#because it’s useless and invites drama
vitrisimbre · 30 days
something that sticks out to me about carolena and is one of the reasons why i don't ever like the ship much is because it feels like caroline is a bit resentful towards elena and acts as a mouthpiece for the audience that doesn't like elena. like that part where she's like "liam is performing surgery on sarah and you found a way to make this about you?"
i'm biased i guess because elena is my favorite character in tvd, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but i never found her to be selfish like the audience started saying over the years. the only time it felt that way to me was the scene where she and damon were arguing about their relationship while they were in the prison world with a limited amount of time to get bonnie out. they should've been driving to meet bonnie halfway, but instead elena was trying to more or less flirt with damon. but there's a lot of things about delena that i don't like, because the ship usually results in choices/scenes like that where the show is almost entirely about delena to the point it sacrifices characterization of other characters. to me i think that was ooc of elena and a result of poor writing that started going downhill when delena became canon
but earlier in the show, she was always trying to die for her loved ones, prevent them from having to make hard decisions... she stabbed herself and slit her throat while she was still a human and felt human pain just to outsmart original vampires for the purpose of keeping her loved ones safe
so i just never thought she was selfish besides that one scene in the prison world that frustrated me. but it felt like caroline thought that about elena, just like the audience, and it was always unfair to me because caroline is maybe the last person who should be judging someone for centering themselves to begin with… 😭 she had a real issue (like it was one of her canonical character flaws) with being frivolous and self centered. she grew and by the end of the show she was a generous person and a very kind mother. but i just wasn't a big fan of her interactions with elena
the part in season 6 where elena is trying so hard to party with caroline and cheer her up but caroline just tells her everyone is gone (i.e, stefan is gone because he was out of town and ignoring caroline’s calls because damon died) and elena goes “but i’m still here, care 🙁” but then caroline says she knows and walks off anyway always made me sad
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Too Late to Dream ༓ jjk (m) || ch. III
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✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, smut, fluff, marriage au, age gap, series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 3,375
Warnings: 8-year age gap, big flashback of bromance between Tae and JK, slight drunkenness, family drama in-laws, imperfect relationship with parents, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues, mentions of therapy, kookie trying to be a good husband, needy kook 😶
Now Playing: Make It Right, Tryna Be, Infinity, It Will Rain, Heaven+
A/N: chapter 3 is here! I know its so short 😩 but I promise it sets up the next chapters really well! Also, I wanted to get into jk's background a little this time, his undergrad days, and Taehyung of course. It's a big leap but they're older now so...meh. Tysm for everyone's patience! 💞
<< ch. II ༓ ch. IV >> | series masterlist
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There weren’t many people Jungkook envied in his life. He was 34 years old, had top-notch experience as an economist within the business and legal sphere, and taught at one of the finest universities in South Korea. He also earned his Ph.D by the time he hit 30, which was undoubtedly the cherry on top.
But if there was one person who could shake the ground from under his feet it would be Kim Taehyung.
The pair met during undergrad through mutual friends. Jungkook had been invited to an off-campus party his first year and Taehyung was an unexpected third party. The man was so put together that it was as if Michelangelo himself reached down and sculpted him from the clay.
16 years ago
“Hi,” a low, baritone voice rumbles. “I’m Taehyung.” He sticks his hand out, waiting for a shake. He’s a little timid but mostly stands upright with a few pieces of his caramel hair falling over his eyes.
Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung’s stark formality. “What’s up, man!” He slaps Taehyung’s hand casually. “Jeon Jungkook.”
Taehyung reeks of sophistication and has the most annoyingly gorgeous face. His boxy grin could charm the pants off anyone who was two feet from him. Hell, even Jungkook feels a little starstruck by him.
Though barely acquaintances, it doesn’t take long for Jungkook to realize they are on opposite ends of the same stick.
Taehyung comes from a wealthy upper-class family. They have four mansions plus a beach house. Every Christmas, he goes to Italy to visit his aunt and uncle. For his 18th birthday, Taehyung got a brand-new Corvette, red with black rims. Everyone wants to be him…everyone wants a piece of Kim Taehyung.
But underneath the surface of his flashy lifestyle is something oddly endearing. Jungkook can’t quite put his finger on it but as the night goes on, he enjoys the man’s company. Taehyung seems to latch onto him as well which shocks both of them to the core.
“Seriously hyung,” Jungkook slurrs. “I don’t know why you’re hanging around me this whole night when you could be getting off with one of the fifty girls who’ve come up to you. Are you playing it cool are you really a loner or something?”
Taehyung snatches the beer bottle from the younger’s hand. “That’s enough drinking for one night Jungkook. You’re about to pass out, I can tell.”
“I’ll decide when I’ve had enough.” Jungkook grabs the bottle back, taking a big slug before wiping his mouth off with his arm. “Something to know about me Taetae. I live by the work hard, play hard kinda philosophy.”
Taehyung cringes at the pet name but chalks it up to Jungkook being off his rocker. “That’s the type of philosophy that’s gotten my family to spend millions on useless crap. It’s fun for a while but it never lasts. I don’t recommend it Jungkook.”
Jungkook snorts. “So you are a loner huh? Because my parents have been stuck in the same loop for years. All work, no play. It’s caused them both to lose every hair on their head. Do you wanna lose your hair by the time you’re 45 Tae? I wouldn’t think so with those luscious locks of yours. Bet some chick would love to yank on them while–”
“I’m not a loner.” Taehyung interrupts, feeling a surge of embarrassment creep up his cheeks. He knows the looks people shot at him and while he didn’t entirely hate it, it always took more than it gave. All he wanted in those moments was to retreat into himself with his paints. Taehyung loved art and like many, found it therapeutic. “I’m not a loner,” he repeats. “I’m just not interested.”
“Sure you’re not buddy.” Jungkook gives a nod but remains largely unconvinced. “But you didn’t answer my question. Why you hanging around me? I’m not that cool ‘cause if I weren’t here, I’d be at the library right now with my nose in the books. Economics doesn’t slap all the time you know.”
Taehyung is silent for a moment before answering.
“I feel like a normal person with you," he starts. "Everyone looks at me like I’m some spoiled golden boy who they can get a free ticket of off if they talk sweet. And yeah, I’m aware of the advantages I’ve had…the struggles most people have that I don’t. But I’m still a real person that wants what most people do...purpose, belonging, someone that just gets them.”
Taehyung takes a breath before continuing.
"I really fucking love painting. It’s my heartbeat honest to god and I’m tired of being looked at as merely an object of someone’s unfulfilled wishes and desires. I like that I don’t need to worry about that with you. I think...we come from different backgrounds but we’re cut from the same cloth Jungkookie. Oh, are you-are you crying?”
“Fucking beautiful Taetae. You’re straight out of Vanity Fair you know that? I’m more of a Forbes magazine guy myself though.”
Taehyung throws Jungkook a puzzled look. Is he being condescending or is this just the booze talking?
“‘Cause I’m a small-town boy with great ambition, intelligence, and gall? We covered this earlier man, keep up!” Jungkook emphasizes his words, hands flying about.
“Right,” Taehyung joins in, recalling the conversation. “You’re father is an analyst for the city and your mom’s an accountant. They want you to get a job nearby after graduation but you don’t want to because–“
“Because it’s too small, boring, set in its traditional ways, and I for one am not fucking with it.” Jungkook sends Taehyung a lopsided grin. “You got a pretty good memory man. Maybe we can be friends after all.”
“I’m so glad,” Taehyung drawls, a slight trace of sarcasm. Jungkook doesn’t notice, however, too busy staring at the strobe lights dancing across the ceiling.
“Hey!” he suddenly pipes up, eyes wider than before. "What are you doing next Friday?”
“Uh, I don’t know. Why?”
“I got this boring family reunion to go to. Happens every year. I don’t wanna go but my parents force me to. You wanna come?”
Taehyung hesitates. “A family reunion? I know I said we’re cut from the same cloth, but we’re not…related Jungkook.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I’ll ask my parents if I can bring a friend. They won’t give a shit as long as I’m there. Also, I heard from my brother that Ha-Yun’s gonna be there.”
“And Ha-Yun is…?”
“Some girl that my parents want to set me up with. Family friend’s daughter. I went to high school with her.”
“So you think that if I’m there I can be your right-hand man or something? Make you look good in front of your future wife?”
“Fuck no. I’m hoping she’ll go to you instead.” Jungkook laughs when he sees the color draining from Taehyung’s face. “It’s nothing against her bro. She isn’t weird or anything. I say this lightly but, I just don’t wanna go out with her and she’s not my type.”
“I’ll think about clearing my schedule for this but I’m not being your meat on a stick,” Taehyung seethes. “But since we’re on this topic, what is your type?”
“Mm, not sure.” Jungkook shrugs. “Someone who’s unexpecting I guess. Like you shouldn’t be together because it's outside of the usual. But you can’t help it. You gotta have this person or it’s over. What about you?”
“Easy,” Taehyung mutters. “I like artists.”
“Artists huh? Like you? Well, I guess I can understand.” Jungkook smirks before leaning his head back against the couch. “One day, I’ll find an artist for you Tae. I promise.”
Oh, the irony.
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“Jungkook, stop! I need to get up.” You struggle in his arms, biting back a grin. Jungkook has you in a locked position. His hard chest presses close against your back and his leg hugs your body.
“Mm,” he groans. “It’s not time yet.”
“Yes, it is. Also, you’re nearly suffocating me.”You wiggle your body but to no avail. Your husband always tends to get needier as the school year approaches.
"I just don't want you out of my arms yet. Is that a crime now?"
No. No it's not, you sigh to yourself. By this time next week, you’ll be waking up to an empty bed. "Okay." You glance at the alarm clock. "Ten minutes and then I really need to get ready for work."
"Fifteen," Jungkook mumbles.
"No. It's twelve or I'm going now." Jungkook gives a cute grunt and tightens his grip. He really doesn't want you to leave this morning.
"Fine," he says. "Twelve. But we're snuggling again tonight."
"Jungkook. Can't. Breathe." Being spooned by your husband is nice but this isn't spooning anymore. He's completely cacooning himself over you. As soon you feel him shift his weight off you, hand loosening from your waist, your ribs hum in relief.
After what seems like three minutes of complete silence you decide to bite the bullet and ask the question that's been on your mind for the last couple of days.
"Um Jungkook?"
"When we went to get ice cream the other night. There was something that happened...to you." You're uneasy bringing it up but you can't shake your concern. When Jungkook saw the little girl with her dad, he went into a bit of a trance. He didn't talk, didn't move, and was pretty numb to your presence all together.
"Oh god," Jungkook groans. "I was hoping you didn't notice but you're my wife so I guess it's fine."
Crap. Was this a sore subject for him? You twist your head over your shoulder, just enough for your ear to be near his lips. You're in high alert now. "Why weren't you hoping I noticed?"
"Isn't it obvious? It's embarrassing." Jungkook smacks his lips before continuing. "But do we really have to talk about it? Spilling ice cream on my shirt at 34 isn't something I really wanna relive through early morning conversations."
Oh he thinks....of course he thinks that's what you're refering to.
"I'm not talking about you being clumsy Jungkook. I'm talking about the little girl with the ribbons. When she was with her dad, you kinda went a little frozen."
Jungkook doesn't reply immediately so you prod him a little. "I just wanna know if everything was alright. I suppose with our current situation I get it if it hit you in a sort of way. Good or bad, whatever the feeling was, you can tell–"
"They seemed happy is all," he croaks, voice dropping an octave. "The kind of happy that makes someone's entire soul stop, I guess. Like they had something special that no one else could. Does that make sense?"
If you look down you think you'll see goosebumps. The words coming from your husband's mouth are, at most, mumbles but they aren't coming from a place of unease or hesitation. Instead they allude to something warm, wholesome, and new.
"Yeah of course, it makes perfect sense. I had a similar experience when I met Si-woo. The way his face light up when he saw his mom comforted me but I felt envious too. Is that wrong of me?"
"Not at all. I think it's a natural response when you see something you want but don't currently have. You know, there was one thing that popped in my thoughts while I watched that father and his daughter..."
"I thought, maybe I'll be happy too. If we actually have a kid, we'll be happy together like them or something." Yawning, he continues. "I dunno, honey. Kinda sleepy still so if I fall asleep I love you and I hope work goes well. But we can keep talking if you want."
You untuck your hand from under your head and close it over your husband's arm; the one draped around your waist.
Hope. Real hope.
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"Dammit why won't you open?!" Jungkook bangs the jar on the side of the kitchen counter. He's been trying to get it open for the last five minutes. With you at work, it's his turn to prepare dinner.
"Take a breath kid," Yoongi says from the other line of the phone.
Jungkook ignores him of course, continuing beat the shit out of the jar in his hand. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. You stupid jar!"
"Kid!" Yoongi tries again, this time grumbling. "Stop doing that and go get a butter knife or something to hit the side of the lid with. It'll pop right off and I won't sue you for making me go deaf."
"Oh I thought you didn't call anyone that anymore. Now that you're a real boy and all. With big boy things." Jungkook shakes his head, hearing the older man snort through the speaker.
"You been talking to Taehyung?" That big mouth, he's become as bad as Jimin. What happened to the more reserved Tae he met in undergrad. He likes him better than this new, cocky mf.
"He may have slipped out a thing or two. But I'm glad to see you're still scared shitless of me that you'll keep calling me hyung."
Jungkook slams the jar on the counter, having enough. "Why the fuck did you call hyung? Can't you tell I'm a little busy right now."
Yoongi chuckles. "Alright I'll stop picking on you. I need a favor. The wife and I want to go out just the two of this weekend. I know you got your professor duties starting but would you and __ be willing to look after our gremlins for a couple hours Saturday?"
"Uh–I'm gonna have to talk to __ about this but maybe?" You and him have babysat for Yoongi's twins a handful of times before. They get a little rowdy but it's been mostly fine. Jungkook's not sure if either of you have the energy or time this weekend though. "I thought you usually got a babysitter."
"Yeah, usually but they're unable to this weekend. I'm hoping this time the babysitter will be you and __. We won't be long but we'd really appreciate it if you guys could do this for us. Could you maybe let me know by Thursday if you can?" Yoongi waits for an answer.
"Yeah alright," Jungkook finally responds. "I'll talk to __ about it when she gets home. No promises though." Jungkook wipes the sweat from his brow. It was a little hot in the kitchen. "Listen Yoongi, I gotta get back to prepping dinner but thanks for that tip about opening the–"
"Jungkook! Hello?" A familiar but muffled voice hollers from the front door. "Are you home?" The door bell is pressed continually without rest.
"Uh my ears," Yoongi pipes. "Who the hell is at your door?"
Jungkook walks towards the front of the house, peaking out the window. What the fuck are those two doing here? "Damn it, I gotta go hyung. My parents have decided to pay an unexpected visit." Before Yoongi has time to reply, Jungkook ends the call.
fuckfuckfuckfuck, he repeats under his breath. Could they not have called beforehand? It's a friggen' ten hour drive. Did someone die or something? Why are they here?
"We can hear you Kookie," Jungkook's mother coos in a sing-songy tone. "No one died. We just wanted to see you and __."
Jungkook opens the front door, not even caring if his face shows he's pissed off. "Mother it'd be nicer if you, I don't know. Planned these things?!"
"I told you," Jungkook's father grippes. "I told you woman, didn't I? We should have called. You never listen to me!"
"Oh shut up you goat," Jungkook's mother pushes her way through the door and into the house. "My son loves me and he's happy to see me." She wraps her arms around Jungkook's waist and presses her cheek against his arm.
"Yeah," his father steps in the house. "He's just jumping with joy with that silly apron on. C'mon, he was obviously in the middle of something. Ugh I'm sorry son. Your mother is, well, you know how she is." He slips out of his shoes and shuffles to the kitchen. "Whatcha cooking anyway? Something good I bet."
Jungkook rubs his face in agitation. __ is not gonna like coming home to his parents running around the house.
"You're not mad at me are you?" His mother lifts her chin, big doe eyes just like his own. "We just missed you and we figured you'll be busy with teaching soon so...we just decided to drive down last night."
Trying to smile, Jungkook brings his arm around her. "No, no I'm not mad. I'm glad to see you and __ will be too."
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"Jungkook, why the hell are your parents here?" You force yourself to keep a low voice. Your in-laws were steps away and they had the sharpest pair of ears you knew. You didn't want them to hear a single beat.
Your husband pulls at his hair, pacing small circles around the bedroom. "Trust me, I didn't invite them. They just showed up. I don't even know why they're here besides they just wanted to. I'm really sorry."
You yank your silk blouse over your head, tossing it in the hamper. "I love your parents but you're gonna need to tell them this can't be happening." You change into a basic t-shirt and jeans. "I know they're probably a little lonely with you and your brother so far away but I'd be a far better host with some pre-warnings."
"I know. Mom's just so-" Jungkook pauses, scratching his head. "Persistant...and dad will do whatever she wants."
"Look I get it. Saying no is hard when they just want to see us. But what if we had something going on tonight?"
"You're right, you're right," he sighs. "I'll try bringing it up to them."
"Anything else new happen while I was gone?" You mean it as a joke. You really do. Jungkook gives you a look that says yes though. Excellent.
"Well, uh...Yoongi hyung asked if we could babysit Saturday. Him and the Mrs want to go out but thier regular babysitter isn't available that night."
Groaning, your shoulders slope down. "Wha–uh at this rate why the hell not? I was just looking for more things to do."
"Honey," Jungkook makes his way over to you. "We don't have to if–"
"You guys still in there?!" Jungkook's mother intrudes, pounding on the door. "You better not be having coitus! Though grandchildren would be nice if that were to ever be in the cards."
"Coitus?" You mouth silently. Jungkook's parents were a little old fashioned sure but who the heck still says coitus?
"We'll be out in a second. Can you and dad set the table?" Jungkook responds, girmacing at his mothers word choice.
"Okay but wrap it up in there. I'm only here for two days. I wanna see my beautiful daughter in-law!"
You and Jungkook immediately exchange a slack-jawed expression. "What?" With the door thrown open, your husband's eyeborws furrow. "Mom you can't be serious."
"Oh don't look so worried!" The older woman lets out a restrained chuckle. "We're not gonna stay in the house with you or anything. We got a hotel. But ten hours is a long drive and I really wanted to see you. Your father and I don't hear from you often and you didn't come to the last family reunion. What do you expect us to do? Just not see our son?"
"Please don't say it like that Mom," Jungkook combs his fingers through his hair, teeth grinding together. "You know that __ and I are–"
"Always happy to see you!" You rush next to your husband who's startled by your sudden change in demeanor. "Jungkook's just been a little anxious about returning to the university. But we'd love to spend a couple to days with you and dad. Let's start with dinner!"
You usher everyone down the hall and towards the dining room. Jungkook's mother is filled to the brim with joy while your husband slightly, actually very, concerned.
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A/N: Apologies for any editing errors! Also close to adding some spicy stuff but we gonna wait on that a little longer 😉 Lmk what you think and if you wanna join taglist comment or send an ask. Thanks!! 😙💗
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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saerotonins · 1 year
jotaro and boobies
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ft. kujo jotaro x gn!reader (headcanons + scenario)
content warnings: 4taro, fluff, jotaro being a cute pookie, suggestive (? but just to be sure), reader has boobs, just some corny shit i decided to write, not beta read
wc: 1127
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while i definitely agree that he's a thigh man, he appreciates boobies too!
any size, any kind, his hands WILL fit
sometimes or most of the time it's not even sexual, he just likes to touch them because he likes the feel of them
a free stress ball for him if you will
at this point your bras are useless, what's the point of having them when his hands are RIGHT THERE
would be willing to be your bra if he could tbh
he's kinda obsessed with them and would be glad if you're down to prance around your shared apartment with no top on
on a particularly really stressful day, he just wants to lay his hands on your boobies and call it a day
maybe squish them but not too much
would probably fall asleep while he holds them
the hold he has on them is really comfortable, this man's hands are the perfect cups (hah, see what i did there, ok bye)
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jotaro came home later than usual due to some deadlines that he had to catch from office. while this is not unusual, today is particularly draining for him since his research partner decided to be more difficult than they were before.
"you're still awake," was the first thing he said the moment he entered the door. the sight before him is welcoming and cozy. with you sitting comfortably on the couch with your pajamas and socks and the comforter hanging around really made you look inviting. immediately, he somehow felt his shoulders lighten up a bit.
his voice made you look in his direction and he could clearly see how happy you were to finally see him home, safe and sound. these are the mundane things he looks forward to every day. the domesticity makes his heart full and happy, and while he'd be damned to admit it out loud, it's something that he wouldn't trade for the world. 
you stood up and walked up to him to greet him with a chaste kiss on the lips, "welcome home, darling, food's waiting for you in the dining table, come?" jotaro nods to your invitation. you held his hands as you gently guide jotaro towards the dining room. the patter of your sock-clad feet as you walk sounds relaxing, he thinks. 
"the food is a little cold but we can heat it up," you said as you sat, "this is fine, i'm starving," you knew what he said is extremely true since you noticed that he immediately inhaled the food served in front of him. 
jotaro must have noticed that despite being seated with him, you were not eating, "why aren't you eating?" he asked out of concern.
"i already ate a while ago, i just want to make sure you'll have a hearty dinner since you seem tired when you came in," your answer made pause as he chewed his food.
he cannot believe how lucky he got. if he told his teenage self that he would find love that will wait for him until the sun sets and prepare him a meal ready to eat when he comes home, dote on him on the regular and makes him feel special, he would've been beaten up. 
"something wrong, dear?" 
your voice seems to snap jotaro out of his thoughts. he shakes his head and continues on with his dinner.
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by bedtime, jotaro settles himself in bed while trying to read a book. while the dinner and shower he had earlier somehow let some tension out, he cannot help but feel like it's not enough. something is still weighing his heart down and he couldn't shake it away even if he tries.
the comfortable silence in your bedroom is suddenly interrupted by your phone.
"what's that?" 
"oh, i'm just watching a drama that i started yesterday," 
jotaro hummed as acknowledgment. while he would like to stay up with you and keep up with your interests, the yawn he let out thinks otherwise. 
"you should sleep now sweetheart, you're pretty tired today, i'll wear my earphones so you won't get bothered," you didn't hear an answer from him, instead, you felt him shift on the bed and put his arms around your waist. a smile was brought up on your face. such a simple gesture yet you know it's jotaro's way of saying that he appreciates you even in his worst days.
a few minutes passed, the silent whirl of your air conditioner enveloped your room. while all is well and cozy, jotaro still couldn't help but feel like something is missing. exhaustion from his body telling him to sleep, the warmth of your body beside his, the early call time that he has to meet tomorrow, yet none of those things were enough to make him fall asleep.
until jotaro had an idea. 
he initially thinks it's stupid but it's worth a try.
while you were focused on the show that you were watching, you felt jotaro poking your shoulders. 
"what's wrong, why aren't you asleep yet?" you asked jotaro while you take your earphones off.
there was a slight pause in the air and you swear you feel the hesitation but opt to let him speak once he's ready.
"can i– can i touch your breast?" jotaro feels his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. he feels like a stupid teenager for asking such a ridiculous request.
while you were shocked to say the least, entertaining a simple request from your beloved shouldn't be a problem
"okay," jotaro could practically hear the amusement on your voice but he couldn't care less. once the green light is given to him, you can feel his calloused yet gentle hands go under your shirt and towards your boobs.
you feel him cup you breast gently, "is this fine?" you gave him a subtle nod. it's actually quite comfortable, you thought. his hands provided warmth and his hold is gentle enough not to hurt you, like his hand is a mold of your bosom.
you can hear jotaro release a sigh of relief in your ear and felt him cuddle closer towards you.
the two of you stayed that way while you continuously watch your show until some time, you felt his hold from your chest loosen, indicating that he finally fell asleep.
you smile at the thought and decided to close your phone and shut your eyes, ready to meet jotaro in your dreams.
ever since that faithful night, jotaro always asks if he could touch your breasts from time to time while you cuddle or take a nap if his day gets too overwhelming for him.
and you couldn't be any happier to oblige to his request.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
day at the pool with our boy James Tartt <3
Anything for you, my beautiful and smart-as-hell wife <3
2023 Summer Blurbs
Fuck Jamie Tartt and fuck his slutty little shorts.
This was a family event, with Keeley and Roy and sweet little Phoebe, and Jamie’s running around showing off his perfect fucking thighs. Damn everyone who decided men should start wearing 5 inch inseams on their shorts.
And it wasn’t that he looked bad, or ridiculous the way he did when he wore his hair all slicked back, he looks infuriatingly good. And there was nothing you could do or say about it.
“Oi!” A voice from behind you shouts, paired with hands squeezing your waist, making you squeal and quickly turn your head from where Roy and Jamie are attempting to push each other into the pool as Phoebe watches on and giggles to see Keeley with a giant grin on her face.
“Jesus, Keeley, you almost gave me a heart attack,” you respond with a hand over your rapidly beating heart to prove your point, but she just laughs at you.
“You’re allowed to talk to him, y’know,” she tells you with a sly smile as Jamie and Roy go splashing into the pool and Phoebe falls into a fit of laughter.
“I have no idea what you mean.” You try to slip away and make your way to your sunchair, but Keeley just sits down next to you, that knowing smile of hers never leaving her face.
“Don’t you think it’s a little weird there are so many adults at Phoebe’s party?” You ask, trying to change the subject while trying not to watch as Jamie hoists himself out of the water.
“Well, she’s gotta invite Roy, and Jamie’s Roy’s best friend, and she has to invite me because she loves me, and she has to invite you because we’re besties.” Keeley explains it all very clearly, and you can’t help but to laugh.
Phoebe, despite being a child, is one of your favorite people in the world, and you’re really just thankful she likes you enough to invite you to this pool party of hers.
And not just because it means you get to stare at Jamie, soaking wet in his swim shorts.
You and Keeley carry on talking, Phoebe coming over to join you when her mom runs back inside to grab more drinks, and you’re so carried away with your girl talk, getting all the drama from Phoebe about her classmates, that you barely notice when a dripping-wet shadow blocks the sun.
Suddenly, a pair of hands are grabbing and tugging you up from your spot on the sunchair, your protests and attempts to grab at Keeley for help practically useless as you get dragged closer and closer to the edge of the pool. You’re so disoriented that it’s not until you catch a flash of blonde hair out of the corner of your eye that you realize Jamie is the one terrorizing you.
Before you can tell him to stop, the two of you go tumbling into the water, his hands a firm grip on your waist. Sputtering, you break through the surface to see Phoebe laughing at you, and it’s practically impossible to keep a smile off your face when you hear that sound. Jamie has a proud look on his face, and you just roll your eyes when he leads forward to kiss you.
So much for keeping your relationship a secret for now.
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Hiya, I love your yandere archons and a someone else request got an idea brewing in my head. You said the reader can’t be powerful or more because it would make them like the traveler… But what if the reader isn’t even a human? Like a primordial deity/being or something like lovecraft? An eldritch being? Basically a darling who can’t be physically chained or overpowered? How can they charm/persuade the darling? Like trying to seduce Azothoth!like darling, like those scheming yandere they are? Like you know those court drama where the consorts fight for the emperor? Ya know poison, blackmail, etc? That’s the archons for the darling. Is this too complicated? Anyway keep up the good work.
ah this was such an interesting ask! it definitely let me bring out some more obscure head canons of mine so thank you so much! :3c
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behavior, mentions of animal slaughter, uh not much this is actually a pretty tame post, archons are actually kinda nice for once, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti would hound you constantly, showing up wherever you seem to be staying to constantly chat you up. At first he starts just straight up begging but slowly it devolves into just chatting, slowly making you fall in love with him as he learns more about you and you him.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you saw the familiar green bard bounding over to you, a bottle of wine in his hands and a basket of some human food you had mentioned enjoying. He made sure to always bring something to share with you while you talked, just a little something to keep the conversation going for longer. The bottle of wine was usually for Venti but if you showed interest he wouldn’t mind sharing. Slowly, as he visits you day after day, you find yourself enjoying the presence of the boisterous male. He may have fallen first, but you fell harder.
Yandere!Zhongli would use his history of Liyue to woo you, thrilling I know. This somehow seems to work in his favor though as he can invite you on walks with him and then spend the whole time telling you about the history of the area and all the fun little details. It may seem boring, but somehow the century old dragon seems to make it fun, his passion for history rubbing off on you just a little bit.
You listened intently as Zhongli told you random, generally useless facts about the spot you currently stood at. While you will admit that he had bored you at first, you had come to love his strange little information tidbits. The passion he had for history was admirable and the joyful effect it seemed to have on him rubbed off on you the more he told you. It had started with a simple proposition: join him for a walk and if he told you something you didn’t know, that he could prove was true, then you’d join him for another. If you did know it already, then he would leave you alone. What he didn’t tell you though was that he had no plans of leaving you alone, setting up something that was entirely untrue just to win the little deal. It’s the only time he’s ever lied to you.
Yandere!Raiden would act similarly to male birds, where she flaunts what she’s capable of to entice you to choose her. Though she doesn’t do a silly dance with pretty feathers, instead she showcases her power. She flaunts her capabilities as a partner and uses that to entice you.
While your power as an eldritch being was scaled differently from Raiden, it didn’t mean she couldn’t still showcase her strength to you. Showing you the skeleton of the giant serpent she had slain was only so impressive so instead she challenges you. Bring her anything and she’ll kill it. From wild boar to giant whales, everything you had brought to Raiden she made quick work of. She even offered to dive into the waters and hunt down something herself but you insisted it wasn’t necessary. She had proven herself plenty, you were simply giving her a hard time to see how far she’d go. It almost made you feel bad, killing the insignificant wildlife simply for a bit of a show, but Raiden always made sure the animal went to good use. That was something you liked about her, even if she was busy showing off and flaunting to you, she still made sure that nothing was wasted. 
Yandere!Furina would have nothing to offer but herself. She isn’t incredibly funny, she’s not super strong, she can’t tell you cool facts about her nation or even spend all day talking to you. All she can give you is late nights under the stars, laying there as she points out all the constellations to you. In her early years as the Hydro Archon she would often spend her time stargazing, finding the action perfect to unwind when she was stressed.
Every night, after finishing up with court proceedings for the day, Furina would meet you at the same spot. She’d lay out a blanket, whether you lay on it with her or not, and stare up at the sky. Sometimes she’s silent, just enjoying your presence as a calming figure in her life, and sometimes she’ll point out the constellations to you. Furina thinks you’re absolutely darling but you’re way above her league and she doesn’t have anything that she can use to attract you to her. So she settles for these quiet nights with you, gazing at the stars as she used to in her youth. On nights where she does tell you about the constellations, she tells you how to find it, where the name comes from, and if it applies, the story behind each one. Her favorites are Cassiopeia and Cetus.
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yaniiiiism · 12 days
stars and raindrops. -k.sm 🥯 // 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾.
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chapter one <3
☆┆pairing : kim seungmin x fem!reader ͏ ☆┆ info : sadfic , fluff , melancholy , unrequited love (cough cough) , feelings , mature themes , suggestive , bsfs , one sided , uni au , happy ending (?) ͏ ☆┆ personas + bg : uni students ; best friends ; trio of jisung, seungmin and reader. music students! ☆┆ word count : 3.1k ☆┆warnings : sad, seungmo's a sweetheart but just clueless. notes at the end !!
𓇼 ! 🖇️ 🪽 🐇 𓊇
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i ) ꕤ it's useless, everything is useless, even if they say it's useless.
The brunette sat slouched on his dorm's worn-out, velvet couch, his eyes locked onto the ceiling but his mind clearly elsewhere. He hadn’t moved in the last half-hour, a dead giveaway that something was eating away at him. The room was quiet, save for the soft hum of the air conditioner, the low volume of the random drama playing on the tv, and the occasional distant sounds from the campus just 9 floors below.
The sound of the door unlocking barely snapped him out of his trance. His dorm-mate pushed the creaking wooden door open with her hip, one hand loaded with takeout bags, a pepero stick hanging loosely from her lush lips, and her familiar, black, guitar case slung over her back, the stickers on it glistening slightly as it reflected in the muted sunlight. She huffed as she struggled to balance everything in her hands.
"Guess which lovely roommate of yours got takeout!" she announced grandly, her voice still a contrast to his silence, despite muffled by the chocolate pepero in her mouth. She stepped inside with an exaggerated sigh, kicking the door closed behind her and using her feet to slip off her converses, the effort almost graceful. The strap of her grey tank top slipped slightly off her shoulder as she tossed her guitar case to the side, which she barely managed to catch before it hit the ground.
But that idiot, too busy day-dreaming, didn’t notice her, his eyes still distant, staring blankly ahead. Without skipping a beat, the annoyed lady tossed the pepero box toward him, admittedly aiming for his– fluffy, brown hair that always drew her attention and made her drool; hoping to catch his undivided attention. The box smacked lightly against the top of his ear, ruffling a bit of his hair, then his shoulder, making him yelp in surprise. He straightened, finally aware of her presence.
"Hey!" Seungmin protested, grabbing the box and rubbing his shoulder to ease the ‘pain’,  as if the impact had actually hurt. "What was that for?"
“Don’t blame me,” The girl in question simply rolled her eyes, an annoyed glint in her eyes as she struggled to walk with all the weight in her hands, him unbothered by her presence. “You were totally zoned out, daydreaming about Eunha, probably?” Her voice carried a subtle hint of meekness, though she tried to cover it up.
The loverboy slightly flinched at the mention of her name, his expression shifting from startled to slightly defensive. His eyes, usually warm and inviting, now held a depth as he shifted uncomfortably on the couch. "I wasn’t daydreaming about anyone," he muttered, his voice a bit too sharp, betraying the truth behind his denial.  (stage 1: denial but we’re on y/n’s side rn so fuck u eunha)
"Right, because that totally explains the sulking," she shot back, her tone playful but her eyes sharp, catching every little telltale sign of his mood. 
Y/n glanced at him out of the corner of her eye as she unpacked the takeout, laying out the boxes of fried chicken and spicy noodles with precision, yet distraction. The savoury aroma of the food filled their small dorm, mingling with the faint scent of his cologne that lingered in the air. Food and nothing else –  a simple meal that should have made him smile, but today, the same as the past few days, it felt more like her gesture barely registered.
"What, did Felix crack another lame joke, and Eunha laughed too hard at it?"
He groaned, leaning back into the couch, the takeout momentarily forgotten. "It’s just... I don’t get it," he finally admitted, his voice quieter now, almost as if he were talking more to himself than to her. "He’s not even that funny, man, but she just—" He trailed off, his frustration evident as he buried his face in his hands.
The girl just watched him, her heart sinking a little. It wasn’t that she hadn’t seen this coming; her roommate’s massive crush on the university’s most loved girl, who aced in academics and in talents, had been as clear as day from the start. But seeing him like this, so tangled up in feelings that seemed to lead nowhere, the stupid unrequited love, it bothered her in ways she didn’t want to know. 
She bit down on the same pepero, trying to focus on the crispy sweetness in her mouth rather than the ache in her chest.
"Well, maybe he is kinda friendly or funny?” She blurted out, accidentally, earning a loud whine and a glare from the guy in front of her – that she almost choked onto the pepero. “What I meant was.. maybe she just has a.. terrible sense of humour!" she offered lightly, hoping to lift his spirits, even just a bit. "Or she’s just... I don’t know, blind?"
After getting some water, and washing her hands, the girl plopped down on the floor, her back resting against the edge of the coffee table, her knees drawn up as she tore open a pair of chopsticks. "If looks could kill, the ceiling would’ve been toast by now."
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, the strands flopping back into place with that annoyingly perfect, tousled look, she’d say. "You’re terrible at talking, I think shutting up would be easier for you."
She chewed offendedly on another quick pepero stick, her eyes never leaving his annoyed face. He could feel her gaze, like a warm, steady pressure, and it made him fidget under the weight of it.
 "Look, I’m sorry but Jisung and I, both, are really running short of ‘comforting’ phrases right now, for your certain unrequited love,” she quipped. She simply shrugged, used to this, as she dug into the bowl of hot noodles. “It’s been a year, Seungmin.”
He avoided her eyes, joining her on the floor too, reaching for the same with a mumbled thanks, but she wasn’t about to let him do that just yet.
She lightly slapped away his wrist, “Wash your hands first, dipshit,” She shot a glare, not wanting her meal to be ruined by his groggy, lazy attitude.
He groaned at the pain, standing up lazily, having no option but to obey her.
“Being a close friend and a roommate to me doesn’t make you any less of a guy, you know!” She called out, the corner of her lip curled into a teasing smirk as she continued to eat.
They fell into a comfortable silence after that, the quiet ticking of the clock filling the space between them. She busied herself with the food, passing him a box of fried chicken, which he accepted with a small smile. He was grateful, of her and Jisung both, even if he didn’t say it outright.
the next day.
The day rolled in quietly, the sun casting a pale glow through the blinds of her room, illuminating the soft dust particles dancing in the morning light. 
Her roommate had been up earlier than usual, probably pacing back and forth in front of his mirror, combing through his dark, chestnut hair like a man on a mission. He mumbled to himself, practising lines as if they were the opening of some grand opera, but in reality, it was just another attempt to talk to Eunha.
How’d she know that?  You’d ask, but blame the loverboy. It was seven in the morning, their rooms were right on the two sides of the wall, so yes, she could hear his footsteps and groans.
Fuck you, Kim Seungmin, she thought. Turning her head away and pulling the blanket tighter over herself, she tried to slip into slumber once again. Yet, even in her half-asleep state, she could feel the familiar pang in her chest. 
Unable to sleep, she got up from the bed with a groggy groan, almost tripping on her slippers, before wearing them quickly. She walked out of her room, approaching his room, as she twisted the knob slowly.
She stared at the guy through the little crack, him being oblivious to her presence. Nothing new, of course. 
"You know, practising in the mirror, early in the morning every day, won’t make you any better at flirting," she muttered, her voice hoarse from sleep.
Seungmin stopped his pacing and turned to face her, the hint of a blush dusting his cheeks. "I’m not trying to.. flirt. I’m just– preparing," he said defensively, tugging at the collar of his shirt, trying to make it look presentable.
“You’ve woken me up for the ninth time this week.”
“Oh.” He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, “Sorry, I’ll keep it down next time..” He mumbled out an apology, her eyes softening and glistening a light tap of vulnerability to his voice.
But she clouded it, once again, “You better.” She pretended to act annoyed, grumbling under her breath as she left his room.
During breakfast, the two met again. Since it was a Thursday, it was the girl’s chore to make breakfast. After a while of stir-frying vegetables, making 2 omelettes, and roasting some bacon, the brunette emerged from his room, smelling the food.
"Does this hoodie make me look too... I don’t know, comfortable? Casual?" Seungmin asked, his brow furrowed in frustration as he fidgeted with the drawstrings, walking to the counter. His breakfast was casually plated well, as he reached the fridge to get the usual apple juice, mumbling out a quiet thank you.
Y/n, who was too busy flipping the last omelette, which was hers, didn’t need to look up. "You look like you’re going to a study group, not a date," she quipped, fingers idly reaching for the black pepper from the upper shelf.
He turned to her, pouting. "It’s not a date, and anyway, Eunha said she likes when people are… casual."
She rolled her eyes, biting back a sigh. "Right. Because clearly, what Eunha says and what she does are the same thing."
Ignoring her sarcasm, Seungmin got his plate, his glass of apple juice, and mumbled a quick thank you again, before walking to the couch.
Later that afternoon, the raven-hair found herself idly snacking on another pack of pocky sticks, on a bench outside the university cafeteria, sharing the space with Jisung, who, as usual, had his earbuds in and was tapping away at some random beat on his phone, with the occasional talk. She glanced up just in time to spot Seungmin standing across the courtyard, his face lighting up as he spotted Eunha approaching with Felix.
"Here we go again," Jisung mumbled, pulling out one earbud as he noticed the scene unfolding. "Seungmin’s endless mission to woo the girl who has no idea how to even spell his name."
Y/n couldn’t help but snort. "Right? I swear, he’ll bring her banana milk today, and Felix will show up with chocolate milk, and they’ll just stand there, offering her beverages like some weird vending machines."
"And guess who’ll win?" Jisung raised an eyebrow.
"Not Seungmin, that’s for sure." Y/n's voice was a little more bitter than she intended, but Jisung didn’t seem to notice, too focused on the spectacle ahead.
As if on cue, Seungmin greeted Eunha with a shy smile, handing her a neatly packaged bottle of strawberry milk this time. Felix, not to be outdone, pulled out a chocolate bar from his bag, causing Eunha to giggle softly.
Y/n watched the exchange, the ache in her chest growing with each passing second. It wasn’t just Seungmin’s persistence; it was the way his eyes softened every time Eunha smiled, the way his posture changed when she laughed—he stood a little straighter, as if her attention alone gave him some kind of superpower. It was... poetic, in a tragic way. 
"Look at him," Y/n muttered under her breath, her voice thick with unspoken feelings. "He’s like some lovesick poet in a cheesy romance drama."
Jisung followed her gaze, and with a dramatic sigh, he added, "Oh yeah, totally Shakespearean. Except instead of 'Romeo, Romeo,' it’s more like 'Eunha, Eunha, why don’t you notice me?'"
Y/n snickered, even though it hurt. "And here I am, the sad side character in the background."
Jisung glanced at her, eyebrow raised. "You sure you’re not the main character in this tragedy?"
Before Y/n could respond, Seungmin beckoned them over from across the courtyard, clearly having noticed them. She sighed, pushing herself up from the bench. "Come on, let’s save him from himself."
As they approached the trio, Seungmin’s eyes lit up, clearly relieved to have his best friend and dorm-mate join him. "Hey, you guys! We were just about to grab some lunch. Wanna join?"
Eunha smiled brightly, seemingly pleased with the idea. "Yeah, come with us! The more, the merrier."
Felix, ever the friendly competitor, added with a grin, "Yeah, plus, we could use a buffer. You guys can make sure Seungmin doesn’t steal all of Eunha’s attention."
Y/n forced a smile, ignoring the jab of jealousy that Felix’s words brought. "Sure, why not?"
As they sat down together in the cafeteria, Seungmin was, unsurprisingly, absorbed in Eunha, hanging onto her every word like she was some rare bird singing a once-in-a-lifetime song. He laughed at every joke, even the ones that weren’t all that funny, and leaned in a little closer every time she spoke.
And Y/n? She could only watch from across the table, her heart twisting in knots as Seungmin admired Eunha the way she admired him. It was almost poetic, the way his gaze softened when he looked at Eunha—the way he seemed to forget the rest of the world when she was near. Y/n knew that look all too well, because it was the same way she looked at Seungmin, hopelessly and silently.
Felix, ever perceptive, seemed to notice the shift in Y/n’s mood. He leaned over slightly, nudging her with his elbow. "You okay?"
She plastered on a smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just... tired, I guess."
Felix didn’t push, but he gave her a knowing look, his gaze flickering between her and Seungmin before he turned back to the conversation at hand.
"So, Eunha," Seungmin was saying, his voice almost reverent, "what made you get into photography? You’re so good at it."
Eunha blushed slightly, twirling a strand of her hair. "Oh, I’ve always loved capturing moments, you know? I think there’s something beautiful about freezing time in a picture. It’s like... you get to hold onto a memory forever."
Seungmin’s smile widened, and Y/n could practically see the admiration glowing in his eyes. "That’s... that’s beautiful."
Y/n, on the other hand, silently picked at her food, each bite feeling heavier than the last. How long was she going to watch him fall for someone else? How long was she going to be the one sitting on the sidelines, waiting for something that would never come?
Jisung, noticing her quietness, nudged her under the table. "You’re unusually q—" he whispered, or tried to.
She shrugged, shooting a glare his way. "Quit it, squirrel face.”
Jisung raised an eyebrow but didn’t press further. He knew her well enough to recognize when she didn’t want to talk about something, and right now, her facade was clearly visible to him.
The air between them thickened slightly, a tension she couldn’t quite shake off. Her heart pounded in her chest, its rhythm uneven, as her thoughts wandered. She stole a glance at the brown-haired boy across the room, her gaze softening as it settled on him. 
His fluffy hair, a tousled mess of warm chestnut, danced lightly with each nod and drift of the wind, catching the sunlight in a way that made it seem almost sun-kissed. 
He was talking animatedly with Eunha, his every gesture filled with an energy she had grown to both adore and dread. 
His smile, wide and genuine, lit up his entire face, causing his eyes to shine with a brightness that made her chest tighten with a familiar ache.
His presence was magnetic, effortlessly drawing her in like a moth to a flame, even as she tried to resist. She watched the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, the soft curve of his lips that always seemed to hover between a grin and a laugh.
 It was a sight she could never grow tired of, yet it pained her all the same. 
He was a picture of effortless charm, with his broad shoulders and lean frame, the way his clothes always seemed to fit just right. But it wasn’t just his appearance that captivated her; it was the way he carried himself, the kindness in his voice, the gentleness in his movements. 
But more the way he cared. Not a lot for her, but for the people he loved.
The way he went out of his way for those he cherished.
Even when she wasn’t one of them.
It was.. cruel, in a way. But how could she hate him? That’s the guy who made her fall in love for the first time. Who made her feel ‘love’ for the first time. Even when he didn’t know it.
He had a way of making everything around him seem brighter, more alive, more.. appreciated.
And then there was Eunha. Her presence beside him was like a shadow that made her heart sink into a deep hole, even as she tried to push the feeling away. 
Eunha, with her flawless skin and effortless beauty, her laughter like music that filled the room. She was everything Y/n wasn’t – poised, graceful, just.. perfect. And it was clear that her lover saw it too.
The hopeless romantic could see it in the way his gaze lingered on Eunha, how his eyes softened whenever she spoke. The way he leaned in just a little closer to catch every word she said, his attention fully captured by her. His admiration for Eunha was evident in every glance, every smile, every word he spoke to her.
She watched him as he admired Eunha, the way his eyes seemed to trace every delicate feature of her face, the curve of her lips, the way her hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders. 
His expression was one of quiet reverence, as if he were witnessing something godly, something precious. It was a look that maybe she, herself, found to be doing, to him who was so busy with someone else. The look, she had once hoped to see directed at her, but now, she could only watch from the sidelines, her heart burying with each passing moment.
Y/n admired him with the same intensity, her eyes tracing the familiar lines of his face, the way his hair fell into his eyes, the way his smile seemed to light up the entire room. But while his gaze was filled with admiration for Eunha, hers was filled with longing, a silent yearning that she knew would never be returned.
She swallowed hard, the knot in her chest tightening. She could hear their laughter ringing in her ears, but it was distant, drowned out by her thoughts.
It was too much.
˖ㅤㅤ۫ㅤㅤ ♡ ㅤ۫ㅤ ೀ ˖ㅤㅤ۫ㅤㅤㅤ✧
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a/n ♡︎
guys i js became seungmo biased (this series is the output.) AAAAAAsshshaa no1. seungmo no2. minchan. new series AAAAA gonna try to update daily !! yes ik just fine is YET TO BE POSTED but i swear im js putting it on hold till my mid terms end !! cuz it kinda has complexity and i won't be able to spend a lot of time writing <3 this series is som i wrote during my breaks between studying ^^ plz give sm love to this series, i love it sm😭😭 made another spam acc for skz @loveforseung ALSO I HAVE AO3 NOW !! user's same as @loveforseung go follow !! also making a masterlist for all of my posts, plz lmk if u wanna be a part of it ! <3 have a good day ~ – love, yani ♥︎
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Can I request platonic candypop, just like more best friend HC I can't get enough of him he needs some love 🥲
I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you enjoy
A ride-or-die bitch for sure. Candy will stick through anything for one of his friends, and he's a very caring and providing figure, kind of like a chaotic dad friend, or a cool uncle who is also semi-responsible. He's the type of friend where if you text him that you're having a bad day he shows up at your house in ten minutes with your favorite drink and food and he'll sit with you on the couch and watch your favorite show with you and tell you stupid drama he's heard until he can get a smile or a laugh out of you because he can't stand to see you upset.
Also???? He totally bakes for you. Candy enjoys baking in general, so he would totally be the type to invite you over for a day and have you sit in the kitchen while he bakes like four different recipes, and he wants you to taste all of them and tell him what you think. If they're too sweet for you, or not sweet enough, or you don't like the texture, he remembers all of that and puts it to use for a later date. He'll also just like randomly show up at your house one day with a whole fucking cake and be like "I was thinking of you so I made you a cake! :D", but don't worry he will also definitely help you eat it. I feel like Candy is also the most tech-savvy of the older demonic creeps, and he totally has a fuck ton of best friend pictures of the two of you, with silly filters or drawings over them, and he always shows them off and brags about how cool his best friend is and sets them as his wallpaper when he doesn't get to spend as much time with you.
Also gives you the best range of hugs known to man. He has the hugs where he hasn't seen you in a while and so he runs up to you and scoops you up off the ground and squeezes you super tightly to him and refuses to put you down. He has those comforting hugs when you're sad where he comfortingly envelopes you with his whole body and strokes your hair and you just feel like everything is going to be alright. Candy will also absolutely 100% fight a bitch for you. Like if someone is bothering you or picking on you a lot, tell him and he will either verbally destroy them or fight them to the death and he is happy to do either to defend the honor of his best friend. Also also???? Best friend dates. Going to the mall, buying a bunch of clothes and useless shit you don't need but it looks pretty so you have to have it, eating a bunch of food. Candy loves doing things like that with you and he could spend all fucking day doing it, and he'll even pay for all of it for you. Candy is That BitchTM, and he will always be one of the best friends you could ever fucking have.
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The Romance of Inao
The story of Inao originally comes from the Javanese and Malay Panji stories, centered around Prince Panji and Princess Kirana.
The stories have spread throughout SouthEast Asia and they have their own versions of the tales with different names for the characters.
I am going to focus on the Thai dance drama version where Prince Panji is called Inao.
Brace yourselves, this one is long and complicated and a lot of information is not easily available in English so it's not as complete as I would like it to be but here goes.
Inao is the son of the king of Kurepan
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Bussaba/Kirana is the daughter of the king of Daha
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At birth they are betrothed to each other
When Inao is 15, his grandmother passes away in the kingdom of Manya.
The kings of Kurepan and Daha send him to represent them at the funeral.
In Manya, Inao meets and falls in love with princess Jintara.
After the elaborate funeral celebrations are over, he wishes to stay in Manya with Jintara.
But his father orders him home and Inao leaves, after sending a lovelorn letter to Jintara.
At home in Kurepan, his father decides to speed up that marriage! (Clearly sensing trouble.)
But Inao refuses to go along with this plan and goes off hunting.
Having left the palace, he takes on a disguise, along with a few loyal followers and after an encounter with a bandit, he acquires two captured princesses.
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They all head to Manya where the king happily welcomes him and Inao makes Jintara his wife.
Jintra, clearly drunk on love, decides to magnanimously invite the two princesses to be Inao’s concubines (polygmy was standard in this time.)
Inao’s father orders him to return home and marry Bussaba but Inao send’s word that he is no longer willing to go along with those plans.
The king of Daha felt slighted and angry and Bussaba too, felt shamed by Inao’s actions, although at this point, they had never actually met each other. (Can you guess what is going to happen?)
Rather recklessly, the king of Daha decides to marry her off to the next person that asks and the king of Joraka, famously ugly, promptly proposes, much to the King of Daha (and Bussaba’s) dismay. Unable to back out of his rash declaration, he reluctantly accepts the proposal.
But, plot twist, the king of Kamang Kuning ALSO wanted to marry Bussaba, because unlike Inao, he knew what she looked like and he was prepared to fight to have her.
Daha Vs Kamang Kuning
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The King of Daha was obliged to ask Kurepan for help (which must have sucked) and Inao was ordered to go to Daha and help the king sort out this mess since it was all his fault for backing out of the betrothal.
Jintara does not want Inao to go, fearing the worst but Inao decides that this is one summons that he cannot ignore. Perhaps a twinge of guilt at work there too. He promises to return though. (do you think he will?)
(now in SOME versions, an alternative situation occurs where poor Jintara is tricked away and murdered and Inao goes mad with grief for a time before finally regaining his senses when his original intended comes to save him. In this version poor Jintara is usually a commoner and so, sadly, easily got rid of.)
Inao rides in to the rescue and kills the king of Kamang Kuning.
Entering the palace of Daha to celebrate, he finally comes face to face with Bussaba.
(I like to imagine a Bollywood slo-mo moment here, where a mysterious wind blows Bussaba’s hair back from her face, as their eyes meet and a song starts to play.)
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He instantly falls in love and realises what a MISTAKE he’s made. (It’s really all your own fault Inao. Minimal sympathy right now.)
I particularly enjoy the accounts where he is standing by Siyatra (Bussaba’s brother) when he spots her and he is so overcome with passion that he repeatedly kisses her brother, mistaking him for her. (Ok, Inao, you tell yourself that.)
The King of Joraka was ALSO on the way to help Daha but he arrived too late to be of any assistance. (Ugly and useless!)
Inao was now desperate to prevent Joraka’s marriage to Bussaba and the king of Daha was sympathetic but he had already given his word. (Unlike some, he doesn’t renege on a promise.)
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Beach holiday filler episode time!
Ok, not really but the king of Daha and his wives and followers decide they simply must climb the mountain Wilismara to make offerings and worship to the Buddha image there.
Madewi, the king's second wife, suggests that Bussaba go and ask the image about her fate. Using lighted candles to decipher the Buddha’s message.
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She lit three candles, one for Joraka on the left, herself in the middle and Inao on the right.
Bussaba asks the sacred image to extinguish the candle of the person who is not her soulmate.
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Inao had secretly followed her and overheard this conversation and he plays a trick, pretending his voice is that of the god’s and persuading Bussaba and Madewi that Inao is her true soulmate.
He sends his follower Prasanta to drive out the bats and extinguish the candles and the darkness he finds and embraces Bussaba.
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Madwei is furious about this (Bussaba less so,) and she argues with Inao who has the audacity to claim that he never refused Bussaba. (I think your dad has a letter suggesting otherwise buddy.)
Inao reluctantly hands Bussaba back to Madewi but asks Bussaba for a piece of cloth from her clothes, to hold when he is missing her. (smooth.)
What comes next is a cycle of adventures where the lovers are separated and have to search for each other before they are eventually reunited in a happy ending but they are not all told in the Lakhon Nai dance drama.
In many versions, Bussaba has to temporarily take on the disguise of a man and she has an active role in trying to help rescue Inao.
In a Javanese version, a demon takes her place and pretends to be the princess, called Candra Kirana in this story and the real princess appears at the court, disguised as a man to win back her man.
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leonawriter · 4 months
I'd also had a less formed idea of a bodyswap with Kaito and Shinichi where Shinichi is at first overjoyed to be back in a body that's more what he's used to, but said body isn't actually his, it moves differently, and... I figure that given "Conan" is dragged off by Ran and/or it happens at a weird time, Shinichi has to pretend to be Kaito in ways he's not prepared for.
Perhaps he has to be extricated by Jii, and he has no idea what to say to the man?
Perhaps he has to go to Kaito's school, and Aoko figures that Kaito's playing some sort of weird prank.
Akako knows exactly what's going on, and doesn't like it one bit (there's a detective in Kuroba's body. that isn't allowed!).
Hakuba watches him for exactly five minutes and thirty-five seconds before pulling him aside and saying he knows and can tell that whoever this is, you aren't Kuroba Kaito.
Haven't really thought in much detail about Kaito's experiences as "Conan" but I'm sure he's not having a great time. If nothing else, Kaito's not the one with the kicking/football skills, so the kick shoes and ball dispenser belt are... not useless, but less useful for him than they are for Shinichi.
I think the only solid thoughts I have for this one are mostly just... Shinichi having mixed feelings of grief at being small again and relief at not having to deal with all that chaos when it's all fixed.
Either he "invites" himself over to Kaito's one day or he uses some of the time at the next heist he's at to go "So. About Hakuba-" and Kaito is half convinced he's about to drop that the detective just dropped all of his secretes with Hakuba but instead, he sees a kind of scrunched up, weird expression. "He already knows more than you think he does. I'd worry about his integrity, but I'm more concerned about never getting on his bad side like that again."
Kaito is left confused. He's also telling himself that the weird moment he thought he saw relief on Hakuba's face when he came back as himself was just him seeing things.
Hm, last idea... maybe Shinichi saying something to Jii in passing that leaves Jii all jumpy because "why is the young master asking about the Kudos and why is he talking about them like he knows them does he KNOW things that he isn't supposed to know, I didn't think Mater Toichi told him any of that..." and Shinichi picking up on part of it but mostly "it must be some kind of Kaitou Kid thing" not... "the old Family Drama resurfacing" XD
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pomplalamoose · 10 months
spending a December with DILF Luke🎄🌟
🕯️🕯️modern day AU🕯️🕯️
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A/N: I'm so mad at how wildly busy I am this month, but since this is my first Christmas as a fan fiction author, nothing and nobody will stop me from posting some holiday related fluff!
I sincerely hope you'll have fun with this as well <33
(it isn't necessary to read my other Dilf Luke posts in order to understand what's going on here, but should you have some questions check them out as well🫶🏻)
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• because of what happened to his beloved wife, Luke isn't a fan of the winter and the holidays
• he used to be but now all he associates it with is one of the darkest chapters of his life
• for the sake of his child and the rest of his family he tries
• but the sadness sticks to it like syrup and even the littlest of things remind him of what once was
• accordingly it causes quite the drama when your best friend gets invited on a skiing trip at the end of November
• yes, they'll be back just before Christmas but until then?
• they hate to leave their dad alone in his misery, even offered to cancel their plans but he insisted they go
• he wants them to be happy
• so your friend turns to you
• yes, they said they wouldn't involve themselves in anything romance related between you and their dad
• but pleaseee can't you find a reason to stay with him while they're gone?
• yes, they KNOW this will be absolutely weird because of your still unreciprocated crush
• they kind of don't care about that though, you'll manage for sure
• you can borrow their room while they're gone
• "or maybe you won't even need it" they say pulling a face in mock disgust
• eventually, because you know how much they're looking forward to their vacation, you agree
• (and also because of other, more obvious reasons)
• meanwhile Luke is experiencing a wild roller coaster of emotions
• already feeling glum and dispirited like every year, and even more so at the prospect of having to spend his time alone, he was planning to work as much as possible to distract himself from unwanted thoughts
• but when after much hesitation you ask if it'd be okay if you were to stay at his house for, mmh, maybe the next few weeks? he's suddenly ready to ascend straight to heaven
• he'll have you all to himself for nearly the entirety of the month!
• this is his chance
• he's going to make sure you'll enjoy your time with him
• imagine baking the first Christmas cookies of the year together
• it's a bit awkward at first
• although you know the kitchen well you've never actually cooked or baked something in it and thus have no idea where to find the necessary equipment
• no need to worry though!
• Luke definitely owns an old book full of recipes that is handed down in his family and wants you to look through it beforehand
• is there anything you'd like to try?
• or maybe you are able to spot a favorite of yours?
• he easily does the preparations while you're busy reading and so you don't feel quite so useless
• while mixing together the ingredients your sleeves keep slipping down
• because your hands are already covered in the, admittedly, way too sticky dough, you try pushing them up with your forearms instead
• when this doesn't work you attempt to use your chin
• Luke thinks it's absolutely endearing and takes a moment to watch before offering his help
• he gently reaches for you, making sure to roll your sleeves up properly
• coincidentally his warm hands brush over your skin a few times
• it's as soft as he imagined it to be
• possibly he holds on to one of yours wrists for a little bit too long when he's done
• and what about your hair?
• don't you think he should do it up and out of the way as well?
• tying it up in a messy pony tail he tells you to go clean your hands
• in the mean time he'll see what he can do about the dough
• when you return you raise yourself on your tippy toes to take a peek over his shoulder
• you definitely were doing something wrong because it looks perfectly fine now
• maybe you should have put in more flour?
• your thoughts quickly take on a very different direction, however, when you see the way Luke works
• never before did you think something like simply kneading a dough could be attractive
• to distract yourself from the thought of him touching you like that, you decide to have a quick taste
• if the dough is good, the cookies will turn out great as well
• at least that's what your mother always says
• carefully you sneak your hand under Luke's left arm to reach into the bowl
• you don't even want that much, just a little teeny tiny bit
• more quickly than you can react does your hand recieve a playful smack and you pull away with a pout
• don't you know you'll end up with a tummy ache by eating too much raw dough?
• the cookies will be done in less than half an hour, no need to get impatient
• when he isn't looking you stick your fingers into the bowl anyways
• but of course Luke catches you just as you're taking a bite
• he decides then that he might have some fun as well and starts chasing you around the kitchen in mock anger
• your squeals and giggles absolutely delight him
• the oven is doing its work and you're cleaning up together when all of a sudden you catch your reflection in the mirror hanging opposite the door
• looking down at yourself you realize in embarrassment that basically your whole front is covered with a mixture of sugary powder and flour and, is that food coloring right there??
• normally you never end up this messy but this afternoon, it seems, you got carried away a little bit
• of course this had to happen at the worst possible time ever!
• Luke, on the other hand, doesn't look any less perfect than when you started
• typical
• but before you can suggest it yourself he insists on bringing you a change of clothing
• is he going to look through my laundry?, you wonder with a flush to your cheeks
• does he even know where I put it?
• and most importantly: did I look like this the whole time???
• you scrunch up your face and beg for the floor to swallow you whole
• you don't know what exactly you expected Luke to bring to you, maybe a spare pullover your friend left behind?
• instead he returns with something that looks a lot like one of his knitted sweaters
• doing your best to conceal your excitement you pull it over your head, your heart beating fast
• Luke laughs
• it's way too big for you
• "do you need me to roll up the sleeves for you?"
• once the cookies are ready to be taken out you immediately want to try them and happily reach out when Luke offers you one
• he pulls it away as soon as your hand comes close
• "Luke!", you exclaim and again try to snatch it away from him
• he's faster though and dangles it over your head
• a few times you try jumping, then decide to quickly duck around him to get one from the tray
• he easily blocks your way
• at your scowl he can't help but laugh
• when you realize he wants you to eat the cookie out of his hand, by how close he's holding it to your face, you blush furiously
• of course you do as he wishes
• imagine visiting a Christmas market together
• Luke definitely leaves work early so you can go at a good time
• maybe you are a little bit overwhelmed with the amount of people pushing in every direction and so, to not get separated from each other, hold on to his jacket
• he enjoys it immensely and if you come across an especially big throng of people, he might even take your hand until you've made it through
• while you're admiring the lights and all the food and little trinkets to buy, Luke only looks at you
• he's hoping for a chance, any reason, to be closer to you
• so sometimes he waits until you've wandered away from him without noticing and then grabs whatever he can reach to pull you back into him
• when he has you where he wants you, he uses the opportunity to adjust your woolen hat and big scarf
• he's very concerned about you not being warm enough
• do you want something warm to drink?
• he would be happy to buy you anything you'd like to try
• on the way back to the car he has an arm tightly wrapped around your shoulder, hugging you closely into his side
• before he opens the passengers side door for you, he gently wipes the snow off your cheeks and lashes
• at some point he'll take you to an ice skating rink, for sure
• he's pretty good at it and would love to show you how to do it too
• do you need a helping hand?
• are your skates laced up tightly enough?
• don't worry, he's right there to catch you should you slip or otherwise loose your footing
• this is your time to pretend you have no idea what you're doing, even if you're normally able to skate just fine
• cling on to him!
• possibly, because he's SUCH a good teacher you manage to do a few laps on your own at the end
• however you have no idea how to slow down again; your focus was somewhere else entirely the whole time
• would he mind awfully if you were to bump into him full speed to stop?
• he pretends to and gives you a lighthearted scolding for immature behavior
• eventually he laughs just as much as you do
• do you want a Christmas tree for the living room?
• and do you think it would make a nice surprise for your friend when they return home?
• naturally he'll take you with him and turns it into a nice trip
• as soon as he realizes however, that you know the guy who sells them pretty well, he starts to regret his decision quickly
• especially since the both of you seem to get along splendidly
• you end up having a very good time, while Luke glares at the young man whenever he so much as looks at you for too long
• to cool off he pretends to look at his phone a few paces away but is at your side again in seconds when he hears your laugh
• what could possibly be so funny?
• he's fuming until you've picked out a tree you like
• very happy with your selection you eventually embarge on the journey home
• having no idea what's going on inside of him, you thank him for taking you
• you had so much fun and it was great to see, whoever that guy was (Luke couldn't care less), again
• although, you muse, he seemed to grow somewhat strange at the end, wouldn't he agree?
• of course Luke agrees and quietly smiles to himself
• since he pretty much involved you in everything to do with the holidays, he'll ask you to decorate the house with him as well and is relieved when you agree
• while you never seemed to grow bored or in any other way tired of being in his presence so far, he still was secretly worried
• maybe you could install the lights and decorations up high?
• it requires lots of precision and he's sure you'll be able to do it much more quickly than he ever could
• don't worry though, he'll make sure to always stand closely by your side in case you fall
• under no circumstances does he want you to get hurt and regularly checks if the chairs and ladders you are balancing on are sturdy enough
• however he'd be blatantly lying if he claimed there wasn't some ulterior motive to his request
• he knows you're more than capable but nevertheless can't resist to steady you more often than necessary
• just a hand on your lower back here
• or one on one of your legs there
• and because neither of you want the tree to accidentally fall over, he offers to pick you up by the waist
• he likes seeing his hands on you
• how easily you fit into them
• later in December he insists on taking you on a shopping spree
• both of you still need to buy some presents
• and since you refused to tell him what you want or need for Christmas?
• he's set on finding out himself
• the whole time he keeps a very close eye on every single thing you look at, making sure to even remember those that seemed to catch your attention only remotely
• oh and now that you're here at the mall anyways, do you already have an outfit for the upcoming festivities?
• he knows a few very nice stores he can recommend
• coincidentally they have some things he's sure you'll look gorgeous in
• at this point you're very close to the 24th and so you sit down to wrap your presents together
• actually it's Luke who does a lot of wrapping while you simply sit at his side and watch in fascination
• not only is he incredibly efficient but all of his packages turn out looking perfect, like something out of a magazine
• it's not like you're bad at what you're doing either but besides his yours just look slightly messy no matter what you do
• exasperated you ask for his help
• but then he moves to stand behind your chair, leaning in closely to reach around your shoulders
• see? It's actually very easy
• meanwhile you have no idea what's going on and can't concentrate either
• would he mind showing it a second time?
• just a few days later you see your friend again and get to know their entire extended family too
• some uncle brought a mistletoe, which he places above the doorway between the kitchen and the dining and living area
• it's a route everyone has to take many times and much chaos and laughing ensues
• you're enjoying yourself a lot
• your friend's family is just lovely and you end up with many pecks to the cheek while going back and forth as you help to prepare the dinner table
• Luke is watching in distress
• how come he wasn't able to catch you under the mistletoe yet?
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mangoboogaloo2 · 3 months
what's your hollow knight au... woah i;m so interested already
WOWOWOW hello :) I'm so glad u asked! Forgive me for the long post friend
1) Lost Kin Food Adventures/Also Hallownest Restored AU:
Part of me wants to keep it brief since I've story boarded a whole chapter of this I've kept but I got to edit it first (if I ever do ;-;)
- Lost Kin being a student and having an informal child/father type relationship Nail master Oro
- Lost kin learns that it's Nailmaster Oro's Hatchling day coming up soon, and they are invited by Sheo and the Nail Smith! Both teach them about birthdays/Hatchling day traditions
- They intend to make a cake! But learns that not many people in Hallownest don't know how to
- Although Lemm is a Relic-Seeker, Lost Kin learns that Lemm had heard of knowledge of adventurers cooking and baking, so they venture out to find the ingredients themselves together
Sideplot skirmishes/Character Moments:
- Hallownest is being rebuilt, and more bugs are flooding in! Hornet makes Quirrel an informal advisor to The Hollow Knight to help organize the kingdom a bit much to Lemm's chagrin
- Lemm × Quirrel: Lemm worries that Quirrel is not thinking about himself after seeing him devote more time to restoring to kingdom. This leaves Quirrel kind of hurt and they fight over it sometimes.
- Lost Kin figuring out themselves battling trauma between the Radiance and Pale King, trapped between void and light.
- Canon Drama: There's still tension between Oro and Mato and the Nailmaster family is tryna fix that
- Minor Drabble: Quirrel and the Hollow Knight reminiscing over their trauma and how they heal to being scared about rebuilding the corpse that is Hallownest
**(I'd imagine Quirrel here thinking fondly of Lemm when he says "it's okay to be useless" from the Stag Beetles and Broken Legs fanfic and somehow paralleling that to the Hollow Knight's new responsibility as king to not have as much pressure. That fic by Aryashi and relationshipcrimes on Ao3 is amazing, go go go)
- I'D ASSUME Sheo, Mato, and Oro are all triplets since they're practically identical but for that AU they've hatched on different days
- After installing Tumblr, I've seen SO MUCH food AU Stuff and I'm excited I'm not alone :_) I can't remember the exact creators that I've seen tho sadge
- Its funny since with this AU it assumes that Hallownest's gastronomy (at least in the baking department) being underwhelming as heck. I mean most people in Hallownest are warriors so I don't expect them too kek.
- Battling the fine line betwixt reality and fiction because I've done baking research on what Lemm and Lost kin CAN cook realistically but then like can bugs digest milk? Can bugs make a human cake and eat it too? Or do I have to use realistic substitutes? (Help I learned cockroaches can make milk, now you can know about it too HAH but yea no don't want that)
- Finally, definitely wanna flesh out Lemm and Lost Kin's relationship but I'm not sure how they would bond over in story. Maybe over Lemm's curiosity over the Pale family history and why these bugs look all the same and Lost Kin wanting to just experience life suffering from possession from radiance and such.
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^pg 1 storyboard (also I just realized, I don't know really if vessels are born ? So that's kind of sad)
This my most beefiest au that I will probably not fully write out (maybe)? Since writing is not my strength at all but thinking of character interactions is so fun. I have more different AU stuff but saving them for other days yes
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tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
Part 2 of cheerleader Logan and his football bf
(Also found the Og og post)
Name suggestions: Pete, Pat(rick), Max, Tony, Lucas something like that, maybe (was shortly on Tyler, but i don't wanna stereotype too close to the sun, yk)
Also, one day, Elias coming home early to Logan and him having an at home date. BF very much now scared, cause army officer dad, but while Elias is staring at them, he's just trying to figure out if "close friends or date???", paired with "is my son gay?" He looks frightening to the fbbf, but he's just confused. Logan noticing and clearing it up that this is the footballer he mentioned and between the lines that they might be on a date, Fbbf even more scared, Elias is delighted and just invites him to stay for dinner and then very quickly leaves them alone with "don't let me interrupt you". It is now fbbf's turn to be confused. Logan's explanation "dad is just chill like that, he still might ask you a lot of questions later, nothing bad tho"
Sad add (I'm sorry, but i had to): during ODIN while trying to run to safety, Logan and Hesh pass his remains, which stops Logan dead in his tracks, before it was just get himself+family to safety, not thinking about anything or anyone else til he saw him, which crushed him a bit, probably would've died too there or atleast gotten badly injured if it weren't for Hesh, who pulled him along with a "i know it's hard, but you gotta mourn later, now we have to get out of here"
That or they lost contact after cause Logan got into the army and he didn't (but that ain't as drama as that he died, yk, gotta have the drama)
-🐑 (found its creativity again :3)
I kinda like Lucas. Logan and Lucas. Double L and double trouble.
Pfffff poor Lucas. "Oh god he's a shotgun dad." meanwhile Elias is like
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"Did Logan come out to me, and did I fucking forget? Or is this how he comes out? Wait are they even dating? If they are I guess the birds and bees talk was pretty useless... though there is some health safety involved anyways. Should I call Gabe? What advice would he even give here! He'd be more likely to kill the boy than I am. Oh but that's if they're even dating, should I ask? Would that be rude? And should I ask Logan or the boy? David might know but that would definitely be rude."
Then Logan's like "I've told you about him." and Elias is like "Oh THAT boy. Yeah sure, this is fine."
Oh but hear me out: They don't see him during the strikes but they go to a refugee/rescue/relief center and see a body there wearing his jacket or some shit (while otherwise unidentifiable.) which is a detail that could later be used to set up some mystery as to whether he really died or not because yk a jacket isn't very solid marker for a persons identity and because things are still very tense Logan does get rushed away still and can't double check or some shit.
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Chapter 1
Humble Beginnings and Weirdly Colour-Coordinated Aliens
This is Alexandra Duchelli, or Alex. Welcome to this legacy challenge simlit story, where we try to experience as much as possible. Right, Alex?
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“Awesome, legacies are so much fun! Big houses, amazing clothes, great adventures! I can’t wait!”
Uhm, Alex? You’re a founder. You don’t have any money, remember?
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“Oh. Crap.”
Yup. So you better start earning some money so you can get a roof over your head as soon as possible.
“I don’t even have a toilet!”
There’s a bush.
“… Right, better get going.”
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After Alex grumbles through the first chords, we try the city to see if we can get some tips.
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Poor Alex isn’t having much luck, and mostly receives smug looks from stuck-up townies.
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Giving up on the tips for now, Alex goes to the karaoke club to brush up on her singing skills as well. You can’t be a singer-songwriter if you can’t sing.
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This is also a great time for you to socialise, Alex! You should try meeting some new people.
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“Some of these townies are a bit too friendly!”
Oh shush, stop complaining.
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“Seriously, can I go home? Everyone in this city is weird!”
Oh come on, you’re just overreacting because you’re embarrassed that someone saw your attempt at swiping a drink. Maybe stay on the right side of the bar next time?
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“No, I’m serious. There’s a man and a small girl outside just… staring… at a brick pillar.”
… Fine, you can go home.
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“I’m not sure this is better.”
Shush, we need to get enough money that you’re allowed to get a job. And the tips are too slow.
“Isn’t it a bit counter-intuitive that I need to earn money before I can get a job?”
I don’t make the rules, Alex. Besides, I’m busy worrying about the aliens.
“The aliens?”
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Yes. Apparently, the aliens are flocking to Oasis Springs, and somehow they mostly manage to be beautifully colour-coordinated. It’s honestly a bit unsettling.
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Anyways, we need to find you a husband, This is a legacy, after all. How about this handsome fellow?
“Uhm… he seems a bit bookish. What about that hot guy over there?”
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Oh honey. That’s Don Lothario. He’s bad news, you won’t get anywhere with him in a legacy, he’s non-committal. He’d be great as one of those enemies you’re supposed to get, though?
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Alex catches up with the neighbours and even scores a dinner invitation to the Caliente house.
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Nina: “Oh yeah, Don lives here too. Mom moved him in, she claimed she thought he would be a great fit for me or Dina, but I think she really wants him for herself. Anyways, no one is getting anywhere with him, he’s completely useless.”
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“Alright, I’ll give up on Don. I guess I’ll find someone a bit less…occupied.”
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Alex, who are you talking to? You should be in bed, or, I mean, tent, those skill points take energy.
“Oh, I just met these guys. This is Johnny and Malcolm. Apparently they’re brothers but there’s a lot of drama going on in the family.”
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“Eww, can I have something else to eat soon?”
I mean, sure, you can buy all the food you want, but then it’ll just take longer for you to get a job, and thus to get a husband and a roof over your head?
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As we head to the museum, I wonder. Is throwing up on a canvas art?
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We also need those handiness skills, so Alex starts some woodworking.
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Meanwhile, I am distracted by the amazing choice of shoes here.
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Alex, wasn’t there a vase there, just a second ago?
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”
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And so it continues on, with dumpster meals…
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… voice training…
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… more dumpster meals…
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… and more impeccably clad aliens.
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changingplumbob · 6 months
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 2
My favouite sim visits without being invited because she is fabulous. Devin and Paris discuss how Devin knew she wanted to be an actress.
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The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
Paris: Do you need any help up here?
Calista: Grazie Paris but no. I’m almost finished then we just have to wait for plants to grow
Paris: Oh
Calista: Are you okay? You seem a bit glum
Paris: Guess I just don’t like clouds
Calista: How about going for a run? It always helps clear my mind. And if you ever need to talk about anything you feel like you need a parent to hear, I’ll be around
Paris: *forces smile* Thanks Calista
Paris heads off, hoping a run will lift her mood. The main problem is high school is over. She knew who she was there, a cheerleader. What is she now? What does she want? What can she even do? Calista is kind but she would prefer her parents to be alive so she could talk to them.
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Kelly: Bun bun! Let me tell you about my morning. I ran into the perfect target
Bun Bun: *silence*
Kelly: She was a stuck up lady at the beach. I totally got under her skin
Bun Bun: *silence*
Kelly: Exactly!
Kelly takes time to tell bun bun all the juicy details, and imagine some gore like normal. Bun bun is left smiling happily!
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Paris gets back home to see Devin at the door.
Devin: Hey Paris
Paris: You here to see your parents
Devin: Whoever is in. Luna’s taking the boys to visit their uncles in Windenburg today so I’ve got time on my hands
Paris: I’d love to talk to you actually
Devin: About what
Paris: About you
Devin: Ah! My favourite topic! *laughs* Let’s sit
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Paris: How did you know you wanted to be an actor?
Devin: I've answered this in interviews a billion times! I have what I like to call natural dramatic flair
Paris: I’ve noticed
Devin: I’m going to take that as a compliment. Anyways I’ve always loved playing dress up and pretending to be loads of characters. I drove Joey mad with all my make believe games, he just wanted to have an iPad. I enjoyed drama in high school and figured, if I can make a career out of playing dress up, why not?
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Paris: But you knew what you wanted to do? Like right out of high school?
Devin: Yes and no? I mean I had a dream, but it wouldn’t have happened without hard work, a whole lot of luck and a supportive partner. And my flawless complexion of course
Calista: Of course cara
Devin: *laughs* You made this face ma, be proud of it because I am
Calista: Si cara
Paris: I have no idea what I want to do
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Kelly: Why is no one asking what I want to do
Devin: We know what you want to do
Kelly: No you don’t
Devin: Sow seeds of destruction and chaos throughout the world
Kelly: Lucky guess
Calista: You’ll figure it out. I had no idea what to do after high school-
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Kelly: But then she met pa and they had very boring adventures up and down the whole of Italy until they decided to move to Willow Creek and have my accidental back birth of a sister
Devin: Why do you have to be such a gremlin
Kelly: Evil’s going to evil. Have fun with your twins. *smirks* Is Rilian still avoiding bad tasting food because it could be poison
Devin: Go away, you’re not my brother
Kelly: You’re just mad I’m smart
Devin: Oh yeah, smart enough to trick a 3 year old, how impressive
Kelly and Devin began to exchange insults in Italian until Calista, having had enough, tells Kelly to go work on his mental skill which is still languishing down at level 3.
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Paris: I feel so useless. If I was smart I could just make a decision
Devin: You’re not useless just because you don’t know what you want to do. Like ma was saying before Kelly rudely interrupted, she had to take time to figure it out. Luna didn’t always know she was going to be a professor
Paris: Well why did she decide to do that
Devin: Because it encompasses who she is. She’s super brainy, she picks things up quick and genuinely loves learning new stuff. She says with teaching you never stop learning. Then she’s encouraging. Growing up with her dad, it was always her that looked out for her brothers, helped them when they needed it. As a professor she gets to help students all the time. She fosters their potential until they can see it. It makes her a great mum as well
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Paris: So maybe if I can figure out who I am, then I’ll be able to figure out what I want to do
Calista: Just remember Paris, you’re very young. It’s normal to not know who you are at your age
Devin: Plus, we’re never just one thing. We’re a bunch of things
Paris: Thank you Devin, I appreciate it
Devin remains dubious about the whole conversation though. It sounds like Paris has never seen or read any interview she’s done. Clearly Deanna needs to sing her praises more, or Paris needs to listen better. Maybe she should get them ZBB: Apocalypse Rising on DVD so they can see her behind the scenes interviews...
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Kelly: They’ll never see this coming
Deanna: Can you do that quietly
Kelly: You’re the one at MY desk. Now, do I use mantis droppings or… do I use sour milk
Deanna: Why are you so attached to your praying mantis?
Kelly: They kill their mates. I get to have a murderer in my room! How awesome is that???
Deanna: Not the word I’d choose
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Darling inviting the nrc gang plus Yuu’s (all y’all’s)
Darling: and this is my wonderful horrid relatives!
- said half of relatives, commuting many adultery, extortion, and entitlement -
Yuu @ Dire: how the fuck you live with them?
Dire: i ran away many years ago and it was the best option I had.
Freya: your family is messed up.
Dire: they also look down on humans more. But the reason why they are nicer is because they care about the famous and royal ones.
Estella: ….. I Wanna roast them-
Dire: as chaparon. Do it. Burn my aunt and there be a nice pay raise
Isabelle, Freya, Estella, Minako, Yuu, Drew, Yuuto, and Amity: let’s fucking do this.
Dire: and whoever you fight, don’t hurt *names nicer relatives* they are more polite-
Estella: when the fuck that duck got in here?!
Dire: that’s my cousins. They are sane because they just stay duck for days and honk at Dreadful
Minako: lot of-
Dire: affair kids? Yes. I’m the sane one here. Kinda.
Dival(Dire evil twin): if it isn’t the most useless brother-
Darling: says the man who not held his own offspring!
All the Yuu’s: 👀
- -
I’m feeling unhinged but that family drama is a luxury ticket to family show drama reality tv. It beats whatever is on reality tv
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire
Tagline: Trip to the Crowley’s Party
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the-harbor-rp · 3 days
NOTE: Our pirate-themed formatting is just for fun. This isn’t a pirate AU server or anything of the sort!
This server is 16+!
𓄼┊Welcome to The Harbor!┊𓄹
We’re a high-quality, semi-literate to literate (but you won’t be out of place if you want to write above or below that level!) multifandom roleplay server with an experienced mod team, fun theming, and general silly fun to be had all around.
“What makes The Harbor unique to other roleplay servers?”
Great question!
↳ We have an easy-to-navigate server, where everything (at least attempts) to be organized ↳ Our roleplayers write above a middle school level — this means, hopefully, no one-liners (unlike most other multifandom servers)
↳ We don’t have ANY jank lore. That means your characters can do… whatever you want them to! They aren’t forced into a connecting universe, they can visit each other in other universes, or you can have them meet in a connective universe—whatever you want! We’re basically like the roleplay version of a sandbox.
↳ Mods will hold members accountable for things they do. Hopefully you can say goodbye to petty middle school drama!
↳ A cool shop system---using Mimu, you can buy cool items like custom color roles or simply just cute in-character items (wedding rings, anyone?)
↳ Lots of roles (that aren't totally useless!)
↳ A small, accepting community ! We're excited to grow and even more excited to meet your cool characters!
↳ After you’ve proved yourself as a good writer, templates become OPTIONAL. Which is like, the most beautiful thing any roleplayer could ever ask for because everybody hates templates. You’ll have to fill out one or two so mods can ensure quality of writing, but after that, you’re good!
"What an awesome server? How can I join?!"
Here’s our server invite link!
Any further questions? Send us an ask!
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