#because he doesnt want his body to overheat
kandavers · 3 months
yo abt that recent video, since boothill is powered by electricity and not gas, would his synesthesia beacon be the one translating his snores into engine noises? or is it a secret other thing i haven't thought of?
I'm going to be honest with you, I had to look up what "Synesthesia Beacon" was #fakefan 😔😔😔
But in my humble opinion I think snoring isn't a language so it doesn't need translation from the Synesthesia Beacon, hope this helps 🙏 /hj HAHAHA
Just think of his snoring as, maybe, an old computer trying to run Demanding games like Genshin Impact or something. Aggressive whirring of his cooling fans perhaps. ... I just think Car Engine sounds fit him more because to an extent, he's much closer to a vehicle than he is a computer. like. Do you see my vision here
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Yandere Batfam x reader who cant feel pain
HEhehehe i just remembered a disease and I just had to write about a reader with it x yandere batfam.
Have you guys heard of CIPA? Its "Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis" which is basically a genetic condition when a patient cant feel pain to any noxious stimulus and can also not sweat, and yall are probably like "but SNoWWW, that doesnt like a diSEase. More like a superpower!!!" um no. You need to be able to feel pain or else you wont know what part of your body has been injured and get help before its too late. You could have thumbtack plunged in your foot and u wouldnt know unless it got infected and u probably saw ur foot changing color.
And now yall are like "but SNoWw, the anhidrosis part, where u cant sweat, sounds nice! who would to look like a sweaty pig in this age????" NO! Sweating is a necessary physiologic phenomenon because it lets your body cool down as it releases heat. If you dont sweat, you'd overheat and DIE!
Okay now that we've covered the basic info, lets get into it:
So, Batfam finds out about reader when she's just running into danger with little to no care for self preservation, and they dismiss it as you being just another dumb teen wanting to be hero and "change the world". Time passes by and Bruce is impressed by your passion and decides to take you under his wing.
It isnt until months later that Bruce discovers something odd about your behaviour. You were standing in the kitchen with the rest of the batkids, laughing and having a good time when he saw Dick had pulled out a hot pan of cookies from the oven and placed it on the aisle. The pan slipped, and without thinking, you had grabbed the hot pan with your bare hands very calmly and placed it back on the aisle, without so much as a hiss of pain or even a sweat.
And now that he thinks about it, Bruce has never seen you sweat. Not during training, not during summer, not even when after you ran laps around the mansion.
With a quick search on the Internet, he finds out about the disease and of course its Dick who he confides in first about his suspicions. Soon, the rest of the batfam has heard the rumours and now they're all watching you keenly to see if its true.
But Jason is the one who tests out the theory quickly by spilling some hot tea on your hand when you were busy talking to Tim about the importance of sleep. The room goes dead silent as they watch your hand turn red, yet you fail to react. It took you a few seconds to realise that they're all looking at you, and when you follow their gaze, it takes you a few seconds to react.
Or fake a reaction.
You shriek, pulling your reddening hand as you run to the sink and run it under cold water, your mind trying to come up with an excuse. But you know its too late when Bruce's hand comes to clasp your shoulder, pulling you away from the sink as his eyes examine your injured hand and... you.
"Bruce I-"
"I know, Y/n." He gives you assuring nod, carefully bandaging your hand as you sat in his office. "You have CIPA, hm?"
You looked down. Why bother lying? He's Batman, he'll find out anyways.
Bruce lifted your head and smiled gently at you. "Its okay. I'm not disappointed in you. I just... you could've told me." You shook your head. "If I did, you would've treated me differently... like a freak."
He sighed. "You are different, but I would've never treated you like a freak. You're not a freak. If anything, between us, I'm more of a freak than you." He was talking about being a hero, but you giggled at the thought of him referring to being a rich dude who cosplays in spandex.
Bruce cupped your cheek and smiled. "I promise, no one will treat you like a freak. But we will have to take some precautions for your safety."
He lied. You've never felt more like a freak than you do now.
Every single day would start off with Dick waking you up and sticking a thermometer in your mouth because he needs to make sure that you're not overheating, even though Bruce has set a thermostat in your room that he controls and he's programmed it to turn your room temperature change by the hour.
Then Dick would start checking you all over for any bruises or injuries, even a scratch, that you may have caused yourself in your sleep. Originally, Damian was the one who had a whole checklist as he examined your body, but that all ended the moment you smacked him when he asked you to lift your shirt. Dick would just have you go and check yourself in the bathroom and trust you when you said you're all good. Also, you're much nicer to Dick than you are to the rest of the brothers (its his puppy dog eyes and that sweet voice that compels you to do as he asks. He's just too nice.)
Dick would then lead you to down for breakfast with the family, where Alfred already has your glucometer out because of course, they must check your blood sugar level every day, lest they find out you're diabetic or something. Only then would you be served your meal, which is a highly nutritous, perfeclty seasoned, balanced dish because they want to make sure you dont have any vitamin deficiencies (because how would they know???? you dont feel pain). But you cant eat just yet. No no, whichever brother is closer, most often Jason, will first taste your food to make sure its not too hot to consume (because you dont realise you've burned the roof of your mouth that one time when Tim ate a slice of pizza that was fresh out of the oven and huppahhuffpuhh the morsel out). Jason would then give you the go to eat and you finally do. You make sure to finish the whole plate (because otherwise Bruce will make note of it and then interrogate you "medically" why you didnt feel like eating all of it?)
After breakfast, while the rest of the batkids get to go to school and work, you dont (because Bruce thinks that your immune system could be weak and he cant risk you catching any diseases from the outside.) No, you get a special trip to the infirmary where Bruce and Alfred do a more thorough medical check up, taking your vitals, JOTTING IT DOWN, while Alfred hooks you up to an IV drip of vitamins. And even though they go to such extents to ensure that you're healthy, they still take you to a skilled doctor once a week for regular check ups. Bruce wanted to keep the doctor in the house to do daily check ups, but you talked him out of it that you dont want to feel like a lab rat who has her blood taken every day. Once a week is fine, Bruce.
Once the medical check up is done, Bruce would then take you with him, either to Wayne enterprises where you sit in his office as he imparts you "business education that no school can teach you." which you believe because... well he has managed to triple the Wayne wealth even after his parents death. If he's working from home, then he'll let you accompany him in his home office where you can either read a book he chose for you (because Bruce prefers to homseschool you himself) or do a puzzle/case he created specifically for you. If he's working in the batcave, then he'll let you tag along but you can only work here by brainstorming or doing some computer research, but in no way are you allowed to ever go on field and fight. No, not since your last incident.
Just 2 months ago, you were patrolling with Jason (because Bruce refused to let you go alone now. He just wont risk it) and you encountered some bad guys who were a little more well equipped than you two had expected. A fight broke out, and in the process you got hurt badly. Of course, you didnt realise it because you didnt feel any of the punches or the bone fracturing. Jason could only look at you in dread as you smashed your head against the villain's head until the guy passed out, all while your nose bled, you were covered in bruises from top to bottom, AND you had a bone sticking out of your arm.
"Jay? I think I'm hurt?" You asked as blood coated your teeth.
After that, Bruce forbid you from going out on the field altogether because you just dont know when to stop. If it werent for bones sticking out or blood dripping down your face, you wouldnt know that you've been injured.
Anyways, at lunch, almost everyone has returned from work/school and you get yet another balanced meal (temperature tested by another brother). You're now scheduled for some exercises, usually conducted by Damian (under Dick's supervision because otherwise, you'd just be smacking that devil's spawn.) You guys use the gym in the basement, where Damian makes you run on the treadmill for some time, during which he does not take his eyes off you once because he needs to know when he should stop you, especially since you dont sweat or are even huff. If he didnt keep time, you could probably run for a long time and not realise that your legs or lungs are begging you to stop and take a break. As you hop off the machine, he's immediately taking your temperature. He does it after every exercise he makes you do.
After that is done, you spend time with Tim who likes to have you try on little gadgets that should "help you feel pain", but so far, he hasnt had any luck (but he doesn seem to be doing good in disguising trackers in your daily wear things). Oh and Damian loves to join in because he gets to sneak up on you and prick you with needles to help Tim see if your sensory pathways work. They dont, but you dont need your pain receptors to detect Damian coming up behind you as you smack him when he tries to prick you.
Then dinner is served, and then you're ushered straight to bed where Dick, or more often- Bruce has you do a self check like the one Dick does in the morning, but Bruce also makes sure to check your eyes to see if you "accidentally scratched your cornea" or whatever, tucks you in, tells you that he's so proud of you for how youre handling this and that you can come to him anytime, for anything. He kisses your forehead, wishes you goodnight, and leaves.
Half an hour later, Jason sneaks into your room with the goodies- junk food and video games. You two have the strongest bond because Jason is the one who treats you the most normal, and Jason does it partly to piss off Bruce but partly because he cares about your mental health. He knows it cant be good for you to be cooped up in the mansion under supervision like a bird in a gilded cage.
So sometimes, he sneaks you out of the mansion and takes you out on late night rides on his bike. You can even watch him fight villains, but you're sat far away and can never interferre.
Unfortunately for you two, this sneaking out will have to end because Bruce had recently decided to set up some cameras in your room because he wanted to make sure you slept well without any abnormal breathing patterns. Bruce hopes he doesnt have to use restraints on you, because he's not blind. He knows you're uncomfortable with this intricate routine and knowing your impulsive self, you'd probably break your own bones to get out of these restraints. And then he'll be forced to use sedatives and he really doesnt wanna rely on drugs... he likes your company when you're not droopy.
And as Bruce had anticipated, you broke down. You finally tried to leave, and he could see the color draining your face as you realised that there is no leaving.
"Why isnt the door opening?" You asked Bruce, as his four sons slowly surrounded you.
"You dont have to run away, Y/n-" He tried to calm you down but you flinched away, eyes wide as you looked at him like he was going to harm you.
"Bruce, why isnt the fucking door opening?" Your voice trembled, shooting him teary glare before focusing your eyes back on the boys who were closing in on you.
"You're meant to stay here, inside, where its safe." He answered, heart aching at the alarmed stance you took, your fight-or-flight was going to kick in. He took another step towards you, hands raised in surrender. "We can keep you safe-" thats all it took for you to bolt as the boys began chasing you. Realistically, you knew you couldnt escape them but something about their intensely concerned calls for your name had you jumping out of the window.
Glass shattered and sharp shards embedded themselves in your skin and feet, but you didnt react to them. No, your brain wasnt screaming in pain, it was screaming for you to get out!
Adrenaline pumped you to run into the dark woods surrounding the mansion, but you were soon knocked to the ground by Dick, who cushioned your fall by placing you on top of him as his hands wrapped around your form like a cage. "Y/n, calm down and listen-"
You began thrashing in his arms, screaming in agony. "Let ME GO! YOU'RE HURTING ME-!" Dick's arms loosened instinctively and you took that as a chance to elbow him in the throat and run, thanking some deity for letting Dick forget that you cant feel pain.
But your relief is short lived as Damian catches you and pushes you to the ground harshly. "Damian! Be careful! She could break a bone-"
"Bones can heal, Drake." Damian barked back, pulling you up before he pushed you against tree. "Let me go, you maniac-" Damian's hand clamped around your throat, making you shut up. "You're the one who's a maniac. Look at you! You've fucking hurt yourself because if your astounding stupidity!"
You whimpered, clawing at his hand wrapped around your throat. "Dami- p-please let go- you're hurting me!" You cried out, but your eyes went wide as he squeezed your throat and bared his teeth at you. "Not falling for it, dumbass." So... fooling Damian wasnt as easy a feat as it was fooling Dick.
You stopped the act and looked at him dead serious. "Let me go, Damian, or-"
"Or what?"
Or what? Or what? Did he think you were out of options? Out of escape plans?
You dont know why, but that triggered something inside you.
Damian and Tim could only watch as you suddenly slammed the back of your head against the tree. "Y/n-" He gasped in horror as you leaned your head forward before slamming it back against the hard rough surface. This time, Damian's hand that was wrapped around your neck felt your blood around his fingers.
"Its my life and I get to decide how I should live it." You sneered before raising your head again to bash it, but Damian's hand quickly slipped from your neck to the back of your head, cushioning it when you smacked it back, the skin on the back of his hand breaking as it made contact with the bark.
You pushed him away and tried to make a run for it, but Tim grabbed your wrist. You tried to pull away, but he had a death grip on it. "Y/n, stop! You need to listen-"
"Oh is that so? I think I need this." You used your other hand to punch yourself in the face (because Tim would've dodged it if you punched him), making your nose bleed. But you didnt feel any pain, and now you were acting like a super soldier zombie that has no concept of self preservation who is going through fucked up lengths to prove her point.
Your eyes caught the sight of a glass shard poking out of your thigh. "Wanna see something cool?" You pulled out the shard, not paying mind to the blood oozing out. "Y/n, stop-" Tim begged, and you saw Damian froze in the back as you raised the shard.
They didnt know what your next target was- slashing your wrists, slitting your throat, or stabbing your stomach, but fortunately, they didnt have to find out as Jason came up behind you and injected you with a tranquilliser.
Sadly, you never felt the prick or sensed the hero sneaking up behind you.
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thoughts? also, what other diseases would u guys like me to write for. i just adore these cool medical abnormalities lol
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anxiousgaypanicking · 4 months
Ok we’re taking about the robot fucking again
Virgil would also totally be a robot/android thing but kinda in a Frankenstein way where he’s built from all kinds of different parts that don’t necessarily match but still get the job done (you know like the robot version of patchwork like his hoodie)
Roman (cause he was the mechanic/coder in the last one) takes a look at him and is absolutely APPALLED at the state virgil is in because Virgil these parts are completely out of date how are you even still functioning??? So he takes it upon himself to update Virgil’s equipment and Virgil can’t help but squirm as he feels Roman’s hands caress his inner wires. Roman replaces some of his parts with newer (more sensitive) models until he’s in perfect shape (while also adding some of his own coding for good measure ;))
i like the idea of virgil growing attached to his mix-matched features, and upon romans initial horrified state, virgil thinks theyre solely due to the fact that his shiny, titanium arm doesn't match with his rose-gold coloured leg, or that one of his bionic eyes has a completely different iris colour than the other!
but, roman just expresses that half of virgils body is breaking down, and the other half uses completely outdated equipment! no wonder his servers are so often overwhelmed! he doesnt have the necessary hardware to quickly process and respond to important situations, which causes him to overheat, and frankly romans surprised he hasn't completely broken down due to the stress his overworked fans put his body under! ("what do you MEAN you don't have fans? how does your body cope with the overheating?" "i shut down." "of course you shut down. why wouldnt you shut down? are you sure you werent solely made for the theatrics????")
so, roman insists on not only updating his hardware, but a lot of his structure itself. he promises not to tamper with virgils hard-drive, and to keep his body rather similar in shape, but carefully pulls him apart bit by bit to fix him up.
and virgil doesnt expect just how good it feels
roman carefully starts with his body. arm by arm and leg by leg, trying to preserve as much as the scrap as possible and then reforming it with smoother, higher-functioning, and more sensitive limbs, which he attaches one by one to allow virgil to get used to them on their own without thrusting multiple new limbs on him without warning. and virgil is genuinely delighted to see that roman utilized the specific materials that his old limbs were made of, even if they were unorthodox, tough to work with, or obnoxiously coloured.
and then roman moves onto his wiring.
his big fingers are so gentle when snipping unneeded wires, and they brush over them so sweetly, urging him to relax when he feels virgils body start to get hot. roman doesn't want to him to damage his internal hardware, afterall.
but replacing the wires and rerouting the cords is the easy part.
changing out virgils charging ports is the hard part.
virgils incredibly flustered when it comes to giving roman access to the little port on his lower back, and keeps flinching away when roman tries to inspect it, making little squeaks or shuddering when roman runs his hand over the small hole, or being more embarrassingly vocal when roman has to dig into his back panel to study it more closely. and of course, roman says that he needs to observe virgil during the charging process to guarantee the replaced port and new charger - both of which were hand-crafted by him - are compatible, leaving virgil to hide his face as he's plugged in as he feels each bit of energy that rushes into him to an incredibly sensitive degree.
but, since he did such a good job, virgil completely trusts roman when roman asks if he can add a bit to virgils coding, even promising virgil can review the code after to decide what bits he wants to keep and what he doesnt. only for virgil's newfound fans to kick into full blast when he sees all the extra inappropriate coding roman suggests, though he accepts all of it without complaint, much to romans delight
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
headcnaons for any of the little children?
Had to enlist the help of the bf for this one, he’s significantly less biased than i am, there’s a couple for each kid because they get soooo neglected
If you want stupid sheldon shenanigans i have a post for that! Right here!
Sheldon Thompson
Overheats in the summer because he refuses to take his jumper off. He knows the uniform policy off by heart and enforces it better than the prefects
Wears his snitch title like a badge of honour, he thinks that tattling constantly will make the teachers like him… it doesn’t
He thinks he’s really cool because he listens to Mozart. He thinks it makes him seem cool and cultured and he will go up to people unprompted and tell them that he likes listening to Mozart
Has Velcro shoes because he can’t tie his shoelaces, frequently has his shoes ripped off and thrown onto the roof by bullies
Had to invest in waterproof shoes because of the soup fiasco (see other post)
Gels his hair back for sports day, claims it makes him more aerodynamic. It’s actually a huge waste of money because he uses the whole tub on his head and still gets bodied by Karen anyway
Throws himself on the ground whenever there’s a fire drill screaming “smoke rises everyone!!!! Get down!!!!!”
Pedro de la Hoya
Goes to the nurse every time someone breathes on him a little too hard. It ends up being a boy who cried wolf situation because when he actually gets genuinely hurt, Nurse McRae refuses to treat him
Won’t go trick or treating because he’s too scared of all the costumes. Gets roped into it by Melody and Gloria, ends up pissing his pants because Casey jumps out to spook them away from the football field.
Deathly afraid of everything after Sheldon started putting soup everywhere because he’s too scared of drowning in it
I think he was homeschooled before he came to Bullworth so his handwriting is absolutely abysmal. They frequently have to email his assignments to his mother (god rest her soul) so that they could be decoded and graded
Takes flowers from the girls dorm and makes flower potions using the chemistry equipment to make people like him
Gets bullied for consistently and repeatedly calling his teachers “mummy”
Pedro doesn’t play when it comes to snow. One flake and he’s in 100 layers and is zip tying tennis rackets to his feet. Poor kid looks like the Michelin man for days because he can’t cut the zip ties off and therefore cannot exit his snow suit
Has a panic attack whenever there’s a fire drill, even if its planned and he knows exactly when it is he’s going to assume that its a real one and starts hyperventilating. He speed walks out of the building so he doesnt the break the rules against running in the hall and as soon as his feet hit the concrete he drops into the fetal position and starts panicking
Gloria Jackson
Gets history books out of the library and reads them in front of the nerds to look cool but the poor kid doesn’t understand a single word
She’s everything Sheldon thinks he is. She gets good grades, the teachers like her and she’s (mostly) modest about it
The type of kid who looks like she’s going to explode if the teacher doesn’t call on her to answer a question. Starts foaming at the mouth if the other person gets the question wrong
Openly coughs when she passes people smoking in the hopes it will make them stop. It actually makes them blow smoke in her direction
Gets upset whenever someone mentions geography because she consistently gets b’s and not a’s. Geography is her Achilles heel
Doesn’t undo the buckles on her shoes, just slides them on and off her feet everyday
Prefers Lance over Bo because they both have an appreciation for academia. She kinds thinks her brother is a loser for defaulting into sports instead of focusing on his education
Every time there’s a fire drill she moans about wasting valuable learning time. The older kids hate her for it, some of them are trying to skip calculus GLORIA
Melody Adams
She has a different headband for every day of the week, she also has matching day of the week socks, clip on claires earrings and little rings
Has a huuuuge crush on jimmy, in the errand where she gives chocolate to jimmy so he can put it in constantinos’ locker she was secretly hoping he’d keep if for himself.
Used to also have a massive thing for Johnny until she watched him cough up a wad of black smoker’s phlegm, instantly got her to stop pining after him
Gets in trouble in class because she called someone ( COUGH Sheldon COUGH) a jerk and she defends herself like “well at least i didn’t call him a bitch” and lands herself a week of detention
Serious napoleon complex. She can talk the talk but then when it comes to an actual fight she chickens out and starts crying
Pretends to be a pacifist to get brownie points with the teachers but then she gets insulted and instantly tries to start something
Saw a flyer advertising that chad needed help walking chester, what ended up actually happening was chester walked her through a hedge in the old bullworth vale memorial gardens and she had to get a new uniform
Really wants to dye her hair, so she tried to speak to Lola about it. When she was told it wouldn’t lift well because it’s naturally black she went and used sun in out of spite. Ended up with half a head of ginger hair
Every time there’s a fire drill she tries to act all cool so that the older boys will notice her but then she brings her glittery pink pencil case outside with her so it doesnt get burnt.
Karen Johnson
Tries to shoulder check people like she sees Damon doing but she’s so small its kinda like a hip check. It’s as endearing as it is completely futile
Very very resilient child, she’s practically made of rubber. More than once a ball has gone astray and knocked her out for a good few seconds, she’s usually up and begging to be hit again within five minutes
Purposely tries to get sent out of class because she just cannot sit still. She needs meds so so so badly please put her on something
Gets lost a lot because when she asks the older kids for help and they point her in the wrong direction.
Actually a very promising young athlete, just gets neglected because she’s a girl
Puts a bottle in the back wheel of her bike so that it sounds like a motorcycle when she rides it
Can’t tie her own tie, she gets Miss Peabody to do it
Has 12 dogs at home, misses them dearly when she’s at school so she has stuffies of all of them to keep her company
Scared of the dark but she’s far too cool to ask for a nightlight so she just goes to bed scared
Spreads rumours about actual fires during fire drills, so she can laugh at Pedro when he gets scared and/or wets himself
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the-spacetronaut · 1 year
has mother or anyone ever found out about sonny's obsessions? I'm not just talking about the janitor I'm talking about any of them has he ever been found out?
luckily no!
sonny is very careful and it helps that hes mothers favorite bloom! mother knows about sonnys bad behavior but she doesnt bring attention to it unless its very bad! (causing a 3 way fight that sent him and monty to parts and services is considered "not too bad" so you can imagine what "very bad" is to her!)
everyone does talk about sonny's crushes but unless it comes from sonny's own mouth and words, mother doesnt believe it and only thinks he wants a friend.
the reason why sonny is so careful is because mother does a reset on the blooms if they start to gain too much sentience and independence. every bloom had a factory reset or soft reset. if its very bad, they get wiped to factory settings which wipes everything they learned by themselves! a lot of times, mother just goes into their head and pick out whatever she doesnt want them to remember!
raph has the most out of his siblings because he falls in love, argues about getting more freedom and privacy, gets reset. everytime he gets reset, he falls in love and the cycle repeats! mother found it easier to let him read romance novel because it distracts him and raises his standards! (she keeps him very far away from freddy because freddy is such a hunk that even mother acknowledges hes a good man!)
starri is the second one to get reset the most. when she used to have a voice, she would talk a lot and learn a lot! she will teach and show her siblings all the new things she learn! shes the most rebellious out of the nurses so she snuck out a lot but cant get far because of the hivemind! she was actually the first to severe her link to the hivemind for more freedom and privacy and it didnt end nicely. the fight mother and starri had shook the walls! this will always happen after a reset. everytime, she starts questioning mother about her and her siblings freedom, sense of self, and privacy. mother will reset her everytime. but now since starri lost her voice, she doesnt act out as much anymore. because she cant express herself for everyone to understand.
poppy is the third to be reset the most! thats because poppy is a special case, she doesnt demand privacy or freedom like raph or starri but she does have very very low self esteem and identity issues! it starts getting very bad everytime she finds out that her body is made of 2 scrapped nurse blooms and her bloom was suppose to be a poppy and not a peony (hence her name)! it causes her to spiral and ask too much questions. mother cant stand seeing her hurt so much and she cant give poppy an honest answer. its easier to make her forget. everyone in parts and services knows not to mention this around poppy. if the glamrocks find out, they just wipe it from their memory too. its not anything anyone needs to know because its not important!
hayden and celia dont get reset that much. hayden sometimes gets it more than celia because hes easily influenced and curious. he asks a lot of questions, most are harmless but some do scratch his brain. mother doesnt like answering those questions and she doesnt like saying no to her baby bloom. its easier to reset him. celia gets reset when she has a melt down over why mother favors sonny more. why mother bails sonny out the most. why mother loves sonny more than herself and the others. such an emotional out burst needs a reset before celia overheats and crashes.
sonny has been reset three times. the first two times he doesnt remember. the third time he does. he will never let that happen again.
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missmewts · 2 years
Ooh how about the breakfast club characters dating someone who's very affectionate n stuff? Like, they dont shy away when it comes to giving kisses and hugs and are borderline clingy lol
affection//the breakfast club
pairings; the breakfast club, gender neutral reader (individual)
rating; pg
warnings; none
BRIAN JOHNSON//the brain
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brian loved affection.
he absolutely loved laying on his back in your bed, letting you lay on his chest and draw shapes into his tummy
he’s never had a partner before, youre his first
so whatever he got, he loved
the first time this happened was the first time he slept over
you insisted he sleep in the bed with you, instead of on the floor
“i dont want to make you uncomfortable.” he insisted, eyebrows furrowed
you would smile at him, and pat the bed
and the two of you would curl up in bed together, listening to the beatles and lulling eachother to sleep
ANDY CLARK//the jock
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andy hates it in public
he’s very iffy about affection, especially from you
he doesnt want you thinking he doesnt have rock hard abs all the goddamn time
but that’s pretty much inevitable, considering youre a cuddle bug and he cant say no to you
he cuddles with you all the time, but will absolutely not even hold your hand in public
JOHN BENDER//the criminal
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john is not into it
the sore spots of his body are often your favorite to cuddle, which leaves him to despise cuddling at night
he tells you its because he overheats at night, because he feels bad turning down your affection
but he does give you the occasional hug, and tons of kisses
CLAIRE STANDISH//the princess
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claire is pretty iffy, because she’s never ever been the big spoon
you tell her you dont mind being the big spoon, but she still hates knowing you might, in some impossible universe, be mad at her for not wanting to be the big spoon
claire takes things slow. so if you even think about touching her ass, or chest, or thighs, she’s out.
ALLY REYNOLDS//the basket case
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ally doesnt cuddle.
she likes being held, but she doesnt cuddle
she cant stand the feeling of being so loved
she feels like she doesnt deserve all the affection you give her, so she avoids it
and that breaks your heart, but you know theres nothing you can do to help her except take it slow
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mr-humphries · 4 years
I am once again providing you with head canons because i am tired :)
- Alan sleep walks. Which would be fine if he didnt carry his scythe while it happened.
- Ronald is terrified of lightening and thunder and is only able to get through it if there is someone with him.
- Grell has a bed full of teddy bears. They're arent specific in aesthetic. but theres loads.
- alan sleeps in onesies with pyjamas underneath a lot. The thorns makes his body temperature drop when hes tired.
- Eric refused to sleep in pyjamas unless Alan makes him especially when hes ill or its winter.
- william just has multiple pairs of the striped pyjamas. That's it. Unless hes feeling spicy, then he'll have the plain blue pyjamas.
- Grell sleeps in a tank top and shorts with those cliche "I'm tired and want everyone to know about it" quotes.
- Ronald just sleep with pyjama bottoms, less restricting and it takes less time to put on, convenient considering hes always tired.
- Othello has the fluffiest pyjamas, he overheats all the time, but he doesnt care, he looks like a fucking teddy bear
- Sascha and Ludgar have matching pyjamas, even matching dinosaur onesies with hoods and tails :D Ludgar says he hates it, but deep down He loves it.
- Alan has Narcolepsy, meaning if he is overworked with minimal rest, his body will just shut down and make him fall asleep no matter what hes doing.
- Will has Insomnia, he never seems tired after only maybe getting a few minutes/hours of sleep, but hes always irritable before coffee.
- (I'm not sure if I've said this one before) Eric has a huGE fear of being alone, and cannot sleep unless someone is in the bed next to him.
- (!TW mentions of pills!) due to Ronald getting used to be awake late and drinking, he often has to take sleeping pills to keep him from doing anything stupid with alcohol and making him sleep earlier.
- Grell must have white noise or background noise playing in the background to be able to sleep (her personal favourites is rain and sounds of the ocean)
- Othello always cuddles a teddy bear a dear friend gave him, it made him feels safe and no longer alone.
-Ludgar often has to wait for Sascha to lose their energy before going to sleep, often resulting in late night walks by the lake. It's always the same time when they get back, much to Ludgar's addiction to order and routine. They cuddle too 🥺
- Alan constantly falls asleep ontop of Eric, which eric is fine with because it often stop him from sleep walking
- Eric is super cuddly when falling asleep- you cany change my mind, I'm sorry-
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love-loser · 4 years
midnight ( hawks / f.reader )
surprised my first fic isn’t too yandere but here it is, adapted from an old slash fic i wrote a long time ago for a friend, based off cardlin audio’s asmr video about cinderella. feedback is much appreciated! praying to GOD tumblr doesnt mess up formatting pls pls pls, also lmk if there are any typos i missed! masterlist
2.9k words ↬ “There hasn’t been a ball this month where I couldn’t find you out here by yourself,” Keigo says, forlorn, “The when was easy… hm, as the night grew darker, sure enough, I’d find you here, beneath the moon, and all her stars. No… for you, it was always the other questions that bothered me. Who are you, mysterious girl, who bewitched me so? Why do you stand out like… like a rose among a field of daisies? How do you manage to get me to speak in such pine?”
“Stare as long as you wish, my dear, at all the stars the heavens have to offer, I promise you will not find one that shines quite as bright as you.”
The sudden words have you stiff, before you turn your head away from the view of the expansive front yard of the palace to rest your eyes on the unexpected visitor. The shock you feel when you see it’s the one specific royal that you’ve been pining over for months has you completely frozen.
For a moment, you think maybe the prince is drunk, or has you mistaken for someone else, or even both, but the next litany of words (you’d never imagined the prince’s voice to drawl so nicely when speaking to you of all people) prove both those assumptions to be wrong. 
“I’m sorry, your highness, you must have-”
“My apologies. I did not mean to scare you,” The prince, Keigo Takami, takes a step closer, then another, until he’s leaning on the balcony railing alongside you, close enough for you to feel the ghost of his body heat. “I had a feeling you would be out here on the balcony easel,” Before you can question just what the prince wants to do with you, or even how he knows you, he continues on, “How did I know?” 
A small chuckle, then a sigh.
“Why, there hasn’t been a ball this month where I couldn’t find you out here by yourself,” Keigo says, forlorn, “The when was easy… hm, as the night grew darker, sure enough, I’d find you here, beneath the moon, and all her stars. No… for you, it was always the other questions that bothered me. Who are you, mysterious girl, who bewitched me so? Why do you stand out like… like a rose among a field of daisies? How do you manage to get me to speak in such pine?”
A pause tells you that yes, you can reply.
“Your highness, I am only a mere civilian.” You’re too shy to spare a glance towards the next king of your country, so you settle for staring off into the comforting sky, “You must be mistaken. I am only here, after all, to grant the wishes of my… godmother.”
How ironic, that your words were really more truthful when spoken the other way around. After all, it was your wish to attend the balls, granted by a certain (fairy) godmother. 
“But not a single woman back in that ballroom can garner even a peck of my attention, no matter how desperately they may try, and… perhaps, most importantly of all, where do you run off to every night, as the clock strikes midnight? You look surprised. Did you think I didn’t notice how you excuse yourself at the exact same time during every ball?”
“I-I’m sorry, Prince, but I do think you’ve the wrong person.” you fluster, peeling yourself from the stone railing and making for the double doors behind them. What you don’t expect, though, is Keigo’s handsome features suddenly coming into view. The sight sends you into a fit of stuttering heartbeats and bated breath, and you can’t help but flick your eyes to a space just above the prince’s right shoulder. you feel steady hands come up to rest on your waist, just on the delicate, slight curve of hips, too tight to be called gentle. 
“I assure you, I notice a lot more about you than you might expect.” Keigo sighs, seemingly perplexed, “No matter. I will find out soon enough.”
“What do you mean by that, your highness?” You were already in a compromising position, and the last thing you wanted was for the prince to throw you in a dungeon because of your previously assumed well hidden affections for the royal figure.
“Hm? Oh, I didn’t mean anything by it. It was nothing more than the prattling of one who considers himself to be your biggest fan,” for the first time that night, Keigo gives you a warm little smile, an expression you never thought you’d be on the receiving end of, “Well, I would think it’s your turn to humour me a bit, wouldn’t you say? I’ve been craving the soft lilt of your voice since two nights ago.” 
“Well… What is there to admire?”
“What is there to admire? Why, my beautiful you, what isn’t there to admire? That… faraway look in your eye when you gaze out over the city each night, the way you move with a grace unlike any lady in this court, not quite floral, but fluid and vibrant in a way that is all your own,”
You can feel a warm rosiness settle onto your cheeks at the words, the heat on your skin battling the cool night air. Keigo is so close, you’re almost afraid the prince can feel you overheat. “And what about that forlorn touch to your smile that turns even the most candid of our moments together… bittersweet, as if you knew it wouldn’t last?”
“You are making a hassle over nothing, my prince,” You try to deny, shaking your head and wiggling out of his grip, or at least trying to.
“I admit, at first I thought you were intimidated by my station,” Keigo laughs, almost in disbelief, “The bachelor prince sought by every eligible lady in the kingdom. Who would he choose? Of course, even I am aware of such titles in my name.”
“But, no, there is more to it than that… You don’t fear that I may be too much for you. If I may be so bold, I think the sorrow and your sigh is that you know… I’m just right for you. And yet, you cannot have me.” 
You turn your head, feeling a breeze dancing along the strands of your hair, and the folds of your clothes. There’s a certain stinging on all your nerve endings, and it all pumps back to your heart, where you feel pain and longing course through your veins.
“Nonsense. Your highness, surely, the crowd is waiting for your presence. Leave me be and go tend to your guests.”
“Something tells me the answer to that riddle lies within the reason you dash off every night as the clock turns over,” Keigo continues, unaffected by the denial and stepping forward to brace you against the railing with his arms and body, “You are the only guest I care about… And yet, I don’t even know your name.”
“(y/n),” you answer, shrinking back. The prince had a way with his words and mannerisms that just made you feel that much smaller in his demanding and touchy disposition. 
“(y/n)… Though we’ve talked like this at every one of these balls so far, trading wits and flirtations as duelists trade blows, I find myself walking away each time somehow knowing… even less of you. But I’ve got a feeling, then, I’ll have all the answers soon.”
“What makes me say that? Call it a lucky guess.” Keigo looks over, past you, before uttering a mutter, “Why, would you look at the time? Is it that it struck early? Or is it that time flies when you’re having fun?”
“Already, my prince? I-I’m so sorry, I really must be going,” you sucked in a nervous breath through your teeth, eyes showing just a hint of panic at the thought of revealing what would really happen once time was up.
“No, I know, the time has come and you must leave me. How did the bard put it? Parting is always such sweet sorrow. Farewell, (y/n), I’ll see you soon.”
And like that, you felt the warmth radiating from the prince taken away as quickly as it came. The bite of the cold night air snaps at you almost immediately.
“Yes, ah, I’ll see you soon.” You knew, though, that you’d let the encounters go too far and swore to your wavering self that this would be the last one. You stepped past the prince, tried the cold knob, once, twice, before giving it a hard jiggle in a sad attempt at escape.
“Are the doors locked? But… however could that be? Why would that happen? Could it be a faulty lock or… is it instead that they were locked on purpose? Perhaps by a, curious prince, made impatient by the constant abandonment. He endured whenever the girl of his dreams would whisk herself away from him every night. Imagine the agony beyond power of speech and frustration when this vixen, this succubus stalks his vision at night and his thoughts every day.”
Your heart quickens, finding your once again pliant in the prince’s hands, “Imagine, how maddening that must be to have something taken away from you again , and again … just when  you’re finally about to,” Keigo leans in, warm, minty breath kissing your lips, “Get a taste of it. Yes, my dear, I did lock those doors, and now, my sweetness, I can’t let you leave.”
“But believe me, when I say that if you felt for me the way I feel for you, you wouldn’t let yourself leave either. You’ve a secret, do you? One you need to tell me? Well, I have a secret of my own, in fact. I have several, the first of which is that there is a hidden passageway, not easily seen from the balcony… and that, of course, is by intention.”
Keigo drew back the slightest bit, reaching up to pull a particular curtain draw- one that didn’t differ much from the other braided ones to Taehyung’s untrained eyes. A loud clack had you flinching, before you turn and a wooden ladder makes itself known. 
“Follow it up, and it leads to my room. Come with me now, and we’ll… share our secrets.” You just about lunge for the base of the ladder, just a bit breathless.
“I really should be taking my leave, Prince.”
“Well, well, suddenly, aren’t you in a hurry, hm? Let me lead the way.” Keigo takes the first step, all too experienced as he climbed up the ladder. You found it hard not to look down, considering they were on the second floor and scaling between balconies.
By the time Keigo is off and you are just about to make it, the prince offers a hand, and takes your hand in his, clasping it gently and loosely.
“You know, it’s odd... I never let anyone up these stairs, let alone a stranger.” Keigo muses, “First you managed to get me talking and now you managed to get me to reveal some of my deepest secrets. Remind me to get my revenge. Oh, I’m not- my god, your clothes!”
Oh. So that’s what happens when you stay out too late. Out of all the possibilities, you had to end up naked in front of your longtime love.
“What has happened to you? Your clothing seems to be ripping to tatters more and more with each passing moment- Here, take my coat,” you appreciate how fast the prince sheds his outerwear, and you graciously accept for once, happy that the only other living thing in the hallway to witness this debacle is the poor potted plant in the corner.
A turn of a key, the click of a lock, you poking his head out and then getting flustered when he sees Keigo smiling fondly at the gesture. Yes, a very normal day for a common person like yourself.
They’re out of the hallway and Keigo is sneaking you into his room, a stark change in tone from the sultry air of the younger night.
“Here we are now. Now, sit down on my bed. Wait here. I’ll find you some proper clothing. While I admit that I have dreamt quite often as of late of having you in my room, it wasn’t like this. It wasn’t meant to be… perfect. It was meant to be… right . I’ll return shortly with some clothes. No- stay. I promise you, I won’t be long-”
Though flustered and a tiny bit flattered at the lewd admission, you stood, far too uncomfortable to stay alone in the prince’s room, naked. “Please, let me, prince.”
“Ah, alright, if you insist. The blankets do look good on you, yes. Well, here we are,” It’s a short walk to his expansive closet, and you find yourself in a shirt that’s just a little too loose that feels like heaven on your humble skin. 
“My prince… I think I am ready to tell you about myself,” You admit, playing with the sleeves of the soft, fabric shirt, “If-If you’re willing to hear, of course.”
“I would give nothing more to hear anything you wish to tell me,” Keigo pulled you to a seat on the bed, your thighs touching, shoulders brushing.
“Well, I… I come from a wealthy family, though they are not kind to me. My stepmom, she runs a fabric shop, along with my two step sisters-”
“You- what? That old widow… but she only has two daughters… Everyone knows her husband and her stepdaughter died in that tragic accident, which as, sorrowful as it was, might have been a welcome escape from that frigid woman.”
“Well, yes, but I am here… I was kept as a maid all this time, and haven’t known many amenities in my life thus far,” you look up from his hands, which are nestled between the soft lines of your thighs, “But it could be worse, so I do not complain.”
“But, if you’re her stepdaughter, then… you’re the rightful heir to your father’s estate… But that does not explain how you came to wear such… niceties if you were kept as a maid.”
“A fairy godmother answered my pleads, as irrational as it may sound…” you gathered up the last ounce of courage you had, and looked into the prince’s understanding, sharp eyes, “I understand if you don’t believe me, Prince.”
“Of course I do, my love,” Keigo cupped your cheek, thumbing at the soft skin, “Please, call me Keigo, or any variation of that as you wish.”
“And how about yours, then… Keigo?” You tried, experimentally. Though foreign, the name was not completely unwelcome on your tongue.
The man smiled, humming at the sound of his own name, before nodding, “My secret? After all of that, you still wish to hear mine? Well, I suppose you’ve earned it, and how can I deny the wish of an angel lying in my sheets?”
 “All right, in retrospect, my secret isn’t quite as elaborate or cunning, nor as thrilling or shocking, in face, if you’ve been watching my eyes and reading between the lines of my words, dear, I’m sure you must already know my secret…”
A heavy pause, before he sighs and finishes, “Is that, I’m in love with you. I teased myself with the idea after the first night, toyed with it the second… fought with it the third and came to accept it on the fourth. And ever since then, I found myself madly, wholey, and helplessly in love with you.”
“But you must know that, right? You must feel it in your heart as I do, resonating ceaselessly since the moment we met. I love you, because you are beautiful, in mind, action and appearance. Or, are you beautiful because I love you? I do not know.”
You bit your lip, leaning into the man’s touch and shifting closer to fit snugly in his side, “(y/n)... You… You don’t have to go back, you know. The clock is struck midnight, but you’re still here. Surely, that has to mean something. You can leave that life behind. No more scullery and cinder sweeping.”
“Instead, you have opulence and wealth- every extravagance you could want, ever delicacy, but crave every possible pleasure you could ever long for. Say a word, and it’s yours- give all of you to me, let yourself be mine, no one else’s, and it’s yours, (y/n). And in return, I will also give myself to you.”
“Y-Your highness, I- I can’t possibly,” you turned your head away, at a loss for words. If the title bothers him, he doesn’t show it.
“You could spend the rest of your life swaddled and pampered, appreciated and adored, loved by the kingdom, and worshipped by your prince. But… That’s not all you want, is it? No, I can tell now. Seething within you, there’s a desire for something, more than just comforts. You have a darkness in your heart, a heavy stain left by the indelible touch of that wretched stepmother of yours. Have they healed? Can they ever?”
“Whatever she and her have done to you, I promise you, we can return upon them tenfold. My word is law, and if you would be mine, then you would have my word to wield like a sword. I will be your knight, and all of the kingdom’s strength shall be my power, all of this can be yours. The wealth, the power, the prestige, and the vindication, and in exchange, I would ask you but for one simple thing- you. All of you.” 
“If you say yes, you will be mine until eternity ends, and we can rule this kingdom together- happily ever after. We will seal our vows here now on this very bed and I promise to make you long only for more of my touch, to erase the thought of anyone else from your head. If you say no, I will leave your clothes on the bar of the doors, and you can return to your life of injustice. Let’s say, my dear, what life will you choose?” In hindsight, maybe you should’ve known he wouldn’t let you have much of a choice anyway.
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svnarintaro · 4 years
basic fluffy todoroki hcs pleaseee! :>
ofc !!
this boy is one of my specialties
here we go anon !!
todoroki fluff hcs
Tumblr media
- he will just come over to your dorm and the moment you open the door he will wrap his arms around you 
- he likes to feel warmer when you hug him
- he likes making you flower crowns
his sister taught him how to make one so he just makes them for you 
“you look pretty love”
- he likes walking on your right
he doesnt like to overheat when holding your hand
- he will always fill your water bottle 
- he will never let you near endeavour 
- he will legitimately use everything in his power to avoid you getting even close to his agency
- he just has a terrible way of covering up
“love, is that a conveniently placed pet store in the other direction that we should probably go towards?” 
“todoroki you can just say your dad’s-”
“what? you want to go there right now casue it is not because of my dad? okayyy”
- you meet his sister because you both grabbed for the same snack and she thinks you are a person of refined cultures 
- she loves seeing you with shoto
- not to mention the cute habit that shot usually will come behind you when you are sitting and will press his cheek on the top of your head and just curl his body to just wrap around yours 
you call it the “shoto slug hold”
cause he won’t use his arms or anything but he will keep you there even if you tried moving
“love, stop moving..”
“shoto i have to pEE”
- he hates PDA
- so he comprimises
- he writes you little notes that you can slip in pockets on your bag and clothes
‘remember to drink water today’
‘you can do it’
‘you are loved’
‘i believe in you’
for the record there is always a little cat on the top right of the little note and it shows that it is him
- did i mention that he walks in on glass sliding doors a lot?
- he makes you walk in front when the two of you are out but he will always link your pinky fingers together at the bare minimum
- the maximum is that has your legs on his waist with you facing him and he will use your back to see if there is a glass sliding pane
- that last one is when he gets clingy which he gets a lot when he is out talking with other people for too long.
- shoto is introverted and you can’t change my mind 
- asking him to get you things from the convenience store is like talking to that once annoying character from the first star wars movie
- it’s either you get a lot of what you wanted 
- or you get something else completely different that sounds the same as the thing you asked for 
- it is always the thought that counts with this boy
- i think he will get really into arts and crafts as an activity that he can do with you 
- like he really gets into resin pouring so he does it with you and he is a living legend
- the only thing he sucks at is colouring books
- for your anniversary you made him colour something by number and then he realized it was a picture of the two of you once he finished
- he is just WHIPPED for you 
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Helloo pls don't judge me but I need a yandere Ai for my life sjhshs so can I request the whole alphabet for him? Thanks luv you and keep it up
BABE I DONT JUDGE OKAY I LOVE YOU AND I TRIED MY BEST AT THIS (I am not the best at his character ngl ) ❤❤❤ hope you're doing well
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He's very… monotone in his love. He rarely says it verbally and usually turns to soft touches. Mainly because hes still unsure himself oh how this is supposed to work but by God dont think that's a weakness. His grip does tend to tighten. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Much like Masato, he ruins their life without taking it. Im talking about exploiting their deepest darkest secrets, absolutely humiliating them in front of everyone that knows them hes like anonymous, but worse. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He doesnt mock them but he studies them which may or may not be worse. To have someone watch you break down and lose it, completely emotionless; analyzing you as your form becomes weaker and weaker is so much worse than a punch to the face. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Eh. He puts them in uncomfortable situations to study their reaction. It can go from anywhere to calling a ~bigger~ person pregnant looking, to going on the dark web and watching someone commit cannibalism. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He unknowingly entrusts then with a lot of it mainly because he wants his darling to explain to him why he's feeling this way. Why his heart aches to be with them under any circumstances. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He'd have a very rationally laid out answer for this type of reaction. May it be the lack of freedom of constant staring of his; its okay. He forgives them. 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This is not a game but rather a sick science experiment. Go ahead, try to escape, but there's literal traps all around the house and without his helping hand to guide them past them, theyre are sure to hurt themselves. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
As mentioned above, he has literal traps around the house. From tripping over invisible string to being magnet cuffed to the wall. Their worst experience, however, has to have been when they found a "secret" door, (which wasn't actually there, he put it there) and opened it only to have water pour on them and getting electrocuted. Now if you didnt know, water and electricity dont mix. Especially not on a human. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to keep them with him of course. But more as a pet. A science experiment that bends to his every will. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He doesnt get jealous. He gets deadly. If someone tried to touch his darling or "save" them, he would W R E C K them in the worst way possible. Rationally, of course. All his steps are calculated and they would never catch him. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He acts relatively normal. Emotionless, stoic, smart. But he loves to just, well, love them. He likes to curl up against them or put them in his lap and run his fingers through their hair, whispering sweet words that they knew, ultimately, meant nothing. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Its a curiosity game. He's curious about them and they try to find out why he's the way he is. Why so blank? So monotone? It's quite fun to watch them figure him out while he already several files on them. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No. Much like he told Syo and Natsuki, theyre a test subject and he made that very clear from the beginning on, to everyone. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Traps, testing the limits of the human body, you know? Hypothermia? How long til it kicks in? Could you withstand the boiling point of skin if he just gradually turns up the heat? Of course hed never kill you. Just… observe the process. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
They dont have any rights outside of him. They rely on him for everything from clothing to food and water, to walks in the park. Everything is determined and up to him. 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He actually has a decent amount of patience because, again. Experiment. He wants to know why they're feeling this way and makes them talk about every last out and episode. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Quite honestly, that depends on the natural personality of his darling. If they're kind and compassionate, almost like a mother, he would feel all kinds of sad emotions, maybe even overheat and "die". If they're constantly defiant and just annoying to deal with one way or another, he can find himself a new darling. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. He might have felt a ping of guilt once or twice but if his darling didn't catch that, they missed all their opportunity. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Mainly the confusion about emotions in general. No one told him that feeling this strong toward someone was not, well, normal, but toxic. Suffocating. Deadly. Everyone just told him he was in love. Who knew love could be so killer? 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Indifferent. He'd take comfort them to get information out of them. Some times though he actually does hurt for them, mainly if it wasnt his fault though. Which is rarely the case. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
This is literally an experiment to him. Its not true obsession, but a kid who takes it way too far, ya know? 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Since he is very confused about his emotions, as mentioned above, if you catch him in a vulnerable state and kind of step on his emotions a bit, you might be able to distract him. Emphasis on might. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Oh yes, mainly to see their reactions and it's not as extreme as others. He would never beat them, cut them, or feed them to the wolves. Just… testing their limits in other ways.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Its so bittersweet that after every bad thing, he holds his darling tight and tells them how proud he is of them, how much he "LOVES" them, knowing damn well that he has no clue what love is and this is just unhealthy behavior. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He calls it observing rather than pining lol but he can go on for ages or at least until his darling shows interest in him, too. Thats when he strikes.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling? 
Yes and hes in the process of that. Taking away their rights is only the first step of forming an obedient pet .
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galaxy-starheart · 4 years
Okokkokokokokokokokikokokoko OK- 30 bc I need to know if Rory is big mad or crippling guilt type WHOOPS 37 👀 2 seconds after befriending some one why 😌 andddddddd 64 do the fire core people have naturally high body temperatures meaning they get cold easily or does their fire core warm them keeping them from the cold???? I need to knowwwwww 👀👀👀 sending Rory ONE HUG, AND SOME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE- and a adress for a therapist😔😔😔
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
Rory: He will no doubt always go directly to fight in that situation. Even in Emotional fight or flight situations. Instead of avoiding people when he doesnt wanna talk to them for whatever reason, his instinct tends to be to push them away somehow. He doesnt want them to Want to be near him or interact with him.
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
Rory: it is so incredibly difficult, mostly because his general rule for himself is Dont Get Attached To People. (He's long since failed, but he still feels like he shouldn't say things like that because he's so used to bottling up how he feels).
Sammy: He only says it to those he really means it for. He loves very easily though, so like he might give a platonic "i love you" within weeks of meeting someone, but he completely means it.
Delta: She will say "i love you" to damn near anyone or anything. She only won't say it if she really fundamentally dislikes likes someone or something, but other than that...
64. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily?
Rory: the man is a space heater that wears a warm jacket for the aesthetic so yeah he overheats easily. Fire core people DO in fact have naturally higher body temperatures!
And yeah, Rory definitely needs those things. Especially the therapist. He DOES go to therapy eventually tho so things do get better!
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qupshalfempty · 5 years
Can you do headcanons on how tfp Ratchet and Knockkout would react to their fem human s/o who is a very deep sleeper and clings to them in her sleep?
TFP! Ratchet and Wheeljack Cuddly Deep Sleeper HeadCanons
She/Her Pronouns
- He's a very light sleeper, and is eternally grateful for having someone who's the complete opposite.
- He gets up very early in the mornings everyday, whether the others are awake or not, to get started working. He'd hate having to wake you up with him. But thankfully, you hardly wake up even when he tries to get you to.
- The first time he finds out you're a cuddler, makes his spark.. melt? Or would burst be a better human analogy? He shakes his head. Doesnt matter, what matters is that his faceplate is... burning? Why do humans use heat temperatures in their analogies?
- He realizes why when you curl up closer in your sleep, his body radiating the warmth you seek. Luckily his cooling fans switching on doesnt wake you up.
- He can't help but stare at your peaceful form, it's very rare moments like these that he loves.
- No war, no impossible odds, just you and him. Your hair is messy, drool glistening out of the corners of your mouth, upturned in a soft smile..
- Everything about you is- "Perfect." he whispered.
- Sadly, the moment can't last much longer because he has to pry away your sleeping body off his arm... but.. maybe a couple more klicks wouldn't hurt...
- Which says a lot, because he's a stickler for time. And he chose to spend it with you.
- He wakes up in the middle of the night a lot, and although he's pretty graceful... A big, metal bot sneaking? Yeah...
- He likes to take midnight/early morning drives to clear his head or just stay distracted with his ship. He can usually find something to do in the early morning when he can't sleep or has nightmares.
- He doesn't want to wake you up though, not that he wouldnt want you to come or invite you. He actually loves hanging out at this time of night, oddly enough. He just hates having you wake up because of him. And if you mention it, "A femme like yourself needs her beauty sleep."
- Which is why he's so grateful you're a deep sleeper, really. It's the clinging that does him in. Done get him wrong, he loves cuddling. That moment right before you fall asleep with you in his arms while you're clinging to his chassis? Complete bliss.
- It helps tone down the nightmares, and they don"t happen as often. They actually become a rarity with you around.
- But when he does want to ride, he'll either pry you off and let you sleep. Or if you wake up, invite you to come with. You can sleep in his alt mode if you'd like.
- He'd jokily act romantic once he's in his alt mode. "Can I offer you a seat to recharge? " You can practically hear his smirk, when he opens the passenger side door.
- He secretly loves it when you sleep in his alt mode. A quiet, peaceful drive, with you sleepily snoring, and the open road ahead of him? He's in love.
- He has to force his cooling fans to shut off on nights like these, so as not to freeze you out.
- Especially when the seat is laid back, and you're on your side, turned towards the door... Your hand clinging to the door frame, makes him overheat. At this point he has to crack the windows, he's "blushing" so badly you'll start sweating if he doesn't.
- You make this flirtatious bot suddenly become shy, his faceplate burns a lot more around you. Especially when you act obliviously cute. 'Slag...'
I love these two so much, feel free to requests these two at any time 💞
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01010010-posts · 6 years
how would the rks react to their s/o falling asleep on them while cuddling/watching a movie? its been on my mind all day and i just can't,,,, my heart,,,, its too much for me,,,,
they would cry like the bitches they are because what the fuck who gave you the right to be so SWEET & COMFY and fall asleep like that without a care in the world who gave you the right to snore like a fluffy kitty what you’re gonna purr too? you can’t play like this with their pump regulator it’s not fucking fair at all yknowbut,,,, to gave some relief to your aching heart,,,, im gonna spoil uconnor would silently squeal because? yes? you feel safe enough with him to just doze off? he’s been blessed? you’re such a cute precious angel he doesn’t want to move so he kinda grabs a blanket, covers you and snuggle up enjoying the moment, in the end he’d go into rest mode too because your presence is so comforting and he suddendly feels so sleepy zzzz60 is a bit surprised because how the fuck can you fall asleep with an android that doesnt stop talking NEVER but your face,,,, so dreamy,,,, he watches you for a whole hour not able to do anything else bc too cute and humans doing humans things it’s his kink so i mean he can’t help but leave tiny kisses on your face,,,, either you wake up in the most gentle way or you continue sleeping with a smile on your faceRK900 would be so tender,,,, he’d normally wake you up with cuddles because no one wants to disrupt your sleep pattern but,,,, you’re so,,,, he lacks the words to describe you,,,, he finds you so helpless & tiny he can’t,,,, he registers everything with his hardrive and when he’s satisfied with all the pictures and videos of you being the softest human ever he hugs you extra tight and warms you with his body temperature because yes he’s going to overheat from the love
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the-spacetronaut · 2 years
will we get to learn more about the nurse blooms, helper blooms and mother dove? do they have truama? 🤔
you'll get to learn more about them, yeah! i dont want that to span through 6 or 7 consecutive chapters of exposition because thats sooooo boring!
there will be some chapters dedicated to them but it'll be split with screen time with the band and sun/moon!
one thing for sure, the blooms refer to each other as brother and sister
i know some people are curious about them so i'll give ya a little snippet about them! 🤫
also they dont have trauma, theyre blank slates until you (the reader) got hire. you are their trauma
mother dove is the doctor, shes the boss that runs the operation and the overmind
right under her is sonny who is the head nurse (still part of the nurse blooms)
then its the other nurse blooms (raph, hayden, poppy, starri, and celia)
and the helper blooms (little helpers) are at the bottom
mother is a large stationary dove animatronic, her body is built into the wall so she cant leave her area at all. she doesn’t open her eyes because she can see through the nurses and little helpers cameras thanks to being a hivemind. she can control any of the blooms if she wishes but it doesn’t happen too often because she doesn’t want them to give up their autonomy for her. it is mostly used when a patient is in critical condition. when she does control a bloom, their eyes will turn white. no pupil, just stark white and her voice will come through.
mother is the most developed out of all the blooms because i love her so much! she was made first and then the nurses and the forest were made around her because i love the idea of a HUUUUGE stationary robot (DJMM as an example but DJMM isn’t as stationary as mother)
like her name suggests, she is a mother or loving grandmother!  she has a soothing and sweet voice, sounding much like a grandmother who lives in a little cottage in the woods! 
her sweet comforting voice can lure you into a false sense of security as mother dove is not as she seems
she means well and what she does is for the good of everyone, with that in mind, she is very protective and possessive of all that comes through her doors
"mother knows best" is what she likes to say
it takes a lot for her to get angered but when she is
she is a force to be reckoned with
sonny is a freak. he is a freak. pure lovestruck yandere vibes
his eyes only opens when hes focusing on one singular person or item
or when mother dove is in control of his body
he gets mistaken as sun but he doesnt mind it , they’re both very yellow and their silhouette are almost the same
sonny is mostly silent when he is not interacting with a child. his vocabulary is advanced and mature, more so than the other nurses. of course, he dumbs down his language so children can understand him
calm and collective, he is the first nurse bloom that mother will call and request because of his composure and ability to not overheat in stressful situations
he is the golden child of the nurse blooms
what mother doesnt know is he is very very smart
he is dangerously smart and clever
extremely manipulative, possessive and obsessive
he is able to go offline for 3 hours from mothers hivemind without her knowing
he uses those 3 hours to do things 
he is incredibly in love with you ever since he laid eyes on you
often opening his eyes to view and observe you from a distance or even up close
hed kill for you
lie for you
die for you
he loves you
raph's personality is dramatic and playful
he loves to entertain children and tease them
he doesnt take many things seriously and often fights with sonny because of their opposing personalities
despite being a rose, the symbol for love romance and passion, raph is extremely awkward and often turns down or doesnt understand when a guest is flirting with him even though he is in love with the idea of love and romance
hes kind of pathetic, honestly
but in an endearing way
he speaks quick and haughtily, probably like someone who peaked in highschool drama class 
he often whimpers and whines
strangely, he gets along with damon
hes kind of an idiot
haydens gentle and caring
his main purpose is to calm down patients who are panicking so he speaks very sweet and soft
he talks slow and clearly, never once rising his voice
hayden is very lax and easygoing, he doesnt stress over the big stuff and often gets left to take care of small injuries like papercuts because of his personality
he does very well with children
it seems like hayden knows more than he lets on
people like to say and think that he hides a raging storm within him but... no
hes just a soft robot who likes to sit in mothers nest
hes also extremely lazy, he doesnt like doing his job unless he absolutely has to and plays with kids and the helper blooms in the forest during open hours. after hours though, you can catch him sleeping in odd places in the plex to avoid having to do housekeeping in the infirmary
despite his sleepiness, hes very playful and teasing
poppy was based off every valley girl ive ever met
she keeps her eyes closed during open hours because out of the nurses, her eyes are a dark brown which doesn’t glow in the dim lighting and shes insecure about that. well her eyes do glow but not the pupils- just her sclera (a lot like how i write moons eyes) she just doesnt think it looks pretty on her and she doesnt want to scare the kids
she has a quirk where she likes to clasp her hands together and press them against her cheek, bending over and swaying from side to side when she is happy or excited
poppy stands at 9ft and because shes so tall, she’s always hunched over to make herself appear smaller so she doesnt scare the guests
she’s a peppy girl, she loves to talk and make others feel like theyre on top of the world
laughter is the best medicine and compliments and good reinforcements are even better!
she never wants anyone to leave the infirmary upset and no children or teen will leave without a lollipop in their hand and a smile on their face
very energetic, gives valley girl vibes which makes it easy for her to communicate with little girls (meaning she uses “um”, “like”, “totally” etc. she uptalks too so everything she says sounds like shes asking a question)
i love poppy, shes the first nurse bloom i actually sat down and thought about
starri looks sweet but she is the most playful and mischievous of the nurse blooms
she likes to cause trouble and play pranks
very harmless and fun, just to keep the children happy and relaxed
she is the clown among the nurse blooms, thats what she was programmed to be along with, of course, being a nurse
starri’s a fun nurse to write because shes so impish like a little gremlin
she gets into a lot of trouble so mother keeps her on a tight leash
her voice box has been broken for a while and since they were made by a third party company due to budgeting going mostly towards and glamrocks and the daycare attendants, it has been hard for the company to get a replacement for her
because of her programming, she is able to communicate with ASL
when controlling her, mother also has to use ASL
starri does sometime forget she cant talk but it’s very rarely does she open her mouth
when she does though, its not pretty and she gets really embarrassed about it
the voice box broke because she laughed too hard
celia should be head nurse but because mother praises sonny so much, it was given to him instead
she carries herself elegantly
a sophisticated animatronic who has an aura of wisdom and experience around her
celia is extremely highstrung and actively chases mothers praise. celia is the golden child in terms of her work ethic, morals, and the way she carries herself
she doesnt hate sonny for being what she could be though but it does get on her nerves sometimes
she keeps everyone in order, nags on hayden the most, always makes sure people have something to do-- she likes to micromanage because everything has to be perfect
despite her looking like the epitome of big sexy woman, she is disgusted when humans come onto her with sexual advances
she also has impostor syndrome (which is probably why shes always on everyones back and hovering)
the one where she tends to overwork herself to make up for how useless she feels
this is because she is prone to aggression (like bonnie and monty)
which sends her to parts and services
she was just programmed that way
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You and doofenschmirtz( if that's how you spell it?) For the fall meme!
its ok i dunno how to spell it either
Who gets excited about Halloween in July: ooooh me totally its August 1st and im already decorating
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats: probably heinz (but he doesnt even overheat i mean he’s wearing a black turtleneck in the middle of summer its gotta be his body temp is just super low)
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather: i feel like both of us prefer fall tbh heinz burns so easily in the sun and i just prefer the fall weather
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters: i do bc tbh heinz gets cold so easily and so hes probably complaining about the cold and i’m just giggling cuz hes so darn cute
Who offers the other their jacket: okay listen heinz may complain about the cold for hours on end but the second i show any sign of being the least bit chilly he will give me every article of clothing on his person until i am no longer cold
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower: i feel like heinz would do this tbh cuz he’s such a baby and then i would just get up and make coffee
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night: i move around a lot in my sleep tbh so probably me
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink: i do!!! i’m very good at making stuff like that and i love cooking/baking for heinz!!!
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300: me again omg i so would
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins: heinz until he builds some sort of inator to do it for him and then now we actually have time to carve all 300 of those pumpkins
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky: this sounds like something heinz would complain about tbh so i just do it for him instead
What is their favourite Fall activity: oooh well i really really love going to those farms where there’s apple picking and pumpkin patches and they bake fresh apple cider donuts and you can just walk around and taken all the beautiful fall colors on the trees and stuff thats my favorite
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies: heinz definitely does bc hes scared of so many things and i have to hold him and comfort him until he feels better
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters: both of us! heinz really likes kids and i love seeing all the neat costumes so we both go to the door to hand out candy!
Who accidentally scares the kids: uhhhhh heinz isnt an evil scientist anymore but he still *looks* like an evil scientist so...
Who suggested the couples costume: i probably did tbh
What is their couples costume: i feel like i would go with something more cutesy than scary in this case so i would probably pick belle and the beast from beauty and the beast
What is the best Halloween they ever had: i feel like sometime after the professor time thing we would have awesome halloween parties every year so probably one of those is the best halloween we’ve ever had
What is the worst Halloween they ever had: they first halloween they spent together i only had this tiny studio apartment and heinz was crashing at the murphys house so we didnt really have a place of our own to hand out candy (but it wasnt all bad bc the murphys let us hang out with them)
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day: You would probably think this is heinz but tbh its me i have a really bad sweet tooth and especially on halloween i eat a lot of candy
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alotta-lovin · 7 years
You and your greaser fish boyfriend for the fall asks please!
vSure thing! you didn’t specify how many so i just kinda went ham on this XD
Who gets excited about Halloween in July:
We honestly both do? like..One of us will get Hyped for Halloween and then it just hypes up the other and its great
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats:
I do, i wear sweaters all year long but right around the 1st of september i start wearing my bulky sweaters and though he tells i should maybe not wear em’, me being the hard headed stubborn person i am with my sweaters i tell him no and go about my day only to have him carry me around for the rest of the day if we are in public and admit my faults and say ill listen next time though i know i wont and he knows that too.
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather:
Honestly, like im the type of person i adore fall. if i had to pick a season to live in for the rest of my life it would be fall. and Cronus doesn’t mind either or. but he does enjoy the heat far-more than i do? but he also is the type of person when i wanna sit on the porch and cuddle with him watching the leaves fall under a blanket to drag me outside and walk around in the leaves when all i wanna do is cuddle— plus he likes being able to wear his Jackets more in the fall since he wont die of heat in them.
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters:
Cronus. he is the one to tell me i look cute when my nose, cheeks and ears turn red from the cold and though im wearing a heavy sweater i still chitter cause i have no fucking body heat whats so ever? but honestly he’s so cute when cold. his fins start to noticeably shiver and sinks into his Scarf if he’s wearing one.(Does this answer this part of the question?)
Who offers the other their jacket:
Cronus will offer me his jacket more often than not, but if im wearing like— 3 sweaters like i do when im hella cold and i see that he is freezing his ass off for the sake of being cool ill take off one and throw it at him and if he doesnt take it then i just sorta take it back and throw it at him again until he puts it on???
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower:
I do– i have no body heat. so when its freezing and our place is almost just as cold as it is outside im the one submerged under all the blankets i pile on the bed. then either i have to run and take a warm shower or Cronus will make me some tea and let me sit in bed and drink it while he crawls back in and cuddles me o v o
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night:
Meee! my feet are fucking ice cubes. you have no idea how many times he’s jumped up from being scared from my cold ass feet only to them turn around and cuddle me so that i warm up so it doesnt happen again.That or he goes and gets a pair of socks and puts them on me and i somehow manage in my sleep to slide them off???
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink:
Cronus oddly enough if its Cider. but if its tea then its me.
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300:
….We both do– cause then it results in more house Deco for a lil while if not carved and if we do carve a few to put out on occasion if we wanna we’ll throw the pumpkin guts at the other if we are done and we picked out all the seeds for me to Roast after cleaning. (p.s. im the one that starts the pumpkin gut throwing fights each time.)
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins:
i am– not gonna lie i am. as he’s doing cute lil things over there and is almost done and im still gutting or trying to cut out one eye. This is why im the one who guts them or we both gut them first and then i let him go to town on the pumpkin carving.
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky:
Cronus honestly– he wears rubber gloves while im the one pulling them out– Why else do you think i start the pumpkin gut fights? its cute to see the shocked look on his face when he realizes what it is.
What is their favourite Fall activity:
Cronus favourite fall activity huh..hmm…Long walks on the rainy days in fall around the Neighborhood or going to a coffee shop with me and sitting by a big window talking among ourselves while watching the leaves and the people walk past from time to time. Both of those or the fact that it’s okay to just stay inside at home and cuddle while watching movies or shows we like.
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies:
I fukin do. no joke im the one hugging him and hiding my face in his neck as he’s either enjoying the movie or he put it on on purpose for that damn reason so i’d cling to him.
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters:
We both do. its a matter of taking turns for us.
Who accidentally scares the kids:
Cronus…he sometimes doesn’t look out the window before opening the door and just kinda scares em on accident.
Who suggested the couples costume:
He does– this motherfucker. omfg. yall know this thing ?? he’s suggested it so much and im just sorta..standing there face palming.
What is their couples costume:
This fucking thing. every time.
What is the best Halloween they ever had:
According to him– it was the first year he was with me. saying that “It wvas honestly the best Hallowveen i’ve evwer had since i wvasn’t  alone and just sitting at home…Plus i had something to look forwvard to. Seeing you.” it was the cheesiest thing ever and it was adorable and i loved it.
What is the worst Halloween they ever had:
He– wont go into it i guess? but i wont push on it if he doesn't wanna talk about it then he doesn't wanna talk about it. and if at some point he does wanna talk about it i’m all ears.
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day:
Cronus. he eats so much candy– and its mostly from the trick-or-treaters bowl too. and its always the chocolate. or some sour candies…
Thank you so much for asking laissezbeean ♥ feel free to ask anything again~!
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