bijoharvelle · 4 years
grace like rain
for @dreamnovak who had this idea and let me write it.
It’s soothing to watch the wood of the deck stain darker from the rainfall. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Dean made that deck with his own two hands - cut the wood, nailed it together, built the support beams, sanded it all down, weather treated it. It’s nice to watch something that he brought into the world come up against nature and survive still.
His eyes don’t rest on the deck for long, though, because just past the deck, sitting cross-legged on the barren patio, is Cas. He’s soaked through and will end up with a cold, but Dean knows all too well that no amount of coaxing will get the once-upon-an-angel out of the rain, or even into a rain coat, under an umbrella.
Cas tried to explain it, once, the way he feels in the rain but Dean didn’t really understand. He knows it has something to do with the way Cas used to perceive the whole of the living universe, and something to do with Jack. Beyond that, all he can do is watch, and wait, and be ready with a towel and dry clothes at the end of the storm.
Even the fine shiver that falls over his body from the chill is welcome. Each rain drop that falls against him, runs its trail along his skin, is something like radar, like a singular receptor in a vast network of drops. Through them, Cas almost feels like he’s reaching out across the whole of the universe. The birds. The trees. The fruit and flowers and bees. And, of course, in all the alpha and omega, is Jack. 
Cas closes his eyes and tips his face to the sky and can bring an image of his son forward. He can feel Jack, sitting next to him, cross-legged with hands balanced delicately on his knees, in the space between rain drops. He can feel the warmth of a living body nearby, the electric jolt that Cas always felt from Jack’s smile. The sweet tilt of his eyes and slope of his nose. His mop of hair getting wet and sticking to his forehead, his temples. The sound of his laughter, of his earnest, “Castiel, look!”
Cas had heard him, like whispers in a dream, in the Empty that final time. 
“Hello, Jack,” Cas says into the thunder of the rainfall.
And if he listens close enough, he can hear Jack saying, “I missed you so much, Cas.”
A few hours later the rain stops.
Dean has moved to the living room but he jerks up when he hears the quiet shift of the sliding door. Cas is there, dripping on the tile, and unfolding one of the towels Dean had left.
“Here, let me.”
Cas does. He lets Dean come up close and wrap the towel around Cas, rub over his arms and up his neck and across his middle. Cas is still shivering and Dean mutters something about lips being blue as he works. Another towel, to soak up his sodden pants and dry his feet - Dean bends low to do that and his knees crack loudly. A third towel, pressed over Cas’s head, rubbing at his ears and hair and then, so gently, under his eyes and along the bridge of his nose.
They hold there a long moment, Cas with a towel draped over his shoulders and cast over his head and Dean standing so close that his tee shirt is going damp as well. 
“How’s the kid?” Dean asks, and Cas just smiles. “Are you all right?” he asks, after.
“Yes,” Cas answers. And then, tucking his head into his shoulder, sneezes.
Dean pulls him into his arms and laughs. The sound is warm and soft and so is Dean, so is his tee shirt and his arms and the way his nose dips against Cas’s ear. “C’mon. Let’s get you into a hot shower and some dry clothes.”
Cas allows himself to be led further into the house and, outside, the sun refracts, reflects, disperses, and stretches the spectrum into a rainbow.
@prayedtoyou • @valleydean • @folklorecastiel • @good-things-do-happen-dean • @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you • @nesnej •  @bianca29753 • @spaceshipkat • @madronasky • @dizzypinwheel • @kayrosebee • @feraladoration • @destielangst • @destiel-is--real • @brazencas • @destielle • @flowersforcas • @50shadesofcanon • @multifandomagic • @fluffiestlou • @geo-val • @menjiiii • @top13zepptraxx • @lanaserra • @eccentriccas • @trasherasswood • @angelresort • @starlightcastiel • @dreamnovak • @jazzbabythatsme • @lyndalynn • @organicpurplepants • @cursed-or-not • @contemplativepancakes • @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner  • @galaxymysteryelephant • @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover • @one-more-offbeat-anthem • @keata-kaylee • @redsconfusion • @bennedict • @mishha • @smushedmuffins • @galaxycastiel
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hoebii · 3 years
To the moon
Tumblr media
Pairing : JJK x Reader , PJM x Reader
Genre : Angst, fluff, college!Au
Rating : 18+
Warning : Swearing, major character death (disease), symptoms of terminal disease, talking about death, one sided love, pining 
Wc : 3.3k
A/N : Thank you @chemicalpink for being my amazing beta who helped making this fic much more than a hot mess. A huge thank you to @taegularities for making me this BEAUTIFUL banner!! I love this banner so so so much~ and @voiceswithoutlips for letting me use her name in the fic, ilysm <3 I had the idea for this fic for a while and this might be the favourite fic from what I’ve written so far so I really hope it’s good. As usual, hope you guys enjoy this one and feed back is always appreciated~
Jimin could only watch from afar as Jungkook and you danced around within the crowd of people. Usually he could be found in the middle, Jimin was known to be the life of the party after all. But, he couldn’t seem to enjoy himself, not while being sober anyway. 
Downing the drink in his hand, he couldn’t help but wince a bit at the burning sensation as the liquid flowed down his throat. Slapping himself softly a few times he spoke to no one in particular, “Come on, Jimin, you got this. You’ve watched them love each other for years now, what’s one more night?”
Shaking his head to clear his mind, he pushed off the wall he was leaning against. He needed more alcohol if he wanted to survive the night without another heartbreak. Flinging the cup away nonchalantly, he strode towards the kitchen to grab another one. 
Reaching the counter, he grabbed the strongest alcohol he could find and gulped down half the bottle at one go. Would he regret it in the morning? Most definitely. But, did he care now? Not a single bit. 
“Oof, what’s got you drinking your life away?” he heard none other than Jungkook ask, seemingly appearing out of thin air beside him.
Choking on his drink, Jimin hit his chest as he placed the bottle down. Glaring at his smiling best friend, he grumbled, “Don’t scare me like that! I almost had a cardiac arrest, my good fellow.”
“My good fellow? Since when am I a ‘good fellow’?”
“You’re right. You almost gave me a heart attack, assbutt.”
Jungkook snorted, rolling his eyes as he grabbed two cups out of the stack, “Okay, Castiel. No need to get your panties in a twist now.”
“Bold of you to assume I’m wearing anything underneath.”
Wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, he bumped his shoulder with Jimin’s, “How sexy of you.”
Jimin shook his head, a small smile on his lips as he raised the bottle to his lips once again, “Very sexy of me indeed.”
“Alright alright. Stop moping about and drinking your life away and come join us! Y/N was asking where you were,” Jungkook revealed, “we need our third dumbass for the trio to be complete!”
Jimin slumped a little at the mention of you, before straightening up with his trademark flirtatious smirk. Thankful that the boy beside him didn’t notice - or if he did then didn’t comment -, “Aw, is this your way of inviting me to a threesome? Cause I’m in just so you know.” 
Head thrown back in laughter, Jungkook’s shoulders shook, “Yeah dude, we’re gonna have such a sexy time fucking in a frat house.”
With that, Jimin took one last swig from the bottle before starting towards the main room, “Time to get this party started.”
Jimin woke up to a pounding head with a start, covering his eyes with a hand in a futile attempt to block out the sunlight, he groaned, “Why’d I drink so much last night. Fuck you past Jimin.”
Moving to get out of the bed, he stopped dead in his tracks when he felt something, or someone, wrapping their hand around his torso. Looking down, his eyes widened like saucers as he recognised none other than Kas cuddling up to his bare chest. 
Scrambling to move away, Jimin fell off the bed with a squeak, successfully dragging the bed covers with him. 
Jerking awake, Kas groaned about her lost sleep, looking over the side of the bed to the flabbergasted man on the ground.
“If I knew this was how you started the morning, I’d never say yes to sleeping with you,” she remarked in a gruff tone.
“You- I- We-” Jimin sputtered from his spot on the ground.
“You, I, We, yeah we fucked last night,” Kas said offhandedly, rolling back to burrow into her pillow to fall asleep once more.
Clambering up, Jimin looked around the room he was in, noting that it was indeed, not his - though it was a room he wasn’t a stranger to either -. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone that Jimin was, put in simple words; a fuck boy. He had slept with a majority of the uni population by now. So it was safe to say Kas’s room was nothing new to him - thanks to his previous rendezvous with her. 
Though it was surprising that he was there at that moment, for he had stopped sleeping around as soon as he realised his feelings for you. Now, most people might do the opposite and excuse their actions with ‘I’m trying to get over them’ but Jimin couldn’t bring himself to do that. He didn’t find anyone else even remotely interesting enough to spend a night with besides you.
“Kas this-” Jimin started but the brunette was faster, waving her arm dismissively as she spoke, “It means nothing, I know. You’re too in love with your best friend, blah blah blah.”
“I’m sorry.”
Kas huffed out a laugh, rolling over to face him from the bed, “Why’re you sorry? It’s not like we have feelings for each other.” She continued as she rolled her eyes and smirked playfully, “besides, you’re not my type anyway. I’m more into guys like Namjoon.”
Body sagging in relief, Jimin could only chuckle along as he started gathering his clothes, “You know, I could always give you his number?”
“Then what? I call him and say ‘Hey, I got your number from Jimin after a one night stand. Let’s go on a date.’?”
“I mean, technically you could.”
A moment of silence passed as the two delved into a staring contest of sorts.
“Okay, so I’m gonna go now,” Jimin drawled out, getting dressed as he inched towards the exit, “I’ll text you hyung’s number later, by the way. Do whatever you wish to with that.”
“You’re such a shady fucker, Park,” Kas said jokingly, “how you befriended someone like Namjoon is beyond me.”
With a laugh he left, “See you around, Kas.”
Jimin unlocked the front door of his apartment, not caring about the noise as he was certain that his roommate was out by now.
“Welcome back, man-whore,” Jungkook greeted from his spot on the couch, eyes glued to the TV screen in front of him. 
Jimin’s body tensed instinctively, eyes widening in shock as he looked at his roommate playing video games, “What are you doing here?”
“I live here.”
“Yeah but what are you doing here now?”
“Playing video games.”
Jimin sighed exasperated, “Aren’t you usually with Y/N at this time?”
Jungkook mimicked the elder’s sigh to mock the older, “Yeah but she’s busy today.”
Processing the information, Jimin nodded his head, “I’m gonna go freshen up.”
Steam escaped the bathroom as Jimin stepped out, drying his hair with a towel as he walked to his room. Just as he entered, he heard his phone ringing. Looking around the place, he spotted his vibrating phone at the edge of the bed where he had thrown it before going into the shower.
Grabbing the phone, he picked up the call without checking the ID, “Can you please call back? I’m on the other line with my proctologist and he’s trying to explain to me why I have a perfect ass.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” 
“Ah Jin-hyung! How are you?” 
“None of that. First tell me what the fuck you just said.”
Jimin snickered, moving to sit on the bed, “Don’t worry about it. I usually start calls with the weirdest thing I can think of so if it’s a scam call, they leave me alone.”
“You know,” Jin started, “if you used even half the brain power you use on shit like this while studying, you’d be one of the smartest students in your university.”
“Where’s the fun in that though?” Jimin whined, falling back to lie down, “besides, I’m already one of the top students in our batch.”
“Overconfidence will take you nowhere Park Jimin,” Jin stated.
“Lies. You’re a world renowned model, are you not?” 
“Aish, you’re such a brat.”
Giggling, Jimin switched his phone from one ear to the other, “Only for you. Now tell me how you’ve been! It’s been ages since we last spoke.”
“Fuck! Taehyung focus!” Jungkook shouted into his mic as he killed another enemy, rushing to his friend’s dying avatar and quickly reviving him.
“Sorry, I was drinking some water real quick,” came Taehyung’s reply, “I thought that spot was safe for a quick sip.”
“You were literally hiding in a bush in an open field,” Jungkook deadpanned, throwing a grenade at the building he knew the enemy squad was hiding. 
“Ooh nice one,” Taehyung said as the game announced that he had killed two players with the grenade. 
“Taehyung-ah, only two more players left. If we lose then I’m gonna end you.”
You hissed in pain as another rose thorn pricked one of your fingers, “I hate this so much.”
“Oh cheer up, Y/N. Gardening will never be fun if you’re such a grump!” your grandfather announced, plucking another rose and placing it in his basket.
“I wouldn’t even be here if I didn’t love you so much, grandpa.”
“I love you too, bubbles. Let’s go to that patch now! Be careful though, those have more thorns,” your grandfather beamed like a little kid on Christmas morning as he moved towards the white rose patch.
You could only groan as you dragged your feet to follow him, “Great, more thorns. Yay.”
“Alright, five minutes break for getting water and shit,” Jungkook announced before taking his headphones off. 
He stood up and stretched, feeling his joints crack as he did so. Looking at the clock, he realised that he had been playing for a few hours now. 
“Damn I went so long without moving? No wonder I’m so thirsty.”
Jungkook rolled his neck, hearing some more bones cracking as he walked towards the kitchen to grab some quick snacks. Walking by Jimin’s room, he heard the older man talking to someone.
He was about to move on, having no interest in eavesdropping, when he thought he heard your name. Ignoring his brain that urged him not to listen, he moved closer to the closed door, trying to hear what was being said.
“I don’t know hyung…” he heard Jimin say, “you know how I feel about Y/N. I don’t think I can go on a date with someone else.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he listened. There was a pause, no doubt the person on the other line speaking before he heard Jimin speak again.
“I know I have to get over her, hyung. It’s just,” Jimin sighed, “it feels unfair for the other person, you know? Going on a date with them while I’m in love with Y/N and all.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened, he barely held a gasp in as he heard Jimin. He knew that Jimin used to have feelings for you when they were younger so he made sure to ask him before pursuing a relationship with you when he caught feelings for you too. He clearly remembered Jimin telling him that he no longer had feelings for you when Jungkook had confided to him about his growing affections for you. 
Jungkook moved away from the door, shaking his head as he realised that the other man had lied back then. He had prioritised Jungkook over himself. Typical Jimin, he thought.
Not wanting to barge in on Jimin mid call, Jungkook decided that he would speak to him about it later on. With that noted in his mind, he continued his journey to the kitchen to get some snacks. 
Time flew by, days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Jungkook ended up never speaking to Jimin about his conversation, too swept up with university life and finals that came banging on the door. 
It was during that time when Jungkook’s health started deteriorating. It started with him feeling nauseous even though he didn’t do or have anything that might have caused it, then came his loss of appetite. 
Every time he would brush away your and Jimin’s concerned gaze, saying it was just him overexerting himself with all his extracurricular activities and studies. What worried you the most was when he started to drastically lose weight. The once muscular and energetic boy who loved playing outdoor games slowly turned into a sickly and frail boy who no longer had enough energy to move much without getting exhausted. 
Jimin and you tried time and time again to get him to see a doctor and he time and time again waved away your concerns, always dismissing his decline in health with some sort of excuse. 
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when one day he started to complain about severe back pain and difficulty breathing. You had called Jimin and the two of you rushed to the hospital with the barely conscious boy.
It was a day like any other, Jimin woke up, got dressed, made some food for himself and his roommate. Checking on Jungkook in the other room as soon as he was done. 
Holding the tray of food in one hand, he knocked on the open door to announce his presence, “Hey Kook. Got your breakfast, we’re having eggs and bacon today!”
Cracking one eye open, the younger man could only give a weak smile, “Morning, hyung.”
Moving to place the tray on the bedside table, Jimin helped him sit up - placing pillows behind him against the headboard so he could lean back and be comfortable as he ate.
“Where’s Y/N?” Jimin asked as he sat beside the bed, grabbing the food and starting to slowly feed the other. You decided to move in with them after Jungkook got diagnosed with the last stage of pancreatic cancer last year.
Chewing on the egg, Jungkook struggled to swallow before answering, “She went to the department store to grab some stuff.”
Nodding, Jimin fed him another bite, making sure that it was small enough for him to swallow without much struggle. The two continued in comfortable silence, only the scraping of the utensils against the plate and the distant chirping of birds from outside could be heard inside the room. 
It was a beautiful day, so why did it feel as if something was wrong? Jimin could only wonder, his eyebrows furrowed in thought before he shook his head to get rid of the negative thoughts. 
After making sure that Jungkook finished the whole meal and drank enough water, he placed the tray back on the bedside table. Jimin knew that the younger would want to read something to pass the time so he got up to grab a book from his shelf, eyes scanning all the spines before finally picking one he thought the other would enjoy.
Turning, he walked back towards Jungkook and handed him the book, moving to take the tray so he could clean up. 
Before he could leave however, the younger man called his name. Turning to face him, Jimin raised an eyebrow in question, “What’s up?”
“I forgot to talk to you back then but,” Jungkook started, a coughing fit making him pause midway, “I heard you on the phone that day last year. The day after the party where you went home with Kas noona?”
Jimin’s posture straightened, his body tensing as he recalled that day. The only one he spoke to on call, as far as he could remember was Jin. 
Clearing his throat, Jimin walked back to the bed, placing the tray back on the bedside table as he sat by him, “Oh? What about it?”
“I was walking by to grab some snacks when I heard you confessing your feelings for Y/N, hyung.”
It was like someone had just punched Jimin in the throat, a gasp leaving his plump lips as his eyes widened. 
“Kook, I-”
“Don’t worry,” Jungkook smiled softly, “I know you wouldn’t ever try anything. I trust you.”
Jimin didn’t know what to say, opting to grab one of his hands and softly running his thumb over it, “Kook I’m trying to get over her, I swear I am. It’s just a little difficult when you’ve loved someone for years.”
Chuckling, Jungkook placed his other hand on top of Jimin’s, “It’s fine, I don’t blame you. She’s an amazing girl, hyung. Anyone would fall for her.”
The two share a silent moment, though it was a comfortable one. None of them felt the need to speak, just enjoying the little peaceful moment they were sharing.
Jimin felt the grip on his hand tightening, the other’s face turning into one that showed discomfort, “Hyung, I don’t feel so good.”
“What are you talking about? Let me call the ambulance!” Jimin exclaimed frantically, freeing his hand from the younger’s, rushing to go grab his phone from the other room. 
Right as he was about to get up though, a hand grabbed a hold of his wrist. Halting him in his steps.
“Clam down, will you? I don’t want the last thing I see before dying is you panicking like a headless chicken.”
Swallowing back tears harshly, Jimin’s eyebrows creased in concern, “What are you talking about? How are you joking in a moment like this!”
Shaking his head, Jungkook smiled again, voice strained with the effort of him speaking through the pain and fatigue he felt, “No listen, it’s fine. Just make sure to take care of Y/N alright? She might act all tough but she’s as fragile as a flower.”
“Jungkook, please. Let me go get my phone so I can take you to the hospital,” Jimin begged, voice trembling as his eyes glazed over with unshed tears.
Ignoring his pleads, Jungkook continued with a laugh, “We always joked about how one day in the future we’d go to the moon together like in those movies. Guess that won’t be happening in this life, huh?” 
“Fuck Kook, you can! Just let me get the damn phone!” Jimin almost screamed in frustration, rapidly blinking back his tears as his hands shook.
Meeting his eyes, Jungkook only continued smiling, a peaceful look overtaking his feature, “Take her to the moon for me, alright?”
It was getting harder to keep his eyes open, but this time he didn’t fight the numbness that took over him. In that moment Jungkook truly felt at peace, knowing that the two of the people he cared so much for would be alright. That they had each other when he wouldn’t be there. 
That was what you walked in on. The sight of your boyfriend lying on his bed, looking more at peace then you had seen him in the past year. You could almost smile at the seemingly happy moment but the sobbing man beside him indicated something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
“What’s going on? Why’re you crying Chimmy?” You asked cautiously, still standing at the door.
Jimin’s head snapped up, his blood shot tearful eyes locking with yours, “He’s gone.”
The grocery bags that you were holding a moment ago were on the ground, the sound of glass breaking heard from inside. “What do you mean he’s gone?” You asked, lips quivering as your voice trembled.
Getting up from his seat, Jimin walked towards you, pulling you into a crushing hug as you started weeping, “You’re lying! He can’t be gone, he can’t leave me!”
Jimin could only hold you tighter, caressing the back of your head as he shushed you gently, whispering an endless string of apologies even though he couldn’t stop crying himself.  
“Please tell me this is some sort of a sick prank you two are pulling on me. Please tell me you’re joking and he’s alright,” you begged, weakly grabbing the collar of his shirt and tugging at it in desperation. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered again, kissing you on top of your head, “Let it out, I’m here for you, moonlight. Just like I promised.”
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expectingtofly · 4 years
15x20 fix-it coda
also on ao3
I don’t know how to cope with the finale, so I wrote this:
Dean opened his eyes to mountains.
Bright, blue sky, tall grass at his feet. Cool, brisk, fresh air. He ran a hand over his chest. No blood. No pain. He took a deep breath. So this was his Heaven.
He hadn’t wanted to die. Not now, not when he had just been finding his way. Researching, hunting, trying to be happy for Sam and Eileen—adopting a dog, for fuck’s sake. Trying so hard to not let Cas’ sacrifice go to waste, to live his life fully. But there was so much he’d still wanted to do.
His eyes burned with tears and he blinked fiercely. Funny, he’d once thought Heaven would be peaceful, happy. But it hurt, so much, to leave Sam behind. It hurt knowing there was truly no chance of ever seeing Cas again—
Shaking his head, he stepped forward, staring up at the weathered, old building he’d appeared beside. This was his ending. He had to accept it; maybe one day he could accept it. He had an eternity to come to terms with it all, he supposed.
“Dean!” someone greeted him as he walked around the corner of the building, and he realized Bobby was sitting on the front porch. The front porch of the Harvelle Roadhouse, Dean realized.
“Bobby?” He raised his arms automatically as Bobby rose out of his chair and pulled him into a hug. “What are you doing here? What memory is this?”
“It ain’t a memory.” Bobby pulled away and clapped him on the shoulder, smiled. “Heaven’s different now. Your boy Jack fixed it. Everyone’s free, not trapped in memories of their past life. You get to live a new life up here.”
Stunned, Dean looked around. Baby sat a few feet away in the parking lot. Low music carried from inside the Roadhouse. No monsters. Freedom. Felt like a pretty good ending. Almost perfect.
“Jack’s here, by the way,” Bobby said, sinking into one of the chairs on the porch.
“He is?” Dean sat down in the chair next to Bobby. “But he said—”
Bobby laughed. “He may be God, or the equivalent, but he’s just a boy. I think the whole raindrop thing got old after one day. I have a feeling he’ll be visiting Sam and the others on Earth soon enough.”
Dean laughed and gestured to the roadhouse. “Are Ellen and Jo here?”
Bobby nodded. “Rufus too. Your friend Charlie, Kevin, everyone else, they’re all just down the road. We’ve been waiting for you and Sam. Didn’t think you'd arrive so quickly, to be honest.”
“Me neither,” Dean admitted. “Sam, he’ll be okay, won’t he? I told him, I don’t want him to hunt anymore, I want him to be happy with Eileen, have some kids—” He realized he was clenching the armrests of the chair.
“I think he’ll be just fine,” Bobby said. “You’re gonna be alright too.”
“Have to be, right?” Dean asked. His throat felt tight. “I’m in Heaven now.”
Bobby studied him and Dean looked away, swallowed hard as he stared out at the mountains, at the trees in every shade of green, at the dirt road disappearing into the distance.
“He’s here too.”
Dean snapped his head back to stare at Bobby, who smiled knowingly. His heart began thumping in his chest and he gripped the armrests once again.
“Soon as Jack showed up, he brought someone else back.”
“He did?” Dean stood, his heart racing. Tears were pricking his eyes again, but he saw Bobby’s smile widen. “Cas?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Bobby nodded at the door to the roadhouse. “I’m sure he’s waiting inside.”
Turning, Dean wrenched open the door and rushed into the barroom.
The lights were on, the jukebox playing “The Rain Song” low, and there, turning around to face him, was Castiel.
Blue eyes, the trenchcoat, the crooked tie. Dean froze, staring.
Castiel smiled. “Hello, Dean.”
Dean had him in his arms before he realized he was rushing forward. His hands gripped at the familiar fabric of the trenchcoat, and he felt Castiel’s arms come up around him, hold him tight. A sob rose in his throat, then he was crying like he hadn’t cried since the night Castiel died. He buried his face in Castiel’s shoulder and cried from relief so acute it felt like he was dying all over again.
“I thought you were gone,” he choked out. “I thought I’d lost you forever—” He pulled back to look at Castiel and search his face to confirm it was really him. “You died, I watched you die.”
“It's me,” Castiel said, still holding tightly to him. His eyes were wet. "Jack brought me back."
“Since when?” Tentatively, he raised a hand to touch Castiel’s face, then let his hand stay there, cupping Castiel's jaw. Castiel looked younger; Dean wondered if he looked younger too. “When were you going to come see me?”
A sad smile tugged at Castiel’s mouth and he ducked his head. “I wasn’t sure, I thought perhaps—”
“Cas, I love you.” The words came out so easily, but they had been building in his chest for a long time now.
Castiel raised his head, and he looked so surprised, so unsure.
“I love you,” Dean repeated. He brought his other hand to Castiel’s cheek, cradled his face. “I’m so sorry I never told you; I never even admitted it to myself for so long. I told myself you couldn’t ever feel that way towards me, of all people. And then when I knew, it was too late.” His voice broke at the memory of black enveloping Castiel, pulling him away, and he shut his eyes, took a stuttering breath. He'd been so scared he'd never get to say these words aloud, so scared Castiel would never hear them.
He felt light fingers touch his hands, warm palms cup them with his own. “Dean,” Castiel said quietly and pressed his forehead against Dean’s.
“Thank you for saving me,” Dean said, steadying himself with the simple touch. “Thank you, for everything. You’ve always been there, and I love you. I love you, Castiel, and you can have me, you’ve always had me.”
Castiel nodded, then tilted his face up and they were kissing, and it was wet and messy, and Dean was pretty sure he was still crying, but he was so damn relieved, he thought it was the best kiss he’d ever had.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” he said when they broke apart. He tried to catch his breath and let out a laugh. “I didn’t think I’d ever be this happy.”
“Good things do happen, Dean,” Castiel said, smiling through his tears. He wiped at the tears on Dean’s cheek with his thumb.
Dean smiled. “Yeah, I think I’m ready to believe it now.”
Clutching Castiel’s hand, he took a deep breath and looked around the Roadhouse. “So this is it. This is Heaven.”
“It’s... beautiful here,” Castiel said. “Jack did a wonderful job. You can have anything you want now. Any life you want.”
Dean nodded slowly. “Well. I know Sam is alive and has Jack to look out for him. I have Baby. I have Bobby and Ellen and Jo.” He looked back at Castiel. “I have you. I want you. You’re all I ever wanted.”
“I’m here,” Castiel said, squeezing his hand. “You’ll always have me.”
Dean kissed him again. He’d never felt more alive, which shouldn’t make sense, but he felt hope and joy and relief thrumming through his veins, so many emotions he didn’t know what to do, he felt almost dizzy.
Pulling back suddenly, he asked, “Do you want to dance?”
Castiel started laughing. “Yes,” he said, threading his fingers through Dean’s. “Yes, I do.”
They turned slowly through the room to the music from the jukebox. Dean spun Castiel around and Castiel laughed. Pressing back up against Dean, he beamed at him. "I love you."
Dean slid his hand under Castiel's trenchcoat. "Love you more."
“Not possible," Castiel said, and Dean smiled wider. He thought he would never stop smiling. Never stop smiling for an eternity, an eternity with Castiel.
have to link to these gifs bc they make my heart happy <3
**story edited on 11/22 to replace “your mom and dad are down the road” to “charlie and kevin are down the road” bc fuck john
Tag List
@becky-srs @xojo @marvelnaturalock @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @aelysianmuse @prayedtoyou @letsjustdieeveryone @spookyskeletonsandallthezombies @good-things-do-happen-dean @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @theninthdutchessofhell
these characters hold a special place in my heart, so I won’t stop writing about them anytime soon. Let me know (message, ask, comment) if you’d like to be tagged in my other destiel fics or removed from the list :)
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Skate Date
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Reader
Prompt: Syverson learning to skate because it’s wife/girlfriends favorite activity requested by @hoeforhenry​ and a very grumbly, Sy learning to skate requested by @killjoy-assbutt-1112​
Rating: PG-13 (language)
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           “JESUS CHRIST!” Sy grunts, his ass hitting the ice with a resounding thud.
 You giggle and skate to stop next to him. “You alright, baby?” you asks, reaching down to offer him a hand.
         He shakes his head, “I’m fine, Bug, but I’m having trouble understanding why you enjoy this so much.” He takes your hand and you give him a tug, helping him up. He wobbles a bit and grips your shoulder.
You pat his chest, “Relax your knees, Sy, you keep fallin’ cuz ya lock ‘em.”
              He huffs heavily, rubbing a hand down his face. “I’m trying my best, but I think ya might not be able to teach and old dog new tricks. “
You giggle again, “Baby, I promise. You can do this, you’re motherfucking Captain Jude Syverson, you can do anything.”
              He smirks down at you, “You hypin’ me up?”
You nod, “Course I am, can’t let something like a little pair of ice skates take down my man.”
              He shakes his head at you. “You’re something else aren’t you?”
“I’m all yours,” you quip and he presses a quick kiss to your temple.
              “Alright, I think I’m ready to try again,” he murmurs, licking his lips and pushing himself off of you.
“You’ve got this, I believe in you,” you say, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze.
              His face sets with determination as he pushes off, sliding one foot in front of the other across the rink, carefully. He gets his arms into it, the momentum of them helping him along. A few people linger in the rink at the early hour, the smooth face of the ice is waiting for Sy and he cuts across it with growing confidence.
You smile, then push yourself off with your toe, skating off after your boyfriend. You catch up to him in no time, smile at the look on his face as he focuses. “I told you that you could do it!” you singsong.
              He chuckles, “Uh, Bug?”
“Yeah, Sy?” you ask, reaching over to take his hand.
              “How do I stop?” he asks, softly as he nears the edge of the rink.
“You just tilt one foot down, use the pick on the end of your toe,” you explain, skating a little bit ahead of him and demonstrating. “Just do it, slowly, alright?”
              He does it cautiously, lurching to a stop and circling his arms in the air for a moment to catch himself managing to catch himself before he falls.
You smile at him and start to clap, giving him a round of applause.
              He looks up and beams at you, pumping a hand in the air. “Yes!”
You skate up to him, slotting yourself against him, your cold noses bumping briefly before you’re pressing a kiss to his lips. “Thank you for being willing to do this with me, I appreciate it.”
              He smiles, “Of course, Bug, part of a relationship is trying out each other’s hobbies.”
You scratch your fingers against his bearded chin, “Still, I appreciate it.”        
              He grins, practically purring under your touch.
“You wanna go get cocoa?” you ask, pulling your fingers away.
              He nods, “sounds good to me, I could go for a gingerbread cookie too.”
“Whatever you want, on me,” you say, slipping your arm into his and linking them at the elbow.
              The two of you carefully make your way to the door of the rink, hips and thighs aching from the exertion. You quickly change out of your skates and slip back into your shoes, linking your hands together as you stride outside and down the street towards the little café. Sy swings your hands between the two of you, humming the same Christmas song that had been playing at the rink during your skating session this morning. You feel a smile spread across your face slowly, warmth filling your chest as you focus on the sound of your boyfriend humming, the feel of his warm, calloused hand in yours and the smell of chocolate wafting out of the beautifully decorated storefront as you near it. You turn to Sy, smile still firmly locked on your face. “Merry Christmas,” you murmur, softly.
              Sy turns to you, smiling widely. “Merry Christmas, Bug.” Sy cups your face in his big hands, tenderly stroking the pads of his thumbs along your cheekbones and before pressing a kiss to your lips softly. As his lips dance with yours, it strikes you that nothing has ever been more perfect than this moment.
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dickspeightjrs · 4 years
Do It For A Dollar (au / 1.5k words / college student!cas / actor!dean)
Prompt 18 from my ‘30 Destiel Prompts’ for @breathingdestiel
ao3 link
The warm heat of the New York summer clings to Castiel as he walks along to his favourite coffee shop. (It’s his favourite for one simple reason - it’s cheap and he’s a broke college student.)
Despite the air conditioning of the shop welcoming him in when he arrives, Castiel decides to take a seat under the awning outside. As a student, struggling to pay for college, and all the other costs that come with simply being alive, Castiel has to find entertainment in the smaller things in life. One such entertainment is buying a coffee and sitting, just watching people go by. 
It’s a beautiful day outside so there’s plenty of people for Castiel to flit his eyes over as they walk past, going about their days. He’ll likely never see them again and that thought alone fascinates him immensely. The idea that your life can seem so huge and overwhelming and yet there’s seven billion of them walking around the planet at this moment. Seven billion perspectives. 
Castiel’s eyes follow a bobbing balloon, clutched in the hand of a small child babbling to his mother. As the balloon disappears out of eye shot, Castiel’s focus is snapped to what looks like a couple of trailers pulling up and some guys with cameras jumping out. It looks as though they’re filming something across the street. 
That was something Castiel had found it odd getting used to about living in New York. There was always some movie or show being filmed around the city. If he didn’t see it himself, he always heard about it. He’s at college to study film after all. 
He squints against the beating sun, to try to get a better look. People watching is sure to get a whole lot better if the people he is watching are celebrities. 
A couple of minutes pass and Castiel is starting to lose hope that he’s actually going to see anything before he leaves. He’s just about to get up from his seat when he chances a glance across the street again. 
It seems something must be starting as there’s a rather hyper looking man holding a microphone and talking into a camera. The man must be introducing someone as he suddenly holds out an arm to bring someone into shot. 
Oh god, it’s Dean Winchester! That man is a legend in film and he’s only thirty. Castiel had been hoping that they’d study some Dean’s movies and performances in his classes. There is so emotion Dean can’t portray with intense accuracy and believability. His latest movie was a heart-wrenching story in which he played a monster hunter who fell in love with his angel best friend, only for them to be ripped away from each other in a scene that left Castiel breathless. 
The man with the microphone is now shouting things at people on the street, while Dean seems to just be standing next to him. Castiel can’t quite make out what the man is saying but members of the public seem to be bewildered and are walking away quickly from the mad man - Castiel can’t say he blames them. 
Both men suddenly pick up the pace, jogging down the street until they stop abruptly and a microphone gets put in another strangers’ face. This person looks confused until they do a double-take and spot Dean. Finally, Castiel thinks, everyone should know who Dean is. The stranger says something that makes Dean throw his head back with a belt of laughter. 
Gosh, that man is truly beautiful. Castiel doesn’t imagine they’ll come over to his side of the street and he is definitely much too nervous to pretend to casually cross the street as if he had no idea what is happening there. Instead, he decides that, if Dean is still around after they finish filming whatever this is, he’ll pluck up the courage to go over and say hi. (To brag about it in class tomorrow, if nothing else.)
“Would you kiss Dean Winchester for a dollar?!!?” Castiel hears the hyper man’s voice shout to the next unsuspecting member of the public. He snorts to himself. There’s no doubt, he would do a lot more with Dean for a lot less than a dollar, if given the chance. 
Whatever game the two men seem to be playing carries on for a while longer. Castiel sits and watches them film for a while, plans to leave forgotten in favour of watching Dean. 
Dean looks like a nice person. When the microphone man shouts at people and even pushes some away, Dean always makes sure to catch them before they leave and give them a hug or handshake. And Castiel can’t help it every time Dean laughs, he lets out a little laugh too, though he covers his mouth so the people enjoying their coffee around him don’t think he’s strange. 
Eventually, it looks like filming is winding down. The camera guy drops his camera from his shoulder and walks off back to one of the trailers. Now the spotlight is off him, the mad man’s energy has left him and he’s just taking in quiet tones with Dean. They must be saying goodbye because Dean claps a hand on the guy’s shoulder and shakes his hand before heading towards the trailers too. 
Castiel drinks the final drops of his coffee and Dean doesn’t return. Figuring he’s missed his chance to say hi to Dean (not that he’d have worked up the courage anyway), Castiel picks up his things and throws his coffee cup in the trash. At least, he got to see one of his favourite actors in the flesh, not many people can say that. Plus, he couldn’t stay for longer, he’d already spent too much on coffee to keep his seat outside, which wasn’t good for his student budget. 
Compared to the walk to the coffee shop earlier that day, the weather is now cooler under the setting sun and Castiel relishes the reprieve from the heat. His mind begins to wander to other things, mostly his new short film he’s got to work on for school. 
Just as he’s about to cross at the end of the street, he hears someone shout from behind him.
Castiel frowns and turns to quickly look over his shoulder, though he’s not actually expecting the person to be shouting to him.
Only, when his eyes fall onto the source of the voice, they immediately go wide in shock. 
Dean Winchester is standing in front of him, green eyes filled with… nerves?
“Uh,” Dean says, as if he wasn’t expecting Castiel to actually turn around, “I noticed you watching us film from across the street. And I guess I just wanted to say that you look cute when you’re laughing. You shouldn’t hide it.”
When Castiel’s brain finally decides to reboot itself, he replies. “I was only trying to hide it because I didn’t want to look like an idiot.” 
“I’m sure you could never do that, man.” Dean says, a small smile creeping at the corner of his mouth. 
Castiel blushes and looks down at the pavement. 
A comfortable, happy silence falls on them. 
But then, Castiel frowns when he sees Dean reach into his back pocket. He tilts his head in confusion.  The confusion doesn’t clear when Dean pulls out a dollar. 
Castiel gives Dean a questioning look. 
Dean clears his throat and holds out the dollar to Castiel. “Would you kiss Dean Winchester for a dollar?”
Castiel makes an unattractive snort of laughter at Dean’s gesture. He places his hand over Dean’s and gently pushes it away. 
“I don’t need a dollar to want to kiss you, Dean.” He whispers, finding courage from the kind eyes Dean is showing him. “Plus, it’s a little crowded on this street, and people are starting to watch.” He flicks his eyes around them where some people have started taking their phones out to film Dean Winchester talking to this random guy on the street. 
Dean deflates slightly under the attention. 
“But,” Castiel says and notices Dean brighten up again, “if you wanted to find somewhere more private and, perhaps, put that dollar towards dinner, maybe we could talk a little more about that kiss.” 
Dean’s smile could rival the beaming summer sun. 
*  *  *
Two years later, Billy Eichner (turns out shouty microphone guy had a name, who knew?) presents them with a gift at their wedding. 
Unbeknownst to them until that moment, some of the crew had noticed Dean run after Castiel on the day they met and they’d filmed what they could from afar. 
All their guests chuckle when they see Dean try to offer Castiel a dollar to kiss him. Dean groans and hides his face in Castiel’s neck. Castiel runs a comforting hand down Dean’s back. 
“In your defence, it was incredibly adorable.” Castiel says. 
“Ugh”, Dean groans, “that doesn’t help, Cas.” He lifts his head to look at Castiel in the eyes, pouting like a sulking child.
Castiel smiles at his grumpy husband, and places a soothing kiss to his lips. 
Yes. He definitely didn’t need a dollar to do that for the rest of his life. 
A/N: Hope you enjoyed it Ivana! Sorry it took so long, I had a whole other idea before this but scrapped it because I couldn’t make it work lmao
If you’re not familiar with ‘Billy On The Street’ go look it up on YouTube. It’s hilarious. 
TAGS: @eccentriccas @starrynightdeancas @credentiast @imbiowaresbitch @starclaire @cockleslovesdestiel @bend-me-shape-me @destielfactory @dea-stiel @wendeano @wingsandimpalas @aggressivedean @flowersforcas @chill-legilimens @pancakesofthelord @saltnhalo @caslikescoffeeandfreckles @assbuttboyfriends @jhoomwrites @breathingdestiel @simplymisha @thekingslover @aelysianmuse @2musiclover2 @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @50shadesofsubtext @destielle 
(let me know if you’d like to be added/removed from the tag list, we don’t have to be mutuals!)
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pietropatrol · 4 years
Marvel High (Part 4)
Read Part 3
A/N: Happy Fic Fri--Saturday! Had this most of the way written up yesterday, but my daughter has not been going down at her bedtime very well so I didn’t get it done before bed! But here I am now, posting as my husband is now trying to get her to go back to sleep. Babies, I tell yah.
Welcome to Marvel High, where being the new kid wasn’t the worst. Your homeroom couldn’t be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the “Avengers.” Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join.
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, teenage substance abuse Words: 1,300ish
The dynamic of the group was odd to witness. They all had drastically different personalities, something you had already gleaned from the bickering during the school day, but under the influence of alcohol, it became even more obvious. It was as if the group was comprised of smaller groups. 
The Maximoff twins were obvious. Natasha and Clint were a pair, that you were sure of. The way they shadowed each other and communicated in their body language was hard to ignore. Either they had been friends for a long time or something was going on between them. Though you felt it would have been inappropriate to ask. Tony and Bruce seemed close, from what you had overheard from their in-depth science conversation at lunch earlier. You could always find Steve, Bucky, and Sam together, but Bucky seemed annoyed whenever he was left with just Sam.
Thor was an outlier and seemed to bounce around all of them seamlessly. His cockiness rivaled Tony’s. Thor appeared to be about six beers deep and enthusiastically telling a story about how he wrestled some unnamed beast in is home country.
“Where is Thor from again?” You turned to Pietro who was watching the group from a distance with you. Though you had felt him watching you when you weren’t looking.
“Some Scandinavian country… we think.” Pietro shrugged. “You sure you don’t want another drink? Nat makes a mean cocktail.”
“I’m sure she does, but I should probably keep my wits about me and not smell like I’ve been drinking. My dad is like a bloodhound with that stuff. One beer was already a risk.”
“So, what is up with your dad anyway? He seems…” Pietro struggled to find the right word.
“Hella protective?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Yes, hell-ah protective, as you so put it.” Pietro inclined his head in your direction, closing the small gap between your bodies.
“He means well. I haven’t made the best choices in my life. And trouble seems to follow me wherever we go. It’s only a matter of time before it finds me here.” You were being intentionally vague. It was a can of worms that someone you just met shouldn’t have sprung on them.
Pietro furrowed his eyebrows but didn’t push. “So, you set fire to your previous school?” He guided you back to the group and you sat next to Wanda on a loveseat, Pietro perched on the arm.
“Fire? Is Y/N talking about setting her school on fire?” Tony had been making his way to the bar when he heard the word fire. Another lit cigarette dangling from his lips.
“Yes, but don’t even think about sitting next to us with that lit.” Steve waved his hand to the offending object.
“It’s my house,” Tony guffawed.
“Rule eleven, specifically made for you, is not smoking within the group circle, because not all of us are trying to get lung cancer before twenty-five.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“I think it’s unfair that we have rules specifically aimed at me. But fine.” Tony dropped his cigarette into his glass and joined the group.
“Rules?” You echoed.
“Top secret,” Tony winked, “Back to the fire, what did you do?”
“It wasn’t anything crazy. I was in wood shop and got bored, wondered if I could burn in a design on a plank with my lighter, and it was highly flammable, apparently. It didn’t take long for the rest of the shop to start on fire, the air was basically half saw-dust.” You shrugged, honestly, it wasn’t the stupidest thing you’d done. It was also an accident for once.
“It only went as far as the home-ec classroom. No big deal, aside from being expelled." 
"Lame!" Tony yawned. "Let's play truth or dare!" 
Everyone groaned and threw empty solo cups at him. 
"Why do you always insist on playing?" Nat looked to him, incredulous. "We've been friends long enough that it isn't fun anymore. You just want us to do stupid shit." 
"What's wrong with stupid shit?" Tony insisted. "Besides we have a newbie now!"
  You looked at your phone and saw it was almost ten o'clock. Had it really been two hours already? "Sorry, but I have to head out. Curfew." 
"And here I was thinking you were a trouble maker," Tony smirked. 
"Oh, I am. But I don't want to be grounded for eternity. Great party though, Tony. Thanks for the invite." You made to leave with Pietro and Wanda on following behind you when a young boy, probably about 14, came running in, out of breath. 
"Alright, who invited the freshman?" Steve rubbed his temples. "We agreed, no freshman." 
"Parker isn't going to cause any trouble, the kid's a saint," Tony argued. "What's going on?" 
"Some--oh hi," the freshman saw you. "I'm Peter Parker. You must be new."
"I'm Y/N. You okay, Peter?"  
He was still trying to catch his breath. "Oh yeah! There's a bunch of Hydra High douche-bros who snuck in. They're by the pool." 
"Fuuuucccckkkkk." Bucky cursed. "They're definitely here to start some shit." "Alright, is everybody sober enough to deal with them?" Steve looked pointedly to Tony who was rolling up his sleeves, already looking ready for a fight. 
"We should probably go, you don't need me and Wanda, right?" Pietro looked to Steve. 
"Umm... if you're parked in the driveway, you won't be able to get out. They blocked it with their own cars." 
"Looks like you're going to be late. Sorry." Pietro frowned at you. A heavy sigh escaped your lips. 
"Nah, it's not your fault. How quickly do you think we can scare off these guys?" Tony held up his hand, gaining everyone's attention. "I might have a solution. Let me go down to my basement, and I will meet you out there." 
The group made their way down to the pool. Your other classmates had crowded around, keeping a distance from Hydra.
  Hydra was raiding the outdoor bar and the scariest student among them was lounging on a wicker chair, sipping lazily on a bottle of vodka. A small voice in your head said he was the leader. Maybe it was because everyone else was at work nabbing whatever they could and he was already enjoying their spoils. You just knew. 
"Avengers!" he called out, happily. "Great party!" 
"Avengers?" You whispered to Pietro. 
"I'll explain later." 
The leader's eyes narrowed in on you. "New recruit?" 
The hair stood up on the back of your neck as he stood up and stepped closer to you. He looked you up and down, perplexed. "Do I know you?"
"Doubt it." Pietro pulled you behind him, breaking his line of sight. 
"Maximoff onto a new toy already?" 
"What are you doing here, Keller? I thought we told you not to come near this place again?" Steve pulled the attention to him. "The message was pretty clear when Thor cracked open your forehead." 
"We heard about the dope ass party, Rogers. Thought some of your classmates would want to have a little more fun--" 
"We don't want your shitty drugs." Peter piped up. "Like weed is cool and stuff, but--" 
"Your shit is garbage." Tony sauntered through the group, a contraption strapped to his arms. "And calling it 'Candy Andy' is kinda lame." 
A light emitted from Tony's palm and beam jutted out and shatter the bottle of vodka in Keller's hand. Tony hissed from the hot metal burning into his palm but stood his ground. 
Keller remained calm and held up his hands, though you could see a slight look of terror in his eyes. "Alright, we'll see you around another time then. Good to see you again, Y/N." He winked at you and they took off. 
You froze, you didn't know him, how did he know you?
@mcfuccfairy@hannah1234543@fandomstucklover87love@aegonsgarden@superavengerimagines@racheltheclumsy @little-hufflepuff-badger@sherlocklover123@secondxreality@electricstar13@dusknightmare@pastell-niall @lesh-targaryen @erreneous@nerdyfangirl4lyf@pietrosprintesa@geminifangirl3@rageofcaliban@psycopathic-turtle@extremelyintroverted@themightycrybaby@zoziemoore@wincensfw@goldenfairytaleprincess@weehawkendawngunsdrawnyouron@cuteykittens1313 @saysomethingorimdone@hogwarts-mischief@kayzie-chu @barely-emily @vantastic-booty@wonderxluster@itsjusthaawo @mikey-girl12 @are-you-in-the-game@chameerah@wzndamaximoff@linellin@rainbowtheninja@hipsterhipster-wannabe@ofbandsandyoutubers@eternalanxious@soldierstans @geebearway @sokoviantrash@blubberwhalecurdlesnoothings @mermaid-princess-wannabe@everlasting9@random0213@erissapphire@softhor @allyzaq@genjisbuttfriend @mcusebstan @lexiethegiantslayer@pebblesz892@wellfuckbuck@marvelbase001 @reckllesslyareuforreal @mischief-managed1987 @captain-purpledinonatalyimagirl@armyprincess02 @mottergirl99@cupcakelover615@aweways@flirtswithdanger@lanie103@rebbie444@iwanttorunawaytohogwarts@draconicuchiha@callme-crowley@jessicajjones@doctorwho2013@onepiecelover1223@deadpools-wife@shannonxbarnes @justapolinaris@dont-fillintheblank@imaginary-world-of-mine @warriorsofasgardia @mymindplayshopscotch @tachibubu @cringedyIan @theawesomefrenchie@hortonhearsahoeblr@lavelay@nothinghappenswithouthope @potterpineapple1975@infj-universe72@dancingpizzasarelife @galacyan @nuitrhodes@seb-satann@leoniford@ciaramcgeesprat@hiimangelique@bywonater@umwhatandrea@riverpotterimagines@iwanttorunawaytohogwarts@araceli91103@flirtswithdanger@harrisonholland@weirdestmentalityphilosopher @supervalcsi@somethingwitty-somethingsweet @destiel-is-bae-18 @123louis-blog @bloody-doctor @skybaby-potter @galacyan @jollyholymoly@ginger-wayward-assbutt @avatar-moist@brokensurvivor@flubbernuggets @red-writer13 @capsicle-steve-rogers @broken-pieces @punkdoor @hiding-in-the-backgroundx-x@silverwhispersandash@geeksareunique@serenastark@straightasdeanwinchester @nina-winchester4life@bywonater@sh00kbois@tayrae515@xdsockmonkey@kaitmcu@willowruemellark@weirdestmentalityphilosopher@curlycals@justahappylilblog@sameemaximoff @alonna-oxoxoxsavvvcobainnn @rosaquinn @futzingclint @princess-unicorn124 @racheltheclumsy @kenzie-cold-greenkale@mottergirl99 @snailhoard@thisismysecrethappyplace@sweetpeas-serpent-princess@multifandomphenomena @hoeposey@dmv49 @tomhollandhasnolips @waytoobsessedwithmyfandoms@minuteandahalf @igoldieloxi​ @lovelydreamer-2000​ @justahappylilblog​ @ciochesono @the-fandom-ness​ @ithoughtfullyglitterycollection​  @heartbeats-wildly​ @erinsquinns
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schrijverr · 4 years
I do my Husbands Make-Up
Dean attempts to do Castiels make-up.
Part of the Famous Husband verse, which is also a series.
On AO3.
Ships: Destiel
Warnings: none, but tell me if you want me to tag anything and I’ll do so happily!
“Oh no, I’m fucking this all up.” Dean said, in his hand he held a mascara and Castiels face had a big black smudge on it.
Then the intro rolled, it was a drawn impala that came down the road, it stopped in the middle of the screen and the drawn Dean gave a wink to the viewers, then he sped off again and the smoke was bridge back to the video.
They were sat next to each other, Castiels face now still free of black smudges as Dean started the video: “Hi Hunters! Welcome back, today I am making my already beautiful husband even more beautiful, which is frankly impossible, but I’ll try, with make-up.”
He looked at Cas and said: “I have no skills in make-up.”
“I’ll guide you.” Cas told him with a fond tiredness.
Dean grinned: “Great! Lets start and get you glammed up.”
“I knew showing you the beauty vloggers was a bad idea.” Cas groaned.
“What? Don’t you want me to beat your mug and spill the tea.” Dean smirked, only for Cas to groan louder and thunk his head on the table. Before the jump cut you could hear Deans cackle as it slowly faded.
Then they were facing each other and Dean was applying foundation with a beauty blender as he muttered: “This still looks like a buttplug.”
“And still it isn’t one.” Cas told him.
“Could be.” Dean argued.
“If I shove it in you ass, you’ll find that it really isn’t.” Cas said deadpan, making Dean choke before he laughed.
The deadpan expression changed into shock as Cas said: “You’re cutting that out, right?”
A mischievous grin came on Deans face as he replied: “No.”
“Dean.” in an obviously warning tone.
“Are you willing to do the laundry for a month?” Dean asked, either ignoring or not picking up on Castiels tone.
Cas squinted and the screen faded to show a picture of Dean folding shirts with underneath the text: He wasn’t willing
Dean had gotten Castiels permission behind the scenes and if Cas really hadn’t wanted him to put it in, he wouldn’t have, but this was funny, so he framed it as this.
The foundation was done and Dean sat back to admire his work and commented: “That was the easy part, look at your face now angel, cause it’s only going to get worse from here.”
Cas raised an unimpressed eyebrow and asked: “What happened to making me even more beautiful?”
“I remembered I cannot do this.” Dean told him with an open honest grin.
“Live to please, darling.” Dean looked back to the table, “So, what now?”
“Contour.” Cas said.
Dean lit up and exclaimed: “I remember this, it’s the shadows on the face cause it’s flat now, right?”
“Yes.” Cas encouraged enthusiastically.
After having located the contour, Cas carefully explained what Dean was supposed to do with it, Dean listened closely before he started. He was about halfway through when he stopped to look and said: “This is terrible, sorry angel. I swear I’m trying and not deliberately fucking this up for the video.”
“I know, Dean.” Cas smiled at him before casting a quick look in a mirror, “It is quite difficult, god knows I struggled with this when I first started. Just try and blend it in so it isn’t so heavy.”
Dean smiled back, before trying to fix it. Cas now had two dark stripes on his face, because Dean had put on way to much, so he took a big brush and desperately tried not to fuck it all up even further.
With as much saved as possible Dean grabbed the concealer and held it up to Cas, who nodded. Dean mumbled under his breath: “Still don’t think you need it.”
That got him a kiss on the nose along with a: “That’s very sweet of you, Dean.”
The blush that spread on Deans face had been edited out by Dean and the video resumed when Dean was blending the concealer.
“You can press harder if you want.” Cas said.
“But I don’t want to hurt you accidentally.” Dean sounded worried.
It made Cas smile, who assured Dean: “It’s a sponge, a pretty solid sponge, but still a sponge. I don’t think you can really hurt me by beating me with a sponge.”
You could visibly see worry leave Deans shoulders, but he didn’t show it otherwise instead boasting loudly: “You forget that I would not only be beating you with a sponge, but also my enormous arms.”
He flexed for show, keeping it up until Cas snorted, before also laughing and returning to his task, this time a bit less like Cas was something too fragile to touch.
When he was done he said: “I think you also did blush right around now, but I think I will not be able to do that properly, so I’m not giving you a blush, not matter how much I’d love to see you with a cute blush on your face.”
Dean actually sounded quite sad that he would have to miss out on Cas with a blush, so Cas offered: “I can do it, you can edit it out and no one has to know.”
“Hmm.” Dean thought about it, then said: “I’ll keep it in, but please do.”
He held out the blush and Cas took it as Dean held a mirror in front of his own face wrong way ‘round, so that Cas could use it apply the blush. Dean asked: “How do I look with your face on my body?”
“Twice as handsome.” Cas told him.
Immediately the mirror dropped and Deans offended look emerged from behind it, Cas suppressed a smile and said disappointedly: “Ahw, it’s still you.”
“I am appalled and offended that my own husband, who has willingly married me and did so happily as I can recall, would just turn around and wound me like that. Stabbed in the back by the man I trusted most, I cannot believe this injustice.” Dean exclaimed loudly.
He was putting on a whole show and after a while Cas broke and laughed, before saying: “I’m joking, Dean. You are very handsome and I love your face.”
With a grumbling pout, Dean wearily asked: “You sure?”
“Completely.” Cas gave him a peck, then asked: “So what do we think of the blush?”
In his theatrics Dean had forgotten to look, but now he took the time to inspect Castiels face with the blush. It was subtle, but cute. He had even put a bit on his nose, so it looked like he was slightly cold. Dean couldn’t help, but pull him into a hug as he said: “You’re so incredibly precious, sweetheart.”
Cas allowed Dean to do this, clinging to Dean as well as it cut to Dean saying: “Now comes the hard part. I am doing simple things, like glossy lipstick with little color and white glittery eye make-up, the only difficult thing I will attempt is eyeliner and mascara.”
“Maybe put on power first, to bake the face.” Cas reminded him.
“Ah, yes. That. I was already planning on doing that.” Dean tried to put down the highlighter as subtly as possible as he grabbed the powder.
Cas rolled his eyes, but didn’t comment, because he didn’t face a mouth full of powder.
It cut to Dean applying highlighter, it had actually gone well and he was very proud of himself over it. He took the lipgloss and carefully put it on. He slipped at one point and looked up at Cas with wide eyes as he froze.
Patting his head distractedly, Cas wiped it away, before turning back and allowing Dean to continue even more carefully this time.
“I really don’t think me doing this is safe.” Dean said as his eyes flitted between the eyeshadow and Castiels eyes.
“It’ll be fine, I’ll close my eyes and you’ll put it on gently.” Cas assured him, before closing his eyes.
Dean hesitated for one more moment, before starting and saying: “Okay, but I’m sorry in advance if this goes entirely wrong.”
It didn’t even look like Dean was touching Cas with how gentle he was. His hand shook a bit and the end result was quite bad. The eyelid was covered for the most part, but so was the area surrounding it.
“Keep them closed, I doing eyeliner next.” Dean warned.
The line was horrible, it went practically over the middle of the eyelids and one went out too far and the other barely and they definitely didn’t have a shape. While he was applying it he kept up a constant stream of ‘oh noes’.
When he was done he said: “That looks completely shit, sorry. Can you tell me how to do mascara before I ruin that completely as well?”
It then cut to how the video had started: “Oh no, I’m fucking this all up.” Dean said, in his hand he held an mascara and Castiels face has a big black smudge on it.
Cas opened his eyes slowly and made eye contact with Dean, who look apologetically at him. He asked: “Want me to fix it?”
Then it cut to a few shots of Castiels make-up. It was pretty bad with too much contour and entirely fucked up eye make-up, but it could’ve been much much worse.
Cas had already seen the make-up throughout the video, so there wasn’t a reveal moment, but there was a brief clip of Cas looking into a mirror and saying: “This is not as bad as I expected, congratulations.”
And Dean beaming proudly at the complement.
It cut to the endcard and Dean said: “That might not have been the most entertaining video, because I was focusing a lot on the make-up and not on the banter, but I hoped you liked it anyway.”
Cas piped up next to him: “I enjoyed it.”
“Thank you, angel.” Dean smiled, “If you enjoyed it too, please leave a like and a comment down below and click the subscribe button and ring that bell to see when I upload again. There will also be links to click to see more of me and more of Cas, so click on them if you want to. And that was pretty much it. Wanna do the outro?”
“Uh, sure?” Cas said very unsure, then turning to the camera he smiled awkwardly: “Bye Hunters, see you on the road.”
“Bye!” Dean called out, then the video ended.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I love how much Dean actually
tried, what an A+ husband
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cass doing the outro was so cute
we stan an awkward cute nerd
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dean was so gentle with Castiel
and I’m literally crying, I want
someone who treats me like that
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the beauty blender buttplug
moment, i cant
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
is he really not going to say
anything about the fact that he
has a fucking kid? alright….
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dean using gay beauty slang
both added and retracted ten
year of my lifespan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I wouldnt mind if dean beat me
up with his enormous arms ;)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This was so incredibly mushy,
would 100% get a tooth rotting
fluff tag on AO3, and I loved
every second of it
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
doing these prompts! today is “songs/mixtapes” and it’s dedicated to @prayedtoyou bc she had a hard few days & i love her read the whole series! jack’s on the road playlist
Not much changed, a few months out from killing God -- aside from the general sense of relief that settled over them all once they realized, yes, this was it, this was really it, it was all over.
There were still cases, though far less. All of it reminded Dean of those first few years with just him and Sam: no demons, no angels, no gods. Just ghosts and ghouls, a wendigo here and there. Things that have been crawling through the brush long before Chuck started writing his stories. 
But then, deep in the roiling heat of late-July, Jack tracked into family movie night looking contemplative and nervous. Dean is already mostly asleep against Castiel’s shoulder but one look at the kid’s face has Sam smacking him awake.
“I...think I want to leave,” Jack tells them, hands playing behind his back.
He explains, in that stilted, thoughtful way of his, that all he’s known, really, is this. Is hunting and Heaven and Hell and destiny. The pockets of other things that he’s got to experience have been enjoyable and he wants more of that. He wants to see more of the country, of the world, wants to meet more of the humans that they all saved.
“I want,” he sums up with a beaming grin, “to go on a road trip.”
Later that night, when they’re sprawled on the bed that now remembers both Dean and Cas, Dean asks tentatively, “Would you want to go with him?” This is still a little new, them being a them, them finally solidifying ten years plus of looks and waiting. Dean isn’t necessarily sure how to do this thing but he is sure that the last thing he wants to do is the wrong thing. Cas doesn’t love anything in the world more than Jack, he knows that.
Cas blinks up at the ceiling. He waits so long to answer that Dean is half-wondering if he hadn’t heard. “I would,” he replies, finally. “Yes. But when I talked to Jack he was adamant about going on his own.”
Dean nods, a little relieved. They would have made it work, whatever the answer had been. But he’s glad it’s this. Selfishly, he’s glad that he and Cas aren’t setting out on the open road again so soon. He’s glad that they have more time to....do nothing. To nest and to rest and to revel in each other. To have a home without the threat of something always looming. 
“Dunno how I feel about that,” Dean finally says, arms behind his head. They’re side by side, not even touching, but fuck it’s nice to just lay next to the guy.  “I know he’s learned a lot and all but it still feels like letting a three-year-old out on the world.”
Cas breaths out something close to a laugh, nodding his agreement. He tips his head to the side, meeting Dean’s eyes. “We’ve taught him well enough, I think. But I will...miss him. A lot.”
Something strikes at Dean’s memory. A late-eighties model Ford F-250 and an angel with clipped wings. Rolling onto his side, he props himself on one arm and admits, a little haltingly, “You know. That tape I made you. The Zeppelin one. I did that ‘cause -- Well, ‘cause I missed you, when you weren’t around. And I thought, like, maybe when you’d play it, you’d think of me, like I was thinking of you.”
Something soft and raw breaks open across Cas’s face. His hand drifts across the space between them on the mattress, cupping delicately over Dean’s neck. “It was a successful gift, then,” Cas admits.
There’s a moment of just that -- just them, close together, eyes locked, smiling. Just that, before Dean can actually feel himself blushing, so he clears his throat and looks away. It’s mostly for show, especially since he moves his hand to rest over Cas’s, keeps it settled on his chest.
“Anyway. What I meant was you could do the same for Jack. Make him a mixtape.”
Cas’s fingers stroke gently over the material of Dean’s tshirt. “I like that idea,” he says. “Will you help me?”
“Of course.”
And then, Castiel leans over Dean, reaches for the lamp on the sidetable and turns it off. In the dark, Dean can feel the heat of Castiel’s body hovering over him. A moment later, the press of Castiel’s mouth against his own comes.
Cas gives Jack the mixtape in the minutes before he leaves. The trunk and backseat of the car he’s chosen from the bunker’s fleet is packed with supplies and they’ve spent the past week ensuring that Jack knows all that he might need to know -- how to hot-wire another car, how to read an atlas, how to change a flat tire, how to rent a room in a motel.
Jack stares at the little plastic box in his hands as Cas explains that it’s from all of them, all three of them, and it’s just songs that they liked, that they all picked, but that it’s something he can listen to and think about them, remember them, know that he’s thinking about them. And then Cas launches into an explanation of how to use the tape deck and that Sam made something called a Spotify playlist online in case the cassette breaks or wears out or anything like that.
He’s still mid-ramble when Jack launches himself at Castiel, pitching his face against his shoulder and clutching around his shoulders. Cas cuts off talking and instead wraps his arms around his son and holds him.
When Jack drives off, they can all hear the opening bars of Kansas playing, and they all pretend it’s the dust he kicks up that makes their eyes red. 
[jack’s on the road playlist - by castiel, with help from dean and sam]
tags below, as always pls let me know if you wanna be removed or added!
@prayedtoyou • @folklorecastiel • @good-things-do-happen-dean • @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you • @kimikomyashiro •  @bianca29753 • @spaceshipkat • @nickelkit • @dizzypinwheel • @epple-benene • @kayrosebee • @feraladoration • @queenvee08 • @destielangst • @destiel-is--real • @brazencas • @destielle • @flowersforcas • @50shadesofsubtext • @multifandomagic • @fluffiestlou • @gmotheemo • @geo-val • @menjiiii • @top13zepptraxx • @valleydean • @lanaserra • @eccentriccas • @trasherasswood • @angelresort • @starlightcastiel • @starclaire • @feeddoughnut • @jazzbabythatsme • @lyndalynn • @organicpurplepants • @cursed-or-not • @contemplativepancakes • @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner
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In Which Jackie Tempts Fate - JSE Drabble
Character/s: Jackieboy-Man, Chase Brody, Antisepticeye (but he’s like sleeping)   Warnings: Soft!Anti Genre: Fluff Masterpost of my Stories AO3 edition of the Post Summary: Jackie tempts fate, Chase wonders why his older brother is like this, and Anti-for once-is actually innocent of everything.
Tag-List: @the-rampaige​ @iris-the-asparagus​ @sqxxddygremlin​ @awkward-bullshit​ @jaysflight​ @assbutt-of-the-readers​ @humblecacti​  @stuck-in-a-l-o-o-p​ @ellien-artistica​
Some people… just loves tempting fate.
“If I die, I’m haunting you forever.” Chase hissed at the off-duty hero who was dangling a feather over a sleeping Anti’s face.
Jackie waved his worries off dismissively.
“Everyone knows our lovely big brother has a massive soft spot for you and Jamie. Relax. If there’s anyone about to die here, it would be me.” Jackie kept his volume down so as not to wake the sleeping dragon before his scheme was over.
“You’d think that would make you think twice—” Chase cut himself off.
Both men watched with bated breath as Anti suddenly shifted, mumbling something indiscernible underneath his breath before stilling once more. They both released a sigh of relief and Chase narrowed his eyes at the hero.
“Why the fuck are you even doing this, dude?” The father kept his voice low, eyes darting back and forth nervously between Jackie and the sleeping dragon on the couch.
“Jack said he sneezes like a kitten and I don’t believe him.” Jackie gave Chase a beaming smile. “So I want you to capture it and my imminently heroic death on camera as evidence of me proving him wrong.”
You could hear a pin drop from the judging silence that descended upon the room as Chase processed Jackie’s answer. Finally, he decided to drag his hand down on his face while he released a hissing sigh.
“That has got to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard and trust me, I’ve heard bad ones during my kids' school's PTA meetings.” Chase muttered before propping himself up on the edge of the couch for the best camera angle of the upcoming slaughter fest.
The hero giggled and gave him a thumbs up and the feather descended into hell’s face.
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a-jynx · 5 years
Lost Among The Flowers
Summary: He didn’t mean for it to happen... He didn’t want to lose her especially not by his own stupidity. 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x female!reader (dead) 
Warnings: Graphic description of death, character death, sadness 
Quick A/N: So, this was requested by @reemnaqvee and I hope I do your request justice! It’s been too long since I’ve written anything. I also hope that this fic is as close to what you requested @reemnaqvee! 
F.I.T: @laceyn-1201 @waywardnewcomer @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name @casiskween @great-godpotato-akane @closetspngirl @specialagentlokitty @dearsmileyman @im–an–angel–you–assbutt @destiel-trenchcoatangel @msimpala67 @thetallassgirl @invisibledevour @hobby27 @gabriels-trix @gabby913 @xiumin-girl99 @stileslove 
(F.I.T is my Forever.In.Tags, if you’d like to be added/removed please just let me know 😊 If you are in these tags, you’ll be notified of all the fics I create!) 
Note: Bold is the dream “realm” whilst normal text is the normal world! 
Enjoy! Feedback is Appreciated! 
“Dean! Dean, come on, you’re being too slow!” The soft voice rang from around me. My lips curled into a frown as I huffed, sitting up and glancing around the large field. Sunflowers...? These... They were her favorite. 
“Dean-o, don’t make me throw water on you.” The voice chuckled as I wrung my body, turning around to look for her. To see her once more time... Just one more. “Y/N!? Y/N, where are you!?” I yelled out into the open field, yet the only response I got was the soft breeze and the rustle from the large flowers that seemed to fly high above your head now. 
“Look down, silly,” she whispered. I snapped my head back down, my attention falling from the sky to the girl that stood in front of me. Her usual get-up replaced by a soft and flowing sundress that drifted around in the breeze. Swallowing thickly, I reached towards her with one of my shaking hands, her own suddenly grasping mine as she yanked me forward. I collapsed - broke. Wrapping my arms tightly around her as she sighed softly, her hands trapped against my chest as I felt the wet trails of tears drag down my scruffed cheeks with a gagged cough catching in my throat. 
“You... You’re here.” I mumbled into her soft hair. The wind answered with a gust as she nodded, humming. 
“I’m always here, Dean... Always.” 
“I... I’m so sorry,” I groveled, slowly dropping to my knees in front of her as she tilted her head, furrowing her brows. I wrapped both arms around her thighs and squeezed them as I coughed more, the thick tears dripping onto the soil beneath us. “I’m so, so, sorry, Y/N... It wasn’t supposed to be you! The... The monster moved and I... You...” I hissed as her soft hand ran through my locks. Dragging them back, in a petting motion as I whimpered into the soft material of her dress. “It wasn’t supposed to be you.” 
“I know... Oh, Dean, I know it wasn’t - Sam, he warned us how dangerous the hunt was going to be and, yet, we didn’t listen.” She spoke sweetly as I clenched my jaw, fighting back the pain that washed over me in waves. Suddenly, the material I had buried my face into, slowly moved away, as well as Y/N’s body; it melting through my grasp just like when she... 
“Dean, you cannot dwell on what happened to me... The hunting life was dangerous and we both knew that it was only a matter of time,” 
“A matter of time for what?! Your Fiance to kill you by shooting you because he got scared by the sudden spirit that appeared?! Because that’s NOT a good enough excuse for what I did to you, Y/N!” I spat, rising up from the soil as the wind sudden huffed, the swaying sunflowers suddenly halting in their dance as Y/N stared at me. 
Slowly she moved towards me, stopping just in front of me with a frown. One of her hands reached up, caressing my warm and wet cheek with her cooler palm, the rough pad of her thumb dragging a few tears away from my eye. 
“It’s not an excuse, Dean. I knew it would happen, however, a million other things could’ve happened. We just chose the wrong one.” She whispered, leaning up and pressing her lips chastely to my cheek. I clamped my eyes closed as I clenched my fists. 
“Cas could bring you back. Rowena could bring you back. Hell, Sam and I could bring you back!” I hissed as she took a step back, shaking her head. “No. Dean. I know how this whole death thing works with you, and it’s not going to happen anymore, at least not for me.” She slightly spat as I snapped open my eyes, staring at her with parted lips. I couldn’t fight her... Not on this. 
“You need to go. Sam’s looking for you and besides... I’ll always be here, Dean.” Y/N smiled softly, the venom from before now gone as she took a step towards me, standing on her tip-toes, I quickly wrapped my arms around her. The sunflowers swaying once more around us as the sun beams down on top of us with its warmth. 
“I don’t want to leave you... I just want to stay here with... With you, please. Please, don’t make me leave.” I growl into her hair, a soft sigh passes against my cheek but before I could hear her words... I’m thrown into darkness. 
“Dean! Dean, where the hell are you?!” I groan as my vision bubbles and blurs from being hastily awoken. I cough as I slowly sit up from the soft earth below me, narrowing my eyes, I glare up to see the large sunflowers standing above me... Shit. The sound of running footsteps causes me to look over my shoulder and see Sam racing towards me, panic soothed into relief. 
“Dean! God, what the hell happened to you?” He slightly pants as he takes a knee next to me. My mind foggy as I slowly shrug, groaning as I waved for him to help me up. 
“I... Have no idea. I just woke up here.” I sigh as he frowns at me. I felt a pang of guilt for making him worry to so much and, yet, here I was taking a catnap in the middle of a sunflower field. 
“Okay, well, let’s get back to the bunker and you can get some real sleep... You look like a raccoon.” Sam nervously chuckles as he turns and starts back into the direction he came from, leaving me to frown and rub at the underparts of my eyes. 
“I don’t look like a fucking raccoon,” I growled to myself before heading off after him, half happy to see my own bed, half saddened about leaving the place that reminds me so much of... Her. 
I gasped as I awoke in the field again, quickly rising from the soft dirt as I turned on my feet, taking in the surroundings. 
“Y/N?! Y/N, where are you?!”I shouted out into the large stems as I huffed, quickly walking through the paths that were between each row. But, with each step, I could feel anxiety wriggling its way into my chest as I broke into a run than to a sprint. “Y/N!” I came to a halt as I reached the end of the path, awe taking over as I stared at the crisp, clear lake and the thousands of sunflowers that were scattered among the large oak trees that could hold a castle within their branches. 
“Dean? Back so soon?” A soft voice called as I snapped my head towards it, a large grin pulling on my lips as Y/N moved out from behind one of the large trees, a bundle of sunflowers resting in her forearms. 
“I... I wanted to see you again.” I nervously coughed as we met halfway. The trees and flowers swaying as the few birds around us chirped and sang; the peace that radiated off of Y/N made me feel... Happy. 
“I told you I would be waiting for you, dork... Why are you back so soon though?” She asked, furrowing her brows as she reached down, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind her towards the field that was near the lake. 
“I... Sam, he told me I needed to rest more since our last hunt and I thought of you so... Here I am.” I grinned as she giggled, melting my heart more as I swallowed thickly at the slow horror that worked up that I would have to leave her again... 
“Dean, just enjoy this time we have, please... You always were such a worrier,” Y/N teased as we sat among the sunflowers, listening to the water and soft noises that played around us. 
I smirked at her, “I had reasons to worry.” She frowned slightly and shrugged, “and you still do; many reasons actually. But, for now, I want to just... Lay here with you. In your arms. While everything around us just... Happens.” She whispered, dropping the sunflowers to her side as I nodded, seeing no reason to speak as I wrapped my arm tightly around her shoulders and squeezed her against my side. The soft fabric cools beneath my palm on her hip as I swallowed thickly, turning and pressing a passionate kiss to the top of her head. 
“I love you, so much, Y/N... And I miss you every day, more each day too.” I whispered into the quiet air as she hums, nodding against my shoulder. 
“I miss you each day I’m here, Dean... And I love you more than you’ll ever know.” She whispered against my chest, pressing a light kiss to the same fabric that covered her. “But, for now, please... Let’s just be lost among the flowers.” 
The End :’) 💖😭
So! That was the first fic I have written in a WHILE and I do hope it gives you all the fluff and cute things you wanted! 
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mr-mcghosty · 5 years
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💛danneel ackles appreciation post💛
danneel is such a wonderful human being, and the world truly does not deserve her. she is an amazing mother, a loving wife, a crazily talented actress, and an overall beam of heckin sunshine. she does not even begin to deserve all the horrible comments and threats currently being thrown at her and jensen. it disgusts me to think that people would sink that low, and that she is genuinely scared for her family's well-being. no mother should have to fear for her children's safety because some people are utter assbutts - period. I shouldn't have to sincerely apologize on other people's behalf, but that's what it comes to. guys, seriously just respect this family. sometimes it's best to just shut up. never thought i would have to tell a bunch of adults to use the golden rule ... ANYWAY, DANNEEL, I LOVE AND RESPECT YOU SO MUCH, STAY STRONG AND SLAY, QUEEN !!💗💛
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egopocalypse · 6 years
I wish you would write a fic where something GOOD happens to JJ for a change...
((Okay, so I meant to post this before I introduced the concept of Masseuse JJ as a sneak peek, but I didn’t, so this just takes place towards the beginning of the timeline. ))
“I really like what you’ve done with the place, dude!” Chase says, giving the room a once-over. The walls were a nice blue, and he definitely feel the calm, serene atmosphere the other was attempting to instill. Already, he could breathe deeper in here, the air filling his lungs putting him at ease.
“Thank you!” JJ signs, his bright smile lighting up the room. He grabs a remote off the counter and presses a button, releasing a nice citrus scent as it wafts through the air. Chase sighs and his shoulders drop, releasing tension he hadn’t known he was holding. 
At the sound of tapping, Chase opens eyes that he never realized he’d shut to see JJ patting the table. “Want to give it a try?”
“I couldn’t. I don’t have any money-”
“Nonsense, old chap!” He insists. “Consider it a free trial. Besides, I do not have any clients for a few hours, and I would like to warm up a little, so to speak.”
Chase chews on his cheek, glancing between the massage bed and JJ before he finally caves. “Alright, alright. Just give me a minute to get situated?”
Damn those puppy dog eyes.
JJ beams, rapidly clapping his hands, and Chase can’t help the grin tugging at his lips either. “Of course!” He turns his back to Chase, gathering what he needs as the other lies face-down on the bed. When he’s ready, he starts the music, the soft tunes soothing the father as JJ starts his work.
Chase sighs, sinking deeper into the pads as JJ works his magic. Now that he’s thinking about it, it’s been a long time since he’s taken time out for himself. It probably wouldn’t hurt to stop by the clinic every now and then, and this way he can spend more time with his younger brother now that JJ’s going back to work.
Yeah, he thinks, his eyes slipping shut as he dozes off. I think I’d like that.
JJ’s smile softens as he listens to Chase’s tiny snores. It’s been too long since he’s seen him get the sleep he needed, especially with juggling between recording for his own channel, Jack’s, and dealing with Stacy’s antics. 
He pauses, contemplating whether he should continue or just let him sleep, but another soft snore makes his decision for him, and so he pulls the blankets over Chase, giving him privacy as he puts everything away. 
He locks the door behind him, making sure no one else can get in before Chase is awake and ready, and he glances one last time at the number before returning to his office, pocketing the key so it’s safe.
He’ll have to save the massage for another day.
I wish you would write me a fic where…
@shadowstakeall @just-a-bloody-puppet @eridangan @superbanananinja234 @assbutt-of-the-readers @dorito-with-no-weakness @kisstheashes @lostinegomayhem @sylver-rhymes @dabthesinaway @septic-dr-schneep
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
doing these prompts! today is “sitting on the porch at night” & its dedicated to @destielle because her beautiful art made me !!! today.
These days, it barely takes two beers for Dean to start feeling it so he’s pleasantly buzzed as he sits on the porch with his family. He lets the simmering heat and conversation drift around him, happy to just watch them all before him. Eileen is on the top step, leaning against a support beam so she can face Sam and Castiel, sitting in the two low-slung Adirondack chairs to the side. Colt is with her, face propped onto her lap, looking drunk herself as Eileen scratches behind her ears in the way she loves.
Dean himself is on the porch-swing on the other side, sprawling out a little since he has it all to himself. His third beer is at his side, still almost half of it left and growing warm in his hand. Eileen and Sam are talking about daycare, how Eileen’s job has a center right in the building so they won’t have to worry about hiring someone or either of them taking time off.
The sun is just dropping, sky gone a worn lavender and pink, and there are cicadas humming loud. Dean weaves in and out of the conversation, making jokes when he finds the opportunity for them, but mostly he watches Cas. He’d gotten a haircut the other day and now that it’s shorter, it’s sticking up all over. Dean traces the haphazard tufts with his eyes and thinks of a barn in Pontiac.
Some time later, Eileen and Sam are in the grass with Colt. The dog is lolling happily, half chasing fireflies and half chasing Sam and Eileen chasing fireflies. Cas moves from his chair to the swing, settling himself into Dean’s space, against his side and under his arm. 
“Heya, huggy bear,” Dean teases and leans against Cas’s shoulder, tucks his nose into Cas’s hair. He can’t see, but he knows Cas is rolling his eyes at him. Someone nearby has a chiminea burning, the smell of smoke and clay on the air. Somewhere nearby there are kids running around, playing hide and seek, or tag, lilting voices counting off till “ready or not!.” Colt barks and lowers her front paws, tail swooping as Sam teases her. Eileen is sitting on the bottom step now, one hand on her seven-month belly.
Maybe Dean drifts off a little with the smoke in the warm evening air and dinner still comfortable in his stomach and the sounds of children and his family lulling him off. But he’s awake enough to feel Cas slip his fingers through Dean’s, and the brush of Cas’s lips over his forehead.
tags under the cut, as always pls let me know if you wanna be removed or added!
@prayedtoyou​ • @folklorecastiel • @good-things-do-happen-dean • @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you • @nesnej •  @bianca29753 • @spaceshipkat • @601218764 • @nickelkit • @dizzypinwheel • @epple-benene • @kayrosebee • @feraladoration • @queenvee08 • @destielangst • @destiel-is--real • @brazencas • @destielle
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My Sammy
Title: My Sammy
Characters: Sam, Reader, and Dean
Word Count: 1,030
Warning: Absolutely none
A/N: I’ve decided to start posting more of my own fic ideas instead of asking for prompts. I’m just trying to get back in my rhythm so that in the future I can take requests. Send lots of feed back and enjoy!!
“Hey,” you smiled as you sat down next to the man on your right.
“Hey. Here for Professor Collins psychology class?”
You pretended to looked shocked. “What I thought this was knitting 101! Shit!”
He looked at you like he was deciding how crazy you actually were. All you could do was laugh.
“Wow! You aren’t going to last this semester if you freak out every time I try to mess with you!”
He laughed and leaned in. “That’s a challenge. And I happily accept it. So...it’s on. Bring it, uh, what’s your name?”
“Y/N. You?”
“Sam. Let the games begin.”
The next day in class, Sam started with a fake spider that fell from the bottom of your desk, and onto your lap as you sat down. Naturally, you screamed and all eyes were on you.
Sam had a very disgusted face at you, and the class. “Y/N, get it together. Nothing happened!”
Before you could respond, your professor agreed with Sam.
Sam couldn’t stop beaming all through lecture. It was an all out war.
After finding Sam’s roommate, you got him in on the action. You handed him a tube of bright pink, completely temporary, hair dye. Sam’s roommate mixed it into Sam’s shampoo just before he stepped in the shower.
Nothing seemed weird until there was bright pink in the water below him. Sam slammed the water off, looked in the mirror, and said every cuss word in the world.
He heard your laugh in the living room, and stomped out with a towel around his waist.
“Y/N! How could you do this! My hair is ruined!”
“I don’t know what to tell you Sam,” you smiled, “I guess we could always go to a salon to fix it.
Sam’s roommate finally broke and told him it was temporary.
Sam started to plot his next event.
Sam saw you in class about a week later and saw that you were wearing a light colored shirt.
Going up the stairs to your dorm, you got slammed with a water balloon. Sam and his buddies were dying laughing as they pelted water balloons at you.
Running up your dorms stairs, you slammed the door as you came out onto the roof. His buddies had run, but Sam stood there and laughed.
“Wow. What a bad fashion choice, Y/N. You should really consider thick and baggy clothes. It could save you from these sort of incidents.”
“Oh, it’s on Winchester, I’ve still got stuff to come.”
Turning on your heel, you stormed off the roof. Sam laughed as you left. You looked sexy as him while you were angry.
Over the next two weeks you racked your brain trying to think of something. Midterms were only a week or so away, so you decided to hold off a bit.
Sam was in the library just as much as you were. After about two days you were at the same table. You’d spat about where each other’s books were and how they invaded each other’s space. At one point both of you weren’t allowed to drink coffee at the table in case it might spill.
Over the next almost two weeks, Sam was one of your best friends, and you were his. Even if you weren’t studying, lots of text messages, Facebook conversations, sending each other snapchats or Instagram posts. You two had become a team instead of rivals.
If you were having trouble with your family or guys, Sam was the first person to show up and comfort you. When Sam had family issues, you never pressed him for details he didn’t want to share, you found other ways to comfort him.
You had a key to Sam’s apartment, it was closer than yours, and since you’d been at the library late, you crashed at his place. When you let yourself in, there was a few thuds from inside the apartment, and when you came in, Sam was holding some guy on the ground.
“Sam! Stop! What the- Sam!”
“It’s fine sweetheart.” The other man said. “I’m his brother.” He tapped Sam’s shoulder, and was helped up off the ground.
“Y/N, this is my brother, Dean.”
“Hey. Are you two alright?”
Sam tried to play it off cool. “Just brother stuff.”
Dean asked Sam to talk to him privately, so you went to Sam’s room.
You immediately went to the air vent and listened in on their conversation in the kitchen.
“Dean, I’m not going.” Sam whispered.
“It’s dad! We have to go.”
“Do we? All he ever did was hijack our lives.”
“Sam, please. Just help me figure out where I’m headed.”
“Dean, I can’t. He basically disowned me, and he destroyed your childhood.”
You could hear Sam’s groans and could sense all the wheels turning in his head.
You took a few deep breaths, and walked into the kitchen.
“Boys, all cards on the table. Tell me what’s really going on.”
“Y/N-“ Sam tried to but in.
“No. Everything. Tell me everything.”
For the next hour or so the boys laid it all out on the table. Their mother's death, the demons, life on the road, chasing leads and ending up discovering something each time. They truly laid it all out.
Taking a deep breath you processed it all for a moment.
“Aright, this is what’s going to happen. Sam, you consult. You help tie pieces Dean finds together, and help to figure out a game plan. Sam you read books like crazy, and I’ll help too.” The boys tried to cut in but you shushed them by holding up your finger. “Dean, you will actively hunt. Use other hunters, work to destroy the monsters with our help. But the second that you are isolated in your hunts, you come to us. We can take it from there.”
The boys just stared at you. “I agree with you both, someone has to take care of the crazy, and dangerous, world we live in. However, you two are not losing each other. And I’m not losing you two either.”
Taking Dean’s hand you locked eyes with him, “He’s my Sammy too.”
Let me know your thoughts!!!!
@freefood45 @emoryhemsworth @humanandangel @jalove-wecallhimdean @imnoaingeal @xxmianicpixiexx @lynnebla @chelsea072498 @impalaimagining @docharleythegeekqueen @mariairwin666 @cyrilconnelly @sandlee44 @maddieburcham1 @percussiongirl2017 @fandommaniacx @raylin19 @moonstonemystyk @halloween-scream @destiellives123-blog @tmccarney @ellen-reincarnated1967 @lizmalfoywayland @sweetzunscripted @riddikulus-obsessions @small-town-wayward-daughter @love-kittykat21 @skybinx-blog @atc74 @27bmm @uttertrash--butlikecutetrash @imreallyfredweasley @super100012 @goody2shoessmut @aquabrie @gallifreyansass @dreamingintheimpalawithdean @fanboyswhereare-you @chaos-and-the-calm67 @paintrider13-blog @doro7winchester @spontaneousam @beatlesobsessionlove @ohmychuckitssamanddean  @cameronbraswell @padackles2010 @melonberri @ayyyitsthatweirdchick16 @letsdisneythings @sis-tafics @little-castiel13 @devilgirlsarah @mogaruke @mspseudonymwho @riversong-sam
@wordstothewisereaders @attractiverandomness @phan-band-fandoms @captainradicalpassion @jayankles @justacaliforniandreamer @iloveyoulikebuckylovesplums @idji-bitchy-assbutt-jerk @applepie-and-angelwings @jinksy-ride-with-your-ass @barbedwireandbubblegum @emilypkuzu @jotink78 @bloodredrose12 @jensen-gal @whyhello-there @taste-of-dean @midnightmora @foxboot  @ashleydivine @yunuenlovesg @sydneymarie101195 @elliewinchesterr @leather-moccasin-hero @lost-in-the-stories @fangirl1802 @latenightsandlongnaps @pretty-fortune @dorky-and-i-know-it @theoriginalvicki @sii888 @narriy @donnaintx @demondeansdomme @milkymilky-cocopuff @michellespnlvr37 @aiaranradnay  @jazzzybee @beltz2016 @captainradicalpassion @captainemwinchester @80s-addict @dancingalone21 @starry-chaos  @benjerry707 @spnwoman @obsessivecompulsivespn @cherrycokegirls1 @andkatiethings
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Hulking - Antiaverage Fic
Pairing: Antiaverage Summary:  In which Chase knows he's adorable and takes advantage of it and Anti's the poor sucker who falls for it every single time. Stacy's also there as a great wingman (woman?) and empathizes with Anti. Genre: Fluff Warnings: Soft Anti, Ego Shipping Masterpost of my Fics Tags: @the-rampaige​ @egopocalypse​ @iris-the-asparagus​ @sqxxddygremlin​ @awkward-bullshit​ @jaysflight​ @assbutt-of-the-readers​
Looking up at the hulking glitch demon, Chase knows that he could snap his entire body in half with a single thought. But the only thing going through Chase’s mind right now wasn’t Anti’s terrifying powers it’s…
“Wow, I could climb you like a tree.” Huh. He said that one outloud didn’t he?
Distantly, he could hear Stace’s all-suffering ‘Oh my god, Chase’ and the snorts from their other friends. Anti’s frigid bitch face cracked and melted away and no he was staring at him with a slightly gaping mouth.
“... The fuck?” The demon spat out.
Since he didn’t use Chase as a toothpick for his sharp teeth (those would be so good for biting, Chase dreamily thought), Chase counted that as a big win for him. He maximized the strength of his sunny smile and was gratified by the slight blush that rosened up Anti’s cheeks.
“Say Anti, you wanna hang out with me later on?” Chase ‘innocently’ asked.
Chase knows that his cuteness is his appeal and he’s definitely up for using it to get what he wants from the poor bastards who’d fall for it. Stace pretty much cursed him out for using it too much on her and every single time she’d crack underneath his weapon.
Oops~ He must have amped it up too much since Anti was now looking at him with narrowed eyes. Said eyes which Chase thinks are one of the prettiest ones he’s ever seen. They look like gleaming emeralds and they’re so pretty whenever they flash with Anti’s emotions.
(In the future, when Anti’s eyes fully flicker over to black, Chase would admit to being just as mesmerized by the sight and comparing them to a starless night sky or shining obsidians.)
“Sure,” Anti finally shrugged, not finding anything wrong with it. Chase’s smile widened and he beamed like the bright sun.
Looks like he just scored a date!~
(Stace’s so going to kinkshame him but who cares. He just got a date with Anti even though it doesn’t really sound like a date to outsiders but he’s going to be alone with Anti.)
“He was too cute and he was already teaming up with the fucking mutt with a kicked puppy look!” Anti gestured wildly as he groaned with Stacy who nodded sympathetically since she also experienced that sort of thing before with her ex-husband.
“The trick to resisting him is knowing that he knows he’s adorable and that he’s weaponizing it against you,” Stacy wisely said and the commiserating duo glanced over at the topic of their conversation ho was playing with the kids and his new puppy.
There was a moment of silence which was only broken by the delighted shrieks of the kids, Chase’s laugh, and the puppy’s yips.
Then Anti groaned and slumped over at his seat with a defeated scowl.
“I know that but I still can’t resist him.” Anti growled. He was pretty much the personification of despair at the moment.
Stacy reached over and patted his left hand, half mockingly and half empathetically.
“Oh Anti,” her gaze and voice dripped with pity, “you’re so in love with our boy that if he came up to you asking for the world, you’d have it conquered for him by the end of tomorrow.”
“You’re his bitch, Anti. That’s what I’m saying.”
“I know.”
“You poor bastard…”
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The Whisper
So back in the ye old days of the finale of SPN Season 13, I had a theory about getting Dean back and how it was going to happen. Here's a small little ficlet I wrote. I found this saved in my computer a few days back. I'd forgotten I'd written this shortly after the finale. It's pretty bad. I don't really like it but I'm willing to cut myself a little bit of slack seeing as how I was in the hospital drugged up on morphine when I wrote it. But I thought I'd share it especially since it feels like this theory isn't going to come to pass in Season 14. But oh well. Enjoy and try to be nice to me about this. I was hopped up on pain killers at the time.
Cas sits on the step. He hates this step in the bunker. He always has. What even is the point of it? Why does one room need to be a few inches below the next room? It's pointless. Cas thought he understood humanity but human architecture may be a lost cause. He'd ask Dean about the step except, well, Dean's busy being an idiot. An idiotic, self-sacrificing moron. But Cas can't even be angry. Not while he's being haunted; it's unbearable and bearable at the same time. As an angel, Cas always thought hauntings were simple. Ghosts were simple enough to get rid of. But the ghost of a whisper? Cas doesn't know how to get rid of that. He hears the whisper over and over in his head and it won't disappear. It's all he can think about. So much implication lies in that whisper. Vulnerability, trust, faith. All of that was given to him. What was Dean thinking? Cas can barely manage to take care of himself. How is he supposed to manage this? He saved Dean once before, it's true. But he was a different angel then. Can he do it now?
Cas hears Sam and Jack enter the bunker. He hears Sam call out "Cas" in his typical gruff manner but Cas remains sitting. He doesn't need Sam to tell him what happened. Cas knows what happened. Sam and Jack being here and Dean not is proof of what happened. Sam joins Cas on the step, Cas hears Sam talking but can't respond. He doesn't know how to.
When Sam asks, "What are we going to do, Cas?" is when the whisper reaches deafening heights and all of the sudden Cas knows what he has to do. Dean trusted him with this, it doesn't matter if Cas doesn't think he's worthy of this task, all that matters is Dean put everything he had into that whisper. That whisper will carry him through. That whisper will save Dean.
Cas stands up and looks to Sam and Jack and replies, "I know what needs to be done. We will get Dean back." He gives his family a reassuring smile.
Time passes and here Cas is. In the moment he'd been worried most about. Facing off against Michael in Dean's body. Cas had been fighting the best he could but when Michael has his sword, he's a formidable foe. But Cas's resolve sticks the landing. He won't give up. He can't give up. Not with something like this. The whisper tells him he not to give up.
"Castiel, it was an honorable attempt but why don't you don't quit while it's still possible for you to quit, " Michael berates. To Cas, even though Michael is using Dean's voice, it doesn't feel like Dean to him. The cadence is off. The whisper makes Cas realize he hates the sound of the Michael's voice right now. Only Dean should be allowed to use that voice.
Once more, Cas hears the whisper in his head and he sees the opening, the place his angel blade needs to land. He has to be quick. He throws the angel blade and it came as no surprise when Michael blocked the attack. But Michael didn't see the second blade thrown right after the first and it nicks the spot that needed to be hit.
Cas yells, "Now!" and the plan is finally in motion. The angels and demons put everything they have to paralyze Michael.
Michael stares at Cas and sincerely asks, "What do you hope to accomplish with this, Castiel? No demon will be able to bring Dean out. Not where he's stashed in his own mind."
"Well, assbutt, it's a good thing we're not sending a demon," Cas responds.
"Really," Michael laughs. "An angel is going to try it? Dean despises angels. What angel would he possibly give permission-"
"Dean, you can't do this," Cas exclaims. "This isn't what Sam or Jack would want."
Dean turns back around to Cas and walks towards him. As he nears Cas, "Cas, I will save them. I have to. And I also believe in you. You'll be able to take care of things."
Cas doesn't understand.
Dean hugs Cas and the whisper is so small and light he almost misses it. As Dean pulls Cas closer and tightens the hold around Cas, Cas faintly hears "Yes," being whispered. Dean pulls out of the hug and looks at Cas in the eyes and Cas knows what he meant. Cas hopes his eyes convey the reassurance he wants to say while being unsure. And then Dean walks back to Michael and a blinding light encompasses the room. When the light dissipates, Dean is gone and only Michael's discarded original vessel remains.
"That's right," Cas responds. "Never underestimate a whisper. I think you spent too much time as a conqueror. Now watch as this world conquers you."
Cas approaches Michael and his vessel and looks at the green eyes he hasn't seen in weeks. "Thank you for the whisper, Dean. I once criticized you had no faith. That's not true, anymore. Thank you for placing your faith in me. I saved you in hell. I will save you from this."
And in a beam of light, Cas's human vessel lays at Dean's feet. Castiel, nowhere to be seen but all present, Sam and Jack and the angels and the demons, they know where Cas is. Cas is bringing Dean home just as the whisper requested.
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