#because it’s MY RIGHT AS A WOMAN!!!!
wrathofrats · 2 months
aeth humping a pillow right in front of a very bratty phantom and still getting cum all over bug's tummy somehow
whattt who said that
Quint manipulation my beloved.
Warning for manipulation, heavy degradation, heavy use of quintessence, kinda dollification, phantom tries to get aether to fuck him and it goes very wrong
I took this in a strange direction as I always do but you deserve the apology anyways.
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I think phantom is just downright awful when he doesn’t get what he wants.
Asks aether to fuck him, wants to be stretched open, wants to be made stupid for him with that signature sweet lilt to his tone when aethers talking down to him, something he can only get from aether. He’s nice about it too, he knows how to be good. Asks so sweetly with a please and a thank you and a bat of his eyelashes. He’s learned how this game works from rain. A shy voice and a little touching, it’s never failed him. So why should it fail phantom?
“No bug, I’m busy”
Phantom stood behind him in the kitchen, a hand delicately caressing his upper arm. It flexed under his touch, the muscle almost bulging through the fabric, momentarily distracting phantom from his denial.
“What? No???”
“The answer is no phantom, go find Swiss I’m sure he would be more than happy” aether said, checking on whatever he had in the oven.
“I don’t want Swiss. I want you”
“I have to get this done. Copia needs cookies for his ceremony and for some reason omega can’t do it.”
Phantom looked almost dumbfounded. If he played his cards right he’s sure he could pester aether into bending him over the counter for a rough quickie. Leave him gaping and mess on the floor when he’s done. But, if he played them wrong however ….
“We can be quick, do it right here so you know when the oven goes off, or I can blow you until they’re done”
Aether gave phantom a look that should’ve been his warning to stop while he was ahead. Cold and unwavering and phantom got more and more petulant with his needs.
“If you’ve been so fucking spoiled that you don’t know what no means then this is your lesson bug. Maybe learning some patience will do you good.”
“You’re the one always calling me a stupid you, maybe that quintessence has fried my brain, can’t blame me for not learning anything”
Something snapped. A sharp smell of metallic smoke tinged the air as phantom was brought down to his knees from something beyond his own free will.
He couldn’t speak, the magic making his blood pound in his ears as he watched aether move in front of him. He opened the oven to hastily throw the cookie sheet onto the stove before ridding himself of the oven mitts and walking back over to phantoms frozen form.
“How stupid can you fucking be phantom? If i didn’t feel so bad for you id leave you here for someone else to find, see what they want to do with the discarded sex toy on the floor”
Aether picked him up by the waist to throw him over his shoulder, carrying him off into his room to throw onto his bed
The magic let up slightly, enough for him to be able to move his syrupy limbs to spread his legs for aether. His vision was blurred at the edges, a small bit of confusion adding to the heavy mix.
Aether grabbed a pillow from the side of his bed, setting right between phantom legs. Not touching him, but close enough for him to see.
“Are- are you going to fuck me?” Phantom practically whimpered, watching aether maneuver the pillow against his hips. He wonders when either of them had gotten undressed, mixed in the haze of magic.
“Of course bug”
Phantom looked downright confused. The pillow mixing in and out of his vision as aether thrusted into it, it looked like he was thrusting into him, but without any of the sensation. He couldn’t move his arms to grab at him, could only watch as aether fucked into him.
“Aether please, please touch me I need it-“
“Buggy I am touching you, can’t you feel it?” Aether asked, that sweet lilt to his lie. He continued to fuck the pillow in front of him, a wicked smile as phantom whined.
“No! I can’t!”
“That’s really such a shame, I’m giving you what you asked for aren’t I?”
Aether was close, not looking to draw this out when he still had work to do. He continued to hump the fabric, small moans falling from his lips at how good it felt.
“Please aether I’m sorry just touch me-“ phantom babbled
Before aether could respond he was spilling onto the fabric, ropes of cum shooting up onto phantoms own cock and stomach. He rode himself through it, watching phantoms pathetic face as he worked himself through his high.
“Aether please-“
“Buggy I did touch you, look” aether pointed to his stomach, cum splotched along his abdomen, some even on the head of his cock.
“You already came babydoll”
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beebfreeb · 5 months
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ffcrazy15 · 1 month
There's this way of doing female-ness in Christianity that I call "pastel flower journal Christianity." I've got nothing against pastel flower journals per se, but for some reason people believe it's the end all and be all of female spirituality, and I think it's a real disservice towards young Christian women.
One of these days I'd like to start a prayer-and-reading group or something for young women, but there would be no floral themes or over-focus on how "God thinks you're beautiful even if the world doesn't" (a true statement, but it's wayyyyy too often the focus in women's spiritual reading). Instead we would be reading:
Seneca's Letters from a Stoic
Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning
Sheed's A Map of Life
Portions of Pieper's book on leisure
Kreeft's Three Philosophies of Life
Guardini's The Lord (or something similar)
Therese's Story of a Soul
and some select portions of the Nicomachean Ethics.
(Also they're all getting the porn talk. I don't know why we give the porn talk to young men but not young women. There's this idea that women don't use porn and they only need the talk about "guarding their heart." Bullshit. There's porn on the YA shelves of Barnes and Nobles and before that there were bodice rippers. Young women need the porn talk too.)
Every young woman needs to be getting a basic grounding in virtue ethics, logic, natural law, scholastic philosophy and Biblical hermeneutics if they're going to get by in today's spiritual landscape. Enough faffery and emotionalism in young women's spiritual education! Give them real food to chew on, not pasty sentimentalism!
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gay-otlc · 1 year
The people who think gay trans man have straight privilege because they have the "option" to "escape" homophobia and live as straight women are blatantly disregarding the fact that for a lot of trans people, the options aren't "gay trans man" or "cis straight woman." It's "gay trans man" or "dead."
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
Maybe the problem with Christian fiction is that it's non-denominational. People are just "Christian", with no effort put into showing what practicing that religion looks like for them specifically. No indication that there are other Christians who could have different beliefs. No wrestling with differing ideas and the struggle of how one should live out their Christian faith. And that makes it unrealistic and unrelatable.
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In my experience a lot of the shit trans men get from within the queer community comes down to ignoring half of our identity in favor of the other half
Either were men and therefore are basically the same as cis men
Or were trans so they'll use gender neutral/ inclusive language while still reducing us to our sex assigned at birth
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ellie-ramune · 10 months
What makes me so mad about the whole James Somerton situation is that he was constantly throwing a pity party for himself because he wasn’t making enough money from videos and struggling financially as a result. While I couldn’t donate I always felt super sorry for him because he said his content was being suppressed by youtube because it was about queerness and made by an openly gay man. When he was finally getting sponsorships and made his film studio, I was so happy for him. A gay content creator being successful is so cool to see. The fact that he was making tens of thousands of dollars while spewing that sob story to us is so fuckin infuriating. I should’ve listened to my guts when he made that shitty video on fandom and gay shipping, WHY DONT I TRUST MY INSTINCTS WHY???
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oblique-lane · 3 months
more mercenary analysis, whichever merc you want <3
Not a mercenary but... Okay!
Let's dissect Pauling
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Always so collected, responsible and efficient. The one who is not afraid to get her hands dirty for the sake of a goal, and her performance is always one hundred percent. What could possibly be not cool about her?
Well, maybe the fact that this all is, in fact, an act. Of course it is.
I'm not saying her determination and dedication to her job aren't sincere decisions of her heart, she really enjoys it and shines in her work. It's just a matter of WHY and WHAT she's doing it for. And on what scale.
For her, her job is EVERYTHING. Eagerly working 364 days a year with barely any rest, masochistically putting herself in so much danger, blindly following the boss's instructions, not even hesitating to kill people standing on the way...
Wow, there's gotta be something going on here.
Well, obviously the Administrator plays A HUGE role in this situation. Why would Pauling trust her so much? Referring to the comics, Pauling trusted her wholeheartedly on whatever the Administrator was planning, even though she didn't know what it was. This blind following that vaguely resembles nothing less than a weird somewhat child-to-a-mother attachment. It's just a Boss, just a job, why?
Because that's what it is. Mother issues. Very apparent.
We don't know anything about Pauling's past, so there's where the headcanons begin:
I'm assuming her birth mother was very neglectful and dismissing, never acknowledged her daughter's accomplishments and struggles. No matter how hard Pauling tried to become "worthy" in her eyes, it seemed to be never enough, as if she didn't even exist at all. Maybe her mother was a substance addict or something and their household wasn't safe and stable, so Pauling had to become an adult early and run away from home as a teenager and find a job to get by.
(I assume that because I believe there was a mention in the canon lore that Ms.Pauling had been working for the Administrator for long long years (don't remember exactly), indicating that she started working when she was still a minor).
So, being taken under the Administrators wing, her young wounded brain found a substitute for a very thing she was lacking, subconsciously clinging onto the Administrator as a newly mother figure, in order to "get it right this time".
Administrators Strictness, responsibility and demandingness were the most favorite qualities of a person of authority in Pauling's eyes, in contrast to the laziness, unaccountability and indifference of the environment in which she grew up. She could finally strive.
This time she would show the mother figure that she's worthy, she's important and irreplaceable; she exists. She would prove that no amount of hardship is too much for her if it means approval for the Administrator.
And the Administrator kind-of-sort-of gave Pauling this pseudo-love in return, encouraging her to sacrifice herself even more for their work. Which is at the very least unfair, and at most just predatory. Administrators "love" was conditional, in contrast with when the real motherly love Pauling unknowingly expected. Administrator was too immature for a mother figure, too much in power for a partner or a friend, yet too close for a formal boss. What is this!? Something not nice.
The Administrator doesn't love Pauling for Pauling, she loves her working qualities. And thus, Paulings subconscious guess was confirmed that "I'm only important when I'm doing the job. I AM the job."
Tying your worth to what you DO instead of what you are is a huge dangerous existential rout one could choose. But she never really knew her importance outside of her skills, so she wouldn't know.
Now imagine how actually painful that character arc was for her, when the Administrator proved herself to be unreliable and secretive, and when Pauling started to question her intentions for the first time.
"... Because I trusted you!"
"Then why are you questioning me now?"
It wasn't even the real conversation between them, just Pauling's mind torturing her.
It reminded me of the crisis of a 4-year-old when they realise that their parents aren't perfect; they don't know anything and they CAN hurt you.This shattering illusion of almighty love. When a child stops believing that the "harsh love" their mother treats them with is simply an abuse.
Wouldn't it be terrifying to realise in your 20s thar despite running for "the mother's approval" all your life, you will never truly get it. If your mother failed to provide it to you at such a young age, nothing will truly substitute that, especially now, when you're an adult, no one will love your inner child the way it was supposed to be loved.
Unless you yourself decide to take that role.
Realistically speaking, it's not nearly that sever with Pauling! She's happy in the environment she's in, there's lots of interests for her to explore (Guns, fights, killin'!) So many adventures every day! Even if Pauling has her inner suffering, it's not that bad aa I describe it. Her mother problems may actually be an advantage, a reason she is such a good and caring boss for the mercenaries.
I'm just edgying things down for the sake of the clearer analysis. But still...
If the Administrator will be gone and Pauling loses her life-dedicated job... What will be left? Who is Pauling once Mann Co is no more? Can she answer that?
– A video that helped me better understand the Good Girl mask:
– "Lise Bourbeau's 5 soul wounds model: Injustice"
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beaft · 3 months
anyway i'm always fascinated by the people who think that trans men transition purely to escape misogyny and gain social capital. idk how it is for other people, but since i transitioned i have not only experienced more misogyny than i ever did before but also lost access to the public spaces and support systems that might have helped me deal with it
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copias-juicebox · 1 year
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His military outfit please.
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amurder-ofcrows · 15 days
i’m stealth in college so no one besides the accessibility office knows i’m a trans man, like the beard and buzzcut and voice and the other ways my body has been changed by 5 years on T and top surgery make people just think that i’m a “cis” man, and i’m friends with these two girls in my quantitative reasoning class and i complimented one of their outfits and made a joke about how i would probably wear it if i didn’t wanna deal with people’s bullshit and she goes “oh you know it’s okay for guys to explore their gender? you don’t have to fit into a mold society put you in based on being born male” and i’m like thanks for the sentiment and i do need to remember this as a trans man who is still exploring his fashion sense, but trust me when i say I KNOW so like ill just be over here internally screaming (but hey at least i know she’s cool about it if i did come out)
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anderwater · 1 year
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"I'm not fast, you're too slow."
Olivia Washington as FLORA I'M A VIRGO 1.02 dir. Boots Riley
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milfygerard · 26 days
i still posit thered be way less inter-swiftie drama if we all stopped writing conspiracy theories and started making short-form psychoanalytical fiction writing exercises like a normal fucking fandom
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kazutora-kurokawa · 7 months
Girlfriend Stealer!Bonten!Sanzu x Reader
♡ SFW->NSFW, fem reader, cheater!reader, hickeys, exhibitionism, unprotected sex + creampie ♡
note: this was partially inspired by the song Girlfriend by Heavyweight, idk why I didn't just turn these into a fic (I'm sick and lazy lol)
note 2: this was way longer than planned, but all of my morals and dignity leave my body when it comes to Bonten Sanzu (and I'm fine with that)
🌸 You two met at one of Bonten's numerous nightclubs
🌸 You were there with your boyfriend, but that wasn't going to stop Sanzu from approaching you
🌸 He watched you all night and even offered you a ride home when he saw you were about to leave
🌸 Gave you his number even though you told him not to
"Take my number anyway doll, you never know when that little boyfriend of yours will disappoint you~"
🌸 You called him the next day and he immediately asked you out, you agreed but only as friends
🌸 He took you out to dinner and then drove you to a nightclub (not owned by Bonten this time)
🌸 Unfortunately your just friends mentality went out the window when he put his hands on your waist
🌸 He held you tightly and pulled you close to him, tracing the patterns on your dress and giving you a chance to breathe in his intoxicating cologne
🌸 This man had you in your feelings and you barely knew him, but you'd know a lot more than most by the end of the night
🌸 He dragged you off to a secluded spot in the club, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap, the bulge in his pants became much more apparent now that it was pressing against your panties
"Tell me princess, does he fuck you good enough?"
🌸 You didn't even have to respond, he already knew the answer and was willing and ready to please you
🌸 His thumb pressed down on your clit, slowly rubbing it before he pulled your panties to the side
🌸 Your hands fumbled with his belt and you couldn't help but gasp when you finally got a hold of his cock (because there ain't no way that was gonna fit inside you, he's girthy asf)
"You want it, 'cause it's all yours darling~"
🌸 You held his shoulders as you rode him, his calloused hands gripping your hips and setting your pace
"Feels so good darling, wanna stretch you out every night ♡"
🌸 He buried his face in your neck, sucking and biting on the soft flesh, hoping to leave you with some reminders of your night together
🌸 His nails dug into your hips as he felt himself approaching the edge and he begged to cum inside you
"Fuck princess, can I? Can I please fill up your pretty lil cunt?"
🌸 You nodded in agreement and your body trembled as you felt him pump his thick, sticky cum into your pussy, leaving you full and satisfied
🌸 He dragged you off to a bathroom to clean you up and helped you walk back to his car
🌸 He dropped you off back home as if he didn't just wreck your insides
"Lemme know when you're free doll, I'd love to be able to take care of you properly next time ♡"
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katshimizuu @happy-trenchcoated-impala @rinshawty @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
Slumber party question! What's your earliest memory of encountering beauty? The first thing you can recall where you looked at something and were struck by how beautiful it was?
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vilochkaaa · 7 months
i did what i've been planning to do for a long time - a fem. version of Pierre..
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