#because it happened way too much for me personnaly and that just makes me sad
iamhereinthebg · 2 months
This may be a strange question but have you ever been bullied in the tbhk fandom? I am having a hard time here
Heya no worries at all for the question! This is an important thing and if you needed to have a place to say it I am happy you did!
I really hope people will be nicer to you :// There is never a good reason for bullying unfortunately it happens a lot on internet QvQ my only advice would be to block those people and/or delete anonymous asks for a while if people are just putting stuff as anonymous :///
To answer your questions, idk if it counts as bullying but I was the target of some stuff like that yep, and tbh I don't really know why. People can have the opinions they want but I will be honest in the tbhk fandom you like a character or a ship that is not 'what everyone in the fandom should like' and people start menacing you for no reason.
A lot of people in this fandom are kids who sometimes don't get what insulting people do. (and not only kids but it is one of the reason, I feel like a lot don't have 'internet basis' like not saying everything about yourself on twitter help.)
Which is also one of the reason I am taking my distances with anyone in this fandom because I had too many unwanted stuff like when I was just trying to be nice and answer messages. It's not because we are in the same fandom that we are bffs.
This is sad to say but yes I don't think you can just have fun 'fun' in this fandom anymore, people will make sure you have a hard time for no reason and honestly I am tired of people who are unable to understand that we aren't just bots on the internet and that Surprise! people have feelings wow
I hope you will be better but don't hesitate to take some time off the fandom a bit ^^ I am being overly dramatic here because I had some bad experiences (I've been in the fandom since the start of 2020 so welp) but a lot of people are really nice and I am sure you can make some friends too ^^ (I did too! even if a lot aren't in the fandom anymore, it's nice seeing mutuals from far away doing their lives)
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shigetsugu · 8 years
hideyoshi for the send a character ask :3c
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Why I like them: Well, obviously I love him a lot since Hideyoshi is my second favorite lord. I started the game thanks to him so he has a very special place in my heart even if in the end Kojuro won the biggest. He is such a ray of sunshine and he is clearly one of the smartest. I really like him because he is able to turn on the tables so easily, maybe a bit like Kojuro. Both of them are some kind of pillar for both of their clan when it comes to negociations for exemple. He may be a tease but he is so gentle about it, like, you can feel he clearly does it only to show how he likes MC or even Inuchiyo. He stays calm in most situation and he has such a clever mouth that can save everyone’s ass. Boy, do I love him...
Why I don’t: I’m only basing myself on my feeling when I played his main story but he feels so detached and it looks like it’s difficult to approach him, so in the end I didn’t feel like he really liked the MC...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): In his MS, I loved when he has to go to the front and MC gives him her precious hairpin. I think it’s very lovely and big proof on how she cares for him... *cries*
Favorite season/movie: I personnaly loved his first ES but I guess it’s probably because I’m biased again, mmh.
Favorite line: It’s gonna sound stupid but I think it’s in his prologue when he calls for Inuchiyo by calling him “Puppy, puppy, puppy!”... Goddammit, I’m just laughing like a dumbass writing it!!
Favorite outfit: It’s hard because his battle armor is good but I love when he’s only wearing his kimono too...
OTP: Strangely, I’m don’t very much like his relationship with the MC so far. In his MS, they seem a bit distant and it’s like there’s nothing much between them both, it feels a bit empty. I honestly believe that it will be quite different in his ES, so I can’t wait to see what will happen because I think they could get a nice dynamic as well.
Brotp: No contest, I love his duo with Inuchiyo. I mean, there’s no way you can not laugh when the two of them are around. And it’s obvious they care for each other a lot as well. Love it so fucking much.
Head Canon: Fran × Hideyoshi = OTP
Unpopular opinion: I know loads of people see him as some kind of flirty fuckboi but uh, well, he is clearly more than that and that makes me sad that some think of him that way...
A wish: I don’t know honestly, I hope in the future everyone will realize that he may be a bit of a sinnamon roll but he really needs to be happy and loved.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I’m not scared much for him to get a bright future in his sequel... or at least, it’s what I want to believe...
5 words to best describe them: Thoughtful, Lively, Wistful, Peacemaker, Mischievous
My nickname for them: I’m bad at giving nicknames, honestly... I only end up calling my favorite characters either “bitch” or “babe”... 
Fraaaaan! Here goes your monkey boy! ♡ Let’s fight on to give him all the love he deserves as members of #HideyoshiProtectionSquad. (๑♡⌓♡๑)
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iamacolor · 7 years
I like Milan but I almost feel like he’s either going to be using/playing Georgie orrr he’s going to like your Elvis drama is Sth I am not really here for and then move in. Bc Georgie is still in denial about her feelings for Elvis. I feel like I missed Sth between s2 and s3. Like...why are they like this again she was Spider-Man kissing him at the end of the season before leaving for the ultimate bff adventure (can she come back? The bff and/or that Georgie). I figured it had Sth to do with 1/?
2/With Laura and Laura’s mom, like where Georgie felt guilty bc she couldn’t be a “mom” in the same way bc she’s committed to her wk and then one sidedly (like Elvis in s2) decided what was best for them and that meant splitting up(again). But now the maisie thing in the previews if accurate complicated it bc it’s like I left so you could have a “perfect” family with Laura and her mom but he’s all like um what? Why? I just want you and to be a dad not that kind of family but perhaps3/ I have read too much into the situation. Idk. I also want maisie to get with the guy who lost his cell phone to the girl. They’re cute and I’m skeptical anything happened with Elvis but if it did it was probs like a we are sad and/or drunk kind of thing. Idk. Ugh so much drama and can capt and molly not be split bc that would make me so sad! Ugh what drama awaits? I am not ready, I’m sure. Oh one other thing-who is capt pushing angrily and talking abt trust?!?!And what’ll happen to the kids!?
Yeah the thing about Milan is that we only know good things about him so it doesn’t leave much room for analysis in a way but yeah I wonder how it’s going to end with him. I think your second option is the most likely because I don’t see what he could get from Georgie? For it to be a good enough reason to use her. Maybe he’ll give up because of her story with Elvis. I think that’s more likely.
And yeah I agree with you about Georgie’s feelings for Elvis, she isn’t honest with herself about them. Georgie is someone who doesn’t really deal with her feelings. She usually just says “I’m fine” and forces herself to move on even if she needs time to sit down and think about these things. I personnaly think that at the end of season 2 Georgie was very overwhelmed with the Elvis situation, especially after running away from her wedding with Jamie and Elvis once again risking death for her, so she decided that she needed a break and that’s why she went back to Kenya to work with Nefula. She wanted some time to herself without having to think about Elvis and the possibilities there (typical Georgie throwing herself into action). So I personnally don’t think they went back together at some point but I’m thinking they definitely did a few missions together like the one we saw at the beginning of episode 1. I think she’s trying to keep him away because she’s made a decision about him (that it’s too complicated and she doens’t want to do complicated) and she wants to stick to it but he won’t give up easily we know that. So she keeps rejecting him. But I definitely think that if Georgie ever considers going back with Elvis (or when she might have thought about it), Laura might be an issue because she’s the reason why she couldn’t marry Elvis and that would mean a kid to take care of which is a big responsability and as you say Georgie is more focused on her work. 
We know that apparently Maisie and Elvis have an history together but I’m really skeptical about it and I definitely don’t think that it was anything serious. Elvis is too hang up on Georgie anyway. Like you said it was probably just a one time only type of thing. But it’s probably going to make Georgie think that Elvis isn’t serious and that he’s been playing with her all along? Which is going to be one more obstacle in their way and is going to make Georgie angry and push him away. Which is also going to create more tension between Maisie and Georgie (as if we needed more,  just want them to finally see eye to eye). And yeah I think Maisie and Rab will definitely happen at one point, he’s already gone for her and they’re really nice together. But I wonder if they’ll become really serious or not.
As for Captain James and Molly, I’m definitely sure now that they’re still together because in this article : http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ Captain James is mentionned as her husband. I advise you to read this article because it gives a few details about the season (we’re apprently getting 3 tours with 4 episodes each so the drama is definitely going to take its time to be solved!!). Whatever drama comes next I’m not ready either lol. That little preview of Captain James screaming about trust makes me really anxious because Charles is always so collected and in control and never gets physical so something bad must’ve happened!!! What we know for sure is that they’re back in Afghanistan where the situation is difficult, Maisie and Elvis story is going to be found out by Georgie and in return Maisie is going to talk about Milan to Elvis I think.
And as for the Fara storyline, I’m really worried about her. I think the othe rkids are going to be alright but she’s all on her own in a huge city and something really bad could happen to her. I can’t wait for the next episode.
Also I just rewatched season 2 episode 3 and all my Georgie/Elvis feels are back this episode is so intense and it has so many moments of them I’m… What is going to happen to them?
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