#because even if she eventually became an archon
reginrokkr · 7 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐗𝐕𝐈. This is a topic I've been wanting to address ever since I finished the Chenyu Vale questline, but never knew what to make of it due to the fact that it was novel... in a way. Before diving in, I want to preface that this will be surrounding the premise: What does pure blood Khaenri'ahn special? So if you see me digressing until I reach to that point, do bear with me. I will.
Something that caught my attention first is the few nods we get throughout the questline as we advance that there were other creatures there before gods came to Liyue, creatures grander or less grander that would be called Adepti which, in essence, is just a title and not something that one is born as. This isn't anything groundbreaking as it is obvious that dragons and their brethren existed before Phanes' arrival to Teyvat, but it was a curious indicator to me nonetheless that other kinds of creatures existed alongside them, pure elemental beings that have other shapes that aren't limited to dragons (Nahida's second quest comes in handy here, a reminder that the form a being takes doesn't matter, what does matter is their essence, their spirit). But to this there is an additional layer when Fujin argues that humans, creatures artificially created by Phanes to dwell Teyvat, have an innocence not so dissimilar from that which these creatures that existed before have.
To put a small parenthesis before continuing, I want to point out that Lingyuan mentions four reasons that the actions of any living creature follow: natural principles, logic, emotions or anyone's orders. And so she poses a question to the traveler and the traveler asks another question in a one for one deal: Those that come from nature will, for some reason, go against nature— against the laws nature originally followed. Will humans also go against humanity, against the principles they initially followed, for certain reasons?
If human activities are part of the laws of nature... How would you [Lingyuan] view humanity?
The answer she provides to this question is precisely what I want to bring to attention: Humans were part of nature in the distant past, but they aren't any longer. This whole questline explained more in depth about the Archon War, about the times that used to be like back then down to the human behavior and coexistence with nature and its creatures. We know at this point that the Archon War took place after the Apocalypse and that it became a turning point in several aspects hard to miss at a worldly level.
As another parenthesis, we know of the existence of the primordial sea from which all life came in a natural manner, that used to be on the surface before the world was altered (possibly when Phanes and the four shining shades won the war against the dragon sovereigns for the first time, as a result of the Apocalypse or both) and that the energy it contains isn't just hydro (raw or broken down to make it simpler, as it was stated in the event that took place in Enkanomiya that elements exist in simpler and more complex forms), but (an)other kind of energy(ies). Neuvillette, as a dragon sovereign and a creature that resides in the realm of light has an affinity for light, but it is interesting to think that upon reclaiming his authority, both pneuma and ousia coexist within him without posing any danger to his health even if there have been various instances in which these elements were described as independent elements but mutually virulent if they interact. Which begs the question: Could it be that within the primordial sea there is ousia energy too? Even better yet: is it possible that there was a time when what we know as the Abyss wasn't toxic to anything of Teyvat, but eventually something turned it so?
On the topic of humans specifically, it was Phanes who created them, but we also know because of Neuvillette that, unless what he did is limited to Oceanids, it is also possible to alter their inner constitution significantly as they live without going through the process of birth and have the resulting humans with the change that was done, following the same principle Phanes did to create humans. To go back to Lingyuan's words that humans used to be part of nature but they aren't anymore, what makes me wonder is if during or after the Apocalypse humans in general underwent a significant change in their constitution that those who later on would come to be pure blood Khaenri'ahns didn't. As for what this change could be, I think it might be related to the elemental energy.
Because we learn from Dottore's study documents of the Eleazar (highly likely tied with abyssal energy) that humans possess elemental levels of energy innately. And he also discovered that the higher these levels are, the more dangerous and aggressive the effects of Eleazar are on said individuals. This could be a result of the abyssal energy consuming elemental energy, and how dangerous it can be of pure elemental energies even from the light realm as vishaps and dragons are. The reason why I think this could be a plausible reason to determine the purity of a Khaenri'ahns blood or lack of thereof is that in the beginning, perhaps these humans were created in a way that they have at least a higher tolerance to the abyssal energy which, as I mentioned earlier, could've been an actual part of Teyvat before and as we currently know it is star-devouring. While I have no doubt that human life was possible in Khaenri'ah due to the studies they must've made of the abyss alongside medicine, fauna and flora there was incompatible with life— so there is a possibility that humans struggled with sicknesses akin to Eleazar unless there is a tolerance that either reduces this vulnerability or erases it completely.
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Being in a relationship with the Fontaine Women
characters: Charlotte / Furina / Lynette / Navia x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none, just fluff
genre: Mostly fluff, with a bit of comfort added in Navia’s part
a/n: I decided to leave out Clorinde bc I honestly don’t have any concrete headcanons about her, mostly because she was only there for like 3 scenes and said a total of like 2 sentences. I will write for her, but I still need time to read more about her.
I tried to keep this at least a bit headcanon-y, but you know me, so I decided to add a small scenario to every character’s part, mostly just one’s I felt served as good examples of how things might be and that I didn’t feel like I’d get the chance to write in the future.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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With Charlotte, days on which nothing happened were rare. There always was some sort of event going on somewhere, and wherever it was, the journalist wasn’t far away, dragging you along with her. But just because you were there for work, didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy yourselves, especially with someone as energetic as her.
Trying to hold secrets from her, be they good or bad, quickly proved to be futile. She was a Journalist after all, so slowly digging up information to eventually figure out the truth was part of her being. That being said, getting informations through investigating always felt more rewarding to her than getting them served on a silver platter, so it quickly became routine between the two of you to give each other only a few hints instead of normally announcing news… something that, to the misfortune of others around you, quickly also seeped into your conversation with your friends and family.
“‘Man trips and falls down stairs at the opera house’? No, why would anyone read an article when they get all of the information via the headline?”, you suggested before quickly discarding your idea, causing Charlotte to sink further into her thoughts.
“Ooh, how about ‘Tragic accident at the opera house leaves man injured’?”, just as quickly as the words left her mouth, the two of you gave each other an energetic high-five before Charlotte continued to map the article out loud, only for a weird feeling to slowly wash over you… as if there was something important you were forgetting.
“Isn’t today the premier of that thriller you wanted to write an article about?”, you asked, only for Charlotte to stop talking in the middle of her sentence, her eyes widening as she quickly glanced towards the clock.
“You’re right! These clothes should be good enough for the opera house right? Ah, who am I kidding? Nobody cares!”, words began shooting out of her mouth in a panic as she grabbed you by the wrist and started dragging you towards the Aquabus, pen and notebook in her other hand.
…Somehow, be it by the grace of your Archon or Charlotte’s insistence the Aquabus drove at twice its intended speed, the two of you managed to get there in time.
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The Hydro Archon had an… interesting way of showing her affection. The performance she liked everyone thinking was the real her too fond of the dramatic to do so in a normal way while the real her was too easily flustered to go through with anything fancy. And so, it inevitably became your responsibility to initiate anything even slightly romantic.
Just because she was nervous however, didn’t mean Furina’d drop her usual act and with the way she behaved and talked whenever others were looking could easily fool people into thinking your dynamic was the other way around.
There weren’t many moments in which the two of you had the chance to be alone in public, with the Archon either surrounded by a few of the gardes or swarmed by the citizens of Fontaine. So when you wanted to visit your home in the countryside, Furina was quick to decide that she’d indulge you with her presence, choosing to keep silent about how she was happy to leave the city behind for a day.
If Furina’s uncharacteristic silence wasn’t enough to make you feel like there was something wrong, the look on her face would have made any doubts in your mind dissolve. Just as you had opened your mouth to say something however, you were interrupted by the feeling of something grabbing your hand, all the while the Archon's face was slowly painted red.
“Are you feeling fine Furina? Your face is-”, you were quick to tease, unable to hide your amusement as it was all written over your face. Furina however, did not look up, quickly cutting trying to cut you off, only for her own feelings to be betrayed by a crack in her voice.
“The sUN- I- Thanks for your concern, my dear companion, but there’s no need to worry. I’m fine, just a bit warm, the sun is scorching hot today after all”, she quickly stuttered out before putting on her act once again, hiding her face by looking away from you, only to quickly find herself engulfed in shadow as you put a parasol over her, greeting her with a smile when she finally looked back at you.
As the way to your destination was once again filled with silence, your eyes eventually landed on a hill covered in rainbow roses, causing you to quickly drag Furina from your actual path.
“Where are you going!?”, she managed to ask, only shy away for a moment when you suddenly shoved one of the roses in front of her face.
“Be careful when taking it, it’s really easy to prick oneself's on their thorns”, you spoke with a genuine smile, only for it to quickly contort into a teasing one when you saw her blush even further.
“I should have brought a better parasol, this one doesn’t seem to be working”, you joked, causing Furina to fire back with some sort of excuse. You didn’t care too much, the sight of her scrambling to regain her composure was too cute for you to do anything but silently observe it.
The rest of your journey was rather uneventful, as was your way back. What was of interest for many citizens of Fontaine however, was the rainbow rose their archon wore for the rest of the week 
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To call Lynette a romantic would have been enough to net yourself a serious defamation case. She wasn’t her brother, who did and said all kinds of embarrassing stuff while putting on a mask, so while the two of you may have been in a relationship, most normal people wouldn’t be able to tell. So while you shouldn’t expect to see her showing her love to you in broad daylight, that didn’t mean that you didn’t get any special treatment.
On days where there was nothing to do, it had gotten somewhat common for Lynette to come over to your place, using it as a place to recharge her batteries when there was too much going on at home. So as you silently sat on your couch, reading a novel you had recently bought, while Lynette laid next to you, with her head placed on your lap, eyes closed as she relished in the calm atmosphere, the sound of the door suddenly swinging open was enough to give you a small heart attack.
“Pardon the intrusion, but have you seen my dear siste-”, Lyney’s voice rang through the room before his gaze eventually landed on the two of you, eyes instantly widening. “Oh sorry, I didn’t know I was interrupting something.”
Just as quickly as he had appeared, he was gone, and while you liked to think that it normally took quite a bit to get you to blush, you could feel your cheeks quickly heat up. Was it because of his tone, his smirk or some weird combination of both, you didn’t understand, all you knew being that Lynette’s brother always found a way to make you feel embarrassed about even the most boring scenes.
“Should we-”, you quickly looked down at Lynette and began to talk, only for her to quickly finish your sentence for you.
“‘Try catching up to him’? I don’t think that’s necessary”, she stated matter of factly, her eyes not opening for even a split second before continuing to hum to herself.
“It seemed like he was looking for you, maybe he was just worried where you were?”, you asked, quickly getting a response in the form of a shake of her head.
“I told him I was visiting you. If I had to take a guess I’d say he was just passing your home and decided to quickly mess with you.” Her explanation made more sense than you’d like to admit, it wouldn’t have been the first time he decided to do things simply to try and get some amusement out of your reactions. However, you didn’t like the way Lynette made it sound like getting a reaction out of you was something that required so little effort.
“Sure it wasn’t you he was trying to mess with?”, you asked teasingly, only for her to finally open her eyes as a small smile found its way onto her lips.
“More than certain, redcheeks.”
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Navia had always been easy to get along with. She was intelligent, funny and could single handedly lighten up the mood in any room, possessing an amount of self-esteem that was charming without coming across as her being full of herself. To use her own words: Who wouldn’t treasure having a partner like her. And while there were times her work as leader of Spina di Rosula kept her too occupied to see you much, she made sure to use her time with you to the fullest.
Was it eating at the Hotel together once in a while, or going on a walk around Poisson and Fontaine, taking in what remained of its colorful landscape while simply chatting the day away. Whether the subject of your conversation held any importance or you simply joked around, didn’t matter. Having each other by your side was enough to make any day a good one in retrospect.
There was a time you used to fear visits to the cemetery with Navia. It wasn’t like you didn’t want her to be sad whenever you visited, it was her fathers grave after all, but seeing her knees grow weak as she tried her hardest to keep a brave look on her face made your heart sting as if it had been pierced with a knife. It had been that way each and every time, no matter if it had been a week after his death or two years… But not this time.
As the two of you arrived at the grave, you glanced over at Navia, fully preparing yourself for what you might witness once again, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. Instead, you found her silently smiling to herself and as you followed her gaze, your eyes eventually landed on a pair of candles placed next to the grave, causing your lips to form into a smile as well.
“Looks like Silver and Melus were here before us”, you noted, only for her to shake her head in response.
“Melus told me he wouldn’t be able to visit the grave until later… And well, you know Silver. I doubt he’s the kind of guy to light candles.”
Callas the Unfaithful no more. You might not have known her father that much, only seeing him a couple of times, but you had no doubt that the one who raised Navia would never have murdered anyone for any reason. 
Before you had the chance to lose yourself in your thoughts even more however, you were brought back to the real world by Navia’s voice.
“You still have the flowers?”, she asked, only for you to carefully grab them from your bag and present them to her, handing her one before putting the other in front of the grave. “Thanks. I’m sorry, but could you leave me alone with him for a moment? I’d like to tell him the good news”, she asked only for you to quickly nod.
“Thank you, you’ve been a great help today. I love you”, she told you with a smile.It wasn’t like her usual, radiant ones, instead being much smaller, but it was genuine, and that was the only thing that mattered.
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amaiaqt · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤミㅤbring me home a poemㅤ⋆ 。˚ㅤ♡ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhow did they start dating a poet ? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤxiao, heizou, wanderer, kazuha !
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤalatus xiao !ㅤ
he heard of you from zhongli first, as the man was rambling about one of your shows that he had attended. because zhongli was speaking so fondly of your work, and was basically fanboying over it, he was curious enough to attend with him on your next show.
and now, if he had to admit it, he doesn't like the fact you have to travel away so often. of course he supports your career, and admires your dedication to your work, but he just doesn't like being away from you so often. you can't blame him, he just got attached to you too easily for his liking, especially when your relationship became official
if he could at least be with you on your travels, then he'd accept it of course, but he just can't bring himself to leave liyue for a long period of time, it's the nation he's dedicated to protect after all
the longest your travels last are 2-3 weeks before you return to him in liyue, and archons, those weeks are simply miserable for him
when you started dating, the first time you left for that long was actually a nightmare to him. yes, you told him about it for a few days before leaving, and told him how long you'd be gone, and at first he was okay with it ! he thought, 'this will definitely be okay for me' after a week and a half of you being gone, he was in distress, clouded with anxious thoughts of 'what if something happened ?' 'what if the trip back goes wrong ?' in the end, you had to shorten the span of your last show to get home earlier for his sake
moving on, he's supportive of course ! just make sure to send him letters during your trip to help him rest assured that you're fine
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤshikanoin heizou !ㅤ
funny thing is, he actually met you during one of your performances. you were taking a break after a set and he mustered up all the courage he had to approach you, and lucky for him, you smiled at him before he could say anything. he was about to drop one of the corniest, cringiest pick up lines mankind would've ever heard, thank god shame crept up on him before he could. you two had a normal conversation, he was just asking more about your travels and stuff and how your scheduling works, and eventually he was lucky enough to convince you to have lunch with him to get to know each other more
now that you two are dating, he's still very supportive of your work, always asks for a kiss goodbye before bidding you farewell, but is hesitant to actually let you go. sure his line of work is busy enough to distract him for most of the time when you're off on your travels, but that won't stop him from missing you dearly
the first time you left for a long period of time in your relationship, his performance in work drastically dropped, courtesy of his peers words. when you had the chance to talk with one of them, they even said that on the day you arrived and called him while he was in the office, he dropped what he was doing and rushed out of the office without saying anything. everyone in his office thought there was an emergency or something, only to find out he was just extremely excited to see you again
they had to get used to the prodigy becoming an absolute romantic when you two started dating, but after a while they just teased him about it
whenever you're away for a long time, you better send him letters as well, or at least spoil him with the souvenirs you bought for him once you're back
also, he will actually pick a fight with your manager if they don't give you long breaks after each trip
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤwanderer !ㅤ
he's a wanderer, you're a travelling poet, makes it pretty easy for him honestly. he too, met you during one of your performances in sumeru. nahida wanted to see one of your shows and just had to drag him with her, well now he better thank her. if she hadn't dragged him to that show of yours, he probably wouldn't have met you
while he tried to deny it at first, he found the way you performed very unique and calming, almost like your voice brought a serene melody. he enjoyed every second of every poem you performed on stage, but definitely denied every time nahida would ask him if he was enjoying it
not even he knew what happened, after the show, nahida dragged him to you, had you two chat for a few minutes, then those minutes turned into hours of you two talking over a meal in lambad's tavern
because of him, you actually stayed in sumeru for a while, until the point you started dating ! and since he had no reason to stay in sumeru as he had no occupation, he bid nahida farewell to join every step of your travels
now you two are barely separated, and he's always your number one fan during your shows, even acting like a body guard when you're interacting with fans after shows
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤkaedehara kazuha !ㅤ
he heard of you before you even became popular for your work, so he started following your work early. every published copy of your poem was an investment to him, he fanboys over them and reads them whenever he's free, even reciting them to himself and memorizing them as a hobby
so when he heard you had a show coming up in a nearby nation, he did not let beidou sleep a wink before she agreed to stop by so he could attend the show. while it would delay their planned trip, it was rare for kazuha to make requests, so she cave in and let it happen
she was also the one who went with him, the rest of the crew choosing to rest on the ship or wander around the rest of the nation. and oh archons it was precious to see him smile so excitedly when you stepped out on stage, like a kid seeing their idol
after the show, beidou encouraged him to approach you, but when he hesitated, she just pushed him towards you. thankfully it wasn't enough for him to fall on you, he just chuckled embarrassedly when you looked at him surprised. to his luck, you two got along very well, and you even let him read through more of your archived poems, poems that you don't plan to perform, or poems that you don't perform anymore. when he took a particular liking to one, you ripped its page out of your journal, signed it, and gave it to him ! he was ecstatic, but hesitant to take it, you had to insist for him to actually accept it
as time went by, he attended more of your shows, you got to know each other more, and just shocked the crew after a few months when he announced you two were dating
now, when you started dating, he was even more supportive of your work, even taking leaves from the crew ( with beidou's permission, of course ) to join you on your travels
now it's rare for him to join the crew, but beidou's pretty happy for him !
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ© amaiaqt, 2023 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤdo not plagiarize !
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akutasoda · 5 months
Wanna join the 1k event- congrats on 1k too! :)
Can i request Genshin Headcanons, Kaveh and Zhongli (separately) just found out their s/o that is filthy rich? Like it does get suspicious by how things she had look quite expensive, and the gift she give also look expensive, gourmet food, buying without looking at the price, when they came to visit her parents home you know to introduce them to her parents, jaw drop, it's not just a house, IT'S A MANSION. Lots of worker greet them and assist. Heck walking down a hallway full of gold decorations, and her bathroom/bedroom is massive. Shocking of all, her parents give her millions of mora as an allowance, not letting her work because her parents want to spoil her. Also can you make s/o begging Kaveh to let her help pay off his debt because she doesn't want him to suffer in debt anymore, also because she is deeply in love with him, and the debt money amount to her looks like her pocket money
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no price tags
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synopsis - when they find out their s/o is quite wealthy
includes - zhongli, kaveh
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns mentioned!), fluff, slight crack, wc - 940
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zhongli ★↷
↪even though he is no longer the geo archon, he still keeps a very vigilant eye on the happenings of liyue and this includes some of liyue's more notorious families - the more influential families often were included in some residents gossip at the tea house.
↪that doesn't mean he knows whose from which family. so he truly had no clue that his lover was from a very well off family. you never explicitly mentioned anything about being from such a family and he didn't really pay attention to to the kinds of things you'd brought him.
↪if anything, he greedily allowed himself to indulge in the fancy restaurants you brought him too - zhongli wasn't exactly the wealthiest surprisingly. he only really started questioning it when the price tag's seemed to forever go up.
↪eventually he'd start taking notice of the rather expensive gifts you gave him, some that no ordinary resident could possibly come by. sometimes he'd ask you how much the gifts were because he became rather concerned about how much you spent on him - he wanted you to know you didn't have to win him over with money, he loved you enough already.
↪because he never asked too much to get an answer, he would find out about your wealthy background when you invited him to meet your family. he wasn't exactly shocked per say more disappointed he couldn't put two and two together.
↪he did have to admit that you're families residence was very impressive. the amount of workers under your families name seemed excessive to him although he could kind of see why when you lead him down a seemingly never ending corridor.
↪the decorations he could easily recognise from some of the mostt renowned artists in tevyat seemed to line every hallway and room you brought him too. the more he saw, the more shocked he actually became - by the time he met you're parents he was sure he looked a little pale.
↪he soon knew exactly why you never checked the price tag when uou went out and what shocked him the most was the sheer amount of money you're parents gave you. they truly did spoil you and now he didn't feel as bad about you spending ao much money on him.
kaveh ★↷
↪kaveh didn't exactly come from a wealthy background nor was he in the ideal financial situation now. he was teying his best to get by on what little he had but his debt seemed to always hang over his head and prevent him from actually fixing his finances.
↪so it became quite new to him when he started dating you. after a while of dating he noticed how much you liked to spoil him, always gifting him gifts that he knew for sure he couldn't afford and taking him to fancy restaurants. and for a while, he did indulge himself in your affection.
↪who could blame him really? no amount of weird looks from his roomate could guilt him. however after a while it did start getting pretty suspicious - not in a bad way, he just became a bit more curious about where you actually seemed to get all this money.
↪anytime he offhandedly mentioned something, he would find himself with it the next day no matter how much it cost. a part of him was slightly envious that whenever you went out you didn't even bother looking at any price tags atleast once. eventually he did feel like he should start refusing your gifts.
↪eventually he started feeling bad about how much you were spending him but each time you assured him you could afford it and you wanted to spend it on him. he only understood when you invited him to meet your family in their residence.
↪he swore his jaw visibly dropped open when he was greeted by one of the biggest house's he'd ever seen with too many workers awaiting you at the door. a tiny part of him felt a bit subconscious about his financial situation when he compared ot to yours - especially what you're parents might think if they were this well off.
↪he was gawking at all the decorations and pure amount of space their was everywhere. it didn't matter where you took him there was prestigious decorations in large rooms and hallways that looked extremely impressive and expensive.
↪he fully understood how you had so much money when he learnt your parents gave you an allowance that equated to what was probably not even comparable to a good couple of sleep deprived months from him. he froze immediately when you turned to offer him the amount to pay off his debts.
↪he appreciated the gesture and he would gladly take the money to rid himself of his stupid debt but he felt bad. kaveh wanted to work to pay off the debt himself as it was his debt and he felt like he shouldn't be recieving that much from anyone.
↪you tried explaining to him over and over again that you loved him and wanted to do this for him, too lift a bit of pressure of his shoulders but he kept refusing you. eventually you found a small little loop hole that would make you able to pay of his debt.
↪he practically saw the mischievous glint in your eye when you started asking if he would take up a job to design a small little addition to the building that conveniently payed exactly how much he needed to pay off his debt. he knew you weren't going to let up.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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yourlocallyneysimp · 1 year
HII- Uh can you do a Focalors X Reader, with the Reader Being someone Chaotic and like there sent to court for arson as they js took a flamethrower or lighter and then burned down a Building,But then they say "Are u anxiety? Because you always make me nervous" Then bro js Escapes the court and somehow left the region of fontaine- XD
Focalors/Furina x Reader
A/n: lol.
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Focalors sighed for the 37th time this week. You were back. Again...
It was fun before, it really was. Getting news of one of her people causing destruction wherever they went.
Usually she would've gotten rid of you a long time ago, but for some reason she just didn't.
Or she didn't have the chance too...
You're always escaping. No matter what cell the guards throw you in, you somehow always find a way to get out.
It annoyed Furina a lot. At first, it was fun, but eventually, it just became a daily annoyance.
Also, not to mention your odd flirty personality.
The people of Fontaine always glare at you whenever you throw a flirty remark at their mascot.
Now back to where we were. You were on the opposite side of Furina in the court, and for some reason, you didn't seemed panicked at all.
In fact, you were smiling and acting all giddy.
"Do you want to know why you're in the court again, Y/n?"
Neuvillette gave you a sharp gaze and you only nodded.
"I might've burned down a few buildings...?"
Furina couldn't help the dumbfounded expression that appeared on her face. You? Burning down her nation?!
"And may I ask why?"
Neuvillette was a patient person thankfully, so you've been let off the hook many times.
"Well, it's pretty simple. I just didn't like the buildings."
The courtroom fell silent. Even a pin could drop and everyone would hear it.
You got slightly uncomfortable by the silence, so you decided to make a weird comment.
"Hey, Furina!"
Focalor looked over in your direction with a confused and slightly worried look. What were you going to say now..?
"Are you anxious because you always make me nervous." 🥰😍
The courtroom was silent again.
"I-i uh..."
Focalor didn't know how to reply to your odd comment. What was she supposed to say to that?!
Before she could even think of anything, you were already jumping off the platform and trying to escape. Again...
You only smiled at Furina as you ran out of the courtroom with a bunch of robots chasing after you.
Furina couldn't help but sink into her chair and feel her cheeks.
Seriously, are you trying to ruin her image?!
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Y/n causes all these crimes because she wants to see Furina more often! Since making an appointment to see the Hydro Archon would take too long, they take the shortcut instead.
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averageallogene · 1 year
This would be quite long...
Your family lives in one of the houses around the Dawn Winery manor and you, Diluc and Kaeya grew up together. As a result, Diluc develops a kiddie crush on you.
That's why he isn't too happy when Crepus suddenly informs him that he is now engaged to Jean because Jean's mother has activated the betrothal contract between their families.
It did not take long for Jean to realize Diluc doesn't like her the same way he likes you and she gets miffed because she feels you have 'stolen' her fiancé. Her more... overzealous servants decide to take things into their own hands and make you 'go away' through 'unfortunate incidents'.
Eventually, your mother is forced to fake your death and send you to Baizhu, her distant relative in Liyue, when one of the 'unfortunate incidents' comes a little too close to killing you.
After Diluc returns from his self-exile after Crepus' death, the first thing he does is to annul the betrothal contract.
Diluc ♡⊹˚ Dandelions (SFW)
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fem. reader (3rd person) ; angst. cw for attempt at another's life, ala drama.
2k words.
notes. Well, these definitely force me to take some liberties since the characters are ooc. Let’s just assume this is an AU of sorts alright?~ I might have to write something sweet for Jean to make up for these… Also, these are getting quite long and since I’ve got quite a few prompts waiting in my inbox… I might have to start and make them shorter :’) Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy! ✧˖°.
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The fresh air of the lands of the Anemo Archon had once felt liberating, crisp as they would gently rustle against the leaves of the trees and the foliage across His lands of Mondstadt. The green grass would dance in a delicate duet with the breezes Barbatos would send, blessing each and every one of his children as they would carefully whisper their dreams into his winds. 
Dreams of valor, of knighthood, of happiness. Those were dreams shared between the Ragnvindr brothers, their lips carefully whispering their wishes onto the dandelions before they were blown across the skies. Such were dreams they would share with their closest friends, mainly Jean and [F/N], two young girls who would frequently visit the manor. Crepus absolutely adored watching his sons have fun with them, the smile raising onto his tired face never quite leaving as they ran across his crops, carefully as to not ruin any of the vines that supported his business. 
To Diluc, however, it hadn't taken long to add another wish to his lips, this one being ushered in utter secrecy before he'd blow each dandelion. Why wouldn't he tell them, his brother Kaeya would pester him, watching with amusement how his face would become as red as his hair. Well, the eldest simply couldn't, not when [F/N] was near them, lest he want to be exposed for his growing feelings he couldn't quite explain yet. So instead, he'd come up with ways to change the subject, each time evading the momentary embarrassment his brother would bring upon him. It wasn't like Kaeya didn't know, he just liked to see his brother mutter embarrassedly far too much not to. Siblings were just like that, were they not?
Well, no matter, for [F/N] remained oblivious. She was too busy with her own little dreams, with her friends, she couldn't exactly notice the way Diluc's hand would grow sweaty each time they'd hold hands, or each time he would tremble slightly in his voice when she spoke his way. His heart would pitter patter, it was downright annoying, yet he strangely didn't want to to go away. Diluc even wondered if this was what his dad felt for his mom at one point, if this was the fabled love he'd hear in all those fairy tales he'd read. He was still far too young to fully grasp it, but at that time, all he knew was that he wished to hold [F/N]'s hand for a little longer, for her to remain close…
Those feelings had persisted, even as they went into adolescence. Diluc became a little less obvious in his infatuation, or so he thought, keeping himself seemingly cool about it as both [F/N] and Jean would still visit. By that point, the three of them had expressed wishes of joining the Knights of Favonius, their friend [F/N] being the one that simply supported them from the sidelines as she expressed her own dreams. Diluc couldn't help himself, showing curiosity for her own goals, demonstrating his utter support as he hoped to one day be privileged enough to know just what she would whisper so sweetly to the dandelions they would still blow together. 
He wasn't fooling anyone, at least those closest to him, yet he truly thought he did. 
Even Crepus himself knew, and he couldn't hide the heartache he felt for his son. Watching him hold such endearment in his gaze felt bittersweet. From his study he watched as they walked across his property calmly, watching silently as Diluc smiled sweetly to [F/N], the young girl laughing softly as they enjoyed each other's company. His roughened fingers caressed the letter he'd stored in one of his drawers, avoiding it like the plague until he couldn't no longer. He wished he could prolong his son's happiness, yet the way the Gunnhildr family not so gently reminded him so often of their contract definitely didn't help. It felt wrong, yet there were duties they needed to honor to avoid further disaster.
That was why, during one such sunny day, Crepus had waited for [F/N] to leave, summoning his son after. He presented him the letter, patiently waiting for him to read it all. He could see as Diluc's jaw clenched, the emotions boiling deep under the surface as he attempted his hardest to remain level headed. Crepus knew, he could see it, Diluc was downright enraged about the arrangement. Yet still, having raised his son to the best of his abilities, he could also see a sense of acceptance, his otherwise bright red eyes losing a part of its shine as it dawned on him the responsibility he held. It broke Crepus, yet he remained steadfast. It was a curt exchange, yet it was one that burnt a part of Diluc's heart to ashes. 
He couldn't deny [F/N] his company. He still deeply craved for it in fact, like a moth to a flame, he gravitated towards her even when he knew he shouldn't feed into his desires. It simply felt wrong to not do so, especially so when the woman he'd grown to adore had so recently confided in him her deepest wishes. Yes, he'd finally been given the privilege of listening to her deepest yearnings, her lips carefully spelling out her dreams as they would, together, blow dandelions before watching them soar through the air. He couldn't cut her out, no matter how much his responsibility told him to. In fact, Diluc still indulged, his adolescence calling for him to riot, to fight for what he wanted even if in the subtlest of ways. And as so, he wished as he blew his own dandelion, praying his love reciprocated his feelings, praying that they found a way to be together despite all the other variables in the complex equation. 
Everyone knew of Diluc's fondness of [F/N], it even growing twice or thrice in intensity after the day his arranged marriage was announced to him. Crepus did his absolute best to attempt and bring his son to reason, not wishing to brew animosity with the Gunnhildr household that grew rather insulted. To the aforementioned family's eyes, Diluc was nothing more than disrespecting their Jean by seemingly stalling the courting process, the now young woman waiting by as her soon to be fiancé openly fancied another. To them, it was humiliating, yet there seemed little that could be done to sway Diluc's feelings.
In the midst of this all, [F/N] remained somewhat oblivious. It was a little obvious she herself fancied Diluc, but unlike the man, she was much more subtle with her advances. It was endearing to watch him hesitate to come closer, to have his eyes avert her own, to whisper and giggle innocently with him as they would often escape amidst the vineyards of the Dawn Winery manor. To her, the way their fingers lingered, the way he smiled to her, the way he spoke to her… It all made her heart soar, hope building in her heart as she waited for the day Diluc would finally make a definitive move. 
Instead, everything came crashing down, hitting her violently as her world was shaken to its core. 
Frustration breeds impatience, impatience can birth anger, which then festers in jealousy. The Gunnhildr clan was growing tired, and Jean herself felt nothing short of humiliated. Having known for quite a while that Diluc was the one she was promised to, she waited patiently for him, all for naught as she watched from the sidelines as her 'friend' openly attempted to gain his heart. What she hadn't known, was that [F/N] already owned it, Diluc openly having given it to her as he promised to himself his heart would always belong to her. It disappointed her, outright angered her even. It wasn't long until she had servants and advisors telling her what she should consider doing, some methods being more… Radical, than others. 
And whilst she festered in her own regret and rage, Jean caved in.
It had started small enough, [F/N]'s household becoming ill after the well in which they got their water had no longer been safe to drink. Poison was suspected, yet the doctors were unsure due to the common enough symptoms. Being nursed back to health, it wasn't long until [F/N] had another strike of misfortune, the woman being robbed by treasure hoarders as she made her way back to the Winery. Being held at knifepoint, the men yelled for goods she swore she didn't have. She feared for her life, before thankfully being saved by Kaeya, who practiced horse riding not far from where she'd been. It seemed out of nowhere, the road not having been one that was frequented by wealthy merchants. It was enough for his suspicions to be raised, yet again though, nothing could be proven. 
It had remained as such for a while, a constant strike of misfortune following [F/N] wherever she'd gone. Having gotten sick more than once, her mother grew weary, the final straw being broken when, in the middle of the night, their home had been set ablaze with them still inside. By the blessing of Barbatos, both her and her mother had escaped unharmed. It had gotten to such a point where the tycoon himself couldn't ignore it any longer - it was clear enough that her family was being targeted, yet not much could be done from his end without proof. And in the midst of a mother's desperation, she'd come up with a plan to ensure her daughter's safety. 
In the middle of the night, hiding her with a simple wool cloak, [F/N]'s mother watched, teary eyed, as she sent her daughter off to Liyue, escorted by the few men she could afford with the savings she had left. She'd been taken and killed, she would soon cry to conceal the truth, praying for her daughter's well-being as she was hauled to Liyue. No one but her knew of the truth, and needless to say, Diluc was left heartbroken, and Jean, secretly, relieved to know someone had taken care of it. Many of her subordinates claimed responsibility for dealing with the issue of course, hoping to get a piece of the reward that had been promised. Well, it didn't matter much to her. At least she no longer had to deal with her pride being hurt, nor her fiancé being taken away.
Life in Liyue was arduous, but manageable. Thankfully, [F/N] had a relative that, despite their distance in relation, was more than helpful with her situation. In truth, [F/N] hadn't even known she was related to the well known Doctor Baizhu, Teyvat truly could be small. He was more than welcoming in helping her settle in, giving her a small place in Qingce Village where he knew she would be safe from any harm. The locals loved her, practically adopting her and helping her grow accustomed to their lifestyle. Life had become hard, no longer colorful, yet [F/N] persevered. 
Dandelions were hard to come by in Liyue, safe for a young merchant who would always remember to bring at least a handful back to her. One time, he'd even brought a small satchel of dandelion seeds for her to plant, witnessing the first true smile [F/N] had given them in a long, long while. Dandelions reminded her of home, of Mondstadt, of Diluc. Of all that could not be, of her dreams she had to put on hold, of the promises that Barbatos took into his winds as she carelessly wished for a blessing. 
Despite being in another nation, news still traveled fairly quickly. [F/N] had known of the arranged marriage between Diluc and Jean, her heart breaking into a million pieces before she had to mend it back together by herself. She'd known of how Crepus had passed, of how Diluc consequently had disappeared without a trace. No one knew of his whereabouts, and even when she was still no longer in Mondstadt, she held him in her prayers, her last dandelion being used to pray for his well being. She watched as it flew across the skies once more, wind caressing through her hair as it would in Mondstadt. 
Perhaps… Barbatos still heard her, even when she was no longer on his land. She hoped so, at least for one last time. 
Diluc, in the meantime, missed her everyday. He missed [F/N] dearly, his heart never even glancing to another. It was like his very being denied the notion she'd been killed, but no matter how he tried to approach her mother regarding it, he couldn't by one way or another. 
Amidst his grief with his father and his disappearance however, his connections had grown. He'd grown. He no longer was the naive young man he once was, and was determined to ensure by his own means the truth. His connections proved useful, for without much trouble, they had been able to locate a young woman that matched every bit of description he'd provided. To say he was relieved, ecstatic and hopeful, was an understatement. Yet still, he remained away for a while longer, ensuring every objective of his was met - including her safety, of course.
Jean however, had seemingly realized that whatever chance she had… Was basically gone. Without the full context, to her it seemed like Diluc had disappeared due to their engagement, and no matter how the Gunnhildr clan tried to track him down, they were unsuccessful. Kaeya seemingly didn't know anything either, and thus, they were at a stalemate. 
Until, one day, Diluc turned up at her family clan's door. He was quiet, and requested to see her and her mother specifically. Jean could hardly believe it, her heart beating quickly as they stood together on the main study of the manor. She hadn't seen him in seemingly forever, and thus she waited eagerly for his first words in what had been years-
"I'm annulling the betrothal contract." 
Diluc had said nothing more, his following explanations curt. Alliance be damned, he seemed to be firm on the stance. When threatened with retaliation from the Gunnhildrs, Diluc gingerly smiled, a smile that was dangerous, that sent a chill down Jean's mother's core. Casually he took from his jacket a neatly ordered folder, all the evidence he'd gathered present. Of every attempt on [F/N]'s life, each document of each confession of each of the assailants signed by themselves. 
Needless to say, that had been taken care of pronto. As long as they didn't seek retribution for him choosing his own path, they needn't worry about what they had done. 
Well, at least now that he knew [F/N] was alive, that is. Otherwise, Archon knows.
Diluc now walked through the paths of his now Winery, the boots crunching the grass beneath him as he gazed out to the vineyards. Melancholy now painted his features, trading places with the once happiness he felt with his friends, with his brother, with [F/N]. Oh, how he wished to linger his fingers with hers once more, how he wished to hear her voice…
An informant had returned to him earlier that day, having tracked down his lovely [F/N] that now lived a peaceful life in Qingce Village. He wanted to see her, so desperately… Yet he knew better. His very being had been the main cause of her escape, he couldn't possibly contribute to any more strife without being sure he was welcomed back to her life. The words his informant relayed to him still echoed in his mind.
"'Diluc, I just need some time', is what she said." He'd told him, his expression mirroring the slight sorrow. 
Oh, how he spent hours wondering how her voice would sound saying such a phrase. With a heavy heart and a heavy sigh, Diluc turned to look up to the starry sky, reminiscing all the wonderful memories they'd made together. In his hands rested a freshly plucked dandelion, his fingers twirling it gently as he stood in silence. 
The winds blew softly, as if beckoning him onward. He could feel it comb through his long hair, features softening as he took a breath. Lifting the plant to his lips, he whispered softly, nearly inaudibly.
"Allow me time… To wait for [F/N], for as long as she needs." He wished, the seeds blowing through Barbatos's winds as they disappeared into the night sky.
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 1 year
Wandering In The Woods~ Tighnari x Gn!Reader
A/N~ To the person who requested this, I somehow managed to lose the request, I vaguely remembered it. I'm so sorry if it's horrible.
Sumarry~ Tighanari is wandering in the woods when Collei comes across you unconscious.
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During the late hours of the afternoon, Tighnari was packing up the site and trying to look for Collei. She had ventured off to try and find some things that he needed back at the shop. But why hadn't she returned? Archons, maybe she got lost? Or got hurt? Tighnari gave up playing the guessing game and went out to take a look.
As he got a little deeper in the Forrest, he started to hear a small little voice calling out for help. *Collei* he thought. Quickly he rushed towards the sound, and he was right it was Collei but there also seemed to be another person.
"Master Tighnari! I found this person, I don't know how to help them!"
The person still had a pulse and seemed to be breathing, maybe they had just tripped?
"It's alright Collei, they should be okay. You did good."
She nodded her head. Tighnari picked up the unconscious person and placed them on his back. He'd done this a few times, many people got injured in the forest near his shop. Finally the trio reached the site, and Tighnari placed down his patient on the makeshift bed. He had to admit they were a little cute.
Soon enough they woke up and the night had fallen. You sat up, slowly you adjusted to your surroundings, the canopy of trees above you, the soft bed beneath you, the slight breeze and how dark it was.
"Oh good, you awake." Tighnari had a little smile on his face. "My assistant, found you unconscious somewhere in the woods."
Still you couldn't figure out how to form words. Maybe it would come back?
"Are you alright?"
Instead of speaking you nodded.
"Alright, we should probably head back now. Are you okay to come back with me?"
Again you did the same action as before. Most of the camp was already packed up, all that was left was to start walking. Tighnari still wanted to keep and eye on you, you still seemed a bit out of it. At first you were hesitant to stay with him, but eventually agreed due to your current condition.
When arriving back to his shop, he told you he lived upstairs. Collei was already asleep in her room, and quietly snoring.
"Also, I only have my bed, you can take that."
"Oh no it's fine, you take it." It was the first time you'd spoken to him this evening.
You both finally agreed on you taking the bed because of your condition. But during the night the mattress seemed to sink under someone else's weight.
"Tighnari?" Your slightly croaky voice spoke
"Oh Archons you're still awake. Sorry it got a little chilly."
"Its alright it's your bed anyway."
Somehow during the night, you two became entangled, and both of you woke up in a blushing mess. Especially after Tighnari accidentally kissed you good morning on the head.
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illusioninteractions · 11 months
Love Never Discussed
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This is my first ever one-shot, but I'm quite proud of it, so I thought I'd post it and feed those Venti simps. Please enjoy! :D
Venti x Gn! Traveler! Reader ~Angst, Fluff, and things along those lines. WARNINGS: Suicidal ideations and thoughts, sh scars... please do not read if any of those concepts trigger you, and for those reading who deal with this, please know that you are loved, even when it may not feel like it. Word Count: 2,2k
You've grown tired of the way things are. Traveling non-stop takes its toll, but it's surprising how well you hid it from everyone, including the floating emergency food who spoke to you every waking moment. Eventually, taking care of yourself, alongside all these other people, became a chore, so you walked on until you pushed yourself just a bit too far. Luckily, you were found by the one person you had only wished to see again.
Night had slowly fallen as you trekked along what felt like a never-ending road, yet you thought you didn't deserve to rest. There were still people to help, to rescue, to find. Of course, Paimon was chatting your ear off the whole way, not even taking in the fact that you weren't responding. As you walked along the shore near Stormbearer Point, the very place where you met Paimon, the fatigue began to take its toll, but you kept moving. Little did you know, a familiar face was keeping an eye on you as you sluggishly walked the beach towards the forest, headed straight for Mondstadt. Then, rain began to fall, it started with a light drip, and quickly it moved on to a pour. Nothing was even concerning you at this point, you couldn't really remember if you did anything for yourself today. Did you even eat? Drink?
Your vision grew blurry to that thought, but you didn't mind. The cold rain pounded your skin as Paimon ran off under a tree and called you to her. Instead, you didn't listen, you let it happen, not a concern or worry that you didn't know what would happen next. "It was bound to happen," You thought as no part of you feared the afterlife. You thought this was it.
Just as your body fell numb onto the wet and hard sand, your vision was finally gone. Paimon screamed for you, floating over to you in haste as she completely forgot about the heavy condensation. She called your name multiple times, shaking your body back and forth. She looked for help, turning her head left and right.
Within the blink of an eye, the person who kept you in their sights came sprinting over, stowing away the bow he carried over his shoulder. Paimon sighed with relief at the sight of him as he knelt by your side, dirtying his white tights and placing a hand on your back, calling for you.
"Traveler!" Your corrupted mind made out, which caused a bit of force to your eyes as you wanted to see the face of the voice you recognized. He saw your attempt and moved his hand to your shoulder to gently roll you over.
As his hand touched your skin, he felt how cold you were due to this heavy rain. The wind didn't help, but the more he panicked, the more nature was stirred up as well. He snapped out of whatever worry he had dug into and put his other arm under your head so that he could roll you onto your other side without possibly injuring your neck. He could finally carry you out of there, using the wind to help glide him straight towards the city he used to rule.
It was the dead of night, not a soul was outside of their home in the city of freedom. Maybe it was because it was so late, or maybe the rain was too strong, but Venti had one thought and one thought alone: to help you. He was quick to find what he thought he needed as Paimon was barely able to catch up with the Archon.
Though this was his city, he didn't live in one place. He doesn't own a home, so even he was somewhat lost. Moments after he had grabbed a blanket from a nearby vendor, placing what money he could on the counter before taking his time to wrap you in it as best as he could, he found himself breathing hard as he looked around vigorously. He searched for a safe place to put you, but to no avail.
"Venti?" Jean's voice echoed through the empty city as the rain had finally stopped, the night sky clearing up. She held an umbrella in one hand and a lantern in the other, a confused look worn upon her face.
The god had slowly come down, the wind blowing around him coming to a halt the moment his feet touched the ground, "Master Jean... please, I need your help." He asked as he showed your face to the Acting Grand Master, Paimon nodding her head in a quickened pace.
"The Honorary Knight..!" Jean gasped as she quickly turned her gaze back to Venti. "Follow me."
The two ran through the streets of Mondstadt, as Paimon floated alongside them until they reached the Knights of Favonius headquarters. The instant the group reached the indoors, Venti felt relief knowing you would be safe there. Jean led them inside her office and suggested laying you down on the couch.
Replacing the now wet blanket, you once wore, with a new one, Venti pulled up a chair to stay by your side for a moment as he caught his breath.
"What happened?" Jean's concern was not one to be reckoned with, and Venti understood that. He knew he had to speak up on the issue, though he might not have known every detail.
"Paimon was just talking with the traveler until it suddenly started raining and-!" Paimon's high-pitched voice rang out and loud as she was still grasping the situation herself.
"Paimon, why don't you go take a breather and find Miss Lisa in the library. It isn't all that late for her, she should still be up and about." Jean suggested, though cutting off the floating person, Paimon nodded calmly and flew out the door.
"Thank you." The boy with black to blue braids nervously chuckled as he looked at Jean for only a brief moment before turning his focus back onto you.
"My question goes for you, too, Venti..." Jean continued on as she leaned forward in the chair she sat on. "If you know what happened, that is."
"To be honest, I don't really have much of a clue. I knew the traveler was coming back to Mondstadt today, the wind told me, but I never expected this. They looked tired, not only physically, but mentally as well. The sight of them broke my heart, I worry they never focus on themself. Going from nation to nation is beyond draining, even I couldn't bear it sometimes, but to also be traveling and searching for someone so dear, then getting dragged into defending ones so near. They could have barely just met, but the traveler would help them solve their issues. This is all too much for one human to hold and never let go of. Even so, they don't dare utter a word of regret or sadness. If I had to say, that is probably the problem they're facing." Venti had rushed some parts, emphasizing most as he had a gut feeling he knew what was going on while the traveler was away. "Being wind-borne is great in its ways, but as the gusts flow in, it may toss you straight into a maze."
"A maze they struggle to find the exit to..." Jean sighed, knowing the feeling. "I'll leave you two alone for a minute. I'm just going to grab the traveler some water."
Venti nodded his head, as he reached out for your hand, holding onto it as he softly ran circles with his thumb. The god's head slumped down as he heard the door shut, resting no weight into the palm of your hand. The feelings he held for you were so strong, yet he has never forced it onto you and sticks to his flirtatious ways. He wants nothing more than to express the way he feels for you but has never found the time. That's why he awaited your arrival back to Mondstadt... and why he kept a close eye on you as soon as he found you, looking for the perfect moment to swoop in and greet you. Never did he expect it to end the way it did.
As a piece of the blanket gently fell from your arm, Venti looked up only to see you still unconscious, but the scars on your arms had caught his attention. At first, he assumed they were all battle scars, yet after taking a closer look, some looked almost too organized. "Why are they doing this to themself?" His thoughts quickened and his eyes worriedly looked over every single scar as he could only hope it had never gotten too much farther than this. He thought, "If Paimon knew about it, she would've told someone, right? So does anybody even know?" He felt guilty for even looking at them, but now he knew that his guess was correct, though he never wished for it to be.
Eventually, Jean came back, to which Venti grabbed the part of the blanket that fell and calmly tucked your arm back inside while Jean placed a glass of water down on her desk before unfolding a hand cloth to use.
Venti scooted his chair back as Jean came over and knelt down by the couch to get closer to you in order to help you drink the water she offered. Of course, you had no clue... only hoped that you wouldn't wake up.
Was that completely true, though? You had heard the voice of someone you cared for, more than most, in what you thought was your last waking moments. Would it be fair to leave him?
As quickly as the night had fallen, time had gone by and shortly revealed the sun. Everyone in their city was just awakening from their sweet slumber, unlike Venti who hadn't slept at all. He was too worried about you to worry about his sleep, and although Jean tried to talk him into rest, it didn't work. Venti had witnessed the sun fall and rise, all while watching your face closely.
With a sudden sigh escaping his lips, he took hold of a lyre he so carefully strapped to his waist and began playing a tune, one which he played for you many times. He hummed the words, instead of singing them, strumming the strings to the beautiful instrument you know only he would play. The soft song had lulled you back to your senses as a smile grew on your still-sleeping face. Venti gave a soft giggle as he noticed your now peaceful expression, and to it, he started to quietly sing the words. Soon enough, your eyes fluttered open and you felt the smile on your face when you realized the melody being played right beside you. Turning your head slightly, you saw Venti, his eyes gently closed as the sun shined an orange tint inside the room and welcomed you into a new day.
The song had sadly come to an end, and as the boy began to pocket his Lyre, he noticed you completely conscious and staring right at him.
"Who knew waking up to such a pretty song would be so enchanting." You managed to say as you sat up slightly, your smile only growing bigger.
Venti said nothing, he just hugged you at your waist, his head planted softly on the blanket on top of your torso. You, surprised at first, sunk into the sudden hug, happy to be there, his arms wrapped around you.
"Are you hungry?!" Venti sat up within a split second, his eyes hastily moving from one of your eyes to another to find your answer. "Please... be honest with me."
"I- uhm..." You stuttered initially, nervous to say what you knew or what you felt. "Yeah, I am."
"Great, I'll go get something for you-!" To the sudden tug of his arm, he didn't even get the chance to stand fully before this new found confidence of yours took control.
Though you only wanted to hug him again, where this ended up going wasn't so bad either. Your faces were inches away from each other, his other hand on the couch cushion beside you as the one you held had moved to the arm of the couch. You were practically underneath him, and his face was in shock, but it gave you a clear view of his reddened cheeks. He broke the eye contact the two of you were having as he nervously chuckled and looked away, but you continued to look at him. You studied him, the way his smile curved nervously on his face as he seemed conflicted between what he wanted to do and what he should do. The way his eyes looked around, moving quicker with every thought he had. Your hand reached the side of his face with a gentle touch, guiding his gaze back towards you where your eyes met once more.
"Uhm... Traveler?" Venti questioned softly, genuinely confused.
You didn't fail to notice the way his eyes moved from your eyes to your lips in such fast and brief moments. He thought he was getting away with it, but he wasn't, he was only making it more obvious by the second, so you sat up ever so slowly until your lips hesitantly but finally made contact. The tender kiss lasted but a moment, but it felt like an eternity after having waited so long for this honest and passionate kiss between love never discussed.
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queenphanessa · 10 months
Arlecchino Theories That Won't Leave My Head
So I had been waiting a long ass for Arlecchino to appear in game, and when she did, she didn't seem much like how Childe and Wanderer described her or how she first appeared in the Winter Night's Lazzo teaser trailer (until she popped off on Furina in the archon quest and was openly angry like she was in the trailer). So I kept revisiting their voicelines about her:
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So what can be taken from both of their statements is that Arlecchino is insane. Really insane. I mean
This level of insane. But!
I have different theories about what they meant. Childe: First, Childe says that he doesn't like Arlecchino and says that she'd betray others, even the Tsaritsa herself, if she stood to gain anything from it, making her insane. However, during the Labyrinth Warriors event, Childe had this to say:
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Childe outright describes himself as someone who doesn't care for allegiance and dismisses the concepts of right and wrong in favor of the euphoria of combat... which is far from sane and isn't painting him as someone who's very loyal. In the The Bad Guy of Vimara Village quest that first became available in version 3.0 in August, a month after Arlecchino was teased in the A Winter Night's Lazzo teaser in July, we learn about the ideals Arlecchino teaches her wards from Trofin:
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This right here? It's similar to what Childe said in his story quest about protecting the innocence of children and their dreams. So Childe has no regard for allegiance, has no qualms against disregarding what's right or wrong for the sake of the thrill of battle, and believes in letting children have their innocence and defends their dreams before they have to face the tribulations of adulthood. So why does he have a problem with Arlecchino? Hypocrisy? My first thought was that Arlecchino must've done something so bad that not even Childe wants anything to do with her.
Then I thought about those theories where Arlecchino isn't as bad as people think she is and Childe thinks she's insane because she makes her disloyalty to the Tsaritsa so obvious. When 4.0 dropped, Momoyo (who is now named "Chitose") from that The Very Special Fortune Slip world quest now has additional dialogue after you complete that quest and she tells you information she's heard where Arlecchino, who was a child of the House of the Hearth herself, had a "serious clash" with the previous Knave (known as the "Director" in Freminet's character stories) years ago and replaced her as the new head of the House. It's implied that Arlecchino killed her predecessor and if that's the case, that's brings me to my theory as to why Childe doesn't like her and thinks she doesn't have a sane bone in her body. If there's anything that Childe would cherish more than even thirst for a good fight, I'm confident that it's his family. We've seen in his story quest how much he cares for his family, especially his little brother Teucer. Family obviously means a lot to Childe. So Arlecchino killing the "Director" who raised her, killing her family, would be a step too far much for the family-oriented Childe.
Based on what we know from Freminet's character stories, the "Director" was an abusive woman to her wards, but I don't think Childe would know about that. The Harbingers aren't close and aren't always aware of what their colleagues are doing (Capitano had to ask Dottore what happened with Scaramouche and the Electro Gnosis and Dottore said he'd make his move eventually, even though he was secretly working with Scaramouche on a plan to make him Sumeru's new god). So it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Childe would be unaware of much of what goes on in the House of the Hearth other than hearing a potentially credible rumor that Arlecchino killed her parental figure.
Now. Wanderer is a known hater. A self-admitted hater, no less (in his voiceline about Nahida, he admits that he tends to see the worst in people), but that didn't stop me stop me from liking him. When Scaramouche first appeared in the Unreconciled Stars event, he pretended to be nice to the Traveler and co., but said that he would have killed the Traveler had Mona not teleported them away, behaving exactly like a wolf in sheep's clothing who put on a front to deceive people, so him saying that about Arlecchino is pure hypocrisy. And about him saying she's crazy? My guy, wanting to supplant Sumeru's god in a process that would've erased who you were as a person (partially) due to centuries long unresolved mommy issues is definitely crazy. At first I almost disregarded what Wanderer said, and then that Unfinished Comedy world quest dropped and we're introduced to an NPC called "Caterpillar" with markings on his arms that are similar to Arlecchino's markings and was made that way due to experiments from someone connected to the Narzissenkreuz Ordo, an organization that wanted to create "Neo Humans" with the power of the Abyss.
He's even referred to as a "wolf in sheep's clothing" with his "true form" being that of an Anemo Hilichurl Rogue (which is odd because wouldn't his human form be his true form since hilichurls were originally humans?).
Which leads me to my second theory that Arlecchino had ties to the Narzissenkreuz Ordo and she has a "true form" similar to Caterpillar and when she enters that form, she becomes more manic, wild, and violent which is why anyone who sees that side of her would "go poof". These are just theories I have, but it feels good to get them off my chest.
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yaeggravate · 11 months
Kaeya, The Snow Queen and The Boar Princess
i believe kaeya is partly based on kai from the fairy tale the snow queen.
this is a theory that has been floating around for a while, but after recent events i would like to revisit and expand on it.
the thing is, the book the boar pincess that you can collect in the game is inspired by the snow queen. this book, aside from being quite disturbing, is potentially very important to the lore, as it was written by a member from the hexenzirkel, andersdotter, whose name is a nod to the author of the snow queen, hans christian anderson.
since kaeya is potentially a character from the snow queen, that would mean he might be connected to the other characters from the boar princess. i thought it would be fun to try and figure out the hows and whys.
please note that this will contain spoilers for every archon and world quest up until 4.1.
i'll start by giving a brief summary of what the snow queen is about.
an evil troll created a magic mirror that would distort every beautiful thing reflected in it. this mirror shattered upon the earth, scattering its shards everywhere.
one day, a shard would lodge itself into the eye and heart of a young boy named kai. kai suddenly became very mean and cold towards everyone, even his childhood friend gerda, who was like a sister to him.
the snow queen whisked kai away, so gerda went on a long journey to save him. eventually, the shards melted because of gerda's compassion and love for him.
most obvious similarities are their names. not much to say here, really. they just added a "ya" after "kai"
凯 = Kai 凯亚 = Kǎi yà
the story of the snow queen is a metaphor about losing your childhood innocence as you grow up.
in recent patches, it's been emphasized quite a few times that kaeya wants to protect klee's childhood and shield her from the cruelty of life. kaeya has also mentioned that he wished people could stay young forever and not deal with the troubles of adulthood.
kaeya and kai both changed drastically after their eyes were damaged.
kaeya's kit has some possible references to the snow queen: his fourth constellation frozen kiss could refer to the (platonic!!) kiss the snow queen gives kai.
极寒的轻吻 = Gentle Kiss of Extreme Cold
"Are you still cold?" she asked, and she kissed him on the forehead. Ugh! it was colder than ice, it went to his very heart, which was already more than half ice; he felt as if he were dying, but only for a moment, and then it seemed to have done him good; he no longer felt the cold.
his ultimate, which is a couple of a icicles spinning around him, has this voiceline when cast:
 …这刹那,将是你的永恒。= …This moment will be your eternity.
this could refer to kai having to spell out "eternity" with shards of ice.
[…] made many patterns forming words, but he never could find out the right way to place them for one particular word, a word he was most anxious to make. It was "Eternity."
we even get prince baited 💀 as gerda mistakenly believed kai became a prince by marrying a princess.
if you've played the melusines quest, you probably know where this is going.
we learn that, like durin, elynas and the melusines perceive things differently from regular humans. elynas and durin were abyssal beings brought to life by rhinedottir. elynas and durin both believed they were having fun on the surface, but they did not realize they were harmful to the humans and the environment around them.
melusines claim to see the "truth" of the world, or at least something close to it.
in the book of estoric revelations quest, we are dragged into a ruined post-apocalyptic world. however, the melusine canotila does not see destruction when she enters, but a beautiful serene garden. she does not see terrifying rifthounds but regular dogs.
Canotila: Perhaps you've heard that we Melusines can see things that humans cannot see… But for some reason, I see things differently, even when compared to other Melusines. I can always find things that have been hidden. I have read that the "nature" of things is hidden beneath them, and this "nature" decides their "future." Not that I know what that means…
why this is the case is unclear, but it might have something to do with the melusines being born from elynas.
anyway, back to the snow queen, all of this is very reminiscent of the troll's magic mirror that would distort every beautiful thing reflected in it…
Some of these bits were not as big as a grain of sand, and these flew about all over the world, getting into people's eyes, and, once in, they stuck there, and distorted everything they looked at, or made them see everything that was amiss.
the question is, who is actually seeing reality, us or the melusines? and does this have something to do with kaeya and pierro both covering their right eye?
remember how kaeya has a voiceline comparing himself to an owl that can see through things... a bit similar to what canotila said before.
Interesting Things: Have you ever seen the owl of Dragonspine? If you look directly at it, it seems to see right through you, while letting go of none of its own secrets... Quite fascinating, don't you think?
the goddess of flowers, nabu malikata also has something interesting to say about illusions breaking through the shackles of the land.
"And though the invaders (second who came) brought war to my former kin (seelies), they also brought about illusions that could break through shackles to the land. But the master of the heavens (heavenly principles), consumed by fear for the rising tide of delusion and breakthroughs, sent down the divine nails to mend the land, laying waste to the mortal realm…"
and last but not least, an abandoned letter to knight marshal anfortas mentions khaenri'ah throwing off the shackles of the world...
Of course, I am keenly aware that the four pillars of our kingdom have achieved the prosperity they have today precisely thanks to us spying upon secrets from beyond the skies, and thus have our mechanisms been able to throw off the shackles imposed by this world's laws...
it's unclear what the nature of this power is, exactly, but it's speculated to be forbidden knowledge.
brief summary of the boar princess: once, there was a wolf pup who was cursed by an evil sorcerer. the wolf pup swallowed the sorcerer but by doing so his heart was pierced by an icicle and he became cold and mean.
upon hearing what happened, the boar princess felt great sympathy for the wolf pup and set out on a journey to save him… she accomplished this by sacrificing her two friends to him.
…i don't think i need to explain the similarities to the snow queen here.
it's highly likely the boar princess is an analogy of real events in the history of teyvat. this has happened before with nahida and scara, when she turned his backstory into a fairytale to keep it safe from irminsul alterations.
they've also referenced the book quite a few times this year, even going as far as to show alhaitham reading it in official art. this might mean they want us to remember this book or the book is simply being memed on because of its disturbing ending.
so, who are the boar princess and the wolf pup? to start with, they are meant to represent gerda and kai. notably, there is no snow queen equivalent in the story, instead it's the boar princess or gerda who is the titular character. this could mean the boar princess IS the snow queen or would become her later on…
the following is pure speculation but personally, i have long suspected the boar princess is the tsaritsa for a number of reasons, not just because the boar princess could be the snow queen.
The Snow Queen (Russian: Снежная королева, romanized: Snezhnaya Koroleva).
it is heavily implied the tsaritsa is or was the god of love.
Dainsleif: She is a god whom no one will love ever again. She is a god who will never love anyone again.
the snow queen tries to make kai forget about his love for gerda. even so, the most important message of both books is that love is an all-encompassing force that conquers all.
the boar princess is described as a generous soul. likewise we are told multiple times of the tsaritsa's benevolence.
About Tsaritsa: Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself.
tartaglia's voiceline reveals that the tsaritsa is a gentle person, maybe a bit too gentle. this matches the boar princess sympathizing with the wolf pup, almost to the point of insanity, as she sacrifices her friends to save him.
"No one deserves this fate." The good princess sheds a tear of compassion.
Friendship demands sacrifice. No friendships come without sacrifices.
perhaps these two friends were venti and zhongli, specifically, their gnoses. or perhaps it's meant to represent god remains that the tsaritsa is possibly using to create delusions.
Venti: Five hundred years ago, I knew her well. But I can't say the same is true now. You see, a certain catastrophe happened five hundred years ago, and after that, she cut off all ties with me.
with all that being said, i should mention that according to the story, the boar princess might be from mondstadt, so that could put a dent in this theory. however, it's not impossible that the tsaritsa was originally from mondstadt.
the identity of the wolf pup is a bit harder to figure out as there are several characters refererred to as wolf pup. namely rostam, who was signora's lover, and the first knight of boreas. it could also be andrius himself.
but since this theory hinges on this assumption that the boar princess is the tsaritsa, the wolf pup must be someone she was willing to make great sacrifices for.
this line from pierro implies that both the tsaritsa and pierro know what the gnoses are, as neuvilette also refers to his stolen powers as authority.
Pierro: In the name of Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, we will seize authority from the gods.
one possibility is that the tsaritsa is working with a dragon to get their powers back.
but how can a wolf pup be a dragon? wolf pup is merely an analogy. he might have nothing to do with wolves at all. just like how scaramouche has no cat motives or association with cats, yet he was portrayed as a cat in the fairy tale. and we know dragons don't all look the same. azhdaha is a giant…bull thing and apep is a worm.
still, it wouldn't be too far-fetched if the wolf pup was a wolf. in norse mythology, for example, there exists the mythical wolf fenrir who was destined to kill odin.
...as you know, khaenri'ah borrows a lot from scandanavian mythology. if this wolf pup is a dragon, they could be one of the sovereigns, specifically the cryo sovereign.
the second possible identity of the pup is pierro because of this line which might hint at visual similarities
The pup was a carefree child who had bright blue eyes and slick gray fur.
pierro has one visible bright blue eye and long gray hair with one blue streak in it.
pierro has one eye covered (like kaeya) which might reference the shard of ice piercing kai's eye and the wolf pup's heart.
pierro is from khaenri'ah so it is likely he is or was cursed like the wolf pup.
oh, and i want to clear up a common misconception about pierro: he does NOT have the same open gem pupils as dainsleif and clothar. it's hard to tell but if you zoom in, they're actually closed like kaeya's. what the meaning behind this is, is unknown. but visual similarities between kaeya and pierro DO exist.
pierro has also mentioned that the tsaritsa knows his pain well just like how the boar princess sympathizes with the wolf pup's predicament.
Pierro: Then I shall become instead a fool, a Fatuus, and devote myself to Her Majesty, who understands my pain...
the third possibility is the first knight of boreas. the new weapon wolf-fang gives us more information about him. the story seems to have taken place a 1000 years ago, back when venessa was the grand master of the knights of favonius.
what's interesting is that this nameless knight used coins with strange symbols as payment indicating that he might have been from a place free from the rule of the seven. this could've been the dark sea which includes places like enkanomiya and possibly khaenri'ah.
Some noticed the exquisitely crafted yet battle-worn armor beneath the cape. But that didn't mean anything. Perhaps the armor's bearer was just another lost soul who had lost their prestigious position with the changes wrought by revolution. The tavern's owner noticed that the man paid with real gold and silver coins, though none recognized the symbols on them.
not much is known about him, as he only stayed in mondstadt for a few years.
this brings me to the matter of what exactly happened to the wolf pup. it seems he was corrupted by an evil that changed his personality and possibly the way he perceived the world. his friends ended up shunning him leaving him all alone.
perhaps this is an analogy for being corrupted by the abyss or it has something to do with the Curse (tm).
after that, the boar princess came along and presumably cured him by way of sacrificing lives.
okay, so what does this have to do with kaeya? good question!
i have no idea.
here's the thing, i am reasonably certain kaeya is at least partly inspired by kai. and i am a 100% certain the boar princess is inspired by the snow queen.
if kaeya is kai and the wolf pup is also kai, then that could hint at a connection between them. but in what manner i can't say.
they could also have absolutely nothing to do with each other, like how fischl has no known connection to the real "princess fischl". (though it would be cool if there was.) in that case, kaeya might just be a narrative parallel to the wolf pup.
either way, it's something to think about.
Kaeya: History always repeats itself. When you keep this in mind and watch out for the echoes of past events in the present, things that appear unfathomable at first glance become much easier to comprehend.
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fishfishiee · 2 years
your static, it stays.
warning(s): body horror(?), original adepti characters.
a.n: Okay, that noctilucous jade adeptus that I wrote about? I'm having brainrots after catching up with Houseki no Kuni right now, so here you go. suffer with me.
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There used to be another adeptus made of gem. Cor Lapis, who found and introduced you to the rest of adepti. Cor Lapis was overjoyed to found someone just like them, and the pair of gems soon became almost inseparable from each other.
Then both of you got shattered during the Archon War.
No one really knows about who that shattered the two gems. Mountain Shaper and some other adepti tracked them down, but were only able to found your pieces, even then you were missing an arm and a leg. All that was left of Cor Lapis was their hand, found hidden in a small crevice.
You searched for them frantically, not caring about the still ongoing war. When the war settled and things started to calm down, none of them adepti were able to persuade you to just let it go. Even Mountain Shaper, the one who found Cor Lapis in the first place, soon gave up, saying that it was like searching a needle in a haystack.
Streetward Rambler, who also lost Guizhong in the war, took you under her wing and introduced them to jewelsmithing. She said that maybe, maybe you will be able to find Cor Lapis' pieces with the networks and connections that this line of work provides. This helped, even just a little. You were able to find pieces of Cor Lapis, though the pieces you found were usually too small and/or too disjointed to be reassembled. Still, you collected them and stored them carefully.
Eventually, erosion started to plague you. You realized it when Moon Carver asked about Cor Lapis' favorite things, but you just blanked. At first you thought you forgot because your arm and leg was replaced, but overtime you even forgot about how Cor Lapis looked like.
Nowadays, you forgot why you were in the jewelsmithing business. Not that you don't enjoy it, making jewelry was something you do to pass time, after all. You had a vague feeling that you were searching for something, but you couldn't really remember. Maybe something unimportant.
You had a hefty collection of cor lapis, but you just stared at them occasionally and then stored them back in their protective boxes. Madame Ping would tell you a story about an adepti that was made of cor lapis, that you were once almost inseparable together. You wondered if the adepti in the story really were you, not just a story that Madame Ping made up.
'Was there really an adeptus that was made of cor lapis?' you pondered as you worked on a commission.
'If so, maybe it would be nice if we could be friends.'
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Hello hello!
I saw your “Them comforting reader after a long day” post and i thought how about a “reader comforts them after a long day” with Furina/Mona and whoever you choose. I’m gonna go back to bing read your posts now! Take care!
Comforting them after a long day
characters: Furina / Mona x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: maybe slight hurt/comfort, but mostly fluff
a/n: Couldn't exactly go the full comforting route in Mona's path, bc let's be honest. That girl is too proud to show even a little bit of weakness or vulnerability, but this should do as well.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Even though Furina had promised herself not to hide behind a facade any longer, there were times she instinctively fell back on her old habits, the 500 year old autopilot that made it possible for her to keep her secret for so long not disappearing overnight. So when she finally closed the doors to her apartment, only to immediately turn around, lean onto them and let gravity do its job until she had slid down to a sitting position, Furina finally closed her eyes before letting out a heavy sigh she had held back for far too long.
“That was a big one. Want to talk about it?” Your voice suddenly rang out, causing her eyes to snap open and quickly land on your silhouette in the hallway as she struggled to leap back up, embarrassment flaming up in her as she tried her best to play it off as if nothing happened, only for her to end up leaning awkwardly against the door.
“Want to talk about what?” Furina shot back immediately, only to silently cringe at the way her words came out, putting on a smile as she slowly took off her shoes and coat and made her way over to the living room, being closely followed by you.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s also fine. Can I take your hand for a bit?” You eventually stated with an understanding smile, grabbing her head once she gave you a nod and starting to massage it by pressing your thumbs against different spots.
It wasn’t like Furina didn’t want to tell you… actually getting her complaints off her chest probably wouldn’t feel so bad. There was nothing stopping her except old habits and the fear something bad might happen once she opened up, that she inherited from her “former life” as Fontaine’s Archon.
“ No, I want to. But I’ll warn you. It might be a long and ultimately boring tale, so are you sure you want to list–” Furina interrupted her melancholic monologue when you pressed against a particular point on her hand, causing her to suddenly yelp in pain as you briefly stopped and looked up at her once again, your face asking her if you should stop. Just like with her opening up, your hand-massage was painful, yet also felt… pleasant and before long she signaled you to continue before reopening her mouth. “–so are you sure you want to listen to it?”
Without a moment of hesitation you responded, giving her a determined nod as you continued to carefully massage the same spot until stopped being painful, showing Furina one last encouraging smile until her complaints and worries started to pour out of her mouth. The former Archon talking until she felt the corners of her mouth dry up, with you intently listening to each and every one of her words.
…Maybe being more open every once in a while didn’t feel too bad.
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Being an Astrologer was what Mona had always dreamed of being, so when it came to it, she wasn’t scared of pouring every single second of her free time into her work, even when chances were her research would reach a dead-end. Because even with fate ordaining everything that ever happened or still lied in the future, there was no way of knowing how things were going to turn out without at least giving them a shot.
So having her the last couple of weeks worth of work turned out to be for nothing when it became clear it wasn’t going anywhere was nothing Mona was unfamiliar with. It was simply a part of her job after all… but even though the great Astrologer Mona Megistus would never admit to being bothered by setbacks, you knew her better than to fall for her unaffected facade.
“Do you have ingredients at home?” You suddenly asked in the middle of your walk, immediately gaining Mona’s attention as she quickly got lost in thought, trying to remember what food she had used up and what still remained, only to eventually give up and shrug her shoulders, letting out a small sigh as she straightened her hat.
“There might still be some left. I can’t say for sure though, keeping stock of my supplies wasn’t exactly something I kept in mind these last few days,” she admitted only for you to quickly whip around your head, a smile adorning your lips as you came up with a suggestion.
“Let’s go out and eat something! That’s something we didn’t do in quite a while.” Considering Mona’s thoughtful look and how she paused in her tracks for a few seconds, it was fair to say that she wasn’t completely against your proposal, even if you were sure it would still require a lot of convincing to get her to finally agree.
“I’m not sure. Going out to eat when you could just as well buy ingredients and cook something is a waste of money isn’t it?” She hesitantly responded, still pondering as her fingers continued to scratch her chin. Truth be told. You couldn’t agree with her more. You had recently spent a lot of your money on things that in hindsight didn’t exactly prove to be the wisest investments, but even so, you felt as if it was your duty to get Mona to eat something tasty today, even if it meant eating nothing but bread and butter for a few days.
You knew Mona better than to not notice how demoralized she seemed the last few days, her sudden mood change and her increase in free time coinciding too well for it to mean anything except her latest research turning out to be for naught. Of course you knew better than to confront her directly about it… something that would only lead to Mona getting defensive as she’d deny feeling down about anything, too proud and stubborn to open up. And so, the only option left was for you to do what you did best.
“I know… But you’ve been so busy these last few weeks so I couldn’t see you all that much and... I’ve missed you,” you explained while trying your best impression of a puppy, “So can we please go out today?” When you saw Mona’s face heat up slightly as she quickly glanced around the two of you, looking if there was anyone in earshot, you knew your plan turned out to be a success, having to do your best to stop your lips from curling up into a smile when she let out a yet another deep sigh. 
“Fine, but stop saying embarrassing things. We’re in public.”
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 3 months
6 + 10 for the wol questions 🥺
ty gigi!! /dote 🩷
6. how does your wol feel about romance? are they a hopeless romantic, waiting for The One, or are they more casual? do they believe in soulmates?
O'ravi has some mixed feelings on it lol. In her youth she was something of a hopeless romantic, though it wasn't something she actively searched for (her priorities were more on traveling and learning every piece of music, art, and folklore she could get her hands on). She's always wanted a good, solid relationship, but she also hasn't considered it something attainable for most of her life tbh. She also just never really met anyone she had a connection with/felt attracted to (she's ace and autistic so it's a double whammy of not only are such feelings extremely rare, it's super difficult for her to identify what those feelings are when she has them ldkjfhdkjg).
Her feelings for Haurchefant had started shifting into the romantic in the time leading up to the Vault but she didn't recognize it until. Well. 🥲It was too late. She'd had a very fleeting like 3-day crush on Aymeric when she met him in ARR but after the initial 😳💕 he was just an ally/friend to her. She did eventually fall in love with Aymeric for real (in the days after the Royal Menagerie to be specific; it had been building for a while), and it tore her to shreds inside because she felt that even just being friends with him was putting his life in danger, by virtue of the death and chaos that follows her, Twelve FORBID she became romantically involved with him- in her mind, that'd be no different than going and personally shooting him dead fldgjkhfdkjgh. She didn't stop believing that until after the ENW finale, when she was finally, decisively free of her fate.
She wholeheartedly believes in soulmates, but not in the romantic sense, necessarily; her definition of it is someone who you will reunite with and love in every lifetime, regardless of the type of that love. The list of people that she considers soulmates includes Themis, Aymeric, Haurchefant, Hythlodaeus, and Emet-Selch. Zenos goes on that list too depending on the day, other days she hates him and finds him repulsive lfkjghfdjkgh. Regardless of how she feels, she fully expects to see him in every lifetime from here out, though. She has very mixed feelings about that.
10. how does your wol sleep? very light? very heavy? do they need a specific item to fall asleep, or does it take them forever? where do they prefer sleeping?
O'ravi's a very light sleeper, always has been, and she hates sleeping alone (her tribe doesn't do that, they typically prefer to share space or sleep in sort of cuddle piles if the temperature gets low enough where that's an option). When she first left home and began traveling Eorzea alone, it was a huge adjustment. She's also always been someone who dozes off for 5-10 minutes in the weirdest places (a la those pics of actors sleeping between takes in random nooks on movie sets), and now that she has fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue post-ENW, she's doing this more than ever. Catch her taking cat naps in the sun in between Dawntrail MSQ objectives 😂
After Operation Archon, she started getting nightmares on a regular basis, and this just continually got worse over time. I think she also struggles with insomnia, the intensity of which varies but was worst during Endwalker and Stormblood. Now, a year or two post-ENW, she still has these problems (and will for the rest of her life), but they're semi-manageable.
Her favorite place to sleep is cuddled up to Aymeric 🥹 she unofficially moved in with him a long time ago (sometime between Final Steps of Faith and Post-Dragonsong MSQ) and originally had her own room, but after ENW his room became her room too and it's probably the place she feels safest tbh
[pre-dt wol asks]
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akutasoda · 11 months
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chapter fifteen - the general's secret
 ↳ daitengu!kujou sara x reader
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, childhood friends to lovers, kind of arranged marriage, wc - 1k
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being apart of a notorious clan came with its perks and downsides. perks were such as a positive reputation and similar objects. but sometimes it seemed the downsides such as large responsibilities outweighed any positives you could have. your clan had been among few in inazuma known for their fighting prowess and loyalty to the shogun. and therefore from a very young age you were to be trained to hold all responsibilities you were to face in the future.
and as much as you hated it, you had no other choice. it was made very clear to you that you were expected to continue on your clans legacy, afterall you were meant to become the head following your parents eventual end. and so you shouldered the responsibilities and knew that no matter what it was what you had to do.
and thus being one of the most known clans for fighting efforts you had been forced down the path of a soilder. but one major upside was that you often were trained alongside someone who became a close friend. kujou sara of the kujou clan, another notable fighting clan. they often protected inazuma the most, generation after generation serving under the archon themself.
however you two had ended up normally being trained alongside each other. you thought it was something to do with the fact that different clans have different styles of combat or something along those lines. but apart from trainings you two somehow found common ground that built a friendship. a friendhsip that lasted throughout.
it truly was a highlight to both of you even as you two grew into adulthood. by now sara had taken on her duties of becoming general of the tenryou commission amd working closely with the shogun. and for a long while you had taken up your families duties of being the general of a separate commission. even if sometimes the friendship seemed strained you both knew it was because your duties kept you both so busy.
a problem had arose sooner than you had liked, a problem that involved your parents getting involved and deciding for you. it wasn't uncommon for clans to join in hopes of strengthening both sides so when a proposition from higher up came that your clan and the kujou clan were to find a way to join, naturally the spotlight shone on you and sara.
it seemed logical that you two could get along in such arrangements considering your long friendship. but the thought made your face redden very quickly as you had always harboured small feelings for her but just assumed it would never work out. additionally all your duties meant that your time with sara was limited and unlikely to help in such relations.
but nonetheless the arrangement was proposed and in traditional fashion both parties agreed. ot was just that both parties decision was voiced by parents and clan higher-ups than the people it would affect. sara wasn't completely against the idea either. she had always viewed you as a very trusted friend but upon hearing the new that this was to go forward she couldn't help but start fondly seeing you in a more romantic light.
and thus no-one rejected. you and sara became cutely aware of shared feelings and having no issues with the upcoming arrangements. although sara had always preferred the solitary life, if it was with you the idead didn't repulse her as it would with anyone else. but one thing that ahe knew she had to get out was her origin of kin. while she didn't see it as an issue, she wouldn't want to keep a secret with you.
not many didn't know that the kujou clan held strong tengu genes. it was what made them such formidable foes in combat. possessing a greater power of pure strength and wisdom. and within the vast amount of species in tevyat it wouldn't seem unnatural. however sara was a special case. there was always a near impossible chance that a kin of the kujou clan was not just a mere tengu but in fact a daitengu.
daitengu where practically no different to a tengu, the only differences were the very clear distinction in power as a daitengu were always naturally stronger. the only other differences were the fact that thwir wings tended to be larger and some could even master temporary transformation into a more avaian form. so again sara never saw it as a problem but since she was a special case, she didn't want you to be in the dark.
and you didn't mind at all. in fact you felt quite intrigued by her origins, and she gladly would indulge you. and thus with the joining of the two clans it became more apparent of how good of an idea it was. it had also meant the two commissions also joining, sara still holding her position and you becoming an equal role - from your status and power to your official relation to the woman.
seeing as you both now harboured feelings and naturally got along, neither of you faced any major issues. it seemed weird to you but you swear you would start noticing how you spent more time with her now that your two were official. you weren't complaining however. in fact you actively enjoyed the extended time you now had with her and so did she.
they do say that being part of notable clans had ups and downs. but for you and sara it seemed as though there now were more ups.
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oathofkaslana · 10 months
you know it would be soooo awesome if you explained Cyno lore/your analysis of him (I’m so incredibly lost; my brain is too full of insane scientists for comprehension of him by himself.)
:3 see the frustrating thing abt cyno is that his character stories barely tell about his lore in the way you’d want it to. his affiliation is stated as with the temple of silence and there’s next to nothing else about them in the entire fucking game. BUT THAT ASIDE!!
from what we know of cyno’s ethnically from the desert but he wasn’t raised there. (his job as the general mahamatra allows him to take visit the desert a lot though. a lot of his work is there.) he made a pact with the god inside of him (hermanubis) and because of this, the akademiya wanted to run experiments on him. he was protected from these experiments by professor cyrus who took him in! he’s cyno’s adoptive father :)
now with the pact he quite literally describes himself as a vessel for hermanubis and he calls upon his powers during his burst! hermanubis initially caused cyno a lot of pain but their relationship somehow got better to the current point of their relationship where they work in tandem as vessel and god.
he and lisa were kinda classmates (they were both spantamad) but lisa is his senior. their relationship is very familial-like :3 (there’s a part in 3.5 windblume where they explain that the darshans can be akin to an academic-based family :’] and she teases him by referring to him with the little brother honorific (弟弟/ didi)
lisa sent a letter to cyrus asking for help in collei’s sake and cyrus sent cyno :3 hence why he came to mond, sealed collei’s archon residue, and eventually led collei back to gandharva ville to live under the tutelage of his best friend, tighnari.
ALSO. he and candace are literally complements to each other :’) (cyno being the sun and candace being the moon, one having the eye of ra and the other having the eye of horus, both sharing a signature polearm, both having connections to either al ahmar or kasala, al ahmar’s faithful priest)
OK SO. this is all in my head btw.
- in my head the experiments cyno was almost subjected to were apart of dottore’s extended attempts to elevate humanity to the gods. (other actual parts of his motive are his experiments on collei and scara).
- cyno recognized collei as someone inflicted with archon residue after reading his letter. i don’t think he realizes both the experiments she was apart of and he could’ve been apart of are linked, but i do think he feels incredibly guilty for not being able to prevent it (even if he quite literally couldn’t have known/done anything)
- in fact! i think part of the reason why he became the general mahamatra is because he believed the experiments he could’ve been subjected to was a show of the akademiya’s corruption. i think he trusted the akademiya very much because cyrus was apart of the akademiya and because he loves cyrus and cyrus loves him so so much :’) i think he wanted to prevent that from ever happening again.
- in my head this is also why he’s so so adamant on keeping to the six cardinal sins.
- i think this is also why he felt so so strongly about figuring out the sage’s corruption and betrayal in the sumeru archon quest. so mcuh so that he quit without mention and went on to do his own investigation and prevention. to me this also explains why he was so distrustful of al haitham to the point of literally attacking him the way he did kfbdjdhdjd.
- also related to the human experimentation but i think it could be compelling commentary for medical exploitation of marginalized communities and cyno being from the desert and that happening to him is sooo.. it’s something. (it’s not perfect of course i’d still rather him yk. not be a fucking cop but.)
- he and collei are very obvious narrative parallels in a way that makes me so so sick especially bc in collei’s vl about him we learn that thinking about the sealing ritual can bring her very painful flashbacks to it. even now she slips up and forgets to refer to him informally. he kinda understands how she feels (though he’ll never get it). he just wants her to be safe. and collei doesn’t know! when she leaves with cyno we know nothing about hermanubis! all we knew is that cyno clearly took inspiration from anubis! AND THAT MAKES ME SO SICK (it’s also a big part of my webtoon spin off au which is a character study following collei and cyno’s way to sumeru and collei’s first few weeks or so in gandharva ville. the entire this is heavily collei-centric of course but the first part is a big character study on cyno and collei and their tumultuous relationship w both each other and themselves.)
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scenearcee · 7 months
Can we get some more info about Jacqueline? Like, the story you have in mind for her, her relationship with Neivilette and the Melusines, what she did during the prophecy, etc.?
omg I am actually so glad you asked!!!!!! I wasn’t expecting there to be much interest in her!!!!!
Jacqueline was raised in a family mostly consisting of duelists, and was also expected to become a duelist alongside her brothers once she was an adult. Growing up, she was really excited about the concept, but as kids do, she also started having other interests and hobbies as well- especially wanting to be a lawyer, and an actor. This wasn’t exactly to the pleasure of her family, and as her brothers became successful duelists with their own high maintenance needs, she fell into the background. Due to this, her health needs were also ignored quite a bit, and it wasn’t until she started passing out regularly that she was even noticed by her family. She was diagnosed with POTS, as well as warned about a potential degenerative disease- preventing her from becoming a duelist at all. Lots of pressure was put on her by her family, with the logic that “if you’re not going to be a duelist, you need to be the very best that you can in another field.” Academic burnout hit her HARD, and only by the grace of her professors and tutors in primary and secondary school was she able to graduate top of her class in theatrical studies. She’s currently doing legal studies at the Palais Mermonia, and she actually got her vision at the end of a trial. She was able to prove a man innocent of murder, though it was a very difficult and convoluted process, and was rewarded for her efforts with the power of electro.
As for the prophecy, she was in the audience at the Opera Epiclese during Furina’s trial- taking notes, because of the exam she had coming up. Once it was starting to be revealed that Furina might not even be the archon in the first place however, the notebook quickly went away, and she was on the edge of her seat. As soon as the big ole Narwhal showed up, she was trapped behind some fallen support beams, and couldn’t maneuver with her forearm crutches out of there. Eventually more of the supports gave way and she was able to get out- barely even stepping outside the Opera house as Neuvillette shot into the sky. The rain was hitting her face hard, and she watched as Neuvillette deemed the people of Fontaine innocent. And of course, fantastic timing, she didn’t have much time to think about it before getting smacked with a huge wave of primordial seawater. Obviously, she didn’t dissolve, and was dragged onto the big rescue ship by a diver during the rescue effort.
After this series of events, her university life became a lot more interesting. She not only submitted the notes she took during Furina’s trial to her professors for a massive essay grade, but more and more opportunities were opening up to her- internship opportunities at legal firms. That’s not an easy decision to make, and it took her a while to do some research before picking one. But again, with fantastic timing, her professors managed to get her an internship with none other than Iudex Neuvillette- which was bound to be an interesting experience, for sure. So, she took it up, because why not. However, she regards it as her worst mistake. Not because of the workload, but rather the fact that she now has to deal with the complexities and nuances of Neuvillette’s personal life, which used to be Furina’s responsibility. And he talks about Furina specifically so very often.
What’s her relationship with Neuvillette like, you ask? Imagine the “okay grandpa let’s get you to bed” meme, because that’s essentially what it is. She deeply respects him as a person and for his authority, but if she’s alone in a room with him for too long, he starts rambling about life with Furina, oh I hope Furina got my package, Furina is such a good actress, I remember when Furina and I, etc etc. And let’s be honest, it gets on Jacqueline’s nerves big time. Especially when he is an oblivious freak with attachment issues and makes poor decisions concerning this (as he does in the fic I’m writing). She’s perfectly happy to have personal conversations with him, and be a supportive ally, but dear GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT FURINA PLEASE. It’s not easy for her to say no to his thoughts and ideas, because unfortunately she does crave praise and academic validation, and Neuvi really is kinda becoming a father figure for her. She runs around scheduling his appointments, delivering his packages at lightning speed, escorting him to trials, and more. Neuvillette really appreciates her help with getting his affairs in order, and is grateful that she’s willing to listen to him ramble on. He offers himself as someone for her to talk to, but she’s never taken him up on the offer- even though he can tell there’s something clouding her mind. He takes extra steps to make sure that she’s fed, hydrated, and has a place to stay- she has her own little room in the Palais Mermonia! Sometimes these two will be up into the late hours of the night doing work, and enjoy some pure water after they wrap it up together and head to bed.
The melusines very quickly got around to absolutely adoring Jacqueline, and she adored them right back. Although she has other issues on land, Jacqueline is an excellent swimmer, and will sometimes escort melusines from Merusea Village to the court of justice. She’s very close with Sedene and a Melusine in Merusea village, Cherie (my other genshin oc woahh). She always makes sure to keep up with all melusine affairs, every bit of drama and that kind of thing. She’s extremely supportive of their endeavors, and will go as far as eating the food they make for people and trying their little potions and machines. She really cares about them, and always greets every single one with a lot of enthusiasm! Sedene will sometimes help out with her Neuvillette babysitting duties, and has been a supportive hand for Jacqueline in this chapter of her life.
I would talk about her relationship with Furina, but she has literally never had the chance to meet her. Oops. She holds her in very high regard though.
Now, for some basic details about Jacqueline as a person. She’s 5’2 with a limber, slightly but not really muscular stature. The muscles she does have are toned, if that makes sense. She has shoulder length black hair that she decorates with silver jewelry to hold her style in place, and her eyes are a piercing silver color. Most of the time she has a pair of forearm crutches or her cane on hand, but she does go without mobility aids sometimes. She carries salt with her everywhere, to salt her food and drinks- promoting blood pressure balance and all that jazz. Also, she is a fruitcake. Sees a pretty woman? Folds like a goddamn lawn chair. She has little fan crushes on Chlorinde and Navia, and has a MASSIVE crush on Charlotte. Talking to Charlotte is always a joy. She’s definitely very exclusively into women though, and she gets very snappy and passive aggressive with men who make passes at her. Her favorite things are ice cream with bacon, silver jewelry, feather quills, satin, women, and being rewarded for hard work. However, she HATES boring music, being interrupted, chocolate, being lied to, and having to salt everything she consumes. She has a deep fear of abandonment, and is also scared of armored crabs. She had a run-in, don’t ask too many questions.
sorry this is a lot of words!! I hope this answers your question.
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