#because I fucked up their eyecolors before
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robobrainrot · 7 months ago
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Garashir, anyone? 🥂
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koifly · 11 months ago
Toby headcanons
These are just some quick notes from my AU so I'm not going into too much detail with each headcanon!
-German, no not just German roots but he actually lives in Germany
-complex relationship with physical contact/affection
-talks a lot, but not very often. Either he's talking with no red string or is as silent as an owl's flight
-can't stand having a beard/stubble, HAS to shave or else he'll remind himself a bit too much of his dad
-fucked up hands through biting, picking and scratching
-freckles and moles everywhere, pale skin, eyebags
-dark brown hair+eyes, thick eyebrows, slightly hooked nose
-either dresses midwestern emo or how the marauders fandom portrays Remus Lupin since he thrifts his clothes because of the lack of money
-does the hand-flapping thing when he excitedly talks about something/someone that interests him
-DESPISES raw tomatoes
-pretty distant towards most of the creeps, only exceptions are Natalie, EJ, Kate and James (in that order btw, first is the person he's the closest to, last is the one he is, compared to the other three, most 'distant' to)
-prefers sweet snacks over salty snacks
-does the thumbs up+awkward smile thing whenever he didn't listen to what another person was saying to pretend that he did. Or when he's slightly weirded out by someone
-comparable to dogs, racoons and deers in a way
-prefers dogs over cats
-when stressed in the woods he usually sits down near flowers and rips them out before tearing them into smaller pieces
-that guy does NOT know how to properly take care of himself (forgets to eat, doesn't know how to cook etc...)
-unlabelled sexuality, if he likes someone he likes someone and doesn't really care about gender nor appearance
-still sometimes chews on his cheek which leads to his gash not properly healing
-secretly tries to befriend every damn animal he encounters but quickly gets frustrated and gives up when it ignores him/walks away from him
-gets forced to be Nina's makeup/fashion model sometimes (usually James is Nina's first victim but not always)
-Kate and him have a sibling relationship
-admires EJ in a lot of ways but has too much of a thick skull to actually admit that out loud
-sometimes leaves small handmade gifts and/or things he found in the woods in front of Nat's cabin such as bracelets, necklaces, knifes and all kinds of trinkets
-will instantly accuse others of taking his stuff when he doesn't find it just to find it 2 minutes later
-struggles to comfort others when they are crying/ having a breakdown/ etc......So he usually just awkwardly pats their back or sit beside them in silence
-huge Spiderman fanboy, has a lego Spiderman keychain on him at all times
-5'8 or 5'9 idk tho
-will try to get on peoples nerves just to see how they'll react
-hates authorities and people who act like their the boss/better than him
-will bark and bite (not literally, metaphorically)
-will see a rock and instantly compares it to someone's eyecolor/ haircolor (cough cough Nat cough cough...)
uhhhh yeah, that's some of them I guess
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the-meat-machine · 1 year ago
Im confused about Cherub anatomy
I thought it was kind of odd that they have gender? Like you could assume that they just choose one because they're trying to project an identity on the same body which sorta gives an indication that the body lacks male or female traits for this reasoning to make sense. BUT, if we look at Caliborns/Calliopes mother and father theres some clear sexual dimorphism. It makes me wonder how their bodies even get that way? I ended up theorizing that they may metamorphosize to achieve these differences. My theory 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭���� 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺 hold some weight, ex: in Caliborns Masterpiece we can hear that his voice is deep and snarly. Now, we haven't heard Calliopes voice to make a fair comparison after all, she could also possibly sound just like that. So maybe this isn't the strongest example but when Cherubs sleep and when the other personality takes over, the body does change. From the eyecolor, tongue color, cheek color, and blood color, as for body figure it's unclear if that changes when waking up. If we want to count how Caliborn and Calliope are drawn in Act 7, in the opening you can see Calliope has a curved figure and breasts while Caliborn has a wider shoulders, and a flat chest . But then again, Calliope is drawn differently multiple times throughout the act 7 flash so maybe not much weight either. The strongest basis i have for this is probably just how their mom and dad look. In conclusion: either their body fully transitions into the other gender when one of the personalities wakes up then swaps into the other gender when sleeping for the other personality to take over the body with their traits included OR the body has both male and female traits at all times and are stuck there until the one the personalities wins the body and the loser personality bodily traits disappear from the body so the winners traits take over. But this could also not hold weight since Caliborn apparently didn't know what boobs were when talking with Jane. But yet again Calliopes drawings featured boobs so idk. Feel free too tell me everything i got wrong not even i know what the fuck im talking about I've been listening to karkalicious for like 6 hours today (newer version)
So I came into this ask fully intending for my answer to be "cherub sexes make no sense, just throw them out". But then as I was writing out why they make no sense, I accidentally came up with an explanation that makes them (sort of) make sense. Whoops. I'm going to post that as its own separate thing, 'cause it got long, and I probably should edit it to include a clearer explanation of isogamy, ha ha… ha.
But anyway, that aside, some of the details you brought up still don't really make sense - especially alt!Calliope's appearance in Act 7. Because the thing is, alt!Calliope shouldn't look like an adult cherub at all. Even if she predominated "correctly", she still died young, before she could fully mature. If she was truly fully grown, she would have wings, but she doesn't. And during the conversation where she and alpha Calliope meet, the two of them appear to have the same height and build.
The simplest explanation for her Act 7 appearance is that it's just art weirdness. But if we wanted to come up with an in-universe explanation, two possible ones come to mind:
She's a ghost. Ghosts are shown to be able to change their appearances, either consciously or subconsciously. So she's given herself a more adult body that matches her adult mind.
She lived long enough after predomination for her body to partially, but not completely, mature. Thus, she has a somewhat adult-like body, but doesn't have wings and doesn't look as large as the adult female cherub we see depicted elsewhere (because even the females are pretty darn ripped). In this case, it's during the conversation with alpha Calliope that she's altering her appearance, perhaps choosing to make herself look younger to put Calliope and/or Jade at ease.
As for Caliborn seeming to have broader shoulders in Act 7 than Calliope does, we could say that maybe it's just that Caliborn has more muscle mass there by virtue of being more physically active.
I do like to imagine (when I accept that cherubs have biological "sexes" at all) that young cherubs have undifferentiated bodies, and they only develop into "male" or "female" forms after predomination. This fits in with what Aranea says about how the only way to tell the two young cherubs apart is by the color of their cheeks (though as you note, there are a few other differences too).
But that's still kind of complicated, because what makes one of the personalities definitively "male" and the other definitively "female" when their bodies are identical? My best theory is that there's some sort of hormone or something in their blood that differs between juvenile males and females, since the blood seems to be the main thing that physically changes when they swap bodies.
As for Caliborn not understanding what boobs are while Calliope does... that's probably just because Calliope actually pays attention to humans, whereas Caliborn is willfully ignorant about them.
(p.s. I didn't notice until this ask that alt!Calliope appears to have boobs in Act 7. I always assumed cherubs didn't have them, since during Aranea's explanation, the art is ambiguous enough that you could interpret the female as being flat-chested. But no: act 7 says cherub boobs. Argh. Why. I am rejecting this from my personal headcanon and assuming that it was just some weird folds in alt!Calliope's robes that made her look like she had boobs.)
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imfiguringitoutlovely · 4 years ago
Hello! I Hope you are having a good day! If it's not a bother could I request Bakusquad with a reader who is self conscious about his eyes because his quirk makes them look weird, and always wears sunglasses or tinted goggles but he finally shows them his eyes because he trusts them.
bakusquad with boyfriend who's insecure about his eyes
pairing: bakuquad x male!reader (he/him)
type: fluff, insecurity comfort, mjnor angst
warnings: insecurity...? mild desc of anxiety, cussing, close ups of eyes
author's notes: hhh i kind of took this like the hc of hizashi having spiral eyes and hiding them to not creep people out (but then showing them to aizawa bc erasermic i fucking love them)
also these aren't particularly long? SORRY BOUT THAT LMAO
SO. reader, you can have whatever quirk you please! i can't come up w individual storylines for each individual situation, so your background is the same for them all. you met them when you transferred into the respective middle school, and when you were both accepted into UA, you got closer and closer. you're in 2-A, and have been together for about a year.
one of your parents had a spider quirk, and though you didn't inherit that quirk, you did inherit their multiple eyes. or, well, you were supposed to. but it just didn't work out. you've covered your eyes with sunglasses, goggles. but now...
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they're also whatever color your natural eyecolor is babes, or you can choose lol
Katsuki Bakugou
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he's never really questioned your use of goggles. quietly in this own head, yes, but he figured it had something to do with your quirk. he did call you Goggles, though. not that you minded it.
you didn't...not trust him. but you were scared. nobody outside of you, your parents, and a few students at the middle school you attended before tranferring had seen your eyes. after the trauma of getting so violently verbally (and slightly physically) battered because of something you couldn't control, you swore to hide behind your goggles as long as possible.
this was going to be hard. and you'd even considered not showing him at all. ever. but you also figured that you couldn't truly hide forever.
it wasn't until your second sports festival that you decided that you were ready. you were paired up to fight todoroki the next round and you knew you couldn't have your goggles on. in training, it was easy to accept the repercussions of blind spots. but after the results of your first sports festival, you weren't going to let your insecurity risk a loss.
so now you were in the prep room, wringing your hands and shifting your weight back and forth from your right to left foot and back. it was all you could do to soothe yourself, but of course when bakugou came in he assumed you were trying to calm the nerves of having to fight todoroki.
"stop stressing yourself out, goggles, we both know you can take candycane out quick." he didn't notice the way you tensed at his presence, or the way your hands started debating whether or not this was a good idea. "remember what the dolphin man said, you're on your way to being the next pro hero, only second to-" of course he was adding some stuff in, but you weren't even really listening.
you had turned so fast that you almost msde yourself sick and pulled the goggles off.
"me..." your boyfriend took a few moments to understand what exactly was going on, but you'd taken it the wrong way and statted scrambling to put your goggles back on.
"shit, sorry. i-uh- i should've-"
"stop stuttering, you sound like deku." he huffed and stepped forward to kiss your forehead. gently. which. katsuki-? "they're not ugly. and you're gonna win that fucking match, understand? icyhot's got nothing on you."
if it weren't for his soft change in tone or the fact that there were no longer goggles obscuring your view, you would've missed the blush on his face. "are my eyes katsuki bakugou's kryptonite?"
all you could do was laugh before planting your own kiss on his cheek. "i'll win. i was never nervous about that."
your boyfriend smirked, eyes shining with pride. "good. go show those extras how fucking awesome my boyfriend is." he took another moment to look at your eyes. your eyes. it really is true. love at first sight does exist.
Eijirou Kirishima
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you're 100000% not worried about what he'd think about your eyes. he's just so accepting, so loving and kind and never EVER hesitates to embrace you, including your faults.
so no, you're not worried about what he'd think. you're worried that he'll let it slip to someone by accident in the middle of one of his rambles to his friends about how every bit of his boyfriend is perfect, and then others would know and how would they see you? people already demonized your parent for having a spider quirk, and even moreso for their "haunted" eyes, so why shouldn't you be anxious about it?
so you'd kept your mouth shut and your goggles up, even when you two were cuddling or fell asleep with each other. he never pressed, only occasionally asking if you were sure you were comfortable and if you'd like to ask hatsume for a more practical pair.
at some point you, aizawa, and kiri realized that you had to get better goggles, a pair that was made specifically for you. even mr. orca himself let you know that your way of hiding wasn't very practical in battle.
so you agreed with kiri to go to hatsume, but that meant taking your goggles off.
the anxiety was high, and the day you had scheduled to go see hatsume got closer by the hour. you were tense, hands always coming up to your face to secure your goggles in an attempt to ease yourself.
kiri caught on, and one day he decided to try and talk about it with you. you two were eating lunch, the first st the table, and would probably have some time with the way kaminari was holding up the line. you'd just told a joke, and kiri was ending his chuckle when he suddenly went a little serious.
"hey, pebble?" you answered with a little hum, taking another bite of your food before meeting his eyes, not that he could tell. "you've been really stressed since we got that meeting with hatsume."
your face fell and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. you broke eye contact only for a moment. "uh... kiri? can i ask you something?"
"of course, babe." he reached across and held one of your hands. "anything at all."
"uh..." you looked at your hand in his, feeling your chest grow warm but your heart begin to race. "would you... you'd be fine being with someone who...maybe...people... i don't know..."
kiri's brows furrowed before he spoke, his voice incredibly soft in the loud teenage-infested cafeteria. "you mean would i be fine with having a boyfriend who might look a little different? having a boyfriend who i love with all my heart, who is absolutely the most handsome person on the planet and who's always aiming to do things plus ultra? it wouldn't be very manly of me to lie, so yes. i'm over the moon to be your boyfriend no matter what's going on behind your goggles. none of it can change how beautiful you are to me." he gave a small, close-lipped smile, but it was warm and soft and real. he kissed your hand before squeezing it a little, only leaning back a little when he saw the rest of the squad was coming over. that was fine, though.
you heard all you had to hear. you pulled your hand away and pulled your goggles off, flinching and having to blink at the sudden light flooding your vision. and you look at your boyfriend, bright and gorgeous and real without any sort of filter between. you watched as his eyes widened into shock before softening into admiration, then pure love as he leaned forward and kissed you.
"jesus christ, get a room, shitty hair." bakugou grumbled as he took his seat, the rest of the group (especially mina) deciding that yes, you two were the adorable power couple. and then realizing your goggles were off.
when you opened your eyes from the kiss, your face red, mina gasped. you tensed and quickly turned to her, expecting disgust.
"that's what you've been hiding? they're so cool!"
kirishima laughed a little before reaching and holding your hand again. "yup. my cool, handsome pebble..."
Mina Ashido
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having very "weird" eye gang!! well, couple. everyone knew you were hiding your eyes, they just weren't really sure why, not that they ever really pressed. monoma did sometimes, trying to copy your quirk so his eyes could follow like how he got a horn with eri, but his eyes would never change into yours. (i tripped myself the fuck out writing that-)
but you two were the "weird eyed" people of your class. you were never treated differently because of it and acknowledged that whether or not you showed your eyes wouldn't effect the way your friends or girlfriend saw you, but you couldn't help feeling insecure.
in romance movies like the ones you and mina watched (doNT BE A BITCH BROS, ROMANCE MOVIES ARE MANLY AF), the guys had eyes their partners could swim in. even the actors with quirks that affected their eyes had gorgeous eyes that easily captured any audience.
all of mina's celebrity crushes had stunning eyes and you felt like you were at a loss. on one hand, goggles weren't the hottest thing, but on the other, would she find your double irises pretty enough to swim in.
not just that, but you don't think you could handle the questions from people. mina tried to hide it, but she got quite a couple questions herself and never completely knew how to deal with them. of course you'd help her out of those situations, but you know how much it can effect someone.
it wasn't until a trip out to the mall that you decided to share, though. you two were just window shopping. she'd point things out with her free hand and then happily explain what it was, where she found about it from, and so on. it was like this, her being the bubblegum of the relationship. it was nice, relaxing.
but then some kids from another school started walking in your general direction. they didn't try to hide that they were judging you two, and it was clear what they were judging when they pointed at each others eyes and laughed.
the way mina quieted down broke your heart a little. you paused your glaring to look at her, half expecting to see her looking upset. and yes, she was upset. but more than anything she was pissed. she stopped talking and narrowed her eyes at them, pretending to whisper but really speaking loud enough for them to hear.
"if i melt the floor under their feet, alibi me?" one of the students looked taken aback, but the other rolled their eyes.
"we're not scared of a satan wannabe."
and that made your blood boil a little. you huffed. "wanna say that again?" that wasn't you. no, you wanted to walk away, but mina wasn't having it.
"i said fuck off, demon eyes."
mina aimed and hit a spot next to their feet with her acid. suddenly they weren't so tough anymore.
"f-fuck, okay okay!" they ran off. and you felt. so fucking proud.
you smiled reaching and holding her other hand. "hey, mina?" she looked up at you. into your eyes, for the first time. her eyes widened a little and her anger quickly melted. "can i fight with you next time?"
she couldn't suppress her laugh, or the urge to peck your lips and then continued to drag you through the mall with her. you loved her. and you quickly found out, she loved swimming on your eyes.
Denki Kaminari
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he literally has a lightening bolt symbol in his hair that he can't explain, he's not really going to be judgemental of you.
you are scared, though, of the judgement. he's another guy who can't keep anything to himself, not because he doesn't want to. he's been getting better with it, though, the past couple months, and you start to think maybe you can finally show him what you've been hiding.
you two were having a together night. it wasn't really a date. you two would stay in, maybe eat snacks, watch a movie or Impractical Jokers and cuddle. okay, so it was a date, but it really was more like chilling out.
you two were kissing at the moment, joe's loud laugh interrupting and making you both laugh along.
"glad you pulled away, i went into fight mode-"
"joe's laugh triggers your fight or flight?" a moment of silence, and then you were both laughing, hard. so hard that you ended up fogging up your goggles. you were starting to calm down when all of it just got uncomfortable. you casually took them off to clean the lenses with your shirt, still laughing here and there.
and then he noticed that your eyes were open. you were smiling, and it even looked like your eyes had an extra sparkle. he was also quick to notice how different they were, and then how your smile seemed to grow uneasy with time. you shifted and looked down at your goggles.
"pretty eyes," was all he could rush out. this man was short circuiting. his whole face was red and it got worse when you looked at him again. "i mean your- yeah you have uh- i- you-" he just kept stumbling, unable to put together coherent thoughts because the seratonin of seeing your four pupils expand at the compliments sent him over the moon and back. his lips pulled up into a smile and he started playing with your hair.
"you really um... you think so?"
he kissed your nose and then looked into your eyes up close. "can't believe you're my boyfriend," he mumbled back. he couldn't even properly answer your question because he was just obsessed with how stunning your eyes looked with the moonlight coming in from the window. "so-so you don't need your goggles?"
"no. not-not really. i'm n-not sure im ready for everyone else to see, though, you know? i-um, being open with them is still new for me. so-so if this can just stay between us-" he kissed your nose again.
"yeah, yeah." he couldn't hide his smile and you laughed and it made him smile more. "can i stay the night? i wanna... i kinda wanna wake up and see you without...without the-uh, without-"
"you can always spend the night, dork." you laughed and leaned into him. this was perfect. he was perfect. his reaction was better than you could ever dream-
joe laughed. denki jumped, his hands sparking a little, and you both laughed even harder than earlier.
Sero Hanta
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why aren't there more gifs? look at him, he's so pRETTY FOR FUCKS SAKE, HE DESERVES MORE LOVE 😭 WAH (also this one's a little more like...angsty? IT'S SERO, SERO IS THERAPY-)
he knows a thing or ten about insecurities, especially ones that are hard to try and hide, let alone hide long-term. it took him a long time to embrace his elbows and the fact that he couldn't hide them. he did, though, especially once he started at UA.
you, however, hadn't reached that point. you'd been hiding your eyes even through the past several months of your relationship.
honestly, though, as lame as it sounds, what makes you give it up is just how exhausting and uncomfortable it is. you're scared to sleep without your goggles because who knows who's going to be around when you're up? you're scared to get too close in training because what if someone like bakugou blows them off your face? and the stares you get for wearing them, what must people think about you?
it was just exhausting, and one day, after a particularly bad argument with your parent about it, you decided to raise your middle finger at the world. you pulled on sunglasses and quickly made your way down the hall to your boyfriend's door. it was a saturday afternoon with nothing really planned, so of course he was in there playing some sort of video game after making sure all his school work was dealt with.
you heard him pause his game, turn it's volume down, and then his footsteps towards the door. he opened it with a soft smile to match equally soft and relaxed eyes.
"done studying?" he kissed your forehead before moving away from the door. he sat on the bed and gestured for you to grab the second remote to play with in.
"almost. just got off the phone with one of my fantastic parental units..." you closed the door behind you with a heavy sigh before grabbing the control from his desk and sitting next to him. he wasn't a todoroki, but he was always warm. at least to you. you leaned into his side with the control in your lap.
"uh oh... what happened there?" you realized he paused his game again, and you would've smiled if it weren't for the heaviness in your skull.
"i think im done with the glasses." that really got his attention, though he tried not to make a big deal of it. he wrapped one of his arms around you and leaned back. he wasn't going to push with questions. you were going to share what you wanted to. "im tired, sero. im tired of being scared of everything all the time. it's bad enough with everything our class is facing, academically and socially. i don't have the energy to be worried about how people look at me twenty-four-seven because my parents think who i am as a person isn't good enough." you had a lot more on your mind, but it could wait. this was already a lot to admit, not to mention that you ended it with taking the sunglasses off.
sero looked at you for a moment to process all you'd said and what you had done. he smiled when he finally did. "my boyfriend is such a good-looking, amazing hero." he pecked your lips before giving your shoulder a light squeeze. "thank you for sharing that with me. i know it's a lot to carry, and a lot harder to release. your eyes are perfect, by the way, and if anyone says differently, ill-"
"please don't caccoon them in the trees-"
"okay, that was two times and mineta deserved it."
you both shared soft laughter before relaxing in each other's presence.
"and thank you for trusting me to be the first to see them." it wasn't a joke or sarcasm or anything like that. it was genuine, drenched in honesty. get used to that, by the way, the honest compliments and admiration. he's going to remind you of it every chance he gets.
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Wait For It
Dean stalks out of the Impala agitatedly.
It's a sunny afternoon, and Sam's on the porch, coffee on the table next to him, flipping through his political science handbook. He looks up when he hears the car door being slammed, and his eyes follow Dean as he lands in the other chair around the table.
Then, without warning or premonition, Dean starts to talk.
He's got a new colleague.
Novak, he calls him. With gritted teeth, frowning eyebrows, and feeling.
They don't usually talk about people. So Sam listens.
Considering the amount of time Dean devotes talking about how Novak walked into his office, stride radiating importance as though he'd been summoned by Dean himself - well, he really must be a pain in the ass.
Over the next week, Sam's not always outside when Dean comes home from work. When he finally is, on a Thursday, Dean plants himself across him and starts speaking immediately.
Sam closes his book, purses his lips and pays attention.
Castiel, he's become.
Horrible, he's remained.
When Dean's done ranting, the sun's gone down. He gets up, hands on his hips. "He's just a jackass about everything, Sammy. Who's pretentious about eyecolor? Nobody's eyes can be that blue."
Sam nods sympathetically.
Dean goes away to make dinner, satisfied.
Midterms are round the corner.
Without really paying attention to it, Sam's stopped flipping through his handbook, and started highlighting in his textbook. He stays up late, and wakes up early, determinedly chipping away at the ginorminous block of syllabus, bit by bit.
He also stops being out on the porch when Dean comes back from work, and Dean tends to not barge into his bedroom to talk about the awful people he works with, so that's that.
But dinner isn't saved.
It's a simple conversation about mashed potatoes, and Dean goes off. "You won't believe how ridiculous Castiel is about honey, dude." Sam asks for a second helping, he also receives an anecdote on Castiel's ungrateful attitude towards Dean.
Sam doesn't even dare to mention his dislike for bacon once, for all the times Dean offers him it - because he's sure he'd get another indepth analysis of how Castiel hates Dean.
But when they settle down to watch Law & Order after dinner that night, Sam gets a chance to think. He wonders, not for the first time, how truly terrible Cas must be, for Dean to talk about him all the frigging time, and by the end of the episode, he's decided to be the pillar of support his brother needs, right now.
So when Dean starts, randomly, about how Castiel doesn't even appreciate good music, Sam whips out his puppy eyes, and listens to the entire tale.
Weeks pass.
His first paper is Tuesday, Ethics. Sam spends most hours of the day on his desk, holed up in his room.
It would be unfair to Dean to say he used up all the time Sam did spend around him, to talk about Cas.
(Which Castiel had ended up being, obviously.)
He only used like sixty percent of it.
"He's just...a weird, dorky little guy." Dean ends, biting his lip, eyes cast to the floor. His hands play with the hem of his jacket - he's still in work clothes.
Sam sighs.
"You know what?" Dean stands up. "I'm going to make coffee. Do I get you a mug or a thermos?"
"Thermos, please." Sam calls after him, gratefully.
"Okay. Carry on, bitch."
Sam feels guilty.
He's been so caught up in college, deadlines and exams, he's hardly talked to Dean except to thank him for all the coffee and sandwiches.
Dean may be a jerk all year, but he can get really supportive when Sam needs him to be.
Sam feels bad for not doing the same.
So when Dean puts a peanut butter sandwich in front of him, at one am while Sam panics through his last night revision, he looks up at his brother blankly and asks. "Hey, how's the guy who's been making your life hell? You stopped telling me about him."
"Oh, uh." Dean pauses.
Sam waits, but Dean takes too long, as if he's contemplating, so he takes a bite of his sandwich instead.
"He's not that bad." Dean finally lets out, exhaling into a hint of a smile.
Sam raises his eyebrows.
"To you kicking Stanford's ass!" Dean raises his bottle, perhaps the sixth toast of the night, giant grin plastered on his face.
"I keep telling you the results are a far way from being out yet - but hear, fucking hear!" Sam clinks his glass to Dean's beer, smile equally wide. He's finally done. There's finally no more papers, no more tests, no more revision.
He made it through.
"I'm proud of you." Dean mutters lazily, leaning back on the seat.
"Y-yeah. I know." Sam returns joyfully, neither of them really thinking about what they're saying. They've been drinking for hours. "Thank you."
"Yeah, yeah. I know." Dean repeats, and proceeds to chuckle at his words. There's a moment of silence - well, as silent as it ever gets in the Roadhouse. Then Dean speaks up. "Guess what, Sammy?"
Sam doesn't even correct him.
"I'm going to ask Cas out today." Dean declares, and Sam's eyebrows go up again, because while he's definitely known his brother's into guys for years, he hadn't expected Dean to come out like this.
But six beers in, and a declaration of pride out, Dean just ups and says it.
"I think I have a crush on him."
Many months go by. It's Sam's final year. And he's moving back onto campus.
"I'm going to miss you." Sam tells Dean, after they've finished lugging all of his bags into Jessica's room. Dean's half sitting on Baby's hood, and Sam has his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Shuddup." Dean throws back, and he definitely sounds weird. "I'm like, seven minutes away."
"Still." Sam grins, earnest.
"Yeah, alright. I'm not making you move out, okay?" Dean straightens, scoffing. "Have fun convincing Jessica to make you breakfast food at midnight."
"Yeah but," Sam laughs. "You live like, seven minutes away."
"Like hell I do. Get your ninety-percent peanut butter ass over here." Dean sighs, and Sam walks up to him, letting Dean pull him into a hug.
They hold onto each other, safety in the familiarity. Both of them know that they're probably not going to live together again. Sam has a plan after college, which doesn't involve moving back to Dean's. But they've shared a house for so long, it's going to feel weird.
It's going to be strange.
To lighten the moment, Sam whispers. "So, uh. Cas is moving in after I'm gone, isn't he?"
"He's probably already redecorating the place to get rid of your nerd cooties." Dean thumps him on the back, as they separate. There's a smile lingering on his face.
"What about your nerd cooties?" Sam bitchfaces at him.
"He likes those." Dean defends, crossing his arms on his chest.
"I bet he does." Sam snorts, and Dean reddens, realizing he just walked right into that, and then he just swears under his breath goodnaturedly as Sam walks into his new place.
Sam's phone rings.
It's only eight, on a Saturday, and Sam doesn't have to leave for office at nine like everyday, so he's sleeping in. Amelia's next to him, and she elbows him when the annoying ringtone wakes her before it wakes Sam.
"Sorry, babe." Sam tells her, kissing the top of her head distractedly, picking up the phone and sitting up when he hears Dean's voice.
It's trembling with excitement.
"Sam!" Dean gushes, and there's really no other word for it. There seems to be a commotion behind him, but the happy kind. Dean's tone is almost ecstatic.
"Dean?" Sam confirms, groggily.
"Dude, Cas just asked me to marry him!" Dean let out, almost breathless. "And I said yes! Of course, I said yes! We're getting married, Sammy!."
A smile grows on Sam's face. "Dude. You're getting married."
"I'm getting married!" Dean repeats, and proceeds to chuckle at something Cas is saying apparently, because then he tells Sam he's putting him on speaker.
"Hello, Sam." Cas greets him, sounding thoroughly overjoyed.
"Congratulations, Cas." Sam says, beaming now. He's so happy for them both. Cas is amazing, and he gets Dean, and Sam knows Dean loves him so much. "And, uh, Dean? You better fight a good fight for my Bestmanship, versus Castiel's brother, okay?"
Dean laughs, and it's the kind of rare excited laugh which makes everyone around smile too.
Cas answers, instead, his voice just as excited. "Don't worry, I'd rather have Gabriel be the caterer."
Sam chuckles. "Good."
"Give the phone back a minute, Cas," Dean says in the background, and then it's off-speaker, and just Dean, again. "You're not busy being important or anything, are you?"
Sam looks around him. "No?" Dean hesitates for a beat, until Sam catches the gist. "Dude! Of course I'm not busy. Tell me everything!" Dean lets out a sound which is definitely a squeal, though he'd never own up to it. "How did it happen? Why did it happen so early?"
Dean exhales, happily, and Sam can picture the smile on his face.
"Wait, is there a ring? Dean, I need you to show me the ring." Sam adds, just before Dean starts to tell Sam about it all. Just like he had, at the very beginning.
Six days to the wedding, Sam sits on the old porch chair, tapping his pen on his notebook.
He needs to write a speech.
There's so much to tell. The two of them are adorable, for god's sake. They tend to be cheesy even in front of him, and so unaware of it - Sam wonders if they turn into mushy marshmallows when his back is turned.
Maybe he should include that in his speech. "Mushy Marshmallows" is a cute alliteration. Huh.
After an entire evening of thinking, he pushes himself off his seat to get a cup of coffee. (He'd try to convince Dean to make some, but him and Cas have an appointment with a florist for the wedding.)
In any case, Sam may not be done with the speech entirely, but he figures he's earned a break. You see, he's already got an unbelievably great title. He can work from there.
"How Dean Is The Worst Judge Of People."
He has a good first line, too. "Exhibit A: Novak-slash-Castiel-slash-Cas."
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duckiesdoodlesdelight · 4 years ago
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i need to stop   drawing right before going to bed. constant problem neverending it makes me do stupid things that also might be funny. 
anyway im going to stay uip sooo late  because im about to ramble about my playing of starred dew valley >:-]
SO. right from the start i named my character BITCH because i oculdn’t think of anything so that’s their name now 
i made them pale (skin 13 i think) and gave them spiky hair. also i gave them a tux shirt with some  brown shorts or somethin like that??? i can’t remember honestly made these doodles from memory. lol
the moment i got the chance i wnet to give BITCH a makeover in the wizard’s basement and i spent a lot of money because i kept forgetting  something like the hair or the eyecolor (which changed from the default eye color to purple because i think that’s cool)
anyway i just made up a story since i stick in the mines too much and i’ve made it to the bottom.  so as  BITCH has more contact with magic they get more fucked up. maybe. or the eyes are as far as it’ll get. they also got a tan because  they are a farmer they are out and about in the sun a lot
FUN FACT i   got the fruit bat farm in my little cave so i can go in there and fit right in.  also im going to marry alex and no one will stop me. i will never divorce him because i don’t want to see him sad. 
i’ll probably give BITCH short hair though since they’re basically a projection of myself into the game (as is with video game protags) and they look too feminine with long hair (it makes me video game protagonist dysphoric ? i guess?????? i’unno lol)
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imagineryupfuckedworld · 7 years ago
Colorful World
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Sweet Amoris
Soulmate AU: When fate lets you see in the eyes of your Soulmate, they color will be the first you see abd slowly your grey world will turn colorful.
Pairing: Armin x Reader
Warnings: idk a bit swearing?
Tagged: @dadagoestohell
There it was. A squealing. Which means someone begun to see a color. But did they even saw who their soulmate was? You looked up from your book. The girl was so excited when she looked around to see what was painted in one color. In the color her soulmate has as eyes. But, is she even looking for her soulmate? She was just blabbering how everything was so different. The crowd slowly disappeard and this was the moment when it begun to click. Where is her soulmate? She lookes around but it seemed she has missed them. Panic rose into her. Panic and then disappointment in herself. You just rolled your eyes and stuck your nose again in your book. It was her own fault. The first thing you should do was to look for them and talk to them so they could also look in your eyes. The chance that they didn't looked directly in your eyes and couldn't see your eyecolor was high. Sure, it was exciting. Seeing colors for the very time but the risk to lose your soulmate was high. Because when you begun to see colors, there is no stoping and who is saying that you will find your soulmate in this state again? This was what Rosa told you anyway. Not that you have any Idea about that. You, not like many other people, don't try to force the meeting to happen. It is totaly stupid. Heck. Some people run around school amd force everyone to lool them directly in the eyes just to find their soulmate. This was insane! You just hoped that it wouldn't be such a fucking cliché meeting. And that they where okay and not such a 'Soulmate-insane-freak'. You were so deep in thoughts and in your book that you didn't watched where you going and so you where slamming into a solid body. You stumbled back, book falling because of your loose grip. But before you fall two arms caught you.
"Careful (N/N)." Suprised you looked up at your childhood friend. The red head just smirked at you
"Wouldn't want that pretty face to have a scratch before meeting your soulmate, no?" You only scoffed and picked up your book. Like you, Castiel wasn't really interested in a soulmate. He had a thing with a girl who wasn't his soulmate and let's just say. You still want to smash her to pieces.
"You should be careful. The bluehaired twin is out of his mind."
"Alexy? Why?"
"He is frankly searching for his brothers soulmate."
"Let me guess. Every girl needs to look into Armins eyes?" Cas just nodded and this led to you groaning. Wonderful! As on cue Alexy screamed your name. His brother dragging behind you.
"Well. That is my cue to leave. By Cassidie!" With that you ran. More because of Cas than the Twins but they're a reason too. You ran as fast as you can to escape them. It was a lot more difficult than you thought but when you ran past Iris and thus was your rescue. You ran out of the school and to the garden. You looked around but no one seems to be there. Reliefed, you sat yourself in a corner where you're shielded from almost every side. It was warm and nice so the time to read was perfect.
"Move!" This harshly whisperd word was what got you out of your book. You looked up and saw Armin. Hiding next to you.
"Got out of your brothers claws?"
"Hopefully yes!" His desperade voice let you chuckle and he looked at you. Directly at your eyes. Your eyes crossed for a moment but there wasn't any color. Not for you anyway.
"Shit you have beautiful eyes." You took a moment to Register what he said but when you did it clicked and you looked as shocked as him.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Well....that was....unexpected..."
"I guess....we're soulmates..." you took notice of how your vision changed slightly. Due to Armins blue eyes you begun to see the clearly blue sky. It was....beautiful. you both chuckled when you heard Alexy searchung for his brother
"You want to let hin search a bit longer?"
"Hell yes!"
Well....wasn't my best but I hope you like it nevertheless
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sk3tch404 · 2 years ago
Hoooh boy you're definitely not gonna be prepared for what Nonny and the Schneidermann's are wearing then, because Jesus Christ me and my friend truly went "the only people who would love you are the ones with more or equally atrocious fashion styles" with that one out of the way, let's start tame with Y/N because I forgot a key characteristic of hers :)
-Nothing much to say about Y/N, Beige stop that reveals her midriff and light blue shorts, BIG RED CLOWNSHOES WITH HEELS, also the thing I forgot was that she literally does not have a face and has to manually apply waterproof makeup so that she looks like a normal person everyday. The game starts off with her make up routine actually lmao I think it wasn't much of a problem for her, because most of her face was hidden thanks to her bangs anyway, but she still enjoys doing it
-Here comes our favourite Hackerman meow meow, so like, his outfits that I described before? Still pretty accurate, Mans got Black hoodie, though I think he has grey sweatpants instead of black pants, oh and also he's got BIG PINK BALLERINA SHOES WHOSE STRAPS GO O N T O P OF HIS SWEATPANTS AND END AT HIS LOWER THIGHS O_O I didn't describe them last time, partly because I totally forgot he had them until I saw his traditional character sheet and partly because I didn't see them in the game, since his sprite cuts off right above where the shoe straps end. So yeah, do with that information what you will. Also he had a straight up Lenny face at first, no eyecolor, just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Also also he wasn't 7 feet 8, he was 9' 2" O_O .
Extra quotes we wrote on his sheet: "giiirl, get back inda BASEMENT" "Are u lost, babeygrill?" "He's got NO lips!" "He's never gonna get a kiss kiss very UGLY!" "No kiss for him"
-J. Schneidermann (because writing his full name would clutter this already long ask oof) so, pink cap with a heart on it uwu. Straight up rainbow dash hair, except short, no face because he anime blushed too hard (he actually has one, unlike Y/N but we just didn't draw it) a long sleeved shirt that's various shades of blue and INTENSE shoulder spike (not horizontally, they go vertically up to his ears) green saggy ass pants that approximately reach his ankles and have GUTSCHI written on it (makes him look like a fucked up hamster ngl) lots of chains on his wrists and pants, ears are pierced, and the most notable detail, he has mismatched shoes that he shares with his cousin, one red high heel and one... black boot or black sneaker I can't tell. He's also smoking a red vape in the pic and has a gold chocker
-B. Schneidermann, black fluffy hair that apparently also covering his face because we didn't draw him one either (rip Schneidermann face enjoyers) mirroring his cousins general outfit, except we can actually see the divide between his legs with the red loose pants he's wearing, rainbow long sleeved shirt, I think he was also supposed to have the ridiculous shoulder spikes but they look more like a high collared cape that's reaaaaaaaally short instead, 1 gold bracelet on each of his wrists and smoking a golden vape too, wears the other part of the mismatched shoe pair. He's also holding a banana and a hotdog (I think it's a hotdog at least) also wears a silver choker
Btw if you're wondering what the hell is up with the Schneidermann shoes, it's inspired by another thing we had to do in German period, be basically got a story from a newspaper that we had to retell in another way, the story we got was "Asian man steals peoples left shoes" like, specifically only the left one, which reminds me that Kim Hojungseo would be shoe thief considering that we drew a shit ton of shoes on his sheet lmao.
Extra writing on Hojungseo's sheet: "I only listen to REAL music!" "Save the fucking turtles b-baka! ùwú" "how can mirrors be real, when our eyes aren't?" "Crying on the inside"
I think I'll probably yassify part of their designs, not too much tho, oughta stay true to their OG vibe after all 😔✊ also this felt like a My Immortal chapter with these lengthy character descriptions, still kinda feel that I don't do em justice, they rlly are the kinda character designs that you simply need to ✨experience✨for yourself to truly understand. Also sorry for clogging up your asks you can tell me when to stop just sayin :,)
-Ren'py anon
What an
I do need these game files ASAP.
Why are the swedish cousins ESPECIALLY ugly 😭😭😭 a golden vape too??? Bro is living the life. WHY DID YOU GIVE THE WORST AND BEST CHARACTER THE HYPEBEAST AESTHETIC??? HELP
The genderfluid aroace urge to accept stoner swedish cousin and hacker nonny for who and whatever the hell they are is strong,
but I have standards I must stick to 💔
The pants on Stoner swedish cousin are questionable to say the least, but hey, at least the got them chains 😎 although his hair is a 🚫off
Hair is a BIG PART of attraction for me so 💀
In another world, he would've looked like that blonde boy from 6teen that was voiced by Chris Mcleans VA
Hacker nonny. Hacker NONNYYYYYYYY MY BOY
At this point, there is only friendship, listening to his funky ass one liners yall wrote, going to his bad private home ballet practices and kicking the back of his knees. Being over 6'8 is an ICKKKKKKKK
I'm 5'5 so, baby this ain't gon work </3
Y/n is awesome. I love how their hair conceals so much of their face, but they just do paint it on anyway. Taking no eyes Y/n to the next level I see 😎
Tbh Y/n and stoner swedish cousin are the only love interests to me now. Y/n should be able to say, "Yeah, humans are fucking FREAKS. I'm the hottest one here tbh." AND GO ON WITH THEIR DAY AS PER USUAL.
Y/n gotta go shoe shopping b4 hand bc WOOOO BOY those clowns shoes ain't it.
Koreaboo bf cousin can go fuck himself bc I hate how he's affiliated with 'Kim hojeongso' or whatever the fuck his name was.
And its okay renpy anon! Send in whenever you'd like! Even though it takes a little while to read through everything and try to include most of everything, I dont mind it all that much!
Thank you for being even comfortable enough to talk about your personal creation with me like this! I enjoy everything you have brought to the table and I'm excited if you have more. Thanks so much Renpy nonnie <33 ilysm
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touchylima · 8 years ago
i call this the reason why i'm happy for the rest of my life
y'all this my high touch experience from monsta x beautiful in berlin!!!!! LETS JUST START THIS BY SAYING HOW ARE THE ODDS THAT MY ULTIMATE BIAS IS ACTUALLY THE LAST IN LINE. i could concentrate on the other members(excluding shownu... i hate myself) before my attention got caught by my man. im super happy about that. now!!! hyungwon: oh wow. if anyone wasn't bothered it was hyungwon -- he was very relaxed and had quite the chill vibe around him. he smiled and said 'thank you' and he is very tall. im 174 and he was indeed quite a bit taller than me. very happy lisi --- he was very verY beautiful. he had blue contacts in and his face is absolutely mesmerizing. im still shocked changkyun: BOI. BE FINE - he wore glasses and he smiled at me very brightly. i said hi and he said 'hi, thank you so much for coming!' in absolutely perfect english (i love when he speaks english)-- he had his cute bunny smile and his hair looked so perfect i was in heaven minhyuk: THIS BOY I SWEAR TO GOD - i wasn't a minhyuk stan before. i loved that boy - of course i mean he's our moodmaker. but he never really caught my eye in visuals. i always thought he does look good ofc but never like - really pretty. i do see my mistake and i take everything back i ever said (or not) about this boy. he is one of the prettiest human beings i have EVER seen. i was honestly SHOCKED, HE LOOKED SO BEAUTIFUL. and he's also TALL AS HELL -- like hyungwon he was quite a bit taller than me, which is kinda rare in the kpop industry LOL he came real close to me and half bowed and said 'hi! thank you!' and high fived my hand and i smiled and said hi back and it was marvelous omg. kihyun: JESUS CHRIST. dont get mE STARTED. THIS MAN GOT ME GOOD--- he leaned forward so far i was afraid he's gonna hug me (who am i kidding i would've immediately grabbed him by the arms and smashed my face into his shoulder)--- and god. was he handsome. he just had this aura that made me very attracted to him. he had a smile on his lips too while he said hello and thank you. im very happy jooheon: alright. son. what are you doing. im supposed to stay loyal(which i will but y'know --- its jooheon) but how can i with this man in front of me. i was a secret jooheon stan since i discovered them a few years back, but i never acted on it. after he performed mirror with kihyun, i just saw that i can't do anything to stop this. im fucked lol straight on hooked around his pinky anyways, i was pretty shook from the concert and the impact mirror had on me, right? then, this boy comes and leans towards me, looks at me and after i said 'hi!!' he started smiling until his eyes disappeared, y'all know what im talking about im not crying you are who am i kidding i am crying bye he alsO kinda grasped my fingers? not completely but like, they laced a bit. i was super happy in that moment(even though i already felt bad because my best friend's ultimate is jooheon) shownu: i am. devastated. i can't remember anything about shownu. notHING. LISA HOW COULD YOU. all i can dimmly still see in the back of my mind are his broad shoulders andddd his height. he's also very tall --- and muscular. but that's sadly all i got for shownu im so mad at myself wonho: COMING TO THE DEVIL ITSELF. MY GOD. i'm glad i didn't collapse right in that moment --- HE IS SO HANDSOME!!!!!!!!!!!! his face is like - he looked like a GOD IM SO--- oh my GOD. he has very sharp eyes BUT THEY WERE SO SOFT TOO ---- and his eyecoLOR IS SO LIGHT??? like --- of lighT BROWNISH COLOR i was about to cry riGHT THEN AND THERE BU T since im a thirsty bitch i checked the baBE out OFC. very obvious as it seems-- since i had like two seconds i just swiftly looked from his thighs up to his torso and his arms(godly arms im still shaking) to finally look at his face TO FIND HIM GRINNING/LAUGHING AT ME. ALRIGHT HOSEOK. WHAT THE FCK. i just laughed and said 'hi!' and he said 'hiiii thanks for coming' and smiled brightly and very genuine. REMEMBER THIS ALL HAPPENED IN TWO SECONDS I BARELY HAD TIME TO EVEN PROGRESS WHAT HAPPENED the picture of my baby shin hoseok smiling at me with such a cute face will forever be burned into my head thOUGH. i'm so incredibly happy and i feel very lucky to have had this opportunity to see and meet my ultimate group, my ultimate bias, my favorite person on this planet --- what have i done to deserve this oh my. im very thankful - and i can't wait for them to come back here. i'm so proud of my boys - they've come so far. and they finally saw what an impact they have on international, right now especially talking about european, monbebe. im so soft - i wish them all the best, they deserve the first win, SOON AT THAT. i just want them to be happy and i want to destroy anything that makes them sad. i love them very much and i'll protect them at any costs!!!!!
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jerrysmithsexy12-blog · 8 years ago
Jerry :( I'm sad, something really depressing happened earlier and I need your help cheering me up.
ok please enjoy this. :)
Your name is (Your First Name) Bungalow Bill… and your the sexiest mother fucker on this street. every day your just so sexy that you have to cover all your mirrors. your orbs is (your eyecolor) and your strands are (your haircolor)
One day youre just taking a swim in the lake downtown. Just swimming all around in there with your pecs and swimming down and grabbing trouts in your bare hands. You hear a little something and you look around. You don’t see anything but then you keep looking… And. You see… someone drownding…
your legs go fast and your arms to fast and you swim to them. you pick their body up out of the water noting how buff it is… and ripped. Your blushing cause well you just think thats so handsome. you pull the man out of the water and hold him above. He coughs up water and blood and he looks at you with those big sexy marbles (eyes)
His wet brown lock curls and strands are on his head. “Hi thank you” he says handsomely, his voice like a speedrun of darksouls 2. “I’m Jerry… Jerry smith. thank you for rescuing me my prince…”
Your just so embarassed and you swuirm around. “Ahhh!!!! X_X 0mg Lol… anything for you bigboy… Glad i could help baby boy.” your so sweaty and your shoes are so small on your feet. You take off your shirt cause its so hot and reveal a tattoo of vegeta.
Jerry sees this and his eyes go blind of love. “Omg… I know you… Are you by any chance BungyChungyBill62 on ao3?!” he screams. “Yes” Uou say firmly back. “Oh my god i love your vegeta fanfics so much he is just so smexy am i right?!” he says. You smile proudly. “I agree.”
Papa J stands up and brushes off his shirt. “Well i should probably get going soon i have to go back home and cook dinner for my children” he holds up a fish that he caught in the water. “Those babys are gonna love this. Just kidding they hate all my meals and I’m alone”
You both chuckle and laugh at that funny joke!
You part ways and go back to your apartment where you sigh dreamily. Jerrey….. Oh he was so epic. but now that you have tasted perfection, what does life matter? you sit on your couch and play super monkey ball until you pass out at 6 am.
The Next Morning
you wake up and take out your laptop and look at it. you have 3 new private messages. one is a continuation of your teen titans go roleplay thread. one is from your boss telling you that youre fired. and one… is from Jerry
“Hi (your name). Do you want to come camping with me this weekend, we have 6 pairs of hiking boots and there is only 5 of us in my family. I need to repay you for saving my life. Please respond. Love Jerry”
you fcking type “Yes” into the keyboard so good and you hit send. You are so excited you go to Walmart and you buy fishing line and bug spray and a whole canoe and you go home and knit yourself a sweater and it says “I LOVE JERRY” on it and you wear it.
the next day
you hear honcking of a car outside and you go out there and see Jerry waving from his car. you take your suitcase and you go out there so fast and you see him. “Hi (name)? my family is so happy to see you are coming” he says. “guys this is the man who saved my life. ”
They are all playig magikarp jump and they dont say hi or look at you
“Haha well you know how it is” he says sexily. Everything about him is so tender and strong. “Hop in the trunk sorry we have no other room” he says and he gets out of the car and helps you into the trunk. You lay down in there and he kisses your forehead and closes it down and you just play your 3ds in there for a few hours
On the way there they stop and you get out cause you are all going in to get food on the way from McDonald’s. you step out and stretch and Jerry and you all go in.
You decide to talk to his family. “hi are you jerrys wife?” you say to Beth.“ unfortunately LOL” she says. Your so mad and angry. Beth goes to the counter. “uhhh can i get a. Fucking large Coke and 3 tomattos and a cookie and a salad and crotons and just a little Oreo mcflurry yes that will be all” she says. When she isnt looking you take her Coke and you put 10 salt packets into it.
Next you talk to morty he is just sitting at a table tying his shoes. “Hi morty jerrys son? I’ve heard so much about you” you say. Jerry didn’t tell you anything about him but also I forgot you have mind reading powers and you just know. morty looks up at you and he says “yeah” and he takes off his shoelaces and throws them in the garbage and takes off his shoes and throws them in the garbage cause he does not know how to tie them.
now youre talkig to summer. she is skyping with her boyfriend. “And so then they all shoot the ancient minister and his cape catches on fire and its fucking rob!!!!!Oh hold on one second. Hi what do you want” she says. “Oh hi summer just…… well just saying hi cause we are camping together. Are you having fun” “no” she says. “Ok well… maybe i have something for you…” you reach into your suitcase and just pull out a book. it says WARRIORS volume 1. you hand it to her. “try reading this bitch.” “Ok maybe i will bitch!!!!”
You walk up to their grabdpa Rick. “Hi Rick.” you say. “Dontever talk to me again” he says and he takes a real gun out of his pocket and shoots you
You wake up in the trunk of the car and walk back into McDonald’s. They are all eating their nuggets. “Ok there you are you died for a little bit there” they say. Jerry takes your hand. (your name) please come in the play place with me" he says. “Ok” you say and you both go in the McDonald’s play place and you have a fun time on the slide playing tag
When you are done you go back in the trunk and go to the campsite. When you get there you get out and breathe in the fresh air and 4 mosquitos. “Ahh… The fresh air” you say… “Boy do I love camping” you say and you take your suitcase and open it up and just chug one of those bottles of bug spray.
Jerry comes up to you. He has a headband that says JERRY RULES on it and he is wearing a shirt with Dwayne the rock Johnson smiling and giving a thumbs up. he is wearing very short shorts and sandles with socks and fingerless gloves and eyeshadow and blue lipstick. He winks at you. “Are you ready to have some fun” he says. You do a little dance. “Oppa gangnam style yes i am Jerry!” You are wearing skinny jeans, your I love Jerry sweater, a wolf hat because your fursona is a wolf, high heels, and a ripped vest with fake plastic crystals on the back.
You and jerry help set up the tent whole beth and summer just drink mountain dew and no one knows where rick and morty are. when you have finished setting up the tent there are 2 wasp nests in there and you are very scared. “Kyaaa…” you squeal and hide behind Jerry. “oh no need to fear (YOUR NAME HERE) they dont call me Jerry for a reason” he said. he Walks in there and just rips off the wasp nests in his bare hands and eats them and you see him grow slightly larger as he does. He turns to you and winks. You fall over and faint
When you wake up you are in the tent. it’s pretty dark out. you go outside and morty is on fire and everyone is roasting marshmallows on him. “oh hi (name) you sure sleep a lot and die a lot!” says Jerry and they all kek and laugh together. You blush in embarrassment. Jerry walks over to you handsomely. “Hi motherfucker do you want to take a walk and play pokemon go” he asks. You pull your phone out of your (your area of choice) “Yes” you say. both of you hold hands and start walking down the dark streets.
You can see illuminated from the fires that people are having. And also Jerry is giving off a faint glow. “Wow Jerry… you’re so beautiul tonight” you say bash fully. He smiles. “Yeah I know” he whispers. “Want to go somewhere cool?” he asks. “Yes” you say and dab.
Jerry and you go deep into the woods. “Jerry I csnt see anything” you say. “Oh one moment.” He grunts hard and focuses. Hundreds of fireflies come flying over to him and land on him and he is glowing now. You are amazed and crying. “Jerry I have to say something…” you say. “I’m in love with you!”
Jerry gasps and puts a hand up to his face and he swallows some fireflies accidentally. “Oh (your name)! I’m in love with you too!”
you both lean in… but then suddenly… a green portal opens behind you. some ricks come out and one of them pushes Jerry off a cliff and he dies. “Ahhhhhhh my beautiful Jerry!!! you… you mother fuckers will pay…” you say and flex hard. You start transforming into your beast form. Your hands get long and your ears get wolf ears. Your teeth become sharp and your eyes are glowing red and you are shacking. But before you can do anything a tranquilizer dart is shot into your back and you can’t see and you fall asleep.
You wake up in a brightly colored room well its white. It’s space jail and you are in it and to your right is a big buff space man and he looks so mean and weird. “where am i…?” you moan and you look around. Then a tv comes down and a Rick is on the tv.
“Ok so we thought you were gonna be Beth lol” he says. “we didnt excepet jerry to be kissing some stranger in the woods but i guess thats just fucken jerry bitch!!!!! Anyways we cant let you go now cause we found a rare mineral in your body. in 2 days we will harvest it and you will die sorry.” and he hangs up
You collapse to the floor and start crying and bawling. Why does this happen to you? “Jerry…” you cry out. “I want your hot and sweet tender loins to come and hold me…”
“Oh really?” a voice says. You recognise that voice… Its Jerry. But he is not here! Then the alien to the left of you takes off its mask and it is Jerry. “Hi motherfucker” he says.
“OH JERRY!!!!!” you scream and run into his arms. “oh Jerry I thought you were DEAD!!!” you whisper loudly. and kiss his little eyelashes. “Oh I was. but I respawned then.” he says. “and now I’m gonna get you out of here bich!!!!”
He raises a hand above him and starts screaming. The entire prison you are locked in is turned into minecraft blocks. he absorbs them all and quickly crafts a spaceship for you to fly in. You both get in. “Hey you can’t do that what are you doing!!!!” Some ricks scream… But your flying just so much. And you go.
You arrive back at the campground in the morning. you both step out. “Jerry what the fuck” says everyone at once. you are so glad to be back on earth.
Then Jerry collapsed onto the ground. “J… Jerry…? what’s wrong…?” you ask and get on your knees to feel his forehead. He is getting sick.
“I can’t survive this long without… Nutrients…” he whimpers. “I need the earth and wood and grass to survive im running out of time” he says his eyes fading away.
You grab some dirt and wood chips and put them in his mouth. he eats them. “yum… thank you…” he says softly. “But. I’m afraid it’s too late…”
His body goes limp.
“Ah Jerry…! No!!!!!!!!!” you scream and you put your lips to jerrys and Kiss him. He starts to glow and you are kissing and he rises up and he is glowing and he suddenly had a Beaitiful white suit on and he is alive.
“Oh (your name) you brought me back…! To life…!” he says and he hugs you. “thank you the power of LOVE saved me” he says crying. Your also crying. “Oh Jerry I love you so much you are so ripped and handsome and muscular and stronf and desirable and underrated and underappreciated…” you both embrace and kiss.
“Honey” says jery to Beth. “I think… I need to see someone else.”
“ok” says Beth. “we have been divorced for 3 years Jerry.”
“haha lol!” you all have a good laugh and slap your knees and you and Jerry are glowing and kissing and you both combine and melt into each other and fuse into one big buff man.
——- EPILOGUE ——–
You now enjoy your life as a fusion perfectly happy and married and you go around giving warrior cat books to people to get them hooked on warriors.
summer also is a cat now cause she loves them so much she asked Rick to turn her into one.
Beth is single and she is loving her life she is strong and goes on dates and she brings horses to life.
Morty hasnt worn shoes in 7 years. That’s ok though he is working on it.
Rick is exactly the same but he wears eyeliner now.
—– THE END ——
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xbooksandtea · 8 years ago
92 Question Tag
Tagged by @thespiritualmultinerd​ - thank you! :)
 THE LAST: 1. Drink: Water (boring, I know) 2. Phone call: I talked to my aunt about a job I'm applying for 3. Text message: "as far as faces can be considered hot", answering the question whether I thought a picture of Harley Quinn from the PS4 game was hot 4. Song you listened to: Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas - the Comic Con Version 5. Time you cried: I cry pretty often, but last time was probably while reading Magnus Chase Hammer of Thor. That's my new favourite book. Words cannot describe how much I love it.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Yes, very big mistake if this is referring to dating the same person twice 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Hmm... it depends on my mood actually whether I regret it or would do it again. Currently, I'm regretting it, but that could change within a few hours so it's not that big of a deal 8. Been cheated on: Several times 9. Lost someone special: My grandpa died last year. I also lost some close friends, they aren't dead but they kinda cut me off. 10. Been depressed: I am diagnosed with depression, so yeah 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I only throw up after eating paprika. Funny is, I once ate paprika then drank and threw up. So basically yes, but I never threw up from drinking only alkohol.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Black 13. Purple 14. Orange
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: I guess :) I'm also back in touch with a few old friends, which feels pretty amazing! 16. Fallen out of love: No 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes! :) 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah but she always does that so *shrugs* I don't care anymore. 19. Met someone who changed you: I cut someone off who changed me in a negative way, does that count, too? 20. Found out who your friends are: No but they confirmed it (sorry for having to steal your answer here @thespiritualmultinerd) 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I have like 5 and I know every one of them 23. Do you have any pets: I had three guinea pigs once. Loved them. They passed away some time ago though. 24. Do you want to change your name: I never really thought about that, so no I guess?  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Had a party with a few friends. I now have pink handcuffs and Draco's wand 26. What time did you wake up: around 9:50 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Reading the Percy Jackson / Kane Chronicles Crossover 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Sophie and I going to London!! Also the next Magnus Chase book 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Yesterday evening before I went upstairs 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Get rid of my depression and/or make myself more motivated to do stuff somehow 31. What are you listening to right now: Nothing because Youtube won't load... *cries* 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Surprisingly, no 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: An old classmate of mine I keep seeing when I go to the city 34. Most visited Website: tumblr
35. Mole/s: I have many, but one is directly underneath my navel and kinda looks like a piercing
36. Mark/s: A burn scar on my left thumb where I was almost-fainting while straightening a cosplay with a hot iron, some up my tighs
37. Childhood dream: I always wanted to be an author, a dream that stayed with me until today
38. Haircolor: brownish black because I'm too lazy to re-dye it - my natural colour is a weird shade of brown
39. Long or short hair: short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: ALEX FIERRO FROM MAGNUS CHASE
41. What do you like about yourself: That I've grown to accept my appearance and became more positive about myself during the last few months
42. Piercings: One in each earlobe
43. Bloodtype: I don’t know
44. Nickname: Some people online call me Nico but most people just go by my real name
45. Relationship status: CRUSHING ON ALEX FIERRO but single.
46. Zodiac: Cancer
47. Pronouns: Hmmm... I'm okay with any pronouns, but I prefer she or he. I don't really care, just use what you feel most comfortable with
48. Favorite TV Show: Supernatural probably, but Merlin was amazing as well
49. Tattoos: I kinda want a small quote or something on my wrist or ankle
50. Right or left hand: Right
51. Surgery: Had one for hernia when I was younger, but I will have another one on Wednesday - for getting a tooth that doesn't seem to want to come out of the flesh into the right place. I'll be fully conscious while they cut my fucking jaw open. I'm scared for my life.
52. Hair dyed in different color: Black ^^
53. Sport: Riding but I generally don't like sports (I'm a couch potato)
55. Vacation (this year): London in a few weeks - I haven't been on vacation for years and I am pretty excited!
56. Pair of trainers: black fake Chucks
57. Eating: Pancakes and chocolate 58. Drinking: water, lemon soda, grapefruit-flavoured beer, vodka 59. I’m about to: Start writing a thing for a contest that is due this week... oops 61. Waiting for: Magnus Chase Ship of the Dead 62. Want: For Magnus Chase and Alex Fierro to hook the fuck up 63. Get married: Maybe... 64. Career: Author, hopefully
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Both! Can I have both please? 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes :) 67. Shorter or taller: Shorter 68. Older or younger: Younger 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms 71. Sensitive or loud: Depends on the situation and my mood! :) 72. Hook up or relationship: Hmm, that depends on my mood as well 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant because I like to stay out of trouble
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: No but wanted to, especially when I'm drunk 75. Drank hard liquor: Yup yup 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I only use contact lenses for cosplay and I don't have glasses, so no 77. Turned someone down: No because nobody is ever into me 78. Sex in the first date: Nope, only made out (we've known each other for a few years though so that's fine) 79. Broken someone’s heart: I don't think so...? 80. Had your heart broken: Yeah 81. Been arrested: Nope 82. Cried when someone died: I cry everytime someone close to me dies 83. Fallen for a friend: Questioning
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Sometimes 85. Miracles: Tough one... I sometimes hope for miracles, but I don't think I really believe in them 86. Love at first sight: I believe in attraction at first sight or bond at first meeting, but love is something that needs to grow over time for me 87. Santa Claus: ... *cries* 88. Kiss on the first date: Sure why not 89. Angels: No, but I wouldn't mind if the Supernatural angels existed
90. Current best friends name: "Current" sounds so harsh... Sophie, she's been by my side for many years and I hope she stays there for many more 91. Eyecolor: Brown, sometimes green depending on the light, sometimes honey-coloured. I like them. 92. Favorite movie: HARRY POTTER
tagging: @many-fandoms-many-tears, @jdragon122, @kreativ-phase, @meetmeatgrimmauldplace, @magicalmischel, @sammy-spirit-winchester
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keiths-stupid-mullet · 8 years ago
Yeah I’m just gonna... put this under a read more because wtf this is long :’D thanks @goddessasteria for tagging me though^^ @quiiiznak you go do this, not sure if my other friends would be up to answering so many things...
a. NAME: Katrin or short - Kat
b. AGE (and birthday!): 17th March, I’m 19
c. SEXUALITY: ace, biromantic
d. GENDER: female
e. COUNTRY: Germany
f. FAVORITE AESTHETIC: idk this is hard D: the sky, probably? the ocean? space??
g. TRIGGERS/MENTAL ILLNESSES: depression but I’m on meds and therapy so hopefully it’ll be gone again within the year^^' 
1. DRINK: water
2. PHONE CALL: my sister
3. TEXT MESSAGE: “???????????? ????????” to my sister as well :P
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Krutch
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: last week I think??
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: .......................................................
12. yellow!!!
13. green
14. violet
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: fish??
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: nah, mine is fine^^
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: absolutely nothing. my family made me cake and gave me some presents but I wasn’t really in the best place :’)  
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: just one?! not being depressed anymore, I guess :I
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: when someone talks down to me/looks down on me >.>
34. MOLE(S): some
35. MARK(S): multiple small scars
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: honestly.... I don’t know anymore :( I always dreamed of living in one of the fantasy books I was reading but before that? No idea.
37. HAIR COLOR: brown
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: my kindness. I get really happy when people tell me that I seem like a nice person :D
41. PIERCINGS: earrings
42. BLOODTYPE: A (I think negative but I’m not sure)
43. NICKNAME(S): online Kat, irl nothing really^^' 
45. ZODIAC: pisces
46. PRONOUNS: she/her
48. TATTOOS: nope
50. SURGERY: yeah... my nose or my ears, I’m not sure anymore, I was like 4 years old^^'
52. SPORT: Basketball!!!! I haven’t played it in 2 years though and I honestly miss it a lot :(
53. VACATION: Croatia
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: ummmmm idk sorry I don’t really pay attention to my shoes :’D they are black though??
55. EATING: nothing right now
56. DRINKING: nothing either
57. I’M ABOUT TO: answer number 58 >.>
59. WANT: V O L T R O N  S E A S O N  3
60. GET MARRIED: one day, yeah^^
61. CAREER: scientist or engineer!!
63. LIPS OR EYES: eyes
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: also both
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: this is a weird question. I get along really well with little children and people younger than me but if this question is about a possible partner I’d probably have to say older/my age
66. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: nice arms, i guess
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: sensitive
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: I’m hesitant but for friends/partners I wouldn’t mind either
71. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: yeah. didn’t like it though^^'
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: I constantly seem to loose my glasses but I always find them again, so no :P
73. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: not officially
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: ............not on purpose. not sure if i did...
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: not sure? if i have then i was like 7 years old :’D
80. YOURSELF: nah son
81. MIRACLES: yes
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: depends on the date
85. ANGELS: no
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): rude, I don’t put any of my friends above the others :P
87. EYECOLOR: brown
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: bruh idk i haven’t seen a movie in ages...
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shazrystyles · 8 years ago
92 Questions (Tagged)
tagged by: @andromeda117 @zigisbisexual @jessicamckenzie
1. Drink: Grass jelly wateeeerr...slllrpp 2. Phone call: My mom 3. Text message: From my family group chat 4. Song you listened to: Born by OneRepublic 5. Time you cried: When I found out that Jeff was dead in 13 Reasons Why. RIP Jeff Atkins! You deserved better! *sob sob*
6. Dated someone twice: Yes..not just twice, but many times. and rn we’re not together anymore..boo hoo hoo..serves me right!
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes 8. Been cheated on: Yep. 9. Lost someone special: mmm...yeah. 10. Been depressed: Yes.. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never.
12. Black 13. Soft pink 14. Blue Black
15. Made new friends: Yes. I got listed in a room with the roommates who I never talked to..and they turn out to be the greatest people in the world.XD 16. Fallen out of love: mmm..yep! 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes. Me and my roomies making fun of the guys at my school. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Really? I don’t think I’m popular in school so I think NO! But, if there was someone who talked about me, I hope its about something good. 19. Met someone who changed you: Yes. My roomies. They turned me into a K-drama fans.. but rn I’ve changed. I literally had enough with K-drama. 20. Found out who your friends are: Mmm..I still haven’t figured this out yet. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope!
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them. 23. Do you have any pets: Nope. My mom hates pet. But I’d love to have a cat. Maybe when I have my own place to live. 24. Do you want to change your name: Hell, no! I love my name cuz its short and simple.. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: My mom treat me to Nandos..mmm...I wish I can eat it again. 26. What time did you wake up: Usually around 6 am. But if I’m so tired, maybe about 9 to 10 am. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Chatting with people in the fandom and finishing my drawings. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: DUNKIRK to be released in my country! (Mainly because Harry Styles in it XD) 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Just a few minutes ago.. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I’m fucking rich so that I can buy many diamonds supplies in Choices! 31. What are you listening right now: I’m listening to the sound of the wind~(from my fan). 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Wait...who’s Tom? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My siblings. 34. Most visited Website: Of course, Tumblr! I kinda get addicted to it recently. 35. Mole/s: Its in a hidden spot..Not gonna tell you. huhuhu 36. Mark/s: Yes. Scars on my legs cuz I always injured when I was small. 37. Childhood dream: I wish I could be a Manga-ka. but...I’m pursuing on a different path rn for my parents’ sake. 38. Hair color: Mainly black. Never dyed it before. 39. Long or short hair: Long straight hair. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Ow, Yes! For the time being, mainly its just a celebrity crush. 41. What do you like about yourself: Err..mmmm.. hmmm!!! I dunno. Huhu. 42. Piercings: Nope! Never! 43. Blood type: B 44. Nickname: Shaza (that’s my real name), Shaz, Shazy, Caja, Charger..??(Ok this one from my childhood friends. I dunno how they came up with the name Charger)
45. Status: I’m single and I know it. 46. Zodiac: Aquarius 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: 13 Reasons Why, Stranger Things, Littlest Big Shots. 49. Tattoos: No and never gonna do it. The only tattoo I’d did on my body is Henna tattoos cuz its not permanent, so I wont hve any regrets if I hate it. 50. Right or left hand: Right hand. 51. Surgery: Nope and I wish never..huhu. 52. Hair dyed in different color: No. My mom would get mad at me. 53. Sport: Softball. But there’s none in my recent school. so maybe sleep as a sport. 55. Vacation: I’d love to go to Paris, London, New York, KOREA, Phillippines, and etc. But unfortunately, I’m broke. 56. Pair of trainers: Yes..stuck in my shoerack. getting all dusty lol.
57. Eating: Just ate some Chicken Nuggetssss... 58. Drinking: Haven’t drink anything yet. 59. I’m about to: take a bath but I’m so lazy rn. 61. Waiting for: school cuz I cant wait to see new faces (hopefully some hot guys). 62. Want: To stay in bed all day long without anyone disturbing me. 63. Get married: Yes..I’d love to see how my babies looks like. lololol 64. Career: Not yet. Still a student. Maybe I’m gonna be a pharmacist. But who knows what the future holds. 65. Hugs or kisses: Both. 66. Lips or eyes: Both. Depends on which one is the most nice to look at..hehe 67. Shorter or taller: Of course, taller! 68. Older or younger: Older. Cuz I need someone who’s matured enough who can handle my unmaturedness.. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: BOTH! XD Do you really have to ask? 71. Sensitive or loud: Loud maybe..I’m not sure about this. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship is better. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant.
74. Kissed a stranger: Nope! 75. Drank hard liquor: Never! 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope. I don’t wear glasses or lenses. 77. Turned someone down: Yes. Just a few days ago. 78. Sex in the first date: Nah to the ah to the no no no! 79. Broken someone’s heart: Yes. 80. Had your heart broken: Ow YES! Many times. 81. Been arrested: Nope and I hope not in the future. 82. Cried when someone died: Yes, if that person is very close to me. 83. Fallen for a friend: Nopezzz...
84. Yourself: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. 85. Miracles: Yes! 86. Love at first sight: Maybe no. 87. Santa Claus: No 88. Kiss on the first date: Nope. I dunno...I don’t date much. 89. Angels: Yes.
90. Current best friend’s name: Thesaaa!!! @andromeda117 , and Aini. 91. Eyecolor: Brownish black. lol. 92. Favorite movie: Fifty Shades...UHUK UHUK..of Grey..UHUK UHUK..and Darker..UHUK UHUK.. EHEM! Ok, whats the question again? XD
Phew...what a long questions it is!
So now ur guys turn!
@marsydrowninginfandoms @quinn-kelly @jakemckenzieappreciationlife @everythingchoices @peepeetah @mermaidwarriorqueen
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neptunecove · 8 years ago
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
hey so i was tagged in this by @zigsexual and @gayforgayle (thanks yall) and i’m prob not gonna tag 20 people because everyone has kinda done this but wOO
1. Drink: lemonade 2. Phone call: my mum 3. Text message: my best friend telling me to use skype more often lol 4. Song you listened to: homemade dynamite by lorde,, a queen 5. Time you cried: 10 minutes ago bc of school
6. Dated someone twice: NOPE
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: NOPE
8. Been cheated on: NOPE 9. Lost someone special: haha…. yes 10. Been depressed: hahaha… yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: NOPE
12. YELLOW 13. pale orange 14. maroon
15. Made new friends: yes surprisingly!! 16. Fallen out of love: no have you noticed that i’ve NEVER BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP 17. Laughed until you cried: yeah!! just last night actually 18. Found out someone was talking about you: uhmmm i cant remember from the top of my head but im sure its happened before 19. Met someone who changed you: yes heheh 20. Found out who your friends are: idk if this is a good question or a bad question.. but yeah?? 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i have 11 friends on facebook no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all eleven of them 23. Do you have any pets: i have two fish that i’ve had since like 2014 without names 24. Do you want to change your name: if you asked me this two weeks ago i would of said yes but now im slowly getting comfortable with it (for people who don’t read my tags my irl name is aiesha lol)
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: we had a lil party at school because my friend is extra but it was soooo nice she made cupcakes n everything :’’) 26. What time did you wake up: 12:30 i hate myself 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: trying to find jake fanfic loool 28. Name something you can’t wait for: ME TO LEAVE SCHOOL 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like 8 mins ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my inability to make friends 31. What are you listening to right now: a plane flying across my house cause i live next to a FUCKING AIRPORT 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i think?? what kinda question is this 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: umm my room but i have no motivation to clean it fhgjrfi 34. Most visited Website: TUMBLR HA 35. Mole/s: yeah a fuckin mole right below my right nostril and i hate it 36. Mark/s: i have severe eczema so YES 37. Childhood dream: to be a ballerina… guess what little me you’re not even bothered to go pee at night how are going to become a dancer 38. Hair color: bROWN 39. Long or short hair: i’ve always had medium-ish length hair but im trying to grow it out atm… but still SHORT HAIR 40. Do you have a crush on someone: i wish 41. What do you like about yourself: haha… um… idk 42. Piercings: NONE i was going to get my ears pierced when i was a baby but i got sick that day and we ever went back oops 43. Blood type: i dont even know 44. Nickname: allie, ish, alicia, POOKIE 45. Relationship status: sin..gle…. 46. Zodiac: VIRGO AHAHAH 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: b99, jtv, the mindy project, orphan black, rpdr, riverdale (i have a love/hate relationship with that show) and oitnb 49. Tattoos: nAH I AM 15 but i love them alot and definitely will be getting 1 50. Right or left hand: right!!! 51. Surgery: never 52. Hair dyed in different color: omg.. purple,, burgundy, ombre, and blonde but i never want to talk about my blonde phase 53. Sport: FUCK OUTTA HERE
55. Vacation: new york or egypt 56. Pair of trainers: lol i own 4 pairs of shoes probably my vans
57. Eating: what does this mean?? fav food?? pasta 58. Drinking: LEMONADEEEE 59. I’m about to: prepare for school sad face 61. Waiting for: my glo up 62. Want: money 63. Get married: EVENTUALLY maybe when im not FIFTEEN
64. Career: i’ve always wanted to be a photographer but rn being a cartoonist/illustrator sounds fun fun fun 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs!!! 66. Lips or eyes: eyes for sure 67. Shorter or taller: since im like 5′2 taller 68. Older or younger: older or younger WHAT 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: um?? arms i guess?? 71. Sensitive or loud: how am i both sensitive and loud 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship of course 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant as fuck
74. Kissed a stranger: NO 75. Drank hard liquor: NO 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: NO 77. Turned someone down: NO 78. Sex in the first date: NO 79. Broken someone’s heart: i dont?? think so??? 80. Had your heart broken: NO 81. Been arrested: NO 82. Cried when someone died: fun fact i have never experienced somebody close to me passing away so.. no… but if we are talkin about tv shows… michael cordero.. why 83. Fallen for a friend: nope
84. Yourself: lol no 85. Miracles: i guess so?? 86. Love at first sight: maybe??? im young i dont know anything about love 87. Santa Claus: i never believed in santa.. whoops 88. Kiss on the first date: on the cheek?? yeah 89. Angels: yep yep yep
90. Current best friend’s name: I HAVE TWO jasmine and freya <33 91. Eyecolor: brown 92. Favorite movie: omg okay.. get ready… the curious case of benjamin button, creed (michael b DADDY), the fundamentals of caring, revolutionary road
i tag @elenasanchez @michellenguyens @pixelbatsy @gplaychoices @fyeahjanethevirgin @endlessraj @everythingchoices @krystas @jessicamckenzie @strider-sister @whatchoices @ducitora @heart-jake @heart-drake @eleanor-waverley @pbophelia and @pbstar !! ignore this if you’ve done it haha
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moonraccoon-exe · 8 years ago
Supah nice, it’s been a while since I last did one of these. Thanks, @vanillatumbleweedscoffee​ <3
THE LAST: 1. Drink: This juice thing for breakfast 2. Phone call: a friend from middle school 3. Text message: hm...I think this other friend from singing class 4. Song you listened to: prior to now that I /just/ put music on...apparently last night, Pixar’s “Lava”. 5. Time you cried: this is ridiculous. Episode Prompto. Hahaha.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Nah man 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Hm...no? 8. Been cheated on: I mean, the other person WAS more gorgeous than I ;____; 9. Lost someone special: On the romantic issue? Hm...can’t count as ‘Losing’ if I never really had them. So...once? If anyone on the romance issue counts...three, ahahaha. If it’s not about romance, well, yeah. Twice. 10. Been depressed: This teacher who was psychologist said yes but I kept running from her and never had an official test, so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: i don’t drink, man
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, black and red (so common ugh)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yah 16. Fallen out of love: Nah 17. Laughed until you cried: Ohbro yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Uh...idk? 19. Met someone who changed you: These two hella awesome teachers, yah. 20. Found out who your friends are: Kinda? 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Basically everyone, there’s just two or three I don’t know in real life. 23. Do you have any pets:MY PUPPEH <3
24. Do you want to change your name: Nah bro IT’S AWESOME. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Went to arcade with my two Bros :3  26. What time did you wake up: 8:30 more or less 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: trying to sleep (it takes me like 1 hour to sleep no matter how tired I am) 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Get my own damn Playstation 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 1 minute ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My family (not the core but the aunts/cousins/uncles)’s attitude towards me (regarding my choices of ‘my future’). 31. What are you listening right now: this spaniard folk metal band, you’d like it I think. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: does my scar count? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: again, my family’s behavior/thoughts on me regarding my choices. 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: several ones 36. Mark/s: I HAVE THIS HELLA AMAZING SCAR ON THE TUMMY, BRUH IT USED TO BE LONGER HOW COULD I HAVE HATED IT ONCE IT’S SO PRETTY.  37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a mage. Still want. 38. Haircolor: brown. Dark. 39. Long or short hair: it’s...medium. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nah bruh 41. What do you like about yourself: *kuzco voice* What do I not like?  43. Bloodtype:what do you want that for, you wanna murder me, well good luck I ain’t telling you 44. Nickname: Ain’t telling you the real one (just for the fun of it). Moon, Raccoon, Coon, Moony will do <3 45. Relationship status: Single and rocking hard. 46. Zodiac: Capricorn 47. Pronouns: you could even call me by “it”, I won’t say anything. I’m a raccoon, who cares what you call me (so long it’s not offensive, ya heard me?) 48. Favorite TV Show: I think I’ll go with Avatar: Last Airbender.
49. Tattoos: Mom won’t let me :( 50. Right or left hand: I have paws. 51. Surgery: appendix. 52. Hair dyed in different color: right now? No. 53. Sport: what is that 55. Vacation: this state some hours away, more out of compromise than vacation. Vacation properly, last december. 56. Pair of trainers: I have paws 
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: what do you mean 58. Drinking: what do you- as in, right now? 59. I’m about to: answer question 61 and realizing there’s no 60 61. Waiting for: Godot 62. Want: free stuff ;____; 63. Get married: so long we can have separate bedrooms, I love my space. 64. Career: Oh you’ll see. *sips from juice* Y o u  w i l l  s e e 
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: No 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: is it Ignis? 68. Older or younger: Ignis 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: who notices that stuff? 71. Sensitive or loud: what do you mean, as in how much noise people make? Please be quiet. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: what do you  mean
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: no 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: mom was so upset :( 77. Turned someone down: Yah 78. Sex on the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: I mean, they really deserved it and I didn’t mean to, so yah. 80. Had your heart broken: as in romantically? *slams fist on table* I DIDN’T EVEN GET TO TELL HER *sobs in a corner* Uhm...three times, only 1 where the other person knew they did. I mean, it was harsh, but he was brave and affectionate enough to tell me before it’d get to worse. 81. Been arrested: *rubs hands with malice* nowhere in law does it say you can arrest a raccoon 82. Cried when someone died: Well yah 83. Fallen for a friend: *slams fist on table* TWICE AND I NEVER TOLD THEM AND ;_____________; 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Hell daMN FUCK YEAH, YOU GO, ME! 85. Miracles: I...think? 86. Love at first sight: Naaah 87. Santa Claus: Nah 88. Kiss on the first date: depends?
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: mein... *googles* freund (is dat ‘friend’?) Pat <3 91. Eyecolor: brown 92. Favorite movie: BOI, you don’t make me choose. Nightmare Before Christmas has a special place in my kokoro, though.
 Why does this finish at 92, I’m bothered it’s not 90 or 100, dammit.
I’m going to tag...whoever wants to do this (if you do, tag me so I can read <3), aaaand... @vinsmoke03 @yuu-be-good @dreamyblossoms because I don’t know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  You don’t have to if you don’t wanna, though c:
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sub-robbo · 8 years ago
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by @12luckyone​ :D I’m just chilling with the dogs and watching Parks and Rec so this is perfect haha
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people.
1. Drink: Water.
2. Phone call: My mom?
3. Text message: @thereandbarfagain​ :)
4. Song you listened to: Lee Hi -- The Star (Because Jaewon is in the mv...)
5. Time you cried: Uhh last week? The week before? I’m not sure.
6. Dated someone twice: What like we broke up and then dated again later at some point? No.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t think so? Idk.
8. Been cheated on: Not sure.
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Too often oops
12-14: Purple, aqua, lime green
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: No I usually just laugh until I can’t breathe.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes.
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes?
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No but I also don’t use fb
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them but like I said, I don’t use fb.
23. Do you have any pets: No :(
24. Do you want to change your name: YES. I wish my name was Ria.
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Made a cake and entered it in a cake contest
26. What time did you wake up: Hmmm 7 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Getting my PhD and getting the fuck out of grad school. 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Early January.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Stop being ugly?
31. What are you listening right now: Park and Rec is on lol
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Wtf yeah sure
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: grad school lol
34. Most visited Website: tumblr prob
35. Mole/s: Yeah
36. Mark/s: Like scars? Sure
37. Childhood dream: Be an astronaut.
38. Hair Colour: Black
39. Long or short hair: Pretty long.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Not irl no.
41. What do you like about yourself: My nails? lol that’s it prob
42. Piercings: Yes, 5. I want another oneee
43. Blood type: No clue.
44. Nickname: People on my soccer/rugby teams call me ritz
45. Relationship status: terminally single
46. Zodiac: aries
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: Ever? LOST. Currently? Fight for my way omg watch it if you aren’t
49. Tattoos: Nope but I kinda want a small “ynwa” on my wrist
50. Right or left hand: Right. 
51. Surgery: Never.
52. Hair dyed in different color: No
53. Sport: Like my fav? Soccer or tennis.
55. Vacation: I need to make a proper trip to Asia. 
56. Pair of trainers: Like how many? I have 3. 
57. Eating Currently: No.
58. Drinking currently: No.
59. I’m about to: let the dogs in?
61. Waiting for: MONTREAL! I can’t wait to go to worlds :D Let me know if you’re going, gymternet people!
62. Want: to be pretty
63. Get married: eh
64. Career: If I didn’t have to worry about money? Pastry chef. Looks like I’m sticking to science though. Sigh.
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
66. Lips or eyes: Why did I just imagine pcy’s lips
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: .......younger.........
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: currently? hook up
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: yes
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: ugh yes
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex in the first date: well it wasnt a date but the dude was a stranger so...yes?
79. Broken someone’s heart: that would require someone being into me first so no
80. Had your heart broken: yes
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
84. Yourself: i guess?
85. Miracles: no
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: lol what no
88. Kiss in the first date: yes
89. Angels: no
90. Current best friends’ names: @thereandbarfagain and the others dont have tumblr
91. Eyecolor: Dark brown
92. Favorite movie: oh god idk maybe something cliche like the princess bride
if you’re bored you should do this haha @thereandbarfagain @frangymnasticsfan @exotine @partycardigann @bbkato @theres-hope-for-us @sarangkris @omgsamchap @gerrardz @literally-just-yoongi-trash
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