#because it's very clear she's not as powerful as she wants to think she is regardless of how much brute force she has
iamthedukeofurl · 2 days
Tactical Breach Wizards is a fairly short game. Not a ton of story content or character work compared to a major RPG like baldur's gate or Dragon Age. But the character work that we get is absolutely delicious. (Spoilers Ahoy) Let's talk about Dall. Dall is probably the most serious character we see. Zan and Jen are trying to avoid a dark future that Zan witnessed in a prophecy. Banks is out for revenge. Rion doesn't want to see his hometown consumed by war, but all of them are kind of detached. Possibly because, despite their various traumas, they are Wizards. They have super powers, and are generally at a considerable advantage over their foes. Dall is also a wizard, but if you look at her kit, she's only got a single ability that is clearly magical: her swap. If you keep an eye on the worldbuilding, it becomes clear. The other wizards have Vessels and Channels, magically crafted items that let them use different powers or their powers in a new way. They have training in how to use their magic. Dall is from a nation that is taught that magic only exists among "Blessed" members of the brutal theocracy that Dall is fighting against. She has no training and no support. She has her tricks, but mostly she's on equal footing with her opponents, she's even using the equipment of a Riot Priest, probably the most visible symbol of the oppression she's fighting. And speaking of that brutal theocracy, Dall does something I don't think I've seen very much. "Rebel fighting against an oppressive theocracy" is pretty common, but Dall, and most of her fellow rebels, are wholehearted believers in the religion. Usually rebels against the oppressive theocracy have a bit of the Reddit atheist thing going on. "Ugh, how can anybody believe in that nonsense" Dall instead has fury. How DARE the Chapel take her faith, a source of strength and comfort to her, and use it as a tool of oppression. How DARE they claim to speak for the divine.
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scintillyyy · 20 hours
actually it is interesting how dixon has tim discover his feelings for steph over the course of and in contrast to what was ultimately his failing relationship with ari & like. listen i'm not here ti cast judgment on either tim or steph here, but it was very much written by dixon as like. steph knowingly was very pushy about wanting to be in a relationship with tim even knowing he was actively in a relationship and fundamentally did not care about tim's girlfriend as a human being because steph saw tim being in a relationship already as basically minor inconvience because she wanted tim & tim clearly seemed to want her so he should just be with her instead. and like tim's hands clearly aren't entirely clean here either, because he did kind of ultimately just going with the flow and letting things happen. (but!! i am on the side of both of them are messy teens in their first relationships & neither deserves lifelong castigation for 14-15 year old messiness, let's be clear). but the circumstances around this messiness even being able to happen is because ariana is fundamentally unable to truly know what's going on as she's never privy to the secret. she had no way of knowing what tim is doing or who he's meeting--sure she gets jealous when she sees tim notice steph, but she never knows that there's another girl in tim's life exists & can't know. meanwhile the whole time steph is flirting with tim she is well aware that ariana, or "tim's girlfriend" exists. tim & steph exist because at the time of his relationship with ari, tim was allowed to actively and consistently interact with another girl while actively in a relationship with another one & steph was well aware and a participant in that.
and that's kind of by design--dixon, i do think dixon fairly early on decided that he was more interested in tim&steph over tim&ari, but i do think it's important to note that when dixon created ari he's on the record of conceiving of her as a lois lane type romance interest for tim, she was clearly originally intended to have long term sticking power for him. but then--*readers* didn't vibe with her. there's letters in old issues basically asking--"hey, is steph going to come back, hey is steph going to date tim, hey love steph when are they getting together". so while dixon got fully on board with tim & steph i think it's safe to say he was also. probably very cognizant of readers deciding they like a different love interest better.
so there's an interesting pivot in dixon once tim & steph are firmly on the "getting together" train and it's that tim is not allowed to exist of breathe near other female characters without being chaperoned by steph or it involving steph somehow in deference to steph's jealousy issues. with steph's entrance into tim's life, tim is moved away from the mixed more sex friend group (that existed with callie & ariana) of gotham heights high to 1) homeschooling in keystone 2) all male boarding school brentwood. the only female friendship he gains is star, and that's used in a story for steph to misunderstand and start stalking star and her brother in an attempt to find tim & catch him in the act. tim is no longer allowed to team up with girls his age or a little older without stephanie there. he's not even allowed to be concerned about random adult woman dana (his stepmom) without steph breathing down his neck despite the fact that once they start dating tim is doggedly pretty loyal to steph as far as girls were, far more than he ever was with ariana. & like. in universe this is an interesting character beat for steph considering the start of their relationship being that steph pushed tim while he was in a relationship & is paranoid of all other women, that they'll act like she did. but from an out of universe perspective you can tell dixon was absolutely shutting down any other relationship possibility for tim other than steph. he knew the pain of creating a love interest that got subsumed in interest by another and was under no circumstances going to let anyone else in that that could become a threat to his girl. hence, every time he teams up with a girl after steph has to be there, monitoring & chaperoning. which is very interesting. considering their beginnings and steph's own willingness to hang out with a guy known to be taken without his girlfriend there & her eventual disallowment of tim to do anything with girls who aren't her.
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Y'know, if Lila was just a one-off character for Volpina and we never saw her again, a few tweaks in that episodes writing could have made it a good lesson about not letting your temper get the best of you, even in a situation where your anger is justified
This is in reference to the post where I discussed how terrible Volpina's lesson is and I agree with the proposed change. If Marinette has to be in the wrong here, that's the only way to make it kind of work. In fact, this is what I thought the episode was trying to do on my first watch. When the next season started with Lila gone, I thought, "Okay, so that episode was supposed to be about being the better person and having a more measured response when you've been wronged. I don't think it did that lesson super well, but I can see what they were going for and we'll give them some grace. Definitely one that I wouldn't just give to a kid, though. Way too high a risk of them internalizing a very wrong message."
I only gave the writers that grace because I assumed that Ladybug had truly humiliated Lila out of Paris off screen (remember, we only see Ladybug out Lila to Adrien even though Lila was lying to everyone) and that is a pretty extreme punishment for a teenager making a dumb choice. Even then, saying that Ladybug was in the wrong feels a little too victim blame-y for my tastes. Lila was the one telling the lies and using Ladybug's name for clout on a city-wide scale or possibly even a national/international scale depending on the Ladyblog's viewership. By telling those lies, Lila was harming Alya's credibility and presenting herself as a sort of authority on Ladybug, a position that she was going to use to her advantage as we saw with her manipulating Adrien. She was also putting herself at risk if Gabriel or other villains believed the lies and saw her as a way to get to Ladybug.
That means that the lies Lila told aren't exactly minor, victimless crimes like the lies Marinette and Adrien tell to hide their identities. Lilia's lies needed to be outed on the same scale that they were broadcast and there's no kind way to do that. It's going to have a brutal edge no matter how pretty the words are.
There are times when it's right to be "the better person" and let a thing go, but it's hard to view this as one of them because this was not a nuanced situation. There was no reasonable option other than issuing a public retraction and Ladybug didn't even go that far! She had a single, private confrontation with Lila and then let the matter rest. A better version of this episode might see Alya and Marinette giving a really mean retraction on the Ladyblog that they then feel bad about because they should have been more professional, but that's about it as far as possible improvements go.
If we look at what the episode actually gave us, it feels like another Gamer situation. An episode that blames Marinette for impure motivations while ignoring anyone else's faults, creating a nonsense moral that just makes me mad. Ladybug-is-wrong-for-confronting-the-liar-for-impure-reasons is certainly a take. It's just not one that I'm ever going to agree with. To give a recent, real-world example, do people really feel that James Somerton was the wronged party because his many, many lies and instances of plagiarism were outed in a brutal public takedown? (Context part 1 & part 2, though part 2 is the one to watch if you only want to see why letting lies from respected sources go unchecked can be so messy.)
To be clear, I don't think that Lila's lies were Somerton bad in Volpina, but they were starting to go down that road and they arguably reached Somerton levels by season five. Fakes identities, almost getting Marinette expelled, using her lies to get social power from Gabriel, the list goes on, which is yet another reason to hate Volpina. Its nonsense moral is a big part of why Lila could do all of that. Ladybug should have outed Lila! Society suffered and will continue to suffer because she didn't. That's why you have to stop misinformation as soon as you possibly can, but that wasn't actually the moral of Volpina. The moral was that Ladybug was in the wrong for being mean to the liar. Maybe if she'd been nicer, then Lila wouldn't be so evil now which is a very gross moral! Volpina really does feel even more victim blame-y now that Lila is the new big bad.
That's a good segue to circle back and finish off my original topic: I gave the writers grace for Volpina until Lila returned and established that she'd never been publicly outed. At that point, Volpina lost any chance at me giving it charity. The lesson was worse than I thought and I was fully justified in hating it. It's one of the ones I use when I explain why I wouldn't want a child getting into Miraculous because the problem with Volpina's moral is pretty straightforward.
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ultfreakme · 2 days
Jon and Co-dependence: my boy's mad at me. i'm going to make him move in w/ me and make him popcorn
Absolute Power: Super Son gave me a lot to think about. In terms of writing I really can't complain, it was executed very well for a one-shot. But in terms of characters, I'm frustrated(in a way indicative of good writing) about Jon and Nia.
This issue does not resolve Jon's problems, it brings them to audience awareness in an explicit manner. People who've been keeping a keen eye on Jon saw this coming since 2021 in SOKE but no writer stated it in clear terms on page this way. Avoidance, denial, and an inability to think in terms of his humanity and only as a tool or a part of a whole(family, romance, friendship). Jon knows he's avoidant, he doesn't like thinking about his trauma or talking about it, he will suffer through it alone. Even in his deepest, most lowest moment, he speaks of his own trauma in terms of his family.
His autonomy and individuality have been slowly chipped away by the prospect of being Superman. Superman does not live for himself, he takes risks and sacrifices himself for the greater good. That label and the shadow of his father in that suit has been following him since he was 9-10 years old.
The only thing Jon seems to want solely for himself, is Jay.
Up until this point, Jon has been fairly chill and normal about seemingly on the surface. Their relationship was always very sweet, they were always on the same page and never had a reason to fight. There is a deep admiration and respect between them. But the understanding, the ability to see the person for who they are at their core, has yet to happen.
Regardless of that, Jon loves Jay in a way that is damn near unhealthy and codependent.
His love for Jay is what breaks Jon out of Brainiac Queen(BQ)'s control, but it makes him reckless and impulsive. He needs Jay in his life. Throughout the issue, Jay was pointedly not present in the dreams Nia constructed to keep Jon's mind safe from BQ's attack. This is precisely what kept breaking any shield Nia put up.
Jay's absence drives Jon deeper into spiraling. The lies Nia made for Jon never, ever worked because Jay was missing. A dream of his which Nia repeatedly showed Jon and which Jon has admitted is his wish to move to San Fran and get an apartment with Jay in it.
Nia gave him the apartment and the city but not the man and that always, ALWAYS broke Jon out. When Nia isn't around to keep things in-check, Jon just spontaneously remembers Jay on his own and inserts him into the dreamscape.
Nia built those dreams to protect Jon, but also to help him in fighting back but Jon was extremely weak to BQ's control regardless of those efforts. The only time Jon manages to find the strength to fight back is when Nia drops the dreams and instead just shows him the truth of BQ and acknowledges his trauma. She correctly identified that Jon needs help to fight back, but not through falsehoods, but through the truth.
That's when Jon fights back and breaks out of the control. At every turn, Jay and the things he stands for are what pull Jon out of false comfort.
There's those phrases right? Sweet dreams. Ugly truths. That's Nia and Jay.
The reality with Jay is nothing like a dream but Jon would rather take the pain of reality than be trapped in fake happiness. There was a pattern in the issue where Jon kept texting Jay after every dream session with the Amazonians. Jay checking in asking if he's okay, Jon replying he's 'totally fine' despite not feeling like that. Jay was his guide to the truth in SOKE, AOSJK, and now Super Son.
Jon's had his reality fucked with a LOOOOOOOT. Manchester Black, Waller & BQ, Injustice Universe, and the whole space trip. Jon has had this existential turmoil since he was a child, it was made worse by his trip to space with Jor-El. The impossibility of his existence is frequently emphasized. Most people see it as a miracle, Jon sees it as point of fear and doubt about his existence. He needs something, anything to stay above the surface and that is Jay.
Like, it is now canon, that Jay is Jon's tether to reality. He is the one thing he will selfishly ask for himself and by golly is he selfish about it. He clings. It's a repeated pattern.
The night they become official, the tendencies start showing.
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SOKE establishes that Jay is always the one letting go, and Jon is always the one holding on by any means necessary. This leads to so truly ✨Problematic✨decisions on Jon's part.
A list, if I may:
Gives Jay a new suit and half-proposes to him with a legion ring
Nearly fights Batman over him
Goes to Jay's counterpart in the injustice-verse with no evidence of if he may be good or not and just trusts him blindly
Took Jay to his own Fortress of Solitude and planned on keeping him there during the Siege of Gamorra
Burst in through a wall because he thought Jay was in danger
Asks to move in with him and move across the country with him
Safe to say, Jon needs Jay in some deep, fundamental, and kind of unhealthy way. The last one happens when Jay suggests it's not going to work between them if Jon insists he must forgive Nia. You don't define your own reality based on one person if you don't got issues, and unfortunately Jay does dish it like it is and calls himself the truth so like Jay was doomed from the second he opened his mouth and posted his recordings online.
Jay suggested breaking it off-- for understandable reasons- and within five minutes Jon dropped his very first "I love you" to Jay and asked him to move in with him.
This kind of leads to Jon deifying Jay and not seeing him entirely as a person. Jay is deeply upset about his mother's death, when Jon just rush at him with moving in together, Jay cries but doesn't immediately agree. He actually pulled away and seemed like he might have protested if not for the Amazonians calling Jon in to stop Waller.
Jay's relationship with Jon is filled with this, and Jay has to call Jon out to slow down and address Jay's issues(this makes him sound so bad, he really isn't, he' just gets too caught up in "protect him protect him protect him" mode when he's under distress). He does this when Jon is about to leave him to go fight Bendix, and in AOSJK when Jon's being all happy about getting to go out freely in public while Jay's stuck wearing disguises.
Jon's tendency to view Jay as his tether leads to him dismissing Jay's very human, raw and awful emotions. It's why he's so shocked when Jay feels nothing about Nia's death. It's also why he's quick to just ignore the topic and because yeah he feels terrible about it but if he keeps pushing this, Jay will leave him.
Jay's story.....is one of a loss of autonomy, just as much as Jon's. It happens in how he gains his powers, the way Nia betrayed him, the loss of his secret identity which he HEAVILY relied on to convey news, the seeming loss/ lowered involvement with The Truth news streams, and frequently with Jon where Jon chips at it with his desperate need to keep Jay by his side.
Jay doesn't dream of San Fran. Jay doesn't dream of shared apartments. No one has yet to properly let Jay cry about the loss of his country and his mother. Jon's avoidance strategy HURTS Jay here in an immense way.
If this keeps going, this relationship is going to break. Jay's always putting up with this, with Jon, because at this moment, he has no family. Jon is his closest tie to anyone, he can't let him go either because if he does he loses his entire support system but he's willing to since he actually prioritizes his grief over his mother. Jon centering Jay as a concept around his desire for himself is going to cause huge problems in the future.
Anyways, Jon's a freak, free Jay. Stan toxic yaoi.
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feroshgirlsims · 22 hours
Chapter 4.3 - Dating for Weirdos
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Alice feels like her brain has been scrambled. How did she end up on a date with some dude who didn’t think she was worth any effort? Her self-esteem was…well, her self-esteem was in the toilet, but still! She had her pride!
Although, probably not enough of it. 
Reasonably, she shouldn’t be afraid. Vlad was not going to lose his shit just because her tone was too sharp, and if he did, she could just leave this date.
Unreasonably, she avoids his gaze and swallows down her rant.
Fucking muscle memory. 
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“I’m trying valiantly," Vlad says gently. 
"I want to be the least shit version of myself on this date,” he continues, looking pained, “But even that version leaves a lot to be desired. I’m a difficult sim to be around, and so far, despite skipping my Civil Procedure class today to read a self-help book on using imagination to increase my charisma, I fear I’ve failed.”
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Trying and failing is something Alice is pretty familiar with. And Vlad doesn’t lack charisma, per se. It was just kind of hidden behind his aura of “find out even if you don’t fuck around.” 
“What was the advice?” she asks, giving him what she hopes is a friendly smile. 
“Imagine a better version of myself,” he smirks, “And introduce you to it.”
“Kind of shit advice,” Alice murmurs. 
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Vlad laughs, and she relaxes, “Ok, so was this the introduction to the newly developed, less shitty version of your personality, or do you have something else planned for later?"
“Usually, I’m better prepared, but no, this mediocre showing is the best I could come up with.”
“I give it a 4 out of 10,” Alice scrunches up her face, “Which makes me sort of concerned about your future as an attorney who needs to sway a jury.”
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As soon as the words fly out of her mouth, anxiety pools in her stomach. But Vlad simply throws back his head and guffaws. 
“Very fair,” he concludes, wiping the tears from his eyes, “I don’t ever plan to practice law, but even if I did, I’m not worried about manipulating a jury of my peers.”
“Why not?”
“Universally, sims are stupid when they get into groups, and I have no problem lying. The hard part is that I want you to know the truth of me and like it.”
“Oh, I…” Alice jolts at his expression. Even guys she’s really liked have never looked at her with that sort of intensity.
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“Ask me a question. Trust me, you'll know immediately if you have any interest in seeing me again.”
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Alice hesitates. She could ask something basic to confirm that Vlad is a normal sim, but it’s pretty clear that the answer to that question is no. And the last time she fell for normal, it gave her a black eye.
“If you had any supernatural power, what would it be?”
“Paralyzing sims with fear and the ability to become a sentient mist so I could leave any conversation.” He taps a finger to his lip, “And enough strength to crush someone’s bones.”
“Messy,” Alice giggles. “What are you gonna do with all that bone dust?”
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“I’m envisioning crushing their bones inside their body so it’d be more like a hearty stew as opposed to a pile of dust.”
“You would eat them?”
He shrugs. “Waste not, want not.”
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It is an absolutely wild answer. Alice flashes him a grin. “The power to turn sims into mushy take-out meals. Got it.”
“And what about you?”
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“I’m not turning sims into bone soup.”
The corner of his mouth tilts up. “You can't. As we’ve discussed, that power has already been taken. Might I suggest flight or rotting someone’s flesh with the snap of a finger?”
Alice laughs, and just like that, her appetite returns with a vengeance. “I like the true you,” she says as the waitress sets down Vlad’s order.
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He smiles and begins dividing everything in half, shoveling it onto an empty plate that Alice didn’t even notice was on the table. He slides it over to her. “I’m relieved. Now, the pancakes are to die for and I promise no sims have been harmed in the making of this food.”
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(Part 3 of 4)
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kirain · 2 days
This was a post from a HOT minute ago but do you still accept discussion on the whole Gale/Mystra debate?
I have questions about Gale approaching the nerherese magic Mystra warned him against. I know it can be argued he was doing it to be accepted by her, to feel equal in a relationship with a goddess where he could never be equal, but where is any in game content to support this? I can’t recall anything except for some lines about Gale saying that despite being with a goddess it wasn’t enough and he pushed her boundaries. Thank you very much!
Hello! Tbh, I feel like I've said everything I need to about Gale and Mystra (especially now that the game's been out for over a year), but I'll try to give a short response to you and one other anon I'm working on answering, as you were both really polite about it and I appreciate that.
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There are several points in the game where Gale says the gods make "playthings" of mortals, and that Mystra never saw him as "worthy". He never explicitly uses the word "equal", but it becomes clear throughout specific interactions that all Gale wants is to be seen as an equal to his partner. That's why he abandons his ambition if you convince him he's good enough as a human. He doesn't say he pushed Mystra's boundaries, but rather that he "wasn't satisfied". And he wasn't, because she made him feel inadequate.
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That's also why he won't remain in a relationship with Tav unless they ascend alongside him. Imagine having immorality and all the power of a god at your fingertips, but rejecting it because someone says, "You're fine, though." I don't think most people would walk away from godhood just because of a few honeyed words—especially when they're doomed to die—but Gale does. He also says during his conversation with Tav that he initially wanted more power to "serve Mystra better" and to prove his love to her. One could argue that's a deflection from the truth, but he says the same thing to Mystra at the temple, when he's fully penitent and seeking her forgiveness. He wasn't lying.
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Plus, Gale's ambition changes through the acts. During Act 1 and 2, he's willing to die for Mystra, to prove his devotion and contrition. But by Act 3, he's angry. Scared, as he already was, but angry on top of it. He sees a way out and he takes it. By that point, his only ambition is to live, and he'll even give that up if Tav encourages him to stay mortal or become Mystra's Chosen again. All he needs to hear from Tav or Mystra is "you were already worthy". As in worthy of being seen. Worthy of being treated as an equal. Mystra didn't give him that.
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psicheanima · 14 hours
I've always admired your eye for fashion. Your posts about it on twitter are some of my favorite of yours. Out of curiosity, did you ever encounter a character who had a sense of style you thought didn't suit them which couldn't be explained by purposeful characterization? And if so, how did you think they would dress?
Thank you very much. Yes, it happens a lot, but to answer I suppose I want to talk about a problem in comics of continuing to write characters who were very much a product of their time fashion-wise: Laura Kinney and Nico Minoru. Despite these characters being incredibly gothic with unique outfits, and saying MANY times that this style of dress “felt like them”— in recent years, Neither of them are goth, ever. Especially Laura. She is only drawn in incredibly bland clothes. The edgiest she will ever get is a leather jacket. She dresses explicitly like a girl version of her father, when her unique taste in fashion was a clear stand-out from the writers to create her own unique, more emo identity than Logan had— he is very recognizable by his flannel and more western biker clothes.
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For Nico, it all starts with that demon Kris Anka. In his defense, Nico had been wearing increasingly un-researched gothic fits the more she was divorced from Runaways comics. Her outfits got more stereotypically emo rather than punk, clearly drawn by artists who weren’t too well educated in fashion. Nico was known for being a goth character. It is essential to her moody history and even her powers— they involve her needing to cut herself, clear goth stereotype which is deconstructed.
But Kris Anka’s designs of the Runaways were very “updating to suit modern sensibilities.” Karolyn’s, who was peak 2000s soft bohemian— with wrap around tank tops and NEVER without her frayed jeans, was now a complete prep, wearing things that her more down-to-earth, hippie original never would.
In Nico’s case, she is not a goth anymore. She is alt, yeah, but alt grunge. She wears bright colors, dyes her hair in a distinctly 2016 way, and for some horrible reason— is very attached to flannel. This portrayal of her fashion became repeated by other artists to the point that it’s her look in the new Spider-Man show. You understand how upsetting this is to Me? It’s like if someone ripped off all my finger nails than made me eat them.
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Yes, the type of goth they were was most popular in its time. But they were characters constructed around those styles and should keep them. They should not grow out of the styles, but evolve with them. I am also an adult and I dress the way they did. It just hurts to see characters with my fashion sensibility have their drip taken away in such a barbaric manner. And have these sauceless outfits now be their style. Laura is her own person— why would she just be a woman version of her dad? Because she’s figured out her life she went from painstakingly choosing her presentation to being a lazy bum who wears only primary colors? To being the lobotomized man’s view of “badass woman clothes”? Just make genderbend Logan art, I will fucking kill you.
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familyagrestefanblog · 16 hours
So, about the new London special trailer. I find it very interesting that Cerise is immediately shown to achieve what she said in "Emotions" that she would.
In that episode she said to herself to Gabriel that she will get ALL of his Miraculous, and that she sure did right from the get go:
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This is interesting because it means that even if it obviously won't stick, it's not what she as villain will be after anyway. Same as the synopsis already saying that she'll be moments away from making a wish. The show having her do all this right away means more likely than not that they want to make clear that this is not what Cerise in the show proper will be about. One could say they are getting it out of the way.
Another thing I thought was kinda important to point out is that Cerise immediately pulling all this off is not as insane of a power move as one might think
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As we can already see in the trailer, she's not in her Butterfly transformation in this costume because Nooroo is on the table, the other Miraculous are still in their ring form, and Marinette is shown to be wearing the Ring of the Black Cat too in her bed
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Meaning the most likely explanation for this is that Cerise merely took advantage of the one night were all the Miraculous would be at Marinette's place, unguarded and with her exhausted.
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I speculate that the suit and the powers we see Cerise have is her having akumatized herself the way Gabriel once did in "The Collector" (that name reference would actually fit perfectly here). Power up the Butterfly, detransform, take off the Miraculous, and then akumatize yourself.
This is not as wildly out of pocket of a feat as people are making it out to be. She is merely very smartly using opportunities.
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Sacrilege has got a chokehold on me so I don’t think I’m ever going to shut up about it I’m sorry Lys 😭😭😭😭😭Days before Eremika’s wedding Mikasa’s mother has the talk with her in her room «  honey there are things you’re gonna have to do with Eren , you’re going to give him the greatest gift you have , your purity. It’s something only a husband can take » not knowing Eren is hiding in her closet wheezing because they were fucking in her room 10 minutes prior
BRO IM CACKLING!! Treadmill gym Drabble 🥰🤗😂
Eren likes his future mother in law in an abstract sort of way.
After all she raised the little lunatic that he’s proposed to, and as such he has to like her. Even if she did inflict a mild amount of religious trauma on his bride, it’s not entirely her fault he blames the church for that part.
It’s not unwarranted for people to want to believe in a higher power, it brings them comfort and as such he understands, he can’t be too upset with her.
But sitting, locked inside Mikasa’s tiny bedroom closet he cannot help but curse the woman.
He can see through the small crack in the doors that she’s sat Mikasa down on her very pink, very unicorn themed bedspread that he knows from personal experience is not comfortable in the slightest.
Mikasa had turned as pink as the covers the first time he’d seen it and told him quite vehemently that she had never been allowed to change it and under absolutely no circumstances was he allowed to make fun of her for it.
Of course he’d made fun of her and she’d attempted to suffocate him with said bed covers.
But back to the current predicament, he can hear clear as day the words that leave her mother’s mouth and Eren dreads every second of the coming conversation.
“Mikasa, darling I think it’s time for us to discuss what will be expected of you.”
“What do you mean mom, what’s expected of me?”
Mikasa plays dumb and Eren isn’t entirely sure if that’s a mistake or not, especially not with his cum dripping down her thighs and her hair looking like a fucking bird’s nest because when her dear mother had interrupted them, she’d been blowing him and rather expertly at that.
Her lips are still swollen and his dick still throbs at the thought, because he’d been so fucking close.
“Well darling what a woman is expected to do when she marries, what Eren will expect of you,” she pauses a moment, lHe’ll expect your purity, your virginity and I’m here to explain how it’ll go darling I don’t want any surprises for you.”
“Mom,” Mikasa gasps, “you don’t need to- I took sex Ed I know,” Mikasa waves her hands awkwardly and her mom purses her lips.
“But that doesn’t really prepare you dear, you don’t know about the minutia of it, and darling I’m worried, Eren is a rather large boy, I’d be worried about the erm… size of him, I want you to know to use lubricant and —“
“MOM!” Mikasa yelps and Eren chokes from the closet, trying his best to cover a wheeze at the turn the conversation has taken.
“Mikasa! I just want you to be prepared darling it’s not about anything else I just—“
He can see Mikasa attempting to shove her mom right out the door, “Mom I don’t need this I can figure out how to have sex just fine thanks!”
“Mikasa it’s just because I care about you!”
The door is slammed shut and Eren winces as Mikasa opens the closet, staring at him, beet red.
He allows his legs to spill out of the cramped space, sighing as he’s allowed to actually breathe. It’s silent for a moment as they both stare at each other and finally Eren shrugs, “Wanna finish me off?”
Mikasa stares back, aghast, “You’re insane.”
“Is that a no then?”
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sir-adamus · 2 years
“Neo used her semblance to look like Cinder to intimidate the Jabberwalker to project an image of power” where are you getting this stuff?
Neo does not respect Cinder that much, regardless of how much power she has - if she wanted to project an image of power she’d’ve gone for Salem, considering she saw firsthand, multiple times, how much power she has over Cinder, and used that against her after stealing the Lamp to make her honour their deal because Neo had gotten sick of being treated like a lackey
additionally, Neo is pissed right now, she’s so up in her rage she projects an image of Ruby to no audience, and Cinder - who was her initial target anyway - has not only failed to honour their partnership at every turn, but also attempted to kill her (because she is an ungodly petty asshole who can’t take being one-upped), isn’t it more reasonable to assume that projecting the image of Cinder there is because she’s just as pissed off at her?
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frayedcircus · 1 year
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a silly little costume design for the queen of hearts in a zombie apocalypse i made for a theater class a while ago
if i spelled anything wrong then no i didn’t
(some vague lore and design stuff in the tags if you’re interested)
plus some other versions i made bc i’m indecisive:
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depvotee · 5 months
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i will not stand green team in my house. i swear to god.
#its really funny to me bc ive seen mfers be like wow rhaenyra used her position and power to r*pe crispy cola cola man which no???#he could've said NO and yknow what he wouldve been backed up because he is 1. a man 2. a part of the king's guard bc he serves to THE king#NOT NYRA#but he got with her bc he HAD the chance and then got pissy because he wanted to marry her#and not only bc of honor as he says but because he feels emasculated that he cannot have power of nyra as a husband#also think abt what hes implying there for one moment: take her out of the world she already knows to a world HE knows very well#like he doesnt love her he only wished to possess her#something something how the 'alpha' male types act when they find a bad bitch but then want her to stay at home mother same vibes here#he wanted to make her dependent of him despite already having a BIG thing over her head#also then to have the nerve to NOT call him what he is a MISOGYNIST bc alicent apparently backs him up???#when like alicent uses the patriarchal system to HURT rhaenyra at EVERY single turn#alicent ruined rhaenyra's life out of spite and envy and jealousy#worst part is that rhaenyra TRIED to amend their relationship#MORE than alicent ever did with her#she gets harwin killed her monster kids get her childrens killed#and ALL the pass deeds that were trying to put her down#also how cole and her both of them killed the lovers of laenor and nyra which mind you#people they loved#and both laenor and rhaenyra knew this and they were okey with it but apparently you gotta ask permition to alicent and cole first#like fuck off#also laenor said im the father which PER IRL MEDIEVAL LAW THAT MAKES THEM LEGITIMATE#and also vyseris saw them as legitimate#and thats it#they ARE legitimate and like Vyseris is slow but not blind (yet akjsdbflak) he knew that Rhaenyra's kids were Harwin's but he literally#did NOT care and it was PRETTY clear that he still made them legitimate#the only time i've seen rhaenyra pull rank its when laenor is like noooo haha i wanna go to war pweaseeee let me go to war#like she literally was just vibing and alicent and cole we're mad and seething
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pepprs · 2 years
my mom thinks im a bad person
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navree · 2 years
what i think a lot of people forget about historical figures, especially when engaging in any kind of historical fiction, is that these were actual people and they had feelings, they very much had thoughts and emotions about the things that happened to them and that they did and that they went through
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valleyyofthemoonnn · 2 years
don’t talk to me i just had oc thoughts while listening to my oc playlist
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curseyeds · 2 months
i'm ruminating on nethdani's sort of like... soldier / knight aesthetic (i say aesthetic but really it's more of an identity thing) and like... usually a lot of times i do have muses with almost dangerous loyalty whenever they establish it with someone (selwyn, adonis) but also .... despite how heavily nethdani is coded that way, i actually don't think she will always unthinkingly defer to others that show authority over her?
it's hard to explain. she was a soldier for a long time, so nethdani is pretty good when it comes to identifying who is a voice of authority. she spent several years acting as a grunt essentially LMFAO and followed her orders without hesitating, but i feel like ever since taking up her oath she's become less.... willing to just blindly follow orders from someone?
she's grown into more of a leader herself - she tends to take charge, she tends to get things done. more than anything, she trusts her own judgement.
which is why i think that she actually doesn't work well with authority figures? or at least she doesn't automatically go 'i will blindly give my loyalty to you.' i do think that she tends to trust people who establish themselves as leaders, like the duke she's currently working alongside with. she speaks to them on equal footing, but she does generally trust their judgement alongside hers -- and since nethdani doesn't really desire a position of power for herself, she'll usually follow said orders if she agrees with them.
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