#bean does not deserve this lmao
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adriwatchestoku · 1 month ago
Gavv ep 8
well I was going to write some Kabuto fic but Kamen Rider buddy decided she wanted in my lap and wouldn't take no for an answer
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she's so cute
oh right glotta
tall goth woman with haughty attitude and a scythe
fuck i'm gay
oh shouma, now running so he can be seen as human!Shouma and not Kamen Rider!Shouma…
I'm not sure how many people are going to get this, but Hanto, you're like… first game Maxim and Lufia trying to fight Gades at Sheran. Technically you can beat him there but it's more likely you win on a ng+ file. You ain't winning against Glotta this early if you're not on a ng+ file.
my god I just carbon dated myself by talking about Lufia and the Fortress of Doom.
(I know the sequel is better, I just have a lot of nostalgia for the first Lufia game)
Glotta is having fun kicking the shit out of Valen
oh the poor girl is understandably shattered about the idea of her going to Paris being a lie…
Sachika's fake laughter that sounds like she's trying not to cry… you need a hug…
Oh the way her smile dropped…
the sheer amount of emotional intelligence Shouma can show… you're a good bean
Hanto jumps into things without thinking, but he both has good instincts and when he does think, he's ridiculously smart. But that jumping into things without thinking got you that surgery, my boy, and will get you even more bad shit
god I love the twins so much
fired from the company, huh? Insert Lethal Company joke here
And upgrading the agents with nyelv setting a budget for it? Oh boy
oh goodness every interact Shouma has with Sachika is precious
hanto again proving good instincts and thought process… when he thinks
Hanto taking a nap while on stakeout, lmao. Yeah, it really is that boring
oh hell yeah, being able to crack an egg correctly with your strength! that took a lot of delicacy. you're learning!
Sachika you're not hiding that your failure to make the artist smile is really getting to you
oh, my girl…
she has such a big heart
dork trio dork trio
look let me just say right now that it would be fucking funny if this guy wasn't a granute but just like. Masako's boyfriend or something.
she deserves some great sex too okay
"grazie" huh? So this granute is pretending to be Italian?
oh they are open with Sachika about the possibility this guy might be a granute instead of going out of their way to hide everything from her.
I love you, Kobayashi, but your insistence of the OOO cast to hide everything from Chiyoko got to me after a while. Plus, the humour possibilities of Chiyoko knowing what Ankh is were through the roof
i mean other than their own secret identities but that's something each of these idiots have decided they need to hide
That line reading was so perfect. just. so badly surprised.
I like Valen's henshin a lot
why is this show so fucking funny I'm going to scare Kamen Rider buddy
Sachika… heart too big
nyelv what have you done
Ah, so the fish things was important!
the differences in how a chocolate gochizo works between valen and gavv are so interesting.
fuck i love these guys
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thegamingcatmom · 7 months ago
Hi! I have a goofy question for you :P
You know how when you say your SO full name it means trouble right? How would the sisters react to that? Would they feel threatened or feel as if they were in trouble if they suddenly heard MC calling any of them by their full name? And would they mock one another for it? (We all love some good sisterly chaos)
Thanks! And have a good day/night! ���️
Hellaw! ❤️
Omg I love that idea, LMAO.
And you´re absolutely correct: Full name means trouble...always. MC won´t even be able to finish-
The sisters are gone, evaporated, vanished into thin air-
...Jokes aside: I think they got different reactions to it:
MC: "Irina Denali"
hardly ever does something that would justify such drastic measures (the full-name-calling), so her reaction depends on whether or not she´s aware she´s done something
slightly surprised
but that´s about it
which means she´s gonna react as she usually would when her darling mate calls for her attention
"Yes, Maličký?" 🥰
...well, fck
why´s MC the one feeling guilty now?
she hasn´t even gotten started yet, ffs
damn that woman and her heart eyes
how´s MC supposed to stay mad like this?
what´s the topic again?
Irina: 👀 "Baby? Everything alright?"
MC: 🫠
needless to say, no "punishment" for Irina today
not that she realizes
the adorable bean
one of those very rare times yall will witness Irina Denali cringing
she absolutely despises it
because it means that, whatever she´s done, she got caught doing it
also because it probably means MC is angry with her
or disappointed
could things get any worse?
she´s not one to lash out or try to talk her way out of a situation when confronted though
instead, she´s gonna listen carefully
nodding here and there to convey MC´s got her full attention
(she´s such a good noodle)
she´s gonna accept her "punishment" because she knows the treatment is justified
will vow to do better from now on
(...meaning: She´s gonna make 100% sure nobody witnesses a damn thing next time)
she does enjoy it when her sisters are on the receiving end of that sternness
(because they more than deserve it, if you ask her)
she doesn´t openly show it, though
a gentlewoman never tells, after all
MC: "Katrina Denali"
"...Yes, beloved?"
never calls MC "beloved", so yall know she´s as fake as it gets here
*affectionate* she´s a lil shit
she knows it
MC knows it
the whole household knows it
it comes as no surprise, then, that her full name comes across MC´s lips more often than not
also because she actively provokes it
she does enjoy seeing MC all stern and bossy
(so hot)
pretends to be all surprised and confused, perhaps even remorseful
the glint in her eyes betrays her every time, though
nodding here and there to give the impression that she´s listening, but her whole focus is on MC being all stern and bossy
(so fcking hot)
seeing her sisters getting full-name-called brings her immense joy
she doesn´t hide it
at all
she´s still grinning
MC: "Well, baby, since you seem to find all of this so funny, I´m sure you´ll have a hilarious time feeling up the couch tonight."
loses her grin so damn fast
(Tanya & Irina, on the other hand: 😁😁)
(they hide it well, though)
this time, the remorse on her face couldn´t be more genuine as she hurries after MC
"Baaaabe, cmoooon! I´m sorry! Honest-"
oh, she was honest alright
a touch-starved Kate Denali is a deadass Kate Denali
a rare sight indeed
best enjoy it while it lasts
(MC very much plans on doing so)
Tanya & Irina, at each other: 😏😏
MC: "Tatiana Denali"
confused, speechless, in utter disbelief
which doesn´t happen often
like, yes, she has a name
so does MC
isn´t that wonderful?
what of it, though?
hold on...you mean to tell her that she is deserving of such a cruel treatment??
*affectionate* excuse?
snaps out of it after a while
also because her sisters are staring at her like the cats who got the cream
(Irina is more reserved, but her eyes say it all)
(Kate´s shit-eating grin would have made the thin thread of her composure snap, had it not been for the fact she was still processing-)
the absolute audacity
she´s a leader, a commander, the proud head of this family
she will not be made to look like a fool in front of-
Tanya: "...Yes, love."
also Tanya: "...Forgive me, my love."
also Tanya: "...Of course, darling."
(Kate: *makes whip cracking sound*)
(which leads to her getting full-name-called...again)
she does quite enjoy seeing MC reprimant her sisters, though
she couldn´t be prouder
MC showing all the confidence and authority that comes with being a leader´s mate
quite...fascinating indeed
...excuse her
*proceeds to drag MC away*
Kate & Irina: 🙄🙄
Thanks a lot for that ask, my dear! 💋
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theharmonious13 · 1 month ago
Before we start inhales
WHY ARE SO MANY CHARACTERS TALKING TO MONOMOKO??? (I'm looking at you Ojima, Yanagi and Watari)
I'm jumping to conclusions here but why would Monomoko chase after three different students the same day?
Anyways ✨
285 - Mediator
I'm calling Tamba and Yanagi's duo name the Gym Bros now 😂
Paris is the next Olympics... year has to be somewhere between 2020 - 2023 unless fiction is fictioning right?
Yanagi complimenting people for mispronouncing his name is 💀
Tamba not letting anyone mispronounce her name is a power move
"How's Mai?" "Groans" Poor Yanagi lol
I love the voice acting for Yanagi explaining every reason why he's sorry towards Mai
Tamba was joking about being a princess? Girlboss moment
Yanagi calling Tamba, Ruiko FEELS SO WRONG
286 - Early Riser
Mai's making her a training regimen? Tamba can't do that and the gymnastics regimen right? Two completely different areas
Oh Mai... trying to get Tamba not to blame you for your lack of protection if something happens from here on out
Is Tamba not going to die this chapter? Or is the training arc the perfect time to kill her off? (We can tell who my least favourite is now that Okazaki is gone oof)
287 - Cryptid
Wada addressing Hasegawa because he cares 🥺
He sounds so depressed though oml
Hama is also an early riser? Cool beans
"Ojima isn't tired, he's just dumb' SIR- (Lowkey though bold of Hiroaki to say it WHILE Ojima is right there and he GETS AWAY WITH IT!? 😭)
God everyone is treating Hasegawa like a kicked puppy it hurts
Everybody doesn't know him... the pain
I can't explain why I intensely love the ongoing conversation about what the next motive is
Watari saying Hayashigeki is breaking up Girl Nooooo (Although if they do my rarepair [Watari x Mai] is on the up and up)
288 - Open Sky
Monomoko is oddly considerate of trying not to scare Ojima
Monomoko doesn't know what happens when they go all black, do you think we'll get to the stage where they do? Idk it could be either or
Ojima thinks he's going to die noooooo, the next Tsuno jinx 😔
Wait MONOMOKO Ojima friendship/mutual friendliness??? It's been such a slow burn ever since he and Chiba used the lettuce but "I think that it would be a grave disservice to society (if Ojima died)" HELLO??? I love it
What if it's not sky on the other side? Like this whole building is in a science lab
Star symbolism later on?
289 - Book Club Revisited
Ayo I've been asking/hyped for this
Hama coming straight out the gate passionate lmao
I'm starting to wonder if these three manga characters are meant to subtly parallel three of the student from this killing game? Although I couldn't tell you who I think they would be
"Her heart's stupid" 😂
290 - Resource Shipment
My reaction to Monomoko replying to Yanagi's sass when they said "No, but I'm trying to." had me like 😗
Yanagi is stocking the cafe because it made Tamba and Watari happy, aww
Omg Yanagi the people pleaser
Ayo Yanagi talking about the downsides of men like Sasaki didn't feel that way about him
What does Yanagi have against Hama? Hama is literally THE BEST WITH THE WOMEN IN HIS LIFE
Abusive father lore, especially towards his mother and sister? Oml what a character backstory moment
Monomoko apathetic as hell but is also an Ojima Stan lol
Oooo Monomoko hit a nerve, some character analysis food for thought literally coming from the killing game host
291 - Aftermath of a Sudden Death
Whose death was sudden? Tsuno's? Who would Tamba and Mai want to talk about?
Death of Tamba's body?
Mai is harsh as heck yikes
Ohhhh Tsuno mention
It feels wrong for Kamimura not to be here? Same girl 😭
Whether she deserves to live? Oh honey... survivors guilt
292 - Patchwork
Watari is so hilarious I can't even
Patches for each dying student? THAT'S SO CUTE AND WHOLESOME I'm literally screenshotting all the patches and drawing it later this is so cute, she's defo going to survive
Dangit Watari tell me what the other patches are
Watari sounds so broken...
293 - Final Warning
Uh what's happening? What stakes have been raised?
Wait bro DON'T KICK MONOMOKO THE FUCK? Literally the hypocrisy they mentioned is so blatantly true and unfair
I already didn't like Dr Kan very early on but screw him man
294 - Flat Rejection
This better not be Yanagi confessing against his better judgement and Mai turning him down or I will cry
Either way this episode is going to be a sad doozy I can tell
Omg Mai being so dry toned and over it the immediate moment Yanagi appears gives me life somehow
Oh no he's scared he'll become his father
I wanted them to TALK though, bite the bullet Mai gdi
He doesn't trust Mai? 👀
295 - Young Forever
Omg that's the painting? I saw this as a YouTube preview and thought they just discovered another funky room somehow
HE'S DOING THE WHOLE SHUTTER? I thought it was just going to be a canvas omg
Is it the end of the world like all the other canon Danganronpas? Why is the sky red, the heck?
Is he hiding that Monomoko showed him that from Hiroaki?
HE'S BEEN IN THE ART INDUSTRY FOR LESS THAN A YEAR!? Ojima I need to 'borrow' your talent buddy
Ojima grew up too fast, I know someone who can relate
"I'm not ready to talk/think about it" Ojima let me join the club please omg 😭
296 - Supply Room Dilemma
Oh no, no one's cleaned either place yet? Uh oh
People messed with Hama because he wasn't allowed to fight back? That's fucked up man
Him defending his sister like that is admirable despite being messed up
Nooooooo, Mai lore would've been awesome, but it makes sense why she wouldn't
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sburb2official · 3 months ago
[insert creative fantroll ship/quadrant dynamic post title]
there will be more; these are just the ones i have at the moment for some of group 1/team glow
If you want to have any close relationship with Gravix, you have to be okay with two things: 1. It's online only. He doesn't hang out with anyone but Juluno and Maiyun (who's monochromatic colorblind, seeing only in green). 2. Juluno monitoring every interaction to ensure that certain questions aren't asked and that Gravix doesn't accidentally spill his heir secret. Although Juluno is a passive kind of person, he initiated their morail relationship to protect him. Without this protection, Gravix (bad at lying) would have no hope of keeping the secret hidden until the 'right time'. - -
Juluno and Caiver (group's Mage of Time) work very closely to protect Gravix. Caiver does not know what the secret is (Juluno's primary abilities are 1. obscuring information/rendering it unknowable and 2. inexplicable awareness of others' secrets). They (Caiver) know only when the secret should be revealed and they instruct Juluno on how to help him stay disguised. It was Caiver who told Juluno that the time had come to move in with Gravix, whom they both already knew online. Juluno does have flushed feelings for them. Caiver does not know; they only know that and when he is going to tell them something personal. Neither side is able to act on this yet. - -
Jlarin and Lasven do hate each other—however, someone always has to go keep Lasven company during episodes. Sometimes, that's Jlarin. He says he's just "taking one for the team"... but really, he's had a vision of an alternate timeline where he doesn't go and Lasven ends up dead or permanently dissociated & no longer himself. Jlarin will not admit it, but he is terrified of losing his kismesis and more terrified of it being his own fault. What makes the possibility scarier is that the group really does like Lasven & they want him around. If he's gone (or "gone but still here"), they might cast Jlarin out for 'causing' it. - -
If not for Gravix being the social glue of their group, the above dynamic would not exist. He has certain traits/abilities that "override" hatred this strong. Without him, one of the outcomes in Jlarin's alternate timeline visions could come true in this time. - -
Jlarin's severe anxiety (a combination of regular old generalized anxiety + stress from visions) causes him to be afraid of... everything. Including the idea that trolls who don't like him might want to hurt him. (Note that he's not afraid of Lasven hurting him.) And Reltha, who is notoriously very intimidating, makes him feel much safer. Her anger and his nervousness balance each other out somehow, so they spend a good deal of time together, especially when he leaves his hive. They're not quite moirails, at least not yet. There's potential, but both of them have a lot of personal growth to get through first. (She's scary, yeah, but she's incredibly loyal; a long time ago, Jlarin saved her when [redacted; big serious thing; deserves its own post] and she wants to return the favor by scaring off anyone who gives him crap.) i don't know if there are or will be more quadrant happenings within this group (after all, Gravix has brought together a collection of trolls who otherwise wouldn't really know each other) (there will definitely be some new ones once the two groups/teams integrate, though) if you read this whole long ass post, comment "beans" or something lmao thanks to @pletzelstein for post idea
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Drop the Miku Binder TJ rant bestie
okay so like
i was just thinking about it, and, like, i think it's fucking nuts but also really weird how the hamilton fandom (which i'm in but i swear i'm not an uwu lams turtles shipper please) somehow took this CRUSTY, TERF-BANGED, UGLY, OLD, REDHEADED, RAPIST ASS MOTHERFUCKER,
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and turned his ugly ass into this.
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like damn what the hell- what- how???? okay like yeah, they're using daveed diggs as a base for this bullshit, which, okay, fine, but YOU DID NOT NEED TO ADD THE INFO. The idea itself is funny but also a bit weird, however im 99% sure Diggs himself wore that shirt. However, all of the extra info??? come on. Where'd the fandom get this istg y'all-
Also, also, they did something similar by making John Laurens (gay blonde dumbass) into an UWU turtles boy. ....why. Bi trash coffee gremlin tumblr over-worked sleep-deprived alexander hamilton. like yeah relatable but. why. small bean big sweater uwu innocent boy blushy short james madison. ...why. bro was stubborn and would pick a fight and was the 'fuck you' type of shy.
I just find it wild the fandom made this and it is the entirety of the fandom into one. There's the good sides, there's the bad, and there's this. Which encompasses the ENTIRE. FUCKING. FANDOM.
The fandom has its headcanons, it has its perks, but then you reach the side where everyone is just a wild fucking original character. They don't model the historical figures anymore- they're just OCs with the name 'Philip Hamilton' or 'John Laurens' or god forbid our third U.S president 'Thomas Jefferson' slapped onto it.
I'm also so confused as to how this is what the fandom is known for. We have some good fics, we have hella good art, we have a M U S I C A L , and then the first thought people have of the Ham fandom is Miku Binder Third President Founding Fucker Slaveowner Thomas Jefferson.
I also find it kind of offensive (almost put insluting oh my ufckjg-) that they made a founder become this but like he'd probably be really pissed so please keep fucking up his memory lmao he deserves it
But like... also why. What made them think of this.
Like yeah I write 20k word TR smut but you don't see me drawing it.
You don't see me making him an UWU e-boy.
...Eh I probably would for shits and giggles tbh
But like this is founding father Thomas Jefferson. Third Pres. Second VP. First Sec. of State. And he is a furry, ex-cocaine addict. Also btw do they mean John Laurens or John Adams as the former drug dealer part because neither are better but it'd really help
Also bro literally raped his 14 year old slave and had like 6 kids with her. He had her room DIRECTLY NEXT TO HIS. He RAPED HIS DEAD WIFE'S HALF-SISTER. AND HE'S A SAD UWU MAN WHO DID NOTHING WRONG?
Let's not forget this same person made a post saying Lizzie (the Queen) would be reincarnated as a horse when she died. I'm serious. Deadass.
However, it's also funny as fuck because this entire thing is a tarnish to Jefferson and I fucking HATE that bastard so like good job lol
At the same time though it's still super weird??? But insane??? Because how did this become one of the Tumblr exclusives??? like it's Tumblr history at this point. Twitter history. You cannot express any like for the Hamilton musical before you get the 'have you seen miku binder thomas jefferson' and it's like 'well shit'.
But also remember: THIS IS NOT AN OC TO FUCK AROUND WITH. Hamilton the Musical specifically gave you and presented you the founder. Thomas Jefferson. Played by Daveed Diggs. Just because it is played by a POC, but also modernized, and vastly different from the actual founder and President, does not mean that at its core it is NOT STILL THE SAME PERSON.
If you name it Thomas Jefferson, if you use the presentation of him given by Daveed Diggs, you are still using that white fucking slave-owning racist motherfucker, and that's the point of it all.
I find it stupid but funny but also insane, and I wouldn't care, unless I KNEW IT WAS SERIOUS. The artist made it seriously. They made John Laurens. They made Philip Hamilton. They did this seriously.
but like also look at this lmao
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This meme of Thomas Jefferson in a Hatsune Miku binder really got trending on Twitter at one point
It's an infamous, hellish, classic meme of both Tumblr and the Hamilton fandom, and it deserves what attention it's got, but Jesus please never unironically make shit like this again, Hamilfans, we're stained by this we don't need another😭🔫
i have more
So like, I just remembered: it kinda romanticizes these guys??? The musical??? so like don't get me wrong i love the music but... it puts them into this light. This pink light. It paints Hamilton as an abolitionist who was outspoken about it. When, in reality, dude traded and sold slaves for his in-laws + wasn't all that outspoken about it + was against immigrants or migrants, WHEN DUDE WAS FROM THE ISLANDS. HE HAD SCOTTISH BLOOD. AND HE'S AGAINST IT? Hypocrisy at its finest.
Washington also owned slaves and ran his own plantation too, so he's not off the hook. Madison, the 'uwu small bean' of the fandom, also owned slaves and ran a plantation. So the main people of this entire fiasco are slave-owners. Perfect. But also I've heard Ron Chernow's book on Hamilton, the entire start of the musical, is a bit biased to Ham himself, so...
You could be saying 'but FDRsduckfloaty, Sally is mentioned!' yes. But however, not enough. Not more. It's not even implied more than potentially ONCE what he did, and I'm not sure it ever was! Cabinet battle 3 states it flat-out but it was cut. For your info, Ben Franklin and John Adams are the only two you can really like in the slavery aspect. Ben bought them but let them go for their freedom, and John detested slavery and was against it. Never owned one.
Jefferson did add a slavery clause to the declaration but it was discarded, and he didn't fight half as much as he could have. Maybe he did and since it was the 1700s he didn't have a lot of support, but surely he could've done something like, I don't know, call it out after his terms? Once you're done gaining your second term and out of office, they can't do shit to it or your presidency, since it's over.
So the musical itself has its own problem and the fandom is even worse. It blatantly disregards that a LOT. A hella lot of the amrev fandom + a small part of the ham fandom has called TJeffs out for it but I mean can we please not make shit like Miku Binder Jefferson and act like he wasn't an actual child rapist???
This video does pretty well at it. I will admit the tagline 'America then, told by America now' almost sends shivers down my spine for what it really means. But then again I find men not knowing they'd make it down into the history books for starting the world's global power and the world's economic powerhouse pretty interesting. Doing something big and knowing it's historical, but not that it's going to form a very, VERY large country, where you'll be honored down the road and called a Founding Father of an entire nation? Signing papers and not knowing they're the founding stones of a country and still looked up to today? Intriguing.
But like still fuck Thomas Jefferson lmao
there's a lot more videos on it that dig deep, but the point is, that Hamilton is a good musical with good songs but it's also very... complex, and a bit problematic, Thomas Jefferson is a little bitch, and you should stan 1776 before you ever stan Hamilton. 1776 does not do this. It is much more realistic. 1776 has Benjamin Franklin and that's an immediate win. Be more like a 1776, be less like a Hamilton.
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fishedeyelenz · 1 month ago
for billy!
2. How long was the process before the character reached its final version? (or a version that would be clearly recognizable as the character?)
10. What is their main character arc in the story? Where do they start and how do they develop? Do they get a happy ending or is their story a tragic one?
16. Is there any memes or running jokes associated with the character, both in- and out of universe?
18. Does the character have other characters connected to them? Do you have a family tree and "offscreen" connections made up for them or do they exist in a vacuum purely for the purpose of the story?
Ty 🩷
2. Real followers know that he wasn't even my character to begin with 😂 I just headcanoned a horror movie character into almost unrecognizability and went "well. Might as well make him my own" lmao. His predecessor was possibly a young twink (unknown cause that Billy was purposefully a vauge character in the movie, and we don't see him at all, just a silhouette) who I fixated on and wrote fanfics about. However in a semi canon commentary of the movie we hear this character after many decades since the events of the movie, and I did find fan depictions of the character as an older man, and decided to play around with a middle aged version of him. Camille soon followed in that scenario, then Bean, and then I decided he wasn't really that character anymore, and divorced him from the source material (though I kept the name!). Priest aus were very popular in the fandom at the time too, and it kinda seeped into my decision to make him a priest, after playing around with the scenario too while in the fandom. It fit like a puzzle piece after I decided to make Camille a demon partner for him.
I guess timeline wise it took about a year and a couple months? At least for the currently recognizable canon to be born. He changed in subtle ways since then. He's much more bombastic, extroverted and outwardly narcissistic than he was before. And his diagnosis changed from autism to ADHD I guess 😂
10. His goals have always been to be powerful and have a fun time, and they don't change much. Just some things get added onto his goal list. Very self centered, and self serving. However, one thing that changes with him is that he learns to and falls in love with Camille, someone he thought he was gonna use and then discard, over the many decades they spend together. It changes his priorities a bit. He wants the best for both of them, and sometimes he's even capable of making sacrifices for her. Bean also brings another change, and he stops being so selfish now that he has a daughter. Shep comes first now, then Camille and him share second place (though sometimes Camille overtakes him). Learning to love is not something he'd ever thought he'd do, or something he ever even wanted, but it happened. As for his ending, I won't spoil it, but I do let him get away with too many stuff than he deserves.
16. I guess he's lactose intolerance but inability to deny a fine cheese counts as one. His affinity for wine but small bladder capacity also puts him in some interesting scenarios. Though that's more of a running joke.
18. So many backstory characters, I wish to not reveal yet as I'm working out the kinks. But boy does he have family and relations and "friends" and enemies. His family situation and later lack thereof did contribute to his want for power and lust for control, as well as various uh. "Situationships" he had in his teens contributed to his need for dominance and overblown feeling of superiority. Later he has more light hearted and not that load bearing adventures with snake oil selling and mafia involvement, which more serve as a way to further show his cunning and ability to land on his feet.
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tvintedspvrkmoved · 1 year ago
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hahahah i'm losing my mind ??????
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so two very cool things are true right now which are :
- in twelve days my best girl will have existed in some form for an entire year - i'm about to be able to say there are officially HUNDREDS of you here ???? like as in the plural form ??????
neither of these things make any sense to me , but since both are true i figured it would be a good time to do what i guess is a little follow forever type thing. SO. here are some of the people who have helped emma grow and develop and also helped me grow and develop as a person and as a writer 🤍
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@dalphahale : honestly a day one bc i didn't really do very much with emma until around march i think and that's around when we started writing if i'm not mistaken ?? one of the best / most show accurate dereks i've ever come across and one of the best people too !!!! you're an incredible writer and honestly a saint in human form for putting up with me ooc lmao it's an honor to bless your dms every day with the most random and chaotic messages and thoughts and only be a LITTLE bit judged for it 😂 derek and emma are one of the most adorable ships i've ever seen and derek and allison are iconic as well i just think you're the bee's knees okay you're stuck with some form of my chaos indefinitely i fear 🤷‍♀️
@stanfordprepped : jared. JARED. another og and one of my best friends in the rpc. samemma is so unbelievably iconic and i'm so amazed and proud of everything that's come from them and from us writing together and from you in general i'm SO excited about charlotte's development and about samlena and about just all of our dynamics ahhhhh you are so unbelievably strong and talented and you deserve every good thing in the entire world bc the love and respect that you hold for others even on your worst days is so admirable i can't even fathom it sometimes.
@multi-royalty : MADDIE MY BELOVED i ????? owe so much of everything i've accomplished this year to you 😭🙏 you not only pulled me back when i was debating whether or not to even continue writing , but helped to develop some of my most cherished muses and threads and plots and headcanons. you're the sweetest little bean in the entire world and i can't even begin to thank you for everything you've done for and with me and the light that you bring to this community even when you can't see it 🤍
@guiltye : bitch i'll yell FOREVER at and about you are you kidding ????? your writing gives me literal chills and the plots that we have are some of the deepest most complex and incredible dynamics i've ever been a part of. you've been through so much this year and kicked ass until you got to the other side and still managed to help ME through so much too and i'm sure so many others and i just adore you okay i live for all lilly content but especially your ooc posts bc i just think your brain is so neat and i love getting to glimpse into it sometimes you're just incredible 🥹🤍 ps thank u for letting me yell about noah kahan without abandon and getting in ur feelings about him with me lol
@boundforhale // @stilesstylelinski : obviously i had to put y'all together you can't split up the gremlins okay. i love you both so much and i actually can't even begin to describe how much you guys have helped me this year both to be a better writer and to get through so many rough patches irl. i'm still not entirely convinced that australia is real but if it DOES exist i will not rest until i can fly there and we can all meet at a central location and proceed to just implode the whole universe with the sheer chaos and buffoonery. y'all are actually family at this point i don't know what i would do without you fr
@carp3diems : LISTEN HERE BITCH bff bestie angel i love you to pieces and if you ever leave me again i'll riot !!!! you're genuinely one of the coolest people i've ever met and i love all of our dynamics so damn much but what we've created with colbemma is just so insane and incredible and i know i just screamed about this in the dms but i genuinely cannot believe they started out hating each other lmao they're truly iconic and i can't wait to see how they continue to grow and thrive and also how YOU continue to grow and thrive
@redhoodiskra : A. you are an actual ray of sunshine and so incredibly talented and WAY TOO HARD ON YOURSELF and completely amazing and fantastic and i just love you a lot !!!! stiles and emma and the little family they've created make my heart so happy and so do all of our other dynamics !!!! we haven't written much on @westwingsolo yet and we absolutely should change that bc i'm in awe of you and your writing and the creativity you bring to your muses they're both so special and you can 100% see the love you've put into both.
i wish i could write everyone a little message but here are some more lovelies that you should absolutely go follow !!!! a lot of them have other pages with more incredible muses as well 🤍
@fuckmeupindie , @hellgiven , @gunchamber , @ofcrxwns , @escapedfromthevoiid , @ruinedmyself , @goldenboybarracuda , @delicatestm , @sarcasticsnackpack , @fidelissimi , @ofblackskies , @ratkiing , @snnydcys , @flamefallen , @impurc , @clockturned , @r4chelamber , @unbearablyindifferent , @mystictragedies , @conradfish3r , @jimh9334 , @jchnwinchester , @qapsiel , @thornstocutyouwith , @unitcd , @surgcns , @localsalt , @mecwmellc
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straycalamities · 10 months ago
12, 16, 17, 1 for entre 8)
OOO THANK U SO MUCH this is gonna be fun
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
ohhhH HO HOHO Yeah
in mainverse he has that whole...icarus thing going on what with his business DESPITE seeing how its gone poorly for other once-lers and seeing the warning signs from his own situation as well
it's also in the whole...substance abuse thing he's got going on. i know i don't show it because i want his main blog to be more relatively Family Friendly, but it's a thing.
in truffula flu it permeates almost everything he is. despite how much he tries to do good and Fix things and Make Up for his Big Mistake, deep down he finds...comfort in the misery. if he's miserable, if things are terrible for him, then that means he's suffering and that's Good because then people can't be mad at him. he's already suffering, isn't that enough? you have to pity him a little bit if he's feeling so visibly terrible. he also just straight up always feels like he deserves everything bad that happens to him, despite if he says its not fair or whatever, he's just whining. he absolutely, in his bones, believes he deserves it
so he keeps that going even if most of the time it really isn't a conscious choice. he doesn't know he's doing it, but he is. he sabotages conversations with others (sometimes whole relationships), he latches onto the Worst Possible Situations and Hypotheticals that his brain feeds him, i mean he does it in a literal way with his (sorry self-harm moment) scratching off the top layers of skin with his nails thing he does, (self-harm moment over) anytime someone hands him a cigarette or alcohol he just takes it
somehow he manages to simultaneously be the guy clawing his way to the top of the hole he's in but also be the guy that's knocking dirt back down on top of him
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
not great to be honest
in mainverse he's a big ol baby about pain
in truffula flu he's been in enough pain to sorta build up more of a tolerance? but it's still not good. However, comma, he is mega stubborn so even if it hurts like ass he's gonna try to do whatever he needs to do and not succumb to it, even if that means crying like a baby and being pathetic just to cope during it
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
WELL IT WONT WORK especially not now that i have this New thing planned
but it's definitely that. like official-story-wise. it is That. teehee
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
in mainverse i'm not actually sure....he has a bunch of suck-ass memories but for him to just pick ONE to wipe? hmmm...
it's probably something embarrassing as hell he did at an event or something. like those things rich people throw together, he probably got sloshed off his ass and did something really stupid that when he remembers it it makes him want to crawl in a hole and die from embarrassment
in truffula flu..man.. well refer up to 17 for one. LMAO. there's lots of things also that HE did he'd rather forget. like most of the shit he pulled at the hardware store, for instance
i think actually he'd rather forget the stuff HE did to people, though, more than what was done to him. even if he knows it won't undo it, i think that's why. because he can't undo what he's done so he'd rather just not dwell on it. and would rather remember the shit that was done to him because otherwise he's just gonna have all these...Issues and Trauma symptoms and just not remember why the hell he does and that would suck
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deisbookofdemons · 2 months ago
Generate ten headcanons for your muse, and then either accept (✔) or reject (✖) them!
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Axem Red has a pet cat. ✖ (His mom takes care of a lotta fluffy Grunts though so that be the closest thing.)
Axem Red is a youngest child. ✖ (He's the oldest of the Rangers in my HC)
Axem Red is awful with kids. ✔ (He is a bad person... weapon and a klutz. He can be mean to kids that AREN'T part of the Smithy Gang.)
Axem Red watched the sonic movie. ✖ (But he personally met Sonic and has interacted with a movie Sonic.)
Axem Red can't sit in a chair properly. - (Iffy. Probably has fallen out of a chair though.)
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Axem Black steals other peoples clothes. ✖
Axem Black likes to eat straight coffee beans. ✖ (Yellow might though since he'll eat just about anything.)
Axem Black does intricate and expensive cosplays. ✖ (Bro gets his shades at the dollar store LMAO.)
Axem Black bites his nails. ✖ (Most weapon beings probably don't usually have nails since they're made of metal.)
It would not take much for Axem Black to turn evil. ✔ (He's ALREADY evil so-)
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If Axem Green was presented with an intergalactic portal, he would enter it without question. ✖
Axem Green is a very good singer. ✔ Case and point-
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Axem Green shops exclusively at Claires. ✖
Axem Green is awful with technology and doesn't know how to use a smart phone. (He'd figure it out.) ✖
Axem Green uses two-in-one shampoo and conditioner. ✔ (Hey gotta keep that ponytail clean somehow.)
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Axem Pink knocks people over by hugging them. ✖
Axem Pink could easily survive The Hunger Games. ✔ (She may like her beauty but hey- weapon being- and can use MAGIC including healing herself and turning people into mushrooms.)
Axem Pink sucks at saying tongue twisters. - Medium with this idk. Red certainly would suck though with his flubbing of things.
Axem Pink has fallen asleep at her desk while working in the middle of the night. ✖
Axem Pink can't spell restaurant. ✖
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Axem Yellow is oblivious to any and all romantic interest someone may show them. ✔ (He usually doesn't realize someone likes him until later. Dude is also a lil bit aloof and more interested in food.)
Axem Yellow cannot drive. ✔ (The Blade is sentient and is a battleship not a car.)
Axem Yellow can kill you in an instant if deserved. ✔ (Have you SEEN the damage he did to that mountain in smbz? Even if you don't deserve it- dude could if he wants to.)
Axem Yellow hates being alone. ✔ (The Rangers don't really like being separated. Applies to all pretty much.)
Axem Yellow is a sleepwalker. ✖ (Sleep eating tho- maybe.)
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sharonisthebettercarter · 1 year ago
y'know what?
i want a 3-way 4-way 3-way??? love tirangle square thing convulated complications drama square telenovela for a the boys au set in a/b/o between omega billy butcher and his three main (possibly all alpha??) suitors<3
becca, hughie and homelander
and i want homelander to be that one shitty super fucking possessive ex who won't go away and keeps literally savin'~<3 ruinin' the boi's life and also knocked him up<3<3<3 which is *why* he won't leave the poor boi alone cause he def fucked up by accusing billy of cheating on him after realizing that mofo actually had his baby--
i want billy bean to be that boss typa omega who's pretty much the same unapologetic bitch he normally is lmao but also leik... i want him to have told vought to fuck the fuck off probably cause homie caught bad bad feelings that made him still care and at least try to send help even when he was being a cunt and billy preformed his own goddamn c-section to cut his own goddamn son out of his own goddamn body, plus battlescar cause yes~<3
and i want becca to have been the alpha (or beta/omega we support our beautiful fantasy bi omega queens~<3<3<3) who stepped up in homie's absence to be there for billy boo and his bouncing baby boy (ryan) and the parent ryan comes to adore more than anything and confides in even when his shit bio dad and trying so hard but not always put together omega mum can't get their shit together and are fighting over and about him (cause she's awesome and deserves to get to live this time)
and homelander is obviously *trying* (is he really tho?? ;)))))))))))) because that's *his* son and billy bean is *his* omega (you goddamn piece of shit homie...) so CLEARLY all these *placeholders*and temporary distractions in billy's life mean NOTHING and he just needs to get him to see the light and come back to his side, OBVIOUSLY. no matter what it takes... NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES--
and billy of course still has feels but most definitely kinda wants to kill him except because ryan he is *trying* to stay CIVIL with the alpha (and quite possibly has sworn off all alphas for good lmao which leans into the other two give or take maybe maybe not being alphas depends how bad homie ruined him for others it for him and how ya want it end mmmmmmmhmmmm~<3<3<3 ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
but anywho becca ends up leaving (either because homie threatens her life or billy tells her to for fear homie might try something or both) and enter hughie~<3
i want hughie to be the new boi toy alpha (or beta/omega) who steps in and steps up after shit hit fan with becca and i want that sweetie to put on his brave face and not back down when homelander shows up (but also still like obviously shitting his pants) so he can be like "THAT'S RYAN'S DAD?!?!?!" but leik poor baby~<3 he *really* likes billy so goddammit he's gonna try and woo him anyhow and homie's like "there's no fucking way billy would choose this poor excuse of a man/alpha over me/at least the other one was attractive" (bonus, if hughie's also an omega so billy can be like "i'm gay~<3" and it makes homie SOOOOOOOO jealous but also super fucking turned on because WHAT?! ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
OOH~<3 ryan can run away when things start to get hectic ending up going to see becca~<3 and since the other two mofos can't get their shit together, hughie's the one who puts the clues together while the useless mofos are still panicking to find out where ryan went
and there's vought being dicks and billy putting down a firm line with the ultomato that if john wants any part of ryan's life he's gonna have to dump that raging capitalist ho and cut her off for good and nobody thinks homie will do it but *GASP* HE ACTUALLY DOES THEN AND--
OOOHHHH~<3 this can go so right and so wrong and all over the place at the same time and i WANT it... goddammit, i'ma probably have to be the one who writes it lmao
free for anyone else to use explore extrapolate steal from~<3<3<3
bonus points if ryan has a heartfelt convo with his pa about heros and how they're supposed to protect<3 and he actually is the one who gets homie to quit vought after homie prolly tries to kidnap him but maybe even become an actual honest hero cause homie's still an attention whore let's face it LMAO HIS HORRIFIED FACE WHEN STORMFRONT *SUGGESTED* HE FORSAKE HIS STARDOM--
extra EXTRA bonus points if the other two suitors besides homie are omegas and they learn exactly EXACTLY why billy liked this ho so much he accidentally ended up up the duff from him and~<3<3<3<3<3<3
bonus bonus BONUS points if billy *was* homelander's *mistress* (he didn't care and knew BUTT) just adds to the piece a shit + MASSIVE hypocrite~ factor cause homie was constantly like "i'm the world's strongest alpha i can handle more than one omega!!" and he really... *really*~<3<3<3 can not... ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
super extra extra bonus bonus points if hughie ends up being the meanest one~<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
always bonus points for cows... as fucking farm animals and nothing more you goddamn dirty beans--
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imaginespazzi · 5 months ago
- hi nivi bby your writing has been missed dearly.
- The Bridges Burned Around Us??? i fear im shaking in my boots. apparently ill be flinging myself of bridges not cliffs!
- part two has been sort of reread i went fast because im excited
- poor angie…
- “unlike HER paige” OH MY GODS AWWWWW so why don’t u make it public if she’s “yours” huh
- bruh azzi u could have healthy breathing if u just idk told your friends
- horny fuckers
- haha someone’s in trouubbbbllleee
- i like tessa she’s funny.
- jana my bby
- tessa and jana abt to be menaces together hopefully
- not them basically living together stop that’s so wholesome and cutie pie
- now why are we talking abt who paige’s has slept with azzi…
- okay im fearful. is it abt the one year contract and like angie supposedly taking paige’s spot after the year? UGHHHH
- Stephie-bean IS SO ADORABLE
- love. okay where is the bridge
- BYE not azzi using her daughter to stop her jealousy
- stephie being a legit mix of azzi and paige makes me so happy
- “do you know if Aunty Chérie is in town?” oh so this girl is a GENIUS
- FLASHBACK TIME i love these
- awww azzi surprising paige with drew is so adorable
- BYE not the dude trying to flirt and drew stopping it 😭😭
- “you won’t ever hurt my Paigey will you?” yeah so i just died
- trust stephie to make it awkward but also help ease tension
- “I don’t make promises like that kid,” there’s an unspoken accusation as Drew keeps up a smile towards Stephie but his eyes dart for the briefest second towards the two women around him, “but I promise I’ll try.” YEAH IM SCARED There’s a shine of warmth in Drew’s gaze for a second but it flickers away faster than it had appeared and his eyes are cold with flecks of betrayal as he looks at Azzi, “that’s what happens as people get older isn’t it? I wouldn’t look so different to you if you’d been around to see me grow up.” GODDAMN IM CRYING.
- i get why drew is upset with azzi. she was such a big part of his life, but omg ouch.
- the whole uncle drew thing is harming my soul. the day stephie calls paige mom in some way i won’t make it out alive.
- damn okay. the chapter ate but also the plot just gets building and as previously mentioned i am terrified for the fall.
- questions!! at the end is drew upset with paige too for getting back with azzi or just made upset with azzi leaving to begin with and projecting it onto both of them sort of?
- also like paige being like drew stop and him listening have they talked abt azzi at all since their breakup or is like a we don’t talk abt that kinda deal?
- on a similar drew note im curious as his reaction to paige telling him she’s getting a divorce with ms cunt??? was he like told u so or more symptomatic?
- ALSO OKAYYYY DREW NBA I SEE U!!! question is can he finally beat Paige 1v1
- honestly thinking back on this whole chapter i don’t have a lot of questions more just overall like waiting for everything to unfold
-as always ily!
Bestieeeee hi <3
- Personally I would love if you could no throw yourself off of anything because I don't want you to die!
- Azzi just likes to make life complicated apparently cause you're so right
- Yep yep yep, it's exactly about that. We all knew that was gonna come back and here we are.
- Stephie knows exactly where to twist the dagger lmao
- Yeah I'm ngl writing the Drew angst has been the saddest I've been writing this fic just cause like he really was just collateral damage and he didn't deserve it
- Drew is mainly mad at Azzi but he's also against the idea of them getting back together because he doesn't trust her to not hurt Paige again.
- LMAO every time you call her Ms. Cunt I giggle but he was definitely just relieved cause he knew Paige's heart wasn't in it.
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kalpasio · 2 years ago
Yo hey! 
New reader here, but I was confused as to why you described kalpas in your fic, “The Chef in the Shitty Kitchen”, as OOC? I might be biased because I love exploring how other sides of characters surface in different scenarios. I feel like it’s our job as a fandom to expand on our blorbos! I’d just like to know your thought process (that was actually my favorite fic, I love domestic kalpas. Imo it’s much better to be a carb addict than an alcoholic—)
On the other hand, thank you for single-handedly keeping the kalpas fan club afloat. I scraped Danbooru for some kalpas content, but in 60% of the pictures he was like 6 pixels in the background.
Moving from genshin to honkai where there’s a severe lack of content almost made me implode, so I’ll try my best to help out! Although I’ve only written two fics, and both times my wrists hurt so bad I had to stop.
They were only 1k words. 💀 
Fellow kalpas lovers, rise up!!! (Sorry for being wordy but I didn’t want to clog up your ask box, you’re probably already in really high demand 😭 )
I think I say he's ooc in all my fics because I'm nervous lmao but that one especially I wrote before the golden courtyard anime came out and it was like entirely made up from brainrot? so I was like this is NOT real kalpas, and I can say it but if someone else said he was ooc I would definitely start arguing lol
I feel like flame chaser kalpas 1) has seen Some Shit, 2) been through Some Shit, and 3) does not have access to a kitchen so his personality is very different than it would have been if honkai hadn't destroyed his life. Golden courtyard kalpas is what I guess he would be like if he had actually gotten a chance to live his life I guess? idk he deserves a little happiness ya know? also domestic kalpas is a bean, change my mind
tbh moving from genshin to honkai and seeing so little content was part of what made me start writing for kalpas? I was like "oh Thoma has no content" because he only had like a couple hundred fics and then kalpas had like. two. and I was SO Mad I swear even if I write for something else if I ever get a chance holy shit I will always come back to Kalpas
my wrist HATES me which is problematic so I completely understand lol I usually end up taking breaks and writing things down on notes so I can come back and elaborate when my hand isn't about to fall off? still makes me sad tho. also 1k words is 1k more words than we had before!!! if you feel comfortable with it I'd love to read your works 🧡!!
asks are unfortunately all I've been doing lately because of school so you don't have to worry about sending any in! tbh my request list is so long because I have some that are literally over 100 days old and I am just dying rn 💀
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year ago
3 choices. Arc V (Fandom) for 2 and 10. Yuri (Character) for 5, 6 and 7. Yuya (character)for 2 and 15. If you take on all 7 of these questions I will tie you upside down and play whale noises until you chill. Take care!
Put that rope away, yes, thank you- aaaand here we go!
2) my three favorite characters and why I love them so much:
I should preface this by thanking you for my most recent microcrisis, AKA the abrupt realization that somehow, somewhere along the line... the Theatre Kid Agenda™ has discreetly overtaken my top 3 list.
Speaking of the list:
1- You thought this would be Yuuya, but as it turns out... it's Yuuya! lol.
I'd go ahead and wax the usual poetry about the layers and symbols and all that jazz, but you've already seen me gush about that several times over, so I'll just focus on the babyboy factor for once instead. Yuuya may not have wet kitten energy even at his angstiest, but he sure is a sunshine bean of debatable genuity, and that's just as adoptable!
Looking at him alone is enough to make me want to offer comfort ok. I'm stuffing him in a blanket burrito and shipping him off to my place for a long, long break and some overdue therapy. We can cope with life together, cry a little, cry a lot, bake sweets to recuperate, melt into happy little puddles after a good treat, and then nerd out about theatrics and play a few duels to test silly strategies! This kid is my Son and he deserves all the best things in the world, so for every bit of pain he goes through I'm giving him a truckload of comfort.
2- You may have noticed this in ARC-V Month, you may have picked up on it through my sporadic, scattered mentions of the guy, but if not, then here's a fun fact: I have more than one ARC-V blorbo.
Introducing the central piece of a great many of my conflicted thoughts, confused feelings, paradoxical opinions, abrupt perception shifts, and eventual (semi-)begrudging affection that had me questioning my taste in pixels for like a whole year:
I've known this fucker for 5 years, hated him for a solid 3, and then woke up one winter day in 2023 and realized that oh shit, he managed to land himself a spot in blorbo tier. Is this what people mean when they say a character grew on them? Were my feelings playing the most long-winded joke on my mind for 4 years? Trust me, I don't know. What I do know is that maining his deck was definitely an endearing factor, and so was the 3rd ARC-V watch (this is where I started uncovering most of the easter eggs I know about the show, so perhaps the build-up made me a touch biased over time, but I genuinely found the 136-139 marathon more entertaining than annoying for once. We speak not of 140).
TL;DR: I think the lettuce clown is neat. Past me would have a stroke if I told her I'm a Zarc apologist now tho.
3- Super Duper Ultra Hyper Extra Mega- ok I'll stop now.
Sawatari is actually the one surprise in this list to me because, huh, I didn't realize how much I liked him over other nearly as cool characters until I put them side by side and pondered who brings me more joy when on-screen. I thought 3rd place would be someone like Yuugo, maybe Serena, but it seems I've taken a spontaneous shine to the banana peel?
(Help how does this keep happening why am I weak to clowns lmao)
See, Shingo's character may be on the simpler side by virtue of being the... designated comic relief, but that simplicity is part of his charm! The mix of charismatic and pathetic aura is a also rare thing, you know- It's not easy to be so cool and cringe at the same time and make it feel natural. That takes skill.
And speaking of skill, Shingo has my respect for always putting up a good fight, even in the games he loses to all sorts of jobber bullshit. He's a genuinely good duelist and a great entertainer, and I love that for him!
10) how many fics I've read that are set in it (approximately and making exaggerated guesstimates):
Guesstimate: Around a thousand. I've been around the fandom long enough to read all sorts of fics on ff.net and Ao3 (among other sites), and it sure feels like I've seen a lot, looking back.
Actual number: Approximately 600, rounding down. On Ao3 alone. Huh, I was expecting the number to be like, 200, so this is not too far off, actually! Maybe the reason the fic count feels higher than it is because the memorable reads tend to be REALLY long multichapters. Why are these so common in the ARC-V tag, by the way? Is it the allure of crossovers? The canon divergence AUs?
(The answer is both, and a few other factors as well. Good for us, I say! Longfics are a serious test of commitment, and I'm glad to see and follow so many talented and dedicated authors!)
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booreadsbooks · 2 months ago
Baldur's Gate 3 Character Playlists
Something of a different post from me, because my home page is flooded with lovely Shadowhunters posts and Baldurs Gate 3 fanart, and I felt like gushing about my own obsession tonight. Below the cut is more on my playlists!
Last semester, in the fall, I was deep into my second BG3 play-through, and it was all I could think about, so I decided to try my hand at my own playlists (as BG3 character playlists were everywhere at the time).
I don't have one for every character, as I am a creature set in my ways, and I normally play with Gale, Astarion, and sometimes Shadowheart and other times Karlach (based on whether I thought healing or muscle will be more important). I want to try to branch out more, but I'm intimidated at the prospect of trying to play a Warlock (I tried my first playthrough and I am not good at it). If anyone has tips, please let me know, because I am bad at games and sometimes need hints to be good.
ANYWAY onto the playlists. I have one for Gale, Astarion, Shadowheart, and one for each of my Tavs (a chaotic good high elf fighter, Riven; and a sweetie baby smol bean wood elf Ranger, Seraphis).
Astarion's playlist 💔😘🩸⚰️🔪
It's a combination of kinda sexy rock songs, upbeat songs about badassery or depression, and some love ballads/sad ballads. I tried to convey the duality of his character as one full of self-assurance, charisma, but also deeply held trauma and pain. Some of the songs reminded me of his relationship with Cazador, some with Tav, and some just reminded me of his front that he uses to get through his everyday life and survive. Some highlights:
Vampire, Olivia Rodrigo: Somewhat self explanatory, but also very reminiscent of the abuse and breaking down of self that he experienced under Cazador.
Rule #34, Fish in a Birdcage: reminded me of Astarion's front he put up in Act 1/early Act 2, he uses sexuality as a weapon and means of control before he learns to open himself up. Could also be an effective song for Ascended Astarion, though I never went that route myself
Lovesick, Laufey: I'll be so honest, this song felt very Bloodweave to me and I love it for them lmao
Survival, Muse: His ambition to ascend to power, overcome his circumstances and enact revenge on Cazador. Every action Astarion takes seems fueled by his desire to prove he is so much stronger and better than the state his abuse has lowered him to, which does mean he acts cruel, and I felt this song captured that perfectly.
Who We Are, Hozier: This song I feel encapsulates Astarion's growth if you go the redemption/spawn Astarion ending route, and expresses his heartache and loss beautifully, while still showing that he has found his best self through all the turmoil and pain
Link to my Astarion playlist, if anyone was interested (I occassionally edit it and add new songs, and I'll be honest a lot of the ones on there right now are just vibes lol)
Gale's Playlist 🔮🪄📜📚⭐️
Gale's playlist is softer, it has more folk-y type tunes, and a lot of the songs are more mournful, as I felt that he spends a lot of his time really dwelling on his past mistakes, and doesn't do as much to try and hide it. I think Gale's story is a tragedy, as he's so desperate for approval and for love, and in his attempts to achieve this, he loses his "true" love (and in my first playthrough, he managed to lose his humanity, which I'm still bitter about because I really thought I was gonna get a good ending for everyone lol). Anyway, highlights:
Clockwork, by Palaye Royale: this song has an achingly mournful, soft-rock kind of vibe that perfectly encapsulates the hopelessness Gale feels in the wake of his mistake. He feels trapped, he feels like everything has been taken from him, and he feels hopelessly separated from the Goddess who he loved most. This song I feel can fit Gale in Act 1 and Act 2, and parts of Act 3, until he accepts that he deserves a second chance
Off My Mind, Joe P: this is all about how much pain one goes through after a break up, and how it can feel like one ending means that everything has to end as well. The lyrics are deceptively dark under an upbeat tune, which I feel fits Gale well. Under all his bravado and going through the motions, he still aches to please his mistress in one final act of self-destruction.
Gale Song, The Lumineers: okay, so I originally added it because his name was in the title lol. BUT the lyrics fit him so well, including: "And there was a time/ When I stood in line/ For love, for love, for love/ But I let you go, oh/ I let you go/ And he fell apart/ With his broken heart..."
Loveless, Mia Stegner: The gifted kid/prodigy child anthem full of unrealized potential and feeling constant disappointment in oneself, and feeling like everyone else feels it too
A link if you're interested, (Gale's playlist is very sad and break-up oriented but IDK I just like those songs for him lol)
I'll be honest, Shadowheart's playlist is more bare bones/less thought out than the others, because I've spent less time with her. It's basically just a list of all the religious trauma songs that I know, lol
Church, Boylife: I feel like this is very "after leaving Shar" of her, it's all about how she doesn't want to be forced back into that life and that prayer, and how the singer feels pressure to act a certain way, and how freeing it can feel to escape it
Love the Void, Palaye Royale: This feels like a healer's anthem lol, with lines like "Your Time will never stop" and "Well one day you'll die/ But not tonight!" And lots of lines about saving a person's life when they're at their lowest moment. I usually switch Shadowheart to a life domain cleric, so I wanted her to have a peppy, life-saving song
Lady Jesus, UPSAHL: I love this album, very badass "woman finding out she's better than God" vibes. I feel this is also Shadowheart after turning away from Shar, she is reborn, better and stronger than ever. I like to imagine her feeling herself to this banger of a song. She realizes her identity and power finally
Godlight, Noah Kahan: a lot of self-doubt and lyrics about changing for the worse or better, depending on who you ask. This could represent Shadowheart's radical change toward worshipping Shar, or also turning her back on her entire remembered life to worship Selune instead.
This one is short, only like 6 songs total, but if you want the link anyway it is right here!
Anyway at the end of the day, I like working on these and I have nobody else to talk to about it, so I decided to talk to myself instead. If anyone reads this, please recommend songs you think would work for different characters, and tell me how to effectively play a Barbarian and Warlock, because I have struggled but I love Wyll and Karlach as characters :(
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trippinsorrows · 2 months ago
Awww. A little bit of domestic bliss. I love that for them.
I can’t handle the emotional stress that’s gonna come with Tribal Combat or with Roman getting “what he deserves”. Please don’t make me beat Jey’s ass. I just changed my iPad wallpaper to him. Don’t do it. Also, my ask yesterday was well timed apparently because it seems I got my answer. I like to think that Jimmy (hopefully Jey) will spill the beans about Rikishi soon. Also, how Jimmy gon try to get everyone on good terms again and calling Roman “brother” when he know his dumb, stanky, fat ass daddy and Solo are plotting. He can get it too (and not in the good way either).
thank you! lol yes, i think that chapter had a lil bit of everything minus murder and smut lmao
i think.....i think we should all just be prepared not necessarily for the worst but for shit to absolutely hit the fucking fan in the worst way possible. 😭😭😭
jimmy really does seem like he's trying, but dealing with roman's stubborn ass and jey's hotheaded ass is just a recipe for disaster.
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atopearth · 3 months ago
Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi Part 8 - Saitani Umetaro Route
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Out of all the LIs, I think the one who most obviously likes Suzuka is Ume. He always makes time to talk to her, checks up on how she is and how she's going etc, he's a good friend all the time and that makes me happy. It's nice that Ume is straightforward about his feelings, but that straightforwardness just makes Suzuka think he's flirty and joking so it backfires on him haha! I don't blame her, it's hard to take him seriously when he says it so much. One thing I enjoyed is that when Ume helped her out against some ronin, it wasn't because she was incapable of handling them herself but because he cares so much for her that he wanted to protect her, and you can really see that. He can be too much though lmao, sneaking into her room at night is crazy🤣 He really is the best guy when it comes to talking though haha, he does his best to cheer Suzuka up and always makes sure to visit her as much as he can despite how busy he must be, and he's always honest about his feelings. He also makes sure to do fun things and give her whatever new things he gets his hands on, he's basically her boyfriend haha!
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It was really sweet when Ume made sure to look after her and even got red bean soup for her when she wasn't drinking at the party and didn't have much of an appetite. I think the fact that he personally went to get food for her was really kind of him. Lmao at Suzuka chasing after Ume to get him to buy dango because he ignored her when he was trying to escape from the Mimawarigumi. He's really spoiled her too much haha. The CG of an embarrassed Suzuka punching Ume is hilarious. He totally deserved that for being a pervert hahaha. I actually feel bad for Suzuka though. She does agree and like Ume's ideals, but she can't betray the Shinsengumi and Lady Teruhime because of the repercussions. At least she properly voiced that she wished that she could go with Ume. It's sad that she regrets not going with Ume and thinks about how much happier she would be beside him. Life is tough when you're tied down by responsibility and human connections.
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I didn't expect Oishi to be killed in this route, and I'm sad that in Ume's last moments, all he got to say was to ask for Suzuka's life to be spared. I wanted them to get to talk more. I wanted them to get to share their feelings properly. Now it's just sad. Even though it's revealed that Ume gets to survive, it's kinda sad that he was basically imprisoned for the whole time the war was going on and was only able to escape after everything was over. Considering his ideals and dreams for the future, it's sad that he was powerless and wasn't able to do anything he wanted to do. But it's nice to see that his desire for Japan to adopt foreign things whilst keeping what makes it Japan still remains. His heart was not crushed and I guess we should be happy about that.
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Overall, I like Ume but I have to say his route doesn't really hit the right keys for me. Personally, I really enjoyed all the events with him talking with Suzuka, flirting with her, cheering her up and just getting to know her better in general. You could really feel how much he cared and how much he liked her so it was sweet to watch how they both came to enjoy each other's company quite a bit and developed a mutually enjoyable relationship they both wanted to keep even if they didn't put the label of a romantic relationship on it yet. However, I think the route really didn't delve into his background as Sakamoto much at all, and his "death" was quite bland with no impact, and it didn't help that it just kinda ended with, he was stuck somewhere but now he's back and we can live happily ever after lol. It felt like the writers weren't sure what to do after his "death" and what kind of happy ending it should be so in that aspect, the ending was quite disappointing for me even though I enjoyed their romance quite a bit.
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