#because i am spiteful 💖
ladyevol · 3 months
Still thinking how the one season where Grian didn't kill any of his allies, they were instead killed by Scar. His original ally.
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yes, i speak fluent hyperbole. as if it’s my fault
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starleska · 1 month
73 Yards has devastated me and i have some theories
we all agree that 73 Yards was a genre-defying, harrowing episode...and i think there's some really interesting themes and ideas going on here. tw for discussion of trauma, abuse, neglect and abandonment:
i hope we're all on the same page that the Woman seems to represent Ruby's fear of abandonment, brought to life. always present, always out of the corner of her eye, and whose primary mechanic is to drive people to scorn and leave Ruby without explanation. even people who do not know her, or people she's just met, or who are incredibly warm towards her...they speak to the Woman, and they look back as if to confirm their suspicions, and then run away, maddened and horrified. it is an unbelievable stroke of genius to make the Toymaker's breaking down of the boundaries between science and fantasy bring Ruby's abandonment into being...and for Ruby to weaponise her. but that's it - as soon as Roger ap Gwilliam was taken care of, we expected the Woman to disappear, right? but that could never happen, because Ruby's fear of abandonment will never disappear...no matter how purposeful her life is, or how much she distances herself from others. the use of the cruel, distant individuals in the Welsh pub to set up Ruby sympathetically is excellent...and then, we see people approach Ruby at all levels of emotional connection, when time and again she is considered untouchable, as if her very being is contagious. and all this time, we have the fairy circle being broken and hope vanishing...with hope being the Doctor. the one man who potentially holds the key to uncovering Ruby's deepest desires - to find out why she was abandoned, and by who. and at the end of it all...even in death, Ruby doesn't find peace. she is transported into a neverending hell-loop where she is her own abandonment. the two are inseparable, inexplicably the same, because Ruby's very existence as herself is built on the bedrock of abandonment. and i think this resonates heavily with any trauma survivor...the way that our trauma and our very real anxieties brought on by that trauma are inextricable from ourselves. i think the plot with Roger ap Gwilliam shows off a very real symptom in trauma survivors: we often daydream that our hurt and pain will be useful one day - functional. and not only does Ruby get to do that...she gets to be the quiet, unsung saviour of the whole world, protecting us from a world-ending terror in spite of the abuse and neglect she's faced. she endures menial work and constant fear, while only confiding quietly in one other person...Marti, who i believe is coded as another trauma survivor due to her response to Roger (who she describes as a monster). if Ruby can't receive love and affection from anyone else, at least she can feel satisfied that she served her purpose. on a practical level, the presence of Mrs Flood and Susan Twist in this episode AGAIN gives me pause. my theory that someone here is another of the Toymaker's Legions, and is the embodiment of Story, has only deepened. the fact that we had a cold open without the title sequence, we met Susan Twist very quickly, we seem to have flipped genres for the show and Ruby was able to embark on a self-destructive wish-fulfilment saviour fantasy in real life...it all indicates to me that the boundaries between reality and fiction are fully collapsing. when Kate says things are trending towards the supernatural lately, i think we've only hit the tip of the iceberg. on a broader level: my God Russell T Davies, what a brilliant script!!! this is one of my favourite ever episodes of Doctor Who, and is absolutely my highlight for the season. huge kudos to Millie Gibson for giving such a killer performance...i am now terribly endeared to, and protective, of Ruby, and hope against hope she gets the happy ending she so deserves 💖
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 7 months
Winter Fireflies
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Summary: Despite knowing Natasha for years and dating her for a while now, you're still unaware of when her birthday is. So when Yelena lets it slip, you decide to give her a small surprise.
Authors note: Happy Birthday Natasha! 💖
Authors note 2.0: sorry this is out so late, I got distracted today lmao. Smutty birthday drabble coming later!
Word count: Marvel Masterlist Nat Masterlist
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   When you walk into the kitchen, you're bummed by the abscence of Natasha. You’ve been trying to track her down since you’d woken up alone in your bed, and had already looked in practicaly every other corner and crevice of the place. Thankfully the kitchen had at least been nice enough to give up Yelena, and you were sure would know her sisters whereabouts.
   “Do you know where Nat is?” you ask, strolling over to the fridge for a much needed bottle of water
   She shrugs, “She spends a lot of time alone on her birthdays”
   You choke on the sip of water you’d just taken, “What did you just say?!”
   “Oh shit” she exclaims, eyes going wide. She knew her older sister liked to keep a lot of things close to her chest, but even she hadn’t seen this coming, “She really didn’t tell you?”
   “No.” you admit, turning your head away from the blonde
   The two of you have been together for little over a year now, and you’ve been friends for nearly five, so the fact that you still had no idea when her birthday was left you feeling more than a bit embarrassed. Because even though nobody else knew either due to Nat having Fury wipe the more personal info from all her files, you thought that the bond the two of you had that helped forge your relationship would have changed matters for you.
   Didn’t she trust you enough by now to let you in? Its not like she hadn’t opened up to you about other things. You knew about most of her experiences in the Red Room, including her massive guilt and her nightmares. You knew about the Ohio mission and her sisterly bond with Yelena. You knew about Dreykov and his abuse. So why was her birthday such an elusive subject?
   Yelenas brows furrow as she registers the multitude of different emotions etched upon her features and though this is her sisters fault for not being open with you, she feels guilty for letting the meaning of the date slip
   “I am sorry, Y/n. I thought you knew”
   You just nod and let the fridge door slam harder than intended, “Not your fault”
   You have half a mind to just turn and head to your room for the day and ignore anyone that came knocking. If your girlfriend wanted space and privacy so badly, then you’d give it to her….but the bigger part of you knew you couldn’t do that to her. Natasha isn’t doing this out of spite or to intentionally hurt you, she just gets a little lost sometimes.
   “Where does she go?”
   “I’m honestly not sure” she answers, afraid she's only dampening your modd “But I know she's always back around dinner”
   You glance at the clock and see that you have about three hours, “Wanna help me with something?”
    She notices the hint of excitement in your eyes and finds herself intrigued, “I would love to.”
    When Natasha had returned to the compound she had expected to find you in the kitchen helping Wanda make dinner, but when she didn’t find you there she imagined that you must still be up in your room. To her confusion however, you aren’t there either, and she feels a twinge of guilt knaw at her chest. She should have told you by now what today was and why it was so hard for her, she knew you’d be understanding. And regardless, should have at the very least have left you a note so you didn’t have to wonder why you’d woken up alone.
   She spins around in your doorway, “Lena, have you seen Y/n?”
   “Funny, I was asked a very similar question from her this morning”
   The redhead shuts her eyes, “You must think I’m a terrible girlfriend”
   “No” she admits with a shake of her head, “But I do think you are very lucky to have the one that you do.”
   Nats brows furrow, “I agree, but why do I feel that has a hidden meaning?”
   The younger woman shrugs, “I wouldn’t know, but she's in your room”
   Nat nods, and though she's still suspicious she heads off to her room instead. Once there she opens the door and is met with quite the surprise. Right above the doorframe a few streamers are hung, in the corner by her widow is a bundle of different colored balloons, and in the middle of her bed sits you with a couple of boxes.
   “Kotenok(kitten), what is this?” she asks, despite the obvious answer. Afterall, she hadn’t told you so why would you celebrate her even if you did find out todays signifigance
   “Its your birthday” you reply with a smile, “I know its been a while since you celebrated, so I hope this is okay. I didn’t want to go too overboard on decorations and presents, even though you definitely deserve to be spoiled”
   Taken aback by your gesture, she finds herself beginning to get choked up, “I- yeah, yeah. Its more than fine”
   “You sure?” you ask, feeling a bit nervous that you may have overstepped
   “I’m sure.” she responds, walking twords you, “I’m sorry I never told you, I just…I never had this. In the Red Room, special occasions didn’t exist. And in Ohio, everything about them was fake. There wasn’t any real gifts, care or love and I…I didn’t want that again. I didn’t want a giant fake display of affection meant for show. I wanted something truly meant for me, something real”
   You gently cup her face and wipe away the tears that she hadn’t even realized had been forming and slipping down her cheeks, “Well, I can assure you that this is all very real, baby. And all for you”
   She gives you a soft smile, “Yeah?”
   “Yeah” you assure her, gently kissing her lips, “Now come see what I got you”
   Despite her current age, youd think she was a kid again with the dizziness she feels as you lead her over to the bed. You pull over the larger all white box first, and she immediately knows its the kind of box that bakeries have. Her eyes are practically shining with excitement as she looks back at you and you gesture for her to open it.
   Inside she finds a white circular cake thats decorated with running gold icing and intricatly made icing flowers. In the middle is a small plaque wishing her a happy birthday, and in all honesty, if this was all she ever got from now on then she’d be happy.
   “I hope you like sprinkles, I had them put them between cake layers for you.” you ramble, as you were honestly a bit nervous on how shed react to everything
   “I love sprinkles” she says, looking back at you, “And I love the cake. Thank you detka(baby)”
   You practically beam at her, “You're welcome. Now, open this”
   The next item you hand her is also in a box, only this time its black and definetly isn’t from the bakery. If she had to guess, its some form of jewerly. She takes it from you and opens it to reveal elegant golden bands, one for each wrist.
   “I’ve been working on these for a while now, Tony helped design them of course” you explain, “They can do everything your widows bites can. That way, you never have to go undercover, or even to one of Tonys galas, without them again.”
   She honestly hadn’t expected you to have remembered the brief conversation she’d had with you about how, despite practically being a weapon herself and always having a hidden gun or blade on her during undercover ops, she just feels like she’d feel more secure with her most trusted tool.
   “They don’t even look like weapons.”
   You chuckle, “Well, that was kinda the point, so I’m glad to hear that”
   She smiles at you and sets the box down to grab your hand, “Thank you, Y/n. This really has been the best birthday”
   “Don’t thank me yet, we still have one more thing” you tell her, glancing back over at her window to ensure it was dark enough outside
   “Another gift? Detka(baby), you shouldn’t have” 
    You squeeze her hand, “Actually, this ones from Yelena”
    Amused and curious, she follows as you lead her over to the widow and she lets out a soft gasp as she catshes sight of whats just beyond the compound in the woodline. Just on the edge, in a few of the pines, lay stings of light that glow a faint yellow, that flicker on and off in turn. 
   “Forrest stars” 
   Its merely a whisper, but you hear it along with the wonder in her voice. You imagine she must be reliving on of the few good childhood memories she has and you can’t help but wrap one of your arms around her and pull her closer
   “Happy birthday, baby”
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @aeroae @sashawalker2
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blushedfemme · 2 months
how do you deal with the loneliness that comes with being a stone femme? sometimes i feel like i’ll be alone forever if i don’t compromise my boundaries.
oh gosh. 🥺 honestly, it is so hard. i was crying about it just last night. and a lot of answers i’ve seen to this feeling focus on how we are such perfect complements to a stone butch top. which is true and lovely, but it is so hard to find each other out in the real world. there are so few of us. it’s easy to lose hope.
try to remember you have a lot to offer a potential lover. i think stone/high femmes tend to be very giving, attentive, careful, and selfless. not in spite of our stone but because of it.
sex can be a minefield of complicated feelings for a lot of lesbians, queer, and trans people, including those who are not stone. as a high femme i am especially aware of that. i love to be a soft place to land for someone. i intuitively understand how certain touches and words can affirm someone’s unique experience of gender, whether they’re a stone butch top or not. i have made space for a lover’s trauma when they needed it, sometimes in the midst of sex or immediately after. making them feel heard and safe. i think my ability to do that comes from my stone.
i’ve had the chance to hang out with another stone femme in person exactly once, and it was crazy how much we aligned on things that didn’t have anything to do with sex or bottoming. which is so affirming, in a way, because it reassures me that my stone does shape me, it’s part of my identity, not just some ‘boundary’ i have in bed. it was so affirming to talk to them and see how beautiful they are as a person and how loving as a partner. i know that if we ever talked in person, anon, i would see the same things in you. 🥹💓 it’s the stone femme energy!!
yes, there are a lot of people out there who will need something we can’t comfortably give. and that’s okay. i know there are also so many people who will see the beauty in that part of us, and appreciate it as a gift. in dark lonely moments in the middle of the night, i might wish i was different, but in my heart i know a lot of my strength comes from my stone. it’s not a cold arbitrary line i draw around myself. it is my warmth. it informs everything about how i relate to a lover, to my community, to friends.
i hope some of this resonates, i wish i could give you a big hug 💞💖💕 thank you for giving me a chance to write this because it actually helped me feel better, i hope it helps you too
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da-mous · 2 days
Ever since I was little I've aspired to be like those characters on TV who effortlessly radiate love and sunshine. Characters who seem uncorrupted by suffering or trauma, whose intentions are only ever pure. They were beacons to me, genuine role models, during dark, traumatizing times in my childhood
I had the epiphany recently that love and sunshine are choices that I can make. They're ideals that I can strive toward. They're not simply innate, immutable qualities, and I won't always embody them. They're not all that I am and they never will be, and that's ok! I'm not pure, untraumatized, uncorrupted. My intentions do not always come from a place of love, and so I have work to do. That's been clear to me more than ever lately
It's been a huge perspective shift, then, to realize that giving space to and processing through my anger, grief, spite, jealousy, fear, shame, and self-loathing is what allows me to cultivate love and sunshine in my heart. Internalizing and radiating love and sunshine takes intentional, careful work, and it's worth it because this is who I want to be
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nevarroes · 7 months
every time you post a long ass caslore post the sky clears up i see rainbows an angel grows his wings etc etc let me think.... what's the deal with cas's brother
thank yu so much.... thank u and everyone else 4 enabling my second hobby (yapping abt cas and everyone around him) 🙏
Cas' brother is Malachi, they're fraternal twins. old never posted sketch 4 visuals... I meant to redesign his horns and headpiece a little bit but I am lazy as hell when it’s not Gortcas unfortunately… it's still accurate though
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he's got the same issue as Cas where he's a bit... too violent for a devil💖 a GOOD bit more unstable personality wise though. He was also really almost pseudo-incestuously obsessed with Cas to the extent that he killed their parents so they wouldn't be "in the way". (mind you Cas did not give two shits about this either but I suppose it does show how they were😭)
Cas didn't really have any of that but he did keep Mal around for quite a good bit just because he was devoted so Cas could use him. They were both taken and raised as incubi but Malachi, as opposed to Cas, kind of just... caved in and did what they asked, which made Cas start to despise him even more. In general Cas just kinda looked down on him tbh, it was very "how the hell are you even related to me"
Anyways the short version is that when Cas got beaten and disgraced by Mephistopheles and had to flee to the mortal plane his brother helped and followed him just for Cas (in Slayer form for the first time back then) to maul him and rip out his wings and eyes. More or less out of pure spite and hatred for the fact that everything happened to him and not his brother and he just wanted to make him suffer for it. After that, again, his hatred for his brother combined with his fate just kind of driving him to this, Cas sold his ass out to a past contact from the Hells which resulted in Malachai to be held in an Abyssal prison and experimented on because said party wanted to see if he can be twisted into a fully fledged demon (referring to when I said that Cas was "Abyss-tainted" a bit ago, same as his brother)
He comes back for a little bit later but generally this is where their paths separate.👼
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absolute-rehydration · 8 months
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(this sny and spyper render is not mine btw i found it on pinterest, couldn't find the og artist)
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the head hacking gave me a migrane🤩🤩
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(ngl i wanna make more renders of him now💀🖐️)
I also assigned somesort of au lore👁️👁️ bcuz why not (also i suck at character building I just wanted to pour my random thoughts hoohaa)
- IN this universe :
spy has scout's personality (God forbid) - so he is now a snarky, loud arrogant lousy french con man who thinks that he is a gentleman and could seduce anyone, (he's just horrendous, much worse than scout)
he has less eccentric tastes than the og spy, he is a football and baseball fanatic, he is known as the kookie european who dedicates his time to geeky shit (scout-like shenanigans) bro doesn't know what table manners r
but by some miracle, scout's ma found him cute?
he pulled a joseph joestar🤩once scout turned 2, he wasn't ready for the child support and fatherhood
TLDR; SPOUT (spy) IS A (40+yr Old) MAN CHILD, BUT WITH THAT FACE NU UH😭😭💀 ----------------------------------------------
Scout has a bit of spy's personality but with a mix of that noir-ish vibe ya know??💀
he grew up knowing his father left his mother, and this made him spiteful, he pushed himself to become a man of classy crimes like espionage, smuggling, heists and infiltrations for his motive is to provide for his financially struggling mother, later on these activities became his hobby to get to elite places, drink the finest wines and steal from the elites.
he's a lady's man just like og spoi, he is a young rogue with a calmer demeanor
TLDR; he's serious and dapper now🤩😇he's still snobby and arrogant but in a classy way
(yeah i didn't think scy (scout) through o well)
Why did i switch their personalities??
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Dottore with a stoic and buff but absolute puppy inside reader? 🥺🥺 Like on the outside, they have this irritated frown on their face all the time, but here they are forcing themselves into his lap while he's trying to work?? Especially when they're taller than him and it just looks silly... Picking him up and carrying him around!! (Even when he shrieks about putting him down because it's humiliating) Setting him down onto their lap and squeezing him, nuzzling into him and pressing little kisses all over his face... They're definitely more brawn than brains... but that's useful for when he needs materials from monsters! Except for the fact that they are eepy. Cat naps everywhere!!! Dottore spots them sleeping on the floor of his lab? He can't walk past them or else they'll pull him down by the ankles and force cuddle him on the hard floor. (It's a wonder they can even sleep on such a hard surface...) They whine and pout about being forced to go out to get materials for him, but they'll do it if it means they get to cuddle later!! They definitely bug his segments too! They will scoop a few of them up and force them into a cuddle pile (No amount of biting or yelling will stop them) Dottore is also definitely a bit bugged about them being taller than him... (I imagine when he was still in the akademiya, he was very bothered when they grew taller than him..) His subordinates probably fear them a little bit... considering their stature, and their whole demeanor of looking like a threatening hound personified. But then they see them with Dottore and they're like '???' They walk past him and casually press a kiss to his cheek? They slump over him from behind, pressing their whole weight into him and whining about wanting to nap with him?? Dottore is honestly rather amused at how... submissive they are? So threatening in appearance yet they'll do whatever he says (even if they pout and whine a little about it) especially in bed too... Overall, Dottore still loves them, even if you don't realize they're own size and weight and the fact that they are basically crushing him... This got so so long, I'm so sorry, but I am full of thoughts and they are overheating my brain 😭😭😭 (Also, have you seen the Neuvillete drip marketing? He is so 🤤🤤 It's something about blue men..)
PICKING UP DOTTORE... YES PICK UP THE DOCTOR. I bet the first time this happened was during the Akademiya when he wouldn't leave his desk. So you just, you know. Picked him up. To which he was confused for a split second as to why he was off the floor and then started yelling at you not so-pleasant things to release him this instant!! (You force him into bed and prevent him from leaving with your sheer strength. Zandik has to give up eventually. It becomes a habit of yours anyway because it's effective and funny. He tries to get away while you're sleeping but your arms are very strong)
I love the word eepy tbh 🥺 There's no place in the lab where you haven't slept! You've fallen asleep on a dissection table once and the clones nearly mistook you for a test subject! 😭 You'll have to take some of his accessories off for a nap though lol they're probably a bit uncomfy to lie on.
CUDDLE PILE WITH THE CLONES IM CRYING. They're fighting over who gets to spoon you and who gets to be spooned by you 😭 Who gets to lie on your chest?? Clearly one of the most serious arguments in the lab. And omg YEA Dottore would be like wtf are u serious?? When he sees how you're taller than him. Even after the Akademiya he's quite tall but still not as tall as you so at some point he just gives up being mad and accepts it. The clones are still spiteful about it though.
Another day of reader acting as if Dottore isn't the biggest menace and threat to Teyvat 💖 and another day of the subordinates being scared of both of you but also having to keep an expressionless face when you do stuff like that and somehow aren't killed on the spot <3 They get whiplash when you seem so cold but then turn to all smiles and jumping when you see the mad doctor <3
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purplexiasphinx · 5 months
PA headcanon dump please I want to hear you rant about the sillies
i'm a bit rusty I haven't had severe brainrot in a bit but I do have thoughts in my brain. here are some headcanons in no particular order. This isn't accounting for most of the things that occur in patches' infurno because I Forgor. may reblog this later once I play it again
- brownie is arospec which is the highest honor i can bestow upon a character. also pansexual
- The Gang is a polycule. pawlycule if you will. it's platonic.
- it's fucked up how soft patches' fur is. that's how he gets you.
- olive collects plushies
- coco really really really likes beanie babies
- angel and patches are both aromantic also actually but angel has a healthy environment to understand himself and patches copes by obsessing over people to an extremely unhealthy degree because love and obsession are the same thing, right? this is what he's supposed to feel, right?
- sorry i made half the cast aromantic but i'm not actually sorry because i'm correct also coco is wlw
- not a headcanon just adding this as a reminder to redraw that 'you are not a burden - murder is okay' image with the PA cast
- sparky has some really bad self esteem issues actually but he's a good boy we love him
- half of the cast supports murder and half of the cast securely doesn't. angel is in the half that does surprisingly this is because he's full of Spite 💖
- speaking of spite angel enjoys sprite and it offends brownie on a personal level. this is because i enjoy sprite and one time i told my friend and they were so disappointed in me and i think that angel and brownie also live that experience regularly
- one time sparky went to a zoo and started crying. he doesn't talk about it.
okay i'll provably reblog this later with more headcanons once I remember the thoughts in my brain however I just got home and I am soooo eepy. love u anon 💖
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seafoam-serenade · 1 year
Oh fair Lady Aphrodite, she born of the wild waves, with seafoam clinging to her form and chaos dancing in her soul.
Radiant Aphrodite, who's beauty shines like the light of a thousand Suns and makes both gods and mortals swoon.
Warrior of Love, Mighty Aphrodite, before whom even the Mighty Zeus does tremble.
Thank you for blessing my life and my heart with love beyond words. Thank you for my partners, my friends, my chosen family and for reminding me that even in the darkness, when I felt unlovable, that I was still worthy. Thank you for showing me how to love myself, not in spite of my body, but because of it..broken as I may be, I am still beautiful in your eyes.
Pearl of Olympus, Heart of the Sea..thank you for ever being with me.
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tarabyte3 · 11 months
I'm 36 today.
I feel much better than when I turned 35 (2022 was a nightmare). Because I worked really hard to leave it better than it started.
- I've written ~160k words of fanfiction in the past 8 months after not writing or publishing anything in years (even though I've slowed down a bit compared to a few months ago 😅). I still have a lot more to write and post!
- I stopped my decade of lurking here and started this Tumblr in November. I'm 1 follower away from hitting 100 followers. Which isn't a lot and not important, but for a small blog like mine, it's a pretty exciting milestone considering I never expected to hit 30. Through it, I made new friends that are all wonderful, talented, funny, and sweet to add to the other online friends I have that are wonderful, talented, funny, and sweet. 💖
- I got to meet Andy Serkis!! And I get to meet him again in Chicago a week from today!! 😍😨
- I got back to working out and I'm in fantastic shape. I have muscle definition in places I've never had muscle definition before (I have triceps and bitty abs!), and I'm feeling strong and confident. I feel like ME, which is a beautiful feeling. And I've worked my ass off for it! Though I also have to give credit to my personal trainer, who has put up with my whining and sarcasm with equal amounts of sarcasm and sass. Bless his heart. Actually don't because he's mean to me and makes me do pull-ups
(I'm going to brag for a second, but seriously look at this bicep)
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- Finally, one of my insanely talented friends made me a beautiful painting as a gift for my birthday and it's one of the best gifts I've ever gotten. It's a parody of classic romance novel cover, but with myself and Andy instead. I scream everytime I look at it. 😂🥰
[CW: shitty parents, family trauma]
- Unfortunately my birthday has also sucked because my mother forgot. Again. I should be used to it at this point, but it still hurts every year. Most of my family forgets (except my lovely grandmother and aunt) and this year was no exception there, either. I frequently feel left out and forgotten, and lacking that familial support structure and love. Except when they need me to be the mediator or to fix something for them (yay eldest daughter syndrome!). But once that's done, I go back to existing in the background.
I'm grateful to have wonderful friends, in-laws, and a husband to remind me that I am loved and important. 💖
So here's to 36! I'm going to continue to get hotter and cooler and weirder out of spite. 😌
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lordmushroomkat · 1 year
Anyway I have purged my queue of Ace Attorney (I posted it all, enjoy the the massive wall of nonsense from me.) So now it's just miscellaneous and then The New Brainrot.
There's already an image of one of these clowns on here so enjoy that.
But anyway... It's Vanitas Time.
I am unhinged about all of the characters but I am becoming absolutely unwell about the titular Vanitas himself.
He's an asshole and I like him so much.
He's unhinged. He's so disingenuous and so repressed but he's so bad at keeping his feelings in. I swear sometimes he's just dissociating in the middle of a conversation.
He's a bastard and a bitch. He hates both vampires and humans for their cruelty but not nearly as much as he hates himself.
He has completely given up on life and is sustaining himself purely on spite and guilt. He makes people hate him on purpose.
He is kind but not nice. He is the embodiment of that cat knife meme, you know the one. He is babygirl and pathetic little meow meow. I want to send him to therapy.*
His vibes are constructed entirely out of red flags. He's a bisexual man that you want to keep 20 feet away from all women at all times because geeeeez my guy learn to behave yourself. He's a sarcastic prick. He's incomprehensibly traumatized.
I want to run him over with a freight train. I want to wrap him up in a homemade quilt and give him a cup of hot cocoa. I want someone to hold him tenderly. I want that twink obliterated (gayly).
He looks and acts like a feral alley cat. His outfit is simultaneously iconic and absurd. I think he stole someone's gender. He wears gloves with claws on them.
He is terrified of genuine connection yet he craves intimacy so badly. He is a massive pile of trust issues.
He is doomed by the narrative, he is running out of time, he is destroying himself through every step of his objective. He knows he will likely destroy himself before he can ever succeed. He is terrified of losing his humanity. He calls his objective vengeance but I'm pretty sure it's actually absolution.
There is something very very wrong with him.💖💜💙
*(I want to send all of these characters to therapy.)
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smblmn · 9 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Last week I was tagged by @a-noble-dragon, @beaiola and @ramonaflow for Seven Sentence Sunday and by @lizzie-bennetdarcy for WIP Wednesday (thanks to all, lovelies 😘💖)
For the first time in a long time I'm close to finishing a draft and I finished a fic for the P&P fest (Two fics in less than a month? Who am I???) so I thought I'd go ahead and share something and invite all of you lovely people to do the same.
“Okay, then. Thank you, Patrick,” he says. And not only does the name sound really good now that he’s said it out loud, it also gets a bright smile as a result. David doesn’t even mind when Patrick teases him for ordering a second piece of chocolate cake that doesn’t really count as lunch. Or when he asks him five hundred questions that David struggles to answer. Or that he calls the name Rose Apothecary pretentious. Because after just one hour the forms are filled and Patrick is saying his idea is really inventive and, in spite of himself, David believes him.
Tagging all the people mentioned above plus @apothecarose @noahreids @dinnfameron @flowertrigger @jamilas-pen @chelle-68 @blackandwhiteandrose @tyfinn @vanillahigh00 @obsessedwithdavrick and anyone who wants to share something
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dreamlandreader · 6 months
Foolish Fire Chapter Five - A Charming Beast
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The time has come for the final chapter of your gift to be released @popjunkie42-blog 💖 I’m so happy that you now have your entire gift out in the world, but I am also a little sad that it’s finished as I’ve had such a wonderful time getting to know you and it has been my greatest pleasure getting to write for you.
Thank you so much to the organisers of @acotargiftexchange - this event has been an absolute joy to be involved in and you must have worked so incredibly hard behind the scenes to ensure that it all ran smoothly. It’s such a fabulous way for people in the fandom to connect with others and I hope you know how brilliant you are!
You can find the masterlist here, or read this fic on ao3 here
Content warnings - Suggestive language
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Rhys woke to the early morning sunlight breaking through the trees. He was freezing cold with pins and needles in his left arm, which was trapped under Feyre’s head. Sleeping naked under the stars seemed like a brilliant idea until now, when his lack of clothing meant that several sharp stones were digging into his bare ass cheek.
Feyre sighed between gentle snores and nestled herself further into Rhysand’s embrace, crushing his arm in the process, but he didn’t care. He savoured every moment with his wife, especially these moments when it was just the two of them curled up together.
Rhysand knew he would never complain about early mornings again. Not when he got to wake to his mate sleeping soundly, a smile gracing her peaceful face. Not when she woke up first, and he opened his eyes to hers, taking in every inch of him. Like she truly saw him for what he was and loved him, not in spite of that but because of it. Not on the mornings when their beautiful son would squeeze his tiny body between them and chatter away giddily.
Rhysand kissed Feyre’s forehead, smoothing her hair out of her face with his free hand, and began to wake her up slowly. Early in their relationship, he had learnt that Feyre did not take kindly to being awoken abruptly.
“Wake up darling, the sun is coming up. We should start moving again and try to find our way out back to the camp before the others start to panic,”
What Rhysand was not aware of, though, was that it was already too late.
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Nesta woke to the image of Elain bursting through the flaps to her tent, delicate hands covering her eyes.
"Wake up! Nesta, get up!" she shouted at a level far too impolite for this hour in the morning.
"For cauldron's sake, Elain, go away," Cassian mumbled, his face planted so far into his pillow that Nesta was slightly concerned he might suffocate.
"I will not go away, Cassian. Get your lazy asses out of this tent immediately before I damn well drag you out!" Elain shrieked, her voice several octaves higher than usual. The urgency in her tone caused a terrible sinking feeling in Nesta's gut as she sat up and took in her sister, Cassian, not far behind her.
"Elain, what's wrong?" Nesta asked softly.
"And why are you covering your eyes?" Cassian added.
"I'm … well, I … urgh", she stumbled, slightly uncovering her eyes and peaking until she knew it was safe.
"Feyre and Rhysand are missing! I came here to wake you up so we could try to find them. But I was concerned I would walk in on your mid-morning activity again," she grimaced, remembering a particularly unwelcome memory from a few months prior.
"Gods, Elain, it was one time!" Nesta moaned, rolling her eyes.
"Yes, and the memory of Cassian spread eagle still hasn't left either mine or Lucien's brain, thank you very much,"
"I am a sight to behold," Cassian smirked, winking at Elain, who blushed furiously.
"Oh, Mother, spare me; we aren't talking about Cassian's manhood again, are we, sweetheart? I thought we swore never to discuss it again," Lucien drawled as he climbed through the tent flaps and hooked his arm around his mate's waist.
"Can we please get back to the matter at hand," Elain sighed, throwing Nesta a desperate look.
"They'll probably just be off somewhere having sex in the woods," Nesta said, trying to calm the worry that was rising in herself, never mind Elain. "I thought so too when I first noticed them missing 4 hours ago when I got up to use the bathroom and noticed their tent flaps still open. However, I just went to see if Feyre wanted a cup of spearmint tea, and their tent is still empty. In fact, it doesn't even look as though they've been in there at all,"
"Maybe they've just winnowed home. You know Rhys, he loves his home comforts. They probably just thought they could sneakily sleep in their own bed and then slip back this morning, and nobody would notice," Cassian guessed, knowing his brother had spent most of the previous day whining.
"No. Something has happened. I know it!" Elain insisted, and Nesta couldn't shake the feeling that she was right.
"How about we give it a couple of hours, stay here and wait for them to turn up? If they still aren't back by then, we can start to look for them properly," Lucien suggested, the warmth in his eyes soothing the fear in Elain's heart.
"Okay, I guess. As long as we go as soon as those two hours are up," she agreed.
"I promise. Why don't we go and drink some of that tea? It might help to calm our nerves?" Lucien asked, leading Elain out of the tent with a nod to Nesta and Cassian.
"They'll be okay, Nesta," Cassian said, gripping her hand in his own, able to read the silent panic she radiated through the bond.
"Yeah, I know", she answered, but her concern still remained.
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Feyre and Rhysand, now dressed again in their dirty and bloodstained clothes, began their journey once more, trundling through the forest, hoping to find their way back to their family.
"I wish we knew where the hell we were going, Rhys," Feyre grumbled as they walked through thousands of identical russet-coloured trees.
"We just need to keep walking. We'll come to something we recognise eventually,"
Before Feyre could respond, a small yelp echoed in the distance, and she immediately stopped in her tracks, her attention now focused on the small creature in obvious distress.
"Feyre, no. It could easily be another trick," Rhysand said, knowing exactly what his selfless wife was thinking Rhys.
Another yelp rang out.
"But it sounds like it is scared, Rhys, we can't just leave it!"
"Darling, it's likely just another creature trying to separate and kill us. We can't take that risk so soon after last night," Rhysand begged, praying to the Gods she would drop the subject and continue walking.
Rhys took a single step forward before one more yelp penetrated the frigid silence of the woods, and he turned to his mate, knowing this fight was already lost.
"Fine," Rhys said, turning to look at Feyre, who stared back with hope in her eyes. "Let's just be very careful. Neither of us has enough power back from the faebane yet to be able to defend ourselves sufficiently. We can't just go barging in there,"
Following the noise, it became apparent that the distressed animal was not alone. As Feyre and Rhys approached, a deep, rumbling voice sounded out with laughter so loud that Feyre was surprised she didn't feel the ground shake beneath her feet.
Looking through the trees, the couple could see a gigantic beast whose legs were as thick as tree trunks and who towered over everything in its wake. In the centre of the creature's face was a single dark green eye, and in its fist was an animal so small that from their angle, neither Feyre nor Rhys could figure out what it was.
“A cyclops,” Rhys whispered, having recognised the larger creature from brief encounters in his past when rogue individuals had wandered into some of the nearby Night Court villages and caused utter chaos.
The tiny animal in its grasp let out a short howl, and the cyclops laughed again, dangling the little black bundle from its hind legs and swinging it back and forth over its open mouth.
“He’s teasing it,” Feyre fumed, enraged with the creature’s cruelty, before storming up to the monster, hands clenched by her side and giving it a swift kick.
Rhys stared at Feyre with his mouth wide open as he ran to her side. He was simultaneously annoyed that she didn’t stick to the plan and incredibly impressed by her determination to fight for what she believed was right.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Feyre screeched up at the beast, fury igniting the flames in her eyes.
The creature growled, it’s rancid breath overwhelmingly their fae senses as it peered down upon them with irritation.
“It’s a baby. Leave it alone. Go and fight with something your own size,” Rhys shouted before pulling Feyre back as the Cyclops threw out a leg.
He knew the monster’s size slowed it down significantly. However, its brute strength meant that they would easily be torn to shreds if it managed to snatch either of them in its grasp. The creature glared down at them once more, likely coming to the same conclusion, and smirked.
“Look, the last 24 hours, I have been through hell. I got lost in the woods, had my mind taken over by a creepy ass butterfly, nearly got eaten by a fucking lake monster, witnessed my mate on the brink of death and fought off a demonic psychopath. Oh, and to top it all off, I slept on the forest floor last night, so my back fucking hurts. But trust me, I still will not find you a challenge,” Feyre snarled.
Rhys prepared himself to run from another attempted blow. However, instead of attacking, the creature began to laugh once more, the sound booming so loudly that golden leaves began falling from the trees, showering down around them.
Placing the cowering creature on the floor, the cyclops stepped back, took one more amused glance at Feyre, turned around and stomped away.
"What just happened?" Feyre asked, bemused.
"I think you just defused that entire situation by making him laugh," Rhys replied, just as confused as his wife.
Moving forward, Feyre looked down at the scared animal by her feet, and let out a gasp as not one, or two, but three heads lifted and looked back at her.
Approaching gently, she let the three-headed pup sniff her hand and giggled when three tiny pink tongues began to lick it to thank her for her assistance.
"Where's your Mama," she asked, kneeling to see them closer, her heart melting at the six round eyes that looked back at her. In reply, the pups let out a sad whine, and Feyre knew they were orphaned. Looking up at Rhysand, Feyre and the three-headed dog appeared to all be asking the same question.
"Absolutely not. Our lives are full enough, Feyre. We have a court to run and a toddler, never mind that we'd need to find somewhere to put it. Do you know how big these dogs get!"
Feyre just continued looking at Rhysand, not saying a single word, yet still pleading with him to bring them home.
"Oh gods, fine!" he moaned, "but I, for one, will not be walking it!"
Feyre sprang up, peppering his face with kisses as the puppies let out tiny howls of excitement, their little black tail wagging with glee.
"Come on, we still need to find our way out of here," Rhys sighed.
Suddenly, the three-headed pup, who seemed to have been listening to the entire conversation, began to run, Feyre chasing after them and Rhys hot on their trail. After a few minutes they found themselves nearing a clearing, with three tents sitting in a line, and four worried fae sat around a campfire.
"Where the hell have you been?" Nesta says, hands on her hips, "We were scared to death!"
Scooping the pups into her arms and giving them a grateful squeeze, Feyre replied, "It's a long story," and plonked herself down onto a camp chair.
"We have time," an equally concerned Elain said, looking to Rhys for answers, and so, with one arm around his mate, he began to tell their tale.
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mintymelty · 4 months
YHS: A Serialization [] 6. Her Name is Rio
╰┈➤ ❝ [Rio - Duran Duran] ❞
⇗𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙺𝚎𝚢⇖-
💙: Kat “Kathy”
🌻: Evan
🐼: Olivia “Liv”
🖤: Kai
💝: Miyuki
🧨(?): James Ashton
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🐼: “Oh my god, Jeb! It’s just a Depsi, stop screaming. You’re gonna give Evan a noise complaint.”
💙: (…Is it too late to go back-)
The taxi fired up its engine and flew out of Miller Avenue, as if even the driver wanted nothing to do with TC (Traum County).
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🐼: “Hey girl! Didn’t know you’d make it.”
💙: “Hi, Liv. And yeah, it was a pain to get here.”
🐼: “Yeahhhh, tell me about it! Did you know the Redstone Link is down? James’ broski got stabbed by some gang kid on one of the busses.”
💙: “Ouch, is he OK?”
🐼: “I’m pretty sure. He’s still in the hospital, but the doctors said he’ll be out soon. Apparently, the guy almost got him in the neck!”
💙: “Double ouch. Did the “gang kid” get caught? And why’d he do it?”
🐼: “The fuzz had gang-dude for a while, but he escaped. Somehow.”
🐼: “And no-one knows for sure why he did it. I thought it was like a robbery gone wrong, but James’ broski still had his wallet.”
💙: “Huh… I hope he gets caught soon. Anyways can I have a drink? My throat’s pretty dry.”
🐼: “Yeah, there’s some Depsi and Spite in the cooler. No more water, though.”
💙: “Thanks. I hope your, uh, “broski” gets better.”
🐼: “No problem, Kathy! I’ll wait for James to finish prepping his keytar. The Exiled Angels are gonna be covering some new songs that use it!”
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So James’ friend was the stabbing victim… and James is a part of… um, Evan’s band. I should try and ask them for more info.
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But in the meantime, I need to quench my thirst. Ever since sophomore year, I haven’t talked as much as I used to, and now my mouth hurts all the time. But I guess it’s a good thing, because at least I have friends again.
…doesn’t even taste that good.
◁◁ ▐ ▌ ▷▷
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💖: “Kai?”
🖤: “Uh.. yeah?”
💝: “Do you want to leave? You seem really nervous…”
🖤: “It’s okay.. I can’t keep running away-“
💙: “Running away from what?”
💝🖤: “EEEK!”
💙: “AHHH! Uh- Sorry! Did I interrupt something?”
💝: “Kai?”
🖤: “N-no, It’s okay. You scared him off.”
I looked over to where Kai was pointing. Surely enough, Austin was gone. Good riddance.
💝: “Hihi! Sorry about that, my name’s Miyuki, and this is…”
🖤: “Kai.”
💙: “Nice to (properly) meet you two! My name’s Kat, and I can juggle red solo cups!”
💝: “Cool! But why did you specify cups?”
💙: “Because, uh, if I try juggling anything else God will literally strike me down with lightning.”
🖤: “..really?”
💙: “Yeah! Wanna see??”
🖤: “Umm-“
💝: “Kai, Kat won’t actually get hit with lightning!”
🖤: “…really..”
💙: “No- I mean yeah I can like basically summon lightning! Let me-“
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🌻: “Hey!”
💙: “ACK- Goshdangit I keep getting sneak-attacted! Hi… Evan, right?”
🌻: “Yeah! I wasn’t able to give you my name before…my bad.”
💙: “It’s O.K.! I’m Kat, the pink one is Miyuki and the navy one is Kai.”
💝: “That’s me!”
🖤: *👋🏾*
🌻: “Nice of you three to make it! Wait, if you remember people by color, then what color am I?”
💙: “Hmm…. is it ok if I say white?”
🌻: “WOW.. my name’s that suburban?? Uncool..”
💙: “SorryI’mjustjoking!! There’s nothing wrong with-“
🌻: “Having a name as white as picket fences? Yeaaahhhh…”
💙: “Yeahhh… NO I mean I don’t wanna make you uncomfy! Is it ok to joke about-“
🌻: “Yeah, no, I don’t mind. It kinda comes with the territory of being one of the few fully white kids at Yamada. Don’t worry about hurting my feels, my five year old neighbor is more ruthless than you.”
💙: “Ok! I’m glad we cleared this… HEY! I can out-roast that kid any day of the week!”
🌻: “Are you suree??”
💙: “Yes! I’m sureee, I’m just too nice to unleash my creatively cruel insults. Be grateful for my mercy.”
💝: “Aww…”
🌻: “Oh, my fault dude! Do you-“
💝: “There’s nothing wrong, it’s just that you two are so cute together!”
🌻: “Wait… cute as in kittens?”
💙: “She means cute as in romantic.”
🌻: “OH. I- uh..”
💙: “Wait, do you have a girlfriend?”
🌻: “Well-no it’s just that I don’t really-“
💝: “Wanna make it official yet. I get it! You wanna take it slow..”
💙: “Make sure that we don’t do anything stupid…”
💝: “Because the best relationships are the ones that have time to grow!”
🌻: “I mean.. I guess-“
💙: “…What?”
🌻: “It’s a pun on my middle name. Anyways-“
Evan whipped his head around to face the voice coming from the garage.
💙: “ᶜᵃⁿ ᴵ ᵍᵒ ʷᶦᵗʰ?”
🌻: “KAT.”
🌻: “K. Anyways! You’ll get to see how we set up our concerts!”
💙: “Cool! But what instrument do you play, anyways?”
🌻: “It’s kinda, like a secret.. you’ll know soon.”
💙: “Aight. Bye Miyuki and Kai!”
💝: “Good luck!”
🖤: “Don’t juggle anything. Please.”
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