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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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danganronpa zodiac signs: kyoko kirigiri (oct 6th, libra)
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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danganronpa zodiac signs: junko enoshima & mukuro ikusaba (dec 24th, capricorn)
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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danganronpa zodiac signs: celestia ludenberg (nov 23rd, sagittarius)
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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a few important Astrology dates for april 2023
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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a few important Astrology dates for may 2023
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
└➤ MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS * ˚ ✦ ɴᴏᴠ 17ᴛʜ
TODAY...is probably not the best day to give into Bad Takes. posting them or taking the Bait. just do not do it, Fam.
—  from my Horoscope streams on Twitch
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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✨ happy capricorn season!
(december 21 - january 19)
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
└➤ VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS * ˚ ✦ ɴᴏᴠ 16ᴛʜ
TODAY is the best day in November, Hands down, to try new Romance or a creative Project. do it!!
—  from my Horoscope streams on Twitch
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
└➤ VENUS ENTERS PISCES * ˚ ✦ ᴊᴀɴ 26ᴛʜ
be Super realistic and practical with your goals as you'll have an Abundance of creative ideas.
—  from my Horoscope streams on Twitch
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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☀️ sagittarius sun
november 22 to december 21
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
4 of cups. this month, you'll look back...and you'll feel like you've Accomplished nothing in 2022. this is Patently false. you've done so Much! get an outside perspective if Needed.
✨ more on the VOD
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
the hierophant. you've been Bucking a certain tradition or convention for a while. this month it comes to a head in a life-changing Way...and you won't have to go against the Grain anymore.
✨ more on the VOD
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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So, you like astrology. Maybe you're an astrologer yourself. You don't push it on anyone (hopefully!) but it's certainly a major interest of yours.
!! AND YET !!
You know there's some arguments "against" astrology, and you're never sure how to respond...or even how to conceptualize why you feel differently.
As a starting point to develop your own opinions, here's food for thought on a common misconception: that all horoscopes and zodiac signs are too "general" or "the same."
!! DISCLAIMER !! This is more for you. While it's healthy to have some disagreements with the humans closest to you, remember that it's never worth your time and energy to "debate" anyone coming at you in bad faith. Ever. If they're not trying to learn about astrology and just want to feel superior to you because they buy Reddit merch or something, go ahead and ignore them. Do your Duolingo instead. Way more productive.
Now then...
Your hopefully well-meaning friend says that all the astrology stuff she's read sounds alike, so it could apply to anyone! It's so vague! Of course everyone believes they're real: each horoscope and zodiac sign is built to be relatable to every reader, so it feels true.
Two things are happening here, though.
🔮 The first is that English is a weird language, so it often fails at describing anything sophisticated.
What's this got to do with astrology? Well: English is hard to master, and even when you do master it, it's still difficult to find the exact words you need...if they exist at all.
Furthermore, humans don't critically read anything anymore. (Sigh.)
We astrology folks know that an Aries sun's drive and a Sagittarius sun's drive are not the same. One's more ambitious, the other adventurous. Succinctly writing this out in a way that makes it perfectly clear, with zero debate, that these are two very different energies? In English? Not easy.
You might say: "But, Bear, you did just succinctly write it."
Thing is...
That still doesn't arrive, fully, at the intricacies of Aries suns vs Sag suns...
And most people aren't coming from the same astrological place as you, in terms of knowledge. When you're too succinct with a layperson, they'll sometimes conflate "ambitious" and "adventurous" to mean the same thing. (Just for instance.)
As someone with two poetry degrees, this hurts me deeply, but there it is.
If you yourself aren't great at finding the exact words you need in any astrological content? Any layperson won't fully know what you mean, nor will they care.
So of course...
All signs and horoscopes seem the same to outsiders if written without crystal clarity. Many of us lack that crystal clarity. No judgement. It's just how English is, and how communication fails inherently sometimes.
This phenomenon is made worse because of...
🔮 The second issue: pop astrology generally needs to be short and succinct.
As I said, the whole clarity thing is...not good when you need entire essays, sometimes, to talk to others about an Aries vs. Sag drive, for example.
That doesn't fit in a newspaper column or easily-scanned blog post. Nor do 99% of the other things we astrologers want to tell everyone and want to talk about. Unfortunately, we only have a limited amount of physical (and mental!) space. So do the humans around us.
This also sucks because a lot of humans only know of astrology from their 20-word local newspaper horoscopes.
And so...
We have to use short-hand. We have to be vague much of the time. We may not know the words we want to use in our horoscopes and descriptions at all, in fact, because English is our second language or we were never great at communicating in the first place.
We often have to point towards meaning in astrology, which isn't at all actually talking about the thing in question. When you're clear, people can't misconstrue you unless they're working in bad faith. (Then you can ignore 'em.) However, when you have to lead people to your astrological conclusions in a roundabout way, using imprecise words, they can wander astray.
It sucks that we're often forced to abandon preciseness for conciseness. But trust me when I say that an Aries having "ambitious drive" and Sagittarius having "adventurous drive" are very much not the same thing.
🔮 In conclusion...
The reason some horoscopes and descriptions of sun signs might seem "vague" or "applicable to anyone" is because of:
the limitations of the English language/communication in general,
and the limitations of digital and physical mediums.
I should have probably led with the disclaimer that this is mostly opinion with no cited sources, but it may help you humans figure things out for yourselves re: this common misconception.
Blessings, cubs!
(Typed up by my wife Mate-chan. Thank you, baby.)
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
└➤ JUPITER IN ARIES * ˚ ✦ ᴅᴇᴄ 20th
no more Sitting around, kids and cubs. this day starts a period when you'll have to Make your own Luck and Opportunities. passivity will not help you Win.
—  from my Horoscope streams on Twitch
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
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└➤ PISCES SEASON BEGINS * ˚ ✦ ꜰᴇʙ 18ᴛʜ
—  from my Horoscope streams on Twitch
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iris-polaris · 2 years ago
your words will have more Power and Authority to them. it's a Great time to Interview for a job or work on that Presentation for school.
—  from my Horoscope streams on Twitch
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