#black butler ludgar
mozzarella-sans · 2 years
Give me your headcanons 👀
Sure thing!
Rudgar has always had a strained relationship with his father. His father having been absent from his childhood ,due to work, for as long as he can remember.
Leaving home early in the mornings to arriving home late at night.
At the times his father was home, he was always to exhausted to even change out of his work clothes. Simply plopping himself on a nearby chair.
Due to his absent, his mother was the one to mostly raise him on her own.
Over the years, ludgar has become bitter about his father.
Edit: I'm not really the best at writing, but I hope you enjoyed this!
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dqrkncss666 · 3 years
Shinigami’s song
Death God’s Dance 
I swear to god the lyrics is sooo good. 
Turn on subtitles on video! 
Undertaker has found his song, Gosh this is amazing 
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cherumie · 4 years
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nesa8877 · 5 years
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German reapers!
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diabolikgrimreaper · 5 years
Grim Reapers: Headcannons/Theories (TRIGGER WARNING)
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First, I should say that my headcannons come from the part of the manga where Sacha and Ludger reveal that reapers need to kill themsleve in order to be reapers. I, personally, believe that all of the boxes we see of different suicide methods is a diferent reaper.
Grell: Based on her near obsession with blood, and the color red in general. I believe that her suicide had something to do with her stabbing and/or cutting herself. Grell does not seem to be the type to self-harm, however, she definitely is unstable, and she was mostly unstable when she was human, as well. She may have been curious on what shade of red her blood was. Now, I think that she truly killed herself because she was born a man, or people perceived her as a man when she is actually a woman (she said so herself multiple times). She may have killed herself under the pressure of being transgender and a flamboyant (pan)sexual (it is my headcannon that she is either pan/bi, there is no evidence but idk). I think that she cut herself because if you look at the bottom right of the part of the manga where Sacha says that reapers has killed themseves, the nails are painted, and look manicured.
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Sascha: (Sascha’s gender is unknown lol). Since them and Ludger were the first to mention that reapers commit suicide to become reapers, there is an unmistakable silhouette with her bang outline. The silhouette has a noose around it’s neck. Which leads me to believe, they classically hung themselves. As for her motives, I have two theories. The first one, being that they refer to themselves being a reaper as their calling or her “vocation”.
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Meaning, that they were meant to do it, as fate. So, perhaps, they were a human who found out the secrets of the reapers, and then they decided to kill herself because it was appealing and fascinating, to watch the souls of the deceased for a living. That also makes me theorize that they have a secret sadistic side that we have not seen yet, almost like a sociopath.
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My second theory as to why they killed themselves, the more plausible theory, is that she had always been a nerd, into science and math, which, especially in 1800’s England/Germany, was unusual for a woman (I think they are female but other people think they are male, and for this theory, I’m just going to refer to her as a female). Now, as a reaper, she was more appreciated as a bright woman, which is why she called it her “vocation”. Woman aren’t common in the reaper dispatch from what we have seen. So, she is no-longer being bullied for being a smart woman, she is being treated as an equal, which is something she has never had before!
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Ronald Knox: He, is interesting, as I couldn’t really find any *evidence* as to how/why he killed himself. So, I have concluded that he most likely either drank until he died or he hung himself. I say that he drank until he died, because I believe that he didn’t have a father and that his mother was abusive, so he never knew how to treat women. Thus, he ended up growing up trying to seduce and buy women drinks. Obviously, this life style of never truly being loved drove him over the top, and one day, he couldn’t stop drinking. He was conscious, and he KNEW, that if he didn’t stop, he would die, which makes it a suicide. Also, he could have combined other drugs with his alcohol, like anti-depressants and anxiety medications to give a deeper and faster effect. He was quite possibility an alcoholic before he died.
However, with Ronald Knox, I am torn between him jumping off of the roof and him popping pills. For, the box in the top middle resemble’s Ronald’s shoes. It’s either Grell’s or Ronald’s since with both characters, we send to see their shoes, or below their waist, before we see their faces in scenes (this is more commonly seen with Grell).
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William T. Spears: Will is a very difficult character to read, he is very strict and rarely shows his emotions. This leads me to believe that he grew up in a household where emotions were not allowed, he may have been emotionally abused and manipulated by his mother and/or father. Due to his lack of being able to release his emotions, the lament built up in his inner core, and he finally decided to kill himself. Now, this begs the question, how did he kill himself? We don’t have much information on Will and his life, like Ronald Knox. So, I have to do some thinking. For starters, Will does not have an “bad” habbits, like drinking. However, it appears that he could have shot himself. One of William’s key character traits is that he dislikes when things take up time, so his suicide was most likely quick, which eliminates hanging, over-dose and burning to death. The quickest method of suicide is jumping in front of a moving vehicle or shooting oneself. I, for one, believe that William may have indeed put the barrel of a gun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger. If you revert back to the panel that I have been referencing, you can see a silhouette with the gun in (his) mouth. This method is quick, though messy, and he probably knew that at the time.
I, also, think it is plausible that he jumped off of a high place. Since he is usually shown on buildings, and generally higher places. He is rarely seen on the ground for long. Usually, he does his watching/staring on a building close to the edge, abnormally close to the edge. I can’t take credit for noticing this, I read other theories for why he killed himself, and other people noticed this. Not me.
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Undertaker: Oh Lordy lord! I have no clue where to start with him. However, I believe that the imagine of him killing him self is covered by a voice bubble. If you look at the top right, left of the building and right of the fire, there is an imagine in the background which appears to be air bubbles. Perhaps, Undertaker drowned himself. I say this because, to me, there appears to be black, shiny nails. Who else has black nails (besides Sebas-chan)? Undertaker. Purghaps, he had black nails while he was alive and decided to keep it when he became a reaper. Also, this would explain why he chose to do his bizarre doll beta experiment on a ship. The other theories I read on this believe that he was scared when the water started flooding the Campania because of the way he died, wel, I disagree. The reason he freaked out was because he lost the locket with Claudia Phantomhives hair. The reason he chose a ship to do his expirment was because he is (headcannon) a hopeless romantic, and drowning, whether it be suicide or on a ship, are tragic and honorable ways to die. Undertaker doesn’t seem to be a man of honor at first, but the more his character gets developed in chapters 140 - 150, it is seen that he is a man who will protect his name and the Phantomhive name (for unknown reasons).
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Now, I know that this is disappointing, but I gueninuly have no idea on how Ludger, Eric or Allen died. Eric’s was probably something violent. While Ludgar has a neutral death on the violent scale. Allen probably had a softer death, like jumping off something high or shooting himself. Since we have no manga/anime to back this up or to give evidence, and only the play, I cannot say for sure how I believe that they died. If you have evidence that shows how any one of these three committed suicide, message/send an ask request in.
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saturnberry · 6 years
I have a shit load of Rüdgar x William roleplays I made in chemistry from last year. I might make them into actual oneshots.
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What if the reason why Shinigami in Black Butler are nearsighted and have to wear glasses is because they committed suicide, hence losing sight of how precious their lives were?!
I believe this is why. I’m just a deep person.
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dorkshadows · 6 years
Top 10 Shinigami
According to a subsection of the Kuroshitsuji 100-chapter popularity poll, these are the most popular grim reapers in the Black Butler manga! 
Michael Scott
Grell Sutcliff
William T. spears
Dwight Schrute
Ronald Knox
Jim Halpert
Othello (tied with) Kevin Malone
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mr-humphries · 3 months
oh look, theres a ludgar one now
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mr-humphries · 2 years
Found the body: Othello (silly rat man <3)
Lead detective: Eric (he's a master of murder, dw)
Initial suspect: Ludgar (NOOOO)
Alibi: Sascha (*sobbing aggressjvely*)
First 3 suspects
Undertaker (reasonable)
Who actually did it: Othello ( HA THEYVE BEEN BAMBOOZLED BY THE RAT MAN)
Who got arrested: Will (HA-)
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mr-humphries · 3 years
That's it.
Featuring @orphabirds oc Ruby, also a cow 😌💖
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mr-humphries · 3 years
Lads, but I swear I'm not a furry
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mr-humphries · 2 years
Ludgar: gimme a second, saschas calling me-
Sascha, over the phone: how do you say corn in cantonese?
Ludgar: ah-
Ludgar: 粟米 (sook mai)
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mr-humphries · 3 years
Hi so I've revamped my age chart (yknow, the age that the Reapers would have died)
But now I've got a height chart to add into this too 😎
Undertaker (late 50's - mid 60's)
Eric (late 40's)
Ludgar (mid 40's)
Alan (early - late 30's)
Ronald (mid 30's)
Othello (late 20's - early 30's)
William (early - mid 20's)
Grell (early - mid 20's)
Sascha (14 - 16)
Height Chart:
Undertaker (6"2)
Eric (6"2)
Will (6"0)
Grell (5"11)
Ludgar (5"8)
Othello (5"8)
Ronald (5"7)
Alan (5"4)
Sascha (5"0)
Aaaand that's it, I'm tired 😭
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mr-humphries · 3 years
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That's it. That's the drawing.
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