jadequarze · 4 months
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I miss them T^T I miss the blue girlies
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toodrunktofindaurl · 4 months
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this one meme but with them
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laurasbailey · 7 months
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its-your-mind · 3 months
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The Mighty Nein as textposts 29/???
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fey-wanderer · 1 year
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by Ulvar ( Twitter | @littleulvar )
This is just perfect 😍 Can totally see Jester doing this to everyone in the Might Nein during the holidays.
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paperglader · 7 days
it hit me again yesterday- literally as i was about to fall asleep- how stupidly cute it is that marisha as beau randomly burst out "i could be her beacon [that guides her home]" all awkward and earnest about jester, for then one campaign later, finally, laura as imogen come back to her with "you're my tether, laudna. sometimes i feel like i’m about to float away, but as long as you’re there" and i just think that's beautiful and another reminder of how in so many ways CR continues to be endless love letters from the cast to each other.
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fiovske · 1 year
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La Belle Dame Sans Merci ft. beaujes 💙 ⚔️
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shadydruid · 1 year
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✨Chaos crew✨is making their way(making their way) from the top of this lonely hillside to the realm of the soulless fey 😁 (Every time I want to make the colors 'simple' I end up with sth like this🤣)
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fwishbone · 1 year
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oh you, my electric blue!
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uselessgayshit · 1 year
cr and probably dnd ships in general are wild because it’s like
1. the sexiest bitch with a bow to ever live x a very cute, to be queen who is sometimes stricken by acute social anxiety
2. literal anime guy with a gun x a hot half-elf with daddy issues
3. an affected bisexual with a death wish x an immortal, god-like woman with only grief in her future
4. a stoic man of the sea x an erotic graffiti artist with an impulsive streak
5. a bde jock x a tiefling that wouldn’t know how to bottom if her life depended on it
6. flower girl with a vicious past x traumatized lesbian who harbored a crush as a joke and then accidentally fell in love
7. the rich kid with stage fright x a widowed ballerina
8. a horse girl x the creepiest motherfucker you’ve ever seen
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jadequarze · 1 year
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Beaujester because I’m thinking of them again
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pocketgalaxies · 28 days
laura: i would ask everyone "(jester voice) are you secretly in love with me?"
marisha: the answer is yes.
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variksel · 10 months
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(she never did end up asking her for that drink)
yes i am fully a fjordjester boy yes but i still think about beaus unrequited crush on jester like every other day
version without text under the cut!
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scarilydark · 4 months
i love the implication that since the last oneshot, the M9 have stayed together throughout this mess (because Caleb never learned Sending, and them being together is the only reason why Jester would be able to send a message to Imogen right), but i really gotta put my two cents in that i don't think they should've ever really broken up in the first place. maybe it's my polynein brain going brrr, but these idiots are Family. i'd give them a month at best before literally everyone is pestering Caleb to upgrade the tower so they can all live there together.
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dailymarisharay · 3 months
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neinofthem · 8 months
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