#beating his chest like a fucking gorilla
gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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How they’d react to you not kissing/hugging him before leaving for a mission…
Dick acts as though you told him his ass isn’t that fat in his spandex suit-
He’s insulted.
You always, always remember to kiss his cheek before he leaves. His ‘good luck, be safe and kick ass’ cheek kiss!
It’s your thing as a couple! Do you want to see him cry because he fucking will! He’ll do it!
Dick will pout, huff and whine loud as possible in hopes that you’d realise your error and rectify it tenfold. He won’t tell you what’s wrong. No, he wants and expects you to figure it out for yourself, which doesn’t get him anywhere when you’re looking at him confused and lost as to what he was whining about; Literally.
His mood will be down for the entirety of the day and you’ll no doubt have texts from his teammates and family members asking what was wrong with Dick to look so down.
You’re just as confused as them seeing as how Dick didn’t disclose his innermost thoughts and feelings to you despite being his partner, so you were at a loss on how to help them with something even you weren’t privy to knowing…it’s probably one of your biggest issues as a couple but that’s for another time.
Dick will do that pathetic thing where he looks back at you expectantly the closer he gets towards the door, even going so far as to walk extremely slow when he was within reaching distance of the door handle as to buy you enough time to notice before he genuinely had to leave.
When you don’t however, Dick acts like a kicked puppy for the rest of the day and will proceed to exaggerate to anyone with ears about how his lover was restricting him of his affection.
On the other hand, If you do manage to remember to give him a good luck kiss, planting an extra one on his other cheek for extra, extra luck. Dick will have a permanent smile on his face that will not go the fuck away, even when he’s beating someone’s ass, the smile remains glued on his face as though with gorilla glue.
Seeing Dick brutally beat someone’s ass with a smile was horrifying for anyone to witness but it’s okay bc he’s happy that you remembered to kiss him good luck.
Jason will immediately call you out on your bullshit.
And by that I mean cross his arms over his chest and stare at you saying. ‘Well?’
And you’re like: ‘well what?’
And he’s like: ‘where’s my good luck kiss that you owe me? Roy is waiting on me and here I am waiting on my kiss, so give me my kiss chipmunk.’
Jason doesn’t piss about and gets to the meat of the issue at hand. He wants his good luck kisses and he wants them now and he will not leave the apartment until he gets them.
You’d raise a brow at his not so subtle neediness for your affection and decided to tease him. ‘I thought you didn’t need my good luck kisses remember? You’re a big boy who can fight with or without my good luck kisses.’
Jason groans, not expecting you to pull that out. ‘I said that one time. One time and I was being a dick back then too because all you wanted to do was show me that you cared about me and didn’t want me to get hurt.’
You smiled and got up from the couch and walked over to him, resting your hands on his biceps. ‘So now that you admit that you were a dick and the way that you acted was wrong…’ you trailed off as you pressed a kiss to his lips once, twice, three times because you loved to kiss Jason whenever possible and will try to plant as many kisses as you could.
‘Thanks chipmunk.’ Jason murmurs against your lips, feeling everything has gone back to being right again. ‘Now I better be off or Roy will tease me for lingering too long-‘
‘Too late.’ Roy said from the doorway and Jason closed his eyes and silently curse while you smiled and waved at Roy. ‘Hi Roy!’ You said. ‘Hi y/n, mind letting Jason come out to play?’ Roy joked. You played along by making a thoughtful face as Jason mutters under his breath; ‘are you being serious right now?’
You snapped your fingers. ‘As long as you make sure Jason doesn’t get into trouble then yes, he may go out and play.’
‘I hate you both.’ Jason groaned as he walked past you and playfully shoved Roy aside to leave the apartment. Roy then cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted after him. ‘Are you sure you don’t want your goodbye kisses?’ You and Roy laugh together upon hearing Jason cursing him out from a distance.
Damian acts indifferent about it.
He doesn’t need a good luck hug, hell! he doesn’t need luck at all!
He’s skilled enough to win any fight without relying on something silly as Luck. Luck was just probability under a different name and definition. (A/n: Don’t quote me on that.)
So when you forget to give him a hug before a mission, Damian doesn’t think anything of it but it will linger in his mind unnecessarily much to his annoyance.
Why was he so hung up on not getting something a silly as a hug? Or was he instead more upset over the fact that you, his closest friend/partner, completely forgot about it as though it wasn’t anything worth remembering.
Either way he was conflicted and didn’t know how to go about saying any of this to you without getting frustrated over his apparent loss for words. He was a man of action more then anything so when he finally catches up to you, he will stride towards you and stop just a couple of inches and silently stare at you with his resting bitch face.
‘Damian?’ You asked. ‘Are you okay?’
Damian doesn’t say anything because he couldn’t think of anything to say in that moment and instead stays silent as to save himself from further embarrassment.
‘Damian?’ You asked again, getting worried over his unusual silence. ‘I can’t help you if you don’t tell me-‘ before you could finish your sentence, Damian had lunged towards you and brought you into a very tight hug. You smile softly and gladly hugged Damian back, not saying a single word other then;
‘You don’t need me to say it but I’ll reaffirm it anyway, you’ll do great out there Dami. I know you will.’
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tojjist · 9 months
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♯♯ birthday special - t. fushiguro
a/n: i didn't do anything for the holiday season bc i barely had time :( but i still wanted to do summ for his birthday soo.
warnings: like one cuss. completely fulff. not proof read! sunshine x grumpy
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toji fushiguro hates you. toji fushiguro despises you for all you are; kind, loving, sweet, and damn perfect.
it’s almost insulting to him, really. the way you mock him with your soft little smile, patronizing him with your kindness.
he hated how complicated you are. he could never understand your motives. why would you treat him like that? knowing where he came from and what his past looked like. why do you stick around when he offers next to nothing? he couldn’t find any proof of an ulterior motive yet he couldn’t accept the simple reality of you actually wanting to be around him.
but toji hated one thing above all; how you make him feel. he doesn’t get the way his chest clouds and breath tightens whenever your skin comes in contact with his. his tongue goes paralyzed when you smile his way, eyes unmoving from your face when you scoff a small chuckle at whatever dumb shit he said. he can’t even remember what made you laugh but he gets this overwhelming urge to do it again.
he grows vulnerable, craving your touch when you’re not around. he’s soon hyper aware of his attachment to you. but toji is a smart man, and he knows he can’t do anything about the situation he found himself entangled in.
when he’s away, a single hour could feel like a whole eternity. and he can’t wait to be back home. home where you’re waiting. home where he belongs.
it doesn’t take long for him to grow accustomed to the physical proximity of you. the feel of you becomes a soothing balm, gently brushing away all his worries even if only temporarily.
toji fushiguro hates you. he hates how his heart skips a beat whenever his nose picks up on your sweet scent. he hates how the sound of your voice downright puts his entire world on pause, stopping to hear every little word that leaves your lips. from mumbles when you’re half-asleep to your little rants about your day or the new show you’ve been watching.
toji fushiguro hates how he’s capable of so little. he can’t give you the world. he can’t give you the dream life. he can’t give you a luxurious house. he can’t give you fancy dates or decent holiday getaways. heck, sometimes he can’t give you even time.
that’s why he makes sure to spend every minute he could with you, basking in the haven you created for him.
he tells himself he’s doing it all for himself. he says he needs a rest and just keeps you around because it’s easier than ‘looking for another girl’. toji tries to convince himself that it’s temporary, that you’re just willing to stick around and that he’d leave sooner than later. he says he’s selfish and doing it all for himself.
but it’s clear as day when his arms cling to you first thing in the morning, searching for your warmth despite the duvet he had pushed away. it’s obvious in the way he caresses your hair while you pretend to be asleep. occasionally he’d let his lips find the crown of your head, greeting your hair with soft kisses.
toji fushiguro hates you. he hates when you told him that you loved him, in his car on some tuesday night when he took you out for a ride late at night even though he needed to sleep.
toji fushiguro hates how your face lit up when he brought some flowers home with him,mumbling something along the lines of “the vase been empty for too fucking long”. but there was no vase. and he only realized when he got up at night to get some water, spotting the pretty flowers set in a plastic water jug.
toji fushiguro hates his new life. he hates how different he’s become. the hostile menace has become a quiet man, following behind you everywhere you go as if he were your personal gorilla. toji fushiguro hates how much life mattered now. toji fushiguro hates the responsibility he feels.
he says it’s restricting, suffocating even. he clicks his tongue in annoyance when he sees the time. it’s past dinner time and he needs to be home to not keep you waiting. he’s frustrated at himself when he finds you plopped on the couch, face peaceful while you presumably have fallen asleep as you awaited his return. he feels guilt gnawing at him when he sees the food you’ve made, having not eaten so he wouldn’t have dinner alone.
you’re too much for him. and while he’d felt like he owes you at some point, sick of your little favors and stupid sweet words, toji soon realizes this life is his. it was by choice that he let you into his life, slowly rearranging the blocks of his reality. you broke and rebuild, fixing a man who believed he was long beyond repair.
toji fushiguro hates you. toji fushiguro despises you for all you are, kind, loving, sweet, and painfully his.
somewhere along the way toji has accepted all that he feels. falling in love isn’t shameful. he’s become a fool but he thinks it’s worth it long as you’ve the one who’s molded him into this shape.
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rowarn · 1 year
UGH imagine inexperienced reader giving older keegan head for the first time n he says that one voiceline “damn kid, who taught u how to do that?”
lord give me strength.. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
hed be such a good teacher, patient but with a FILTHY mouth!!!!! the type to throw his head back against the couch and moan loud )-:
one hand on the back of your head, guiding you and panting as he breathlessly gives instructions on what to do
"what your teeth sweetheart," "use your tongue right there- oh fuck," "yeah take a deep breath, sweet thing, gonna get in real deep in that throat don't choke, okay?"
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months
Good job on making the new wrath demon look terrifying. Legit he looks scarier than Kalymir. Also reminds me of a yautja.
I kind of winged it, I wanted him to be "ugly". I did notice the yautja similarity, but by that time, I was already half-done with it and didn't want to think of something else because it would stall the whole drawing for a day or so.
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That's what your breaks are for nowadays. Your coworkers probably feel bad enough to buy you little treats every now and then.
[More asks under]
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Again, not a strong deterrent.
One will giggle and twirl a finger around his horns.
The other beats on his chest like a fucking gorilla and grins at you.
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Thenk you! I am cursed to keep creating ocs. I literally cannot stop, my brain won't let me, it's like a constantly overflowing bucket of pure brainrot.
Listen. Bayley is great. But what about the stripper variant of that name- Babesley. There we go, corny and horny.
Glonk isn't hitting it. I thought of Mozgrag, because it sounds like something hard to chew, and he looks like he's hard to chew. Moz it is.
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[Considering I kind of just baked them, there's not too much to say yet.]
Babesley, commonly just referred to as Babes, is a decently famous masseur, formerly a resident of Lust but now residing in the Common Ring. Naturally, when your masseur is a concubus, you can expect more than a few uhm... Unique techniques. But you sure as fuck will leave relaxed, so you can't say it's not effective. Aside from that, he strips occasionally.
Moz is a clumsy weaponsmith primarily, but also a hunter- Does hunting imply humans and other monsters? Sometimes, yes. By "clumsy", I don't mean to say that he's bad, it's just that Moz has this amazing ability to cobble together a murder weapon out of lint balls and a penny. Scary.
Did they know each other before you entered the picture? No, not at all.
They just happened to be in the same place at the same time. Babes was behind Moz and witnessed the exhange. This led to him being a freak, the same way he was to you in that initial moment, and following Moz to try and get in the other's head about what could have happened back there. In the process, the incubus discovers there's an attraction to you within Moz, and seeing as concubi generally have no issue sharing sexually- He made efforts to keep in contact with the weaponsmith.
Their tentative mutuality begins as a way to fuck with you, get you to submit to them. Although, much to both their shock, it quickly becomes evident they're infatuated, in love even. An unspoken sort of agreement that you would be theirs is formed, even if verbally they constantly bicker otherwise.
Both of them are mid-rankers in the cusp of reaching higher rank, though you can't be blamed for mistaking them as such.
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Yeah, it's kind of implied you're getting a two for one.
The same thing happens with the demon girlfriends.
I'll still humor them independently though.
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linpunny · 1 year
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Carnal Attraction
Dessy: My bad fellow Taiju fuckers this was supposed to be out for our king's birthday back in July but I got really really sick and wasn't able to complete the fics I had planned for my husband. Perceive me, this is filthy and nasty and this explains my ship with King Kong Gorilla Taiju. Reader is dessycoded but still written as X reader.
CW: Size kink, multiple orgasms (f), creampie, thigh fucking, mentions of womb fucking, making out, tongue kissing/sucking, finger licking, rough sex, marking, biting, pet names (little one, good girl, sweet girl), praise kink, cow girl, primal dom, squrting
wc 1.3k
Pairing: Primal dom Taiju and fem!reader
reader has a kitty kat but no pronouns
Banner/mdni and lines made my the lovely @/benkeiibear
network: @enchantedforest-network
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You run at full force into Taiju, jumping up at the last minute just for him to catch you hooking his arms around your waist as you wrap your legs around his waist and bury your face into his titties chest so you can listen to his heart beating, drink in his expensive cologne and the tinge of cigarettes that you always loved so much, soothe yourself with the soft sounds of his breathing.
 All the while he’s kissing praises into your hair, mumbling about how you're such a good girl ,tenderly tracing patterns on your back as he walks the both of you to his bed, his back hitting the sheets with a soft thud as you lay on his large chest dwarfed in comparison to him. Legs intertwined and hands tangled and grasping for each other in the most sensual softest way possible, leaving no space between your bodies as the panic vibrating through your body washes away to vulnerability. 
The soft grasps at each other's skin soon turn into rough desperate grabbing, clawing at each other's clothes and mapping out curves and muscles. The sweet comforting peppered kisses slowly turning  hot and fervent, lips parting for rough tongue sucking, tasting, dancing, moaning kisses that leave a burning in both of your lungs. Groans and whimpers echoing through the shared bedroom as the other leaves deep set love marks and bites on the most sensitive places-places only the two of you know of. Marks that will last for days, turning from bright red to deep purple bruises claiming each other unapologetically, for all to know that you belong to Taiju and he belongs to you.
“Tai! Fuck, fuck that  feels s’good Taiju~”
Sweet small saccharine hiccups of his name falling from your mouth as he groans into your warm skin, fangs grazing the expanse of your neck teasingly nipping and daring to break the flesh as he rocks your drenched pussy over the throbbing erection straining in his pants. Finger’s locked on the plump meat of your hip, the other hand trialing up your spine, gripping the back of your nape pulling you down into another heated open mouthed kiss. while the bruising grip on your hip starts the grinding again when you stop. pretty tears brimming your cheeks as the tight ball of desire that’s been slowly burning quickly bursts all over his pant leg as you cum completely untouched moaning into his mouth. 
“Little one, we’re not through yet. You started this and you're going to finish it.” He chuckles, pulling back a bit to admire the mess you made. The mess he made you make. Nothing turns him on more than seeing how desperate you become infront of him and his twitching dick was proof of that. Pride blooms in his chest knowing that he is the only person who will ever get to see you like this, who can make you like this- fucked out and so pathetically wet just from a few kisses and grinding. 
Sharp golden eyes narrow, tongue darting out to lick the sheen of salvia that clings to your kiss swollen lips as you pant heavily in his lap. There is no time to come down from the high as his hands move down to cup the swell of your ass as he lifts you up enough so he can unbutton his pants and pull down his boxers, rock hard cock springing free with a loud slap against your cheeks. Taiju hovers you over his swollen tip, glistening with pre, one hand fisting his length as the other kneads the cheek of your ass. 
“Wa-wait! Please, Tai…not ready. Won’t fit like this.” You plead as best as you can as he playfully thrusts his thick fat tip into your warm entrance, soft gummy walls already trying to suck him back in when his dick retreats. 
That was a lie. He knew you could. Your pussy was made for him, he had already thrusted the shape of his dick into your velvety  walls. He knew her better than you ever could. His voice was thick with fake concern, he couldn’t help but chuckle at your attempt to deny how badly you wanted him, you had already cum all over his thigh just a few minutes ago.“Hmm, Oh really? are you sure about that? You can take it, you always do. Now be a good little whore for me and make it fit.”
The wet gooey entrance of your pussy drenches his dick as he guides you down onto his girthy  length, both hands cupping the plush of your ass, forcing you to take him all in one go. He grunts, cursing out loud as he feels the familiar soft spasming of your walls struggling to take him. Taiju hisses as your pussy clings to his massive dick already so snug inside your tight little cunt, kissing the tip of your cervix. “Fuck, little one. Gunna make me cum with how tight you are. Relax f’me.” You nod obediently as he runs the pad of his thumb over your lips, parting them as he slides his pointer and index finger into your mouth, resting them flat on your tongue. “Wet it for me.” He smirks widely, a predatory gaze watching as you wrap your tongue around his large fingers, the wet muscle massaging as he rubs in tandem with your licks, his dick growing impossibly harder as you moan around his digits and slowly begin to rock your hips. 
“Good girl, that's enough.” Taiju’s praise makes the walls of your pussy flutter and your heart leap as you stare down lustfully at the perfect man beneath you. the pupils in both your eye’s blown so wide that the iris’ appear black, reflecting back the same carnal attraction that neither one of you could explain with words. It was something you both felt deep in your souls, an undeniable magnetic pull that brought you together and you both knew that being apart was no longer an option. You would always be fated souls, so madly in love with one another that it bordered on unhealthy.
the sounds of skin on skin echo through the humid room as your lean back, placing your hands on his thighs for stability as you drag your hips over his pelvis, mouth lulling open so he can remove his fingers and hear the soft breathy mewls of his name as your second orgasm slowly starts to build and coil tightly in your abdomen. 
You take your bottom lip in between your teeth, breath hitching, head thrown back in pleasure as his saliva coated fingers begin to rub slow circles over your sensitive clit, the little bundle of nerves finally peaks through your clitoral hood.The soft low hum of his voice makes your whole body tingle as his cock strokes your silken walls as he shallowly thrusts up into you. the lewd gooey squelching of your pussy swallowing his dick whole growing louder and louder with each sharp upward thrust of hips, and each downward bounce. 
“Fuck.” Taiju growls animalistically as he now power thrusts into your drooling cunt, thumbing your clit harshly as he fully takes control again, disrespectfully bouncing you on his dick, angling your forward as he long strokes right into the soft spongy spot that makes you cream on his dick every single time. The way your pussy walls spasmed  tightly around his aching length made his balls tingle, abs tightening, jaw clenching signaling his release was close while you soaked him with your frothy cum. that ring around his base only growing thicker as he pounded into your messy pussy. “Milk me sweet girl, go on. I'm cumming.”  God, you were absolutely perfect, fucked out yet you still looked like a goddess as you languidly matched thrust for thrust until hot thick ropes shot straight into your willing womb, cum flooding your walls dribbling out of your pulsing hole and onto his drenched balls.
His lips captured yours in a tender kiss, tongue parting the seam of your lips as you both groaned into each other’s mouths messily coming down from the intense high together. Sex with Taiju was messy, rough and primal. Just like the way you loved each other, carnally and without shame. 
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© Linpunny 2023 All of the following works are fictional and belong to me. Please do not copy, edit, or steal any of my content. Do not advertise on any other social media.
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angelsanarchy · 6 months
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Fever Dreams: Mike x Y/N One Shot Series PRT 08
Tagging: @icarus-star @chainsawgvtsfvck @romanroyapoligist @liquidsmoothdomme @madamemaximoff06 @drazenka @blacksoul-27 @444rockstargf @kappasbbgirl @luzclarita57 @tempt-ress
Mike was salty. No matter how much he tried to pretend he wasn't, he was annoyed that some muscle head got to go home with Y/n the other night. He knew he couldn't ask Sicky without being completely tortured about it so he just kept his annoyance to himself.
Instead of focussing on that, he decided that he would try and make some extra money outside of the business. He knew there were rules in Y/n's bar but if she wasn't here to see him hustle some chumps in pool, what harm could it cause?
Billiards was a skill he picked up from his dad. The old bastard never taught him any other life skills except how to shake people down on a pool table. Although he broke the one rule his father had taught him which was to get in and get out so no one picks up on the hustle.
He was up $1400 when the last group of guys he beat started getting pissed off.
"This motherfucker took $600 from me earlier. He's out here scamming." The thick man said shoving Mike into the wall. Mike put his hands up and chuckled as he took a swig from his beer.
"Listen man, I beat you fair and square-" He cut Mike off by slapping the bottle out of his hand sending it exploding into the wall.
"What the fuck!?" Mike wanted to argue but one guy grabbed him by the shirt while the other put a gun in his face. People started to scramble a bit and Mike felt his heart hammering against his ribs.
"WHOA WHOA WHOA TIny! Take it easy!" Y/n practically flew over the bar and stepped between Mike and the guys ready to put a bullet in his skull.
"I thought there was no hustling in your bar, shorty? This little prick's out here stealing money from us." He explained to Y/n who kept her eyes on him.
"He's new in town. He clearly didn't know the rules." Y/n offered but the guy didn't care.
"He's gonna learn the hard way not to fuck around." He dug the gun barrel into his forehead.
"Tiny, you need to back off. This is Leff's nephew so let's not get messy." The mention of Leff's relation made Tiny back off putting the gun down.
"Drinks are on me for the next week to make up for what you lost tonight and I will make sure he's caught up on the rules. Sound good?" Y/n patted the man's chest and he nodded at her.
"You got damn lucky bitch." The guys let go of Mike and he straightened himself out. Y/n grabbed him by the ear and drug him towards the bar.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed? I told you, only clean games in here." Y/n scolded. Mike rolled his eyes.
"Why are people so afraid of Leff? It's stupid." Mike shrugged rubbing his ear.
"Because he's killed people. People typically like to steer clear of guys who don't hesitate to pull a trigger." Y/n explained with a lowered tone as she wiped the bar top down and grabbed a few beers to send to Tiny and his friends.
"What about you? Have you killed people?" Mike asked curiously making Y/n pause.
"That's a need to know and you don't need to know. Stop being a brat." She gave his cheek a tiny slap and he nodded his head. No answer was always an answer.
"Look I'm sorry, I promise to behave. You have my word." Mike apologized earning a smile from Y/n.
"Good boy. That's what I like to hear." She praised him sending bolt of electricity to the crotch of his pants. What he wouldn't give to have his head between her knees with her hands tugging on his hair telling him how much of a good boy he was.
"So...where's your boyfriend tonight?" Mike blurted catching a confused look from her.
"What boyfriend? I told you I don't have a boyfriend." She said opening another beer and sipping it before handing it to him.
"The gorilla you left with the other night might need a reminder of your relationship status." Mike sipped the beer and tried not to look at Y/n as she grinned at him.
"Someone sounds a little jealous." She teased.
"You jealous of Malik?" She asked putting her hands on top of his.
"Depends." He shrugged.
"On?" She cocked her eyebrow.
"Did he fuck you?" Mike asked watching her purse her lips at the question.
"Maybe." She replied with a hint of a smirk. Mike nodded in understanding.
"Then yeah I'm absoltely jealous." Mike wasn't afraid to admit it. He wanted to fuck Y/n three ways from Sunday and twice on Monday but it seemed like every time they got a little closer, a little more intimate, she would pull back.
"Mike, you're too sweet to waste your time with someone like me. There are plenty of women in New York that you can shack up with. Nicer, more wholesome girls who Leff won't lose his fucking mind about." She laughed.
"It's my time, I can waste it how I want. Besides, I know you're just as interested in me as I am with you. It's only a matter of time before you get past all those bullshit restrictions and take a shot on me. All I got is time baby." He smiled as he drained his beer and she shook her head at him.
"You're gonna get us both in trouble." She bit her lip knowing that Mike was definitely the kind of trouble she liked.
"Yeah but you like it." He winked at her before grabbing his coat from the rack and putting his hat back on. This time he would leave her guessing. If she wanted to play the game, he was down for it.
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sydsaint · 11 months
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Summary: Knight faced a devastating loss at Crown Jewel. But his GM girlfriend isn't about to let him lose his confidence over it.
You're sitting backstage at Crown Jewwel with your fellow General Manager, Adam Pearce. The two of you are discussing teams for the upcoming Survivor Series event while the main event is going on out in the arena.
"Now if they want us to run Judgment Day vs Cody, Jey, Sami, and a fourth person. Does that mean we're not doing a Raw V Smackdown match?" You ask Pearce who shrugs at you.
"Maybe they plan on making the women's match Raw v Smackdown?" He suggests. "Which, is a bit of a disappointment, I will admit."
You nod in agreement with Pearce's observation. "I know. I was looking forward to kicking your ass at Survivor Series." You tease him with a laugh.
"Right." Pearce chuckles with you. "La Knight, Grayson Waller, and Austin Theory being your core team, right?" He asks you knowingly.
"Well, they do work very well together." You grin. "Anyhow, congratulations on picking up the Creeds from NXT." You add. "Those two are very much future tag champs. And Ivy is decent as well."
Pearce nods and the two of you mingle some more about work. You are mulling over more Survivor Series ideas when Grayson and Austin show up from the locker room.
"What are you two doing out here?" You raise a brow at the pair when they make their way over to you and Pearce.
"We came looking for you," Austin replies.
"Yeah, didn't you see what happened out in the ring?" Grayson adds.
You turn away from Pearce with a worried look. "What are you two talking about?" You ask them with worry.
"He lost, Y/N. Not clean." Austin answers you.
"Oh no." Your heart drops in your chest as you turn back to Pearce. "Adam, I'm sorry,"
Adam nods and steps out of the way for you. "It's alright, go take care of your man." He smiles at you.
"Thanks, Adam." You match his smile and briefly turn back to Grayson and Austin. "Go back to the locker room, I'll catch up with you two later. okay?" You ask them.
"Hey, we want to help, Y/N." Austin protests.
Grayson nods in agreement. "Yeah, he's our friend too, Y/N." He reminds you.
"I know I know." You sigh. "But I doubt he wants to see either of you right now. Even if it is as friends. Just, go back to the locker room please?" You ask them again.
Grayson and Austin both begrudgingly nod and turn to leave. "Tell him we said that we're sorry he lost," Austin asks you.
"Yeah, and that we're here to chat if he wants to." Grayson nods.
"I will. Thank you two." You nod and head off to console your boyfriend who is surely a mess of self-pity and angst right about now.
For more than a month now you've been listening to Knight boast and brag about how he was going to beat Roman tonight. And of course, you've been believing in him. But now that he's not only lost but lost by cheating? You can't imagine how shitty he feels right now.
You make your way down to the gorilla entrance just as Knight has finally dragged himself up the ramp and through the curtain.
"Shaun, hey sweetie." You drop the professionalism in your tone that you usually carry when you're at work.
"I lost," Knight replies in a broken tone that makes your chest hurt. He's usually so carefree and confident. But not this time. Not now.
You take a step forward with open arms and offer Knight a hug. He leans forward without hesitation and buries his face in your shoulder in defeat. He might be twice your size and almost a foot taller than you are, but right now he might as well be a little kid the way he clings to you in defeat.
"I know baby. And I'm sorry. I should have banned Jimmy and Solo from ringside." You scold yourself silently for your assumption that Solo would be too tired from his fight with Cena which Jimmy was supposed to help him with.
"I was so fucking close." Knight scolds himself. "And I let it slip right through my fingers." He sighs into your shoulders. "Like a damn fool."
You bite your lip and try to come up with something comforting to say. Anything to make Knight feel better.
"Hey." You speak softly. "Come on, Shaun, sweetie. You did your best and gave it your all. Screw Roman for cheating, okay? And trust me, if I could do something about it, I would." You assure him. "You're still the megastar I love, alright? And you know the fans still love you, win or lose."
"I know." Knight sighs but stands back up straight again. "I still feel like shit though." He adds. "Hell, I'm surprised the two stooges aren't down here with you to rub it in."
You giggle and shake your head. "They wanted to come down and see you, but I sent them back to the locker room. And hey, they said that they were sorry you lost, just so you know." You correct his assumption.
"Now come on, I've got about an hour before the post-show press conference starts, and you've got meet and greets to get to. So let's go back to the locker room and get you cleaned up and back to the sexy, confident guy I know and love." You grab his hand and start leading him through the backstage area.
"Whatever you say, darlin'." Knight nods, a small smile playing on his face as you lead him away from all the noise.
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naquey · 1 year
Omg I love Nanbaka! Do you think you could do headcanons with Hajime Sugoroku and him having a crush on a psychiatrist that comes over once in a while?
I'm biased towards this man, and I absolutely love this request. Me personally I think he would like people who like to help people but also won't take shit from the people they help. I'll explain in the head canons!
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Hajime Sugoroku is fucking dense
And oblivious
And most importantly an idiot when it came to having a crush
Or any emotions regarding coworkers and the like
His job almost always comes first, all the time, then his health follows second
Socializing is the last thing on his list, it isn't even important
Man, when the Director hired this psychiatrist he was absolutely floored
He did such a great job helping keep the inmates of cell 13 in check, which decreased the amount of times he had to go get them from somewhere in the building
Obviously when someone decreased his workload he word tolerate them more than Samon Gokuu
He and the psychiatrist never really shared many words together, but he was the type of person that Hajime could just sit with and smoke
The fact they smoked had him over the moon
While going out to get Jyugo who once again escaped, but this time without his cellmates, he wondered just what the psychiatrist was doing at the moment.
He knew the psychiatrist went to the women's prison and other prisons in Japan, hoped that Shin wasn't being as much of a pain in the ass as he always was
Jyugo who had been paying close attention to Hajime and the psychiatrist in hopes to use it as a way to get out of being beaten up, noticed pretty quickly despite being an idiot himself
He tried to make it clear to Hajime
The gorilla just beat him up for it
I mean, who suggests that their prison supervisor just likes someone?
Then Hajime was thinking about how the psychiatrist was doing again
Hoping their workload wasn't too much, wondering if they got their paperwork on time, contemplating if they got days off or were a workaholic like him
The psychiatrist had to be the one to initiate this realization
Laughed too much, talked about work, suggested things to do with cell 13 to keep them out of trouble
Hajime just thought that beating in his chest meant he was alive
Until he saw the psychiatrist smack cell 13 around for something they did during a therapy session
He knew what tv love was but not real life love
It was confusing
It was annoying
Distracted him from work
The gorilla didn't know how to cope
He asked his brother Hitoshi
Poor boy was actually terrified
Hitoshi was never terrified of his brother before!
Hajime will be a bit more aggressive when he finally realizes that he has a crush
Sometimes the psychiatrist will see the inmates come in more bloody than usual
Knowing Hajime he would never confess
Because confessing is for weak people
He is not weak
He will hurt people before he ever confesses
It goes to the grave with him
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ge · 5 months
🐌: in my tangchung baby au it's a branched off idea that came from a different version of my tanbo fic where in here his arranged marriage wife dies in childbirth which leaves him as a single father. tang bo becomes very distant to the child, leaving her to be raised by the attendants — mainly because she looks so much like his dead wife that he feels that she's always haunting him in every corner of his life. and chung myung who was cordial with tang bo's wife when the two men were still "friends" feels immense guilt because tang bo and him eventually do become romantic behind the wife's back and this was happening at the height of the woman's pregnancy so double scummy... cm who wants to do right by the innocent little girl that's now motherless and without a present father figure. the baby that's been so starved of attention latches onto cm as her one and only father, fuck tang bo. when she comes of age she makes her way to mount hua on her own with nothing but the clothes on her back because that's where her "real" family is, and if anyone asks she'd always say cm is her real father which makes him feel even more guilty because yanno,, the cheating thing,, i think he'll carry this to his grave and spends his life watching over his psudo-daughter with mixed emotions of fatherly love and the morality of raising the daughter of the woman whose husband you'd had an affair with...
tang bo here is just the seed provider ,, like the deadbeat he is (sorry to the tb luverssss)
can you tell ive been watching too many soap operas these days hahahahahah....
OOUUHRREAHHHH RIPS SHIRT OFF AND BEATS CHEST LIKE A GORILLA you are sooooooo lucky im a sucker for soap opera dramas this is crazyyyy DEADBEAT TANG BO…? if i was any less messy of a person i would have ur head on a stick for this but im truly obsessed with the drama and angst of it all.. sometimes dysfunctional tangchung can be a palate cleanser..
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ultimatefangirl-exe · 10 months
OoT Highlights #5
Hhhhhh ok let's try to finish this cavern
I hate these little spike things
I want out of this rooooom
*grabs bomb* *throws bomb* *bomb bounces off the ledge and blows me up instead*
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I literally can't go anywhere else except for the way I came. Am I missing something?
I can only use the Gerudo block to go to one pillar, the bomb won't go to the ledge I'm trying to throw it towards, I can't take the bomb anywhere else. What am I supposed to do?
I'm just gonna Google it.
Whatever. Let's just try it again.
Don't climb onto the block! Grab the block! Grab it and slide it!
This dungeon it making me very angry.
At least the door's open now. Fucking finally.
You fucking idiot child
Do we have to start all the way at the start of the dungeon?
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Whatever. Let's just do this...
This game is about to make me cry, and not in a good way.
Fucking finally...
Ok, dude, I know you're excited about the bombs, but please stop pulling them out.
Let's goooooo
I'm starting to like the game again lol
Op. Time to take banana bread out.
Ok, back to the game
Fucking hate Keese
What is the point of Navi again?
Boss time!
And done :3
King Dodongo is the easiest boss of the game from what I heard. Only took like, 4 or 5 bombs to take him down.
More hearts!
Haha. Idiot fell into the lava.
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Kitty has come to play with me
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Beam me up, Scotty!
Hi Darunia.
Dude, why are you beating your chest like a gorilla? Lol
Dude, there are rocks all over. You didn't need the ones specifically from that cavern.
You live on an active volcano. The mountain could have shaken and the rock land in front of the cavern. You have no proof that my beautiful man caused this.
I like you too, I guess. Sure, let's become brothers. But first, please put on some pants.
*Dad comes out of the office while I'm talking to Darunia and gettingthe Goron Ruby*
Dad: What is that?
Me: A Spiritual Stone. The Spiritual Stone of Fire.
Dad: The Spiritual Fire of Stoner
*screen goes to Death Mountain*
Dad: Look, a smoke ring! See? It's a stoner!
It's raining Gorons! Hallelujah!
Oh wait, why are they chasing me? Run, Link! Run! XD
Finally stopped Hot Rodder Goron!
Hey, you said you would give me something for stopping you! Liar!
Why is there a cow?
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Why is the grass grabbable?
I am so confused...
Turtle time!
Hello Rauru...
Ok, I made it to the Great Fairy Fountain. Where is she?
Rauru, you lied to me about the fairy!
Did the royal family steal her?
Guess we'll find out next time because I have to eat lol
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afterdarkprincess · 1 year
Aftershocks Part 2??? I guess???
Look idk what happened, but I didn't do any work today and instead I wrote this.
Part 1
Post Summerslam Tribal Combat SamiJey
AKA why the fuck Sami didn't help our boy
Earlier that evening-
Sami paced wildly in the locker room. He could barely look at the actions taking place on the monitor, Kevin stared at it with fury written all over his face.
Kevin had no love lost for the Usos but no one deserved a beating like this from their younger brother.
Sami’s heart raced in his chest. Someone had to help Jey, someone had to even the odds. Everything in him was screaming to run out there, to protect Jey.
He could hear the crowd begging for Solo to stop as he sent his older brother crashing through a table.
It was the same feeling he had when Paul handcuffed Kevin to the ropes back at the Royal Rumble. The helplessness and pain of watching someone he loves be broken down and beaten. He couldn’t sit idly by, and this time it wouldn’t mean betrayal to someone else.
At least not exactly.
“I know what you’re thinking of doing, and I just wanna say I do NOT agree with it.” Kevin’s voice cut through the thoughts racing in Sami’s head.
“I can’t not go out there, Kev. I couldn’t do that to you and I can’t do that to him.” Sami ties his hair back into a bun, mentally preparing himself to head out there.
Kevin shook his head, “What is it with you and him? I’ve known you for decades and he hated your ass like 6 months ago.”
“I don’t know how to explain it man, but I have to do this.”
“Well I’m not gonna mop your face up after Roman busts it again. Or Solo. Or Jey.”
Sami laughs, “Noted.” Clapping a hand on Kevin’s shoulder as he passes, Sami moves to exit the locker room and head to Gorilla position.
As he heads out the doorway into concrete clad hallways, he nearly runs into a quick moving figure clad only in black. Sami’s hands come up to touch the strangers arm, make sure there’s no harm done.
“Sorry Pal, didn’t see you there.”
The figure turns and stares at Sami’s hands before looking up and locking eyes with the redhead.
His face is covered with a black bandana, hood thrown over his hair, but Sami Zayn has spent enough hours with Jimmy Uso to know those eyes anywhere.
And they are dark, bags under them as he stares wordlessly into Sami’s eyes.
Sami pushes in closer, looking over his shoulder, “What are you doing here?”
Jimmy pulls down the bandana, eyes blazing. “What are YOU doin’ here, uce? Thinking you gon’ play the hero, huh?”
“Jimmy, I can’t just let Jey get beat like that, I-“
“And why not? He told you he don’ need you no more! We don’t need you no more!”
“I know he doesn’t need me, but I still… care about him!” Something else almost slipped out, something Sami’s barely been able to process. But that doesn’t matter now.
Jimmy’s eyes narrow in rage, “Of COURSE you do, didn’t matter none when it was my ass on the line but when it’s JEY the honorary uce comes runnin back.”
“That’s not true-“
“Ain’t you listenin? It don’ MATTER. This is family business, you have no part in this! I gotta do what I gotta do and this’ll be over.”
But why does his face look so dark and conflicted?
“Jimmy, what do you have to do? You’re going to help him, someone has to help Jey.” Sami knows he’s not blood. He was reminded of it every day for months how could he forget? Maybe Jimmy was right, but he couldn’t walk away without knowing someone was in Jey’s corner.
“Yeah, Uce,” Jimmy chuckles. “I’m gon’ help him.”
Something doesn’t sit right. “Are you sure? I could-“
“Man what is WRONG with you? He don’ WANT you no more.”
The words stung. Like a super kick to the face.
How could Sami ever compare to Jey’s brother? His twin.
Distantly the crowd roars. Sami prays it’s momentum for Jey.
He dips his head, “Okay. I-I get it. Please, just.. help him.”
Jimmy doesn’t say anything else, just adjusts the bandana to cover his face again and pushes Sami back towards the locker room.
Kevin looks over at him as he enters the room. “You come to your senses, did you?”
Sami shook his head, “Something like that”
“Well, whatever it was, looks like he didn’t need you anyway.” Kevin gestures to the screen, unaware of the salt he just rubbed into a wound.
But sure enough, Jey had gained some steam. Solo was down, put through the announce desk, and Roman looked rough.
He watched, heart full with pride and a small glimmer of hope. Maybe things would be different with Roman dethroned. Maybe they could go back to the way things were before.
Jey set up for the Uso splash, and Sami wondered idly why there hadn’t been any music queued up yet. Surely Jimmy had made it gorilla by now, why hadn’t he come out?
Jey stood over Roman now, stunned and out cold from the splash.
Suddenly Jey’s leg goes out from under him.
And there stands a figure in black.
Jey looks up in confusion, recognition, then the grief and hurt of betrayal.
Sami is frozen in shock.
“I gotta do what I gotta do and this’ll be over.”
The match ends. Roman’s disgustingly familiar music plays, though there’s no showboating this time. The tribal chief looks tired and worn, and shows no pleasure in the result.
The wiseman of course is beside himself spouting validation to Roman.
Jey remains in the ring.
The cameras don’t much care for privacy, and the naked grief on Jey’s face is open for anyone to see. His face is wet with tears and sweat.
He clutches his arms to himself and makes no move to leave the ring.
Sami fears that he’s injured, but knows deep down that Jey is going through something worse than an injury.
How could Jimmy have betrayed his brother? His twin? Why?
Sami’s thoughts raced, replaying his conversation with the older twin earlier, every interaction both on and off camera for the last few years.
Nothing about it was adding up, Jimmy wanted out of Roman’s grasp as much as Jey.
A flash on the monitor caught his eye, pulling him out of his head. Some officials were in the ring now, medical looking Jey over for signs of injury.
Jey’s face remained skyward, staring unseeingly at the lights above while Adam Pearce called his name.
Jimmy’s reasons didn’t matter right now.
The urge to see Jey with his own eyes was strong, he just needed to feel that beautiful tanned skin under his fingertips for a moment, to know he was okay.
Jimmy might have been right. Maybe he hadn’t lied about Jey not wanting to see him. And if Jey chewed his ear off or super kicked him again, Sami would take that. It would be worth it.
Next time (If I keep writing, who knows???) what will happen when Sami finds Jey??? Cute shit probably!!!
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
beating on his chest like a fucking gorilla LMFAO STOP i hate him
its the best day of his life like my man has been waiting for it to be his turn
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jurijurijurious · 1 year
Goldar on Power Rangers: Legacy Wars is awesome. He's huge and full of brawn and it is such genius to animate him beating his chest like a gorilla, like... I always leaned away from seeing him as an ape, I've never been a primate fan alas, but now I'm like fuck yes, look at him. He's kickass. Just as he should be.
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mayhemproduces · 6 months
Derek Dillinger vs Ziggy Haim- Atlas Rules
As Ziggy Haim finishes up her entrance, her eyes never once leave her former partner, Derek Dillinger. It’s clear despite the fact that Derek is a much, much larger individual than her, she’s not walking into this one intimidated. For Ziggy, this isn’t about winning. It’s not even particularly about surviving. It’s about making Derek regret ever turning his back on her, casting her aside like their years of traveling together and tagging together meant absolutely nothing, in hopes of a higher place on the card. Even if this is the Final Girl’s final fight, she’s going to make damn sure The Director remembers for the rest of his life. 
Ziggy doesn’t wait for the bell, Ziggy doesn’t even wait to take her jacket off, the second she gets into the ring, Ziggy Haim charges the ring and tackles Dillinger at the legs, taking him down and stating to lay a beating on him immediately! Fists are flying, Ziggy is practically screaming, as she’s already trying to rip Derek’s head off! Ziggy is basically trying to claw Derek’s eyes out, and referee Tom Dunn practically has no choice but to pry Ziggy off of Derek so that he can ring the bell! Ziggy shouts for Tom Dunn to get off of her, but with the bell rung, this match is official. Ziggy tries to charge right back at Derek as Derek gets back up, but Derek spins around and CLOCKS Ziggy with a straight right hand! Ziggy almost gets her head taken off, as she drops to the mat, maybe unconscious! 
Ziggy is dragged back up to her feet by Derek Dillinger, and spun around, forced into a full nelson and held there for a minute, making sure she felt it, before Derek plants Ziggy with the Director’s Chair! Derek flips Ziggy over and folds her up, this one’s over quick!
1…..2….. KICKOUT!
Ziggy won’t go down that easily! Derek looks a little shocked, but it quickly fades to a sadistic smirk, as he grabs a handful of Ziggy’s hair, dragging her back up. “Could’ve just gone away, Zig. You didn’t have to be here tonight. You could’ve just stayed home…” 
Derek drags Ziggy back up, and shouts at the crowd on one side of the ring to move, and they quickly clear out of their chairs, as Derek lifts Ziggy into a gorilla press, and then charges, before… 
Ziggy crashes and burns HARD, landing on the chairs and on the hard wood floor of La Boom, and Ziggy isn’t moving! Chants of “Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!” echo throughout the building, as referee Tom Dunn practically jumps out of the ring, and over the guardrail to check on Ziggy, making sure she’s still breathing, Steve Guy joining in on checking on the Final Girl as well. Derek gets out of the ring and is quick to shove Steve and Tom away, grabbing a near lifeless Ziggy by the hair and dragging her up to her feet, before chucking her back over the guardrail, and to the floor. Ziggy spills over in a heap, and Derek quickly climbs over himself, once again grabbing a handful of her hair, and dragging her over to the ring post, and laying Ziggy up against it, before putting a hand to her chest, measuring, and going for a big chop… 
But Ziggy moves, and Derek’s hand meets cold steel! Derek clutches at his hand, and it might be broken! Yikes! Derek clutches his hand, and Ziggy jumps up onto the apron, measures, charges, and launches herself off, taking Derek out with a shotgun dropkick! Ziggy takes down Derek!
Ziggy gets up to her feet and lets out a warcry, as she starts digging around underneath the ring, pulling out several chairs, tossing them into the ring, and a couple of doors, before pulling out even more chairs for herself out here on the outside. Ziggy starts chucking those chairs at Derek, the first one connecting with the head, knocking Derek down, and the next couple pile on top of The Director, before Ziggy runs out of chairs, and elects to deal with this by charging the pile of chairs Derek is under against the guardrail, and launching herself in a cannonball, crushing Derek beneath herself and all the chairs! 
Ziggy drags Derek from out underneath the chairs, before grabbing him and rolling Derek back into the ring, before Ziggy climbs up onto the top rope, sets her feet, and drops herself down on Dillinger with a senton bomb from the top! Ziggy into the cover!
1….2… Kickout!
Dillinger out at two! Ziggy gets up, and watches as Derek starts to pull himself up to his knees, measuring and looking to blast Derek in the back of the head with a superkick, but Derek has it scouted and hears Ziggy’s footsteps, ducking just in the nick of time and slipping behind Ziggy. Derek gets up and tries for the Director’s Chair, but Ziggy catches Derek with a back elbow to escape, before turning and trying to catch Derek with a forearm, but Derek ducks the forearm, grabs Ziggy, and nails her with a Bareback Jawbreaker, sending Ziggy stumbling towards the corner. Derek gets up, measuring Ziggy, before charging in and sending Ziggy into the turnbuckles with a Sunset Flip Bomb! Ziggy’s head with driven back into the turnbuckles, and as he collapses down into the corner, Derek runs across the ring to build momentum, before charging in, crashing into Ziggy with a pair of double knees to the face! Derek drags Ziggy out of the corner, hooking the leg!
1….2…. Kickout!
Ziggy kicks out again! Derek gets back up, pulling on his hair in frustration, before he gets back to his feet and adjusts his arm wrap, raising his hand up and signaling for the chokeslam. 
“Get up. Get up you fucking loser!” 
As Ziggy gets back to her feet, Derek wraps his hand around Ziggy’s throat, looking for the chokeslam, but Ziggy smacks Derek’s arm away, and pushes him to gain enough separation to blast Derek with a Superkick! Derek staggers on his feet, as Ziggy grabs him, hooks his head, and charges the ropes, before running up and ropes, and driving Derek’s face down onto a pile of chairs with a HUGE running bulldog! Ziggy covers!
1…..2…. Kickout!
It was very nearly three, but Derek just barely managed to get the shoulder up! Ziggy got back to his feet, watching as Derek began to stir, measuring him as he did. As soon as Derek got back up to his knees, Ziggy launched a superkick that blasted Derek in the back of the head, and very well may have just knocked the Neon Tarentino unconscious. Ziggy picks Derek back up, and tries to hook his arm, before trying for the Mazel Tov Cocktail, but Derek manages to shove Ziggy off, and as Ziggy tries to go back at him, Derek wraps his hand around Ziggy’s throat, before lifting her up, and driving her down with a massive chokeslam! 
Ziggy hits the mat hard, but Derek clearly isn’t done with her just yet. Derek starts setting up chairs in the middle of the ring, pushing all the seats together, before Derek picks Ziggy up again, grabs her by the throat again, and this time, chokeslam’s Ziggy through the platform created by the seats of the steel chairs! One of the chairs even bends on the impact of Ziggy’s body! Ouch!
Derek folds Ziggy up, looking to end this one!
1….2… Kickout!
Ziggy won’t give up just yet! Derek smirks to himself and looks down at Ziggy’s half lifeless form, grinning and looking at referee Tom. “She’s really not gonna give this up, huh? And you’re not gonna stop this? Alright…” 
Derek gets back up and grabs Ziggy by her lower half, hoisting her up, before driving Ziggy down with a huge powerbomb! Ziggy practically ragdolls, as she’s not moving at all anymore. Derek looks like he’s going to go for the cover, but before Referee Tom can register a count, Derek lifts her back up, and plants her with another powerbomb! Derek presses his weight down on her, this time going for the cover!
1….2… Kickout!
Ziggy manages to get a shoulder up, but almost immediately, Derek lifts her back up for another powerbomb! But as Ziggy was being covered, Ziggy’s hands found a chair, and as Derek brings her up, Ziggy manages to swing the chair and connect with the top of Derek’s head! Derek lets Ziggy go and stumbles, knocked for a loop by the chair, before Ziggy gets back up, raises the chair up again, and once again drills Derek in the head with the chair! Derek drops down to a knee, and Ziggy sets the chair down in front of him, before turning and hitting the ropes, using Derek as a launch pad, before dropping down onto Derek’s head with a Fameasser, driving Derek’s head down onto the chair! Ziggy into the cover, trying to put this one away!
1…..2… Kickout!
Dillinger out at two again! Ziggy sits up and lets out a shout of frustration, just wanting Derek to go down already. Derek rolled out to the floor, and Ziggy followed, creeping along the outside of the ring, waiting for Derek to get up, before charging and nailing Derek with another big boot, this one with such force behind it that Derek was actually knocked over the barricade, and into the fans! The fans all quickly got out of their seats and got out of the way, realizing that the fight was coming towards her. They were wise in doing so, because Ziggy had rolled back into the ring, climbing up onto the top rope, and waiting for Derek to get up herselves! Once Derek was up to his feet, Ziggy leapt off the top rope, clearing the barricade, and crashing down onto Derek and a bunch of the audience's chairs with a beautiful crossbody! 
Ziggy had succeeded in taking Derek out, but they themselves looked just as worse for wear after that one. Ziggy struggled to grab Derek and get him back over the guardrail, but Derek’s almost twice her size. Ziggy has to use her entire body to get him over the guardrail, before climbing back over herself. Ziggy gets Derek back into the ring, and rolls in herself, before she grabs a door, and sets it up in the corner. Ziggy makes sure the door isn’t gonna slide out of the corner, but as she turns around, Derek is already up, and Derek drops Ziggy with a straight right hand! Ziggy collapses, and Derek quickly grabs her, before simply fastballing Ziggy through the door! Holy shit! 
The door explodes from the impact of Ziggy getting hurled at it, and Derek stands over her, looking at Ziggy’s unmoving form, trying to figure out in which fashion he’s going to put Ziggy down for good. Derek’s apparently decided, going for the chairs, setting them up, before placing a door in between that, creating a makeshift table. Derek digs Ziggy out from underneath the wreckage of the other door, before Derek starts to climb up the top rope, dragging Ziggy up there with him, before Derek starts trying to set Ziggy up for some sort of top rope Powerbomb. Derek goes to stand, but Ziggy starts fighting back, hammering away with rapid fire right hands, managing to escape Derek’s grasp, and stand up on the top rope. Ziggy continues to hammer away at Derek, before Ziggy then decides to start trying to BITE Derek! Ziggy chomps into Derek’s skull, before Ziggy jumps back up top, wraps her legs around Derek’s head…. 
The door snaps in half as Derek crashes down on it, and Derek is already back on his feet, clutching his back, face twisted in agony. Ziggy takes advantage by kicking him in the gut, hooking Derek’s arm, and then planting Derek with the Mazel Tov Cocktail! Derek’s shoulders down!
“Here is your winner, The Final Girl, Ziggy Haim!” 
Ziggy Haim gets some payback against her former tag team partner!
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gcldfanged · 7 months
❛ fucking hit me already. ❜ said drunkenly, in the black of night - jagi wearing a wide grin - beating his chest like a gorilla.
His new friend is nothing, if not confident.
Jae's not unused to the low-burn psychosis of other night prowlers like himself, but his opponent didn't look to be that entertaining- Save for the mask. That actually managed to give him an air of mystery.
But maybe it's the visceral glee in Jagi's voice that is the mist of gasoline wafting over the bonfire stoking his interest, a cruel smile making his lips curl and stretch across oversized gold canines.
It was a savage transmutation. Most everyone in the slums had some sort of... damage. Screws loose, forgotten, maybe just tossed out to save weight- Most everyone had surrendered some part of the whimsical oxymoron they called 'humanity'.
And most everyone had their facets and façades. But Jae had become a wolf in a suit; the eyes blackened and the face twisted into a savage saw-toothed snarl: suddenly nothing even just a little human. Muscle became iron and it was absolutely inflexible, vulpine eyes twin portals to one bleak abyss, and he just seemed to handsomely glide on a cloud of black malevolence.
The sound of silk shifting and the heavy weight of a metal heel barely ghosts Jagi's chin, the Turk having twisted on his back foot to torque a standing roundhouse kick to the larger man's head. His foot arches gracefully despite missing it's mark, but he's eager to see how his opponent will react accordingly.
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ge · 11 months
“He had seen countless sights more terrible than this.
The anger that threatened to penetrate through one’s flesh and the heart that passionately burned with righteousness was meaningless on the battlefield.
The reason he killed Dae Ra-Geom was simple.
Because that man tried to kill him first.”
OHH???? OHHHH?????? IM LOVING ?? the fuckin. introspective view we get in the novel !! fuckin!!! cm is such an interesting character i love learning about how his brain works so much!!!!!! fucking killer line!!!!! woahg!!!!
survival is all you have !! that is what things boil down to when you have survived in the world he is in for as long as he did !!! it all boils down to the sword because the sword is his family & heritage & he’s experienced so much loss- hes watched his entire family die- he knows staying ALIVE is a fundamental priority down to the bitter end!!! nothing else matters once they are gone! once you are gone!!! all that is left is the fight!! the sword!! 👹👹👹👹 WOAAGHHG
characters who arent able to grieve having unique views on death & killing >>>>>>>>>>>
okay i wont bother you with these but i justt ghgkvnfmv wanted to gush ig 🙏
EXACTLYY the manhwa is where the visuals carry but the novel is where the real meat is..chung myung and the others have soooo much more depth than what is conveyed in the webcomic it actually took me aback a little when i first started reading it.. reading all his badass lines and moments and the motivation behind why he does what he does make me want to rip my shirt off and beat my chest like a gorilla hes sooo cool
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