#bec noir's body sword
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#Freshest Artifact To Get Into Hands With Intent Of Harm#homestuck#poll#bec noir's body sword#human pornography sword
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Thinking about PM. Thinking about how when she shot after Bec Noir, she didn't have any training with a sword. She was freshly down an arm and by extension off balance. Her body wasn't her own. And yet she fought. For three years she fought.
Thinking about her and WV climbing up the volcano. Do you think she had to lean on him, needed him to help keep her stable, because she had an extra weight she wasn't used to? Because she hadn't walked in years, hadn't moved in this body in years?
Thinking about her post-game. Reaching to cut down underbrush with a sword that isn't there anymore. Struggling to get to sleep, because she hadn't had the chance to rest for so very long. Relearning how to be herself.
I love you PM. I love you so much.
#me vibing#homestuck#homestuck exiles#pm#peregrine mendicant#i loveeeee her#my favorite is wv but shes sooooo good too
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cant stop thinking about ds' sprite pendant falling on the ground and getting doused in bro's blood WHAT.
puuure speculation of the order of events based on context clues, but it seems like right after bec noir is prototyped for the last time, bec goes for the weaker opponent like how he goes for karkat and terezi when vriska shows up in the alt timeline. he grabs ds, and that wing does nottt look like a clean slice. yk how spades slick gets his arm ripped off by sn8wman's whip...? around this time the necklace breaks off in the thrashing and falls. no character survives getting stabbed through the stomach so bro ends up minimizing the damage being done there but ds is totally unable to fight so bro fully takes over.
at this point, its hard to say if ds flees before or after he dies. the feathers on top of bro's body could be there from the wind or because ds was hovering over him. regardless, a short fight ensues, between bro and noir. he gets disarmed and shoved to the ground, noir spears him with his own sword, the end. ds comes back to bro's body after noir leaves to pick up the sprite pendant either way.
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John: Examine contents of chest.
Man, ONLY this? Either your chest is really small, or your items are big. Colonel Sassacre's book is probably to blame for that. Alright, let's dig into it.
[…] each one a devastating weapon in the hands of a SKILLED MAGICIAN or a CUNNING PRANKSTER. You are neither of these things.
Come on man, page 8 and you're self deprecating? Not a prankster? Not with THAT attitude!
Jeez, Tumblr is ruining the nice formatting of this paragraph. And the quality of the pictures too so now I have to take screenshots. Thanks a bunch jerk. Anyway, despite being quite trivial and innocent looking, most of it will be used during the adventure. The handcuffs, stunt sword and magician hat by the imps, the beagle puss glasses by both John and TG, and the smoke pellets will be used soon in this act. The remaining items are quite inconsequential. Blood pellets? Never used, although they do show up in another kid house later. Wait Wise Guy IS important, it's how John got the idea for combining two punched catchalogue cards in the totem lathe. Damn, good job book. *sigh* although I always skip reading Wise Guy's excerpt during rereading Homestuck, so not really looking forward to it. Hmm. Now that I'm double checking the command prompt, and thinking about the double meaning a 'chest' (Bec Noir removed 'arm from chest' as in his sword from his body) I wonder if we can see 'content of chest' as the content of heart? There is (fake) blood, several items displaying his interests, his legacy and ancestor (Sassacre) and his idol Harry Anderson, twice. And the trick handcuffs could represents the fact that John, feeling initially trapped desire to be free (Breath) or that an obstacle of his own creation prevent him to reach said freedom? Fake blood, fake bond?? Fake death? Martyr??? Maybe I'm bullshitting, maybe I'm on to something. Who knows? Not me. I leave y'all in the notes to debate about it. —>
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Homestuck writing prompt from @tasktaker ! They asked for reader watching a couple furries (Bec Noir and PM) who You happen to be dating beat eachother to near death for the third time this week.
tw: violence, some blood
You aren't sure when it began or why, you just came running when you started hearing growling to see Bec Noir flying across the room to smash into a wall, sending a picture frame toppling to the floor, the glass shattering.
"Outside, outside now!"
Bec Noir and PM don't take their eyes off of each other, but both of their ears swivel towards your direction, and they briefly flash the color of the green sun before disappearing out of your house. You know they won't have gone far, and sure enough you hear sounds of continued strifing and growling in your backyard.
They do this several times a week. Instead of spending your energy trying to break them up, it's better to let them get it out of their system. Still, you don't feel right leaving them unsupervised like this, so you go stand in the window to keep an eye on them.
Bec Noir leaps across the yard to land on PM, who has to hold him at arms length to keep his toothy maw from clamping down onto her neck. She lifts one knee up into his stomach with enough force for him to cough up some blood. He stumbles backwards to regroup before drawing the sword that sticks out of his middle. PM draws her own in response.
Things must be getting heated if they're bringing the swords into this, you think. Maybe you should interfere this time. Last time the swords came out they killed your cherry tree by slicing it clean down the middle. You dig around in the pantry while sounds of metal clashing against metal rings outside. Here they are, the Snausages.
The noise of the battle ceases as soon as you grab the bag, and they soon both appear in your kitchen, looking a little bloody and worse for wear. The Snausages put them both into a more dog-like state, making them susceptible to simple commands.
They both obey, sitting down on the tile floor, eyes trained on you. You give PM a Snausage first, which causes Bec Noir to release a low growl from his throat.
"Enough," you command, and the growl stops once you've handed him a Snausage.
"And that's enough fighting for now," you say, scratching them both between the ears. PM gets back to her feet to pull you into an embrace, wagging her tail appreciatively. The body of a dog fused with a carapacian is strange, but hard and smooth in some areas and fluffy in others. Bec Noir growls again, not liking being left out of the cuddling.
"Stop that." You poke his snout, and then take his hand to pull him into the hug as well. He obliges, and joins in on the peaceful moment.
This will probably not last much longer than 24 hours before they're once again back at each other's throats.
Thank you for the prompt! I hope it was what you wanted!
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i kind of associated johns breath powers and wanting to get away from grasp of narrative telling him what to do with him desperately wanting agency/to escape the masculine hero role expected of him, but seeing john's potential association of femininity with humilation/ weakness(while still finding it desirable), makes me think of john desperately wanting roxy to be more combative/contrarian in the candy route, and to not just roll over and do whatever he sais. i guess not wanting to fulfill the stereotypically masculine role of the patriarch, but included in that is kind of a subtle rejection of having control? i guess sburb was always trying to push the "leader" title onto john in early homestuck. but i also think many of johns interactions and stuff in sburb ended with his intentions/wants being trumped in desire of some greater good. like vriska stopping john from prototyping jades sprite with the weak doll, because she knew it wasnt what was supposed to happen, even though following what was *supposed* to happen resulted in the mass havoc and suffering that jack noir caused once fused with bec. but its okay, those deaths HAD to happen in service of the greater good(of the timeline). so i dont know, john never felt like he had much agency, since he was so suggestable, and often just went along with (sometimes because there was presented to be no other option) with this idea of the "greater good". just a tool to serve the plot, the narrative, blah blah.
were there ever legitimate times in hs proper where john ever actually had control? even his retcon powers which youd imagine would finally give him some massive control over everything were really just a means for terezi to set the plot back on track, and ensure that some version of the players would win the game. fullfil what paradox space wants, and continue to propagate the reproduction of universes. the greater good.
johns friends and john himself were obviously having their brains meddled with in the epilogues in the candy route, by authors such as alt calliope. a metaphor for the systems of control in real life that force you to think and act a certain way? capitalism, patriarchy, etc. johns forced to fulfill the role of the dominant father and husband, and roxy the subserviant mother and wife. and john i guess being a breath player, can FEEL the strain of his friends desires being changed and suppressed to fit self indulgent roles for an audience, even if he may not be conciously aware that that is even what is happening(hes not a seer after all). maybe johns desire for roxy to be more dominant is akin to wanting to bottom in a controlled environment, where you actually have control over how it goes. he wants to be able to choose to play a more feminine role, rather than being forced to play a more "dominant" one (which ironically, isnt very dominant in a zoomed out sense, if hes being forced to play it by the narrative powers that be lol).
next i need to figure out how this ties in with john fucking terezi. i mean he was literally being forced to reject his reservations by alt calliope. and then theres the sword being used by terezi representing a phallus, and johns wound which she operates on representing a vagina. how much of the situation was orchestrated by alt calliope? i think the most she lets on is that john probably would have rejected the sex were it not for her interference, but that he was definitely aroused. and we can also go with mmmmalos interpretation of the car representing the masculine body that locks away the inner desire. so then john and terezi are inside the car, so youd imagine the fucking with terezi being the obvious instigator and literally starting off the whole thing by putting john in the feminine role as the desire? the desire which alt calliope forcibly tears away from the body by taking away the fact that john was going to reject the sex. but thematically doesnt this still fall in with john being forced to reject his own wants by a third party with control over him? i mean part of his reservations were probably that he was in really bad shape and didnt know if he could even handle sex. and he couldnt!!!! he literally died right after. maybe death is a metaphor for him finally being stripped from his body, and his role within the comic, since its stated that his "death" involved a dissolution from canon entirely. the final straw that caused it being that tearing out of that desire?
but its also stated right after j and tez bump uglies, that j doesnt even know if they enjoyed it?? thats what really throws me off. though its stated that j's main qualms are at the fact that tez was doing him way to roughly, and that he didnt feel like they were on the same wavelength? that even though it seemed like j did want sex with her (on some level) theres still this misunderstanding of his true desires for her. she likes him black, and is into that kinky shit, him not so much. he liked her red. maybe it kind of represent his relationship with his dad? trying to do what he thinks his son wants, in the form of clowns, but there being severe miscommunication, and that not being what john wants at all?? maybe alt calliope is the dad?? idk. did john even like the sex with terezi at all?
figuring out johns wants after the sex get especially hard since dirk is the one who starts narrating it, and considering that it can be assumed that he is the one who makes john give up on being alive to fit his own plans, its hard to tell how much of johns feelings on this part are being manufactured by dirk. but idk i feel like it kinda make sense he wouldnt like the hard sex, idk. oh yeah theres also the symbolism of terezi literally putting her hands on j's throat as if she about to choke them, which makes their heart race. a metaphor for the blocking of johns desires? or would breath represent the greater breath of the narrative which flows through him? considering hes about to be forcfully ejected from it in a page or two.
if we read it as john's own breath and freedom being suppressed, then idk how to read this scene in a trans fem sense. maybe its that even though, the narrative is yet again pretending to give john what he wants, in the end its still not quite right, and its still being forced on him. he wanted terezi to be more gentle and loving with him.
was john not wanting sex with tez him being hesitant to break free his desires from the body, his fear of leaving canon and leaving his role? what exactly were his reservations that we're not made privy to?
but then what can we make of the fact that its doubtful he even liked the sex???
does calliope forcing him to have sex on the assumption that since hes aroused he must want it. is that some greater assumption about characters as a whole? it certainly falls into alt callie's ideas of what makes a good story. self indulgence, candy. doing what you primally feel like even if youre concious mind is opposed to it, or you logically know that you shouldnt. i guess in this way meat john is being forced into the same shoes as candy john. get married have babies. we know that john pulled terezi into his lap, does that mean the had jpenis in tezussy sex? you are aroused at this situation, so now you must have sex immediately, not doing so is a rejection of your deepest desires, and your very personhood! which i think is a thing that is very typically put on men. "theres no way you dont want sex! men always want sex!" "youre a pansy if you dont go for it". i guess its basically the same situation with roxy in the candy timeline. its not like hes not attracted to them, but his relationships with both terezi and roxy are being deviously orchestrated in some way by a third party, i think in both cases alt calliope?
is it feminine to be the one who rejects sex? in that way was his feminity being denied? or is it more feminine to try to reject sex but be taken anyway? i guess he didnt even really get to try. i guess im still kind of at a loss here for how it all comes together.
Halloween Jack posted:
Like a million other people, I was obsessed with Evangelion as a teenager, so I can so: the problem is that the competing interpretations are very bad. Actually, it’s worse: they aren’t really interpretations of anything, just a lot of spotting references and drawing connections, without ever adding up to a real analysis.
SuperMechagodzilla replied:
As an example of this: because fascist Shinji is vaguely feminine and sad in highschool, the show apparently has a sizeable queer following online. (A chicken-or-egg situation with the Jesus ‘shipping, I guess.)
So, go back to the part I noted, where the giant demon in the form of his dead mother tries to seduce him into being absorbed into her body. One fan interpretation is that this means Shinji wants to become a girl, so Shinji is trans! Cue a bunch of fanart of Shinji with breasts.
Like, I’d be down if that were going on, but there are literally multiple scenes in the show where Shinji gets uploaded into the matrix, and he invariably identifies as male - male avatar, etc. The ambiguously-gendered person who does identify as female is the ginormous demon. But, more importantly, this misreading basically unwittingly says that trans people become that way due to debilitating mommy issues. It’s like saying Marty McFly is a transwoman because she wants to obliterate herself in the incestuous vortex of sex with her mom. Problematic!
I understand the need for representation, but it’s also important to identify what isn’t representation. Evangelion itself is basically just a less-successful version of Michael Bay’s Transformers, but fans - who don’t actually like the show - mentally edit out the satire of fascism, and the part where the protagonist kills Jesus (and so-on), to create an entirely new and distinct series of works.
Not necessarily endorsed, but as a person who is literally simultaneously engaged with ‘death as return to womb’ and ‘death as sex’ and ‘death as union with feminine identity’ (in the context of Egbert at least), the above is something I try to be wary of. The possibility that only a fraction of those things are relevant, I mean, and that their apparent superposition is my failure as a reader.
The first instance (afaik) of Egbert thinking about death and femininity is the shot of wondering whether the mailbox has mail in it (only for it to be scooped by Dad). I read that as the same dysphoria metaphor as Damara (the doll, the body) stealing Rufioh’s ‘happy thought’ – retrieving the green box from the car is Fiduspawn, is godtiering, is death-rebirth, is suicide, is becoming-yourself. This is why the shot of looking out the window is reused when Egbert meets Vriska.
But I wonder to shift the point of focus to the mailbox, the other instance of John thinking about death in act 1 (gazing at the fireplace below Nanna’s portrait) is dominated by discussion of whether a fire belongs in a fireplace (and whether his voice belongs in his body)(x) – which makes knocking the ashes out of Nanna’s urn sound like a displaced attempt to exorcise the invading voice? Which perhaps again works as dysphoria for people who dislike their own voices, but I keep getting this nagging sense that I’m focused on the wrong things, regardless of how consistent it sounds (because confirmation bias is real, and I’m very good at thinking I sound convincing!).
I wanted to counter myself with how this could run counter to John’s sexism (eg saying prototyping Jack with the armless girl doll would make him weak) but even that seems to be anticipated in anecdotes like the Dersites discovering that there can be value in an apparently ‘ruined’ crumpled hat. John emerging from a crumpled car to talk with Vriska (and her big red X!) about rejecting the path of aggression becomes linked to Equius’s perverse enjoyment of submission in the prior scene, like there’s this sense that femininity is simultaneously humiliating and desirable? But Equius’s literal loss of breath (feminized corpses) again makes me wonder if I ought to be more focused on like, narrative control in some ill-defined way, especially since John appears to have assumed such control in Seer: Ascend?
Gamzee meme ‘cant it be both things’ is comforting but not much of an argument.
#this is just me thinking out loud and saving some thoughts to dwell on later#john#june egbert#john egbert#j egbert#homestuck#mmmmalo#dirk strider#roxy lalonde#the homestuck epilogues#terezi pyrope
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Thank you for replying, my request is Bec Noir with a prosthetic left arm and an eye patch over his right eye, I hope this doesn't come across as weird. Thank you for the resource again and I hope you have a great day :)
[id; a drawing of bec noir with a body powered prosthetic arm and an eyepatch. he holds a sword. the background is red.]
it is VERY hard to find good reference images for prosthetic arms so i really hope this is ok!
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last night, a little homestuck before bed and :

-i dont think i can maintain the facade of composure or coherence anymore. this is five seconds before john find several people brutally slaughtered, including his own dad, and he himself get stabbed to death. look at him! look at how silly this child is. my zillyhoo son, its unfair theyre piling up all this shit to you.
-i get why rose went grimdark tbh. things are pretty bad out there. it fucks me up that she's like, taking over the suicide mission. and how awful it is that she'd gone off the deep end that she looked at her parents dead body and only think of killing. something i noticed between the two light players is that theyre always burdening themselves with the hard, difficult tasks alone even though the team wanted it to be done as a group effort. its commendable but not always a good thing.
-its pretty funny that the kids with shitty guardians' have a wildly contrasting reactions to their dead parents like
dave, at the beginning of story : my bro is the coolest guy ever
dave now : huh. he's dead. okay. time to use the sword lodged in his chest as a trampoline! sweet loot. i love not getting knifed in my apartment
rose, at the beginning of the story : my loathsome mother and her penchant for the devil's drink!!!!!
rose, now : i should've looked out for her *activates rage mode*
i mean, i suppose thats appropriate but. you know how it is. poor kids, they've been through a lot. did they even have a warm meal lately? also i think bro is kinda handsome and i understand his fascination with puppets. i too, read a tentacle dick spamton fic as a lark and becomes genuinely intrigued with it.
-i am in love, in love! with the format of clicking to a collage of pictures. There was just so much Shit going on and the banner have doc scratch home being burned down and snowman making out after smoking a bloodied pipe. and then jade hunting frogs with dave. it would have been adorable to see these kids finally meeting each other for the first time if the world wasnt going to do a hard reset.
-fuck it. an AU. kids being kids. no sburb no tragedy. theyre just online friends. jade's grandpa is alive, he took jade into civilization often so she's not undersocialized and knows how to function if she wants to live a normal life. and as a birthday gift he took all of her friends to the island as a surprise for her 13th birthday. they spend the day catching frogs and playing paintball. and then at night, rose and jade urge everyone to try lucid dreaming. none of them made it because theyre all too busy making fun of john's movie selection. dave is beatboxing over squiddles music. and then right in the middle of their playing, a ship crash landed to the island. it was the trolls.
-uhhghgghghhh i need to see. an animatic. of jade and dave's fight. with bec noir. look at all the moves theyre making it would have been one hell of a fight and we were robbed of a proper flash with boisterous music! space time vs omnipotence lets fucking go!
-speaking of vriska, wow she really is giving her all in these pages. her last stand with jack. the enemy she took part in creating. she knew she was going to die and done her best asking out literally everyone alive. and the best/worst thing is, everyone accepts. terezi literally came to her with all the rp outfit they used to do. and, i know i should be shocked but im just laughing at karkat showing up late with the sloppy makeout note. And she gave the cutest most adorable date proposal to john like, ugh its cute teenage puppy love! yes, i think they'd go well together. I dunno, maybe its my kimharry enjoyer heart speaking, but i think characters who'd done terrible violence should be with someone who only met them after they strived to be someone better, or at least a blank slate. that way, they get a fresh start and can focus on improving instead of getting distracted with hurt feelings and old wounds. also i am not burdening terezi, aradia, tavros, and all of the kids she personally maimed with All of That tbh. unless they want to ofc.
-anyways, here is the updated vriska relationship chart
matesprit -> still, the poster of nicholas cage in con air, or karkat if youre so inclined to imagine a world where she makes out with karkat before fighting terezi. gross lol.
moirallegiance -> john, full stop. her relationship with terezi needs some peace time before coming back into pale redrom
kismesis -> terezi. im FROTHING at the mouth thinking at the tragedy of their relationship. this is some intergenerational trauma shit, some wicked codependency junk, like the cuno and his buddy C. its the real shit fa- (okay i should stop speaking like cuno before i embarras myself)
-also. WHY WAS IT A JUST DEATH! im hitting the clock im destroying it with jack. fuck you fuck you so much. Doc scratch fix the clock so it gives me what i want or i'll burn your house! asshole!
-im curious about the sprites. i hope they find a way to be relevant again. i've always think theyre awesome and has more info that could have been beneficial for the kids.
-all in all, i give this homestuck liveread and overall rating of what the fuck what the fuck ohhhhh ohhh my fucking godd imma read this again motherfucker
#homestuck#homestuck liveread#homestuck liveblog#thank god i still have my drafts#i thought it was gone forever
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Slyph of time?
Classpect Analysis: Sylph of Time
Active or Passive: Passive
What they do: Sylphs allow the creation of their aspect or allow creation through their aspect. Time is the aspect of masculinity, endings, repetitiveness/rhythm, mechanisms, timelines (and literal time), and death/mortality.
Active equivalent: Maid of Time (Aradia Megido)
Inverse: Prince of Space
Sylphs often inform others about their aspect as well as their opinion/role in using it; they have an intuitive, natural sense for it. So the Sylph of Time would likely be a very punctual person, perhaps to the point of having a set routine for what they do in order to accomplish their goals and meet any deadlines they have. It’s likely they help their friends with the upkeep of time as well, seeing how Sylphs tend to be meddlesome. They’re usually wearing some kind of time-keeping device (wristwatch, a pocket watch, a timer, or even a little hourglass– and adding on to the fact that Time can represent machinery in contrast to Space representing organic matter, this Sylph might have a steampunk vibe going on with a lot of gears and cogs!). They also have a lot of personal thoughts on the nature of Time itself, constantly considering the nature of patterns they see and endings themselves as well as the ideas of time travel and paradoxes.
As far as more literal representations of Time, this Sylph is likely a fan of music and might even use it in tandem with their set routine. This might involve having all sorts of playlists for set times, such as studying, hanging out with friends, and getting ready in the morning. Adding on to this, they may have calculated the length of their playlists to work with specific moments. For example, this Sylph’s morning playlist goes off at 6:00 a.m. They know that they need to be completing a certain activity (like brushing their teeth or doing their makeup) by the time a certain song begins to play; this helps them to never run late. It’s likely that they sing along, hum along, or tap their foot to the tune of their playlists, too. Adding on to the musical part of this aspect, this Sylph probably participates in a music-related activity (singing in a chorus or a band; playing an instrument in a marching band, an orchestra, or by themself; dancing) and takes great joy in it. They might even try to create their own pieces of music, inventing their own rhythm and tune as they see fit based upon their music taste. Additionally, they might have an interest in archaeology or history, possessing a fondness for things of the past (they might even be nostalgic their childhood or a specific period in time like the 80’s) as well as an uncanny memory. They might also be fascinated with the ultimate end (i.e., the apocalypse) like Aradia is.
As they progress, the Sylph of Time might start to get too meddlesome or not meddlesome enough with their teammates. Seeing how they have a nature for being inquisitive and trying to fix things, it’s likely they’d rapidly improve with timeline upkeep as opposed to other players. However, this could lead to the Sylph stressing themself out. As the Time player, they already have enough pressure on their shoulders, but this combined with their meddlesome nature and their punctuality might lead to some strain. They feel like they have to fix everything and do it quickly, leading to a thought process along the lines of: “I have to do this, then this, and this and that and this, and oh God there’s so much to do but I don’t want to fail! I have to fix it!” This might lead to some more complicated time shenanigans; as long as they manage to make the end result occur, the journey to it won’t matter. This would lead to not only an unhealthy mindset for the Sylph but also the potential of some seriously bad (but accidental) paradoxes. Adding on to this, this change in attitude to ‘goal before planning’ could lead to them becoming impulsive and jumping into things before thinking them through, or even being ruthless to their fellow players in order to be able to achieve their goals. If this Sylph is overstressed and underappreciated, they will become a malevolent player that will be difficult to control.
And then there’s the matter of the Sylph of Time’s fellow players. This Sylph would likely try their hardest to help their teammates to achieve a goal and would likely attempt to create as much Time as possible so that the team will have not only more timeline opportunities to succeed, but they’d also have a larger allotment of time to complete the breeding of the Genesis Frog. They also might put their meddling skills to use and create endings where they know they are necessary; if a Doom player can help them to come to terms with this, the Sylph will be better equipped for this kind of business. They need to learn when to put their abilities to use and when to stop meddling– for both their sake and the sake of their teammates, since it will definitely make a difference in the session. Sometimes, this Sylph cannot fix every mistake, regardless of if they think they can.
After they godtier (and if they’ve developed properly), the Sylph of Time knows when to interfere and when to allow things to play out, all without overstressing themself.. They have the ability to allow creation through Time (or heal through Time). Healing through Time would involve the healing of wounds. This Sylph might start out by enclosing the wound in a time bubble. They won’t be able to heal it, but it cannot become any worse. Then they have two options: either rewinding the wounded section to a point when it was fine, or creating enough Time within the time bubble to the point where the wound heals. This would require more effort for a more severe injury, such as a broken bone, and (for the latter healing option) the thought of having your arm bone or leg bone being aged six months older than the rest of your body is a little weird… But hey, it works. And these time bubble can be used on enemies. Because the Sylph is a healer, it’s more likely they’d use the earlier powers I mentioned, but time bubbles can be used to freeze someone (like Aradia did with Bec Noir) or trap them in a time loop (though this is more likely used with the Sylph’s teammates to give them time to heal or just chill).
Healing (or passively creating) through Time itself can be more complicated. This Sylph can heal through Time (or allow creation through Time) in terms of timelines. Seeing how this Sylph is a planner, they can track down the exact point when something went wrong in the timeline and get it back into shape in order to prevent everything going haywire. This will increase the likelihood of their particular timeline being the alpha timeline if they can fix everyone’s major screw-ups with some backtracking. What I’m saying is that the Sylph of Time is one of the most helpful Time players you can have. You’d be hard-pressed to find an equal when it comes to timeline management.
Because Aradia was of the active creation class, saying that the Sylph can create/summon doomed versions of themself to fight in battle might be kind of a stretch. However, they might be able to do so for more defensive purposes, such as helping their teammates, as opposed to battle. So maybe the Sylph of Time can summon up doomed version of themself to act as healers in the midst of battle, like one giant support system. And then there’s the matter of Time representing endings; by creating an end to a timeline, a powerful enough Sylph will be able to doom it altogether, thus increasing the odds of their own timeline being the alpha one. (Creating Time via endings can also relate to making an enemy decay in a time bubble, which is terrifying, but it works!) It’s important for this Sylph to understand that they cannot always fix everything, and this power will help them come to terms with such.
As for a land for the Sylph of Time, I suggest the Land of Gears and Streams. LOGAS is a land with an absence of rhythm; the gears sticking from the surface thump and clank in an irregular pattern, sending the water coursing through the land into the wrong areas, leaving some flooded and others parched. The Sylph must learn when to intervene and when not to, utilizing their organization/planning skills and eventual time travel abilities in order to set the gears back into order and create the correct rhythm for the land to thrive!
We don’t know much about weapons for Sylphs (chainsaw, knife?). As for Time players, we have seen a variety of weapons (sword, whip, needles?). So it’s hard for me to determine a weapon right now based on that alone, so what I recommend is a good old melee weapon with a twist: a pocket watch consisting of a link of chain with a clock at the end, and maybe a handle at the other if that’s their kind of thing. Sort of like a medieval flail! It can be used for smacking someone over the head with the watch, or if the Sylph just needs to resolve a minor conflict, they can tangle someone up in the chain.
In conclusion, the Sylph of Time is an interesting support role with a lot of potential for cool powers and an intriguing character arc. Thank you for reading! Sorry this took so long ;_;
#sylph of time#sylph class#time aspect#classpect#classpect analysis#godtier#godtier analysis#homestuck#hs
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On review, this tournament seems a bit convoluted. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
!! Freshest Artifact To Get Into Hands With Intent Of Harm !!
This is the masterpost for the tournament! I will be linking each individual poll underneath as the tournament goes on.
Propaganda is welcomed and encouraged! I will reblog any and all that comes my way.
Due to the size and diversity of weapons in Homestuck I have divided the tournament into pools. This is so we dont have two swords or two hammers or two assault rifles for the finals so on so forth. To keep track of pools with more than one round of brackets, these pool-brackets will now be called Acts. If a Pool doesn't have more than one Act it will not be refereed to with one.
--Round One Pool One Act OneCutlass of Zillywair VS Occam's Razor
Bec Noir's Body Sword Thing VS Human Pornography Sword
Caledfwlch VS Snoop Dogg Snow Cone Machete
Shitty Ninja Sword VS Unbreakable Katana
sord VS Bait and Switchblade
Scarlet Ribbitar VS Regisword
Royal Deringer VS Ancestral Awakening Sword
Saber Rattle VS Caledscratch
--Round One Pool Two Act One
MSPA Standard Issue Pistol VS Doc Scratch's Magnum
Calliope's Magnum VS Flintlock Pistols
Flintlocks of Zillyhau VS Golden Pistols
Fin's Fiveshooter VS Twin M9 Berettas
--Round One Pool Three
Jade's Newspaper VS Diamond Droog's Newspaper
--Round One Pool Four
Suitarangs VS Sollux's Throwing Stars
--Round One Pool Five Act One
Quills Of Echidna VS Thorns of Oglogoth
Thistles Of Zillywich VS Needlewands
Cue Needles VS Knitting Needles
--Round One Pool Six
Equius's Fists VS Roxy's Fists
--Round One Pool Seven Act One
Ψdon's Entente VS HIC's Double Trident
Meenah's Double Trident VS Brainfork
--Round One Pool Eight
Clubs Deuce VS Table Leg
--Round One Pool Nine
White Wand VS Empiricist's Wand
--Round One Pool Ten Act One
Broken Caledscratch VS Broken Royal Deringer
Broken Scarlet Ribbitar VS Broken Caledfwich
--Round One Pool Eleven Act One
Sledgehammer VS Warhammer Of Zillyhoo
Pogo Hammer VS Wrinklefucker
Pop-A-Matic Vrillyhoo Hammer VS Claw Hammer
Fear No Anvil VS Telescopic Sassacrusher
--Round One Pool Twelve Act One
Battlespork of Zillywut VS Skaia War Fork
Junior Battermaster's Bowlbuster Poking Solution 50000 VS Red Skaia War Fork
--Round One Pool Thirteen
Kanaya's Chainsaw VS Demonbane Ragripper
--Round One Pool Fourteen Act One
Fiduspear VS Jousting Lance
Cigarette Holder VS Daggerlance
--Round One Pool Fifteen Act One
Registickle VS Homes Smell Ya Later
Sickle VS Clawsickle
--Round One Pool Sixteen Act One
Green Sun Scepter VS Walking Can
Dragon Cane VS Gold Scepter
Black Scepter VS Spear Cane
Cast Iron Horse Hitcher VS Bull Penis Cane
--Round One Pool Seventeen
Con Air Bunny VS Liv Tyler
--Round One Pool Eighteen
Claw Gloves VS Action Claws
--Round One Pool Nineteen Act One
Ahab's Crosshairs VS Girl's Best Friend
Black Rifle VS Green Sun Streetsweeper
Harpoon Gun VS Proton Canon
Laser Gun VS Hunting Rifle
LE's AR VS Crockercorp Appearifier Rifle
Gold Rifle VS Blunderbuss of Zillywigh
Mom's Rifle VS Blunderbuss
Previous Rounds Below The Break!
there arent any yet lol
#homestuck#Freshest Artifact To Get Into Hands With Intent Of Harm#poll#Cutlass of Zillywair#occam's razor#Beck Noir's Body Sword#Human Pornography Sword#Caledfwlch#Snoop dogg snow cone machine#ninja sword#unbreakable katana#sord#bait and switchblade#scarlet ribbitar#regisword#royal deringer#ancestral awakening sword#saber rattle#caledscratch#Hussie's broom#jade's newspaper#DD's newspaper#mspa standard issue pistol#doc scratch's magnum#calliope's magnum#flintlock pistol#flintlocks of zillyhau#golden pistols#fin's fiveshooter#twin m9 berettas
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Oh, I should've told you
Yeah, Collide, Act 7 and Credits were all videos
No Flash version
The first was too complex to upload as a flash, and as to not repeat a S Cascade 2.0, they just went for Youtube as a place to host it easier
Act 7 is not flash to begin with, so that worked well
And I guess the Credits are a video too because they prior two were videos
Also a fun detail! The panel with PM and Bec Noir at the very beginning of S Collide
Has a big mistake
In which Jack has both of his arms X3
...Oh xDDD
Your unreadiness is already amazing X3
Good reaction >:3
A few points of note that are very easy to miss:
In the last part of Collide, when Condy grabs John, Rose and Kanaya telekinetically up in a chokehold, the last we see of her before the stab
You can see Roxy slowly rising up behind her with the sword
In her blind rage, Condy made a rookie mistake
She turned her back on the body.
Also- The Lord Jack Head Explosion Black Hole
Is a really interesting thing because
When it collapses, it takes over half of Dirk's land
Including its core, which contains Yaldabaoth
As well as the Crowbar, and Gamzee inside of the Fridge.
All things Caliborn finds in his planet.
...woah, what? 0.0;;;
Before the Retcon, it was assumed Gamzee just got to the flooded Earth and fast-forwarded to be taken into Caliborn's land, Vriska even implies wanting to toss him into the ocean
But the last we see of him, is right before the Collapse, which really means that black hole is a portal to either Caliborn's Session, or the far future of the new Universe.
Also you may recognize this:
Oh yeah 0.0;
But yeah I'll stop overwhelming you right now X3 There's a million things I could talk about the ending so I'll spread it out.
Save some for after it's actually out! >:)
Exactly >:3
#Stealth Post#hs day 146#Missfinefeather Liveblogs#Missfinefeather reads Homestuck#liveblog#homestuck liveblog#Homestuck#Homestuck Act 7#Act 7#blacklist Missfinefeather
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could i have a general tarot for my dave strider tl??? or my relationship with jade if possible,,, thanks :
I’m on it! I’ll do both, just because I feel like it! I’ll put it under a cut for the length.
I’ll do you general timeline reading first using my go to spread! Sorry there’s no link
You (top card): Something about the kintype, more broad, sometimes obvious but it may still be overlooked
I got the upright Strength card, which symbolizes strength, courage, force of character, love over hate, and spiritual over material. You could have been faced with a challenge during the game, but you rose above it and instead of fighting (if it was against an enemy), you went with a more pacifistic option. This could have been constant throughout your life, and could have been applicable to your relationship with Bro.
Home (left card): Something about your canon, can be general or specific
I got the reversed Ace of Swords, which symbolizes disaster, obstacles, misuse of power, misjudgement, doubts, infertility, and bad karma. It’s possible that the enemy in your session (which was probably Jack/Bec Noir if I’m remembering the comic correctly, and that’s who I’ll be referencing) came to acquire the queen’s ring, and he misused that power (like in the comic), which could have brought disaster upon your session. You could have misjudged him beforehand and doubted that he would do anything major, but your refusal to take it seriously resulted in the deaths of your friends, and you gained some bad karma because of it.
Heart (right card): Something fundamental about the kintype, something that makes you you
I got the reversed Hanged Man card, which symbolizes arrogance, preoccupation, ego, materialism, resistance to spirituality, and false prophecy. You possibly could’ve had a bit of an ego and an air of arrogance, as you might’ve believed in your strength mentioned in the first card more than it was actually worth, and you could’ve paid less attention to your friends and instead focused on being the hero (unlike canon Dave).
I’ll do your relationship with Jade now, using this spread!
Partner: the overall feelings and attitude of your partner
I got the reversed Death card, which symbolizes disaster, inertia, revolution, anarchy, upheaval, and political change. Jade could have taken part in a revolution/revolt wherever she lived (either she didn’t live on the island or the island was more populated), and it failed, and she was too distressed from it to focus on a relationship.
Self: the overall feelings and attitude of yourself
I got the reversed Judgement card, which symbolizes weakness, disillusion, fear of death, unhappiness, separation, divorce, and material loss. The two of you could’ve had a relationship (or attempted to), but it ended up in failure, and you were sad and possibly upset over the fact that you thought the relationship would work or be better. During this time you showed some weakness, and your aforementioned ego and arrogance died down.
Brick Wall: the obstacle, what stands between the two of you
I got the upright King of Wands, which symbolizes a passionate man, an intellectual, agile in mind and body, loyal, noble, honest, a good marriage, and unexpected heritage. After the relationship (attempt) went bad, you could have had some time apart, and you both became interested in each other again, and this time you didn’t deceive each other, and you didn’t cheat this time around. The relationship ended up going in a positive direction, and possibly the two of you could’ve ended up married, with the bonus of Grandpa Harley’s wealth.
I hope this helps you, let me know if it does!
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(Spoilers?? Skip past if you don't want spoilers lmaoo)
TE R EZ I ,,,
the best and only sea hitler, )(IC
,,, she is also angry
"Okay bye then" -Jane Crocker and Kanaya to Karkat zooming by
"mWE EHBEHE EHE EH MOTHERFUCKER SSSSS" -Gamzee Makara, holding a near dead Terezi
sad terezi
Dave punches Bec/Jack Noir in the face, then stands in front of Jade's body. "You cannot pass", he says. But ho ho ho, the dog's have a different idea.
John is slap-fighting Caliborn. Caliborn is sad his cape has been ripped.
kANAYA RUNS IN AND SLICES GAMZEE IN FUCKING H AL F -- the clown is sad and happy at the same time. He probably is in a lot of pain getting sawed in half. Kanaya is bloody with Gamzee's odd boner blood. Terezi is scarred for life, rip.
--BUT CONDY SHOOTS PSIONIC LAZERS ACROSS THE ENTIRE PLANET, INCINERATING KANAYA AND THE LAND IN THE PROCESS. ARANEA DODGES IT SOMEHOW????? All the while, Rose witnessed Kanaya being incinerated to a crispy vampire chip, and cries wholeheartedly bc rip Rosemary.
Davester is stabbed twice by the dog's. He drops his sword with blood dripping down it, and falls on top of Jade's body. His death is judged HEROIC.
John is still beating Caliborn. Jake and Jane are falling. Aranea looks mildly concerned. Terezi is very upset over the death of her juggalo kismesis and her friends, British Vampire and Bryan Dechart the Krabby. Jake's death is HEROIC, while Jane's is JUST.
She destroys the Condense's ship while doing so. )(IC is angry, and uses her own anger to merge another planet with yet another. EXPLOSIONS AND AFTERSHOCK!!
RoSE GOES AT CONDY, AND SHE DOES NOT LIKE THAT. So, like any humble leader, she fucking stabs Rose with her trident.
bUT CONDY GETS HER TRIDENT BACK AND FUCKING GOES PSIONIC LAZERS AGAIN!! Roxy manages to do her Voidy thing to noop zoop Rose and herself from the lazers course.
BuT ALAS WE SHIFT TO JOHN, TACKLING AND BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF CALIBORN YET AGAIN! John is splattered in candy red blood as he punches Cali- but, John zippy zaps away. Caliborn is left deeply confused, or even just his ego hurt from John's attack.
Everyone in the fandom is either doing this:
Or this
Round this point in the story.
This is gonna be a lot of tags to list all the characters and i dunno if I'm up for it but here we goo
#homestuck#homestuck summary#s game over#spoilers??#spoilers#aranea serket#terezi pyrope#gamzee makara#karkat vantas#kanaya maryam#her imperial condesention#jane crocker#jake english#john egbert#dave strider#bec noir#caliborn#rip
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==> Bro, dream.
Your name is Dirk Strider.
You’re 6 years old. You don’t have a home, you never have, but that doesn’t bother you. You run along street sides and play at the playground with other kids as if you did. Your toy, Lil Cal, tells you what to do and when to do it. You get food from people taking pity on you, and you sleep wherever is most comfortable.
Your name is Dirk Strider, but your lil brother calls you Bro.
You’re 12. Two years ago, a child fell from the sky on a meteor and landed near your location. Nobody seemed to care about it, so you took the child and tried to raise it on your own. And by “on your own,” you mean with Lil Cal. What you do is mostly because you have to do it. You steal food because you have to, you train with a sword because you have to, and you refuse to talk to the nice men who offer you a home because you have to.
Your name is Bro Strider. Was it ever anything else?
You’re 16. You stand over the dead bodies of your foster parents. Why did they die? You realize your sword was in your hand, and you drop it in shock. You killed them. Did you kill them? Did Cal kill them? Cal must’ve killed them. You wouldn’t have done that. It’s fine. You take Dave, and your sword, and you leave. You get away before the bright lights of police vehicles show up, and you hide. They had to die. They knew about your job. You’d told them about Cal, of all things. You refused to go by the name they called you. They thought you were mental. Maybe you are.
Your name is Bro.
You’re 20. Your copy, and Dave’s copy, of Sburb was delivered in the mail. Cal is very happy for some reason. He says this is what you trained for. You... Don’t believe him. Train for a game about changing how your house looks? Whatever. Since your incident at 16, you’ve become a contract killer. It’s just an easy way to make money, besides your “empire” of Smuppets. Either way, you get ready. Dave is the most important thing about this game, according to Cal. But you’re not.
Your name is Dirk.
You’re 23. You died against Bec Noir, and godtiered. You have free will for the first time in your life, and everyone you know and love is dead. Your brother and his friends hate you. So you’ll leave. Cal insists you take him with you, so you do. But you really don’t. You hate him. Now you have friends, and a moirail, and a red crush who-
You wake up.
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I Been Thinkin.... what would happen if feferiquest acutally, yknow, happened?
some thoughts + a complete walkthrough of everything that happened as soon as aranea got the ring of life + everything that WOULD happen if feferi replaced aranea
it’s Extremely Long. read at your own risk
cause okay here’s what happened:
- aranea got the ring of life, keeping gamzee as something of a servant
- she moved the golden battleship, alerting crockertier jane and grimbark jade to the strange circumstances
- she “healed” jake, forcing him into his full potential as a page of hope (allowing roxy to escape her dersian prison)
- jade tries (and fails) to zap jake’s hopesplosion away, so she switches the locations of derse and lofaf
- karkat alerts dave to the problem
- jade calls upon the power of the green sun to fight jake’s hopesplosion, but starts getting pushed through the surface of her own planet. eventually she loses the battle and skips across the surface of the lava lake that has now appeared, having been ko’ed
- aranea topples jade’s house onto her, killing her justly, but only thanks to a lucky 8r8k
- dave and rose start heading to lofaf
- jane goes to jade, intending to resurrect her, but is jumped by gamzee
- aranea reveals her knowledge of roxy’s presence. they speak briefly, and roxy tries to convince aranea to give her the ring so they can give it to callie before aranea knocks her out so she won’t meddle
- (callie and jade meet up and hang out and its very fun and sweet)
- dave arrives and sees all the Bull Shit thats going on
- brain ghost dirk (bgd) suddenly becomes Not Fake thanks to jake’s hopesplosion
- he begins to fight aranea just as terezi arrives to fight gamzee, leaving jane free resurrect jade BUT
- pm and bec noir arrive and take jade’s body. dave is there, freaking out. jane summons gcat to distract pm and bec noir, intending for them to drop her, but they... don’t. rip. dave chases after them to get jade’s body back
- bgd says “If I can’t get the ring off your finger, I’ll rip the soul out of your body” and it’s extremely metal and he starts ripping aranea’s soul out of her body
- this causes jake’s hopesplosion to dissipate, which causes bgd to start becoming Fake again
- rose takes the sleeping roxy out of the way. terezi continues to fight gamzee
- jane spears jake with her trident, killing him and ReFakening bgd completely. aranea’s soul gets back in her body all the way, also breaking her mind control of gamzee
- aranea knocks out jane, whose sleeping body (controlled by the tiaratop) begins to fight back anyway. meanwhile, gamzee starts to fight terezi now that he isn’t being mind-controlled
- jake resurrects from his death, which was neither just nor heroic. aranea starts to try to lift dirk’s sword so she can kill jane with it
- rose sees gamzee p much killing terezi and is like “fuck i hope this isn’t a blackrom thing... wait is it?” and like, he’s fucking killing her girl, get down there
- terezi and skaia fall into the lava just as karkat and kanaya finally arrive
- gamzee just manages to catch terezi, and it’s at this point that rose and jake (who are both jsut standing there useless) finally try to get involved
- battleship condescension arrives
- a6a6a3 happens
- [S] Game Over happens, which i’m also gonna break down:
- karkat rushes gamzee, who drops terezi, stabs karkat, and throws him into the lava
- aranea shoots bgd’s sword at jane, but jake jumps in front of her and is stabbed through the middle. meanwhile dave is fighting both pm and bec noir. aranea then stabs jane with the sword that still has jake impaled on it
- kanaya cuts gamzee in half
- the condesce fires her laser psionics all around, knocking terezi back onto solid ground and vaporizing kanaya. dave is double impaled by pm and bec noir (heroic). jake’s death is ruled heroic, and jane’s is ruled just.
- this is where people start throwing planets around. aranea grabs lolar and smashes the battleship condescension between lolar and lofaf. she then grabs locah, but the condesce retaliates by grabbing lohac and smashing it into locah
- rose rushes at the condesce, who stabs her with her 2x3dent. terezi rushes at aranea, who mind controls the former into stabbing herself with her own sword. the condesce aims her laser psionics at rose, but roxy void-ifies them both and saves rose at the last second. END OF [S] Game Over
- the condesce pops the ring of life off of aranea’s hand and breaks her neck, throwing her into the fire (a just death).
- john FINALLY zaps in w/ his retcon powers. he explores the destruction for a bit, meets dirk (who immediately Emo(tm)s at him and then dies via glitch consumption)
- john, rose, roxy and terezi all meet up on roxy’s planet and plan out the retcon and terezi has the most hardcore moment in the entire comic where she draws the outline of her own body on the ground moments before her death and then falls into it, finally dying
- rose dies and it’s heroic. forgot to mention that
- and of course roxy and john meet their denizens and all that shit and we discover that the jade who has been with callie has been the post-retcon jade this whole time
and okay. god this is a long post but like. assuming feferi gets her hands on the ring of life in a similar fashion. probably she couldn’t pull whatever strings the condesce did to get her mind control powers, but she might be able to make vriska do a couple things for her. but lets say she gets the ring of life and appears in the real world in the same place and at the same time as aranea did.
- honestly, feferi could potentially heal terezi’s eyes similar to how aranea did cause of her aspect. so even that would be the same.
- anyway. she could really get the ring from any alive person, and i don’t feel like tracking its progress through the people right now. whatever happens, she wakes up with whatever alive person she got the ring from and since she’s feferi, probably thanks them. maybe she says something like. fuckin.
FEFERI: I admit I don’t )(ave much to t)(ank you fis)( rig)(t now, but s)(orely t)(e reward of saving t)(e universe will suffice!
or something like that. you know how aranea had her dumb lines.
- she wouldn’t be able to move the golden battleship unless she had sollux or aradia with her, which is actually pretty plausible, since they were hanging out together last time we saw them iirc. maybe aradia was even how she got the ring. so, okay, say she has one of them move the golden battleship over to derse so she can awaken jake’s hopesplosion, and that alerts jane and jade that somefin’s not right.
- she probably doesn’t try to kiss jake? in terms of jake’s arc that made sense but in terms of hers it really doesn’t i don’t think. but she heals him and he hopesplodes and roxy escapes. jade does her thing, which tips karkat off that something’s wrong. she ends up getting ko’ed and causing some destruction.
- this is where feferi’s motivation actually starts to matter. lemme see what i remember lol. her thing is that she knows best, right? and like aranea realized, it would technically be for the greater good across the universes if lord english was never able to be created. so i think it makes sense for her to have almost the same motivation as aranea.
- in this case, i think feferi could be a lot more efficient than aranea was, and just use her witch of life powers to kill jade rather than inelegantly tipping a house onto her (again, thematically funny, but logically... lame).
- so jane would then go try to resurrect jade, but in this case it might be sollux or aradia who interrupts her. they probably wouldn’t go straight for fighting her, but jane might initiate that fight since she’s crockertier. let’s say it’s aradia, since she has a weapon, unlike sollux. she’s, like, slightly less op.
- as for roxy? i dont think any of them would be able to know where she is, since none of them are mind readers, seers, or light players. feferi technically inverts to a seer, but i don’t think she’s inverted, so we won’t count that. so she can actually stay invisible. maybe she meets up with rose and dave when they arrive.
- anyway, bgd becomes Not Fake and starts fighting feferi, who (unlike aranea) isn’t unarmed. i feel like feferi could totally take dirk, not gonna lie. so he probably gets his ass whooped for a bit.
- terezi arrives and i guess gamzee should too since the whole gang is here? i suppose he was on the golden ship? i dont like him. i dont want to have to track his whereabouts. terezi probably starts fighting him cause he’s a dick. unlike in canon, however, he’s not being mind-controlled, so he probably doesn’t sit there and take it.
- so dave is freaking out about jade and jane is trying to get to jade but aradia won’t let her and then pm and bec noir show up and take her body. jane summons gcat to distract them, but again, they don’t drop jade’s body. jane expresses her frustration, leading dave to chase them to get jade’s body.
- bgd gives up fighting feferi cause he’s getting his ass kicked and starts trying to rip her soul out of her body again, which makes the hopesplosion start dissipating, which makes him become Faker again
- jane spears jake, temporarily killing him and reFakening bgd. i guess instead of knocking jane out, she’d just straight up Regular Fight her. that’s another fight i think feferi could win, not gonna lie. jane’s badass but feferi toted whales around on the daily when she was alive. jake resurrects while they’re fighting.
- rose sees gamzee p much killing terezi and is like “fuck i hope this isn’t a blackrom thing... wait is it?” and like, he’s fucking killing her girl, get down there
- terezi and skaia fall into the lava just as karkat and kanaya finally arrive
- gamzee just manages to catch terezi, and it’s at this point that rose and jake finally try to get involved
- battleship condescension arrives
([S] Game Over)
- karkat rushes gamzee, who drops terezi, stabs karkat, and throws him into the lava
- let’s say feferi is winning against jane. jake intercepts the killing blow, inconveniently, and dies. she kills jane with the other end of her 2x3dent.
- kanaya cuts gamzee in half
- the condesce fires her laser psionics all around, knocking terezi back onto solid ground and vaporizing kanaya. dave is double impaled by pm and bec noir (heroic). jake’s death is ruled heroic, and jane’s is ruled just.
- in canon, this is where planets get thrown around. that could technically happen now too, actually, since feferi has sollux on her side, but it could also, like... not. instead sollux could just like directly attack battleship condescension and i feel like that’d be more efficient. maybe the condesce chucks a planet at them out of spite? but idk, i felt like that was kind of far-fetched in canon anyway, like there were people on lofaf who apparently survived the planet they were on getting hit by another planet? i call bs. nah condy probably just fires at them with her laser psionics like sollux did. its not as Dramatique(tm) but it’s also, like... less dumb
- rose rushes at the condesce, who stabs her with her 2x3dent. terezi attacks feferi, deciding that this has gone on far enough, but is quickly knocked aside and stabbed with feferi’s 2x3dent. the condesce aims her laser psionics at rose, but roxy void-ifies them both and saves rose at the last second. END OF [S] Game Over
- now it’s just condy and feferi, and i think this can be a bit of a longer fight, especially since feferi still has aradia and sollux on her side (or maybe even jsut one of them? maybe she got aradia to come with but sollux couldn’t since he’s kind of dead kind of alive). but i think the condesce can still win this fight, which leaves us with a dying rose, a dying terezi, a live roxy, and john who’s about to pop in (and dirk who’s still across the incipisphere)
and then the retcon can happen and we didnt have to have 12 extra unnecessary characters, only two of which actually got any decent development in canon, despite the fact that BOTH of them couldve been replaced with feferi
(meenah couldve been replaced with an alt feferi who god-tiered and maybe even successfully created a new world before her timeline died. like. really easily.)
as long an endeavor as feferiquest would be, replacing this section of canon with feferiquest would actually make homestuck shorter, since we could almost completely remove the whole dancestor section
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Ok the bec noir body pillow where he has a bloody dick sword is objectively hilarious but why and who made that like...weird sexy blushing Karkat one and also why is that a prompt in a fandom where people are already soo weird about the underage characters like...Don’t Do That
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