#because I am a digital hoarder at heart
eaglefairy · 9 months
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I'm cleaning out and organizing old files on my computer to prepare to update it and like. literally what was the context of this. what were we talking about???
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tunapesto · 11 months
cosplaying is healing me personally (killing my wallet, also)
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frillyfacefins · 2 years
25K Draft Project - Tumblr History Revisited
Ever since I started using tumblr in 2011, I have been using my drafts for:
posts I wanted to tag + post later
posts I wanted to look at again later
posts I wanted to use as reference for something.
The thing is that I was not good at cleaning out my drafts. The last time that happend was in 2013, which I only know because this is the last month that shows up in my Mass Post Editor:
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So now I have to deal with this:
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Could I just delete all of them?
But the reason I have all these drafts is the same reason why I won't be deleting them: I am, at heart, a digital hoarder. If you're shocked by the number of my drafts, you don't even want to know how many recipes, how many saved jpgs, or how many pirated history books I have on my hard drive.
So since I am back on tumblr for real now (instead of coming in every couple months and then running again, partially because just the thought of my drafts was just... too much to deal with), I am going to do a sort of tumblr history project.
9 Years of a Tumblr Life
So this is what I'm planning:
I'm going to go through my drafts
I will tag all of those that I put in there before 2022 as '25k Draft Project'
I will also give them rudimentary tags using xkit
I will queue them
I will aim for about 20 posts a day, if I can swing it. Yes, I am aware that at this rate, it will take me 3 1/2 years to finish this project. I hope I can up the number of posts a day, but we will see. It's also possible I'll abandon this project in a few months, but then you will still get hundreds of posts from 2013, 2014, 2015....
Why is that interesting for you?
Only about 10% of the posts in my drafts are fandom-related. Most of it is
things that I thought were pretty
stories and poems
things I thought were interesting
life hacks
cute animals
and tumblr-typical shitposting.
So if you're interested in tumblr history? This tag is going to be a treasure trove.
So yeah, follow me and join me in my journey through 9 years of tumblr.
Also, for good measure:
Drafts I will delete instead of post:
everything I don't like anymore
everything that has misinformation
Also, if you're a long-time follower of mine or have followed me recently for mxtx, helluva boss or hazbin hotel content, you can always block the tag '25k Draft Project' <3 I love you and I don't want to annoy you with this.
So, let's have fun together?
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valravn72 · 1 year
Finally going to make one of these because I have been pushing this back for too long, sorry about the shit formatting
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You can call me Crow or Val (/vɑl/). My pronouns are they/it and wire/wires/wired/wiredself as well as wyre/wyres/wyred/wyredself.
I’m a White nonreligious Jew tme nonbinary transwhatever and an autistic spoonie with primarily obsessive compulsive disorder, hEDS, POTS, adhd, dpdr and an essential tremor.
I’m also a digital artist and I’m into coding but I am self conscious so posts of my work might be rare/nonexistent.
I am currently a minor (though not for long) SFW INTERACTION ONLY PLEASEEE THANK YOU!!
Main interests and post subjects:
Disability rights
Vocaloid/V Synth/UTAU music (pafl, thab, tptm, Endless Empty Dream, etc.)
Kingdom Hearts (be patient I have this autism so ancient in me /ref)
YNFGs (shout out to ynoproject.net)
Ludonarratives and games in general
Magical girls
The Magnus Archives
Digital art
Web nostalgia, old new media, indie webdev stuff
Sonic / Sonic idw
Houseki No Kuni
Black Dresses
Digital music composition
Rpgmaker Horror (OFF, Hello Charlotte, ynfgs, Oneshot, etc.)
Webcomics and zines
Free online educational resources etc.
DNI means you are not welcome here, screw off, and don’t be confused when you get blocked.
I don’t want to hear any whining about people wanting the internet to be a safe space and how [insert ableist word here] they are. I think it’s more embarrassing how upset you are over people setting boundaries.
Zionists, MAPs and proMAPs, transmeds, fakeclaimers, terfs, swerfs, transracials, institutionalization supporters, anti psych critical/anti anti psych, believe microlabels are biphobic (pan, queer, etc), biphobes, xenogenderphobic, colorist, ethnocentrist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, antisemetic, think disabled/neurodivergent/mad people should not have a shared community/culture, acephobic/exclusionary/infantilizing, support ethnostates, aba supporters, think hijabs are oppressive, believe in any sort of eugenics (curing disabled people, racist shit, anything that would happen in the movie Gattaca which you all definitely misinterpreted), use slurs you cannot reclaim, “narcissistic abuse” survivors and other cluster b bigots, saneist/psychophobic/madphobic assholes, meritocracy believers, transmisogynists and chasers, fatphobes/fat fetishists. Also guro blogs? That fetishize self harm? Why is this something I need to say why has this been an issue.
Fandom DNIs (These are subject to expansion in the future):
Noncritical DNI
Def: You can interact as long as you understand that your media is problematic/harmful and you can reclaim it or at least don’t endorse it. If you’re an apologist or are in any way complicit in the harm caused by the content (monetary support, spread of its message, downplaying its victims) I don’t want to hear from you.
Danganronpa, dbh, bna, Homestuck, mcu, Omori, FLCL, probably more I just can’t think of stuff
South park, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Hetalia, Countryhumans, Harry Potter, Supernatural, ANYONE WHO THINKS CHAR AZNABLE IS A LIKEABLE CHARACTER YES THIS HAS COME UP NUMEROUS TIMES, Axel and Roxas shippers (seems like a stupid thing to include but this has also come up multiple times! I hate it here!), dsmp, killing stalking, probably more I just haven’t thought of it yet
PLEASE INTERACT WITH ME :3 (silly non serious section)
Other queer and disabled people, Kingdom Hearts fans (who aren’t creeps), self diagnosed autistics, mad pride folks, anyone with a neocities site, zine contributors, vocal synth fans, people who make stimboards, fellow filehoarders, have a kitty that you are willing to send pictures of, Temnova simps (I think you’re funny), geology special interest havers, blinkie hoarders, people with acceptable opinions on cereal <- (certified milk first asshole), Teto lovers, Azumanga fans who post funny pictures of Osaka, genuine Ao Oni fans (I need to study you), 999 + SEQUELS FANS, people who post their daw stuff online you guys are so cooolllll
I am bad at being active and am working on tagging things well!! (and also actually. posting stuff.) If you need any tags pleaseeee ask it is no problem. I’ll probably make this intro cooler soon as well I am just soooo sleepy and I get frustrated with Tumblr lol
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
Annon-Guy: 1. How's progress on the Shawl? 2. Do you still have the Syphonia/RWBY BBTAG interactions in you Ask Box? 3. I hope you liked my Tales Of fighting game idea video.
Hit a snag. The yarn I wanted to use seemed like a big ball of thin yarn so I thought it would work, but I underestimated how big the shawl was. So I tried to buy more but the colors I'm looking for just... don't exist? This is gonna trigger an unskippable cutscene. Sorry. I am full of stories.
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I tried to color correct the pic so you can see the colors as they look to me in real life since my room lighting is bad. But let's start at the beginning.
Be me, age 11-13. Taught how to knit from the young age of 5 with more freedom to spend my own funds on craft stuff once I got to the double digit ages. Dollar Stores and craft stores are on practically every corner (along with video game stores, both of which I miss.) Buy tons of novelty yarns in bulk from places like Big Lots and Michaels with my spending money because they're pretty and I am an ADHD hoarder who may as well be a dragon. Have pretty yarn for years that I'm too nervous to use because I want to use them on something good. Wind the yarn into balls to fit the storage bin better. Forget I own umpteen billion yards of yarn. Move on to sewing as a hobby and buy the crap out of fabrics and Joanne's, barely make the head and arms of a Tails Plush because you couldn't win one at the faire that set up in your neighborhood for a week. Rinse and repeat for several hobbies. Spend most of the time gaming.
Become adult. Realize your home is a mess and at least a little of that is your fault. Get on a cleaning spree to at least organize your things. Start finishing old projects like the Tails Plush because it feels good. Use finishing projects as a reward for cleaning because unlike video games as a reward, you actually keep tidying if you aren't distracted by the other stuff on the computer and only have minimal distractions of meatspace. Clean out a box with some white yarn and find a half-finished knitting project along with instructions. Realize you have no idea what row you're on so you frog the project (unravel the yarn) and start over. Use the knitting as a reward for cleaning. Realize that hey, this pattern is cute and it's summer and, at the rate you're knitting, you could probably complete the whole afghan in time for Christmas to make a Christmas present for your partner. Knit as a reward and during free time (except when you get wildly absorbed in Eggtober.) Succeed in making a cute, heart-themed afghan for your bae. Look for other patterns to make for other friends and family so I can use up this metric ton of yarn. Decide on a cute shawl pattern. Find a pretty ball of yarn that seems big enough. Start shawl. I will refer you back to the image above.
The bottom bit is the shawl I started and the top one is the shawl I'm working on since the new colors don't match the old colors. See, shopping for yarn can be hard, especially if you're like me and don't keep the tags the yarn comes with (I am filled with REGRET. Why would younger me toss those out?) The bottom yarn's colors are, to me, magenta, lavender, blue, and turquoise, primarily Magenta and Turquoise. So I figured "This is a pretty distinct set of colors, I can't find the tags but I can probably find these colors..." So I search online. The first thing comes up is the Red Heart Super Saver Bon Bon print yarn. Colors are hard to tell online but they look similar enough and none of the other yarn that comes up seems close. But I don't want to buy without checking, you know? So I go Michaels near my house to see if they have that brand and print or anything similar. They do not. So I go to Walmart which supposedly has that brand of yarn in that print. I do not find it and the closest thing I find is too saturated. So I go to Joannes and their selection is better but still no luck. Bon Bon doesn't exist anywhere near me to compare it to and all the other yarns just aren't the right colors. Decide to just buy Bon Bon yarn online since it looks cute and it might be the correct colors. Yarn arrives in mail. Yarn is the right brand and print but alas, Bon Bon is not the correct color. Bon Bon is Bubblegum Pink, Hot/Neon Pink, Cotton Candy Blue, and Sky Blue.
Decide that if the yarn is this hard to find, it probably doesn't exist anymore. Admit defeat and resolve to just make the shawl with Bon Bon print instead.
Not sure what I will do with the original pretty yarn. May make it a scarf and carry it with me on the off chance I find something with the right colors to match with it. Either way, it won't be wasted, I just can't make a shawl that's completely that color. Maybe I'll frog it back a tiny bit so it's at the start of a row instead of the middle and just complete the shawl with a neutral color like white so that I have a shawl with those pretty colors. I still think that could look nice. Or maybe I'll frog it all the way back and make something else like a central motif square on another afghan? Who knows?
All I know for sure is that I currently cannot complete my initial shawl that I first started, so I'm doing the same pattern in Bon Bon because I ordered enough yarn for it and it's still kind of cute. Might gift this one to my mom since she's cold often or I might make another for her in some other colors I have? I recently saw this cute Yggdrasil Poncho pattern circulating on Tumblr that I might want to try. It looks like it works well as a pattern for several different colors of yarn. Like I said, younger me bought lots of novelty yarns, but in small quantities, so that mostly lends itself to granny squares, small projects, or things like this that incorporate many colors. Point being, I have lots of unusual yarns to make use of so what started as a reason to use up old yarn ended up with me buying more. Like a doofus. Because they probably don't make the color combo I'm looking for anymore.
2. Probably. It's most likely just buried in my ask box. 3. I do like the idea! I just haven't finished watching the video yet because my attention span is GARBAGE.
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venhedish · 3 years
Tagged by @alienfuckeronmain. thanks so much beb you know i love to talk about myself. <3 nickname: pretty much just Ven. there was an embarrassing period in my freshman year of high school when i insisted people refer to me as Sora because i was obsessed with Kingdom Hearts.
zodiac: scorpio sun, cancer moon, capricorn rising. i don't particularly believe in astrology, but fuck if that combo doesn't perfectly describe me.
height: 100% average thank you very much. i am *not* short. (5'4").
last movie I saw: i tried to rewatch spiderman: homecoming a few days ago and learned it's not actually on any streaming services. i watched like half of the second kung fu panda movie a couple nights ago, but i put it on literally to fall asleep, so. i guess the last movie i actually watched with the intention to watch was the old guard, which was like a month ago.
last thing I googled: lmao. "blood lick scream," apparently. i was looking for this gif:
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favourite musician: that's an impossible question. let's go with the musicians that have influenced my taste overall the most? Placebo; Hozier; The Frights; Arctic Monkeys; Kishi Bashi; Beats Antique; Fiona Apple.
song stuck in my head: i woke up with Closing Time bouncing around in my brain for some reason?
other blogs: @necro-nomnomnom is my sex and horror sideblog. @digital-scrivening is my multi-fandom/random whatever sideblog, and @spn-trope-round-robin is the Supernatural fanwork challenge I run.
blogs following: creepin' up on 400. actually, i'm not sure if this is asking how many i follow or how many follow me, but the answer is the same either way. amount of sleep: ehehehheheheheh. normally? anywhere from 3-12 hours; i have chronic insomnia. i also currently have some kinda tooth infection, though, so i slept from 3am on sunday to 12am on monday. and then again from 9am this morning to about 1pm. time has lost all meaning to me. you did read that right: i slept for 21 hours straight and was still tired. :(
lucky number: 8 what am I wearing: biker shorts and a shirt with a very sad ghost on it. dream job: sugar baby. not even joking. pay me to be sexy so i can do my hobbies for free in my spare time. as soon as i get paid for doing something i love, i don't love it anymore. there's a reason the only paid writing gigs i take at this point in my life are for kinks that i am totally uninterested in. languages: English. i can get my point across in French, but it won't be pretty.
play an instrument: i've been playing the ukulele for a whole year as of a couple weeks ago! it was my quarantine project and i managed to stick with it to my utter surprise. i think i'm firmly an intermediate player now. currently working to master arpeggios and full barres.
favourite song: my fave song changes multiple times a week. right now it's probably South by Hippo Campus:
random fact: my favorite comfort foods are shepherd's pie and american chop suey. Tagging @lovetheirloves @hotgirlsummersam @fandom-hoarder @digitalmeowmix @queergoblin @margaryes and @samsvisions (and you, if you want to do it. i never know who to tag so i tend to just smash my keyboard until names i recognize come up)
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precuredaily · 4 years
Where do you watch the futari wa precure (and max heart) episodes? I can only access the eng dub version of it so far
Well I actually have all of Precure downloaded to my hard drive, because that’s the kind of hoarder I am.
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That being said, I can point you in the right direction in a number of ways:
The first series is actually available legally if you live in the US or Canada. You can watch it on Crunchyroll or VRV, and you can buy it on Amazon at $2 per episode or $18 for each quarter of the series (yes this is prohibitively expensive, I don’t recommend it). Unfortunately, the version available to all of these platforms is extremely low quality as it heralds back to the early days of digital anime distribution. Gigantic subtitles, a visible delay between speech and text, and grainy audio.
If you want to become a digital archivist like me, everything is available in some way, shape, or form by torrenting. Nyaa is the most popular torrent hub for Japanese content. Torrenting can be a little confusing for first-timers but once you know what you’re doing it opens up a whole world of possibilities. Here is a batch torrent for the first series (with optional English audio if you like), and here’s one for Max Heart. Also, better copies of the movies than what’s included in that batch: MH1, MH2
Alternatively, you can download the shows directly without the middleman of torrenting from KRDL. Here’s FWPC and here’s Max Heart.
If you don’t need everything saved to your computer, phone, tablet, or whatever device and prefer digital streaming, there’s options! I happen to run a facebook page called Super Hero Showtime where I upload all of Precure, as well as a bunch of other stuff. Max Heart and the movies are available there.
Lastly, there’s a bunch of, shall we say, less ethical anime streaming sites out there. KissAnime is the big one. These kinds of sites are supported by ads and they’re not very selective about who they let on their platform, so NSFW content abounds, and ads that contain malware are not unheard of. Have a good adblocker when you come here, but here’s FWPC, Max Heart, movie 1, and movie 2.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
The Price of My Morning Coffee by TimelessMeow
When I was 25 and finishing up my Master’s degree, I moved in with a boy for the first time. We’d been together for over a year and got along well. He’d seen my apartment enough to know that I was obsessive about my coffee and incapable of cleaning; I’d spent the night enough to know that he talked to himself while getting ready in the morning, and generally we just liked each other.
There were bumps to learning to live together, of course. I was an only child and had always picked studios over living with a roommate in the past, so having someone always one step behind me, always touching my things, took some adjustment. I stepped on more shoes, bumped into more chairs and glasses, and sat on more ice-cold toilet bowls in those first few months than I ever had, or probably ever will again in my life. I was a hoarder who had suddenly found herself in possession of twice the amount of belongings, so our guest room became more like a small bed next to storage filled with giant boxes of random crap that I knew I didn’t need but was not allowed to be touched. He was a fidgeter and couldn’t keep his leg still as we watched moves on the couch, and the number of ways I imagined killing him with his own damn dirty socks that he always, always, always took off and left in our bed should probably give me a disturbing insight into the dark recesses of my psyche.
Eventually, despite all of these, we found something of a rhythm that worked. I am… whatever the opposite of a morning person would be, so he would get up first in the morning and shower. Then, he would make my coffee for me, since I’d never figured out how to set the timer on the pot, and have his breakfast. Pour my coffee, and then bring me the cat as an adorable meat shield. I would grumble and get up, look before I peed, and drink the coffee. Then we’d go about our days and reconvene in the evenings to watch movies or play video games. It worked so well that after six months, he asked me to marry him and I said yes . Of course, as soon as we’d planned everything, he got the fellowship offer.
As an artist hoping to live off of his paintings, the art scene in our small college town couldn’t exactly be considered booming. He’d looked around for a long time for an opportunity to move elsewhere, but then he’d met me and we’d hit it off. But now, here was an amazing chance to go to Chicago and work with establish painters and make all kinds of connections he couldn’t even dream of here. So now, with two months to go till the wedding, and a year left in my program keeping me tied here, we started considering spending our first year of marriage separated by hundreds and hundreds of miles.
I wanted to say no. I really did. But I didn’t have the heart to ask him to give up his dream, the same way he didn’t ask me to come with him. Instead, he asked the program head for permission to miss the first week for our honeymoon, and moved away two weeks after the wedding.
That first night was soul-crushing. He sent me snapchats of the cute little brownstone he had a room in, video chatted to show me view from his window and how tiny the shower in his bathroom was. But deep down, there was hollowness to the interactions, something to indicate that for the next year, neither his little brownstone nor my beat-up two bedroom apartment on the edge of campus would really be home.
The cat probably had the hardest time adjusting. Apparently, I played with her wrong and so any time I’d try to dangle her favorite toy, a bird attached to a long stick by a string, in front of her, she’d stare at me until I gave up and set it down. Immediately after, she’d snatch it up into her mouth by the bird and drag it around the apartment, meowing at every door to coax my husband out to play. That night, I sat next to the door of the spare room with her and cried while she stared at the white wooden frame expectantly.
The next morning, I woke up to the blaring of my new alarm, feeling drained. I got out of bed with eyes swollen from both tears and sleep, put down the seat and peed while brushing my teeth at the same time because I was just out of fucks to give. The process of washing my face seemed a little more like slapping water onto it, but I felt marginally more human by the time I emerged from the bathroom, only to hear the sound of the coffee pot from the kitchen.
I smiled. He’d figured out how to set the timer for me. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to say I love you and poured myself a steaming mug.
Even still, I fell into a depression for the first few weeks until slowly coming around to my new reality. Despite the distance, or maybe because of it, my husband was as affectionate and attentive as I could have asked for, and I fell asleep most nights while he chatted about his day on the phone. It was nice not to feel alone, and the intimacy kept the marriage from wilting. We made sure to carve out time daily, texting on breaks and having at least a quick call before bed every night.
Since suddenly we were a two-household marriage, I’d taken on extra hours on top of my schooling and began coming home less and less that fall. Unfortunately for kitty, what time I was home was generally spent studying or attempting to tidy up, and she seemed totally disgusted with me. Despite being a needy cat, I rarely ever woke up to find her at my feet anymore, and she almost never demanded pets like she used to. But she’d still carry around that stupid bird, meowing at every door she saw before falling asleep in front of the guest room door. I tried letting them skype to pull her out of it, and even considered getting another cat, but decided that really she seemed content enough, just distant, and let it be.
By the time my husband had been gone for three months, I think life was as good as could be considering the circumstances. I’d been making sure to see my friends often, he had gotten close with his roommates, and even though we couldn’t see each other we stayed involved as much as possible. So when we missed our first nightly call, I brushed it off. I’d stayed out later than I’d meant to, so I couldn’t be angry that I’d gotten his voicemail. Besides, he called me as soon as he got up the next morning, and we chatted while I put bruise cream on the stupid mark on my hip from the kitchen stool that never seemed to be where I expected it to. Like every other morning, I poured my coffee, told him I loved him, and went on my way.
A week later, he didn’t answer again. This time I was a bit more annoyed, I’d made sure to come home on time. I scratched at a new spot on the sofa while I took calming breaths through his voicemail message and managed to have my tone sound light and pleasant as I let him know I was going to bed but could be reached in the morning, and I loved him.
Despite what I’d said, I spent the night seething. A storm outside my window kept me awake, and the chill leaking in made me acutely aware of how large and cold the bed really was. As I flopped around restlessly, I could hear the cat scratching at the guest room door and it frustrated me until I threw a pillow in her direction and the sound of little claws skittering against hard wood replaced it. After a giant clap of thunder startled me and cut the power, I finally resigned myself to knocking back a sleeping pill and burying my face under the blankets until I drifted into a fitful sleep.
Instead of calming me, the slumber seemed to have energized my anger, so when I woke up the next morning to an unsatisfying apology text and a cold coffee pot, I gave up on hiding my irritation. Pressing the power button on the coffee pot, I dialed his number and lifted the phone to my ear.
“Hello?” His voice was groggy, I hadn’t considered the time difference.
“How do I set the coffee pot?” I snapped, bypassing the small talk.
“W-what?” The confusion bled through, grating on my nerves even more.
“The timer on the coffee. My power went out last night so I need to reset it.”
“We never figured it out,” he mumbled quietly. “There wasn’t a way to set anything but the clock.”
“Okay yes, but it’s been working fine for the last three months, so what the hell happened?” We both knew I was talking about more than the coffee pot, and the silence hung awkwardly over the line.
“Hun,” he started, but I decided I didn’t want to do this right now and cut him off.
“It’s fine. I’ll figure it out myself. Go back to sleep.” I hung up and turned my phone off, poured myself a cup of coffee and watched shit shows on cable for a few hours instead of doing the homework I’d sworn to myself would get done on my only day off this week.
I stayed there most of the day, only letting myself turn on my phone every few hours to check to see if he’d said anything. A few more apologies, some terse requests to stop ignoring him, a missed call. Finally, around six pm, I checked again and found one a little over an hour old.
It’s the TX600, right? That model doesn’t even have a timer
I scoffed and stood up, walking over to the coffee pot. Of course it had a timer, I’d bought it specifically because of the timer. The whole point was having coffee waiting for me, just like it had been every day.
Yeah, I sent back after checking TX600. I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve had coffee every morning since you left. You must have looked up the wrong one.
Some old, black and white movie was on, and when he hadn’t gotten back to me by the time the credits were rolling, I grabbed my computer and pulled up the manual myself. Sure enough, no timer. The clock was just that, a random clock on the side of the coffee pot. Several reviews noted the redundancy of yet another clock in the digital age, but that it worked just fine otherwise.
So how had the coffee been ready for me every morning?
Deciding I must just be going crazy, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth for an early bedtime tonight. I’d slept poorly the night before and it was clearly messing with my head. After rinsing and spitting, I turned around to use the toilet and it wasn’t until my hand met the lid instead of the seat that I noticed that the seat was down.
The seat was down.
Wait. Why was that weird? I lived alone and had no reason to change the toilet from a sitting position. It had taken me months to get used to the seat ever not being down.
And then once I’d gotten used to it, I didn’t notice when it never stopped.
There had to be a logical explanation for it though. Maybe without thinking, I’d gotten into the habit of lifting it? What else was it, a toilet ghost? And clearly, I just wasn’t as much of a coffee connoisseur as I’d thought, and not noticing that the pot had been brewing it the night before when I put the water and beans in, rather than just before I woke up.
It made sense. At least, more sense than anything else, so I held to it and took another pill and went to bed.
I didn’t wake up the next morning until the cat nudged my face for food at nearly eleven. I must have been exhausted to sleep that long, but I still felt groggy and weighted down. I rolled my eyes at my lack of texts and scooped her some food. I drank some water as she ate happily, then grabbed her toy again and walked over to the guest room door to meow at it.
“There’s no one in there!” I cried, walking over and grabbing the stick. “I’ll play with you, jeez!”
She meowed again and scratched at the door.
“Holy shit!” I snapped, grabbing the handle roughly and shoving the door open. “He’s not there! Look—” I trailed off once I looked in the room myself, seeing the boxes neatly stacked in a way I had never bothered to do. Maybe he’d… but no, the guest bed was slept in, too. I wandered over toward it cautiously as kitty happily sniffed around the boxes and immediately hopped into one as if she did it daily.
A tablet sat, charging, at the foot of the bed. It had no lock, and as soon as I hit the power button, the screen filled with the image of my bedroom. The outfit I’d taken off the night before lay crumpled at the foot of the bed. I reached out in horror and touched the screen, and the image changed to inside my car. I swiped again, my office. Finally, a brownstone I’d only ever seen in pictures. But this, this was clearly not a picture. Red and blue lights flashed against the face of it and people crowded outside craning their necks for a view of what was going on. I couldn’t hear the gasps or cries, but the fear and shock was plain on some faces, while morbid curiosity shined on others. An officer stood out front, keeping the crowd out front.
And then, at that moment, my phone rang.
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hanyalatif-blog · 5 years
Week 1 - Workshop
Design brief: Who, What, Where and Why
This workshop invited me to consider and then create a quadraptic collection of images of my responses
Who am I?
Hanya. I have, right now, spent 38 years on this little island in the sea, island in space. I had to keep remembering this “Why” was not about where I have been in these years, it is far more simplistic. Who. Am. I? Biologically, I am female; 5'2" on a good day; I am a hoarder of stories I don't know how to tell yet; I smile big and laugh heartily; I am passionate.
To me this question begs for a self portrait. Of course, that is exceptionally obvious, but sometimes I think the most simple of answers is the most effective. So here I am, in the style of how I do my illustrative works wearing the hard hat I occasionally work in. Laughing.
This is just an initial reaction to the question. It is not a well refined illustration but I wanted to keep it illustrative as it is something that has come from my own hand, my “who”.
What do I do?
I am the artist who fell apart as a secondary school teacher, then put a load of careers I thought I couldn't do in a hat. Science and Tech jobs. I picked out Structural Engineer and here I am, a retrained Senior Structural Design Engineer in the construction industry. I design cold rolled steel, detail, draw and calculate. I use Autocad and Revit for 2D and 3D modelling. I am the most unconventional engineer in the office because first and foremost I am an artist. I am the “dreamer and the data analyst” as SomeOne referred to in the lecture video. I love architecture, urban design, German expressionism, suprematism, brutalist Design (how can concrete create such depth and tone, be so heavy and look like lace?!)
In my spare time I illustrate, create works of art and work on a graphic novel. Just last night I had a private view of an artwork I recently completed as part of a “stickerClub collective”.
This is the quad I am most excited about. At the moment it is a representation of the old and new Birmingham Library. There are so many textures to explore there. The old brutalist and the new glazed, gold zinc clad, geometric framed elevations...I think this would move my GD practise in the right direction for me.
Where am I?
Birmingham. Middle Land. Central of this little island.
I’ve travelled quite a bit and lived elsewhere but my little heart belongs to this ever growing and changing city. My flat looks out on the canals in the Jewellery Quarter amongst some old and new structures. A celebration of the Industrial Revolution surrounds me. A great deal of my “art time” is spent in Digbeth which is a hub of arts and culture, and my day job is in Oldbury that’s at the heart of steel. 
This panel I am also excited about. I thought about cartography and began to read up on why and how different types and fonts are used in map marking. I want to delve into this further and perhaps work into a text hierarchy that represents myself, my local space and my global interactions.
Why Design?
When I first thought about this one, it seemed neat on impossible. I suddenly hit a wall of “why on earth am I doing this? And why now?”
I was watching the interviews in the first lecture. My heart was sinking with each one. Suddenly I thought I didn’t fit. I wasn’t any of them. Then I found it, what I’d been feeling in my job and career for so long. Simon Manchipp described the Graphic Designer and the Digital Designer as the Architect and the Structural Engineer. This truly resonated with me and has stuck with me since I first heard it.
I followed the trail of thought for a moment, considered the phrase "Dreamer and Data Analyst". These are who I am and these are methodologies I want to explore.
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studio183-blog · 7 years
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Corrina, please introduce yourself and your label.
I am a jewelry and object artist born and raised in Upstate New York, now based in Hamburg, Germany.  Although a piece of my heart still resides in Berlin, where I first landed ship nearly 4 years ago. I graduated with a BA in Jewelry and Objects from the Savannah College of Art and Design and immediately moved to Berlin-where I founded my practice.
My work is heavily inspired by the fluctuation between things man-made and things natural - a boundary that proves evermore transient and hard to define.  I am interested in the temporary and the long-term relationships we have with the objects around us; from the mundane plastic coffee cup to the most sacred family heirloom. I trill in reading the unfinished stories of these objects abandoned in urban environments or at flea markets.
As a creative what stood out for you in Berlin?
Berlin was a goldmine for me for this reason; a texture bomb of painted, bannered surfaces, colourful personalities, borderline hoarders and unapologetic black sheep. Going on a walk was the best way to get inspired. The ideas piled up but slowly the possibilities got narrower.
Living in middle Weserstraße Neukölln working out of my 11sq meter bedroom - unable to find a decent studio; great project ideas started getting ruled out real fast. Can’t wake the whole apartment building with my brutal dentistry noises anymore, don’t have a car to transport that, can I install ‘Stark Strom’ in the basement and run my machines there!?
I needed to grow and I had a very expansive offer standing idle from my lovely boyfriend. A 300 plus year old straw-roof farmhouse on the outskirts of Hamburg that he and his brother jumped on 10 years ago due to the rarity of these things coming on the market. Already equipped with a full wood and metal working workshop, it wasn’t long till my dream studio was unfolding before my eyes.  One year later and I have 5 chickens, a garden, and a million new restoration skills.
You now live in the countryside, has the change of scenery influenced your work in any way?
There is no doubt my productivity has also improved from the increase in focus. The urban and consumerist themes remain strong in my work, but that has been a constant since the first art pieces I have made.  What’s different now is my perspective - as an observer, no longer knee deep in the buy-o-sphere rather, as a person much closer to living a self-sufficient life.
Although I won’t claim to be free from temptation, I see that my art has taken on a more pure, refined style - ridded with the myriad of influences; stripped down to the essentials - like my life has. The freedom to make messes and noise at any hour has led me to do a lot more experimenting.  
Do you have a favourite material for sculpting your pieces?
At the moment my favourite technique is still “lost wax casting” where pieces are sculpted in wax, set in ceramic, burned out and then metal is cast into the ceramic making a 1:1 cast of the wax model.
Wax is a remarkable material with many diverse properties that make it my favourite to work with. I experiment with just about every type of wax there is on the market. Silver is my second, a beautiful material no doubt - a soft, skin-friendly metal that once you get to know it - it starts working for you!
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Do you have any specific inspirations/processes when you start a new collection?
I don’t use moodboards as I make or design because I feel they limit the wider pool from which I draw inspiration. Since I enjoy the end product to be a fusion of the aesthetic, I desire plus a good dose of the accidental; the spontaneity of the material often ends up being more interesting than anything I can sketch out or imagine.
Regardless I start every collection with a sequence that starts with word mapping: in which I translate usually psychological/social themes (my inspiration) into visually descriptive adjectives. This helps me think more abstract and see new associations and build metaphors into the collection’s aesthetic. From there I do many sketches and at the same time experimenting with materials and techniques that help me achieve the feeling of these adjectives.
From the strongest samples I create objects and sculptures, and finally I distill the objects into wearable work - taking the details I found most interesting and translating them into small pieces of adornment that travel the world with their wearers! I also take many photos around the urban environment, which are integral to my overall design thinking process.
I love the combinations of things that end up in the trash or on the streets.The collaboration of people and places and times that we see intercepting in the urban environment every day. It’s Ironic, beautiful and loaded with fun juxtapositions and interesting silhouettes.
Do you create for a certain persona? If so, please describe them.
I do not create for a certain person currently. I generally try to achieve the most unisex products possible. But as I stated, the concept and material play dictate most of the end product’s appearance. If I had a dream client though - it would definitely be Iris Apfel and all of her Advanced Style friends. She is fabulous and I would be honoured to adorn her with my work!
What’s the best compliment/description/comment someone has given your designs?
I definitely am still glowing from my best compliment and that was a month ago in Munich for Munich Jewelry Week, a.k.a. Mecca for Art Jewelers; a huge citywide exhibition with the best of the best from world-wide on display.
Somehow I found myself in a casual conversation one-on-one with a legend - one of the founders of Art Jewelry, Ruddt Peters - and of course an Idol of mine. His eyes went immediately to my brooch (the silver one listed in my favourites on top) and he told me he had never seen anything like it and I must continue with this.
One month later turns out he was the guest judge for an exhibition I entered and he saw that brooch in print and picked out my application first for the “definitely in” pile.  The creator of the event wrote me asking if I knew him, because he couldn’t have believed I made such a strong impression on him in the 2 minutes we spoke in Munich!
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Tell us about more about your current collection.
Corrina’s current collection - “Self-Made”is a series of remnants of Generation Z’s search for permanence in an attention-deficit-disorder society. Also known as the ‘Me’ Generation or ‘Selfie’ Generation-Z’s have mastered the catered image of self. They design the face they will present to the world; they build a platform on which to receive praise and filter criticism. They are beautiful but lacking in depth - a fragile façade.  
The pieces reference cheap modern mass production, but are constructed with materials associated with luxury and employ high handcraft technique. Handled with neurotic, obsessive control of the material to fit our desires - yet they remain distinctly human. “Self-Made” is a souvenir to this era of indifferent indulgence; a contemporary artefact to commemorate the modern consumer and his/her many short lived personalities.
Your current collection is gorgeous. Is there anything you could tell us about the next one?
Another fun thing about being an artist and not a designer is only I decide when it is time for the next collection. There are no rules about trending or seasons that dictate my work - I move on when I feel the idea is exhausted or has met its fullest potential. Some concepts are really rich and I can develop them for years: allowing them to transform aesthetically far from the first few samples.
These are the ideas I hope for - they allow a degree of mastership in a technique and allow me to clarify my idea and visual signature. My current collection “Self-Made” continues to excite me, so you will all have to stay tuned to see what new faces it takes on.  I can say that I am playing with many alternative materials at the moment which I hope to incorporate - such as papier-mâché and electroforming on clay.
Can you tell us about any exciting plans for the year ahead?
In the next year there is lots in the works! As I just mentioned I was accepted into an esteemed Art Jewelry Exhibition - that will take place next month - in May, in Bucharest, Romania.  I am also working on collaboration with a very talented digital mapping and 3-D printing artist that I hope we will be seeing some pieces from in summer.  As well as I am planning to open small group- bed and breakfast style weekend jewelry courses out of our country home! Partners could make an engagement ring for one another, or bring a friend learn some basics in jewelry construction with me! Interested people can e-mail me for more information on signing up - [email protected]
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therobbinsnest · 8 years
Random Stuff
I was tagged by @thattimetheykissed-- thank you!
How old are you? 46.. SHIT thats old. 
Current Job Photographer
What are you talented at? photography, managing pretty much everything to do w/ my family/kids as my spouse travels/is gone most of the time, talk to people, making people laugh
What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? i am really trying to get my kids to see (esp my older ones at 13 and 14) what the FUCK we are, as a nation, in for the next 4 years. I know they don't really “get it” so i am making it my job to teach them. 
Example. we have a family in town w/ 4 kids (just like us) except their youngest was born sick, in fact, she wasnt even suppose to make it to term... but she did, had 2 open heart surgeries, 150 days in the NICU beat all the odds and is home.. thriving... she is literally a million dollar baby.. because of the laws that are in place now and when she was born... her family has not had to struggle financially... that will all change soon.. because she has a pre-exisiting condition and will for life... so i am making my kids read stuff like that.. so they see the real world consequences of this ..and i use the term loosely... “mans” actions. 
What is your aesthetic? the weight of small child sleeping on me 
Do you collect anything? kids? i feel like with 4 of them we are the “big family” I know of only 3 other families in town that have 4 kids... so we are kinda an oddity around these parts. My house is too small to collect material stuff.. but i did just fill a 3TB hard drive with pictures.. so i guess I'm a digital hoarder.. 
What is a topic you’re always talking about? parenting, kids, fitness, breastfeeding, extended breastfeeding, photography, feminism, 
What’s a pet peeve of yours? when my kids take a spoonful of peanut butter and then leave the god dam fucking spoon .. still with peanut butter on it.. in my fucking sink. 
Good advice to give? The more you do, the more you can do. Act or you will be acted upon
Recommend three songs? flying purple people eater, video killed the radio star, don't stop believing
I'm tagging @conversationinthehallway, @startwreck, @sunflowerseedsandscience @suncrossed, @edierone, @ihavefeministbones or anyone who wants to play.. join in! 
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wayneooverton · 6 years
Reflection, mindfulness and putting the world into words
I want to start off this blog with a question: how many of you guys still write notes and lists by hand?
Awesome, just me then.
Jokes, jokes. If the internet gossip of today is to be believed, my generation is tech-obsessed and digital only. However, the reality is far different, and I know that’s definitely not the case, at least for this blogger. Do not put me in a box, thanks.
While the majority of what I create exists online these days in some form or another, the stories, work and thought that went into it all mostly likely existed first on paper.
Even as a kid I was always getting in trouble “borrowing” from my stepdad’s beautiful collection of Parker fountain pens, practicing my looping penmanship and pretending to be a famous author, until the day I was gifted some of my own.
Notebook obsessed, master of lists, journaling queen, I am and always have been someone who loves and rejoices in writing by hand. A visual person, as soon as I take the time to write something down, it imprints in one corner or another in my brain, and helps me remember it later on that no note in my iPhone can compare.
And as I get older, I truly enjoy using elegant, beautiful pens to write down my ideas and thoughts on high quality paper, though napkins will do in a pinch. You never know when inspiration will hit, right?
When I discovered the new Sonnet Special Edition pens from Parker, my heart literally skipped a beat.
A unique collection of four travel designs, the Atlas, Metro, Stratum and Impression, these pens evoke everything that travel means to me, inspired by a universal curiosity to discover the unknown, a personality trait that has propelled me to all seven continents and to build a career around travel writing.
With each pen evoking a specific emotional stage we experience when we travel, the Sonnet Special Edition collection is an ode to every journey we take, and to to inspire those to capture those moments into words to savor forever.
Were these pens designed for me? Let’s say yes.
And I know I’m not the only one like this either.
There are plenty of other list lovers and notebook hoarders out there who know exactly what I’m talking about, and who always relate when I share my joy for the written world online.
I’ve found that my tribe are the kind of people that enjoy the solid weight of a nice pen in their hand, of premium thick paper that you can smell, and to slowly draw a line through an assignment or job once it’s finished, even if that task was just to take a shower and do laundry (guilty).
Nowadays it’s so easy to take a quick photo with your phone or camera, and share that travel experience with an infinite amount of people. As a photographer, my constant challenge is to capture a feeling or an emotion in an image, to tell a story with a singular photograph. That’s tricky.
Traveling is an experience people can document easily in pictures but it’s harder to do so in words. The Sonnet Special Edition pens are a writing instrument that makes putting experiences into words easier.
But I’ve always been a reader and a writer. Words are my thing.
I have been able to capture and share a decade’s worth of travel experiences and memories through words here on my blog. Writing has always come easier to me, and creating stories through words is one of my favorite activities.
And for me it always begins with a scribbled handwritten note somewhere.
Now that I travel for a living and I work in an industry that is always hungry for more and more content, I have discovered a unique problem.
Maybe it’s because I’m getting older or my brain is getting dumber (who knows) but I have found it a lot harder to strum up memories and stories out of the blue, especially on demand. I’m a deeply pensive person who often gets lost in thought, and I need time, notes and reflection to answer the big questions sincerely.
My most dreaded question “what’s your favorite place to travel?” Shivers. I hate that one. I usually can’t even remember what year it is, and even what country I’m in when I wake up in the morning. How am I supposed to pick a favorite place?
I have come to rely on my notes and journals from my adventures more and more when I reflect back on my travel experiences. As an avid traveler, my curiosity knows no bounds, and I love recording memories, sounds, smells and moments from my trips on paper.
Nowadays, I’m always on the lookout for more meaningful travel, experiences that can help me grow, that shape my life, and help satisfy my endless desire to discover the unknown.
And what place offers all of that in abundance? Antarctica.
I was lucky enough to spend a month down on the last continent, completely offline and able to truly be present and in the moment in one of the last pure wilderness on earth. What an opportunity!
Instead of my usual fast-paced notes and bullet journals, I took the chance to write for at least an hour every day, recording my memories and experience in it’s own dedicated blank journal. Decorating the pages with quotes from explorers like Shackleton and Scott, doodling penguins and tracing maps of our routes, I was able to connect with this travel experience in a way that I had only dreamed about before.
I would even bring my journal with me on land, and take the time to sit with enormous penguin colonies and take notes observing them.
Unforgettable travel experiences deserve to be put into words after all.
Using my time at sea to reflect and connect with the experience, I was able to easily place it in my memory as one of the best adventures of my lifetime, and obviously, my new favorite country.
The Sonnet Special Edition range helped me emotionally bond and connect with Antarctica by allowing me to put incredible moments into words, to capture those experiences on paper in a way that might have been impossible to describe otherwise.
After all, unforgettable once in a lifetime trips like to Antarctica deserve to be put into words!
What about you? Are you a paper and pen aficionado too? Do you enjoy writing about your trips too? Spill!
Many thanks to Parker Pens for inspiring me to capture my journeys on paper and for making trips like these happen. Like always, I’m keeping it real, all opinions are my own, like you could expect less from me!
The post Reflection, mindfulness and putting the world into words appeared first on Young Adventuress.
from Young Adventuress http://bit.ly/2TR9XR2
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Unboxing My Playing Card Oracles Haul
(I actually had to edit this lol)
Hi there, this is your friendly neighborhood woo-woo person Orihime-Maychan, and for today I am finally completing my half-assed post about my unboxing, which happened about a month ago. Because real life ate my time. *sigh of relief* Finally, I got my haul. 😁 Very excited to work with my decks and the book.
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This is pretty much what was inside my parcel: the paper wrappings look so cute with the designs and stuff. There were even stickers and some plastic bookmarks:
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As a sucker for paper products and stationery, I already am loving this whole thing.
But wait! It gets even better when the stuff gets unpacked (and I didn’t wanna unravel the cute stripey string).
Here is the Vintage or the Original Playing Card Oracles Deck, which is actually titled The Picture Book Book of Ana Cortez. 
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It was wrapped in a sparkly, glittery ribbon and it didn’t show Lady Oracle’s lovely face but at least the Ace of Hearts had its face out. Somewhat.
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This deck is quite rare since it’s the last surviving bunch so if you could head over to Ms Ana Cortez’s site here, you can check it out, including other fun stuff. It’s a bit pricey tho, compared to the US Games Edition Version of this same deck (it’s smaller, and I plan to get that one too, once I get the dough. lol hoarder mode), but if you work with energies, then you’ll find that this deck is really quite magical. I’ll make a long-ass review of it later. 
Another deck that I also bought is the Alchemy Edition deck, which comes in two sizes: the Poker-sized deck which is as large as your regular playing card deck and a bit thicker, and the really chunky Large Size deck, so they’re basically the same, it just depends on what your needs would be, like portability or if your baby hands can hold the whole thing, or if you wanna make the pictures come alive. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the two in their pouches:
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I read an older review that says the pouch had an Ace of Clubs design, maybe they change it every year IDK because it’s Ace of Hearts now. Still nice tho.
And of course, the last chunky thing I was waiting for in this haul, the Playing Card Oracles Book:
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I’m just so excited to have received this thing, so far it’s the best birthday gift I got myself in a while trololol but seriously... I’m so happy with this stuff, the moolah I had to shell out was well worth every penny.
Well, I guess that’s it. Please look forward for the comprehensive reviews~ 😁 Thanks so much, and I’ll be back with the nitty-gritty reviews for these (plus my digital copy of the e-book I also bought with this stuff). May the Source be with you always. XOXO =)
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unextordinary-blog · 7 years
My year in one post: 2017
okay so its starting to get closer to the end of the year lets have a recap of 2017.
january: I don't have a job anymore, I am not going to school at the moment, I am moving for the hundredth time, and I have to give up my dog and cat, then someone loses my cat. ( so its safe to say january was definitely not my month) but bright side this is the month where i start to talk to my "future" husband. well sort of (this will be explained in a later month).
february: so it's a new month. I am jobless with no prospect of going back to school until the next semester. on top of that our landlords are total pieces of literal dog shit (like im not kidding they have about 5000 dogs in their house and it smells like dog shit) anyways life is starting to look up JUST THE TINIEST BIT because ya girl got a date. i am dating. newly dating. and on top of that i still don't know that my future husband is single yet. (he doesn't like the idea of me dating)
march: we have officially moved into my moms boyfriends house and i already hate it. Its awful i have no closet, no space, no job, no pets, and no will to live (except for my future husband). Its safe to say my life lowkey sucks because not only do i have a curfew now? I have to pretend to not hate my life and i actually have to get out of the bedroom im staying in (yea thats right im not allowed to call his guest bedroom "my room") my moms boyfriend is a total dickwad. he gets what he deserves in later months tho. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( WAIT A MINUTE I just got some info that karma was doing her job all along and i completely forgot part of living with my momster and her dickwad was that I had to do all the chores around the house and dickwad left $200 in his pocket when i was doing laundry and i found it. in my defense i tried to tell them about the money but then they got on my ass for talking to them while they were talking or something so i shut up and spent some of the money on a tattoo. it was the best revenge ever. I had been planning on getting one for months and dickwad and momster HATE tattoos and he technically paid for mine and it was great)
April: HOMAGAWD my life is looking up. I got a job, my "future" husband is visiting and the guy I'm kinda sorta "dating" is a good kisser but i swear to y'all if i hadn't already been on like 4 dates with this guy i would have thought he was catfishing me (he ends up ghosting me anyways so whatevesss). My momster and her dickwad of a boyfriend don't like my new job because it doesn't pay a whole lot? ( oh i forgot to mention they want me to pay rent for the "bedrooom" I'm sleeping in; y'all this room is literally a bed, a dresser drawer, and MY TV) ALSO did i mention this guy is total pack rat (THE BEDROOM IM IN HAS ALLLL OF HIS JUNK IN IT) and there's no central heating and I'm sick. I have bronchitis and we barely found out. meanwhile my supposed "mother" thought I was just being annoying with my coughing and her stupid boyfriend literally had the AUDACITY to tell me if I don't get rid of my cough by the end of the week then he was going to "do something about it". (LIKE IM SORRY I HAVE BRONCHITIS IF I COULD WAVE MY MAGIC WAND THAT I JUST RANDOMLY PULLED OUT OF MY ARSE AND MAKE MYSELF BETTER I WOULD SORRY MY ILLNESS IS INCONVENIENCING YOU). this man is weird he has like every book written by trump and is a civil war reenactor and has can goods from before I was even born because he doesn't believe in expiration dates. so I didn't want to find out what he meant by that so I booked the quickest doctors appointment I could get. I had been sick for 3 months by this point. also I paid over half the rent at my old place but I was always making like $1000 a month sooooo I could afford it. anyways my "future" husband and I have an amazing 3 days when he visits it was like no time had passed and it wasn't until he was gone that I realized that I couldn't live without him anymore.
May: ITS OFFICIAL BITCHES my "future" husband is now my boyfriend, it literally took him an hour for me to say he was my boyfriend. twas a struggle. but pretty much since the day he left we hadn't gone a single day without talking via text or calling each other. we thought about waiting until he came back to texas to date, but that would be two years and we weren't having that because we would have ended up waiting for each other instead of dating long distance which is kinda a waste of time. anyways I am no longer sick. at least I don't think and karma is just DOING ITS WORK on my mom and her dickwad boyfriend. My mom was being treated like she deserved by her new job and dickwad had lost his chief position because hes an alcoholic asshole with little man syndrome now he is paying over $10,000 for a DWI lawyer. meanwhile i was thriving I was getting more work I was looking into ways to pay off my school my life still sucked and the only reason im alive is because of my "future" husband.
June: did i ever mention that june is my favorite month of this year. love is in the air bitches. june is the month for marriages and engagements. SPEAKING OF ENGAGEMENTS yea that's right he proposed AND ON TOP OF THAT he surprised me with a visit and i nearly had a heart attack and it was a great few days. then my momster ruined it by being her and by hating me as per usual we weren't asking for permission at this point to get married we were just going to get married whether she agreed or not. and i was moving out and my "future" husband and i had a 101 plans (also i dont like the word fiance its dirty and gross) our 101 plans obviously fell through you can plan all day long and life is just like "LOL gurl you thought" but it all turned out fine in and in our favor in the end. we are very thankful for the people who stuck by our side when things were getting tough and sooo grateful for all their help we wouldn't have been able to do it without them.
JULY: ITS OUR WEDDDDINNNGGG MONNNTTTTHHHHHHH!!!!!! I had never thought "hey you're going to be my husband one day" when I saw my husband for the first time in the 2nd grade. he apparently did, he thought i was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and was happy i had moved to his town. that innocent love obviously turned into something more as we got older and he always knew that something special would happen with us there had to be a reason God had kept us close all those years. we were married july 10th in a court house with our high school friends my momster and her dickwad boyfriend and my new family that consisted of my husbands parents and siblings while my maid of honor watch via facetime (she had work and the ceremony lasted like 20 mins) leading up to our wedding he "proposed" properly on the couch while we were watching a movie and his best friend was so upset that he was not included in the proposal. we promised to include him on our 5 year anniversary at our vow renewal. we were married on the 10th we had our honeymoon that night in galveston. on the 11th we went to our best mans house, watched hoarders all morning, played ping pong, went to go see a movie with our old clique from high school, slept on a too small air mattress with a too small blanket in freezing cold room and woke up early. he dropped me off at my momsters and we said our teary eyed goodbyes and said we'd see each other again in december and I watched him drive away to the air port. I turned 20 the next week and I had 1 good day then on the 18th my mom decided to yell at me and fight me about money (remember how i said i was trying to pay off my college stuff well my mom knew that. it was no secret. well i found a way and i had gotten the money the week i got married and i paid it off and put the rest in savings and refused to touch it) well my mom yelled at me until she was blue in the face because since dickwad fucked up his finances with his DWI they were now strapped for cash and wanted me to pay for everything and I refused. just because we said I'd move in december doesn't mean plans are set in stone and if I would have paid them in advance I would have never seen that money again. the risks were to high for me to pay that much in one sitting. so we argued on the 18th she didn't talk to me for two days then on the 21st she gave me an ultimatum and told me to pay or get out. meanwhile my husband and I were thinking ahead and I was already packing and by the 22nd all i had in the bedroom i slept in was a duffel bag of clothes and hamper full of my bedding I told her i was moving out on the 23rd on a sunday and by the time they got home from church me and everything i had would be gone from that house. remember my husbands best man and best friend and the small air mattress and cold bedroom?
August: they both had a house together and that was the house i stayed in until the second week or two of august i spent almost a week with my dad and his family so i could say my goodbyes. i came back to the guys house for 2 days finished packing said my goodbyes to all my friends and then my dad was there with a jeep for all my stuff and we would start our long trip to VA. the first day we drove from TX to atlanta then the next day atlanta to VA.
I was finally home. there he was my knight in blue digital camo. we'd only been married a month and already our plans were askew. my dad stayed for 2 extra days and helped us get settled into our new apartment then left.
september: we are 2 months into our marriage and our first month living together. these next two months will be the hardest months in our marriage. we're getting used to each other getting to know our homelife quirks it is a difficult transition for both of us I am used to an abusive passive aggressive household where i lock myself in my room and he is used to empty barracks and going out everyday just so he doesn't have to be in the barracks all day. it was hard but we wouldn't want to bicker over mundane things with anyone else.
October: its spoopy time and my husbands birthday is this month we have a tv and new bed for our master bedroom we have a cat but Im pretty sure we got him in september. we're not really fighting as much at least not about stupid things we know what pushes our buttons and we're communicating better. I have to turn down my first job because its too far of a drive. ( we immediately regret it) the hubs 21st birthday rolls around we have the worst mexican food ever and he has the strongest margarita in the world it was really a great night. Halloween we sit on the couch watching movies and just stay in all day.
November: my husbands family have informed us that his little brother will be graduating from boot camp this month and will be going to school on a base in VA and that they were coming for thanksgiving. so we get the house in order for our new guests. we buy everything from a thanksgiving ham to new towels when they arrive his parents are sick with the flu and my husband still has work the next day on thanksgiving. his mom and i spend the entire next day cooking and getting everything ready. when my husband gets home we have dinner and watch a movie or two. the next day is my husbands day off and we all had planned on eating out so we had lunch then went to the beach for his mom and then my husbands base to give a tour for his mom (insert eyeroll here the woman takes pictures of quite literally everything its almost annoying)and then finally we go back home so we can get his little brothers stuff and we can drop him off at his new base. (which is a whole lot more difficult then it should have been.) they end up giving him a weekend pass but by then we're all dead tired and want to go home but no, we go bowling on base until its time to take his little brother back to the barracks. then the next day is even more annoying my husband picks up his little brother and some breakfast and we trudge to a museum of an old ship for about 2 or 3 hours. keep in mind my husbands parents are still sick with the flu and everyone is tired except his little brother and my husband has work at 3am the next day. on top of that his parents need to get on a plane this same day and my husband and i need to drop off his little brother back on base. needless to say it was another long day and we finally had our house back my poor husband had work at 3am and around 9am i hear him come home apparently since he didn't leave early on thanksgiving he got to leave work early that day which meant we got the entire sunday to ourselves. it was a long weekend.
December: its only the 13th and we have been married for 5 months now and it will almost be a year since we started dating. (how time flies) his best man is supposed to visit in january and we are both so excited.
so much little stuff has happened this year that would make this post even longer. we got a motorcycle, my husband is trying to pick out a car for me i thought about doing online college, we both haven't really thought about what we want for christmas and our cat has fleas so its been a very eventful year.
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brokestudy · 7 years
Let's get personal.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? (In order) Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons Guilty Pleasure by Bryce Vine No Grass Today By AJR Honeybee by Public Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran White Teeth Teens by Lorde 2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? If I could meet anyone I would love to meet Anna Kendrick because I am such a huge fan and I think she is amazing. 3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. The book nearest to me is The View From The Top by Hilary Frank and the line is "But she had to keep quiet. Her little twin sisters were asleep on the other side of the room." 4: What do you think about most? I think the most about death and money. Like how little money I have and how little time left in this Earth I have left. I also spend a great deal of time thinking about how much I hate my little sister. 5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? It is from my mother and it says "R u n bed" 6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? I sleep with clothes on, usually. 7: What's your strangest talent? I know every line in The Breakfast Club and I know ever song in Bob's Burgers. 8: Girls... (finish the sentence); Boys... (finish the sentence) "Girls are from mars, boys are from Venus. I've got a yum-yum you've got a penis." 9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? Yes, actually, my seventh grade, and first ever, boyfriend wrote me a poem that my mom threw away when I left it on the table on accident. 10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? 2015 New Years, I was so young. 11: Do you have any strange phobias? I don't like clowns or spiders or heights or public speaking or meeting new people or sharing personal things or having people not like me or ... 12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? No... 13: What's your religion? I am a proud atheist 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? If I go outside I'm either swimming or reading. 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind the camera, definitely. 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Currently, AJR because they only have one song that I don't love. 17: What was the last lie you told? I'm not in bed (in reply to my mothers text when she called me) 18: Do you believe in karma? In a way yes, i believe that every action has consequences or rewards. 19: What does your URL mean? It's my name? 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? I'm terrible at sports, but I seem to be pretty good at taking science tests. 21: Who is your celebrity crush? My celebrity crush is definitely either a young Leonardo DiCaprio or Johnny Depp. 22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yes I have, often. 23: How do you vent your anger? I scream, punch things, rip things, and write. 24: Do you have a collection of anything? Books. Lotsssssssss of books. 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? I prefer video chatting because it's closer to in person. 26: Are you happy with the person you've become? I'm getting to be. 27: What's a sound you hate; sound you love? I hate the sound of styrofoam be rubbed by other Styrofoam. I love the sound of cars or lawnmowers. 28: What's your biggest "what if"? "What if I was famous?" Because I'm not so sure I'd enjoy being famous but on the other hand, I'd be famous. 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Nope and nope. 30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. To the right I touch my armoire and to the left I touch my night stand. 31: Smell the air. What do you smell? I smell nail polish. 32: What's the worst place you have ever been to? My dead grandmothers house because she had been dead for 10 years and her house was full or random shit because she's been a hoarder. So we could barely move and everything was molding. It was gross. 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East coast 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Adam Levine 35: To you, what is the meaning of life? The meaning of life is to try new things and meet new people. To just live. 36: Define Art. Art is life, it drives everything we do and is the most important thing in our day to day life. 37: Do you believe in luck? Sure. 38: What's the weather like right now? Sunny and 70. It's a little breezy so it's perfect. 39: What time is it? 12:17 pm 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I don't have my permit but I have driven. Never been in an accident. 41: What was the last book you read? Roanoke: the last colony By Lee Miller. 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? I LIVE FOR IT. 43: Do you have any nicknames? My older sister calls me rookie and several people call me Brooklyn. As a child I was boo-bear, pig pin, and pumpkin. 44: What was the last film you saw? I watched Everything, Everything. 45: What's the worst injury you've ever had? I sprained my right ankle in the third grade. 46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes, at my zoo they had an exhibit. 47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Dodie Clark's vlogs. I can't stop watching, I also have gotten a thing for studblrs so. 48: What's your sexual orientation? I am a bisexual 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? Yes, apparently I'm quite a bitch. 50: Do you believe in magic? Nope. 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yes I do. Unless they apologize then I'm gonna be mad for ever. 52: What is your astrological sign? I am a Virgo. 53: Do you save money or spend it? I am a huge cheapskate and save save save money. 54: What's the last thing you purchased? Like 7 books for $18, it was a huge deal. Major mark down. 55: Love or lust? Right now lust. 56: In a relationship? A relationship is work, it's getting out what you put in and loving your partner in their worst as well as their best. Makeup or not they are always gonna be the one you want to be with. 57: How many relationships have you had? Five relationships but two of them was with the same guy, however, there was someone in between us getting back together and breaking up again. 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No I can not, I have a short tongue. 59: Where were you yesterday? At my house. 60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes my Jam Speaker, a ruler, a hair brush that doesn't have a handle, and a cupcake piggy bank. 61: Are you wearing socks right now? No I am not. 62: What's your favourite animal? Polar bears. 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? I smile and laugh a lot. Basically your supposed to mimic they're expressions and that's makes them like you more. 64: Where is your best friend? Her house. 65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. Mine, mine, mine, mine, and my studyblr. 66: What is your heritage? I am Native American and a bunch of other stuff. 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Sleeping. 68: What do you think is Satan's last name? Trump. 69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Yes I have, I'm human. 70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Not really because I'm very protective and weird so no. 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? SAVE THE DOG. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? I Wouldn't tell anyone because I'm very private and don't want people to know so I'd keep it all in and write letters to them that'd they get after I died. I would write up my will, go skydiving, go on a spending spree, and visit my grandparents grave to talk and cry and shit. I would be terrified, because I don't want to die. I don't think anybody really does, or maybe they do I don't know, but I don't. So I'd keep it in and cry alone. 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Trust because I can't love someone I don't trust, I don't want to. 74: What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Guilty Pleasures by Bryce Vine or anything by AJR or Public. 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 2478 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust. 77: How can I win your heart? You can talk to me, all the time. You don't have to buy me things, I have enough. You have to love me, all the time. I have to trust you, make me want to trust you. 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Not the good kind. 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? To be happy. 80: What size shoes do you wear? 9, I have large feet. 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? My name and date. Maybe something about how loved I was. I don't really know. 82: What is your favourite word? Colour spelled the British way. 83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Beat. 84: What is a saying you say a lot? "We go from womb to tomb, from one darkness to another. Remembering very little of one and nothing of the other." 85: What's the last song you listened to? Rain by The Script. 86: Basic question; what's your favourite colour/colours? Lavender. 87: What is your current desktop picture? Snow I think. I was a present I haven't changed. 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Donald trump, or if it's personal then this bitch from the 10th grade named Hailey (or her best friend austin, i can't decide.) 89: What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? Are you a good person? 90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do? Move slowly to an exit. 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Super knowledge. 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? The half hour when I got my dog. 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? My grandmother dying. 94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? The drums guy from Public. I love him. 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? New York. 96: Do you have any relatives in jail? Not to my knowledge 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yes I was terribly sick and had taken pepto bismo, which didn't help. And I threw up all pink in my mothers old van. 98: Ever been on a plane? No I haven't. 99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? Hello world, how've you been? Good to see you my old friend. Also, America, get your head out of your ass and realize Donald Trump is an idiot who doesn't deserve to be president.
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