#because Soundwave doesn’t have a mouth
beesinmymoth · 1 year
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Bringing this to you with the air of a proud cat dropping off an eviscerated mouse
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knightdgblue · 6 months
As I was waking up, I had the thought of cat girl streamer Optimus???? Megatron making things difficult by pulling the chair back kissing her on the mouth and leaves her to stare at the camera.
Her chat was going crazy for an explanation and she cut the stream early because she was not even going to focus.
She never addresses it ever and says nothing when chat brings it up. Acts like it never happened, so chat begins to make theories.
Meanwhile Optimus is pxssed off and confused and refuses to be civil and talk, just ignoring him for clearly being an aft.
But he just keeps kissing her off camera and she refuses to give into whatever this is! He doesn’t even live with her.
*being a catgirl streamer is a pastime when she isn’t looking for allspark fragments
*Megatron doesn’t explain wtf he’s doing or why
*Sari, Bumblebee, and Soundwave may or may not have something to do with this
*Bulkhead and Prowl might have some bets placed along with Black Arachnia and Blitzwing
*Lugnut confusedly cheers on his master regardless
*Lugnut might have employed the help of Swindle to aid his master at what he thinks is happening and encourage Optimus into defecting because of benefits like free healthcare
*He might have roped Sari into it too and she met Thrust
*Sari and Thrust then “run a way” to begin plans for their own dreams of fame, they just go to Sari’s room
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axel-skz · 1 year
A/N: I wrote this half asleep 😭 I keep changing my idea for the Felix story so I moved up posting Seungmins. I love this one-shot though, it’s so cute. Right, now, song roulette. AA WE GOT ‘WAITING FOR US’! I feel like it’s been too long since I listened to it. Damn.
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(No cus why is he so cute? Who allowed him to be this cute? I think he would kill me if I ever actually called him cute.)
You and Seungmin had been together for a couple months now. It was heaven.
You didn’t realise heaven was this sarcastic but it was heaven nonetheless.
You both enjoyed each other’s company a lot so you spent, some would say, too much time together. Jeongin would see you and smirk, always comedically checking the surrounding area to see where Seungmin was.
It was annoying that he would be right about his jokes and Seungmin was always right there.
One day, you both were doing your own things but like, in the same room. Because where else would you be? He was… harassing one of the members over text while watching TV. You were gaming.
You guys hadn’t used pet names at all yet (aside from you calling him Minnie) so what came now… embarrassed you to no end.
‘Baby, can you pass me my drink,’ you stupidly said while being too distracted by a part in your game to notice.
Seungmin, the cute little menace, smirked. Now he has ammunition.
‘Am I tiny? Am I bald?’ He replied, unmoving.
‘What? Is that a riddle or something?’ You paused your game to look at him in confusion.
‘You called me baby, what makes you say that?’ He grinned, resting his head on his palm.
You began to turn more and more red, ‘I did not!’ Yeah, lying seems like a great option right now.
‘Are you… saying my ears are broken? I’m picking up soundwaves from the neighbourhood? Like a bat? ARE YOU SAYING I’M BATMAN?!’ He gasped dramatically.
You stared at him blankly, ‘sometimes I think back to when I asked you out and I wish someone had run me over so I didn’t.’
‘I’m batman apparently so I wouldn’t have let that happen, sugar bear,’ he seemed a little too eager now.
‘Omg, why are you this way?,’ you whined as you covered your face.
‘I don’t know what you mean, honey nugget, I thought this was what we were doing now,’ you glared at him.
‘It slipped out, ok?! Can we forget it please??’
‘Your baby just slipped out? Wow, wierd of you tell me that. Bit Tmi.’
You got up and walked over to him. He had this smug smile on his face. He also looked confused about what you were planning.
You sat next to him then suddenly started tickling him.
He hated that and you knew it. Giggles escaped his mouth and he couldn’t look mad while he was laughing his ass off.
Eventually you stopped, ‘had enough, sugar bear?’
‘Ok, ok! Yes, I’ll stop now,’ he glared at you so you booped his nose and he blushed.
It made you laugh as you got up and went to get your water.
You heard him say something but couldn’t make it out, you poked your head back to look in the living room, ‘what?’
He was blushing like crazy and looking anywhere but you as he spoke, ‘you can call me baby or whatever if you want…’
You smiled and didn’t tease him too much about it, ‘that sounds nice Minnie. You can call me sugar bear or whatever.’
He laughed a little and then continued with whatever he was doing on his phone. The rest of the night passed without a sugar bear or a honey nugget being mentioned :)
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Seungmin: You are right. *he’s suddenly stood behind me with an axe in his hand (lol, get it? Axe, Axel, Axe, Axel? Ok yeah, I think you get it)* I would kill you.
We can talk about this… I swear… I only called you cute because… of… umm… hold on, wait… I swear I can think up a good reason…
Seungmin: TIMES UP!
insert high speed chase here
Meanwhile, the boys on the side, sit with popcorn and drinks.
Minho: if he doesn’t catch her, I’ll be very disappointed, I taught him better then that.
Bang chan: you know, this is why I don’t leave him alone with you anymore.
Minho shrugs: fair.
They all start cheering as he slowly catches up but then aw as he falls back again.
Felix: if you live, I’ll bake you something!
Oh damn, totally worth it.
And suddenly I’m Usain Bolt.
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zombieheroine · 1 year
TFP and Alien Character Design
My introduction to the Transformers franchise were bayformers (accidentally) and Transformers: Prime (on purpose), and given their designs it took me a while to come around for the classic (and more marketable) boxy designs. I’d like to specifically take a moment to appreciate TFP, since I feel it sells the “alien robots” part the best. 
I absolutely love how TFP’s artists have taken liberties and given each bot their own, distinctive look instead of sticking to a formula (aka a toy mould). I especially adore how, while clearly humanoid and analogous to us, they manage to look very alien.
Every bot has a humanoid form with a head, a torso, and four limbs, two legs and two hands to be precise. Predacons and Insecticons aside, there are many more subtle variations that make the bots look distinctly less human. One obvious point is the lack of noses on any of them, and I feel like it’s a bit controversial to say that’s a good choice. I appreciate it, because while it changes the profile only a little, it highlights that the bots don’t need a nose, not for breathing or for forming sounds. I know the “making sounds to talk” part is undermined by the fact that they have mouths that move to their speech, but I see that being more due to keeping them pleasant to watch, especially since “mouth doesn’t match the sounds” is generally understood more as poor or lazy animation rather than a decision on character design and storytelling. Also mouth or even eyes are not necessary for the bots, not for speaking or seeing. Both Soundwave and Shockwave have designs where their heads don’t (at least obviously) have mouths or eyes. Soundwave’s visor could hide a face, but we know for sure from Shockwave’s design that it’s not a certainity for their species. Soundwave’s design even calls to question the rule of four limbs, because we don’t know how his tentacles function: Are they limbs he was born with? Are they some sort of a device or a modification installed on his natural frame? Could they be extra arms instead of data cables? Could every bot theoretically have extra limbs installed?
Airachnid also has multiple limbs at her disposal, in her spider form. Interestingly, she seems to have two alt forms, the spider one and the helicopter, while her bot form also has two arms and two legs. However, she seems to be an outlier, considering that she has been “inspired” by other alien species on her galactic travels (her own words), and the reaction from other bots, for example Breakdown’s comment “the extra arms freak me out”. What Airachnid and Soundwave share is that their “extra limbs” are different from their arms and legs, which might mean that they are more like the wheels or wings of the alt forms other bots have.
Shockwave’s head is pretty obviously inspired by a security camera, which supports his uncanny, emotionless image. He has one eye and not much else, being an example of bots forming speech entirely with a device/organ, the voice box, in their throat (see also: Bumblebee’s mutism). In fact, Shockwave’s head is so small and strangely structured around the single eye that it makes me question if his CPU is somewhere else on his body. Once again, this opens possibilities to how Cybertronians function: The head doesn’t necessarily carry as much importance to them as it does to humans.
Various smaller details in the designs deserve a shoutout as well: The different shapes of hands and fingers, made of different materials and varying proportions. There are different kinds of eyes, and not varying only in colour, but also shape, size, quantity, and if they have a visible iris and pupil or not. The bot and vehicle modes are clearly linked, largely corresponding with the shape and weight of the vehicle mode, and parts of machienery visible.
Given all of the above, all sorts of mods and changes that would be either very difficult or impossible for human body, might not be so to Cybetronians. Their humanoid shape seems much more incidental when youconsider all the alien aspects worked into the designs and the story.
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katlikeshetalia3 · 6 months
A Transformer Prime OC I made.
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Her name is Morning Star. Despite being on the Decepticon side, she is a pacifist. She is usually very calm, though if she is bugged too much you might just figure out why she is labeled as a pacifist. She tends to be a bit awkward if she is talking to someone she barely knows. Mostly talking with Shockwave or Soundwave, and is able to make a decent conversation with Dreadwing. Her mouth is able to unhinged, though she only does it when it is needed. She is indifferent to humans, she doesn’t see them as equal(because they can die so easily) but is impressed by them sometimes. She is intrigued by the music made by humans, this being the only reason why she even knows the humans’ languages. Morning Star personally knew both Soundwave and Shockwave before the war started. She had a few run ins with Megatronus, or well, Megatron before the war too. A random fact is she is oldest of the Decepticons.
I might also add that in her universe there is slight alterations to the history. Mostly being that I’m dragging in the concept of Shockwave having a different life and then being made the way he is. And in this AU Morning Star was the top Gladiator instead of Megatronus. Star and Megatronus were supposed to fight again, but then the war started.
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noodleblade · 2 years
Tfp prompt idea: knock out abusing his power to keep breakdown as his assistant even though he’s not really trained for it
<3 this was a really fun prompt that I made very sappy because these two deserve to be sweet and sappy with each other:) AO3 Link Enjoy!!
It was kind of funny watching Starscream throw a fit. Especially when Knock Out knew there was nothing the seeker could do about it. He could stomp his heeled pedes and scream all he wanted, but the decision was final. Beside Knock Out, his partner shifted uncomfortably. Despite his talent for violence, Breakdown was not a fan of conflict, especially if he was not able to use his fists to solve it. 
Starscream narrowed his optics at the two of them, clawed servos clenched into angry little fists. “This better not be an excuse to fool around in the medbay.”
“ Please ,” Knock Out gasped in offense, servo coming to rest over his spark, “I’m a professional. I take my work very seriously, hence my need to have my assistant present. After all, two pairs of servos are better than one.”
Starscream’s gaze drifted to Breakdown’s larger, bulkier servos skeptically. He was not convinced but it hardly mattered. Soundwave had already approved of Breakdown’s position and as much as Starscream was to kick up a fuss here in the medbay, there was not a chance Soundwave would allow his complaining to persist. Not when work needed to be done.
The sharp click of heels echoed Starscream’s departure. If the medbay doors weren’t on an auto shut, Knock Out was sure he would have slammed them. 
A klik of silence passed. Both mechs waited patiently. Starscream was prone to theatrics and sometimes would come back to add another quip if he thought of one in time. When the Air Commander didn’t return, Knock Out turned to Breakdown with a sly smirk on his lip plates. 
“Told you it would work.”
Breakdown rolled his optics with a huff. “Only just. If they actually look into those documents, they’re going to find out they’re fake. Swindle makes a good forgery, but not that good.”
“Soundwave maybe , but not Starscream. I paid good shanix for those,” Knock Out waved off his concerns. “It’s not like you don’t know what you are doing. You’re a better medic than anyone else here.”
Breakdown smile, a small, soft little thing that made Knock Out’s spark pulse happily. “I had a pretty good teacher.”
“Pretty good?” Knock Out pouted. 
“He got distracted sometimes.” Breakdown was full on smiling now, servo reaching out for Knock Out’s. “‘Kept flirting and scrap.”
“Oh my,” Knock Out purred as he allowed Breakdown to reel him close, their chassis pressed together, “inappropriate relationships with your professor? Tsk, tsk, Breakdown. How scandalous! Unethical! He should have his medical license removed!”
Breakdown pressed his helm against Knock Out’s, his yellow optics warm and adoring. “Funny. I think they tried that already. He fled though, on the run.”
“Mmmm,” Knock Out’s optics dimmed, “must be lonely.”
Breakdown’s voice lowered to that of a whisper. “Nah, heard he ran off with some bruiser type. Typical right?”
“Cliche, but aren’t all the best stories?”
“Disgraced doctor and-”
“Unruly patient? Yeah, the biggest cliche out there. Pretty sure they warn you about that in the intro-courses, not to fall for your patients.”
Breakdown squeezed Knock Out’s servo and with his free arm, wrapped it around the medic. “What do the intro courses say about doctors and nurses?”
Knock Out’s engine revved teasingly. “As long as Starscream doesn’t catch them fooling around on shift, then it's okay, encouraged even.”
Breakdown snorted. “They mention Starscream by name?”
“He’s rather infamous, no?” Knock Out tilted his helm up to press a kiss to Breakdown’s chin. “But, would you look at that-” he pressed another kiss to the corner of his mouth “-shift is over.”
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
So it’s that time of year again in marvel comics. The Summer Hellfire Gala! They already teased some designs in the past months for this event and some are hit or miss.
My question if such a gala was a thing in TTB universe, who would be the top designers for the cons and bots for such an event? Would they create them on their own creativity or from getting insights on the clients perspective and wants?
Oh this is a WILD ask and I’m dgshdjdhjfjdjdjff about it because OUTFITS FOR EVERYBODY.
I know most top tier fashion houses specialising in menswear would be FOAMING AT THE MOUTH to dress both Optimus Prime and Megatron. I’m gonna say Hugo Boss for Megs, and Ralph Lauren for OP. Megs has some input, especially since Starscream has impressed upon him the importance of optics, and while he doesn’t know a damn thing about fashion, he does know the sort of statement he’d like to make with it. OP is more of a ‘surprise me’ sort of guy, I can imagine he was VERY taken aback/flustered by the idea of flaunting in public in such a way, though Jazz and Mirage likely manage to talk him into it for PR purposes. He embraces it as a fun yearly event after a while!
Mirage has two designers on standby—Burberry and Alexander McQueen—at all times all the way from his old days as an Earl. In this case they very much rely on input from him, as he actually is part of the business, and there would be occasions where he comes wearing something he designed himself for added pizzazz and press media loses its fucking mind. Tommy Hilfiger saw Tom Holland Bumblebee and immediately shoved all the competition off the cliff—-he’s the perfect mix of preppy street youth to showcase their work for the younger demographic. Like OP, Bee is baffled at the idea of being anything resembling a fashion icon, but he ropes in Charlie and Memo for the perfect runway triple threat. He’s more hands-off about it, like OP is.
Marc Jacobs definitely courts Jazz—the streetwise aesthetics with a little prep, a little grunge, a little couture is something the man wears VERY well! Jazz would be 20% input and 80% Surprise Me, he loves the thrill of seeing that final piece unveiled.
Jean Paul Gaultier bags the fashion prizefighter in Blurr! These two have DEFINITELY worked together for a very long time—-likely ever since Blurr won their first race. Initially neither had much input of which was mostly given by the company Blurr worked for—they had to project a certain image, and that stiffled a lot of creativity on their end, but once Blurr has the freedom to properly express themselves as a member of the Autobots, both the designer and client are more than happy to go BUCK WILD with input on designs.
Valentino gets Sunstreaker, and Giorgio Armani bagged Sideswipe, and both sides get into a playful rivalry about it, so in this case, the Lambo Bros definitely had vested interest to give in as much input as they could, though Sunny is WAY more of a primadonna about it.
Starscream reps his Sicilian heritage via Dolce & Gabbana, whose pieces he’s worn since his Senator days, and like Mirage, he has a LOT of input in the final product as he actually has experience making his own clothes, while Spanish designer Balenciaga bags his Seeker team mate Thundercracker, whose artistry and stage play background makes him a damn good canvas for avant- Garde looks (which he displays with all the subtlety of a very randy peacock). Thundercracker is about 50/50 Input to Surprise Me!
Soundwave would rep their home country by donning a piece by Indonesian designer Poppy Dharsono who does wonderful work mixing ethnic textiles and patterns with contemporary influences—they leave the whole thing in the designer’s very capable hands!
Comme Des Garçons would take on the challenge of dressing Drift (Ratchet is stayin out of this mess, but listen, he can look at the menu even if he doesn’t want to be a part of the smorgasbord!!)
Laserbeak managed to catch the eye of Dundas and she is dragging poor, very confused Ravage into this mess with her because SOMEONE CHOSE TO DRESS HER??? Y’ALL NOBODY CHOOSES TO DRESS HER LIKE SHE’S GONNA SAY NO TO THIS CHANCE TO STRUT HER STUF???? Bouncing off the walls excitement oh my GOD THEY WANT HER INPUT TOO QUICK MOVE OVER SHE NEEDS TO SET UP A PIN INTEREST BOARD!!!!
I’m thinking Vera Wang for Windblade, Yves Saint Lauren for Lightbright and Christie Brown for Chromia! All three are more in Surprise Me camp!
That’s all I got for now, but feel free to ask for specifics if they weren’t mentioned!
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devilbeez · 11 months
how about wavewave tfa megaop swinlock and rattrap x dinobot? lisning I know the animating of beast wars isnt good it what everyone who first starts the series says but the story makes up for it just don't watch beast machine if you ever decide to watch beast wars the people who wrote that show never watch the oringal beast wars meaning that everyone is out of character
Imma try to answer this with those that I know which is WaveWave and MegaOp. I don’t remember much of SwinLock because I watched it so long ago but imma still try and I just don’t know Rattrap. If I’m desperate enough for more transformers content I might actually give in and look over the animation but that probably gonna be awhile
WaveWave (I looked this up if I got it wrong blame google)
I know you probably not meant them in this universe but I saw war of cybertron clip and the only thing I can think of is Soundwave and Shockwave making playlists together and play it during worst and best time in battle.
They’re like— that one post about hero x villain prompt about hero and villain fighting in battlefield cause it work and then cuddling together in bed at home and personal time. Like they HATE each other in work space because they’re colleagues rivals but when they’re off clock, they do be vibing with each other, man
They are very VERY down low about their relationship like no one knew and they like it that way.
I feel like them catching feeling is completely a accident. It’s very “ew I hate you but we have a mission together so I suppose we have to put that aside and work together……….well fuck—“ and it was a complete slow burn of a process because both of them refuse to say anything
Soundwave definitely confess first but only after he find out it was mutual and that there’s no possible way for failure just to get in a “ha, I confess before you, coward” but now it’s in an affectionate way
I feel like even before they caught feelings Shockwave is fascinated by Soundwave in someway, he just have a fixation on him like “you are so weird, something is definitely wrong with you and I want to study all of it”
Tfa is weird because it’s probably the only version of transformers that Megatron and Optimus didn’t have this— divorced couple energy going on, probably because how Optimus is in that and how they’re not besties before the war. So my view of them is like— that one couple that you have to ask “do they hate each other or are they doing it—“
When they fight I can only imagine Megatron looking down like “okay— stop— I feel like I’m being threaten by a puppy— not even a cybertronian one, the EARTH puppies” and Optimus just walk away, come back with a stool and smack him
The only other things I can imagine with them in tfa specifically is that everything out of their mouth have some sort of unintentional innuendo or unintentional flirting.
From google and memories, my perception of these two together is literally Jade and Azul from twisted wonderland. This is a “beneficial and contractual relationship not a romantic one” type thing— like they refuse to admit it verbally but their actions say it all
Swindle would definitely whine over Lockdown’s collection because they’re such goldmine but they’re off limit
Lockdown doesn’t admit it but he will bring souvenir for Swindle. Does he understand why a certain thing excite Swindle so much? No. Will he continue to do it anyway? Yes
I feel like they would be the couple that god let live another day and so they make it everyone else’s problem.
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
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EarthSpark OCs, since I’m seeing my previous EarthSpark topics light up my dashboard and I’ve been meaning to post these for awhile.
Due to a Warp Gate accident in peacetime in the CV Life on Earth universe, the Autobots’ human allies Grahm, Thompson, Meister and Maddie along with Optimus’ Mini-Con partner Leon, get whisked away into the EarthSpark universe, but the group gets separated from each other in Witwicky. By chance each kid winds up finding the Emberstone chamber and unwittingly activates it, creating more Terrans separate from the Maltobots. Unlike the Maltobots, these Terrans were born with alternate modes, scanned from choices in each child’s mind from their universe. These Terrans are also more openly aligned with the Autobots due to Grahm and the others’ bond with their previous Autobot partners, and are more oriented for combat than their Maltobot cousins.
Phoenix: Bonded to Grahm. Hotheaded, smart mouthed, and no-nonsense, Phoenix can and will tell off Optimus, Megatron, Termagax and Dot if he thinks they’re demeaning himself or the other Terrans. Gets along with the Maltobots, but finds Twitch and Hashtag’s exuberance draining to his circuits. The oldest of the new batch, he’s the de facto leader, and while well meaning, his slightly abrasive demeanor is off putting to his teammates. Like his namesake, he possesses literal firepower, and is hard to take down, always getting back up when it looks like he might be down for the count. His vehicle mode is based on a car Grahm fancied back at his Uncle Sparkplug’s garage.
Landhammer: Bonded to Thompson. A gentle Gorillabot, who enjoys reading and tabletop gaming. He’s good friends with Nightshade and Jawbreaker, due to their shared interests. The muscle of the group and a natural protector, he prefers defense over offense, despite having a punch strong enough to shatter the likes of Groundpounder’s arm. Has some degree of mastery over earth and can cause fissures and quakes with a punch or stomp.
Nightscream: Bonded to Meister. Shares Meister’s love of music, and has a particular interest in opera, perhaps influenced by Meister’s memories of Cyberverse Soundwave’s own love of Cybertronic opera. Has a bit of a rebellious bad boy streak that masks his insecurities, comparable to RiD15 Sideswipe. Openly gay and a bit of a flirt, but hasn’t found a Transformer he particularly likes yet. His best friend among the Maltobots is Thrash. Enjoys flustering male Decepticons with his flirty side to catch them off guard in a fight, though the tables can be turned when a Decepticon genuinely reciprocates back at him. Specializes in sound and sonic based attacks, making him a natural rival to EarthSpark Soundwave. Has a form of Mode Attachment and can usually be found in his Beast Mode.
Abhorrus: Bonded to Maddie. Functionally the daughter to Maddie’s previous partner Repugnus, and shares much of the Monsterbot’s schematics and personality traits. Naughty, hyperactive and mischievous, but a good kid all around. Her closest friends among the Maltobots are Twitch and Hashtag. While powered by Quintus Prime blessed water like other Terrans, Abhorrus enjoys Energon drinks, particularly K-Juice, and loves Pepsi products, and can usually be found with a drink in hand. Likes to get her hands dirty, and is usually the one to commit an act the other Terrans and Autobots are reluctant to do. Has casually bragged about off lining other Decepticons, and doesn’t trust them, being uneasy about EarthSpark Megatron due to awareness of other versions of Megatron because of Maddie’s memories of the Legacy Wars. Packs a powerful Cybervenom in her Beast Mode’s tail that can force an enemy into Stasis Lock after a couple bites.
Leon: Cyclone Mini-Con bonded to Optimus Prime. Calm, wise, but not afraid to show his softer, sillier side to compliment CV Optimus’ stoicism. Originally from Cyberverse, but has partnered with the local ES Optimus to better coordinate with the two sets of Terrans and their human partners. Was originally a star Baske-Trek player on pre-war Cybertron alongside Orion Pax until a humiliating defeat saw the two retire from the sport until their Earth adventures. Has a bit of trouble fully connecting with ES Optimus due to different universal circumstances such as this Optimus being more of Cube player.
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Gilded Family
Rating: Teen and Up, Gen
Ch 24/?: Puppets Vs. Pals
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6 , Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17,  Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23
In which none of the previous golden guards or wittebro died, actually, they're all fine and living happily together as one big dysfunctional family
Collector stroked his chin. “Hmmmm… What is this new game?”
“Weeeeell, it was a really fun one that Terra used to play with me all the time, called ‘covens versus wilds.’”
“Oh,” King yelped, “I know about this one! Eda… Eda told me.”
Phoenix shook his head. “Obviously, covens versus wilds doesn’t really make sense anymore, so we’ll call it… puppets versus pals.”
Collector nodded. “Huh. How do you play?”
“Well, there are two teams. Puppets, and pals.”
Collector clapped his hands. “Oh, we’re pals! And the rest of the isles… puppets! Easy teams!”
“Close,” Phoenix said slowly, “There’s one more role. It’s the most important role, and if no one does it, then we can’t play the game.”
“Oh, me!” Collector bobbed up and down in the air, raising his hand. “Me, me, me, I’ll do it, I want to do that one!”
“Are you sure? It puts you on the other team.”
“Yes! I want the super important part, I’ll be so good at it!”
Phoenix’s gut twisted.
You’re acting just like him. Tricking some kid into playing your game.
I have to
It isn’t the same, I have to.
“Okay, if you’re sure. Your job is that you are in charge. You’re running the base of operations here. You make sure all the puppets are coordinated. Because team pal’s job is to get out of the archive house and out of your… blue area. And team puppet is trying to get uuuuuuus tooooo…”
“The room! Our bedroom, it’s a good spot. What are the rules?”
“Um… you can’t leave the house, but you can send ALL of the puppets after us. If someone gets hurt, we have to pause. And… you can’t turn King or I into puppets. That’s cheating.”
“Okay! Hey, the yard is kind of big, especially since you can’t fly without me. How about I draw a new area? Look.” Collector clapped his hands, and outside, a wall of light sectioned off a swathe of land around the archive house. “You just have to get past the light wall to win! Okay, are we ready? Three! Two! One! Go!”
Phoenix scooped King up, bolting towards the hallway. Puppets appeared with a pop behind them at “go,” clattering wordlessly. Phoenix skidded to a stop in front of the window over the horn, yanking the glyph Lilith had given him out of his pocket. “We need to clear the skull. Can you break that window?”
A soundwave blasted out of King’s mouth, and the glass cracked, spiderwebs of white spreading across it.
Tap, tap, click.
A puppet lurched towards them, and Phoenix shuddered. “Time to go!”
He backed up, then took a running leap at the window, turning so that his shoulder hit the glass and his body shielded King from the impact. The glass shattered, and a thousand tiny shards bit into the right side of Phoenix’s body. The two of them slammed into the horn, and Phoenix scrambled for a grip, skin scraping across rough bone.
Come on, come on, come on—
Phoenix’s fingers cracked into the skull, and he and King slid to a stop. “Hah—huh—”
“You just broke bone!” King yelped, “How did you know that would work?!”
“I—was just hoping—I could find—a handhold.” Phoenix stared upwards, refusing to look at how far below them the ground was. “Okay, okay.”
Blue stars whirled down from the archive house, puppets sitting on top.
Don’t think, just do it, don’t think, just do it—
Phoenix took a deep breath, braced his feet against the horn, and pushed off, leaping clear of the skull. King screamed, clinging tightly to Phoenix.
Phoenix forced himself not to activate the glyph, watching the ground get closer… closer…
He hit the paper, and their fall slowed, the air around them humming and glowing blue. He twisted in midair and landed on his feet. It didn’t matter—his legs gave out the second he put weight on them, and he crashed to the ground.
“We just jumped. Off of the top of the skull. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Ahahaha.”
King’s grip came just on the verge of strangling Phoenix now. “Are you crazy?! It’s just a game!”
Phoenix pushed himself to his feet. “It’s not a game—it’s an escape. Let’s go.” He started towards the treeline—any cover was better than standing in the open, and according to the mental map Phoenix had made of the ‘yard,’ the river was somewhere in that forest.
A hand closed around Phoenix’s arm, and he whirled around, swinging his fist.
Cyrus’ date from the coven day parade stared at him, eyes blank. Phoenix twisted his arm mid swing, barely missing the puppet’s face. The puppet grabbed his arm and pulled, tugging him back towards the archive house, but Phoenix wrenched away, sweeping the puppet’s legs out from under him.
“Someone I know cares about you,” he told the stall owner, “Hold on for him.” He sprinted away before the puppet could get back up, weaving through the trees to break off his line of sight.
“What do you mean escape?” King demanded, “What about Eda and Lilith?!”
“I talked to them, actually. They’re in on this.” Phoenix ducked behind a tree, panting, as a star whirred past. The moment it was gone, he started to run again, ears swiveling to pick up any sound of running water.
“In on this… how?”
“We’re a distraction,” Phoenix lied, “The Collector should focus all of his puppet power on us, which leaves them unguarded. They slip out, we run out of here while the Collector stays in the archives.”
First you lied to the Collector. Now King.
I have to, or he’d never agree to come.
Not that lying to King would last. He’d figure out pretty quickly that Eda and Lilith hadn’t gotten away. Hopefully, Phoenix could keep him from running right back to the Collector to rescue them.
Looking out for his safety? Or your own?
Phoenix shook himself. It didn’t matter. This was what Eda and Lilith wanted for King. They were smart and tough—they’d find their own way out. In the meantime, they wanted King to get out and as far away from the Collector as possible.
“You don’t think the Collector will be suspicious? A game with rules specifically designed to let us run away from him while he has to stay put in the archive house?
Phoenix shook his head. “There’s only ever been one real rule to Covens vs. Wilds. And that’s that wilds can’t win. The odds are intentionally stacked against us.”
“Just like real life covens and wild witches.”
“Just like real life covens and wild witches,” Phoenix agreed, “Anyway, if it seems like a game we can’t win, it’s not so suspicious. And hopefully we’ll be long gone before he figures it out.” His ears twitched, picking up a splash, and he ran towards the sound, eyes constantly shifting across the trees, checking for puppets.
King sighed. “It doesn’t feel right. Tricking him, I mean. Belos tricked him for years, and the owl house game was a trick to get him to save the isles, and now we’re tricking him again.”
Phoenix’s gut clenched. The Collector was dangerous, there was no denying that. But he was just a kid. And if Phoenix and King got away with this, if they managed to run out of his reach… he’d be left alone with Terra. And Odalia.
Phoenix almost pumped the brakes at that thought, tripping over his own feet to keep going.
“I know. But he’s dangerous. And he can’t… he’s holding us hostage.”
“Maybe I should stay.”
“What?!” Phoenix did stop at that, looking around for watching eyes before crouching in a purple bush and letting King down so he could look him in the eye. “You can’t be serious.”
“Eda and Lilith will be safe. The Collector might not chase after the two of them, but he will keep looking for me.” King patted Phoenix’s hand. “I know you have people you want to get back to. So go to them. Splitting up will increase your chance of getting away, and maybe I can convince the Collector to let you go. That way, he won’t be alone, and you won’t have him hunting down your family.”
Phoenix shook his head. “I’m not leaving you behind. And you know Eda and Lilith wouldn’t want you going back either.”
“I’m not asking Eda and Lilith. I’m asking you.”
Puppets clattered by in a gang of ten, and Phoenix waited for them to pass, silent. Once they were out of sight, he heaved a sigh.
“Look. Collector is… complicated. I don’t think there’s a right answer here. All I know is that Eda and Lilith want you out of the archive house. And I’ll sleep a lot better at night if I know you’re not with him and Terra and Odalia all alone.”
King’s eyes seemed to search his face, then finally nodded. “Alright. Let’s go.”
“Yeah. Since you and Eda and Lilith planned all of this. But Phoenix, if I decide I want to go back…”
“I might not be the one you have to convince. The others can be… intense.”
“Alright. I’ll keep it in mind.” King scrambled back onto Phoenix’s back. “Let’s go.”
Phoenix pushed leaves aside, checking for more puppets. They’d passed for now, but Collector had the whole Isles worth out looking for them. Not seeing at least one or two out was… concerning, to say the least. He jogged towards where he’d heard that splash, moving southeast.
A wall of light blazed through the trees, so bright Phoenix started seeing spots.
Something grabbed his arm, and Phoenix twisted away, squeezing his eyes shut to block out the light.
I can’t see, but they can.
He charged forward blindly, pushing through puppets and shaking them off every time one latched onto his ankles or wrist.
King started to slide off his back, his little claws digging into Phoenix’s shoulders.
Phoenix pivoted, opening his eyes. His shadow loomed out in front of him, the light behind him flickering and making his shadow shudder, spikey horns sprouting from its head and disappearing just as quickly. The puppet that held King tilted its head at him, and he kicked it, grabbing King as it stumbled backwards. He closed his eyes again, running through the curtain of light. The blinding light pressing at his eyelids abruptly disappeared, leaving spots in their wake.
The puppets chattered, then fell into their ‘waiting’ position, joints loose.
“I… guess we won?” King suggested.
A star shot off from the archive house, falling towards them, and Phoenix’s blood chilled.
He’s coming for us.
“We need to go.”
He ran for the river, which he could hear in a dull roar of running water, constantly present now.
“Guys,” Collector laughed, his star skimming the ground next to them, “The game’s over. You won! You can stop running!”
Phoenix could hear King’s heartbeat throbbing against his back—or maybe that was his own heart, beating so hard against his ribs that he could feel it trying to get out.
“Phoenix. Stop running. Stop!”
Collector’s star whirled in front of Phoenix, and he skidded to a near stop, dashing to the side and continuing around him.
“Phoenix,” King’s voice said in his ear, frantic, “Phoenix, it’s not going to work—he’s too fast, it’s over!”
Phoenix shook his head, his breath coming in short, ragged pants, only half from the physical exertion. The forest had turned into a tunnel, with just the river at the end.
Have to keep going
Have to get out of here
Can’t stop
Can’t stop
Can’t stop
He took Darius
He’ll take King
He’ll take everyone from you
Not again
Not again
Not again
The ground cracked under Phoenix’s feet, and he crashed to the ground, driving glass shards from the window further into his arm and side.
“Phoenix?” Collector asked in a small voice, “Why won’t you stop running?”
“You have to let me go,” Phoenix gasped, “You have to let me go, Belos, you have to let… me…”
“What. Did you. Call me.”
“I—” Phoenix forced himself to take a deep, shuddering breath. “I didn’t mean—It just… slipped…”
“What do you mean, go? You’re not trying to leave me, are you?”
Say no! Phoenix’s mind screamed, You can still fix this, just pretend you got caught up in the game!
No. No more lying.
“Yes,” Phoenix told him, “Yes. I want to leave.”
“Wha—why?! I thought we were friends! Friends don’t leave friends!”
Phoenix pushed himself to his feet, wincing as the little glass shards tore at his flesh. “Friends… friends say goodbye, and they go home, Collector. I’m going home.”
Collector stamped his foot, and the ground shook again. “The archive house is your home! With me! Why do you have to go to some other place?”
“Do you have other friends? They don’t have to stay at another place, they can come to the archive house. We can all be friends! You don’t have to go! Where are they? I can bring them to the archive house just like that!”
“No!” Phoenix took another deep breath. “No.”
“Why not?!”
“You’ll turn them into puppets!”
“Yeah? That way they’ll be safe?”
“No. No, it just traps them. You have to understand that, you’re not keeping people safe, they’re not your friends, they’re your prisoners! I’m your prisoner.”
He had to understand. He had to—Phoenix didn’t want to hurt the Collector. He didn’t want to lie anymore, he didn’t want to trick the kid, and he definitely didn’t want to fight him. He just wanted to go.
Collector sputtered, crossing his arms. “Nuh-uh! Prison is being put in a disc and being alone forever and ever and ever and not being able to see anyone! No one is alone this way, and no one gets hurt! No one gets old or sick or dies! I’m protecting them, I’m protecting all of them! Why can’t you see that?! It’s not prison!”
Phoenix shook his head. “Prison is keeping someone against their will—and you’re not letting me go. I want to go home. Prove we’re not prisoners. Let us go. If we’re friends, you’ll let us leave. And you won’t follow us.”
Collector’s lip wobbled. “If we’re friends, that means you’ll come back, right?”
He still has Darius
And… I don’t want him to only have Terra and Odalia as company.
“I’ll come back,” Phoenix said slowly. A voice in the back of his mind screamed not to promise that, or for it to at least be a lie, but he squashed that part down. He’d let the others know what had happened to Jason and Hunter. He’d fulfill his promise to Eda and Lilith and get King to safety. And then he’d come back for Darius.
And the Collector.
Collector took a deep breath. “You’re sure you don’t want them to come back with you to the archive house?” he whined.
“I’m sure.”
“And you’re sure you’ll come back?”
“I’ll come right back to the skull and wave to one of your stars to pick me up,” Phoenix promised, “I won’t be gone long.”
“Like, you’ll be back tomorrow?”
“Uh… give me a week?”
“That’s forever!”
“Think about it. I’ve been with you for weeks, and my other home didn’t get to see me for all that time. It’s only fair.”
“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Fffffffine. Can I send a star with you to fly you back super fast, at least?”
“Man. C’mon, King. We’re gonna play some games that only need two players.”
King looked to Phoenix, who cleared his throat. “I was… actually thinking King would come with me?”
Collector froze, but didn’t turn around. “What?”
“I was thinking… King… would… come.”
“So King gets to meet your other friends, but I don’t?!” Collector whirled around, eyes blazing. “Are you trying to steal King from me?!”
Phoenix took a step back. “I…”
Say something
Say something
Say something!
“You can’t have him!” Collector screamed, “You can’t, you can’t, you can’t!”
King floated back towards the Collector, and Phoenix jumped forward, grabbing King’s arms. “No, no, no—”
“I’ve got you, King! I’ve got you!”
I promised Eda and Lilith
I promised King
I can’t let the Collector take him back!
“Mamadalia was right!” Collector howled, “She said you took her friend from her, and you’d take my friend, too!”
She did have another trick up her sleeve.
Collector twisted his finger, and King was jerked forward, dragging Phoenix closer to the Collector. “I said you wouldn’t ever, but she wasright, she was right, you’re nothing but a horrible, no good friend stealer!” His voice rose to a shriek that seemed to pierce Phoenix’s ears, and he was halfway certain if he checked, they would be bleeding. “You were lying about coming back!”
“I wasn’t,” Phoenix said desperately, “I swear, I—"
The Collector tugged again. King cried out, and Phoenix instinctively let go. “No!”
“I! Hate! You! You! Lied! Just! Like! PHILLIP!” Collector held up one hand, and a ball of blinding light formed over his palm.
King’s eyes widened. “Phoenix, RUN!”
A soundwave blasted out of his mouth, throwing Phoenix back towards the river. Phoenix saw the Collector’s magic hit the ground where he’d been, and a moment later, a boom echoed out, and the ground cracked. The shockwave left by the impact threw Phoenix up in the air, and he crashed back down to the ground.
He’s going to kill me
I can’t go back.
Phoenix scrambled to his feet, wheezing for air. Another ball of light sizzled past him on the left, crashing through thick tree trunks. Again, the sound followed moments after, a horrible, cracking, tearing noise. Phoenix bolted towards the river, took a deep breath, and dove in.
The current almost immediately swept him away, pushing him further downstream. Something hissed into the water—another attack from the Collector. The resulting wave sent Phoenix tumbling around in the water like a wet rag, sending the water over the banks. The Collector’s scream of rage disappeared in the roar of the wave.
Phoenix struggled to the surface for air, only to be thrust back down under. Claw up, gulp for air, thrown back beneath the surface in a dizzying whirl of bubbles. Over and over and over and over.
Finally, finally, the wave receded, and the current started to slow, washing him to shallower water. Phoenix stumbled out of the river and collapsed on the bank, retching up water and gasping for air.
He heard the whirring sound of one of the Collector’s stars, and he hauled himself up, staggering towards the nearest cover—a small town. He ducked into an empty house, flopping down on the floor and pressing his back against the wall.
The whirring got louder and louder, then faded into the distance. Phoenix stayed on the floor for a few more minutes, heaving in deep gulps of air. He finally reached up, grabbing the windowsill and pulling himself to his feet. His vision blurred, and he leaned on the wall for support, making his way back outside.
The town was deserted, as far as he could tell—nothing left but a few graffitied messages and an old billboard for… the coven day…
This was the town close to the house. He recognized that billboard, and the build of the houses.
Almost there
Phoenix stumbled out towards the trees, barely even stopping to check the skies for more spies. Blood pounded in his ears, and the sides of his vision seemed to fade away, completely focused on the trees ahead and the house he knew lay beyond them.
At least until the ground crunched and cracked beneath him, and in a confusing whirl of dirt and twigs, he was flat on his back, staring up at the sky. Steep dirt walls rose above him, penning him in.
“No!” Phoenix’s voice cracked. He rolled over, staggering back to his feet and jumping for the top of the pit. “No—no, no, no—” His fingers clawed into the soft dirt of the walls, and he slowly slid down, collapsing to his knees. He thumped his head against the wall, sending dirt cascading down to his lap.
I’m so close!
Phoenix curled into a ball, lying down against the earth. His bones seemed to sigh in relief, and his exhausted body told him to stay here forever, to just rest, finally rest.
The sky overhead slowly turned fiery orange, then red, then a dark blue, lit only by the glow of the moon.
And Phoenix heard scuffles in the night.
“Pit three got something,” Hamlet’s voice said, “Good. I was starting to think all the prey got turned into puppets.
Here, Phoenix wanted to call, It’s me, I’m here.
But his voice wouldn’t respond, as if his tongue had died in his mouth. He tried to sit, to stand, to move at all, but his limbs seemed to have fused into the ground, heavy and rooted down.
A glowing ball of light wafted over the pit, and four shadowy forms peered down. “Wait—that’s a witch. We caught a witch—careful, they might be a puppet.”
Something jumped down into the pit, and another glyph lit up. “It’s Phoenix!” Meleager yelped. “Hey—can you hear me?”
Phoenix blinked at him in response, his voice still frozen in his throat.
“Yeah—he looks pretty rough. Hang on, we’re coming up.”
Meleager drew his finger through the dirt, and something cold formed under Phoenix, pushing he and Meleager up out of the pit. Calloused hands hauled Phoenix up, slinging his arms over their shoulders and bracing his back with their arms. Phoenix stumbled forward with them, fighting to keep his eyes open.
“He’s shaking,” Horus hissed, “Titan—is he going into shock? Breathe, man.”
“Go warn Auric,” Meleager ordered next to Phoenix’s right ear. Footsteps thudded away.
“Oh, yeah—”
Horus wrangled a loop of string over Phoenix’s head, catching in his ponytail. A pendant thumped to Phoenix’s chest, and suddenly, golden light spilled out in front of him from a familiar house surrounded by a familiar fence. Fuzzy blue magic circled the perimeter, blue glyphs that hadn’t been there before glowing on the wooden posts.
“Phoenix is back!” Horus yelled.
The house murmured, and the door swung open with a bang, the hallway behind it filled with shadowy figures. Something flew out and cannoned into him, grabbing him in a tight hug. Phoenix cried out as the force drove glass shards further into his side, and the person wrapped around his waist let go, stepping back.
Mole looked Phoenix up and down, eyes wide and worried. And… searching.
“Jason’s not with me,” Phoenix croaked, “I sent him to the human realm. He’s safe, but he’s… stuck.”
Mole blinked rapidly, eyes welling up, then turned and ran, pushing past the other grimwalkers that were spilling out of the house.
“Mole—” Phoenix let go of Meleager and Horus, stumbling after Mole, but without their support, he only made it a couple of steps before falling.
Meleager caught him. “Alright, big guy. Let’s get you inside.”
“Move,” Venari ordered from the house, pushing grimwalkers out of the way and clearing a path for Meleager and Phoenix. Dozens of eyes tracked his movement, and whispers followed him into the house, fuzzy and indistinct.
Meleager helped Phoenix to the living room, which now featured a medical bench, a couple of cots, and a rack filled with potions and bandages that sat atop a bar counter. Auric was already inside, mixing something up in a bowl, and he pointed to the bench, and a steaming cup sitting on the counter next to him.
“Any life-threatening injuries?” he asked.
Phoenix shook his head. Meleager sat him on the bench and handed him the cup.
“It doesn’t taste very good,” he warned.
Phoenix took a sip. It did, in fact, taste horrible, like someone had put sulfur and spiders in a cup, but it traced a warm track down his throat and pooled in his stomach, warming his whole body and sending a burst of energy coursing through him. His mind seemed to snap back into focus, and all of the dull aches and sharp pains from his escape faded. Meleager took up position in the doorway, planting himself firmly and watching the hallway.
Auric hustled over, reaching for Phoenix’s arm, but Phoenix flinched away before he made contact, holding his arm to his chest. He eyed the other Grimwalker warily.
Auric held his hands up. “It’s okay. I know what I’m doing. Mom’s wiped from holding up the illusion around the house all the time, so I’m taking over on medical duty. You’re going to be alright, Phoenix. You’re safe now.”
Something wet dripped down Phoenix’s face and he slowly reached up to feel for a head injury. But the liquid was clear, coming from his eyes instead of a gash.
“Oh—” Auric’s hands twitched, fluttering around Phoenix’s shoulder without actually touching him. “Hey—it’s okay. You’re okay.”
“King’s not,” Phoenix whispered, “And Collector…”
“He’s not going to find us. We’re really well hidden.”
Phoenix shook his head. “That’s not what I…”
Caleb pushed through the doorway. “Phoenix! I’m sorry we didn’t get you, everything started collapsing, and people were panicking, and we couldn’t find you, and—”
“Belos is dead,” Phoenix whispered.
“He’s dead. Collector killed him.”
Caleb blinked, mouth opening and closing wordlessly. He took a deep breath, and let it all out in a sigh that seemed to melt his shoulders. “Okay. Okay. I… Hey. Cherry told me you got Jason to safety? Was Hunter with him?”
Phoenix nodded, tears still streaming down his face. He couldn’t stop them. He wasn’t sobbing, or even sniffling, the tears just… kept going. Silently, but steadily.
Caleb reached out, gently brushing a bedraggled strand of hair out of Phoenix’s face. “Hey. You did well. You protected your brothers. You held out against the Collector. I’m proud of you.”
“I think Mole’s mad at me,” Phoenix rasped.
“We’ll work it out. He wasn’t just worried about Jason—he was worried about you, too. And he’ll remember that. For now, let Auric take care of you. Okay?”
Caleb stepped back next to Meleager, nodding to Auric. Auric gingerly took Phoenix’s arm, lifting it up. “Okay—hold this arm steady. Dad can help you keep it up if it’s too heavy, just say the word. I want to get the shards out of your side.
Phoenix kept his arm lifted, and Auric went to work, yanking out glass with tiny tweezers. Phoenix winced at each little knife sliding out, but Auric was quick, and soon he was dabbing away blood and applying salves in quick, easy motions. The cuts went numb, along with most of Phoenix’s right side.
“Arm down,” he ordered, “What happened?”
“Jumped through a window.” Phoenix chuckled dryly. “I’ll have to tell AT that he was right—it was easier than going out the door.”
“Not funny.” Auric pulled another glass shard out of his bicep. “Do not tell… AT…” He froze, staring at Phoenix’s arm.
Auric grabbed a small knife and cut off Phoenix’s sleeve, sliding it off of his arm. He wormed the knife under the bandages Jason had tied. “Is this arm the only injured one?”
“I—my other arm was—but I think they sealed up on their own, I haven’t been having any—”
Auric tugged backwards, slicing cleanly through the bandages. He repeated the process on the other side. “You haven’t checked under the bandages since you got them?”
“No. Is something wrong?”
A high-pitched sound of distress emitted from Auric’s mouth, and he slapped one hand over his face. “Sorry—sorry, that was… unprofessional. Phoenix, this is very, very important. How did you get these wounds? Possibly more importantly, did anything get in them after you did?”
“Belos’ claws. I don’t think anything got in them? Jason bandaged them quickly.”
“Okay,” Auric said faintly, “Okay. Dad? Can you… come take a look at this? Just confirm that I’m seeing what I’m seeing?”
“What?” Phoenix asked, “What’s wrong?”
Caleb pushed off of the wall, huddling next to Auric. His nostrils flared, and he whirled around. “Meleager. Get Evelyn. Now.”
“What?!” Phoenix demanded, twisting to look at his arm.
The wound had sealed, alright. It had sealed over in a skin of dark blackish green sludge that oozed and bubbled like tar. Veins of the same color spread out downwards under his skin, creeping towards his hands.
Phoenix gagged, clawing at the covered wound. “Get it out!”
Caleb caught his hands. “Phoenix—Phoenix, leave it. Leave it. Look at me. Evelyn’s coming. We’re going to figure this out. Just take a deep breath.”
Phoenix sucked in a deep breath, dragging his eyes away from the festering wound. “What—why-?”
“Looks like Phillip left a little bit of his cursed form behind when he attacked you. If it’s anything, I’m willing to bet it’s just like an infection in a regular wound from bacteria. It’s just… magical.”
“Let me see.” Evelyn gently pushed Caleb to the side, sitting next to Phoenix. She looked… tired. Her face had thinned, and the circles under her eyes were as dark as Caleb’s. But her hands were steady, and she examined the wound with sharp, analytical eyes. “Hm. Alright, let’s get this out.”
Evelyn drew a circle in the air, and golden tendrils drifted out, pushing into the cursed mud. The greenish sludge started to circle out, drawn up the golden threads in a spiral. The mud reached halfway up the tendrils, and the world tilted. Something roared inside of Phoenix, and he slumped forward. Somewhere, he heard a scream, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw Caleb holding Evelyn bridal-style, her body limp.
Auric’s arms encircled Phoenix’s chest, and the grimwalker tugged backwards. “Sit—up—” he grunted, “I’m going—to drop you!”
“Evelyn!” Caleb yelped.
She reached up, gently patting his face. “I’m alive, love,” she said weakly, “I’m okay.” Her eyes slid to Phoenix, sparking with fear. “The infection ate my spell,” she said shakily, “It just… absorbed the magic!”
“It’s Phillip’s curse, alright,” Caleb said grimly. He set Evelyn on her feet, but kept one arm wrapped around her to support her, “Phoenix, you haven’t… felt anything strange? Any pain in your arms? Strain, like you’re falling apart? A… need to consume magic, like palisman?”
Phoenix shook his head. “I didn’t even realize something was wrong until now.”
“Hm.” Evelyn studied him. “Any magical symptoms? Strange dreams? Thoughts that don’t seem like they’re yours? Weird impulses?”
“Not that I can think of?”
Evelyn hissed out a long breath. “Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiight… we have a couple of options here. Obviously, how I normally get at an infection isn’t going to work. One option is that we cut it out.”
Phoenix’s gut churned. “Like…”
“Like with knives,” Evelyn confirmed. She gestured at his arms. “But I don’t want to do that unless I absolutely have to because of how much of your arm it takes up and because I don’t know how deep it runs. It would take a long time to heal, and if we’re not careful, we could permanently damage your arms.”
Phoenix gulped. The idea of carving out a chunk of his arms… sure, he’d just tried to claw it out himself, but this was much more serious. And permanent. “And… the other option?”
“We do nothing,” Evelyn said simply, “It doesn’t seem to be hurting you for now, and based on how it reacted to my magic, it might turn hostile if we try to mess with it. So, we don’t touch it. See if your body burns it out like a regular infection, or if it settles into a harmless part of you. We’ll keep an eye on it, but we’ll leave it alone.”
“I… I think I like that one better.”
“You have to let us know if anything changes and it gets worse.” Evelyn jabbed a finger at him. “I mean it. No playing heroic stoicism, mister. If you so much as get an unusual tingle in your fingertips, you let me know. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Good. Hopefully, it’ll clear out on its own. If it doesn’t…” Evelyn shook her head. “We’ll figure it out. For now… we wait.”
A/N: It is very important to me you guys know that "Phoenix gets Belos Infected due to Belos goop getting into an open wound and in his bloodstream" has been planned in the plot SINCE KING'S TIDE AIRED, and I was SO mad when it happened as a canon plot point.
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aeoki · 7 months
SS Finals - Everyday: Chapter 5
Location: Seisou Hall (Yuzuru & Touri’s Room) Characters: Touri & Yuzuru
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< At that time. Seisou hall – Yuzuru and Touri’s room. >
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Yuzuru: Yes. Thank you, Hibiki-sama.
Indeed. It seems the Young Master is not feeling very well, so I shall participate in the afternoon practice by myself.
No, it’s not that serious. In fact, I’d say he seems more energetic than usual, judging by his behaviour.
The Young Master has had difficulty falling asleep and waking up as of late. He doesn’t appear to have much of an appetite, either.
It makes me wonder if it’s due to poor health.
Hehe. His loss of appetite may be due to the fact that he noticed I had injected pulverised beef bones into his favourite pudding.
Yes. Growing children should consume more calcium for their developing bones.
To think he’d find out… I’d thought he had the tongue of a child, but it seems he has indeed grown.
Of course, it’s possible I may simply have gotten the wrong idea, though.
After all, I do have a tendency to be a worrywart when it comes to the Young Master.
However, as the butler who has served him for many years, I hope you can trust my instincts.
Right. I suppose he looks to be putting on a brave front.
He appears to have something on his mind after what happened during “SANCTUARY”...
He pushed himself too hard for his work and practice sessions, so I’d like for him to rest in preparation for “SS”.
I’d like him to not overdo it and rest first. Yes – I am first and foremost his butler before I am an idol.
The Young Master’s health is something I must prioritise.
Hmm? I’m his family before I am his butler? Even if that were to be true, that would not change my decision.
It’s a bad habit of yours to joke about a subject matter you would not like to touch upon yourself, Hibiki-sama.
It’s not “Amazing!” Please don’t shout like that – you’ll burst my eardrums.
I may be able to block bullets, but I cannot block soundwaves.
Yes, please do so. I apologise for the trouble, but please let Eichi-sama know. After all, he’s together with you right now, isn’t he?
Hmm? He’s not? I see you two have been doing things separately as of late, Hibiki-sama.
No, I think that’s quite satisfactory. In fact, I find it quite unpleasant to see you two all over each other day in and day out.
…As I’ve said, it’s not “Amazing!” It’s also another bad habit of yours to shout that whenever you cannot be bothered explaining.
Please communicate properly with me, Hibiki-sama.
I learnt that was the most important thing for idols at Yumenosaki.
Yes, that’s all I had to say.
Yes, alright… Then, see you later ♪
...*Sigh* (My ears are ringing. How can he be full of energy all the time?)
(Perhaps it’s because his energy levels are infinite. Meaning, he is simply a child.)
(A child for eternity… I suppose that could be seen as an ideal characteristic in this line of work.)
Touri: Yuzuru~...?
I heard some voices, but did someone come by? Was it Eichi-sama?
Yuzuru: No, no. I was just talking to Hibiki-sama on the phone.
As I mentioned earlier, someone here won’t be attending the practice today, so I called to let him know.
Touri: Hmm? You’re not gonna take part today? Did you have another important appointment or something?
Yuzuru: No. I’m thinking of having you not attend the practice, Young Master… I see you didn’t hear our conversation, after all.
I won’t ask you to be like an emperor, but in order for you to become someone worthy of being a leader for others in the future–
Touri: Oh, geez, just shut up! You nag every time you open your mouth!
…I’m doing my best, so can’t you praise me a little?
Yuzuru: No. In fact, the issue is that you’re doing too much.
Touri: I don’t understand you! I’m gonna attend practice like I’m supposed to! I’m the master, so you should be the one listening to what I say.
Yuzuru: But–
Touri: Zip it, I don’t wanna hear it. Not from someone who’s not gonna tell me the important things.
…I’ve gotta grow bigger and stronger – So big and strong that no one can ignore me.
Yuzuru: …………
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forgive me — starscream 🥺🙈 🍷soundwave 😴 🎤 📱
You are more than forgiven you are THANKED
obviously, NSFT content below the cut
Very brief, non-explicit mention of past dubcon under Starscream’s🍷section.
🥺 first time headcanon:
I think Starscream's first time was probably when he went away to university. According to the Halloween special, he had a mentor when he was really young, and she seems like a hardass so I doubt he had time for any extracurricular activities. Starscream being Starscream and the first year of university being the first year of university, I doubt it took him long to hook up. I don't have a ton to say about it bc I have a feeling it was a random one-or-two time thing with someone ultimately inconsequential, and it probably sucked more than he's willing to admit.
🙈 something they’re shy about asking for:
I’m SURE he has some sort of weird kink. Everyone has a weird thing, and if they tell you they don’t, that probably means it’s SUPER weird. Weird kinks aside, I think what he has the most trouble asking for is to be taken care of. I’ve said this before, but I have no fucking clue what the gay equivalent of the wlw pillow princess is, so I’m just going to call him a pillow princess. Not all the time, but it’s definitely something he’s interested in, and he’s been laughed at enough for it that he HATES asking. Definitely something he only brings up in serious relationships with partners he trusts. That being said, he will demand what he wants rather than asking for it, because of course being a bitch is easier than being normal and communicating with your partner.
🍷 tipsy sex headcanon:
Oh he is so giggly and lovey when he’s tipsy. Unfortunately, after a few negative experiences during the war, it’s lost a bit of its fun, but it’s definitely something he and Wheeljack get up to once they’ve been together for a little while. It’s nice! Starscream gets to be a little more relaxed and happy than usual, and he likes to enjoy that time with Wheeljack. When he’s tipsy, he’s very kissy and he wants to make out the whole time. Favorite position is sitting in Wheeljack’s lap so he can make out with him while they fuck.
😴 falling asleep after sex:
Oh definitely. He’s grey-ace, and part of the grey-aceness for him is that he’ll only have sex with someone he knows and trusts well. Afterwards, if they’ve got the time and the place, he definitely likes to cuddle. IMO cuddles after sex are almost better than the sex itself, and Soundwave is of the same mind. One of the many benefits of being autistic is that being laid on by your partner feels FANTASTIC. World’s warmest prettiest most beloved weighted blanket. So yeah, after sex, Soundwave definitely likes to have a cuddle and a nap.
🎤 how loud they are:
Pretty quiet! Soundwave’s voice is pretty soft when he’s talking one-on-one and not trying to get/keep the attention of a group, and this doesn’t change when he’s having sex. He’ll make a lot of little sighs and noises like that, but he doesn’t talk much and none of the noises are very loud. Talking is simply too much concentration to be done during sex. When he comes, he’s completely silent about it. His whole frame locks up and he opens his mouth and breathes very shakily, but he doesn’t make any noise.
📱 phone sex headcanon:
Not really his thing. Like I said above, he’s pretty quiet and dirty talk isn’t his strong suit, so he always feels awkward trying it. THAT BEING SAID. Once he gets the hang of it, he REALLY enjoys listening to his partner over comms. Masturbating to the sound of his partner getting off is, in Soundwave’s book, a 10/10 experience.
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shepardlives · 2 years
1,2,3,4,11 for shakarian and/or your fave transformer ship. Mix them up or do whichever you want. Delight me. ✌️
Congrats you get both <3
1. Neither of them are early birds because they’re both night owls. One of them tries to scold the other for working late and they just fire back with “girl why are YOU up at 3 am 👀”
2. Garrus is the big spoon by necessity but he usually wakes up with his head in Shepard’s chest being protected by his wife <3
3. Shepard is a blanket thief and Garrus won’t rest until his truth is known. They’re both pretty tactile but Garrus is more so, especially after the war and he can lean on his wife in public now
4. Shepard because Garrus still can’t break the habit of letting her sleep as much as possible, he hates waking Shepard up
11. Garrus watches romance movies for “research purposes”, Shepard watches horror movies to unwind
WaveWave because I’m in a big loving them mood today <3
1. Soundwave literally will not sleep if you let him get going. Shockwave has to drag him to bed
2. They switch because sometimes the communications mech with the entire cause on his shoulders needs to be held and sometimes the scientist who literally got his brains scrambled for saying maybe things should be different needs to get held
3. Soundwave is both very snuggly and also a thief. Shockwave is endlessly fighting between being over heated and cold.
4. Soundwave because shockwave doesn’t have a fucking mouth
11. Soundwave can watch a horror movie straight faced no reaction until the end with just a “yeah I enjoyed that” meanwhile shockwave hears the opening music and leaves the entire building. Soundwave likes romance movies too and shockwave finds them illogical and the decisions confusing but he’ll watch them with Soundwave
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Forgotten Dream
(Megop Week 2022, Day 3: Laughter/No Escape)
(Note: Set during the TFP Orion Pax arc.)
(Warnings: None)
Megatron knew he didn’t need to be here. In fact, with the hunt for the Iacon relics now fully underway, it behooved him to remain on the Bridge as overseer. His troops felt the same way, as evidenced by the curious stares that had bored into him as he left the Bridge. Only Soundwave had understood. If the intelligence officer disapproved, he’d said nothing. Not that his disapproval would have stopped Megatron; he couldn’t even stop himself.
Even the Vehicons stationed outside the energon storage room side-eyed him. Let them. It wasn’t as if they could protest without fear of his wrath (which he would enact swiftly if it came down to it).
I am their leader. They will not challenge me.
The heavy metal doors before him opened. His steely resolve wavered - just briefly - as Orion turned to face him. Not Optimus. Orion Pax.
“Lord Megatron,” Orion greeted him formally. Do not call me that, he wanted to say, To you, I was always Megatronus.
“Orion,” Megatron instead said, “How goes your assignment?”
“Rather slowly, as I mentioned before,” Orion responded with a frown. His brows drew together. They weren’t nearly as weighted as Optimus’s were. Even the downturn of his mouth was less defined. There was no hint of the Prime that he had been mere days ago. Megatron found himself reeling from the change.
Orion continued to speak, and Megatron listened, “I have not managed to decode any more of the artifact locations,” he glanced sheepishly up at the Decepticon leader, “I suppose you wish you’d found another long lost archivist.”
He smiled slightly. Megatron drew himself up, unsure how to respond. If he stretched his memories back to all those cycles ago, he could recall that this was how they’d used to interact. This easy repertoire they’d shared felt like a forgotten dream that had been shrouded by nightmare after nightmare. His fists clenched unconsciously. After all that had happened, how could he possibly still feel this way about Orion? It defied all reason, and yet Orion stood there, confused by Megatron’s silence, his blue eyes wide and concerned, and all Megatron wanted to do was sweep him up in his arms and never let go.
“Megatr- Lord Megatron?” Orion prompted. Megatron knew he’d been about to say “Megatronus,” and he almost begged him to finish.
“No, Orion,” he said quietly, “I am glad that you are here…This is how it always should have been.”
Orion glanced away, though not before Megatron saw the beam that lit up his whole face, that smile that he’d assumed he’d never see again.
“I am flattered,” Orion replied softly.
Megatron knew he had to regain control of himself.
“That does not mean you can shirk your duties,” The warning felt hollow to his audial sensors but he continued anyway, “Do not assume you have special privilege as a result of our...shared history.”
He turned quickly to leave. Before he could even take a step, every joint in his body froze up. His red optics widened and he couldn’t resist the need to spin back around, because Orion was laughing. Head dipped forward, the archivist’s shoulders shook as a soft chuckle rattled his frame. His smile was wide and unabashed and his optics closed briefly from the force of it. Suddenly, Megatron found himself dreaming again. They were sitting atop the Iacon Hall of Records, Orion leaning into him, that same laughter passing from him to Megatronus.
“You cannot say such things about Alpha Trion,” the archivist playfully scolded, “He was only looking out for me.”
“Well, he doesn’t have to,” Megatronus said, laughter dying down slightly, “You have me now.”
“I have you now,” Orion repeated with a contented chuckle, “We have each other, do we not?”
Their laughter subsided into a comfortable silence. Iacon faded away until they were again aboard the Nemesis. Orion’s optics shone as he spoke.
“As you command, Lord Megatron.”
For a moment, Megatron pondered something he hadn’t thought about in ages. But it was only for a moment. Seizing control of himself, the Decepticon leader left without looking back.
You fool, He paused outside the door, optics squeezed shut, It won’t last.
Finally able to lift leaden feet, he marched forward, brushing by the Vehicon troopers, whose questions fell on deaf receptors. It will never last.
When he came upon a deserted hallway, he sagged against the wall.
I hate you, Optimus Prime. His whole frame quivered with rage, I hate you.
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rawmeknockout · 3 years
pegging 🦇ratbat🦇 god bless
//i got a rattrap request and i was really excited cause i thought it was ratbat at first so i had to write this it needed to be done i didnt know it needed to exist until i was disappointed//
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Ratbat isn’t a good man in any respect, never has been, but he treats you better than his companions ever have. He knows intimately the cruelty that Decepticons are capable of, and he was able to wield that cruelty with a soul-crushing efficiency. And you had a strange ability to stay just close enough to Ratbat, just well enough in his good graces.
You aren’t sure you appreciate the Autobots giving him his original body back. Restoring him to his previous grandeur, as far as appearance and stature go. Ratbat has since informed you it’s a small reparation for the millions of years of embarrassment working under Soundwave. He even has the privilege of a position on Earth, where he can stay close to you and work with the Autobots to sustainably harvest energon. As much as Ratbat’s ability to weasel out of going to robot prison should thrill you, really it’s the cause of your first grey hair.
Because now you get to come home everyday to Ratbat lounged across your creaking bed, luxuriating in the marvel of his bipedal body. This time you’re at least prepared enough to know you won’t be doing anything for the next few hours.
“Come, my beloved,” He calls to you, hand outstretched to beckon you. You want to roll your eyes, but you’re already stumbling out of your work trousers. As much as you want to deny him, you take his hand and crawl between his spread thighs. He knows he’s beautiful, all long legs and sharp angles, taking up the entirety of your bed and then some. You used to enjoy curling your body into a C around him, pulling his head in tight to your soft chest, now he’s so tall you can’t fit against him without feeling like a speck. “You need to quit that dead end job already. There’s no reason for you to work when I can support you.”
“I don’t want to depend on someone else for my needs,” You can’t reach his lips to give him a kiss, but you peck at his palm when it cups half your face. That doesn’t help the pout that sets on his mouth, and you know you’re in for another argument if you don’t defuse his disappointment. “I’ll think about it, if you’re really serious. Maybe I’ll take you up on that.”
Sometimes it’s better to just give him what he wants, and you’re feeling particularly indulgent. You can’t imagine living in a body that feels unlike your own, like a house that belongs to someone else, for millions of agonizing years. So maybe Ratbat deserves to get what he wants for once. He hooks his ankles together, pulling you in tight to his warm interface panel, and leans up for a kiss. It’s not like you aren’t getting something out of this, and it feels good to do for someone you’ve become so close with. Ratbat’s too-sharp-hands scrabble at your back and feel down your familiar body, as you lean over to fumble around your nightstand for your strap on. He’s easily memorized every inch of your body, and his hands still reach for you again and again.
Something about him still appreciating the expected is... sweet coming from someone like Ratbat.
He makes up for his bratty behavior with an eagerness that borders on manic, already rocking and grinding his interface panel against you before you’ve even got your ‘equipment’ on. Ratty’s lips are on your neck, on your cheek, anywhere he can reach. His erratic, hurried temperament only suffices to make you antsy for him, your hands sliding over the grooves and seams of his new armor. His body is still so shiny and novel, unworn by the war, and your sweaty hands slip across him like he’s wet stone. He looks untouched by hardship and battle, but Ratbat’s eyes are as frigid and steely as ever.
“Don’t make me wait,” He uses his legs around your waist to rock you into his array, voice stuttering when hard silicone scrapes against his modesty panel, right before it transforms away for you. As hard as life can be with Ratbat, you’ll never get tired of seeing him openly and eagerly bare his valve to you. The way he looks at you unguarded, so unlike he is when anyone else is in the room.
You try to push into him slow, but Ratbat moves against you with legs twisting and squeezing your waist, until the base of your strap is nudged up against his anterior node. He purrs your praises in that too-high nasal voice that shouldn’t be as attractive as it is, a curse and your name stuttered together on his lips. You know he won’t bother waiting for slow love-making, so you bear into him like he wants with all the energy and passion you can muster for him. It’s enough, you assume, because he’s keening for more and bucks up into your thrusts. Everything you do for him should be enough, but you still wish you had more. More time, more energy, more body to give him. You know Ratbat is greedy and it would never be sufficient.
“Come on, is that all you’ve got?” His voice is breathy, as if he can actually breathe, and comes out in a higher pitch than normal. But Ratbat still looks smug, even with lip caught by his fangs and eyes brighter than normal. Your soft palm slides over Ratbat’s node in response, pushing down hard for your flesh and bone arm, but he whines appreciatively. “I wish you would overload in me, beloved. Fill me with your sparklings over and over.”
And although part of you finds that way hotter than it has any right to be, you don’t need to explain the biological impossibility to Ratbat. You let him babble his half-baked sexual fantasies, while you fuck him to the sound of your bed singing in despair.
Ratbat rolls down into your thrusting one last time, before his back arches and he overloads. His clawed hands nearly tearing up your back while he clings to your muscle and bone, dragging stinging lines across tinfoil skin. He watches you, satisfied, toothy grin across his lips, while you seek out your own orgasm. Ratbat’s armored abdomen curls under your tiny hand when he leans up to kiss your forehead, into your messy hair, across your neck. Even after you’ve finally stopped moving against him, weak from your orgasm and keeping up with a giant mech, he continues peppering you with desperate kisses. Showing, rather than telling, you about his still aching spark.
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Starscream finds out Skyquake’s sensitive spots and, unintentionally but made for ‘just-in-case’ purposes, puts it down as ways to get the upper hand on Dreadwing. Skyke’s unwittingly giving info up and if Screamer does need to worm his way out from an overprotective brother, Drwing gets some… implications-!
Dot always comes in with the GOOD asks??? Holy shit, let’s fucking GO, love this ship to pieces.
Dreadwing was always an early bird. Always up with the rising sun. As such, he was the first time in the decepticon dining hall, helping himself to a hot cup of energon coffee, and reviewing all of his duties for the day on his data pad. He was about to bring the steaming cup to his lips, when he noticed someone enter from the corner of his optics. He thought it was Soundwave (he swore the mech never slept), maybe the off vehicon, but no. Starscream. Odd. The mech was usually a late riser if anything. He yawned, gave himself a stretch, before walking to the coffee pot, right next to Dreadwing. There was a moment of silence between them, when there was a small ‘ding’ heard. Starscream pulled up his own data pad, only to chuckle. Dreadwing scoffed.
“You’re smiling.”
“It’s called being happy. You should try it sometime.”
“I’m quite content when you aren’t hiding my brother from me. Let me guess, talking to some buymech?”
“Your brother, yes.”
Starscream leaned against the table as he chuckled, taking a sip of his own brew. Dreadwing forced himself to breathe. He couldn’t fly off the rails, as much as he’d like to.
“You should do well to respect my brother, especially in my presence,”
“I respect him just fine, you just bring out the ugly in me.”
“You have a pretty part of you? I have yet to see it.”
Now it was Starscream’s turn to grumble, wings up high in aggravation. Dreadwing smirked, helping himself to another sip of his brew. Dreadwing thought that was the end of it. Then Starscream decided to speak again.
“Oh by the way, tea time with Skyquake is cancelled. He wants to stay in berth today.”
“His laziness doesn’t matter. He is going to have his usual routine, it is good for him.”
Starscream snapped his servos at him (as if he was a mutt), demanding his attention. For some reason, he looked even more angry than a second ago.
“What is WITH you? Your brother is tired. I’m tired. I’m only here because he wanted some energon in berth.”
“Since you’re texting him so much, you tell him he will have energon tea with me at the usual time, and not a moment before. We can’t all be impulsive like you.”
“I’m not telling him slag. You can tell him that, while he’s in MY berth drinking the coffee I brought him.”
Starscream was about to leave with both cups, when Dreadwing decided he had enough, stepping in front of Starscream. He noticed the seeker’s wings falter, if only for a moment.
“You will put that coffee down. You will tell him to meet me for our usual duties. And you will remember your place.”
He expected Starscream to obey him, if only to save his hide. But Starscream went on his toes (he was a VERY short mech), trying to get into his face as much as he could, before he spoke, voice nearly seething.
“You will get out of my way. And stop being jealous that he likes being with ME more than he likes being with YOU.”
And that was the straw that broke that seekers back. Dreadwing was usually so much composed, but the idea that someone, especially this little seeker, could possibly take his brother FROM him? It flipped a switch in him. Suddenly he pounced on Starscream, sending them both to the floor. The cups shattered and hot energon spilled beside them, but Dreadwing didn’t care. He only cared that the seeker’s neck was in between his hands, and his claws were damn near digging through the metal. It’d be easy to yank his head off, but he wanted to enjoy this, savor this.
“That’s right, not so high and mighty with a big mech over you, are you?!”
Starscream thrashed under him, claws scratching the paint on his arms, legs flailing wildly and kicking at his body. But Dreadwing refused to relent. Starscream choked up some words, but they were lost in Dreadwing’s might.
“Look at you. The second a mech has their claws on you, you do nothing. You’re WEAK. You’re pathetic. You aren’t worthy of-”
Then Starscream kicked him. Right at his armpit. His heel dug into the sensitive metal, and Dreadwing recoiled, hissing as he held onto the area. Starscream sat up, scattering away from him like some measly spark rat.
“You were trying to k-kill me! What is wrong wi-”
“How did you know to kick me there?”
“You kicked me there on purpose. How did you know that?”
Starscream didn’t speak for a minute. Then it clicked.
Dreadwing made a dive for him, when a force grabbed him, yanking him away.
“Woah woah woah! What the PITS is happening here?!”
Dreadwing looked up. Skyquake. Dreadwing pointed at Starscream in accusation.
“He was! You two were!-”
“He came at me like an ANIMAL! I was bringing you your coffee and he’s suddenly CHOKING me! I was terrified! My life was flashing before my optics!”
Dreadwing opened his mouth to defend himself, when he saw Skyquake’s face. Anger. Disappointment. He let his brother go, and went to Starscream.
“I am SO sorry. Next time, I’ll get the coffee for us. Here, let me carry you to Knockout, make sure he didn’t break anything important.”
Skyquake lifted him up bridal style, and Star scream threw his head back, as if he were dead. Dreadwing watched as Skyquake walked away, just in time to see Starscream smirk at him, and stick his glossa out at him. Suffice to say.
Dreadwing did NOT like Starscream.
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