#beauty shops in netherlands
pinkrose13 · 1 year
KISS Strip Eyelash Adhesive, Clear 0.176 Oz KPLGL01
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at the coffee shop
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hanssop56 · 2 months
Best online shop for girls' clothing in the Netherlands
Welcome to Hanssop, the best online shop for girls' clothing in the Netherlands. Our extensive collection offers a variety of stylish and high-quality outfits for girls of all ages. At Hanssop, we pride ourselves on being the best online shop for girls' clothing in the Netherlands, providing fashionable, comfortable, and durable apparel that your children will love. From everyday wear to special occasion outfits, Hanssop has everything you need to keep your little ones looking their best.
Visit Us : - https://www.hanssop.com/
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oconswrld · 2 months
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Anything. - Max Verstappen x Reader
summary: Max and Y/n can't live without each other.
warnings: hospital,scar, kinda cried doing this, parents arguing..
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A relationship with Max Verstappen is like sacrificing your own health for happiness. Y/n and Max can't leave each other's side. The couple never remembers what it was like as whiny 12 year olds when they first got together.
The evenings spent doing laundry in the garden of Y/n's grandma's house. Two big curly haired dogs always running around, ruining the clean clothes. Mango vodkas in colored glass cups, a white plastic table and chairs next to the grill.
The streets of the Hungarian countryside as they bicycled to the closest shop, the clouds threatening rain. The grocery list is stained by rain drops when they get to the shop. Hair messy and wet, loud laughing coming from the two.
Dog's teeth as they sliced into her palm, a whine coming out of her mouth. Her grandma driving them to the ER, the stitches itching his hands when he held her's.
Summers with her.
The snow falling outside blurred the windows. The netherlands reminded Y/n of stroopewafel and love. Soft humming from Max as they leaned into each other in the car. The house coming into view, the familiar warmth of family wrapped around Max. The two show each other videos on Youtube, Jos in the driver's seat complained about the cold.
The bad attempts at making each other breakfast while trying to stay quiet. Christmas music blasting in their shared earphones, the two switching music. Marshmallow in her mouth as she tried muffling her singing.
Jos screaming at Sophie, white wine stinging their tongues. Their hands worked fast to decorate the tree, hearing the screams and yells of anger from the man soothes the two. The sound is familiar, causing a bubble around them. Max held her hand tracing the scar on her palm.
Ginger spice bit their noses, sneezes coming from the blonde boy. Kisses shared in secret, love shared in secret. Max left wet kisses on her eyelids as she murmured about them.
Christmas with him.
Breeze separating the hairs on her head, a sigh coming from her. The car window opened all the way, his head leaned onto her shoulder as she kissed him. Empty pepsi bottles on the car floor. The smell of cheap, fake pine circled the car.
Her hands are on his chest, listening to the soft thud of his heart. One, two, three. She counts, her eyes never opening. The small circle of sleep reaches her and Max chuckles, the rich sound coming out so softly, you almost can't hear it.
He drums on the steering wheel as they drive home. She leaned against the car door, soft, oh, so gentle hums coming from her lips as the city of monaco bustles with night life. His eyes are heavy as he parks down, taking a moment to examine the situation.
The love of his life is sleeping next to him in his car, the monaco night life is around him. He's free.
Springs with them.
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Author's Radio; Sometimes, i make beautiful things :)
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harryyskiwii · 1 year
Summary: Harry gets overwhelmed by fans in Amsterdam and seeks comfort in you.
Pairing: Boyfriend Harry x reader
Word count: 1,403
A/N: This is my first one shot I’ve written so please let me know what you think!
Strolling through the streets of sunny Amsterdam together on a rare day off together, the heat of the June Summer beamed on your face as you and Harry walked through the beautiful city. You had never been to the Netherlands but you instantly fell in love with it; The Sundrenched canals, the plant-filled greenhouses and creative cafés had you in awe of the city.
As much as Harry loved interacting with the fans, hearing their stories of how his music helped him, some days the constant photographs, the being stopped in the street every 5 minutes and the requests from fans were a lot for him. Sure he was more than grateful for the life the fans had given him, but sometimes all he wanted to do was go on a walk for 30 minutes.
You knew something was bothering Harry. He had been fidgeting with his rings in the local coffee shop you were in and now as you were exploring through the streets, his strides were picking up pace with each step he took.
In the short 20 minutes you had been out for, Harry had been stopped on countless occasions from fans asking for photos. Usually he would say yes, but today he just wasn’t quite feeling up to it.
Hearing a voice as you walked past a row of boutiques, you turned your head to where it was coming from “Hi Harry, do you wanna take a picture?”
“Sorry?” Harry said, not catching what the person had said as he stopped to talk to them.
“Can we take a picture please?”
“Do you mind if we don’t actually?” “No, not at all. Nice meeting you Harry”
You smiled gently to the girl who seemed happy enough to even have talked to him but you could tell Harry was getting increasingly agitated. He was pleasant as always to every fan he came into contact with, but it was obvious this was weighing him down.
You squeezed his hand to let him know it was okay as you continued to walk down the street.
You must have only taken a dozen steps when you and Harry were stopped again by 2 girls.
“I wouldn’t go that way, it’s really busy” one said.
“Oh, this way?” He checked with the girls, who nodded in agreement.
“Yeah it’s really busy”
He about turned to avoid the situation, deeply appreciating the heads-up.
“Oh okay thank you”
“Have a good show Harry” one said.
“Thank you”
“You okay?” You asked quietly as you walked back in the direction you had just come. “Yeah, I think we should head back now”
“Yeah? Okay let’s go” you said, understanding Harry’s anxiousness right away.
“We can go down to the spa when we’re back if you like?” You suggested to him.
He lightly smiled at the thought “yeah sure”
You had only been walking for a few minutes when up in the distance, you saw what you thought were lines of people, creating almost like a small pathway to walk through.
“Harry!” you heard someone shout in the distance. As you looked back, the person started to run towards in your direction.
Panic spread on Harry’s face as he quickly tried to figure something out “Go round the other way, I’ll meet you at the hotel” He said quickly, as he started to run away from you.
“What?” You said, confused as to what was going on.
“Trust me, just go round the other way, it’s safer” Harry said and with that, he took off and began to run towards the crowd of people.
You thought now an odd time for a run, he was wearing his vans, the most unpractical shoe for running, but as he approached the people you knew exactly why he was running. Running away.
The girl who had shouted was now running past you, and towards Harry.
Your heart sank as you watched him run through the line of people, not stopping to converse with anyone. It was doubtful the girl would catch up with Harry but it was still scary to watch.
You turned and headed back towards the hotel and phoned Jeff immediately.
He thankfully picked up within a couple of rings. “Hey y/n”
“Jeff can you make sure security are at the hotel for when Harry comes back? He’s not far away, he’s being chased by someone he’s had to run he should only be a few minutes away”
“What? Where are you? What’s happened?” Jeff said, concern growing in his voice.
“It’s just really busy with fans, Harry’s fine, I think, but I don’t want the fans follow him back to the hotel”
“Let me get security now, are you okay though?”
“Yeah I’m fine, I’m walking the opposite way, I won’t be long”
“Okay, see you when you get back” Jeff said and hung up the phone.
Although it was only a 10 minute walk, a 5 minute run in Harry’s case, you texted him to see if he was okay.
“Smart move. Even smarter to not ask me to run with you. You okay?” You texted and sent it to him.
2 minutes later, he replied “Would of had to have called you an ambulance if you ran any longer than 30 seconds you lazy sod”
The sarcasm in his text was an indication he was alright, if he could make jokes out of you being so unfit, he was fine.
“Shut up. I called Jeff to make sure security are there for you. I won’t be long”
Once you arrived at the hotel, you were greeted by one of Harry’s security guards. You made your way up to your hotel room to find Harry, Jeff, Tommy and his head of security discussing recent events.
“I wanna be able to go out a walk myself without having you there, no offence Andy” you heard Harry say to his head of security.
He looked up when he saw you coming into the room.
“Y/n you’re back, you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, are you?” You asked Harry.
“We’re just saying about how it might be wise to think of having security with H at all times, just while the tour is ongoing” Tommy said and you hesitantly nodded.
Harry clearly thought otherwise by his lack of response.
“I get you want to go out and be normal, I do but when you’re having to literally run away, it gets serious” Jeff said and Harry sighed.
“I gotta look out for you mate, imagine anything happened to you, or to Y/n while you’re out, you’d never forgive yourself. What do you say about having it just for touring? For this leg anyway?” Jeff suggested.
Harry took a sip of water and let out a deep breath. “Okay, but just while we’re touring and then it stops” Harry said and Jeff nodded.
“Text me when you want to go out and I’ll come for you” Andy said and Harry nodded.
“Thanks guys” said Harry and the team got up to leave. He gave each of them a hug and you thanked Jeff for his help as you saw them out of the hotel room.
“It isn’t fair” Harry said with a crack in his voice, falling on the bed.
You turned round and you saw Harry almost reduced to tears “I shouldn’t have to run away and leave you by yourself”
“Harry, I’m fine” you reassured him. You were now lying down and cuddling with him on the king size bed.
He put his arm around you to spoon you “it’s not fine, you didn’t ask for this. To be chased by fans”
“No, but I chose you. I knew what I was letting myself in for. You made that very clear, and I wouldn’t change it for the world, you know why? Because you’re my runner, you’re my track star” you mocked his earlier running episode in his vans and he let out a giant, genuine laugh, the type of laugh that you couldn’t help but giggle at.
You turned round to face him “as long as you’re okay, I’m okay. If that means dates with big burly men watching us, then so be it” you said to make him laugh.
He smiled, this time looking far more comfortable than he did 20 minutes again. “I love you” he said, pulling you in for a kiss.
“I love you too”
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mikerickson · 14 days
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8/29/2024 - 9/6/2024
If I had a nickel for every time I took a vacation in a small European naval power that historically punched above its weight in global affairs I'd have two nickels, which... ah, you know the rest.
Just got back from a trip to the Netherlands and Belgium that was basically: Amsterdam -> Apeldoorn -> Utrecht -> Den Haag -> Brussels -> Ghent -> Amsterdam. I will now proceed to talk to myself about the highlights below the cut.
Still can't sleep on planes. I even took a sleeping pill and bought a fancy new neck pillow thing to help, but instead I was just exhausted and strangling myself. My dinner also didn't sit well with me, so every time I was about to fall asleep, my gag reflex would trigger and I felt like I was gonna throw up. Seven hours of this was not very relaxing.
Landed at ass o'clock in the morning local time and had 6 hours to kill before hotel check in. I've always read that spending time outdoors in natural sunlight helps regulate your circadian rhythm and can fight jet lag, so I took us to look at some windmills. This was kind of a blur and I'm not certain it made much of a difference because I did end up crashing and taking a nap in the afternoon anyway.
Acknowledging that I am biased about this because I am 1) American and 2) literally a traffic engineer by trade, I simply cannot describe the Netherlands as anything other than "car-hostile". I felt actively unsafe driving around each city we visited because there are so many people on bicycles everywhere, who have right of way. Hell, even as a pedestrian I didn't feel safe because they come at you from every direction and you gotta keep your head on a swivel at all times. In The Hague I watched a woman get knocked into by a cyclist who just shouted over her shoulder "Let op voor fietsen!" ("Watch out for bikes!") and carried on.
Amsterdam ended up being more interesting than I was expecting and now I kinda wish I had dedicated one more day for it in the itinerary. Convenient and easy mass-transit system, some of the best bookstores I've ever been in, and beautiful canals everywhere you look.
Were I forced to describe the geography of the Netherlands, I would have to call it "suspiciously flat." I also got to continue my tradition of traveling to foreign countries, seeing literal hundreds of spinning wind turbines all over the place, and seething with jealousy.
Utrecht was a neat, smaller city with a central canal that I wish I had set aside more time for. Felt like a place where you'd actually want to live more than a touristy city.
The Mauritshuis in The Hague is where Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring is located, and you know that before you even get to that room because she's plastered on 99% of everything for sale in the gift shop right at the entrance.
When we drove over the Netherlands-Belgium border, it started getting overcast. These gray skies hung around for four days, and dissipated as soon as we traveled back north on the final day. All of my memories of this country will now have a gray/de-saturated filter on them.
I know Brussels has a reputation of being a run-down or dangerous city among Europeans, but it just felt like a regular American city to me (specifically like the architecture/street layout of Boston with the political importance of Washington DC). Like, I don't know what to tell you, sometimes cities have visible homeless people, unsightly graffiti, and ethnic minority neighborhoods? It's gonna be okay, I promise. Amsterdam felt like Weenie Hut Jr. by comparison.
Going through the European Parliament building was very cool and very well laid-out and informative. Definitely a personal highlight of the trip for me.
The Belgian War Museum kinda just felt like some rich guy's personal collection of artifacts the public shouldn't have had access to? Not a lot of labels explaining what you're looking at in any language.
Belgian chocolate is fine. Not bad, but I mean it's chocolate, that's hard to screw up, you know?
During my research before this trip I kept seeing a general consensus that Bruges is super touristy and sanitized and feels fake and that Ghent was better for a more "authentically" preserved medieval center. I'm glad I opted to go there instead because it exceeded my expectations. Awesome architecture everywhere you turn, way fewer crowds than I expected, and it still felt lived in by modern people rather than a giant open-air museum.
Literally did not see a single physical Euro at all on this trip. Both of these countries are entirely cashless societies, and everyone (both tourists and locals) used chip readers and contactless payment for damn near every interaction. If anything, I saw tons of "Card Only/No Cash" signs and none of the opposite.
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transboysokka · 1 year
Some neat facts about Taiwan I wish more people knew
First of all and most importantly, Taiwan is NOT a part of China! It never has been! It has its own government, currency, passports, etc. The only reason Taiwan doesn't officially "declare independence" is that China would probably blow it up if that happened
Taiwan has been occupied by Spain, the Netherlands, and most recently, Japan. After World War II, Taiwan was under martial law for a long time and some terrible things happened, but now Taiwan is the 14th freest country in the world, and the freest in Asia!
Taiwan was the first country in Asia to legalize gay marriage, and hosts the largest Pride celebration in Asia every October!
Bubble milk tea was invented in Taiwan!
Taiwan has A LOT of scooters and A LOT of convenience stores! It's not uncommon to see two 7-Elevens right across the street from each other. At a 7-Eleven in Taiwan, you can pick up and send packages, pay bills, top up your cell phone, buy a coffee, do laundry, buy concert tickets, print documents, and grocery shop!
ALL Austronesian peoples originally came from Taiwan. There are still over 16 distinct Indigenous tribes today (2.3% of the population), all with their own traditions.
The garbage and recycling trucks in Taiwan play music so you know they're coming. There are mostly two specific songs, one of them being Fur Elise. A lot of Americans who come to visit think it's ice cream trucks they are hearing, but nope, it's the garbage.
Most stray dogs, especially in the rural mountains, are partially Formosan Mountain Dog, an incredibly rare and beautiful species, and one of the most ancient species in the world!
Almost all of the chips making your iPhones, laptops, or cars function, were made in Taiwan! This makes the semiconductor industry a HUGE deal in Taiwan, and makes Taiwan a HUGE deal around the world
Taiwan is the most mountainous island in the world! 2/3 of Taiwan are covered in mountains, and there are 268 mountains that are taller than 3000 meters!
Taiwan has four official languages- Mandarin, "Taiwanese" (Minnan), Hakka, and the "aboriginal"/Indigenous languages. The most widely spoken language (in the North, at least) is Mandarin, by far. Some old people can still speak Japanese.
It's not 2023 in Taiwan; it's 112 (You'll see 2023 used more and more often though, but like my National Health Insurance has my birth year as 83)
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uniquexusposts · 2 months
A cafe, a newspaper and Carlos
Summary: Y/N and meets Carlos in a cafe and they bond over a newspaper and a book. Genre: fluff Read the full story here
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Y/N was on her way to the nearest city in Spain. It was sunny, it was warm, and it was not like her home country. She had been in Spain for three months now. Y/N was glad to leave the house for a day. She tried to get out of the house at least once a week for a whole day, but that rather failed than worked. Once a week became once every two weeks. Renovating a house was more challenging than you would think. Y/N would say she underestimated it.
After twenty minutes, she arrived in the city. The first thing she did was visit the supermarket to buy a newspaper from her home country and a local newspaper. Y/N was young; you wouldn't say that she belonged to the target audience for reading newspapers. She was a journalist, she had to keep up with the news. Y/N and her dad tried to get the newspaper delivered to their house, but that didn't work. They had to buy it every morning now - which wasn't bad at all.
Tourists were strolling around on this beautiful day. Y/N agreed with them. Because Y/N began to know this village more, she knew the best hotspots by now. There was a new coffee shop hidden in one of the alleys, it was her go-to spot. It was one of the hidden gems and there were a few people who knew about it, they hoped it would stay this small and unknown. How did Y/N find this? She was kinda friends with one of the baristas: Maria. Maria used to work at a cafe that fired her for no particular reason. So the 'savage'? Stealing customers.
Y/N entered the cafe. The amazing thing that made this cafe unique? It was on a rooftop. It wasn't a chic cafe. The cafe reminded her of one of her favourite places back in her home country; warm, open, happy. Y/N walked up the stairs.
"Hola, Y/N," Maria said as soon as she saw the young lady.
Y/N smiled. "Hola," she said. "¿Cómo va todo?"
"I'm fine, today is a busy day," the woman smiled. "What can I get you? I will bring it to you."
"I would love to have a coffee," Y/N said. "With a yogurt bowl and a glass of water."
"The usual," Maria warmly smiled. "We only have free chairs inside, but I think a few people leave in a bit. It's up to you what you will do."
The eyes of Y/N were gliding over the people on the terrace. "I will just look around," she smiled. "But thanks."
"Anytime, girl."
Y/N walked outside, it was indeed filled with people. However, she had spotted a free chair. But every table was occupied. Could she just ask one of the people to sit at their table? That would be rude. She was here to enjoy the day and the sun... And if you don't ask it, you don't know it. Besides, everyone in The Netherlands - Amsterdam - would share a table if everything was occupied.
She bit her lip and walked towards the free chair. Her eyes fell on the man who sat on the other side of the table, he was enjoying a cup of coffee and reading a book. Could she bother him?
"Hi," Y/N politely said. When the man looked up, she pressed a smile on her face. "Do you mind if I sit here?"
The corners of the man's mouth curled up. "No, have a seat," he said.
"Gracias," she said and turned around the chair to face the sun and view, not the man. Y/N placed her leg over her knee and grabbed the newspaper from her bag. This was the ultimate moment to enjoy the warm bursts of sunshine.
Five minutes later, Maria walked to Y/N. "Found a free chair, I see," she smirked and put the coffee, glass of water and yoghurt on the table with whom Y/N shared a table. "How are you?"
"Thanks, Maria. And I'm fine, finally a day off."
"I already thought so. I haven't seen you in a while."
"It's so busy," Y/N breathed and closed the newspaper. "But I missed this; I had to make time to drink a coffee at yours."
Maria widely smiled. "Things I love to hear," she said and looked at the man behind Y/N. "Can I get you anything?"
The man looked up from his book. "No, thanks, I'm fine."
"Also perfect. And for your information, for both of you, everything is on one bill. I couldn't split it. So when one of you is leaving, we will split the bill for your own consumption. Just to let you know when it's unclear when you will pay," Maria explained to both of them. The man and Y/N nodded. "I will speak to you later, yes?" She said to Y/N.
"Absolutely. Good luck," Y/N smiled. "Thanks, by the way."
"No need to thank me." And Maria walked away.
Y/N opened the newspaper again and continued reading. She took some sips from the cappuccino and ate the yoghurt. It was still morning, well, late in the morning. A few people were enjoying a morning off, others were working, and some were only here for a cup of coffee in their break.
One thing Y/N enjoyed about this, was that she could read and look up after a while, watching the surroundings and the people. If you didn't feel like reading for a couple of minutes, there were enough other things to fill the time.
Hours passed. The newspaper made place for a book, and the coffee made room for a refreshing juice. A lot of the same people were still present, a few left and a couple of new faces came in return.
"Excuse me," the man behind Y/N said.
She looked over her shoulder, locking her eyes with the man's. Now she noticed the afternoon was coming to an end. And she could feel it, a soft breeze flowed through her hair. "Hi."
"Hey, I'm leaving. I accidentally paid for us both..."
"Oh," Y/N softly said. Actually, she forgot that they were sharing a bill. And the man just has been too. "How much is it?"
The man looked at the bill. "13,20 euros," he said.
She nodded and grabbed her wallet. She gave him a bill of 5 and 10 euros. "You can keep the change."
The man got something from his pocket. "Here do you have two euros," he said and placed it on the table. "You can keep the 20 cents," he softly chuckled.
"Oh, eh, thank you." Y/N politely smiled.
"It was a good day," the man continued. He looked around with a satisfied look on his face.
"It was a good day," she agreed with him. Y/N closed the book she was reading and took a sip from her juice. "We all needed it. People somehow seem nicer." Her eyes fell on the time; she didn't have to be somewhere next, but perhaps it was also time to go home.
The man looked down and smirked. He nodded and looked up again. "They somehow do. I saw how you enjoyed the sun. It's somehow amazing to see how much people can enjoy the warmth and sun."
"People are desperately in need of the sun and the summer." She looked at him. "Thank you for letting me sit here."
"Yeah, no problem. The chair was doing nothing anyway," he replied. He noticed the smile on her face; she looked grateful. "What are you reading?" His eyes fell on the book.
Y/N got up and turned around her chair. "Sorry, my neck begins to hurt," she mentioned. The man nodded and was wearing a smile. "But The Secret History by Donna Tartt. My grandma recommended it, and I have to say... I'm impressed. It's a good story so far."
"I never heard of it before," he honestly mentioned. Y/N gave the book to him, so he could read the back - luckily this was the English version. She figured he might get interested in it. His eyes scanned the words on the back. "It looks good," he said and gave back the book.
"It is." Her eyes fell on his book, but she didn't say anything of it.
"Grand Hotel Europe," he mentioned. "By Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer?" He looked doubtful when he pronounced his name. "I'm not sure what to think of it, to be honest. I got it from a friend, but I'm not quite sure whether I like it or not." He slid the book to Y/N. His brown eyes were scanning the woman in front of her. She didn't even read the back, she just smiled and nodded. It made him curious why that was her reaction.
"I think it's brilliantly written. It's tough to read it, but I like it."
"You have read it?" The man looked perplexed when Y/N nodded. "Wow. No offence, but you're the first person I know who read it." He smiled. "I'm Carlos, by the way."
Carlos nodded. "Y/N... Nice to meet you."
"A pleasure to meet you too," Y/N replied. Of course, she knew the man in front of her was Carlos. Carlos Sainz Jr.
The small kept resting on his face. However, his eyes fell on the two newspapers on the table. Carlos knew one of them. But one of them was in a language he couldn't make sentences of. "What language is this?" He looked at Y/N. "Sorry for looking into your stuff, but since the moment you finished reading it, I've been trying to figure out what language it is."
"It's just a newspaper, Carlos," she amusingly said. Y/N folded the Dutch newspaper open. "It's Dutch, de Volkskrant, the newspaper for the people."
He nodded impressively. "Makes sense now."
"Don't you have to go? I don't want to bother you, you already paid..." Y/N knew it was direct, but in her experience, they were leaving when someone paid.
He looked at his watch. "Nah, I don't have to go anywhere, actually," Carlos said. "Unless you want me to leave you alone."
"No, no, I mean, you already paid, so I assumed you had to go," she softly mentioned and looked away. Sometimes being Dutch in a foreign country was quite...different.
"I have the day off," Carlos mentioned, also making sure he didn't give her the wrong intentions. "But since that newspaper is from the Netherlands... I assume you're Dutch?"
Y/N nodded.
"Holiday or..?" Carlos raised his eyebrow, sharing a questionable look.
Y/N looked around and doubted what she could call this. "I would say it's an adventure," she replied. "Also, a little bit of a vacation."
"An adventure sounds exciting," he warmly smiled. "What kind of adventure, if I may ask?"
She bit her lip and made eye contact again. "Building a new home."
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos@crashingwavesofeuphoria@maryvibess
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sillystappen · 1 month
@justlookingforf1fanfictions gave me the idea of a maxiel! high school AU (I made everyone seniors) with discovering sexualities and I am SO DOWN for that. I've never attempted smut so this is really just dipping my toes in (though this is like 1% on the smut scale it's mentioned thinking). If hope this suffices for you though it may have gotten a tiny bit away from the original prompt lol. As in: I gave Daniel a mild sexuality crisis. But don't worry for the most part this is pure fluff.
Is It Chill That You’re In My Head?
Daniel is so ready to leave school, move away from this stupid town in the middle of Nevada and finally live the dream life of partying until 3am, having sex with the hottest women ever and getting some well-paid job that he actually likes compared to the shitty one he has at the corner shop.
Alas, he is not quite there yet. He just has to finish his final year of high school and June cannot come fast enough.
It's April, a pretty mild and sunny day where it's warm but not warm enough to make it feel like you have been shoved into a furnace. Daniel has this last month before exam season rolls around and his teachers have been breathing down his neck about revising for said exams instead of playing soccer with his mates in his spare time. Honestly, they need to get off of his back - he'll pass just fine, and his mocks went as smoothly as butter on a warm bit of toast.
He lifts his head off the desk ever so slightly when his teacher calls for everyone's attention. "Everyone listen up, we have a very late new student with us."
A new student? Now? Jeez that must suck for them, having to move schools right before the end of senior year. Daniel shrugs to himself and drops his head back on the desk.
"Hello, I'm Max Verstappen," a new voice says and oh, that's an accent. Daniel snaps his head up to look at the new boy, suddenly intrigued. The new boy, Max, seems nearly as tall as Daniel if he weren't so withdrawn into himself (clearly anxious to be at the front of the class with everyone's eyes on him), with sandy blonde hair and, despite looking from his seat towards the back of the class, the bluest eyes he has ever seen. They remind him of the ocean, beautiful and clear but also hiding something in their depths.
Daniel needs to know more about this guy.
"I expect everyone to welcome Max and be kind to him in the last months you all are here," his teacher says before turning to Max, "just find an empty seat and sit there for now."
Max nods and looks out towards the class before quietly walking down the middle to where Daniel is near the back. He gestures to the chair next to Daniel, the one by the window that nobody really likes because the sun can get in your eyes.
Daniel is slow to reply, not realising that Max was asking if he could move so he can sit there. For a while they just stare at each other. "Oh yeah, sure," he mumbles, the realisation eventually hitting him, tucking his chair in a bit so Max can walk behind him and sit down.
Max plops down next to him and rests his head in his hand, tilting it away from the window and towards their teacher, who started explaining some literature principles from the start of the year (lest they forget).
Daniel doesn't pay attention, he's much more interested in the way Max chews his pencil while he's thinking.
1 hour later, at the end of class, Daniel finally speaks to him. Max hasn't said a word since he sat down so Daniel still can't place the accent. They have both stood up, and slung their backpacks over their shoulders and Daniel deliberately stands in Max's path.
"Hi! I'm Daniel, nice to meet you mate," he smiles and sticks his hand out.
Max looks at it for a moment before shaking Daniel's hand in small , gentle motions for a second. "Max, but you know that." He speaks! Thank the Lord.
Daniel chuckles, "yeah, I do. I like your voice, where are you from?"
Max flushes. "Thank you. I'm Dutch. And Belgian too, but raised in the Netherlands."
"Oh that's awesome! I'm just born and raised here, nothing exciting."
"You seem exciting," Max says, as if it's a normal thing to say, like the sun is out, or you need oxygen to breathe. But he smiles, just a little quirk of his lips, and Daniel's brain unhelpfully supplies 'cute'.
It's then that Daniel realises they're still holding hands and in his sudden surprise of his own brain and that, he yanks his hand away from Max's maybe a little to forcefully because Max's smile drops.
"Sorry, aha. I just remembered I gotta go to my next class, as much as I'd like to stay and chat." Daniel rubs the back of his neck out of awkwardness as he half lies, because he really does have another class to go to but it's just two rooms down the hall.
Max nods, still emotionless, "me too." He steps around Daniel, lightly pushing him, and walks out the classroom door.
Daniel spends the rest of the day in his own head. God, why can't he just be normal for once? He's made things weird with the new guy and acts like he's attracted to the guy, like he's interested, which he's not mind you. Daniel Ricciardo is 100% straight, straight out of straightdom if you will. Sure it was nice to hold his hand, and he wants to make Max smile because it's cute and his eyes really are blue like the ocean, but that's just pure platonic feelings, he swears. He just wants to be Max's friend and know why the hell he came to butt-fuck-nowhere Nevada instead of staying in the Netherlands. And why now? Max just produces numerous question marks in his head and it's so confusing.
He doesn't speak to Max again until the following day at lunch, when he enters the school cafeteria. Daniel grins at him and calls him over to sit with him and his mates, Michael and Blake. Max seems hesitant but agrees. He sits next to Daniel and opposite Michael, though makes sure to put a bit of distance between himself and Daniel, just in case.
They hadn't spoken in literature class because Daniel was about 10 seconds away from being late and he really didn't want to annoy Max at 9 in the morning.
"Who's this Daniel?" Blake asks.
"This is my new friend Maxy." Daniel says.
"Maxy?" Michael questions. And shit, Daniel didn't realise he had said that. He doesn't really do nicknames for anyone, unless his friends decide to be annoying then an affectionate dickhead or asshole does get thrown around.
"It's Max," Max eventually speaks up, his cheeks tinged red, "I'm new. I joined Daniel's literature class yesterday."
"Oh, well, welcome Max. I'm Blake and this is Michael."
"Hi." Max's response is clipped and Daniel can't stand it. Blake and Michael give him a look of 'who is this person and why are you trying to befriend him?' and Daniel just shrugs at them.
"So, Maxy, Max, can I call you Maxy?" Daniel asks before launching his next question. Max looks at him, and Daniel feels like he can see into his soul and is about to pull out the thread keeping him together. Max stares like he is trying solve a puzzle and he must've found his answer because he says yes.
"Sweet!" Daniel swears he catches Max smiling at him when he cheers. It's a small thing yet again but Daniel calls it a victory. "Maxy, what are your plans when you finish high school? I'm going to do sports science hopefully."
"My dad wants me to do law." Max sighs and picks at his food. To Daniel, everything about that sentence felt off.
"Yeah, but what do you want to do?" Daniel prods.
"It doesn't matter."
"I don't know Maxy, it matters to me." Daniel half expects to descend into an argument but what he doesn't expect is the way Max looks at him, a real smile, albeit close-lipped but real and big, stretches across his face. Max looks down in an attempt to supress it, and Daniel is having none of that.
"Hey." Daniel shifts closer and brings his hand under Max's chin, lifting his head so Max looks at him. Then Daniel just stops working, his following words disappearing into thin air.
Max looks at him like he's a mystery and a wonder, which is clearly a good thing judging by the way he is still smiling, albeit a little smaller and softer. Daniel lets himself move his hand to cup Max's jaw and he swears he feels Max lean into it. If Daniel had to describe Max right then, he would've told you he looked beautiful. Maybe he could-
Michael coughs suddenly and Daniel drops his hand, he and Max springing apart and what the hell was that?
"Literature and writing," Max says suddenly. "What I actually want. It's literature and writing."
Conversation goes back to normal after that. Towards the end of the day, Michael corners him at the school gate.
"Look, mate, you know if there's anything you need to tell me then I'm here for you," he says, which is weird in itself because Michael knows everything there is to know about Daniel.
"What are you on about?" Daniel asks.
"Just... you know... about you and Max-"
"There's really nothing to it. I want to be his friend. I'm not gay," Daniel cuts him off sharply, the vague implication getting to him a little.
Michael remains calm. "I'm not saying you are; you don't have to label yourself. I'm simply saying if you were interested in Max the same way you would be interested in a girl then it's ok."
"I'm not. I literally have known him for two days and it wasn't like he just walked his pretty self into class and rocked my world just like that."
Michael raises an eyebrow at the word 'pretty' but doesn't comment on it. "Alright, man. I guess I will see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, see ya." Daniel waves and walks out the gate.
The rest of the week and the next one continues in a similar pattern. He'd see Max in class, then hang out with him at lunch and something weird would happen that Daniel would shake off, such as them linking pinkie fingers in the middle of class only to let go when the teacher calls on Max, or Daniel wrapping an arm around Max when he sits down with them and forgetting to let him go until Michael eyes him questioningly. Daniel just concludes that he's simply a physically affectionate friend to Max, who has not complained at all about it.
Max slowly opens up to the group, mainly Daniel. He tells him all about the Netherlands and what school was like there (pretty interesting stuff, if Daniel is honest), as well as why his dad relocated them to the states. Turns out his dad thinks there's more money to be made as a prosecutor in the US than the Netherlands and chose now because he wants Max to go to an Ivy League school to follow in his footsteps.
One day Max tells him and only him that his mother and sister are still in Belgium, and that his parents are divorced because his father is abusive. Daniel hugs him that day and tells him that he is welcome over any time should he need it.
He learns that Max is a huge nerd though, much like the rest of them and Daniel usually ends up on the receiving end of a book-rant. He doesn't understand what Max is talking about most of the time, but he talks so passionately and uses his hands to emphasis every word ever that he just cannot find it in himself to stop him. It's frankly adorable.
He also goes to watch them play soccer on Fridays. He doesn't play, mainly because Max claims he isn't very good, but he is a very good cheerleader for Daniel, much to the complaint of everyone else.
"But Max, I have scored more goals this match than Daniel," Blake had once said.
"So? Daniel needs the extra motivation then!" Max had proclaimed.
Daniel loves how comfortable Max is with everyone now, and how he has grown out of his shell and starts to be more reciprocal to Daniel's affections, so to speak, even initiating some of his own. For example, Max often taps his foot against Daniel's which sends warmth through Daniel's body. Another time Max just simply leaned into Daniel and rested his head on his shoulder while he was talking to Blake. Daniel, once again, didn't think much of it let alone properly realise it until someone pointed it out.
Max also tries to teach the group a little Dutch but eventually gives up because according to him it sounds like they're gargling water. Max burst out laughing when Daniel attempted to say 'I am 18 years old'.
It was the first time Daniel had seen him like that and he wanted to bottle up that laugh so he could hear it forever. And God, his smile is gorgeous. His whole face lights up and his smile makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. Daniel has made it his mission to get that to happen again.
Daniel is also realising that maybe, just maybe, these aren't exactly thoughts you have about a friend. He wants to protect Max, to hold him and never let go, but also be the reason he's happy and laughs. However Daniel has never ever been into a boy, and it kinda ruins the 'dream life tm' he has pictured for himself because now said picture is starting to have Max in it: the two of them on a sofa watching some shitty Netflix show. He curses Michael in his mind, blaming him for putting the idea of being with Max in his head.
As he lies on his bed on Sunday, end of the second week with Max, he allows himself to think about kissing Max. Max's lips always look soft and maybe it would be as nice as a girl. He'd hold his face the same way he did two weeks ago, eventually thread his fingers into Max's hair as he kisses him. Girls usually like that. Maybe Max would be in his lap, holding on to his torso like a lifeline as Daniel deepens the kiss into a full-on make-out session, their tongues dancing together as they run their hands along each others bodies and up their shirts and the feeling of Max's skin would be enough to drive him crazy as Max pushes him down, smiling against his lips and-
Daniel sits up abruptly, forcing out the images from his brain before he ends up with more than a semi. He then startles because holy fuck he is getting turned on by thinking about Max.
He immediately calls Michael.
"Bitch, what do you want? It's 1am." Michael groaned down the phone.
"I'm definitely attracted to Max but like... I'm not gay."
"Congrats on finally realising. I called it from day 1... well day 2 for you," Michael says smugly.
"I hate how well you know me sometimes." Daniel grumbles.
"No you don't."
Daniel simply hums. "I'm not gay though. I still like women."
"As I said, you don't need to label it. You just like Max."
The words are comforting; Daniel still likes women, but he also likes Max which means he is still mostly straight. And being called bi or pan also doesn't seem right. He just likes Max.
"Now answer me this," Michael says, "is this just a physical thing or-"
"No! I want to know everything I can about Max. I want to make him laugh and smile and protect him. Y'know, all that sappy shit. I mean, I do think he's very nice to look at but..."
"Yeah yeah I hear you buddy. That's good for you. Anyway, I'm hanging up and going to sleep. You should do the same."
Daniel's phone beeps before he can say good night.
It's felt... good admitting it aloud. It felt like it became normal instead of being this weird thing he had been trying to avoid for two weeks and living in a state of denial. Saying it to Michael was akin to a rock being lifted off his chest and he can finally breathe again.
But just as Daniel is drifting off to sleep he wondered how the hell he is going to face Max the next morning.
Monday morning comes around Max sits in the same spot by the window he always does. Daniel admits that he does shamelessly stare at Max, and how the morning sun makes him look golden. Full send, right? He likes Max in the same way he would like a girl, so he shouldn't be acting any differently. That's his solution to last night's conundrum. Max doesn't seem bothered when he catches Daniel though, and smiles softly at him, making Daniels heart do little flutters.
They can't stare at each other forever so eventually Daniel pulls his gaze away and half-tunes into the lesson on the importance of the curtain being red or some shit like that. He also heard some paper ripping but makes a conscious choice to not look for the sound.
At the end of the lesson, Max taps his shoulder and places an origami flower behind Daniel's ear, made from a torn page of Max's notebook.
"For you," Max says, then walks off happily to his next class. Daniel carefully touches it, not removing it from where it's sat. The stem is tucked into his curls and the flower seems intricately made. It feels romantic and Daniel can't help but blush as he traces the folds of the paper with his fingertip. He doesn't move it for the rest of the day.
Lando, a junior Daniel knows but wouldn't say he's friends with, finds him in the hallway between classes and comments on it immediately. "Ooh Daniel, who's that from? A girlfriend?"
"Haha, no it's-" Daniel cuts himself off. It's different telling Lando than it was telling Michael. Shit, is he ready to even be out like that, to where the whole school knows? Sure he has only a few months left but still, it's a big thing.
"Who's it from then?" Lando prompts, reaching up to touch it.
Daniel swats his hand away. "A classmate," is what Daniel settles on saying. It's technically still the truth.
"Damn, you should ask this classmate out. She is definitely into you!"
"You think?" Daniel tries (and fails) not to sound too hopeful.
"Duh! This is some master-craft shit," Lando says like it's obvious. "Whoever gave this to you must like you. And you clearly like her with the way you're parading around with it."
Daniel nods and scampers off to his next class.
He spends the whole hour wondering how the hell he will even tell Max he likes him and well... he's got nothing. Sure, he said 'Full Send' and all that but Max is different, from a girl and everyone else. He wants it to be important and not just dumped on him during lunch break like most people do. Max is special and deserves to be treated as such.
Therefore the logical thing to do is ask him on a date after school and take him somewhere nice (which is pretty hard in middle-of-nowhere Nevada but not totally impossible) and romance the fuck out of him and potentially kiss him.
Boom! He has a plan! (Someone be proud of him; he's putting himself out there for Max.) Now to set said plan into motion.
At lunch, he sees Max but he keeps it as normal as possible, because really there are no boundaries with them. When Max notices he still has the paper flower exactly where Max left it, he beams like the sun, eyes scrunching up and smile splitting his face. "You kept it," he says.
"Of course, I wore it proudly all day," and Max preens at that. Daniel continues, "It's so pretty, I can tell. Where did you learn how to make this?"
"I got bored one day, and thought that it would be nice to give someone I like."
"Aw Maxy," Daniel coos, reaching to hold Max's hand on the table and lacing their fingers, "I love it."
Daniel can tell Michael is giving a 'really?-right-in-front-of-my-salad' look but hey, he should've known this would happen. Blake has gotten used to their shenanigans but even he looks at them weirdly. Daniel doesn't let it get to him, not this time.
He shuffles closer to Max, pressing their thighs together and starts to chat with Michael about their god awful math class. He never shies away from Max, who almost melts next to him and Daniel fights the urge to kiss him there and then.
He's practically bouncing off the walls of the hallway when the bell for the end of school rings. He lingers by the gate, waiting for any sight of Max and beelines towards him when he sees the familiar ocean blue eyes. "Maxy!"
"Oh, hi Dan." Dan. Not long after Maxy became a thing, Max started using Dan instead of Daniel, and Daniel loves it. It feels intimate to hear Max call him that when everyone else uses Danny or just Daniel. "What's up? I do have to go though, so I'm gonna have to rush you."
Ah of course, his dad and Max's extracurriculars. Daniel makes it quick. "pleasegoonadatewithme."
"...what?" Ok maybe too quick.
Daniel clears his throat and plucks the origami flower from behind his ear and starts twirling it in his hand, watching the flower spin and admiring the petals as he repeats himself. "Maxy, please go on a date with me."
Max doesn't speak, and to fill the silence and to stop himself from panicking, Daniel keeps talking.
"I really like you, like had a full on gay crisis over you because I've never felt this way about a boy like ever and you're like so you and so so perfect, and I know this town doesn't offer much but I will try my damn best to make it special and all romantic and-"
"Dan. Yes." Max eventually says, cutting him off. He's smiling ear to ear in the way Daniel loves the most. "I really like you, too. I thought it was pretty obvious. I don't go around making those," Max gestures at the flower, "for anyone. I told you that they're for the people I like. Besides, I also don't let just anyone touch me like you do."
"Oh," Daniel says dumbly. Because, yeah, that all tracks.
"Now I do have to go, but I have some free time on Thursday after school if that works for you?"
"Yeah, that's brilliant Maxy," Daniel says a bit too eagerly for his liking.
Max plucks the flower from Daniels hand and puts it back behind his ear, tucking it gently into his curls. He presses a quick kiss to Daniel's lips and says a quick "bye" before darting out the gate, leaving Daniel standing there, touching his lips in a daze.
June can wait. Thursday cannot come fast enough.
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holygrailimagines · 2 years
please, you are one of the few people who writes about footballers and I need one where leonel messi dedicates his penalty against netherlands to his wife, after having won they are in changing rooms and she congratulates him and thanks him for that dedication. thank you!
For you
Summary: Messi dedicates his penalty kick to his wife
Author's note: I changed the PK events to better fit the story. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!
Being Lionel Messi’s wife is such a surreal part of your life, not just because he’s a famous football player, but because you have loved him since forever. You’ve known him since you were just children, running around and playing with one another. Even if you didn’t really like playing football, you would always tag along just to be with Messi. Even if you were really bad, you would always be Messi’s first pick when he was team captain. It took you two a really long time to finally admit how crazy you were for each other and since then, you guys have been happily together. 
The game was intense, you were literally at the edge of your seat. Your only source of comfort was nipping at your nails and fidgeting with the diamond ring around your finger. The World Cup was always an intense affair, Messi wanted nothing more than to bring Argentina a win. However, the Netherlands were playing just as passionately and intensely as them. Even with extra time, it seemed like neither team was advancing in their tied score, 2-2. Watching your husband work his ass off made you pray even harder for his success. You knew how badly he wanted this, to win and make everyone proud. He had so much pressure and you feared how he would react if his potential was shattered. Your prayer for one final goal was unanswered as the referee blew his whistle. You buried your face into your hands, legs shaking. Penalty kicks. 
The PK final score was starting to clear up. If Argentina made this kick in, Argentina advances. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched your husband walk towards the ball, perfectly placed in front of the goal. He picked the ball up, gave it a little flip, and set it back down. He then looked up at the stands, immediately finding you in the crowd. He blew you a kiss and mouthed: this is for you. You smiled widely but got nervous again as you watched him take a few steps back. It's starting, no going back. Your hand was placed over your mouth, muttering out a string of pleas. You watched as your husband ran up, swung his leg back and made it in! You jumped up from your seat, celebrating with him and your family. He ran around the field, blowing kisses to the crowd as his teammates chased him around for a tackle. You didn’t even realize the tears running down your face. 
You were eagerly waiting for Lionel in the tunnel, you just couldn’t wait to shower him with kisses and hugs. When he spotted you, his face notably lit up as he ran into you. He wrapped his strong arms around you and picked you up, twirling you. 
“Congratulations! I’m so proud of you baby,” you say, looking down at him and pecking him on the lips. He felt himself fall in love with you all over again. Your beautiful and humble face, decorated with his flag’s colors on both your cheeks. 
“Thank you, I did it for you, mi amor.” He said, looking up at you with gleaming eyes. Even if he was all sweaty, you quickly connected your lips to any part of his face that was available. He chuckled and set you down, holding your hand as you two walked further into the tunnel. Cameras and reporters were so glad to have captured this moment.
Guys I am literally so sorry for lacking lately, college finals had me stressed! Also, Christmas shopping was a pain in my ass! But anyway, I finally have more time to write more stories. Hope you enjoyed!
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pinkrose13 · 1 year
Schick Hydro Silk Touch-Up Dermaplaning Tool, 3 Count | Eyebrow Razor, Face Razors for Women, Face Shaver, Dermaplane
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Thanks to Ingek73 for sending this very interesting 1820 canal apt. for sale in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. You'll see why it's so interesting in a moment- and why the Dutch name for it, "Moordput 5," translates to "Murder Pit 5." (That should intrigue you.) It has 1 bd (but potential for 2), 1ba. € 349K + €121.21mo. HOA fee / $372K + $129.21mo. HOA.
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This lovely apt. is on the top 2 floors of the building. Look at that brick wall.
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Isn't this lovely? Spacious industrial look.
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This old exposed brick wall is stunning.
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We can't figure out why this is open to the kitchen, but it's clearly what is referred to as the Murder Pit.
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Because this is what it looks like from upstairs. It's really blocked off up here, by a metal railing.
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Back downstairs, the kitchen is beautiful. Maybe they intended to make that hole some sort of an architectural feature?
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The single bath beautifully incorporates the old brick with new dark gray tiles.
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This is not the single bedroom, it's a home office, but I would definitely make this the bedroom.
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It's open to the kitchen, but there's a curtain, and I'm sure that you could put up a wall and door.
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The primary bedroom is up here in the attic.
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There are lovely big skylights.
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There's a closet, laundry, and also the infamous Murder Pit.
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This is the 1st fl. layout.
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But, as Ingek73 pointed out, it's weird that, for the attic floor, they X'd out a whole area. Is that the part w/the opening, or maybe it's the neighboring apt.?
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Anyway, I would go nuts living here, b/c I'd be downstairs shopping.
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I'm a city girl, I need hustle and bustle.
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hanssop56 · 2 months
Buy nightwear online For Girls Online
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Visit Us : - https://www.hanssop.com/collections/girls
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futfemfantasies · 2 years
My Queen \\ leah williamson x reader
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Request: “Could you do one where the reader (reader x Alexia or Leah) is billionaire but nobody knows and they found it BC the reader is bit luxury or the reader is from Netherlands royal family and nobody knows”
P.S I’ve never written a royal family story before so bare with me 
P.P.S This is kind of short so I apologise 🫣
You walk out of the coffee shop and turned the corner when someone walks into you.
“Oh shit I’m so sorry” You look up and are met with the most beautiful blue/green mixed eyes you’ve ever seen.
“No worries, I was thinking about throwing it out anyways. I’m Y/N” You say holding you hand out for the mysterious woman to shake.
“Leah, nice to meet you Y/N. I can buy you a new shirt or at least a new coffee” Leah asks.
“Don’t worry about the shirt” You look at your watch and realise you’re late.
“I’m so sorry about this but I have to go. I’ll catch you around” You say before quickly walking away and into the car your parents, the king and the princess, bought you since you moved to England.
Historically in the Netherlands, no one has left their royal duties to become a civilian. You hated all the fancy clothes and long, boring meetings. You just wanted to be a photographer. Thankfully, your parents understood your willingness to leave and still welcome you back to visit when you can. Yes you could do it as a hobby while still being in the family but you wanted to travel for leisure and work, not travelling to meet other politicians and royal families. You are, were next in line for the throne once your father has passed, so your younger sister Catharina is now the heir.
Thankfully since your move, you have gotten an apartment and recently a new job working as a sports photographer, specifically women’s soccer.
On a bright and sunny morning the next day, you arrive at the Arsenal training ground and you instantly feel nervous. You walk into the building and a familiar face aka your boss welcomes you and shows you around. He introduces you to Jonas who then introduces you to the team.
“Girls, this is Y/N she is our new team photographer and videographer so be nice as it’s her first official day”
While Jonas is talking, you lock eyes with Viv who instantly freaks out. Being Dutch, she knows exactly who you are. You give her a look and she returns with a small nod with confirmation she won’t tell anyone who you are. 
“Alright everyone introduce yourself then training will begin”
Everyone takes it in small groups to introduce themselves when one waits until last. 
“Nice to see you again Y/N” Leah flirtatiously says biting her lip while looking at you up and down. 
“Good to see you beautiful” You flirt back. This is going to be a long first day, you thought. 
“You’re going to be mic’d up today so follow me” You and Leah walk into the first room and it’s the massage room. You put the small bag on the table and get the mic and mic pack out.
“Alright put this through your shirt an-” You turn around to see Leah with her shirt already off.
“Wow um okay just uh clip this in the middle and the mic pack can clip onto the back” You stutter out.
“Can you do the back? So it’s in position properly?” Leah asks and you nod. 
You move behind her and clip the mini mic pack onto her bra and heat rushed to your face.
“Okay all done. Come see me when training’s over and I’ll get those from you”
“See you later Y/N/N” Leah walks out of the room and you chuckle and shake your head. 
After training, you catch Leah so you can get the mics off her. You take the mic pack off her back and Leah turns around. Her eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips and back before you lean in so your noses are touching.
“C’mon Leah, we have to go!” You think Jordan yells out.
“Coming Jords!”
“I’m sorry Y/N/N”
“Don’t be Leah, it’s okay. I’ll see you on Saturday at the game” Leah nods and kisses your cheek on the way out.
Later on that night, you finish uploading the training photos to your laptop when your phone pings. You check it and see a message from Leah.
hey beautiful, i hope i have the right account 👀🤞
that depends… who are you looking for??
a beautiful Dutch y/h/c girl with y/e/c eyes i can get lost in for days. i think she goes by Y/N/N or Y/N
oh well you look at that… you’ve found the right account!
You and Leah talk all night before you finally grew some balls and asked her out on a date tomorrow. Yes you know you’ve only known her for a day but you feel differently with Leah, like you’ve know her your whole life. You spend another hour trying to think of a fun date idea for the both of you. You find a place online to book and you get even more excited.
Long story short, your date turned into 4 more before Leah asked you to be her girlfriend a few months later. You immediately said yes and kissed her passionately which led to other activities. You are currently at Leah’s house and you’ve had the whole royal thing on your mind. Leah has noticed something hasn’t been okay with you but didn’t want to pressure you into telling her. You feel Leah’s hand go up the back of your shirt and draw patterns on your back. You don’t want to lose this feeling.
“Babe, are you okay? You’re crying” Leah looks down at you worried. You sit up and wipe your eyes and Leah looks instantly worried.
“I um, need to tell you something and I don’t know how you’re going to take it”
“Whatever it is, we can figure it out together” Leah sweetly says as she intertwines her hands.
“I’m um well my family are the royal family for the Netherlands”
Leah doesn’t say anything except pull you into a hug, that you so desperately needed. You snuggle into her and she kiss the crown of your head.
“That’s what you were afraid of telling me?” You nod and Leah chuckles.
“Oh baby, why would you think that?”
“I don’t know, I just didn’t want you to think differently of me. Hell, Viv figured it out the first day and nearly bows every time she sees me” Leah lets out an angelic laugh but shuts up quickly when you glare at her.
“I would never treat you differently my love. With or without that crown, you are the same Y/N too me. Wait, were you going to be queen?”
You explain how the Netherlands royal family works and how you were next in line but now your younger sister is next. Leah gets up and races up to her room and grabs a toy crown she has and put it on your head.
“There, now you’ll always be my queen” Leah says as she holds your cheeks in her hands and kisses you softly.
You knew in that moment that you are in this for the long run.
Y/N = your name
y/h/c = your hair colour
y/e/c = your eye colour
Please send in your requests! :)
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
I’m so in love with Max Verstappen lol can u write a one shot but where he isn’t a driver and both the reader and max are just normal people? Can you also make it a smut >_<
𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏
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➪Ask and you shall receive ;)
➪I chose to base this off an interaction I’ve had irl, that I thought was pretty writable lol (most is fiction!)
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Pairing: Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: (Minors dni) smut, swearing
Word Count: 3.5k+
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You were visiting The Netherlands for a couple of weeks because you had a job there. You were a talented journalist from Vogue, but only one of many other writers. To show your boss that you had more potential than she thought, you decided to do a revolutionary piece on Amsterdam. You decided, one night, that you wanted some wine whilst writing your intro. There was a small and modest liquor store close to your hotel, so you didn’t have to worry about public transportation. It was nearing the evening and the sun was starting to set, which meant you had to pick up the pace if you wanted to make it in time.
When you got to the store, you found that you were the only one there. There was no cashier or worker in sight, but the store was open. Browsing the different aged wines had you feeling like you had taken the high road. Old money style. You were in your own little world, taking pictures of the different bottles and even holding out a peace sign in front of one of them and snapping a picture. After a while, you noticed a song come on the speakers. It was something you recognized from your earlier years in college when you went out partying constantly. The song had been popular back then, and the nostalgia hit you like a freight train. You already had your phone out, and you knew it’d be impossible to sleep without knowing the name of the song, so you held up your phone to one of the speakers and turned on your Shazam app. It kept loading and failing and loading and failing.
“I see that you like the song,” a voice said. It was smooth and had a thick Dutch accent. A hint of a smirk was mixed into it as well. Upon retracting your arm and turning to face the voice, you found the shop clerk staring you down with what could’ve been the most jaw-dropping smirks of the century. He was a sight for sore eyes. That was for sure. You buried your face in your hands out of embarrassment, as he’d caught you trying to Shazam a song on the speakers.
“If you must know, that song is… Slow Down, by Chase Atlantic.” Trying to save face and not look like a cartoon character, you removed your hands from your face and politely thanked him.
“Thanks, I should get going now, though. I have a train to catch in the morning.” That was a lie. All you had to do the following morning was report to your boss about current developments.
“That’s a shame, I could’ve prepared a special tasting for a gorgeous lady like you.” An immediate blush spread across your face. The effect he had on you was obvious and it only fueled his ego and confidence.
“I suppose a tasting wouldn’t hurt.” You looked down at your wrist as if to check the time. The man kept looking at you with his mesmerizing eyes and deep gaze. You knew damn well it could’ve been your own delusions. That he may have tried to merely act friendly or treat the last customer of the night real nice. It was impossible to say for sure. You had been in one too many situations where you'd accidentally misread a situation.
“You look deep in thought, darling. Relax and come with me to the back. That’s where I keep the best wine.” You could hear your own thoughts screaming at you to do something. Darling? That was something you’d only ever read in romance books. Was he even real?
“So, what’s your name?” He asked as he browsed his gallery of fine wines. You hesitantly told him your name and saw his face light up with a tiny smirk,
“That’s a beautiful name. Mine’s Max. Max Verstappen.” You took a mental note of his name in case you weren’t going to get his number later in the evening.
“So what brings you to Amsterdam?” His genuine curiosity made him that much more attractive. You couldn’t tell whether to cry tears of joy or run away from such a foreign feeling of delight.
“I’m a journalist or writer. Whichever name suits the piece I work on. I’m just here to do a review of my time here. It’s supposed to act as a travel ad, I guess.” He nodded, smiled, and pulled out a bottle he fancied.
“Sounds like quite the job, do you enjoy it?” He poured you a glass and also a glass for himself. A whole glass? Here you thought it was going to be a simple tasting.
“Oh uhh, yeah, I’ve loved writing since I was young. I don’t think I’ll ever stop writing.” Reminiscing about your younger self showing off your short stories to your older siblings and family members had you smiling like a fool. Max, being observant, picked up on it and took a mental picture of your smile. He’d never seen anyone as radiant as you.
“How’d you get into the wine business, if I may ask?” You watched him contemplate for a brief moment, before eventually telling you about his family and his legacy.
“So, yeah, here I am taking over my father’s business. He does most night shifts, but he had some errands to run this evening… so you’re stuck with me.” Was the liquid courage already going to your head, or were you really just that bold? You decided to look him directly in the eyes as you told him,
“I’m glad I decided to come tonight of all nights, then.” Your head was swimming in some newfound confidence. Perhaps Max had rubbed it off on you.
“Sure you are,” he chuckled and poured himself another glass. You weren’t a lightweight, and he didn’t seem to be one either, so you asked him to pour you another glass as well.
“I should probably go after this round. I have to do something tomorrow morning.” You chugged the last of your wine and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Yeah, heard you before. You have to catch a train, huh?” You just nodded to not seem suspicious and began walking towards the exit.
Before you had the chance to though, Max grabbed your arm and turned you around. His face was etched with confusion, not even understanding his own actions. The two of you stood there for a short while before he slowly let go.
“Sorry, I- um. I don’t know why I did that.” Your teeth subconsciously tugged at your lower lip and you gulped before taking a leap of faith.
“Wanna see my place? It’s just a hotel room, but the view is wonderful,” you broke the unnerving silence. Max took every word in and ultimately responded with,
“No, I think you should see my place instead.” Your boldness was met with twice as much boldness coming from him. You found it hard to breathe, let alone think. He started turning the lights off in the shop and clearing a few bottles that had been on display.
“I’ll lock up and then we can go. I’m sure my view is better than yours in more than just one way.” His smirk as those words left his mouth was smooth. Not just smooth— it was unreal. You were desperate for more.
You waited for him to finish up and when the two of you finally got out, and you heard the clank of his keys— he made you lock your arms around his arm. With that, you enjoyed the night sky and the dimmed street lamps. You took in the fresh air; a stark contrast to the New York air you were so used to. Max mostly stayed quiet, but he’d quip a fun fact about his country here and there when walking past the few sculptures that adorned the streets of Amsterdam.
“I’m starting to think you don’t even live in Amsterdam. We’ve been walking for at least an hour now,” you chuckled. Just as if your words were magic, he stopped walking and motioned for you to look up. There you saw a gorgeous penthouse. You never would’ve thought he’d live so luxuriously.
“Wait, that’s your place?” Your eyes were wide open. A small grin crept up his face and he shook his head,
“No, I’m just kidding. My place isn’t that fancy. I’m barely able to pay rent. It’s a day-to-day thing.” His living situation was surprisingly similar to yours. Most apartments in New York were too expensive to rent out, so you lived in a modest, but cosy apartment with your personality plastered all over. The rent was cheap and you had excess money to spend on personal indulgences.
“Actually, me too. Some would say I live like a peasant,” you joked.
“Great, we’ll be poor together,” he finished. The two of you had a quick laugh about your financial situations before you finally arrived at his place. It was a bit bigger than your own and had 3 rooms total. He showed you around his small flat, starting with the kitchen which connected to the living room. Then he showed you the bathroom, which had a rich lavender scent. He explained that his sister frequently gave him different essential oils and thymes and air fresheners that she’d find whilst travelling. He never knew what else to do with them but make his bathroom smell like a fairytale garden. He was getting closer and closer to being the greenest of flags you’d ever encountered. He showed you to his office which was the smallest room in the entire apartment, fitting only him. There was a tiny space for him to squeeze through and get to his chair.
Then the time came to see his bedroom. The state of people’s houses was one thing, but a bedroom could tell you everything you’d need to know about a person’s personality. It was where they would spend most of their intimate moments. Max’s room was simple. Simple yet stunning. He had a few family portraits on his shelf and a bookshelf you could only dream of having. On a small drawer, he had a TV with a remote next to it. His bed was queen-sized and the pillows were almost bigger than the headboard. The sheets were pearl-white and silk. Just above the headboard was a painting. It was a copy of The Fallen Angel. You recognized it from the required fine arts classes you took in college. It was a gorgeous painting that made the mind go around in circles.
“Yeah, that painting was a gift from my father. It’s a little out of place here but I didn’t know what else to do with it.” Max scratched the back of his neck and leaned against the doorframe.
“I love your place. It’s certainly nicer than my own. I haven’t had much luck with decorating like you. I mostly just have cheap and simplistic stuff from IKEA, if I’m being honest.” You sighed and sat down on his bed. The duvet hugged your hips as your body weighed down on the bed. Max went to sit beside you and decided to let himself fall back. You followed suit.
“IKEA isn’t bad at all. I like simplicity. Who doesn’t?”
“I don’t know, I guess it isn’t really all that bad.” You could feel your heart rate increasing as you heard Max shuffle. It could only mean one thing; he’d turned his head to face you. Frozen. You were completely frozen. You wanted to do the same, but for whatever reason— you just couldn’t bring yourself to do so. Any courage you had earlier was gone. Nowhere to be found.
“You’re beautiful, you know?” That’s what made you turn. You saw the curious look in his eyes and the genuine tug on his lips. You weren’t one to have one-night stands or sleep around, but you felt a certain pull. A pull that you found hard to resist. Max was magnetic and your body wanted nothing more than to be glued to him.
After you didn’t say anything, he moved closer to you and moved a strand of hair out of your face. His touch sent shivers down your spine. You felt an electrical current run through your entire body, coupled with a warm feeling starting to pool in your lower abdomen. The silence only seemed to pull the two of you closer, but it was obvious Max had more guts than you.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” you muttered. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. You definitely did.
“Wait, you’re a virgin?”
“Oh, no no, nothing like that. I’ve just never really been into hooking up with strangers,” you explained. He almost laughed at that.
“We don’t need to be strangers, darling. This is just the beginning.” There was something about the way he said it, that had your mind running wild. At the same time, though, you didn’t want to come off as desperate. So you waited for him to strike his next move.
Luckily, good things come to those who wait. He leaned in for a kiss that moulded into a more heated one. With more and more time passing by, it only got wilder. He switched your positions so that he was on top. Your fingers were intertwined with his blonde strands of hair. There was nothing left to do but start pulling at his shirt. He took it as a sign to pull away and rid himself of the article of clothing. After he threw it into a corner, he took that opportunity to admire the sight below him. There you were; sprawled out beneath him with rosy cheeks and lips that were swollen from all the kissing. Your half-lidded eyes looked up at him and he couldn’t get enough.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he whispered loud enough for you to hear before he dove back down to then attack your neck. It didn’t take him long to find your sweet spot. Once he found it, the whimpers flooding from your mouth egged him on. He fiddled with the hem of your shirt and instead of pulling it over your head, he ripped it off you.
“Hey, my shirt!”
“You can have one of mine instead. I bet they suit you better than they do me,” he whispered in your ear. His breath was hot against your ear. You didn’t actually mind the ripped shirt. It was a Walmart shirt that you got from a buy 1 get 1 sale. You weren’t wearing lace, but you thanked your earlier self for deciding to wear matching underwear.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to completely discard all of your clothes. Max struggled with the clasp of your bra, which you took over and got off. In his eyes, everything was perfect. There’s no such thing as a perfect being; he knew that, but there you were. Beyond perfect. He relished in his victory.
“Can you do me a favour and be as loud as you can for me?” You saw the look on Max’s face and he slowly started kissing down your body. You felt each suck going further and further down. Dangerously close to your cunt. With each gasp you made, the Dutchman gave your hips a squeeze. It was as if getting you off was enough for him. You finally felt his tongue graze your slit and your hips bucked in appreciation. Better yet, he wasn’t a tease about it. He went straight into it, sucking and moving his tongue in ways that made you scream his name like a holy mantra. The walls of the apartment were thin. Perhaps you’d have to apologize to his neighbours the following morning.
He kept going and you started pulling his hair as you got closer and closer to your release. He sensed your need and you immediately felt everything intensifying. There was no way you’d be able to hold back. So you didn’t. With a final scream of his name, you reached your peak and surfed through it gently with his help. Coming down was smoother than the silk sheets you were breathing ever so heavily on.
“Where did you learn to do that?” You tried to catch your breath, but it was hard. So hard for so many reasons.
“If I’m being honest, that was my first time doing that. I was pretty nervous about it, but now I know how you like it.” Was he a god? A sex god? You watched as he moved back up to you, spitting in his hand and wrapping it around his dick. He was above average but certainly made up for it in girth. You started to wonder whether he’d fit or not, but before you could let your mind wander too far, you felt him slide his dick up and down your slit, lubricating himself with your essence. The way he’d graze your clit with the head was to die for. You already knew you were going to be in for a ride.
“You’re sure about this?” He asks to be sure. If there was one thing you appreciated more than anything— it was asking for consent.
“I am. I’m on the pill as well. You can go on,” you said and bucked your hips, to feel just a little more pressure. There was no need for that, however, because as soon as those words left your mouth; he went for it.
You felt him enter slowly and carefully, letting you adjust to his size along the way. He stretched you out like you’d break in a new shoe. When he finally reached the end and couldn’t push any more in, he waited for you to tell him to move. A true gentleman. When you nodded, he almost pulled all the way out, before slamming into you again. You couldn’t help but choke out his name, accidentally leaving a scratch on his shoulder. In response, he attacked your neck. His movements were swift and steady. Your legs were wrapped tightly around him, as he held your hips with his smooth hands. Your hands were now in his hair, pulling and scratching. Your pants synced with his and the room was filled with the sound of skin slapping against each other.
As much as you loved the current position, you wanted more. No, you needed more. He noticed it and pulled out. In that brief moment, you felt emptier than ever. You proceeded to climb on top of him, shoving him back inside you. This time, he was able to reach much deeper. The position was so erotic. He was able to watch as your breasts bounced and your eyes rolled back. It was heaven on earth for him.
“Fuck, you’re absolutely out of this world,” he panted and squeezed your hips, guiding you up and down his veiny dick. Your hands rested on his shoulder and you lowered your head to pull Max into a kiss, connecting a string of saliva as you pulled away. When you felt him thrust up into you in a rather sloppy manner, you knew he was close; and so were you. Your movements became more erratic and desperate.
“Do it, finish all over my dick, darling,” he groaned and continued helping you with your release as well as his. You bounced a few more times before slamming down one last time. Hard. You felt yourself tip over the edge, spilling all of your juices on Max’s abdomen. At the same time, you felt him shoot his own load into you, filling you with a certain delight.
The two of you sat there for a little before you got off him and found a place next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and had your head on his shoulder. You felt his heartbeat starting to slow down after coming down from the incredible high.
“That’s what that’s supposed to feel like,” you sighed, which was followed by a chuckle from the both of you.
“You lied about the train tomorrow morning, didn't you?” You could tell he was smirking by the tone of his voice.
“I may have.”
“You should cancel the remaining days at your hotel and come live here. I don’t want us to be strangers,” said Max.
“Sure, why not?” You snuggled into his nape and closed your eyes.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep. Let’s get you all cleaned up first.” You realized that Max was no stranger at all. You had a feeling that he’d stick around for a long long time. At least you wanted him to, and it seemed like he wanted that too.
“Okay, stranger.” You got up and saw the smile on his face. He was cuter than you initially thought.
“Perhaps I could take this stranger out on a date tomorrow? I know of a great coffee shop nearby,” Max suggested and got up as well. You nodded and smiled, the two of you both leaving for the lavender-scented bathroom.
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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furby-junkie · 8 months
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The Furby Show (referred to as 'The Original Furby Show' on Bart's website and 'The Fantastic Furby Show' on Hasbro's Dutch website) was a series of performances by Bart Juwett, that occurred on a stage trailer, and at a shopping center in the Netherlands.
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The shopping center event was a conclusion to another event called "Hasbro Kids Days", occurring on the last day of Hasbro Kids Days. There were six performances in total, which included a ventroliquism act, magic acts, and a Furby song. A life-sized Furby and Furby Baby costume were present, and the stage had a light and sound system that could be used for 500 people.
Times for the shows included:
11 AM
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
Hasbro's Dutch website also mentioned you could participate in Furby games, but doesn't provide more information about them.
There was a contest where Furby coloring pages were given out during the Hasbro Kids Days. Winners were to be selected from five age categories, and the participants with the most beautiful and original Furby colorings received Furby prizes. Hasbro's website did not mention what the Furby prizes were.
The entries were to be handed in at a large Furby stage in the shopping center, and the winners were to be announced at a ceremony just before the 4 PM show.
There used to be a list (or atleast there was supposed to be one) on Hasbro's website, mentioning the dates for the show, but the archive.org captures don't have the dates displayed.
Official Website
According to an archived version of Bart Juwett's website, the fact that Furbys love games was reflected in the show. It also states the show consisted of two 45 minute performances, but for shopping centers, there were six 30 minute performances. I don't know if the trailer show did consist of two 45 minute performances, or if the website was referring to the duration of a show that was done somewhere else. The website says the trailer show happened after the shop event.
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