#because boy Howdy
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 years ago
actually no yeah I’m still bothered by The Things but several Other Things Aren’t Helping
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stephicness · 2 years ago
So now that I’ve actually got an evening off to sit and do my thing...
Any sort of gif sets or writing blurbs y’all wanna see this evening? c:
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kiwinatorwaffles · 6 months ago
the best thing about becoming obsessed with a character with little to no lore in their base media is that you can make up whatever shit you want about them but the caveat of that is that everything you love about them literally never happened in canon
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galaxystt · 1 year ago
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chaps cowboy secret life scar is real to me......
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nattikay · 6 months ago
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the constant inner struggle of a Na'vi speaker/teacher browsing Na'vi OCs
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flashandthunder · 7 months ago
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silverskye13 · 24 days ago
Duality of man
[spent all morning planning a really nice, happy scene for the characters]
[spent all afternoon planning a horrible, evil, perilous scene for the characters]
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chiangyorange · 9 months ago
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some projects ive worked on last semester!! ive been was messin around with a LOT of collage work and overall bruching off my marker skills since i hadn't done a lot of traditional in a hot min
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missmisnomer · 8 months ago
Just got done watching Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms and I am like....so normal right now. Haven't been crying for the last half hour or anything. No, I don't feel the intense need to call my mother and tell her I love her.
Anime is for children, it won't emotionally destroy you in the most beautiful way imaginable, that's just silly 🙃
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evilfloralfoolery · 8 days ago
Husband decides to go for a run in the cold AF weather. He comes back a snzy fucking MESS because he cannot handle any amount of cold for a long time. I am, of course, delighted by his affliction.
This ain't just for fiction, y'all.
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ladyofthecreeddraws · 5 days ago
Saw you liked compliments (*cracks knuckles*)
Your art is INSANE I just stare at it. First of all the fact that they look so accurate, then just the pleasure emanating from their facial expressions but also their bodies. The poses are wonderful, it just screams lustand passion in the best way, even when Daniel is in tears.
And its so inspiring to me as an artist! I actually downloaded all the DM I could find just so I can study the way you draw bodies and shade them and to go insane over it to my friends. You make it look so beautiful and there so much depth. I absolutely could stare at it all for hours. I wholly adore your art, it's amazing, you're amazing, thank you so much for providing for us ^-^
Had this ask open for the last 5 mins trying to come up with smtg to say, but I only have babbling......
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flightyalrighty · 8 months ago
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I have never seen The Boys
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On more canon Classpects, I have such an odd relationship with the Prince of Rage Classpect purely because of Kurloz. Like damn bro I can't tell for certain whether you're a Prince of Rage who is fulfilling his purpose of destroying shit through Rage, or if you destroyed all the Rage you had in your body so when Lord English and Gamzee told you to start doing this shit you just completely obeyed like a good little Hope player
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shroomyifiy · 5 months ago
Hello DRDT fandom! Here’s yet another person throwing their hat into the ring about the Chapter 2 culprit.
Spoilers for Episode 14 below.
Yeah no Ace is probably the killer.
Now before anyone comes for me, hear me out!
We know that, currently, the culprit is between Ace and Eden. One of them definitely took the tape, no doubt about that, and is most likely the killer. You could argue the existence of a third party culprit, but currently, it has to be one of them. So we are going to ignore that for now. I will now break down why I believe Ace is the killer.
Step 1: Tape
Okay, first off, the tape. That motherfucking tape.
The tape is located directly in front of Ace’s feet, and disappears the moment he gets up and exclaims he’s alive. At this moment, he also knocks Eden to the ground, making it just a small amount of time for either of them to grab the tape.
Now, we don’t know where anyone directly is besides Ace, due to the way the series is presented. Meaning, we have no idea where either Teruko or Eden were standing relative to Ace revealing he was alive.
A big point for the Eden truthers is that when she was knocked over, she picked it up. Now, it’s possible that she could do so without either of them seeing her do this (Ace was currently bleeding and Teruko wasn’t paying attention to the tape). But, I feel like we need to look at the crime scene.
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Teruko specifically tells Eden to “Not touch anything”, so we can assume that Teruko wouldn’t have moved anything around too much during her original investigation. So then that leaves us with an interesting thing.
Teruko and Eden both have to be standing by Ace’s body when he gets up (Eden because he pushes her and Teruko because she is mentioned to have touched his neck, and realized he was still alive). But one thing to note is that the area around Ace is rather messy and cluttered. Meaning, there are likely two spots that Eden could be standing at (3 for Teruko, but we will ignore that one for now).
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Visually speaking, Eden needs to be standing in spots 1 or 2 to fit the criteria. If she’s in spot three, she’d have been pushed over the bench, and most certainly couldn’t have gotten the tape, and also would have made more noise. (side note: Teruko is either in spots 1 or 3, but currently, her position isn’t as important. For Culprit!Eden to work though, she cannot be in spot 2, which is the most unlikely spot anyways)
If Eden was standing in spot 2, she would have been more likely to be able to grab the tape without issue (as it would be right in front of her feet). While spot 1 could also work, Eden would have had to reach a much farther distance to grab it, and given she’s not knocked down long, I feel like Teruko would have noticed Eden crawling to grab it more than spot 2.
For Ace to grab the tape, we already know where he is relative to the tape, so we don’t need to explain that.
Now, when either of them got up, it’s likely they would have used their hands to push off from the ground near their feet, which is what they would have to do to grab the tape without being noticed. Otherwise, it would be impossible to grab it without being noticed.
You might be asking yourself, “Shroomy, why the fuck does it matter where Eden (and by extention, Teruko) were standing? That’s such a weird and minor detail!”
Ahem… I mean, clearly, the crime scene of Ace plays a part in Arei’s death. And since such a major piece of evidence comes from such a scene, doesn’t it make sense that eventually, body positions would come up? Especially considering just how cluttered the area was. It’s so minor, but it might be the smoking gun to solve the case.
Now, why would either of them pick it up in the first place?
With Eden, she has to be actively making a decision to grab it for whatever reason. Same with Ace, although you could make more of an argument that he grabbed it either a: help his wound or b: by accident, grabbed it and didn’t realize due to the whole murder thing. Also option c: to murder Nico with it, but that’s less likely.
Honestly, despite being what ties them both to the crime, I really don’t see why either of them would grab the tape, especially since, given how fast everything went, I doubt it was either of their first thoughts to recreate Nico’s murder attempt for their own murder, at least in the moment.
Moving on!
Step 2: The murder method
One of the big pieces of evidence against Ace right now is that, “Oh, he was just attacked. There’s no way he would have realized how he was attacked and would know how to replicate it, he’s not that smart!”
First off, let’s address Ace and his stupidity. Okay, yeah, he’s not the brightest person, but saying he’s not smart isn’t accurate. There are no truly “dumb” characters in drdt, at least in my opinion. And Ace has been shown before to have some intelligence.
For one thing, he is on Teruko’s side during the scrum debate in episode 8 of Chapter 1. Which might be weird to call out, but seeing as a lot of the “smarter” characters were on the other side (namely David [being a xander simp as per usual] and Veronika), Now while this isn’t enough to prove it and he did argue with her before in this same trial, it’s definitely noteworthy to mention.
And also, the carousel thing. The fact that it keeps being Ace that corrects Teruko on what it’s called is funny, but it’s also heavily linked to the murder.
Also also, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for yet another person in this cast to have been keeping a mask up. Someone is making a heel turn between these two, so realistically, this could be Ace’s. And also, despite being shown as “dumb”, Ace at least has some understanding of shit, considering his whole monologue about Levi. I’d have to rewatch a lot of episodes to further confirm this, but I doubt Ace is as stupid as some people think.
Now, the second problem. Ace being almost murdered and then using that same method to murder Arei seems like a bit much, doesn’t it? How could he have figured it out the second he woke up?
He didn’t. He would have fully figured it out AFTER he went back to his room and stopped trying to murder Nico, when he calmed down. (Which is what I think happened with Eden if she is the culprit, mind you)
Because, logically looking at the crime scene, ain’t no way either of them figured it out just by looking at it for like what? A few minutes? No way, I don’t buy it.
But here’s the thing. Ace does have an advantage over Eden here. That being, he woke up during the murder attempt, as confirmed by Nico in the latest episode. Huh. After Ace had claimed to not remember the method because he was unconscious the whole time? Hmmmmm?
No way that little piece of info isn’t going to be important. Especially considering this is the first time we’re hearing about it.
“Shroomy, that’s still not enough to prove Ace over Eden!” I hear you cry out.
Time for the smoking gun.
You know why Nico’s drop hanging attempt failed? It’s not because Ace was too heavy for the fan? No.
It’s because Ace was able to fight back when he woke up.
And what is one of the big differences that hasn’t been brought up yet in this case?
The fact that Arei’s wrists were bound at some point, to keep her from fighting back.
Nico and Ace are the only people who would know about this. Because, again, no one knew Ace woke up during the attempt. So, if Ace were to recreate the murder for Arei, he would know to bind her wrists so she doesn’t fight back. Because it’s why he survived in the first place.
Moving on, using this method would work for Ace, because 1: frames Nico who he hates, 2: Ace is probably a little weakened from almost dying, using a pulley method would be easier than risking Arei escaping.
Now rapid fire mode!
Why use fish from the relaxation room? Frame both Nico (primary) and David (secondary).
The killer probably used the ball of clothes to get the rope up and broke the lights doing so. Eden is the weakest one there, and Ace could have the strength to do so.
Why target Arei? Ace probably didn’t care who he killed, he doesn't care about anyone there.
How would he know about the conversation in the infirmary? We cannot deny that someone could have overheard it. Also, Ace has already been established as eavesdropping earlier in the trial. (this happens the same day as his murder attempt, btw)
Ace has spent most of the trial pointing fingers at others (even in the investigation, he’s the first to draw attention to Nico trying to kill him and Arei dying; knowing the cases are connected, this is interesting).
Wow, that's crazy. Loose connection but still.
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He’s also the whole reason David had his magical girl transformation, giving the smoking gun evidence that he and Arei met up.
Which, you know, derailed the trial a lot. Like, 2 or 3 episodes worth of time that could have been used to solve the trial faster?
Huh. Now it's that something.
But, what does this mean for the story?
Step 3: Arei and Ace; Teruko, Eden, and thematics
Both start off as unlikable assholes. But Arei wanted to change, and both Eden and David gave her a hand to begin that change. But she’s murdered before that could happen. Ace rejects anyone’s hand, not trusting anyone and causing more issues. One who tried to be better, and one who got much worse. In a way, they’re parallels in this instance. Two parallels getting killed in the same chapter? Where have I seen this before?
Yeah Min and Xander (i miss you both ;-;)
This is the part where I talk about Min and Eden parallels.
Ain’t no way drdtdev is going to make the same repeat of the last trial’s conclusion. The hugs!!!! The crying!!! Teruko, who points out when Eden tries to investigate with her in this chapter that Min did the same thing to deceive her. Eden, who was crying for someone to believe she didn’t kill Arei. Teruko, who decides to trust Eden, the same way that Eden was the only one to believe in Teruko in the last trial.
Eden, who would be able to prove David and Teruko’s points wrong. Who believed in Arei, that she could be her friend! Eden, who if was revealed to be the killer, would likely send Teruko down a worse path, being betrayed for the third time now.
Ace, who shares Teruko’s views that no one can be trusted, and who isolated himself from everyone. Ace who, despite how much I love him, would show Teruko how isolating herself from everyone else would lead to her death. Ace, who would be a dark reflection on what Teruko could have been, had she continued down that path. Both were almost killed, but one who tried to murder everyone to get out and the other who saved everyone from getting killed.
The narrative themes of trust and distrust.
Teruko’s secret quote for god's sake!!!!!
It’s too much to not go anywhere guys!!!
Okay, I think that’s it for now. Sorry if this sounds like I’m rambling too much, or if it doesn’t make much sense. First time posting something here lol. But this series makes me sick!!!!!/pos
I like both Eden and Ace, and don’t want it to be either of them, but I doubt it’s a third party at this point. And between the two, I think narratively, it makes more sense for it to be Ace.
And also, guys, we NEED more positive characters going into chapter 3, after how many mentally ill people are around rn. We have enough asshole men now (cough looking at you, Mr. David Chiem cough). Whit is too sus and is either dying or about to get hit with a truckload of emotions to stay stable long enough.
Also, Teruko learning to trust while Eden learns to distrust!! Teruden!!!! YURI NATION SWEEP GUYS!!!!!
If I’m wrong, I might die on the spot (please Eden I need you to stay alive!!!!)
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splickedylit · 2 years ago
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I will not roll over like a motherfucking hound
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writeouswriter · 8 months ago
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Tumblr straight up just advertising me cigarettes, Viagra, drugs, lingerie, religious proselytizing (they're playing both sides so they always come out on top), legit video game porn (not pictured because Jesus Christ that was ACTUAL porn), and the coup de resistance: FAMILY GUY MASTURBATION INCEST 😭.
Genuinely, WHO does it think I AM.
And are the "children we have to think about" in the room with us right now? This is even missing some of the worst offenders. Oh oh I forgot the straight up cult they advertised! Their crusade against so called "NSFW" on this site has never once actually been about "protecting the children." It's been about having a flimsy excuse to spread and inflict their hate and prejudice and selling the marketing rights to the highest bidder, children be fucking damned, (and if they are damned, well do we have an AD FOR YOU! Have you heard of our Lord and Saviour, Click Now! Now! Now! Click now! Click or be damned forever! N̶̻̟͓̣̲͖̗̿̑̉̃̓̀̑̂Ǫ̷̨̲̟͓̮̪̲̞̱̪̩̱̳̲̬̖̲̦̣̠̹͈̒̐ͅͅẈ̸̧̠̠̟̽̍̃͗̅̃̽̓̐͒͆̈̓̈͘͘͝!̷̯̘̼̣͖́͌̾̓̎͊͘
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