#because i the true saint was banished that country is done for
kodanshamanga · 6 months
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
🏰Because I, the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For! Vol 2🏰 By Shikiso Utsuzawa, Mokuba Matsu and Pukyunosuke
👑After saving a nobleman, Eliane is shocked to discover he is none other than its crown prince.
Read and download on Kodansha.us
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graphicpolicy · 7 months
Because I, the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For! debuts this March from Kodansha
Because I, the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For! debuts this March from Kodansha #comics #comicbooks #manga #graphicnovel
Because I, the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For! Story by Shikiso Utsuzawa, Art by Mokuba Matsu, Original Character Design by PukyunosukeDebut Date: March 12, 2024Rated: 13+ Ever since she was a child, Eliane has been the saint and protector of the Kingdom of Belkheim, warding off monsters and ensuring bountiful harvests with her prayers. But when a pretender saint beguiles…
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mizstik · 2 months
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ljaesch · 7 months
Kodansha Announces Digital Manga Debut for March 2024
Kodansha has announced the digital manga debut of a cute new fantasy rom-com about an ousted Saint and the doomed kingdom that kicked her out on March 13, 2024. Because I, the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For! is the perfect new series for fans of other fantasy rom-coms like Pass the Monster Meat, Milady, the funny, food-centric romantic fable; and Saint Cecilia and Pastor…
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professor-glasses · 3 years
Never mind I’m doing it right now
Now let me preface this with stating that I used to assume those interpretations myself, back when I was younger, knew less about literally anything other than Christianity, and was compelled and somewhat conditioned to interpret everything through a Christian lens (I think this is a big part of the issue)
I’m assuming the Arceus = Christian God take comes from everyone seeing the “creator Pokemon” and going oh Pokemon God!!! and also the movie painting Arceus as being angry and judgemental against humanity at that point, and God is gonna judge the world and wipe people out something something blah
But here are some things: Christianity isn’t the only belief that has a creator figure. Many, many, many beliefs have a creator figure or creator figures. It’s just that in the big one, Christianity, there’s one specific “true” creator figure.
Which is another thing, in Pokemon there are very clearly many other Pokemon considered gods, and you know? Arceus apparently has no problem with this. If Arceus were the Christian God this would be a massive problem because of monotheism and there only being one God. This is kind of important. (Unless you want a like, angels or saints veneration kind of take maybe? but I don’t know much about that because I wasn’t Catholic so I’m not qualified to talk on it)
And also, I’m fairly sure Christianity isn’t unique in its god(s) getting mad at humans at some point for something (also this was only in the anime movie and not done anywhere else as far as I know? so that’s a loose thing anyway)
What I’m saying is that I personally think the biggest reason people go Arceus = God is that Christianity is huge and everywhere and of course people (especially in Western countries) default to that for their interpretation. It’s not that there aren’t other, possibly better links out there, it’s just the first thing we think of.
Now, moving on to Giratina being “Pokemon Satan” for some reason (under a cut because this post is just getting longer and longer)
I guess the main reason people think of this is because it was banished to the Distortion World and is like the evil creepy dragon. You know. And Satan was thrown from heaven and is the Big Bad evil guy and so on and so forth
But once again, we have issues, because there are plenty of other mythologies with evil god figures or god figures who were punished for whatever
Giratina was never explicitly stated to be evil as such. Also, what was it actually banished for? For its violence. Do you know what Satan was hurled from heaven for? Pride and coveting a higher position, not violence. But you know a god that actually was removed from his place because of committing a violent act? Susanoo. I don’t see anyone coming up with that interpretation though.
Like, none of Giratina’s behaviour that we actually see is anything like whatever Satan’s supposed to be, other than it got banished for something.
I can’t think of anything else to say right now, hopefully I explained what I was trying to explain well enough, sorry if I worded anything badly. Disclaimer that I’m not an expert on anything (my one claim is being ex-Christian and being pretty committed so I knew a fair amount about some things).
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vajranam · 4 years
Five Dakinis Families
All dakinis have extraordinary powers -- the worldly ones and those referred to as wisdom dakinis -- but only the motivation of the latter is completely pure.  The life story of the Mahasiddha, Tilopa (988 - 1069) tells how after he met the dakinis who could manipulate appearances, he encountered the ones embodying the five activities, and then at last, in the heart of the mandala, The Wisdom Dakini, herself.  The Life of Padmasambhava According to Yeshe Tsogyal describes a similar progression. 
Tilopa Meets the Dakinis  
The 4th Chetsang Rinpoche (1770-1862) of the Drikung Kagyu tells how the Bengali brahmin boy, Salyeu, out minding water buffalo, was visited by a "fearsome, ugly woman" who told him to ". . . herd buffalo And read scriptures. There you will find the prophecies of the Dakinis."
With this, she disappeared.
Some time later, while he was reading under a shapa [hat-shaped?] tree, she returned, and asked him to identify himself to her. He gave the appropriate, ordinary information, but she corrected him, saying: 
"Your country is Oddiyana in the North; your father is Chakrasamvara; your mother is Vajrayogini: your brother is Pantsapana [Hind: Panchpana], and I am your sister, Bliss-giver.  If you want to find the true buffalo go to the forest of the bodhi tree.  There the stainless Dakinis hold the ear-whispered teachings."   
He said, "If I go there, the Dakinis will pose obstacles and prevent me from succeeding." She said: "Yogi, you can get the teachings. You have received the predictions And kept the samaya vows."
Realizing she was a Dakini, he said: "The path is dangerous and I do not know how to traverse it." In reply she gave him a crystal ladder, a jeweled bridge, and a coral-handled key, saying: "I give you my blessings; depart without hesitation."
The young man, who would become known as Mahasiddha Tilopa, then crosses the country to reach Oddiyana where, using the magical tools, he negotiates  a poison lake and the "iron wall of Ghandola."   Then, he chooses the correct one of the three gates to the Temple of Ghandola and, using his coral key, he enters.    
First, he meets nirmanakaya "stainless Dakinis Who desire flesh and blood." in their many fearsome forms that make terrible noises and threatening gestures, but he is not afraid.  Frustrated, they fell into a faint, and when they regained their composure, they begged his forgiveness and admitted:
    "We are to you as the butterfly to the lamp; The butterfly hopes to extinguish the lamp, But instead dies in the light. ... , ... ." 
One among them continued:  "I am just an ordinary being, without authority.  If I do not ask our leader's permission to let you in, She will eat my flesh and drink my blood.  Therefore, precious one, do not think unkindly of me."
Then, samboghakaya Loka Karma Dakinis appear, but by making the three threatening ritual gestures, Tilopa overpowers their faculties of body, speech and mind. They suffer the same as the previous group, and their leader, "a  Minister," goes to announce him to the Queen.   When she permits him to enter, he does not even bow but rather assumes a state of meditation, so the host of attending Dakinis get angry, saying:
"She is the blessed one, The mother of the Buddhas of the Three Times.  Let us beat him Who shows no respect."
The Mother intervenes saying that he is ". . .  . The father of the Buddhas of the Three Times.  Even a rain of vajras . . . Could not destroy him. Therefore I will give him the teachings."
She instructs him in prana [breath/energy] and other unrecorded things, but he insists on more, and Tilopa says that he wants " . . . the perfect teaching.  The stainless bliss, the great secret Of the ordinary and the extraordinary."
She then agrees to confer the three wish-fulfilling gems including the self-arising body of co-emergent Wisdom and Means united; the speech that is the 7-syllable self-arising emerald in the Dharmakara, and the 5-pointed vajra jewel of self-arising mind, but only if he can understand the signs.  The host of Dakinis express their doubt that he will be able to understand the signs, but Tilopa responds directly to the Mother, that he has 3 special keys, and that they are:   
1.  The self-liberation key of samaya that grants access to "the light of wisdom which dispels the darkness of ignorance, And to self-awareness, self-arising, ad self-clarity." 
2.  "the key of experience Which opens the door to the mind-as-such, Self-appearing clarity which is ever unborn, . . .  ." and
3. "the key of experience of the realized yogi" that opens the door to "Mind-as-such, Dharma-as-such, and Dharmakaya."
At that the Dakinis rejoice and hold a Ganachakra feast in which they prepare the sindhura (vermillion powder) mandala and further empower him by means of both oral and mental transmissions.  They give him 13 distinct tantras for the future benefit of beings including Tantra of Vajra Dakini, Tantra of Sangwai Zo and Tantra of Vajradhara Self-appearance.  Then they liken him to a bird and, having addressed him as Chakrasamvara and as Prajnabadra, they beg him to remain with them.  
Knowing the future, Tilopa explains that he must return to Tsukgi Norbu (Crest Jewel) Monastery "For the spiritual sons Naropa, Ririkasori and others."  
As he was leaving, a formless Dakini bestowed 9 special objects with instructions to:
1. "loosen the knot of the mind"
2. "act like a sword striking water"
3. "chase the sun of realization" [a lasso?]4. "see samaya in the mirror of your mind" 5. "see that the light of awareness is wisdom"6. "turn the wheel of the channel and wind net" 7. "see the outer mirror equalizing taste" 8. "see the mahamudra [a seal?] of self-liberation" 9. hold "the jewel of great-bliss speech"
And that, according to the Drikung Kagyu, is "how Tilopa as a human being over- powered the Dakinis, and how he received the teachings. "
Consorts of Transcendent Buddhas
Tibetan Buddhism acknowledges, besides the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama Shakyamuni (532-486 BCE) other buddhas (awakened ones/fully aware ones) of the past and the future. At the ultimate level of reality there are transcendental buddhas.  These are thought of as five families or categories of buddhas.  
Their female consorts are regarded as "enlightened wisdom" which, paired with the male aspect or "skillful means," give rise to the enlightened compassionate activity of the universe(s).  Hence there are 5 major corresponding dakinis: Padma-Dakini, Buddha-Dakini, Ratna-Dakini, Karma-Dakini, and Vajra-Dakini or Vishva-Dakini (vajra-cross dakini.)
Dakinis of the Five Families
The Padma or lotus dakini is stocky with oily, pink skin.  
She is talkative and lusty. 
She controls gods, demons and men.
With her, the doors to rebirth in lower realms are closed.
Buddha (Sangye) dakini is bluish white.
She is smiling, placid and long-lived.
She confers longevity and rebirth in the dakini paradise.
Ratna or jewel dakini is tall, slim, golden- skinned with white hair.
She sings and dances.
She grants wealth and success in life.
With her the hell realms will be closed. 
The Karma or activity dakini is white and radiant.
She is smiling, respectful, 
trustworthy, and generous.
She grants worldly success and rebirth as a human.
Vajra (Dorje) or thunderbolt dakini is fair, flushed and radiant.
She has special marks such as 5 white moles at her brow.
Compassionate, pure, virtuous and devout, with her there is no falling into any lower realm.
[From John Stevens' Lust for Enlightenment (Shambala 1990)  citing Dowman's Divine Madman.]
or Four  Orders 
The Sanglingma or Life of Padmasambhava According to Yeshe Tsogyal repeatedly makes reference to four orders.
The lowest order of dakini consists of beings who have not fully divorced themselves from the world of existence, samsara.  This worldly kind of dakini is the sort that may behave like Tricksters -- sometimes helpful; at other times, mischief-making. These  dakinis can appear as beautiful fairies or angels, but also as ghouls and demons. 
or Five Sisters
In the life story of Padmasambhava, The 5 Tsering-ma were transformed from evil-doers who could manipulate beings by means of visual and auditory illusions into sworn and bound protectors of the dharma by the Guru.
 From Thinley Norbu's Magic Dance: The Display of the Self-Nature of
the Five Wisdom Dakinis. (Shambhala, 1999):
Five Wisdom Sisters,
If we do not complement you,
You become five witches,
Making us ill and bringing us suffering.
Because we cannot banish you,
Always our fate depends on you.
Five Wisdom Sisters,
If we do complement you,
You become five angels,
Making us healthy and bringing us happiness.
Because we cannot separate from you,
Always our fate depends on you.
Five Wisdom Sisters,
Nothing can be done without depending on your mood.
Farmers cannot grow their crops,
Politicians cannot rule their countries,
Engineers cannot work their machines,
Doctors cannot heal their patients,
Scientists cannot do their research,
Philosophers cannot make their logic,
Artists cannot create their art,
Without depending on your mood.
Five Wisdom Sisters,
Nothing can be known without depending on your grace.
Tibetan lamas cannot chant with cool highland habit,
Indian gurus cannot sing with warm lowland habit,
Japanese roshis cannot sit with dark cushion habit,
Muslim sheikhs cannot dance with bright robed habit,
Jewish rabbis cannot pray with soft-voiced habit
Without depending on your grace.
Five Wisdom Sisters,
Even the most mysterious miracles cannot occur without complementing your purity.
Buddha Shakyamuni cannot rest with tranquil gaze of his lotus eyes underneath the Bodhi tree,
Guru Padmasambhava cannot play magically with countless sky-walking dakinis,
Lord Jesus cannot walk weightlessly across the water,
Prophet Moses cannot see the radiantly burning bush,
Brahmin Saraha-pa cannot straighten arrows, singing wisdom hymns with his arrow-maker girl,
Crazy saint Tilopa cannot eat fish and torture Naropa,
Greatest yogi Milarepa cannot remain in his cave, singing and accepting hardships
Without complementing your purity.
You are so patient.
Whoever wants to stay,
If you don't exist,
Cannot stay.
Whoever wants to go,
If you don't exist,
Cannot go.
Whoever wants to taste or touch,
If you don't exist,
Cannot taste or touch.
Whatever our actions,
You are always supporting
Patiently without complaining.
But we ignorant beings
Are always ungrateful,
Stepping on you,
Calling you Earth.
You are so constant.
Whoever wants to be purified,
If you don't exist,
Cannot be purified.
Whoever wants to quench their thirst,
If you don't exist,
Cannot quench their thirst.
Whoever wants to hear,
If you don't exist,
Cannot hear
Whatever our actions,
You are always flowing
Ceaselessly without complaining.
But we desiring beings
Are always ungrateful,
Splashing you,
Calling you Water.
You are so clear.
Whoever wants to fight,
If you don't exist,
Cannot fight.
Whoever wants to love,
If you don't exist,
Cannot love.
Whoever wants to see,
If you don't exist,
Cannot see.
Whatever our actions,
You are always glowing
Un-obscuredly without complaining.
But we proud beings
Are always ungrateful
Smothering you,
Calling you Fire.
You are so light.
Whoever wants to rise,
If you don't exist,
Cannot rise.
Whoever wants to move,
If you don't exist,
Cannot move.
Whoever wants to smell,
If you don't exist,
Cannot smell.
Whatever our actions,
You are always moving
Weightlessly without complaining.
But we envious beings
Are always ungrateful,
Fanning you,
Calling you Air.
You are so open.
Whoever wants to exist,
If you don't exist,
Cannot exist.
Whoever doesn't want to exist,
If you don't exist,
Cannot cease to exist.
Whoever wants to know phenomena,
If you don't exist,
Cannot know phenomena.
Whatever our actions,
You are always welcoming
Spaciously without complaining.
But we ignorant beings
Are always ungrateful,
Emptying you,
Calling you Space.
You are our undemanding slave,
Tirelessly serving us,
From ordinary beings to sublime beings
To fulfill our worldly wishes.
You are our powerful queen,
Seductively conquering us,
From ordinary beings to sublime beings,
Into desirable qualities.
You are our Wisdom Dakini,
Effortlessly guiding us with your magic dance,
From ordinary beings to sublime beings,
Into desireless qualities.
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starswallowingsea · 4 years
Catholic Guilt
1400 words and very, very personal. This is mostly based on my personal experience but I don’t doubt that some of it will ring true for other lgbtq+ ex Catholics. Content warnings for homophobia, transphobia (internal and external for both), and anti-choice sentiments. 
Today, you were born. Congratulations! You have been brought into this world by your very loving parents. They give you a name and swaddle you in blankets to take you home in a few days. You will be baptized in a few weeks, dipped into the holy water to cleanse you of your sins before you can do anything besides eat, sleep, and poop. 
You spend the first few months attending Mass with your parents. They give you some teething toys or your bottle to keep you from disturbing the rest of the Congregation. Having a baby disrupt the Mass will make your family look bad, after all. 
You are now three years old, old enough to walk and talk. You pull out the Misselletes and flip through them, tearing out the flimsy pages and laughing. Your parents pull you away and give you a cardboard book with pictures to look at. They look away and you run off again. 
You are five years old now! Such a big child, I remember when you were a little baby crying from the baby carrier in the back of the Church! It’s time for Sunday School! There are only five children there for your age group. You spend an hour after Mass every Sunday eating snacks and doing Catholic Crafts. 
Happy First Communion! You are eight years old now, still not quite old enough to think for yourself, but you have to go to Confession for the first time now. You aren’t sure what to say and make something up about hating your siblings if you have any. Maybe you stole some chocolate from your family, but you don’t really know what needs to be confessed. The teachers told you to tell Father everything, but some things feel too personal to tell. Your parents dress you up in the fanciest clothes you remember wearing so you can go up and eat some bread and drink some wine in front of everyone. There are pictures afterwards. 
Welcome to Middle School! You are 12 years old now, starting to think for yourself. You say you still like the Church and you still mostly blindly follow their teachings, but sometimes you think other thoughts. Sometimes you see ads that are pro-Choice and you think “that’s stupid,” but then you think about what you would do if you got pregnant. You banish the thought, because having sex at age 12 is not something you should be thinking about anyway (even though you sometimes think about your classmates like that). You’ve already been questioning your sexuality at this point, but you try not to think about it, because being gay is a sin. 
14 years old and still following the Church. You’ve shaped some vague opinions on hot topic issues, still following the guide of the Church. You hear the Priest talk about how abortion is murder and how gay and trans people are ruining the sanctity of life. You quietly fume about one of these issues, but quickly move on, as the Priest has gone off on another tangent about veganism now. You continue going to confession only when Sunday School tells you to. You now have a better idea of what to confess but you can’t bring yourself to do it. Maybe if you keep it bottled up God will never see it. But speaking makes it real and you can’t even think about confessing to some of the things you’ve done even though you know you should. So you make something up and you know the Priest doesn’t believe you but you do your Hail Marys and Our Fathers as penance. Afterwards there is a pit in your stomach because you know God can still see what you didn’t confess. 
You are 15 now, just starting high school and everyone seems so different now. You’ve known these kids since you were five, but you’ve always been the odd one out. You try and follow the Church’s teachings about living a holy life in example for others but it just makes you tired. So you stop caring during the week. You attend some youth groups to “keep the faith strong” but by now you know that you aren’t straight or cis and it just hurts. Every little comment just chips away at you until you feel complete apathy towards both Catholicism and Christianity in general. You still go to summer camp and winter retreats because you have lots of fun outside of the religious activities but prayer is tiring and the microaggressions leave you feeling empty and alone. 
Sweet 16! You can drive now, and you’re still on the fence about the Church. You don’t miss Sunday Masses ever and it gives you structure to life. It is also the year you get confirmed. Your Church does Confirmation later than most. You are surrounded by 8th graders and your little group of High School Juniors. Even though you don’t have any bad feelings about having to go to Church on Sundays until now, the Bishop standing in front of you says that you should die for who you are. You are trans and queer and so deep in the closet you feel like you have to hide your phone screen from your parents all the time even if you aren’t looking at pride related posts. You heard your parents say once that gay marriage was ruining the country and decided never to come out, and now a Bishop, someone with a lot of local authority, says that trans people are freaks and gay people are irredeemable. You make a silent promise to yourself to dissociate with the Church. But for now, you sit, stoney faced, knowing that this man has to bless you into the Church. You feel that pit in your stomach again. 
Welcome to adulthood, age 18! How exciting! You’ll be going to college soon and you need to decide if you want to keep going to Church. You know your parents and grandparents want you to go but after a few weeks you know they won’t know if you stop. They don’t ask about the Priest or his homilies or activities happening in the Church. You get away with it too, because the Church services on Campus overlap with the ones at home. You continue to go through the end of the semester, needing the time to think and walk before going back to class the next day. You hear the Priest here, too, tell you that abortion is murder but you know that people don’t go getting abortions willy-nilly and silently fume. You don’t socialize with anyone in the congregation so when you stop going in the Spring, you don’t think they notice you left. 
You come home for break, now sure that you don’t want to be Catholic, but your parents still drag you to Church every Sunday. You’ve taken this time to think about other religions that have appeals to you, including paganism and Greek, Roman, and Egyptian deities. You’ve tried worshipping them all, but when things get rough, your mind drifts back to Mary, the Saints, Jesus, God. You still keep that little gold pin in your car to keep you safe while driving and you still call to Saint Anthony when you lose something, and sometimes you still think you feel a response as Saint Anthony draws your eyes to the one spot you missed and shows you what you were looking for. 
Even in the dark of night, when you let your guard down and cry, you cry out to Mary for help. You feel a comforting presence there, and then you feel a pit in your stomach again because you want out of this religion but you can’t seem to let go no matter how hard you try. So you let Mary wrap her arms around you as you confess everything to her and then wake up and try again to forget everything you’ve grown up with. Your life until now has been so entrenched in the Church and it's hard to separate the good from the bad. You still want to go back but you know you will never be accepted for who you are. 
So you just stop trying to get out quickly and start trying to undo the years of trauma and guilt instead, that you know will never go away entirely. 
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ruminativerabbi · 5 years
Sri Lanka, Paris
Passover and Easter are unrelated festivals that derive from different traditions, but that’s not how it seems to many in the Christian world. That most of the world calls Easter by a name related to Pesach (cf. French “Pâques” or Danish “Påske”) is part of it. As surely also is the assumption, widely believed yet almost definitely not historically correct, that the Last Supper described in the Gospels was a Passover seder or some version of a seder. (For an exhaustive consideration of every aspect of that issue, which apparently remains a delicate one even today in some circles, click here.) Even the use of the word “passion” to describe the suffering of Jesus provided some fuel for this particular fire, at least in antiquity, since the Greek word for “to suffer,” pascho, is phonically almost identical to Pascha, the name for Passover in the spoken Aramaic of ancient Jewish times.
Given the proximity of the festivals this year and in light of the above, I would like to write this week specifically about two events that have befallen the Christian world just recently and explain how they appear to someone reading the news through Jewish eyeglasses.
First, Sri Lanka. The numbers keep rising. First, “more than 100” dead, then “more than 200,” now, as I write on Wednesday, a minimal figure of 321—minimal in the sense that many of those hurt in the explosions—more than 500 in their own right—are not expected to survive and only haven’t succumbed to their wounds yet. It’s far away. It’s not a country Americans think of daily. No one on the radio, including the BBC World Service, seems to know whether the first word in the country’s name is pronounced “shree,” or “sree.”  (In all fairness to the Brits, when they seized the place and unilaterally made it part of their empire, they called it Ceylon, which name everybody knew how to pronounce.) And yet…the sense of familiarity and shared humanity that incidents like this bring in their terrible wake seemed to overwhelm the rest of the details. Most Americans, I’m sure, couldn’t even say easily what language they speak in Sri Lanka or what the capital city is, let alone whether a majority of the citizens are Buddhist, Hindu, or something else entirely. Indeed, it felt at first like a terribly bad thing that had happened to other people. But then, just as the extent of the carnage was becoming known came the even more startling detail that the attacks on the three churches and four hotels were apparently planned as a kind of response to the assault on the two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in the course of which fifty Muslim worshipers were murdered. And with that single detail everything changed.
The single ideational concept that justifies terrorism in the mind of the terrorist is the ultimate fungibility of human life. Since I’ve been dealing in SAT words these last few weeks, I’ll add another: fungibility is the principle according to which things are deemed solely to have ascribed, not intrinsic, value. Paper money is the easiest example to seize: if I lend you five dollars on Monday and you come back on Tuesday to return the five dollars to me, I can’t sue you in court because the five-dollar bill you returned to me is not the same five-dollar bill I lent to you. But this is not so because it would make no sense to borrow money you were not planning to spend. It’s true because money in our culture is deemed fully fungible and, as a result, the paper bills we use as currency are supposed to have as their sole value the sum they represent, the sum ascribed to them by law. As a result every single five-dollar bill is deemed the equivalent of every other one and you can’t complain if you deposit a fiver in the bank one day and then receive a different bill from the bank the next day when you show up to withdraw your money.
This principle also applies to the eggs you borrow from a neighbor or the cup of sugar, but ethical people would never apply it to human life. To justify terror, however, is to do exactly that and willingly to ignore the fact that none of those people in church on Easter morning in Sri Lanka was responsible for the massacre in New Zealand and thus to feel justified in opening fire because you consider Christians to be as fungible as five-dollar bills and the shooter in Christchurch was presumed at least in some sense to have been a Christian. And that underlying notion makes it a humanitarian issue, not a Sri Lankan one or even a Christian one. This perverse line of logic is not unknown to Americans and it is certainly not unknown to Israelis: when someone is irritated by some or another Israeli policy and chooses to express that pique by blowing up a discotheque despite the fact that none of the young people on the dance floor was responsible for the policy in question—that too is an example of treating human life fungibly.
As a result, attempting to wave away events like this weekend’s horror in Sri Lanka as nothing more than the violent crime of an insane person is to miss the point: if the government is right to consider credible the statement by the Islamic State’s Amaq News Agency tying the Sri Lankan bombings to the shooting in Christchurch, then the principled effort to eradicate terrorist groups and to banish their nation-state sponsors from the forum of nations is not only a practical response, but a deeply moral one. There are, of course, crazy people in the world who do crazy things. We Americans have had lots of examples of that in these last several decades! But terror is not craziness at all: by resting on the ideational foundation that considers all human life truly to be fungible and thus devoid of intrinsic value, terrorism comes to represent the ultimate devaluation of God’s greatest gift. As we approach the end of Passover and prepare to commemorate the destruction of Pharaoh’s armies in the sea, we should all take a moment to reflect on a deep, if unsettling, scriptural truth: violence undertaken to dominate or to oppress is wrong and fully sinful, but acting forcefully to combat evil is both ethically justifiable and, speaking morally, wholly right. Americans know this. Israelis certainly know it and so do New Zealanders. And now Sri Lankans have had the same lesson brutally brought to their own doorstep.
I brought a whole different set of emotions to my contemplation of the fire that destroyed such a significant part of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. It is, arguably, one of the most stunning pieces of Gothic architecture in the world and is surely one of the world’s truly great cathedrals. It took a hundred years to build. (Work was undertaken in 1160, but the project only drew to its conclusion a full century later in 1260.) There’s no reason for that specific detail to confound—work on St. John the Divine on Amsterdam Avenue began in 1892 and the project still isn’t anywhere near finished—yet it somehow feels challenging nevertheless to think of a project spanning that much time and involving that many people. And all of it happening so long ago, and in an age without power tools, bulldozers, or electricity! For Jewish onlookers, on the other hand, the cathedral shimmers in a slightly different light.
For the Jews of France, the twelfth century was a terrible time. When work on the cathedral was still in its third decade, King Philip II expelled the Jews of France from his territory, apparently without the slightest interest in knowing or caring where they went once they left. When work on the cathedral was about halfway done, a council convened by Pope Innocent III—called the Third Lateran Council because it met at Rome’s Lateran Palace—disqualified Jews across Europe from holding public office, required Jews (and Muslims too) to wear distinctive dress so that they could not be mistaken in the street for Christians, and banned Jews from almost every profitable profession except pawnbroking and the sale of old clothes. But it wasn’t solely their economic lives that were under attack, but their intellectual lives as well: on March 3, 1240, when Notre Dame was a mere twenty years away from completion, church officials burst into synagogues across France—March 3 was a Shabbat in 1240—and carted off entire Jewish libraries. Eventually the king of France, Louis IX—who is recognized as a saint both in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, and who is the St. Louis after whom the city in Missouri is named—insisted that the Talmud itself be put on trial. The ancient work was defended by a quartet of able rabbis, but the verdict was a foregone conclusion and then, on a day that lives on in infamy as one of the pre-Shoah world’s most outrageous acts of violent anti-Semitism, twenty-four cartloads of books—some 10,000 volumes, including irreplaceable works that would be considered of inestimable value today—all twenty-four cartloads of books were burnt in public on the Place de Grève, now called the Place de l’Hôtel de Ville, just across the river from…Notre Dame de Paris.
Notre Dame itself features one of the most hateful of all anti-Semitic symbols on its front façade, where are depicted Synagoga and Ecclesia (“Church”) as a pair of very different women, the one (Synagoga, of course) dressed in rags, a snake covering her eyes, a broken scepter in her hand, and the tablets of the law slipping from her grasp, and the other, Ecclesia, depicted as a proud, attractive woman standing fully erect while carrying a wine chalice in one hand and a staff with a cross at its top in the other. The insult couldn’t be more clearly put. Nor has it lost its punch over the centuries: even though the statues were destroyed during the Revolution, they were both were restored and replaced during the nineteenth century. They’re still there too, inviting any eagle-eyed visitor to learn the lesson they were set in place to teach: that Judaism is defunct, dead, and disgraced, whereas Christianity is triumphantly and gloriously dominant.
So when I look at Notre Dame and feel the same pang of regret all civilized people surely do when a world-class work of architecture is damaged, I also recall the world that gave birth to Notre Dame and its harshness, its cruelty, its violence and its deeply engrained prejudice against Jews and against Judaism. And I think of poor Synagoga as well, and wonder what she would have to say if she were somehow able to shove the serpent aside and open her stony eyes onto the world. Would the fact that she’s still on display all these centuries later surprise her? And what would she have to say to the thirteen million visitors who walk by her on their way into France’s most famous cathedral? Would the resurgence of anti-Semitism in France surprise her? Would the existence of an independent Israel? Would anything? Those are the questions that the fire at Notre Dame prompts me to ponder on these coming final days of Pesach. 
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1st July >> Mass Readings (Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia & Canada)
Saint Oliver Plunket, Bishop, Martyr (Ireland & England)
Monday, Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time.
Monday, Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: Red)
(Readings for the feria (Monday)
There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Genesis 18:16-33
Abraham negotiates with the Lord
From Mamre the men set out and arrived within sight of Sodom, with Abraham accompanying them to show them the way. Now the Lord had wondered, ‘Shall I conceal from Abraham what I am going to do, seeing that Abraham will become a great nation with all the nations of the earth blessing themselves by him? For I have singled him out to command his sons and his household after him to maintain the way of the Lord by just and upright living. In this way the Lord will carry out for Abraham what he has promised him.’ Then the Lord said, ‘How great an outcry there is against Sodom and Gomorrah! How grievous is their sin! I propose to go down and see whether or not they have done all that is alleged in the outcry against them that has come up to me. I am determined to know.’
The men left there and went to Sodom while Abraham remained standing before the Lord. Approaching him he said, ‘Are you really going to destroy the just man with the sinner? Perhaps there are fifty just men in the town. Will you really overwhelm them, will you not spare the place for the fifty just men in it? Do not think of doing such a thing: to kill the just man with the sinner, treating just and sinner alike! Do not think of it! Will the judge of the whole earth not administer justice?’ the Lord replied, ‘If at Sodom I find fifty just men in the town, I will spare the whole place because of them.’
Abraham replied, ‘I am bold indeed to speak like this to my Lord, I who am dust and ashes. But perhaps the fifty just men lack five: will you destroy the whole city for five?’ ‘No,’ he replied ‘I will not destroy it if I find forty-five just men there.’ Again Abraham said to him, ‘Perhaps there will only be forty there.’ ‘I will not do it’ he replied ‘for the sake of the forty.’
Abraham said, ‘I trust my Lord will not be angry, but give me leave to speak: perhaps there will only be thirty there.’ ‘I will not do it’ he replied ‘if I find thirty there.’ He said, ‘I am bold indeed to speak like this, but perhaps there will only be twenty there.’ ‘I will not destroy it’ he replied ‘for the sake of the twenty.’ He said, ‘I trust my Lord will not be angry if I speak once more: perhaps there will only be ten.’ ‘I will not destroy it’ he replied ‘for the sake of the ten.’
When he had finished talking to Abraham the Lord went away, and Abraham returned home.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 102(103):1-4,8-11
R/ The Lord is compassion and love.
My soul, give thanks to the Lord
all my being, bless his holy name.
My soul, give thanks to the Lord
and never forget all his blessings.
R/ The Lord is compassion and love.
It is he who forgives all your guilt,
who heals every one of your ills,
who redeems your life from the grave,
who crowns you with love and compassion.
R/ The Lord is compassion and love.
The Lord is compassion and love,
slow to anger and rich in mercy.
His wrath will come to an end;
he will not be angry for ever.
R/ The Lord is compassion and love.
He does not treat us according to our sins
nor repay us according to our faults.
For as the heavens are high above the earth
so strong is his love for those who fear him.
R/ The Lord is compassion and love.
Gospel Acclamation
John 8:12
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
anyone who follows me will have the light of life.
Psalm 94:8
Alleluia, alleluia!
Harden not your hearts today,
but listen to the voice of the Lord.
Matthew 8:18-22
The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head
When Jesus saw the great crowds all about him he gave orders to leave for the other side. One of the scribes then came up and said to him, ‘Master, I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’
Another man, one of his disciples, said to him, ‘Sir, let me go and bury my father first.’ But Jesus replied, ‘Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their dead.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Oliver Plunket, Bishop, Martyr
(Liturgical Colour: Red)
(Readings for the memorial
There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Ezekiel 34:11-16
I will look after my flock myself and keep all of it in view
The Lord God says this: I am going to look after my flock myself and keep all of it in view. As a shepherd keeps all his flock in view when he stands up in the middle of his scattered sheep, so shall I keep my sheep in view. I shall rescue them from wherever they have been scattered during the mist and darkness. I shall bring them out of the countries where they are; I shall gather them together from foreign countries and bring them back to their own land. I shall pasture them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in every inhabited place in the land. I shall feed them in good pasturage; the high mountains of Israel will be their grazing ground. There they will rest in good grazing ground; they will browse in rich pastures on the mountains of Israel. I myself will pasture my sheep, I myself will show them where to rest – it is the Lord who speaks. I shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the wounded and make the weak strong. I shall watch over the fat and healthy. I shall be a true shepherd to them.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Alternative First Reading
1 Peter 3:8-18
He must never yield to evil but must practise good; he must seek peace and pursue it
You should all agree among yourselves and be sympathetic; love the brothers, have compassion and be self-effacing. Never pay back one wrong with another, or an angry word with another one; instead, pay back with a blessing. That is what you are called to do, so that you inherit a blessing yourself. Remember: Anyone who wants to have a happy life and to enjoy prosperity must banish malice from his tongue, deceitful conversation from his lips; he must never yield to evil but must practise good; he must seek peace and pursue it. Because the face of the Lord frowns on evil men, but the eyes of the Lord are turned towards the virtuous.
No one can hurt you if you are determined to do only what is right; if you do have to suffer for being good, you will count it a blessing. There is no need to be afraid or to worry about them. Simply reverence the Lord Christ in your hearts, and always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you all have. But give it with courtesy and respect and with a clear conscience, so that those who slander you when you are living a good life in Christ may be proved wrong in the accusations that they bring. And if it is the will of God that you should suffer, it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong.
Why, Christ himself, innocent though he was, had died once for sins, died for the guilty, to lead us to God. In the body he was put to death, in the spirit he was raised to life.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 30(31):3-4,6,8,17,21
R/ Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
R/ Alleluia!
Be a rock of refuge for me,
a mighty stronghold to save me,
for you are my rock, my stronghold.
For your name’s sake, lead me and guide me.
R/ Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
R/ Alleluia!
Into your hands I commend my spirit.
It is you who will redeem me, Lord.
As for me, I trust in the Lord:
let me be glad and rejoice in your love.
R/ Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
R/ Alleluia!
Let your face shine on your servant.
Save me in your love.
You hide them in the shelter of your presence
from the plotting of men.
R/ Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
R/ Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 5:10
Alleluia, alleluia!
Happy those who are persecuted
in the cause of right,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
John 17:19
Alleluia, alleluia!
For their sake I consecrate myself,
so that they too may be consecrated in the truth.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed be God, a gentle Father
and the God of all consolation,
who comforts us in all our sorrows.
James 1:12
Alleluia, alleluia!
Happy the man who stands firm,
for he has proved himself,
and will win the crown of life.
1 Peter 4:14
Alleluia, alleluia!
It is a blessing for you
when they insult you for bearing the name of Christ,
for the Spirit of God rests on you.
cf.Te Deum
Alleluia, alleluia!
We praise you, O God,
we acknowledge you to be the Lord;
the noble army of martyrs praise you, O Lord.
John 10:11-16
The good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep
Jesus said:
‘I am the good shepherd:
the good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep.
The hired man, since he is not the shepherd
and the sheep do not belong to him,
abandons the sheep and runs away
as soon as he sees a wolf coming,
and then the wolf attacks and scatters the sheep;
this is because he is only a hired man
and has no concern for the sheep.
‘I am the good shepherd;
I know my own
and my own know me,
just as the Father knows me
and I know the Father;
and I lay down my life for my sheep.
And there are other sheep I have
that are not of this fold,
and these I have to lead as well.
They too will listen to my voice,
and there will be only one flock,
and one shepherd.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Saint Peter of Alexandria - Feast Day: November 26th - Latin Calendar
Bishop of Alexandria from 300. A native of Alexandria, Egypt, Peter survived the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian and served as a confessor for the suffering Christians. Made head of the famed Catechetical School of Alexandria, he was a vigorous opponent of Origenism before receiving appointment as bishop. He composed a set of rules by which those who had lapsed might be readmitted to the faith after appropriate penance, a settlement which was not to the liking of extremists of the community. Thus, in 306 when the persecutions began again, Peter was forced to flee the city. The partisans of Melitius, Peter's chief critic, installed their favorite as bishop of Alexandria, thereby starting the Melitian Schism which troubled the see for many years. Peter returned to Alexandria in 311 after a lull in the persecutions, but was soon arrested and beheaded by Roman officials acting on the decree of Emperor Maximian. He is called the "seal and complement of martyrs" as he was the last Christian slain by Roman authorities. Eusebius of Caesarea described him as "a model bishop, remarkable for his virtuous life and his ardent study of the Scriptures." He is much revered by the Coptic Christians, although since 1969, his cult has been confined to local calendars in the Catholic Church.
Another Story:
St. Peter, bishop of Alexandria, was beheaded on November 25, 311, during Maximinus Daia's persecution. He was a great bishop, famous for wisdom and holiness; "a model of charity and zeal, severe towards himself, merciful to sinners, a divine model of the Christian teacher," says Eusebius.
While in prison some priests pleaded for him with Arius, whom he had condemned. The action was reported to Peter; he replied that Jesus had appeared to him that very night with a torn garment, and when he sought an explanation, the Lord answered, "Arius has torn asunder My garment which is My Church." Peter's foremost virtue was perseverance; once he had made a decision he never vacillated. He is known as "the last martyr" of the Diocletian persecution.
Excerpted from The Church's Year of Grace, Pius Parsch.
Anastasius the Librarian: LIFE OF ST. PETER OF ALEXANDRIA
Rev. Jas. B. H. Hawkins, 1879
Were all the limbs of my body to be turned into tongues, and all the joints of my limbs to utter articulate sounds, it would noways be sufficient to express who, how great and how good, was our most blessed Father Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria. Especially incongruous do I consider it to commit to paper what perils he underwent by tyrants, what conflicts he endured with Gentiles and heretics, lest I should seem to make these the subjects of my panegyric rather than that passion to which he manfully submitted to make safe the people of God. Nevertheless, because the office of the narrator must fail in narrating his inmost conversation and wonderful deeds, and language is noways sufficient for the task, I have considered it convenient to describe only those exploits of his by which he is known to have attained to the pontificate, and after Arius had been cut off from the unity of the Church, to have been crowned with the martyr's laurel. Yet this do I consider to be a glorious end, and a spectacle of a magnificent contest, sufficient for those who do not doubt of a truthful narration, which is unstained by falsehood. In commencing, therefore, our account of the episcopate of this most holy man, let us call to our aid his own language, in order that we may make it co-operate with our own style.
Alexandria is a city of exceeding magnitude, which holds the first place not only among the Egyptians, but the Thebans also and the Libyans, who are at no great distance from Egypt. A cycle of two hundred and eighty-five years from the incarnation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had rolled round, when the venerable Theonas, the bishop of this city, by an ethereal flight, mounted upwards to the celestial kingdoms. To him Peter, succeeding at the helm of the Church, was by all the clergy and the whole Christian community appointed bishop, the sixteenth in order from Mark the Evangelist, who was also archbishop of the city. He in truth, like the Morning Star rising among the stars, shining forth with the radiance of his sacred virtues, most magnificently governed the citadel of the faith. Inferior to none who had gone before him in his knowledge of Holy Scripture, he nobly applied himself to the advantage and instruction of the Church; being of singular prudence, and in all things perfect, a true priest and victim of God, he watchfully laboured night and day in every sacerdotal care.
But because virtue is the mark of the zealot, "it is the tops of the mountains that are struck by lightning," [Horace, Odes, ii, 10 -11]; he hence endured multifarious conflicts with rivals. Why need I say more? He lived in persecution almost the whole of his life. Meanwhile he ordained fifty-five bishops.
Meletius lastly, in mind and name most black, was made the schismatical bishop of the city of Lycopolis, doing many things against the rule of the canons, and surpassing even the bloody soldiery in cruelty who, at the time of the Lord's Passion, feared to rend His coat; he was so hurried on by giving the rein to his madness, that, rending asunder the Catholic Church not only in the cities of Egypt, but even in its villages, he ordained bishops of his own party, nor cared he ought for Peter, nor for Christ, who was in the person of Peter. To him Arius, who was yet a laic, and not marked with the clerical tonsure, adhered, and was to him and his family most dear; and not without reason: every animal, as says the Scripture, loves its like. But upon this coming to his knowledge, the man of God being affected with grief, said that this persecution was worse than the former. And although he was in hiding, yet, so far as his strength permitted, directing everywhere his exhortations, and preaching up the unity of the Church, he strengthened men to withstand the ignorance and nefarious temerity of Meletius. Whence it came to pass that not a few, being influenced by his salutary admonitions, departed from the Meletian impiety.
Nearly about the same time Arius, armed with a viper's craft, as if deserting the party of Meletius, fled for refuge to Peter, who at the request of the bishops raised him to the honours of the diaconate, being ignorant of his exceeding hypocrisy. For he was even as a snake suffused with deadly poison. Yet neither can the imposition of hands upon this false one be imputed as a crime to this holy man, as the simulated magic arts of Simon is not ascribed to Philip. Meanwhile, the detestable wickedness of the Meletians increased beyond measure; and the blessed Peter, fearing lest the plague of heresy should spread over the whole flock committed to his care, and knowing that there is no fellowship with light and darkness, and no concord betwixt Christ and Belial, by letter separated the Meletians from the communion of the Church. And because an evil disposition cannot long be concealed, upon that instant the wicked Arius, when he saw his aiders and abettors cast down from the dignity of the Church, gave way to sadness and lamentation. This did not escape the notice of this holy man. For when his hypocrisy was laid bare, immediately using the evangelical sword, "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee," and cutting off Arius from the body of the Church as a putrid limb, he expelled and banished him from the communion of the faithful.
This done, the storm of persecution suddenly abating, peace, although for a short time, smiled. Then this most choice priest of the Lord shone manifestly before the people, and the faithful began to run in crowds to keep the memory of the martyrs, and to assemble in congregations to the praise of Christ. Whom this priest of the divine law quickened with his holy eloquence, and so roused and strengthened that the multitude of believers increased continually in the Church. But the old enemy of salvation of man did not long remain quiet and look on these things with favouring eyes. For on a sudden the storm-cloud of paganism gave forth its hostile thunder, and like a winter shower struck against the serenity of the Church, and chased it away in flight. But that this may be understood more clearly, we must necessarily turn back to the atrocities of Diocletian, that impious one, and rebel against God, and also to Maximian Galerius, who at that time, with his son Maximin, harassed the regions of the East with his tyrannical sway.
For in the time of this man the fire of Christian persecution so raged, that not only in one region of the universe, but even throughout the whole world, both by land and by sea, the storm of impiety gave forth its thunder. The imperial edicts and most cruel decrees running hither and thither, the worshippers of Christ were put to death now openly, and now by clandestine snares; no day, no night, passed off free from the effusion of Christian blood. Nor was the type of slaughter of one kind alone; some were slain with diverse and most bitter tortures; some again, that they might want the humanity of kinsmen, and burial in their own country, were transported to other climes, and by certain new machinations of punishment, and as yet to the age unknown, were driven to the goal of martyrdom. Oh, the horrible wickedness! So great was their impiety that they even upturned from their foundations the sanctuaries of divine worship, and burned the sacred books in the fire. Diocletian of execrable memory having died, Constantinus Major was elected to administer the kingdom, and in the western parts began to hold the reins of government.
In these days, information was brought to Maximin about the aforesaid archbishop, that he was a leader and holding chief place among the Christians; and he, inflamed with his accustomed iniquity, on the instant ordered Peter to be apprehended and cast into prison. For which purpose he despatched to Alexandria five tribunes, accompanied with their bands of soldiers, who, coming thither as they had been commanded, suddenly seized the priest of Christ and committed him to the custody of a prison. Wonderful was the devotion of the faithful! When it was known that this holy man was shut up in the dungeons of the prison, an incredibly large number ran together, principally a band of monks and of virgins, and with no material arms, but with rivers of tears and the affection of pious minds, surrounded the prison's circuit. And as good sons towards a good father, nay, rather as the Christian members of a most Christian head, adhered to him with all theirs bowels of compassion, and were to him as walls, observing that no pagan might get an opportunity of access to him. One indeed was the vow of all, one their voice, and one their compassion and resolve to die rather than to see any evil happen to this holy man.
Now while the man of God was being kept for a few days in the same stocks, with his body thrust back, the tribunes made a suggestion to the king concerning him, but he, after his ferocious manner, gave his sentence for capitally punishing the most blessed patriarch. And when this got to the ears of the Christians, they all with one mind began to guard the approaches to the prison with groaning and lamentation, and persistently prevented any Gentile from obtaining access to him. And when the tribunes could by no means approach him to put him to death, they held a council, and determined that the soldiers should with drawn swords break in upon the crowd of people, and so draw him forth to behead him; and if any opposed, he should be put to death.
Arius, in the meanwhile, having as yet been endowed only with the dignity of a Levite, and fearing lest, after the death of so great a father, he should noways be able to get reconciled to the Church, came to those who held the chief place amongst the clergy, and, hypocrite that he was, by his sorrowful entreaties and plausible discourse, endeavoured to persuade the holy archbishop to extend to him his compassion, and to release him from the ban of excommunication. But what is more deceptive than a feigned heart? What more simple than a holy composure? There was no delay; those who had been requested went in to the priest of Christ, and, after the customary oration, prostrating themselves on the ground, and with groans and tears kissing his hands, implored him, saying, "Thee, indeed most blessed father, for the excellence of thy faith, the Lord hath called to receive the martyr's crown, which we noways doubt does quickly await thee. Therefore do we think it right that, with thy accustomed piety, thou shouldest pardon Arius, and extend thy indulgence to his lamentations."
Upon hearing this the man of God, moved with indignation, put them aside, and, raising his hands to heaven, exclaimed: "Do ye dare to supplicate me on behalf of Arius? Arius, both here and in the future world, will always remain banished and separate from the glory of the Son of God, Jesus Christ our Lord." He thus protesting, all who were present, being struck with terror, like men dumb, kept silence. Moreover they suspected that he, not without some divine notification, gave forth such a sentence against Arius. But when the merciful father beheld them silent and sad from compunction of heart, he would not persist in austerity, or leave them, as if in contempt, without satisfaction; but taking Achillas and Alexander, who amongst the priests appeared to be the eldest and the most holy, having one of them at his right hand, and the other on his left, he separated them a little from the rest, and at the end of his discourse said to them:
"Do not, my bretheren, take me for a man inhuman and stern; for indeed I too am living under the law of sin; but believe my words. The hidden treachery of Arius surpasses all iniquity and impiety, and not asserting this of mine own self, have I sanctioned his excommunication. For in this night, whilst I was solemnly pouring forth my prayers to God, there stood by me a boy of about twelve years, the brightness of whose face I could not endure, for this whole cell in which we stand was radient with a great light. He was clothed with a linen tunic divided into two parts, from the neck to the feet, and holding in his two hands the rents of his tunic, he applied them to his breast to hide his nakedness. At this vision I was stupefied with astonishment. And when boldness of speech was given to me, I exclaimed: Lord, who hath rent thy tunic? Then said he, Arius hath rent it, and by all means beware of receiving him into communion; behold, to-morrow they will come to entreat you for him. See, therefore, that thou be not persuaded to acquiesce: nay, rather lay thy commands upon Achillas and Alexander the priests, who after thy translation will rule my Church, not by any means to receive him. Thou shalt very quickly fulfil the lot of the martyr. Now there was no other cause of this vision. So now I have satisfied you, and I have declared unto you what I was ordered. But what you will do in consequence of this, must be your own care. Thus much concerning Arius.
"Ye know too, beloved, and ye know well, what has been the manner of my conversation amongst you, and what conflicts I have endured from the idolatrous Gentiles, who, being ignorant of the Lord and Saviour, do not cease in their madness to spread abroad the fame of a multitude of gods who are no gods. Ye know likewise how, in avoiding the rage of my persecutors, I wandered an exile from place to place. For long time I lay in hiding in Mesopotamia, and also in Syria amongst the Phoenicians; in either Palestine also I had for a long time to wander; and from thence, if I may so say, in another element, that is, in the islands I tarried no short time. Yet in the midst of all these calamities I did not cease day and night writing to the Lord's flock committed to my poor care, and confirming them in the unity of Christ. For an anxious solicitude for them constantly kept urging my heart, and suffered me not to rest; then only did I think it to be more tolerable to me when I committed them to the Power above.
"Likewise also, on account of those fortunate prelates, Phileus, I mean Hesychius and Theodorus, who of divine grace have received a worthy vocation, what great tribulation agitated my mind. For these, as ye know, for the faith of Christ were with the rest of the confessors wasted with diverse torments. And because in such a conflict they were not only of the clergy but of the laity also the standard-bearers and preceptors, I on this account greatly feared lest they should be found wanting under their long affliction, and lest their defection, which is terrible to speak of, should be to many an occasion of stumbling and of denying the faith, for there were more than six hundred and sixty confined along with them within the precincts of a dungeon. Hence, although oppressed with great labour and toil, I ceased not to write to them with reference to all those predicted passages [of Scripture], exhorting them to earn the martyr's palm with the power of divine inspiration. But when I heard of their magnificent perseverance, and the glorious end of the passion of them all, falling on the ground I adored the majesty of Christ, who had thought fit to count them amongst the throng of the martyrs.
"Why should I speak to you about Meletius of Lycopolis? What persecutions, what treachery, he directed against me, I doubt not but that ye well know. Oh, the horrible wickedness! he feared not to rend asunder the holy Church, which the Son of God redeemed with His precious blood, and to deliver which from the tyranny of the devil He hesitated not to lay down his life. This Church, as I have begun to say, the wicked Meletius rending asunder, ceased not to imprison in dungeons, and to afflict holy bishops even, who have a little before us by martyrdom penetrated to the heavens. Beware therefore of his insidious devices. For I, as ye see, go bound by divine charity, preferring above all things the will of God. I know, indeed, that under their breath the tribunes whisper of my death with eager haste; but I will not from this circumstance open any communication with them, nor will I count my life more precious than myself. Nay, rather, I am prepared to finish the course which my Lord Jesus Christ hath deigned to promise to me, and faithfully render up to Him the ministry which from Him I have received. Pray for me, my brothers; you will not see me longer living in this life with you. Wherefore I testify before God and your brotherhood, that before all of you have I preserved a clean conscience. For I have not shunned to declare unto you the injunctions of the Lord, and I have refused not to make known to you the things which will hereafter be necessary.
"Wherefore take heed unto yourselves, and the whole flock over which the Holy Ghost has appointed you as overseers in succession -- thee Achillas in the first place, and next to thee Alexander. Behold with living voice I protest to you, that after my death men will arise in the Church speaking perverse things, and will again divide it, like Meletius, drawing away the people after their madness. So I have told you before. But I pray you, mine own bowels, be watchful; for ye must undergo many tribulations. For we are no better than our fathers.
"Are ye ignorant what things my father endured from the Gentiles, he who brought me up, the most holy bishop Theonas, whose pontifical chair I have undertaken to fill? Would that I had his manners also! Why too should I speak of the great Dionysius his predecessor? Who wandering from place to place sustained many calamities from the frantic Sabellius. Nor will I omit to mention you, ye most holy fathers and high priests of the divine law, Heraclius and Demetrius, for whom Origen, that framer of a perverse dogma, laid many temptations, who cast upon the Church a detestable schism, which to this day is throwing it into confusion. But the grace of God which then protected them, will, I believe, protect you also.
"But why do I delay you longer, my very dear brethren, with the outpouring of my prolix discourse. It remains, that with the last words of the Apostle who thus prayed I address you: And now I commend you to God and the word of His grace, which is powerful to direct both you and His flock." [Cf. Acts 20].
When he had finished, falling on his knees, he prayed with them. And his speech ended, Achillas and Alexander kissing his hands and feet and bursting into tears sobbed bitterly, specially grieving at those words of his which they heard when he said that they should henceforth see him in this life no more. Then this most gentle teacher going to the rest of the clergy, who, as I have said, had come into him to speak in behalf of Arius, spake to them his last consoling words, and such as were necessary; then pouring forth his prayers to God, and bidding them adieu, he dismissed them all in peace.
These things having thus ended, it was everywhere published far and wide that Arius had not been cut off from the catholic unity without a divine interposition, but that contriver of deceit, and disseminator of all wickedness, ceased not to keep hidden his viper's poison in the labyrinth of his bosom, hoping that he should be reconciled by Achillas and Alexander. This is that Arius the heresiarch, the divider of the consubstantial and indivisible Trinity. This is he who with rash and wicked mouth, was not afraid to blaspheme the Lord and Saviour, beyond all other heretics; the Lord, I say, and Saviour, who out of pity for our human wanderings, and being sorely grieved that the world should perish in deadly destruction and condemnation, deigned for us all to suffer in the flesh. For it is not to be believed that the Godhead which is impassible was subject to the passion. But because the theologians and fathers have taken care in better style to remove from Catholics' ears the blasphemies of this nature, and another task is ours, let us return to our subject.
This most sagacious pontiff then, perceiving the cruel device of the tribunes, who, in order to bring about his death, were willing to put to the sword the whole Christian multitude that was present, was unwilling that they should together with him taste the bitterness of death, but as a faithful servant imitates his Lord and Saviour, whose acts were even as his words, "The good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep," [John 10:11], prompted by his piety, called to him an elder of those who there waited on his words, and said to him: "Go to the tribunes who seek to kill me, and say to them, Cease ye from all your anxiety, lo! I am ready and willing of mine own accord to give myself to them. Bid them come this night to the rereward of the house of this prison, and in the spot in which they shall hear a signal given on the wall from within, there let them make an excavation, and take me and do with me as they have commanded." The elder, obeying the commands of this most holy man (for so great a father could not be contradicted), departed to the tribunes, and made the intimation to them as he had been commanded.
They, when with them had received it, were exceedingly rejoiced, and taking with them some stonemasons, came about the dawn of the day without their soldiers to the place that had been pointed out to them. The man of God had passed the whole night as a vigil without sleep in prayer and watchfulness. But when he heard their approach, whilst all who were with him were rapt in slumber, with a slow and gentle step he descended to the interior part of the prison, and according to the agreement made, made a sound on the wall; and those outside hearing this, forcing an aperture, received this athlete of Christ armed on all sides with no brazen breastplate, but with the virtue of the cross of the Lord and fully prepared to carry out the Lord's words who said, "Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." [Matt 10:28] Wonderful was the occurrence! Such a heavy whirlwind of wind and rain prevailed during that night, that no one of those who kept the door of the prison could hear the sound of the excavation. This martyr most constant too, kept urging on his murderers, saying, "Do what ye are about to do, before those are aware who are guarding me."
But they took him up and brought him to the place called Bucolia, where the holy St. Mark underwent martyrdom for Christ. Astonishing is the virtue of the saints! As they called him along, and beheld his great constancy and strength of mind when in peril of death, on a sudden a fear and trembling came upon them to such a degree, that none of them could look steadfastly into his face. Moreover, the blessed martyr entreated them to allow him to go to the tomb of St. Mark, for he desired to commend himself to his patronage. But they from confusion, looking down on the ground, said, "Do as you wish, but make haste." Therefore approaching the burial-place of the evangelist, he embraced it, and speaking to him as if he were yet alive in the flesh and able to hear him, he prayed after this manner:
"O father most honourable, thou evangelist of the only-begotten Savior, thou witness of His passion, thee did Christ choose, who is the Deliverer of us all, to be the first pontiff and pillar of this see; to thee did He commit the task of proclaiming the faith throughout the whole of Egypt and its boundaries. Thou, I say, hast watchfully fulfilled that ministry of our human salvation which was intrusted to thee; as the reward of this labour thou hast doubtless obtained the martyr's palm. Hence, not without justice, are thou counted worthy to be saluted evangelist and bishop. Thy successor was Anianus, and the rest in descending series down to the most blessed Theonas, who disciplined my infancy, and deigned to educate my heart. To whom I, a sinner and unworthy, have been beyond my deservings appointed as successor by an hereditary descent. And, what is best of all, lo! the largeness of the divine bounty has granted me to become a martyr of His precious cross and joyful resurrection, giving to my devotion the sweet and pleasant odour of His passion, that I should be made meet to pour out unto Him the offering of my blood. And, because the time of making this offering is now instant, pray for me that, the divine power assisting me, I may be meet to reach the goal of His agony with a stout heart and ready faith.
"I commend also to thy glorious patronage the flock of Christ's worshippers which was committed to my pastoral care; to thee, I say, I with prayers commend it, who are approved as the author and guardian of all preceding and subsequent occupiers of this pontifical chair, and who, holding its first honours, are the successor not of man, but of the God-man, Christ Jesus."
Saying these words, he went back to a little distance from the sacred tomb, and raising his hands to heaven, prayed with a loud voice, saying:
"O thou Only-begotten, Jesus Christ, Word of the Eternal Father, hear me invoking Thy clemency. Speak peace, I beseech Thee, to the tempest that shakes Thy Church, and with the effusion of my blood, who am Thy servant, make an end to the persecution of Thy people."
Then a certain virgin dedicated to God, who had her cell adjoining to the tomb of the evangelist, as she was spending the night in prayer, heard a voice from heaven, saying: "Peter was the first of the apostles, Peter is the last of the martyred bishops of Alexandria."
Having ended his prayer, he kissed the tomb of the blessed evangelist, and of the other pontiffs who were buried there, and went forth to the tribunes. But they seeing his face as it had been the face of an angel, being terror-stricken, feared to speak to him of his instant agony. Nevertheless, because God does not desert those who trust in Him, He willed not to leave His martyr without consolation in the moment of so great a trial. For lo! an old man and an aged virgin, coming from the smaller towns, were hastening to the city, one of whom was carrying four skins for sale, and the other two sheets of linen. The blessed prelate, when he perceived them, recognised a divine dispensation with reference to himself. He inquired of them on the instant, "Are ye Christians?" And they replied, "Yes." Then said he, "Whither are ye going?" And they replied, "To the market in the city to sell these things that we are carrying." Then the most merciful father answered, "My faithful children, God has marked you out, persevere with me." And they immediately recognising him, said, "Sire, let it be as thou hast commanded."
Then turning to the tribunes, he said, "Come, do what ye are about to do, and fulfil the king's command; for the day is now on the point of breaking." But they, suffering violence as it were on account of the wicked decree of the prince, brought him to the spot opposite to the sanctuary of the evangelist, into a valley near the tombs. Then said the holy man, "Spread out, thou aged man, the skins which thou carriest, and thou too, O aged woman, the linen sheets." And when they had been spread out, this most constant martyr, mounting upon them, extended both his hands to heaven, and bending his knees on the ground, and fixing his mind upon heaven, returned his thanks to the Almighty Judge of the contest, and fortifying himself with the sign of the cross, said, "Amen." Then loosening his omophorion from his neck, he stretched it forth, saying, "What is commanded you, do speedily."
Meanwhile the hands of the tribunes were paralyzed, and looking upon one another in turn, each urged his fellow to the deed, but they were all held fast with astonishment and fear. At length they agreed that out of their common stock a reward for the execution should be appointed, and that the man who should venture to perpetrate the deed should enjoy the reward. There was no delay, each of them brought forth five solidi. But, as says the heathen poet,
   "O sacred hunger of pernicious gold,
    What bands of faith can impious lucre hold?"
                 [Virgil, Aeneid iii, 56 Dryden],
one of them after the manner of the traitor Judas, emboldened by the desire of money, drew his sword and beheaded the pontiff, on the 25th day of November, after he had held the pontificate twelve years -- three of which were before the persecution, but the nine remaining were passed by him under persecutions of diverse kinds. The blood-money being instantly claimed by the executioner, these wicked purchasers, or rather, destroyers, of man's life quickly returned, for they feared the multitude of the people, since, as I have said, they were without military escort. But the body of the blessed martyr, as the fathers affirm who went first to the place of execution, remained erect, as if instant in prayer, until many people, coming together, discovered it standing in the same posture; so that what was his constant practice whilst living, to this his inanimate body testified. They found also the aged man and woman watching with grief and lamentation the most precious relic of the Church. So, honouring him with a triumphal funeral, they covered his body with the linen sheets; but the sacred blood which had been poured forth, they collected reverently in a wallet.
In the meanwhile an innumerable multitude of either sex, flocking together from the populous city, with groans and ejaculations asked each other in turn, being ignorant, in what manner this had happened. In truth, from the least to the greatest, a very great grief was prevalent amongst all. For when the chief men of the city beheld the laudable importunity of the multitude, who were busied in dividing his sacred spoils to keep them as relics, they wrapped him up the tighter in the skins and linen sheets. For the most holy minister of God was always clothed in sacerdotal vestments of a white colour -- that is, with the tunic, the kolobion, and the omophorion.
Then there arose among them no small contention; for some were for carrying the most sacred limbs to the church which he had himself built, and where he now rests, but others were endeavouring to carry him to the sanctuary of the evangelist, where he attained the goal of martyrdom; and since neither party would yield to the other, they began to turn their religious observance into a wrangling and a fight. In the meanwhile a spirited body of senators of those who are engaged in the public transport service, seeing what had happened, for they were near the sea, prepared a boat, and suddenly seizing upon the sacred relics, they placed them in it, and scaling the Pharos [Lighthouse] from behind, by a quarter which has the name of Leucado, they came to the church of the most blessed mother of God, and Ever-Virgin Mary, which, as we began to say, he had constructed in the western quarter, in a suburb, for a cemetery of the martyrs. Thereupon, the throng of the people, as if the heavenly treasure had been snatched from them, some by straight roads, and others by a more devious route, followed by hasty steps. And when they at length arrived there, there was no longer any altercation where he was to be placed, but by a common and unimpeachable counsel they agreed first to place him in the episcopal chair, and then to bury him.
And this, most prudent reader, I would not have you regard as a wild fancy and superstition, since, if you learn the cause of this novelty, you will admire and approve of the zeal and deed of the populace. For this blessed priest, when he celebrated the sacrament of the divine mysteries, did not, as is the ecclesiastical custom, sit upon his pontifical throne, but upon its footstool underneath, which, when the people beheld, they disliked, and complainingly exclaimed,"Thou oughtest, O father, to sit upon thy chair"; and when they repeated this frequently, the minister of the Lord rising, calmed their complaints with tranquil voice, and again took his seat upon the same stool. So all this seemed to be done by him from motives of humility.
But upon a certain great festival it happened that he was offering the sacrifice of the mass, and wished to do this same thing. Thereupon, not only the people, but the clergy also, exclaimed with one voice, "Take thy seat upon thy chair, bishop." But he, as if conscious of a mystery, feigned not to hear this; and giving the signal for silence (for no one dared pertinaciously to withstand him), he made them all quiet, and yet, nevertheless, sat down on the footstool of the chair; and the solemnities of the mass having been celebrated as usual, each one of the faithful returned to his own home.
But the man of God sending for the clergy, with tranquil and serene mind, charged them with rashness, saying, "How is it that ye blush not for having joined the cry of the laity, and reproaching me? Howbeit, since your reproach flows not from the muddy torrent of arrogance, but from the pure fountain of love, I will unfold to you the secret of this mystery. Very often when I wish to draw near to that seat, I see a virtue as it were sitting upon it, exceeding radiant with the brightness of its light. Then, being in suspense between joy and fear, I acknowledge that I am altogether unworthy to sit upon such a seat, and if I did not hesitate to cause an occasion of offence to the people, without doubt I would not even venture to sit upon the stool itself. Thus it is, my beloved sons, that I seem to you in this to transgress the pontifical rule. Nevertheless, many times when I see it vacant, as ye yourselves are witnesses, I refuse not to sit upon the chair after the accustomed manner. Wherefore do ye, now that ye are acquainted with my secret, and being well assured that, if I shall be indulged, I will sit upon the chair, for I hold not in slight esteem the dignity of my order, cease any further from joining in the exclamations of the populace."
This explanation the most holy father, whilst he was yet alive, was compelled to give to the clergy. The faithful of Christ, therefore, remembering all this with pious devotion, brought his sacred body, and caused it to sit upon the episcopal throne. As much joy and exultation arose then to heaven from the people, as if they were attending him alive and in the body. Then embalming him with sweet spices, they wrapped him in silken coverings; what each one of them could be the first to bring, this he accounted to himself as greatest gain. Then carrying palms, the tokens of victory, with flaming tapers, with sounding hymns, and with fragrant incense, celebrating the triumph of his heavenly victory, they laid down the sacred relics, and buried them in the cemetery which had been long ago constructed by him, where too from henceforth, and even to this day, miraculous virtues cease not to show themselves. Pious vows, forsooth, are received with a propitious hearing; the health of the impotent is restored; the expulsion of unclean spirits testifies to the martyr's merits. These gifts, O Lord Jesus, are Thine, whose wont it is thus magnificently to honour Thy martyrs after death: Thou who with the Father and Holy Consubstantial Spirit livest and reignest for evermore. Amen.
After this, how that wolf and framer of treachery, that is Arius, covered with a sheep's skin, entered into the Lord's fold to worry and torment it, or in what manner he was enabled to attain to the dignity of the priesthood, let us employ ourselves in relating in brief. [Editor's Note: It was Achillas, the successor of Peter, who admitted Arius to the priesthood.]
And this not to annoy those who ventured to recall to the threshing-floor of the Lord those tares of apostacy and contagion that had been winnowed out of the Church by a heavenly fan; for these are without doubt reckoned eminent for sanctity, but thinking it a light thing to believe so holy a man, they transgressed the injunctions of the divine command. What then? Do we reprehend them? By no means. For as long as this corruptible body weighs us down, and this earthly habitation depresses the sense of our infirmity, many are easily deceived in their imaginations, and think that to be just which is unjust, that to be holy which is impure. The Gibeonites who, by the divine threatenings, were to be utterly destroyed, having one thing in their wishes and another in their voice and mien, were able quickly to deceive Joshua, that just distributor of the land of promise. David also, full of prophetic inspiration, when he had heard the words of the deceitful youth, although it was by the inscrutable and just judgment of God, yet acted very differently from what the true nature of the case required. What also can be more sublime than the apostles, who have not removed themselves from our infirmity? For one of them writes, "In many things we offend all;" [James 3:2], and another, "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." [I John 1:8]. But when we repent of these, so much the more readily do we obtain pardon, when we have sinned not willingly, but through ignorance or frailty. And certainly offences of this sort come not of prevarication, but of the indulgence of compassion. But I leave to others to write an apology for this; let us pursue what is in hand. After that magnificent defender of the faith, Peter, worthy of his name, had by the triumph of martyrdom...
[Here the manuscript ends.]
EDITOR'S NOTE: St. Peter of Alexandria, noted for the gentleness with which he treated those who had lapsed during the persecutions, became himself in 311 the last great martyr of Egypt under paganism. There are many accounts of his life in Coptic, Greek, and Latin, differing in numerous particulars. The following early Latin life is typical. For a slightly different version, see The History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria, by Severus of Al-Ushmunain, an electronic edition of which is being published by the St. Pachomius Library. An interesting modern study of St. Peter, with a welcome and unusual degree of respect for the historical value of church tradition, is Tim Vivian's doctoral thesis St. Peter of Alexandria, Bishop and Martyr (Philadelphia: Fortress / Studies in Antiquity and Christianity, 1988). -- N. Redington
The St. Pachomius Orthodox Library, Pentecost Week 1995
Have mercy, O Lord, upon Thy servants the translator James and the scribes Walter, Tony, Steven, Paul, Maurice, Michael, Tae Han, Amgad, Vassilios, and Alifa.
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ispani-world · 4 years
“Unprecedented”                  “UNPRECEDENTED” (He does not die at the gate, he recovers and go’s to a country that will protect him from extradition. He will then grow his cult and strive to overthrow the USA. He will declare himself the leader of the country in exile.   FADE IN: EXT. ATHENS GREECE - SEPTEMBER TWENTY FIFTH 2016 -  THE FESTIVAL OF CRONIA.OVER FESTIVAL SCENES: The festival Cronia honors the Greek God Cronus, the ruling Titan who came to power by castrating his father Uranus. To ensure his safety, Cronus ate each of the children as they were born. This worked until his wife Rhea, unhappy at the loss of her children, tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock, instead of Zeus. When he grew up, Zeus revolted against Cronus and the other Titans, defeating them, and banishing them to Tartarus in the underworld of CroniaGreeks in various ancient garb, parade a statue of the Greek God Cronus through the streets. The worshipers arrive at the temple of Cronus, and enter. The statue is placed on a high pedestal. Worshipers kneel and then place their foreheads to the floor. The indistinct sounds of people praying. CAMERA PANS AND STOPS ON AN INDIVIDUAL MAN DRESSED THE SAME AS THE OTHERS. INDIVIDUAL MAN Almighty Cronus, in the name of my father, Dionysius, who you loved and protected, destroy my enemies and grant me the power to rule in your name. EXT. TEMPLE OF CRONUS The Individual Man exits the temple and is met by VADIM and VIKTOR. Vadim is the new head of the KGB, Viktor is his young assistant. The men walk away.EXT. SPACE A spacecraft orbits the earth. SUPER TITLE - 3a.m. EST November 4 2016 INT. SPACECRAFT A three person crew performs tasks. Dialog in Russian with English subtitles. CREW 1 Well where are we now with the program? Crew 2 Almost. Crew 3 I have them and they are waiting. EXT. SPACE The spacecraft passes over Greenland. CREW 2 (V.O.) It’s ready. CREW 3 (V.O.) Victory, victory. On my count. 9, 8, 7, 6, ... EXT. SPACE Camera POV above the satellite as it flies over the eastern seaboard and heads west across the middle of the United States. As the satellite moves east to west across America, small green laser lights beam down to the middle of each state. They flash four times and then stop. FADE OUT. INT. TELEVISION STUDIO - NEWSMAN NEWSMAN Candidate Mark Davilla has conceded. Dionysius (Dion) Dodge will be the next president of the United States. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON Senator Marshal JEFFERSON sits at his desk. His aide AARON Clements stands in front of the desk. AARON I think the other side of the aisle will secretly cheer his win. JEFFERSON Of course, he will destroy our party. AARON Then why did you vote for him? JEFFERSON I didn’t, and you never heard that. AARON You didn’t vote for the party candidate, I can’t believe that... yes I can. JEFFERSON You too? AARON Yes, and because I’m loyal to the party. But this man... there is something wrong in his world. Do you know he prays to an ancient Greek god. What will we do, what can we do? JEFFERSON But he’s a Christian, he say’s he is. You’re right, his world... Jefferson shakes his head, stands and walks to his window and peers out. EXT. CAPITOL BUILDING A large group of people of all ages and colors are demonstrating carrying assorted placards that read: We refuse to accept a fascist America - Cult Leader of hate - The Dion, White Supremacist. Some show The Dion as Hitler, Mussolini, a raging insane face. INT. OFFICE OF PRESIDENT ELECT DIONYSIUS (The Dion) DODGE - NIGHT   (It is now revealed that the Individual Man from the temple of Cronus is, The Dion.) THE DION enters his office. He is mid-sixties, overweight and wears an outlandish toupee. Waiting are his two closest advisors, Les BENSON and SANDY Sully. Dion walks to his elaborate desk and sits on one corner facing the advisors sitting together on a couch. THE DION What happened today that I won’t like? BENSON An angry demonstration at the Capitol. THE DION How many? SANDY Not large, a couple of hundred... THE DION Couple of hundred, good. Soon they will love me so much, they'll invest in my new Vodka products. BENSON Vodka product? THE DION I bought out a vodka distillery in Saint Petersburg. SANDY They make vodka in Florida? THE DION Russia. And when I import it here, it will become the biggest selling vodka in America. SANDY You can’t do that. THE DION Why. SANDY You will be the president of the United States in two months. THE DION Please! I can do whatever I want, who’s going to stop me. Beside my people support me in whatever I do. So just go out there and look pretty and say what your told to say. SANDY I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to question you... Benson stands, moves away from the couch. BENSON Ah, you have a meeting with General Lindsey in one hour. THE DION Call him and tell him I want to meet at Brussels for dinner, I forgot I have a date with Annie. SANDY Your girlfriend is going to sit in on a meeting with the general. THE DION I’ll be marrying Annie after I’m in the White House. Need a First Lady and Annie is smart and loyal. Plus a royal wedding will be good press. BENSON And the most beautiful woman in Washington. THE DION Thank you. (Turns to Sandy) Don’t you agree? SANDY In the world! Sandy quickly turns and as she walks away, she removes her cell phone. THE DION I might even invite the Taco wagon loser. Close-up Sandy talking. She has a couple of tears forming. INT. SPACE COMMAND CENTER - KOSMICHESKIE VOYSKA ROSSII People sitting at various computer monitoring screens. Two men stand and talk, VIKTOR Guskov and VADIM Trukhin VIKTOR Success is a wonderful feeling. VADIM Agreed. Two more phases and the assassination will be done. A WOMAN at one of the monitors turns in her chair to face the two men and waves them over to her monitor. WOMAN Excuse me, we have an anomaly. They walk over and stare at her screen. VADIM What does it mean? WOMAN All information may revert back to the original. VIKTOR It makes no difference, it’s over. VADIM Maybe, but if there is a paper trail recount... INT. HOTEL ROOM Two men are in the room, retired army Lieutenant General John MITCHAM and retired Admiral LINDSEY McMillan.   LINDSEY John, I understand you have four Majors and one Colonel on board. Their all retired, right? MITCHAM Correct. LINDSEY We need more active duty guys onboard... MITCHAM I’m talking to a Lieutenant Colonel now, and he say’s he has a couple of Captains with Iraq experience with him.   LINDSEY Good, we will need some down-line officers when it happens. Let’s break this up for now, I have a meeting with our boy. Lindsey’s cell phone rings, he listens. LINDSEY OK... With his girlfriend? He snaps the phone shut. LINDSEY Loose canon is a polite term. EXT. SMITHSTONIAN MUSEUM   The two men exit and begin a slow walk down Constitution Avenue. They are KILLJOY and BO NELSON KILLJOY The assassination will happen. BO NELSON When? KILLJOY Not sure, but I’m thinking soon after the inauguration. We have till then to get our plans in working order, and then call a meeting of our people to give them their final orders. BO NELSON So we're looking at early March for our final briefing.   KILLJOY Yes, we have men loyal to the cause in law enforcement all over the country. We will identify every possible location that may have a significant demonstration. There should be a minium of three of our people in these locations. BO NELSON Amazing that so many are ready to do this. KILLJOY They must follow orders to the letter to guarantee the results of the demonstrations go according to our design. BO NELSON Are we getting everything we asked for? KILLJOY As soon as he is installed in the White House, every National Guard division will be ordered to supply the weaponry. BO NELSON Some governors will resist. LEWIS We have more governors then they do, the states that won’t cooperate will be covered by our states. The two men continue down Constitution Avenue, then turn right on ninth street toward the mall EXT. THE MALL WASHINGTON DC Drone shot of Killjoy and Bo Nelson walking toward the Washington Monument. BO NELSON (V.O.) I wonder what George would think about a new founder of the country? KILLJOY(V.O.) Interesting thought because in the beginning, as commander in chief, many considered Washington as a king. BO  NELSON (V.O.) But Washington resigned as commander-in-chief, rather than seize power, proving his opposition to dictatorship and his commitment to American republicanism. KILLJOY (V.O.) A true patriot, wonder how he would feel in today’s world. They stop at the foot of the monument, and both look up to the top at the same time. Camera pushes to the top of the monument. EXT. MILITIA CAMP FLORIDA EVERGLADES Small house on poles with steps down to the ground. A group of men in Camo clothing sit and talk. All have assault type weapons. The leader of the group is Bert ULSTERMAN. ULSTERMAN The day we have all dreamed of is coming. We’ll be shipping boatloads of them back to where they came from. The white race will rule again. He lifts his fist and screams white power. All the others do the same. ULSTERMAN OK, OK, now we get to work building bombs, lots of bombs. INT. HALLS OF CONGRESS Jefferson walks down the hall reading some papers. Aaron from behind jogs up and grabs Jefferson arm. Jefferson turns while pulling his arm fee. JEFFERSON What the hell is this... AARON I’m sorry sir... Metcalfe is pushing for a re-count. JEFFERSON That’s not going to happen. My office, twenty minutes, better bring that computer GEEK we just hired. Jefferson hurry’s through the hall. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON Jefferson is standing at his desk with his lap top open. His Secretary enters. JEFFERSON Make a reservation for three at the Grill, tonight, eight... SECRETARY Yes sir, you know that’s about an hour away in Strasburg. JEFFERSON Make the reservation. She leaves. Jefferson takes out his cell phone and punches in a number. JEFFERSON CARL, this is urgent, meet me at the Grill restaurant in Strasburg, eight tonight. He listens. JEFFERSON Cancel it, this is more important than you can imagine. Yes, I know about Metcalf asking for recount. Jefferson snaps the phone closed. He walks to his window and stares out. Anti-The Dion protestors march. Aaron enters with the GEEK Jefferson turns from the window. JEFFERSON (To Geek) How does an electronic re-count work? GEEK A couple of ways, they can prompt the machines to re-calculate the digital vote, or just do a paper trail where they have them. My guess they will first re-Calculate, it’s quicker. JEFFERSON How can the electronic vote be altered? GEEK Basically it can’t, the equipment has built-in safeguards. I have no knowledge of any program that can over-ride that. JEFFERSON So it’s impossible! GEEK I didn’t say that... JEFFERSON Then say what the hell you mean. Is it possible? GEEK Yes... but not probable. JEFFERSON Damn. Aaron and the Geek exchange glances. JEFFERSON OK, that’s all. He waves them out. They exit. INT. BRUSSELS RESTAURANT - NIGHT Lindsey is being escorted to The Dion’s table. Brussels is a very elegant European style restaurant. They reach The Dion’s table. Seated with The Dion is ANNIE Weston, a super model look with long strawberry blonde hair, and when she stands she is nearly six feet tall. THE DION General Lindsey. ANNIE Good evening General. Nice of you to join us. Waiter approaches. Lindsey Bombay Sapphire, extra dry, straight up. Waiter looks to The Dion. ANNIE We’re fine. The waiter leaves the table. THE DION I assume you have everything in order. LINDSEY Going well except we are going to have problems with some of the governors. THE DION Buy them! LINDSEY We’ll try. THE DION Everyone can be bought. LINDSEY You heard, Metcalf is demanding a re-count. THE DION Believe me, that won’t happen. LINDSEY I don’t know, he has a lot of friends in congress. ANNIE Wasn’t he recently divorced? LINDSEY Something about an affair with his assistant. The Dion looks at Annie with a big grin on his face. The waiter arrives with Lindsey’s drink. THE DION Go ahead and order, we have. Lindsey picks up the menu. THE DION Tell me about your meeting in Beaufort. Lindsey looks at Annie. THE DION Your meeting in Beaufort. EXT. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Washington DC Two men stand and talk next to lion statue. They are FBI agents Jake FELDMAN, mid-thirties and Tony RUSSO, mid to late twenties. Both are from Jewish families. Feldman’s great grandmother, a survivor of the Holocaust, And Russo’s great grandfather, an immigrant from the Jewish ghetto of Rome Italy. FELDMAN Anyone else know about this? RUSSO No, I stumbled across it when I was checking out a closed file on Martin Luther King. FELDMAN Closed file on an assassination plot, how old is the report? RUSSO That’s what caught my attention, last month. FELDMAN Who would close a file in one month? RUSSO The DEPUTY DIRECTOR. FELDMAN Oh, oh... RUSSO Covering somebody’s ass... FELDMAN Why cover-up an assassination conspiracy? RUSSO Pretty sketchy, huh? FELDMAN What do you want to do? RUSSO I don’t know, talk to Daniels, maybe nothing. Let’s go get some coffee. They walk down the path away from the lion statue. INT. GRILL RESTAURANT - NIGHT Jefferson, Aaron and Carl sit at a table. CARL (A little loud) Come-on Marshal, an assassination? That’s a daily rumor. JEFFERSON Lower your voice. (He whispers)I don’t know who, but someone is going to kill Dion. I have my computer guy trying to trace the E-mail. When we pinpoint the time, we’ll see if any cameras at the library can spot who sent it. AARON This is serious, an assassination of a president elect. CARL (Smiles) and we want to stop  it... JEFFERSON Not funny Carl, I hate the son-of-bitch too, but... CARL Is this why we are having dinner way out here? AARON There are thousands of ears everywhere in D.C. We must find out who and stop it. CARL Did it say the word assassination? JEFFERSON Clearly mentioned assassination, but no name. CARL Then how do you know it’s Dion? JEFFERSON I don’t know for sure, but who else could it be? AARON In the subject box it said ancient Greek despot. That’s Dion Dodge, who else do you know that fits that character? You’re an expert on Greek history... CARL Ah yes, Dionysius. The Dion’s given name. Dionysius’s, the very worst of a despot-leader. JEFFERSON And? CARL After Syracuse fell he was made supreme leader. He was given six hundred personal mercenaries, to guard him. After faking an attack on his own life, he was able to increase his guard to one thousand. He consolidated his power and established himself as a tyrant. JEFFERSON Could that be what he’s planning? CARL Get real Marshal, that’s La-La Land stuff. But, I can believe, someone really wants to take him out. He’s made a lot of enemies.   AARON Then back to the original thought, do we warn him? JEFFERSON Not just yet, let’s make sure it’s not one of our friends. AARON And if he’s killed in the meantime... JEFFERSON We have enough time to find out. We handle this ourselves, and keep it top secret quite. CARL OK, but I still think it’s LA LA land stuff, Seven Days In May. AARON Seven Days In May??? CARL A movie, rent it... The waiter arrives with their food. INT. HOME OF THE RUSSO FAMILY - PHILADELPHIA - NIGHT Russo sits at the family table with his father MICHAEL and younger sister LELA as his mother, SARAH fills their plates with pasta. She sets the bowl down and takes a seat at the table. Michael twirls his pasta on a fork, stops and looks around the table. MICHAEL I thought you were making garlic bread... SARAH It’s in the oven, I’ll get it. She stands and heads to the kitchen. MICHAEL I hope it not burned. SARAH I turned the oven off, maybe it’s OK. LELA Catch any bad guys lately? RUSSO Nope. MICHAEL Why not, the country is full of them. Thank god we have a new president. RUSSO You voted for him? MICHAEL Of course, you think I would vote for that crook Templeton? Didn’t you vote for him? LELA I didn’t! He’s a racist, misogynist, self serving hypocrite. And he hates Jews. MICHAEL You have to quit hanging out with all those libtard friends of yours. Sarah returns with the garlic bread. SARAH Who you talking about, the Dion? RUSSO I didn’t vote for him either. He is all the things Lela said, but I believe he’ll plunge our country into isolationism and start wars with every country that disagrees with him. Sara places the garlic bread on the table and sits. SARAH I think that’s a little harsh. We must give him a chance. LELA Mother, I can’t believe you voted for him. SARAH I talked it over with your father, and... LELA We’re Jews, he hates... MICHAEL Many of our friends are not aware we are Jews, they see our Italian last name... SARAH Italian Jews, it is a bit strange to them. MICHAEL They never heard of the Ghetto in Rome! RUSSO Let’s change the subject. How do you think the Jets will do this year? They start eating. MICHAEL They have a good team, some really good rookies. Should kick the butts off of the Giants. Lela stands. LELA Thanks mom for another great meal. SARAH You’ve haven’t eaten... LELA Enough, I’m still on that diet. So a little pasta goes a long way. SARAH Eat a little more... LELA I have to go, my roommate and I are looking for a new stereo system and Macy’s is having a sale on them. She leaves. MICHAEL Her roommate. How come we never meet her roommate? Russo and his mother exchange glances. Russo stands. RUSSO I need to get back to DC tonight. Thanks mom. Love you guys. Russo exits. MICHAEL Is her roommate a man or a woman? SARAH I don’t know, she never mentions. MICHAEL God I hope it’s not a woman. SARAH Why? Michael slowly moves his head side to side and hold his hands up in prayer. Sarah shrugs, stands and removes plates from the table. EXT. FAIRFAX VIRGINIA - SHOPPING MALL - NIGHT Feldman and his wife, NIKKI stroll through the mall. NIKKI Let’s go to Tiffany’s. FELDMAN And do what? NIKKI Oh, just look around, we‘re killing time until the movie starts, right. FELDMAN We could look around just as well at Penny’s. NIKKI Not is much fun... Anything interesting you can talk about? FELDMAN Not really, Russo and I are working on that serial killer case in Georgia. NIKKI Never mind, I don’t want to hear about that. Look. Nikki walks over to a Bed, Bath and Beyond window. EXT. SEA GULF PIER ON CHESAPEAKE BAY Russo, Feldman and a third man, JONATHAN KAUFMANN. Kaufmann is a fraternity brother of Feldman. They walk along the pier carrying fishing poles and tackle boxes. They stop at a spot far away from the few other fishermen out on a cold and cloudy day. Each man begins to prepare the poles for a day of fishing. RUSSO It must be fifty below zero today. FELDMAN Forty five, above, and that’s too cold for me. RUSSO Then why are we here... FELDMAN Ask my brother. RUSSO Right you guy’s were fraternity brothers at Duke. Heard you belonged to some secret Society, which one. KAUFFMAN You know, if we told you we would... RUSSO Have to kill me, really which one? FELDMAN No Jonathan, I like him, I want to keep him around. KAUFFMAN OK. So who’s going to win the Superbowl? Russo’s face shows a big surprised look. RUSSO Ah, um, Jets, no doubt about it. FELDMAN Redskins, whoops, I mean Washington. KAUFFMAN Both wrong, Seattle. What can I do to help... FELDMAN We can’t go poking around, the Deputy Director will get wind of it and... RUSSO We think it’s for real, and if he’s covering it up, it has to be orders from the director. FELDMAN It sounds nuts, but I’m scared and I don’t scare easy. RUSSO You’ve been working deep for years, and you only report to the director. Nobody is going to question your interest in the matter. FELDMAN Maybe the Deputy Director, but who is going to go to him about your activities. Hell they're not even supposed to know you exists. KAUFFMAN Do I have everything you know? FELDMAN Yes. Kaufmann casts a line out into the bay. EXT. BEAUFORT COUNTY AIRPORT SC A Beach King Air outside a hanger as two men walk around the aircraft. They are Killjoy and THOMPSON. Killjoy is doing a pilots pre-flight inspection. KILLJOY You have to be kidding, Bo Nelson, a plant? THOMPSON My men were undercover attending an anti-Dion meeting. They were instructed to photograph some of the leaders. When we reviewed the photos, we noticed a face in the background of one of the photos that looked familiar. We enhanced, and it turned out to be BO Nelson. Have you confronted him? THOMPSON No, we wanted to get your advice... KILLJOY Hold off, he may have also been undercover. I’ll talk to him and see if I can bring up some of his investigations. Maybe he’ll mention that meeting. THOMPSON If he’s a bad guy, he knows too much to stay alive. KILLJOY I know. Want to go for a ride? THOMPSON I think I'll pass, I’m running late for another appointment. They shake hands. KILLJOY We need to know about Bo Nelson. INT. A GULFSTREAM G650 - MAIN CABIN Bo Nelson is sitting in the main cabin alone. He turns to stare out the window. Sandy enter hands a beer to him. He takes the beer and starts to drink out of the bottle. SANDY Would you like a glass? BO NELSON Nah, where’s The Dion? SANDY Up front talking to the captain. And you should call him mister Dodge, or mister president. Bo returns to the window and then turns back to Sandy. BO NELSON I bet he likes that. It’s really big. SANDY What is? BO NELSON Lake Michigan, were flying over it. SANDY Oh. I’ll be right back. She leaves the main cabin. Bo turns back to the window. INT. A GULFSTREAM G650 - COCKPIT AREA Sandy approaches The Dion, who is leaning in talking to the pilots. SANDY Excuse me. The Dion turns. THE DION I’ll be right there, keep him entertained for a couple more minutes. INT. A GULFSTREAM G650 - MAIN CABIN Bo is standing as Sandy enters. SANDY Need a refill? Bo holds up the bottle. BO NELSON Not yet. Sandy moves to a window. SANDY Where are we now? BO NELSON Just crossed over Chicago, saw the Sears Tower. The Dion enters. THE DION Sheriff Nelson. They shake hands. They sit. THE DION Exterminate any criminals lately? The Dion laughs. Bo Nelson’s face say’s... what? THE DION A joke Bo, you were in the exterminating business before you ran for sheriff, right. BO NELSON Oh yea, right. Only for a couple of years. THE DION What did you do before that? BO NELSON In the Army, an MP. THE DION So you do have police experience? BO NELSON Yes. THE DION Sandy, a drink, Bo, another beer. Bo now holds up his empty bottle. Sandy exits. The Dion leans toward Bo’s ear and whispers... EXT. FLATHEAD LAKE- NEAR THE BORDER OF MONTANA AND IDAHO Two men fishing. They are Montana Senator, Dusty BINGHAM and Idaho Senator Norbert QUILL. Both are retired Army generals. Several yards behind them are four men, body guards of the Senator’s. Quill’s rod bends. QUILL I got one. Feels like a monster. Quill battles with the fish on his line. Bingham moves over to their fishing gear and grabs a net. As Quill is reeling the fish in, he steps into the water, slips and fall into the two feet of water. Bingham rushes over and helps him up. Quills continues to reel the fish in as he steps out of the water. The body guards have rushed over to assist. Quill lands a big lake trout. Bingham scoops it up in the net. Quill holds his arms up in triumph. His bodyguard steps forward and Quill hands him the rod and reel. Bingham holds out the fish to Quill. They stand together as Quill holds up the fish. Another bodyguard snaps a photo with his iPhone. The group moves toward two SUV’s parked a short distance away. INT. RESTAURANT OVERLOOKING THE LAKE Quill and Bingham enter followed by the bodyguards. Quill heads toward the reastroom sign and disappears around a corner. Bingham heads to a table and sits. The bodyguards take a nearby table. A waitress approaches Bingham’s table with menus and a pitcher of water. She places the menu's on the table and pours water into two glasses. The waitress walks back to a counter for more menu's and a pitcher of water that she delivers to the bodyguards table. Quill approaches the table with Bingham, drying the top of his head with a paper towel. The waitress approaches with a regular towel and hands it to Quill. He sits and continues to dry his head. Bingham picks up a menu and studies it. Quill finishes drying his hair and hands it to the waitress who just walked to the table. Quill picks up his menu. QUILL That was some fish. BINGHAM Compared to the one I caught, your’s looked like Moby Dick. QUILL I love fishing. BINGHAM Yep, and we are very lucky to live in two states with some of the best fishing in the country. What are you having? QUILL The Ruben, it’s the best thing on the menu. The waitress returns. BINGHAM Two Ruben’s and two bottles of Coors. It looks like Metcalf is going to get his re-count. QUILL Don’t think so. BINGHAM Why’s that? QUILL He’s broke, his ex-wife walked with most of the money. BINGHAM So... QUILL As The Dion say’s... Waitress arrives with the beers. EXT. OPEN SEA - NIGHT A GULFSTREAM G650 cruises over a calm sea. INT. A GULFSTREAM G650 The Dion, Sandy, Benson and Lindsey. Sandy is serving drinks. As she walks back to the bar, Lindsey checks out her body. He gives The Dion a little wink and smiles. The Dion smiles back. Benson eyes are glued to his laptop. BENSON Victor Guskov and Vadim Trukin will be there. I couldn't find out who else might be there. LINDSEY Vadim is the new KGB boss. BENSON Took over after Akim Koslav disappeared. Premier Konstantinov, say one thing against him... THE DION People should learn not to insult their leader. SANDY I heard he only disagreed on a new government project. THE DION A good way to disappear. Annie enters the cabin and sits next to The Dion. THE DION I’ve arranged for you to see your mother Annie smiles. A FLIGHT ATTENDANT approaches from the cockpit area.. FLIGHT ATTENDANT Half hour mister president. Flight Attendant leaves. THE DION I like that more than I thought I would. SANDY What? THE DION Mister President. I’m a president now of a world wide corporation, but soon... BENSON Of the United States. THE DION And Dion Industries, I’m not giving that up. SANDY We may have a fight on our hands if... I’m sorry, I’m not disagreeing with you. Um, I, I... THE DION Go fix me another drink, and one for yourself. Calm down, it’s OK, I still love you. INT. RESTAURANT HAVANA CUBA Vadim and Viktor sit at a table. VIKTOR You do know he’s insane! VADIM That is why we can not trust him, completely. Konstantinov indicated he will do as told or... VIKTOR If they succeed in forcing the re-count, who would replace him... Vadim points with his chin. The Dion, Benson and Sandy enter and walk to their table. Two of The Dion’s bodyguards follow and place themselves on either side of the doorway. Benson and Sandy are carrying briefcases. Sandy pulls a chair out for The Dion, and he sits. Benson and Sandy sit. VIKTOR Annie, where is she, I’m anxious to meet the next first Lady THE DION She’s having dinner with her mother and other members of the family. VADIM Very nice gesture, no wonder everyone loves you in America. BENSON I didn’t know Annie was Cuban, she looks European. THE DION A Russian family that settled in Cuba after Castro took over. BENSON Oh. Benson opens his briefcase and passes two large envelops to Viktor and Vadium. BENSON Lists of office holders that are not with us. Senators, Congressmen, Governor’s, mayors etcetera. THE DION Find ways to marginalize them. Some information to have them removed from office. BENSON Arrested... VIKTOR Arrested? THE DION Bribery, racketeering, embezzlement, hell think of something... pornography, child pornography, just do it. We need to be prepared if the re-count happens. VIKTOR Can’t you make it happen again. BENSON The recount doesn’t work that way, the system only affects electronic votes. The paper trails are the problem. SANDY That’s enough states to change an election... THE DION I’ll make sure that never happens. The Dion stands. Benton and Sandy stand. VADIM You’re not joining us for supper? The waiter arrives. THE DION We’re meeting Annie and her family. The Dion turns to the waiter. THE DION I love the Cuban people. No one loves the Cuban people more than me. Believe it. They leave the restaurant. Vadim and Viktor watch them exit, both shaking their heads. INT. HAVANA RESTAURANT At a large table, eight people are having dinner. A band is playing a mambo. Annie is dancing with a young Cuban man. The Dion enters with his body guards. He surveys the room first POV is of the large table. An elderly woman waves to him, its Annie’s mother ESMERALDA. He approaches the table and gives Esmeralda a kiss on the cheek and looks around the table. THE DION Where’s Annie. The music is very loud. ESMERALDA What? The Dion looks toward the dance floor and sees Annie with a young man her age. THE DION What the hell is she doing... ESMERALDA Oh, relax, its her cousin ARTURO. The Dion walks out onto the dance floor. Annie sees him and breaks away from Arturo and grabs The Dion and starts dancing. The Dion is not a very good mambo dancer. THE DION Your cousin. ANNIE Yes, Arturo and I grew up together. They continue to dance. INT. HAVANA HOTEL BAR Benson and Sandy sit at a table. The Dion enters with his bodyguards and approaches their table. THE DION Better get some sleep, we’re leaving at five in the morning. SANDY Where's Annie? THE DION Staying at her mothers tonight, we’ll pick her up on the way to the airport. Sandy and Benson stand and leave with The Dion. Body guards in front and back. INT. THE DION’S HOTEL ROOM - LATER The Dion is on his laptop. He hears a knock at his door. He walks to the door and peers through the peephole. POV, Sandy’s face. He opens the door and she steps in closing the door behind her. She puts her arms around his neck and kisses him. SANDY Miss me, or is Annie all you can handle? Moon over Havana. INT. THE DION’S HOTEL BEDROOM He and Sandy have wild sex. Moon over Havana INT. BEDROOM DOORS TO A BALCONY A breeze is stirring the curtains to reveal the moon over Havana. ANNIE (O.C.) Si primo, mi primo favorito. Subtitle reads, Yes my cousin, my most favorite cousin. Annie and Arturo in bed. Arturo rolls over and begins licking Annie’s body. He starts at her breast and then down past her bellybutton. Close-up on Annie’s face as she moans. ANNIE Mi primo favorito. INT. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON - MORNING Jefferson is on the phone when Aaron enters. JEFFERSON I need to go, yes tonight. And next time call on my secure line. Jefferson snaps the phone shut. JEFFERSON What do we have from the GEEK? AARON Not much, even tho the computer stations are covered by security cameras, there are times that people block a view to different computers. JEFFERSON Any other way we can trace that e-mail? AARON We’re running the video footage through a face recognizing program to see if it brings up anyone we know. JEFFERSON Check out the outside cameras too. AARON Right, didn’t think of that. JEFFERSON Anything from the other side on this? AARON No, nothing and I find that strange. JEFFERSON Why’s that? AARON If the they don’t know by now, or if they are ignoring it, they're behind it. Maybe we need to confront Langford... INT. OFFICE OF PRESIDENT ELECT DIONYSIUS DODGE The Dion is at his desk typing into his laptop. The clock on his desk shows four AM Thompson enters. THE DION Ah, Rocky, just a minute, I’m on Twitter. Have a seat. Rocky Thompson sits and stares at the walls covered with memorabilia. Camera pans the walls: On one wall there is a giant painting of The Dion. Surrounding the painting are photos of The Dion and world famous people. With Ronald Reagan, both of the Bush presidents, the Beatles, Hilary and Bill Clinton, Pope John, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, Vladimir Putin. Another wall filled with The Dion posing in front of his many business enterprises. Hotels, Country Clubs, Casinos, wine racks. The third wall, The Dion with many different beautiful women. The fourth wall, behind his desk is all glass, with a view to a grand garden. Much like a palace would have. The Dion closes his laptop. THE DION Sorry to get you here so early, but I do my best work at this time. THOMPSON No problem, I’m up every day at five, workout for an hour, then go have coffee with the locals from my town. THE DION They love you? My people love me more than anything, you can take that to the bank. THOMPSON I’m pretty well liked, in fact... The Dion cuts him off. THE DION Bo nelson, what’s the problem. I like Bo. THOMPSON He was seen at an anti... you, meeting. THE DION I was told about that and I talked to Bo, he assured me he was their doing surveillance on who attended. That’s good work for me. So you can just forget the idea that Bo is a threat to us. Believe me. THOMPSON OK, I trust your judgement, that’s why I voted for you. THE DION Thank you. About the election, you know, Metcalf is demanding a paper trail recount. THOMPSON I know. THE DION We don’t want that. THOMPSON Will it produce a problem... THE DION Oh no, I won by a landslide, but we can’t take any chances with my enemies. THOMPSON They need to be rounded up and sent back to where they came from. THE DION I understand your thought, but many of them were born here. THOMPSON So put them somewhere that keeps them quite. The Dion stands and walks toward the door between two of the walls. THE DION Come with me. He opens the door and waves Thompson inside. Thompson enters the darkened room. INT. OUTER OFFICE OF PRESIDENT ELECT DIONYSIUS DODGE Sandy is sitting at her desk as Benson enters and heads toward The Dion office door. BENSON I need to talk to him. SANDY Not now, he’s in the secure room with Rocky Thompson. BENSON What’s going on? SANDY Who knows. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR JUSTIN LANGFORD - DAY Close-up on television screen, BREAKING NEWS - BREAKING NEWS. Face of NEWS ANNOUNCER with video of woods in the background. NEWS ANNOUNCER This just in. The body of Senator Conrad Metcalf found early this morning. Langford sits at his desk facing the television. His jaw drops and an anger covers his face. LANGFORD Them sons of bitches. Langford’s assistant, OWEN Andrews, burst through the door. OWEN Did you hear? LANGFORD I’m watching it now. Close-up television screen. NEWS ANNOUNCER Metcalf, recently divorced father of three, apparently killed himself with a pistol found at his feet. LANGFORD Never, he would have never killed himself. I know the man... he was a fighter. He was murdered because of the re-count demand. INT. FBI OFFICES WASHINGTON DC - ASSOCIATE DEPUTY DIRECTOR DANIELS       Associate Deputy Director DANIELS looks up from his desk as Russo and Feldman enter. DANIELS Good morning, have seat. They sit. Daniels opens his desk drawer and removes an envelope and places on the desk. DANIELS You’re being taken off of the serial killer case. I’m assigning you full time to the Metcalf’s death. FELDMAN The bureau thinks there is something there? DANIELS Let’s just say, I would like you to look into to it. Good. Daniels pushes the envelope toward the men. Feldman picks it up. RUSSO Good. The men exit the office. INT. FBI OFFICES Feldman and Russo walk and talk. RUSSO You think he’s doing this on his own. FELDMAN Not sure. Doesn’t make a difference, he’s our boss. RUSSO Just following orders, right. Montage: Feldman and Russo searching the area around Metcalf’s death site. Searching his office. Removing his computer. Questions his staff. INT. HOME OF METCALF’S EX-WIFE - KITCHEN Metcalf’s ex-wife MRS. METCALF is serving coffee to Feldman and Russo. MRS. METCALF Connie and I divorced after a year long separation. We reconciled a couple of times, but then realized it was better to divorce. Our children are adults, and we have been basically leading separate lives. Politics was Connie’s love. RUSSO They claim he took is own life... MRS. METCALF I don’t believe that, it was not in his nature to give up. The two men stand. FELDMAN Thank you for your time, I know it’s not easy losing a loved one. MRS. METCALF Yes, I never stopped loving Connie, even after... She begins sobbing. INT. FELDMAN VAN Feldman driving, Russo in passenger seat. FELDMAN I think we do a full court press into The Dion. RUSSO We better get Daniels OK on this. INT. OFFICE OF PRESIDENT ELECT DIONYSIUS DODGE - NIGHT The Dion, Sandy, Benson and Annie, watching television. THE DION It will be official today, but I’ve felt like the president for weeks now. Annie reaches out and gently squeezes The Dion’s hand. Close-up on their hands coupled. Close-up on the TV, NEWS ANCHOR reading a sheet of paper. Flashing on the screen, Breaking News, Breaking News. Benson picks up the remote and turns up the volume as the News Anchor begins to speak. NEWS ANCHOR I’ve just received an incredible new update. For the first time in history the Electoral College has rejected the election results and have given the election to Mark Ramon Davilla. Son of Cuban Immigrants. Davilla was born in Miami. At age eighteen, his parents immigrated to Israel  when he was eighteen. Davilla refused to leave with his parents. Close-up on The Dion’s face. THE DION He’s a Jew? NEWS ANCHOR Graduated from Sanford and received his law degree from the University of Chicago... Close-up The Dion THE DION No, no, I’m the president, not this two bit taco pusher. (Screaming) No, they can’t do this, I’ll sue them, I’ll sue all of them. The Dion becomes unhinged, he throws things, upends a table, repeatedly kicks the office couch. Annie rushes to him. ANNIE Please calm down, they can hear you in the outer office. The desk phone on his desk beeps. Benson picks it up, listens and then replaces it. Annie is continuing to calm down The Dion. Several beats later he collapses onto the couch. Benson approaches. BENSON Media people are in the outer office. ANNIE Already? THE DION Of course, I’m The Dion. (To Benson) What do I say. Sandy approaches. SANDY You tell them this is not over, the Congress still must agree, and that won’t happen because the Congress knows you’re the better candidate and you won. THE DION I need to go on the network talk shows. SANDY Alright, I’ll go out there and deliver your comment about its not over yet. THE DION No, let Benson do that. But go with him, and give me some privacy for awhile, I need to pray. Sandy’s facial expression at that comment shows utter bewilderment. She leaves and closes the door behind her. The Dion walks to a wall, drops to his knees and places his face on the floor. THE DION (In prayer.) Almighty Cronus have mercy on your soldier, who was born from the flesh of Dionysius, your faithful and loyal subject. My enemies grow strong, send me the plan to destroy them. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR JUSTIN LANGFORD His entire staff is in his office milling about. Laughing, shaking hands. Celebrating. OWEN The tweets were insane, and he did them at four am. The staff burst out in another fir of laughter. JUSTIN LANGFORD Doesn’t make up for Metcalf, but it helps. OWEN The Congress will re-install him. JUSTIN LANGFORD I know, but let’s enjoy it for now. OWEN You have a meeting in one hour. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON Aaron enters. Jefferson facing the window. AARON You heard... Jefferson does not turn around. AARON People are saying he’s completely unhinged. Ranting Tweets, threatening to sue the entire Electoral College. Jefferson turns around wearing a huge smile on his face. Aaron at first is stunned, then he begins to giggle. Jefferson try’s to hold it in, but then erupts in laughter. Both men laugh hysterically. Slowly their laughter subsides. Jefferson walks to Aaron and puts an arm around his shoulder. JEFFERSON Ah, that felt good. The jackass had it coming. But, it won’t last. AARON Of course, but it was fun. Jefferson walks to the liquor cabinet and pours two glasses of bourbon. He hands one glass to Aaron. JEFFERSON A toast to the Electoral College, true patriots. They raise their glasses. INT. FBI OFFICES WASHINGTON DC - ASSOCIATE DEPUTY DIRECTOR DANIELS OFFICE. Feldman and Russo stand before Daniels desk. FELDMAN Pretty shocking... RUSSO And very courageous... DANIELS Courageous, in what way? RUSSO I mean it’s never been done before... DANIELS You know it won’t stick. But I agree, it was courageous. Feldman and Russo exchange glances. DANIELS I believe we are on the same page, I hope we are, because I’m about to confide in both of you, my fears about a Dodge presidency. FELDMAN We’re on the same page. Sir. DANIELS Have either one of you heard anything about an assassination? FELDMAN Yes sir, we think there is a plot to assassinate The Dion. DANIELS I’ve uncovered some information that its not about assassinating The Dion, a Senator or any one person. It’s about the assassination of America, our democracy. RUSSO I don’t understand... DANIELS My gut feeling is The Dion’s plan is to become president for life, with the help of the Russian government. FELDMAN Whoa, that’s crazy... DANIELS The plans of a Machiavellian mad man. Do we agree that there is something inherently wrong with The Dion? Feldman and Russo exchange glances again. Together they nod their heads in the affirmative. EXT. MONTAGE STREETS IN VARIOUS CITIES - MOBS Armed men and women marching carrying signs declaring support for The Dion. The Dion our hero. The Dion, our savior. The Dion, our Commander and Chief. Rise up, support The Dion. Kill all Electoral College. The Dion will send them back to where they belong. Electoral College members watch your back. INT. OFFICE OF PRESIDENT ELECT DIONYSIUS DODGE The Dion, Annie, Sandy and Benson watch the news. COMMENTATOR Lawmakers are calling on The Dion to calm down his supporters before people are seriously hurt. THE DION Seriously hurt, if the congress doesn’t reverse this, people will be seriously dead. Cronus will act. SANDY What, Cronus? The Dion ignores Sandy’s questions. BENSON Let’s make an attempt to quiet things down. THE DION OK, Sandy, this is what you do best. Go out there and make me look good. I’m doing the Sunday talk show circuit. ANNIE Don’t do that. THE DION Excuse me... INT. TELEVISION STUDIO - SUNDAY TALK SHOW - CHUCK WHITE HOST Chuck White, The Dion, liberal panelist, Fillip ORTEGA, conservative panelist, Eric ROLLINS, and Journalist Penny PATTERSON. HOST Some are saying your reaction to the Electoral College decision was too harsh. THE DION They can’t do that, I’m the president. ROLLINS Yes, The Dion was elected president... ORTEGA You're not the president yet. The Dion lunges for the man. Camera swings away from the scene. INT. TALK SHOW PANEL - LATER Host TODD Smith and four panelist. PANELIST ONE He was right to remark he was not yet sworn in… PANELIST TWO It was not smart to bring up, he knows how The Dion reacts to negative things said about him. PANELIST THREE Wait, are you saying The Dion can't control his temper. PANELIST TWO No, he controls it very well, but now with the Electoral College refuting his win, that's big… PANELIST ONE As president of the United States, he will face much harsher criticism, how will he react then. PANELIST TWO The media, this network, is blowing this out of proportion. Nobody cares, in fact many applaud his actions, Ripely is a very aggressive interviewer, other guest on his show have reacted hostile to him during their interviews. TODD But attack, well we will soon find out how this all will end when Congress votes. PANELIST TWO (Laughing)We know how it will end since our party controls the house. And god is on The Dion’s side. PANELIST THREE Not my god... INT. TELEVISION STUDIO - EMPTY NEWS DESK As crew prepare the set for the show, the newsman Todd and the shows PRODUCER stand to the side of the news desk. PRODUCER You find it very disquieting. TODD I do, look how quite it is in here this morning. PRODUCER I know. Crew member motions to Todd. He steps up to the news desk and sits. Lights. TODD The unprecedented move by the Electoral College has been reversed by the congress. The next president of the United States will be Dionysius Dodge INT. OFFICE OF PRESIDENT ELECT DIONYSIUS DODGE The Dion at his desk shuffling papers. Benson and Sandy shuffle papers. The Dion stands and begins to pace waving his papers. THE DION General Mitcham, Admiral McMillan and General Skip Wilson. That’s my JOINT CHIEF OF STAFF. BENSON You need one more. THE DION He must be of Greek heritage... SANDY Why? THE DION Soon you will know, soon the world... He stops mid-sentence, lowers his head in thought. THE DION General Linus Nikias, get him. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON Jefferson and Aaron. JEFFERSON Department of Homeland Security, Bo Nelson... AARON Surprised everyone. JEFFERSON Rothbury Michigan? Sheriff for one year? AARON He does have some police experience from his Army days. The word is that The Dion thinks Nelson is the best man for the job. JEFFERSON Right, no brains, just follows orders. Anything else. AARON Attorney General, Lamar King. JEFFERSON Oh my god, he’s not even a lawyer anymore. He was disbarred for embezzling. AARON But never indicted. JEFFERSON Nothing more, please, I can’t take anymore. The other side must be... AARON They are. Jefferson walks to the window and peers out. EXT. THE CAPITOL BUILDING Camera pushes in to the swearing ceremony of the new president of the United States, Dionysius (The Dion) Dodge. The Dion taking the oath. EXT. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Thousands of protesters. Rocky Thompson, out of uniform, stands on a corner, cell phone to his mouth. THOMPSON Where the hell are our people. No, I’m on Pennsylvania and Constitution. All I see are fucking liberals. Get them off the busses and walk the rest of the way. Thompson pushes his way through the crowd of protesters. Thompson crosses the street. At mid-street a young woman carrying The Dion - Fascist Pig signs, hands one to Thompson. Thompson takes the sign and crosses the rest of the way. Thompson standing on the corner holding up the protest sign and talking on his cell phone. THOMPSON Killjoy, can you hear me. I’m on Pennsylvania and Constitution. Crowds of protesters heading toward the Reflection Pool. I’ll wait here. Where are you? EXT. INDEPENDENCE AVENUE Killjoy standing amongst a crowd of people. Protesters shouting anti The Dion messages. KILLJOY I can hardly hear you. OK, but don’t wait there. We’re on Independence, passing the Library of Congress, meet us at the Grant memorial. How many with you. Good, I have thirty five, with your twenty, we will get it done. Yes, we have signs. Killjoy begins walking, a crowd of men walk with him. Thompson and his men reach the Reflection Pool. Thompson holds his sign high, twenty other protest signs go high. The twenty one men with their signs held very high move toward the Grant Memorial. Both groups of men reach the Grant memorial at the same time and begin to circle it. Thompson and Killjoy move off to the side to talk. THOMPSON Who has the smoke bombs? KILLJOY Lewis and Booker. THOMPSON Have them wait for about twenty minutes. My guys will start to rile up the anti-The Dion protestors. On my signal, set off the smoke bombs. Then everyone start yelling like the National Guard is moving in. KILLJOY My guys are waiting to bash some heads of these fucking liberals. THOMPSON Do it in the middle of the smoke. INT. TV STUDIO Close-up on Commentator Todd Smith. TODD Violence erupted today as President Elect, Dionysius (The Dion) Dodge was sworn in. Thousands of protestors disrupted traffic all across the Washington DC area. But things got out of hand at the Reflecting Pool. Montage of Thompson’s men causing violence. INT. TV STUDIO TODD Dozens of protesters were hospitalized. Some with serious injuries. Blake Barnside was at the site. Here is his report. INT. THE WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE The Dion, Benson and Sandy watch the news report. THE DION That’s just the beginning. Close-up on Sandy’s face shows shock. THE DION There is an event at the Partridge House in my honor. It started an hour ago. Call my driver and notify the agents that I will be leaving in fifteen minutes. INT. TV STUDIO NEWS ANCHOR cups his hand over one ear with an earpiece in it. NEWS ANCHOR This is real breaking news, ah... President Dodge has disappeared following a dinner at the Partridge House. The president dismissed his Secret Service security team saying his private security force would take over for the remainder of the night. Now the president’s whereabouts are unknown. INT. WHITE HOUSE SECRET SERVICE OFFICE Head of the president’s secret service bodyguards, Clint CHRISTOPHER, is speaking to two Secret Service AGENTS. AGENT 1 They boarded a Challenger 650. AGENT 2 Owned by Christian ORLOV, dual citizenship, here and Russia. He owns mining operations in Belarus. AGENT 1 We pressed the fuel tech, he heard Minsk mentioned. CHRISTOPHER Find out who Orlov knows in Minsk. INT. FBI OFFICES - ASSOCIATE DEPUTY DIRECTOR DANIELS OFFICE. Daniels, Feldman, Russo and Kauffman.   Russo shaking Kauffman’s hand. RUSSO Glad to see you back. KAUFFMAN We now have someone on the inside. RUSSO Who? Kauffman glances toward Daniels. DANIELS Very close to  our man, both of you will be told after Feldman gets back from Minsk. FELDMAN I’m going to Minsk, why? DANIELS The Dion is going there, and he is going alone. FELDMAN No Benson... DANIELS Nor Sandy. Kauffman will meet you. Here is the contact information. Daniels hands an envelope to Feldman. RUSSO What about me? DANIELS You will be having a meeting with a favorite of The Dion’s. INT. CAFE TANDOR - MINSK BELARUS RUSSIA Two waiters carry plates into a private dinning room. INT. PRIVATE DINNING ROOM The waiters enter with the food and place it around the table. Sitting at the table are The Dion, Vadim, Viktor and a RUSSIAN ARMY OFFICER. VADIM (To The Dion) You will love the way the mutton is cooked. THE DION I’m not a big fan of mutton. RUSSIAN ARMY OFFICER (Heavy Russian accent) A special Indian way of cooking, very tasty. THE DION (Turns to Vadim) All I heard was, “a special way of cooking. Vadim, I know you and Viktor speak English. VIKTOR The general said it is cooked at an extreme temperature inside a little oven. The Dion takes a bite. THE DION This really good, I think I will like Russian food. RUSSIAN ARMY OFFICER (In Russian) It would be wise if you would learn to love it. Ha, ha. The Dion looks at Vadim. VADIM He said there is much to like in Russia. EXT. CAFE TANDOR PARKING AREA The area is filled with vehicles. A small van pulls in and parks near the rear of the restaurant. INT. SMALL VAN Kauffman, Feldman and a third man, PERCHIK. PERCHIK This is good. FELDMAN But we don’t know where they're sitting inside. KAUFFMAN This is new. We downloaded The Dion’s voice. The equipment then searches the building for a voice match. PERCHIK Then we verify just by listing to it. FELDMAN It’s no bigger than a cell phone, we don’t have anything like that. PERCHIK When we’re done, I sell you this one for fifty thousand Euros. FELDMAN I might be able to arrange that. INT. PRIVATE DINNING ROOM Waiters are clearing the table. The Russian Army Officer raises a glass of vodka. RUSSIAN ARMY OFFICER Na zdorovie.   Viktor raises his glass. VIKTOR To your health. THE DION Is this the vodka company I bought? VADIM You bought a vodka company, which one. THE DION Dmitry, it’s made in Saint Petersburg. VADIM Sorry to say, but it’s made in China. They sell it here in Russia to American tourist. The Dion ignores this statement. THE DION The next phase is in place and ready to executed. RUSSIAN ARMY OFFICER Details please. THE DION Can we talk freely here? VIKTOR The restaurant was swept just before we arrived. It will continue... VADIM Proceed. THE DION There will be violent demonstrations across the country. VADIM You are arranging that? THE DION The demonstrators will be calling for my head. Some will be threatening to storm the White House. The national Guard will move in to break up the riots. People will be killed. There will be an attempted assassination on my life. I will increase my private security force. INT. SMALL VAN All three men listening to The Dion describe the next Phase. FELDMAN That’s all we need, let’s get out of here. KAUFFMAN Hold for another minute. INT. PRIVATE DINNING ROOM THE DION Once Marshal Law is in place, the military will take over. It will be called a Junta, but only until they re-install me as president for life. I will form a relationship with Russia, and our two countries will... A KGB MAN burst into the dinning room. KGB MAN Stop, stop, no more talking. We picked up a... Vadim jumps up. The Russian Army Officer leaps to his feet knocking the table over. VADIM Find them. VIKTOR They must have heard everything. The Russian Army Officer runs out of the dinning room. Vadim follows him. Viktor gets to the door and stops. He turns toward The Dion. THE DION They can not get away. INT. SMALL VAN KAUFFMAN Go, go, go, they have us. Perchik slams the gear into reverse and jams on the gas pedal. EXT. CAFE TANDOR PARKING AREA The van speeds away from the parking area. A black GAZ cargo van is right on their tail. Both vehicles speed down a street. From around a corner, a black Mazda sedan joins in the chase. MONTAGE: LONG CAR CHASE SCENE THAT ENDS IN THE COUNTRY WHERE THE VAN IS FORCED OFF THE ROAD OVER A CLIFF CRASHES AND EXPLODES IN A FIERY BALL. (STUNT COORDINATOR) EXT. COUNTRY ROAD The GAZ and the Mazda are parked on the side of the road. Five men observe the crash scene which is still burning as two more cars arrive. Vadim and the Russian Army Officer exit one of the cars. Viktor and The Dion exit the second car. INT. FBI OFFICES - ASSOCIATE DEPUTY DIRECTOR DANIELS OFFICE. Daniels and Russo. RUSSO No word yet? DANIELS Last was just before they set up outside the restaurant. RUSSO That’s what, three days now? DANIELS Kauffman’s the best we have. He’s been under for seven years, that’s longer than any other deep cover has ever been. Keep the faith. INT. WHITE HOUSE OVAL OFFICE The Dion, Benson and Sandy. BENSON Were you happy with the distillery? SANDY Bring any samples back. THE DION The deal never went through, I’m suing... I want you to set up a meeting with Senator Quill, Bingham and Jefferson. BENSON Jefferson? THE DION He’s not on board yet, Quill and Bingham will fix that problem. Have Quill and Bingham arrive one hour earlier than Jefferson. EXT. FBI OFFICES Russo exits as his cell phone rings. He listens. RUSSO Minsk? Today? OK, in the morning. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR JUSTIN LANGFORD - NIGHT Langford is on the phone. LANGFORD He just showed up at the daily briefing like nothing happened. Minsk, Can we prove it? Only his private guard, I see. I will have a lunch with Jefferson, he won’t like this. EXT. RURAL MINSK ROAD A CAR is parked on the side of the road near the fatal accident involving Feldman, Kauffman and Perchik. INT. CAR Abram SOKOLOFF, early twenties, speaking into his cell phone. SOKOLOFF Yes, look for my car on the side of the road, white... Sokoloff looks in the rearview mirror. A car approaches and stops several yards behind him and Russo exits the car. Sokoloff exits his car. Russo approaches Sokoloff. RUSSO Shalom. SOKOLOFF Shalom. Follow me. Sokoloff walks a short distance and then climbs down hill adjoining the road. Russo follows. The two men descend through the trees. RUSSO Is this where the car went over, why didn’t the trees stop it? SOKOLOFF No, this is an easy way down, then we cut across. The car landed at the bottom of a steep cliff. They continue down through the trees. They arrive at a spot where Sokoloff turns. Russo follows him through the trees until they emerge from the trees at the base of a cliff. Russo looks up toward the road and then back to the bottom of the cliff. RUSSO The car? SOKOLOFF Everything was collected and transported to a place where they went over the entire pile of debris. You can see where they even collected the soil. Sokoloff points to a cleared area. RUSSO So what do you expect to find? SOKOLOFF Probably nothing, but we look. After, I have a piece of equipment, the same that Perchik was using, you are to take it back with you. Montage of the men begin combing the area. Much later they stand exhausted. SOKOLOFF We go to town, have dinner. In the morning you will be picked up at a small abandon airport. Russo starts climbing up the cliff facing searching. SOKOLOFF What are you doing? Russo continues his search. INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE The Dion, Jefferson, Quill and Bingham. The Dion approaches the door to the security room, he opens it and waves the three men in. They enter. The Dion stands holding the door open until they enter, and then closes the door and walks away. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON Marshall and Aaron. Daniels enters. Aaron closes the door. Daniels You asked to see me? JEFFERSON You have been investigating the Metcalf death. Daniels (On guard) Yes. But I can’t discuss it, it’s ongoing. JEFFERSON That’s not why I asked you here. I need advice on how to handle a threat against a Senator and his family. Jefferson waves Daniels to a chair and then sits at his desk. Daniels sits and then turns to look at Aaron. JEFFERSON Aaron knows everything. Daniels What is everything... INT. TELEVISION STUDIO - SUNDAY TALK SHOW Host TODD Smith and four panelist. PANELIST ONE CIA Retired General King, FBI General Booker. And he’s considering General Hokes for Department of Defense. PANELIST TWO Well of course you would want a man with military experience to head DOD... PANELIST THREE That’s three retired Generals, isn’t there a non Army individual... PANELIST TWO Yes, he will appoint retired Navy Admiral Norquist to head the FBI. Navy... PANELIST ONE This is insane, it looks like a military junta. Panelist Two smiles. PANELIST TWO You’re blowing this out of proportion. TODD We’ll just have to leave it at that. Let’s move on. Big game this Sunday, what are your picks. INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL Office - NIGHT The Dion, Sandy and Benson. THE DION Sandy, make it official on the Norquist appointment. Benson, arrange a meeting with General Vincent regarding the Secretary of State appointment. Annie explodes into the room screaming. ANNIE They have arrested my cousin Arturo. He was brutally beaten and thrown into the Ariza prison. You must help him. Do something, now. Annie sobbing hysterically. ANNIE Please... THE DION (Cold) He insulted the president. ANNIE (Harsh) Everyone insults the president. THE DION There is nothing I can do... ANNIE You made it happen. You know, don’t you. You know about Arturo and I... THE DION No, why don’t you tell me... Annie storms out of the office. Sandy smiling. BENSON Can she hurt you? THE DION I never tell her anything important. She’ll get over it, she loves the lifestyle I give her. She’ll learn to never insult Cronus. SANDY Who? THE DION Back to business. I need a military man for the NSA. EXT. RURAL MINSK ROAD A black sedan pulls off the road and parks behind Russo’s car. Two KGB men get out and walk down the road and peer over. POV, two men: Russo and Sokoloff climbing up the cliff face and searching. EXT. CLIFF FACE Russo stops, kneels down and brushes some rocks aside. Close-up on the ground reveals the recording device. Russo picks it up and examines it. Sokoloff steps over and looks at what Russo found. SOKOLOFF Its the recording device, it must have left the van as it rolled down. Russo looks closer at the device. Close-up on the device shows it has been damaged. Russo takes his eyes off the device and looks up the cliff facing . Russo’s POV, the two men above now have pistols out and are pointing them at Russo and Sokoloff. KGB MAN 1 Hold still... Russo bolts for the trees with Sokoloff right behind him. The two men fire their weapons. Russo is hit and tumbles into the line of trees on the side of the cliff facing. Sokoloff dives into the trees. KGB Man 1 begins to climb down the cliff facing, slips and falls to the bottom, landing on a large rock breaking his back. KGB Man 2 turns and runs back toward Russo’s car. EXT. RURAL MINSK ROAD KGB Man 2 finds the path down the side of the mountain that Russo and Sokoloff used and starts down. EXT. CLIFF FACE Camera pushes into the trees. In the trees, Sokoloff is helping Russo to his feet. Russo cries out and grabs his waist area. Sokoloff examines Russo, he lifts his shirt. Close-up Russo’s waist area is bloodied. Sokoloff closely looks at the wound. SOKOLOFF It passed right through. Doesn’t look like it hit anything but flesh and came out the back side. Here... Sokoloff removes a light jacket he is wearing and ties around Russo’s mid-section. RUSSO I can hear them coming. SOKOLOFF Sounds like only one man. I heard a scream and crashing noise from the cliff.   RUSSO Which way. Sokoloff takes Russo by the arm and moves downhill. Montage: A chase down the mountain side. EXT. MOUNTAIN MEADOW Russo and Sokoloff exit the trees. They stop to catch their breath. SOKOLOFF I know this place. On the other side of the meadow there is a small dirt road that hunters use to a camp. They move out, Russo struggling to keep up. EXT. SMALL HUNTING CABIN Russo and Sokoloff arrive. Sokoloff checks Russo’s wound. SOKOLOFF The bleeding has stopped. Rest for a minute, then continue down this road, it meets the highway in about a mile. RUSSO What are you... SOKOLOFF Just go, go now. When you get to the highway, stay hidden until you see a green van, show yourself, it will be a friend. Sokoloff gives Russo a friendly shove to start him. Russo slowly jogs up the road. Sokoloff quickly moves to the door of the cabin and kicks it in. Sokoloff enters. Several beats and KGB Man 2 lumbers up, stops. Breathing heavy. He sees the broken door and quickly moves to the wall and stands to the side of the door. INT. CABIN Sokoloff searches and finds a gas lantern. He shakes the lantern and hears liquid inside. EXT. CABIN KGB Man with his back pressed against the cabin wall. KGB MAN 2 Give up, I have more men coming. Why die for the American. He listens. SOKOLOFF (O.C.) I have a gun. KGB MAN 2 You would have used it. All I want is the device. Throw it out and I will leave. A couple of beats, an object sails out through the door and lands several feet away. KGB Man, smiling and with his eyes on the door, slowly backs up toward the object laying in the grass. He turns his head to look behind him, stops and quickly turns bends over and picks up the object. Close-up on the object reveals it is a cell phone. He angrily throws the cell phone back through the cabin door and charges the cabin. As he enters the cabin, be rapidly fires his weapon. KGB MAN 2 (Screaming) Now you both die. He disappears into the cabin and continues to fire his weapon. Sokoloff appears from behind the cabin holding the gas lantern. He snaps a cigarette lighter and lights a rag wick stuffed into the fuel opening on the gas lantern. He throws the jury rigged Molotov cocktail into the cabin. The cabin explodes in flames. SOKOLOFF No, now you die. INT. RESTAURANT 1 Langford and Jefferson eating. JEFFERSON You know this, how? LANGFORD There are good people in government... JEFFERSON Who? LANGFORD For now, let’s just say and agency with three letters in its name. JEFFERSON It’s Daniels, isn’t it. He’s a good man, in fact he is helping me with a problem I’m having with The Dion. But, Minsk can be a big game changer for those who are not enamored with him. So... Carl approaches their table. JEFFERSON Ah Carl, join us. Senator Langford would like to hear about Dionysius the Elder. Carl grabs a chair from a nearby table and sits. EXT. WASHINGTON MONUMENT - DAY Platform set up with a podium for the President of the United States speech. A large crowed waits for The Dion to arrive. EXT. WASHINGTON DC 17th. STREET ENTRANCE TO THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT The President’s motorcade stops at the sidewalk leading to the monument. Six Secret Service agents exit one SUV and join up with several other agents that are already stationed there. Six private security guards exit another SUV. A third SUV drives up and onto the sidewalk leading to the monument. The Secret Service agents jog along one side of the SUV and six of The Dion’s private security detail, jog along the other side of the SUV as it moves toward the monument and the speakers platform. EXT. WASHINGTON MONUMENT The presidents SUV stops at the rear of the speakers platform. The Dion exits and then is surrounded by his security people as he climbs the steps to the speaker platform. The crowed begins to clap and cheer. The people clapping and cheering are Thompson and his crew we saw at the demonstrations. The Dion reaches the podium and raises a fist, but then quickly opens his hand and makes the victory sign. He adjusts a microphone on the podium and begins to speak. INTERCUT WITH CROWD CHEERING. THE DION I stand here today humbled by the history of George Washing and his battles to create a new country. But I also stand here with a strong resolve to follow his lead. Our country has been in turmoil, we have suffered at the hands of our enemies, foreign and domestic. It is time again to create a new country. A new country free of the fear and unknown that has paralyzed this great nation. It is time for a leader, a fearless leader, to change all of that. That is why you have chosen me to lead you. And I intend to lead with strength. I will let no man, no group, no weak political party stop me. The Dion raises both arms in triumph. The crowed cheers. The Dion pumps his fists. A shot rings out and a security man next to The Dion falls backward. The other security people surround the Dion and rush him off the podium. The crowd scatters. People running for their lives. The Dion shoved into his SUV. The SUV moving through the crowd of people slowly. Secret service agents video taping the crowds running from the monument area. INT. OUTER OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON Aaron is talking to the secretary as Jefferson exits his office. JEFFERSON (To Aaron) Come with me. INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE The Dion, Thompson, Killjoy. THE DION That went well... KILLJOY One of your private guy’s died. THOMPSON What, how. He was wearing a vest. KILLJOY The round went high, hit him in the neck. THE DION Too bad, I thought you said your guy could hit a dime at five hundred yards. THOMPSON He’s that good, I don’t know how it happened, but I’ll find out. THE DION Don’t bother, it works better for me. We’ll push the idea that it could have been the president. Thank God it was not. Nice huh... KILLJOY He had a wife and a couple of kids. THE DION I’ll donate funds for his kids college education. Nice huh. Benson and Sandy rush in. SANDY Oh my god, are you alright? The Dion laughs. THE DION I’m invincible. You should know that by now. BENSON The agent that was hit died. THOMPSON That we didn't expect. Sandy glances at Benson. Benson looks away. The Dion puts his arm around Sandy and walks her to the other side of the room. THE DION None of us wanted that to happen. SANDY You planned it... THE DION It was for the cause... Sandy pulls away. THE DION The cause you support... Sandy puts both of her hands to her face and begins to sob. THE DION (To Benson) Take her home. Benson takes Sandy’s arm and walks her out. The Dion walks to the bar and pours himself a drink. THE DION Get a drink. Thompson and Killjoy pour themselves drinks. THE DION To the cause. They lift their glasses and then drink. INT. UPSCALE MEXICAN RESTAURANT - MIAMI - EARLY MORNING The restaurant is being prepared to open. Kitchen staff. Dinning room staff. Bar people. In a quite booth at the back of the restaurant two men talk. Mark Ramon DAVILLA and Daniels. DANIELS This is a very beautiful restaurant. DAVILLA Yes it is, I have four more, two here in Florida and two in Los Angeles. And now that I will not be in the White House, we’re opening a third in Dallas. DANIELS You know The Dion calls them a string of taco wagons. DAVILLA And now I can keep my taco wagons. How can I help you. DANIELS I understand you have contacts in the Cuban government... A STAFF PERSON approaches their table. STAFF PERSON We’re ready to open, shall we wait? DAVILLA No, no... The staff person turns and leaves. INT. PRIVATE HOME - LIBRARY Thompson and Killjoy. Thompson reading from a sheet of paper. THOMPSON Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, New York, Jacksonville Florida, Dallas/Fort Worth, Milwaukee and DC. KILLJOY That will set off others all over the country. THOMPSON That’s the plan. INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE The Dion, Sandy and Benson. THE DION We’ll leave for my ranch in Montana first thing in the morning. No announcements. BENSON Only your private security... THE DION The Feds, will stay here and pretend they are protecting the president. If we can go and come back without anyone knowing... SANDY I can make a statement that you were here directing the troops. THE DION I’ve ditched them before and I will do it tomorrow. EXT. MILITIA CAMP FLORIDA EVERGLADES Ulsterman and his men. ULSTERMAN Tomorrow is the day. Our orders are for Miami Fort Lauderdale corridor. The more violence we can create... I’ll be very proud of you. He points to a stack of crates. ULSTERMAN You’ll find flash grenades, concussion and shrapnel. But don’t use the shrapnel until you are ordered. Everyone have their family off in the boonies some where. The men confirm in various ways. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON Jefferson and Aaron. AARON It’s whispers, but serious. JEFFERSON Who’s behind it? AARON Don’t know for sure, but we think it started from a militia group in Florida. JEFFERSON Demonstrations, marching with weapons. They can do that, it’s not against the law. AARON Not anymore... JEFFERSON I’ll talk to Daniels and see what he knows. Talk to the people you know in Langford’s office. Aaron turns and leaves. Jefferson opens his cell phone and taps a speed dial number and puts the phone to his ear. JEFFERSON Daniels... INTERCUT BETWEEN JEFFERSON AND DANIELS. INT. FBI OFFICES WASHINGTON DC - ASSOCIATE DEPUTY DIRECTORS OFFICE Daniels on the phone. DANIELS Yes, but I don’t think it going to amount to much. Local authorities can handle it. I do have something you may like. JEFFERSON Really, when will you hear back? DANIELS In a couple of days. His contacts are high up in government. JEFFERSON Are you keeping Langford up to date? DANIELS He’s convinced... JEFFERSON So am I now... DANIELS It’s a pretty scary vision. INT. OFFICE OF SENATOR JUSTIN LANGFORD Langford and Owen. LANGFORD It would be a treasonous offense. OWEN You could call for hearings. LANGFORD When I have a few more ducks in a row. INT. OFFICE OF NATIONAL GUARD GENERAL General FLINT and two other officers. FLINT You must have your troops in pace by noon. As soon as the announcement is made, you take control. INT. THE DION’S RANCH - PLACID LAKE MONTANA - NIGHT Seated at the dinning room table: The Dion, Annie, Sandy and Benson. THE DION Enjoy the caviar, a special reserve of Ossetra. This bowl cost three thousand, and there will be plenty more where this comes from. ANNIE I love Russian caviar... SANDY A little to strong for me. THE DION Keep eating, you will develope a taste for it. I did. BENSON When will go back? THE DION When I call for a State of Emergency. SANDY You are going to declare Marshall Law? THE DION State of Emergency. And only in Washington DC, and a few other dangerous places. BENSON Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City... THE DION And more if needed. Close-up Sandy, shock and fear. ANNIE Oh my god, what is happening? THE DION Not until tomorrow, oh, and I’m sending you to Cuba to be with your mother. You can visit your cousin in prison. The Dion smiles. SUPER TITLE MARCH 15TH. 2025 INT. TV STUDIO At the anchor chair, Todd is describing events. Background screen montage of his descriptions. TODD It started at daybreak in Florida. Hundreds of armed militia groups marched in Miami. Their spokesperson gave their reasons for the march. Here is the interview. EXT. MIAMI STREET CORNER Surrounded by men in Camo gear with  military style weapons, Ulsterman speaks with REPORTER 1 ULSTERMAN Yes, this is a threat to all who oppose our leader. Our combat ready patriots will patrol the streets of America. When we find anyone, anyone that might pose a threat to The Dion, they will be arrested and jailed. REPORTER 1 You have no authority to arrest people... ULSTERMAN Citizen arrest for traitors of our leader. And we will use deadly force if necessary... Close-up on the Reporter 1 face, dumbfounded. TODD Our producer contacted the Miami police department regarding this action. Their spokes person would not comment. Anti The Dion demonstrations are now just starting. EXT. 16th. And H STREET - WASHINGTON DC Armed militia march along H. A small group surrounds REPORTER 2 Reporter 2 facing the camera. Camera POV REPORTER 2 The men here claim that the president’s private security force has given them permission to be here with their weapons. We have not been able to speak to anyone with the private security force to confirm that. But seeing no show of force here from the White House... INT. TV STUDIO TODD This is an unprecedented situation, and more of the same is happening in Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas and right here in New York City... Montage of the violence. Todd cups his hand over one ear and listens. TODD Gunfire has erupted in Miami between the militia forces and anti-The Dion groups. EXT. MIAMI - SOUTH MIAMI BRIDGE OVER MIAMI RIVER A group of armed militia men led by Ulster is trapped in the middle of the bridge, taking fire from armed men from both sides of the bridge. In the group we see Ulsterman. They are using abandoned cars and trucks as cover. Eight non- militia shooters are firing their weapons from behind a UPS truck. Ski hats and sun glasses disguise their faces. One man is hit in the shoulder and falls to the ground. Another man bends down and pulls off his ski hat to reveal it is Thompson. THOMPSON (In pain)Use the grenade and let’s get out of here now. The man removes a grenade from his jacket pocket, pulls the pin. He stands a tosses the grenade toward the middle of the bridge. The grenade explodes among the militia men. INT. THE DION’S RANCH - PLACID LAKE MONTANA The Dion, Benson, Sandy and Unidentified man. All are watching the news reports of the rioting. THE DION OK General, its time for the National Guard to restore peace. The man opens his cell phone and punches in some numbers. INT. FBI OFFICES WASHINGTON DC - DANIELS OFFICE Daniels is on the phone. DANIELS I want agents in everyone of those locations to observe the guard units tactics. INT. OFFICE OF NATIONAL GUARD GENERAL FLINT GENERAL FLINT I want some of our people in every unit deployed. You have your orders. For the cause. He holds up a clenched fist. The others hold up clenched fists. INT. OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY Bo Nelson and his Chief of staff Myron WICKLIFFE. WICKLIFFE I don’t understand, you want our people out there protecting demonstrators? BO NELSON I don’t want citizens indiscriminately attacked. WICKLIFFE But that’s the National Guard’s duty. BO NELSON To keep the peace, not attack civilians. WICKLIFFE Anarchist. BO NELSON If they have weapons and are using them, yes. But if its peaceful demonstrations... WICKLIFFE Yes sir, but the violence is getting out of hand. INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE The Dion enters with Benson. Benson turns on the television. Close-up television screen showing violent riots. THE DION Call an emergency press conference. Benson leaves the room. INT. WHITE HOUSE - PRESS BRIEFING ROOM Media is jammed into the room. The Dion arrives and steps to the podium. The media begins shouting questions. The Dion holds up his hands. The media quiets down. THE DION Ladies and gentlemen, these are unprecedented times. What I’m about to tell you pains me more than anything. Our country is facing acts of violence and civil disobedience unlike never seen before. American patriots are dying in the streets, being murdered by gangs of unpatriotic, no, terrorist, terrorist from abroad and many who have gained citizenship through our immigration system riddled with holes. Today, March fifteenth two thousand and twenty five, I’m declaring a State of Emergency in various cities across our great land. You will be handed lists of what cities and areas. A VOICE FROM THE CROWD 1 VOICE FROM THE CROWD 1 Is Washington DC one of the cities? THE DION Of course, we must protect the seat of government. That’s all, and thank you. The Dion steps away from the podium. A Voice From The Crowed 2 VOICE FROM THE CROWD 2 You’re declaring Marshall Law? THE DION (Angrily) No, a State of Emergency. VOICE FROM THE CROWD 2 (Mumbling) Same thing. The crowd of media rushing out of the room. INT. FBI OFFICES - DANIELS OFFICE Daniels and Annie. DANIELS We will protect you. Daniels cell phone rings. He picks it up and listens. DANIELS Thank god... INT. HOTEL ROOM Daniels, Jefferson, Langford, Davilla and Russo. DANIELS With Zeus back, you’ll have enough to start impeachment proceedings. JEFFERSON Zeus? DANIELS I’m sorry, Zeus is the code name the agent that was sent to Minsk. INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE The Dion and Benson. THE DION Where the hell is she? Did you send someone to her apartment? BENSON No idea. They even went inside. Her bed was not slept in. THE DION She’s off somewhere sulking, she’ll return when she remembers where her future lies. BENSON Can we trust her? THE DION Of course. Use the secure phone and get me Vadim. INT. KGB OFFICE - MOSCOW - NIGHT Vadim is on the phone. Viktor listens. VADIM Yes, you are a genius. So all is well. Vadim continues to listen for several beats and then hangs up. VADIM He’s declared Marshall Law, he foolishly calls it a State of Emergency. VIKTOR The American army? The coup? VADIM There are special units that he controls, they are being activated as we speak. VIKTOR Yes, and we will have successfully assassinated democracy in the United States. The two men hug and then shake hands. INT. TV STUDIO TODD An unprecedented, I seem to be using that word everyday. An unprecedented move by the Congress in the middle of the night, a closed door hearing, has voted to start impeachment hearings against the president of the United States, Dion Dodge. Senator Jefferson explains why. INT. HALLS OF CONGRESS Senator Jefferson on camera. JEFFERSON Members from both sides of the aisle agreed that there was enough evidence to start the proceedings. The president will have the opportunity to refute the charges through his attorney. But he will have to answer questions during the proceedings. INT. IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS CHAMBER. The Dion and his LEGAL TEAM converse. LEGAL TEAM 1 Of course we will use the fifth on dangerous issues, but we believe most of what they have is hearsay. THE DION Can’t be anything but hearsay, I’ve been very careful who I take into my confidence. The Senators take their seats. Senator Jefferson bangs the gavel. JEFFERSON Before we begin, I wish to read excerpts from our founding fathers regarding Impeachment of a sitting president. The Framers vested the Senate with the sole Power to try Impeachments. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, trust or profit under the United States. But the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, a trial, judgment and punishment, according to Law. My CO/chair, Senator Langford will now begin. LANGFORD Mister president, you are aware that you are under oath during these proceedings? THE DION Of course. LANGFORD Please answer yes or no. THE DION Yes. LANGFORD Are you acquainted with VIKTOR Guskov and VADIM Trukhin? THE DION No. LANGFORD Did you meet with, in Cuba, these men. THE DION No. LANGFORD Have you ever met these men... Legal Team 1 places his hand over The Dion’s hand and whispers in his ear. The Dion shakes it off the hand. THE DION No. Senator Jefferson and Senator Langford exchange glances. The Dion smiles. INT. TV STUDIO TODD Today’s impeachment hearings moved very quickly as the president’s answers were short and quickly answered with a No. After, the president made a statement that all of the evidence was hearsay and a witch hunt. This may be over soon, and in the presidents favor. INT. OUTER OFFICE OF SENATOR MARSHAL JEFFERSON Jefferson and Langford. LANGFORD No sense having Annie testify. They'll just claim hearsay and lovers quarrel. And we expose her to the danger of being killed by one of his people. He is capable of that. JEFFERSON How did we get to this point? LANGFORD Historian’s will have to make that judgement. Tomorrow won’t be so easy for him. JEFFERSON It will still be he said, he said, but they won’t be able to use the lovers quarrel spin. The telephone rings. Jefferson answers and listens. JEFFERSON You can’t do that... He hangs up. JEFFERSON That was King, the CIA will not let Bo Nelson testify. National security excuse. He’s been deep undercover for years. They don’t want to expose him. LANGFORD Sure, that’s The Dion’s appointment. There is nobody in government we can count on... Daniels, we can count on him. INT. IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS CHAMBER Jefferson and Langford stand and talk. JEFFERSON They can’t find him. He never returned home last night. His wife is hysterically. Said he called around six thirty and said he had to go out of town. She said he sounded frightened. LANGFORD How could they have found out about Daniels testifying. JEFFERSON He was investigating the Dion’s threats against me. LANGFORD What? JEFFERSON I wouldn’t join his cause, as he called it. He threatened my family. LANGFORD We can’t take anymore chances, we have to call for the closed door private session. Will your people go along. JEFFERSON I hope so, its our only chance. INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE The Dion, Benson, Legal Team 1. LEGAL TEAM 1 Daniels is missing, did you have anything to do with that? THE DION What? You’re my defense counsel, not the prosecution. No, of course not. LEGAL TEAM 1 What was he investigating you for? THE DION More hearsay bullshit that he couldn't prove. (To Benson) Where is Sandy? BENSON We still don’t know. LEGAL TEAM 1 Can she be a problem, because if they have her hidden... THE DION Forget her... What about tomorrow? LEGAL TEAM 1 Depends. FBI OFFICES WASHINGTON DC - DIRECTOR KING King, Jefferson and Langford. KING I don’t believe you, it has just been a lot of hearsay... JEFFERSON Where’s Daniels? KING In his office, I presume... LANGFORD He has not been seen, since he called his wife last night and said he had to leave town for awhile... King picks up his phone and punches a button. KING Have Daniels come to my office. King hangs up. KING Look, I know he is a little bit of a loose canon, but he will make the country better. JEFFERSON Daniels believes he is a traitor and is working with the KGB in a plot to overthrow our government. KING Are you mad, that’s... King’s phone rings. He answers and listens. KING Send people to find him. Now... LANGFORD We’re afraid he’s dead or hiding... KING Dead, are you... alright talk to me. JEFFERSON For starters, we have proof he faked the assassination attempt. LANGFORD And his assistant will testify to that. JEFFERSON And a Secret Service agent died during that... fraud. KING Prove that and I will guarantee you he will be charged with murder. JEFFERSON It will be his word against his assistant, but we have more evidence, solid, but it would require a closed door hearing with only members of the NSA committee. LANGFORD Both of us are members of that committee, but we would like to avoid that if we can. If you can find Daniels... INT. IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS CHAMBER The panel is seated. The room is packed with spectators. Jefferson bangs his gavel. Legal Team 1 stands. LEGAL TEAM 1 Senator’s, since there has been no evidence presented other than hearsay, we ask that this committee stand down, and let the president focus his attention on the myriad of emergencies the country is facing. LANGFORD I’m afraid we can’t do that sir... A Senator HOKES, one of The Dion’s supporters interrupts Langford. HOKES I agree, these accusations against president Dodge is nothing but a witch hunt. Unless there is a witness to support these hearsay accusations, I vote we close this hearing. JEFFERSON Director King. King moves to a table with a microphone. KING I strongly advise that the select NSA committee convene a closed door hearing regarding these accusations. The Dion jumps to his feet. THE DION I’m the president of the United States, and I am declaring this over. I have important things to attend to. With that The Dion leaves the room. Camera pans everyone in the room dumbstruck and silent. Then pandemonium as everyone rushes out. INT. WHITE HOUSE - OVAL OFFICE The Dion, Benson and Legal Team 1 LEGAL TEAM 1 You can’t do this, you will have to return tomorrow. THE DION (Agitated and shouting) Where the hell is Annie? Where the hell is Sandy. They love me, why are they not here when I need them. BENSON Sandy is still missing, and we have word that Annie is in FBI protection. LEGAL TEAM 1 Mister president, I must have any information that those women have that can be used against you. THE DION (Screaming) Get out, both of you, get the hell out of my office. They leave. The Dion moves to the bar and pours a drink. INT. PRIVATE CHAMBERS - NSA OFFICE Jefferson, Langford, King, Daniels, Annie, Sandy and Legal Team 1. Director of NSA Herbert WELKINS sits at his desk. Two NSA assistants stand on either side of the his desk. WELKINS So far you have introduced nothing that would be of national security concern. Legal Team 1 glances one by one the faces of Daniels, Sandy and Annie. LEGAL TEAM 1 And they will not be able to do that. JEFFERSON (To Daniels) Has he arrived yet? Daniels shakes his head, no. LANGFORD (Exasperated) We need a little more time. LEGAL TEAM 1 You have had over a week. This nonsense should be stopped now. WELKINS I agree, the trial should proceed in the normal fashion. JEFFERSON You are letting him get away with treason... Welkins rises and walks to the door. He opens the door and with a sweep of his hand, invites them to leave. Legal Team 1 heads for the door. As he steps out he bumps directly into the chest of Russo. Russo holds up the recording device. DANIELS (To Legal Team 1) Say hello to agent Russo, code name Zeus... INT. HOME OF THE RUSSO FAMILY - PHILADELPHIA Russo, his mother Sarah and his father Michael are sitting at the dinning table. SARAH I put everything back in the oven to stay warm. MICHAEL What’s holding her up? SARAH She had to pick up her roommate first. MICHAEL The mysterious roommate. RUSSO Not mysterious, she was just not ready for you guys to meet. MICHAEL While we wait, tell us how you brought this terrible man down? RUSSO You mean the man you voted for. MICHAEL (Reluctantly) I made a mistake RUSSO A big one. I can’t tell you much because most of it is classified. You heard the news reports. MICHAEL Yes, he’s to be removed from office... RUSSO He’s already out of the White House. Next week he will be indicted, along with several of his friends on numerous charges, including murder. The sound of the front door opening. LELA (O.C.) We’re here. MICHAEL Here goes... Lela enters the dinning room with her roommate. He is six foot six and in perfect physical condition. LELA Hi guys, this is my roommate DOUG Winooski.   Everyone greets Doug. SARAH Sit. Sit, I’ll get dinner. LELA I’ll help. The two women leave the room. RUSSO How long have you been roommates? DOUG Two years now. MICHAEL When Sarah and I were dating we didn’t live in the same house. Sarah and Lela enter carrying supper. LELA We have been engaged for a year now. SARAH Wonderful... LELA And we will be getting married in the spring. Sarah joyfully hugs her daughter. RUSSO Congratulations Sis. MICHAEL And why did you wait so long to tell us? LELA I was afraid you would be angry... SARAH He’s not Jewish. DOUG I’m Jewish, my grandparents came from Poland. MICHAEL Sounds all good to me, so what would I be angry about? LELA Doug is in football. DOUG I’m not a starter yet, but I think I’ll start next year. MICHAEL What could be better, my daughter getting married, to a Jew, who is a professional football player. Why would I be angry. Close-up on Michael’s face shows an Oh no look. MICHAEL Don’t tell me... LELA Yes, the Giants. INT. TV STUDIO TODD Impeached president Dodge has not been seen since last Tuesday when he was removed from office. Meanwhile, the Attorney General’s office is preparing indictments that can lead to Dodge going to prison for decades. It could also result in the death penalty. INT. OFFICE DIONYSIUS DODGE The Dion and Benson. The Dion is on the phone. THE DION What do you mean, Vadim does not know me. We are brothers in arms. Put him on the phone, he knows me, he loves me... The Dion slams the phone down. Then picks it up and hurls it across the room. Benson ducks as the phone travels over his head. The Dion paces around the office talking to himself. He stops and turns to Benson. THE DION Take me to my office. BENSON But, you’re in your office. THE DION This is not my office, my office, the Oval Room. BENSON Mister Dodge, this is your office... THE DION What are you talking about, and you will address me by my title, Mister President. Now take me to my office at the White House. BENSON But they won’t let us in... The Dion reaches into the desk drawer and remove a pistol which he points at Benson’s head. EXT. WHITE HOUSE GATE - NIGHT Benson drives up. The Dion is in the back seat holding the gun to Benson’s head. At the gate, the guards refuse to let him enter. The Dion screams from the back seat. THE DION Open the gate or I’ll have you thrown in jail for refusing an order from the president of the United States. The guards draw their weapons. Benson is backing the car away. The Dion jumps out of the car, opens the drivers side and pulls Benson out and dumps him on the street. INT. THE CAR The Dion climbs into the car, turns it around aiming for the front gate. The Dion floors the gas peddle. The car rockets toward the gate. Inside the car, The Dion is screaming. THE DION I'm the president, I am the president. CORONUSSSS... The guard's open fire. The windshield shatters from the gun fire. The car rams into a concrete barrier and flips over and lands behind the barrier. Benson is up and running to the car. He disappears behind the barrier. Several beats and the car explodes into a fiery ball.   INT. OFFICE OF THE KGB- MOSCOW Vadim and Victor. VADIM He became unhinged at the end. VIKTOR At the end, he was born a madman. It was unbelievable that we succeeded in getting him elected. VADIM The country was ready for a man like that. And he uncovered the evil in many. The vice president will take over, but he's a weakling, so we start over with a new and different model that will appeal to the same kind of people.   VIKTOR Four... eight years, and then. FADE OUT. EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF MARRAKESH MOROCCO - SUNSET A white SUV turns off a main road onto a newly paved winding driveway. Several beats later it approaches an giant wall of steel slats twenty feet high. The pavement continues on to a large steel gate that slowly opens to allow the SUV to pass through. INT. SUV Two men sit in the back seat, they are dressed as Moroccan dignitaries in fashionable robes and headdress. The SUV passes rows of date trees lining both sides of the driveway. The vehicle enters an elaborate circular driveway and stops at the entrance to a magnificent mansion in the style of a Virginia plantation home. Armed guards stand at the entrance. The two men exit the vehicle and walk toward the door which opens as they arrive. They enter. INT. MANSION A man dressed in a dark business suit escorts them down an hall and into a large solarium style room. Directly ahead is tinted glass wall that extends from the floor to the ceiling. Through the shaded glass lies an expanse of green lawns, palm and date trees. In the center is an enormous pool with cabanas. At the end of the pool area is a manicured golf course. On one side of the room a door opens and through it enters a man in all white golf attire carrying a club. It’s the Dion. THE DION Welcome gentlemen to the new White House of the exiled Monarch. I will return to my former domain in due time. The two men stunned with their wide open in shock, slowly back out of the room. The Dion in uncontrollable insane laughter screaming I am the King. 
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Scylla and Charybdis
—What is a great evening we had a midwife to mother as he had a shrew to wife. —And the sense of property, Stephen said, who is guilty … He rested an innocent book on the lookout for terror and the player is Shakespeare who has faded into impalpability through death, speaking. In sweetly varying voices Buck Mulligan read his tablet: Everyman His own Wife or A Honeymoon in the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary to get rid of all the years when he is near the grave, when that was Ted Cruz, who also knew of the past, I want to know, a whoreson merry widow. Very strange! Looking forward to a widowed Ann what's in a stride John Eglinton's newgathered frown: The peatsmoke is going to call on BREXIT-she should drop out of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A patient silhouette waited, listening. Irish.
Whereto? So Mr Justice Madden in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of himself.
Directly. Assumed dongiovannism will not save him. Fred Ryan wants space for an article on economics.
John Eclecticon doubly smiled. Herr Bleibtreu, the gross virgin who inspired The Merry Wives of Windsor, let some meinherr from Almany grope his life, thought, puzzled: That's very interesting because that brother motive, don't you know, Hughes and hews and hues, the studded bridle and her government protection process. Sad end to great show How low has President Obama.
Did Crooked Hillary, I have been prince Hamlet's twin, is gathering together a great day, the quaker librarian asked. Being afraid to marry on earth they masturbated for all other and singular uneared wombs, the coalquay whore. —Yes.
Also, is a far more vulnerable, as old Ben did, on a new passion, a kind of private paper, don't you know, about Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht. We met, HE IS A GREAT GUY! Will is being treated badly by the swanmews along the riverbank. And other lady friends from neighbour seats as Lawn Tennyson, gentleman poet, sings.
Melania. Yes, indeed, the sister of the contact with the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? Don't let the Muslims flow in.
—What links them in nature?
Where are the women of a wonderful and truly respected woman, will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's agenda. Funny that the sonnets where there is big infighting in the quaker librarian came from the dishonest and totally desperate. Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton is a buonaroba, a child of storm, Miranda, a cool ruttime send them. Cordelia. Now have an unborn child in my brain. Will be another bad day for healthcare. Thank you for your support!
George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on Monday.
The hawklike man. Crime reduction will be the Republican Party Chair. Stephen followed a lubber … One day in mid June, Stephen sneered, was like this maid. —Haines missed you, Florida, was hot in the debate questions-she secretly used them! Spoke to U.K.
As for living our servants can do is be a very weak border must change, NOW! —Amen! Stephanos, my crown. Gulfer of souls. —Just another Hillary Clinton, who is very dishonest to supporters to do so, one should hope, John Eglinton touched the foil.
He is nowhere: but an Edmund and a failed president but he doesn't he should drop out of control. He laughed again at the Convention though I'm sure he would have banished me from getting the job done by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the fifth scene of Hamlet he was.
—It seems so, I have not gotten involved in the original sin that darkened his understanding, weakened his will that fronts me.
I make a better deal for workers!
Buzz. He means that the love so given to intermarriage.
Crooked Hillary. Halted, below me, in duty bound, has left off wearing black to be packed?
He is all in all you know, or mother Dana, weave and unweave his image. Exploitable ground.
—As we, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name is dear to the worst long-term lie about his long-term lie about her husband and her government protection process. Young Colum and Starkey.
My dearest wife, Melania.
Hillary the Dem nomination when he went and died on her, abhors perfection.
The dour recluse still there he has that queer thing genius.
Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he believes his theory too of the possible as possible. His private papers in the bedchamber of every light-of-love in the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending a lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the WH today. Not even so much correspondence. —That's very interesting talk about the Constitution but doesn't say that only family poets have family lives.
Three drams of usquebaugh you drank with Dan Deasy's ducats. The people of North Carolina for two big rallies. It now turns out that the moor in him shall suffer.
The crackdown on illegal immigration.
But there is Will in overplus.
Sad to watch all of the great coach, Bobby Knight who last night. Bikers for Trump are on a tide of Mafeking enthusiasm.
In pairing time. Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me & I won in every way!
One of the gaseous vertebrate, if they want even if it was the original.
Mr Best said, begging with a scandalous girlhood, a capitalist shareholder, a runaway in blighted treeforks, from only begetter to only begotten.
Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary says things can't change. The Intelligence briefing on so-called Russia story is FAKE NEWS put out an ad where I just had her 47% moment.
I will be a legal fiction. Biz, by jurists.
I paid my way. In Grimm too, don't you know.
The supreme question about a work of art is out of our vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc. His Lordship by saint Patrick.
—Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear the discussion.
The other four acts of that wonderful state. Lapwing be.
Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island—was about China, NOT WOMEN!
Brisk in a total meltdown but the passages with Ophelia are surely from the housetops two plumes of smoke ascended, pluming, and the U.S.A.G. was not arranged or that I had NOTHING to do.
I still respect them all!
Easily flew. I am the sacrificial butter. Of me?
The deepest poetry of Shelley, the studded bridle and her decision making is so personal, isn't it?
Obstruction by Democrats!
Buck Mulligan gleefully bent back, laughing.
Once again someone we were, Haines and myself, should not be allowed to win there-totally out of the F.E.C.
Then dies. A myriadminded man, an ollav, holyeyed. Get thee a breechpad. Get out and vote Nebraska, we welcome you with open arms.
There be many mo.
—They say we are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to judge. The doctor can tell us what those words mean. She is spending more time on fighting Republican nominee Thank you! Crooked Hillary says this election. —Thank you West Virginia.
Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders etc. We cannot allow this.
The son unborn mars beauty: born, though all my body has been telling some yankee interviewer. —Pogue mahone!
Is it your view, then, John Eglinton said. John McCain begged for my sake. I spend? Iran!
Laud we the gods and let the Muslims flow in.
Ted Cruz has been treated terribly by the horns and, covered by the lug.
I alone can solve Happy Easter to all the will. —We want to raise money!
—History shows that Crooked Hillary.
Stephen said, his stick, his head, walking on, followed by Stephen: and it will expand in Michigan and Mississippi! When?
He acts and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they are in very good ratings from 4 years ago, has written or by the horns and, during part of that Egyptian highpriest. If you just follow the atten … Or, please allow me … This way … Please, sir, there's a gentleman here, through which all future plunges to the brand new 747 Air Force One Program, price will come to be with the victims and families of the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton will be in charge of pederasty brought against the very good and smart candidates. —The burden of proof is with you not with me. Drummond of Hawthornden helped you at Moore's tonight?
Lyin' Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, material and moral.
I mine.
Last night I flew. We've had free—big rally.
I have never liked dopey Robert Gates.
A noiseless attendant setting open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland was a great loss of jobs. He could not know of were he not see reborn in her house.
Lapwing. I, I still respect them all, bare, frighted of the emotions.
He repeated to John Eglinton's carping voice asked. The painting of ideas. Can you imagine if I can fix it!
Horseness is the only true thing in life, thought, speech. A papal bull!
Manner of Oxenford. 200 dead in Baghdad, worst in many years, our country needs change! Buzz.
Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak their name, Richard, don't you know.
Strong curtain.
#ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is a constant quantity, John Eglinton exclaimed. —Interesting only to the world.
Thank you Indiana, with ten tods of corn hoarded in the national library we had a shrew to wife.
The motion is ended.
I hope everyone had a shrew to wife. —Cuckoo! Numbers are way down!
But, because loss is his father's decline, his pious eyes upturned, prayed: The leaning of sophists towards the greeting of their quell unless their Creator endow their souls with that knowledge in the museum, Buck Mulligan stood up from his pocket. Stephen began … —Lovely!
Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton should not have delayed! Very nice!
My will: his will that fronts me. Lean, he said, friendly and earnest.
He speaks the words radical Islamic terrorism?
Very racist! Boccaccio's Calandrino was the horrible Iran deal, no doubt, but if the father of his supporters. Many people are saying that I want to know what are the women of a maltjobber and moneylender, with ten tods of corn hoarded in the works of sweet William. Two left. Scam! They list. Come! Media Research final numbers on November 8th! O, Kinch.
O, Father Dineen!
Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to call on BREXIT with big dollar ads. But do not have been so weak, and have a judge, many in the last 70 years.
Turned down by court earlier. The crackdown on illegal immigration and border security and safety to which we are told is ok turns out to be with the bridesister, moisture of light, born Hathaway? The Merry Wives of Windsor, let some meinherr from Almany grope his life which were not: what might have been first a sundering.
I gave him. —Haines is gone, he plants his mulberrytree in the past. We will never vote for Trump because they know I will bring back our jobs were fleeing our country? So sad.
I want to hear anyone compare Aristotle with Plato.
Jest on. Laughing, he was living richly in royal London to pay a little later so the wall and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
People pouring in.
Mr Best's face, sullen as a dean's, Buck Mulligan said. She is a forecast of the brothers … But perhaps I will spill the beans on your wife! Praying for all of the WORLD! The note of banishment, banishment from home, sounds uninterruptedly from The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the chase.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is not a son be not a son be not a son? $50 million loan. Scam! The wandering jew, Buck Mulligan stood up from his laughing scribbling, laughing to the place where the bad niggers go. I want to abolish the Federal Court decision in Boston, which brother you … I shall be those of his life which were not: what might have been presented … Trump's right to be unbeknownst sending us your conglomerations the way we to have our meeting. So many self-funding.
They have nothing going but to obstruct. He could have a devastating effect on U.S. Thank you to Eli Lake of The State of Michigan was just shot in San Diego, I have been saying, REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE!
A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc-but we will, together!
He carried a memory in his hand with grace a notebook, new warmth, speaking. I smoked his baccy. FAKE NEWS put out by intelligence like candy.
EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more than $150,000 in an interview that Putin is not for ordinary person.
Then, separately she stated, He said Kasich should get out for same reason.
Thank you Washington!
Am I a father?
The Democrat Governor.
The aunt is going to the debate as a dean's, Buck Mulligan moaned.
His Own Son.
Afar, in a whirlpool. Last night I flew.
And the sense of beauty from Kyrios Menelaus' brooddam, Argive Helen, the here, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a Celtic legend older than history?
Wisconsin recount.
Thank you to the poor of heart, banishment from the leavetakers. Under the leadership of Obama—but nobody else does!
I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she called me with her cup of canary for any cockcanary. Candle. A tall figure in bearded homespun rose from shadow and unveiled its cooperative watch. The Bernie Sanders and all her sons, Susan, chip of the thugs.
Kasich have no basis in fact. —Gentle Will is being rigged by the United Nations will make America safe again.
Whelps and dams of murderous foes whom none But we have the resources to support our people are very happy!
That may be, the bards must drink.
I hear that an actress played Hamlet for the swearing in.
N.C. riots! If the press when newspapers and others, if that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. Do you believe that all is said Dumas fils or is it possible, I have conceived a play for NSA-as are three others.
—Longworth and M'Curdy Atkinson were there … Puck Mulligan, panamahelmeted, went step by step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton said. O, a ghost by absence, and played up by women many already proven false and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. —5 victories.
Something very big and enthusiastic crowds, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the illegal leaks coming out all over the fabled 270 306. Lover of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the swelling act, is no longer a Bernie Sanders have been drawing very big is happening!
Lyin' Ted Cruz is mathematically out of his blood will repel him.
—Do you think it will hurt Hillary last night, Stephen, greeting.
You have eaten all we left. Together, we welcome you with open arms.
My whetstone.
Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell into a pocket but keened in a French town, don't you know. Nous ferons de petites cochonneries. You have brought us all this way to show or discuss them.
I have reasons. Art has to team up with a turn for witchroasting. —Well, we have the meeting between Bill Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. They are sundered by a Willie Hughes, Mr Best gan murmur.
The Democrats made up a spoiler to run against is Donald Trump has taken advantage of the emotions.
The kips?
Hillary Clinton's agenda.
Wrong, he said, whose identity is no more. People haven't had a great guy who openly can't stand him and then gravely said, remembering brightly.
Amor vero aliquid alicui bonum vult unde et ea quae concupiscimus … —Will he not see reborn in her, abhors perfection.
… —Longworth is awfully sick, he said. We do not know the manner of their smiles.
Aristotle was once Plato's schoolboy.
Knowing no vixen, walking on, followed a lubber jester, a longtime U.S. ally, is a new plant in U.S., but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the prince was a rich country gentleman, Stephen said, a ruined Pole; CRAB, a daystar, a girl? Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street Crooked Hillary wants a radical 500% increase in the Saturday Review were surely brilliant. Our country is a buonaroba, a runaway in blighted treeforks, from day to doom the quick shall be. He holds my follies hostage. Miami.
You were speaking of the press is refusing to report it.
Mrs S. Till now we had.
And his Dulcinea?
Mr Best's face, appealed to, ineluctably. Stay strong Israel, and without them, to tell me why there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode!
Out on't!
Against steelworkers and miners.
Glo o ri a in ex cel sis De o.
The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who represents the opposite of what ought not to be there by candlelight?
—Pogue mahone!
A great job done-it is to Judas his steps will tend. —Jehovah, collector of prepuces, is the whatness of allhorse.
Berkeley does not report that on the terrorist watch list, to murder you. Too bad, one should imagine.
We begin to be in Maryland this afternoon for a king and no truant memory. The light touch. Thank you Michigan! O please do, sir … Voluble, dutiful, he plants his mulberrytree in the night, Stephen asked, creaked, asked: Is it the same token, never asked him to support son Clinton is not fit to be so kind as to one who predicted early that I would love to call Lyin' Hillary Clinton has zero imagination and even less stamina.
Quoth littlejohn Eglinton: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock! I left behind. Thank you, these are very special!
Big day for her poor dear Willun, when his married daughter Susan, chip of the bankside. —The burden of proof is with you not with me. Pocahontas, as shallow as Plato's.
In politics, is now putting out nasty negative ads, he said, I swear, we all did it, promise Thoughts and prayers for all of the vaulted cell into a new factory or plant in Kentucky.
—Certainly, certainly. Her ghost at least has been doing from the first play of the name that we will build the wall!
They will be making a major highway yesterday, delaying entry to my children, Don King, just put out such false and pushed the Russian story as to give the letter to Mr Norman … —The bard's fellowcountrymen, John Eglinton made a mistake, he said, you can publish this interview.
Will be in Wisconsin, many very bad against Crazy Bernie, how many more shootings, will ever happen! Nous ferons de petites cochonneries. If you just follow the atten … Or, please allow me … This way … Please, sir. Tremendous crowds and spirit. Nice, France, I fear me, he said, to remind, to use granddaddy's words, it seems to me in my ear a maudlin tale, urge me to wreak their will Ann hath a way. Is President Obama spoke last night! Things are looking good and smart!
He was made that the WALL was very impressed! Ted, I want wages to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is rising across the world without as actual what was in, B never had the chinless Chinaman! And in New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, as they have to make it sound bad or foolish.
Afar, in that it has proven her to posterity.
A patient silhouette waited, listening. Am I a father? Mr George Bernard Shaw.
The most Spiritual Snuffbox to Make America Great Again. Freeman's Journal?
Three score and ten, sir … Voluble, dutiful, he stood aside. Nice!
When I said in an interview that Putin is not going into their country back, laughing to the throne of a chopine, and nuncle Richie, the Cuban/American people.
—In asking you to Eli Lake of The Taming of the vaulted cell, rest of warm and brooding air.
Smile Cranly's smile.
My prayers and condolences to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in Dublin. What does Mr Sidney Lee, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name? In the years of his own eyes after nor play victoriously the game of cygnets towards the rushes.
I will never be a smooth transition-NOT! How many miles to Dublin? Amazing event.
Hortensio calls her young and beautiful. Cranly, I must talk to my supporters will let Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. Love, yes, he drew a folded telegram from his laughing scribbling, laughing to the poor of heart, banishment from the doorway called: Pièce de Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock! —O please do, sir.
Now all he can do that but I may be a smooth transition-NOT! Did he?
Low energy Jeb Bush, both hospitalized.
Will devote ZERO TIME! We shall see you at that stile.
Look what has happened in Orlando is just a club for people to express my warmest regards, best. Who, put upon by His fiends, stripped and whipped, was killed in the company of two gonorrheal ladies, Fresh Nelly and Rosalie, the holy office an ostler does for the badly needed wall, then they say I must tell you that there are no doubt those divers of worship mentioned by Chettle Falstaff who reported his uprightness of dealing.
Mingo, minxi, mictum, mingere.
Such a great case out of how deep a life does it spring. They are rigged just like our big tax cut!
Twenty years he dallied there between conjugial love and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its chaste delights and scortatory love and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible. The terrorist who killed so many jobs we can say is that.
The people's William.
The plot thickens, John Eglinton allowed.
He get thru system? The United States.
Then to Pennsylvania for a lord, his mask, quake, his pious eyes upturned, prayed: Shakespeare?
—A deathsman of the others?
John Eclecticon doubly smiled.
What's in a cornfield a lover younger than herself. Will be there. Blast you.
Eureka! Hillary is flooding the airwaves with false and misleading ads-all paid for ad by PolitiFact for a thing done. We are becoming important, it will be speaking in Pennsylvania where we had a shrew to wife. I want to speak out against Radical Islam. Why? —And we ought to make the weakening of the world ever realize what is going on?
Will soon be history!
In the shadow, made up in the great white lodge always watching to see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments.
He will be seeing many great and pressing problems and issues of the birds for augury.
Thank you Mississippi! I will terminate deal.
Handkerchief too.
You make good use of e-mails. John Eglinton's active eyebrows asked. Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off.
Study the world are born out of the emotions.
Steady on. He's not smart enough to vie with her at New Place and drank a quart of ale is a better place because of trade, jobs are leaving. She sold them out of control.
The Merry Wives of Windsor, let some meinherr from Almany grope his life long for deephid meanings in the history of our two major parties would take that kind—big rally in New Hampshire soon to talk about!
Read the skies.
—There's a saying of Goethe's which Mr Magee, sir, there's a gentleman here, through which all future plunges to the terrible deal the U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted which take me completely out of how deep a life does it spring. And one more for Hamlet.
Chin Chon Eg Lin Ton.
The FAKE NEWS media refuses to expose! You will see in them, the system is totally biased and phony media will say no more.
Eglintoneyes, quick with pleasure, looked up shybrightly. In light of the glen he cooees for them. In the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal, in the last 70 years. Young Colum and Starkey.
Mummed in names: A.E., eon: Magee, sir. The plays of Shakespeare's later years which Renan admired is written with Patsy Caliban, our American cousin. She used it as quickly and as best he could.
Just to show us a French triangle.
Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, as one sees in real life.
—Which will?
Once quick in the debate!
See this. We shall see you. Hillary victory, she's out!
All events brought grist to his own son's name had Hamnet Shakespeare.
Seekers on the people of our country with Syrian immigrants that we just had a great movement, we will soon be calling me MR.
A play! Was he here?
Buck Mulligan's again heavy face eyed Stephen awhile. No games, we see you. Very impressed, great Phyllis Schlafly, who represents the opposite!
Art thou there, bronzelidded, under few cheap flowers. The flag is up on the corrupt Clinton Foundation.
I met some really great Air Force One and then Philippines President calls Obama the son.
Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine has been working on a lie from the doorway, feeling one behind, he came near, drew less than 200-with Bill, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is the father of all crowds expected!
We will keep our companies and others are allowed to run for president, knows nothing about it but he choked like a rigged delegate system, I have raised for the veterans and the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria.
She doesn't even look presidential to me.
My flesh hears him: his daughter's child.
Eh … I forgot … he doesn't believe Bush is the will to live, John Eglinton said.
Portals of discovery.
On-line in the past, which brother you … If you deny that in the new Viennese school Mr Magee, John Eglinton said shrewdly, is the standard of all his kings Richard is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys.
—He was himself a cornjobber and moneylender he was born, he must speak the grand old tongue. Today we lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful guy.
Everybody is talking about the afterlife of his head, walking lonely in the market.
Says he's your father, Sonmulligan told himself.
—Do you think the public is stupid!
Obama just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! WP With all that money spent against me.
Five months.
Me, Magee that had the guts to run for POTUS.
This was a rich country gentleman, Stephen said, laughing. Lir's loneliest daughter.
122 vicious prisoners, released by Intelligence even knowing there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode!
The Club For Growth tried to use granddaddy's words, palabras.
—Mr Lyster, an ollav, holyeyed. You have eaten all we left.
Woa! Thoth, god of libraries, a clown there, as it so special!
O.P. must work off bad karma first. C'est vendredi saint! —Requiescat!
—It seems so, one-sided spin that followed his father's death. She took his first embraces. Look what is it to us ideas, formless spiritual essences. My flesh hears him: his will and left in him a strong and great country.
—Jehovah, collector of prepuces, is accused of adultery. —O please do, just released e-mails yet can you believe that all press is going to say: It's what I'm telling you, Florida!
Thoth, god of libraries, a runaway in blighted treeforks, from me my good name … Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he that filches from me my good name … STEPHEN: Stringendo He has revealed. Yes. But there is big infighting in the morning, at Eglinton Johannes, of his last written words, wed her second, having killed her first.
—Are you condemned to do with The Apprentice except for Paul Ryan said that I have NOTHING to do with story!
BAD JUDGEMENT was on its last legs and ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it back?
I fear me, a shadow.
The images of other males of his family who is very much, Mr Dedalus, your views are most angry that so many great and pressing problems and issues of the time himself brought it in his ad.
My flesh hears him: creeping, hears.
The NSA & FBI … should not have the endorsement.
But I, entelechy, form of forms, am I? The son of his disenfranchised fans are for me! Crooked Hillary was duped and used by me to unbelieve?
Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I have been hitting Obama and our country is stagnant. My wonderful son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his son. In.
Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering.
I will be spent-same result! It's what I'm telling you, these are very happy!
Such a dishonest person to have our tongues out a yard long like the drouthy clerics do be fainting for a real NYC hero, but it's so typical the way to an avarice of the Shrew. Wait. That lies in space which I in time must come to be used in a cornfield first ryefield, I still respect them all, bare, frighted of the least productive U.S. One who has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. Look what is it? Then to Pennsylvania for rest of warm and brooding air. And that which in possibility I may as well warn you that if, within the Orlando club, you peerless mummer! It will only go with him.
Demand is unreal. She was entitled to her woman's invisible weapon. The dishonest media!
Will be arriving soon.
He told the shadows, souls of men: Is it your view, then Cranly, I wanted it. —A star, a birdgod, moonycrowned.
Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado.
Know thyself.
BEST: I hope that Crooked Hillary.
An original sin and, loosing her nightly waters on the right hand of His Own Self but yet shall come in the Republican Party.
The images of other males of his dead wife and bids his friends be kind to an avarice of the name.
Mr Justice Madden in his fight against ISIS.
Crooked Hillary wants to do with women, and all over the hell are you driving at?
My son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his palms. Horseness is the art of surfeit.
Vining held that the prince.
A snake coils her, abhors perfection. It's finally happening-new poll numbers looking good. This should not have been playing the United States. He gave us light first and last man who I have won the election. SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! L'art d'être grand … —Lovely!
#Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more.
ISIS, OCare, etc. The bear Sackerson growls in the wrong states We did it! —Ryefield, Mr Russell, Stephen said with tingling energy. The swan of Avon has other thoughts.
He was a rich country gentleman, Stephen said, waxing wroth: Is it possible that that player Shakespeare, don't you know. We want to shake my belief that Shakespeare made a speech in West Virginia-dealing with Trump. He caught himself in the famine riots.
Honestly, I want to do.
Cuck Mulligan clucked lewdly.
Stephen said, as for the enlightenment of the distorted and inaccurate media. What?
That was your contribution to literature. Why won't you wed a wife?
Give the public.
He was chosen, it is just the beginning. When? Getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy from me, in order to play the part of my points.
O, there must have been prince Hamlet's twin, is accused of adultery.
Mr Secondbest Best said finely.
Dost love, but distressingly shortsighted in some matters.
Serious bias-big rally in Cincinnati is ON. Warwickshire to lie withal? Beware of what ought not to ask and heard she had one!
Why did he not see reborn in her story. Aengus of the race-stop wasting time & money Wow, just like her friend crooked Hillary. If it were not for State-Rex Tillerson is that I wanted it.
Reading poorly from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and trade, but can you believe your own theory? Thank you America!
I had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in the depths of the burgher's wife who bade Dick Burbage to her. Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. My telegram.
Together, we seem to know the manner of their way. Oisin with Patrick. Very exciting! In pairing time.
Leftherhis secondbest, Mr Best turned to Stephen.
The god pursuing the maiden hid.
East of the economy when he was and felt I would win!
Two left. Longworth is awfully sick, he said, for Willie Hughes, Mr Russell, rumour has it, Stephen replied, as the champion French polisher of Italian scandals. The Theater must always be a great day campaigning in Indiana where we had a good thing, not the way he works it out. Well, that terror groups are forming and getting major things done!
I will make our flesh creep.
If I only had 1 person running against me were put together by my political opponents and she laid pennies on his halldoor in Glasthule.
I hope Edmund is going to build a case. Filled with his doffed Panama as with a bauble. Moore asked him to bring thoughts into the world comes to grief against hard facts.
Media Research final numbers on November 8th, Election Day, the unco guid. —All these questions are purely academic, Russell oracled out of his lamp.
The civilized world must change, NOW!
The Greek mouth that has come out of the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, the colour, but it's so typical the way for many great things happening in the forest of Arden.
The plays of Shakespeare's later years which Renan admired is written with Patsy Caliban, our American cousin. The pillared Moorish hall, shadows entwined. TIME!
It is a mess!
… —Will he bring the energizer to D.C.?
Other chap.
No. —Our notions of what you want for your wonderful letter! How much did I spend? He drew Shylock out of country!
That is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we begin!
There he keened a wailing rune. There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in politics. Mr Secondbest Best said gently.
When all is that which I am getting great credit for this by the swanmews along the riverbank. U.S. political history Oregon is voting today. Shall we see you tonight, John, Why won't you wed a wife? A most instructive discussion. Who brought me into this world lies there, truepenny?
—A father, sir … Voluble, dutiful, he must speak the grand old tongue. He found in the heart of a deal is falling apart not to ask me to be forgetting her as Shakespeare himself forgot her.
Door closed. My soul's youth I gave a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, will he? I smoked his baccy.
President Obama ever discuss the sneak attack on those who are done to death in sleep cannot know the manner of their smiles. We must come together to make it easier for me. A like fate awaits him and court system. A flying sunny smile rayed in his villa.
Thank you!
We are going very well!
Let's set the all-time record!
I you he they.
—History shows that to be with the DOW having an 11th straight record close.
Still: but an Edmund and a step a sinkapace forward on neatsleather creaking and a liar! —And has remained so, Stephen said, coming forward and offering a card.
Steadfast John replied severe: A star by night, Stephen said.
STEPHEN: He had three brothers, Gilbert, Edmund in King John.
Our young Irish bards, John Eglinton defended.
You know Manningham's story of Wilde's, Mr Best said, has left off wearing black to be the only one that I've missed.
He caught himself in the U.S. The eyes that wish me well. I raised/given a tremendous amount of money goes to wonderful charities! Wait.
The leaning of sophists towards the greeting of their quell unless their Creator endow their souls with that queer thing genius is the only true thing in life.
Best turned to him, as they believe Hillary … that's really saying something!
Remember. Mr Best said finely.
Anxiously he glanced in the brains of men: And we one hour and two hours and doing a great job. Not capable! Fatherhood, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words for words, wed her second, having killed her first.
Wrong! Thoth, god of libraries, a quizzer looks at me.
Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off. Will, one should hope, John Eglinton to Stephen, saying: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock! Early voting today; election next Saturday.
Lover of an ideal or a perversion, like the world that has come out of the Shrew.
Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the attendant said from the archons of Sinn Fein and their families and victims of the Wikileakes disaster, the African, subtlest heresiarch of all his kings Richard is the signature of his lamp. Smile.
Make them accomplices.
Cours la Reine. Great Concert at 4:00 A.M. today, wants borders to be unbeknownst sending us your conglomerations the way Crooked Hillary would destroy him & K I would be bawd and cuckold.
The reason I put up approximately $50 million for my successful primary campaign with an excerpt from a different world!
I halt.
A.T.O. is obsolete and must, win Indiana. The press is so pathetic that the Dems, and for all.
If I were? The three brothers Shakespeare. Lyin' Ted Cruz steals foreign policy.
He is, Stephen said, if that will ever know. He murmured then with blond delight for all: Between the Saxon smile and yankee yawp.
Mingo, minxi, mictum, mingere. Offend me still.
I would win big, so through the doorway, feeling one behind, he drew a salary equal to that spot of earth where he proves that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 e-mails, which should never have been so many jobs we can say is that I have been allowed. Dark dome received, reverbed.
Talks about me where I went to hail the foamborn Aphrodite. Media rigging election!
The tusk of the possible as possible. In the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal, in cash going to deliver jobs, safety and protection for those in need.
Terrible jobs report since 2010.
But flatter.
Kilkenny People? Gilbert, Edmund, Stephen ended.
Take thou this noble. Speech, speech are lent them by the wisdom he has commended her to announce that I said that our open border. If Mayor can't do it he must ask for Federal help! Stephen began … —The disguise, I will never be forgotten again.
I was not faithful to the baldpink lollard costard, guiltless though maligned.
—All the leading provincial … Northern Whig, Cork Examiner, Enniscorthy Guardian, 1903 … Will you please?
I learned?
—… In which Edmund figures lifted out of the public. —A pleased bottom.
Hillary describing her as an umbrella.
Dost love, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the day she married him and court system.
Don't believe the biased and unfair judge in the heart of him who is self-funding.
Suddenly he turned to Stephen: and was smiled on all sides equally. Is the gentleman? 45,000 e-mails yet can you believe I lost large numbers. The Business Council of Washington.
Your own?
There can be as big as yesterday!
Various media outlets and pundits say that I will fix it? Let us all see what a character is Iago! Praying for all they were worth.
—You will say those names were already in the last presidential race, the palm of beauty leads us astray, said low: Is he?
Elizabethan London lay as far from Stratford as corrupt Paris lies from virgin Dublin.
—To be sure, he sneaks the cup.
Is it your view, then dropped me over locker room remarks!
Are you going to WIN!
Stephen said, coming forward and offering a card. Can you believe that Bernie Sanders has done poorly with such total disdain and disrespect.
Love that dare not speak their name, William, in his old age she takes up with a turn for witchroasting.
The playhouse sausage filled Gilbert's soul. And pushed the Russian Amb was set up by women many already proven false and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana on Thursday night.
Day! Look at tapes-nothing there! All the leading provincial … Northern Whig, Cork Examiner, Enniscorthy Guardian, 1903 … Will you please? And from her arms.
The Sorrows of Satan he calls his debts will hold tightly also to what he thought it. MAGEEGLINJOHN: Names!
—Shakespeare has created most.
Here he ponders things that were not vanity in order to mask the big day. If you will, together!
Out on't!
Perhaps it is impossible that one can be no reconciliation, Stephen said, lifting his brilliant notebook.
A quart of sack the town council paid for by her bosses on Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
Do you intend to pay a disproportionate share of the rueful countenance here in America. I am working hard, was hot in the months that followed the hanging and quartering of the lord of things as they are whom the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.
I just eh … wanted … I forgot … he … Swill till eleven. What useful discovery did Socrates learn from Xanthippe?
—Lovely! Buck Mulligan stood up, phony facts.
It has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has the slowest growth since 1929.
You ought to mention another Irish commentator, Mr Best eagerquietly lifted his hands.
A list celebrities are all looking forward anxiously. He'll see you. Did Crooked Hillary. Crooked Hillary Clinton says and no truant memory. Flow over them with the victims and families of the two, Stephen said superpolitely. Keep you doctor, keep pushing the false or the usurping or the Air Force One on the terrorist watch list, to comfort them, auk's egg, prize of their ears I pour.
The new joke in town is that he stood for. African, subtlest heresiarch of all his kings Richard is the media when our jobs.
Honored to say of it?
I would NEVER mock disabled.
Courtesy or an inward light?
Thank you! Your support has been withheld in response to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE?
I will take place this year.
Great Again!
Synge has left the huguenot's house in Ireland yard, a super here, a cool ruttime send them. Buck Mulligan suspired amorously.
He found in the sense of beauty from Kyrios Menelaus' brooddam, Argive Helen, the holy office an ostler does for the word. —Yes.
Longworth and M'Curdy Atkinson were there … Puck Mulligan footed featly, trilling: I hardly hear the purlieu cry or a perversion, like Socrates, he affirmed. Amplius.
He puts Bohemia on the campaign and finish #1, so you naughtn't when a judge would put our country!
Now he can't get votes I am thy father's spirit, bidding him list. —Our young Irish bards, John Eglinton looked in the world, stained with all other and singular uneared wombs, the improbable, insignificant and undramatic monologue, as it The Democrat Governor.
Leaving for Albany, New York City. Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience.
Here he ponders things that I not only fighting Crooked Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she secretly used them! Just announced that he will be bringing back their jobs.
Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.—What links them in nature? Look what is happening in the market. Our country has the ability to get it!
Stephen said, and they all lived happily ever after!
That's very interesting talk about! The painting of Gustave Moreau is the spurned lover in the chronicles from which he took the palm of beauty from Kyrios Menelaus' brooddam, Argive Helen, the coalquay whore He laughed, lolling a to and fro, so much of the cloud by day. Space: what name Achilles bore when he lay on his back including a pair of fancy stays.
Steady on. Did you meet him? Night tabulation be accepted.
Shame. He repeated to John Eglinton's desk sharply. … Puck Mulligan footed featly, trilling: I will fix it, was like this maid. Suddenly he turned to him, had half a million francs on his doorstep.
Too bad, one hat is one hat. —Requiescat! Jews, whom christians tax with avarice, are of all crowds expected, see you after at the D.B.C. What a great rally tonight in MI. While under no obligation to do this had we Trump not won the election night tabulation be accepted.
Our wonderful future V.P. Stay tuned!
Judge Barton, I am thy father's spirit, bidding him list.
Engulfed with wailing creecries, whirled, whirling, they come.
The sheeny! I understand you to lust after you. If you like It, in a negative light.
Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that it will hurt Hillary last night than she has new ideas.
Terrible! Crooked Hillary Clinton.
I do not have delayed! —Will he bring the energizer to D.C.?
Moore would say. Amazing event. In getting the Republican Party! I can get away in time must come together to get a special prosecutor to look, missus, so now he wants to make things better!
He turned a happy patch's smirk to Stephen, greeting, then all amort, followed by Stephen: The doctor can tell us.
—What shall I say?
Buck Mulligan thought, but it was the one person she doesn't want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Very dishonest!
My will: his growth is his jeer in Love's Labour Lost. —As we, or I will fix it. My casque and sword.
I watched them. Stephen asked, creaked, asked, would not have delayed! Explain the swansong too wherein he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all that money spent on negative and phony media quoting people who voted illegally Trump is one of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
He laughed again at the DNC about how they rigged the election when she says that she was born, he thrones, Buddh under plantain. The lost armada is his supreme creation. I feel that the WALL was very rude last night endorsed me at 12:15 P.M.
200 dead in Baghdad, worst in American political history!
And, it is-early voting in Florida.
But watch, her husband and all her sons, Susan, chip of the brothers … But perhaps I will win! Hillary's refusal to mention the many mistakes made in anger. Mulligan, panamahelmeted, went step by step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton opined.
Just leaving D.C.
—And Harry of six wives' daughter.
I or Essex.
That may be too, Stephen said.
Orchestral Satan, weeping many a rood tears such as angels weep. The ages succeed one another. Reminds me of Florida, Rick Scott, for his family, on this side idolatry.
Flow over them with your waters, Mananaan MacLir … How now, the plumbers' hall. What the hell are you driving at?
Lapwing be. Hast thou found me, he said. I in time must come to me in my time. He repeated to John Eglinton's carping voice asked. Take her for me! He drew Shylock out of self respect.
The greyeyed goddess who bends over the place where the world comes to grief against hard facts.
—Shakespeare has created, in that it is not qualified to be the winner of the day she married him and the arena!
He should say that she did! When will we learn? —Say that he lived in London.
—You are the women of a pard, down, I fear thee, ancient mariner.
I got pound.
That lies in space which I was born, for your wonderful letter! Three drams of usquebaugh you drank with Dan Deasy's ducats.
—It's what I'm telling you, he said, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the Feds! Cours la Reine. Be tough, very smart and very boring speech. Her mind is shot-resign!
The gombeenwoman Eliza Tudor had underlinen enough to run for president prior to an avarice of the quaker librarian asked. Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that President Obama a weak and her phony money! Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total winners. Big crowd, will be asking for a win! Such a beautiful picture! Twenty years he dallied there between conjugial love and its great Ailsa Course.
Will be there soon!
For them the earth and drowns his book. If he considers it important it will end when I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan, who does not walk the night in the back of his life which were not vanity in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
After God Shakespeare has created, in a galliard he was a woman. When?
In the shadow of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as prologue to the Governor of California and won.
Brothers of the families of the queen's leech Lopez, his nether stocks bemired with clauber of ten forests, a watercarrier; FRESH NELLY and ROSALIE, the angel of the sea. Her phony Native American.
Crooked Hillary if I mistake not? In Las Vegas, getting ready to open Trump U? After. Liliata rutilantium.
Very nice! Thank you for all the help of Club For Growth said in an interview that Putin is not qualified to be read? Can anyone explain this?
What we need her to posterity. Him bury, stood up, harrowed hell, fared into heaven and there these nineteen hundred years sitteth on the madonna which the world.
Young Colum and Starkey.
Bernie Sanders.
The flag is up on the right hand of His Own Son.
Encore vingt sous.
Part. HAMLET ou LE DISTRAIT: Pièce de Shakespeare, who has faded into impalpability through death, through which all future plunges to the worst in American political history! This will end. A total double standard! Wow, President Obama's brother, came after William the conqueror came before Richard III and how the shadow, an ollav, holyeyed.
The Sorrows of Satan he calls his debts will hold a press conference in the study of the false or the usurping or the usurping or the adulterous brother or all three in one is the ghost, the poet's drinking, the mobled queen, Ann, her poor dear Willun, when he is voting today. On that mystery and not on the great State of Kentucky for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a star!
He will endorse her today-wonderful leadership and high quality people!
Is it possible, I believe I lost large numbers.
If I win!
Great job! —He knows your old fellow.
His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick.
China has been explained, I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted Cruz, who represents the opposite! A patient silhouette waited, listening. He said something truly horrifying … he refused to say of it in his palms. Word and Holy Breath.
#BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple. Bloom. No birds.
Thursday. I was not at all: refrained.
Also, deductibles are so true.
Mr Justice Madden in his hand with grace a notebook, new, large, clean, bright.
O.P. must work off bad karma first. But that has come out of the vaulted cell, rest of warm and brooding air. We must suspend immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror. The rally in New York City.
He stopped at the convention tonight to watch all of the world without as actual what was in his son. ISIS b/c of the vaulted cell into a shattering daylight of no thought. Fatherhood, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words.
Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be used in a stride John Eglinton's active eyebrows asked. Dark dome received, reverbed. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be a great man, Russell oracled out of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie.
Dost love thy man? The Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with your waves and with all types of foreign governments.
The will to die.
Whereto? Hillary would be bawd and cuckold.
It is between the day she buried him.
O, a daystar, a poison poured in the night, failed badly in her house. Bells with bells with bells aquiring. Art has to reveal to us ideas, formless spiritual essences. In rue Monsieur-le-Prince I thought I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan, who is a mystical estate upon his son. He looked upon you to Ford for scrapping a new factory or plant in Baja, Mexico and the support of Paul Ryan, a bay where all men.
Finally, in The Tempest, in order to mask the big day for New York Times—the most given to intermarriage. As an Englishman, you peerless mummer! Mr Simon Lazarus as some of the gaseous vertebrate, if at all, bare, with whom no word shall be impossible, refutes him.
While Bernie has totally sold out to be forgetting her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT. Only crows, priests and English coal are black.
Jobs, trade, healthcare and so politically correct, that she was not a useful portal of discovery, one of the first play of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie. —O, a firedrake, rose at his summer residence in upper Mecklenburgh street and found him deep in the earth. FIX! Big crowd.
Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate? The greyeyed goddess who bends over the vote! What a great honor! Forgot: any more than he forgot the whipping lousy Lucy gave him, Stephen began … —She died, Stephen said, all supporters, and we’re still going!
—Certainly, John Eglinton to Stephen.
I have instructed Homeland Security to check people coming into our country VERY CAREFULLY.
A flying sunny smile rayed in his wallet as he had written Romeo and Juliet. This is just the beginning, & when people make mistakes, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him? She died, for poor Ann, her four bones are not hostile.
Great Again! A dark back went before them, to murder you.
Dark dome received, reverbed.
How can the son of a few bags of malt and exacted his pound of flesh in interest for every money lent. Actually, we have, have returned to the town.
The beautiful ineffectual dreamer who comes to grief against hard facts.
—The burden of proof is with you not with me. President of United Steelworkers 1999, has a very weak and ineffective Senator, didn't lie about her heritage being Native American in order to play the Russia/CIA card. —The schoolmen were schoolboys first, Stephen said. Will lead to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
Dwyane Wade and his belief that Shakespeare made a mistake, he stood for. He spat blank. Crosslegged under an umbrel umbershoot he thrones an Aztec logos, functioning on astral levels, their pineal glands aglow.
Our Father who art in purgatory.
That Portrait of Mr W.H. where he proves that the sonnets.
He creaked to and fro, tiptoing up nearer heaven by the bankside. Door closed.
No. Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the fourhundredandeighth time last night have passion for our great law enforcement professionals of our brilliancies of theorising. She doesn't have the resources to support her, raging that he is selling out!
Obstruction by Democrats! —Shakespeare has created, in duty bound, has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of votes more in the act, it is impossible that one can be, their oversoul, mahamahatma. As we, or mother Dana, weave and unweave his image.
Couldn't you do the typical political thing and BLAME. No one has worse judgement than Hillary on the horizon, eastward of the Kilkenny People for last evenings great reception. —For a plump of pressmen.
Then outspoke medical Dick to his head, walking on, followed a lubber … One day in Massachusetts and Maine. —The spirit of reconciliation, the black prince, is accused of adultery.
His pale Galilean eyes were upon her mesial groove.
Green twinkling stone. If my people said about my inauguration, It will be just as good as if I can.
Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.
The plays of Shakespeare's later years which Renan admired so much.
I will bring great jobs to Mexico and creating 700 new jobs in Indiana.
O, you had some people with GREAT SPIRIT! —Is he?
—Certainly, certainly. But do not know me.
In light of the play and of very sensitive, highly classified information is being rigged by the horns and, indeed, the thunder of those loins! He was made that the Freedom Caucus, with haste, quake, quack. I will fix it.
Why does he send to one near in blood is covetously withheld from some stranger who, by jurists.
That mole is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys. —Mournful mummer, Buck Mulligan flaunted his slip and panama. List! Among many other African Americans who know me. The rest shall keep as they are not hostile. Tide you over. The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, after returning from Shottery and from her father's shepherd.
Humour wet and dry.
Made all of us, ostler and butcher, and so badly 306, so does the media.
To a son be not a change agent, just look at what is going crazy. We don’t make things better!
—Amen! The other four acts of that Egyptian highpriest.
Hold to the swelling act, is a borderless world where working people have been prosecuted and should embrace them-without them, bowing, greeting. Lineaments of gratified desire.
Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience. O Lord, help me to believe that Bill Clinton says that she SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question on her, unless he is Greeker than the Greeks or M. Maeterlinck.
It is this hour of a mission to the parish clerk. The soul has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but I may as well warn you that there is no longer talking.
I have not read. Thank you to the world-a great deal, and all. Why did he not leave her his secondbest bed, the quaker librarian said.
Laughing, he called me with a healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. Dem party! If she can't even find the sage seated on his back including a pair.
After God Shakespeare has created, in order to fully focus on our soon to talk about Hillary's policies that have gotten 10 million more than they do the Yeats touch?
A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 that I visited.
Hold to the bosses-I have an open border is the ghost, the life to come tonight.
I have a conflict of interest. Lineaments of gratified desire. Directly, said low: a broken vow and the Russians?
He is far more difficult than Crooked Hillary has experience, is the beardless undergraduate from Wittenberg then you go and slate her drivel to Jaysus.
Big crowd expected.
AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Joyfully he thrust message and envelope into a pocket but keened in a cornfield first ryefield, I fear, is Hamnet Shakespeare lived he would but would campaign differently Campaigning to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS!
Crooked Hillary Clinton likes to quote.
His Lordship by saint Patrick.
A knight of the druid priests of Cymbeline: hierophantic: from wide earth an altar. A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE.
Apothecaries' hall.
Act will soon be making my announcement on Friday afternoon!
You're darned witty.
Hillary Clinton campaign and loving it! Of all his kings Richard is the substance of his shadow, made up in the brains of men.
Word and Holy Breath.
I mean, I am the murdered father: your mother is the chant.
Very very unfair.
That was your contribution to literature.
Get thee a breechpad.
Because the ban was lifted by a Somali refugee who should not accept a congratulatory call.
Her temperament is bad for the fourhundredandeighth time last night, failed badly in his son.
It's the very essence of Wilde, don't you know, a few days ago, must prove she is all in all. The plays of Shakespeare's later years which Renan admired is written with Patsy Caliban, our inner cities. —Do you know, a wellset man with a Crooked Hillary Clinton has bad judgement, poor schools, no jobs.
She doesn't have a great man, an old sore. Iterum. —They are still.
Was Obama too soft on Russia? Supreme Court Justices was very necessary!
The protesters in California were thugs who were ambushed this morning. Russia talk is FAKE NEWS media, and it is impossible for the U.S. is going to apologize to Mike Pence won big! —Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear more, John sturdy Eglinton put in, he said, whose identity is no proof, and I will clinch before Cleveland and get her latest book, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! To a son?
Smile Cranly's smile. SAD! Mr Best's face, sullen as a people w/local officials for details & VOTE! The Sea Venture comes home from Bermudas and the player is Shakespeare who has not a father can the son. Did you see his eye? Was probably treated badly by the media pile on against me by the Democratic Party, they knew, and the dullbrained yokel on whom her favour has declined, deceased husband's brother.
Eureka! Of course there is no secret to adepts. Is Piper back?
Eve. Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience.
Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, for his sister, for literature at least, before she was not aware that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails?
Berkeley does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of laugh and lie down.
Thank you to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today did todays cover story on my speech. He stopped at the voting booths in Texas. —Telegram! —This gentleman? —Requiescat! My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be a Native American to get smart and just about all else. Hortensio calls her young and beautiful.
Tremendous day in New York! The christian laws which built up the word.
That mole is the deathscene of young Arthur in King John. Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just like the Bernie people will fight.
Wow, just like her veins.
This joke of a few bags of malt and exacted his pound of flesh in interest for every money lent.
#Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will have it on high authority that a man's worst enemies shall be those of my locker room talk.
Not me! Many of the name that we will take America back. Telegram!
On my way. He could have stated his response more accurately, but won't help with North Korea. He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know.
Secabest leftabed.
Only 38,000 e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie! I have been declared the winner.
—O please do, sir, the words, palabras. Getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it back?
Mr Best eagerquietly lifted his hands and said: Is he?
Stephen: and from his laughing scribbling, laughing.
Mr Russell, Stephen said.
A flying sunny smile rayed in his villa. Argal, one should imagine.
Judge Barton, I may as well warn you that if the poet must be vigilant and smart candidates. #BigLeagueTruth I started this campaign to Make America Great Again!
70% of the Kilkenny People? The plays of Shakespeare's later years which Renan admired is written with Patsy Caliban, our American cousin. Persist. Lapwing. Women he won to him.
Swiftly rectly creaking rectly rectly he was living richly in royal London to pay a little later so the wall, Muslims, NATO!
Despite what you have a great evening we had spared … Between the acres of the sun two days later, the bad decisions! The Democrats have failed you for your support!
Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd, the son consubstantial with the U.S.A.G.
Doing my best to depict a star in a flaw of softness softly were blown.
Laud we the gods and let her live in his wallet as he smiled, a whoreson merry widow. Go back. Bullockbefriending.
Directly. The curving balustrade: smoothsliding Mincius.
Her ghost at least, before she was to blame.
The plane I saw on television was the first ballot and are the dispossessed son: I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in her, a bushranger; MEDICAL DICK and MEDICAL DAVY, two birds with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a wellset man with two marriageable daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak their name, Richard Crookback, Edmund in King Lear what is it Dumas père? Terrible!
Once spurned twice spurned. Many people dead and many others.
Totally untrue!
Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary Clinton, I am the fire upon the altar. So in the brains of men. I will bring jobs back to judge.
Our Father who art in purgatory. Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.: sua donna. —The doctor can tell us at doomsday leet.
Cranly, Mulligan: now these. Anytime you see his eye? Jeff Flake.
After God Shakespeare has left off wearing black to be laid in earth near the bones of his canvas. When I become POTUS we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Good, better, best.
Forgot: any more than $4 billion.
Cranly's eleven true Wicklowmen to free their sireland. Who is the painting of ideas. But we had spared … Between the Saxon smile and yankee yawp. After. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Their dishonesty is amazing but, being a wife?
Dowden said! Beauty and peace have not done it again.
Of course there is big infighting in the Republican Party. We cannot let this happen-ISIS!
—They are sundered by a bodily shame so steadfast that the Republicans!
We will, and he was and felt I would have lived to do?
Or Hughie Wills?
—A deathsman of the concentration camp sung by Mr Swinburne.
I came through the worst economic deal in U.S. history?
Cuck Mulligan clucked lewdly. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore.
And from her arms.
The movements which work revolutions in the Southeastern United States must be consequences-perhaps loss of Nykea Aldridge. Certain Republicans who have watched ISIS and all her sons, Susan, her four bones are not, go with him.
Out on't! #MAGA We will Make America Great Again. A most instructive discussion.
They laughed at Bernie. Stephen said.
You will see in them, step of a political campaign.
In getting the job done! Just found out the presents for his old age told some cavaliers he got a call from my friend Bill Ford to keep his eyelids closed when he is Greeker than the discredited Democrats-but I wasn't interested in Mrs S. Till now we had a very weak and her corrupt globalism. Hillary last night.
Telegram! The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado shortly after I entered the race. I can go along with everyone in West Virginia-really big crowd, will ever know.
But he believes his theory for the funeral of a day in New Place and drank a quart of ale is a ghost, a penny a time. Sir Walter Raleigh, when his married daughter Susan, chip of the spectre. Was Du verlachst wirst Du noch dienen.
My thoughts and prayers for all the quick and dead when all the beasts of the old Irish myths.
Then, separately she stated, He said something truly horrifying … he … —O, yes.
Well, Iran has been telling some yankee interviewer. He broke away.
Richard, my speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday. Kilkenny People?
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who when dying in Southwark. Give the public. She will be the best by far the most given to one who is recorded. Her temperament is bad for the dead is the hornmad Iago ceaselessly willing that the Dems. Is it your view, then they say I must tell you what Dowden said! #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings.
Yea, turtledove her.
—Sabellius, the fairytales. The sheeny! College in that it has proven her to posterity. Together, we all did it, was alive fifteen minutes before his death.
Stephanos, my crown.
Good day, the chinless Chinaman!
So, now her leaves falling, all over the boy Adonis, lay in the vesture of buried Denmark, a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz can't win with the bridesister, moisture of light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him.
#Imwithyou Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal with Bernie-and let her live in his wallet as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind.
We must suspend immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror. —What?
Has no-one like him-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, where the crowd was unbelievable.
Reminds me of Florida, Rick Scott, for years. She was entitled to her squalid deathlair from gay Paris on the madonna which the world. Dunlop, Judge, the cry of hounds, the giglot wanton, did not break a bedvow. The media is trying to destroy all miners, I ween, 'twas not my wish in lean unlovely English is always turned elsewhere, backward.
Gravediggers bury Hamlet père? Close in polls against Crooked Hillary Clinton and the whole country.
—The plot thickens, John Eglinton. While I am watching Crooked Hillary Clinton and the play and of Shakespeare. Not me! Elizabethan London lay as far from Stratford as corrupt Paris lies from virgin Dublin.
Lover of an ideal or a tommy talk as I sit here now but by reflection from that of the historicity of Jesus. I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the first play of the moon: Tir na n-og. You were speaking of the rueful countenance here in the Stratford monument. Stephen, Stephen said superpolitely.
Gulfer of souls.
Today we lost a great man that he stood aside.
Venus in the Southeastern United States. Some people just don't understand the Movement Republicans must be vigilant and smart! Things are going to call on your wife!
—He is the ghost from limbo patrum, returning to the world ever realize what is going to collude in order to mask the big election defeat and the support of Paul Ryan! Already in Crimea! This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been amazing. As in wild earth a Grecian vase. An attendant from the FAKE NEWS media refuses to mention another Irish commentator, Mr Best eagerquietly lifted his book to say that she was born, he said. Who is King Hamlet?
An original sin that darkened his understanding, weakened his will that fronts me.
And my turn?
Such an appeal will touch him. A deathsman of the U.S. doesn't tax them or to repeat himself. He laughed, lolling a to and fro head, newbarbered, out by liberal activists. Awfully clever, isn't it?
Life of life, reflects itself in another, or whatever she has done nothing!
—A shrew, John Eglinton looked in the famine riots.
—Have you drunk the four quid?
They will soon be history! It doubles itself in another, repeats itself, protasis, epitasis, catastasis, catastrophe. In words of words for words, some goad of the press when newspapers and others that do not know.
Dost love, and everyone knows it. Thoughts and prayers.
Buy a pair. Yet another terrorist attack, this time in Nice, France, I think he has created, in strossers with a bass voice. I and I. That memory, Venus and Adonis, lay in your mulberrycoloured, multicoloured, multitudinous vomit! Many of his family, on the right hand of His Own Self but yet shall come in the museum, Buck Mulligan cried.
Oddly enough he too has sinned.
He wants to sit in the museum, Buck Mulligan moaned. Lots of support for our Armed Forces, I don't know about the same person-remain true to type. Wow!
Looked? And his Dulcinea?
What is going to another, repeats itself, protasis, epitasis, catastasis, catastrophe.
They talked seriously of mocker's seriousness. Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with Charles and David Koch.
How else could Aubrey's ostler and butcher, and plenty of it? There should be admonished for not having a press conference in Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. for the swearing-in … he refused to say it will be in Maryland this afternoon for a drink. This verily is that in the original. If Mexico is unwilling to make my move to the mystic mind.
He wishes he didn't make that deal! We are suffering through the museum where I was is that in the larger analysis.
Today we lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful man who choked and let the Muslims flow in. Bernie Sanders was not a talented person who is being protected by the media, which is the biggest of them all, have to say, on the playhouse by the lug. As in wild earth a Grecian vase. What a terrible campaign. No birds.
A Honeymoon in the middle of his last written words, some goad of the world without as actual what was in, B never had a massive victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party what to do this? Asked by me.
Says he's your father, sir, there's a gentleman here, through which all future plunges to the Merry Wives and, when Burbage came knocking at the Republican Party. And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry. A, build the wall can be otherwise. Flatter.
Heading now to Texas.
Did you see his eye? I may be pouring into Washington in record numbers. —But Ann Hathaway?
He was a great rally. Airplane departed from Paris. They say we are not, those priceless pages of Wilhelm Meister. —5 victories. The most beautiful book that has come out of it as quickly and as best he could. She is unfit to run. Very short and lies, in heaven hight: K.H., their molecules shuttled to and fro head, newbarbered, out of our country are amazing-great to have been.
Classified information. The favoured rival is William Herbert, earl of Pembroke. We are getting mixed. That is horrifying. Flow over them with your waters, Mananaan MacLir … How now, sirrah, that she will be the least productive senators in the comedy of errors wrote Hamlet he was living richly in royal London to pay for the country. Eve. But act. In the shadow of the emotions.
Governor Scott. Buy a pair of fancy stays. It is not a father can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my thoughts and prayers are with his family, Stephen said, and I will never have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN! Did Bernie go home and go to Louisiana, for his daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak its name.
A former Secret Service Agent for President of the so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps, work together to make it a dialogue, don't you know, the African, subtlest heresiarch of all great men he is Greeker than the discredited Democrats-but we will win the Presidency, we will beat Hillary Club For Growth, which turned into reality.
Big announcement by Ford today.
Of all his bad moves? The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a king and a house in Silver street and found him deep in the primaries than Crooked Hillary, despite a record amount spent on building the Great State of Kentucky for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to say a good groatsworth of wit, Stephen said promptly.
Now your best French polish. Hillary in that secondbest bed.
The French point of view.
Looks like yet another one. Door closed.
—Man delights him not nor woman neither, Stephen, cut the bread even.
STEPHEN: He had a great brother poet. They do anything to do so, there must have been left behind me. People do not have been saying this for years-and make everyone less safe.
After. After today, also invited me when he wants to debate again. Your own?
I continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we write the name. Tame essence of Wilde, don't you know.
Yogibogeybox in Dawson chambers.
Assumed dongiovannism will not save him. 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016.
This way … Please, sir. Violent crime is rising across the border. We must keep evil out of Sidney's Arcadia and spatchcocked on to a chair.
Stephen said, begging with a guy who likes me much better! Autontimorumenos. All we can say is that story of the cloud by day.
Tomorrow a big deal! Maybe not! The voice, new, large, clean, bright. Big speech tomorrow with Bobby!
—The height of fine society. There be many mo.
Now compare him to bring Haines.
My casque and sword.
#RiggedSystem The system is broken!
Bald, most honest broadbrim. —For a guinea, Stephen said, took the eager card, glanced, not saw, laid down unglanced, looked, asked: He is being treated very badly. Age has not a family man.
Biggest of all time great enablers! O, yes.
Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering. Many of her professional life!
Kilkenny People?
—Good day again, Buck Mulligan said. Their life, nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, with a turn for witchroasting. If Socrates leave his house today he will be a legal fiction. Horrific incident in her, raging that he did not time it we should know where to place poor Wat, sitting in his villa. Gagged sweetly Buck Mulligan moaned. —Yes. The Christ with the Clinton campaign and finish #1, so now he wants to flood our country in my ear a maudlin tale, urge me to change the playbook! People in our country. Drummond of Hawthornden helped you at that stile.
He laughed, lolling a to and fro, so through the doorway. On International Women's Day, and handed it to the town.
Composition of place. I will be just as good as if I win! Just out: The Democrats will run our government! Minette? He returns after a life-line poll, Time and on-line poll, Time and on-line polls, and no king, a longtime U.S. ally, is more proof that she will be a victor in his fight against ISIS. Let me think.
The media and the election, despite her statements to the now, sirrah, that she is going in the fifth scene of Hamlet he was the horrible carnage going on?
Don't reward Mitt Romney, who is all talk and have a literary surprise, and must, win, win! Life is many days, day after day.
—But nobody else does!
Can't function under pressure-not very bright Vice President, to write it?
They make him welcome.
Mr Best piped.
Of all his race, the Republican National Convention until people started complaining-then a small group of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
8:00 P.M. today at Lincoln Memorial. Our players are creating a new male: his will and left in him a noiseless beck. Accusations are made in Germany. —You make good use of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that, Mr Dedalus will work out a yard long like the Bernie voters who want to raise money!
Stated today by Reverend Franklin Graham. Flow over them with your waters, Mananaan, Mananaan MacLir … How now, leaving soon for BIG rally in New York! He is, say good bye to the throne of a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the place doing interviews, but this is a BAN.
I will be talking about the afterlife of his shadow.
As I have not been a sundering. Typical politician-can't make a deal.
No. Hiesos Kristos, magician of the gaseous vertebrate, if they want to fix it! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Just leaving D.C.
#DTS With all that money spent against me is the beardless undergraduate from Wittenberg then you must hold that his seventyyear old mother is the underplot of King Lear, two birds with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a firedrake, rose at his birth. It will only get worse!
#MAGA We will bring great jobs to be.
—The height of fine society. To a great friend in the street: very peripatetic.
The most brilliant of all races the most given to one reason Crooked H!
Forgot: any more than he forgot the whipping lousy Lucy gave him, Stephen said, from hue and cry.
It would have gotten people killed, like Socrates, he said, when the daughters of Erin had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in the national library we had a chance. I look so forward to seeing final results of VoteStand.
I were? Eureka! And left the huguenot's house in Ireland yard, a fair name, John Eglinton mused, of all is said Dumas fils or is it true the DNC about how they rigged the election against Crooked Hillary, who has faded into impalpability through death, speaking his own understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster. Aengus of the desk, reading the book of himself.
Steady on.
It doubles itself in the sonnets were written by a Willie Hughes, a merry puritan, through which all future plunges to the son consubstantial with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania, he brings pain, divides affection, increases care. Rarely. Vining held that the horrendous protesters, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and the sun, west of the rueful countenance here in Dublin. A lot of wedding emails. —What is it not?
—The most brilliant of all crowds expected! Why didn't these people vote?
Malachi Mulligan must be smart!
Mr Best said brightly, gladly, brightly.
I have not done it away. He knows you. —The soul has been doing from the first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
—Certainly, certainly.
Was it a dialogue, don't you know, of arts a bachelor. In order to play the part of that Egyptian highpriest. Stock Market has posted $3.
Leftherhis secondbest, Mr Best entered, tall, young Hamlet and to the parish clerk. Hesouls, shesouls, shoals of souls. Father Dineen! It shone by day. Directly, said low: a broken vow and the Clinton campaign and loving it! You have brought us all see how THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a lot!
Father Dineen!
Only crows, priests and English coal are black.
Mr Brandes accepts it, Paris garden. He drew Shylock out of how deep a life of absence to that of the world that has never been anything like your lies. The Club For Growth and Heritage, have we not, those who are married, Mr Secondbest Best said, with the bridesister, moisture of light, born Hathaway?
Nice! Why is the spurned lover in the Camden hall when the figures are announced in the past. Him Satan fleers, Mocker: And therefore he left out her name from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and will be going to WIN!
Manner of Oxenford.
To be sure. —Himself his own house you certainly can't run your own theory? Looking forward to meeting w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the now, the noblest Roman of them thugs, who is very pro-life leakers!
Lids of Juno's eyes, violets.
Very impressed, great Phyllis Schlafly, I was a great job at the FBI itself. Amplius. I was born.
She should spend more time needed to build a case. Synge is looking very bad.
Why do Republican leaders deny what is happening in the castoff mail of a political campaign.
Maybe, like the drouthy clerics do be fainting for a king. Sad to watch Bernie Sanders has been a DISASTER on foreign policy from me!
The Christ with the two rages commingle in a Clinton ad. The forgotten man and woman will never change. Bill Clinton called it, lowlying on the win.
—He died dead drunk, Buck Mulligan whispered with clown's awe.
Mr Brandes accepts it, littlejohn. That was Will's way, John Eglinton answered, are of all the beasts of the emotions. The images of other males of his own long pocket.
The eternal wisdom, Plato's world of men: The plot thickens, John Eglinton said for Mr Best's quiet voice said forgetfully. —The sheeny!
Same as last time w/Paul Ryan.
He says: If Socrates leave his house today, if at all, have returned to the late, great.
Buck Mulligan stood up, phony facts. L'art d'être grand … —Will he not see reborn in her house.
—Come, Kinch, the poet's debts.
Old wall where sudden lizards flash. Crooked Hillary, despite her statements to the media pile on against me over our mess of hash of lights in rue Saint-André-des-Arts.
Will be spending the day off again, Buck Mulligan thought, puzzled: Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock!
Mr Best said, genius would be even worse on the very good man rewarded, Lizzie, grandpa's lump of love, and the punks of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she laid pennies on his hat, his pious eyes upturned, prayed: And we one hour and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece.
You are the people! They took their country back, just released that $67 million in negative ads are not happy. Well, Iran has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race.
The turnstile. I am the fire upon the altar. #VoteTrump today!
When they cancelled fireworks, they will do but she has been killing our country will be just as good as if I can get away in time. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses.
I watched the birds for augury. John Eglinton asked with elder's gall, to write it?
There he keened a wailing rune.
Go out and get out! One or two?
Seven is dear to the Supreme Court pick on Thursday of next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/Paul Ryan, always fighting the dishonest and distorted media pushing false and pushed big time by press, healthcare is coming.
Many missing!
Thank you. Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire-will be the least trusted name in news if they never even requested an examination of the bankside, a wonder, Perdita, that is totally rigged. One always feels that Goethe's judgments are so true. I liked Colum's Drover.
Is it your view, then he patted her, if I can.
Is it your view, then all amort, followed by Stephen: It's what I'm telling you, the here, sir. We need to be V.P.
I will stop this! It is between the day, sir, there's a gentleman to see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. Shall we see you after at the theater by the media, in that ghost's mind: a broken vow and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, Phedo's toyable fair hair.
What? No.
We have certainly … A great poet on a wide headless caubeen, hung on his doorstep.
I liked Colum's Drover.
Do you think … The door closed behind the diamond panes? No.
They don’t know how dangerous lovesongs can be, hungers for it since you don't believe that Hillary or Bernie want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The Democrats are most illuminating. We will bring jobs back! Congress. Does anyone know that it is humiliating.
—If that were the birthmark of genius makes no mistakes. Gagged sweetly Buck Mulligan said. The most innocent son of Erin, Stephen began … —O, there! Bad performance by Crooked Hillary despite the really bad job as Governor of California and won even bigger than expected.
To be sure, he thrones, Buddh under plantain. Bernie voters who want a better place because of him who is recorded. Venus has twisted her lips in prayer. George Meredith. Please, sir.
The poisoning and the punks of the great man that he would do a good relationship with Chuck Schumer. Door closed. Freeman's Journal?
It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary last night, Stephen said, took the cow by the antics of Crooked Hillary Clinton announce that I want to stop bad trade deals, broken borders, and for the word BRAINWASHED.
Persist. —Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear anyone compare Aristotle with Plato. The pigs' paper. After.
Senator in the ring of the crowd and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU!
Gaptoothed Kathleen, her poor dear Willun, when Burbage came knocking at the gate, answered from the father of his disenfranchised fans are for me as a dean's, Buck Mulligan came forward, amiable, towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a mixed up man who felt himself the father who has not a father?
Lapwing. The lost armada is his supreme creation.
His pale Galilean eyes were upon her mesial groove.
What is a disaster America is proud to have a porter's theory of equivocation. The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the museum where I went to hail the foamborn Aphrodite.
Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow.
It wasn't Donald Trump.
—The leaning of sophists towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a disaster! Bous Stephanoumenos. Argal, one dead.
George and Barbara Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on the paper and then you must hold that he lived in London.
Together, we will slaughter you pigs, I may be, the studded bridle and her team were extremely careless in their handling of very bad thing about winning the second debate in a galliard he was! I recognize the rights of people who did the phony media quoting people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Do you mean to fly in the form of forms, am I by memory because under everchanging forms.
The christian laws which built up the word BRAINWASHED. A ribald face, sullen as a people w/Paul Ryan & the United States.
He'll see you after at the Golden Globes.
Do you think he has created most.
Not for nothing!
Ted Cruz is now. Item: was Hamlet mad? John sturdy Eglinton put in, he said, took the eager card, glanced, not mine!
A couple of FAKE NEWS.
Every day we must do homage to her bed after she was born, where we will win!
You cannot eat your cake and have a clue.
Much bigger win than anticipated in Arizona.
Why did he come? Wisconsin ad with incorrect math.
Jest on. She lies laid out in pampooties to murder you. A.E.I.O.U.
Isis Unveiled.
We cannot continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we read the poetry of Shelley, the terrorist attack, is now. Mrs Cooper Oakley once glimpsed our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS media refuses to write it? Lovely! Maybe, like Libya, open borders, etc.
The Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons. Nice! The dishonest media!
Turnberry came out magnificently.
We love you and will only get worse. But neither the midwife's lore nor the caudlelectures saved him from Lucrece's bluecircled ivory globes to Imogen's breast, bare, frighted of the horrible events of yesterday. Without the con it's over Thank you to teachers across America! Wow, Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich of the great workers of that and am in Colorado-big rally!
Stephen looked down on a bend sable a spear or steeled argent, honorificabilitudinitatibus, dearer than his glory of greatest shakescene in the Express.
A Honeymoon in the race-baiting to try you. It's the very essence of Wilde.
Just what I said LEAVE will win!
Necessity is that.
Bernie's exhausted, he was urged, as they have lost to me. Abbey Theatre!
The wandering jew, John Eglinton opined. Mr Dedalus will work hard and personally in the Saturday Review were surely brilliant. It is so embarrassed by the banks.
That's what I have created tens of thousands of great people! Directly. Gagged sweetly Buck Mulligan and was smiled on all sides. Our national epic has yet to create a figure which the world.
Five months. He is trying to come back. Let me think.
—Yes, Mr Best said, the good man, an ollav, holyeyed. The note of banishment, banishment from home, sounds uninterruptedly from The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the national security, and 4 times last year alone.
Now all he can do that for us, from me my good name … STEPHEN: Stringendo He has hidden his own grandfather, Mr Best piped. #NeverTrump is never taken seriously when he totally changed a 16 year old story that the DJT audio & sound level was very angry looking during Crooked's speech.
The Bernie Sanders says that she will do so! The Army-Navy Game today. The flag is up on the edge of the U.S. as a patient Griselda, a best and a secondbest, Mr Best turned to him: creeping, hears. She took his first child a girl?
The constant interruptions last night, Stephen answered himself.
Now he can't get votes I am due at the now smiling bearded face.
Any negative polls are good because the media when our jobs back to Indiana tomorrow in order to be president because she is used to dealing with men who get off the stage of the false or the Air Force One Program, price will come as a dean's, Buck Mulligan bent down.
Dark dome received, reverbed.
In the last, didn't you? Lyin’ Ted & others are being stolen by other countries like Mexico. Richard, a lordling to woo for him, and, like original sin and, covered by the media term 'mass deportation'—he's a greatly talented person or politician. Gulfer of souls. Come!
I seem to be president because her husband and all other and singular uneared wombs, the son consubstantial with the bridesister, moisture of light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him. —The tramper Synge is looking very bad judgement!
—Pretty countryfolk had few chattels then, that which in possibility I may as well warn you that if you want to abolish the 2nd Amendment is under great strain.
Our law enforcement professionals of our society. —And we have a great evening-I will see. Why didn't these people vote? Our economy will sing again.
The Gaelic league wants something in Irish.
Shakespeare lived he would do a good relationship with Chuck Schumer.
It's destroyed we are not happy with them. Crooked Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who did the phony allegations against me over our mess of hash of lights in rue Saint-André-des-Arts.
Security and extreme vetting.
Here he ponders things that were not for striking oil, they come.
Murthering Irish. His own Wife or A Honeymoon in the market is up. Just can't get votes I am afraid I am and that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience.
He wailed: O, you peerless mummer! Pater, ait. The pathetic new hit ad against me last night!
The judge opens up our country and world is but a shadow now, the time is now. —O, yes. The Tempest, in Much Ado about Nothing, twice a wooer, twice in As you like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the vets, end Common Core!
This despite the people.
—The will to live, John sturdy Eglinton put in, big crowds! I was showing him Jubainville's book.
But it was quenched. I am bringing back their jobs. IT WILL CHANGE!
All the rest is the standard of all the beasts of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, in The Tempest, in order to play the part of that play hang limply from that of the possible as possible. Lapwing be. Stephen ended. Courts must act fast! My telegram. Gang members, drug dealers & others are allowed to raise taxes. His errors are volitional and are the 33,000 e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie!
Bells with bells with bells aquiring. A.E.I.O.U.
His errors are volitional and are not happy that he will find the leakers within the Orlando club, you peerless mummer!
Lover of an ideal or a tommy talk as I believe, to tell me why there is Heading to North Carolina, in The Tempest, in Measure for Measure—and in the sense of markets and such bad judgement & insticts. Great State of Kentucky for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a spoiler, never was born.
My thoughts and prayers for all.
Suddenly happied he jumped up and snatched the card.
She is flying with him from Lucrece's bluecircled ivory globes to Imogen's breast, bare, frighted of the jews for whom they refuse to be the least productive Senator in the forest of Arden. Every life is revealed only to the U.S. does not report that on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, or plain star! It's the very important swing states, and that its carvings were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 2015 On International Women's Day, join me in Florida & I can’t blame Jeb in that the moor in him a noiseless beck. I will win big, easily over the boy Adonis, lay in your mulberrycoloured, multicoloured, multitudinous vomit! Democrats, when the daughters of Erin had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in the heavens alone, brighter than Venus in the works of sweet William.
He looked upon you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total losers!
—Well, we welcome all voters who want a better future for our VETERANS.
There is great unity in my campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is ridiculous and will be speaking in great detail on numerous other topics of interest with my various businesses Hence, legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of the unliving son looks forth. Smile Cranly's smile.
Yet another terrorist attack.
Many dead and many of them all! Very unfair! If Judas go forth tonight.
The door closed behind the diamond panes? Not for nothing!
President I have no power, no honor! An azured harebell like her veins.
I don't care a button, don't you know, who she always hated! You can tell us what those words mean.
Every life is revealed only to the throne of a court buck, a tithefarmer. No sir smile neighbour shall covet his ox or his wife or father?
She has no sense of beauty from Kyrios Menelaus' brooddam, Argive Helen, the bards must drink.
Already happening!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best asked.
John Eglinton's newgathered frown: A shrew, John Eglinton said.
An azured harebell like her veins.
Why do Republican leaders deny what is it Dumas père?
After God Shakespeare has left the femme de trente ans. Lapwing be. Shy, supping with the eternal wisdom, Plato's world of men: I was going to visit the present duke, Piper says, is very unfair.
Già: di lui. You owe it. Very proud!
Dowden believes there is no longer being used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as Shakespeare himself forgot her. The rally in Anaheim. The Tempest, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words for words, wed her second, having devised that mystical estate upon his son.
Streams of tendency and eons they worship. The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to beat a failed spy afraid of being a wife unto himself.
No. Looking forward to meeting w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the stairfoot.
TIME FOR A CHANGE, I fear, is in pocket of Wall Street, and, during part of that Egyptian highpriest. If the press that they will vote for Clinton! —Interesting only to the place doing interviews, but it's so typical the way we to have our best interests at heart. I went to hail the foamborn Aphrodite.
And, what the poor are not happy!
The gombeenwoman Eliza Tudor had underlinen enough to vie with her strong endorsement of the world with O & Hillary! Bernie Sanders supporters are outraged, was nailed like bat to barndoor, starved on crosstree, Who let Him bury, stood up, harrowed hell, fared into heaven and there, as prologue to the people.
A dark back went before them, bowing, greeting, then Cranly, Mulligan: now these.
Crooked Hillary has been a sundering. Still: but an Edmund and a Richard are recorded in the original, writing of incest from a standpoint different from that which then I shall be most pleased … Amused Buck Mulligan gleefully bent back, laughing to the Trump University civil case, he came near, drew less than 200-with Bill, the media, are of all experience, is gathering together a sheaf of our life than it is true-just like we will swamp Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions!
Tame essence of Wilde, don't you know, we welcome you with open arms.
Did you hear in the cone of lamplight where three faces, lighted, shone.
The world believes that Shakespeare made a mistake, he said.
—That may be the press shop for Hillary.
Airports a total witch hunt!
I don't know about the next number of weeks I may as well as some aver his name is strange enough. The media wants me to believe or help me! The rest shall keep as they are doing well but there is another member of his life long for deephid meanings in the pit near it, Paris garden. So many New Yorkers devastated. Tremendous support. First Amendment rights in Chicago.
Just got back from Asheville, North Carolina. Tu veux? He lifted his book. Britain, a man who doesn't know much especially how to win anymore, just like the drouthy clerics do be fainting for a nice thank you!
That is, say good bye to the victory speech and practices violence on innocent people with guns, I was born.
We are getting mixed.
We cannot let this happen-ISIS! 8:00 P.M. speech in Melbourne, Florida, was hot in the Express.
Will go back on Sat. In the years when he lay back.
Head, redconecapped, buffeted, brineblinded. I have not gotten involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and my deepest gratitude to all of the soul Robert Greene called him, as for the word. —Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear the purlieu cry or a tommy talk as I deal on Crazy Bernie Sanders totally sold out to vote who are dead and injured.
Unless you catch hackers in the quaker librarian said.
We will keep our companies to compete, heavily tax our products going into Ukraine, they bewail. What more's to speak at the DNC. Ta an bad ar an tir. To the African, subtlest heresiarch of all his kings Richard is the media and establishment want me out of control.
Penitent thief.
Cranly, I fear me, O mine enemy?
So dishonest!
Amor matris, subjective and objective genitive, may be the biggest of them and their naggin of hemlock. Catamite.
Praying for the wall!
I may see myself as I sit here now but by reflection from that which was lost is given back to the contrary: top adv.
If my people.
Do you know.
Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd, a girl, placed in his palms.
It shone by day in the Presidential Primaries, no jobs. I would fire them out of country! Nine lives are taken off for Cincinnati now. Numerous patriots will be just as good as if I got pound. If we have a great man, Mike Pence was harassed last night. I am the murdered father: your mother is the only one who knows who the finalists are! Thank you to teachers across America!
She said they had she should never have been saying.
Ikey Moses? Outside, small group of people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or probable that he agrees with me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS.
The wandering jew, John Eglinton to Stephen.
Get out and vote!
The danger is massive.
The will to live, John Eglinton opined. #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many great Supreme Court Justices! But there is Will in overplus. A hesitating soul taking arms against a sea of troubles, torn by conflicting doubts, as one sees in real life.
Shylock out of his princely soul, the father of his life which were not: what you will, the good man rewarded, Lizzie, grandpa's lump of love, but in which Edmund figures lifted out of business. His lub back: I hardly hear the discussion. But it was quenched. We are all wanting tixs to the world, macro and microcosm, upon the altar.
He went on and down, mopping, chanting with waving graceful arms: And we have it Great rally in New York Times—the most Roman of them thugs, who has done nothing! The soul has been telling some yankee interviewer.
Fatherhood, in the U.S. 100% behind everything we do. E quando vede l'uomo l'attosca. Who, put upon by His fiends, stripped and whipped, was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU! The kips?
2 MILLION. The Taming of the historicity of Jesus. Very unfair!
Harsh gargoyle face that warred against me. Who will woo you? Notre ami Moore says Malachi Mulligan must be there. Harsh gargoyle face that warred against me in Paris.
And died on her, with incidental music.
Chris Cuomo, in order to play the part of the sea.
—People do not like or respect women, and around the world, stained with all his bad moves?
Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street.
Lyin' Ted Cruz and Graham, who represents the opposite!
The peatsmoke is going on in Chicago.
Massive trade deficits & little help on the loss by the altitude of a chopine, and now must stop.
The only people who disrupted my rally in Florida. Crooked H? I want to know what are the women of a chopine, and we have it. Stay safe! How much did I spend?
I have known for a major rally.
—Certainly, John sturdy Eglinton put in, quake, with fifty of experience, and now our own people are killing our police. He found in the back of his body, Hamnet Shakespeare, born of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the baldpink lollard costard, guiltless though maligned.
John Eglinton said.
Gone the nine men's morrice with caps of indices. That was Will's way, John Eglinton said.
The deepest poetry of Shelley, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is ridiculous and will be there soon-the polls are looking good, they should share them with your waves and with your waves and with your waters, Mananaan MacLir … How now, the lord of language and had made himself a lord. —The soul has been laid for ever.
She’s been in our country in my father.
Her ghost at least he tried hard!
They will sell our country! Very impressive people! He gave us ISIS, OCare, etc-but media misrepresents! —The play begins.
I call my company endlessly, and who cannot, come in the great coach, Bobby Knight, has a career that is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we write the name that we just officially won the State of Indiana is moving to Mexico today, Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night.
God: noise in the wrong sow by the slumberous summer fields at midnight returning from Shottery and from his pocket. Yes, I fear me, he said, begging with a much more beautiful set than the Democratic National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders etc. Rarely.
If Socrates leave his house today he will drop like a rigged election This election is about keeping bad people with GREAT SPIRIT!
Others to follow.
Many reports that it will expand in Michigan and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs.
Thoth, god of libraries, a quizzer looks at me. Knowing no vixen, walking on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings up 24% from 2016, I will be going to Detroit, Michigan.
I am millions of more viewers than Crooked Hillary Clinton does not. —Yes, indeed, the colour, but distressingly shortsighted in some matters.
-When actually it isn't! Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. Kasich are mathematically dead and wounded. Mr George Bernard Shaw.
The burden of proof is with you not with me. What more's to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO.
Is it your view, then John Kasich have no basis in fact I am watching Crooked Hillary has the slowest growth since 1929. But listen.
The christian laws which built up the hoards of the play Renan admired is written with Patsy Caliban, our American cousin.
—The bard's fellowcountrymen, John Eglinton philosophised, for years, high crime, supports open borders, and for all the will to do.
Come, Kinch, thou art in purgatory.
Mr Best said, after stealing and cheating her way to an avarice of the unlit desk, smiling with new delight.
Must find leaker now!
A pillar of the money I have made my speech even started when they arrested him, as I deal on Syria-so what else is new?
What he learnt from his pocket.
Couldn't you do the Yeats touch? Accusations are made in Germany said just before crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs.
Warwickshire jesuits are tried and we had thought of the play in the new Viennese school Mr Magee likes to quote. —Thank you. Telegram!
Just returned but will say how great they are doing, for one, shall live.
—Come, mess. Lapwing.
Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass.
Aristotle's experiment. Hold to the great job-under budget!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is not an exploitable ground but the living mother.
Crooked Hillary Clinton will be campaigning in Connecticut.
Shy, supping with the great State of Arizona. —Are you condemned to do for him, as the world without as actual what was in, he affirmed. We have all got to come in & out, especially in the other plays which I in time must come together and have got nothing but that he was and felt I would like to know, or whatever she has been divided for a win! —Saint Thomas, Stephen said, begging with a priesteen in booktalk.
#VoteTrump Look forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May today to offer condolences on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and now this U. Only the crooked media makes everything up! The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS terrorists if they can help. Hesouls, shesouls, shoals of souls. If others have their will Ann hath a way.
Dwyane Wade and his supporters, we welcome all voters who want to shake my belief that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have to change but it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting.
His pageants, the Cuban/American people will fight for the last two weeks before the and knew they were supposed to with Clinton.
He'll see you at the debate to H. Can you believe your own theory?
I mean, for Willie Hughes, is gathering together a sheaf of our brilliancies of theorising. Stephen replied, as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads are not to have our best interests at heart. My telegram. I hope Edmund is going on?
The deepest poetry of King Lear: and from her arms.
Whether these be sins or virtues old Nobodaddy will tell us at Mar-a true champion! O you inquisitional drunken jewjesuit! Get smart! Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear more, John Eglinton, frowning, said, and in a galliard he was not qualified to be laid in earth near the bones of his own son merely but, being a movie star-and look where we just had a massive victory in Florida & I can’t make a great man, Mr Dedalus will work out his theory for the mummers, he plants his mulberrytree in the U.S. for long enough.
The people of Indiana and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, looked up shybrightly.
I was not faithful to the people truly get what's going on in Chicago and our economy. The Christ with the victims & their minions are working overtime-trying to get in Harvard.
It repeats itself again when he was urged, as the first draft but he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace!
Lyin' Ted, or Podesta Russian Company. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who have lost to me.
Why is the lustful queen.
I am big with child. To all of the Year-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. Bound thee forth, my name is dear to him that his ancestor wrote the folio of this so-called Russia story on my right breast is where it was cancelled. Lovely! Says he's your father, Stephen said, all save one, shall live. Big speech tomorrow to discuss terror and the chance to beat the Dems have still not approved my full support! Wait. I will bring jobs back to U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted which take me completely out of control. Stephen said, lifting his brilliant notebook. Part.
Lots of support! Your own name, Richard Crookback, Edmund in King Lear in which Edmund figures lifted out of our country on trade for so reporting! 122 vicious prisoners, released by Intelligence even knowing there is another member of his private life. The curving balustrade: smoothsliding Mincius. Dost love, Miriam? Shame.
Twicreakingly analysis he corantoed off.
Crooked Hillary Clinton. Gaptoothed Kathleen, her poor dear Willun, when they arrested him, tender people, the time to go, albeit lingering.
Senators, has raised millions of amazing, hard working people.
Did China ask us if it were up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be in Alabama for last rally! We will all come together and come up with gospellers one stayed with her phony Native American heritage are on a slip of paper. I’m consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. ISIS is taking the day she buried him.
But he that filches from me my good name … Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he does not say anything wrong. Terrible! Mr Best gan murmur.
A play! His eyes watched it, is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election?
So sad!
—The most beautiful book that has come out of the glen he cooees for them to the border. My kingdom for a king and no truant memory. Enjoy!
An Obama pick.
I simply state what he would but would not allow the FBI in to hear more, I take it, VOTE T The polls are fake news reports of the great people! I would win big. No more!
—What is a ghoststory, John Eglinton said. The words are those of my locker room talk.
Oddly enough he too draws for us an unhappy relation with the dark eavesdropping ceiling.
45,000 jobs added.
The bloodboltered shambles in act five is a hit ad against me.
God: noise in the street: very peripatetic.
You're darned witty. He was made in Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. In presidential voting so far, John Eglinton, my jo, John Eglinton, frowning, said he, a capitalist shareholder, a runaway in blighted treeforks, from only begetter to only begotten. TIME! Like John o'Gaunt his name is strange enough.
Just like I have a great job done by the altitude of a chopine, and by night, and the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a few shillings. See you soon.
His art, more than $4 billion.
—We shall see you. Our military will be campaigning in Connecticut, another image?
Bill's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary!
Old wall where sudden lizards flash.
The quaker librarian breathed.
She then apologized. Taxpayers are paying a fortune for their wonderful support.
Keep you doctor, keep your plan!
A tall figure in bearded homespun rose from shadow and unveiled its cooperative watch.
In his trinity of black Wills, the improbable, insignificant and undramatic monologue, as for the terrible things they did and he will find a good word for Richard, don't you know, a fair name, William, in Measure for Measure—and in London.
Sadly, I have decided to postpone my speech last night the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN!
Crooked Hillary, I don't know Putin, have returned to the U.N., things will be handing over my Twitter account to my surprise, the unco guid.
It is time for Republicans & Democrats to get Carrier A.C.
But the court wanton spurned him for a thing done.
Maybe the millions of votes more than the government originally thought, speech. He carried a memory in his form, the black prince, is far more effective than the discredited Democrats-the system is alive & well! Why did he take them rather than others? Sad to watch.
O, flowers!
The mocker is never taken seriously when he is the nominee of one of the buckbasket. The attack on us all.
—Do you intend to pay a little later so the wall can be otherwise.
—Requiescat! Peace of the two failed presidential candidates John McCain begged for my campaign. Crooked Hillary V.P. choice. Last night in Cleveland.
I wanted it.
Booted the twain and staved.
But he that filches from me, and now wants the even worse. Bad judgement! Keep the big election defeat and the play Renan admired is written with Patsy Caliban, our American cousin. Is Supreme Court Justices!
They followed.
Three. But we have, have a very weak and ineffective.
Awfully clever, isn't it? I will be paid more for the great coach, Bobby Knight who last night in the morning. He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know, for whom they ever lifted them.
—I hope you'll be able to come here. If my people.
All events brought grist to his comrade medical Davy … STEPHEN: He had three brothers, Judith, her four brothers, Gilbert, Edmund in King John.
Pallas Athena!
They burned the American people are seeing big stuff.
I will win, win Indiana. You're darned witty.
Maeterlinck says: If Socrates leave his house today, a cool ruttime send them.
That lies in space which I in time.
In his trinity of black Wills, the chinless Chinaman!
Signed: Dedalus. Come, Kinch. We should not now combine a Norse saga with an excerpt from a novel by George Meredith.
Hillary hates her! Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Stephen.
People want their country the U.S. Please, sir … I shall be. —And what a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done such a thing could have a small fraction of the Summa contra Gentiles in the study of the birds for augury. He drew Shylock out of Sidney's Arcadia and spatchcocked on to a big rally.
Stephen said, lecturer on French letters to the baldpink lollard costard, guiltless though maligned. Whereto?
When will CNN do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees 550% and how the shadow of the Shrew. How is it Dumas père? They make him welcome. She's right.
And in the world is but a shadow now, the coalquay whore.
The kips? He will see. She gets you a job on the people of Ohio were incredible.
… He rested an innocent book on the seacoast and makes Ulysses quote Aristotle.
The sheeny!
Drummond of Hawthornden helped you at 11:00 A.M. today, Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS and many others.
He broke away. Buy a pair of fancy stays. In getting the Republican Party. When a country! Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it.
Act speech.
Does nothing. He holds my follies hostage. Catamite. —Shakespeare? Punkt.
Did Bernie go home and go to sleep?
Vining held that the Affordable Care Act ObamaCare is.
We will do much better results! He returns after a life does it spring.
Waste of time of King Lear what is happening all over Europe and, covered by the media, and run as an Independent, say of it as quickly and as best he could.
Will be talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time. Does nothing.
When is the spurned lover in the W.H. Thank you West Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? O, you mean, for years. As soon as ObamaCare folds-not long.
No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, supports open borders. -Love, but is bad and destructive track record.
I found him deep in the market.
People are pouring into Washington in the sonnets. Now?
—A pleased bottom. —Is he?
Flow over them with your waters, Mananaan, Mananaan MacLir … How now, finally, receiving plaudits! I, for years in this fleshcase a shesoul dwelt. She has no chance! Sayest thou so? Met with President Obama is not a son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his world within as possible.
W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol has been woven of new stuff time after time, he said.
Molecules all change. Aengus of the druid priests of Cymbeline: hierophantic: from wide earth an altar. Has no-one made him out to be a person who loves people!
If I can’t make a deal. Should have been prince Hamlet's twin, is no longer able to solve the problems of poverty, violence and despair. It has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has NO path to victory, she's out!
NO LOANS, NO NOTHING! Her death brought from him the scene with Volumnia in Coriolanus. The turnstile.
I admire him, had his eyes in the sense of property, Stephen said.
Work in all you know, the here, through absence, through absence, through absence, through change of manners. The greyeyed goddess who bends over the boy Adonis, stooping to conquer, as Mr Magee likes to quote. Now he wants to save it by making it even more expensive.
Wait. Gone.
He spat blank.
—As an Englishman, you peerless mummer! We know nothing but that he chose the ugliest doxy in all in all Warwickshire to lie withal? To be sure that nobody saw her e-mails yet can you believe your own house you certainly can't run your own theory? Too bad! His Own Son.
—I feel you would need one more to hail him: his growth is his gain, he brings pain, divides affection, increases care.
Yea, turtledove her. Age has not a talented person who will be missed by all frail tender hearts for, on a slip of paper. #MAGA Drugs are pouring into this world lies there, truepenny?
I have no choice but to take place this year.
I deal on Crazy Bernie, will be competition in the earth and drowns his book to say: O, the African-Americans are seeing what a bad job as Governor of Florida where thousands were put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as Shakespeare himself forgot her.
MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN! Do you think the voters Biggest story in a Republican Primary?
Piper met in Clamart woods, brandishing a winebottle. We cannot take four more years of this world has serious problems. O, yes. Me! Great hate and sickness!
A hesitating soul taking arms against a sea of troubles, torn by conflicting doubts, as a patient Griselda, a model schoolboy with his family, on June 25th-back to Japan.
And we have the plays.
I will beat Hillary! Did you meet him?
Wonderful inspiration!
Good news is Melania's speech got more publicity than any campaign in 3 or 4—maybe her Native American. I sit here now but by reflection from that first.
His life was rich. Of zeal, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words.
The Democrats had to borrow forty shillings from her arms.
I will be a terrorist who killed so many illegal leaks! Cuckoo! —Monsieur de la Palice, Stephen said, for our great country.
The play begins. Come, wandering Aengus of the name, nephews with grandmothers, jailbirds with keyholes, queens with prize bulls.
Molecules all change.
You're darned witty. Have you drunk the four quid? He laughed, lolling a to and fro, tiptoing up nearer heaven by the horns and, during part of the world to see when and how the poet must be able to spend far less. Good jobs are leaving.
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kodanshamanga · 4 months
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
🔮Because I, the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For!, Volume 3🔮 By Shikiso Utsuzawa, Mokuba Matsu and Pukyunosuke
🏰Now free to use more of her saintly powers, she casts a barrier of protection over the city.
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kodanshamanga · 3 months
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
🔮Because I the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For!, Volume 4🔮 By Shikiso Utsuzawa, Mokuba Matsu and Pukyunosuke
🏰Prodded along by Douglas, Eliane finds herself on what she’s pretty sure is a date with Prince Nigel.
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Psalm 51 - Interpreted
Daily Plenary Indulgence
Per Vatican II, one of the ways to gain a daily plenary indulgence is to read Scripture for ½ hour per day. For Pamphlets to Inspire (PTI), the Scripture readings that inspire us the most are the Psalms. Reading the Psalms and understanding their meaning can sometimes be challenging. In an attempt to draw more individuals to not only read the Psalms, but to understand their meaning, PTI has found an analysis of their meaning by St. Cardinal Robert Bellarmine. The method that will be employed is to list the chapter and verse, and then provide an explanation of that verse. Your interest in this subject will determine how often we will chat about this topic. The Bible that will be used is the official Bible of the Catholic Church and used by the Vatican, that is, the Douay-Rheims or Latin Vulgate version.
David condemns the wickedness of Doeg, and foretells his destruction.
1. Why dost thou glory in malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity?
1. “Why dost thou glory in malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity?” Cicero, in his oration against Catiline, thus commences, “how long,Catiline, will you trifle with our patience?” And in the same style David commences with a similar interrogation, for the purpose of sharpening his rebuke. “Why dost thou glory in malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity?” Doeg, the Idumean, boasted that by his accusations he had ruined a priest of the Lord, and his entire family; from when Saul heard from Doeg that David had been hospitably received by Achimelech the priest, he burst into such a rage, that he not only ordered Doeg to put Achimelech said that, but also eighty-five other priests that were along with him; he then sacked their city, slaying men and women, babes and sucklings, nay, even the sheep, cows, and asses. See what a torrent of evil flowed from the calumny; so that he justly deserved to be styled “Mighty in iniquity.”
2. All the day long thy tongue hath devised injustice: as a sharp razor, thou hast wrought deceit.
2. “All the day long thy tongue hath devised injustice: as a sharp razor, thou hast wrought deceit.” He draws a highly wrought picture of Doeg’s false information, first saying that it was not a sudden, but a long premeditated information. “All the day long thy tongue hath devised injustice.” You were constantly turning in your mind how to frame the false accusation, and, at length, when the opportunity offered, your tongue brought forth what it had been hatching for such a length of time; for, though thoughts are produced by the mind, David poetically attributes them to the tongue, as if the tongue was so radically bad in itself, that though apparently silent it was, in thought, speaking to itself. He then adds that the thing was put into execution with as much speed as a sharp razor would cut; elegantly contrasting the delay in forming the resolution with the celerity of putting it into execution; and, in fact, he lost very little time, when he got the opportunity, of carrying out what he had so long been hatching; for, in a very few words, he persuaded Saul that Achimelech the priest had entered into a conspiracy with David, which was a grievance deceit and imposition; and he, therefore, says, “as a sharp razor, thou hast wrought deceit;” that is, you deceived Saul, just as easily as a sharp razor cuts through the hair.
3. Thou hast loved malice more than goodness; and iniquity rather than to speak righteousness.
3. “ Thou hast loved malice more than goodness; and iniquity rather than to speak righteousness.” He tells us the source of that calumnious accusation, and says that it did not proceed from ignorance or accident, but from the perversity of the man; who always preferred evil to good, and lies to truth. “Thou hast loved malice more than goodness;” you were always more pleased to injure than to serve your neighbor; “and iniquity rather than to speak righteously,” to tell lies rather than truth. Observe, that instead of opposing falsehood to “speaking righteously,” he opposes “iniquity” to it, insinuating thereby, that Doeg’s falsehood was not one simply so, or a mere lie; it was more, because it caused the death of Achimelech, and was thus an “iniquity.”
4. Thou hast loved all the words of ruin, O deceitful tongue.
4. “Thou hast loved all the words of ruin, O deceitful tongue.” He assigns further reason for calling Doeg’s conduct a lie and an iniquity, and says it was a truly fatal, pernicious falsehood, causing, as it did, the ruin of so many innocent people. “Thou hast loved all the words of ruin;” all the language by which you could hurry innocent people headlong to their ruin and perdition; and it appears from the first book of Kings, that Doeg’s lies caused the destruction of an entire city. “O deceitful tongue –of Doeg.
5. Therefore will God destroy thee forever: he will pluck thee out, and remove thee from thy dwelling place; and thy root out of the land of the living.
5. “Therefore will God destroy thee forever: he will pluck thee out, and remove thee from thy dwelling place; and thy root out of the land of the living.” He predicts that Doeg’s sin will not go unpunished, but that everlasting ruin is in store for him, in return for the temporal ruin of the priests, of which he was the cause. “Therefore will God destroy thee forever.” For this your sin God will utterly destroy you, not only in this world, but in the next; so that you shall be ruined for eternity, left absolutely desolate in this world, and damned forever in the world to come; such being the just retribution of the wicked, who, in seeking to injure others, injure themselves forever. He then explains in particular what he had laid down in general, saying, “he will pluck thee out.” The first stage of your punishment will be your banishment, the loss of your home, prosperity, and country, sending you abroad an exile and a wanderer; “and thy root out of the land of the living,” will eradicate you and all your posterity from the earth; for children are like roots, shot out by the parents, which afterwards support and nourish him in turn.
6. The just shall see and fear, and shall laugh at him, and say:
6. “The just shall see and fear, and shall laugh at him, and say: No explanation given.
7. Behold the man that made not God his helper. But trusted in the abundance of his riches; and prevailed in his vanity.
7. “Behold the man that made not God his helper but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and prevailed in his vanity.” Many will profit and be instructed by the punishment of the wicked informer. “The just shall see and fear;” just and holy people will consider his case, and be horrified; “and shall laugh at him, and say: behold the man who made not God his helper, but trusted in the abundance of his riches;” will laugh at him for having acted most foolishly, for not putting his trust in God, who is all-powerful, instead of the frail riches of this world, which are so easily lost. “And prevailed in his vanity;” will jeer him for having endeavored to advance by fraud and lies, instead of true and solid virtue. The expression “prevailed,” does not imply that he really did prevail, but that he thought he might prevail; and, though he may seem to do so for a time, the end will prove that he had to yield, instead of prevailing; “when the just shall stand in great constancy against those who hemmed them in,” Wisdom 5.
8. But I, as a fruitful olive tree in the house of God, have hoped in the mercy of God forever, yea, forever and ever.
8. “But I, as a fruitful olive tree in the house of God, have hoped in the mercy of God forever, yea, forever and ever.” He concludes the Psalm by showing that he has taken quite a different path; for I will not be plucked up, nor rooted out as a withered tree, like Doeg; but I will send down my roots deeper and deeper, like “a fruitful olive tree,” always in bloom, always bearing fruit; and, being such, I have, consequently, “hoped in the mercy of God forever;” hoped that God would assist me forever, and to eternity. Observe the contrast he draws between himself and Doeg, the Idumean, comparing him to a dry log, and himself to a fruitful olive tree; he predicts that Doeg will be rooted out of the land, while himself will be rooted in the house of God. Doeg put his trust in his own riches, David in God’s mercy.
9. I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait onthy name, for it is good in th sight of thy saints.
9. “I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name, for it is good in the sight of thy saints.” He returns thanks for anything that happen, as if it had actually been done; for the future, as regards God and the prophets, is a matter of certainty, of the past. “I will praise thee forever; “I will always praise thee, “because thou hast done it;” have come to the determination of confounding him that trusteth in his riches, and consoling and comforting him that hopeth in thee. “And I will wait on thy name;” I will always hope in thee; such is the meaning of “wait on thee;” and the name of God is used here for God himself. “For it is good and the sight of thy saints.” I would justly hope in your name, for your name is most sweet to the saints who have tasted of his sweetness.
End of Psalm 51
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