll have a few more bites, then I'm done," you mumbled to yourself with a mouthful of cake, your words slightly muffled. Miles heard you nonetheless and watched as you took a few more bites which turned to another few more and more and more and more— so you basically lied to yourself but the cake was just too good! you continued to enjoy the half-eaten cake.He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 5:49 AM. Shaking his head, he decided to bring you back to bed. He wanted to present himself to you, and that's where the beginning of this story began and now continues.
you stared at Miles after he announced himself with a fork in your hand, covered in cake. Your mouth was also covered in cake, and even the tip of your nose was smudged with it. Miles couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the mess you had made. You continued to chew and swallow whatever was left in your mouth while still staring at him.
"hi baby!" you smiled and grabbed a paper towel to wipe your mouth off. Miles composed himself and walked towards you, taking the towel from your hand to wipe your mouth. He held your chin and tilted it up to get a better view of what he had to clean.
“so you escape from my arms to come and eat cake because i said no yesterday when you were sick” he raises an eyebrow and you look away
“..because you were being unfair- but me being unfair got you better no?” he cuts you off and smirks when he sees you glare and huff.
“tired of you” you mumble but collapse into his chest hugging him tightly and he hugs you back, kissing your head.
“did you at least enjoy the cake” he asks, looking down at you and you stare back up at him with your chin on his chest.
“it was so good” you whisper, shaking your head and he chuckles, patting your bonnet/hair wrap protected head. “wanna go back to bed now?” he asks removing his arms from you to put the fork in the sink and putting the plastic back on the cake with your arm still around his torso. he looks at you when he was finished and hoists your up and over his shoulder making you yelp and hold his lower back.
“MILES- BOY WHATS WRONG WITH YOU” you panic, kicking your legs and he just pinches your thigh making you hiss and give up. “i hate you”
“you love me” he retorts
“i do, i really do” you sigh helplessly and he laughs, walking out the kitchen and turning off the light on his way out.
he stops suddenly and scrunches up his face. you get confused. “baby? you okay?” you try to look at him from upside down and just as he was about to say something he lets out a huge and ugly sneeze. his eyes widen and then puts you down, glaring at you to which you blink up at him in confusion
“something happened?” you frown and cup his cheeks but they suddenly feel warm so you feel his neck and forehead.
“miles you’re burning up-ohhhhhhh..wooow” you realize as to why he’s glaring at you and suck your lips in trying refrain from laughing but he notices and pounces at you but you were too quick and was already running up the stairs cackling with him right behind you also too fast and caught up with you. he flings you over his shoulder again and sighs, walking towards the bedroom with you giggling drunkly upside down
“and what did i say yesterday?” he grumbles, gently throwing you on the bed, causing you to bounce on it.
"Uhh... that you love me?" you blinked flirtatiously, but all he did was hit you with a pillow, making you laugh even more. He fell on top of you and sighed, sniffling.
“now i have to take care of you” you smile, rubbing the back of his neck and cheek, feeling him doze off on your chest as he just mumbles incoherent things.
“lucky i love you..would’ve thrown you in the garbage can” he mutters tiredly, getting comfortable on your body and you snicker.
“certainly lucky, very lucky indeed”
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fushigur0ll © 2022 all rights reserved. do not plagarize, translate, or post to other sites please.
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princessbrunette · 6 months
💭: sucking rafe’s fingers and looking at him like ‘🥺’ while sitting on his lap and grinding on his hard on ♡ i can clearly picture him looking at me with his mouth slightly open and hazy eyes 💕
– 🪽 anon
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he can already feel the lace of your panties covering your cunt through his shorts when you straddle his lap, being all sweet on him. you’d just arrived at tannyhill, rafe having the house to himself for a while with sarah and wheezie gone and his dad off to another country on some business trip he wasn’t allowed in on.
“y’know we — we could be livin’ like this soon. i mean this place, all ours. my dads thinking of selling this place but what— what he doesn’t know is that m’gonna buy it off him if he does… so he might aswell just give it to me…” he rambles, intense gaze pinning you where you’re sat. you’re the only one who listens to his fanatical plans and believes them, because rafe always gets things done no matter what— he handled everything for you.
your eyes widen yourself, a smile on your face. “really?” you gleam, thighs tightening around his lower body in excitement and he nods, proud smile on his face.
“uh-huh. can start our life together baby, isn’t that —amazing? can have everything the way we want… n’no one’s gonna tell us we can’t…” he muses, the two of you feeding off eachothers happiness, a inkling of insanity and obsession burning in your subconsciouses. his smile melts into a collected smirk, hands squeezing your hips. “can be my little housewife when we get everything figured out… how ‘bout that?”
you suck on your bottom lip, pink hearts practically forming in your pupils as you nod eagerly, wanting to hear more. your hips twitch at the excitement and his cock jumps in his boxers beneath you. you always got eachother hyped up like this, like there was a surge of electricity that flowed through the two of you as one joint unit, travelling through where his hands touched your skin.
“oh you like that idea huh? lemme think, yeah— yeah i’ll get a big shiny rock on that lil’ finger. every girl this side o’the islands g’nna want your head for that, baby. yeah. have you waiting here for me all pretty in those little skirts you like, waitin’ for me to come home from doin’ business… take my suit off for me so i c’n fuck some cameron babies into you… want that with me don’t you, sweetheart?” his voice drops lower as he speaks, feeling the way you grind your cunt against his hardening cock. you’re hanging onto every word, brows furrowed— eyes locked on his. he can feel you panting, your hot breath washing over his own lips as he tilts his head, head leaning against the chair he’s sat on slightly.
“fuck, these pretty lips.” he gets distracted, eyes on your mouth as his hand comes up to drag a thumb along your bottom lip, smearing the gloss around and pulling the plumpness of it down to rub his thumb along the inside of the lip. muscle memory from his coke head days, surely.
your tongue peeks out as you whine, speeding up your movements as you shamelessly hump on him, tasting the salt of his skin off the pad of his coarse thumb. he slots it into your mouth and lets you suck before replacing the thumb with two of his fingers, practically stuffing them into your mouth making your eyes water and brows furrow at the intrusion.
he’s frowning a little in concentration as he watches you suck on them sweetly, grinding and fighting for his approval. “g’nna get that throat nice and ready for me soon. thats uh—” he chuckles to himself before he completes the sentence, knowing its crude. “thats one of your housewife duties, you know?” he grins toothily, eyes never leaving your mouth once.
he looks at you once he pulls the digits out, wiping them carelessly on your cheek as you whine, trembling as you feel your stomach start to tense. “really gonna cum on my pants aren’t you?” he drawls, shaking his head “all ‘cos i promised you that good life, huh. ‘least i know you’ll never leave me. like this shit too much, don’t you?” his voice drops to a low mumble only you could hear as he smushes your cheeks, bringing your lips to his just as you’re about to reach your peak. it sounds so degrading coming from him, but you couldn’t even argue. he was right.
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roxiezsxx · 14 days
Joost x reader Cw: toxic? established relationship, smut During Albino era!! 1,606 Words | 9,191 Characters
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the dusty streets of their small town. Joost sat on the sofa of their wooden house, his fingers drumming an erratic rhythm on the armrest. In the next room over, the faint sounds of dishes being stacked clashed with the tense silence that hung in the air like a suffocating blanket.
Reader emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel, her face set in a tight, weary expression. She glanced at Joost but said nothing, the unspoken words between them thicker than the humid evening air.
"You gonna sit there all night?" Joost's voice broke the silence, rough and edged with irritation.
"Maybe I will," Reader shot back, tossing the towel onto the counter. "At least out here, I can breathe."
Joost's jaw clenched. "Don't start with me, Reader. Not tonight."
"Why not tonight?" Reader's voice rose, sharp and brittle. "What makes tonight any different from the others? You're always looking for a fight. It's all you ever want to fucking do." She snapped, her eyes narrowing at Joost.
Joost stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the wooden floor. "Maybe because you never stop pushing! Every little thing turns into a war with you."
Reader's eyes flashed with anger. "I'm pushing? You're the one who made out with a girl for a music video—then got mad when I didn't like it!"
Joost's shoulders sagged slightly, the fight draining out of him. "Just shut up. You're such a bitch sometimes." He clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes as his hands crossed over his chest, a scoff escaping his lips.
"Bitch," Reader repeated, her voice losing its edge but gaining in raw fury. "I'm a bitch? I think the fuck not! All you do in your songs is talk about how you bag women, but you can't even get me in bed with you lately. Don't fucking chat to me." Reader spat, slamming her fist on the counter.
Joost's eyes narrowed, anger flashing in his gaze. "Maybe you're just a stuck-up skank who can't be bothered looking sexually pleasing lately."
Reader let out a scream of frustration. "Why the fuck would I want to fuck you when all you do is go fucking clubbing?"
"I'm going for a smoke. I fucking can't be assed with you." He spat, storming out of the house, taking his lighter and cigarettes out with him.
The door slammed shut behind him, leaving Reader standing in the kitchen, her hands trembling with rage and despair. She stared at the closed door, the remnants of their latest argument echoing in her ears. As the night deepened, she wondered how much longer they could keep tearing each other apart before nothing was left.
Joost leaned against the porch railing, lighting a cigarette with shaking hands. The first drag did little to calm his nerves. He glanced back at the house, where Reader’s silhouette was barely visible through the window.
The gulf between them seemed insurmountable, filled with sharp words and broken promises. The toxic cycle they were trapped in showed no signs of ending, each fight more brutal than the last. Joost exhaled a plume of smoke, watching it dissipate into the night.
Something had to change, but neither of them knew how to take the first step. He flicked the cigarette butt into the dirt, grinding it under his heel as if he could crush their problems as easily. He knew it wasn't that simple.
Joost took a deep breath, letting the night air cool his heated thoughts. He had loved Reader once, truly and deeply, and somewhere under the layers of anger and hurt, he believed that love still existed. But it had been so long since they'd seen eye to eye, since they'd even tried to understand each other.
Inside, Reader sank into a chair, her mind racing with memories of better days. Days when Joost's touch was gentle, when his words were kind. She missed those days, but she wasn't sure if they could ever get back to them. Joost began to walk back into the house, sitting where he had before the argument broke out.
Both sat in their separate silences, the night stretching long before them.
Joost voice was the first to break the silence, "We cant keep doing this, Reader." He spoke, looking away from her, his arm resting on the arm rest of the sofa.
"No shit." Reader spoke, brows furrowing as she tried to move away from Joost, his hand gripped her thigh- telling her to stay, which she did.
His face looked over at her, looking down at her
"I'll apologize if you do." He spoke, raising a brow
"Piss off, I have nothing to apologize for!" Reader spat, pulling away from him but joost's grip only tightened.
"Fuck- whatever then. I'm not apologizing, whore." He replied snarkly. His eyes narrowed down at Reader.
"Who the fuck are you calling a whore!" Reader snapped, getting ontop of him- hovering over Joost's lap.
A smirked etched upon Joost's lips, his eyes going from her angered expression all the way down to were they were oh so close to connecting too. Joost's hands found their way on Reader's hips.
Reader groaned, trying to get up. Nothing but a yelp came from their mouth as Joost tightened his grip on her hips, slamming her down on his lap.
"Joost, what the fuck!" Reader spat, brows furrowing as she stare down at Joost whom had a pathetic look on his face, it was a half assed smirk at best. "Fucking pervert"
"Mm, you love this fucking pervert though, dont you sugar tits." Joost grinned, his eyes looking Reader's body up and down a smirk etched upon his lips.
"Shut up.." Reader trailed off as Joost's head found its way into the crook of her neck, kissing it so slowly
"Gonna fuck you so good baby.." Joost groaned, kissing and sucking at her neck, biting it occasionally aswell, a grin could be felt on your neck as he licked it teasingly before going back to sucking it.
"Better be." Reader groaned, her arms wrapping around Joost's neck, her fingers finding their way into his hair.
Joost then pulled away, his lip' crashing onto reader's the kiss was sloppy and uncoordinated yet passionate and sexual at the same time.
Their kiss grew more intense, desperation mingling with the raw passion. Joost’s hands roamed up and down Reader’s back, pulling her closer as if trying to bridge the emotional gap that had been widening between them. The heat of the moment overtook the simmering anger that had dominated their interactions for so long.
Reader's fingers tangled in Joost's hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. She could feel the pent-up frustration and longing in every touch, every movement. It was as if they were both trying to erase the hurt and disappointment of the past months through sheer physical closeness.
Joost’s hands slid under Reader’s shirt, his touch sending shivers down her spine. She arched into him, her body responding to his in a way that words had failed to do. Their breaths mingled, hot and heavy, filling the space between them with an electric tension.
"God, I’ve missed this," Joost murmured against her lips, his voice rough with emotion. "Missed you."
Reader paused for a moment, looking into Joost’s eyes. She saw the vulnerability there, the remnants of the man she had fallen in love with. It made her heart ache, but it also gave her a glimmer of hope.
"Then show me," she whispered back, her voice soft but laced with determination. "Show me you still care."
Joost responded with a fervor that took her breath away, his kisses growing more demanding. He stood up, lifting Reader with him, her legs wrapping instinctively around his waist. They stumbled towards the bedroom, their need for each other overpowering everything else.
Inside the dimly lit room, Joost laid Reader gently on the bed, hovering over her for a moment as if savoring the sight of her. He leaned down, capturing her lips once more, his hands exploring her body with a renewed sense of urgency and reverence.
Clothes were discarded hastily, their need for each other outpacing any sense of decorum. When they were finally skin to skin, Joost paused, looking down at Reader with a mixture of awe and tenderness.
Joost slid his cock slowly into Reader's pussy, a gutteral moan escaping his lips, Reader arched her back her moan loud and whiny, the sound sounds the two were making were filthy and disgusting.
"Fuck Joost.." Reader Moaned, her eyes glistening over as Joost thrusted in and out of her.
"fucking hell, Mijn leifje, so fucking tight Hm..?"
Joost groaned, his hips slapping against hers at an animalistic speed it was dirty and sickening but to the two, it felt angelic
"Like getting dumb on my cock, hm? fucking love it dont you." Joost spat, one of his hands gripping one of Readers cheeks, leaning down and kissing them with such feverent hunger. His other hand toyed at her clit- pinching it and played with it.
Reader whined at the feeling of Joost touching her in such ways, needy please of release strung out of her, her lips colliding with his as her nails clawed at his back from the pleasure
"M' close Joost.." Reader groaned, pulling away from the kiss, her eyes glazed over from pleasure.
"Course, you are. Come on then, Cum on my cock- make it look all pretty Ja?" Joost spoke, his voice low as he spoke into Reader's ear, his thrusts never faltering.
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kastelixa · 9 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ Pain Breaks The Rhythm
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title from pain by Boy Harsher
summary: Leon overstimulating you basically.
cw: reader has fem body parts and is referred to as she/her, smut, overstimulation, praise/degradation, crying during sex, Leon’s a little mean, straight up porn no plot lol
wc: 1,486
note: The Leon I had in mind for this was vendetta or death island Leon, but imagine whoever you’d like! Also, little warning methinks? But this is my FIRST smut so pleaseee take that into consideration lol.
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Your eyes flutter shut, tears dripping down your jawline, skin heated and flushed. Everything is fuzzy, and your brain feels like mush.
Really, you don’t know how much more you can take. Has been it hours now? God, it feels like it. Your pussy feels numb, and you swear you can feel your heart beat in your clit.
“Leon,” you mewl, tongue heavy in your mouth, barley able to string together a coherent sentence. Though, at least it’s somewhat audible. “Leon— I can’t, please, s’too much.” the whine that leaves your swollen lips right after is downright pathetic, but you can’t help yourself.
Leon chuckles meanly, a smirk playing on his lips. He knows what he’s doing, of course he does. His thumb keeps on with that same firm circular motion on your pudgy clit, merciless and relentless. “Awe, poor thing,” he murmurs in feigned sympathy.
His muscles flex and bulge with each movement of his wrist, arm tirelessly working along with it to bring you to another mind-breaking climax.
Again, he knows what he’s doing. His hips move slowly, cock pumping into you like its been doing for the past hour. Slow, painfully slow. Slow enough to keep your brain fuzzy until he abruptly rolls his hips upwards sharply, eliciting a yelp from you.
“no, noo don’t do that, s’mean, please—“
Leon shushes you with his lips, cooing at you soothingly— only to make that same movement again, and again, and again. “Leonnn…” you whine, newfound tears welling up and spilling over.
“Shhh, baby,” he chuckles, “I got you. Besides, you can handle a few more, no?” he cocks his head to the side, tauntingly raising an eyebrow. His freehand moves upwards, index finger and thumb clamping onto a nipple and pinching.
You whimper, tongue lolling out while you softly panted. Eyes squeezing shut, you mewl in protest, body wriggling upwards in a pitiful attempt to escape the overstimulation. “noo, can’t, s’too much, can’t cum no more—“
A sharp slap is suddenly heard, and you squeak in surprise, hips jerking upwards at the sudden strike your cunt received. Leon gazes down at you expectantly, eyes narrowed, daring you to defy him. “m’sorry, didn’t mean to, promise. I’ll be good.”
Leon subtly smiles upon hearing your slurred apologies and pleads, his cold expression softening slightly. “There’s my good girl,” he coos, his freehand continuing to play with your pert nipples roughly while the other one toys with your clit, touch careless yet precise.
He tweaks one bud and then moves onto the other one, tugging and pinching instead. You whimper, each touch feels like electricity being sent straight to your clit. More slick leaks from your cunt, more than ever.
By now, even unable to think clearly, you know there’s a mess on the bed. A large stain that would surely take hours to clean out, the once light grey sheets now dark and moist with cum and juices. And it’s mostly your fluids.
It’s a thought that makes your cheeks heat up in embarrassment and your heart skip a beat. Because you know Leon’s gonna tease you for it in due time.
“Almost there,” Leon hums calmly, his eyes almost pitch black with how blown his pupils are. His cock twitches inside of you, constantly reminding you of the fact that he gets off on playing with you like this. Playing is what he calls it. Torture you feel is more fitting.
“Lee… please…” you whimper, lips pouty and eyes glazed over. Gazing up at him through dark lashes, a single tear spilled, making you look even more pitiful than before— if that were even possible.
He must’ve been in a good mood, because for once, Leon did feel pity for you. “okay, honey,” the corner of his lips twitched, threatening to form into a triumphant smirk. And with that, he picked up pace, hands switching position to hold onto your shoulders, fingers digging into your skin and forming dimples around his fingertips. Ready to give you that final send into heaven.
His hips rammed into yours, flesh slapping against flesh and echoing in the otherwise silent room. His balls rhythmically padded against your ass, your pussy squelching loudly with every thrust.
“uhnn, oh gosh, Leon, ah!” you babbled incoherent nonsense, eyes practically going cross and drool slowly trickling down your chin. If you could see yourself right now, you wouldn’t know wether to laugh or look away.
Leon grunts, a soft groan leaving him when your slurred, angelic voice reached his ears. “Jus’ one more, c’mon. Fuck, you’re so wet. Pussy is swallowing me whole,”
Dirty word after dirty word escapes him, fueling the fire coursing through your veins like a dose of drugs. Your tits bounce up and down, and Leon is staring at them with no shame.
And he touches them with no shame too. His hands shoot out, roughly cupping the swell of your breasts, groping and squeezing in time with his thrusts. “Love your pussy. Love these too,” he grunts, his left hand moving downwards slightly to let his fingers pinch at your nipple teasingly.
That’s the thing about Leon, he just can’t keep his hands off you. Or stay still. It’s quite a combination, a dangerous one for you in this case. Because, god, you don’t think you can take anymore.
“Such pretty tits y’got. All mines, huh?” he growls, head ducking to take the swollen nub into his mouth, lips latching on and eagerly sucking. His tongue darted out, hot and wet, swirling and fluttering, heightening your already fucked out senses.
You whine loudly, a high pitched moan following right after. The mattress squeaks, the bed frame scraping against the floor, surely leaving marks that would cost a load to pay for. But that doesn’t matter when your brain is currently getting fucked out.
Leon picks up a punishing pace until his hips are rabbiting into yours, his grip on your tits almost bruising. Leaning back from your swollen nipple, he crashes his lips into yours, tongue thrusting in and fucking into your mouth.
You’re too dazed to respond properly, so you just suck and lick at his tongue dumbly, and soon enough it’s nothing but messy drool and spit being exchanged in this messy kiss.
“What a dumb fucking baby,” Leon coos mockingly, playfully nipping at your bottom lip, drawing blood. He laps at the crimson liquid soothingly, before planting a sloppy kiss against your forehead. The coppery taste lingers on his tongue.
That rush of adrenaline starts to gradually increase, until suddenly it feels like your brain is getting tasered— not as much as your pussy though. “Oh, fuck, fuck fuck, Leon— Leon m’gonna—“
“Yeah? Let it all out— yeah, there we go,” he rumbles, eyes glazing over momentarily as he took in the intensity and view of your orgasm. Your vision went white in a sudden hot flash of pleasure, so intense. It was too much, far too much. Overwhelming.
Hiccuping out a tiny sob, tears streamed down your cheeks while you whined against the intensity, thighs trembling and twitching violently. Leon held you close, holding your head up against the crook of his neck, murmuring reassurances and cooing praise.
He slowed down his movements, and you barely even registered the cum that shot up your pussy in loads, bubbling out against Leon’s dick and forming a foamy white ring around it.
“There’s my good girl. Yeah, jus’ let it alll out. I got you, honey. There there,” he went on over and over, lips planting sweet kisses all over your face, lingering on your cheeks before he pulled back reluctantly.
It was almost enough to make you forgive him. Almost. Well, maybe you did forgive him. You always did.
Gaining the strength to open your eyes, you whimpered pathetically, heavily panting as you attempted to catch your breath. “Lee… Leon… m’tired,” you mewled, eyes droopy and eyelashes clumped up with tears.
“Poor baby,” Leon cooed, “I know, I know,” he sighed, feigning exhaustion. Slowly pulling out of your abused cunt with a small grunt, his cock came loose with a loud squelching noise. He paused, watching as jizz slowly oozed out of your gaping entrance, painting the sheets beneath you with a puddle of white. Yet again.
The sight was enough to get his cock half hard once more despite the amount of times he’s cum along with you. But he’s willing to give you a break, for now that is. His calloused hand gently cupped your cheek, thumb brushing away some stray tears.
“You did so good, baby. I got you now, ‘kay?” he reassures, gently shifting himself off your body and scooting upwards until he’s at your side, spooning your quivering frame. “Jus’ relax with me for a little,” he murmured, lips lightly pressing against your collarbone.
He’ll clean you up in a bit, for now— some rest and recuperation is needed.
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bledmouth · 1 month
boothill brain rot ! cw for injury.
“aw heck..not you.” boothill cringes- his body squeaks and scrapes as he limps toward the operating table.
you shrug a carefree shoulder, “be glad i’m the one treating you, if it were somebody else..they'd be happy to scrap your ass till you're out of order.”
boothill tries to remain calm, one of his fist clenches as he directly looks at you with narrowed eyes.
you were highly aware of the fact that his synesthesia beacon was indeed tampered with, so you entertained yourself by saying a few cuss words here and there, making sure he heard it all.
“you keep yourself safe..” (kill yourself) his voice is low with irritation- and you find it funny how his threats almost sound empty because you know that he knows you're right.
“go on, sit.” you gesture to the flat space of the operating table, boothill grunting as he struggles to sit on the table.
“those vermin.. i coulda beaten ‘em,” boothill seethes under his breath, you could feel the tension in the air as he talks about the incident.
“left me no choice, my arm disconnected- dumb thing, it wouldn't move even though i budged-” he sighs, long and tired as he slumps in defeat.
your gloved fingers touched the apple of his cheek and he grunts when you graze at a particularly deep cut.
the ‘blood’ was blue, it emmited a slightly foul smell but it wasn't anything you weren't used to already.
“it's amazing how you can feel like an actual person,” you say automatically, “no offense.” boothill just chuckled, low and mocking, “no comment.”
“a relief they didn't damage your brain, it would've been such a problem to put you back together hm?” you clean the wound on his cheek, as it begins to look smaller now.
after the clean up, you move to his right arm- it was limp and damaged, almost as if it was hit with a sledgehammer repeatedly.
“this arm needs replacing,” you grab one of the chargers that's compatible for his other arm and plug it in its port- and you pay your attention back to his right one.
“body makeover! i’m gonna need your consent so i can shut you down for…uh..” a finger on your chin, “an hour or two?”
boothill gives you a look you've never seen before, although it was gone instantly and he feigns nonchalance.
“yeah, yeah. just be quick with it,” his brows furrow with his eyes on the ground, “i still have a job to finish.”
you nod, understanding, “don't worry, this is only protocol for ‘humane’ tampering, i don't want you to experience any type of ‘pain’.”
he scoffs at your obvious choice of words, beating around the bush to even call him anything remotely human. nonetheless he nods and that gives you all the confirmation you need before you lower the operating table so you could plug the large charger that's gonna be attached to his back.
“hang tight cyborg, you'll be awake in a few.”
"testing, testing-" you say aloud as you wait for boothill to respond. his eyes open first, then he twitches his fingers- the mechanic whirring of his body was steadily optimizing as you wait for an open response.
"a..am i fixed?" boothill groans as he suddenly feels his head spinning, his mind blank as he tries to look around with his eyeballs- although he feels as if they've been ripped from their sockets.
"welcome back to the human world!" you say with enthusiasm- and boothill feels like ripping his ears from his head.
"get me outta this thing," he tries to sit up, but the heavy charger plug prevents him from moving, and his back stays flat on the table.
he picks up another voice in the room- his ears alert as he hears you talk to someone, "quite the specimen.." incoherent mumbling in the distance that he couldn't make into a full sentence.
"don't move," boothill hears you shuffling toward him now, your white coat finally in his peripheral vision as you remove the holter monitor that stuck on his face, "you're immobilized," your face is now in front of his, your body blocking out the blinding light of the artificial lamp. "for now at least."
"when are you gonna release me." boothill demands, the crack in his voice goes noticable by you- but you remain stoic, or rather, professional.
"shh..m’ busy with an invigilator right now, i'll release you once he leaves. he's kind of a big shot, so it'll take a while. you finally show some emotion with a small, genuine frown. "trust me, it'll be over soon."
"oh fuck you. didn't i say i had somewhere to be?" he whisper-yelled at you, the computers behind him that recorded his current emotion state has increased.
you were taken aback by his sudden change of demeanor, but it didn't phase you as you gave him a knowing look.
"feel different yet?" the question made his eyebrow raise, although he seemed to realize it a second later as he gasps in shock.
"d-did i just.. CUSS? OUT LOUD? DID I JUST SAY FUCK- OH MY FUCK- SON OF A BITCH! THAT WAS ME WASN'T IT?" boothill laughs in disbelief, his grumble echoes in the laboratory.
you smile proud, "oh yeah," you pretend to think thoughtfully, "i fixed your synesthesia beacon just ‘cause." you shrug.
"yer not so useless after all." boothill praises, sending a once in a lifetime smile your way.
you roll your eyes- "maybe..shut up?" it was heartfelt though.
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ghouljams · 1 year
Ghoul if you don’t write Ghost absolutely falling apart ugly crying when he discovers what Gooses scar is about and how he possibly could have never met the love of his life Elmo is gonna SUE
Make. That. Man. Cry!!!
He doesn’t even bother knocking when he opens your door. You clutch your shirt to your chest, glaring over your shoulder at Simon. Rude. He just raises a brow and shuts the door tight behind him.
“Got a minute?” He asks, moving close, and you know you’re not going to tell him no. Not when his hand cups your face and he lets you tug his mask down to kiss him, your shirt forgotten on the floor.
He must’ve just come in. His skin is still warm from the sun where you touch him, and there’s the last taste of tobacco on his tongue. His hand slides over your chest as he kisses you, giving your breast an appreciative squeeze before dragging towards your fly. You make a quiet noise against his lips when it slips over your scar, his touch stilling against the slightly raised edges of it.
Simon's fingers feel over the scar, rough calloused pads dragging along the sensitive delicate skin. The ugly line of it where it cuts across your stomach. He drags his fingers along the whole thing, from your waist to where it stops just below your belly button. You wish you knew what he was thinking. You've had years to grow out of being self conscious, but that didn't mean it didn't still rear its ugly head. Especially when it was a man you- 
Simon probably doesn't even care, his torso is littered with scars. You're sure he doesn't even remember how he got half of them. 
"How'd you get this beauty?" He asks, so quiet you almost don't hear him.
"Sort of a blur," you tell him. He nods like he understands, you think he does.
"Tell me." Simon hums, dropping to his knees and pressing his lips to the top of the scar on your waist. You do your best not to wince, remembering the way the bull's horn had torn into you.
"Was helping the Lucas'," You start, "their bull is tipped now but back then they were all about-" Simon kisses you again, lower down the scar, your breath hitches, "-natural, uh, natural horns. I must've spooked it or something because it-" you let out a pained hum when he presses his lips lower still, tracing the line of the scar with his mouth, "-it caught me with its horn and ripped me clean open." You finish in a rush, Simon freezes.
"It what?" You hate when his voice goes even like that. When you can't hear his breathing anymore.
"Gutted, tore, nearly eviscerated," you give him the words the doctors used, that your dad used when he was upset. Your stomach jumps when Simon kisses it again, clean flesh this time, and presses his forehead against your diaphragm. "If Soap hadn't been there I probably wouldn't have made it," that's what the doctors had told him at least, "you know how long it takes EMS to get anywhere out here," Simon's fingers tighten on your hips, "he kept pressure the whole time, made sure all my guts stayed put." 
You thread your fingers through Simon's hair, scratching and pulling affectionately, "It's funny I don't even remember what we'd gone over to help with, but I remember how blue the sky was while I was laying in the grass waiting."
Simon has gone very quiet. He's completely still, save for his thumbs rubbing small circles against your hips. You're not sure who he's soothing. It happens quickly, his arms wrap around your hips and lift you so fast you have to duck to avoid hitting the ceiling fan. Curling over his head before he drops you on your bed. 
You let out a noise of surprise, opening your arms for him as Simon climbs on top of you and lays down. His head settled against your chest, his arms wrapped tight around your waist, he doesn't say a word and you- you don't either. You let him have his silence. You let him lay on you, listen to the beat of your heart, the way your lungs fill when you take a breath, the rush of blood, the sounds of life. A life he almost missed. 
He's never been more thankful for one Sergeant MacTavish in his life. Never been more thankful for you, and all the little ways life had to go just right for him to meet you. Your fingers scratch the base of his skull, and you’re humming some quiet lilting tune he doesn’t know, but he wants to. He wants to know every thought that goes through your head, every kindness you’ll ever afford him. Every way he could show you he loves you. 
“You cryin’ baby?” You ask him gently, there’s no judgement in your voice, just the question.
“No.” He lies, feeling you hum your acceptance.
“S’okay,” You tell him, “I don’t mind.”
And you don’t. So he does.
Big heaving silent sobs that shake his whole body, fat tears that you brush away with every gentleness. You don’t think Ghost has ever cried, but you think Simon has needed to for a while. And he’s crying for you, over a loss that didn’t happen, over the pain you went through. Over the lonely days waiting for your body to be whole again, and the fact that neither of you will ever be lonely again. Maybe you’ll be hurt, but never lonely. You’ll make sure of it. He’ll make sure of it.
"Johnny burn down the Lucas' house?" Simon asks, looking up from where he'd buried his face in your chest with watery eyes.
"Just their barn," you cup his cheek, wiping away a stray tear with your thumb. Simon gives you a little hiccuping sob around his frown and angry eyebrows.
"Should've killed 'em." It's a little hard to take him seriously when his voice wobbles like that. When his lip trembles and tears start falling again. You shush him, and let him press his face against you again.
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 months
Hey, i was wondering if you took angsty fluff requests. If so, i was wondering if you could do obey me lucifer with a teen reader who got diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in the back. I recently got diagnosed with it and wanted to request something while im stuck in bed for the next couple days lol. Its oke if you cant tho.
Hi, love, hope you're doing alright <3 Here's some soft Lucy for you.  Obviously, I do not know what it's like for you but I did some research and I hope you like it! :D
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It's evening when you knock on Lucifer's door. "Come in," he says and you gingerly do, looking at him from the door. 
"My back hurts and I can't sleep," you say and Lucifer beckons you closer. "I have some painkillers somewhere around here," he says, shuffling around in his desk drawer. "Why do you have painkillers?" you mumble, sitting down at the edge of his desk. "For you, of course," he says as you get comfortable, your feet no longer touching the ground. He says a small "aha" as he finds what he's looking for and hands you the painkillers. Before you can even ask, he hands you a water bottle and watches as you swallow the pills. "Better?" he asks and you nod. "Yeah, thanks," you say while fiddling with your hands in your lap.
"What's wrong?" he asks and you sigh. "Nothing," you say and Lucifer frowns. You look up and purse your lips, crossing your arms. "Fineeee," you say. "I'm just scared I'll be like this forever," you say. "What if I never get better?" you murmur. Lucifer takes your hand in his own and gives it a soft squeeze. 
"You're going through something very tough right now," he says softly. "It will not be easy, but you will get through it all right? You are not alone in this. Lean on me, lean on my brothers," he says and you sniffle. He stands up from his chair and pulls you into a hug, pressing a soft kiss into your hair. "We'll take it one day at a time, yeah?" 
You stop when you drop your pen, looking down at it. "You gonna pick that up?" Lucifer asks standing next to you, looking at the pen as well. You nod slowly, unable to tear your eyes from the pen. "Yeah, I'll pick it up right in a second or two," you say, but you wince when you feel a sharp sting in your back. "Or maybe I'll just leave it there, who needs a pen anyways," you say and laugh bitterly. Lucifer scoffs and picks up the pen for you, handing it to you. "Don't be silly, you can't just leave a perfectly good pen behind," he jokes and you give him a pointed look, taking the pen. "Thanks," you say and he smiles at you, before heading out of the room. 
The next time you open your pencil case in class, there are at least twenty pencils in there, that you're certain come from Lucifer. You're definitely not running out of pens at this rate. 
You whine when your blanket is pulled at and cling to it like a cat. "Leave me alone!" you say and Lucifer grumbles, letting go of your precious blanket. He says your name in a sharp tone and you open your eyes, glaring at him. 
"You have school,"
"I. don't. care." 
You have a staring contest for a while, which you essentially lose because demons barely blink. 
"Why won't you go?" Lucifer finally asks but his tone is stern and mean. You frown at him some more, for good measure. "Everything hurts, I hate it here," you say and turn to your side, before immediately making a noise of pain and turning back. "If I could I would turn my back to you, but this is the only comfortable position for me to lay in," you say and the corners of Lucifer's lips turn slightly upwards. 
"What can I do for you?" he asks and you roll your eyes. "Well, for starters you can let me skip school," you say. 
"And some painkillers would be nice,"
"Got it,"
"Also a heating pad," 
"I can get that for you,"
You look at Lucifer. He looks back. 
"And some chocolate," 
"Everything hurts, Lucy, I can't walk," you complain, stopping in the middle of the street and crossing your arms. Lucifer stops and his eyes narrow at you. "You were walking perfectly fine a few minutes ago," he states and you roll your eyes. "Yes and now I'm telling you, my joints hurt," you say and a deep sigh leaves Lucifer. He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. 
"All right," he says. "I guess it can't be helped." 
Lucifer kneels in front of you, with his back turned towards you. You stare at the back of his head for a while, before he turns to look at you over his shoulder, his hands motioning for you to come near. 
"Don't make me wait, get on," he says and your mouth opens then closes again. You're completely speechless. The avatar of pride is literally kneeling in front of you. "O-okay, yeah, whatever," you eventually say, getting on Lucifer's back. You wrap your arms around his neck and his hands hook under your knees, keeping you in place. "There we go," he says and stands up, beginning to walk down the path to The House of Lamentation. 
You walk in silence for a while, (or well, Lucifer walks) as you rest your head on his shoulder. "Thank you," you murmur and you catch the corner of Lucifer's lips turning slightly upwards. "Gotta keep my little human comfortable, right?" 
Divider by @/cafekitsune.
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presleyluvschris · 2 months
Hey I got a request for jj
That jj is a single dad to a baby girl and he is to scared to hold because he will think he will drop her and John b everyday will try and get jj to hold her then one day jj was holding her on his chest then he takes her everywhere With him hope that make sense
Koala Care
dad!jj x fem!reader x daughter
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a/n ahh this is so cutie! thank you for the request anon, love you bunches!
desc JJ holds his baby girl for the first time
wc 1.2k
warnings cursing, grammar, fluff
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"Peaches?" JJ comes in through the back door of the chateau, carefully shutting it behind him as he walks through the kitchen to set down a box full of baby supplies.
The usual. Diapers, baby food, her favorite yogurt melts, more of his old band & surf t-shirts to wrap her up in.
He notices Aria crying her eyes out behind him in between the white rails of her bed. he must have forgotten to change her when he left. He also noticed it was pissing off John B who was trying to work on something probably useless and he caught the hint that he's been listening to her cry for at least an hour.
"Shit," he mutters, messing with his backwards hat as he turns his attention away from Aria for a split second to glance at John B. Turns out he was fixing a cooler for the boat.
"Bro." he goes over to him, kicking him in the leg slightly, "You seen Y/n? I really need her help knowing what measurements of tit milk I'm supposed to feed mini me."
John B rolls his eyes to the ceiling as he screws in the side of the cooler handle.
"First of all," he says through a gritted tone from a bolt in between his teeth.
"You gotta stop with the teenage boy, language wording shit."
He spits out the bolt and screws another nail into the bottom.
"You're like a dad now. Its your dick and your daughter, buddy. You really want your kid to go around saying, tit milk?"
JJ tuts. "Bro she cant even talk yet. Plus, I don't remember half the shit i said as a fucking baby. Maybe thats cause my dad probably beat the shit out of me where I like- lost half my cells, but i ain't changing. Plus, daddy will raise her to be the best hooker of man kind. Shes a Pogue, shes not gonna be a goody two shoes if my life depends on it."
John B turns his head around and gives him a look.
"Jesus Christ JJ, did anything click when your girlfriend popped a living thing out of her ass?" He purses his lips.
JJ points his lips downwards and shrugs.
"Or are you always gonna be known as the dad who raised a stripper?" John B rolls his eyes again, taking a weird clear plate out of his box, "Y/n is a doctor for fucks sake, she's the only hope for raising her I swear to God."
John B shakes his head, "I've told you everyday now. You haven't even held her yet."
JJ grips his hat, "Thats because im gonna drop the kid!"
John b slaps his forehead.
"You're litterally her DAD, JJ! Y/n popped a baby out of her kitty sack and you seriously didnt even touch her the day she was born." John B raises his eyebrows. "Do you remember that? Y/n cried in Kie's room FOR AN HOUR thinking you didnt want the kid!"
JJ opens his mouth to respond then stops.
"Whatever. Go back to fixing your cold box and shit," He turns his back to walk away.
John B changes the tip on his screwdriver, "You're gonna have to hold your own ass daughter eventually, dude."
"I hope you screw a nail in your dick!" JJ calls out and tuts again, mumbling under his breath, "teaching me how to handle my own kid..."
"im the one fixing this goddamn cooler so you can drink your shit ass blue moon chilled!" John b yells back, JJ opening the door and slamming it shut to try and find you again.
"y/nnnn," he groans, calling out your name, finding you sitting on the steps outside.
He kneels down and wraps his big arms around you, kissing the side of your head gently.
"Hi baby," he mutters, "How was work?"
you felt your head pulsating before forcing yourself to give a response.
"Hmmm fine. it was busy."
"Yeah?" he strokes your head, "Real quick."
You sigh slightly, "Hmm?"
"how much ti-" He stops, and clears his throat.
"How much milk do I need to feed Ari?" He says in a soft voice, knowing you had a blaring headache from your shift.
You exhale, leaning your arms on your knees.
"theres about 7 oz in the fridge."
He nods, "thank you sweets," he kisses your hair one last time before leaving you in peace to rest your mind.
He goes back inside the chateau, opening the fridge and taking out the bottle, reaching over Aria's crib and putting the tip to her mouth.
"there we are, sweet girl.." he holds the back of her head while she drinks gently, her cries settling down.
After Aria is finished, he stares at her for a moment.
Why was it so hard for him to hold his own daughter? He feels a wave of guilt floods over his spine.
He reaches his hands out, then stops.
"God damnit," He sighs.
"Okay." He stares at Aria one more time. "3, 2.."
"Fuck this."
He picks Aria up gently in his arms, his heart jumping as he does so.
"Holy shit," he breathes. "Oh my God."
He holds her to his chest, making sure to support her back, something he learned in a parenting book he found online as he feels his soul melt in his stomach.
"There we go," he coos softly, rocking her up and down gently.
"Hi love." he holds her up to look in her eyes with the biggest grin on his face.
"You have your mommas eyes, don't you?"
It's like he fell in love with you all over again. Just this time, it was a baby. And it was his baby.
He holds her to him again, hearing you opening the screen door to come back inside the chateau as he looks at you with the stupidest smile on his face.
"JJ.." you breathe, a grin full of your white perfect teeth filling the room as you jog over to him.
You rub his arm gently as you stare at Aria in JJ's arms.
"im so glad." You said, tears slightly filling the bottom of your eyes as your breath catches in your throat.
"She has your eyes," He repeats the observation he made earlier.
You nod with a sniffle, chuckling slightly.
"She has your lips."
JJ presses another soft kiss into the side of your neck.
A few days later, you noticed that JJ dorkily bought one of those baby carrier things to attach to your chest, and you had to admit it was pretty cute seeing Aria giggle with him, taking her everywhere he went.
John B was relieved her finally built up the balls to hold his kid, and if you were honest, you were relieved too.
Kiara bullied him everyday for taking Aria with him everywhere because the baby holder he chose was literally hot pink. Really hot pink.
He was so happy everyday. To be the dad that he never had. The one he had prayed and wished for everyday as a kid.
JJ was such a tough guy, tough face, tough love, tough soul.
but I guess not when it came to you and Aria. You and her were his new world and there was nothing in the entire universe that could take that away from him.
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☆ divider & gif credits to @viixcyre @baby-bearie
my navigation ♡
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camilaxmartin · 3 months
velvette stressing about a date with reader/getting ready
so stressed, obsessed
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navigation // rules // masterlist
summary: how the getting ready for a date looks from velvette perspective
warnings: NOT PROOF READ; some cursing probably, you can count some parts as suggestive
note: i made headcanons out of this cause it fitted more for me (it just looks like headcanons it’s literally a one shot but let’s skip that) i was having a stressful night and just wanted to get it out:)
note 1.2: i love writing my princess as a mess cause as much as she loves being organised i can’t get messy velvette out of my head:) - it’s about balance yk?
requests: open!!
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ღ | velvette was soo excited about the date and hear me out, so excited. of course, she was going on a lot of dates i mean look at this girl but this time it felt… different
ღ | the time you asked her out (cause we both know she wouldn’t do it if she actually liked someone and was nervous around them) she tried to play it off and it actually worked until you heard her little giggle when she thought you wouldn’t be able to hear it
ღ | the first thing she did after you’ve asked her out was literally stumble through her whole wardrobe to find something to wear that night you two were gonna meet up. she shuffled through all of her clothes and groaned in frustration as nothing was even close to being enough to what she had in mind for that night
ღ | velvette decided she was gonna try and make something to wear and the start of it was really promising, but soon after she got to like half the dress she thrown it out of her hands and groaned loudly not feeling like her skills were enough (which is fucking RARE for this girl)
ღ | she grabbed her phone and looked up some dresses online trying to find *the one* but nothing seemed right to her. she locked her phone and thrown it away on the ground, jumping on her bed and falling with her face right into her pillows. she wanted everything to be perfect and yet it felt like the whole hell was against her
ღ | soon after her mumbling to herself that everything is shit and she shouldn’t even go on this date, she fell asleep her hair getting out of control, as always when she slept without earlier preparation for it
ღ | the next morning she woke up on her own, her eyes opening slightly as she had no clue she had fallen asleep the day before. she sat up on her bed and unwilling stumbled out of it to grab her phone and check the time
ღ | her hair literally straightened out on its own when she saw the time. it was way too late for her usual routine and by now she should’ve been already in her studio preparing her show. she groaned, which was like literally the only noice she was making for the past two days, and send vox a quick message that she won’t be able to make it today so he has to think something out
ღ | she sighed as she thrown her phone away once again and laid back down starring at the ceiling, rethinking every decision she has ever made in her entire life
ღ | after about half an hour she was already in front of her wardrobe looking for something at least decent to wear for tonight. after many and i mean, many difficulties she has finally chosen a dress matching it with some high boots, a silky jacket and a small purse in the same color as that dress. she wasn’t fully proud and happy with the choice but it was the best she could do. she rolled her eyes throwing that outfit on her bed and stormed into her bathroom knowing she’s already way too behind in her daily routine
ღ | because she has fallen asleep yesterday without planning it first, she had no idea what hairstyle should she wear for tonight. i mean sure- she has thought about it a million times already but hasn’t decided on anything yet. she looked herself in the mirror her hands immediately touching her face in all the spots she wanted to change or just get fixed and sighed feeling her anxiety rising up
ღ | velvette shook her head, took out her phone putting on her favourite playlist to get ready, and undressed, getting into the shower and preparing for one of the longest showers of her life. she turned the water on, heat of it hitting her skin immediately as she sighed in pleasure, getting her favourite shampoo and razor from one of the shelves. she bubbled up her hair and rinsed it out almost immediately putting on some conditioner and making sure not to wet her hair for a while. she then get to washing and dolling up all of her body. she quickly shaved her legs, armpits and decided to shave between her legs as well i mean- you never know what can happen right? especially if you’re in hell
ღ | after removing all of that hair from her body, she rinsed herself off and put on body scrub, scrubbing all of her dead skin off and doing it a bit too aggressively for her liking but what you’re not doing for beauty right? she rinsed off the body scrub as well and finally cleaned her whole body with rose soap getting herself all nice and clean. then she rinsed the conditioner from her hair and washed it with shampoo one again
ღ | finally, she stopped the water and get out of the shower shaking her head before getting out. she grabbed her favourite towel and wrapped it around herself, grabbing a special towel for her hair and wrapping it up as well. she looked herself in the mirror once again and smiled, handing for a body cream to get herself even more soft than she already has been
ღ | after doing so, she took out her face cosmetics and washed her face, doing a face mask in the spare time and then putting on milion of her creams and serums to made sure she was perfect for tonight
ღ | she took a deep breath as she looked at the time and realised she had to fasten up the whole process a bit. she unwrapped her hair from the towel and thrown it on the glass of her shower to dry, as she shook her head once again to feel if her hair needs fake drying or not
ღ | velvette whined and walked out of her bathroom still wrapped in her towel, as she walked over to her wardrobe to pick out some underwear. she quickly decided on a red set with pink and blue hearts on it, and panties that didn’t leave much to imagine. she smirked looking down at it, hoping she wouldn’t wear it for nothing tonight as she walked back to her bathroom putting it on
ღ | being in only her underwear she got started on her makeup knowing it’s probably going to take up most of her time. she took out all of her cosmetics and stuff and got to work. she was singing along to her playlist and actually having a good time while putting all of it on, her mind letting her anxiety go down for a few moments. she was doing her usual routine with her makeup, but also added small hearts around her eyes, something she didn’t do normally, every one of them matching her eyeshadow
ღ | when she was done she looked at the time and realised she needed to be ready in about an hour. her eyes widened as she stormed out of the bathroom and grabbed her picked out outfit, walking over to the huge mirror in her room looking herself up and down. she smiled to herself seeing her body, she was never the one to be insecure about it or at least that’s what she was telling herself, and started putting on the dress having a little trouble with it as she was trying not to get it wet with her still wet hair. she let out a sigh as she managed to put on the dress without any unwanted problems and sat down on the floor to put on her boots. she bit her lip, her thoughts going to the planned date again as she felt her nerves rising again. she took a deep breath trying to calm herself but it did nothing. she zipped up one of her boots and looked at it in the mirror smiling and admitting to herself that it didn’t actually look as bad as she thought it did. she quickly put on the other boot and made a little spin in front of her mirror admiring how her look turned out
ღ | she took another deep breath and ran to the bathroom to dry her hair. she looked at the time and tried not to freak out more as the hour of your meeting was getting closer and closer. she took out the hairdryer from one of the cabinets and plugged it in, knowing it’s gonna take her a while to get at least a presentable hairstyle
ღ | she has been drying her hair and drying as finally they become fully dry. she smiled to herself in the mirror and when she glanced at the time she instantly freaked out. if she didn’t leave now, she’d be late. but her hair wasn’t fully done
ღ | velvette bite her lip and grabbed her phone writing you a message that she was gonna be late a bit and trying not to make it sound as nervous as she was feeling at that moment. did it work? you can just imagine how that message look, i mean it was something along the lines of:
hiya babes, i’m gonna be a little bit late, hope you will wait for me xx
i’m running late, so just wait for me and don’t you dare say anything about it when i finally get there, see ya xoxo
ღ | safe to say she was even more stressed out now. she quickly grabbed her hairbrush and started aggressively brushing her hair getting mad at herself more with every second and every brush passing. she let out a whine sounding like she was at the edge of crying and looked at herself in the mirror reminding herself, that she can’t cry now as it would ruin her makeup and she’d need even more time to fix it
ღ | velvette took a deep breath and grabbed another conditioner to style her hair. after a few moments she managed to pull her iconic two ponytails while leaving her bangs curled (like her natural hair, i have ep. 8 in mind)
ღ | she smiled to herself admiring how good she actually looked and quickly grabbed her phone storming out of her bathroom, grabbing her early picked-out jacket along with her purse and immediately left the vee’s building like it was literally on fire
ღ | as she was walking to the spot you two agreed on, she felt like her whole skin was on fire, her heart was pounding in her chest and the biggest lump was forming in her throat. she tried calming down as she started brainlessly scrolling through all of her social media’s but nothing seemed to help. she shoved her phone annoyed into her purse and cursed herself in her mind for choosing such a small one. her thoughts were getting louder and louder with every second, even starting to tell her that this whole date was a huge mistake and she shouldn’t have agreed to it
ღ | she was inside her head the whole time as she finally reached the spot you two chose and saw you standing before it, waiting for her yet not looking mad that she was late. her head became empty in a second and an uncontrollable smile creeped onto her face as she walked over to you with her usual confidence, yet her stomach was starting to fill up with butterflies. she finally reached you and greeted you with a small wave and a simple “hi” to which you immediately responded with another “hi”, wide smile and a wave back
ღ | velvette was sure there and then that no matter what outfit she would’ve picked or whatever hairstyle she pulled or if she even showed up two hours late looking like an old windbag (see what i did here?;) all of her doubts would leave instantly when she saw your beautiful smile that was apparently reserved for her only
ღ | the date, obviously, went amazingly and you guys picked out another day to meet up once again, despite the fact that that night velvette wasn’t alone walking back to the vee’s tower and definitely wasn’t the only one sleeping in her bed
ღ | the hopes she had while picking out the underwear before going out definitely got fulfilled
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