sk3tch404 · 2 years
Hoooh boy you're definitely not gonna be prepared for what Nonny and the Schneidermann's are wearing then, because Jesus Christ me and my friend truly went "the only people who would love you are the ones with more or equally atrocious fashion styles" with that one out of the way, let's start tame with Y/N because I forgot a key characteristic of hers :)
-Nothing much to say about Y/N, Beige stop that reveals her midriff and light blue shorts, BIG RED CLOWNSHOES WITH HEELS, also the thing I forgot was that she literally does not have a face and has to manually apply waterproof makeup so that she looks like a normal person everyday. The game starts off with her make up routine actually lmao I think it wasn't much of a problem for her, because most of her face was hidden thanks to her bangs anyway, but she still enjoys doing it
-Here comes our favourite Hackerman meow meow, so like, his outfits that I described before? Still pretty accurate, Mans got Black hoodie, though I think he has grey sweatpants instead of black pants, oh and also he's got BIG PINK BALLERINA SHOES WHOSE STRAPS GO O N T O P OF HIS SWEATPANTS AND END AT HIS LOWER THIGHS O_O I didn't describe them last time, partly because I totally forgot he had them until I saw his traditional character sheet and partly because I didn't see them in the game, since his sprite cuts off right above where the shoe straps end. So yeah, do with that information what you will. Also he had a straight up Lenny face at first, no eyecolor, just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Also also he wasn't 7 feet 8, he was 9' 2" O_O .
Extra quotes we wrote on his sheet: "giiirl, get back inda BASEMENT" "Are u lost, babeygrill?" "He's got NO lips!" "He's never gonna get a kiss kiss very UGLY!" "No kiss for him"
-J. Schneidermann (because writing his full name would clutter this already long ask oof) so, pink cap with a heart on it uwu. Straight up rainbow dash hair, except short, no face because he anime blushed too hard (he actually has one, unlike Y/N but we just didn't draw it) a long sleeved shirt that's various shades of blue and INTENSE shoulder spike (not horizontally, they go vertically up to his ears) green saggy ass pants that approximately reach his ankles and have GUTSCHI written on it (makes him look like a fucked up hamster ngl) lots of chains on his wrists and pants, ears are pierced, and the most notable detail, he has mismatched shoes that he shares with his cousin, one red high heel and one... black boot or black sneaker I can't tell. He's also smoking a red vape in the pic and has a gold chocker
-B. Schneidermann, black fluffy hair that apparently also covering his face because we didn't draw him one either (rip Schneidermann face enjoyers) mirroring his cousins general outfit, except we can actually see the divide between his legs with the red loose pants he's wearing, rainbow long sleeved shirt, I think he was also supposed to have the ridiculous shoulder spikes but they look more like a high collared cape that's reaaaaaaaally short instead, 1 gold bracelet on each of his wrists and smoking a golden vape too, wears the other part of the mismatched shoe pair. He's also holding a banana and a hotdog (I think it's a hotdog at least) also wears a silver choker
Btw if you're wondering what the hell is up with the Schneidermann shoes, it's inspired by another thing we had to do in German period, be basically got a story from a newspaper that we had to retell in another way, the story we got was "Asian man steals peoples left shoes" like, specifically only the left one, which reminds me that Kim Hojungseo would be shoe thief considering that we drew a shit ton of shoes on his sheet lmao.
Extra writing on Hojungseo's sheet: "I only listen to REAL music!" "Save the fucking turtles b-baka! ùwú" "how can mirrors be real, when our eyes aren't?" "Crying on the inside"
I think I'll probably yassify part of their designs, not too much tho, oughta stay true to their OG vibe after all 😔✊ also this felt like a My Immortal chapter with these lengthy character descriptions, still kinda feel that I don't do em justice, they rlly are the kinda character designs that you simply need to ✨experience✨for yourself to truly understand. Also sorry for clogging up your asks you can tell me when to stop just sayin :,)
-Ren'py anon
What an
I do need these game files ASAP.
Why are the swedish cousins ESPECIALLY ugly 😭😭😭 a golden vape too??? Bro is living the life. WHY DID YOU GIVE THE WORST AND BEST CHARACTER THE HYPEBEAST AESTHETIC??? HELP
The genderfluid aroace urge to accept stoner swedish cousin and hacker nonny for who and whatever the hell they are is strong,
but I have standards I must stick to 💔
The pants on Stoner swedish cousin are questionable to say the least, but hey, at least the got them chains 😎 although his hair is a 🚫off
Hair is a BIG PART of attraction for me so 💀
In another world, he would've looked like that blonde boy from 6teen that was voiced by Chris Mcleans VA
Hacker nonny. Hacker NONNYYYYYYYY MY BOY
At this point, there is only friendship, listening to his funky ass one liners yall wrote, going to his bad private home ballet practices and kicking the back of his knees. Being over 6'8 is an ICKKKKKKKK
I'm 5'5 so, baby this ain't gon work </3
Y/n is awesome. I love how their hair conceals so much of their face, but they just do paint it on anyway. Taking no eyes Y/n to the next level I see 😎
Tbh Y/n and stoner swedish cousin are the only love interests to me now. Y/n should be able to say, "Yeah, humans are fucking FREAKS. I'm the hottest one here tbh." AND GO ON WITH THEIR DAY AS PER USUAL.
Y/n gotta go shoe shopping b4 hand bc WOOOO BOY those clowns shoes ain't it.
Koreaboo bf cousin can go fuck himself bc I hate how he's affiliated with 'Kim hojeongso' or whatever the fuck his name was.
And its okay renpy anon! Send in whenever you'd like! Even though it takes a little while to read through everything and try to include most of everything, I dont mind it all that much!
Thank you for being even comfortable enough to talk about your personal creation with me like this! I enjoy everything you have brought to the table and I'm excited if you have more. Thanks so much Renpy nonnie <33 ilysm
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hey-hamlet · 6 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Happy Famlies
Also on AO3!
TL;DR: This AU is exactly what is sounds like. Everyone gets a happy family. 
Feat. Dadmight, and his sons Izuku and Tenko, Big Bro Dabi with his little bro, Shinson and his Dadzawa.
allmight n inko end up dating and tenko n izu are brothers
dabi and tenko are third year ua herocourse students when izu and the others join
tenko is a soft sunshine boy cause izu rubbed off on him a lot
dabi wants to be an underground hero so he'll never be like his father
todoroki takes the entrance exam so inasa and hitoshi are recommendation students
izuku kills the exam because he starts ua being able to use full cowl 5%, breaking allmights record with a whopping 130 points
because consider dabi, shouto, izu, tenko and hitoshi all singing karaoke together, dabi has a tambourine and tenko is violently shaking maracas
izuku and inko dont know toshi is allmight, but tenko and toshi are terrible liars
the first time toshi meets izuku its just tenko presenting him saying "you gotta give it to him dad"
izu is only 5 n still broken up about having no quirk, toshi says he might just be a late bloomer while tenko nods
toshi sneaks izuku his quirk when he turns 7, izuku wakes up n accidentally punches a hole in the ceiling, he n katsuki make up cause izuku has a bomb ass quirk even if it does break his bones
he and inko just think he was a late bloomer cause his quirk was so strong. tenko and toshi highfive
seven year old izuku walking back into his house like mom i broke both my arms again :(((
katsuki actually helps him work out the flick thing
"it breaks my arms!" "then use less you dumb fuck!" "oh yeah actually thank you"
they’re so used to shouting criticisms while sparring that they still do it after they enter ua
when they spar at the sports festival mic can’t get a word of commentary in bc it’s just a constant slew of
dabi n tenko the third years can hear them in their own stadium. tenko is cheering softly, dabi has a heart attack when he sees the walls of ice
izu has a massive handshapped scar on his wrist from when tenko saved him by pulling him out of the way of a car
he doesnt mind it but it makes tenko sad so he wears a lil cuff over it
tenko snuck in to watch the entrance exam he n toshinori are cheering quietly, the other teachers just sigh
izuku broke allmights record for points scored in the entrance exam but hes still scared he failed
tenko wants to s c r e a m
starts as normal students enter, villains arrive kurogiri has an ear piece and is talking with afo directly, some of the 8 prefects goons are there too
hitoshi used his quirk on kurogiri to find out who they are, but is targeted after that and the villains know not to respond
the students are scattered, its izu/tsuyu and hitoshi. they do the whirlpool thing w/o the sitcking, hitoshi instructs them to tread water and not to move
hitoshi is nearing quirk overuse, tsuyu is shaken, izu is pretty much ok
aizawa is fighting the villains as normal, the nomu arrives
hitoshi tries to mind control the nomu, kurogiri attempts to direct one of the nomus punches to hitoshi, aizawa cancels the portal, severing one of the nomus arms. its grows back, aizawa is beaten
izuku charges forward, fighting the nomu with a higher percentage of full cowl than he can safely use but they are evenly matched
todoroki shows up, cant help because the two are moving so fast he cant aim his quirk and not hit mido
he and hitoshi keep kurogiri busy
before allmight arrives, dabi and tenko do, after seeing tenya running towards the school
izuku can barely move, over using his quirk to the point that he has countless micro fractures and the nomu has landed a few punches, and he took others to protect aizawa
tenko yells at dabi to grab izuku, kurogiri mentions that his master killed tenkos family and hes pissed
he cant stand up to the nomu but shouto makes an opening and he and dabi try to damage it as best they can, shouto has to hold izuku down to stop him from joining the fight again
allmight arrives, quickly dispatches the nomu, turns on Kurogiri
so tenko, allmight and a shaky izu are all facing down kurogiri while afo is trying to convince him to keep fighting
reinforcements arrive and kuro nopes out
as soon as the portal closes, izuku collapses and tenko n allmight rush over, shouto is grabbing onto dabi and hitoshi is trying to get aizawa to respond
hitoshi, crying, has to ask dabi to pick up his dad because his arms are shaking to bad hes scared he might drop him
tenko has no gloves anymore and he cant touch izuku and hes just lost, shouto wraps an arm around him and hitoshi n they cry as dabi takes aizawa and allmight takes izuku to recovery girl
aizawa n izu in the same hospital, hitoshi tells him what izuku did n aizawa fucking, breaks out of bed like a jackass to call him a problem child then fucking limps back
less depressingly, happy families dabi and tenko do "get help" from Thor Ragnarok
"gET heLP hEs BUrnINg UP"
aizawa : "kids that movie is like 240 years old"
izuku : "so... you know it then?"
aizawa: "fuck"
nighteye and gran torino are izuku and tenko's terrible uncles
he stars school at 5%, internships is 10%, camp gets him up to 15% so hes around 25% at the eri rescue
ochako being a terrible influence on kirishima
“uraraka i like katsuki. what do”
“push it down”
also happy families shouto actually interns w nighteye n izu because dabi said he was an ass so no death thanks
one person asks izuku what his quirk is
he pauses
"my mum has minor levitation and my dad is quirkless"
izuku pauses again.
"wait im not toshis biologically"
"waiT Who WAs My FirST Dad?"
shouto thinks inko has an affair w allmight then married his secretary but izuku met toshinori through tenko so he just lays down on the floor and screams
shouto’s brain is going to explode one day
consider tenko and izuku looking soft and pure but you turn around and suddenly you dont have a wallet and your food is gone
happy family izuku and kastuki were eachothers first kiss but in a dumb ass way
izuku was like "i need to ruin my frist kiss so the next one will be better"
"wow me too, you seem like the worlds worst option!"
they both almost gagged afterwards
tenko walked in on them violently scrubbing their lips
“wow katsuki who was ur first kiss”
bakugou stares off fondly into the distance
“deku :))”
"it was fucking terrible" wistful sigh
izuku, blushing happily: “id never do it again”
izuku: "yeah i scrubbed my face until it bleed so none of my skin would be tainted"
first week of 1a, someone asking izuku if he and katsuki are/were dating so izuku asks ochako to launch him into the sun
no matter how many people they date everyone always insists that katsuki and izuku are dating each other
izuku is actually dating shouto but no one believes him for some reason
dabi and hitoshi find it so funny
please consider dabi being the frontrunner of these rumours, like these random first years will come up to izuku while he’s eating lunch with shouto and they’ll be in t e a r s
izuku starts crying
shouto, totally deadpan: "i thought our love was real, izu-chan"
izuku wheezes
they have a katsudeku fan club and shouto’s the mascot
dabi is in it. hes a full hero at this point but nezu gave him a pass so he could attend
they have weekly meetings
it’s dabi, shouto, kirishima and like twenty first year girls from every class
shouto, in a deadpan voice: “good morning girls today i saw katsuki and izuku sharing bread. discuss”
kirishima is one of the most popular fanartists
tenko loves the meme but looking at his brother and bakugo “dating” makes him deeply upset so he breaks in to decay all the art on the walls once a week
he crowds shouto in tears one day
“how are you okay with your boyfriend and your classmate being the subjects of such horrid art”
shouto, deadpan: “it’s just a prank bro”
izuku falls asleep in the common room and toshi carries him back to his room and has to call tenko to unlock the door for him. tenko was in his own dorm on the other side of school.
he sprinted
iida the good boy finishes his essays the week before and hands them in a day early
izuku, the hot mess, procrastinates by training until he cant feel his arms and doing any other subject work than the stuff due, stays up till 4am to finish his essay and doesnt go back to sleep cause its time for his morning run
they get the same grades
no one knows izuku is a hot mess
Dabi is like izuku but he doesnt study hes just depressed
Tenko finishes his the day before but he gets izuku to read it over
shouto does his essays in class
aizawa wants to be mad but he remembers him mic n tensei distracting the teachers for as long as they can to violently finish their essays
“katsuki why didn’t you finish your essay”
“i was making oreos from scratch sensei”
"fair, give me some and you can hand in it wednesday"
he bribes every single teacher into giving him extensions and no one can refuse him bc his extra spicy curry is to die for. he maybe sometimes he helps deku get an extension too but if he does that’s no one else’s business but his
izuku acts so soft w the others "oh isnt kacchans food so good? "
but he climbs into through katsukis window
"bitch whats the recipe"
izuku banging on katsuki s window at five in the morning: “kacchan give me ur fucking curry recipe you promised it to me three years ago”
bakugos hands shake as he tries to call aizawa
“i see u calling sensei kacchan, put the phone down and no one gets hurt”
he has one of katsukis limited editing all might figurines in his hand
“give me the recipe and all might lives katsuki. it doesn’t have to end this way”
shouji, stressed and sleep deprived walks into bakugou’s room just to see izuku menacingly trying to force his way in while bakugou is crying
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