#because he is attacked by king dedede
isettreesonfire · 11 months
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Had this imprisoned in my laptop for a few months
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duoplex · 4 months
Nothing to see here
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brawlmetaknight · 5 months
i remember sakurai being asked on twitter years ago why meta knight went for grape garden in ROMK and not dedede’s castle, and saying that it was because “dedede is only a self-proclaimed king”. so basically because meta knight didn't see dedede as the one in power, he didn't bother attacking him. this honestly makes sense considering ROMK in japanese has quite a different feeling than in english. it wasn't about specifically usurping the king to take over the kingdom, it was more about stepping up/starting something new. meta knight believed dreamland needed to be whipped into shape and decided he should be the one to do it. he believed HE had the most power.
i just think the japanese version does meta knight more justice from a character development perspective, because now we can see that meta knight has learned to share his burdens with his friends and trusts them to help protect/do the best for dreamland alongside him, or even in his stead.
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
🕰️🩷🧋and 🥘 for starstuck Dee please and thank you.
[ >>> kirby oc ask meme <<< ]
🕰️ (Clock) - What would a Dreamy Gear version of them look like? What sort of accessories would they have? What kind of role do they play?
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well i couldn't resist drawing it once i'd thought about it, so here she is! still pretty recognisable, but i think that large elements of her story and the suspicions surrounding her would be different, due to the fact that waddle dee/bandee is usually the one and only waddle dee. i think she'd still be found in a meteor crater at the edge of town by meta knight, but i think this time he'd bring her to bandee instead of president dedede, mostly due to the clear visual similarities. bandee would take her in instantly, and she'd follow him around the mechanic shop, learning to tinker and serving as his glorified assistant. learns to make really good apple tea instead of being a friendly chatterbox she would be shy and selectively mute, speaking out loud exclusively to bandee. though she still forms relationships with kirby and meta knight, i think that sadly in this world president dedede would frighten her, despite how highly bandee thinks of him 😭 at meta knight's suggestion, after he finds her squinting skyward on the roof at night a few too many times, she makes herself a pocket telescope for looking at stars and surveying the weather. she uses it to give bandee reports, which he discretely passes on to kirby and dedede for their races.
🩷 (Pink Heart) - If they were a Dream Friend, what would their moveset be like? How much HP do they have? Would they be a strong attacker, or would they take on more of a support role?
she would be a support role for sure, but i also can't resist also giving her some specialised abilities... > hp: small health bar, but practically immune to damage. will still die in insta-kill scenarios like lava or crush blocks > basic attack: if bandana waddle dee, meta knight, or king dedede are on the team she'll get a simple swing attack with a toy/training version of their weapon. if at least two are on the team, it's upgraded to an attack with a three-swing combo, and she'll alternate at random between which weapon she pulls > basic support: drawing magic from the environment around her or other allies or enemies present, she can give a wide variety of power effects. i previously said she'd give blustery and i stand by it, because even if there are no other elements around there's always air, but i think she could give the others too. she cannot attack with any of these herself > healing: under CPU control she'll focus on running ahead to pick up heal items, and bring them back. if everybody has full health, she'll actually store the item and bring it out later whenever anyone gets below half health; tdlx bandee style > meteor shower: this is a charge attack that starts with a 3 minute cooldown. after charging, she can use it by jumping in the air and pressing a multi-button combo, to avoid accidental activation. this is a full screen, crash-like attack with a shooting star visual, similar to team meteor. all on screen enemies defeated, and most bosses down to at least 1/3 health. > downed: unfortunately after using the charged attack she will drop her inventory, pass out, and need to be piggy backed for about 5 minutes if you want to keep her on the team (walking over to her will activate a 'piggy back' bar instead of the standard 'revive'). she cannot heal or give buffs during this time, but can be dropped by accident or when attacked, and can take damage that cannot be healed. if she makes it she wakes up at partial health, but returns to being invulnerable while conscious
🧋 and 🥘 both answered here!
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dragonitepaw · 2 months
Hiii I am an absolute SUCKER for father/child dynamics and even though I know very little abt Kirby— I am in LOVE WITH YOUR ART????? I’m SO tempted to dig into Kirby lore to understand that pink puffball and knighted vampire dad’s dynamic with eachother.
ME TOO !! I literally have a list of all of the father/child relationships Ive attached onto in media on my phone notes app 😭😭
And Ahh I'm so glad you like my stuff 🥺💖💖💖 even as a non Kirby fan- I love these two guys so much 💜
Honestly there isnt really any lore surrounding Kirby and Meta Knight (at least in the games) so my art is p much all headcanon !!
The closest you can get to lore for them is from the Kirby Anime from 2002 where there IS a whole story about their species (and how they had to fight an intergalactic war) BUT it isnt canon to the rest of the series <\3
they have a somewhat very loose student/mentor relationship in the anime though, its kinda on and off between MK helping out and acting as an antagonist, though hes kinda a fake antagonist as when he does go "against" kirby its just for show and he has ulterior motives to actually help kirby out by teaching him a new attack/skill that can help him out in future battles
the context for him being an antagonist is actually bc he "works" under the most prominent antagonist -king dedede- in the show and needs to pretend to be loyal to him so dedede doesnt get suspicious of him helping Kirby out too much
also its because hes embezzeling funds from king dedede to put towards the construction of a huge battleship which he plans to use to fight the final big bad villain at the end of the show with kirbys help
I really like the anime bc it actually gives a story to the characters, and I like to build off of with it with my art <3 I like to headcanon them as father and son with my own elaborate hc lore based on before the events of the anime and the aftermath of that during and after the events of the anime!!
If you do end up looking more into their dynamic and actually end up wanting to watch parts of the show you've gotta let me know your thoughts (and I can point you in the right direction for any episodes focused on Kirby and MKs relationship cough Episode 26
Thank you so much for the message 🥺 hopefully I didnt ramble on too much haha !!
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icedragonlizard · 5 months
Kracko's opinions on all the Dream Friends
Note: This is all purely my headcanons.
Kracko famously hates Kirby and wants him dead. What does he think about all of the dream friends? Does he hate them all, too?
Here are his opinions on them:
Bandana Waddle Dee: Bandee being one of Kirby's best friends is enough for Kracko to hate him a lot. Yes, Kracko is legitimately petty enough to hate people for simply being really close to Kirby. It also doesn't help that Bandee joined Kirby in beating Kracko up before, and has even talked madly at him for being so mean to the pink puff.
King Dedede: Kracko and Dedede used to be friends. Used to. They were friends back when Dedede wasn't friends with Kirby yet. But once he became friends with Kirby, he and Kracko stopped being friends. Kracko felt betrayed by Dedede at that point. Nowadays, there's nothing but anger and resentment all around in this dynamic. One time, Dedede criticized Kracko for being so stubborn and hateful about Kirby. That boosted Kracko's bitterness towards Dedede more.
Meta Knight: Before Meta Knight was friends with Kirby, Kracko didn't mind him. But once he did become friends with Kirby, the cloud's opinion of him worsened. It worsened even more when Meta Knight challenged Kracko to a fight multiple times and handily kicked his ass every time. Kracko is pissed off about Meta Knight. He also gets annoyed when Meta and his crew take the Halberd on a flight.
Rick & Kine & Coo: Kracko's thoughts on these guys can be summed up by "go fuck yourselves". He's mad at them for assisting Kirby in beating him up during the events of Dream Land 2. It doesn't end there, as they've also become judgmental to him for being so spiteful and mean-spirited to Kirby. These guys heavily get on Kracko's nerves. And by the way, he also has very similar opinions for Nago, ChuChu and Pitch.
Marx: Let me tell you that Kracko DESPISES Marx. To be honest, this might actually be his second most hated person after Kirby. The reason why is because Marx constantly makes fun of Kracko's hatred for Kirby. He also pulls aggravating pranks on him. Kracko has snapped and ruthlessly struck Marx with lightning more than once. But because Marx literally survived impacting onto Nova, he never dies to Kracko's lightning. And it doesn't stop Marx from trolling him.
Gooey: Kracko doesn't like Gooey for being a close buddy of Kirby's, but this is someone he really can't get himself to have an actual hatred for. Partly because Gooey never agitates him in any way. Unlike most of Kirby's other friends who fight Kracko, criticize him or make fun of him, Gooey doesn't do any of that. Kracko ignores him, really.
Adeleine: Very mixed feelings here. On one hand, Kracko likes that Adeleine is a Cloudy Park resident as that's his favorite place on Popstar, and he appreciates the fact that she seemingly admires him enough to have a painting of him that she can summon into sentience on a whim. But he HATES that she's buddies with Kirby. That causes him to resent her. However, the fact that she seems to like him makes him come to his senses a little bit, and so he doesn't attack her.
Ribbon: Kracko does not like Ribbon at all. This is because Ribbon really looks up to Kirby and has yelled at Kracko for being so mean to him. She even became bold enough to try to challenge Kracko to a fight to "make him back off from Kirby", although other people quickly stopped this. Still, Kracko thinks she's a little pain in the ass.
Dark Meta Knight: As Kracko can exist in any dimension and was present for the events of Amazing Mirror, he was temporarily allies with DMK during that. But that ended afterwards. Then at one point, because DMK is an aggressive son of a gun that loves to fight, he once picked a fight with Kracko and it got worse from there. Kracko resents DMK for that, although these two seldom interact overall.
Daroach: Kracko has a lot of hatred for Daroach and his entire squad of squeaks because of Mecha-Kracko, which he hates Doc the most out of them for being the one to create that, and he just hates the rest of the squeaks out of association. Unlike Adeleine who has a sentient painting for Kracko because she actually thinks he's cool, the squeaks made Mecha-Kracko seemingly just because they can. It pisses Kracko off as he thinks they were trying to replace him with it.
Magolor: Kracko hates Magolor nearly as much as Marx. This is because, much like Marx, Magolor also makes fun of Kracko's hatred for Kirby and pulls pranks on him for it. Kracko has angrily struck Magolor with lightning more than once, but it has never killed him. It also drove Kracko insane when Magolor rammed him with the Lor Starcutter one time. What a totally insufferable person, Kracko thinks.
Taranza: They were allies during Triple Deluxe when Taranza got Kracko to fight Kirby. However, post-TDX when Taranza moved over to Kirby's side, Kracko felt betrayed. He grew to loathe Taranza as a result. One time, he got pissed off about the spider wizard enough to even try to attack Royal Road's castle (Taranza's home) out of spite, but then Taranza threatened to get Kirby to beat him up. Damn it!
Susie: Kracko hates Susie a lot for both her bad and good deeds. He hates her for the HWC invasion on Popstar, but he hates her even more for then turning around and becoming friends with Kirby afterwards. That's the worst of both worlds for Kracko. He was once pissed off about her enough to the point he tried to attack the HWC's main headquarters out of spite, but failed miserably as the HWC's army easily beat him and fended him off. Susie scoffed at him for it.
The Three Mage Sisters: By the time of Star Allies, Kracko's hatred for Kirby was so great that he allied with the cult as he attacked the dream friends in Gabbel Moon. Then post-HiAD when the mage sisters befriended Kirby, he felt betrayed. He hates them. He's especially petty at Zan Partizanne as he wants to "best" her in electrical strength and to beat her up for Kirby's friend. This is a one-sided feud, as Zan is annoyed by Kracko rather than hating him back.
Wow. What a big hater this cloud is. I think he should seek help LOL.
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desultory-novice · 7 months
WHAT DO YOU MEAN DMK'S A MUTE MEATSUIT WHAT IN THE AMAZING MIRROR HAPPENED (In all seriousness the moment I read that it was like I got jumpscared but it's so cool at the same time)
Oops. I think I wrote that wrong. I was trying so hard to trim all my summaries down I think I lost the vital part of that one.
It's SHADOW DEDEDE that is a meat suit.
DMK is mute, though, yes.
To explain (...in my weird little HCs obviously...) Dark Meta Knight and Shadow Dedede were actually lovers/in a relationship in the past. DMK was a bit bloodthirsty and fighty, but Shadow Dedede got a kick out of that wild side of him. However, because DMK was out doing the da~rk version of Meta Knight things (and because my Mirror Dream Land is like regular Dream Land but...uh, darker XD) Shadow Dedede was not saved from Dark Matter like regular Dedede was. Nor was he saved from any of his possessions...not in time.
Dark Meta Knight FAILED HIM. Irrevocably. Indelibly.
He had something good but his vices costed him. Shadow Dedede is now a puppet being piloted by a melange of dark forces. Most potently? Dark Mind in the form of the (non-parallel) King D-Mind.
In the pre-story to KatAM, Dark Meta Knight came back to challenge this invader for the body of his liege, but Dark Mind used their relationship against him and callously slit Dark Meta Knight's throat (and ground the resulting mirror shard into dust, ensuring he could not get his voice back) to shut up the ignoble knight up for good.
THAT is why all of DMK's acts in KatAM are circumspect. He cannot warn Shadow Kirby. He cannot train him now. He cannot ask his non-mirror counterpart for help. So he lures him and HIS disciple on a chase that ensures they will run headfirst into Dark Mind. (If he dies as collateral? Well, what more is there to lose...?)
And so yeah, that's my DMK backstory. He's a mess. ^^ And he's still a fight-y little bugger! Though now that the Dark Mind stuff is over, he's been forced to open up a little bit and make..... friends. Like that tall handsome rat fellow and that little artist girl who lets him use all her red crayons and doesn't judge.
The reason he attacked Dedede at the end of TDX? ...Jealousy, mostly. (And a warning to Meta Knight.)
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chibifox2002 · 22 days
Huddle Reunion
(Roleswap Au Edition)
I am once again writing a Dedede and Mama D reunion fic, this time within the context of @jojo-schmo's katfl roleswap au because I'm obsessed with it.
(warning: tagged for panic attack)
She felt like she was forgetting something.
That just had to be in her head right? Frozha was positive that she had grabbed every single waddle dee from that horrible place... a lab, she believes it was referred to? Whatever the place was called, the poor darlings were being used to power something. She didn't know what however...
But now, she was returning the large group of tired and overstimulated waddle dees back to Waddle Dee Town. Looking down at the ground as she walked, the feeling that she had forgotten something important still tingling the back of her mind.
That's when the sound of several excited waddle dees caught Frozha's attention. Looking up, she had not only noticed that they had made it to town, but she could see multiple dees run up to the group behind her and greet their friends and family.
The sight had put a smile on her face, it had reminded her of her old family and how her chick would greet each parent whenever one of them had returned home.
But now that once little chick is grown, standing in the same town she had just stepped foot in, and has a family of his own. One that didn't involve her... but she didn't mind. She had no right to be bothered by it after all. She couldn't expect him to remember her when he was so young that he was practically still learning to speak when he went missing.
He didn't remember her, and it was for the best that she accepted that and let him move on with his life, and Frozha was fine with that!
But then she started noticing that some of the waddle dees were looking at her... Strangely... It was a mixture of shock and confusion on their faces.
Which she guessed made sense, she was pretty banged up from having to fight some Beast Pack critters, but she was fine if you ignored the fact that a few areas of her old back scars opened up a bit.
But then she noticed that not only were there awoofies and other members of the Beast Pack here, but they were also looking at her with the same expression. But Dedede, as well as his family, also wore the same expression on their faces.
Okay, CLEARLY there was something wrong with her appearance that she wasn't aware of.
Was her head bleeding more than she thought it was? It was starting to hurt like a boulder was thrown at her. So maybe that was it?
She moved her hand towards her forehead where she had been hit and wiped, and looked down at her hand. Okay... not as much blood as you would expect, but she was still bleeding pretty bad. She could figure that much out due to the still fresh crimson blood covering her blue feathered hand...
Oh stars, she forgot to change her feathers back to white! They all see that she looks like him now! HE SEES THAT SHE LOOKS LIKE HIM NOW!!!
Frozha began to panic. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to just help the waddle dees and then be on her way back to the Frozen Lands. She wasn't supposed to be seen like this. Now he's gonna yell at her, maybe even scream. God knows that wouldn't be the first family member to do so.
But not him, PLEASE not from him! She won't be able to handle that! She can't hear him tell her what she's been telling herself all these years!
She can't hear him say that she's a bad- no-a horrible mother! Asking why she didn't look hard enough for him, why she didn't fight harder for him, WHY SHE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO HIM-
"H-hey!... You alright?"
Frozha looked up towards the voice (when did she drop to her knees?) and saw Dedede, her son, looking down at her. Not with anger like she was expecting, but with concern.
She released the breath she didn't realize she was holding as King Dedede stood in front of her.
The woman who had helped with saving all of his subjects, the woman who, for some reason, now looks exactly like him???
He wanted to ask her why she looked like him, but instead asked another question.
"Do you need help with your injuries? I can help you if you're alright with that." He says as he lowers his hand to her to help her to her feet.
Frozha stared at his hand for a moment before taking it and struggling to climb her feet, the adrenaline from the previous battle disappearing, hissing slightly as the pain starting to rise.
Dedede carefully supported the woman as they walked over to his designated bench to help her patch up her wounds.
*A few minutes later*
"Alright! That should do it for your head! Now for your back!" Dedede said as he set aside the bandages and admired his work.
It was... Okay... He might have wrapped her head a bit too much, as he mentally noted after seeing that it looked like the top of her head looked like the beginnings of a failed mummy cosplay.
But hey, to his credit he wasn't a medic. Sure he could've just gotten one to take care of her, but he figured he could kill two birds with one stone and help with her wounds and maybe get some answers with some small talk...
Which was strangely difficult to initiate.
"Sooo...Uuhhh..." Welp. It's either now or never.
He awkwardly asked the question. "How come you look like me all of the sudden? If you don't mind me asking."
Frozha stiffened. "W-Well... Um..." Her voice cracked a little as she stuttered out her words. Should she tell him? She really didn't want to deal with the impending denial of it all. But at the same time, he did deserve to know.
..... Welp... It's either now or never...
She sighed before speaking, releasing the tightness from her chest.
"Okay, before I tell you, I just want to say that I 100% do not blame you if you don't believe me." Dedede raised a brow.
"I....am your mother... I lost you many years ago... back when you were still a little chick, because I failed to protect you... I didn't say anything because I've seen that you now have a wonderful family of your own and I didn't want to interfere with that..."
Frozha paused, not looking up from the ground. She was terrified of the possible expression her son would have on his face.
She continued. "If, you want me to leave and never bother you or your family again, I'd completely understand and respect-"
She's suddenly wrapped in the tightest hug she's ever felt in her life.
Dedede had unexpectedly hugged her. Holding Frozha so tightly as if he was holding onto her for dear life. Not only that but it's sounded like... He was starting cry?
"I can't believe it... I have a mom... An absolutely amazing mom..." He wiped his face and hugged her tighter.
Frozha hissed. "Ouuuch... Agh..."
Oh. Right. Her back wounds. Woops...
"Sorry about that, I completely forgot about your back for a second. Can you move your shirt?" Dedede apologized and went back to cleaning and bandaging the wounds.
As he did that, Frozha told him how he and his father were ambushed and how his father fought to protect him, but in the end sadly lost his life. And how the ambushers lured Frozha to them just so they could attack her, and force her to watch as one of them dropped him down a ravine.
She told him how she searched for him in that ravine for almost one and a half years.
Frozha talked and Dedede listened as he finished caring for his mother.
When he was done double checking the bandages, all he wanted to do was to hug his mom.
And he did. She hugged him back, and asked him if he'd like to tell her more about his family.
And he did.
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sepublic · 1 month
Would your Metroid adaptation include what Samus experienced during Kirby's Dream Land 3?
I feel like that would only happen in a world where the Metroid show actually got a crossover episode with Kirby, specifically the Right Back at Ya continuity (since it’s the only one to have Kirby in show form). It’s not the first time it’s been brought back, either; It did get an ‘Episode 101’ short done in 3D animation, in which the resolution comes from Kirby’s copy ability of the week being Kabuki Kirby; This was all to advertise Kirby Mass Attack’s sub-game that Kabuki Kirby is exclusive to.
The episode would probably start with Samus chasing a Space Pirate ship containing Metroids; This would take place earlier within the show’s timeline, back when a lot of episodes were Samus rounding up Metroids following the first season’s conclusion of the Zero Mission arc. Samus and her quarry fall through a wormhole leading them to Popstar and land.
Some of the Metroids break loose, attack Kirby and… Are completely ineffective. Samus is baffled and terrified by all of this; What the hell??? Kirby makes quick work of the Metroids with his Ice copy ability, and then the actual storyline of the episode takes place from here. Maybe it’s about Space Pirates wanting to weaponize Kirby because they see him as a Metroid to eclipse all others. There might be antics from King Dedede, NME, or maybe some new antagonists entirely; I’m reminded of the time I had these ideas for a sequel series for Right Back at Ya, that would adapt other games… This crossover could happen after Kirby’s respective series finale.
We would get an exclusive copy ability for Kirby based on whatever Samus or the Space Pirates have to offer; Maybe he copies a Metroid and gets a gnarly power from it. Vampire or Parasite Kirby idk, where he can recover health by draining enemies. Eventually the cast helps Samus rediscover that same wormhole from earlier, which she gets through back to her galaxy.
The episode ends with Samus narrating how she sent coordinates of the wormhole to the Federation and even revisited herself, but alas it never reappeared. Maybe the wormhole is linked to stuff on Kirby’s side of the universe, like the Monster Delivery System malfunctioning, and there’s a moment where Samus knows she won’t be able to return but makes that sacrifice to resolve the conflict related to all this.
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Headcanon time:
• Bandee is very much a 'i won't let you see your words hurt me' because he constantly believes he has to stay strong not only for the star allies but for the other waddle dees so he can be a role model, despite being young
Dedede tries to coax it out of him but Bandee, like Sailor dee, is very stubborn and hard headed
• Sailor dee and Bandee are actually twins, they got seperated at birth after their waddle parents passed in a monster attack, a waddle doo ended up finding Bandee and taking him to King Dedede, while Sailor dee was found and taken care of by Meta Knight and the Meta-Knights
Sailor dee is older by 3 minutes and she gets a MASSIVE superiority complex out of it when she's around Bandee (he absolutely hates it)
They're both trans! Bandee is FtM while Sailor dee is MtF (lmao they swapped)
• Sailor dee is very very stubborn, so much so that it's rare she lets herself cry, she doesn't see it as being weak or anything, she just hates it when things are able to get to her like that
• Bandee doesn't take breaks, he's worse than Meta Knight in that regard, Bandee overworks himself so much that when he gets a moment to relax he just can't. sit. still. he NEEDS to get up and do something or it feels like he's made of static that or it leaves his mind empty and his insecurities come rearing their ugly heads
• Sailor dee and Javelin are close, like stupid close, like gossip, spilling the tea close
No one knows how they got so close but they did, Javelin picked up a lot of sas from Sailor dee and it can be both funny, and also aggravating
"Hey Jave! wanna have a girls night out?"
"But Sailor, Javelin isn't a-"
"He's an honorary girl, Axe."
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ask-kirfluffau · 1 year
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Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Kirfluff blog Aged Up!
This blog is a side blog to the main blog @kirbybecomesastarwarrior: which follows the plot line of the KBASW (AU). (which is a mix of anime and game lore)
This is more of the ask blog where you can interact with the main cast (which is still in production, so for now, it's these two boys).
This blog follows the events after the main story line & these boys taking on the political and adult world together. So this blog will contain spoilers if you want to avoid any... or if Kirfluff isn't your cup of tea don't worry it does not play a major role in the story. (I'd say the boys are about 21-26 yrs old in this so their consenting adults)
Any lore-type questions about KBASW should go to the main blog link above. This blog is mainly to be more interactive and for the shippers who want the "Kirfluff" content. (Also, I miss making the content for these two...)
Basically, this is the after-story... This is their story.
Okay so a few house rules:
Feel free to ask any questions you want, however... I intend to make this a blog for everyone, so don't go too nuts with the questions. (a saucy question here or there but other than that, nothing sexual or graphic ok).
If questions do contain that will reveal future plot lines of the KBASW (AU) the answers will be hidden under a "Keep reading" or will not be answered at that moment in time. (So please don't get discouraged if your ask is not answered).
Eventually, there will be a more expanded cast you can ask for (other anime/games characters) however will not be just yet. This is because their plot lines are not finished yet, or it's too much of a spoiler. Though opinions & questions of them to other main casts that are available will be allowed. (characters available will be listed below...)
Other than that GO NUTS! Have fun with the blog, and ASK AWAY!
Kirby/ Sir Kirby (aka the starlight prince):
Currently is serving as a knight under the GSA. And is no longer Dreamland's protector and has passed that title to (the reformed) King Dedede. After being knighted, he was given the title of "Starlight Prince" since his arrival sparked the "age of peace" in the galaxy (a reference to the Star Sparklers in Star Allies). Unlike his younger self Kirby is a confident and well-spoken knight. He knows his worth and has grown into a fantastic diplomat as well. (MK tells him how proud he is every chance he gets). Kirby's main job in the GSA is snuffing out the corruption that Nightmare & Sir Uther left behind (basically detective & with monsters hunting on the side).
King Fluff (Full name Fluffington Cornelius Patchwork):
The Ruler of Patchland, he serves as head of Trades & Commerce in the galaxy's government). In the (AU) Fluff protects his kingdom by being involved in various trade deals & supplies cloth-related goods. So should anyone attack his kingdom... you're attacking someone else's money. (I based this on the fact that how easy it was to get money in Kirby's Epic Yarn) Plus after his experience with Yin Yarn, he's able to sense a shady guy from a mile away. His political and business savvy has earned him the title: King of Commerce.
Meta Knight (WIP)
Banadana Dee (WIP)
King Dedede (WIP)
Sir Knuckle Joe (WIP)
Lady Siricia (WIP)
Fumu/Tiff (WIP)
Bun/Tuff (WIP)
Other GSA members (WIP)
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usps-first-class · 9 months
(Sorry I hope it good time to ask) King dedede’s parents dead, so what he does after that? while he growing up does he’s like hiding from DMS or someone been rising him?
Holy shit finally I have an excuse to talk about some of the lore and the ocs I've been developing!!!!
Gotta talk about Dedede’s father for a bit because he's important. The old king was actually immortal, he used one of Nova's three wishes to grant himself the ability to live forever
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So the kingdom has had only one king and his trusted knight leading them for thousands of years. There wasn't a queen until THE INCIDENT, which saw Starlight locked away under the castle for the safety of everyone else.
The king had hoped he could one day get help for Starlight, but with his responsibility as king, he couldn't focus his time and energy.
A couple hundred years passed before he finally extended his hand to one of the townspeople, asking for a wife to have an heir to the throne so that he could put his focus into helping Starlight. The townswoman agreed, she'd carry a child for him, and in exchange she would also serve as queen so he could focus more on studying The Dark Matter hivemind.
This is why Dedede was born, despite how complicated things were, both parents did love him very much even if they didnt quite love eachother like a normal king and queen (They did still care for one another, they just harbored no romantic feelings towards eachother, they were like,,, really good friends)
(I should mention, though his father was immortal, Dedede is not, but his lifespan was increased greatly, so he'll live much longer, which would've given the old king more time to work before he would inevitably outlive his son and take over again, which is ironic, as his son is who accidentally causes his death)
I haven't nailed down exactly how old Dedede was when his parents died, but roughly around the 8-12 mark.
But with the death of the old king the knowledge of Starlight died with him. (This is important)
After the death of them both, Dedede became king almost immediately after, he had a decent idea of how to rule thanks to his mom, but with all the trauma from the death of his parents, this is what caused his mean streak, he didn't turn to anyone specifically, he essentially raised himself the best he could with a bit of help of the trusted castle staff, especially the castle mage, as they did the most keeping him safe from DMS.
Because Dedede had no knowledge of Starlight, he has no idea he's under the castle nor that the mother matter is down there with him.
This is also the reason as to why Popstar is always under attack, they sense the presence of mother matter on the planet, and want her back.
The TLDR is basically this:
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loaflovesdoodling · 1 year
ooh! can you tell us more about your metadad, perhaps (tumblr isn't letting me use interrogation marks wth)
If it's infodump you want, infodump you shall get! [small fic at the end too because writing is fun :)]
Ok, so, here's the thing:
In my AU Kirby isn't fully Meta Knight's biological child. That being for the simple reason that Nightmare tampered with Meta in the past, screwing his genetics; reason why Meta has wings even without being one of the heroes of Yore. Kirby, being made out of pure light matter is therefore Meta's chronological and -for the most part- biological child, but Nightmare's Influence on Meta basically cut off a lot of genetical/natural ligament with him.
That being said, Meta Knight loves him nontheless, he would literally give his own life away for him and he always tries to make him happy no matter how devastated he himself might be in that moment.
Here are some fun facts!
Meta Knight talks to Kirby about emotional stuff especially when he (the latter) is asleep.
After long and difficult fights with demon beasts, Meta Knight will refuse to go to sleep that day just to watch over Kirby the whole night, fearing that he'll be taken away.
Simply having him hold Kirby close can save Meta Knight from multiple panic attacks.
He spent months learning the perfect intonation and pronounciation of the best lullaby he could find just for Kirby.
He's apparently also very good at sewing (As seen in that one Pengi episode, where everyone sews their penguin disguise by themselves,) and he likes to take advantage of that skill to sew tiny beanies and plush friends for Kirby.
Now, onto the fic! (warning, extreme angst torwards the end)
The young knight had woken up in cold sweat. How could he had fallen asleep so easily?
Surely enough, his dreams hadn't been 'sweet' either: the familiar vision of blood on his hands was all he could remember. Meta Knight shook his head:
"Collect yourself, Meta, be cool. None of these dreams have meaning, you shouldn't take them so seriously." He scolded himself, sighing.
"Perhaps I should start today by putting a smile on; after all, I couldn't possibly give Kirby a bad example-..." He stopped immediately as he turned to the bed only to find no one there. Meta Knight frowned:
"And of course he's already out and about. I should've expected this, he is still a child after all." The knight said. He could not, however, hide the slightest glint of purple worry in his bright golden eyes:
"I'll start looking for him. you'll never know..." He anticipated, trying to justify that overwhelming feeling. Putting on his mask, cape and shoulder pads, he got off the bed and walked over to the counter to wish Sword and Blade a good morning; they, however, weren't present either: disappointed, the soldier walked out the room.
Patrolling Castle DeDeDe's corridors, Meta Knight noticed Dreamland's silence. The oh, so unusual, terrifying silence. He could feel the weight of each one of his quick steps on the cold tiled floor. Almost completely sinking in his own thoughts, he snapped back to reality upon recognizing the figure of Minister Parm's daughter; quickening his pace even more, he walked up to her:
The young girl jumped: "Oh, it's just you, Sir Meta Knight."
"Have you, ah... perhaps, seen Kirby, this morning?"
"Not really, now that I think of it. Knowing Kirby he's probably out playing with Bun in the yard, though--"
"Thank you for your assistance." Meta interrupted her, before walking away, his subtle rudeness leaving the kid with her eyes widening in surprise.
In his search for the pink warrior, Meta Knight just so happened to come across the throne room. Convinced of the possibility of clues about Kirby's disappearance, he decided to eavesdrop on King DeDeDe's conversation:
"You have our gratitude, King D3."
"Aw yeah, ain't nothing like a deal as great as this one: I get rid of an annoyin' obstacle and y'all give me money fer it!" he cackled.
"I can assure you this decision will not be of any regret."
"It better not be!" he talked back.
"Very well then. I shall take my leave now." The familiar voice said before being cut off by a loud buzzing sound.
"Who knew defeating Kirby had always been as easy as just sending him over at Holy Nightmare? You sure are a genius, your majesty!" the snail added.
Meta Knight's eyes widened in shock, turning into a tint of blue-ish white as he started uncontrollably shaking. So many horrifying thoughts wouldn't leave his mind:
Kirby was gone.
He was in Nightmare's possession.
And God knows what he could've done to him already.
The knight's vision progressively blurring as he started to feel heavy, an increasingly louder heartbeat blocking out every other sound in the castle.
Immediately, Meta Knight awoke, jumping out of his bed. His heart rate completely unsteady, he started grasping for air: his breaths were dangerously short and fast, and he couldn't even feel his now shaking hands anymore. He gazed over to the other side of the bed: Kirby was there, he was safe, all that happened was just a horrible nightmare. He quickly picked up the sleeping child and wrapped him tightly in his arms: the warmth of his son's fragile little body transferring onto him as his breath started steadying. Calming down, the knight fell back asleep.
Sorry if it's a little long and incoherent, haha. This is my first fic <3
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almightyhamslice · 1 year
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SOOOOOOO my Star Stacker (Gameboy) series has been super quick and... relatively easy!! I'm glad :) it's been a fun little "vacation" as I expected it to be!!! Though healthwise I feel like garbage n like I'm gonna faint all the time, at least drawing these is comforting for now. Hopefully I'll feel better soon.
Explaining what I mentioned on my instagram for anyone who doesn't use it or follow me on there: Waddle Dee here is a unique character who isn't the same person as Parasol, Bandana, or Sailor. They're just a normal person who enjoys stacking stars for sport lolz! Tick Tock Jr. is a prototype for a second version of Mr. Tick Tock, who is a massproduced robot. There's only 1 Jr., and King Dedede doesn't like him much because he's a slacker who doesn't like to fight! I guess he and Waddle Dee are friends.
Also, regarding Kine, since he's a merman who spends most of his time underwater, he uses mobility aid devices on land! His legs are normally too weak to stand up and walk, you see. What you saw of him in my KDL2 series was him using a pair of magic boots that give him the strength to stand (and also give him the power to use copy abilities)-- however, it hurts him if he wears them/stands for too long, so in most situations, he prefers to just use a wheelchair. His chair has no back so it's more comfortable for his spinal fin, and each large wheel has 3 star charms on its spokes for decoration! I imagine Kine is willing to go long periods of time without his chair for the sake of Dreamland (like if it's under attack by dark matter he'll hunt them himself) but for a vacation with his friends, he'd much prefer to give his legs a rest. If you have tips on how to draw wheelchairs I will gladly accept them cuz I don't think I'm that great at it! I am trying my best but would appreciate more guidance?
Hope you liked this SUPER BRIEF series, the next one will start soon!! though, it's TOTALLY gonna get interrupted by Insektober lol. I hope no one is mad at me for that lolz!! honestly yeah though it'd be funny if I got an influx of new followers and just posted weird bugs lmfao. you WILL see weird bugs and you WILL like it!!!!
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zettatoad · 2 years
rating every kirby villain-turned-ally by how evil they are after becoming an ally
dedede: gotta start with the classic. if he were an actual king i might have to judge him for the sins of his ancestors but since he's consistently called a "self-proclaimed king" he's fine. he probably just found an abandoned castle and went "woah... my castle now" and then the waddle dees went "wait we have a king? that's so awesome i'm gonna follow this guy forever." anyways he's a rival and a selfish hedonist but not actually evil. arguably not ever evil but that's a philosophical debate i'm not going to get into. while not the first to help, and still sometimes a troublemaker, he's a dependable companion when it counts
meta knight: look he was attacking dreamland in revenge of meta knight for, reasons??? because he thought they were too lazy??? kind of a lame reason meta knight. the point is he counts. meta knight spends most of his time as an honorable fight seeker, like if vegeta was never evil and his goku was a baby, but he'll step up to the plate when it's time to protect the planet or whatever. he is certified Not Evil. a reliable ally whenever he shows up
dyna blade: that's right, dyna blade counts too. as we all know dyna blade was just trying to feed her kids in super star. beyond that, i believe birds are like ghosts and just sort of do things arbitrarily. rating: Not Ever Evil
marx: okay this freaking guy. i don't think marx has changed literally at all after being beaten by kirby. like in star allies he's still got his powers. the only lesson he learned is to not pull any shenanigans while kirby's around. he is probably waiting for a villain to actually defeat kirby so he can swoop in and steal all their power, and every time kirby beats some horrible god he goes "wow~ you're such a great hero, kirby~!" while being more mad than anyone has ever been
shadow kirby: hold on i'm checking the wikirby page because i needed a refresher on his lore and was reminded that he was never actually a villain in the first place. he was always helping out. my bad
dark meta knight: okay i gotta show everyone this image before i begin my analysis
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look at him. he is full fist gripping that crayon. he is holding it like a child would. he's drawing his cool badass epic sword. he's having fun. he seems like he's a threatening villain ("what if meta knight were evil... that would be so sick and twisted") but really he does not know a single thing. it's gap moe
this may be controversial but my rating is: he was never actually evil in the first place. like, he was serving dark mind, and might have had some influence in turning sectonia evil and huge (maybe??? possibly???), but he is not evil. i think he's more like that one image where he doesn't have empathy and goes into a dissociative state and commits atrocities. this of course does not imply that he is good. but the potential is there
daroach: on one hand, daroach was kind of never actually evil, since all he did was steal a slice of cake and get mind controlled. on the other hand, he IS the leader of a gang of thieves, and stealing is sort of evil. like marx, he has clearly learned not to get on kirby's bad side and will help out on occasion. but if kirby needs to grab a treasure i doubt daroach would hesitate to take it first. all in all: not a good guy exactly but in the grand scheme of kirby villains, he's pretty small-scale. not much to worry about. he can't even destroy a planet
bandana waddle dee: thought i was done talking about characters who briefly opposed kirby during super star? think again. this guy's pretty much just loyal to dedede with all that entails but he seems to have a better relationship with kirby than his king does. a nice guy who likes to help out. we all love him
magolor: i've 100% completed the magolor epilogue and minimal spoilers here but that basically confirms that he's still a little bastard. like he seems to have gone "wait, losing all your friends because you betrayed them sucks," and if you want to get speculative he could have been influenced by the master crown a bit since before KRtD's opening and that might have upped his evil rating for that game. outside of that he learned nothing. he just decided that selling gem apples and running theme parks would be more fun. he loves making an attraction where close friends throw explosives at each other. his continued pseudovillainy is of course obvious, given that he has performed the most dastardly deed of all kirby characters: Selling Real-World Microtransactions. perhaps it would be better if he got defeated once and for all but unfortunately evil wizards give kirbies lots of enrichment. unless he teams up with marx and ends up in some sort of betray-off, we're stuck with him. to be clear i think he's awesome except the microtransactions
taranza: on one hand, even in triple deluxe he wasn't exactly evil, he just wanted to help out his huge, evil friend. on the other hand, kirby did kind of kill his friend. like there were some circumstances there but it'd be understandable if there was some resentment
claycia: does it count if she was only a villain because she was mind controlled and is only an ally during the final boss fight and ending of her game? i'm going to say yes because i've already included bandana waddle dee. obviously if you were being mind controlled you probably were never evil in the first place. but we don't know much about claycia's inner life. it could go either way
hold on i was on claycia's wikirby page and i noticed that drawcia shows up alongside her in some illustrations: i've played it pretty fast and loose with my criteria but i'm going to say this doesn't count as being a villain-turned-ally. documenting my process
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^one of the images in question. sectonia is also there and not only has she also never been on kirby's side in a video game, i'm pretty sure she died. so this is debatably canon at best
back to your regularly scheduled programming, it's susie: susie is like. still a capitalist. i had to review her star allies pause screens and apparently she wants to bring back her dad's evil company and keep doing colonialism? like come on susie don't be this dumb. don't make kirby take you to the guillotine
addendum: kirby-polis pointed out in the tags that the original japanese star allies pause screens do not reference mechanizing planets which opens the much more sensible possibility that she went "i want to make this company be how it was before my dad got thralled by a big evil computer." but said original pause screen text also quotes her saying "i will exterminate the uncivilized." which is... questionable at best. updated verdict: susie will be spared for now but she maybe still has some learning to do
the three mage-sisters and hyness: i guess technically hyness hasn't helped kirby out yet but he's part of the package. we do not get a great deal of insight on what the lower-end believers of their religion are like so i'm optimistic about the possibility that the whole "reviving an ancient god of destruction" incident will result in religious reforms, where the sisters take on leadership positions while hyness is reduced to having more of a figurehead role where he can't revive any more ancient gods of destruction. but they might not do that and instead continue being a weird evil cult. hard to say
the beast pack: the beast pack was only being evil because their leader was mind controlled, and presumably they would feel a great debt to kirby for saving both him and their planet. but they're also a rowdy bunch. i wouldn't be surprised if they went and caused a ruckus
elfilin: hey, wait a minute! you're not a villain! you're just a little guy! you don't belong in this list! get out of here, you scamp!
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icedragonlizard · 6 months
Kirby AU talk: "Hope Within The Darkness"
Morpho Knight just about never brings anyone back from the dead, but he felt bad enough for someone to the point of being generous.
That someone being the Dark Matter Swordsman.
All dead dark matter exist in the afterlife's hades. DMS has, unfortunately, been horribly mistreated by Zero and the rest of the clan. Zero constantly blamed DMS for "getting the clan killed with his incompetence", and there have been numerous instances where he ordered the others in the clan to attack DMS for being a "failure".
DMS, of course, does not take well to this mistreatment, and he always tries to fight back, but keeps getting his butt kicked.
Upon observing this cruel spectacle, Morpho Knight began to feel bad. Especially when he learned that DMS just wanted a friend, but still can't even get it with the rest of the dark matter clan in hades.
Not just that, but nobody else in hades wanted to be his friend either. "Poor guy", Morpho Knight thinks, just keeps getting done dirty.
At least Sectonia and Max Haltmann are friends in the mortal plane.
Morpho Knight thinks this is rather too abhorrent of a fate, and gives DMS another chance. He drags DMS out of hades and, as something he'd most likely never do again, allows DMS to come back to life and wishes him good luck in finally finding a friend like he's long wanted.
DMS was grateful to Morpho Knight for doing this. During his time in hades, he finally began learning to say things like "be my friend!" and "can you be my friend?" but the rest of the dark matter clan had no interest in being his friend. However, as Morpho Knight ever so generously brings him back to life, he may finally have his chance.
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As DMS gets brought back, he adopts the convenient alias Blade.
Popstar is his first destination. He's aware that he does not have good history with that planet, but he doesn't intend to cause problems again. He now just wants to try to ask for friends. He hopes that there will be people that are forgiving enough to be willing to be his friends.
He gets some luck early on. At the start, Blade becomes successful in making two friends: Kirby and Gooey. He encountered both of them strolling around in Dream Land, something they usually do.
Kirby is effectively unable to hold a grudge, as he's so easily forgiving. He was admittedly surprised to see Blade again, but once he saw the guy not wanting to be an enemy anymore and instead now wanting to be a friend, the pink puffball was glad to become Blade's friend.
Gooey is also unable to hold a grudge. He certainly did have issues with his kin in the past, but he was never really adamant about it, and he also mimics Kirby's behavior a lot by virtue of Kirby being an influence for him. He was more than willing to become friends with Blade. Both Blade and Gooey have been capable of finding solitude in being dark matter spawns that are no longer a part of the evil clan.
However, aside from those two friends, Blade's luck quickly shortens.
He was able to befriend Kirby and Gooey because they're so forgiving, but other people are not as easily forgiving. In fact, upon learning about Blade's return, a lot of people get nervous and uncomfortable. Some fear that Blade's return means that another dark matter invasion could be right around the corner to happen.
... He doesn't at all intend to do that. He just wants to make friends. But dark matter is one of the most infamous things in Popstar, and a lot of people have a very hard time trusting Blade upon his return.
King Dedede is the forefront of this. He's more distrustful of Blade than anyone else is, and feels especially uncomfortable around him. This is, of course, because he's been possessed by dark matter multiple times in the past, has had PTSD from it, and is very paranoid about the idea of getting possessed by dark matter for another time.
Dedede isn't usually much of a grudge holder. He forgave Magolor for the betrayal stuff, he forgave Taranza for the kidnapping and puppeteering stuff, and he even forgave Susie despite the HWC destroying his castle. But dark matter is different. Nothing has messed Dedede up as much as dark matter has. The first possession wasn't so bad, but the other two possession instances were traumatic for him. He underwent awful body horror from dark matter possessions. Dark matter learned to take advantage of the flaws he had back in the day. It painfully forced Dedede to change as a person.
The distrust for Blade upon his return doesn't end with Dedede. Other notable people in the cast are not trustful of Blade, either.
Bandana Waddle Dee and other waddle dees that serve Dedede are scared out of their minds when seeing Blade. Meta Knight is incredibly cautious and has his guard up. Adeleine is scared, since she's also a dark matter possession victim. Ribbon, while not as scared as Adeleine, is also nervous and distrustful as well upon learning about his return. The animal friends are all uncomfortable and nervous, too.
Some of them are terrified that he's going to hurt Gooey.
And unfortunately, Blade doesn't really help in easing their distrust. Despite wanting to make friends, he's... not very good at it. He doesn't really have the personality to be that good at making friends.
He's still got very, very grey morals going on at the start. He's still standoffish, rude, cold, brash, and is quick to respond with aggression when confronted. When people make their distrust clear to him, he perceives it as a threat. He thinks they're trying to take his friends away from him. And he's not willing to allow that to happen.
... He ends up getting into fights and arguments with people. Of course, it's largely based on misunderstandings, but this is not a great look for someone who was just trying to make friends at first.
He's going to need to change his behavior to be better at making friends. The good news is that Kirby is eager to help him out on that.
And eventually, Kirby isn't the only one to help him out.
For a little while, Blade has been unable to make anymore friends after Kirby and Gooey. But eventually, as he meets more of Kirby's friends, he does become able to make a third friend at one point.
The third friend that he makes is Magolor. Like many others, Magolor was wary and cautious at first, but he's been able to come around once he learned that Blade is merely just trying to make friends and realizes that the guy gets frustrated when met with confrontation.
Magolor knows what that's like, to an extent. He remembers when Meta Knight and Bandana Waddle Dee were still critical of him when he came back and apologized. It wasn't as quite as bad as what Blade is going through now, but he understands the struggle of being rejected when trying to make friends. It makes him want to help out.
He does believe that Blade needs changes to his personality, but he's glad to help him become a better person to make it easier to make more friends. He teaches Blade the concept of apologizing, something that Blade never knew about (it's not necessarily that he lacks remorse, he just didn't know how to make an apology beforehand).
Even when Blade becomes able to make apologies, some people are still uncomfortable and distrustful. Magolor, however, gives Blade some consolation and tells him to not feel bad when people don't forgive, as being friends with everyone isn't possible. And he tells him to not give up on his quest, and he's proud of the guy for being able to make any friends at all and gradually becoming better over time.
Magolor is quite helpful in this story. He eventually gets to consulting with some of his friends (Marx, Taranza, Susie, the mage sisters, etc.) to have them get to know Blade and if they can be friends with him. Right now, I won't disclose how successful Blade is at befriending those guys. Although I may do it in a separate post if someone comes to my inbox about it. Or if someone comes to my inbox about Blade's dynamics with all the dream friends in general. I could be willing to do that, just not on this synopsis if that makes sense.
Blade's got a big road ahead of him! He's got the right desire, just not the right personality and morals for it at first. It's clear that he's still in need of guidance. He's technically undergoing some kind of redemption of sorts, but it's a very slow and imperfect redemption.
But there's hope once the early friends that he makes are willing to help him out. There's a good chance that he'll be able to carve out a solid place for himself amongst Kirby's friends even if his reputation still isn't so great. Kirby himself seems glad to have Blade as a friend.
Let's wish Blade good luck as he continues his quest!
That's it for the synopsis for this AU! Thank you so much if you've taken the time to read this. This is yet another AU that I've cooked up.
I really like the Dark Matter Swordsman. He's potentially within my top 10 favorite Kirby characters, maybe. The creation of this AU stems from that fact, as well as the fact that it was said in Dream Land 2's manual that the reason why he became evil is out of jealousy due to not having any friends, and that he literally didn't even know how to ask for friends. That's really interesting to me. In my opinion, that reeks of potential to make him a nuanced character of sorts.
In my normal headcanon universe, DMS is dead like the rest of the non-defective dark matter, so that's why this is an AU. I think this is a wonderful concept nonetheless. If you remember I made the poll "If you were allowed to add ONE more dream friend to Star Allies, who would you pick?" and I added the Dark Matter Swordsman as one of the poll's many options, because I thought it would've had potential! He didn't win the poll, as Prince Fluff did (congrats to him!) but I still like the idea of DMS becoming a friend to Kirby. Kirby is very forgiving, so I'm sure he'd be willing to be DMS' friend if he asked.
Allow me to link the other Kirby AUs that I've made synopses for: Dark Stormy Matters, a story where Kracko goes off the deep end and fuses with Dark Matter in a desperate attempt to finally get back at Kirby, and Memories Still At A Halt, a story where Susie revives her father by making a wish to a clockwork star, but it goes wrong as he still can't remember as his daughter, and she has to deal with that.
Thanks for reading! I'll see you all later.
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