#be your best Machiavellian self
mai-komagata · 10 months
So as much as I liked the new hunger games movie and thought it was great commentary on the world of today, I don’t think I can fandom it (despite my unending love of evil characters and rainbow girls). I’m not 17. I need a bunch of 30 and 40 year olds in my fandom nowadays lol. I’m far more into Peter Dinklage and Viola Davis than these young in’s, lol. But it was a cute story and I loved Coriolanus as a character.
That said am I making a Lucy gray cosplay? Perhaps. That outfit slaps.
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renardiererin · 1 year
two: vicious
you dated rintarou suna for a little over a year. everything was so picture perfect-- retrospectively staged to get you too caught up in his shallow, strategized acts of "affection" to notice what kind of a guy he really is. he's in a band; a pretty popular one, at that. he's the lead singer/guitarist, and half the internet is in love with him. every red flag you excused as typical male behavior. every problematic response to a fan's message or an article making him look bad, you just brushed off as the hate getting to him. you kept trying to look for the best in the worst, but every time you defended him it just turned the hate towards you. it caused quite the commotion. after you broke up, you decided to be private about it. keep your feelings to yourself-- and your best friend who came over with ice cream every night for 15 straight days-- and quietly carried the burden of the relationship you devoted an entire year of your life to. he started going to therapy, as per your advice, and started being nicer to his fanbase. all of it was forced by his management team to stop the bad press he was getting left and right, and it worked. the world stopped fighting against him, and he turned into a rock god. beloved by people all around the planet. he turns up at hospitals every couple of weeks to hang out with his fans there in order to make himself look good-- he won't do it if there's no press--, he started donating to charities, advocating for climate change (and by advocating, he was just reposting shit on his social media. hey, at least he's using his platform!), etc. the world treated him like an angel. you're not so sure that's true, though. you knew him for three years despite only dating for one, and you know rintarou like the back of your hand. if he's an angel, he's lucifer on a redemption arc. rintarou suna is the most cunning, machiavellian, cryptic, self-motivated, vicious man you've ever known. every girl he's seen with in public-- and it's a new one every week-- all have reputations for being "smart," yet all of them clearly neglect intuition if they're dating somebody like him. he's called you drunk a couple times since the breakup, whenever he gets insecure, and always ends the voicemail by pouting about how you don't love him and then some girl is pictured half naked leaving his house the next morning. he just runs to whoever's convenient. it's like he doesn't remember that night when he said it was you and him for life, because now he's kind of acting like you died. he stopped reaching out, moved on with his life after a week or two, and when he gets asked about your breakup in interviews he just furrows his eyebrows and says: "i'm sorry, who?" it's like he doesn't even feel remorseful. does he really regret nothing? maybe he doesn't think he hurt you. he wrote one song about the breakup, ending with the closing line: "wish you the best," so maybe he thinks that's his apology and you've forgiven him. maybe you were only the next one of his victims to take his love songs as a promise. you really just feel sorry for whatever girl he chooses to take advantage of next, because when she breaks he won't come back to pick up the pieces.
taglist: @alienvarmint @kiyoily (raine ik you didnt actually ask but i <3 u so youre here anyway)
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pluckyredhead · 8 months
I've been meaning to ask for a while, since you've read so much more Supers books than me, but what are your thoughts on Kon being retconned as Clark and Lex's lab grown love child? Asides from that one mind-controlled-into-shaving-his-head incident, did that ever factor into anything again? Is it even still canon? If it were up to you would you keep it and try to do something interesting with it or just sweep it under the rug and pretend it was never true?
I think it would be a great retcon if they ever did anything with it aside from one (1) incredibly stupid story.
Because the thing is, originally Kon's human donor was Paul Westfield, and genuinely, who the fuck cares about Paul Westfield? He was only relevant for, like, a year. He's a footnote at best.
But Lex? There's so much potential there:
How does Clark feel about it? Does he trust Kon less? Does he feel guilty about that? Does he defend him to people (Batman) who would question him?
What are Lex's plans? You can't tell me he would sic Kon on other heroes once and give up. Lex always plays the long game. He has to have other Machiavellian schemes. What if Kon gets the clone plague again and Lex has the cure? What if he built in a vulnerability other than kryptonite? Most interestingly, what if Lex cares?
And of course, most importantly, how does Kon feel about it? We've seen him ignoring it and then moping about it. And I think it was his Adventure Comics run where we saw him tracking his own behavior to see if he was more like Superman or Lex. But what if a story really interrogated the fact that Kon is a very different person than Clark? (Especially in light of Jon, Clark's mini-me.) Kon likes money; Lex is a billionaire. Kon loves attention; Lex is functionally a supervillain because he's jealous that people like Superman more. Kon is a sweet boy but he's not a shining paragon of virtue. Is that because of Lex's genes? Is everything good about Kon simply Superman's genes? Is Kon is own person with free will that exists beyond picking a donor to emulate? Is a clone a person at all? Let's get into it, DC!
If it was up to me, I would write two stories about it:
First is the story where Kon and Lex actually develop a relationship. Kon and Clark has never been close, and Kon has rarely had a stable home or consistent parental figures (Rex was untrustworthy, Dubbilex got written out a lot, Guardian died and came back as a child, Pa died, Ma lived but Kon died and then got retconned into another dimension...). Kon is primed to fall for lovebombing, especially if Lex is doing one of his regular "no, really, I'm Redemption Arc-ing for real this time!" routines. Especially right now with a trillion Supers Clark likes better hanging around Metropolis, and Lex swearing he's going to be Good...what if he stopped trying to convince Clark, and started trying to convince Kon? What if he spent time with him, and listened to him, and took his side against Clark, and let's be real, probably spent money like water on him? And what if Lex, despite himself, discovered that...he actually cared about his clone son?
Of course, Lex's self-interest would eventually win out. We see this over and over again, where he sacrifices his relationships on the altar of his ambition, where he just can't quite love anyone else as much as he loves being evil. And yes, Kon ends the story hurt, but also with another reminder that validation needs to come from within and not from a billionaire who wants something from you, even if he is your other dad.
(And maybe Clark is reminded that he has failed Kon. Again. Ahem.)
The second story I would write is the one where Lex goes to jail and Kon somehow inherits Lexcorp and many billions of dollars and is cartoonishly irresponsible with all of it. Lex gets out of jail and there's a giraffe in his office and all of his doomsday devices are full of Zesti Cola.
But yeah, instead DC does nothing with it. Literally a few months ago they had Clark and Kon and Lex all having a conversation about a villain Lex created and gave TTK to - so like, talking explicitly about how Lex created Kon, too - and aside from Kon being mildly snide, that was it. That was it! DC WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS. WHAT IS THE POINT OF SETTING UP SOMETHING SO JUICY AND THEN LEAVING THAT JUICE UNSQUOZE.
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moderndayamymarch · 25 days
my unpopular harry potter opinions:
I don’t vibe w the dumbledore bashing. he obviously was machiavellian and should’ve told harry more than he did but also it was a war and dumbledore’s plan to get harry to sacrifice himself was kinda the only option. I also just find harry and dumbledore’s relationship to be one of the most interesting ones! they’re very similar (half-bloods, anger issues, guilt complexes, & natural born leaders), dumbledore obviously genuinely cared for harry, and I love the way deathly hallows mirrors half blood prince in the way that harry digs into dumbledore’s past like dumbledore had him do with tom riddle’s in order to actually understand dumbledore’s plan
I’ve never understood the draco appeal. his first appearance in the books involves him being racist and making fun of hagrid. he’s then essentially a little neo nazi the entire time they’re at hogwarts. he says that he hopes the chamber of secrets kills all the muggle borns, routinely calls ppl like hermione slurs, and is awful to marginalized ppl like hagrid. like obv he’s a product of his environment and raised by his parents to be like that but I never understood the whole “why is harry so mean to draco, draco’s just a tortured misunderstood soul” like would you befriend a little neo nazi? I think he’s a great character, but I guess I don’t understand the fanon draco.
I’m not a snape hater, I find his character to be one of the most interesting/complex. he’s a grown up bully taking out grudges on 11 year olds, but he also stands up for harry to dumbledore after learning about dumbledore’s plan. I also love his doomed friendship with lily.
I’m not a ron hater either. ron’s a good friend to harry and truly loves his best friend. his jealousy/insecurities is what makes him real. like yeah you really shouldn’t be jealous of your friend’s fame when it’s bc their parents were murdered and wizard hitler’s tried to kill them multiple times, but when you’re 14, you get irrationally jealous! and in the end ron recognizes that he was being self-centered and grows as a person by killing the locket horcrux! above all, though, ron is a loyal friend who would do anything for harry and hermione. and that’s what matters! also the kid is funny! he makes the best sarcastic asides.
I don’t understand the marauders fandom, but I support them. they’ve truly built something so separate from jkr and I respect that. that said. I don’t get james and regulus? like as a ship. I’m not sure where it came from and tbh I don’t want to know.
too many people in the marauders fandom ignore or push lily to the side and I’m not here for it! she’s one of the coolest characters!! her love for her child and her sacrifice make destroying tom riddle possible!! she stands up for severus against james, she was talented at potions, she just wanted her sister to love her again!
I don’t think tom riddle’s descent into moral decay was caused by dumbledore. I already wrote about this in depth, but homeboy needed severe psychological intervention that didn’t even exist in the 40s in order to not be like that.
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azurestar · 1 year
With the Eras Tour movie coming out this weekend, I thought I'd post some of my Batman/Taylor Swift thoughts.
My Tears Ricochet reminds me so strongly of Bruce and Dick's relationship I'm not 100% convinced it wasn't actually written about them. I could probably do a full lyrical analysis to this song, but for now I'll point to a few selected quotes.
Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day
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You know I didn’t want to have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels that I gave you As you bury me
In Swift's discography, the "jewels" represent the albums she lost the rights to, which her former label continues to profit off of. In this context, the jewel is Robin's identity— which Bruce gives Jason weeks after firing Dick.
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace 'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave. And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed ... And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain Crossing out the good years
When Bruce fires Dick, he tells him he wants Robin to stay dead. When Dick confronts him about taking on a new Robin, he at first refuses to acknowledge “the years we spent together as Batman and Robin”— before breaking down and angrily admitting that he missed him.
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Mastermind reminds me of Barbara —specifically, her conversation with Helena in Birds of Prey #84, when she apologizes for psychologically manipulating her. Read the bridge of Mastermind…
No one wanted to play with me as a little kid So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since To make them love me and make it seem effortless This is the first time I've felt the need to confess And I swear I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care.
…and then the following panels.
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Right Where You Left Me is more meta than the others on this list, but it reminds me of Tim— still Robin, still seventeen after all these years.
Everybody moved on I stayed there Dust collected on my pinned-up hair They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared Right where you left me … Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen? Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it She's still 23 inside her fantasy How it was supposed to be…
In a hypothetical edit, I’d change the self-deprecating next line to “Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion? / Heroes die every day / You don’t have to lose it." You know:
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You’re Losing Me reminds me of Stephanie’s time as Robin + War Games.
I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier Fighting in only your army Frontlines, don't you ignore me I'm the best thing at this party (You're losin' me)
Despite Batman's discouragement, Stephanie gave being Robin everything she had, throwing herself in the line of fire to protect him. Instead of rewarding her efforts, Batman pushes her away, limits her information access, and eventually fires her.
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And I wouldn't marry me either A pathological people pleaser Who only wanted you to see her
As War Games progresses, Stephanie's overwhelmed with guilt. All she ever wanted was Batman's support.
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Finally, the heart failure theme. Swift incorporates a heartbeat into the track, and “you’re losing me” references a coding hospital patient. The final lyrics:
Stop, you're losin' me Stop, you're losin' me Stop, you're losin' me I can't find a pulse My heart won't start anymore
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mysticmjolnir · 1 year
Acting Choices
Sheev Palpatine: shakespearian subtlety, his eyes are so clear and speaking. He's doing his best in a galaxy of full strife, he has the deepest respect for all his colleagues, even those who don't seem to like him very much, he's sure they have their reasons. The privileges of office, he would say barely matter, while brushing a stray silk thread from his sleeve, when compared to the burdens of office, the weight of duty upon him to the republic and its people. But those burdens, of course, he never truly thinks of such matters, he would not let himself be distracted from the task at hand. Unlike some that he could name - though, naturally, he would never do so. Slippery bastard, machiavellian in the truest sense perhaps, mad with power but also frighteningly sane.
He is surrounded by corruption, but obviously remains apart and opposed to it - what is he to do, in the face of such inquiity? He's only one man, limited by the law (which he writes and passes), limited by his enemies (numerous, ever-growing and all traitors), and limited by his own conscience (the republic! we must preserve her values, even if others fall prey to temptation and avarice). If you have any concerns and questions, he will gladly hear them, if you have solutions to propose then he is eager to listen! But as you speak your ideas, once so definite and clear to you, will turn to muddy oil and slip away, and he will offer comfort and staunch support that amounts to nothing but ash once you've left his presence. And if you manage to persist, then he will smile and promise progress, but you will be dismissed and you will be sidelined and some unfortunate things will happen to your self and your reputation and your resources.
Toxic masculinity played in the softest tone, patronising and grandfatherly enough to diminish you to nothing but a child in need of guidance and distraction.
"So may the outward shows be least themselves: The world is still deceived with ornament. In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt, But, being seasoned with a gracious voice, Obscures the show of evil?" Act III Scene 2, The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare, 1597ish
Darth Sidious: I am a pantomime villain who will electrocute you, I am the most sinister creature alive and also the goofiest, I spent decades of my life wearing the Nice Man mask and I resent every moment I had to pretend I wasn't the cleverest, most powerful and most important being alive. I lived under the yoke of subtlety for too long, now it's time to reap the benefits, which include ULTIMATE POWER and also never having to give a single shit about what anyone thinks of me ever again.
"Hence it is to be noted that when seizing power a conqueror ought to examine closely all the damage he must inflict, and inflict it all at once so that he is not obliged to repeat it daily; because by not repeating it, he can reassure men and win them over to his side with the favors he distributes. Whoever acts otherwise, out of either timidity or bad advice, always needs to carry a sword in his hand; he can never count on his subjects, who will never feel secure with him because of their recent and continual abuses. Abuses ought to be inflicted all at once - the shorter savoured, the less resented; favours ought to be distributed gradually so that they will be the better savoured" - Chapter Eight, The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli, 1532
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chattegeorgiana · 6 months
Hey Chatte hope all is well! I saw your special Narusakra comic and your most recent post on IG showing off the Crown of the Sun for Sakura. Can’t wait to read & see how she gets there. I saw a lot of awesome pieces for NarSaukra day so I want to thank you and the rest of the community for keeping it alive.
I have been rereading Kaika and the chapters 11-13 so far are my favorite. I’m excited to how you are going to make the aliens/gods work and to be honest you have done a better than the canon. As for everyone’s favorite snake sanin I’m interested to how he ends in the plot. While personally I didn’t care for him be a “good” guy in canon in the present. He will always be a creature of habit and self serving. So I’m excited. Also a headcannon I thought of regarding him and Shina’s Gen. He would be interested Shina the most compared to the U twins probably feed up with Uchilas in general. Also given the fact that he probably shoot’s himself for overlooking Naruto and Sakura originally for the more polished product in Sauake. Shina also looking and sharing personality with Minmato would be funny because he would take as Minmato ghost coming back and trolling him. Best part is Shina would have no idea how much his presence would be triggering for him lol.
One last point it’s a little something I wanted to share with you. So I used to live in this suburb next to Newark NJ, USA and in Newark there is this section called Forest Hills. This neighborhood is famous for two reasons one is its old fashion mansions and Branch Brooke Park, which has over 5,000 Japanese cherry blossoms trees planted there. They have their own cherry blossoms festival and everything.
Hiii dear, welcome back again to my inbox!
Glad to hear you liked the NaruSaku special and Sakura's Crown of the Sun art.
To be honest, can't wait to get there myself. I have sooo many interesting ideas about how she gets it. Too many even, lol. I finally got to understand what other writers were meaning when they said you will get to discard some ideas at some point.
In the beginning I was like naa, I won't be doing that. But with time the ideas developed so much, that I see no other way than to drop a few from the beginning or better said, reform some of them to fit the new, updated idea lol.
Also thank you for your kind words. It is my pleasure, and many other artists, I'm sure, to keep the community alive.
After all, it's just pure love for them and that's it. We're free of the shackles of canon, so yay for us!
Now, to get back to Kaika.
First of all, thank you once again for your compliments! I'm so happy to see you liked what - at least - I'm trying to do there with the Otsutsukis.
I believe that the idea with them was not bad. It's the execution that's problematic, imo. That's why I tried to take a different route with them, while still referencing the canon element. I will be referencing a lot of elements from the OG franchise, because I do like the idea. I just don't like the execution.
As for Orochimaru well... We have a here saying in my country that says the wolf changes its fur, but not its habits.
What I can say is that, that's what I'll follow. Narratively as well.
Because like you said, deep down, he's a creature of habit. Habits are our second nature. That's why it's not that easy to change one self and you first gotta change your habits.
In OG it is shown to us that Oro didn't actually changed his habits at all, he is just being let loose. Which narratively makes so little sense?
You tell me that the man who basically put in motion everything that we've been witnessing along the path of Naruto manga, is just going to be left to do whatever he wants because... he's a necessary evil?
That's not how you act with the necessary evil. You don't let it loose and just barely keep him under supervision, imo.
If anything, he's a "joker" type of character. You never know when he's gonna pop off the box to scare ya away with some machiavellian ploy.
As for your headcanon of him and Shina, well, there is a common element in there that we have. I can't say that he's fed-up with the Uchihas (after all, Uchihas were his obsession), but...
I have a certain idea in mind about the path I have with him and him overlooking Naruto & Sakura's family, generally, because well, Sakura Haruno doesn't come from any prestigious clan that could benefit his pursuits, right?
And yet, surprise-surprise, the ones you least expect are the ones who get to bring the biggest turnarounds.
The thing is, I have two routes I want to take with him in terms of his eventual demise and I'm undecided on which side to go with, lol.
One involved him and Tsunade and was kinda dramatic, and the other one involves NaruSaku family, ironically. So I really don't know which way to go.
Because all this will be happening in Kaika Shinsei's timeline, which I am yet to settle.
I guess I'll see after I finish writing Saisei how things evolve until then, so that'll probably help me decide.
And WOOW, thank you so much for sharing that piece of info with me?! I ADORE cherry blossoms.
I grew-up with them and other types of blossoms, so for me, spring blossoms, especially cherry ones, are very special.
Actually the city where I moved has some parks filled with
I dream of travelling to Japan one day and live the original cherry blossoms season experience. But until then I enjoy the wanna-be one from here haha.
ANyway, thanks once again for the ask. Hope you have an amazing rest of your time today/tonight. <3
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sunnyanddumb98 · 1 year
"Why am I mad?
I have to hire someone to care for me,
Because in 21 years, every feeling
Was too much or a scheme.
I would love to say I'm Machiavellian,
Because I care, but I can't care.
Caring is giving power,
And nobody should have power over me.
But you guys, of course, you have power over me,
To tell me how to act,
Laugh at your jokes,
And make you proud.
But never, oh never, for me to cry
Or get angry, not at you,
The government.
I was allowed to fight,
Freud And the president.
Is it hard to live with me?
Overachiever, always getting
Whatever I want, everyone at my command,
So out of touch. All you did for me was.
When have you ever not been supportive?
I don't know, perhaps every time
I cried. But I was always crying.
When people ask you how to deal with me,
You only told them to dismiss me,
Because I always cry, doesn't really matter why.
I have everything I needed, I was privileged.
You were such cool parents,
Perhaps all the times I broke up with my boyfriend,
And I couldn't tell anyone about it,
Because I had "dignity."
Dignity and self-worth, that broke me.
When I was raped, I didn't tell you,
I didn't feel you should know,
I didn't feel very supported.
I did, and your reaction
Was hurting me because I hurt you.
Excuse me, how come you blame me
For fearing your reaction?
Shame, shame, and shame.
Nothing but shame.
Everyone expects me to be petty,
And I try,
But I'm fine, I'm happy and sad,
And I will miss my sister,
But she is better off,
And I'm scared for her.
But all I can be is petty and jealous,
In your eyes,
Because if I get to have feelings,
They can't be anything but a cartoon
Of a self-centered brat.
I play every role you have asked me to,
And somehow their opinion of me
Is always trash, because I am the difficult one.
I'm so hard to live around, I can't take a joke,
Jokes about how insufferable I am,
How sour I am, how much better I was.
When I cried every day, my only chill and sunny phase,
When I was suicidal,
When the only thing I wanted
Was to stop living, even just for a little while,
So I could hear how you screamed,
That was when you liked me the best,
When I almost gave up."
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bananaofswifts · 2 years
By Helen Brown
OK, Swifties. You liked the fairytale fictions and indie-cred boast of Taylor Swift’s pandemic alt-folk records. But you’ve been yearning for the intimacy you felt when she knocked out those confessional bangers, haven’t you? Well, the wait is over. Playing Midnights will make you feel as though you’re sleeping over at her house while she spills secrets and settles scores into the night. Over a series of murky electronic grooves (mostly co-written with Jack Antonoff), the pop star unpacks her darkest dreams, deepest doubts and cruellest thoughts. All the while she keeps things just cryptic enough to keep the tension crackling and the speculation buzzing.
That said, she’s already stopped speculation about the opening track, “Lavender Haze”. “Gaylor” fans who’ve stuck (rather doggedly) to a queer reading of Swift had hoped that the song might be a coming-out track because of the colour’s long association with gay culture. But in an Instagram post, Swift explained that she had happened upon the phrase while watching Mad Men and found it was vintage slang for a dreamy love glow. Against the throb of a synth bass, she appears to be addressing the misogynistic media obsession with whether or not she’s marrying actor boyfriend Joe Alwyn, with whom she’s been settled since 2016. “All they keep asking me / Is if I’m gonna be your bride / The only kinda girl they see / Is a one night or a bride” she notes (you can hear the eye-roll). But as the vocal layers build, she shakes off the judgement effortlessly: “Talk your talk and go viral / I just need this love to spiral.”
The slower, grimier texture of “Maroon” is a dive back into a past relationship (place your bets). Describing the affair, Swift sings of it decaying from the initial pink of cheap rosé to the “rust that grew between telephones”.
She’s on her best, self-scrutinising storytelling form on the excellent “Anti-Hero”, which lyrically sends zinger after zinger bubbling up through the fuzz of distortion. She unpicks the unwieldiness of her stardom with terrific, surreal imagery. “Sometimes I feel like everyone is a sexy baby / And I’m the monster on the hill / Too big to hang out / Slowly lurching towards your city / Pierced through the heart but never killed.” She skewers her acts of public kindness, too: “Did you hear my covert narcissism / I disguise as altruism / Like some kind of congressman?”
Things get funnier as the singer, whose fortune is estimated at about $500m, slur-growls: “I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money / She thinks I left them in the will / The family gathers round and reads it / And then someone screams out ‘She’s laughing up at us from hell!’” Swift lays into her “niceness” again on the poppier swell of “Bejeweled”, on which she warns a guy that she has the capacity to light up rooms (and all the boys in the band) if he doesn’t pay more attention.
There’s been some excitement online about the teased track “Karma”. Many thought it would address her spat with Kanye West, and that it might have been taken from an album lost during that time. But the swipes at a “spiderboy, king of thieves” waving a “web of opacity” would suggest it’s about her ex, Spider-Man star Jake Gyllenhaal (who famously dumped her by text, breaking her heart and inspiring the album Red, which she recently re-recorded). The album ends with “Mastermind”, which seems to be about Alwyn again – and includes a confession that, like “all wise women”, she engineered some aspects of their romance. “I’m only cryptic and Machiavellian because I care…” Ha.
The subtle melodies of Midnights take time to sink their claws in. But Swift’s feline vocal stealth and assured lyrical control ensure she keeps your attention. Turn the lights off and let these songs prowl around you. Just don’t expect their meanings to settle too biddably into your lap. Swift’s always as elusive as she is allusive.
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The Cullens Dark Triad Test Results
from least to most dark based on this questionnaire (answers were a collaboration between me and my sister).
The Dark Triad is a trio of sub-clinical negative personality traits associated with a likelihood for criminal behavior.
So naturally I decided to try and apply this to the Cullens by taking the Dark Triad test and answering the questions as best as I thought they applied to the individual members of the Cullen family and here are the results!
Lighter than Average
#8 Carlisle
Based on his representation in the books Carlisle has low expectations of others in regards to his own interests. He chooses to live his life in service to others in his own estimation. He has a strong sense of morality and a strong conscience and believes in honesty in most situations, but makes exceptions in regards to keeping his nature and that of his family under wraps. His morality is also flexible due to his sense of justice (as in the case of Rosalie and her vengeance).
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#7 Esme
Esme is like Carlisle in many respects. Her morals are a lot more flexible than Carlisle's, though. She has a much stronger sense of justification in, for instance, murders of convenience. She is single-minded in her priorities and she will do whatever is necessary to maintain her family unit, which leads to a fairly high level of machiavellianism.
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#6 Emmett
Emmett has an extremely low sense of remorse and morality. He shows little to no regret for the human lives he's taken, and is perfectly comfortable with others in the family bending the rules, hence his high psychopathy reading. This is balanced out significantly by his lack of concern for his own interests (His concern is almost always for the members of his family), and his honesty and lack of guile.
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Darker than Average
#5 Bella
Bella your average girl, really is pretty average. I would say she doesn't think of herself as a bad person, but she does, and fairly often, especially in Eclipse. She calls herself selfish and manipulative, and she's been doing it since the first book. That said, she has a low rate of narcissism, and she usually feels bad when she knows she's done wrong by others.
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#4 Edward
Edward's results were way more average than I think we were all expecting, and honestly, I love that for him. He's an interesting case because he feels remorse every damn day and is constantly minding his morals, but then goes ahead and ignores them anyway. His machiavellianism is his highest problem point, but for all that he's not particularly deceptive. He has a nice, low narcissism rating, but we all know that's just because of his self-loathing which is a problem unto itself.
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#3 Jasper
Jasper is truly a paradox within this scope. His general apathy is at odds with his empathic abilities. We know he regrets when he kills, but it's not precisely remorse, and it's mostly regret on his own count because he has to feel the emotions of the person he's killed. So he winds up with quite a high Psychopathy reading. Nothing more or less than we expected from our best murder boy though. He, like Emmett, is balanced out by lower narcissism and Machiavellianism ratings. Jasper, though shrewd, is still a soldier, not a schemer.
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#2 Rosalie
I know Rosalie's actual narcissism is hotly contested, and there's a lot of resentment toward Smeyer for ramming this personality trait home like a tent peg (even in Rosalie's OWN NARRATIVE VOICE), and I actually played it down slightly as I answered these questions. Even so she comes out with the highest level of narcissism of anyone in the Cullen family. While meticulous, she's rarely deceptive: when Rosalie has a thought, she speaks it--loudly. She's openly cool with murder though, and even takes pride in being damn good at it.
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#1 Alice
I'm not the world's biggest Alice fan, but even so, I answered these questions as objectively as was within my power and she STILL wound up being the darkest fucker in this messed up family (though I'm sure if I changed one or two answers, she would probably tie with Rose). Alice, love her or hate her, is objectively very manipulative. You can admit that she usually employs manipulation because she genuinely believes that her desired outcomes are the best ones for everyone, but that's still very troubling. She frequently lies to those closest to her, for their protection, but she always rationalizes it. Her other problem point is narcissism. Alice becomes extremely disagreeable if anything prevents her from seeing things to her desired conclusion. Again, she usually does this with the best of intentions, but it leads to her behaving in controlling and other, similarly concerning ways. The good thing is, her sense of morality is fairly stable (she's generally not on Team Murder).
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Of course these results are based on my perception of the characters: yours could be wildly different. I encourage anyone interested to try this for themselves, I'd love to see some contrasting results!
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earlgreytea68 · 2 years
Hello! You recently mentioned that you were listening to Taylor Swift’s new album quite a lot, and honestly, same ))) I wanted to know what songs are your fave, obvs, but also, which ones you find more interesting, captivating, clever? Which one got the best lyrics, which one best music and rhythm? Basically, what I’m trying to say, talk Midnights to me, please :)) P.S. I almost forgot to ask, if any of the songs got you thinking of fob?)
With pleasure!!
My favorite song on Midnights is Question...? and my favorite, like, passage of Midnights is Question...?, Vigilante Shit, and Bejewelled. I adore every single one of those songs and I think that's the strongest stretch of three songs on the whole album. I have seen some hate for Bejewelled and some of its lyrics make me cringe but also like it's totally what I would want to play as an anthem to perk myself up.
I actually love all the songs on the album, except for Labyrinth, which I find a bit dull, tbh, but that happens! But this album just *moves* and it's full of great refrains and the usual perfect bridges and sometimes I think Jack Antonoff gets to be a bit too self-indulgent of his quirks (I really hate the effect on the bridge of Question...?) but mostly I love when Jack Antonoff and Taylor Swift make music together and I appreciated that this album just felt...really fun and less earnest than evermore? I love folklore, but evermore just kind of felt like too much to me, and I'm happy to be going back to having more fun.
I've listened to Question...? the most, and I was just thinking as I was listening to it tonight that I feel like it's kind of crept in to influence my Christmasfic this year, like, its attitude full of "what if"s, and that line about "I just may like to have a conversation," like, all my characters about each other hahaha they're all longing for a conversation. Idk, the relationship in Question...? just feels so instantly complex and interesting to me, like, I want to know so much more about those two people.
Sweet Nothing is kind of a theme song for all of my characters, though, I feel like every fic I write is about a Sweet Nothing kind of love.
Mastermind is totally a Mattrick song from Swan Song. It doesn't sound like a song Matt would sing or write, but it's a song Matt would *think,* if that makes sense.
In general I really appreciated how this album was Taylor kind of accepting that you've got be a bit of a schemer to be a success, which is a theme of Swan Song, too, and so it resonated with me. I mean, Anti-Hero is also very Matt Usher: One day I'll watch as you're leaving 'cause you got tired of my scheming. I like to see Taylor owning "I'm smart and that's okay."
Okay, my favorite lyric on the whole album is: I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails and the liquor in our cocktails. ...Ugh, I just love that line.
I also love, also from Mastermind, "I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian because I care," ha, makes me laugh.
Mastermind is just so tropey, she just writes a trope song so well, that's just a full story, beginning to end, and when you're done you think, ...I've read that fic and it was GREAT, Idk. Her songs can sometimes feel like an entire ship, self-contained.
"Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man," is, I think, a great opening line, even though I've seen some people hating on it. I think it's great! And I also enjoy "situation-ship" as a term in Glitch. And "no one sees you lose when you're playing solitaire" from Dear Reader.
In general I like the refrain of Karma and appreciate what she's doing there but "karma is a god" just always completely throws me, it's, like, all these metaphors of what karma is and it just feels like that one could also be personal to Taylor: her cat, her boyfriend, her beautiful weekends, her relaxing thoughts....a god. Idk, it bothers me every single time I hear it lol
Okay, so, Fall Out Boy-wise. Taylor Swift is on the record that Pete Wentz is basically her favorite lyricist of all time and that she's been influenced by him, and sometimes I feel like I can sense that influence. Sometimes she does something and I think, That's a total Pete Wentz move. And sometimes it works, but sometimes I think it just doesn't work, because actually what Pete Wentz does is incredibly hard and he makes it look like just anyone can stumble into all those perfect double and triple meanings but it's really, really hard to do. So, to be unkind, that "Get it off your chest, get it off my desk" in "Lavendar Haze" reminds me of a Pete Wentz move, to take an idiom with words in common and juxtapose them (like broken hearts and broken stallions that I just wrote about). But to me it doesn't work here, I don't get it, what are you getting off your desk, why are these two things going together? Is it that you're talking about her relationship and she doesn't want it on her desk? Idk, I just feel like the juxtaposition there doesn't really add anything. She does it again in The Great War: You drew up some good faith treaties, I drew curtains closed. I feel like that one is slightly more successful.
I also appreciate when a Taylor song picks up some Pete Wentz tropes, like in Maroon when she's like "laughing with my feet in your lap like you were my closest friend," or in "You're on Your Own, Kid," with "He's gonna notice me, it's okay, we're the best of friends," yeah, Pete Wentz also is always trying to figure out if someone is his lover or his best friend lol.
Also, "don't put me in the basement when I want the penthouse of your heart" could have been the name of one of Pete Wentz's LJ entries lolololol
And High Infidelity is such a Fall Out Boy title, Pete Wentz is kicking himself he didn't think of it first
Ironically my very least favorite lyrics on the album are from her collaboration with her other favorite lyricist of all time. I just find Snow on the Beach unbearable lyric-wise, it's just...too much? Like, trying too hard the whole way through? And then culminating in lines I absolutely hate: Your eyes are flying saucers from another planet, I'm all for you like Janet. I just cannot with those two lines. So, I've always had this great fantasy of what could come of a Pete Wentz / Taylor Swift team-up and then I heard Snow on the Beach and was like, ...Idk, never mind lol
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squirrelwrangler · 2 years
Just found your blog by chance and I can see your hatred for the Feanorians, but while I'm a fan of Maedhros (yes, I am, and I still read through all your posts, because even though he's my favourite; my only acceptable characterization of him is that of an anti-hero at first that witnesses a fall and turns into a villain at the end. He's antagonistic, prideful, and manipulative even at his best, and I don't read his best moments as done out of goodwill. He's Machiavellian to me.) Maglor is much more lionized by the fandom. Maedhros is accepted as problematic, and it's only the loud minority who seems to turn him into a heroic figure, but Jesus are Maglor's fans annoying. Him aDoPtInG the twins is not something worth praising, nor is his last conversation with Maedhros. He's a delusional prick who only tries to gain some self-awareness when it's too late, only for it to be wishful thinking and extreme cognitive dissonance. Yet go on any post or YouTube video, and you'll see the majority mentioning him as a favourite of theirs because "he's kind and remorseful because he adopts the twins!" Yes, adopts them by giving them freaking Stockholm syndrome! It's fucking disgusting honestly.
AHEM. Back in..2003/4 that first year after I read the Silm, I was more sympathetic to Maglor and the Kidnap Family aspect of the story was mroe appealing, but even back then I wasn't totally on board with it or ignoring how messed-up it was, and I hated even the whiff of victim-blaming or negativity towards both Elwing and Eärendil. My tolerance for Maglor and the framing of the twins' abduction lessened until it fell off a cliff. Because it wasn't instant dislike like Fëanor (and Maedhros was always apathetic disinterest to dislike, I would legit forget he was a character in the Silm sometimes), I try to keep a kernel of grace for his misguided fans ;p. More seriously, my disdain and avoidance of the serious Maglor and Maedhros fandom lionization alternates between which one irks me more at the moment, aka which pierces the Girdle. Both via fanart annoy me, but Maglor moreso in fics because I have less than zero interest in the very popular and omnipresent fics that Maedhros dominates. And Maedhros fanart is more common when his supposed hotness feels like fandom gaslighting. But the glorious thing about avoiding interacting with 99% of the Silm and wider Tolkien fandom unless they come to my blog is that said annoyed rants about the Fëanorians petered off. (Now if only I could expunge my XIV feed from Emet Selch and that fandom's distressing widespread embrace of various war crimes favs; it's worse than GoT/House of the Dragon)
One day I'll write the story of my OC, Maedhros's husband and his eventual divorce, because the character concept is one I'm as fond of as Meril and through him it gives me the single hook to make Maedhros personally interesting. Aside from that, Maglor exists for me for that one story about him manipulating his brothers and choking them and how he appears in the Bór sub-series as the Fëanorian rightfully identified as most dangerous and most deluded by his self-pity. And the Nandor rescue squad saving the twins.
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royalreiqn · 2 years
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º ✧ 。–––  [  dev patel  ,  35  ,  cis man  ,  he/him  ]  welcome  CASSIAN  TYRELL ,  the  LORD  OF  HIGHGARDEN  &  HAND  OF  THE  QUEEN  ,  to  king's  landing  !  the  ravens  have  carried  word  of  their  - MACHIAVELLIAN  and  - BITTER  nature  ,  but  we  have  high  hopes  that  their  + ASTUTE  and  + PATIENT  qualities  will  shine  through  .  when  you  think  of  them  ,  ideas  of  SMILING WHILE A DAGGER HIDES BEHIND YOUR BACK  ;  FLICKERING CANDLELIGHT REFLECT OFF THE GOLD TITLES OF BOOKS  ;  WHITE ROSES PAINTED RED  ;  A SERPENT LURKING IN THE GARDEN, WAITING  come  to  mind  .   they  are  arriving  to  the  red  keep  ,  IN  OPPOSITION  OF  house  velaryon  .  we  do  hope  that  whatever  happens  ,  they  play  the  game  wisely  .
FULL NAME:   cassian tyrell. ALSO CALLED:   cassian. cas. lord cassian.  TITLES:   lord cassian tyrell of highgarden. the hand of the queen. AGE:   thirty-five. GENDER:   cis male, he / him. ORIENTATION:   heterosexual, heteroromantic.
BIRTHPLACE:   highgarden, the reach. RELIGION:   faith of the seven. SPOKEN LANGUAGES:   common tongue and high valyrian.
STATUS:   unwed, unbetrothed. LOYALTY:   himself, house tyrell. 
POSITIVE:   astute. patient. erudite. decisive. thoughtful. adaptable. NEGATIVE:   machiavellian. bitter. ambitious. proud. calculative. self-serving.
FACECLAIM:   dev patel. HEIGHT:   six feet, two inches. HAIR:   black and curly. EYE COLOR:   dark brown.
FATHER:   lord bronn tyrell ( deceased ). MOTHER:   dowager lady talla tyrell née tarly. SIBLINGS:   ruling lord kunal tyrell ( younger brother ), lady dahlia tyrell ( younger sister ), lord utp tyrell ( younger brother ), lord utp tyrell ( younger brother ). EXTENDED FAMILY:   laelia tyrell née martell ( good sister ), megara lynderly née tyrell ( cousin ), house tarly ( maternal cousins ), house martell ( related by marriage ).
as the eldest child of lord bronn and lady talla, cassian was born with high expectations on his shoulders. he was born to one day inherit highgarden and become the lord paramount of the reach. to ensure that he was prepared, his parents didn’t spare a single expense when it came to his education, bringing the best tutors from all corners of the known world to highgarden. cassian immediately showed himself to be an intelligent child, a prodigy some would say, and excelled at all of his lessons. his memory and skills of observance were particularly remarked on. he would spend hours reading and pouring himself over the logic puzzles his tutors would give him. no one doubted that one day he would make a great ruler of the reach.
cassian was particularly close with his mother. his father wasn’t absent by any means, but his mother and he were quite alike when it came to their personalities. no one would ever say that lady talla was a bad mother, quite the opposite, but there was a dark side to her, one fueled by ambition, and she saw the same ghost of darkness in her eldest son. so lady talla encouraged her son in his studies and fueled the fires of his ambitions. she told him that he was worthy and deserving of greatness; it wasn’t long before cas believed that himself. suddenly, ruling only the reach felt too small, too easily forgotten. 
at his wife’s bequest, lord tyrell arranged for his eldest son to foster in king’s landing under the guardianship of the royal family. it was seen as an honor, elevating house tyrell’s standings as an ally of the crown. cassian adapted to king’s landing with surprising ease, his mother having prepared him for the world he’d face at court, and presented the convincing image of a charming, intelligent, and thoughtful young man. it wasn’t long before a friendship developed between the crown princess and him. they were soon rarely seen apart. it was all part of the plan. princess vaella was unmarried and unbetrothed, getting close to her and gaining her trust, would, in cassian’s mind, all but guarantee him one day being chosen as her betrothed. whether any part of his friendship with vaella was ever sincere was a subject that might one day be debated - it certainly didn’t start as anything more than a plot to achieve his goals, but no one knew that. in the eyes of court, cassian was the lady’s closest and truest friend and confidant.
cassian was confidant when it came time for vaella to marry. he’d made his intentions known and expected them to be reciprocated only for joss baratheon to be chosen instead. he was furious, though told vaella he understood, and left king’s landing for two years under the guise of heartbreak. in reality, he was plotting his next move.
he was soon called back to king’s landing when vaella was crowned queen and asked for him to serve as the hand of the queen. the two had kept in contact via letters ( cassian hadn’t wanted to let the friendship weaken in case he might need it ) and so she told him she couldn’t envision anyone other than him, her closest confidant, at her side. however, he almost refused the position, viewing it as an insult after she’d refused to marry him and yet still wanted him at her side; however, he soon realized he could use this to his advantage - having the queen’s ear could arguably be more valuable than her heart. 
the queen was delighted to be reunited with her best friend, welcoming him back and celebrating his appointment with a grand feast, and cassian played the role expected of him well. his friendship with the queen was stronger than ever, and much to the surprise of many, he even became friends, at least on the surface, with the king. he was also an excellent hand and his advice was highly valued by the queen, but he was a snake in the grass. as he watched the queen gradually make more and more poor decisions, he made up his mind. he carefully balanced giving vaella good advice that furthered her trust in him and misguided advice that gradually would make others question her judgement. all the while he began planting the seeds for an even greater plot with the help of the allies he’d gathered to his side.
when the plot against the queen was enacted, cassian remained behind the scenes, allowing lord tarly and lady greyjoy to take center stage when it came to leveling the accusations against king joss, but cas had his hand in each move, and when the vaella asked for his opinion, he played the part of both a concerned friend and a dutiful hand, but his advice, like always, was tainted. he knew exactly what to say that would sway her. when the conversation ended, the call went out for joss baratheon's arrest. cassian assisted with the trail from the shadows, making sure all the “evidence” was in place, but due to not involving himself openly with the plot, when the calls of dismissal came, he was untouched. the queen believed that he’d been tricked as well.
his father wanted him tor return to highgarden, but cassian refused. not only did he hope that vaella might now decide to marry him, but he also knew the full plot against the crown wasn’t finished. if anything, it was only beginning. when news reached cassian that he was no longer heir to highgarden he was upset and only became more determined to achieve his true ambition. however, he offered his support to his younger brother. family had always been important to cas; they were the only people who saw a genuine, softer side to the otherwise calculative lord, and he could never remain angry with any of them for long.
cassian’s commitment to the plot against the crown hadn’t wavered. simply getting rid of the king wasn’t enough, he wanted the entire royal house to fall, and now that all the nobles were called to king’s landing, the time to act was fast approaching, and he was ready.
ALLIES / SUPPORTERS  —  people who are against the velaryons for whatever reason. bonus points if they think house tyrell, and specifically cas, would be better one the throne. could be longterm supporters or have recently come over to the side.
SPIES  —  even when lady greyjoy was the mistress of whispers, cas always trusted information he could gather himself above all else so he has a nice network of very loyal spies. especially now that there’s a new mistress of whispers. they also help him cause chaos / spread rumors that he approves. i also think it’d be cool if he took in some of lady greyjoy’s spies once she was removed from the council.
APPRENTICE  —  someone cas has taken under his wing. he sees a lot of potential in them and almost views them as an adopted kid - not that he’d admit that.
LOST LOVE  —  the woman he would have married had he remained in highgarden rather than going to king’s landing. he truly loved her, perhaps the only woman he ever loved, but cas chose his ambition and desire to be king over her. by the time he returned to highgarden after the royal wedding, it was too late.
HADES & PERSEPHONE  —  kind of self explanatory because i’m weak for greek myth inspired dynamics. basically, they are opposites, he darkness and she light, and normally cassian wouldn’t look twice at someone like her, but for some reason he’s finds himself intrigued by her. she would be one of the few people that cassian allows to see a softer side of himself. would also be cool if she had a similar darkness in her that she only showed around him. 
BROKEN BETROTHAL(S)  —  someone either his father wanted cas to marry after he failed to marry the queen and/or someone the queen thought would be a good match for her friend. however, none of them came to fruition for whatever reason. 
PAWN —  someone cas is manipulating without their knowledge. 
ANTAGONISTIC  —  people in support of the velaryons, people who generally think cassian is an awful person. people who used to be friends but aren’t any longer. frenemies, rivals, basically hate his guts cause he deserves it. 
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
Psychological warfare is the deliberate use of various manipulations, promotion and deception techniques, such as spreading propaganda and terror, to induce or reinforce attitudes that are favorable to gain strategic advantage over others. Sun Tzu, a Chinese Military Strategist originally said the best victory in warfare is the one in which you never have to fight your enemy in actual combat. Thus, psychological warfare tactics are also marketed as a self-improvement sales tool for ambitious, materialistic people that plot to maneuver into positions of power in order to gain advantages in business, relationships and socio-political influence. Essentially, this is to secretly scheme and manipulate others in a well thought out strategy in order to get what you want from the power structure and to get access to other people’s resources. Generally it is desirable to achieve these goals in such way that the plotters remain undetected in their climb to power and position, without anyone even realizing the entire situation was a calculated scheme.
In the past such Machiavellian schemes were thought to portray the devious behavior of criminals and despots, believed to have undesirable and even appalling human character traits. Today these extremely negative behaviors are normalized and commonly applied in the business operations of the everyday world, by financially rewarding people that act as predators. Thus, the current terrain requires that we open our mind to comprehend the most common concepts of psychological warfare, because all of us are being exposed to it every day. What are the predator minds scheming?
Invoke Fear: The purpose is to manufacture as much fear as possible to create dread and terror in the minds of the people, so that they will avoid rising in groups and instead become weaker and disabled. To maintain this continual state of fear buried in life’s many stressors, as well as perceived threats to survival, means activating the fight or flight reaction in the human nervous system and brain. Eventually this takes a serious toll on the overall health of the body and sanity of the mind, as it rapidly breaks down immunity, increases disease states and drives painful mental imbalances.
Division to Confusion: When the opponent group targeted for attack is large, cooperative and unified in their forces, by separating them from one another or separating them into smaller units, the entire group is more easily defeated and controlled. When the separation into smaller units is successful, the attack is then on their common bonds of unity. Seeking to confuse them with fear and misinformation so they will not know which way to turn, what to expect or who to trust. In the stewardship of any project or organization, this is a critical concept to understand.
Demoralization: A process in psychological warfare with the objective to erode morale or dehumanize those perceived as the enemy. By intending to destroy their dignity and morale, it can encourage them to retreat, surrender, or defect rather than confront them or to defeat them in physical combat. Demoralization and dehumanization is the most important tool of psychological warfare and intentional torture used to break a person. Demoralization is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda to weaken people, while dehumanization is commonly used by the satanic agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person.
Ignorance vs. Intelligence: Those that have the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in world events will have the most strategic advantage. Those that do not have access to accurate awareness of events or truthful knowledge, but instead are manipulated and deceived to believe false impressions and illusions, will be at a greater disadvantage. Knowledge of the truth is power. Managing intelligence and controlling access to information includes supplying the perceived enemy or opponent with disinformation, in order to trick them into making the wrong decisions based on lies. In the current warfare climate diminishing easy access to open source knowledge and sharing of information freely within the global community, it is an important concept to understand.
Overwhelm and Wear Down: Constantly use greater strength in applying heavy forces that overwhelm your opponent by creating never-ending issues that are designed to wear him down and erode his will power and resiliency. Bureaucracies, impossible compliance, insurance, tax and legal channels that keep people bogged down in never-ending paperwork, long lists and cues, under the threat of intimidation, or threat to financial security or persecution. This is also carried out in legal forms as ‘death by 1000 papercuts’, through the increase of overwhelming problems and burdensome bills. When people’s hopes are crushed and their expectations for their life are confused and burdened, eventually they become so drained they have no energy to refuse the constant attempts of subjugation and just give up.
How many of these tactics of psychological warfare that are normalized in our everyday society can you recognize that are currently impacting the quality of your life? Knowing that these strategies are being implemented, what can you do to change how you approach the control structures and the employed people that blindly follow a boilerplate that unconsciously reinforce these divide and conquer schemes?
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Encanto Wizarding Info: The Ultimate Collection Part 6
Isabela Madrigal
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Ebony wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½ and reasonably supple flexibility
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.
The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Ilvermorny House:
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Body: Wampuses are defined by their actions, by what they say, and by how they express themselves. They are experimenters, designers, architects, and servants; they lead by example, learn by doing, speak their minds, and live their truths. Wampuses are the central actors of their world, and their every action is deliberate, intentional, and representative of what they most value.
Hogwarts House:
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Slytherin House
Founder: Salazar Slytherin
Head of House: Professor Severus Snape
House Ghost: The Bloody Baron
House Colours: Green and silver
Main Characters: Voldemort (Tom Riddle), Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn, Albus Potter (featured in The Cursed Child)
Slytherin House is painted in an overwhelmingly negative light by J. K. Rowling. Almost all of the negatively portrayed characters are members of Slytherin, including the main villain, Voldemort, who is a direct descendant of the House's founder. Despite this, Slytherins all over the world are fighting back against their bad reputation by being valuable and helpful members of the Harry Potter community. Many Slytherins even enjoy the darkness of their reputation and are proud of the strengths of their house.
"Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends."
Slytherin Traits and Strengths:
Ambition: A trait that nearly all Slytherins have in common is ambition. They want to be the best: the smartest in the class, the most popular in a group of friends, the boss at work. Because of their strong drive and work ethic, they often achieve these heights, too, becoming invaluable members of society and powerful in the work world.
Cunning: Slytherins are highly intelligent, but not in the same way as Ravenclaws. Rather than seeking to expand their knowledge, Slytherins simply find ways to use their existing skills to their advantage. This makes them clever and cunning and can aid them in their quest for fame and power.
Resourcefulness: Slytherins are able to make the best of any situation. They're highly adaptable and resourceful and can find ways to turn even the worst situations to their advantage.
Determination: Like Hufflepuffs, Slytherins are highly determined. Their determination, however, is more self-focused. They will use their strong work ethic to fulfill their ambition and advance their own position. While this may seem self-absorbed, Slytherins recognise that by focusing on self-improvement, they can become better friends and family members and be more useful to society as a whole.
Slytherin Weaknesses:
Machiavellian Tendencies: "The end justifies the means" might as well be the Slytherin house motto. Slytherins will often do morally ambiguous things to achieve their goals. This can be a positive (as they're willing to get their hands dirty to get things done while members of other houses may shy away), but it can also make them seem cold and calculating.
Power Hunger: When Slytherins don't place any checks and balances on their natural ambition, it can have disastrous consequences. They can become obsessed with gaining power. This can cause them to be fixated on surrounding themselves with powerful people, as in the case of Professor Slughorn. At worst, it can cause them to abandon all morality in their obsession with power and do horrific and depraved things, as seen in the case of Lord Voldemort's quest for power over the Wizarding World.
Discrimination: Over the course of the books, time and time again the reader witnesses Slytherins attack those wizards who aren't pure-blood and bully others who they perceive as being weak even if they are pure of blood, such in the case of Malfoy's torment of Neville. Some Slytherins have a tendency towards arrogance and can insult and demean those who they see as being inferior.
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Bay Mare
The bay mare Patronus is representative of freedom and living life on your own terms. Bay Mares are gentle and compassionate, but they are also strong and resilient. This Patronus will stand up to any Dementor fearlessly and won’t back down from even the scariest battles.
Animagus Form:
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If the Lion Spirit Animal makes you aware of its presence, the majestic Cat introduces you to its uncommon strength and vitality. Lion often appears to a person who needs to reclaim their space and take back a leadership role in life. The same Spirit Animal finds brave and outspoken people with leadership potential attractive.
Lioness, as a Spirit Animal, likes people who nurture and protect the weak. The Lioness shows its young all they need to know to fend for themselves without ever leaving them vulnerable. The female Lion offers teachings on how to care for your pride and get your family members to cooperate with one another.
With a Lion Animal Spirit at your side, your personality is a magnet for others, and often people want to emulate that something special about you. Spiritual leaders who have a Lion Spirit Guide are firm in their convictions. They will defend religious freedom and the choice of finding God in one’s own way.
When Lion accompanies you in life, you will learn much about banishing fear and self-expression. Remain humble with Lion, knowing your demeanor matters. The Feline can teach you much about handling your power with the greatest degree of effectiveness.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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leam1983 · 26 days
So, Walt wants a Framework...
I may have created a monster.
See, Mondays are slow in the morning for us, and the weekend vibes don't really end until noon sharp. So, Sarah and I are discussing potential work-related upgrades, when Walt mentions that his trusty ASUS laptop is starting to feel sluggish.
I mean - you know me. You know Sarah, too. We immediately had Linux Distro boners, and considering how Walt isn't tech-focused and really needs a turn-key solution, Linux Mint was our best choice. Still, the hardware proper was aging, so Walt did as Walt does and took to Best Buy's website to show me the first page that crops up when you type "laptop" in their Search bar.
He wasn't wrong in the sense that swapping one entry-level device for another one would've done the trick; even a basic and bare-bones platform designed to run MS Office as its most resource-intensive task could've done the job. The problem is, I'm getting sick of dealing with bi-yearly comments related to how he's "unsure" of his laptop's performance. I want something I could overspend on intentionally in order to give him a nice, sizable buffer of performance that could last at least five years.
Considering, the best option really is a Framework laptop. I showed him the company's website, explained the business model to him, and now he's hooked, envisioning a future where all he needs to run presentations for the extremely rare event of his needing to beat pavement to find us clients is a snazzy lil' pouch crammed with a few Expansion Bay modules, including USB-C. It immediately turned his Pitch Brain on, and he started selling me on the worth of using sustainable tech in our day-to-day operations, to predictably and playfully poke fun at me for daring to use a boutique laptop (from Razer) in what is likely the least-sustainable choice imaginable...
I rolled my eyes. "It's a Blade 14 from two years ago; I can't just toss that out the window! Morally, I have to take that hardware to its limits first, and then worry about revisions!"
Walt scoffed back. "Aw, come on; it'd be a business expense! We should all get a Framework!"
Followed twenty minutes of Sarah and I trying to talk our now laptop-obsessed boyfriend into letting us keep using the same portables we already have, and doing our best to convince him that he's the one who needs an upgrade.
"But you don't even game on your laptop!" notes Walt. "Don't you wish you could do that on your off-time?"
I rolled my eyes. "Sure, hon - I'll just use the company Visa at 41 years old and just buy myself a new toy like I'm an idiotic Sales Rep who's just been slated for a fat commission! No! I cannot do that, Walt! Besides, my laptop is for work! What does it say about me if I use company hardware to frag noobs after hours?!"
Walt drew himself up, smirking. "I don't care what it says, because I'm the boss of this company - and the boss wants us to have sustainable tech, now. It's good for the planet, good for our image, and I'll have a reliable one-stop shop for any future upgrades."
I threw my hands up. "Fine, whatever! Let's just burn twenty thou plus taxes off of our operational budget! I love you, hon, but this is the shittiest idea ever, Walt."
Walt placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'll call Scrooge, get him to draw us up a budget with a few mockup bills. If it makes sense, we'll pull the plug. If he tells me I'm being delusional, then we'll just buy one for me."
Sarah gave Walt a circumspect look. "Fine. But if it turns out you just buy one for yourself, I forbid you from loading up our own Visa for Christmas gifts shaped like laptops, later on."
That knocked a few Machiavellian twinkles out of Walt's eyes - but not by much. I know the big guy; if he's convinced himself we deserve something, we'll get it, even if we issue moral objections. It might take years and he might use different excuses, but it'll happen.
Note to self: try and convert the BF to Ascetism, or at least Minimalism...
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