#Masseur JJ
comiiical · 2 years
open to bottoms.
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Walking into the room with no more than a short tight shirt and a pair of sweatpants, JJ directed himself straight to the hand washer and the towels as he observed the client over the table, “hello, I am JJ and I am your masseur. I’ve been told you need a thorough massage delivered to your thigh due to an injury? Is that correct?”
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septic-dr-schneep · 3 years
Snappy, JJ. What is he like when he's truly Grumpy?
“Confound it all!” It wasn’t the speech slide that broke through the others’ bustle for their attention but the thud of Jameson’s book as it hit the coffee table. He lunged onto his feet in the same motion, fuming. “Peace and quiet! Peace and quiet after a work day that’s beaten the dickens out of me, that’s all I ask! Every incessant moment, you’re chattering like monkeys and thundering about like elephants!”
“Geez. Sorry, Jem,” Chase answered gingerly, sharing a startled glance with the others. Wasn’t the whole point of a massage clinic to be more relaxed at the end of the day? Maybe JJ was the one in need of a rubdown, rather than being the hand behind it. 
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egopocalypse · 4 years
His Universe
You don't know how you got here.
You don't know where your consciousness begins or where your memory ends. All you know is that you woke up in this dark room in this cold metal chair, your wrists shackled behind your back, and have been waiting here ever since for your supposed captor to address you.
But the man before you is unexpected. You've heard tales of the puppet master, the demonic beast with the bloody gash ripped across his throat, who steals people off the street and from their homes to have them dance on his strings. That was who you expected when first woke up in this place.
This man, however, has no gash on his throat. He has no strings attached. He doesn't even have a knife spinning in his hands, sharp enough to trace through the thickest skin.
Well, not one you can see, anyway.
"A knife, you say?"
Oh, that's different. Did he hear your thoughts, or had you foolishly said them aloud?
The man steps further into the spotlight, rings glinting off the pristine white gloves he wears. The gloves are fitted perfectly to his hand, molded to them like a second skin, yet they obscure just enough to add mystery and elegance to his dapper veneer. 
"Well, I may not have the extensive collection that others do, but I do have something rather unique, if I can show you."
Though you hear a voice (do you?) in your head, his mouth has yet to move. Instead, his hands flash in front of you, ensnaring your vision as the rings draw your eyes to the motions.
He's signing, and yet you can translate it perfectly. How does he do that?
"This watch was given to me by my grandfather." You blink. He's moved again, pulling out an old pocket watch from his breast pocket, and he drapes the chain over a hook above you, allowing the closed cover to hang in front of your eyes as he signs. "He referred to it as le serviteur de la lune, due to the unique capacity to reflect the moon’s current phase. Would you like to see?"
You nod. The cover is gorgeous, shining with an image of the full moon in front. If the front is so fascinating, you long to see how breathtaking the watch itself is.
Dutiful, the man unclasps the cover, opening it to reveal the face. You withhold a gasp, taken in by silver accents against a platinum base.
"Quite beautiful, yes?" The man beams, pleased by your enraptured gaze. He signs behind the watch, keeping it in your sight as he continues. "See how the moving hands obscure the moon, drawing it closer and closer to darkness. First to a waning gibbous, then a quarter, then a crescent, all the way down to nothing. The hands do this, but so do the gears, turning and pulling each other as they are meant to."
You focus on each part as he names it. Silver gears peek through a glass case in the center, directly tied to the twitching hands that tick in a perfect rhythm. The beat is all you can hear as you gaze upon the main star of the watch, the moon lit up in the background as if it envelops the entire watch. It's a stunning work of art, and you can't help but stare at it, blown away by its craftsmanship.
He stops signing, pausing for a brief moment to tap the middle of the glass. "Watch the gears for me, dear. Do you see how they work in perfect time, urging the others to do their part in ensuring the watch works as it’s meant to? Do you see how alike to us they are, where people who move as they’re meant to work happily, but those who disrupt order" - the watch snaps shut, and you jerk back in surprise - "ruin the experience for everyone?"
Disrupt order? Who would want to do that? If a gear stops, so does the rest of the clock, and the watch is too pretty to have a single gear stop it.
But... Why does it seem so important to let it stop? Why is there the nagging need to stop it? You want it to keep going. You don't ever want to let it stop.
He nods his assent. Very good. "It's rude, isn’t it, to squander other people’s joy, to strip away the peace they hold so dearly? Why let them suffer and add to your misery, when you can share the warmth that shields them against the icy clutches of sorrow? The home, the hearth, has always been sacred, and you wish to join it. You wish to belong."
Understanding dawns in your chest. You have wanted to belong, haven't you? You've yearned for it for so long. How are you only just realizing this dream now?
"You have a place in this universe, my friend," he assures you. "You have one here with me. In this home, in this hearth, under this moonlit sky. There is no need to feel frostbitten misery when the warmth of peace wraps around you, like stepping into a soothing bath after a long day." 
He pulls the watch to the side and drops it, allowing it to swing back and forth. The ticking grows louder, echoing in time with your pulsing heart. "Step in, my dear," he beckons. "Let all your worries wash away and feel the warmth envelop you, from your toes all the way up to your head. Bask in it, and all the while, look at the moon, and the changes phases that consume your gaze."
You don't remember when your mouth dropped, but the line of drool down your chin is a faint gnat that's squashed by the dazzling watch. You can't look away. You don't want to look away. Not when this is the most alluring sight you've ever seen, when these are the most comforting words someone has ever shared with you.
"You deserve this peace. You deserve to feel warm, to be happy. But only if you look towards the moon." The warmth floods through you, encasing you in comfort. A drowsy sigh leaves your lips, and the man's lips twitch before he continues. "See the changing phases unfold, see the gears within churn away as they are meant to, as you are meant to move with them. See the hands of le serviteur de la lune tick away. The passage of time does not matter to you. The worries of the past no longer consume you. All you need is this warmth, this peace, this moon that only I can give you.
The light glints off the face, mesmerizing you, and you can't look away even as a figure behind you cups your cheeks. It only breaks when the figure tilts your head back, silken gloved hands lifting it to meet the man's sparkling blue eyes.
"Your place within the universe starts here, my pet. It starts and ends with me."
You nod. The warmth has yet to cease, and the peace it brings you feels better than anything you’ve ever experienced. This is what he gives you, and you accept it wholeheartedly.
The watch and ticking are long gone, but you don’t miss it as he swallows your gaze. They’ll be back. You just have to be good. “Share your thoughts with me, my dear,” he commands. “Allow me to hear your gratitude.”
You’re pleased to be his pet. You’re pleased to be in his service.
Everything starts and ends with Him.
@miishae @skyewardlight @mad-men-inc @scarlet-mangata @platinumdistorsio @shadowtigress2
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astudyingreer · 5 years
Your Anti, disgusting creeper Jackie, River's Anti, her Masseur JJ, Puppet Master Chase, and corrupted Marvin?
I actually haven’t really read River’s stuff so I dont know half of these (for some reason o_O) But I’ll try to do this anyway!
Push off a cliff - River’s Anti?? No anti’s at all in the world please
Kiss - Puppet Master Chase, sounds kinky
Marry - Masseur JJ, he seems like he gives good back rubs
Set on Fire - My Anti. Let him burn the fucker
Wrap a Blanket around - Creeper Jackie cuz he needs to calm down ONE HUNDRED PERCENT
Be Roommates with - Corrupted Marvin cuz I feel like the neighbors would never bother us
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septic-dr-schneep · 4 years
Is jj still a masseuse? I thought he lost his job from the pandemic?
“Masseuse” is actually the female form of “masseur”! His job did shut down for a while but since more places started reopening he’s been following the safety precautions for anyone who feels comfortable dropping by, provided they get temperature checks, sanitize and wear a mask at all times.
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septic-dr-schneep · 4 years
How about a three sentence fic about Lydia and JJ's first fight or argument?
“She’s merely a client, Lydia, someone who comes to me in need!”
“Yeah, well, she seems to have a lot of other ‘needs’ in mind when you’re massaging her shoulders like that! Can you honestly say you haven’t noticed her flirting with you or have you just been letting it happen?” 
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septic-dr-schneep · 4 years
Does jj still have his job during this crisis?
Hopefully? It’s probably running at low capacity with fewer people coming, but if anyone wants to come for a massage wearing a mask, JJ will glove up and disinfect everything between appointments. It all just depends on how people are adapting.
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septic-dr-schneep · 4 years
R u up for a prompt about jj being the one on the receiving end of a massage? Love your content btw!
“How many times have you done me a favor like this?” Jackieboy pointed out gently as he draped his hands over Jameson’s shoulders, the pads of his thumbs pressing and lifting rhythmically. “I think I’ve picked up a few things.”
“Ooh...jeepers. You certainly have...” the younger Ego murmured gratefully, letting his eyes close as he relaxed into his touch. Jackieboy’s hands weren’t like his own -- larger, firmer, his grip strong enough that it bordered painful, but it was a good pain, chipping away at the deep-set aches little by little. He could understand now why his clients were so appreciative of this.
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
17 with jackie and anyone?
“Jeepers! You’ve hardly been stretching, have you? There are so many knots here, I might think you’re a ship’s rigging,” Jameson scolded as he kneaded the thick scar tissue spanning Jackieboy’s spine and shoulder blades. The hero cringed in response, voice hitching as JJ’s thumbs dug in.
“Haven’t…nnh…Haven’t had the time. Too many things to – Ow, ow, oww – ” 
“Breathe, my friend…Deep, deep breaths now. Let yourself go loose and limp. I promise I’ll have you sorted back to rights.”
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
for prompts, how about silver getting a massage from jameson? he deserves some nice relaxation with all the hard work he does!
“Gee, I…I really appreciate you doing this. You don’t have to, it’s no big deal…Jackie just thought it’d be a good idea. Well, actually, Roxanne brought it up and Jackieboy recommended you so, umm…” He was rambling, Caleb realized halfway through his sentence, thought at least Jameson didn’t seem like he minded. He was a good listener. 
“It’s no trouble, good sir,” he assured him as he dug the heels of his palms in on either side of his spine. “I’m happy to oblige for a friend. How has the stress been swinging lately?”
At that he barked an incredulous laugh, one cut short by a wince as the palms dragged down, fingers folding to knead under his shoulder blades. “I don’t wanna think about it.”
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
on a busy day, considering all egos have jobs to do, i can see jj doing all the chores. what about when the egos come home to jj, passed out from exhaustion and hunger?
Actually JJ has a job too! He’s a masseur! Before he got the job, though, he did feel pretty guilty. He felt like he couldn’t contribute enough to the household so he took over a lot of the chores. Some days it was sweet, other days he overworked/burnt himself out pretty bad and the others started picking up slack whether he wanted them to or not. It’s better now that he has a stable job that relaxes both him and his clients!
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
Oooh... would War JJ let canon JJ give him a massage to help him relax? Or would does he not trust JJ enough to expose his back or shoulders like that?
Main JJ could just offer to do it through his shirt; he doesn’t have to use any of the oils or lotions on his skin. War would be pretty jumpy about being touched at first but over a bit of time he’d relax.
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
How did jj decide he wanted to be a massuse?
He doesn’t like having idle hands; his hands get really fidgety and restless if they’re not doing something, which is why he has so many hands-on hobbies like wood carving, gardening, jeweling, crafting, etc. He’s built up good strength in his hands because of it and when the others would complain about knots and tension after work he’d offer to help them out. It was a natural talent and they suggested he might be good enough to make it a job. ^^
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
I would love to see JJ at his job! I can't believe I didn't know about this in the months I've been following you. I was missing out.
Every fluid press and glide of his fingers was meant to feel like a deep breath -- in and out. In and out. Nodding his head faintly to the rhythm of the soft piano music playing, Jameson gathered up some more oil for his hands. Back and forth he painted it, tracing the lines of muscle, the structure of the ribs. It was much like carving, finding the rough edges to shape a smoother, softer form. 
Breathing into the motions, he leaned the heels of his palms in hard on either side of his client’s spine, feeling the muscles warm under his touch. The more superficial knots had dissolved; now for the proper deep cleaning. 
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
Can we pls get JJ giving Henrik a head massage?
If there was anything JJ had learned by watching the others show affection to the doctor, it was that he loved to have his hair played with. True to form, he sighed blissfully, melting as JJ’s fingers moved in slow circles through the curls. Whenever he happened upon a little tangle, he would take the time he needed to unravel it before scratching his nails gently over his scalp to soothe. 
“Does this take the sting out of the headache, doc?” he asked hopefully as he moved to press the heels of his palms against his temples, nudging him to open his eyes so he could read the slide.
“Mmm? Oh -- yes, Jamie, is perfect. I did not realize how much I need this.”
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
This is purely optional, but can I get 'foot massage' with anyone of your choosing?
“Oh...Ohhh, wow,” Jackie breathed, head falling back against the cushions. He hadn’t even realized how much tension he was holding in his feet until now as JJ’s thumbs dragged down his arches. “Now I see why people pay you for this...You’ve got the master hand.”
“I’d hardly be a proper masseur if I didn’t!” JJ chuckled, gripping his toes to stretch them back and forth. “Is there anywhere in particular you’d prefer I direct my focus?”
“Just...everywhere. It feels amazing,” he murmured, inhaling deeply as the oil on the other’s hands reached his nose. “Is that lavender?”
“Lavender, frankincense and spikenard. I’m glad that they are to your liking!” Wordlessly Jackieboy nodded, eyes flickering, and Jameson couldn’t suppress a knowing smile as he pressed his heels. “Feel free to close your eyes if you wish. Many clients take the opportunity to catch a catnap while I work.”
“Oh, I...I’m good.”
Not two minutes later he was snoring. 
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