#because eddie is still buck's best friend and should interact with maddie
shaunashipman · 5 months
not the controversial opinion I wanted to post but I just saw that lou is filming with jlh, and how many seasons has it been since maddie and eddie even interacted?
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apartmentsmoke · 23 days
A Breakdown of BuckTommy's Storyline Going Into Season 8 - Part II (Their Relationship)
Part I here.
With part II, I want to dive into what we know about their relationship going into Season 8, how their relationship is going, and how it might affect the other characters in the show.
The first explicit mention of Buck and Tommy's relationship's was in TVLine's preview. Tim Minear mentioned that Buck and Tommy are "still getting to know each other a little better" and the article mentions they are "going strong." Their relationship is mentioned positively in contrast to Buck's relationship with Gerrard, which is a negative relationship for him.
The TVLine article also mentions that Buck will have someone to complain to. We've already seen that Buck feels comfortable with opening up to Tommy about his emotions (the coffee date in 7.05 and dinner scene in 7.10), and that Tommy knows Buck enough to tell when he is uncomfortable and might want to talk about something. While they are still learning about each other, they've both demonstrated that they're treating their relationship seriously, and, going into Season 8, they are "a couple."
Tim Minear also mentioned that they are comfortable with each other, which builds from a Season 7 interview where he stated that Buck "feels safe" with Tommy. While they have some minor troubles, the foundation of their relationship is strong going into Season 8.
In the EW article, Tim Minear mentions that they also feel comfortable hanging out with Eddie. Eddie is Buck's best friend and Tommy's friend. I suspect this means that we will see at least one scene, and possibly more, with all three of them. We haven't seen the three of them interacting without other people there before, so I look forward to what that dynamic will be like. I think the three of them will have an easy dynamic, since the emotions from 7.04 have been worked out - Buck realized the source of his jealousy, he and Tommy are now dating, and Eddie has no issue with his friends' sexualities. If there is any tension, I think it will be because Eddie is third wheeling on a new couple who are still learning about each other and there is an inherent awkwardness in that, especially when it's two of your friends and you're trying to figure out that new dynamic.
The next thing Tim Minear mentioned was that "when you couple up with somebody, it takes up some of your time...Buck doesn't have as much free time as he did before." The way I interpret this to mean is that Buck will be spending quite a bit of time with Tommy. We knew he already was - Bobby clocks that he's going to spend the night with him, and Buck goes home to have dinner with Tommy - but it's further confirmation that we will be getting more scenes of them as a couple in Season 8.
The part I elided said that Eddie will be "a little bit out in the cold," which I interpret to mean that we may see fewer Buck and Eddie scenes in Season 8. The two are best friends, so I am positive they will have some scenes together, but Eddie will have to find someone else for support. He usually leans heavily on Buck - something that Ryan Guzman has said is a pattern for Eddie that "doesn't offer maturity" and that Eddie should be "self-reflective" and realize that he has to deal with difficult conversations alone. Tim Minear also mentions that "everything was stripped away from Eddie" and it's "time for him to figure out who the hell he is."
A pre-occupied Buck also offers Eddie chances to interact more with other characters. Ryan Guzman has said that Eddie "might be seeking out Cap in a way that he never has before." He has also stated he wants scenes with Maddie, Karen, and Athena. Not being as tied to Buck allows Eddie a chance to grow as a character and develop new relationships.
I expect to see Buck and Tommy's relationship growing - and the audience seeing that through their scenes together. It also provides opportunities for the writers to explore new dynamics for other characters who often spend time with Buck. We saw in the deleted scene that Hen and Karen were curious about their relationship, and Hen comments on them when they walk into the hospital room together.
In short, their relationship adds new dimensions to the show. Buck enters a relationship with a man and navigates the 118's past. Tommy is recontextualized, and provides a support for Buck while also having his past with the 118 explored. Even though the season is just beginning, their relationship is already woven into the show, and isn't shoved off into its own space. It's ripe for exploration, and I am excited for what comes next for them.
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saras-almanac · 5 months
Being under the assumption that both Eddie’s and Bobby’s storylines will feature heavily in the last few episodes of the season with fallout and some consequences set up for season 8, I have some thoughts about what I want to see for the show since I’m procrastinating doing anything today…
Bobby – Having to actually physically face someone from the fire, I want that to be a big sign for Bobby to actually start working through his trauma and guilt in a way that doesn’t necessarily lead to a potential relapse story, but some tension with Athena because she can’t understand what he’s going through, how he feels really (similar to when he was helping that drunk driving woman after the pileup from Blindsided). Another thing I want is to see him taking more of an active role in his AA meetings—I want him to really start focusing on that so he can have friends outside of people he’s Captain of, plus it’ll help set up what his endgame should be: focusing on his meetings and helping people who have been at or are at rock bottom because he is someone who can really understand. And he doesn’t need to be a first responder to still help.
Athena – I literally just want her to interact more with Buck. (Though I literally want Buck to interact with everyone so much) If his apartment does burn down or he moves, maybe Athena offers him to stay at their place since Maddie and Chimney are dealing with their own stuff, Eddie’s off on his own, and it’s a bit too soon to fully move in with Tommy). But just imagine the talks they could have over tea late at night, both of them being night owls. They could talk about their careers, how to know when to keep trying for advancement or when it’s okay to be content where you’re at. Plus let’s say Athena gets drafted to help on a case of some sort, bringing home some files along with her notes, only to wake up in the morning to see Buck on his third cup of coffee and a full red string makeshift pinboard set up on the table going through all the potential theories. (Athena wants to be annoyed but also, maybe he’s on to something? And it’s not like he went out and started doing his own sleuthing and digging through someone’s trash so… )
Buck – Obviously next season I just want him and Tommy to still be together and their big storyline is working on continuing to build their relationship, especially allowing Buck to really be there for Tommy in a way that we’ve already seen Tommy do for Buck. I want their relationship to be settled and steady, even with the bumps and hiccups, but ultimately something that settles Buck so he can really focus on his career and what he wants outside of being a firefighter. (Obviously my endgame for Buck is being Captain at a different firehouse, or well on his way to actually being Captain). But there’s so much angst and humor to be had in the background where Buck/Tommy doesn’t have to take up too much space. Obviously the angst of if Tommy gets hurt or just learning about his past (which I have lots of thoughts about) and Buck learning to cope with that, still growing and getting better at direct communication. Which could lead into a funny runner in an episode where Buck goes around asking everyone (Bobby, Athena, Maddie, Chimney) how they handle it when their partner is hurt and how is the best way for him to comfort Tommy after a rough shift because he obviously wants to do it the best way possible because Tommy is the best and always seems to know what to do and Buck just wants to be the same for him—only for him to get his real answer from Karen (because I also want more Buck with Karen and Buck and Hen being siblings next season). Plus Buck could be in random scenes because he’s obviously getting kicked out of Bobby and Athena’s house at least twice a week for their roleplaying nights that Buck doesn’t want to really ask about but accidentally knows too much about, which also leads to him showing up at May’s one night when everyone else is at work or busy and they have that weird “do you know what I know about mom and dad” conversation about what their parents are getting up to. (Plus leaning into May and Buck developing a relationship could also show us a lot of both of those characters because it’d be in different roles than we’ve seen them—May as the younger sister, Buck as the older brother) Plus I absolutely need to see Buck and Carla being friends again.
Tommy – I absolutely want him to stick around and for them to start filling in the gaps of his life a bit more because he is a really friendly person and has buddies and people to hang out with, but he’s also really lonely and I think that’s why jumped all in with his friendship with Eddie and putting his best foot forward with Buck. Just want him around lol
HenRen – My most beloved ladies. I just want them to keep going and having them face outside challenges together, as a team. So next season could be them wanting to officially adopt Mara but it’s their first adoption (where the kid is not a baby) and they want to do this right, not making Mara feel pressured or like she has to accept this. Obviously them juggling Mara and their still complicated feelings about Denny reconnecting with Nathanial behind their backs is a really good story for them, and then what happens if they get more kids, or another case similar to Mara where it’s a slightly older child and it upsets the balance a bit more? I just love the idea of them as foster parents and want to keep exploring that, even if it is “repetitive” because it’s wonderful to see such amazing parents who are actively trying to be the best they can be and making sure to put their kids first. (Endgame for them, adopting a baby girl, which doesn’t make them love their other children less, but it’d be a really nice full circle moment of them with Denny and Nia, to this full-scale family) Would also love to see Karen interacting a bit more with people—I think at least starting with Chimney and Buck would be a really quick and easy way—Buck could be babysitting a bit, coming over for game nights, showing up randomly. Just a way to start getting Karen more featured because she is literally sunshine and I think it’d be really cool to see her talking about her job and Buck’s excitement and how he’d be super interested in it. (And maybe she’s starting to question if she wants to stay at her job, now with the kids and she’s not sure if she’s as excited about it anymore, or maybe she hasn’t fully been herself at work since the explosion… anything for Karen that’s not sad or too angsty because I can’t handle it. Or one of her brothers comes to stay for an undisclosed amount of time causing hijinx.)
Madney – Oh my god… These two need much less angst and just pure happiness forever. But obviously, that’s not going to happen. So what I would love to see is their storyline centered around the next steps for their family, namely whether or not they want more kids. Jee was a happy accident and they’d never not want her, but it does bring up the question of do they want more children? They both have some issues surrounding parental relationships, and while they’ve been working through them and are incredible parents themselves, would they feel ready or able to have another child or more children? Not to mention physically, for Maddie, would she be willing and able to put herself through that again? I don’t know. It’s something that could really give them a lot of meat in a story while not being needlessly overdramatic—Like my hopes for HenRen, I want them to face things as a couple and still support each other.
Eddie – I need him to be getting help. I want to see this story completely blow up in his face because he doesn’t really have a lot of storylines that deal with the fallout of his actions. And this will hopefully be something that is just him making the worst possible decisions ever and then seeing him lash out at people would be peak writing for this character, to watch him build himself back up and really allow him to have relationships outside of Chris and Buck. I know they’re all friends, but Eddie literally doesn’t really interact with anyone else. Would love to see him and Buck on the outs for a bit so they could both have scenes with some other people. Plus I’d love this story to lead to a happily single Eddie, realizing that he doesn’t need to have a partner just for Chris’s sake and that he’s not really interested in dating right now, despite the fact it feels like everyone in his life (his family) keeps pushing that on him. He honestly needs to do a lot of work on himself to be ready and able to be in a romantic relationship because Eddie is actually the worst in relationships—and whether that’s only because he’s still dealing with Shannon’s death and the way he’s clearly romanticized their past or because he genuinely doesn’t want to date or doesn’t know how to date, we can explore. I want to know more about Eddie because from the beginning he’s basically just been Single Dad Veteran and I don’t feel like they’ve really given him much else until this season. Let Eddie be alone so we can actually learn who he is more before he gets into another relationship—or crazier yet, allow for Single Representation Eddie where he ultimately decides he’s happier alone and doesn’t need anyone.
Josh – My endgame for Josh is obviously him taking over Sue’s position at the Call Center—which would obviously lead to Maddie officially taking over Josh’s spot. But like Buck, I want Josh to have a little more stability in his life so he has stuff outside the call center to help balance himself when he does take on that role. Could be a really great way to sort of mirror Buck and Josh—both of them knowing what they want to do and being really great at it but having no real idea of what to do if that’s taken away. Josh sort of stumbled into this job and excelled at it immensely, but sort of at the expense of his own personal life (plus the trauma of his last “official” experience with dating). Whereas Buck’s never really set aside his personal life for his job but hasn’t ever really found that balance of both with someone who really gets him. So there could be a lot to explore with them as an option. I just want to see a bit more of Josh and maybe he gets a boyfriend or at least starts to date again.
Ravi – I have no idea what I want for him other than for him to be around. In my ideal endgame, he’s obviously taking over Buck’s role at the 118, so maybe just keeping him involved in the crew more. Maybe he has a big dramatic storyline for season 8, dealing with his past or getting injured or showing how he withdraws very quickly. I don’t know he’s sort of a blank slate so they could really do anything with him. I just want to see him around more.
Basically I just have a lot of thoughts and wanted to write them all out here because why not.
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie and Chimney are good friends
Eddie and Chimney have been good friends for several years and it was Chimney who saw Eddie first during a conversation he was having with Bobby, Hen and Buck in 2x1 “Under Pressure”.  After he saw Eddie he said, “Now that is a beautiful man”.  Chimney was also the first one to talk to Eddie while they were on the firetruck traveling to the scene of a call when he asked him about his silver star.  Hen interjected by asking Eddie if he knew anything about the “hot firefighter calendar” so that she could make Buck jealous since Eddie is so beautiful.  After they returned to the firehouse, Chimney casually talked with Eddie about the best way for him to take pictures so that he could submit them for the hot firefighter calendar right before Buck and Eddie started arguing.  Eddie and Chimney’s friendship has been shown numerous times throughout the seasons but it appears most of it happened offscreen the same way Eddie and Karen’s friendship did (related post).
Some of their interactions happened in CANON and while most of them took place while they were inside of the firehouse, a couple of them happened at each of their residences.  Chimney was the one who noticed that Eddie was uncomfortable when that woman started flirting with him in 2x4 “Stuck” (related post) and he saw Eddie checking out Buck’s butt in 3x4 “Triggers” when Buck arrived at the firehouse right after he and Eddie had just finished discussing Christopher’s nightmares and Maddie being afraid of Chimney after she dropped a plate while she was at his apartment because she had a flashback to a time when she was still married to Doug.  He was also the one who tried to tell Eddie he was being unfair to Buck in 3x5 “Rage” during their grocery store argument.  It was Eddie who told Chimney about the family he chose in 3x11 “Seize the Day” and he also told Chimney that if he loved Maddie, he should tell her in 3x13 “Pinned”.
Chimney and Eddie have also had conversations about Christopher including the one they had in 6x4 “Animal Instincts” when Chimney told Eddie that Christopher might be at the age where he doesn’t want his dad around all the time.  They’ve had several conversations over the years with the most recent one that included them talking about Hoover, the dog that everyone from the 118 passed around in an effort to try to find him a home in 6x5 “Home Invasion”. Their conversation was very telling because it illustrated how Eddie has been to Chimney’s apartment before when he said, “That was weirder than usual” after the nanny Chimney and Maddie hired to take care of Jee-Yun closed the door in his face.  Even though they’re showing some of Eddie and Chimney’s friendship in CANON, they have been careful by keeping their interactions outside of the firehouse limited which is similar to the way they handle the dynamic between Maddie and Eddie (related post).  It would be interesting to watch some of the things Eddie and Chimney talk about when they’re at Eddie’s house or Chimney’s apartment.  What could they possibly talk about other than firefighting?  The Buckley siblings perhaps since Eddie is in love with Buck and Chimney is in love with Maddie.  If the narrative continues towards making Buck and Eddie a CANON couple, then it’s unlikely that Buck, Eddie, Maddie and Chimney will be seen together at one of their residences hanging out and talking as a group until Buck and Eddie are dating.  Even though they were all at Eddie’s house in 3x11 “Seize the Day” the interactions between Maddie and Eddie didn’t exist even though Maddie was in Eddie’s kitchen when Buck told her, “This is Eddie’s house, I’m not really a guest”.
GIF 2x1 “Under Pressure”
GIF 2x1 “Under Pressure”
GIF 2x1 “Under Pressure”
GIF 2x4 “Stuck”
GIF 3x4 “Triggers”
GIF 3x5 “Rage”
GIF 3x11 “Seize the Day”
GIF 3x13 “Pinned”
GIF 6x1 “Let the Games Begin”
GIF 2x2 “Crash and Learn”
GIF 6x4 “Animal Instincts”
GIF 6x5 “Home Invasion”
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hippolotamus · 2 years
Fuck it Fraturday
Besties, it has been a day. I was tagged by the lovely @alyxmastershipper @spotsandsocks @ajunerose @elvensorceress and @shortsighted-owl 🥰 And, hey, it is still Friday... somewhere. As I went rummaging for this week's post I learned something about myself. Apparently I have a thing for starting mid-season spec fics, not finishing them, and naming them for Taylor Swift lyrics. So there's that useless trivia for you. Anyway, I cleaned up (to the best of my sleepy ability) my S5 offering I'm reaching for you, terrified
bon appetit, my loves 😘
I’m leaving the 118.
Buck has had his oxygen tank run out, he’s been caught in more natural disasters than he’d prefer, and trapped under a ladder truck. Among other things. Those agonizing memories pale in comparison to what he feels now, hearing Eddie’s announcement. He's a mix of breathless and numb and tingling pinpricks dancing over his skin. Of too much and not enough and loss. 
Eddie is… casual? Neutral? As if he’s told them he’s only leaving town for a few days, but he’ll be right back. Except – will he? Buck doesn’t know. 
For the span of a single heartbeat Buck hates Eddie with everything he can muster. If someone were to ask – in this infinitesimal moment in time – he would swear that he undeniably, viscerally hates him. It would only be true for that moment, of course. But also not true at all. Buck only believes it because he’s feeling trapped. Caught between containing his feelings in a twisted sense of maintaining decorum, and wanting to scream. A buildup of pressure that quickly manifests as shuddering breaths, wide eyes and trembling fists clenched at his side. 
Irrational as it may be, this is worse, he decides, than clawing at unforgiving mud. Worse than feeling Eddie’s still warm blood spatter on his skin. Worse than hearing Mitchell Trent’s gun fire without knowing who was on the receiving end. Those were all times Buck thought he could lose his best friend, but they were external forces. The result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time while doing their jobs. This, though… this is coming directly from Eddie. Eddie, who just moments ago, was hugging Bobby by the grill. 
A selfish stream of thoughts comes to his mind unbidden. Did Bobby know? Before now? He’s their captain, but why should he be the first to find out? Why does he get the news semi-privately and Buck learns alongside Hen? Maybe because you’ve been too busy playing the loving boyfriend to the first person to say ‘I love you’.
“E-Eddie?” Buck’s voice sounds far away, even to himself. It reminds him of how he would quietly seek out Maddie to patch up his latest injury before their parents could catch on.
“What-” A thousand questions, that he can’t seem to articulate with actual words, catch in his throat. Buck has to force himself to look at Eddie and hope his pleading gaze can ask for him. That’s when he finally sees it. The now obvious pain emanating from behind the mask of feigned indifference.
Then the words ‘for Christopher’ register. And Buck can’t believe he’s been so self-centered by not considering Chris before now. He’s overwhelmed with thoughts of inside jokes, endless optimism, baking experiments, movie nights, trips to the zoo and a smile that radiates pure fucking sunshine. 
Does Chris even know yet? Has Eddie considered that their dynamic might change? That schedules won’t align as perfectly, or interactions could become awkward if Eddie shuts himself off. 
Bobby and Athena, the enormous Christmas tree, Karen, Denny, Christopher… it all swirls into one blended image that has him swaying. He thinks someone shouts his name, sees Eddie reach out. His field of vision narrows, rapidly fading to black. The cool grass presses against his skin, until he’s not sensing anything at all.
Buck blinks once, twice. He squints at the thin ray of sun that’s made its way through the crowd gathered around him. Hen, Bobby and Eddie hover overhead, poking, prodding, and performing a sternal rub.
“Oh, good. You’re awake,” Hen says dryly, easing him back down when he tries to sit. “Stay still.”
“‘M fine.” He tries again, but a different hand – with a touch he would know if he were blind – firmly holds him in place.
“Buck?” Christopher sidles up next to Eddie, carefully lowering himself to the ground. “It’ll be okay. I can hold your hand if you want.” The words are so innocent, given so freely, Buck wants to cry. Instead, he sniffs and swallows down the emotions, taking Christopher’s small hand in his own. 
“Thanks, buddy. I’d like that.” Buck actively avoids looking at Eddie. It’s too much like staring at the sun on a cloudy day, muted but still overwhelming.
Christopher grasps Buck’s hand while Hen takes his vitals and verifies he’s okay. As okay as he’s going to be, anyway. 
“Alright, Buckaroo. Sit here for a few minutes. If you’re feeling stable then we’ll help you stand up.”
“Hen-” he starts to protest.
“I said what I said, Buckley. Don’t push it. I can just as easily turn this into IVs and recommend continuous monitoring.” 
“Aye aye, Dr. Wilson.” Buck lets out an exasperated sigh and lets Hen and Bobby help him sit. He’s still avoiding looking at Eddie even though he can feel the gaze boring into him. The crowd starts to dissipate, apparently satisfied that everything is fine. Christopher throws his arms around Buck, burying his face into his neck. 
“See, Buck? I told you it would be okay.”
“Never doubted you for a second, buddy.” He rubs his thumb back and forth, lets his fingers thread through Christopher’s curls, breathes in the warm comfort that never fails to slow his pulse and calm his nerves. 
“Hey, mijo? Let’s give Buck some air. I think he and I have some things to talk about.” 
“Okay, Dad.” Christopher reluctantly loosens his grip, but not before Buck presses a kiss into his hair and squeezes him tight before sending him on his way. 
Eddie reaches out, extending a hand for Buck to grab onto, like an anchor. When he stands, Buck simultaneously wants to run away and throw himself into Eddie like Christopher had done to him. He wants to storm off and be held while he falls apart against Eddie’s chest. Instead he wordlessly follows to the relative quiet of the street, sheltered behind Eddie’s truck. 
“Buck,” Eddie starts to say. Except Buck interrupts, too impatient and on edge to wait his turn.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Eds?”
Eddie stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks at the ground, scuffing his shoe against the street. He eventually meets Buck’s gaze and there’s no pretense there, no mask. Just Eddie. 
“Today was my first chance to talk to Cap about it. And I wanted to tell him first. Because I knew if I went to you first, you would talk me out of it. But,” – Eddie puts a hand on Buck’s shoulder and he’s not sure if it’s more for his own reassurance or Eddie’s – “you have to know this is for Christopher. I need him to know that he doesn’t have to worry about coming home one day to find out I’m not there. So he can stop having nightmares, and worrying that some lunatic is gonna take me out because they can’t handle their own shit.”
Bile creeps up Buck’s throat and Eddie’s hand feels less like a comfort and more like a crushing weight. Because he’s watched Eddie nearly die, wide-eyed and gasping for breath, and it could still happen somewhere else. Somewhere Buck can’t be to keep an eye on him, leap into action, make sure he’s safe. “Does Christopher know?”
“Not yet. I was going to tell him tonight.”
Buck nods slowly, grateful he isn’t the last person to find out. “And what about us?”
“What about-“ Eddie looks at him, confused. “What do you mean?”
“What I mean,” Buck says, more defensive than he intends, “is you had this whole thing about the family you’re born into, and the family you choose. Made a big deal about promising we wouldn’t drift apart if we didn’t work together anymore. Can you still say that?” 
Eddie had friends in the Army, in Texas, that he never talks about. Who’s to say Buck, and the rest of the 118, won’t be replaced by whoever comes next? Eddie and Christopher have become a force in Buck’s life at least as strong as Bobby and Maddie. They’re part of a core group of people who look after him, care how he’s doing, and make sure he doesn’t fuck up too badly. They’re his family. Buck can’t lose them. He can’t.
“I did promise. And I meant it- I mean it. I’ll even—” Eddie pauses, huffing out a humorless laugh. “I’ll even pinkie promise if you want.”
Buck’s eyes widen as he gasps and lifts a hand to his chest like a scandalized maiden. “Pinkie promises are sacred, Eds.”
“I know. And you know I think they’re ridiculous. I am only doing this for you.” Eddie’s hand slides off Buck’s shoulder and he extends his little finger out as an offering.
Buck tentatively holds his own out, intertwining it with Eddie’s. They curl together and Buck can’t stop staring, committing the sight to memory. He wants the image branded into his mind until his heart beats for the last time, until he takes his final breath. Wants to remember this moment when Eddie swore he wouldn’t abandon him. 
Eddie pulls him into a hug, wrapping one hand around Buck’s waist, unwilling to let their pinkies separate. The gesture means more than Buck could ever put into words.
“What are we hugging about?!” Christopher barrels towards them as fast as his legs can carry him. Buck isn’t even sorry about the interruption. He welcomes it, knowing that having all three of them together can only make the moment more complete. Buck and Eddie part just enough to wrap him into the fold. 
Christopher throws one arm around each of them and Buck doesn’t think he’s ever felt this loved by anyone besides Maddie. His heart feels so full he thinks he might burst. He loves Christopher. He loves Eddie, has loved Eddie. In a way he’s always acknowledged as platonic, familial. He’s never allowed himself to think beyond that. There’s always been a reason to shut it down and not get his hopes up. Ali, Shannon, Ana, Taylor. 
Buck can’t even pinpoint when the lines began to blur between friend, family and more. Loving Eddie was a slow, creeping thing that wrapped around him, gradually entwining them together. Buck only realized once he was too attached to even entertain separating himself. Like ivy that climbs up a building, bonding to it so there’s a mark if it’s ever ripped away. 
He tells Taylor he loves her, but it’s not the same. Not like this. He remembers freezing the first time she said the words, unsure if it sounded wrong because it was coming from her, or because it was coming from anyone at all. Buck always imagined saying ‘I love you, too’ would be easy when someone finally admitted to loving him. And it is - easy. But at the same time it still feels foreign rolling off his tongue. Too practiced and eager.
“Hey,” Eddie murmurs. “Do you want to be there tonight? When I tell him?”
Tears sting the corners of Buck’s eyes, already threatening to spill over. Of course he wants to be there. He always wants to be a part of anything with Chris and Eddie. His Diaz boys. But, this- this seems like a moment that should be between father and son. Too intimate for Buck to be involved. 
“Are you sure? I don’t think-“
“You don’t think what?” Eddie interjects. “That he won’t be texting or calling you the second we’re done talking? That he won’t ask what you think about all this? Don’t think. Just come. Please.” 
Eddie wrinkles his nose and furrows his brow – barely visible, like he didn’t want Buck to notice – and bites his bottom lip. “Unless you have… other plans. I should’ve asked first. Maybe you have something with...” He trails off, waving his hand dismissively.
“No,” Buck shakes his head adamantly, saving Eddie the trouble. “She can wait. I want to be there. For Christopher.”
“For Christopher,” Eddie repeats, nodding thoughtfully. 
“What’s for me?” The younger Diaz finally pipes up, eyes shining behind the glare of his glasses. 
“Uh, I’m coming over after the party to hang with you,” Buck says. “Obviously.”
Christopher whoops and pumps his fist in the air. “Are you staying to make pancakes in the morning?”
“If it’s okay with your dad.” Buck looks to Eddie, seeking permission he’s already 87% certain he’ll get.
Eddie studies him for a moment, as if he doesn’t understand why it would ever be an issue. Then he smiles, the stupidly fond private one he saves just for Buck and Chris. “Obviously,” he finally answers. 
Their embrace becomes more snug as Eddie exhales a content sigh and rests his forehead against Buck’s. It feels like home and safety. Like a place he could stay. Like a thing he could keep.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
"the friendships on this show are the things we do best." and then proceeds to separate them people can't tell if they're friends or not, makes half of Buck's convo with Hen this season pointless drabble, makes Buck and Chimney's interaction so barren some people are legitimately confused if they still hasn't gotten over the punch, etc etc. At least Hen/Chimney and Hen/Athena are still good, but when you can't even put your mouth where your money is for something she thinks the show does best...
Legit will forever be bitter at Tim for leaving her in charge.
@lovecolibri has been banging this drum since about 6x04, so I wanna make sure my friend knows there are other folks out there who agree. IT'S TRUE, NONNIE. WE SHOULD ALL BE SAYING IT. Friendship isn't just "two faves who share the screen". Friendship is two characters giving each other mutual attention, love, and respect instead of it being one-sided. Eddie and Chimney's "friendship" came about because Eddie still got to ride along as a paramedic, but while Eddie gave his perspective (again) about Chimney's feelings for Maddie...where was Chimney to listen to Eddie's struggles with Christopher beyond the quip about Eddie not being cool enough anymore? Why couldn't Chimney be the one to know about Isabel's experience with her curandera (healer) who promised to help her speak to her husband on the other side so he'd have a better understanding of why Eddie rejects jinxes and curses? And then there's the fact that Eddie said Chimney's greeting at the Madney apartment was "weirder than usual", yet we've never seen him there (because they don't write that, and even the one time Bob Goodman tried, it got cut). Hen and Buck? Important conversation after Lev's death in 6x02, but then he's seeking advice while drunk, and she's giving her POV while drunk, and it's not discussed for three more weeks until they can "laugh" about Buck stopping himself from jerking off, and there was the Hen + Buck + Denny scene which (I'm sorry) wasn't much more than an opportunity to put them in a non-work setting and have mre of that "fun" Kristen talked about. You know what culd have been useful? Buck hearing about Denny's bio dad situation and having it influence his future plans with the sperm donor situation. Maybe there's some of that in 6B, but it won't erase the choices made in 6A just so the story line could continue on for the rest of the season (because it's easier than coming up with new material). Maddie...continues talking to nobody, and it continues being weird. This is gonna piss people off even though it's not my intention, but...it's getting to the point where having someone who works so little is impacting the rest of the show. I'm not blaming JLH for that, though. Maddie can still be the #1 dispatcher while Sue or Linda or even Josh takes a call so we can see Maddie with other people, and it's not JLH's fault that Chim's screen time is tied to that relationship so often. It just...sucks that the limited hours make KR & co. feel like they shouldn't explore the character more and don't want to create a schedule that works for more than just three actors (JLH, Kenny, and Oliver, and not even at the same time). I have a lot of thoughts about the way "friendships" have been handled under Kristen's direction and it basically comes down to "Well. This could have been done better." [tagging @lovecolibri twice in one post because I would like to read more thoughts and you always expand on what I'm not saying <3]
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie, here to join in on the dissatisfaction train if your up for it. Let's list off somethings shall we and see what they remind you of. Relationships, romantic and platonic, that sucked people in in the initial seasons being now completely neglected/non-existent. A beloved character constantly being regressed to old behavior because the showrunner can't seem to come up with a storyline for them that shows their growth. Bottle episodes that don't make any sense to pop up when
they do since it delays other key plot lines. Events that should be impactful to multiple characters don't lead to any meaningful interactions. People getting criticized for pointing out how poorly things are being handled by other fans who insist it's the best thing ever. And let's not forget forcing unlikable/self-insert characters down our throats in places they don't belong while ignoring the existence of the ones we were interested in. Yup, you guessed it, I'm again  forced to compare 911 to RNM because this all feels like S3/S4 deja vu and I do not have the patience for that nonsense again. And no, we are nowhere near as bad off as what shitshow put us through, we still have some really good character stories and truly fun moments, but i feel like the cracks are showing. The ensemble show is rapidly feeling not-very-ensembly and it's disappointing. Add to that just the frustration of Buck never having a storyline where he actually gets to  address his trauma or his issues and it's no surprise people's patience is thin. And yes, the sperm donor nonsense hasn't fully played out, but did they really need to have a growth arc for Buck centered around guest characters that, when it's mentioned around his family, it's played for laughs?? We all thought surely the whole TayKay BS would give us something good last season, but instead she left with Buck's blessing, her terrible character flaws ignored. Just, I'm so tired 😔
My friend as usual we are absolutely on the same page! I haven’t been on as much and have been binging through some fic instead to make me feel a little better because on the one hand I absolutely cannot with the toxic positivity (not that everyone being positive about the show is “toxic” but you all know what I mean, the “if you have a single criticism, you’re stupid and should quit watching the show you obviously hate and don’t understand” crowd), but on the other I’m still overall having WAY more fun watching the episodes when they air than I did last season so I can’t really deal with the utterly hopeless, everything is awful crowd either! I’m just such a mix of emotions about everything right now (lady time hormones are NOT helping either) that it’s hard to know how to feel.
You’re SOOO right about the RNM war flashbacks though! While yes, 911 isn’t nearly as bad as the last 3 seasons of Plothole New Mexico, the similarities are...pretty startling and deeply frustrating! It’s always been odd that 911 didn’t have characters interacting with each other (Maddie and Eddie have never had a one-on-one scene despite being two of the most important people in Buck’s life and IT’S WEIRD!), but you almost didn’t really notice because there were so many good group scenes with most of the characters and everyone really felt like one big family. But now, the focus seems to have shifted so much to these new/different dynamics, and the show is completely ignoring the old ones so much so that it’s becoming more jarring instead of an enjoyable addition to the dynamics we know and love. @canonicallyobserving911 made a brilliant post recently about how the continuity and closure of storylines is being affected by this shift, not just with Buddie but things like Athena going through a major trauma and shift on her whole childhood friendship with someone and there being zero scenes with Hen about it, the person she first told about the girl going missing in the first place. I also mentioned how the scenes and dynamics with the firefam we are getting, especially in recent episodes, is basically just used for comic relief. Buck and Hen get close to some real talk but only while being drunk so the scene is still “silly”, and Eddie and Chim, while being a lot of fun to see together, have also only been used for the levity in the episodes. I love seeing them having fun, but given they are the two men who have had the mothers of their children leave, it feels like we should be getting some deeper scenes with them instead of just surface-level “fun” to keep the episodes “light”. (Not to mention BS like the tsunami coming up with some rando actress barely older than May instead of with someone we know and care about, and Buck not even being mentioned at all. I am....still eating glass about that nonsense.) 
And Buck....whoooo boy is Buck the Michael Guerin of this show. He of course isn’t treated nearly as badly by his found family as Michael often was, especially this past season, but the writing has been shying away from ever letting Buck truly deal with stuff. And I don’t want to hear any of that “healing isn’t linear” BS because a) it’s TV and it kinda has to be a little bit to keep things flowing, and b) that isn’t the point. We aren’t seeing Buck having momentary set backs that he overcomes like we’ve seen with Bobby and his alcoholism, we’re getting cyclical “one step forward, two steps back” storylines. We see a plot introduced, Buck spirals a bit and does something dumb, get’s lectured, rinse and repeat. I thought s4 and seeing him in therapy, seeing him snap at his parents (”Love me anyway” scene my absolute fucking beloved), seeing Eddie validate his feelings and Chim being a calming but firm presence helping back up both Maddie AND Buck, would really lead to some growth. But then Eddie got shot and we didn’t get a single scene of the firefam comforting him, or telling him they understood because all those kinds of scenes were used to wedge fucking Tay Kay into everything and the firefam scene we got was Bobby snapping at Buck, with no follow up of them talking about how worried Bobby was about both Buck AND Eddie. S5 could have given us more growth with Buck realizing he can and should step away from a relationship that isn’t bringing him any joy or providing him any of the support he needs. And had they made that call to wrap it up in 5a we might have gotten to see that more clearly, and then had Buck free to be the support for other storylines that SHOULD have been the major arcs for 5b like Maddie and Chim, Eddie’s breakdown, and we really should have gotten *something* for Bobby to do since his shooting was immediately forgotten and never mentioned again either, but then he had a whole celling fall on his back (you know, the one that was hurt originally, leading to his substance abuse issues?) and didn’t do anything with that, or with the truck falling off the cliff so I can’t say I’m really that surprised. 🤷🏻‍♀️  
You know my thoughts on 6x03 being pointless how it was done, but having both that episode AND Tomorrow in the same half-season when we’re already getting 1 less episode than normal before season break is just messy and asking for disaster and honestly ruined a lot of the flow from 6x02 into 6x04 but given that they also brought the sperm donor thing up and then had zilch about it for a month is bad pacing too so the “bottle” episodes aren’t the whole issue, but 6x03 and how that whole storyline was handled is certainly a part of the issue.
It’s also frustrating seeing these moments that could be SUCH great fodder for drama and involving the firefam directly instead of being separate storylines with guest characters, instead being played off for laughs, and quick one-off scenes. I am never going to be over the potential of things like Eddie working at dispatch when Buck and his team are in danger and him not being able to help being another thing that leads to his breakdown, or Chim surviving Jonah and then getting abducted at work, when his partner Hen isn’t there to have his back, and Buck placing himself in danger to save him while Bobby and Eddie are helpless to do anything, stuck at the scene of the original accident. These are SUCH perfect set-ups for some great character moments and conversations within the core group that are just being passed by, and for what?! For cheap cheating drama, and masturbation jokes, and a break-up AND make-up that happen mostly off screen, and a breakdown we barely saw? If I wanted to watch pointless drama for the sake of pointless drama I’d watch Grey’s Anatomy or something. 
There is something off about the show and even with everyone back there is something integral missing. This show was always fun and funny but also heartfelt and while it was dramatic, there was a realness to the drama, not just for the main character, but also in the way the emergencies were handled. Sometimes fun and silly, sometimes with jokes being cracked, but it never felt like the jokes or fun was at the expense of the characters involved. And that feeling seems to be missing, the way any YA novel-turned-movie by cash-grabbing studio execs who just wanted to cash in on merch sales feel so hollow and soulless compared to the books. Because the people running things do not love and care about the thing they are making and above all they do not respect it, or the audience for it. That’s the feeling I get when I see Buck getting ambushed at work, and his family finding out about this thing that *should* result in some deep, loving conversations and concern for one of their own being played for laughs at Buck’s expense, or an emergency with people in distress during the incident and during their rescue, but their call to 911 is some "memeable”, quippy pun. The crew and the cast still clearly love and respect the work they are doing, but looking at the writing, it’s just NOT the same and really does feel like KR’s idea of “lighter” is “making everything into a joke” instead of realizing that when you create tension there has to be a release, when someone suffers, there needs to be comfort, when characters fight, they need to make up. 
I’m with you, my friend. I’m just so, so tired. And god forbid I say that because then I’m suddenly “hate watching” and “don’t understand the show” and should quit watching. Did I laugh during this episode? YES! Did Eddie throwing that bracelet at Chim add 3 years to my life? YES! Did Hen and Chim stopping to yell and ask why that damn bracelet was still around make my heart swell with joy? YES! Did happy, relaxed, Beach!Eddie re-write my brain forever? YES! But at the same time, are a few surface level fun scenes enough to sustain the show? To make it memorable? What’s that quote? Art isn’t supposed to be pretty, it’s supposed to make you feel something”, and this show used to have such depth and heart that there are STILL scenes and episodes I’ve seen multiple times that just thinking about give me literal chills or makes me tear up a little. But it hasn’t been that way, consistently, in a LONG time and the audience is getting tired.
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echowithpain · 4 months
A date, I mean” And Josh doesn’t know how there was enough air inside his lungs, but he says yes, the answer breathy and for a moment Josh is lightheaded and it has everything to do with Buck’s smile that he is positive could put the lights in Vegas to shame. Buck stands up, handing him a slip of paper before winking at him and leaving, and Josh well, he has to be dead now because there is no way. But then their date comes and one date becomes three becomes six becomes “I am pretty sure we should make this official” and it’s been two months and Josh is over the moon in love, and a few times a week, Buck will stop by either on his way to work or home from work with a few coffees, and sometimes he spends a bit there, and funnily enough Eddie is never there until one day, Eddie is upstairs talking with him and May in the break room , Maddie out on the floor and in comes Buck, his stance casual, brining in a few coffees, handing their own to Maddie, Sue, and Linda before stepping inside the break room. Eddie, immediately lights up, “hey Buck” falling fondly out, but Buck, doesn’t seem to hear him, be lining to Josh and giving a soft kiss against the lips. And it’s sweet and chaste for Buck, but he’s in Josh’s work space and there are people around, so he immediately pulls back greeting May and Eddie. And it must be Josh that is only able to feel the tension rolling off Eddie, because suddenly it’s like it is 10 degrees chillier and Buck at least is none the wiser. Eddie is still however, casual and friendly when he asks, “so when did this happen?” And he gestures between Buck and Josh, taking his and May’s drinks from Buck. He takes a sip and Eddie watches him from over the rim of the paper cup, and it’s not threatening or malicious. And Josh is floored when he realizes it is jealousy coming from Eddie. But Buck never misses a beat when answering, “a few weeks after new years” and sweet child that he is, Buck is oblivious. And Buck just, picks up the conversation and if he contributes to it, Josh has no clue what he says, but then May is leaving, her break over and Buck turns to Josh, “I should probably be going too, I just wanted to bring you and everyone else a nice treat, and to say hi. I’ll see you tomorrow” And Buck kisses his cheek, turning to Eddie, “come on man, I’ll walk you down to your office before i leave.” And once Eddie knows, well, he becomes snippy. He isn’t ever rude or hateful, but seems almost petty with his jealousy. It isn’t until Eddie is back with the 118 full time, and their interactions have gone back to bare minimum, that Eddie seems to mellow out, snide comments and pettiness all but vanishing. And then suddenly life gets hard, and it’s longer and longer between dates and meet ups at their respective work stations and Josh just knows that it’s time to let Buck go. He loves the man, loves him so deeply and fully because he really is the best of men. But he knows that he doesn’t have Buck’s heart in the way forever needs, and truthfully, if he’s being honest Buck never had his. So now it’s down sixth months and funnily enough Buck brought back Josh’s things that were at his apartment, and Josh had Buck’s packed neatly in a box on his table. And they find themselves on the couch, their fingers intertwined and Josh tells him the truth, “I think we should break up.” And Josh can see it in Buck’s eyes, the sad understanding and Josh is so thankful that they have always been on the same page, since they started dating. Then Buck whispers, “I won’t lose you from my life. No matter what, you are and always will be my friend.” And Josh reaches over, wrapping his arms around the man, “You have so much love to give Evan, and I am so thankful that I was fortunate enough to experience that first hand.” There are no tears from either of them, because while this chapter is done, they know they are engrained in each others story forever, but it is still a few months before they allow their paths to cross again.(Part three coming and it should be the last)
Chewing through my wall and frothing at the mouth WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD??????
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im not worthy 🙌
0 notes
Just want to talk about this scene for a second (off the top of my head upon first watch):
Firstly, let's look at how Eddie is dressed. He looks good here, like real good. That's definitely on purpose. (this man is so obviously in love)
Secondly, for all of the naysayers out there that are losing their shit because Buddie is being hinted at even more now while Ana also went bye bye last week (their last chance to be a self-insert in a hetero ship with Eddie in their fantasies, I guess), this is yet another scene where Eddie is providing emotional support to Buck, not just as his friend, but also as something Taylor should be doing. It should be Taylor Buck is talking to about this. Am I saying this conversation is exclusive to a significant other? No, I'm not. But the fact is we still have yet to see any building of Buck and Taylor's romantic relationship aka emotional connection. Instead, we see an episode that starts out with Eddie and Buck on the same scene but not working together or even interacting. Instead we get Eddie and Hen working together (which they had some very nice moments in the hospital before the shit hit the fan). Because the partnerships are yet again being paralleled. Chim is spiraling out due to Maddie's leaving and while Buck isn't, like Eddie said he's the guy "who likes to fix things" and thinks keeping it from Chim that he talked to Maddie while checking on Chim was the best thing for all involved. Hen knows Chim and knows what he was going to choose to do, just like Eddie knows Buck. They purposely went out of their way this episode to show us this parallel, right down to having Hen and Eddie working in the hospital and doing things that no firefighter paramedic would be doing, especially when the show has stressed previously that their jobs end at the doors (which if you think about it, the show keeps displaying that this is not happening this season, first time it was due to the chaos and they were lending a helping hand, now a mass casualty situation has happened and they're again lending a helping hand, they're showing this for a reason). In this episode, they wanted to show us Eddie and Hen while also relating them to the theme of the episode which is who you think you see/know may not really be who you think you see/know. The only time we see someone actually seeing/knowing who is in front of them is Eddie and Buck, Hen and Eddie, Chim and Buck, Hen and Chim, Bobby and Athena, Michael and Athena, May and Claudette, and May and Harry (which I absolutely loved that scene btw!!! We need MORE scenes with them!!!). Josh doesn't know Claudette (or is more being willingly blind I think), it's hinted Buck doesn't know Maddie (or who she is right now) or that Chim doesn't know Maddie, etc. And of course, we have Cassie and Makayla and that whole situation. So besides the obvious convo of the scene, this was definitely an emotional connection scene that paralleled to Hen and Chim's. But it also contrasts with it just as strongly.
For one, you don't have Hen or Chim looking at each other like this:
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Instead, you have Hen and Chim telling each other that their significant others are lucky to have them. Purposeful. Dialogue. Because in the Buck and Eddie scene, yes, they discuss Maddie and what happened with Chim but we know Eddie just broke up with Ana and Buck is still dating Taylor but she's nowhere around this episode, nor is Christopher. They are trying to show us the difference, the contrast. Hen is married to Karen and they're together. Hen offers to drive with Chimney but he turns her down with the guise of 'would your wife be okay with that?' Chim leaves to go find Maddie who he loves and wants to bring back home. THE PARALLELS ARE RIGHT THERE. Sometimes, I want to force the naysayers into a lecture room and buckle them into their seats while taping their eyes open and ask them "WHAT FREAKING SHOW ARE YOU WATCHING??? IT'S ALL RIGHT THERE, DUH!!!!" But...I digress.
The point is it's an emotional connection scene (along with vulnerability) that's not just supposed to be friends, brothers, partners, neighbors or whatever other term antis will try to throw into the mix.
Thirdly, this is an intentional callback to this scene:
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While there was no "sexual tension" in the 5x04 scene, we have the beers yet again. We have one handing a beer to the other, yet again. We have one reassuring the other emotionally. We also have a conversation about Maddie that turns into a conversation about one or the other. We have Eddie entering the scene first while being the first to talk and bringing something in Buck's direction (aka bringing something to Buck, to the dynamic). We have someone wanting to take a swing at Buck (but vs 3x09, Chim actually did). But this time, it's not night, Christopher isn't there (that we can see anyway though I thought I saw Gavin's name in the credits but I could be wrong), and it's in broad daylight on the balcony. And why? Because the show is literally letting us see now what's been right in front of us all along. Because Eddie (and Buck) are that much closer to where they've been steering this part of the story for two seasons now. They even had Buck and Eddie dressed similarly to that scene (Buck's hoodie is just a lighter color). The only difference is Eddie doesn't have an undershirt on (that we can see) but Buck suddenly does. (which again, I think it's because Eddie is aware of how he feels and while all of his cards may not be on the table right now, he knows; Buck on the other hand I don't think knows, or not that we've seen anyway; whereas in 3x09 Eddie had layers on because he was still sorting through things and wasn't being 100% honest while Buck was so no layers for him; this show makes choices I'm telling you)
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It's all right there.
Fourthly, the constant beer sipping. I will admit, this action drove me nuts. The action was just so unnecessary but because it annoyed me so much, it garnered my attention to look at it more closely. Because Ryan is NOT a bad actor, and the show wouldn't have kept that in if it wasn't for a reason. Not only do we get the callback to the 3x09 scene (mentioned above) but Eddie is a lot softer in this scene, even in the way Ryan performs the dialogue. When he says "And you love Chimney", that is all kinds of soft (along with his expressions and snuck-in-there heart eyes). He's reassuring Buck but he's also letting his affection for Buck come through. Eddie is nervous here, but it's subtle, it doesn't come across that way. He is confident all throughout the scene until Buck asks him if he thinks Chim will forgive him. While he quickly reassures Buck (like always, 3x16 callback anyone?), his reaction afterwards and then the whole "Ice goes on the eye, bud" line with the constant sipping showcases his nervousness.
They're literally not even trying to hide it at this point. Like at all. I said Eddie's season 3 arc was peeking its head up and I knew it but damn I will admit I did not expect specific callbacks like this one. They're really out there circling back to stop at all of the Buddie pit stops along the way before finally sailing us home. Wow.
Fifthly, the line here: "When you see your sister, you think of the person you've always looked up to, the woman who's taken care of you." - I know we've all talked about the distinction Eddie keeps making with the word "woman" when it came to Ana, but holy hell this wasn't just another time he made this weird separation, he's literally saying it during this scene where he's giving some serious heart eyes and softness to Buck. He already used the word "person" to describe Maddie which is exactly what would have made sense. There was no reason to add "woman" in there. "When you see your sister, you think of the person you've always looked up to, who's taken care of you." -> that's literally how it could have gone but instead they had Ryan say the line with "woman" in it after using "person". Like I said, they're not even trying to hide it at this point.
Sixthly, there's something with Eddie's expression here and after a rewatch I'll be able to tune into exactly what it is a bit more but something is up here with the line "She's your sister" following Buck's "What was I supposed to do? She begged me not to tell him that we talked":
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Plus, I think it's interesting that Eddie later says the line "Or you don't know her the way he does" (when in conjunction with this whole scene):
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And last but certainly not least, *drumroll please*...
"This time, maybe she's the one who needs taking care of."
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He's fucking telling Buck here 'You took care of me last time in season 3 when I needed it, I'm going to take care of you this time'. And they do the fucking slowest of slow zoom ins to both Eddie and Buck to see if Buck understands how this goddamn callback has now reversed their dynamic, if Buck gets what Eddie was telling him. I WAS FUCKING SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!! Eddie is literally out there putting himself on the line but doing it as close to safe as possible. HE'S TELLING BUCK 'IT'S MY TURN NOW TO BE THERE FOR YOU LIKE YOU WERE FOR ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU'!!!!!!!! (and sadly, Buck didn't get it, or if he did we didn't see it)
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And then right after "You think he's gonna forgive me?" (ON THE CALLBACK SCENE TO 3x09 WHERE BUCK APOLOGIZED TO EDDIE, DON'T MIND ME I'M JUST DYING OVER HERE) "No." *then he sees Buck's literal wounded puppy face* "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Maybe." (aka "Not that you didn't deserve it but I wouldn't do that...you're on blood thinners.") And then the whole "Ice goes on the eye, bud." (because Buck had stopped icing his eye, because Eddie cares but has to be careful right now about how he shows it) Because Buck has a black eye due to Chim taking a swing at him (aka Eddie wanting to take a swing at Buck because he deserved but he would never do that). The show literally chose for this conversation to happen revolving around Buck getting a black eye from a punch that Chimney gave him.
And ladies, gentlmen, and gentletheys, you have your contrast on the relationships between Eddie and Buck, and Buck and Chim.
Buck and Chim are brothers. They have been for a while and we've seen it displayed time and time again. They also have a friendship. Chimney didn't hold back from taking a swing at Buck because Buck deserved it (sorry, I get why Buck did what he did but still, that doesn't make it right).
Buck and Eddie are friends. And according to the naysayers and their bullshit, they're also brothers. When Buck deserved a punch for what happened back in season 3 (the lawsuit arc, again I get why Buck did what he did but I also couldn't blame Eddie and Bobby for being angry), Eddie didn't give it to him though he wanted to (aka Eddie beating up the guy over the parking space). And when Eddie started to lose his temper at Buck (before they were interrupted by the fight over the parking space ironically), he knew then that Lena was right, he needed an outlet for his anger, and went to the underground fights instead while the 118 and Buck went to the rage room. THE CONTRAST IS RIGHT THERE. He didn't want to hurt Buck even though he felt Buck "deserved it". And considering how we've seen the difference in temperaments between Eddie and Chim, Chim would have been the last person to take a swing. But because Chim was affected by Buck's decision to keep things quiet about Maddie (just like Eddie was affected by Buck's decision to cease all contact with the lawsuit back in season 3), he reacted and took the swing.
Literally, these characters' season 3 arcs are coming back and I fucking love it. From Eddie to Athena to Bobby to now Buck (plus Taylor as Abby, and Ana aka Shannon 2.0 being gone now) -- they literally are sailing us into the home stretch.
And we all remember how season 3 ended:
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We're literally in the fucking home stretch. We may not get full on Buddie by the end of the season (though I think there's a good chance we might) but Eddie's feelings are definitely coming out this season and we are getting more Buckley Diaz family at some point. IT. IS. COMING.
Eddie is coming for that family, and he is coming hard. And I'm going to enjoy every second of it.
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pupandangelscoffee · 4 years
Three makes a family
Eddie Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley x Female reader
Genre: mostly fluff, slight angst in the middle
TW: mentions of alcohol, arguing
Word count: slightly over 3K
Taglist: @enterprise-medical
Buck really loved Carla and he knew that Eddie did too, especially since Chris always seemed to happy around her. That is why he did not understand why Eddie chose to hire a babysitter for Chris, clearly Carla could do the babysitting. Eddie tried explaining that he wanted Carla to be able to have some days off, too. After all, it can be exhausting to babysit a very energetic kid all day.
Even if Buck does not understand Eddie’s motivations, he is now sitting in the older male’s living room and waiting for the doorbell to ring, already painting a picture of the babysitter in his head. She probably looks like an evil witch with gray hair and lots of wrinkles on her face, making her seem friendly despite her secretly scaring children by telling them she would eat them. Though as soon as the doorbell rings, Chris starts racing his dad to the door, leaving a very confused Buck behind. “Why did his little buddy seem so excited to see the new babysitter? Why was his little buddy more excited to see his babysitter than he was when Buck came over earlier?? This just feels unfair!” Buck concludes in his head, getting up and walking to the kitchen to grab himself a drink. From his place he can hear the excited yells from Chris, a small smile immediately creeping on his face though dropping almost instantly when he remembers that he wasn’t the one making Chris that happy.
After taking another deep breath, he makes his way over to the living room very steadily, ready to assess you. However, as soon as he lays eyes on you, he chokes up and trips over his own feet, crashing into the small table on the side and dropping his glass. Startled by the sound, Chris, Eddie and you turn around to face him, you immediately jumping up and helping the young firefighter with the broken glass. “You didn’t tell me that I have to babysit two kids, Eds” you state, earning laughter from Chris and Eddie and an embarrassed look from Buck. “You must be Buck, right? Chris has told me a lot about you” you tell the embarrassed man, who is still in shock from seeing your beauty up close. Chuckling softly, you grab the shards of broken glass from his hands before heading to the kitchen to get a towel and throw the shards away.
“So, what do you think?” Eddie asks Buck softly while you are out of the room, however, he does not get a response as Buck simply continues staring at the spot you were sitting a moment ago. Chris slowly gets up and hugs Buck, thinking that the firefighter got hurt when he tripped, though Eddie quickly understood what was going on and shakes his head. Seems like Buck 1.0 still existed somewhere in his younger friend, despite everyone telling him that Buck was no longer like that. Perhaps he should talk to Maddie about this, needing someone’s opinion, that actually knew Buck as well as he did. Though before he has the chance to excuse himself, you are back in the living room and making your way over to Chris. “Ready for a fun day, Chris?” you ask him with a smile playing on your lips to which Chris eagerly nods and allows you to pick him up. “I will bring him home at 8 tonight, alright Eds?” you state, turning to look at the older male. “Yeah, 8 sounds perfect. I will see you tonight.” He replies, smiling at you and walking over to press a kiss goodbye onto Chris’s forehead.
As soon as you and Chris are gone, he gets another cup of water and pours it over Buck’s head, successfully pulling him out of his trance. “Do not even think about sleeping with Y/N, Evan.” He states lowly, giving the younger firefighter a glare while Buck just looks up at him sheepishly. “In my defense, you forgot to mention that the new babysitter was smoking hot. A warning would have been nice.” He grumbles as he shakes his head, sending water droplets flying everywhere before getting up and dropping on to the couch with a small groan. The response left Eddie frowning, sure, he was aware that you were attractive and he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t attracted to you, especially after seeing how much Chris adores you. However, that did not lessen the blow of Buck’s blunt response. Perhaps that was why he was fearing that Buck 1.0 was back, he didn’t want you to be scared off purely because his best friend was incapable of keeping his dick in his pants. “Just try not to fuck her immediately when you get her alone, please. Chris really likes her.” Eddie nearly begs, deciding it was better that he doesn’t add that he likes you too. Buck sighs and nods, pouting a bit. Though for his little buddy, he would definitely try not to get into her pants. After all, he didn’t want Chris to hate him, especially if it was because he couldn’t control himself around you. However, this wasn’t going to stop him from teasing Eddie by flirting with you, because despite the older man trying to hide it, he could tell that Eddie had a thing for you as well.
8 comes quicker than the two males expect and they are slightly startled from their cuddled position when they hear the door opening. Glancing out into the hallway, they spot you carrying a sleeping Chris into his room, unknowingly causing both of the males to smile. Soon enough, you walk into the living room and whisper “he is asleep now and probably won’t be waking up any time soon. We had a lot of fun” before grabbing your bag that you placed on the table in the hallway on your way in. It was clear that you were about to leave, so Buck jumps up and grabs your hand, putting on his best kicked puppy expression. “Why don’t you stay for a bit longer? We have some wine in the fridge and I will drop you off at your place later, I wouldn’t feel right letting a pretty lady like yourself be outside all by yourself.” He states softly, pouting a bit in hopes that it would convince you to stay. You glance between him and his friend, who was eagerly nodding, before sighing and setting down your bag. “Fine, I’ll stay for a bit. But only if you have anything to eat that isn’t almost pure sugar.” You agree, your request causing the older male to jump into motion and quickly rushing into the kitchen to put a pizza in the oven for you. Meanwhile, Buck leads you back to the couch, not letting go of your hand until you pull it away.
Somehow you end up being squished between the two men, a glass of wine in your hand and the pizza on the table. After some small arguing, they decided to just let you choose the movie, so now they had to suffer through one of your favorite horror movies. While you sit there not even flinching, Buck is absolutely terrified and unsure whether he should feel impressed by the fact that you do not mind horror movies or scared that you clearly do not cringe at the big amounts of blood spattering all over the screen. On the other side, Eddie has managed to wrap his arm around your shoulder, with the excuse that he feels safer if he knows that you and Buck are safe and within his reach. He is definitely impressed by your ability to keep a straight face at the movie, though definitely not as surprised as Buck, especially because he knew about your background.
Soon enough the first movie is finished, then a second one, then a third and the next thing you know, you wake up to the smell of bacon in a bed that was most certainly not yours. Looking down at yourself, you realize that the shirt you are wearing is also not yours, leaving you confused for a moment because you do not recall getting changed the previous night. Sighing, you quickly come to the conclusion that one of the two men must have changed you. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you make your way into the kitchen, where you are greeted by the sight of a small family breakfast with Buck, Eddie and Chris. Deep inside your heart, you wish to wake up to that small family every morning, though that wish quickly gets locked up and hidden from the world as you make your way to the coffee machine to get a cup. Chris is the first of the three to react to your presence, calling out your nickname before grinning brightly at you. “Good morning, little one. Did you help make breakfast?” You ask, sitting down on the counter to smile at the nodding boy. “Yeah!! Daddy gave me instructions!” He explains with an excited tone before glancing at the clock and frowning. “Can you convince dad to let me stay at home today?” He asks you with a hushed tone, causing you to giggle and shake your head, whispering back “sorry, but I am sure that the captain would not enjoy you missing your big day in school. Or how else is your group supposed to present the fantastic poem you wrote?”. Chris tilts his head before thinking for a moment. “Fair after school?” he tries to negotiate, causing you to giggle again before nodding. “Sure thing, buddy. Now go brush your teeth and I will drive you to school, okay?” “Okay, mommy!” Chris replies before rushing off to brush his teeth, leaving an uncomfortable silence behind as his words sink into all of you.
Eddie and Buck are watching your interaction with Chris, the sound of your giggles making the smile without realizing it. Surely, you must have noticed that they changed you into something more comfortable last night after you had fallen asleep on Eddie’s chest. However, it just felt natural to the two males to take care of you and make you breakfast, Chris being a bit help. Though when Chris calls you mommy, they freeze and Buck even chokes on his piece of the pancake. They certainly did not expect that Chris was that fond of you, though Eddie is slightly less surprised than Buck, thinking about the countless times that Chris had asked for you to come over. Still, the sudden name caused his movement to halt as well, his brain going haywire, trying to figure out if Chris had somehow found out about his attraction for you and that is why he felt so comfortable with calling you mommy. Or perhaps it was simply because the men had decided to pull one of Eddie’s shirt on you yesterday and that is what made it seem like you two were dating. Or was it the couple of times he had invited you out with Chris and him for dinner? His train of thought is quickly broken though, when Chris appears in the kitchen and says goodbye to the two men, calling Buck dad and Eddie daddy before rushing off to your car. Once again you three are left alone in the kitchen, the silence deafening. “Drive safely, okay?” Buck manages to mutter out, making you nod. Glancing between the two men, you decide to peck their cheeks before rushing out after Chris, grabbing your bag in the process to drive him to the school.
When you return to Eddie’s house, you can already hear the yelling from the outside. Slowly making your way into the house, you can finally understand what the two were arguing about. You. From what you gathered, Eddie was upset with Buck for flirting with you while Buck was countering that obviously Eddie was too chicken to do something about his feelings for you. Avoiding nearly being hit by a vase that comes flying your way, you clear your throat causing the fight to die down and both men to turn to you. “I- uh…” Eddie starts, though you raise your hand to silence him before grabbing the stuff you had left on the couch. “Once you two grow up and handle this like actual adults, then you can call me.” You state before walking out of the house and slamming the door shut behind you, leaving the two men dumbfounded and broken.
Two months. It takes two months of Chris sulking, Bobby scolding them and roughly 5 meetings with Maddie before they can finally face each other again. Yet whenever they stare at your number, they chicken out, too afraid to call you. You had been right, they were acting like two children throwing tantrums, build on the unspoken feelings between them. But now that they were dating steadily and currently curled up together on the couch, they finally decide to call you up. However, much to their distaste, a man answers your phone and for a moment they believe they lost any chance with you, if there even was one to begin with. “Hello? Are you still there?” The man on the phone asks, causing Eddie to nod and reply with a small “yeah”. A hum is heard from the other side of the line before they hear “what do you want from my sister?”. Never in their life did the duo think that hearing such a question would be such a relief. Buck reacts quicker than Eddie and explains the situation, what has happened and why they were calling now. Another hum is audible before some commotion can be heard and then they hear your voice, a sense of happiness washing over them. For whatever reason, you actually agree to meet with them after your work, giving them the address of your workplace.
Your shift ends in 10 minutes when Buck and Eddie walk into the club where you were working, quickly spotting you behind the bar, deciding that your outfit was definitely too short for their liking. Holding on to Eddie’s hand tightly, Buck weasels his way through the crowd and stops right before you at the bar, smiling softly as you smile back. Though he can’t help but look you over once more, the small shirt definitely compliments your chest yet does not leave a lot to the imagination and your shorts are barely allowed to be titled shorts by how short they are. Eddie notices what the younger firefighter is doing and quickly elbows his ribs, earning a grunt and a displeased look from the other before smiling at you. “Three of your favorites, nena.” Eddie yells over the music to you and watches as you get to work, mixing three shot glasses filled with some purpelish looking liquor before sliding them over to him. “What would you like, Evan?” You ask softly before adding “a blowjob?” with a smirk, causing the young male to choke on his own spit, believing he did not hear you correctly. “I am talking about the drink, dumbass.” You explain with a small laugh, preparing one before setting it down before Buck, who still looks like a puppy which just got caught destroying your favorite pair of shoes. “T-Thanks,” he finally mutters out, grabbing the drink and mentally kicking himself for sounding like a schoolgirl that was talking to her first crush. You three fall into an easy conversation, barely paying attention to the time, not noticing that your shift was over until your coworker walks up behind you and tells you to start leaving. You nod and lead the two firefighters to the back room that usually only employees are allowed to enter before grabbing a shirt from your bag and pulling it on before looking at the two men. “Before you ask, yes, it is your shirt, Eds. It is just very comfy.” You state, grabbing the rest of your belongings before smiling at the boys and leading them out of the back door.
A warm ball of cuddles and limbs, that is how you would describe the three of you on Eddie’s bed right now. After you left your workplace, the boys started bombarding you with questions and you answered them all honestly, about how you chose this job in hopes that you would forget the two men that made your days so much brighter, about how you missed Chris and a bunch of other things that they wanted to know. On the way back to Eddie’s place, they stopped at some restaurant that was still open and grabbed the food. Once you were all at his place, you ate and then proceeded to talk about the three of you, about the feelings the duo had for each other and for you and how they wished for you to be a part of the small family they had created. First you jokingly denied them, teasing them that you did not have any feelings for them, but after seeing the hurt flash on their faces, you quickly explained how you returned their feelings and that you missed them a lot within the past two months, even if Carla had kept you up to date with their wellbeing. So now you were all cuddling and just enjoying the presence, because even if tomorrow was not given, if tomorrow everything could fall apart, right now you three were a happy family and you would not change that for anything in this world.
Chris’s reaction the next morning when he walks into the kitchen and sees you sitting on the counter, sipping your coffee while Buck is standing between your legs is priceless. You did not know that the kid could even hit such a high note, but he manages to do so when he screams your name and scrambles over to you, pouting at Buck standing in his way. That was most definitely not what he had in his mind when his dad told him that there was a surprise waiting for him in the kitchen. Though you quickly push Buck to the side, earning a whine from the male about how mean you are, before jumping off the counter and hugging Chris tightly, excited to spend the rest of your mornings with those three.
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queenbamon · 2 years
911 thoughts
Well, I finished all the seasons of the 911. I needed only 1.5 weeks for it cause I couldn’t stop watching! But I should day that it was the third time I tried to start this show but only now I realised how incredible it is.
How I have already said Bobby and Athena are my everything. I love them so much. True parents, true family. I really enjoyed watching their relationships development during this show, how Bobby was becoming the part of this family, how he found connection with the kids, how both Athena and Bobby was fighting their own demons. My two babies, can’t imagine this show without them.
And can’t believe Angela Bassett is 63! Just whaaat?! This lady is the queen of the whole show, I’m serious! Hope she won’t leave the project.
I’m in love the the first 4 seasons but I need to say that the fifth season was idk strange?
Yeah Bobby and Athena are still the best but others..
Chimney/Maddie storyline was so unnatural written. I know that Jennifer Love Hewitt needed maternity leave but the writers could do it better, I’m sure
The same thing with Eddie. I understand that they wanted do show the character’s development, however, I can’t see him in such a way. Maybe because his psychological problems were very suddenly brought to the fore, idk..
I do miss Michael so much :(
Really happy that May is going to the college! She needs it so so much! Yeah she’s a talented operator but she wants more and we saw it. So, good luck girl, you can do it!
Buck/Taylor. I know that a lot of people here hate her but in my opinion, she’s in interesting character. There’s no black and white in this show and I’m happy about it. The same thing with Taylor. I believe she loved Buck and he felt the same but they are different and they both have their own ideals and today they put their jobs on the first place. It’s absolutely okay so please let them be good friends who helped each other during the darkest period of their lives.
I NEED a spin off with Taylor and Detective Lou Ransone. I’m in love with Sasha Roiz since the Grimm and he’s character deserves more in this show. Absolutely loved his interaction with Taylor during the crime investigation so give me mooore! What can be better than one smart detective and one ambitious journalist in the same project? Btw, I saw a wonderful chemistry between them! So please!!!
I know Arielle Kebbel since the vampire diaries and I was surprised to see her in the show but still don’t know what I fee about her character right now. We don’t know her well yet, so show me more and I’ll tell you
One thing I loved during all the seasons is a feeling of the family when we’re talking about the 118 lafd. They’re so close, they support each other so badly, they all have difficult past and every character is fighting his own demons but they all are still together. Always and forever. I do need such people in my life..
Thanks for reading. Couldn’t imagine that this post is going to be so long, sorry
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nostalgicks · 3 years
its like 4am im not proofreading any of this sorry BUT maddie buckley and eddie diaz bestieism are my life now heres how theyre actually bffs + my headcanons
they had heard a lot about each other through buck and even met for the first time through buck
buck invites some of the 118 to come help maddie move into her new apartment, and eddie and chim agree because oh it would be nice to meet buck’s sister and welcome her into their little found family
maddie and eddie bond over being new to the city (awkwardly, because theyve just met err) and then maddie exchanges numbers with eddie n chim.
they dont really text or talk to each other until eddies ceremony in 2x18
the day of the ceremony they have many laughs together. maddie meets chris and ADORES him.
aunt maddie promises to take him out for ice cream one day because seriously she cant get over how cute he is.
so that s2-3 hiatus where buck and chris magically become best friends? oh yeah eddie and maddie grow a little closer too
i just know when theyre at barbecues they will find each other and GET ON that gossip ! [insert reality tv show here] was pretty crazy last night eddie did you see it yet?
theyre like party friends at this point like they wont arrange a separate time to hang out yet but they love each others company.
eddie hears things about maddie and maddie will hear things about eddie and theyll go “hey theyre kinda like me lol hah”
“what about eddie?” “wheres maddie?” “hows eddie doing?” “maddie doin good?” every once in a while. very subtly..
theyre both going through it and need help god help their poor souls
they still ask about each other after s3a, but become a little distant
like maybe theyre left alone at an outing and now they have no choice but to make mean but gently mean jokes to one another.
“eddie dont encourage him to go to war!” was one of many interactions that night
they dont really get time to talk at mays graduation party
QUARANTINEEE eddie sees maddie everywhere.
but not in person. eddie sees maddie through chimneys laptop so often that sometimes chimney will run to the bathroom while on call and he will take that opportunity to ask maddie how shes doing. how maddies little mango is doing.
“hey just saying you should name the kid eddie. you know, because im your friend and all 😁” then maddie will roll her eyes. and then ask about christopher.
they start to text wooo go guys utilize those numbers!!!
most of the time its nothing important theyll play imessage games and maddie will ask him for his book and movie recommendations
maddie and eddie bond and share their thoughts on not seeing the people they love and how much of a toll the pandemic is taking on their mental health vrrooom
but they only let these secrets out at NIGHT when everyones asleep except those two . because his brain wont let him sleep and bucks snoring like a tracker and for maddie the baby is keeping her ass UP ⬆️ no sleep for this mama
eddie returns home and a few months later chimney goes back too. when buck jumps from the diaz house to the buckley han apartment he always brings gifts that have come from the other.
maddie bakes for chris and eddie, and eddie will . ah well he returns the Tupperware.
whenever he comes over he offers to help fix maddie’s pipes (because he feels like returning tupperware isnt enough) but after she runs out of things in her house that need repairing she MAYBE starts shoving muffins down her drain so he can come over more LOL
eddie notices and decides not to confront her about it. he just makes a reminder to tell chimney later
chimney is also playing an important role in this 67 step plan to bring eddie diaz to the buckley han house. him and maddie are in this together
then soon enough eddie makes a habit of dropping by maddies apartment to buy her scented candles and sneak her starbucks. maddie does the same but with big dad sweaters she found in the clearance section at walmart. its a very comfy cozy couple few months
oh and eddie gets a girlfriend and then buck and taylor and brain explodes there is no tiimmee 
but eddies respectful towards his friends see he congrats her on her new baby and he may be a busy guy but he will never get sick of the baby pictures maddie spams in his dms
chris enjoys the jee spams just as much as he does
ouch well eddie gets shot i guess. crap. well darn what are we- oh and maddie has ppd.
eddies high on painkillers always sleepy and maddie is trying her best to make it through the day.
a few weeks into his recovery eddie requests buck to drive him to maddie and chimneys. chris is at school and chimneys at work and well why would buck deny
maddies surprised to see him, but not shocked. she makes them lemon green tea while eddie gently plays with jee for the first time (!)
he is dying from cuteness overload shes grabbing his hand and her fingers are soo tiny oH my god she made a noise
they sit on the couch on opposite sides just silently drinking their tea and watching jee squirm and make silly noises with her tongue. its kind of therapeutic
maddie breaks the silence with her thoughts “i don’t know if im doing this right, eddie.”
eddie lets her speak and lets her pause to catch herself for as long as she wants.
he understands how it feels to not know if youre doing the best for your own. not on maddies level, but thats something they do have in common.
he makes sure to give her the softest hug he can give her with his one arm and remind her before he leaves that shes an amazing mother.
they promise to hang out together more.
eddie didn’t actually know she was leaving L.A. for a bit. he heard the news and prayed that she was safe and working on recovery.
with maddie gone, the hole in his heart feels a little more hollow. christopher’s nightmares coming back and his own fears overtaking him, him leaving the 118 for his son, he feels like he needs someone he can talk to about this. someone on the same boat as him.
shortly after maddie comes back, eddies driving to her apartment every WEEK.
ofc he understands shes still not fully recovered, so he gives her her space for a little while and lets her settle back in with chimney and jee
once she sees him at the door, she instantly goes in for a hug, lighting up at the sight of him.
eddie spends that afternoon helping her finish all of her background chores, and then they reward themselves with the new tea eddie had brought over
turns out they hate the way it tastes so they dump it out and go back to their regular lemon green tea with ginger.
eddie cheers her up by surprising her with whip cream and caramel syrup. even if it kind of doesnt make sense, it makes her laugh
“eddie is your new job at a coffee shop?!? how are you so good at this?”
and eddie continues to spoil jee yun with toys while aunt maddie does the same for chris
so basically if you’ve read this much THEY’RE A FAMILY eddie and maddie have got so much in common man they’re always bonding over something. frank who? i only know eddie and maddie
+ chimney
chimney comes home from his shift one night and finds maddie and eddie leaning against the couch on the floor with the tv playing some dramatic reality show. he walks closer to find them both passed out. the first thing he does is take a picture to tease them later, and then he collapses face first on the couch beside them for a long nap.
+ buck
eddie and maddie will invite buck to their little playdates sometimes. sometimes he invites himself. usually when he does come tho, he’s forced to become the chef for them, since they both cant really cook that well 😓
+ karen
karen has always been a close friend of eddie and maddie but creating this book club has been the single greatest idea theyve ever come up with
christopher denny and jee yun playdates all the time plus its like a mini potluck party every time they meet up
theres no book club most of the time they drink wine and joke around eat food maybe bake too. just living their life as they should!
knitting Oh my god knitting is so their thing. “christopher come here let me see if this would fit you” “aunt karen please i have 9 already can you make me a hat instead”
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littlespoonevan · 3 years
Top 5 Buddie moments? ☺️🥰
oh my godddd where do i start???? can i even pick 5????????? *Edit upon finishing writing: most of these ended up focusing on Eddie’s feelings towards Buck I feel??? and I definitely have Things to say about their reunion in 3x06 and the kitchen scene bc they’re also up there as my faves so I could possibly also do an alternative top 5 that’s more Buck caring about Eddie but anyway here you go!
5. 2x04 - Buck introduces Eddie to Carla
Honestly every single interaction between them in this ep is my favourite because Buck supports Eddie so much throughout the whole ep????? Taking him to the hospital, telling Maddie what a great dad he is, giving Bobby the heads up when Eddie has to bring Chris to the station, it's all So Good. Especially when you remember they're still only just becoming friends at this point. But Buck introducing him to Carla has to be the icing on the cake for me. It's just- we've seen how smothered Eddie has felt in the past when it comes to caring for Christopher, how his parents have continually tried to take over or make him feel like he's doing something wrong, and I just really, really love that Buck offers him this support and this magic fix but in a way that doesn't undermine Eddie as a parent at all??????? Like he helps him but not because he thinks Eddie can't handle it but because he thinks Eddie deserves a break and wants to make things easier for him. It's amazing and I loVE IT
4. 3x18 - His fiancée's AbBy
sakljdfhs okay look. Listen. I love this scene so much and I think only recently sort of understand why. It's the first time we really see Eddie lose his calm during an emergency and the first time we see him specifically lose his calm over Buck. Because Eddie clearly knows how to compartmentalise and because of that we generally only see him look worried but not really outwardly react when Buck is in danger. But this scene akjsdh he's so aNNOYED and frustrated and it's fascinating because you have to wonder how much he knows about Abby and who's told him what. But what we do know is he knows Abby broke his best friend's heart and he knows Buck is willing to sacrifice himself for anyone but no way in hell is Eddie about to let him become collateral damage for someone who doesn't deserve it (and now we know he'd already changed/or was changing his will during this time *screams*). And yeah it's fun to call it jealousy but ultimately I think it was a lot of worry and a lot of frustration on Eddie's part because it's a very clear example of Buck believing he's expendable and Eddie wanting to shout, "You're wrong!!!!". Just. What a good fucking scene.
3. 3x03 - There’s nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you
I mean how could I not include this scene?????? It’s just- everything. All of it. From Buck’s voiceover to photograph playing in the background to the way Eddie all but bulldozes his way through casual conversation in the hopes of not having to explain. It’s about the absolutely unconditional way Eddie forgives him, like it’s not even a question, and the way Buck is so clearly torn up and can’t understand why Eddie doesn’t toss him aside. I’ll never get over “A few choice words can be the life raft that gets you home” combined with “There is nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you.” And obviously we know just how true that is later on but in this scene, you can tell Buck hears him even if he can’t quite allow himself to believe it yet. And it’s so soft and so gentle and just another one of those examples that prove to us that Eddie always seems to know exactly what to say to Buck to bring him back to the surface :’)
2. 4x04 - The gym scene
Honestly if it wasn’t for the season 4 finale this would be my number one. How do I love this scene? Let me count the ways. Just sakdjhfa fuck!!!!! it’s the first time we’ve ever seen Buck angry and I know obviously Eddie’s his confidant but it’s so good to actually see Eddie being his confidant. To see that Eddie’s the one he wants to vent to and that Eddie’s the one he trusts with his anger and Eddie just remains such a calming presence in the face of it all????? From the gentle way he talks to the way his foot holds down the punching bag while Buck hits it - I am on the floor. And also!!!!!! Eddie just repeatedly validating Buck’s feelings - “What do you have to apologise for? If that’s how you feel - how they made you feel - then you have every right to say so.” askdjfhas I think it’s really important actually because Buck is always called out for thinking before he acts and yeah, obviously sometimes he should apologise but I really love that Eddie takes the time to make it clear this is different. That Buck didn’t do anything wrong and is allowed to be upset. Also Eddie stopping Buck from hitting the punching bag when Buck says “I just want to hit things” and saying “I’ve been down that road. I don’t recommend it” goodbye???????????? He cares about Buck so much let me be. 
1. 4x14 - You think you’re expendable...but you’re wrong
askdjfha is there anything I can say about this scene that hasn’t already been said?????? It’s stunning. It’s so beautiful and so significant and I will never recover. Eddie is someone who struggles so much to talk about his feelings but he’s the one who initiates the conversation because this is important to him. And I said this yesterday but it really is a declaration of love????? I’ve written before about how the scene sort of parallels/answers Buck’s “Love me anyway” plea but one thing I noticed when rewatching Buck Begins is that when Buck gets hurt Margaret yells at him and says “You think you’re indestructible but you’re not” and it’s such a contrast to Eddie saying “You think you’re expendable...but you’re wrong.” even though the two sentences are almost identical. I’ve talked a lot about how significant the word “expendable” is and that parallel sort of reinforced it for me because Margaret is chastising Buck. She’s admonishing him for being reckless with himself and his body and it’s inarguably tied to Daniel. Whereas Eddie uses the word expendable because he knows Buck’s recklessness comes from a place of not feeling wanted. So he tells him I want you and I love you and you can’t get hurt because me and Christopher need you and Buck hears him. And I mean, that’s not even getting into the wILL of it all???? Like, hello???????? but I’m gonna stop now because I’m rambling but aksjdfhsja honestly this scene has broken me beyond repair and I for one am so grateful
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piningeddiediaz · 3 years
1 + 911 and 3 + adam parrish
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: eddie my beloved <3
Least Favorite character: t*ylor lol we all be knew
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): buddie (im sure this is a fact known to no one im sooo normal about them), madney, bathena, henren and... I cant think of a fifth
Character I find most attractive: eddie diaz is the prettiest man alive
Character I would marry: buck, immediately and without hesitation. he is soooo husband material
Character I would be best friends with: maddie and I would bond immediately I know this to be true. ravi and I will be besties immediately upon meeting too
a random thought: how do they get to the calls so quickly it's like they fly there??? no this genuinely troubles me I want to KNOW
An unpopular opinion: I like the lawsuit arc oops. I think it was interesting and showed us different dimensions to many of the characters and their relationships with each other, and I really think the lawsuit showed us a very interesting part of buck. but I think the fandom as a whole misinterprets the whole thing a lot
My Canon OTP: madney my parents <3
My Non-canon OTP: buddie (but that is very soon to be changed they're so close to canon I know it I can feel it)
Most Badass Character: maddie!!
Most Epic Villain: im gonna define 'epic' as the villains I hated the most and... the buckley parents :)
Pairing I am not a fan of: bucktaylor lol
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): a very rare occurrence for me but (so far) I dont think 911 have screwed up a character for me. im not happy with Athena's whole copaganda thing this season but it hasn't really screwed her up for me
Favourite Friendship: buck and christopher!!
Character I most identify with: buck my beloved....
Character I wish I could be: buck because then I'll get to kiss eddie, have bobby and athena as parents, maddie as a sister and chim as a brother.... why would I not want that
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: he is my love he is my life he is everything to me. I love no one like I love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: ronan and ronan only. I am veryyy bad with multi shipping I just cant do it
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: persephone!! something about persephone being the only adult figure in adam's life that he trusted always gets to me
My unpopular opinion about this character: he isn't a murderer, the jokes stopped being cute years ago. he isn't cold and emotionless - just because he isn't emotional and soft doesn't mean he is cold and emotionless. there is something called nuance. he can be the biggest dickhead in the world but still have feelings. why is that such a hard thing to understand??? Adam is the guy who doesn't have much but always gives, who kneels in front of a dream child and makes her feel comfortable and who begs the guy he is falling in love with to beat him so that he doesn't hurt them and the guy who doesn't sleep but still gives up any free time he has to his friends. he cares so much. he's also a little shithead and comes up with insane plans to frame his latin teacher for murder and doesn't feel guilty because complete assholes like kavinsky and whelk are dead and honestly? good for him. no one has time for fake morality. that doesn't make him cold and emotionless, it makes him a real character with critical thinking skills.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I just think we should see him and Declan interact, esp in the early relationship days bcos bitchy in laws declan and Adam is literally my favourite thing to come out of mi
Favorite friendship for this character: gansey. sometimes I think about "'I dont have a brother, ma'am," but Blue saw his eyes dart to Gansey" and "Gansey, his best friend, his stupid and kind and marvellous best friend" and I want to cry
My crossover ship: adam x me lol
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bisexualbuck · 4 years
pauline my love!!! i'm in the mood for angsty buck x eddie, so i'll send you some numbers and see if any of them inspire you; 2, 31 & 92 😌
“You can’t keep ignoring this.” - Read on AO3
Buck is very fond of denial.
What a neat trick it is! He has a problem, then he won’t think about it until it either goes away on its own (it rarely does) or it comes back to bite him in the ass (it usually does).
Either way, denial is great.
Take for example his non-platonic, very romantic feelings for his best friend.
Buck could confess. He could also try to move on from this unrequited situation.
Instead of doing either of these things, he buries his head in the sand and pretends he has no problem breathing at all. No, he has no heavy weight sitting on his chest at all times, and maybe if he repeats if enough it will become true.
So what if he still overthinks every interaction he has with Eddie? That’s his business, no matter what his sister may think.
“You can’t keep ignoring this,” she says – again.
She says it a lot. His answer is pretty much always the same.
“Actually, I can. And I think I will. This is working great for me so far. It’s like Schrödinger’s confession, if I don’t say anything, Eddie can’t reject me.”
Maddie rolls her eyes with such force Buck expects them to fly out. Everyone tells him he is dramatic but if he is, it’s only because he grew up raised by one Maddie Buckley.
He is grateful for her being eight month pregnant, otherwise she would have already dragged him to Eddie and force him to confess.
Unaware that he is being bullied, the extended family of the 118 is talking and laughing excitedly in the other room. He longs to join them so that he can go back to ignoring his feelings.
“Don’t be daft,” she tells him.
“Eddie loves you.” “Yeah, he does – as a friend.” She goes to protest again but he presses on before she can. “Look, Maddie, I see what you’re trying to do and I know you worry about me but the truth is, I can’t risk this. Eddie and Christopher mean too much to me and I can’t risk losing them because of my big dumb messy feelings.”
Her face goes from annoyed to sad, almost pitiful.
“So, no. If Eddie feels the same way, he has to make the first move because I can’t.”
She sighs and for a moment, they bask in this tired silence.
Then, she says, “Your feelings aren’t dumb.”
Buck can’t help but snort at this and she smiles too though it’s shadowed by all that which they never mention.
They know that they did not grow up as children should, that their parents never showed them how to love and be loved and that both of them have searched for belonging and love in the wrong places. Maybe, if they had been taught the definition of love, Buck would have had a braver heart.
Guilt rears its head at seeing his sister’s dimmed smile knowing that he is the cause of it, and so he hurries to change the subject – anything to make her laugh freely again.
Soon, he forgets about this discussion. It’s one he has had many times with Maddie, and with Hen too, and with Bobby, awkwardly too, that one time.
He knows people think Eddie might love him back the way Buck wants to, but, if so, why isn’t he doing anything about it?
Eddie isn’t the one with everything to lose.
It’s not until three days later that Buck is reminded of the conversation.
Eddie and him are painting Christopher’s room as a surprise for his birthday.
It was actually Buck’s idea but Eddie loved it and the two of them spent several hours deciding on a new color scheme for the room.
Well, in truth, the whole team got involved and it was of course Hen’s pick that got chosen, at Chim’s good-natured protest, which made Buck very happy because Chim refused to listen to Buck’s input about his nephew’s room.
“I need to tell you something,” Eddie blurts out, stilling mid-movement in his painting.
Buck almost tells him to finish it or it’ll leave a trace but the seriousness on his best friend’s stop him.
“Okay?” And no, Buck isn’t worried all of the sudden. At all. “What is it? Wait, are you okay? Is Chris okay?”
“Yes. We’re fine. I just – listen, I love you.”
Buck beams though his heart clenches in yearning – Eddie doesn’t mean it like that.
“Aw, I love you too, man.”
Eddie shakes his head. He steps down from the stool he was perched on. Absentmindedly, Buck mourns the trace that will be left on the wall. This is the third coat, they won’t have enough paint to do a fourth one.
Maybe they can put a picture to hide it later on?
“No, Buck,” Eddie protests. “I love you. As in, I’m in love with you.”
Buck blinks. And then, for good measure, he blinks once more but the scene is still the same – Eddie, earnest, looking at him with soft, imploring eyes.
“You’re – what?” Buck can’t process this.
Is he in a coma and no one has had the decency to tell him? Has he been gravely injured on the job and this is is mind’s conjured wishful scenario right before he dies?
“I’m in love with you, Buck,” Eddie repeats breathlessly. “I am. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long but I never could bring myself to.”
“What changed?” he asks almost despite himself.
He can’t believe this is truly happening. It all feels so much like a dream that he is half expecting to wake up any minute now in his bed with his heart crushed.
“I couldn’t keep ignoring this.”
Something stirs in Buck’s memory that he can’t quite place but he is too busy staring with adoration at the love of his life to focus on it.
“Yeah,” Eddie replies with a soft smile. “It was all so easy to live in denial because, if I never told you, I was safe. Like Schrödinger’s confession.”
Buck stills. The memory comes back to him and it all clicks.
His conversation with Maddie at the 118’s monthly barbecue.
“You heard?”
Eddie shrugs, sheepish. “In my defense, you were speaking really loud and I was just in the other room.”
“I – I don’t know what to say.”
“Maybe say you love me too? Just so that I know you weren’t joking around with Maddie.”
That’s when it hits him. Eddie is as nervous as Buck has always felt when thinking about confessing. He looks like a man who is scared he is about to lose everything.
“I love you,” he cries out hurriedly. “Of course I love you but you – you? Like, you have feelings for me? Romantic ones?”
Eddie laughs with such relief that Buck can’t help but laugh too.
“How could I not fall in love with you, Evan Buckley? You’re everything.”
And when they kiss, Buck can finally breathe again.
Maybe denial isn’t all that he’s made it out to be.
Being free and in love has its perks too.
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ravipanikkar · 3 years
We finally get a Buck and Christopher scene!! Buck should let Chris know he'll never "love" Maddies kid more than he loves him and he'll never leave him for her. The whole show revolves around madney and their kid lately and i'm sorry but i'm not trying to see them every week when we didn't even get a Buck/Chris scene since 4x8 and it was such an important scene. We've never even seen Buck interact with the baby, it feels so unnatural to hear him gushing about her and not even a mention of Chris
Hi anon! Thanks for the message!
I don't really agree with you, and here's why.
First of all I don't think Chris would ever be jealous of Jee-Yun. He is a really smart kid, Buck is his best friend/really important person/not his father and he already had a conversation about Buck not leaving him.
Second, I'm sorry you don't like the Madney storyline, but this is an ensemble show, Jee-Yun was just born it's natural that the focus falls on them for a while, opposite to a buck-chris-eddie dynamic we already know. And they had only a part of the episode's focus (episode about parenthood and they are newly parent so was kinda obvious?), as you can see here in this amazing time screen analysis. I actually suggest you also check others episodes posts and all season 4a, cause it feels that some characters have more or less screen time than they actually have!
Third. Buck is not a father, he may have sometimes a parental role (Honestly I don't see it that much) but he is not chris's father. Eddie is and fandom sometimes forgets he is a single father, role that he has 24/7 and does in the best way possible for him. That's way I think they didn't add a big role for Eddie in last episode, because he doesn't have parenthood problems, opposite to madney, henren and athena. That little scene at the end was because yes he is a father, in a relationship were he still choose his kids first and it's a normal domestic scene (that I think won't last, sure, but still).
Fourth. I do agree it's sad that we haven't seen Buck with Jee-Yun and I don't know if it's because of Covid or anything else, but I hope we'll see them soon enough. But Buck gushing over his niece is the most normal thing! I have a niece and I swear I talk about her every single time I can! The thing is, Buck is a new uncle, a role he has by rights and he is proud of it, and her. I don't really understand why sometimes fandom make Buck's love for Jee-Yun and Chris like a competition. He loves them both, he'll give his time to both of them, in different way cause they are different, and his role with them is different.
Fifth. How many times does Buck actually gushes over Jee-Yun? Correct me if I'm wrong but only one, when they are in the station's kitchen, right? When he thanks Eddie for his joke. What should he have said? "No, Chim, Chris is cuter?" Or "Chris's gassy face is better?" I don't think so.
I know lot of people love Buck, I'm one of them, but the show is not about him, that's what makes 911 so special is the ensemble of all the cast in every episode, so sometimes some characters must have less screen time, and Buck had already his fair share in 4a.
Other note, filming with kids is really hard, filming with kids during a pandemic is even harder, so they maybe had to cut some scene with kids. But we'll have a Buck-chris scene in the finale!
So, I can't wait to see chris and Buck's scene in the finale, I ofc hope it will be something buddie related, even though I don't think it will be in a romantic way, but for now I'm really enjoying the ride. Maybe a little more of Eddie would be nice.
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