#because I'm quite pleased with how it turned out
ashwhowrites · 3 days
Hi, I love ur stories and I had an idea I was hoping you could write. If not I completely understand and respect that. I loved ur fic where Eddie was the popular one instead and everyone thought hellfire/his band was cool. So would you be able to write another popular Eddie Munson x shy/nerdy reader fic but instead it doesn’t deal with the whole upside it’s more so of Eddie is popular and gets paired with nerdy reader or kind of like a 10 things I hate about you sort of thing where there’s a bet and she finds out about it but a happy ending please:) if not completely fine. I hope you have a great day/night and wish all the best for you <3
I think this got a little long because I squeezed it all in one part. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Bet on me
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It wasn't a shock that Eddie could get any girl he wanted. And his long list of the girls he dated could back that up. He never had anyone turn him down and that made him cocky. His friends loved it, boys will be boys. And boys love to play games.
"How was the date with Tracy?" Blake asked, one of Eddie's popular friends.
"It was alright. She was easy so that was nice" Eddie smirked, just another girl on the list.
"Well, you aren't the only one that got laid last night. I got Chrissy Cunningham, which puts me above you" Josh gloated. A pleased smile on his face as Eddie rolled his eyes.
"How did you land her? She's like forbidden" Eddie asked, a little hit to his ego.
"Either way, Josh is now at the top of the list. Getting closer to the $300" Blake said, writing down little dashes next to Josh's name.
"No way. I'm not losing $300. Who do I need to date to get me on the top?" Eddie asked, shoving Josh aside as he continued to brag.
"Um, how about..." Blake said as he looked around. Eddie watched as a twisted smirk showed up on his face. He looked back to Eddie with evil in his eye.
Josh laughed out loud. A laugh so hard he smacked Eddie next to him.
"Dude there's no way she's going to agree to that!" Eddie argued. Y/N was the nerd of the school. There were a few nerds, but she was the smartest out of all of them. She was quiet and kept to herself. How the hell would Eddie get her to date him? How the hell would he even get a conversation started?
"Damn, then it looks like you can hand over that $300 now," Josh said, holding out his hand.
"If anyone can crack her, it'll be you," Blake said, encouraging Eddie as he hyped him up.
"I'll add $200 more if you can take her virginity," Josh smirked, knowing Eddie wouldn't shy away from a higher bet.
"Well gentleman, looks like I'm making $500" Eddie smirked as he walked off, heading towards her direction.
Y/N finished grabbing her books from her locker. She slammed the locker shut and jumped as Eddie leaned against the metal beside her.
"Y/N right?" He asked, putting on his best charming smile.
"Um yeah," she said quietly, not quite making eye contact with the popular boy.
"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime?" He asked, putting his arm near her head as he leaned into her. He felt a blow to his ego when she stepped back.
"I'm sorry but I don't think we have much in common." She spoke quietly that he could barely hear her. But she walked past him.
It looked like Eddie had to put in more work than he was used to.
Eddie waited a few days before he talked to her again. He didn't want his sudden interest to be that suspicious.
He walked into his math class, heading straight for the teacher.
"Mr. Munson, what can I do for you?" The teacher sighed
"Can I get a tutor? I need to pass this next test or my uncle is gonna kick my ass." He said, not a full lie. Wayne was getting pissed off with Eddie's grades.
"Language," the teacher scolded, "but I'm glad you are finally accepting help. I have a few options, there is Char-"
"I want Y/N," Eddie said, well demanded.
"Y/N? She is my best student but she doesn't take well to tutoring the popular crowd" the teacher explained.
"I'll make her change her mind," Eddie said with a cocky smile
And just like that Y/N was in the palm of his hand.
It took a few days before the teacher assigned her to tutor him. She tried to fight it but the teacher refused. She was extremely confused as to why Eddie would request her, and the thought made her nervous.
She took a deep breath and knocked on the small trailer. She looked down at the address on the piece of paper, making sure she was in the right place.
She looked up as she heard the door open. Spit caught in her throat as a shirtless and incredibly sweaty Eddie stood before her.
"Sorry. Was doing a workout, come on in" he said, stepping aside as she walked in. He pushed back his sweaty curls and closed the door.
"Do you want me to come back?" She asked. She felt extremely awkward that she interrupted a workout.
"No, you're fine. I'll just rinse off quickly and join you. Feel free to take a seat on the couch and help yourself to anything in the fridge" he said before he headed off into the bathroom.
She sat on the couch, taking in the small trailer. She could see baby photos of Eddie and an older man. The walls were covered in mugs and baseball caps. But it was a place of memories.
She grabbed out her books, pencils, and paper. She wasn't the type to help herself to something in the fridge so she sat and waited. She tried to shake away the thought of Eddie standing in the shower. The water dripped down his toned and tatted chest.
A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened and Eddie walked out, head down as he rang out his long hair. A loose muscle tank top covered his chest, and her eyes were locked on his arms. Then she looked down and took in his sweatpants. She looked away as he looked up. He tossed the towel back in the bathroom and walked to sit right next to her.
She shivered as she took in the smell of his shampoo and aftershave. She yelled at herself in her head to get a damn grip. But Eddie was attractive, everyone knew that. And she was simply a girl sitting next to the hottest boy in school, watching him get out of the shower.
"Where do we start?" He asked, smirking as she jumped out of her skin. He loved that behind all her walls, she was still a girl who found him attractive. At least now he knew what he could play at.
"With your last test," Y/N said, taking out his graded test and handing it over for him to look at. "Tell me what you don't understand" She looked up at him as she waited for him to answer.
"How you are so beautiful and don't have a boyfriend" he replied, his eyes looking nowhere near the paper.
"Oh...uh thanks," she said, "but I meant about the math, Eddie."
He sighed as his words seemed to not have any effect. She was able to compose herself and brush him off.
He figured he needed to earn a little friendship with her first. So he sat there for two hours doing math.
Y/N sighed in relief when the sky got dark and she had a reason to go home.
"Well it's getting dark so I better head out. You did very well today. I think we can get you around a C" she said as she stood up.
"Why don't you stay a little longer?" He asked, grabbing her hand and freezing her in her spot. "Maybe talk without it being about numbers?"
"I uh- I rode my bike here so I really should go home." She said, giving him a small smile as she released her hand from his.
She waved bye as she walked out the door.
Eddie sighed as the door closed. She was a lot harder to crack than he thought.
As the final bell rang, Eddie was already in the parking lot. He stood near the bike rack, not sure which one would have been hers.
"Oh hi, Eddie" she greeted him with a smile as she unlocked her bike.
"I was thinking, what if we put your bike in my van, and I'll drive you to my place tonight. Maybe stay for dinner?" He asked, his cocky smirk made her face heat up.
She looked around as students watched them interact. A few of his friends stared at them, and it made her nervous.
"Then I'll drive you home and you won't have to worry about biking in the dark," Eddie added, the final push to make her sigh and agree.
She sat nervously in his van as the music played through the speakers. She found herself humming along and drumming her fingers against her thighs.
Eddie smiled as he heard her softly singing, he was very surprised the shy nerd would listen to the same music as he did. He turned up the volume, winking towards her as she noticed.
"Don't stop, I like hearing you sing." He said, and for once he was honest.
Wait...did he like something about her?
They walked into the trailer and sat on the couch. For the first few hours, he stuck to the math, knowing she wouldn't move on unless they did.
"I'm starving, you hungry?" He asked as he stood up. His brain felt fried for squeezing in math for the past two days.
"I could eat" she smiled
"Follow me to the kitchen, milady" he joked as he held his arm out.
He silently cheered in his head as she laughed and took his arm. He walked them a few steps into the kitchen. He let go of her arm to look in his pantry.
"Mac n cheese?" He asked, taking out the small box.
"Sounds good to me," Y/N said as she took a seat at the small table.
Eddie began to prep the meal, trying to rank his brain for questions to ask.
"How come you wanted me to tutor you?" Y/N asked, her fingers drumming against the table.
"I wanted to get to know you," Eddie said, and it was the truth. He just had a different reason why he wanted to know her.
"But why? You've never noticed me before" She wasn't dumb. She knew Eddie wouldn't magically like her out of nowhere, no one did.
"But I noticed you now," he said, turning to look at her as the water boiled.
She accepted his answer and continued to drum her fingers against the table.
"Nervous habit?" He asked, nodding towards her fingers.
She felt her face blush as she clenched her hands into fits.
"A bit" she shrugged as she looked down
She heard him walking closer to her, her breathing picking up as he used his finger to lift up her chin. She stared at him like a love-sick puppy and he felt himself loving it.
"Why do I make you nervous, beautiful?" He whispered, she gulped as she bit at her lip. Eddie softly moved his hand up, his thumb yanking her bottom lip away from her teeth. A puff of air left her lips as she gasped. She tried not to squirm in her seat as he leaned down.
She was close enough to see every color in his eyes, every freckle on his skin, and just how pink his lips were.
"Is it because you like me?" He whispered. He smirked to himself when her eyes zoned in on his lips. He was cracking her down.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked, her eyes snapped up to his eyes. He could see the panic, the fear, and the lust swimming together in her eyes.
"I- I've - don't know.." she trailed off, her eyes getting lost in his as the water boiled in the background. The only sound pulling her back to Earth.
"Never kissed someone have you?" He asked, his thumb softly rubbing her bottom lip again. She softly shook her head no.
She felt like she could breathe again when he stood up straight and removed his thumb. Space between them as she sucked in as much air as she could.
"That's a shame. You've got the prettiest lips I've ever seen" he winked, then turned around and finished making dinner.
He was collected, calm, and in charge.
She was a mess, anxiety-filled, and had no upper hand.
She got caught in the Eddie Munson spell.
Y/N felt awkward the next day at school. Knowing she was seconds away from kissing Eddie did something to her head.
He asked if she wanted him to kiss her. Did that mean he wanted to? Or was it a mind game he enjoyed? She knew his reputation and that relationships were not what girls went to him for.
She didn't have it in her to be used and tossed. She was far too sensitive for causal. As she walked through the hallway, her eyes caught a poster.
Hawkins Carnival
This weekend only
"Are you thinking about going?"
She turned her head as Eddie's voice filled her ears. He stood next to her, dressed to impress in his jacket and jeans.
"Oh, probably not. I'm not the best at those games." She said with a small laugh
Eddie knocked his shoulder against hers
"Half of it is strategy and the other half is physical. Which means if we team up, we could win and get our money's worth." Eddie explained
Did he want to spend his Saturday night at a carnival with Y/N?
Hell no. He wanted to be at a wild party and drinking until he forgot where he was.
But he had a bet to win.
"You want to go to the carnival together?" She asked, her head turned to the side as she looked at him. She felt the need to clarify what he was saying
He turned to catch her eyes
"It's a date then, sweetheart. I'll pick you up tomorrow at six." As always, he left with a wink that had her heart racing.
She was going on a date with Eddie.
Y/N barely slept that night. Her head filled with all the horrible things that could happen on the date. But also she allowed herself to get a little excited. Maybe she needed to not think so harshly about Eddie. Maybe he was a good guy and simply interested in her.
She sat on the front step, waiting for Eddie to pick her up. She took a deep breath as his van pulled up the street.
Eddie got out of his van and walked over to open her door.
"You look gorgeous," he said in awe. For once he saw her as more than the little nerd he met. Her glasses were gone, her hair loose on her shoulders, and simple touches of makeup that she probably didn't even need. He never realized how pretty she was just being casual. She always wore sweaters and skirts, but now her arms were bare as she wore a pink tank top. Her chest caught his eyes as he tried to look away. Then her smooth legs showed from her jean shorts.
"Oh thanks," she said shyly, "you look very handsome, Eddie." He wore a band T-shirt, his wrists covered in bracelets, black jeans with a red flannel tied around his skinny waist and his dirty sneakers.
For once in his life Eddie blushed
The drive was comfortable, and both sang along to the music. Eddie never realized how much he enjoyed her company.
The sun was still out and hot as they headed into the carnival. Eddie slipped his hand in hers, not saying a word about it as he walked up to the ticket booth. Once he paid for their tickets, they were walking hand in hand as they walked in.
The loud conversations filled her ears and the smell of popcorn filled her nose.
"Where should we start?" She asked, taking in all the rides and games.
"Bottle ring toss!" Eddie cheered as he walked them over to the small booth.
"Alright, gorgeous. What's my strategy?" He asked, handing the small bills over and receiving the rings.
Y/N leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Aim for the ones closest to you. And aim for the middle, it'll increase the chance that the ring will bounce onto one of the bottles."
She pulled back and stepped back, giving him space to toss.
And he did just as she said, tossing the ring into the middle. The small red ring landed on the bottle. He did it two more times and won.
He bowed as she clapped. The worker grabbed the small stuffed animal and handed it over. Eddie grabbed the small bear and happily handed it to Y/N.
She tucked the small bear under her arm and thanked him. He smiled and slid his hand back into hers as they continued to walk.
After two hours, they were hot and tired of walking around.
"Let's take a seat" Eddie groaned, sitting down on the bench. Y/N laughed but sat next to him.
With the moment to breathe, her head was spinning. She couldn't believe how much fun she was having with Eddie. How sweet he was and how he paid for everything, no questions.
"I'm so sweaty and hot" Eddie groaned, his curls all frizzy.
"Here, this might help," Y/N said as she stood up. Eddie watched confused as she walked behind him, and began to lift up his air. He breathed in relief as his hair was removed from his neck. He smiled to himself as she tied up his hair. A comforting feeling landed on his chest.
She used the binder on her wrist to tie up his hair, throwing it in a messy bun. She walked back in front of him and held out her hand.
"Let's go ride some rides and feel the wind"
Eddie smiled and grabbed her hand. He was actually having the time of his life. He was enjoying every second with her. And as he realized that, he felt a heavy amount of guilt fill his body.
Eddie blindly followed, focused on how terrible he felt.
"Ferris wheel?" She asked as they walked near it. Eddie snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. They walked in line and got on the small cart.
Their bodies smashed together as the ride slowly began to move. Eddie felt sick and he didn't think it was because of the ride.
"The sun is setting. Look how beautiful it is!" Y/N said as she pointed off into the sky. Eddie followed her finger and took in the pinks and purples that decorated the sky.
The ride ticked and slowly came to a stop, their cart at the very top. Y/N hummed as she felt the nighttime breeze start to make it's way. Her hair softly blew in the wind as she reached for his hand.
He snapped out of his thoughts again, looking over at her.
"Yeah?" He asked. He took in how beautiful she looked as the sun set behind her. The way her hair blew out of her face, and the scent of her perfume made his heart race.
Fuck...he likes her
"I want you to kiss me" she whispered, her eyes looking down to his lips as she leaned in.
Eddie felt conflicted as her eyes closed and she leaned closer. He knew he should have stopped her, and he should have confessed. But he wanted to kiss her, even if it would be the only time.
Her lips touched his and his mind went blank. All he could feel was her lips. Her left hand moved up to softly touch his cheek. He softly kissed her back, his hand landing on her thigh. The kiss was short and sweet, but impactful.
She pulled away, nervously. She just had her first kiss with the most popular boy in school.
Eddie had the first kiss that ever made him feel something. He looked into her eyes as she waited for him to say something, but he didn't. He pressed his lips eagerly against hers, already missing the way they felt against his.
Eddie pulled up in her familiar driveway. His stomach filled with endless butterflies. He never knew he could like a girl so much.
"I had a great time, Eddie." She said softly, holding the small bear in her hands. "Thank you" She leaned over and kissed his cheek, then got out of the van.
Eddie watched as she walked into her house. Her lips lingered on his cheek and guilt lingered on his mind.
A week passed, and Eddie and Y/N spent the week doing math. And now that the weekend was here, Eddie took her on another date.
This time at a house party. Y/N wasn't totally interested but she wanted to be with Eddie.
Eddie was terrified, but he had a plan. He wanted to go on a date somewhere else but his friends forced him to come. He didn't want to cancel with her so he bit the dust and arrived.
He was going to call off the bet with his friends and explain it all to her and hopefully, it would work out.
They walked in and all eyes were on them. Y/N gripped Eddie's hand as she tried to hide his body as they walked through. Everyone took in her small black flowy dress and red lips. She felt pretty and tried to keep her head high.
The night went and Y/N was tasting alcohol for the first time. She was a smart girl but didn't know a limit. She lost Eddie in the crowd, but she was on the path to find him.
She was drunk, stumbling around, and about to do something so stupid.
"So I need to talk to you guys about Y/N." Eddie sighed, the alcohol doing nothing to calm his nerves.
"Seems to be going very well, my man. Gonna hit it soon?" Josh asked, patting Eddie on the shoulder.
"About that-" but he was cut off when a body slid up next to his. He looked down as Y/N slid under his arm and cuddled into his side.
"I want to talk to you" Y/N whispered as she looked up at him. He looked down at her pouty red lips, craving nothing more than to kiss her.
"Alright. Let's go outside" Eddie offered
"I was actually thinking we could talk in the bedroom." She said, her finger trailing down his chest.
His friends whistled and Eddie was quick to grab her hand and walk her away.
Eddie groaned to himself as he flipped off his friends. Quickly rushing them up to the bedroom so he could confess everything before it was too late.
As they made it into the room, Y/N had more confidence than ever before. She pushed Eddie onto the bed, landing on his lap as she pressed her lips against his.
Eddie moaned as she rocked against his hips, but he had to focus on what was important. He held her hips still and pulled away from the kiss.
"I really need to talk to you," he said, she hummed but moved her lips to his neck.
"Talk to me," she said as she pulled away. He sighed in relief when she got off his lap.
"I need you to kn-" but the words died in his throat as she pushed down her dress. He felt a growl in the back of his throat as he took her in. The black bra and underwear looked amazing against her skin. He felt his cock grow hard as she unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor as she walked towards him again.
"Know what?" She whispered as she ran her hands up his thighs.
Eddie felt like he had an angel and devil on his shoulders. One side begging to cave and feel her wrapped around him. But the other side telling him to go any further would be wrong.
Before he could think of picking a side, the door flung open.
Y/N screeched and quickly grabbed the blanket off the bed. Eddie panicked as Josh walked in with a big smirk and a handful of cash in his hand.
"Well well well, Eddie you actually did it."
Eddie felt his blood run cold as he got off the bed. He snatched her dress and bra off the floor and handed it over to her.
"I'll be right back," he said before he harshly shoved Josh out the door.
Y/N was fast to get dressed, clipping on her bra as she immediately became sober. She slipped on her dress and cracked open the door.
"I don't want the fucking money. I want out." Eddie harshly whispered
"Oh come on Eddie. You put like three weeks into this bet, gonna quit now?" Josh scoffed
Y/N felt her stomach turn as she took in the words.
"Fine, you dated her so I'll give you the $300, but you didn't fuck her so you owe me the $200."
"You made a bet about me?" Y/N spoke, her voice cracking as she could feel the tightness in her throat. She opened the door wider, and the two boys froze upon her feet.
Eddie closed his eyes as he felt the world crumbling around him. He opened his eyes and turned to look at her. He felt his heart ache as the tears fell down her cheeks and the betrayed look in her eyes.
"Yes but please let me explain!" Eddie begged, his voice wavering with nerves.
Before she could think, her right hand slapped across his cheek. The sound echoed down the hallway and Josh yelled out to the party. People rushed up the stairs as Y/N stared Eddie down with the most hateful look he had ever seen.
"I can't believe I ever thought you liked me. I fucking hate you." She said through her clenched teeth, hot tears running down her face as she shoved him. She was fast as she pushed through the crowd and raced down and out of the house.
"Y/N! WAIT!" Eddie screamed, feeling the sting on his cheek as he pushed through the crowd.
But by the time he made it out, she was gone.
He showed up at her house over and over, but she never opened the door.
He had no idea how to make things right but he would die trying.
Monday morning he was off. He stopped by the flower store, picking out the prettiest ones he could find.
He held them in a tight grip as he walked into the building. Half the school was at the party so eyes followed him as he walked to her locker.
She was back to her normal self. Glasses on and her hair up, a sweater on her body, and a skirt on her hips.
"Y/N?" He said gently
"Eddie don't" she sighed as she looked at him
"Please I can explain" he begged
"Explain? Eddie, I'm not an idiot. You don't think I know that people think I'm a joke? I get it, I was a funny target for your popular games. But the game is over so just leave me alone." She said, tears building in her eyes as she walked off to class.
"But you're not a joke! You mean so much more than that!" Eddie said, following behind her and grabbing her arm. She sighed as he stopped her, the eyes of everyone on them. But Eddie didn't care, he was focused on her.
"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you would have never looked my way otherwise. You would have never liked me and you wouldn't have tried to get to know me." She said and walked away.
It hurt but Eddie knew she was right.
Eddie left her alone for about a week. He wanted to give her time to cry, scream, or whatever she needed to feel. But he didn't give up on her.
It was hard for both of them. He watched her every move throughout school, and she fought hard to never look. She dropped out of tutoring, which he felt would happen. He still worked hard at math, wanting nothing more than to prove their time spent together was for something.
He missed her and she missed him. She still has the bear, she cuddles with it every night. Eddie slept with the moments they had.
Y/N sighed as she walked out of school. It was Friday and she couldn't wait to go home and sleep away everything she felt.
But of course, Eddie stood there at the bike rack
"Eddie" she groaned
"I know. You don't want to talk to me or see me. I respected that for as long as I could. But I need you to know that everything I felt was real. I fell for you." He explained, his eyes pleading for her to stay.
"How can I believe you? How can I look at you the same way? I-I...I'm so hurt, Eddie. I knew getting involved with you was a bad idea. From the first night, when all you did was flirt and try to make me one of those girls. You knew I was fragile, and you used that against me. You toyed me along and made me believe for once I could be someone worthy of someone like you. I had my guard up in the beginning, but you were so sweet-" she got choked up as tears fell down her face. "So sweet that I thought I was the bad guy for thinking so little about you. That maybe you aren't a bad guy and I should see where it goes. But you are that guy Eddie. You are that shallow, selfish, and asshole guy."
"I'm sorry, I know! I'm an asshole, I was selfish. I had bad intentions in mind and you didn't deserve that. But I mean it when I say that you are someone anyone could fall in love with. I've never felt the things I feel for you. The way you make my heart race and the way you make me blush. You make me want to be someone better. I don't want the endless girls and be that guy anymore. I want to be worthy to be with you." Eddie choked out, tears building in his eyes as he made himself vulnerable to her.
She bit her lip as she tried to keep her cries inside. Her heart broke seeing him cry and being so torn up about it.
"That night at the carnival changed everything. We were going out even more after that. All those times together were real. Please just let me fix this." He begged.
"If they didn't walk in, would you have slept with me? Complete the bet?" It was a question she was scared to ask.
"No," he said without a thought, "I was going to tell you that night, I swear. I wanted to tell you at the carnival but then we kissed and every thought I had vanished. Then I was going to tell you at the party, and once you wanted to go further I knew I wouldn't until you knew the truth. No matter how hard it was to think straight when you looked the way you did. But I would never have gone through with it."
Maybe it was a mistake and maybe she'd get burned. But just like the last few weeks, she believed him.
"I'm Y/N, the last guy I liked kinda was an asshole. Think you can make me forget about that?" She asked, a teasing smile on her face as she held out her hand
Eddie wiped his tears and shook her hand. "I'm Eddie. And I'm gonna try my damn best to do so."
And he did. She wanted to go extremely slow. She made them start as friends, slowly trusting him as the months went on. He was patient, in no rush as he worked to be the best for her.
After being friends for three months, she asked him to kiss her. And he gladly did.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlx @ineedmentalhelp123
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gukisbabe · 2 days
112:45am] jeon jungkook x fem!reader, 18+ smut!!! mainly face riding
completely absolutely obsessed with jks nose can you tell?
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"your nose is so pretty."
you find yourself mumbling at your boyfriend before your brain can even overthink those words and yet you're glad you didn't hesitate.
there's absolutely no reaction from jungkook for a whole minute as you absentmindedly trace his sharp features with your fingers, not quite able to handle just how handsome he is.
you've been observing his side profile for a while now and every time your eyes found their way to his nose, you couldn't help but bite your bottom lip at the mental image of its tip nudging against your clit whenever he's got his face buried in your cunt.
jungkook has been playing his video game for about an hour now and despite wanting to give him some space, you simply couldn't resist the craving of being close to him.
it's not like he minds your presence at all; jungkook loves having your legs in his lap and your hand in his hair, playing with the soft beautifully blonde strands as he enjoys his daily screen time away from all of his incone responsibilities.
usually you're quick to fall asleep, yet this time you seem to focused on him to even let the actual thought of sleep cross your mind.
you know it's because you can't stop thinking about your boyfriends lips, his hot tongue and his perfect nose, your head full of thoughts about how good he makes you cum over and over again once he's gotten a taste.
whereas jungkook remains absolutely clueless. he's also a little too focused to pay complete attention to your words but he does appreciate any compliment coming from your way. ever since the two of you started dating you've made it your mission to remind him how perfect he is
jungkook places a quick kiss of gratitude into your palm before he pushes his lips into a thoughtful pout and focuses on his game again, not realising how much you've been pressing your thighs together in hopes of releasing some of the pressure on your needy cunt.
there's just something about the way he scratches the sides of his nose whenever he's slowly getting excited, poking the inside of his cheeks with his tongue and nibbling on his lip like he's purposely trying to torture you.
"j." you mumble sternly and reach for his hand, grateful he's quick to play into your neediness as he grabs your inner thigh and gently strokes your skin,
"i wanna ride your face, please."
usually you're not one to be this bold with your requests but after watching him for the past hour it's been incredibly hard for you to maintain your composure and even your patience has limits.
jungkook is absolutely stunned at your words. for a second he's not sure if he even heard you right, giving you a double take just to realise your current state.
eyes glossy, lips pushed into the cutest pout, thigh firmly pressed together and your cute nipples poking through the fabric of your pyjama shirt to the point where not a single thought is left to imagination.
just out of curiosity jungkook lets his hand wander in between your legs, gulping harshly at the way they fall apart like you've been waiting to be relieved and once his fingers graze your soaked panties, he knows exactly why you're reacting the way you do.
without even missing another beat, jungkook throws his controller as well as his headset to the side, turning his game off and almost instantly laying on his side of the bed.
"I'm sorry for not realizing sooner, baby", he whispers as you shakily make your way to straddle his handsome face, his cheeks and lips tinted in the sweetest shade of pink, "there you go, baby."
his praise elicits a soft whimper from your throat, your hole clenching in absolute despair and the second the tip of his nose grazes your flesh, you throw your head back with a loud moan of relief.
"fuck, baby", jungkook grunts against your cunt, his tongue lapping up your sweet juices and if it wasn't for his tight grip on your waist, you would have thought he passed
out, "you're so wet for me, angel, so perfect." all you can do is whimper in response, grabbing a fistful of his hair and grinding yourself against his tongue, whining every time his nose nudges your hardened clit.
"you're so wet for me, angel, so perfect."
all you can do is whimper in response, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair and grinding yourself against his tongue, whining every time his nose nudges your hardened clit.
"that's why you love my nose so much, hm?", jungkook smile turns into a smirk as he pushes his tongue inside of your clenching hole, groaning and moaning against your wet flesh like a man gone mad.
"mhm, y-yes", you whisper and feel the sweet sensation of your release climbing up your spine in the sweetest way possible, "love sitting on it."
and for a moment jungkook movements stop, as he appreciates your sweet compliment, head cloudy from all the arousal floading his brain and his cheeks burning from excitement.
"that's my good girl", he grunts and finally wraps his lips around your sensitive clit before he pushes the tip of his tongue against the nub and applies just the right amount of pressure, making sure to have you cum all over his face to make you feel as loved and appreciated as he does.
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milliesfishes · 3 hours
imagine billy or coryo with a reader that’s quite literally insatiable like she just doesn’t want to stop and keeps going
this would be me with either of them
Honestly, Billy would prolly be sooo receptive to this: you like kissing him and you do it a lot, which is good because he happens to love it too. Imagining him kissing you like under a tree, and it started very innocently but quickly turned into something else.
He hardly has time to remove his jacket and put it on the ground behind you for you to lay on because you're tugging at his clothes. But he isn't going to take you against the hard ground; it's just not his way.
Billy's fonder of slow intimacy that takes time, but he isn't opposed to something hard and fast, especially if you're feeling needy and you ask. In all truth, he just loves how much you want him.
Nearly every time afterward you'd sit up after a few minutes and rest your chin on his chest. "Again?"
It'd make him laugh. "Didn't I wear ya out 'nough?"
And you'd shake your head and go to sit on his hips. His hands would automatically come to your waist, bordering on your ass. "Damn, you're real pretty. Alright, lemme-" then Billy would sit up to kiss you, his hands wandering your body again.
When you requested a third time, he'd shake his head in astonishment, a lazy grin drawing his lips upward. "Baby, don't know if I've got another one in me. 'Sides, ya might not be able to walk tomorrow."
"Please?" you'd take his big hand and press it to your breast, bouncing a little in his lap. Both actions had his eyes moving to your chest, watching them go up and down.
"Naughty." But he'd oblige- he always did. And if Billy was too tired to give it to you that way anymore, he'd pull you up so your thighs were on either side of his face, his fingers leaving little bruises as he held you down, right where he wanted you.
When you finally became tired, he'd pull you so you were right up against him because he loved to hold you after making love, your sweaty bodies nearly melding as one again.
(Young Politician) Coryo:
Before meeting you, Coryo probably would have thought he was insatiable, but he quickly realized after the first time he slept with you that it was nothing compared to your appetite.
He'd whisper dirty things to you at parties you went to together, enjoying the way you'd look at him coyly after, knowing it would be a long night in the best way.
Once you were back at the penthouse he'd tease you as you undressed each other. "How many rounds do you think this time, hm? Or will you give out before I'm done with you?"
"I haven't yet, have I?" you'd pull on his loosened tie to bring him into a kiss.
Smirking against your lips, he'd say, "Rounds don't include my fingers or my mouth. We'll see if you can put your money where your mouth is."
It was a game for the two of you; seeing how long either of you could last before you were worn out. Though Coryo would always talk a big game about not helping you, he'd always hold your hips up if you were too tired or take a few minutes pause to give you a break before going at it again.
There would be one night where you were particularily riled up, and when the door was shut behind you, you'd pull your hair over one of your shoulders and turn so your back was facing him, waiting for him to unzip your dress. But he didn't.
After a minute you turned around and he was stripping himself of his clothes, taking his time folding them neatly. When you asked what he was doing he looked at you, blue eyes piercing. "Getting ready for bed."
Frowning, you'd go over to him. "But...but..."
He gave you a sharp grin. "Let's see how long you can go without me touching you, sweetheart. I bet you'll be shaking by morning."
It was a cruel game. Your mouth opened slightly in disbelief, and you squeezed your thighs together, frowning as Coryo fully got in bed and rolled on his side, facing away from yours.
That night was a long one.
When he came home the next day, whistling annoyingly and rolling up his sleeves, you nearly tackled him, sending him tumbling to the floor of your bedroom with your legs on either side of his.
Just as you'd thought, he'd been wanting you just as badly.
Coryo let one hand fall over his head as he lazily looked up at you. "Couldn't even make it a full day."
"Shut up." You covered his mouth with yours and he finally touched you, giving you lots of attention that night where you really wanted it.
The joke was on him; he couldn't last twenty-four hours without touching you either. Because he was just as insatiable as you.
come talk about billy and coryo here!
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blkluci · 1 day
MHA boys and the reader fighting p2 please!!
Aizawa Shoto
Sero Hanta
Denki Kaminari
Shinso Hitoshi
Shigiraki Tomura
You don't have to do all but if ur able to, TYSM!<3
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𝑴𝑯𝑨 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔/𝒎𝒆𝒏 and you fighting pt.2...
CHARACTERS )) hanta sero, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinso, shota aizawa, tomura shigaraki.
PLOT )) a headcanon of the boys seeing you fight.
A/N )) thank you for your request @thisisxli!! i'm glad that you enjoyed the last part :) hope you enjoy this one and to everyone thanks for all the love on my other posts, i truly appreciate it. feel free to send in more requests guys! reader is a pro-hero in aizawa's hc!
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[ 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀 ] sero is a laid back guy; which is one of the reasons you decided to date him (on top of his charm). when he was there to experience a random girl from ua, get into an argument with you, he stood and analyzed everything. he made sure to not let anything go overboard and pull you away when things got intense. "how 'bout we avoid her from now on, yeah?" now two days later when shawty pulled up talkin' bout fight me, he let you have her.
... hanta's eyes watched every movement intensely
... he made sure that no one jumped in while you handled that
... you were on top of the flailing girl
... knuckles meeting her face every time
-> "keep punchin' bae."
... when some friend of the girl try to jump in, he taped them up
-> "it's a fair fight, back up."
... when he seen that you've got girl leaking he pulls you off
... strong frame holding you in place
... his lips curve into a smile while watching you yell at the girl
... he's proud of you standing on business
... makes sure that you avoid all fights after
... there for you when you get scolded by aizawa
[ 𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐊𝐈 ] this boy kaminari loves the drama as long as he's not a part of it. and most definitely wouldn't want to hear his beautiful girl's name out of anyone else mouth, even ms kendo from 1-B. he brings the situation to your attention. nonetheless asks you to no fight, in school at least, and tells you to let him know if she say anything else. "I'll put on a wig if needed." it turns out he'd need to for the next day.
... when you texted denk to let him now you beating her after school
... he made sure to pack it up real quick after class
... you catch the girl outside, asking her wassup and she dropped her stuff
-> "dayumm!"
... denki winced when you punched her jaw
... the sound echoing along with the other heavy hits you planted on that head
... his capturing everything he screamed from behind the camera
-> "WORLDSTAR! beat her 'ah babe!"
... possibly tased the girl while you beat her
... just then cementoss pushed into the fight to break y'all up
... denks acted like he wasn't videoing and helped out
... was sent to the principal with you
... makes sure to zoom in on the girl bloody face on cam
... denki most def seems the type to post it to twitter
[ 𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈 ] shinso ain't bout all the confrontation. he will totally brainwash the person to walk away. that's how much he doesn't care. hearing you tell him about some girl antagonizing you, he asks you if you want him to brainwash her. you told him it wasn't necessary because she wasn't gon do anything. "even if she does try something, walk away." easy for him to say.
... toshi looked for you during his bathroom break
... your class was in the gym for combat practice right now
... opening the door to peer his head in, hitoshi spots you
... however, you're soaked with water
... next thing he knows you jump on this girl
... you pull her hair and knee her face
-> "damn."
... people crowd and alert ectoplasm
... toshi decide to brainwash him just to give you extra mins
... the pent up annoyance in you fueled your punches
... when the girls friends start pulling you off
... toshi wastes no time rushing to you and breaking the brainwash on ecto
... hitoshi pulls you away at takes you to the nurse to ice your hands
... softly kisses them while smiling because of how you handled her
-> "i think you be her enough baby. she can't take no more."
... keeps a keen eye on your every move from that day forward
[ 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐀 ] aizawa told you about ms. joke being obsessed with him when you first coupled up. and he knew you wouldn't be fond of hearing that. saying the day she gets too comfortable, you'd smack her up. "that won't be necessary hun." oh but it is. she really thought showing up to his job was a good idea. toshinori being a real one, hit you up and let you know.
... you walked down the ua hall and looked for the teacher lounge
... nearing the door you heard a woman laughing
... your blood was boiling
... in an instant your eyes fall upon shota being cornered by ms. joke
... all he heard was rapid footsteps when he turned and seen emi get punched
... eyes widen at the culprit; YOU
-> "y/n!"
... you were about to attack the girl again but used his bands on you
… you shouted for him to let you go
… the lady charged at you in that instant
… ngl, she got you one good time on your eye
… now you felt mad
… aizawa sighed as he loosed his grip and let you go
… you started wallin’
… your first was like super smashing her face in and aizawa sipped the coffee that he made
… eventually he decided to break them up as students that passed by were whispering and some even videotaped
… when he pull you off, all might walked in helped the joke get up
… aizawa wrapped your lips up
-> "i told you that wasn't necessary. but thank you."
[ 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 ] i feel like shigaraki wouldn’t be to fond to seeing you fight. more so over petty things. he doesn’t have a care in the world about people fighting being that he has hatred in his own heart. but to know you wanna fight over him, he thinks it’s stupid. “fighting over me is a stupid idea when i’m already yours. but knock yourself out.” his response wasn’t what you wanted but he gave you permission so cool.
… there was a new girl member added to the group
… she was young too
… but her attitude stunk
… so during the meeting you asked her if she wanted to fight
… little miss attitude stood up
… and you popped her
… y’all was going at it and she tried to pull you to the ground. ultimately failing
… kurogiri tried to help break y’all up
-> “no. let 'em fight. that's what she wanted right?”
… hearing him say that made you a bit more angry
… you used that on the girl
… pulling hard at her hair and repeatedly thumping her face in
… hit after hit, the girl was giving up
… when you knocked her out, shiggy allowed kuro to interfere
… shiggy walked over to you and pulled you away to a different room
… he takes the hand off his face and stares you in the eyes
… his face serious
-> “did you get it outta your system?”
… you grumble and he tells you that you got her good and no more fighting
… or else he’ll get you
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in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭AMP‬‬)
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jackiesrabbit · 1 day
ten things i love about you
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jackie taylor x gn!reader
warnings: the french language, cringe gross stuff i can't believe resulted from my mind...
when you had heard that your long time crush of three years was in desperate need of a french tutor by the time senior year rolled around, you were ecstatic at the thought of being able to spend time with the damsel in distress known as jackie taylor.
only problem? you didn't know french. who knew taking latin would come back to bite you in the ass. puer vita tua, am i right?
she said before senior year, though, and that was three months away. that gave you the perfect amount of time to learn everything up until french four for her! you were already ecstatic at the thought of no school, but now you were even more grateful for the free time you were presented with.
you spent the next coupla months learning the language. it was difficult, because why the fuck were their different genders for a chair? but it would be worth it when you smoothly slid up on the first day of school offering your compétences to jackie taylor. she would swoon over you, you just knew it.
you walked through the halls on the first day feeling pretty grand. you weren't the best at french, but you were good enough to offer your services to jackie. when you spotted jackie with shauna, you didn't hesitate to approach. you and shauna had gone to the same summer camp a couple of years ago, so you were familiar with her presence.
"jackie?" you had said, a small smile on your face as you watch the girl to turn around and meet your gaze.
when you explained that you overheard her talking about how she needed a french tutor, you nearly had a heart attack when her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. oh, god, she had mentioned this one thing months ago. you've never experienced such silence, until shauna quickly said that she had talked to you about helping her out, that's why you were mentioning it.
anyone who said shauna was a dick was a liar, this was proof.
jackie didn't hesitate to take you up on your offer, free french lessons wasn't something she was gonna pass up, especially since she knew she wasn't going to pass her senior year without a little help, even if she was confused on why somebody in latin was helping her with french.
to say your charisma was nonexistent would be the truth, you had never been so nervous when she came over to your house for the first time. not only did you trip on your way to open the door, but you tripped on your way upstairs trying to take her to your room.
she found it quite endearing the way you stuttered over your words, the way you nervously mispronounced a word in french that was supposed to be taught in french one, in eighth grade. gosh, it really was cute the way you were trying so hard to help her achieve a passing grade for the class. she couldn't afford to fail the class a third time, and despite your incoherent explanations, you really did help her out.
you became more lax around her after a while, no longer nervous at here mere presence. eventually, you guys became friends. you'd even wait for her while she practiced, going over your notes before she got off.
tutoring sessions three times a week turned into her spending every saturday at your house, with an occasionally present shauna. shauna was your wingman throughout all this, a silent understanding between you two. she knew that you knew that she knew about your crush on jackie.
jackie wasn't all that observant, you started to get nervous that maybe she was ignoring the signs. but, just like with french, she just didn't pay attention. she was pleasantly surprised when you asked her to spring fling. it took quite a push from shauna to ask, but you eventually did manage to ask with only a week left before the dance.
you had even asked her in french, and after a long six months, she finally understood the language.
(hey saachi please don't immediately message me about this i'm nervous 😿)
a/n this entire fic was to portray ooc shauna shipman and make her seem a lot better in my mind (#stopshipmanhate.)
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gabe-lovebot · 3 months
councilor 3D model
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i learnt 3d modelling from the ground up to bring him to life. he's yours now. do whatever you want with him
please credit me if you make something using the model (or even ping/link me to it, i would love to see what you made!)
currently available as a .blend, .fbx and an SFM port.
#hello councilnation i'm finally releasing him to the wild#have fun playing toys with him#ultrakill#councilor#councilor ultrakill#3d stuff#obviously with the councilor having just 1 full body image of him means that some stuff i had to improvise on#so you get to enjoy my headcanons on how he looks#(like obviously the wings & halo)#(but also the chestplate design)#but did you know that the councilor's canon design has subtle engravings on his forearm armor pieces?#i only barely noticed them when painting textures and i was floored#i had to add them#to the sfm anon and whoever else wants to use this for sfm stuff-#i did my best with a port for sfm and i'm quite proud of the result#but please be aware i have never used it before so if you find that something doesn't work as it should please please let me know!!#gonna pour my heart out in tags as always so close your eyes if you don't wanna see me being sentimental but#i'm not kidding when i say i learnt 3d modelling from the ground up for this#i have meddled with blender before but never actually came close to finishing a project#and i don't know how i did it and how i kept going#(i do know) (it was my friend encouraging me every time i showed him progress)#this was like 1 entire month in the making#but i'm so fucking proud of this and how it turned out and people's tags in my act 2 render genuinely were such a huge confidence boost#so thank you guys for liking it <3#i'm still very much thinking of doing a version with just his bloodied head#but it might take a while because i want a break and i want to play warframe
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danandphilcatboys · 5 months
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mister phil michael lester do i need to remind you that you are on camera, @astrophilip you asked for this
(while everyone else lost it over dan's touches on phil's face i have literally ascended to the heavens because of this incredibly soft look on phil's face it is literally a split SECOND but once you notice it you'll never be the person you were)
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chiropteracupola · 10 months
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steadfast sailor, paper captain...
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mokeonn · 8 months
One of my favorite things about being in my early 20s is that I'm starting to understand that I can use things not for their intended purpose. When you're growing up, you get told what an object is and what its intended purpose is, and as a kid/teen, I just accepted all of it at face value. As a young adult it's finally clicking that I can simply do things a different way if it makes me happier. Sure, I was taught that you stand to take a shower, but there's nothing stopping me from just sitting if I don't feel like it, ya know? I might have always had my medication in the kitchen, but if I'm no longer remembering to take it, I can just move it somewhere where I can remember. You don't have to specifically store all food in the kitchen, you can have a little snack cart or snack station in another room.
The downside to finding out the various ways you can use objects is that you develop habits that would probably go on an r/relationships post where everyone says you're a little freak.
#simon says#i just developed a new habit (it's too tmi to put here) and I just know that it's some weird shit#it works and it makes me feel better so I'm gonna keep doing it#but it's some shit that would end up viral where everyone would go 'yo op you should break up with them thats weird' 😔#i was just thinking about this though because every week or so I learn that I can just do what I want#because there's no fucking object use police I can do what I want#i HIGHLY suggest getting into this habit. if you find something annoying or frustrating you can just do it differently#'I hate washing the dishes because my legs hurt from standing for so long' you can bring a chair and sit or you can break it up into chunks#like on the one hand I'm learning this because I have autism and a plethora of other mental disorders#and it's FINALLY clicking that I can self accommodate whenever and however I so please#I'm just sorta learning that if doing something makes me feel better/happy/gets the job done to do that thing#even if it requires using an object in an odd way#hell there's even some little things I've been playing with#for example: my whole life we sorta just lifted blinds only about halfway up#just sorta how we did it ya know#well recently I decided I wanted more natural light in the sunroom/my office so I wouldn't have to turn on the lamp#and I lifted the blinds all the way up to the very top#and honestly?? it fucking rules. the room looks nicer; i get natural light; i can see the forest out back and it's quite calming and nice#like for ages I just never thought about doing that because it just never occurred to me that I could#i just always put blinds about halfway up because that's about how high blinds do in my household#another little one I learned is that I can just... wash my hair#sometimes when I get too depressed or if my body doesn't need a shower but my hair is greasy#I just shove my head under the bathtub facet and wash my hair#it's just a small thing but for years if my hair needed to be washed I would just take a full shower#now I just fix my greasy hair. bc greasy hair is a huge ick for me but sometimes my body is still clean or im too tired to fully shower#like there's nothing stopping me from doing that and it doesn't hurt anyone. it's just a way of bathing that I wasn't taught#but yeah those are some recent examples of me learning I can just... do stuff differently#the free will is kicking in babes and it has decided I love finding ways to use things differently#it's why im doing a bg3 run where I just press loot all no matter what and use whatever I can in odd ways#anyways I might delete this later might not who knows
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
I feel greedy asking for more when you’ve already posted so many snippets, but if you’re okay with it…🌧️
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
The pasta hit the water with a satisfying sizzle. Even though it'd been two years since Roy had been personally victimized by a meal plan, the novelty of eating pasta was one he'd learned to treasure. He turned down the heat. As the bubbles dispersed, the sound of Jamie's voice again picked up from the living room, where from the sound of it Matilda's parents owned quite a nice house. Roy snorted as Jamie pitched his voice higher. He was really going for it now, trying to sell the dialogue of the little girl and landing somewhere in the vicinity of Rebecca Welton with a sore throat: "'I don't see how sawdust can help you to sell second-hand cars, Daddy.'" The next voice was gruff, sloped lower as if it were stolen from Roy's own vocal chords, "'That's because-'" The voice ground to a halt. Roy opened his eyes curiously. Before him, the water simmered in a contented roil. From the living room, the rustling of someone adjusting themselves on the couch. Jamie cleared his throat, and it was uncomfortable, strangled sound. "You alright there, Phoebe?" "I'm fine," Phoebe answered. A question mark lingered under her words. "We can keep going." "Right. Right," Jamie agreed. He cleared his throat again. Coughed. When he picked back up, his voice was flat and matter-of-fact: "'That's because you're an ignorant little twit.'" He stopped again, or Roy thought he did. It was hard to tell over the sudden ringing in his ears. "Matilda's dad's a bit of a prick, ain't he, Phoebe?" "He's awful," Phoebe agreed eagerly. "Didn't you see the movie?"
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aftermathing · 2 months
The worst thing about suffering is that it still hurts when the danger is over but no one cares about it anymore because it shouldn't hurt. No one will ever say "I'm sorry that happened to you" especially when they barely say "I'm sorry that's happening."
#Okay to tb btw all the personal stuff is in the tags#Like. Not eating for a week because you couldn't get groceries hurts#and people will say 'oof sorry that's happening' but then#after you're able to get food no one will ever say 'I'm sorry that happened' even though you think about it and hurt from it constantly.#No one will ever say ':( that must have been so hard' because you're fine now right???? No psychological damage there?????#This example is stupid but I do think about it every time I feel hungry. I told people I wasn't able to get groceries#and there was no food in my house. And they said. Oof.#Instead of idk Oh God Are You Okay ??#No one cares when you've been abused your entire life and behave the way you do out of genuine terror because your brain is fucked forever#They don't say 'I'm sorry that happened it must have been really scary to turn you into Such An Asshole. I pity you like a dog :('#Speaking of man everyone loves fucked up abused terrified dogs and wants to be the one who makes them open up#And shows them that people can be good and kind and that touch doesn't have to hurt#But everyone is scared of fucked up abused terrified people#Humans are capable of harm even more than dogs and fear is understandable but.#Can you please call me good boy and shush me and tell me nothing's going to hurt me and let me curl up on your lap#And not hit me if I get scared and start to growl and feed me good and take me on walks and play with me#Even though I'm not very fun to play with and I'm still learning what's fun and what's mean and what's a toy and what's a hand#Plleeeaaase don't be jealous of a dog that doesn't eat good don't say 'tch he's so thin what am I doing wrong'#I want to eat good and grow and gain fat and be warm and be comfortable I don't want this#Don't say 'if abused dogs don't eat good then I don't deserve to either' no no no no eat good so you can take care of us both#Please please please I learned so many tricks to make people happy and call me smart but I don't actually know how to do anything I'm#Literally like such a stupid dog it takes me like one day of no one paying attention to me for me to become un-housebroken#I make a lot of mistakes even though I know better or I really should know better#And sometimes do things wrong on purpose to get attention either yelling or showing me how to do it right#But most of the time I genuinely don't know how to do stuff because I was never taught or I was taught and#My previous owners said 'this is how it is. It is this way because it is and it is forever. The answer is Because.'#'now quit asking repetitive questions before I pop you'#If I do something Because and not know the reason why I'm doing it that's not learning that's acting#Especially habits taught specifically to hurt me and not being allowed to question it or know why I'm being hurt#Oh my god I acted out so much when I was younger and all my friends were so disgusted and hurt by me and yelled at me every day
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
so... @welightitup​ and i were having a bit of a freakout about pierre's abs + whipped cream + leclerc tops, and i, well. ask and ye shall receive 😘 
crème français.
"I want to try something," Charles pants in-between deep kisses, dropping his hands to Pierre’s shoulders and squeezing, unexpectedly hard. 
“Okay,” Pierre agrees, his voice already rough and significantly lower than usual even to his own ears. “What is it?” 
Charles smirks at him, and Pierre barely has time to think oh, shit, I know that expression before Charles is surging forward to straddle Pierre’s lap. His hands drop from Pierre’s shoulders to his chest, and then he pushes, just hard enough that Pierre gets the idea. 
Shit, yeah, okay, Pierre thinks a little nonsensically as he goes easily, falling back onto the pillows. Above him, Charles smirks. 
And oh, fuck. Charles doesn't get like this often, but when he does… those have been some of the hottest nights of Pierre's life. 
"Hands on the headboard, please," Charles requests, as sweet and earnest as ever even when they’re like this. Pierre can only smile up at him, feeling stupidly and impossibly fond of the man above him.  
"I'm only going to ask nicely the first time," Charles says, and though his voice is still soft, there's a hint of steel behind it now. "Hands on the headboard now, Pierre, before I make you keep them there for the rest of the night." 
“Fuck,” Pierre says, the word getting half-caught on a moan as he hastens to raise his arms above his head. Hottest nights of his life, hell yeah. 
“Thank you,” Charles says sweetly, leaning down for a quick reward of a kiss as Pierre curls his fingers around the headboard. "Now, close your eyes," he murmurs as he pulls away, his breath hot against Pierre's cheek. "You're going to like this, I promise." 
Pierre exhales roughly, but closes his eyes, white-knuckling his grip on the headboard. "Good," Charles breathes above him, and then his weight shifts on top of Pierre, like he's reaching to the side. 
"Ah," Charles says somewhere to his left, satisfied, and it takes all of Pierre's self-control not to open his eyes and look immediately. What is it, what is it - 
Charles shifts back so he's properly straddling Pierre's thighs again, and Pierre loses track of his train of thoughts immediately as Charles' boxer-clad ass rubs teasingly over his dick. 
"Fuck, Charles," he manages, fighting to keep his eyes squeezed shut. 
Charles chuckles above him, and then he's leaning down, and there are lips pressed to Pierre's, quick and soft. "Trust me, Pierrot." 
And Pierre can only nod, because he does. Of course he does. He trusts Charles with everything he is. He forces his muscles to relax, because much as he hates giving up control in any situation, this is Charles. He would do anything for Charles. 
There's a strange sound, then, almost like… a can being shaken? Pierre grips the headboard tight enough that the frame cuts into his skin a little, the slight pain distracting him from opening his eyes. 
"Fuck, Pierre, your arms," Charles says above him, voice rough and dark with want. He trails one finger down the flex of muscle in Pierre’s bicep, obviously getting slightly distracted from his original line of thought. 
Pierre feels a smirk spreading across his face, lazy and self-satisfied. Even though he can’t see Charles’ expression, he knows that Charles’ green eyes will be dark with want, a little hazy the way they always get when Pierre is bare before him and Charles is allowed to touch. “Like what you see, hmm?” 
“I more than like it,” Charles purrs back, continuing the trail of his finger down the length of Pierre’s arm, then down onto his chest and all the way to his abs. He flattens his palm there, obviously admiring the hard planes of muscle beneath his touch, and Pierre has a second to wonder if this is Charles’ master plan for the evening - 
Then Charles pulls his hand away, and replaces his hand with a cold squirt of something… airy, and cold, in a line across Pierre’s abs. 
Pierre can't help the way his eyes fly open in shock at that. Charles just grins at him, tongue pressed against his teeth and cheeky as anything, a can of whipped cream held casually in one hand. "Hello," he purrs, and then sprays another line of cream in a neat vertical line across Pierre's abs. 
“Shit,” Pierre manages, his head falling back against the headboard with a loud thunk as Charles repeats the action a third time. 
“A good shit?” Charles checks, momentarily stilling his movements to meet Pierre’s gaze, searching.
Pierre nods fervently. “Good, yeah, yeah, so good. Green light. Fuck.” 
“I thought you would like this, yes,” Charles says, entirely too pleased with himself as he sprays another line of whipped cream in a lazy arc over Pierre’s stomach.
“You are so -” Pierre starts, pushing up a little to try and catch Charles’ gaze in a glare, but the words die in his mouth as Charles dips his head and drags his tongue over Pierre’s abs. 
Charles looks up at him, then, his green eyes wide and innocent as he swallows, licking his lips to get the last traces of white cream off. “I am so?” he parrots, blinking coquettishly at Pierre. 
Pierre is pretty sure his brain has just forgotten how words work. Charles’ innocent smile morphs into a smirk, like he’s saying I thought so. 
Fuck. Fuck. He is so full of shit for this, so fucking cheeky, and Pierre is going to get him for it later, he’s going to get him back so well that Charles won’t be able to say anything but Pierre’s name and “please -”  
But as it is, Charles has the advantage, and boy, does he use it. He’s almost languid as he licks another long stripe up Pierre’s stomach, lingering in the dips and lines of his abs, and the contrast between the hot of his mouth and the airy chill of the whipped cream is slowly driving Pierre crazy.
To make matters worse, Charles holds the cream in his mouth a little longer this time, parting his lips just enough to show Pierre the white all over his tongue and lips and chin. 
“S-shit,” Pierre stutters, the curse fading into a breathless moan as Charles does it again, and again, and again. 
There isn’t even any cream left anymore, but Charles doesn’t seem to be in any sort of hurry, leaving licks and nips and open-mouthed kisses all over Pierre’s stomach and abs. He’s clearly enjoying himself, clearly having the time of his life, while Pierre is so hard that he feels like he might explode if Charles doesn’t fucking do something, and soon. 
Like he can read Pierre’s mind, Charles starts kissing a line down his stomach, further and further down until his lips are teasingly close to Pierre’s clothed dick, his face hovering just above Pierre’s waistband. 
“Hmmm,” Charles hums, one hand coming up to toy with Pierre’s boxers as he leaves another kiss, slow but searing, to the soft skin just above his waistband.
“Charles,” Pierre warns, his hips involuntarily jerking up towards the heat of Charles’ mouth. 
Charles chuckles against his skin, moving away just enough that Pierre can’t find any friction, and that’s -
That’s it. That’s the last straw. 
Pierre lets go of the headboard and grabs for Charles’ hair in one smooth movement, pulling him up so they’re seated nose-to-nose. “On your knees, right now,” he orders, and he doesn’t leave any room for argument. 
Charles moans, long and loud and unabashed, and then he’s scrambling off the bed to do what Pierre says, somehow managing to take Pierre’s boxers with him. Pierre swings his legs over the edge of the bed, and Charles settles in between his thighs, looking up at Pierre with a devious smirk and red, red lips still glistening from how many times he’s licked them tonight.
Charles leans forward, swirling his tongue teasingly over just the head of Pierre’s dick before pulling back to look up at him with a smirk and hooded eyes. 
“Fuck,” Pierre groans, and grabs his hair again, pulling hard enough that Charles moans too. He’s close enough that Pierre can almost feel the vibrations of it around his dick, and he has to close his eyes for a moment, breathing hard.
When he opens them again, he knows his eyes will be so dark that the blue will be almost entirely black. “I’m going to fuck your mouth now,” he warns.
“Yes,” Charles says breathily, and then he’s leaning forward, and parting his lips, and Pierre pushes forward, and -
Fuck. Just, fuck. If Charles’ lips and tongue had felt heavenly tracing patterns all over his abs, the feeling of it on his cock is… fucking nirvana. Charles is so good at this, just, so good. 
And Pierre could lose himself in the feeling of it, easy, but that’s not who they are. 
“I bet you think you’re so clever, don’t you?” he pants, punctuating the words with a harsh snap of his hips, and Charles chokes, a little, and fuck, it feels so good, finally. 
“You think you’re so clever, driving me crazy like this all night,” Pierre says, and tightens his grip on Charles’ hair. “Because this is what you wanted all along, isn’t it? Being told to get on your knees and choking on my cock like a good boy.” 
Charles moans around Pierre’s dick, and Pierre sees him reach into his own boxers and get a hand around himself, and that - fuck, this really isn’t going to last long at all, is it? 
“That’s right,” he grits out, and he can feel himself starting to lose his hold on words and coherency, but he holds onto them with a tenuous thread so that he can finish this for Charles. “That’s right, get yourself off while I fuck your mouth. Are you going to come for me, Charles?”
Charles moans again, and his eyelashes flutter, and that’s it. Pierre comes with a grunt, his hips surging forward in a particularly brutal thrust which Charles takes, easy and easy and easy as the world whites out around Pierre.
Distantly, he’s aware of Charles’ jaw going slack as he comes, too, and Charles must have pulled off at some point as well, but Pierre missed it completely in the blinding force of his orgasm.
“Jesus,” Pierre says, when he’s managed to catch his breath again. “We’re definitely doing that again.” 
Charles tilts his head up to look at him, and despite the rough, ruined quality to his voice, he still manages to sound cheeky as he points out, “Well, there’s still a lot of whipped cream left in the can…”
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spiderfroggo · 10 months
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studying the way @/jack0ran colors their pieces :)
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captainsweet · 1 year
This is just going to be me ranting about something that particularly annoys me, so don't take it too seriously, but it drives me up a metaphorical wall.
But, the thing is, I just finished reading some new parts of a Rise fic I really liked, it was funny, and a good story sure, until I saw the word 'twin' be thrown around about five times in one chapter.
I honestly thought I was exaggerating, so I continued, and the word 'twin' just kept on appearing. So I just decided to count how many times it comes up just to see if I was being crazy, y'know?
In the course of a couple of chapters, the word, 'twin' is thrown around 64 different times. Not accounting for any notes, tags, or the latest chapter they posted since it wasn't an official one.
To make this clearer, the word twin, referring to Rise Donnie and Leo specifically, was mentioned 64 different times. One chapter holding 13 mentions of them being twins alone.
Now, I don't know why in the world it needed to be mentioned 64 different times, but hey, it's none of my business. And I really wouldn't be bothered if being twins wasn't their one specific trait, especially around each other.
And it only gets worse in the new chapters. Everytime they mention each other it's like they are incapable of not calling the other their twin, and.. this thing annoys me to my goddamn core.
It doesn't matter, I know that, but it's so annoying to see people make Donnie and Leo being twins their one special thing even though they're not even twins in the dang show. Normally that wouldn't bother me, and it doesn't, but for you to reduce a character to a trait they canonically don't even have is just bizarre.
I'm not gonna mention the writer, and I hate criticizing writers or artists like this in general, but it's so unbelievably mind numbing to see Donnie and Leo get reduced to being twins over and over again as if it actually matters? All it is, is the day they were born. That's it! That's all, yet so many people are obsessed with making it an important factor?
They are so much more than just twins, and have so much more to them than a couple of traits in the show. Yet so many people just, ignore that? Especially in some fics?
Not to mention in the particular story, Raph and Mikey hardly ever appear unless it's for the same couple of jokes, and just leaves me longing for more development on them but nope! Gotta shove some more twin content in there!
I have absolutely no problem with people liking the Disaster Twins, and making stories centered around them, but they are so much more than just twins, and so much more than their relationship with each other. They have other family members too, acknowledge them.
This is not only with this particular author, this has happened multiple times and it's just plain annoying. If you like Leo and Donnie more, just say that. There's no reason you should add their brothers in, and then just discard them to the point they don't even seem like they are siblings anymore. They're just close friends at that point, and it's just angering for me.
I don't see it all that much anymore, but so many people still make Leo and Donnie being 'twins' in Rise this big thing when they aren't even twins, and probably wouldn't mention the fact they are if they weren't explaining their ages because it literally means nothing in the end. They're just brothers that happened to be born on the same day, that's it.
I'm not a twin myself, so I obviously can't speak for actual twins, but even the twins I've known personally hardly mentioned the fact they were twins other than to make a couple of jokes here and then. In no world should them being twins be so important to you that it's mentioned 64 different times. That's just insane.
It is different than simply having a sibling, I get that. Being twins is definitely different in a way, and comes with different experiences, but it should never be that important to the point they mention it 13 TIMES IN ONE CHAPTER.
Skipping past the slightly serious part, 64 different times?? Would they, like, forget if they didn't say it? Fr 13 times in one conversation? I don't think I've even done that with my proclaimed Twin before, because that's, that's just crazy.
#I truly mean no hate to the author I'm talking about. And I honestly have no real problems with their story I just find it annoying now#There's practically a twin joke every chapter and it's no longer funny at this point it's just expected.#I'm probably going to stop reading it but I just really get annoyed when chacters are reduced to specific traits. like they're so much more#And Raph and Mikey are practically just side characters compared to Leo and Donnie? I literally could not tell you their personalities#They're like ghosts. Hallucinations. Hardly there. And it's kind of sad because of how often people do that and ugghh#I have so many thoughts.#But really this was something that just bothered me and I decided to get it out because it happens so much#tmnt#rottmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#stupid rant#sorry for the rant#rant#I'd live input because I feel like ass saying this.. but my main gripe is people reducing Donnie and Leo to being twins#“It's because they're twins!” HUH? Honey that's quite literally magical that has nothing to do with their twinnage please explain#If I'm in the wrong I'll admit it but I don't think I am so that's why this is just something that annoys ME and I hate encountering#If people love them being twins snd make something centered around it that's awesome and I've loved some stuff like that myself!#But they aren't ONLY twins and seeing this story mention the favt they were at every turn practically reduced them to nothing BUT twins#Raph and Mikey are sidelined so much it's crazy and it feels like they hardly exist sometimes compared to Leo snd Donnie who always appear#That's all really. It's just annoying. That's it so I ranted about it. I'm just going to draw more after this tbh#Okay.. actually much hate to the author because they're a TCESTER and blocked me which was very nice of them so.. yeah#Just don't hate on other people who do what I said in the main post but THAT WAS A PLOT TWIST I BEVER SAW COMING I'LL SAY THAT#I no longer feel bad for making fun of them this is the greatest turn of events that could've ever happened to me LMAO#But genuinely I still see that twin stuff a lot past the weirdo so I feel I'm still valid#long rant
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areislol · 3 months
twitter links w/ hsr men
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pairings. blade, jing yuan, aventurine, sunday, gepard, sampo x afab/fem! reader
warnings. NSFW no minors! please read at your own discretion, explicit/18+ smut, established relationships for most, brat taming for blade, mention of being called a whore (teasing manner) for aventurine, mentions of puppy for gepard but there's no meaning about it. aggressive sex, passionate sex, masturbation (fem.) sub! gepard for 1 twt link, fingering
a/n. i don't think i've done one for hsr yet... or genshin so maybe that'll be in the future. sorry (not sorry) guys i'm ovulating (i need them all carnally). also i think for some you need to be logged in twitter for them to work! this only has a couple of characters cause i'm a bit lazy today
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✧ fucking you so good from behind, "you like that don't you?"
✧ eating you out in a room just beside his colleuges room, he likes the risk and it turns on him. you feel the same way, right?
✧ teasing you for being such a brat, spanking your tight pussy and rubbing soft languid on your sensitive clit. you'll learn your lesson sooner or later.
✧ the size difference never fails to amaze him. but that's fine, he'll take his time with you.
✧ making you cum just by his slender fingers
jing yuan
✧ riding your boyfriend jing yuan
✧ fucking you in his bathroom while you're wearing his shirt. how adorable of you ♡
✧ best friend! jing yuan who fucks you right and how you deserved to be fucked. "feels good doesn't it? i know baby but you need to keep your voice down.. your mom is here.." it's quite hard to stay quiet while being pounded relentlessly, isn't it?
✧ a 5 star meal in his opinion, nothing beats your pussy.
✧ slowly and painstakingly teasing you with his cock, oh, and you're wearing that new blindfold he bought for you!
✧ bouncing up and down on his dick, "like the whore you are"
✧ morning sex (is this based off the artwork recently posted by hoyo? yes)
✧ fingering you from behind
✧ "fuck..." aventurine loves hearing you moan
✧ "ride my face, please."
✧ passionate sex with sunday
✧ giving your boyfriend an awaited tit job ♡
✧ restricting your movement by binding you. "stop moving or i won't put it in." he says while also rubbing his hardness on your entrance.
✧ fucking you 'till you're braindead
✧ your puppy boyfriend who loves eating you out. best meal ever.
✧ breeding you just like you asked, one peak down at the messy sight gets him 10x more hard. good luck with a horny gepard
✧ milking your beloved with a vibrator
✧ teasing your poor husband with a video of your wet pussy while he's at work.
✧ your boyfriend still continuing to finger you through your orgasm. overstimulated would be an understatement.
✧ making out in your room
✧ fucking you aggressively after seeing his rival, gepard, flirt with you (?? gepard flirting??)
✧ your pleasure is his pleasure//masturbating while eating you out
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a/n: me after not writing anything for a couple of weeks (i think almost a month?) :) i haven't done this in SO long. no continue reading for this since it's short. (this is a shitpost)
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @v4an @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls if im missing anyone please tell me because i have an inkling feeling i missed a few..
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!!
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primofate · 3 months
Drop the towel wrapped around you and appear naked in front of your Genshin husband
In a nutshell: That old tiktok challenge/prank. In your private, shared home of course.
Warnings: My perpetual warning as a writing mother is that I am sleep deprived. Very VERY sleep deprived. SUGGESTIVE: BORDERING ON NOT SAFE FOR WORK, written on a 10 minute timer please be gentle
Characters: Aether, Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Baizhu, Cyno, Diluc, Itto, Kaeya, Kaveh, Kazuha, Neuvillette, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Tighnari, Wriothesley, Xiao, Zhongli, implied fem!reader
Personal Favourites: Tighnari
chokes on nothing
"Y-Y-Y/N?! What're you doing?"
Comes up to you and tries to cover you up with the towel again, as if it was a sin to look at you naked in broad daylight.
Full on blush on his face and respectfully tries to look away.
"Don't surprise me like that!"
Seems not to like it but actually likes it too much to the point of getting embarrassed for himself.
Yes he's your husband but is still a precious respectful man
Blinks a couple of times but appreciates your beauty and gives your body a slow once over. Chuckles in amusement afterwards.
"Is there a reason for this?"
Just to get his reaction, you admit.
"Well..." starts walking towards you. "I do have higher self-control than most others... but let it be known that I'm far from immune to my..."
Stops in front of you and yet again seems to eat you up with his eyes. "...needs," ends with a suspiciously sweet smile.
Can't help but be a bit surprised and you can see it by the way his eyebrows go up as soon as the towel hits the floor.
Opens his mouth to say something but closes it again, as if hesitating, which is really strange for someone like him.
"...Is this the part where I sweep you off your feet and carry you to our room?" there's a bit of amusement in his tone. Stands to walk over to you.
Places a hand on your waist.
"Cause I can guarantee you that we DON'T need to be in our bedroom for things to happen...but you knew that already, right?"
Quirks his eyebrows up, amused smile appearing on his face.
"I must say, this is a lovely surprise,"
Traces your figure with his eyes. Then approaches you to hold your waist and dip in to kiss your neck softly.
"How could I ever resist, my love, when you're standing in front of me in all your magnificence?"
Takes the longest time just admiring and basking in your beauty, tracing every little part of your skin.
Lets pretend the snake ain't here okay?
Does a double take.
"Y/N, first off, you'll get a cold,"
Pushes his spectacles up and gives you a once over.
"Second, you'll give me a heart attack,"
Beckons you over gently with his hand. "Come over, I suppose it's been a while since...I've done a full body check,"
Hides a grin.
Blankly looks at you and is still processing what is happening
"Y/N? Is this... Did I do something?"
Is so suspicious that this was some kind of trap.
You tell him its simply to get a reaction out of him.
Immediately shoots out of his seat and catches your wrist.
"Then...Is it my turn to get one out of you? There's several ways to do that...and I know your favourite ones,"
Eyes follow the towel down to the floor and head snaps back up to blink at the sight in front of him. Recovers quickly.
Chuckles as he stands and walks over. Picks up the towel and drapes it around your shoulders. "Only because it's quite chilly tonight,"
but still ends up inching the towel off your shoulder, tracing your collarbone. "Although, as your husband, I suppose it IS my job to keep you warm... So how would you like it today, love?"
"WHOA!" by instinct covers his eyes with his hands but his fingers are actually splayed apart so he can totally see through the gaps
Feels himself getting aroused
I mean the guy gets turned on even just at the sight of your neck
Suddenly stands and walks over to you, easily hoists you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and makes a beeline to your shared room.
"You're asking for it Y/N!"
Sits back and relaxes, he doesn't really know what he was expecting. Some type of show maybe. "What's this? Finally giving me that lap dance you owe me, snowflake?"
Laughs but you're incredibly flustered at the suggestion.
Beckons you over and grabs you by the waist to sit on his lap.
"Feel that?" he whispers in your ear.
Oh you feel it alright, pressing at your upper thigh.
"Now whose fault is that? You'll have to do something about it now, love,"
Looks away with a blush on his cheeks.
"Put something on!"
Yes he's seen you naked before, you're married, but the guy's always flustered in unexpected events.
You provoke him further by coming over, sitting sideways on his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Y/N!" He looks down at you and can't help but look at your nakedness in full and close view.
Gulps but starts to feel his body heat up, his hands suddenly, assertively planting themselves on your waist as he meets your eyes. "I don't care what you say about yourself, but know that you're the only one who takes me from 0 to a 100 in a second,"
"Y/N?" Chuckles nervously and takes in the sight of your body.
Smiles at you and takes your hand to kiss the back of it.
"I've seen you countless of times... Each time, I'm reminded by how fortunate I am that you chose me to take care of you,"
Caresses your cheek all the way down to your jawline. "You're beautiful, Y/N,"
He has the most tender and gentle look on his face, but its mixed with a passion that you've never seen on anyone before. "Let me show you how much I love you, dear,"
Eyebrows twitches upwards in surprise. Has no clue what to do in this new situation.
He doesn't say anything but is most definitely enjoying the view of your body. You see his jaw tense up, as if he's clenching his teeth.
"Ahem," he starts. Then seems to have the most trouble prying his eyes away to meet your gaze. "Is this...perhaps another way to tell me... that you would like some attention?"
You say not really and just wanted to see how he would react.
"Ah," he lets out, as if understanding and as if the conversation has ended.
A moment of silence passes and you're starting to wonder if that was all he was going to do. But he then stands and places a gentle hand on your bare waist. "...So you're simply doing it, as people would say, 'for fun'?"
He asks, and you say yes innocently. He smiles a bit and has another hand cupping your face and thumbing your lips. "I see," breathes out slowly.
"Unfortunately, for your actions, the Iudex feels that a punishment is in order,"
Raises one eyebrow as if he's bored. Then smirks.
"If you wanted it, all you had to do was ask," pulls you by the waist and makes you straddle him "But this is good too,"
Hands actually start to grope you up and down. Will fondle and squeeze in private places immediately.
"What? Startin' to feel good? S'what you get when you play games with me,"
will smack your butt the first chance he gets
Immediately jumps up and in an automatic daze, eyes glued to his favourite parts, trudges towards you and attempts to bury himself in softness.
You quickly stop him and in turn HE quickly stops you. Hands easily bunching your wrists up together and angling them upwards above your head.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," he grins down at you. "Someone's being naughty,"
You complain that he reacts too fast.
Laughs, but his hand starts to unbuckle his pants and there's a dark look in his eyes. "Oh, I'm just being naughty back. When you want something, Y/N, believe it when I say I'll GIVE it to you,"
ear twitches. Tail swishes back and forth. Does not show any expression except slight curiosity.
"What's the occasion?"
You tell him that you just wanted to see his reaction.
He hums and nods slowly, like processing some type of complicated information.
"Wait here, I'll be back in a minute,"
You ask him where he's going and you're a bit upset at the lack of response from him.
He chuckles and returns to you, tail angling upwards in an attempt to wrap and brush against your waist. Takes your hand, presses your wrist against his lips and seems to take a slow breath in.
"I'm merely clearing off my schedule for today. Now, be patient, I'll be back,"
Almost spits out his drink but gulps it all down instead.
Eyes widen a fraction at the sudden act but his hand is already loosening his tie.
"Wait right there precious," chuckles while he says this, tie already falling to the ground, now unbuttoning his vest. At the same time walks over to you urgently as if you're going to disappear but laughs nervously while he's at it.
"I swear you'll be the death of me,"
Looks like he's going to pounce on you but when he reaches you he only gives you a chaste kiss, as if asking for permission first.
You suddenly remind him that he has a LOT of things to do today, appointments and all.
Actually barks out a quick laugh. "You're not really expecting me to walk out now? As far as I'm concerned," pulls you flush against him and kisses your jaw "The only thing I need to do today is you,"
"Wh-Wh-What do you think you're doing?!"
caught unprepared. Crosses his arms and looks away. Pretends he's uninterested but his eyes still dart back to look at you.
You ask him if he likes what he sees.
He now completely looks away from you. A few seconds pass and when he turns his head back to look at you there's now a carnal look in his eyes.
He walks towards you slowly and captures your chin to tilt it up. Looks down at you as if he hasn't eaten a meal in days.
"...When I'm done with you tonight you'll get your answer,"
Chuckles. Amused.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, dear?"
You shrug and even do a turn for him. He watches you carefully and takes in the image in front of him.
Smiles and strides over towards you. "Truly a magnificent sight," brushes his fingers against your neck
His eyes trail downwards and isn't shy about looking at your body. "Might I remind you my dear, my stamina surpasses that of a normal human," he smiles at you sincerely.
You tell him that you're well aware. He just chuckles again.
"Then you know well what'll come next,"
I’ve published The Ruthless Prince (Reader x Scaramouche) on paperback. Click here.
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