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provincara · 11 months ago
Rereading the Lumatere Chronicles and damn so many of the couples in this series had horrible first impressions like???? Finnikin was so pissed when Isaboe joined him and Topher and then even more pissed when he realized she was just as smart as him, Trevanion yelled at Beatriss for being incompetent and then she slapped him in the face when HE was incompetent, Froi called Quintana a whore when he was like 5 feet from her room, pretty sure Perri and Tesadora tried to kill each other at some point?? even more minor couples like August and Abian ("pity the man who shares her bed" sir that would be YOU) and Harker and Jorja ("he hated me for the first five years of our marriage!") And don't even get me started on Lucian and Phaedra
But then they all kind of juxtapose beautifully with Grijio and Florenza's meet-cute at the end of the series, like after all of the horrific things that happened to these people there's some hope for goodness in the future ya know? like finally a good start
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archersgoon · 1 month ago
idk maybe i'm just saying words but it feels weird. the number of couples doing their ohhhhh look how pale/dark we are in comparison to each other + a smaller number of couples who both tend fair, when as far as i can recall there is no major relationship in which both members have like. darker complexions. or whatever passes for such in skuldenore
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quietflorilegium · 9 months ago
“He hesitated, remembering something Finnikin had said to him on their journey. That somehow, even in the worst of times, the tiniest fragments of good survive. It was the grip in which one held those fragments that counted.”
Melina Marchetta, "Finnikin of the Rock"
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the-needle-witch · 1 year ago
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A standard issue (us?) military can-opener- the kind that comes from the food bank, on the neck of my friend, Runyoun (Daniel)
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televised-exorcism · 2 years ago
His long dark eyelashes rest so perfectly against the smooth plain of his cheek, beautiful to me but not to himself. His fluttery, often-frustrsted hands are at rest, beautiful too, thin and long fingered, capable and romantic, like a piano player or a poet, and
the poetry he writes is perfect to me, too, in the way that car crashes and motor cycle accidents are perfect, and somehow just as thrilling to read as it was to car-crash my car again and again before i knew him.
Our hearts are dark together, pressed close through our chests, like twins in a womb, mirroring trauma and love and vicious rage and retaliation and pain and more love and pure sex.
With no rules, we would destroy one another. Or we would survive one another and get better, quit being junkie skum fux and live a normal life together, and heal somehow from all the awful, soul-ruining shit that made us how we are, the shit that makes us perfect for each other, with a sense of massive, life-shattering gravity pulling us closer together until a kind of singilarity occurs.
The twitch and ache for closeness, the agony of yearning so completely for the other person. Comfort is telling myself that he was there with me this whole time: the frailty of getting sick and almost dying, the frailty of being vulnerable in front of someone despite knowing they could irrepairably damage you by you just trusting them with ur nakedness.
How i have cried. How i longed for him. Its the way i knew him in my mind beofre i ever met him, how i wished for him all those years i was alone alone alone, especially alone with other people, the way emptiness hurt so bad that i had to let it out, make it into an image on my skin. I love every single slice and scratch that ever marched across his skin, each one is a demarcation of a singular moment that hurt, just like my tattoos, but rendered in scar tissue...
We are inverted negatives of each other, incomplete without the other, and how it made me cry to realize that id never been a complete person until he fit up against me like an answer to my whole life's questioning, like a puzzle piece that has only one interlocking piece that reveals a new and beautiful picture: all the possibility of the world suddenly seen in startling clarity, like telling the truth for the first fucking time. Oh, i thought, you stupid, stupid girl- SO this is what love feels like, real visceral, in the flesh amd bone. I want to give him life but my body rebels, rejects my want, wont fulfill my wishes. In this i would have the opportunity to grow and become the version of myself that i was always waiting to become- a refugee from an alternate dimension, a pirate with no gold and no wind fuckin sail with, wasted years rotting and falling away, shedding all that pain of not being together. It agonizes me that he was there all along, a familar stranger i would come to love so dearly that it sucks the breath out of my chest.
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a-crack-in-the-universe · 3 months ago
I never minded Evanjalin in the beginning of the series. It was only in Quintana of Charyn that I came to dislike her (mainly because of how she treated the Charynite refugees and Lady Abian). There’s also a line in the first book about how Isaboe was able to heal her cat when she was little, but that no one knew that she hurt it first. So I think she always had this mean/ruthless streak in her.
And about the “Finn gets sent to the mines” plan that she put into action, Finnikin is furious with her about it when he reunites with her about escaping, and so is Trevanion. So she does suffer some consequences for it, even if Finnikin and Trevanion forgive her eventually.
Agreed about Trevanion and Beatriss. Their story is so heartbreaking and it’s one of my favorite parts of the series. I love how it’s so realistic and shows us that sometimes there’s too much trauma to move forward together and that sometimes all you can do is go your separate way or wait. And that sometimes a happy ending can take years to happen.
I forgot how much I wanted to murder Evanjalin in the beginning of that series.
“I am gonna get you sent as a condemned slave to the mines with no warning in hopes this will further my restoration plan” is…ummmm.
The thing is, on reread I know and get her deep trauma and drive and need for vengeance and justice. But it still does not sit well with me, and never will. I both get why Finnikin gets over it and yet can never fully get over it myself.
The thing is, Finnikin x Evanjalin/Isaboe is very much the gender-reversed trope of sunshine girl x deeply fucked up hardened dude. And unlike fucked up x fucked up set up (see Warner x Juliette in Shatter Me, Dred x Jael in Dred Queen or even Froi x Quintana in this very series, not to mention 10x other stories) which is my favorite ship set up ever, the problem with sunshine x fucked up always becomes "well, I see what the fucked up one gets out of it, but how about the sunshine one?" In a lot of stories this gets circumvented by the fact that the mess is actually providing physical protection (the usual this is a dangerous environment/someone wants sunshine one dead/etc set up.) But Marchetta does not make it this easy here - Finnikin can fight just fine and he does not need protection from Isaboe (who cannot offer it anyway.) In fact, all the danger he faces is BECAUSE of Isaboe. The author thrusts it in your face and dares you to understand how trauma and desperation and cause can make people ugly and desperate and do all sorts of awful things. When I first read the trilogy, I ended up liking both Isaboe and Isaboe x Finnikin but it took me a very long time to get there and this is such an interesting thing. She is a person who will always put her cause above any person (even at the very end, if it came to cause v Finnikin, we know what she’d pick) and it’s a rare set up.
PS AAAAAAA Trevanion!!!! Our first glimpse of present day Trevanion.
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Trevanion, Daddy of Finnikin and Daddy in every sense of that term.
He is actually probably my favorite character in this series (except Froi.) I find his character (and Lady Beatriss) such a heartbreaking deconstruction of a perfect warrior, perfect knight, perfect commander with a perfect oath and a perfect chivalric love story with a perfect lady. And then it's all destroyed in the most horrifying, brutal, prolonged, thorough way. And he's left alive and then what...
Out of all the happy endings in this series, I honestly find his and Beatriss' the most heartbreakingly hard won. They have some of the worst trauma but also unlike a lot of the other characters, they are not young and also they remember many years of peace and happiness and "before" so it's harder to adjust because of that as well.
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anawkwardlady · 8 days ago
hello, im beatrisse the bitch of rokkenjima send your card number all my gold is stuck will reward you in full and more!!!
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gia-olir · 4 months ago
drew two of my ocs
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left : Beatriss
right : Natasha
they are twin sisters btw, but their mom put Beatriss up for adoption and kept Natasha, letting Beatriss live a normal life, while abusing and traumatising Natasha, and I tried to use dynamics in their character art
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weepinlily · 4 months ago
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A portrait of Beatriss. I haven't used ibisPaintX or similar apps for years, so I'm a bit rusty. But I like how this turned out, roughness and all. Hopefully you all like it too. Click for better quality.
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turisiancom · 1 year ago
TURISIAN.com - Menginspirasi banyak orang di dunia bisnis dan memberikan pemikiran-pemikiran inovatif,  menjadikan sosok satu ini sering diikuti berbagai kalangan. Terutama, bagi mereka yang ingin mengembangkan dunia usaha. Baik di sektor Usaha Kecil Mikro, Menengah (UMKM) maupun corporate. Henry Husada, pengusaha Tionghoa yang juga CEO Kagum Group ini memang seperti tak ada lelahnya untuk berbagi ilmu bisnis. Seperti yang terlihat saat berlangsungnya diskusi di Beatriss Resto and Cafe di kawasan Melawai, Jakarta Selatan, beberapa waktu lalu. Henry Husada, pengusaha Tionghoa yang juga dijuluki sebagai Bapak UMKM Jawa Barat, menjamu kehadiran iBarisan Anies Baswedan Indonesia (Barnabas). BACA JUGA: Kabupaten Bandung Punya PLUT, Diperuntukan Bagi Komunitas UMKM Kehadiran para relawan yang memperjuangkan capres Anies Baswedan ini, turut didampingi oleh Juru Bicara Timnas AMIN, Billy David Nerotumilena. Mereka tidak hanya datang untuk bersilaturahmi, namun juga memperoleh pengetahuan berharga tentang tata cara berbisnis yang baik dari Henry Husada Dimana, yang reputasinya telah merambah sebagai sumber inspirasi bagi banyak orang. Di tengah gemerlapnya bisnis, Henry Husada tak hanya berhasil meraih sukses, namun juga dikenal sebagai pemimpin yang peduli. BACA JUGA: Teten Masduki Ingin Mendorong Era Baru UMKM Indonesia Melalui Digitalisasi Banyak Memberikan Bantuan [caption id="attachment_20471" align="alignnone" width="690"] Henry Husada, CEO Kagum Group. (Foto: Turisian.com/Duta Ilham)[/caption] Termasuk, banyak memberikan bantuan kepada para pelaku usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah. Hal ini menjadikannya pilar bagi dunia bisnis di Jawa Barat. Sementara itu, kehadiran Barnabas dalam acara tersebut juga tidak main-main. Ada Ketua Barnabas, Besli Pangaribuan, dan Pembina Barnabas, Rafael Pakpahan. Ditambah, dengan dua anggota Barnabas, Melva Sihombing dan Yanti sehingga menambah suasana diskusi semakin meriah. Tidak ketinggalan, para tokoh disabilitas juga turut hadir, di antaranya Kenichi dari komunitas Disabilitas Netra dan Muhamad Fauzi dari komunitas Disabilitas Tuli, serta Nurindah Harahap. BACA JUGA: Workshop Pengembangan Bisnis Hadir Melalui Program PESATkan UMKM Menariknya, Barisan Anies Baswedan Indonesia atau Barnabas bukanlah semata organisasi politik biasa. Mereka lahir dari dorongan sekelompok umat Kristiani yang mendambakan perubahan positif di negeri ini. Dorongan itulah yang mendorong mereka untuk mendukung Anies Baswedan sebagai calon presiden pada Pilpres 2024. Kesempatan ini tidak hanya menjadi momen silaturahmi, tetapi juga peluang bagi kedua belah pihak untuk saling menginspirasi dan bertukar pengalaman. Dengan sentuhan kebersamaan dan semangat untuk perubahan, pertemuan ini memberikan harapan baru bagi dunia bisnis dan politik di Tanah Air. ***
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provincara · 1 month ago
HOW could i forget the pronunciation tip scene 😭
as for his list: yes good start. would perabo have made it on their by this point? i can't remember when all his scenes were. and what about de lancey and tippideaux? again not sure on the timeline, also just not sure in general his feelings about them. i think there's a decent chance japhra is on there too
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it's so interesting bc in this scene phaedra latched onto the fact that quintana came to her specifically and it focuses on their relationship, but it's really big for froi and phaedra's relationship as well. like we rarely (if ever???) got to see froi and phaedra interact before he left for charyn but she (and her kindness!!!) made such an impression on him that he chose to trust her
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archersgoon · 1 month ago
ok hold on. ⬇ most every named character in book 1
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in celie's case i pulled the full name from ferragost since i didn't want to go back and change it later. handle it as you will
didn't fucking know what to do with froi. whatever you know his situation as well as i do
will & jark aren't real people they're finnikin's hypothetical belegonian peasant intellectuals. on here anyway
i do have a file or w/ever but it's not done yet so you just get screenshots. i don't know if there's a target audience for this but i always want to know so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. if you need context for any of the random names that never come up again though i do still remember most of them atm
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kbanews · 1 year ago
Tokoh Kristiani Bakal Gelar Safari Natal Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar
JAKARTA | KBA – Sejumlah tokoh kristiani berencana menggelar safari natal yang rencananya akan menghadirkan pasangan capres – cawapres Anies Baswedan – Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN). Guna mematangkan rencana itu, panitia mengadakan rapat yang berlangsung di meeting room Beatriss Cafe, di Jalan Wijaya II Nomor 77, Jakarta Selatan, Senin 27 November 2023. Ketua Steering Committee (SC) panitia Safari…
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the-needle-witch · 2 years ago
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! ! !
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mothworth · 2 years ago
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let's go cottagecore lesbians!
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tomtommusic · 5 years ago
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Great to work with #adoo #beatriss #paulastehlik and #marikarossa (at Steel Ul. Vijenac Braće Lorenzetto 17, 52210, Rovinj) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4exJseJHCJ/?igshid=1esvbnri181g1
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