#be prepared you little scoundrel
kindercelery · 6 days
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Is this evil Charles fr
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 9 months
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Dorm Heads - With Zhongli Male Reader
I'm sorry this took so long to post, Mystery anon! I've been super busy with personal stuff so I haven't had a lot of free time to work on this. I got pretty burned out at Idia's part and I couldn't be bothered to touch it up honestly; so, sorry about that. I hope this is what you wanted. —Benny🐰
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🌹 This hot headed boy was pretty surprised to find that the supposed magicless student from the orientation ceremony was not in fact magicless; seeing as you brought down a literal meteor and crushed the poor unsuspecting, feline resembling, monster. A meteor which appeared out of thin air and left no traces of damage behind after its impact. To say poor Riddle was confused and also fairly alarmed was an understatement. 
🌹 Your mannerisms were very strange to him. You're very well spoken and composed; yet you're seemingly wise beyond your years. Why are you speaking as if you're in your 80s? Riddle won't lie though; for an old man you're quite good looking. If he didn't have a reputation to uphold and examples to set, he could stare at you all day long.
🌹 A dragon? Well… that explains a lot. No wonder the Dark Mirror couldn't detect magic in you; or at least, that's what he reasons with himself. Please; he needs an explanation, he's so confused. Upon seeing your dragon form though… Riddle is once again confused. Are dragons supposed to be that long? Not that he's complaining though; the way you make a massive bed out of yourself is hard to contest.
🌹 T‐Treasure? Him? That's— Now look here; no amount of buttering him up will make you exempt from the rules, You— you scoundrel! Riddle is not easily tricked! Even if he is a tad bit more lenient with you, no he's not. You have no proof.
🌹 You have a son now too!? Just what else aren't you telling him!? Riddle doesn't mind Xiao at all actually. He thinks that they're both similar in how dedicated they are to their work. The adeptus seems to only tolerate him though; which, while disheartening, he completely understands.
"How odd, the Dark Mirror perceived you as magicless, yet you summoned stone and earth just now. Just who are you..?"
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🦁 Right off the bat Leona could smell it and immediately he knew; that ain't a damn human. However, he couldn't seem to pinpoint just what you were exactly. You smelled similar to his one sided rival, Malleus, but it was different somehow. In the end, he just chalked it up to you being a fae of some kind. He did find it bizarre that the Dark Mirror claimed you to be magicless and directly after that you used magic. Whatever, he just wants a nap.
🦁 Why the hell are you talking like that? You sound like Diasomnia's Vice Dorm Head. Seriously, who in the world says ‘quite’ anymore. But, Leona doesn't mind you going off on one of your long winded story times about your past. Your deep voice is very smooth and soothing to his ears and has lulled him to sleep successfully every time.
🦁 HA! He knew it; his nose is never wrong after all. Well… maybe Leona was off by a little; but you're certainly not a human. A dragon though? No wonder you smelled similar to his nemesis; except your scent is more earthy than the dragon fae's. Your dragon form makes a very comfortable body pillow to cling onto. Yes, he is indeed speaking from experience. What was said experience, you ask? You were taking a nap in your dorm room while in your dragon form and woke up with a wild lion beastman clinging onto you.
🦁 Treasure, huh? Okay, be prepared for him to call you nicknames of his own. Noodle is one that Leona uses the most; a way to endearingly tease you about the foreign look of your dragon form. Another one he likes to use is old man/gramps; a tease on the strange way you speak.
🦁 Oh dear Seven; please not another Cheka, he doesn't think he can deal with another gremlin in this lifetime. Thankfully for Leona though, the avian adeptus is far older than his hyperactive nephew and awfully cold too. The lion beastman is pretty sure that Xiao doesn't like him, but you've continually assured him that your son actually really enjoys his presence.
"Damn, you sure talk a lot, Gramps. Hah? I didn't tell ya to stop or anything, keep talkin' I'm almost asleep."
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🐙 His immediate impression of you was actually very positive! You seemed incredibly knowledgeable and well spoken. But what really caught Azul's attention was your apparently unrecognizable magic. The Dark Mirror proclaimed you magicless and yet shortly after the proclamation you displayed an exceptional control over stone and earth when you suddenly summoned a large stone pillar to attack your rampaging familiar. Color him intrigued.
🐙 My, what a strange way of speaking you have; are you perhaps anything like Diasomnia's Vice Dorm Head where you're far older than you appear? Azul actually doesn't find your mannerisms all that strange to be honest, he thinks it just gives a certain charm to you.
🐙 Oh, so you're a dragon are you? Would you perhaps be interested in signing a contract with him? It's for your benefit, he swears. No? Damn. Your dragon form reminds him a bit of various aquatic animals that populate the Coral Sea. Don't mind him calling you any names of fish you've never heard of, okay. Sometimes, if he's tired enough, Azul will allow you to cuddle with him in your dragon form. It's quite comfortable, so he doesn't mind too much.
🐙 Azul doesn't mind giving nicknames to people, but he's not too used to receiving from anyone other than Floyd and sometimes Jade. So when you refer to him as your treasure, he's caught off guard and pretty flustered. He'll never not be red in the face when you call him by that pet name, but he has a few of his own for you. Oarfish is one that he uses often, mostly in a teasing sense. Another is Ropefish, this one is used sparingly, he never told you why though.
🐙 Xiao… does not like him. The adeptus made it very clear upon their first meeting when he held the blade of his polearm to the poor cecaelia's throat and fixed him with the sharpest glare Azul had ever seen. It would seem that you told him about the whole contract debacle that went down before his overblot and your son wasn't going to forgive him any time soon.
"Are you perhaps interested in making a contract with me? My services are quite high quality and will certainly benefit you in the future. Eh? S‐shady? Me?"
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🪲 Kalim thought that you were really cool when he first saw you at the entrance ceremony! Not only did you help him put the fire on his butt out, you also summoned a huge meteor out of nowhere! “‘I will have order!’” You sounded so cool! Ah… but wait– didn't the Dark Mirror say that you were magicless? Oh whatever, it doesn't matter anyway.
🪲 Why do you talk like you're old? You look way too young to talk like that; maybe around Professor Crewel's age but that in itself is a stretch. Expect a lot of questions from Kalim; like a lot. How old are you really? Are you a fae? Were you raised by your grandparents? What do you mean you don't know what omg means? How did you get your hair so shiny? Why do you wear clothes like that? Where are you from? Do you have a job? What do you do for work? Why are you looking at him like that? Huh… who's Hu Tao?
🪲 A Dragon!? That's so cool! Our precious boy was completely blindsided by the revelation that you were, in fact, not a human. When you reveal your dragon form to him Kalim is ecstatic, attempting to wrap his arms around your now massive form. Most times you'll be lounging on his massive bed while in your dragon form as he lays in the middle of your coiled body; running his fingers through the fur on your neck and pressing kisses to your snout.
🪲 While he certainly doesn't mind receiving nicknames and pet names, actually he loves it, it makes him happy, but Kalim isn't one to give nicknames himself, he prefers to use their birth names because it feels more intimate. However, he's not against it when you call him your treasure, he's very happy, it makes him feel all warm and bubbly inside. He might call you Cobra from time to time but it definitely won't be too often.
🪲 You have a kid? Can he meet them!? Please, please, please! Yes? Yay! Your poor emo son was immediately glomped by the eldest prince of the scorching sands as soon as he entered the room. Kalim was so excited that he didn't even let the adeptus speak before he vomited questions at him. Xiao actually didn't mind him at all, the golden retriever-like boy reminded him of a certain oni he once met in the Casm in Liyue.
"Why do you talk like you're old but look so young? Are you a fae like Lilia? What kind? Can I see your wings? Am I allowed to ask that? Wait! Was that rude!? I'm sorry!"
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👑 Vil actually had a very positive but slightly strained impression of you. You were very well put together; a foreign beauty from another land if you will. Well dressed, well spoken and dashingly handsome; it would be a lie to say that he felt a bit threatened by your arrival to the NRC. Not only were you undeniably attractive though, you possessed an unknown magic that the Dark Mirror couldn't even identify. You were marvelous but mysterious, beautiful yet dangerous. He couldn't help but find himself lost in those glowing amber eyes as you summoned a translucent shield around yourself.
👑 Goodness you're like that Lilia fellow from Diasomnia, only taller, far more charming and much less with the times. Truly, your lack of knowledge about modern technology and tendency to forget your wallet is astonishing. You're like an old man trapped in a young man's body. Don't worry though, Vil will do his best to lay it all out clearly for you.
👑 I'm sorry, you're a what? Could you repeat that darling, Vil doesn't quite think he heard you right. Oh, a dragon, well… okay. He's never seen a real dragon before but something about that form of yours seems a bit… off should he say? You actually resemble more of a snake in his opinion. He won't cuddle with you in your dragon form, unfortunately. His clothes are far too expensive to be covered in dragon fur; but he will give you a few pets from a good distance away. Take what you can get, man.
👑 I need you to know that Vil is the fairest of them all, he's heard it all by now. Well… he thought he did. It wasn't really the pet name but the sincerity in that loving tone you used when you called him your treasure. Oh, how it made him swoon! You rascal, flattery will get you everywhere with him.
👑 Xiao… is afraid of him. One time, you left the two of them alone for ten minutes and came back to a trashed room, a grinning Vil and a beautified yaksha that was trembling in embarrassment and rage. Your poor emo son was holding himself high up and far away from the beautiful man by hanging onto his winged jade spear that was stabbed into the wall. The Pomfiore prefect was right though, green really is Xiao's color.
"Are you sure you're a dragon? I've never heard of dragon being quite so... oddly shaped. No– I'm not saying you look bad, you're very majestic and dare I say intimidating, I simply haven't ever seen a dragon like you before."
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💀 He recognized you from somewhere; he was sure of it, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. From his tablet, Idia watched as the Dark Mirror addressed you as magicless; though, shortly after, you summoned a pillar of dark brown and amber colored stone to subdue your fire spewing familiar. You were so familiar, yet he couldn't think of where from, it was like some divine intervention was preventing it. Weird….
💀 You… How are you so clueless about technology? Just where the hell are you from that you don't know what a phone is? Your young appearance betrays your age too… You're like an irl anime character! Idia is absolutely raving! Hold on; let him write down a couple catchphrases and design you a costume! Don't worry, he'll teach you all he knows about modern tech as long as you go to this upcoming cosplay convention with him. You can be his main shielding healer from ‘Outworld Collision’!
💀 A dragon? Okay… so? Diasomnia's Dorm Head is kind of a dragon, so what's there to be surprised about? Your dragon form is a bit strange looking, but it's not like he'd actually tell you that; then again he's seen a lot of weird fantasy shit in the media he consumes on the daily, so he has no real reason to comment. Idia enjoy sitting in the middle of your coiled up serpentine body as he plays his games and reads his light novels; enthusiastically explaining the plot as he goes.
💀 T‐teasure? Your treasure? This poor man just about died when you called him that pet name for the first time. You thought he was so valuable that you compared him to treasure? Hold on, give Idia a second so he can compose himself, he's absolutely blue screening right now. 
💀 Your son actually still has yet to meet Idia; he always psyches himself up to meet the yaksha but then chickens out at the last minute. He's just worried that if Xiao doesn't like him then you'll change your mind about being with him. It's not that he thinks the adeptus would purposely try and break the two of you up, he's just super paranoid.
"T‐treasure? Me? Ah... t‐thank you... I t‐treasure you as well; you mean a lot to me. Um, g‐give me a second, I'll give you a nickname too.."
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🐲 Malleus, of course, hadn't attended the orientation ceremony due to not receiving an invitation, however Lilia had told him all about you when he returned to Diasomnia. He was very intrigued to hear about how you didn't seem to be human despite your appearance. As well as how the Dark Mirror had mistakenly labeled you as magicless as you seemed to display expert control over stone and earth. You truly lived up to expectations when he finally met you during his midnight walk around Ramshackle. You were quite the beauty as well.
🐲 Your disposition didn't faze him in the slightest. If anything, it just confirmed Malleus’ assumptions that you certainly weren't a human. He and Lilia speak in the exact same way as you, so he has no reason to be concerned nor intrigued about it. However, your habit of forgetting your wallet is a bit vexing.
🐲 You're… a dragon? Really!? Oh, you have absolutely no idea just how extatic he is to meet another dragon! Er, well, he isn't exactly a dragon, but he is close to it. Whenever you show him your dragon form, he's even more in awe of you than he was before. Truly, you were the most majestic creature he has ever had the pleasure to bear witness to. He'll happily show you his own dragon form too; expect to set aside a few hours once every week so that you and Malleus can cuddle together in said forms.
🐲 Your Treasure, you say? My my, you're quite charming aren't you? Now, Malleus isn't one to be easily flustered, but knowing how important treasures are to dragons, you're practically getting down on one knee when you call him that. Of course, he's not cruel enough to leave the sentiment unreturned, so he's taken to calling you his jewel or his fallen star in reference to you coming from another world.
🐲 Believe it or not, Xiao actually tried to kill him upon their first meeting. The yaksha had mistakenly thought that he was a demon that had somehow followed you all the way here. Thankfully though, you calmed your son down, explained the situation and introduced the two. Malleus actually took quite the liking to him despite the initial frosty reception; saying how the adeptus reminded him of a more quiet version of Sebek.
"My, look at you. Such a gorgeous mane of fur, those glossy brown scales, curled horns of glowing amber, and those cute whiskers you have. What a magnificent creature you are, my darling."
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ab4eva · 5 months
‘The Three of Us: Brat Behavior’
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Fully co-authored with: my love @precious-little-scoundrel
Notes: The response to the first fic has been so unexpected and overwhelmingly amazing - thank you, thank you to everyone who has read, reblogged, liked, screamed and gushed over it! It has made our little hearts so very full, we can’t even express properly just how happy it’s made us! We hope you enjoy this installment - we love hearing from you so please feel free to scream at us!
Warnings: Threesome, all the sex that entails, 18+ only
Word count: 6.3k
The Three of Us - part 1
When the paparazzi pictures of you and Callum outside a pre-Emmy’s bash were splashed across the internet, the confusion was palpable. The photo evidence of Austin Butler’s girlfriend looking especially loved up with his best friend sparked more than a bit of outrage. It wouldn’t have been so bad, if they had snapped the two of you just a few seconds before. But the way his strong arms engulfed your entire body, your sequined dress glittering in the night as your back was pressed to his broad chest while you waited on the curb for your ride. The way he nuzzled your neck and made you giggle - the evidence was undeniable. Tumblr was once again set ablaze with rumors and speculation:
“I thought she was dating his close friend? Wtf?”
“He didn’t seem like this kinda dude but ok, another disappointment. Damn.”
“Bro code is dead it seems.”
But then, a day after those pictures captured headlines, a new set of photos made the rounds. Austin Butler himself could be seen, standing just off to the side, laughing and chatting with you and Callum. Upon further inspection he had been there all along - crouched in front of you and Cal, talking to the Uber driver, head ducked into the window. A leather jacket-clad arm, just barely inside the photo, ringed hand entwined with yours as Callum held you in his arms. A collective huh could be heard throughout the fandom.
The three of you had had exactly two months together, before going your separate ways for work. Two months of clandestine, late night get togethers at Austin’s house or your apartment. Two months of breakfasts in bed, hikes at Fryman Canyon and coffee dates at Aroma. Two months of hard work while each of you prepared for your next projects, the tedious research and memorizing lines made a little bit easier, more interesting, just by being in each other’s company. A thousand kisses, smiles, secret looks, soft touches and more than double that in sighs, whimpers and blushes. Until one day, when the party finally seemed to be over, for now, and all that was left were deflated balloons and half-hung streamers.
The night before you left for Europe for five months you spent with Austin, just the two of you, cuddled up in his big bed, eating takeout and watching old movies. You, Callum and Austin had already said your goodbyes to one another earlier in the day, a bittersweet encounter that left you happy, satisfied and more than a bit sore, and you wondered how, exactly, you’d fair spending ten hours sitting on a plane the next day. The boys were due to ship out in the next couple of days as well - Austin to New Mexico for a new film, followed by press for The Bikeriders after that. And Callum was off to Vancouver for his next film, Eternity. The way things were looking, you three wouldn’t be together in the same room again until September, just in time for the Emmy’s, which seemed like an awfully long time to miss someone. Two someones.
What followed over the spring and summer were five long months of mutual pining and longing and horniess that was only partially satiated by group video chats as often as schedules allowed. These catch-ups inevitably turned into what amounted to three-way phone sex with everyone getting off in their separate hotel rooms and going to bed alone, wishing it was any other way than the way it was. You bought a ridiculous amount of cute lingerie just for these hangouts, not to mention various toys and gadgets sure to turn on more than just you.
Then there was the group text chat that Callum had set up and named, appropriately, The Lads. Sometimes it was silent except for a thumbs up from Austin on yesterday’s “Miss you, chums,” from Callum. He had taken to calling you and Austin his lads, his chaps, etc. And you, in turn, deemed him Old Bean, never using the affectionate nickname without also employing a stuffy British accent, purely to see his face light up and crack with a smile. Sometimes you sent suggestive food photos from your apartment in Budapest, “food porn” as you cheekily referred to them. Your little hand wrapped around a squash you were cutting up for soup or two avocados you saucily bounced in your palm, mimicking a favorite move of the boys’ - you could almost hear them groan in ecstasy a thousand miles away. It tickled them pink when you did this and almost always led to a filthy string of threats from Callum and a soft expletive from Austin.
Sometimes this group chat got you all in trouble, or at the very least, terribly embarrassed. There was the time you were in a production meeting with other department heads on the film and Callum sent a picture of himself in tight boxer briefs, lounging in bed, veiny hand gripping his very hard dick through thin fabric. Or the time you sent a, mostly covered, nude pic and Austin’s manager happened to be holding his unlocked phone at that moment. You could picture exactly the furious blush that must have spread over his entire face.
But it wasn’t all lighthearted chatting and sexy photos. Sometimes you’d come across a paparazzi photo of Callum out to dinner with friends or a co-star. You didn’t love how white hot jealousy burned through you like a smoldering ember, blinding you to the truth. The truth that he has girls who are friends. That he’s an affectionate, touchy-feely kind of guy and sometimes he just can’t help himself. You had to tamp down your needy tendencies and remind yourself that you didn’t own him and besides, it was always you and Austin for him at the end of the day anyway. And sometimes you’d be scrolling Instagram, when out of the blue, you were stopped dead in your tracks by a picture of Austin on someone’s feed. The sense of desire and longing that kept you tethered to him would tighten and threaten to spill over in tears.
The thing about Callum Turner is that his constant teasing and joking, that wheedling mouth of his, gets him into all sorts of unforeseen trouble. And the trouble coming his way tonight ain’t his usual choice of dynamic but hey, he’s here now and whatever comes his way, he might as well try new things, eh?
“So what, you’re a big boy, big shot, producer fella now, huh? Off doing big shot important shite, too busy for us?” Cal says through a wide grin, though the playfulness of his words doesn’t quite reach his eyes. There’s some other emotion stirring in those blue depths - neediness, maybe. Or impatience. The only response from Austin is a quiet breath, huffed out through flared nostrils as he sips from his cocktail and looks around the room, choosing to ignore the teasing.
Austin is Mr. Stately Reserved at the party - not really, it just seems that way from the outside. Or the inside, as it were. He’s hugging and laughing and chatting but to Callum, who’s missed him more than he cares to admit, even to himself, it’s maddeningly poised. Callum would like to smooch him and pick him up and twirl him around but Austin is barely even looking him in the eye. He wants to grab that perfect, model face that Austin has on for the cameras, the crowd, and wreck it. Make sure he still feels something behind that cool and indifferent facade.
Austin glances at you as his hand goes round your waist, tugging you closer to his side in the crowded room. You sneak a glance at Callum through your eyelashes and are amused to find a rather put out expression on his face. Every little thing Cal thinks bolts across his features like a flashing neon sign. You bite your lip and turn the snicker escaping your lips into a cough behind your hand. Cal’s eyes flicker to you and you raise an eyebrow, imperceptibly shaking your head, staring him down and silently pleading with him to be patient, just cool it. You can tell by the way his mouth sets into a determined little smile that your telepathic message was not well received.
“You could just ask to be dommed, you know?” Austin says suddenly, voice monotone, eyes unreadable and his haughty, camera-ready face still scanning the room.
“How the hell does that correlate to being dommed, Aus? Huh? How?” There’s an outraged disbelief in Cal’s tone that almost outweighs the high pitched -although mild -panic seeping through. Never unsure, ever, at least that you’ve seen him, until Austin Butler interprets him some such way and then this big tough man is a flailing and defensive windmill of arms and definitions.
“You’re literally so happy to see me, everyone here can see your tail wagging, that’s how,” Austin says smoothly out of the side of his mouth, an almost bored tone permeating his inflammatory words.
“Ah see, now, I’m offended mate, here I am, missing my friend, showing it -and I get called a furry. You into that now?” Callum ribs goodnaturedly.
“Wouldn’t say no to you on Halloween just ‘cause you were wearing a pair of ears,” Austin admits with a suppressed grin. Already in full contestant mode, it takes Callum a brief minute to close his mouth and realize he’s just won a victory for himself here.
“Now that’s the kinda way to make a fella feel special, Austin. That and loaning me your cable to watch the game later. That would do it.”
“Oh I’ll make you feel special, Cal, just not in front of Steven Spielberg,” Austin murmurs, as the man himself starts to make his way across the room to shake their hands. Austin finally turns his eyes on Callum and holds his gaze so intensely that Cal’s stomach drops and he feels a twitch in his pants, like he shoulda braced or something before those eyes flicked over and met his: fuckin’ finally.
And he just knows, in that moment, that he’s in for it. He’s gonna get what he’s been asking for all night, and from that moment on, his stomach is in pleasurable knots and he can’t concentrate on anything anyone is saying to him. And if there’s a wink in there somewhere, when Austin is sure no one can see, well, it makes Cal just about stagger, both from assurance and the weirdly hot feeling of being a naughty little secret.
The coast is clear. Or that’s Cal’s best guess when Austin’s golden little head stops covertly craning around the corner of the elevator to inspect the hallway and turns instead to lock eyes with him.
Oh that smile, soft but not tender, slow but not lazy, constrained but nothing short of mischief in a bottle. A lean, ringed hand darts out and Cal is suddenly tripping over his big feet, pulled into the dim hall by a fist in the gap of his double breasted blazer, Austin’s knuckles firm against his sternum when he lurches forward too fast. A dog on a leash. And the hypnotic swirl of the carpet’s pattern blurs with the interspersed lamps on the dark walls until it’s nothing but a streak of swirls and Austin’s shoulders ahead of him. He’s got them fuckin’ joggin’ to the room. Cal’s loud laugh surprises himself but he’s too happy to shove it down.
“So ya did miss me -badly looks like- ya’poncy bastard.”
Austin does nothing more than throw an amused look over his shoulder, not a hitch in his fast stride. The look glances off Cal’s grinning face and back behind him to where you’re lagging behind, not out of shyness or hesitancy, instead you’re unabashedly admiring the view from back here, watching them tug and run and fall into each other on patterned carpet leading to the suite.
“Keep up, angel!” Austin insists before turning his face back towards his break-neck trajectory.
The tone and the attitude reminds you of that afternoon when you’d all first settled into some sort of lasting mojo, one that had begun in bed but wouldn’t last without some care outside in the carless, callous, scrutinizing world. You’d gone rock climbing, sweaty tank tops and dusty hands a-pair, the competitive spirit spilled onto you too as they grappled up the wall.
You’d been one of the boys then. And it felt just right. Especially when the boys were as loving and devoted as these to each other.
They’ve a head start on you down the hall, the heels Austin had helped you out of in the elevator did their damage to your poor toes but you try anyway, sequins rough and crushed in your sweaty palm as you hike up your dress skirt and sprint after them, the hallway suddenly burning hot in your exertions, Cal’s sweaty face cackling maniacally back at you as you try, and fail, to grab at his coat tails, seems to share the sentiment.
“We gotta get out of these layers.”
Dexterous, and a dozen other potent synonyms that Cal has indulged in coming up with late at night on his brainy apps, is how he’d describe Austin on a good day. It’s a goddamn magic trick tonight, the way the room key is suddenly in his hand from up his shirt sleeve, like pulling a white rabbit out of a hat, and it’s tapping and opening the latch.
The room is cool, dim and smells of your hairspray and Austin’s cologne. Cal salivates and would contemplate that being a new low to go with being called a furry tonight, but then his back is being slammed harshly against the small wall space by the door, Austin’s fist still tight against his chest, suit coat clenched between white knuckles. He’s really letting Butler just toss him around tonight, and dimly he knows he could do something about that but after hours of trying to blow straw wrapper balls at him to get the least response, it’s nice to be manhandled instead.
Oh, right, ok, of course— Austin’s keeping him here, the door propped open with a Louis Vuitton outfitted foot so you can come in too.
This wasn’t all about bruising Cal’s back. He finds himself mildly disappointed by that. Odd. Tonight’s been odd. But it just got nicer with you coming in all pink cheeked and panting from the race.
“Third place.” Cal has enough assholish gusto left in him to taunt over Austin’s shoulder, sticking three large and disrespectful fingers in your eye-line as you pass, shoving the score quite literally in your face.
You were headed to pull the drapes, being a nice little girlfriend and respecting how tough it might be for either of these guys to find themselves on TMZ tomorrow doing...whatever it is that Austin’s doing pinning Cal up to the wall like he’s a suspect. But with this competitive provocation regarding having lost a foot race to two very large, very competitive and highly motivated young men, you pause in your errand of mercy and chomp at the offending fingers instead, drawing a howl from Callum. To his credit he no longer looks remotely surprised when you do that anymore.
“Only loser here is you,” Austin jabs but the door has just banged closed, let go by his foot, and Callum has the decency to swallow very hard at whatever the hell that look on his face means.
“Your hair’s grown back out,” Austin adds, not conversationally, more like someone pleased their Amazon order came as advertised. His eyes rake over Callum’s features, following the swirls of soft curls falling across his forehead.
You trip backwards to the curtains, not wanting to miss a thing and hardly registering banging your heel on the very modern and very sharp ottoman corner that’s in between you and the window.
“Ya like it?” Cal’s face lights up and his cheeks go a little pink under Austin’s intense scrutiny, making the light freckles that dot his nose spring to life. He runs a hand through his hair, suddenly aware it’s getting to the length it was when they first met. “I didn’t think you’d noticed, Mr. Big Shot, with all that schmoozing you were doing.”
Austin’s eyes deepen as his pupils dilate, almost swallowing the blues of his irises completely. The fist gripping Cal’s shirt loosens, only to be quickly replaced by a firm arm barred across his throat, threatening to cut off his air supply, both a warning and an invitation. Austin smiles darkly and a look flashes across his face, needy and possessive. Callum’s adrenaline kicks in, his cock throbbing painfully in sync with his pounding heart. He is reminded of the only other time he’s seen Austin Butler look this way.
Three Years Ago
The slow build from friends into something more had happened gradually, in tiny increments. How had they gone from walking Callum’s dog and dinners at the local pub to lying beside each other in the balmy dark, ragged breaths and quiet groans filling the air as they tugged each other’s cocks, their spend eventually spilling out, hot and sticky, onto their hands. But looking back now, Callum could see it had all blurred together, like an impressionist painting, and he was unable to tell where things began and ended. It felt like everything had happened all at once, their worlds colliding and meshing into one another, and that was the way it had always been, before they had ripped apart, separate once more.
The closer they came to wrapping Masters of the Air, the more inevitable the end became. One evening, towards the end, Austin had a mind to show his mate how much this meant to him, whatever this was. They’d never gone farther than some heavy petting, an urgent kiss here and there, and getting each other off. But that night, something simmered just under the surface and Austin, with slightly shaky hands, unbuttoned Callum’s jeans and pulled them down his solid thighs as he sank to his knees. He felt Callum’s hands rest lightly in his hair, thumbs brushing his temples as Austin slowly leaned forward. He hesitated a split second before taking Callum’s bulging tip into his mouth, his tongue running circles around it. The feeling was foreign but intriguing and he noted with distant observation the things Callum responded to. It was messy and awkward and thrilling, in an illicit sort of way. Cal’s muscles flexed beneath Austin’s gentle hands as they mapped and explored every dip and crease.
Weirdly it got him so hot and bothered, doing it, listening to Cal’s constant praise, that Austin noticed, with dissociated interest, his own cock growing hard and rubbing against the inseam of his pants with delicious agony. Cal sounded like he was being exorcized the braver he got, which spurred Austin on to redouble his fumbling but enthusiastic efforts. Callum surged forward and Austin gagged, barely recovering before gagging again. That's apparently what it took to get the job done and with less than a second’s warning, Austin pulled his mouth off Cal just as he started to come, using his fist to jerk the rest out of him with rough precision.
Once he caught his breath, Cal was ready to return the damn favor, and excited about it too. He led Austin to the edge of the bed as the blonde struggled to rid himself of the offending inseam and pants, tripping slightly in his haste. Cal chuckled and steadied him with a strong arm around his waist, licking a stripe up Austin’s neck as he did. Austin’s stomach flip-flopped at the promise of that mouth as he finally shucked his pants. Once out of its confines, his perfect, pink cock sprang up toward his belly, already slick and oozing. Callum pushed Austin onto the bed with a gentle shove, dropping to his knees between those long, lean legs. Austin fell back on his elbows, blue eyes ever watchful, his face red and gleaming with sweat. Cal grasped Austin’s hip firmly with a large hand, the fingertips of the other barely touching the angry cock bobbing at him at eye level. He hadn’t even had a chance to wrap his lips around it before Austin was shooting off without warning all over Callum - into his eye, up his nose, onto his open lower lip. Cal sputtered in shock, falling back on his ass in his haste to try and get the sticky stuff off.
“What the fuck, Butler! What the fuck?! It’s in my hair! Jesus Christ!” he moaned, the shock beginning to wear off. Callum looked so cute, with his freckles glazed and being dramatic as all hell and Austin was no help whatsoever. He laid there, feeling fabulous and sated with his spent cock still spurting now and again. Completely relaxed, zero sympathy, because truly he wasn’t even remotely sorry for cum up the nose when his throat was raw from sucking Cal’s massive dick.
In the present time Cal’s tentative: “You like them?” has Austin reaching up to drag through Callum’s curls after his pleading goad.
“They’re gonna make the prettiest handle here in a second.” Austin smirks and yanks his large puppy away from the wall, hauling him to the bed, gravity working in Austin’s favor as Cal trips over his feet and lands in a face-first splat onto fine weave cotton with a muffled “oomph.”
Without warning, Austin levels a hard smack to Callum’s bottom, the loud crack of it reverberating throughout the room. You gasp and freeze where you stand near the curtains, not wanting to disturb whatever this is that’s playing out. You see Austin wind up for another spank, delivering it just as Cal recovers from the shock of the first one. He roars, unused to being treated this way. A stream of curses leaves his mouth as he struggles to roll over, to fight back in some way. But Austin’s already kneeling on the bed, looming over him with one knee planted firmly on Callum’s back, pinning him down.
“The hell was that for?! Let me up!” Callum practically shouts, the panic of not being able to move setting in, all that alcohol he tossed back with abandon at the party making him slow and uncoordinated. “Fucking let me up, bro!”
“You’ve been a pain in my ass all night…couldn’t wait til we were alone, could you? Had to have allllll my attention right then. Had to act like a brat in front of our friends and colleagues.” He delivers another brutal smack that has Callum jolting forward, fists gripping the white duvet he’s face-planted in. Callum lets out a strangled moan, half frustration, half arousal. “Practically begged me to dom you…” smack. “Does my attention feel good now, hmm?”
You can’t watch from the sidelines any longer, your panties are already soaked and your legs feel shaky with need. Without a word you walk over and tug Cal’s pants off unceremoniously, his boxer-briefs sliding down with them. His usually pale, round bottom is already red, and by the look on Austin's face, it’s about to get much worse. Compulsively you kneel over Callum and kiss it better, your lips trailing little smooches over the angry skin before smoothing your cool palm across the expanse of his backside and rubbing his back soothingly. He lets out a sigh of misplaced relief, his hands relaxing their grip on the covers only to be startled out of his temporary reverie by another slap to his now bare ass. That one definitely left a mark and you stare in awe at the large handprint left behind. From there it’s just a tenderly brutal back and forth as you soothe what Austin stings.
Callum is so dazed by his own feelings and having allowed himself to be treated this way that when Austin stands and finally rolls him over he’s about as docile as a lamb. He didn’t even know he’d come until the cool air hits him and he realizes his belly and shirt are a hot, sticky mess. As Cal is hazily coming to grips with what just happened, you turn your gaze to Austin standing at the foot of the bed. In soothing one you hadn’t been paying attention to the other.
Your boyfriend is breathing hard and his face is flushed, like he’s just run a marathon. You bite your lip as your eyes travel the length of him, eyefucking him blatantly, there’s something so magnetic and even a little daunting about him when he’s in this mood. Your gaze stops at the outline of his hard cock pressed against his pants. You didn’t realize he was so turned on by what he’s taken out on Callum’s skin but it makes your belly jump as you slowly slide off the bed, the need to ravish him overwhelming.
In an instant your hands are in his hair, pulling and tugging his own curls. Your mouth is desperate for his, nipping and sucking and kissing every inch of him you can reach. You grab at his t-shirt, ripping it off in one fell swoop and tossing it aside before you resume your aggressive making out. You can’t decide what to focus on first - his plump, pink lips or his open neck. You decide to bite his collarbone, drawing a yelp from him. Your little hand, with perfectly painted red nails, palms his hard-on through his slacks, doing your damndest to give him a handjob through all that fabric. Austin pants into your mouth and unzips your dress, pushing it off your shoulders and to the floor. You step out of it as you push him against the wall, unbuttoning the fly of his pants and reaching a hand in to grip him fully. He’s so soft and warm and hard as you swipe your thumb across his tip, swirling your tongue over his, wishing you could feel him in your mouth. He lets out a choked moan as he unfastens your bra, his long fingers finding your peaked nipples and giving them a pinch. You’ve knocked his mojo off course for the moment and he shudders under your sensuous attack. And all the while Cal watches you two from the bed, one hand around his straining length, about to spurt again.
Austin suddenly breaks the kiss, grabbing your wrists and holding your body away from his. “That’s enough now, baby. I-I need you to get on Cal’s cock.” The command is so sudden and so sure it nearly winds you, but then Austin is mummering, “Can you do that for me, angel?” blue eyes suddenly serious as he stares you down, his lips kiss-swollen and neck already starting to bruise. You nod your head silently as he turns you around and shoves you toward the bed, smacking your ass hard as you willingly obey. Cal starts to sit up and move towards the headboard, like last time, ready to have you and some relief as well.
“No, no, no. On your back, Callum Turner. You stay on your back,” Austin commands quietly, pointing a finger. “You feeling special yet, baby boy, or will it take my cock down your throat, too?”
You’re straddling Cal now and after momentarily bracing for that extra burn only he can give, you deliciously sink down onto him as he fills and probes you just that little bit deeper beyond comfort. His hands encircle your waist without thinking as you slide him in to the hilt, both of you groaning. He can unfortunately no longer think straight, let alone answer, right this moment. And daddy definitely wanted an answer.
Austin tsks quietly in feigned disappointment, “Cock it is then.”
And that’s how Callum Turner found himself flat on his back with you balancing on his balls and Austin Butler’s heavy cock in his mouth, choking him from time to time, not unpleasantly he’s surprised to find.
“You were so sad when I didn’t make it down your throat last time,” Austin coos over his shoulder as he slowly rides Cal’s face while his perfect, pert ass is manhandled by Chelsea’s finest lad, muffled sounds of god knows what coming from him. Austin has a love/hate relationship with watching you enjoy another dick that much, the least he can do is make you scream his name while you’re at it. Which is why he’s facing you as both of you ride Callum, overwhelming him like ants, the man has no chance of getting back up once he’s been felled. You lean back a little, hands on Cal’s thighs as he pounds you, teasing Austin with a little peek at your swollen clit. It has the intended effect and Austin keeps his slow and steady pace as he bends over to lick you while you ride Cal’s fat cock.
Meanwhile, gurgling noises are emanating from somewhere behind Austin’s shoulder as Callum is literally choking on cock, the bend of it molding perfectly to his throat at this angle, like someone poured playdough down it, heavy balls resting on his nose. Austin shifts again, one hand on your breast and one reaching behind to Cal's throat, massaging, squeezing. And the only thing floating through Callum’s mind as he struggles to draw breath is, “Payback’s a bitch.”
“Do you feel special now, huh? Now that you can’t breathe?” Austin grunts out, relishing the feeling, the noises, the heady rush of being in control.
Something that sounds suspiciously like “Jesus Christ, Austin” flies out of Callum’s mouth but you can’t quite tell because it’s all garbled, almost unintelligible. He’s arguing with a cock down his throat, muffled protests and encouragements. All of the sudden his belly starts to heave in panic, his airflow finally sealed off as Austin presses lower, trying to get Cal to deepthroat him.
“Shhh it’s ok…breathe baby, breathe through your mouth, Cal, not your nose. That will only make it worse.” You pet his belly soothingly as he still gags for a moment. Austin jolts forward, the feeling of Cal gagging on his cock incredible. He grabs your hips, nails digging into your flesh, taking some calming breaths himself, trying to last and not to spurt hot cum down Callum’s throat right now. Cal bucks up into you, swift and firm, but Austin’s got a death grip on your hips, holding you down and that’s just the first orgasm of the night for you.
But Callum Turner is nothing if not resilient, and a multitasker at that. He relaxes his throat, starting to get the hang of things, figuring out how to breathe around a pole stuffed down his windpipe. Good thing he has such a wide mouth, finally came in handy for something. He can both learn how to deepthroat for the first time and knead Austin’s ass and thighs like he’s making sourdough. He’s really getting into the groove now - kneading and slapping, rocking Austin in encouragement to pick up the pace. Which quickly turns Austin’s dominance into a very whiny sort of thing. He can’t quite keep up after a few minutes of Callum’s sweet torture, the balls on his nose no longer a hindrance. Callum is pulling him apart and acting like he’s enjoying himself so much that Austin’s mind goes blankety-blank. When Cal starts smacking at his little ass to encourage him to rut, he loses it.
You watch this change overtake Austin gradually, like sand eroding from a beach, little by little. You can see when he goes from being in charge of “Operation Overwhelm Cal” to being a pretty baby in dire need of cumming. He slowly tips forward, partly to get his cock further into Callum’s throat and partly to face-plant in your ample titties because he’s feeling a lot of feelings at the moment. He’s practically on all fours now, drool dripping down onto Cal’s lower belly and mixing with your wetness already there. His forehead rests between the valley of your breasts as his hips work like an auger down Cal’s throat. You’ve got one hand in his hair and the other on one of your tits as he grabs your hips, urging you to pick up the pace. He can’t take his eyes off of where Callum disappears inside you, again and again, his thick, pale lower belly, everything a blur.
Austin explodes without warning, a strangled cry wrenched from his lips. Cal’s whole body jerks up as he chokes, dislodging Austin onto the bed beside you. He has the forethought to grab a discarded t-shirt lying next to him and spit into it, gasping for breath. You’re still riding him hard, and you’re close again, so close. In the blink of an eye you’re on your back, delicate wrists held together in one of his expansive palms. You hook a leg around his waist and a floodgate opens up. At this new angle he’s hitting the spot that has you shaking apart and coming, little quakes every few seconds. He presses on despite your gasping protests, whispered words of praise and teasing and you can’t tell which is making you come harder - his taunts or his cock. You feel Austin slip a hand between your bodies, one long finger toying with your nipple, sending you over the edge again just as you were recovering. Callum roars, wrecked and rasping, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he finishes, his solid weight crushing you as he collapses onto your chest.
“Roll over, ya big oaf…my hand is…trapped,” Austin says between tugs, trying to extricate himself. Callum turns one, jewel-blue eye on Austin and grins, leaning over to bite his shoulder. Despite Austin’s growled protests and more useless tugging of his trapped hand, there’s a spark in his eyes that wasn’t there before, a certain kind of floaty lightness. It looks good on him.
Quiet noises filter through Cal’s brain, like sunlight through a window, slowly and then all at once. The actual sun stays hidden behind blackout curtains, thanks to your thoughtful gesture the night before. Sprawled out on his belly like an overgrown spider, he registers the sound of someone getting ready for the day. Running water, an electric toothbrush, the soft thump of a towel being dropped, the rustle of clothes. He blinks his eyes open slowly, swallowing gingerly. God, his throat feels like it’s on fire! Is it always this way? He groans as he swallows again, trying to get some moisture down to soothe it. He makes a mental note to go a little easier on you next time you have his cock shoved down your windpipe. A movement catches his eye through the cracked bathroom door and he can make out Austin, dressed to the nines and fussing with his hair til he gets it just so. His heart plummets - Austin’s already back on his professional bullshit. Cal opens his mouth to make some comment about the outfit he’s wearing only to have it all squeak out in a cracked voice, the hoarse dig barely audible. That gets a smirk and a raised eyebrow from Austin, he knows where this is coming from.
“Need a cough drop for that throat, bud?” as he buttons his shirt at the wrists, looking at him in the bathroom mirror. “Don’t be salty,” he snickers, trying not to laugh at the gathering storm cloud on Cal’s face.
“That’s a shit pun, Butler,” Callum manages to croak, starting to raise himself up. To do what, he isn’t sure, he only knows he can’t take this lying down. But then you’re giggling somewhere at his back, apparently still in bed with him, going, “Salty, get it?” Your cool hand travels up his freckled skin, soothing his ruffled feathers and urging him to lie back. He flops down again, arms spread wide and rolls over to see you’re still very much entrenched in the bed, fluffy covers held to your chest and hair floating in a halo on the pillow. He’s not going to be alone…or not right away, at least. Austin walks to the foot of the bed, all suave and put together, the woody scent of his cologne hitting your noses and making you both swoon a little, if you’re honest.
“You sleepy heads enjoy your breakfast. And don’t watch without me...or there will be repercussions.” One side of his mouth quirks up, long finger pointed at the two of you as he slips on his sunglasses, looking for all the world like some hottie mob boss. Heat curls in your belly and you have to stop yourself from reaching up and pulling him down to the bed by his open shirt collar.
“And just what are we, your harem?” you say with a pout, stretching your arms above your head, pert nipples peeking out above the covers. His eyes are hidden behind dark lenses but you note with satisfaction the way he swallows hard, leg jiggling slightly, before turning abruptly away and heading for the door.
“Don’t wanna be it, don’t act like it,” he tosses over his shoulder just before the door slams shut.
In the ringing quietness after his exit, you can hear Cal’s raspy breathing and a mildly oppressive feeling of sore melancholy. You roll on your side to fully face him, the crinkle of the sheets loud in the stillness and he turns to you, boyish and expectant. A smirk lights up your face, “How about a bath, Turner? Baby’s first time and all,” you tease, fingers trailing up his collarbone as he pulls you into the crook of his arm.
“Oh fuck off,” he grins, blue eyes shutting, snuggling you closer. He cracks one eye open again, fixing you with a sheepish look. “Could use some pancakes though.”
Tags - let us know if you’d like to be added or removed: @oskea93, @softboo, @winniemaywebber, @spiderstyles04, @abswifey, @thegettingbyp2, @blikebarbie92, @missmaywemeetagain, @icedb1ackcoffee, @wildfll0wer, @dilfelvis, @slowsweetlove, @thefallofthedamned, @cherieaustin, @liv-n, @steph-speaks @jelliedonut @elvisabutler, @crazymadpassionatelove @stylespresleyhearted @easy-peezy-squeeze-a-lemon
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justporo · 9 months
Like a cat in the afternoon sun
A/N: Idk, I just vomited up this drabble because I needed to get into a writing headspace I guess. It's not proofread because I need to get to other stuff but hope you enjoy a short drabble about Astarion enjoying his time in the sun. ~~~
Astarion lay relaxedly in the grass. Arms behind his back, to prop up his head to better soak up the warm rays of sun on his face. His legs angled and one ankle placed on the knee of the other leg. He drew lazy circles with his foot up in the air.
You could swear you could even hear a delighted sigh and see him take in a deep breath before he loosened it with his chest visibly falling slowly. He'd told you he didn't need to breathe once. But it seemed that filling his lungs with air before letting it all out again with a contented hum still had as much of a relaxing effect on a vampire as it had on you.
Just a few weeks back you would have never thought to see him like this - soaking up the sun like a cat lazing about in the afternoon. But Astarion had made leaps with feeling comfortable around you and the others - maybe even trust you.
At first his eyes had always seemed to flit around, watch everything and everyone to always pick up on possible threats as early as possible. He was still terribly scared and distrustful mostly. Of course he was. Your adventure was far from over and your quest for a cure far from done. Not to mention that freeing him from his master had climbed up very high on your list of priorities too, now that you knew of the horrors he'd had to endure before all this.
But somewhere in between he had found these moments to take a break, however short and small it might be. Just some room to breathe. A spot to bask in the warm daylight he hadn't felt on his skin in more than 200 years.
And a way to open up, let you in - if only a little, one small step at a time.
You tiptoed over to him, careful not to disturb his moment of peace and knelt down next to him while paying attention to not announce yourself by blocking out his precious sun.
It was delightful to see him like this. A warm feeling filled your chest as you watched him enjoy a quiet moment. If it was up to you, you'd find a way to always offer him moments like this.
In a sudden urge you felt you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips.
The vampire hissed and immediately went to push himself up, eyes flying open. But he relaxed again when he realised it was just you. He simply clicked his tongue in disapproval and sank back down again and closed his eyes once more.
That also might have been part of the process: some time ago you might've had a dagger between your rips now.
"You're blocking my sunlight, you little scoundrel," Astarion said in annoyance but with a smirk that told you that he was just messing with you.
"Sorry," you simply said and watched how the vampire observed you with one of his ruby eyes opened again.
"It will probably happen again," you continued when he had just closed his eye and settled in for sunbathing again. Lightning quick you pressed another kiss to his lips.
But this time the rogue was prepared and his arms quickly grabbed you and pulled you to his chest and held you there. You yelped.
"Rude!" the vampire exclaimed and wrapped his arms around you.
"I fear you need to be punished for your crimes," Astarion continued and wiggled you around in his arms until you were snuggled up against his side, your head resting in the crook of his neck.
"Oh?" you simply made as you tangled your legs with the vampire's.
"Yes, laying with me until we have to keep going to teach you not to disturb a vampire enjoying his rare moments of sun," Astarion explained and squeezed you close to him to show you that there would be no getting away.
"Sounds fair," you replied and snuggled a little closer still while you felt the rumble of Astarion's soft laughter shake through your body.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon
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kooqitas · 3 months
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#pairing: friends-dad!wonwoo x reader.
#genre: smut | #w.c: ~1500
#synopsis: it was just a ride offered by your friend's dad, what could go wrong?
#warnings: semi-public sex (car), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, agegap, spit, humiliation, overstimulation. WITHOUT DADDY KINK, THE NAME WAS JUST A JOKE!
#notes: not proofread, english isn’t my first language! ★ m.list | inbox 
support me on ko-fi if you want, i would be very happy :D
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the moment wonwoo's car turned down the street, you regretted accepting that ride.
wonwoo is your friend's father, she's not your best friend, but you've known each other for a few months, you used to go to parties together, and this was the first time you went to her house. she always said that her father wasn't old, but wonwoo is like 15 years older than you? god, how young did he become a father? whatever, you know a hot man when you see one, and of course wonwoo is really hot.
because of the heavy rain, it was impossible to order an uber to your house, so wonwoo offered you a ride since his daughter was going to her boyfriend's house. at first you rejected it, you said you would find a way, but your friend insisted so much that it seemed rude to reject jeon's ride.
as soon as the rain stopped, wonwoo took the car out, you got in the vehicle, buckled your seat belt and regretted it instantly.
wonwoo was stupidly hot and watching him drive was driving you crazy, he smelled so good and his lips were so inviting that you didn't even realize when you started having impure thoughts about the man next to you. your friend's father.
your brain betrayed you, and you started thinking about the thick fingers that were on the steering wheel inside you, slowly opening you up to prepare for his cock. what would wonwoo's cock be like? following the logic of the proportions of his body he would probably be hot... and thick… oh, god!
"what are you thinking?" he asked you.
“you are cute.” he laughed.
“oh, shut up, i’m not cute, cute is for child, i’m not a child.” you grumbled.
he laughed again, biting his own lips.
“yes, i know very well that you are not a child.”
you gasped. was wonwoo flirting with you? what the hell. no, that’s impossible, you are crazy. definitely crazy. 
“but you know... you can call me 'daddy' if you want too”
“mrs. jeon” your voice was a little shaky.
“no, sweetheart, just wonwoo. unless it's a kink for you…”
“wha- what are you d-”
wonwoo stopped the car, and only then did you realize that he wasn't even following the gps location, you were on a dark street, completely deserted, the raindrops were still falling lightly outside the car, so wonwoo faced you, firmly, making your body shake.
“i'm not gonna do anything you don't want, honey. but don't act like you're not a dirty girl who stared at me lustfully in my own house, don't pretend like you didn't look at my fingers on the steering wheel like you didn't imagine them inside you.” wonwoo said in a scoundrel tone, making you cringe, you no longer knew if it was from humiliation or lust.
“you? what do you want, baby? will you deny your own desire? or are you gonna assume that you want my cock opening up that pussy, hm?”
“what, kitten? do you want be treated with care? or i can just use you however i want? mistreat you completely, use you for my pleasure?” 
wonwoo's right hand rested on your thigh, looking at you before leaving an unchaste caress there, he laughed when you surrendered, opening your legs in anticipation of him raising his hand a little further, his warm finger in contact with your skin the cold air conditioning makes you horny.
wonwoo took off his seat belt, and slapped his thigh twice, you immediately sat there, without any kind of questioning, he laughed, the mocking laugh making you feel a little humiliated.
"don't you think you're the worst kind of whore? fucking your friend's father? you're so disgusting."
the way he spoke gave you a feeling of heat that you had never felt before, unconsciously you began to roll slowly on his lap. god, fuck any moral ethics, wonwoo was fucking hot and your cunt was starting to get wet.
“that is? does this excite you? knowing that your friend's father is gonna fuck you, will treat you like the disgusting whore you are?”
“y-yes” you moaned.
wonwoo laughed in contempt, clenching your jaw and finally kissing you, his tongue tasted like beer and even though you weren't the biggest fan of the drink you loved it, wonwoo was dominant, he led the kiss the way he wanted, sucking your tongue leaving not so light bites on your lips and it was driving you crazy.
you felt when his firm hands lowered the thin strap of your shirt, exposing your nipples and then he lightly brushed his index finger there, making you tremble in anticipation.
wonwoo continued devouring you with his mouth, the man seemed ready to destroy you with a kiss and if he continued at that pace he would easily succeed, the hot tongue curling with more and more desire in his and the kiss smacks becoming more and more wet in your mouth, his fingers making sloppy movements on your needy nipples.
you felt a hand move down from your nipple to your baggy shorts, and then a finger brushed against your panties, making you moan loudly.
“needy whore!” wonwoo laughed.
wonwoo started kissing and biting your neck, the bites hurt like hell, it would clearly leave a mark, but you were loving it, and the moans and gasps you made made it evident.
"are you gonna tell my daughter who marked that neck? are you gonna tell her that you are a desperate whore who gave your pussy to her father in the car?"
wonwoo placed two fingers inside you, making you scream from the shock of the long fingers entering your cunt, he had no difficulty placing his fingers there, easily reaching your g-spot while still marking your neck voraciously.
"dumb bitch, do anything for cock!"
he added another finger, your eyes rolling back, your body was sweating even with the air conditioning in the car, you didn't care about anything anymore, you just wanted wonwoo inside you. he tore your shorts and laid the seat back a little further, kissing your mouth again.
“i'm gonna to fill this pussy up, you'll go home dripping with my cum like a good toy!”
wonwoo removed his fingers from inside you, putting them in his mouth and sucking out every drop of your liquid, and then removed his belt, lowering his pants and underwear right after.
his purple cock made you salivate, at the same time it scared you, you didn't imagine it would be so fat, it terrified you and made you even more horny, every inch of you would receive wonwoo's dick, he would open you up like no one had ever done before .
"you're gonna take my dick like a good slut, aren't you? i'm gonna be able to spread you wide open and you're gonna thank me, right?"
you nodded, and in the next second, wonwoo was entering you.
at first he was gentle, rubbing sloppy circles on your clit until you got used to his size, but a few minutes later wonwoo was thrusting into you like crazy and moaning like an animal.
"i knew that whore's pussy was gonna open wide for my cock!”
he said as he mistreated your pussy with strong thrusts, you didn't think about anything else, you didn't think about the fact that he was your friend's father, you didn't think about the fact that you were on a deserted street, you couldn't think about anything other than how good it was the feeling of having wonwoo hitting your uterus hard.
he grabbed your waist and made you bounce on him, his firm hand pushing you up and down on his fat cock while your belly tingled.
"god, i’m gonna-"
"cum on my dick, whore, cum because i’m gonna cum inside you, i’m gonna fill that pussy with my sperm."
wonwoo laughed in a machiavellian way, and then spat in your mouth, forcing two fingers down your throat, you accepted them, sucked as if it were wonwoo's own cock while facing him, feeling the lust growing in your belly growing more and more.
when he wiped his fingers of saliva on your hardened nipple, you came, screaming so loud that, even though you were on the deserted street, you were still afraid that other people would hear.
when your body started to shake, wonwoo seemed more motivated to destroy you, and continued thrusting against your pussy.
"my freaky bitch only stops when i decide it's over?" he questions seeing that you just accepted his rough pace. "i like it! my daughter has the best friend in the world!"
wonwoo thrust you a few more times, until he came apart inside you, moaning loudly and throwing his head back, your insides becoming completely sticky with your friend's father's sperm.
you still moved, sensitive from the orgasm, but still rubbing against the cock that wasn't completely softened, you wanted more, he wanted more.
fuck any morals, you needed to enjoy the rest of the night together...
and it was with this in mind that wonwoo searched on the gps where the nearest motel was.
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sagesolsticewrites · 6 months
Kiss Me Once
The moment you’ve been anxiously awaiting is finally here— your boyfriend Rosie Rosenthal finally arrives home.
(hi @hellfirequinnie @justheretoreadthxxs @ronsenthal @storysimp)
a/n: hugest of huge shoutouts to Winnie (@winniemaywebber) and Gina (@ginabaker1666) for letting me yell about this fic 24/7, not to mention darling Marina’s (@precious-little-scoundrel) spicy Rosie headcanons which played a huge part in the inspiration for this fic (as well as the future parts I have planned 👀) 💕
Warnings: mentions of death (brief mention of death of a parent, war deaths), mentions of sex, Rosie being a tease 👀, definite historical inaccuracies, if there’s anything else y’all would like me to tag, please let me know!
Word count: 3k
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
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You pace around the foyer of the Rosenthal apartment impatiently.
Your boyfriend, Robert, was coming home after several long years of war, and he was already ten minutes late.
He had insisted on meeting you all at the apartment instead of greeting him as he got off the train— something sweet about wanting to walk into his home and see you all there— but his train had gotten in on time, so where—
“Y/N, he’ll be here honey,” his mother says gently, exchanging a look with his sister from her place in the kitchen where she’s preparing a spread of Rosie’s favorite foods, “You know how the traffic is, especially today.”
“I know, I know,” you nod, your nervous pacing slowing the tiniest bit, “But he said—”
Your worries are interrupted by a knock on the door, and suddenly you’re frozen in place.
“Well? You gonna answer it?” his sister teases, gesturing at the door.
“But—” You glance between his family and the door, conflicted.
“He’s had enough of us fussing over him,” his mother pipes up, moving to stand next to her daughter, “We all know who he’s really here to see,” she adds with a teasing smile.
You glance down with a smile, trying to will the heat in your cheeks away before you move to finally fling the door open.
It truly doesn’t seem real, the sight that greets you as the door opens.
Robert stands there, dapper in his dress uniform, curls neat, hat tucked neatly under his arm.
He blinks in surprise, as if he wasn’t expecting you to be the one who opened the door, but the shock on his face is quickly replaced with a wide grin.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
“Hi,” you gasp as you’re pulled into his arms for a tight hug, burying your face in his neck as he presses a kiss to your temple.
“Missed you so much,” he murmurs softly in your ear before pulling away to take in your face, eyes scanning over your features as if to make sure everything was the same as he remembered.
You do the same, clocking one very noticeable change.
“What’s this?” You laugh, gesturing to your own top lip.
His fingers move self-consciously to the mustache that definitely wasn’t there when he left for flight school.
“Oh yeah, uh… remember I told you I started tryin’ to grow one back in training? Well… it turned into this,” He laughs, meeting your eyes anxiously, “What do you think?”
You rise up into your tiptoes to peck his lips, “I think you look very handsome, my love.”
His hand cups your cheek as you pull away, bringing you back in for a long, tender kiss. Your eyes flutter shut, savoring the feeling of his lips on yours after so long, but the rosy spell the two of you are under is quickly broken by his sister pointedly clearing her throat, ignoring her mother’s scolding look at her interruption.
“Wow, Rosie,” she teases as the two of you break apart, “it’s nice to see that you remembered we’re here too.”
“That’s the best welcome you’ve got for your big brother, Jeanie?” He rolls his eyes playfully, unable to hide his smile as he gives you one last squeeze and goes to greet his family.
“Hi, Ma,” he says, voice thick as he embraces his mother for the first time in far too long.
She clings to him in a long, fierce hug, and he returns it just as fiercely until his sister tackles him from the side.
Rosie lets out an oof, quickly adjusting so he has both of them in an embrace.
The four of you sit down for dinner, conversation flowing nonstop. Even with the frequent letters back and forth, Rosie still had plenty to tell you about his life in England, and his family still had plenty to catch him up on.
As his sister is rambling about work, his hand comes to rest on your knee. Still respectable, of course, but the warmth emanating from him makes it difficult to focus on anything else.
As the night continues, you nearly drop your fork into your mashed potatoes when his hand glides ever so slightly up your leg, slipping just underneath the hem of your skirt. He maintains a straight face, wide grin barely flickering as he teases his sister about the crush she inadvertently mentioned, all while his fingers remain indecently close to your core.
His mother is in the middle of filling him in on all the neighborhood gossip when your glass of water comes very close to slipping out of your hand. You catch it in time, mumbling an excuse about being oddly clumsy tonight, when all you can think about are the featherlight patterns Rosie is tracing on the inside of your thigh.
You shoot a glare at him when his mother and sister are distracted, which he meets with a smile, eyes sparkling with mirth, heat simmering just underneath.
Somehow you manage to fumble through the rest of dinner, contributing with simple nods or “mm hm”s as Rosie’s presence next to you overwhelms your mind. As the meal finishes— complete with a mouthwatering cherry pie— Rosie stands and begins gathering plates. You and his mother stand simultaneously to do the same.
“Ma, please sit down,” Rosie insists gently, “I got it.”
As she opens her mouth to protest, he simply shakes his head.
“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to do this, yeah? Let me help out. Please.”
Eyes softening at the mention of his being away for so long, she relents, and the two of you gather the remaining dishes.
Mrs. Rosenthal and her daughter move to the living room, soft jazz drifting through the apartment as they turn on the radio while you and Rosie work like a well-oiled machine washing and drying dishes. Er… mostly.
“Robbie!” You yelp as he splashes water up towards you, holding your rag up as a shield. You laugh, retaliating with a reckless swing of the still-damp dishrag.
What follows is a playful water fight where miraculously neither of you get too wet, but does end with you pinned between Rosie and the kitchen counter, his lips moving greedily against yours.
You let out a soft squeal as he pulls away briefly to scatter kisses all over your face and neck, mustache brushing against your skin.
“Robbie, that tickles!”
You can feel him grinning as his lips land on yours once more.
“I missed hearing you laugh.” he murmurs between kisses as his hands wander freely over your dress, “Missed you so, so much, honey.”
“I missed you, too,” you sigh as you reluctantly pull away for air, thumb stroking along his cheekbone as you take him in: mustache and all.
“When you re-enlisted, I—”
You take a breath, forcing back the sudden tears that threaten to spill over.
“I was so scared,” you admit softly, “So incredibly proud of you, of course, because I know that’s who you are: you don’t come home until the fight’s over. But so many people were getting those damn Western Union telegrams telling them that their sons or brothers or friends wouldn’t be coming home, and I couldn’t stand the thought of being one of them.” Your voice trembles, and you take a shaky breath in, pressing your forehead to his, “I couldn’t stand the thought of being without you.”
“Honey,” he says softly, nudging your noses together ever so gently so you meet his eyes, “I love you.”
Those words hang in the air for a heartbeat, words that you had only been able to read in his letters for the past two years, words that you hadn’t heard aloud in far, far too long.
“I love you,” he repeats softly, firmly, the words like an oath on his lips, “and I hated the thought of making you and Ma and Jeanie worry, but… but what I hated more was the thought of going back home when there was still so much evil out there. And the kids who were coming in to replace us… that’s it, they were just kids. I couldn’t leave in good conscience knowing that some teenager was gonna be taking my place in the sky and wasn’t gonna make it home because of me. I saw it happen too many times, and I couldn’t—”
He shakes his head, swallows, and meets your eyes again with a soft smile.
“But I’m home now. And I’m not leaving you anytime soon, yeah?”
He leans in for a tender kiss, one that has you melting down to your toes as he pulls you into his arms, swaying ever so slightly.
“Dance with me, honey? I know it’s no Minton’s,” he chuckles, “But it’ll do.”
He holds you close, twirling you around the kitchen with your head resting on his shoulder as Kitty Kallen’s voice drifts in from the living room, Rosie singing along softly in your ear.
Kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time
He always claimed that his ma and Jeanie got all the musical talent, but you loved to hear him sing in the rare moments you got to. You loved it even more in this moment because it meant that he was here. He was home. He was safe. And he was with you.
You stay wrapped in his arms for the duration of the song, and as it fades into the next one— Glen Miller’s crooning “At Last”— he whispers into your ear once more.
“What would you say,” he murmurs, warm breath fanning over your neck, “if I asked you to meet me in my room tonight?”
You pull back to meet his eyes, to make sure you understand his meaning. You see a slight nervousness there, tinged with longing, and just below that, a simmering heat that sparks an ember deep in your core.
The two of you had been, er… intimate before. Several times, actually (the fire escape outside his window that happened to also lead to your room in the apartment upstairs made for an excellent escape from both fires and nosy parents wondering what those noises were in the middle of the night), and each time had you seeing stars— sometimes literally if he felt like sneaking you up onto the roof with a blanket on one of the rare clear nights in New York— and longing for the next one. The letters you wrote alternated between sweet and rather scorching when you happened to be in a mood, each of you divulging your fantasies over the years you were apart, hoping to fulfill them when he came home in one piece.
“I’d say,” you murmur, “that I’d love to.”
That bright grin spreads across his face again, lighting him up from the inside out.
“Good,” he says softly, “because I wanna have a proper reunion with my girl.”
His hands slide down to rest low on your hips, pulling you that much closer as his lips seal over yours for a kiss that has butterflies swarming in your belly.
You lose yourself in the feeling of his hands on you, of his lips on yours, in the taste of him— even the utterly foreign (though not unpleasant) feeling of his mustache grazing against your skin has you wanting more, wanting to make up for the time you lost when he was an ocean away.
Something— maybe the crackle of the radio switching stations, maybe some small noise outside, maybe the remnants of the proper girl you should be— brings you back to reality all too soon, and suddenly you’re pulling away and looking up at him regretfully as you remind him:
“Your mother’s probably wondering what’s taking so long.”
He lets out a playful groan, barely heard over the radio as his head slumps onto your shoulder.
“You’re probably right,” he sighs, pressing a quick kiss to your temple as he begins fixing up his appearance; attempting to get his hair to lay flat from where your fingers had raked through it, wiping away your bright red lipstick smeared around his mouth, “Let’s go.”
Once you’ve reapplied your lipstick and made an attempt to fix your rumpled clothes and hair, he leads you back into the living room where his mother and sister are lounging in the armchairs next to the radio.
“Sorry, Ma,” he says, cheeky grin firmly back in place as the two of you settle on the loveseat nearby, “Had to squeeze in a dance with my girl.”
You bite back a squeak of surprise as his hand— out of sight of his mother and sister— drifts dangerously low on your hip to give you a playful squeeze, all while maintaining that trademark sparkling Rosenthal grin.
“You two are so sweet,” his mother coos, and you can’t help the shy smile creeping onto your face as you lean into Rosie.
Nor can you help the laugh you let out when you see Rosie sticking his tongue out at Jeanie, presumably in retaliation for the disgusted look on her face.
“Robert,” she scolds, “Be nice to your sister.”
“But Ma—”
“And Jeanette,” she turns to his sister with a rare use of her full name, “Your brother just came home, I won’t have you teasing him for wanting to spend time with Y/N.”
She opens her mouth to protest, but shuts it at her mother’s raised eyebrow.
“Sorry, Robert,” she grumbles stiltedly.
When his mother’s eyes flick to him, Rosie mumbles in the same stilted way.
“Sorry, Jeanie.”
“Thank you,” his mother says crisply, “Now— oh, honey, did I tell you…”
Mrs. Rosenthal somehow has even more neighborhood gossip to tell Rosie, and Jeanie has plenty of questions for her brother about life in England. He happily listens and regales them with stories, his animated way of speaking distracting his family from the way his hand rests on your thigh in plain sight. You should nudge him away, slip your hand into his, do something to make it look more innocent… but you don’t want him to stop tracing patterns onto your thigh over your dress, working his way up and down and back again in a way that makes it very difficult to focus on anything else.
He slips his hand away, a jolt of disappointment running through you at the lack of warmth, just in time for his mother to turn her attention to you.
“Y/N, sweetheart, I’m going to make some tea before we all head to bed, would you like some?”
You politely decline, as you have for the past nearly two years.
It was just you, your father, and your brother after your mother passed when you were four, and when they both enlisted after the Pearl Harbor attack, Mrs. Rosenthal was kind enough to let you, as her daughter's close friend and her son’s girlfriend, temporarily move into her guest room. They were currently somewhere on a boat in the Pacific, and though you were able to send letters back and forth, it was a sporadic way of communicating, and each day you prayed that they would come home safe like your Robbie had.
Jeanette busies herself with the book she had been reading, and Robbie takes the small moment you have for yourselves to pull you close and press a sweet kiss to your cheek, mindful of his sister in the room.
“What was that for?” You ask, grinning. It seems you haven’t stopped smiling since he walked in the door a few hours ago. 
“Just because,” he shrugs, a returning grin brightening his face, “I’m home, and I’m with my girl, and I can give her kisses anytime I want to.”
You don’t think it’s possible for your smile to grow any wider, but it does.
After pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, Rosie turns to his sister.
“Oh, Jeanie, I got you somethin’ while I was over there. Wanted to send it over, but I figured it’d be better if I gave it to you in person.”
He goes over to his pack and rummages around until he produces a small paperback.
“I found this in a bookshop when I was on one of my weekend passes, thought it seemed like something you’d like. Written by a woman, too, isn’t that something,” he says, handing her the copy of Green Dolphin Country, “Happy belated birthday, little sis. Hopefully this makes up a little for the ones I wasn’t here for.”
Oh goodness, your cheeks are starting to hurt, but you can’t stop smiling seeing Jeanie light up at the book. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Jeanie squeals, jumping up to squeeze her brother tight. He returns the hug fiercely, and your heart melts when you see him blinking back tears.
“I’m glad you like it,” he says, bright grin back in place as she pulls away to devour his gift, adding teasingly, “Y’know, I heard it ends with—”
“No spoilers!” Jeanie whines.
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” Rosie holds his hands up in surrender, “Just tell me how it ends, promise?”
His little sister beams up at him, looking much younger than her actual age of 22.
Mrs. Rosenthal returns with a tray bearing three mugs of tea, and night winds down with tea and books and soft chatter as one by one you all retire to your separate rooms.
Rosie shoots you a wink, hand drifting dangerously low on your back as he escorts you to your room before heading for his own just across the hall, leaving a lingering kiss on your lips that has you pleading for time to move faster, for his mother and Jeanie to fall asleep quickly so you can meet him without fear of waking them.
You slip into your favorite nightgown— a thin, filmy thing, one Rosie hasn’t seen before— and begin watching the clock as the wait for your agreed meeting time of 12:30 begins.
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a-certain-romance · 1 year
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She can hardly wait
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Characters/Ships: Yae Miko x fem!reader & Dehya x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, a/b/o dynamics (both) possessive tendencies (Miko), biting (Miko), fangs (Miko), mentions of blood (Miko), Praise (Dehya), Riding (Deyha)
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In actuality, you had nothing against not wanting Miko to help you through your heat. But you couldn’t help but be somewhat wary of the person she would become when the cycle gets to her.
So when your heat came around the corner and you avoided her as best as you could, this sly fox decides to make no interference whatsoever. If you really think you can handle it alone, so be it. She won’t stop you. Miko knows you’ll need her eventually. It’s only a matter of time until you come crawling to her with tears in your eyes.
In fact, she’ll do things to purposely tease the shit out of you. Showing off her legs more, whispering in your ear with a breathy voice, lingering touches too close for comfort. “I’m sure you must have a good reason to keep this from me. But dear, wouldn’t your rather let me take it from here, hmm?”
She wants you to beg for it. Her favorite part about this whole process is how weak and willing you would undoubtedly become. Miko can smell your desire from a mile away so it’s only a matter of time. She finds this whole idea laughable. What am I going to do, break you? She’s debating it.
It’s all fun and games to her. That is until, your scent starts to attract the attention of others. Left and right, men & women approach you more often, offering their their “assistance” to help satisfy their your needs.
And it ticked Miko off. Tch, like they can do any better. Perhaps she spent too much watching you tremble and not enough time doing anything about it. It’s about time she gives you what you’ve been aching for.
“My, you are desperate little thing” her index finger slides slowly down your stomach. “Tell me. Would you have said yes to them? Those faceless scoundrels who don’t know you like I do.”
“Never, Miko—“
“That’s right, because you’re mine. I’m the only one who can make you feel this good” She taps her finger firmly at your entrance in a familiar pattern. Three, two, one…one, two, three.
“Alright, I believe I’ve teased you long enough. It’s about time to let the world know who you belong to, don’t you think?”
Her pointed teeth pierce the skin right above your collarbone. At the same time, Miko slides the end of her cock past your folds. With that, every sensation becomes heightened. Even though it’s only the tip, you arch yourself close to her.
“Well aren’t you needy” She swipes a bit of blood off her pointed fangs as she smirks down at you. “It’s only just the tip. I’ve barley touched you yet.” Miko leans down to lick your wound clean.
“There. If anyone should dare to defy this mark, they shall answer to me. Now let’s finish this, shall we?”
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Dehya on the otherhand is the polar opposite of Miko. She would drop everything to be with you if you called for her. She’s on you in seconds the minute she smells you flare up. Deyha’s managed to keep track of the time of your cycles so she can prepare accordingly. She’s been with you long enough to know the signs: flushed cheeks paired with a stronger scent and a little bit of extra clinginess. It makes her wonder why you’re hiding this time around.
Deyha brings a bag of overnight clothes to your place where you’ve been isolating yourself. She finds you huddled in a pile of blankets, sweating profusely. Only this time it wasn’t because of Sumeru’s intense weather.
“Missed me?”
You mumble out a response to which she shakes her head at. Before tending to your sexual needs, she forces you to drink a cup of water and removes a few blankets from your bed so they won’t get in the way later. You explain afterwards how Dehya’s involvement with Sumeru’s chaos lead to you decide to go through this one on your own since she seemed preoccupied with other matters. She lightly scolds you for not mentioning this sooner. Dehya doesn’t stay mad for too long though. Now that she’s here, she’s going to make you spend your day and night working through your heat.
“That’s it..that’s my girl. Think you can take it all the way?” Dehya opens your legs wider around her waist and pulls you close to her chest. It never fails to shock you how she can go from pampering you to pounding you at a moment’s notice.
She groans into your neck when she bottoms out. “You’re taking my cock so well baby”. Her hand caresses your cheek, “I’ll make you feel so good. I’m gonna start thrusting now, okay?”
Her stokes are languid as you get used to the position. But your intoxicating scent triggers a rut of her own. Her breath hitches. A new feeling suddenly being awoken. She brazenly pulls you you closer by the hips to meet her thrusts. The closer you are, the further she fucks her shaft into you.
“Nnh, please just hold still for me, like a good girl would” Dehya changes the angle to hit deeper than before. The way her cock drags against your walls feels heavenly. Despite this being your heat, she’s a whimpering mess trying to please the both of you.
“Baby, you feel so good,” she whispers close to your ear, “Such a good girl. I need to—“
Her the throbbing head repeatedly knocks against your cervix. She swells, pulls out, and shoots her load on your stomach. Your slick still continues to drip from between your legs; your satisfaction not entirely met. You still need Dehya’s help. And that means you’re going to let her take you however she wants, right?
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doumadono · 9 months
sinful Sunday: Douma with a breeding Kink. He is in heat and it last for 4 weeks but he see's reader, who has marriage problem. He secretly eat Reader husband and convince reader to sleep with him for 4 weeks. After the 4 weeks he keeps reader alive snd makes reader his wife and might even turn her into a demon after birth...
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Douma's keen eyes locked onto you the moment you strolled into Paradise Faith. Sure, there were plenty of girls wrapped up in his cult's allure, but you managed to snag his attention in the blink of an eye.
Douma couldn't ignore the profound sadness radiating from you, and in that very instant, he made up his mind to do whatever it took to "fix you up."
Douma orchestrated a meeting with you. The mere thought that Douma-sama desired a face-to-face meeting left you feeling honored, and you found yourself in his private chambers.
As you spilled the beans about your marital woes, Douma lounged, chin rested on his palm, savoring the drama as you animatedly gestured. As you spilled the beans about your marriage troubles and an unfaithful husband, Douma leaned back, resting his chin on his palm, thoroughly entertained by your animated gestures as you waved your hands while speaking. Little did you know, you were unwittingly serving him the information he craved.
Douma graciously allowed you to stay in his temple, instructing maids to prepare a cozy chamber for your rest.
As the night unfolded, he disappeared into the shadows, fully aware of the task at hand.
Dealing with your husband turned into a delightful game for Douma. He relished every moment as he devoured the scoundrel alive. Despite the guy being less nutritious than you could ever be, Douma savored his macabre midnight snack.
Upon his return to his chamber that night, a tingling sensation ignited within his groin. The heat, as predictable as every quarter, began to surge. Douma already knew precisely how to indulge and alleviate himself.
The next day, he enveloped you in his presence, engaging in endless conversations, assisting you in selecting materials for a new dress he generously offered to procure. Douma threw himself into mundane human activities with an intensity he wasn't aware he had. But there was a good reason for him to act that way.
Your response was impeccable; you couldn't get enough of being close to him.
It only took him a few days to convince you to share your bed with him, though for him, each moment felt like an eternity. The relentless heat was becoming unbearable, and time seemed to crawl at an agonizing pace.
Douma strolled into your chamber, a sly amusement dancing in his rainbow eyes as he found you eagerly waiting, sprawled naked on your futon. Complaints were the last thing on his mind.
Going down on you sent a thrilling shudder through him. Your intoxicating juices proved irresistible, and he couldn't resist lapping on your folds, making the most obscene noises.
Douma quickly discerned that you were incredibly tight, almost pushing the limits of accommodating his impressive girth. However, a prolonged session of eating your tiny, delicious pussy out for nearly half an hour worked its magic, allowing his lengthy cock to snugly nestle within you, embraced by the welcoming grip of your spongy, slick walls.
Douma fell in love with a classic missionary and doggy style — he relished grabbing hold of the meat of your ass to pull you back onto his cock, playfully spanking your cheeks whenever you attempted to crawl away.
"I'll breed you thoroughly, my little lotus. By the end of the night, you'll be filled with my seed," he confidently assured you, intensifying his pace as he fervently took you from behind as you laid on your side, his cock spreading your entrance painfully.
He fucked you in a myriad of positions throughout the night, leaving you not only adorned with a tapestry of bruises but also drained to the extent that moving your limbs became an impossible endeavor.
For nearly four weeks straight, Douma fucked you every night, making no exceptions. He particularly reveled in the sessions during your period — your blood tasted heavenly, and he found himself intoxicated by your flavor even more.
After pumping you full of his semen one night, he revealed the truth — you were in the arms of a demon, one of the Twelve Kizuki, following the orders of Muzan-sama, the demon king.
Initially, fear gripped you, and you hesitated to accept his words. Yet, deep down, something convinced you he wasn't spinning a tale — his avoidance of daylight, heightened activity during the night, and abstention from human food spoke volumes.
"Douma-dono," you whispered, fingers delicately tracing the lines of his jaw. "I'm not afraid. I've fallen in love. You've given me the warmth and acceptance I've craved. If you wish to feed on me, consider it my repayment for all you've offered me these past weeks, my love."
He chuckled, his long index finger gently caressing your still-slick mound from your combined releases, his cum still slowly oozing from your abused entrance. "My little, silly lotus. I won't feed on you, you're too precious to me. You're going to stay by my side forever. I want you to become a demon, just like me. And if he agrees, you will. Perhaps one day, you'll grant me an heir. That's what I desire most."
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stellamalonesolaria · 29 days
BTS JEON JUNGKOOK X READER FF | His Iris | one shot.
pairing: Brother’s bestfriend! jeon jungkook x college student! reader
genre: s2l, forbidden love au, college romance, fluff.
warning: mild swearing. mention of domestic abuse.
author’s note: this was exhausting to write, took me an entire day to write this. i’ve not proofread it so i apologise in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors. hope you enjoy this fic
word count: 9,862 words 53,694 characters
“There’s someone at the door”, your friend Mark yells, audible enough for you to proceed to the main entrance and unlatch the door. As you open the door, you’re greeted by two muscular men, one of them being your brother, Park Jimin.
Your brother is holding the other man, who appears to be half asleep, by his shoulders, supporting him in order for him to stand erect in front of you. His eyes are closed. The man looks wasted, as though he must’ve devoured gallons of booze.
“Brother, what are you doing at Mark’s place at this hour?”, You ask your brother as he looks at you agitated and in scrutiny. “What are YOU doing at Mark’s place at this hour, is my question exactly”, he retorts, evidently fuming because of your presence at a guy’s place during such an odd timing.
“Brother Jimin, I was here because Samantha, Mark’s girlfriend invited me over for a little freshers party for our university batch”, you chirp, trying to ease down the tense atmosphere created by your brother by emphasising on the fact that a girl invited you, not a guy. Your brother has always been over protective of you to say the least. He even used to masquerade himself as your husband whenever your childhood friend Namjoon insisted on playing house with you. No man has dared to approach you as your brother masked himself as the hooligan who chased those scoundrels away from his precious baby sister. You have always lead a sheltered life being Park Jimin’s inestimable sibling.
“Go back to your dorm, I will drive you.”, Jimin strictly instructs you. You reluctantly comply and walk towards his car parked in-front of the decorated porch. On the way, you notice, the drunken being has opened his eyes as he coughs violently, an indication to his hangover and presumably nausea. You quickly halt in your tracks as you retrace your steps back to the foyer, where both the men are still currently standing.
“He’s gonna vomit, let me guide him to the washroom before he ruins Mark’s vestibule.”, you say alarmingly. Your brother looks at you with a straight face with his tongue poking the inner side of the cheek. “No I’ll take him.”, your brother announces. The man is still coughing vigorously. You direct your brother to the bathroom area where the younger man can go and barf to his heart’s content.
You go to Mark’s kitchen and prepare lemon water for the latter for his hangover. You climb up the stairs to the room where the toilet is located. You look at your brother patting the stranger’s back, trying to calm him down, while he throws up. You hand over the lemonade to your brother who then leans down to make the man drink it as a cure for his drunkenness. You grab a mop to clean the toilet while the duo is still sat on the floor.
Your brother suddenly sits up straight. “I’m going to the kitchen to keep the glass in the sink. You clean up this washroom and then we’ll leave okay?” Your brother leaves the man unattended, that means, under your care and surveillance. You proceed to clean the floor with the mop and the toilet area on which there’s puke stains while the man sits down on the floor trying to rejuvenate and recover and sober up.
Once you’re done cleaning, you attempt to look at the man sitting on the floor with his eyes closed and his one hand rubbing his temples. You stare at his swoon worthy features, he’s gorgeous. His hair is a beautiful colour of burgundy accentuating his features which comprise of a well defined and sharp jawline, elevated cheekbones, a glowing forehead due to beads of sweat formed on it, his cherry pigmented plump and moist lips. His delicate facial characteristics encapsulate you in a void where no one exists except for the both of you. He’s such a beauty.
“Are you done staring”, the man states, you get pulled out of the trance as his deep yet very sexy voice resonates with you. He opens his eyes, revealing his orbs. His eyes are a beautiful shade of brown with a pearly glint to them which appear as glistening stars stolen from the transcendent universe. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”, you say embarrassed, your cheeks crimson. The man just grunts and groans in response, probably still in a lot of pain due to consumption of liquor.
“By the way, I’m Y/N, Park Jimin’s sister”, you introduce yourself trying to converse with him for some mystic reason. “Jungkook. Jeon jungkook.”, he says his name with his eyes glued to you, further flustering you. “Nice to meet you Jungkook”, you say coyly, he smirks in return, surprising you. “Is your headache okay?”, you try to continue this colloquial interaction. “You’re pretty”, he says, ignoring your question as you’re thrown aback by his statement. “Excuse me?”, you ask in disbelief unable to believe what you just heard. “I said you’re pretty”, he has a teasing grin on his face, as butterflies jitter in your stomach seeing him flash a smile. “Thank you”, you say genuinely.
Jungkook tries to stand up straight but is unable to do so, hence, you lend him a hand after witnessing his futile attempts to get up. “No i’m fine I do not need your help.” he spits, “You look like you need it.”, you jab at him after spotting his annoyance. He looks at your hand in front of him, contemplates a little before taking it to get up. You guide him to the wash basin where he splatters cold water on his face, some droplets cling onto you due to you being so close to him.
He looks at you while you try to wipe the few droplets on yourself, you look so pretty, almost as if, he feels like he’s witnessing an angel in heaven playing with the water gods. Droplets trickle down his face, seeing them fall down, you’re reminded of your brother whom you’d help cleaning up this way whenever he splashed his face with water, you grab a towel and instinctively start wiping his face, leaving him flustered this time. Realisation sinks in a while later when you’re almost done cleaning his face, you’re way too close to him, your front bodies almost touching, you’re almost feeling his buff chest through his tank top. You quickly retract from there, bowing your head to apologise for this sudden erratic behaviour, making him chuckle. You then look up as he towers over your figure, your lips almost touching his. Your heart skips a beat. He’s so beautiful. You pull yourself away from him and in the process you slip over the slippery freshly mopped surface. You’re prepared to fall when you suddenly feel a strong arm preventing your fall by holding you by your waist. You both stare into each other’s eyes. Minutes pass by, you both remain in this position but it changes when you hear footsteps approaching you. You become aware of your surroundings, you stand up alert, away from the muscular figure.
“Sorry for taking so much time, I met this weird guy ‘Mark’ who was all over me, questioning my roots?? Then I had to explain to him that I’m Y/N’s brother, like couldn’t he have guessed by just looking at me?”, Jimin says as he enters the washroom. You and Jungkook look at him and then at each other and laugh at your brother’s overdramatised rhetorics. “Well, the good news is that I’ve sobered up thanks to you and your little sister, which I had no clue about until today so thanks for that Park.”, Jungkook says sarcastically, “Now let’s leave this ‘weird guy’s washroom’ before he barges in and inspects my roots as well”, jungkook continues as he earns a laugh from your end.
You head to your brother’s end, feeling someone’s eyes over you. Jungkook is looking at you, for some reason, you’re so alluring to him.
He opens the car door for you, as you step inside, sitting right behind the passenger seat, the one which Jungkook has captured. Your brother buckles his seat belt as he gets ready to drive. You feel Jungkook pushing his seat back a little as your leg space gets cramped, annoying you. You spread your legs wide under his seat, almost touching his legs. He senses this and turns his head around to look at you as he subtly but gently kicks your leg back earning a small yelp from you. You never back down in a fight, especially silent wars like this. You not so gently kick his leg earning a shriek from him which grabs the attention of your brother who formerly was only focusing on driving. “What happened jungkook?”, he asks raising an eyebrow, Jungkook looks at you in discreet where you signal for him to keep his mouth shut. Jungkook looks at you smugly, intaking the fact that you’re absolutely terrified of your brother. He is about to speak when your petrified state says, “He wants to listen to Kim Namjoon’s new album”, your brother looks at you and then at him curiously, “Is that so?”, he raises an eyebrow again, this time directed at jungkook and you both. “Yes”, “No”—you and jungkook reply in unison confusing the older man. “The album Seven is way better”, Jungkook retorts, he earns a gasp from you. “No wayyy, Right place Wrong Person is the best.”, you argue. You and Jungkook keep going back and forth on this topic, tired by this Jimin intrudes in your skirmish with Jungkook. “Both of them suck, Muse is way better than both of them anyday.”. Jungkook and you look at him in absolute astonishment. “THAT ALBUM IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST, Oli London sings better than the artist who created ‘Muse’”, you both say in unison to which Jimin heaves showing he is so offended by that. “Get out of my car you both.”, he scolds. You and Jungkook just laugh at this.
As time goes, you get bored as you still sense eyes on you but the entire car is silent. You plug in your wireless ear phones, playing ‘Labyrinth by Taylor Swift’, one of your comfort songs. You look at Jungkook while the song plays in the background through the rear view mirror and you spot him, looking back at you, amusing you. “Pass me one of your ear buds as well”, Jungkook says, as he also insists on joining in your music playing jam. You hand him one of the ear buds and as you’re about to sit back on your seat again, he holds your hand, pulls you forward and takes your phone from your hand, switching the track from ‘Labyrinth’ to ‘the boy is mine’ by Ariana Grande. “Hey! I was listening to taylor swift”, you whine, Jungkook just half laughs, “Well now you’re listening to the boy is mine.”, he says while Jimin remains silent, his attention solely on the road, you roll your eyes, as you attempt to sit back on the seat.
You look out of the window of your brother’s car as you spot a flower vendor on the way. “STOP THE CAR!”, you yell/demand. Your brother immediately stops the car, “WHO THE FUCK DIED?”, he screams as you just look at him, “Nothing, I just wanted irises, there’s a flower vendor there on the road.”, you say casually as both Jimin and Jungkook shake their heads at you. “I’ll buy it for you.”, Jimin sighs as he opens the car door to get out but is interrupted by the young man sitting on the passenger seat,” No Hyung, let me go buy flowers for her, you already bought my today’s dose of alcohol for me.”, Jimin agrees as Jungkook gets out and purchases a bouquet of irises for you. Your heart thumps loudly, the background music shifts to play Labyrinth by Taylor Swift again, you see Jungkook approach your side of the window with his flowers for you, his iris that he bought for you. You lower down your window shuttle as he hands you the flowers while Taylor Swift in your ear bud sings out ‘Uh oh I’m falling in love’. You mouth a small thank you to him while he just flashes a gentle small smile to you.
The moonlight luminescent in the sky as you head out of the car after reaching your dorm. “Take care of yourself and no more of any late night rendezvous or parties from now on.”, Jimin says sternly, you nod and wish him goodnight by pecking his cheeks. The car stays still till you enter the frontier of your college dorm, you look back one last time, glancing at the man sitting beside your brother, flashing him a small smile as the hold on the bouquet gifted by him gets stronger, you bask in the sweet fragrance of the irises as you turn yourself away from the vehicle, as you do that, you notice a small slip hidden beneath the canopies of the flowers, you proceed to take it out. The note carrying nine digits belonging to the person who has a bunny like smile. You smile at the note which clearly flushed as you cannot wait to text him.
The following morning, you wake up and wash up for your classes in uni. You’re majoring in economics, planning to be a data analyst for finance companies. You put on your mascara while the events from last night flash in your mind, oh how a chance encounter blossomed exciting feelings within you. You haven’t texted Jungkook yet for some reason. Although the wait is tormenting you but you like this game which nuances your patience levels. You pick up your bag after you’re done caking your face with makeup.
You catch a public bus to reach your college from your dorm. You clutch your phone in your hands. You enter his digits inscribed on the note via your dial pad. You save his contact as Jungkook.
You send him a text after much contemplation as to what to message him. Your text reads, ‘Hi it’s Y/n, thanks for the flowers yesterday, how’s your hangover right now?”
You put your phone down, as you do that, you feel it vibrate, you’ve received a notification from the very person you just texted.
The message says, “Hey there pretty girl, I’m feeling a bit better thanks to someone’s lemonade.”, ‘so he noticed’, you think, you continue reading the message which states, “Hope you liked the flowers and the little gift I left with it”, he’s clearly being flirtatious, catching you off guard with his text, your cheeks flush a new shade of red. “I liked the flowers, although I cannot say the same for your ‘gift’”, you tease him on text. “You texting me right now is proof enough that you didn’t just like it, you loved it.” he replies to your text, unwaveringly. How is he able to make your heart flutter through text. Is he a professional flirt or what. These thoughts cross your mind as you blush profusely.
You depart the bus as you reach your destination. You plug in your earphones as you enter your university but are very shocked to see the person in-front of you.
Unbeknownst to you, Jeon Jungkook has befriended your brother within the gates of this college. Jeon Jungkook is also pursuing bachelors in finance and is interning in one of the big shot companies hence the payment of the flowers was done by his hard earned money.
Jungkook looks at your tiny silhouette as he heads over to you. He immediately takes one of your ear pieces and inserts in his right ear. “the boy is mine? sweet, glad you picked up on my elite taste”, Jungkook remarks earning a glare from you as your cheeks heat up. “Not because of you, I just happened to like this song, it’s Ariana after all.”, you protest, more like lie, you’ve been unable to get Jungkook out of your mind ever since yesterday and this song draws you close to Jungkook’s tastes. “I’m surprised to see you here though like I didn’t know you attended the same college as my brother and I.”, you say truthfully to which Jungkook replies wittily, “How else was I able to afford those expensive irises if not for an internship in finance company due to this university?”, “Fair enough”, you say sighing.
Your hair comes undone as you walk along with Jungkook, he notices that and stops in his tracks, holding your wrist, stopping you as well. He comes near you, his breath fanning over your lips, he gently holds your cheek, as you close your eyes preparing for a kiss, but you feel him tugging your hair strand behind your ears, leaving you flushed once again. He should get a degree in making you flustered. He lets go of your hand and leans in to whisper, “Maybe next time, I’ll kiss you.” your stomach is doing a back flip as your heart stops beating all because of one person, Jeon Jungkook.
“Wanna bunk?”, Jungkook suggests as you hastily shake your head, “No noo, my brother will plunge a dagger through my heart if he ever finds out.”, Jungkook snorts at your statement, “Who’s gonna be telling him?”, he simply says, “I thought you were supposed to be his friend?”, you ask, “I am but sometimes, he can be unreasonably strict especially towards you, you’re allowed to have fun too you know.”, he says softly, “the only thing unreasonable is bunking.” you state, he rolls his eyes, “one day of skipping class would not hurt anyone, judging by the bag you’re carrying, you look too diligent, you’ll be able to cover up the missed class syllabus in no time, plus i’ll help as well.”, he says to which you agree as you look at his chocolatey eyes.
Jungkook pulls up with your brother’s car from the previous day. You look at him with widened eyes, “What if brother notices that his car is missing and then he finds out I’m ditching class?”, you panic while Jungkook just laughs, he indicates for you to get in. You hastily become his passenger princess as you sit on the seat beside him while he buckles his seatbelt and sets out to drive.
Jungkook shows you a text which is seemingly acknowledged by your brother as it reads, “Ditching class. Taking your car for a ride.”, you just keep your eyes widened in shock, “He let you skip?”, you ask still amazed, “He can’t stop me sweetheart”, jungkook replies smugly.
Jungkook parks the car in the parking lot, as he steps out, he comes to your side of the car and opens the door like a gentleman, impressed by his actions, you get out of the car and bow to him as a way of showing your appreciation towards his very considerate behaviour. You both head to a coffee shop as he orders a chocolate mocha for you and chocolate shake with condensed banana milk for him. You take a note of his liking towards banana milk as he specifically requests for banana milk along with his chocolate shake.
“Are we going to sit down for our drinks?”, you ask, “Is that what you want?”, Jungkook asks in return, “I mean what do you plan to do now?”, you ask as you hold your chocolate mocha in one hand sipping on the drink while he devours his banana milk chocolate shake. “How about we go shopping?”, he offers, you agree. You love shopping for clothes, you usually come alone or with your brother or sometimes with your dorm mates but this would be the first time you’d go shopping with a guy, this would be special. “Let’s go shopping for clothes!”, you chirp making Jungkook smile.
You enter this shopping outlet with Jungkook, you both unknowingly link your arms as you scroll through the columns where the dresses were hung.
“Will this purple suit you?”, you ask trying to imagine him in a purple shirt, “I hate purple”, he immediately remarks, you sigh as you say, “hate is a strong feeling, maybe say purple doesn’t suit you?”, jungkook rolls his eyes, his expression on his face darkening, becoming more serious, “I hate it.”, he states coldly, fearing you with his eccentric reply, you don’t coax him further with this entire ‘purple’ topic.
While looking for T-shirts for him, you stumble upon the prettiest dress you’ve ever seen. A floral printed skirt with a white vest embedded with buttons in the middle. A classic dress. Jungkook notices you admiring the beautiful work done by the creator of the dress. “We should buy this white floral dress”, he remarks, you look at him and shake your head, “No, it’s too costly plus I’m not carrying a lot of money with me.”, you say, “It’s okay, this dress is on me”, Jungkook says offering to pay for the ethereal dress, “No Jeon, it’s okay but thanks for the offer though.”, Your eyes brim with sincerity moving Jungkook.
Jungkook asks you to get him coffee while he has to buy something, you comply, as you go to the café, today’s fun all because of one person’s presence.
You sit down after taking what you ordered for Jungkook as you wait for him to arrive. He comes with a shopping bag. He sits down right beside you, his face only a few centimetres away from you. Accelerating your beating heart, you try to move away but he grabs your wrist yet once again and pulls you closer to him. He holds your cheek while his other hand pulls out something in front of you, as it turns out, it is the same shopping bag he was carrying when he entered the café.
“What about this?”, you ask him looking at his hand carrying the shopping bag in front of your face. “This is for you.”, he says softly, his eyes piercing through yours, “You didn’t need to-“, you say flustered, “Shh, consider it a gift from my end.”, he immediately cuts you short, as your heart flips.
You take the bag from his hand, blushing. You thank him for his gift. He waves for you to unpack the ‘gift’. The gift turns out to be the expensive dress you laid your eyes on. Your mouth falls, wide agape, you look at him, half happy, half cranky, “Jeon why-“, you ask, “Just thought it’d look good on you.”, he states truthfully. You peck his cheeks as your token of thanks. His cheeks now visibly turning pink. He clears his throat as he says, “Wear this tomorrow okay?”, “Tomorrow why?”, you look at him as you ask this, “Don’t you want to cover your missed syllabus? I’ll help you tomorrow over a cup of coffee after classes.”, you smile at him as he says this and nod your head.
“Also Jeon, please take your classes seriously, try not to skip them much.”, you request him, more like advise him as you stare into his honey glazed eyes. He nods his head and promises you to take care of his college academic life. You smile at him as he reciprocates your smile.
The next evening, you look at yourself in the mirror where you’re adorned by jewellery which goes along with the outfit bought by Jungkook. You apply blush on your cheeks and a rose tint on your lips to accentuate their shade. You comb your hair and tie your hair in a sleek pony.
You walk towards the doorway of your dorm, opening your camera app, looking at yourself for the last time before Jungkook pulls up with Jimin’s car. Jimin is out of town for his internship for the time being, creating a lot of time for you to meet Jungkook for your little study session.
Jungkook has parked Jimin’s car in front of the entrance of your dorm. He slowly lowers down his window shuttle. You proceed forward towards the car, growing closer to him. He looks at you, completely and utterly mesmerised by the beguiling beauty in front of him. Your soft features becoming more prominent due to the addition of the jewellery.
Jungkook steps out of the car after basking in your lavender scent, he holds your hand, leads you to your side of the car, opens the door for you to sit inside the vehicle. He has a bunny like smile plastered on his face as he gazes the pulchritudinous lady admiringly.
He’s pulled out of this artistic trance set up by angels when you snap your fingers in front of him. He blinks his eyes, as he gets onto the driver’s seat. He hands you an iris lovingly before setting out to drive you both to a café.
You both reach the café, Jungkook is scanning the menu while you plop out the study material of the lecture you missed that you borrowed from your dorm roommate. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows as he looks at you, “We’re going to start studying right away?”, he questions astonished, “Yes, I have to maintain my CGPA, to land an impressive internship for a great experience.”, you reply, he sighs as he keeps the menus aside, “I guess we will order coffee in a while.”, he says while you laugh.
“Jungkook you know, the colour purple that you seemingly detest is the colour of the irises I love. Isn’t that a bizarre coincidence?” You say while Jungkook just remains silent, his face blank yet tears pooling near his eyes, “Y/n, you know I used to love the colour purple once but as it turns out your likes and dislikes alter as you grow up so now tada I hate purple.”, he says. You witness the evident façade he’s establishing to suppress his real emotions but you don’t want to be a pushover hence you try to change the topic, “What about your hobbies? What do you like aside from banana milk?”, he notices how you mention banana milk as he raises an eyebrow enchanted by your attention to detail, “You”, he simply replies, ruffling you, your heart flittering, “I’m serious, stop kidding.”, you say, your cheeks turning a scarlet shade of red. “You can say I like tutoring the one I like, I like playing video games and driving a damsel around to a café.”, he says, jitters in your stomach, this man is so coquettish, you hit his toned chest as he’s just sitting beside you hence giving you an easy access to touching his body, “Stop joking Jeon.”, you say even though you want him to continue his flirting whilst still wanting to learn about his likes and dislikes. “You can say I like over watch.”, he says trying to quench your curiosity about him, “Like the video game or the hentai?”, you tease, he widens his eyes, his ears turning crimson red, “You know what hentai is?”, he asks in return, shocked by your knowledge, “Oh I’m a woman of many secrets.,”, you say trying to continue this witty interaction where you’ve the upper hand, “Oh I see, can’t wait to uncover all the secrets this woman might be hiding.”, Jungkook smirks as he says that. You both laugh and have a gala time during this electrifying tutoring session provided by him only exclusive to you.
Hours pass by, you’re almost done being taught by him, you’ve covered up the necessary topics. You love how you both can bond over studies as well now. “I guess we’re done for today.”, Jungkook says looking unpleasant, his face is like an empty canvas which articulates every emotion in his palette whenever he feels them. “You don’t want me to go yet?”, you say, surprised by how bold you’ve become in a few days because of this gentleman, you let out a small squeal, “Yes, in fact how did you even know?”, Jungkook laughs, himself astonished by the change in your behaviour. “You know what, I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning for college, let’s go together, what say?”, he proposes, “Yes a hundred times yes.”, you approve.
The following morning, you spot him with his car, more like your brother’s car which has become his now for the time being, you clutch onto your bag pack as you see him step out and open the car gate for you to get in, his passenger queen.
He gets in the vehicle as well. He starts the engine and before he starts driving, he pulls out the midnight album by Taylor Swift, for which he got up extra early so that you could listen to Labyrinth with him in the car to the way to your institute. “You like Taylor Swift now?”, you say flustered, and impressed both by how considerate he has become of your tastes, but the truth is, he’s growing fond of you as you are of him, he’s taking a liking to your tastes, you’re changing him in ways that he doesn’t realise but he knows it’s for the best, as he’s becoming gentler day by day and the due reason and cause of this is you, “Yes apparently so, Labyrinth is a beautiful song.”, he replies to you. Labyrinth plays while you both just enjoy a comfortable yet very exciting car ride with each other.
Uh Oh I’m Falling in love.
Uh OH I’m falling in love.
These lyrics deeply resonating with you two as days go by with each other. It’s so easy being around each other. It’s like the time stops when you’re both with each other.
Days go by, as you keep on spending time with Jungkook, as you get to know him little by little, as a piece of your heart slowly starts eroding away to him little by little. He also feels the same for you, he finds your presence very alluring and comforting, you’re the soothing rhythm of his life who accelerates the pace of his heartbeat. Your existence has started to become his sole reason of ecstasy. You both have reformed into positive and better souls just because of each other’s company.
One eventful morning, as you enter the university gates, someone pulls you by your bag, your back clashes into a well built chest, you immediately recognise who this chest belongs to, Jeon Jungkook. He hands you an iris as he says, “You know I hate purple, yet a small part of me, yearns for irises, I resent purple, but maybe, this time, because of you, I can make an exception to irises.”, he says with a soulful smile while you just encapsulate him in a small embrace as you feel happy for him and you.
Theese days seem the most precious to you because of a certain someone who in such a short while has become your everything. Your heart is prancing out of sheer euphoria yet your gut, your intuition is screaming that something sorrowful might happen, you turn a blind eye to your perplexes, deep down knowing, Jungkook is concealing something from you, that, he’d never be entirely yours if he has to someday, if he keeps on desolating his darkest regions, or perhaps, the reason why he seemingly hates the shade of purple.
Your intuition has stood corrected. Jungkook hasn’t contacted you ever since he told you about how he could make an exception to liking purple irises. He isn’t even been showing up to the university anymore. You’ve been texting him about his whereabouts, you’re concerned about his well being. 100 missed calls, that’s how many times you’ve called him but received no answer. Is this what love bombing is? Bombarding you with love before your beloved goes all ghost mode on you. Your brother has returned back from his internship tour as well. He has met with you, you have had to resist yourself from asking about Jungkook to him countless times as you can’t risk exposing your true feelings to your brother, fearing his reaction.
You feel empty, as if someone has shot your soul with bullets but the blood isn’t oozing out. You’re entrapped in a melancholic state as the one who made your world colourful, even for a little while, has left you without any reasoning. You’ve lost count of how many overthinking sessions you have indulged yourself in till date. This is tormenting, even soul crushing. You don’t feel energetic enough to attend your classes hence you’ve been skipping your classes. His absence has sucked the soul and life out of you. This is unhealthy, which doesn’t go unnoticed by your brother. He worries for you as he sees you spiral down into doldrum, he has asked you many a times as to why you were like this, but you couldn’t tell him, even if you wanted to, he’s helpless. He’s suffering because he cannot see you in such a devastating state and his best friend isn’t replying to his texts and calls either.
One mighty evening, as if the almighty has heard your silent prayers and cries, you stumble upon Jimin talking to someone, you continue overhearing as the person on the other end of the call turns out to be Jungkook, your heart thumping loudly, breath shortening, eye sight becoming hazy, your ears becoming more attentive to the call. You feel relieved, he’s alive and breathing, but you grow more distraught as the call continues, “Jungkook-ah, where the fuck have you been?”, Jimin says, his call on speaker inadvertently. “My mother is in ICU-“, Jungkook’s voice breaks, -“they say..she-she doesn’t have a long time to live.”, Jungkook cries, Jimin falls down on the ground, “Jungkook oh my fucking god, I’m visiting you right now.”, Jimin says, which Jungkook immediately declines, “No hyung, don’t, your graduation is nearing, you’ve important finals, attend them, they’re more important than this, I’ll be okay here.”, Jimin sighs, “Let me know if I can do anything for you, I’ll be available for you 24/7, I’ll pray for Mrs. Jeon.”, Jimin says sadly as Jungkook just acknowledges that and cries on call with him. You fall down to the floor as you hear their conversation, you gain whatever strength you’ve left within you to pick yourself piece by piece as you go to your room, yes you are staying with your brother for the mean time as he has noticed your saddened state, so you enter your room, you cry to your heart’s content, then you look at yourself in the mirror, as you promise yourself and Jungkook, “I’m coming Jeon, I’ll be there for you through this.”, you prepare yourself mentally as you’ve to be the one now supporting him.
You’ve booked a ticket for a train to busan to visit Jungkook, you heard about the hospital’s name and his whereabouts via the call between your brother and your beloved.
On the way to the hospital, as you hail a cab, you buy a beautiful bouquet of irises.
You reach the hospital, you pay the fare of the cab journey to the cab driver, he thanks you for the payment.
You rush inside the hospital and go up to the receptionist to ask about Mrs. Jeon. “What’s your relationship with her?”, the receptionist inquires, “Daughter in law.”, you say adamant to see her son. “Room 408, this way ma’am”, the receptionist guides you to an elevator where you reach the fourth floor. You search for room number eight. You find the room and before you push open the door to the room as you’re meeting with her during visiting hours, you once again, mentally ready yourself before the grandeur meeting.
Shuffling through the door knob, an asleep Jungkook wakes up, his mouth agape, tears escaping his eyes as he looks at the figure in front of him. You look as beautiful as ever, just weaker due to all those skipped meals because you missed him terribly and he looks sick as well like he hasn’t slept and eaten properly in days, the dark circles beneath his eyes, a clear indication of him crying for days straight.
The first thing you do when you see him, is run forward to hug him, he doesn’t believe his eyes yet, even if you’re in his arms, he cannot believe that you’re here, with him, for him. Tears pool near his eyes, as he cries on your shoulder while hugging you tightly, as if he’ll never let you go ever again. The hug is a mixture of regret for not talking to you, melancholy because of his mother and a lot of love because he missed you, missed your affection and missed being near you. He melts in your hug, crying his eyes out, you pat and rub his back to comfort him, “Everything will be fine Jungkook.”, you whisper softly into his ears, your own voice cracking because of your tears, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook. “I’m so-sorry Y/n.”, he cries, “Shh, I’m here now, it’s okay.”, you coo in his ears, gently rubbing his back.
You both separate from each other, he leans forward to kiss your forehead, “What are you doing here, how’d you find out about all this? I’m so sorry for leaving without any texts. I should’ve reached out to you, it’s just that I didn’t want you to see me in such a vulnerable state.”, he says hastily as the emotions he’s feeling right now are indescribable. A combination of happiness and sadness followed by a wave of nostalgia after seeing you, he’s in denial that you’re standing in front of him. “Jungkook, how could I ever leave you at this time, I eavesdropped on yours and Jimin’s conversation and as soon as I heard about your mother, I knew I had to come in, the truth is I’m in love with you Jungkook, even if you don’t feel the same way it’s okay, but i’ve promised myself that as long as I exist, I’ll be standing next to you, through thick and thin till I take my last breath. I’ll even walk through fire with you. It would be you and I against this damned world. We will fight through this together. I’ll never ever leave you alone ever. I promise, I love you and I’m sorry for being this late to this.”, you genuinely spill every aching feeling you’ve felt throughout the entirety of the time you’ve spent with and without him. The next thing he does, surprises you, he captures your lips with his own, kissing them ever so gently, pouring all his love through that gesture, the taste of his lips mixed with his tears, provide a bittersweet and emotional venture of love to you and him both. “Thank you so much for just existing, I love you too that even words cannot articulate the gravity of the feelings I harbour for you.”, sincerity brimming his eyes, you continue kissing him.
You’re sitting with him near his mother on bedrest. You give him the bouquet of irises you bought as a token of support. He looks at you and smiles softly and sadly. “The reason I hate purple is because of my parents, my parents co-owned this company, ‘Everything Purple’, where they sold literally every item in the shade of purple, I’ve grown up with this colour surrounding me. Purple represents independence, which my mother hoped for from her in laws as, if she was the one earning, she wouldn’t have to endure patriarchal abuse, but purple also represents ambition and turns out ambition for earning money and exercising authority over your wife is greater than any love you can have for her, so my father got jealous of my successful mother so he used to beat her almost everyday in-front of me, transferring all her shares to his name, which led to my paternal parents also ostracising her and performing atrocities against her.”, You look at him, he has been through so much, You hold his hand as he continues, his grip on your hand becoming stronger, as he is asking for remnant strength to overcome his trauma and speak freely about his tragedies to you, he takes a deep breath before saying, “One d-day, I saw her almost lifeless on the floor of my house as I was returning from my school, my dad had hit her too much that her bruises turned blue-, Y/n-ah, I-i c-called the ambulance, they took her, they-they said she was in a critical condition that she won’t survive the hit- they put IV tubes in her, they resuscitated her, all kudos to the almighty, but she got into coma and had a weak heart herein onwards- my bastard of a dad remarried and started a family out somewhere else and I used up her savings for my education to get into this college. Ever since that day my mother has been in coma and a few days earlier, the doctors called me that her condition has destabilised- I only have her as my family. I can’t lose her Y/n-…” Jungkook’s voice croaks, You hug him hard, your tears falling down because of him, “Jungkook, you wont lose her, she will always be by your side. She’s your mother, the last thing she wants is for you to cry over her. She must’ve wanted you to let go of this painful past as it’s hurting you.”, you say trying to comfort him, sharing his pain, providing him with a shoulder to lean on, “How do you know that Y/n”, Jungkook asks like a baby, “You know why I like irises so much, they were my grandmother’s favorite, she was a florist. She d-died a few years ago, she died an excruciatingly painful death, before she took her last breath, she told me, ‘Y/n, whatever happens, never cry over me, rejoice all the memories you’ve with me, celebrate that I existed in this world because I will always celebrate that I had an adorable grand daughter I could cater to, I only want to see you grow and become happy, I do not wish to see you lose your soul just because I departed to another destination, death is a part of life, you need to embrace this beautiful process and let go of me’, I cried a lot that day but I had to move on as life goes on, you cannot hold onto their passing forever or your tragedies for life as life is constantly in motion hence we need to match its fluidity, she also told me that irises represent hope and purple represents peace, Jungkook, I promise you, tranquility will soon arrive in your life, I promise to take my last breath devoted to making you happy because you matter and because that is also what your mother would have wanted, don’t hate purple, these purple irises symbolise hope, keep your hopes up, and as the saying goes ‘Even the darkest hour will end and the sun will rise’”, You say, your words moving mountains, deeply impacting Jungkook as he slowly lets go of his resentment towards the colour purple, “Thank you Y/n for everything, you know what, you came into my life and altered every parts of it, I was a broken man but you’re healing me, You’re my hope sweetheart, you keep me going, I vow to never ever leave your side either. I love you.”, he says as you hug him hearing his sincere words.
You come visit jungkook almost everyday as soon as your classes end, you’ve told your brother that you’d be staying at the dorm again, hence, all these short trips are unbeknownst to him, Jimin has visited Jungkook a few times, whenever he got time, they both are the best of buddies, hence Jungkook feels really grateful for the existence of both the siblings.
As time goes on, his mothers starts recovering, small steps at a time, the medication starts working well for her, Jungkook can see the light at the end of the tunnel and he can also see the one holding the light for him, guiding him to the brightest of places through the darkest of paths, the person is you, you’re his hope, his eternal sunshine, he has come to love you a lot, he can never imagine his life without you now. He even is ready to marry you after his futile attempts of hating on marriages and colour purple. He can finally see his life getting back on track with the invigorating nature of his mother’s treatment and your sole existence.
Months pass by, he has returned to college after stabilising his mother, they’ve had a mother-son talk and he has learnt to let go of the resentment he holds for his dad, thanks to you and his mother, Jimin has been giving him unwavering love and support, which he appreciates a lot. He has his academics on track, the only issue is, you both haven’t had a single romantic moment or a date after the kiss you shared in the hospital, although you both have been meeting regularly but only for vulnerable talks, to help reform each other, to help each other study and get each other’s life back on tracks.
Jungkook is planning to ask you out as his prom date, it’s his excuse to properly address and confess his feelings for you, an excuse for a romantic date accompanied by salsa/tango with you.
You’re standing near your locker, waiting for Jungkook to arrive. You feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around hoping to see Jungkook but are disappointed when you’re met with Mark’s face, “Hey Y/n, long time.”, Mark says cheerfully, you greet him as well, “So do you have a partner for this dance thingy- i guess you could call it college prom yet?”, he asks, this question hurt your ego, you have jungkook but he hasn’t asked you out for prom yet, how inconsiderate of him. “No I’m date repellent as it seems, no one has asked me out for prom yet.”, you say honestly, annoyance evident in your tone, “Oh that’s sad, I’m going with Samantha, apparently she has a brother as well, who hasn’t found his date yet, do you want me to set you up with him?”, Mark offers, you’re about to reply to him but are cut short by Jungkook’s curt reply, “No, she’s going out with me, not anyone else.”, a small smile forms on your face as you look at him but you quickly mask it with a frown as you remember he hasn’t asked you out yet he’s announcing to the world that you’re his date, the audacity angers you. Jungkook notices the look plastered on your face, he comes near you, giving you a bouquet of irises with a slip hiding within the bouquet, reminding you of your first meeting with him. You smile softly at the fond memories of him, “Will you go out with me Y/n?”, Jungkook asks, as he kneels down on one knee while Mark watches you both in awe, “Yes!”, you immediately nod your head and hug him, while Mark cheers for you both, “I ship you both so much, get married and have kids.”, he hoots as you both laugh at him.
Prom night is today evening. You’re hastily getting your hair done while you iron your purple dress which you and Jungkook hand piqued together. You’re freaking out over your makeup as you apply purple glitter to your eyes like they showed in euphoria, you straighten your hair, while on call with Jungkook, amidst his preparation to get ready for the prom as well.
Your escort for the night is your brother, whom you’ve still not told about your little boyfriend and prom date. This is eating you up as you hate keeping secrets from him and you know the inevitable will happen one day, he will find out about you and Jungkook eventually but you’re hoping that day is not today.
Your brother drives you to the banquet where this event is held, you link arms with him as you walk across the red carpet with your beloved brother. You make an extravagant entrance but your breath and spot light is taken away by the sight of a very handsome man in a suit, he looks gorgeous, from head to toe while he holds a bouquet of purple irises, He’s wearing a black suit, with black trousers and a white shirt underneath tied together with a purple tie and purple cuff links you gifted him. You smile at him, your boyfriend, who looks at you as if the world has stopped moving, for him, you’re his miss universe, the prettiest girl to ever exist. He loves you a lot. This little encounter doesn’t go unwitnessed by your brother who so ever graciously brought you here yet he chooses to ignore it as he thinks nothing of it but just two fellow comrades exchanging smiles but little does he know how madly both you and Jungkok are in love with each other.
Jimin leaves you to get a punch for both you and him. Jungkook approaches you as he watches Jimin leave you at a table. “You look beautiful my gorgeous lady.”, Jungkook compliments you as you plant a small peck on his cheek while he hands you the bouquet. “Thank you my knight in shining armour, you look very elegant yourself.”, you compliment him back. You both smile at each other.
The drink spills on the floor ruining Jungkook’s shoes. Your eyes widen as you look at the person who has dropped his drink causing for Jungkook’s shoes to get dirty, it’s your brother Jimin, who’s looking at the both of you with an expression you cannot quite decipher but if you were to break it down; it would only indicate his wrath, his fury, his rage and his disappointment in you for breaking his trust.
Jimin furiously comes to you, while Jungkook just looks at him with a shocked expression on his face, he grabs your hand as he pulls you out of the hall and away from Jungkook.
“JIMIN! STOP YOU’RE HURTING HER!”, Jungkook yells, while Jimin ignores him and rushes out of the prom room with you in his hold. His grip tightens on your wrist as he sees Jungkook approaching you. “Brother, I-i- can explain”, you look down and cry unable to meet his eyes, “EXPLAIN WHAT HUH? that MY best-friend and my sister were having an affair behind my back????? You’ve broken my trust Y/n, how dare you date him. I’ll never approve of you two!”, Jimin screams at you earning a yelp from you as you’re scared of him.
Jungkook catches up to the both of you, “don’t get near me you traitor, you asshole, how dare you lay your filthy hands on my little sister, the only one who mattered to me, there were billions of people you could’ve fucked around with yet you had to choose my fucking sister, whom I didn’t let astray with anyone else, out of everyone??”, Jimin yells at his now former best-friend who has deeply hurt him.
“No one has betrayed you Hyung. She is a person as well, a person who is allowed to fall in love, love is not a sin, and I know you’re protective of her but I mean no harm man, trust my word, I genuinely love her, this is not me fucking around, I’m serious about her, serious enough to put a ring on her finger, even right now, if she consents to it.”, this moves you to the core as you look up to meet Jungkook’s eyes, his assurance of marrying you brims tears of happiness in your eyes. “FUCK THIS! fuck you! Do you think I’m gonna believe any man when it comes to my little sister? All men want is sex, I know this because I’m myself a man! I can’t let anyone near her, she’s too precious and naïve for our manipulative breed. I feel disgusted by this breed. I’d rather have her unmarried and stay with me forever than have her marry off to a sly pig known as a man”, Jimin yells and continues while you look down tears falling down your eyes, “She has broken my trust, she dated behind my back, she didn’t even think about letting me know about her little affair, I considered you as my best friend, yet you turned your back on me as well by dating the only person I forbade you from even looking at, you could’ve at least come clean to me about it before I found out on my own. It’s useless talking to you and her about it. I’ll ensure you’ll never see her again in your life.”, Jimin’s chest swells up with anger while Jungkook falls on his knees as he hears those words, “Please Hyung; don’t do this, we both cannot be without each other, can’t you see your possessiveness is hurting her. she’s not a child hyung, let her make her own decisions, you cannot be so anti men and because of that curb her happiness, you’re the one who is breaking her heart, making her feel guilty for this while if you were generous enough to talk to her about being cautious instead of being so over protective then maybe she would’ve come talked to you about our relationship but she knew you’d never approve of us and because she didn’t want to disrupt her relationship with the only person she loves the most in this world, she decided to hide it, she will only do what you want as long as you live and that’s the truth, even you know that, she places you over everyone but right now, you need to let go of your selfishness to keep her and let her grow, whether it may be with or without me but she deserves her independence and freedom, stop making her feel like she’s the one sabotaging her relationship with you because she’s hanging out with boys, instead tell her about your worries and concerns regarding this world and she’ll understand your insights but that is as long as you understand her point of view as well, sure she has fallen in love with me but that doesn’t mean you are of any less importance to her anymore, you’ll always be her brother so stop being so selfish because at one point it isn’t just about her safety, it’s about your selfishness to only be her number one priority in her life as well. sorry if i went overboard but i really do love her and i would say shit to you that she cannot say to you.”, Jungkook goes on a rampage making Jimin halt in his tracks while you fall down to the ground as well crying, Jimin towers over you, as you look up to him, things you’ve wanted to say to him but were afraid to do so because you thought Jimin would leave you or hate you, you finally have the courage to say the things in your heart all because of Jungkook and his resilience to all this as he wants to fight for the both of you and your relationship.
“Brother, just tell me one thing? Is falling in love with a man a crime? I know you’re overprotective of me, you’ve always been ever since I was a child, You didn’t let me play house with Namjoon, didn’t let me enjoy my high school dating life, i wanted to live like a normal teenager as well but because of your no men rule I was unable to do so, I only complied because I didn’t want to lose you and your love, But brother, I really love Jungkook, I really wanna be with him, but at the same time, no one comes over you, If I will date Jungkook, that would be now only when I receive your approval, I wanna marry him too but with your blessing over my head, two people matter to me now, just because I started loving Jungkook doesn’t mean I stopped loving you as my brother, That’s a very twisted view of love. Love is supposed to be gentle and it cannot be measured nor can you designate your love to only one person. I’ll always love you, mom and dad but now I also love Jungkook and I really want you to welcome him not just as your best friend anymore but also as your brother in law now, we three can love each other, plus I love your best friend, the only person you were able to trust out of your family so isn’t it a nice thing? you know him personally as well, you know he’d never hurt me and he cannot even think of hurting me ever, i know you know this deep within you, so please reconsider us Brother, I love and respect you a lot!”, you cry as you hug your brother.
Jimin hugs you back, which surprises you, “I guess I’ve been a bad brother all along huh? I guess I was not being protective of you, I was being selfish and greedy, Sorry Jungkook and Y/n, I should have never objected from the start, Although you both partially have my blessings, but I guess it will take some time before I unravel this and accept it, hope you both can understand, I’m sorry. Y/n, Go live your way with him, I will always love and support you, go enjoy your prom.”, Jimin says as he silently cries re-evaluating his actions which have hurt you along the way. You go in for a hug and say, “you may not be the most perfect brother in the world, but you’ll always be the best brother for me.”, Jimin smiles at you as you say that and kisses your forehead endearingly. Jungkook joins you both in the hug, “Sorry hyung, I promise I’ll never hurt her or even think of hurting her.”, Jungkook says to which Jimin replies, “the day you even think of hurting her, I’ll bury you alive.”, the three of you laugh.
Later that evening, after you’re done dancing with your brother, he gently hands you over to Jungkook for a slow dance.
Jungkook looks at you while your bodies move in a similar rhythm to beautiful soulful melodies. You both are grateful to have met each other and it shows as you both gaze lovingly in each other’s eyes.
“I love you Jungkook, you’re my world”, you say gently, “I love you Y/n, you’re my everything, my iris.”, he gives you this nickname, your heart flutters hearing this, you gently take his lips into yours, kissing him as he kisses you back, pouring his adoration for you. He gushes over how you’re all his. He would love to call you his wife one day but till then and forever…
You’ll always remain ‘his iris’
the end
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*Ghost A appears*
Ghost A:Wazzupp! You must be the new temporary student I was hearing about! My pal, Prefect wanted to gift you this since you staying here for a short amount of time. Hope you like em'! *gives Rollo a plastic covered basket of goods with orange and red decorations around it, with a tag that reads 'For Rollo, from Prefect =)'*
He’s so mad and friendless :((
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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He startled slightly at the ghost's appearance, taking a tentative step back from the spot it occupied. Not that it would have mattered--there was no corporeal form to them. The ghost was a staunch thing, face round and nose bulbous... and, most importantly, far too friendly for Rollo's liking.
"The temporary student... Yes, I suppose that would be me," he stated evenly, careful to not let his contempt slip through his facade.
"Hey, I got the right guy on my first try! What are the odds, huh?"
"Pretty good, considering that I'm the only person wandering about campus in a completely different uniform than the others," Rollo grumbled under his breath.
"Prefect didn't tell me you had a killer sense of humor on top of the fancy-lookin' clothes!" Ghost A laughed heartily, setting a hefty covered wicker basket into Rollo's arms. "Here ya go! Knock yourself out!"
He summoned a tight smile. "You have my thanks. Please send them my regards as well."
"Will do, kid!" The ghost gave a salute. He then slowly vanished into thin air, becoming one with the whipping autumn winds. "Hasta la vista...!"
Rollo tensed, opting to wait a full 5 minutes to ensure the pesky presence was gone before he pulled back the cloth covering his basket and inspected what was hidden underneath. Various items were shoved inside: a candle, stationary supplies, a few meal coupons, a sleeping mask... The Prefect had even taken care to dress the basket up with shredded tissue paper in warm colors, little plastic flowers in the same shades sticking out.
For Rollo, from Prefect =), read a little tag attached to the welcoming gift. Enjoy your stay at Night Raven College!
Rollo sneered at the sentiment. Enjoy himself? Here? At a school teeming with scoundrels and sinners? Surely they had to be making a joke in poor taste.
But then why go to the trouble of preparing this...?
A worrying thought gathered in the back of his mind. Something vaguely warm and fuzzy, a similar high that many mages chased. Not magic, but the warmth of an outstretched hand.
Companionship, connection.
His stomach lurched, sickened by the concept. He furiously batted it away with a scowl. Not them, not the mage sympathizer.
They were a fool to offer an olive branch, to attempt to make friends with him. As though we could ever see eye-to-eye.
Rollo could picture it now: their silly face contorted in a lazy grin, calling out to him from afar. Eyes gleaming so brightly. Waving as they drew near. Closer and closer, to clasp his hand in theirs.
"Let's be friends, Rollo!" they'd say insistently.
He found himself frowning--or rather, trying to.
“… How troublesome.”
158 notes · View notes
avastrasposts · 1 year
The Pilot and his Girl - ch. 35**
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I wrote this while on holiday so any mistakes I blame on sun stroke and cocktails! This is the second to last chapter! I'm not ready! Chapter 36 will be the last chapter and then I've got an epilogue planned. How will I say good bye to these two!? Please enjoy what's left 😭
Series Master List
Chapter 36- Warnings have their own post - Word count: 10.4k
The night passes quietly, and you watch the sunrise over the eastern horizon across the river while Frankie sleeps in the tent with baby Jack. As the sun starts to warm up the cool prairie air, you make some breakfast, dreaming of the days you could have coffee, and hear Frankie stir as Jack begins to cry. You listen to your husband soothe him, and with a pang of longing you wonder if Frankie makes the same soft cooing sounds for Jack as he did for Lucía. Frankie had told you years ago that he’d been petrified when Lucia was born, he’d been in such a bad state and not able to enjoy having a baby girl. But he’d grown into such an incredible dad by the time you met him, it was hard to imagine him being anything but a proud doting father.
The zipper of the tent slides open and Frankie crawls out, Jack held tight to his chest with one hand. The boy is staring up at Frankie’s beard and as you watch, Frankie carefully gets to his feet and smiles at Jack, dipping his chin low enough so that one chubby little hand can come up and grab at the scruffy hair.
“Ouch, you little scoundrel,” Frankie chuckles, “you’ve got some grip in those tiny hands.”
You smile and hand Frankie a bowl of ravioli as he gently sinks down next to you, “Careful, he’ll give you another bald patch,” you tease and Frankie rolls his eyes at Jack.
“Listen to her, going after my poor beard now, as if she doesn’t love my bald patches.”
“True, I do love them,” you lean forward and press your lips to the one on his right jaw, “pull harder, Jack.”
The baby gurgles happily in Frankie's lap, reaching up for the beard again.
“I’ve prepared some food for him too, I cut up the ravioli,” you pick up the bowl, “do you want me to feed him while you eat?”
“No, I’ll do it, if you wanna pack up the tent?”
“Sure, I’ll pack up,” you give the bowl to Frankie and you can’t help but smile as he takes it, barely looking at you as Jack grabs his finger and blows a spit bubble. In all your years with Frankie, in an increasingly hard environment, you’d never have guessed that a little foundling baby would be the thing that made your husband melt into a puddle.
As you take down the tent and roll up the sleeping bags you listen to Frankie talk to Jack, an endless stream of baby nonsense. When the baby swallows the last bite of food, Frankie praises him, gently wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. As you put Frankie’s pack next to him, he wraps Jack into the makeshift kangaroo pouch and ties it around his chest.
“I’ll take him, since you carried him all day yesterday, rest your shoulders today, cariño,” he says, adjusting Jack’s legs.
“Are you sure? You’ve got a pretty heavy pack,” you say, slipping one of Frankie’s socks onto Jack’s head to protect him from the sun.
“Yeah, if you take the rifle today it’ll be fine.”
The three of you keep walking west, the endless prairie slowly giving way to more hills and trees. Far off in the distance you can see the high peaks of the Rocky Mountains, impossibly high in the clear air. At the end of another long day of walking you’ve climbed up, away from the prairie and into low hills that slowly stretch up towards the high mountain range to the west. While you rested at midday you’d actually managed to run down some sort of chicken, it looked fairly domesticated and Frankie guessed that chickens must’ve escaped from farms after the outbreak and multiplied. Whatever it was, you managed to wring its neck without getting too squeamish and hang it from your backpack.
You feel like you’ve crossed all of Wyoming on foot when the sun finally starts dropping and nothing worth noting has crossed your path since you left the pick up, no infected, no people, only animals in the distance. The farms and houses you’ve passed have been empty and mostly looted, people have passed through here before you but it’s impossible to know when. You realize finding Jack’s uncle will be like finding a needle in a haystack, if the group he was with even got as far as Wyoming, it seems unlikely you’ll meet anyone out here and maybe that’s for the best..
At sundown you make camp a mile from the road you’ve been following. It’s far enough away from anything that Frankie risks a campfire and grills the bird you’d caught whole. Even Jack can eat the tender meat when you cut it up and he even seems to enjoy it.
“I’ve been looking at the map,” Frankie says, bringing it over to the campfire so that you can see, “and I’ve got a couple of options, tell me what you think.”
You lean into him as he spreads the map out onto the ground in front of you. “There's a place up here, about five miles from the road.” He points to a spot on the map, “It’s got a small river running next to it, the mountain on one side and this open valley on the other side. It’s marked as a private ranch on the map key. It could be what we need. But there’s another place,” he moves his finger and points to a place much further north, “it’s another twenty miles into the mountains, up this valley that we’re in.”
“I’m guessing there’s a good reason why you want to walk another twenty miles?” you say, looking at the long stretch of land that lies between you and the spot Frankie’s fingers is resting on.
“Yeah, this place is a small hydroelectric dam. If we get there I could probably get it up and running and we’d have actual electricity, heating, hot water.” He looks up at you with an excited smile, “I was thinking about it today, even if it doesn’t work now, I could fix it somehow and the place is so remote, it’s bound to have all the equipment needed on site. I know it’s a long shot, but it’s only another half days' walk, with a potentially huge reward.”
You look at the dam location, tucked away at the river mouth, a few miles from the main road. Plenty of fish in the lake probably, and open land full of game, provided you’d be able to craft something to hunt with.
“It looks like a better location than the ranch, but probably a bigger risk of infected, if the people who worked there didn’t get away.”
“Yeah, that’s the main drawback,” Frankie says, “we’d have to be very careful clearing it out.” He’s tapping the map thoughtfully before he looks up at you. “It’s up to you completely, if you don’t want to risk it, we go with the ranch, live settler style. Maybe that is the better option, safer for now at least.”
“The dam could attract other people too, if they have the same idea as you,” you say and Frankie nods.
“Yeah, there’s always the risk of other people too, although, so far Wyoming seems pretty empty to be honest.” He folds up the map, “We’ll sleep on it, see how we feel tomorrow, we could just go check out the ranch first, it’s almost on the way.”
Behind you Jack shifts and begins to cry and you pick him up, tucking him into your arms.
“I’ll set up the tent and take the first watch, cariño, see if you can get him to go back to sleep.”
“He’s usually asleep by now, maybe he got a tummy ache from the food,” you stand up and start rocking him the way you used to rock your nieces when they were babies. The thought makes you wince, over the years you’ve come to terms with all the people you lost when the outbreak happened, your parents, siblings, friends. But sometimes, when you do something that reminds you of them, it’s like touching a piece of glass inside your chest and the cut is fresh. Gently bouncing on your feet you try to remember how old they’d be by now but you get stuck, in your mind they’re forever little girls, just slightly older than Lucía.
Jack just won’t settle, his cries cut through the still night, no matter how much you and Frankie try to soothe him. Even Frankie’s beard goes untouched, the tiny fists clenched hard as Jack wails in Frankie’s arms. It feels like he cries for hours, sleeping is out of the question, you can’t shut your ears to Jack’s crying and you’re starting to worry that anyone or anything in the vicinity will hear and come to investigate.
“Give him to me,” Frankie suddenly says, handing you the rifle, “I had an idea, my abuela once told me I had tummy aches as a baby every time I’d eaten and she’d hang me over her shoulder.” He gently takes Jack from you and hangs him, belly down, over his shoulder. His large hand holds Jack steady as he gently begins to rock on his feet and you walk around his back so that you can see Jack’s face. He’s still crying but as Frankie moves back and forth he seems to calm down a little.
“Keep going, I think it’s working,” you say and Frankie starts walking circles around the fireplace while you keep watch around the campsite. There’s a new moon in the clear sky and you look up at the thin sliver and all the bright stars. You’ll never get over how bright they really are once you’re out in the countryside. When the world came crashing down it took a long time before you had the peace of mind to sit in the dark and look at the sky. It wasn’t really until you were out on the boat, sailing from New York, that you’d noticed them again. Now you search out familiar constellations and find the North Star. Behind you Jack is finally quiet, you can hear Frankie gently humming a lullaby you don’t recognize.
“Arroz con leche me quiero casar, con una señorita de Portugal….” and he hums a few notes, the words forgotten, before you hear him sing again, “Con esta sí, con esta no, con esta señorita me caso yo.”
You turn and smile at him and you hear a branch snap behind you, fear shooting through your veins like ice. Your heart drops into your stomach as you swing round, raising your rifle towards the sound, you suddenly see several shadows moving in the corner of your eyes. You hear Frankie rush up behind you, his back against yours as he turns and scans the dark forest.
“Lower your guns, there’s more of us than you,” comes a man’s voice from in front of you as several people step into the light of the campfire, guns raised. You can see at least five of them, and from the footsteps behind you, at least another five you can’t see.
“Lower your gun, cariño,” Frankie says, his voice low, “and take Jack.”
You give Frankie a scared look as you lay your rifle on the ground and take the baby from him, tucking him into your arms, one hand protectively cradled over his head. Frankie raises one hand and slowly pulls his gun from the back of his pants with the other, laying it down on the ground.
“Step away from her, five steps back,” the man barks, jerking his head at Frankie.
“We don’t want any trouble,” Frankie says, “We’re just passing through, the baby was ill.”
“Step back,” the man snaps, taking a step forward and raising his gun, aiming at Frankie. You look over your shoulder at Frankie, he gives you a small nod.
“It’ll be fine,” he says, slowly backing away from you.
“Have you been around any infected?” the man asks and behind him you see a woman stepping forward, a German Shepard on a leash.
“We haven’t seen anyone since we left Nebraska,” Frankie says, “no people or infected.”
“If you’re lying the dog will sniff it out and rip you to shreds,” the man keeps his rifle on Frankie and nods to the woman to unclip the dog. It growls and runs over first to you and sniffs around your legs before padding over to Frankie and doing the same. Satisfied that neither of you are infected, the woman whistles the dog back..
“We’re looking for a man named Jack,” you say, before the man with the rifle has a chance to decide what to do next, “We found his sister in Nebraska, she’d escaped from slavers with her baby boy,” you nod down at baby Jack in your arms. “She was dying and asked us to find her brother and bring her son to him.”
You see how the woman with the dog and the man exchange a look, a blink of recognition, before the woman speaks up.
“The woman, her name was Julia?” she asks and both you and Frankie nod.
“Yes!” you exclaim, “Do you know her?”
The man with the rifle holds up his hand but the woman answers anyway, “Did she say what Jacks’ last name was?”
“No...” you hesitate, “she only said the boy’s name is Jack Connolly and that he was named after her brother. He was heading to Wyoming with a group of people.”
“We were heading for White River,” the woman replies, “Jack, his last name was Connolly too, was with us until two months ago. I’m sorry, but he died.”
“We didn’t know him,” Frankie says, “and we didn’t know Julia either, but I’m sorry to hear he died. It would’ve been nice to bring baby Jack to his family.”
“Juan,” the man with the rifle says, looking at a man somewhere in the tree line, “don’t let them move, I need to talk to Maria.” He motions to the woman with the dog to follow him back into the trees, out of earshot. You glance over at Frankie who’s still standing five steps away from you and he gives you a small smile, but you can see the concern in his eyes.
You look back down at baby Jack, sleeping in your arms now. You had been thinking about the possibility of not finding his uncle, and then you and Frankie would have to take care of him, but it had been a vague ‘what if?’. Having a child of your own with Frankie had never been an option ever since the outbreak, not even in the relative safety of Arlington or Boston. But taking care of an orphan child who really has no one else, that seemed like a very easy decision to make when you were faced with it. But Jack was never yours, you were only taking care of him until you found his family. But now? If his uncle was gone, you felt responsible for him, for the promise you’d made to his mother. Looking down at him, you couldn’t help reflecting over how strange it felt to suddenly be an adoptive parent of this little boy.
The man and the woman called Maria come back through the trees and wave Frankie and you over.
“Alright, I’m Patrick, this is Maria. Sorry about the curt welcome committee, we can’t be too careful about people out here.”
“Yeah, we get that,” Frankie says, taking Patrick’s outstretched hand. “I’m Frankie and this is my wife.”
You shake Patrick’s hand and then Maria’s, giving them your name.
“You seem like decent people, and you have Jack’s nephew to care for, so we’d like to give you two options,” Maria says, looking between the two of you, “We have a settlement not too far from here, you’re welcome to come with us and seek shelter. We’ll have to confiscate your guns until we know we can trust you and we’ll expect you to help out with whatever you can. If you don’t like it, you’ll be free to leave whenever you want.” She looks at you and then down at Jack sleeping in your arms, “But I think that once you see how the community works, that you’ll be able to keep baby Jack safe, you’ll want to stay,” she smiles at the little boy, as he stirs in his sleep, his little hand waving free from the blanket. “He actually looks like his uncle, does he have blue eyes too?”
“Yeah, he does, big blue eyes,” you smile, looking at Jack and tucking in his arm again.
“So what do you think?” Patrick asks and you glance over at Frankie, it sounds almost too good to be true, but if this is the group Jack’s mother wanted you to seek out with her son then maybe it’s worth a shot.
“What’s the second option?” Frankie asks.
“We leave you to fend for yourself out here, no hard feelings. But we would prefer it if you came with us. Every person we leave out here is a potential infected down the line.”
“But we’d really like you to come to Jackson with us, especially seeing as you have the baby. Jack was a good man and we’d like to make sure his nephew is safe,” Patrick says and from the corner of your eye you see several of the other people nod.
“Can I talk to my wife in private for a minute?” Frankie says and Maria nods and steps back a little with Patrick. Frankie takes your hand and you walk to the other side of the fire.
“What do you think, cariño?” he asks in a low voice, his fingers threading between yours.
“I think it might be worth the risk to trust them,” you say, “They seem genuine.”
Frankie nods, “I think it might be our best chance at getting to a safe place, even if our plan was to get somewhere safe just you and me.”
“But with baby Jack, we could really need a community, it’s not just you and me,” you say, stroking your hand over the baby’s head. It’s only been a few days but you’re already feeling very protective of him.
“Yeah, and about him, with his uncle dead, I guess it’s on you and me to take care of him? Are we gonna be his parents?” Frankie looks down at Jack, you can see his eyes soften as gently caresses the rosy cheek with his finger.
“It’s not how I imagined this ending but I don’t think I could give him up now, could you? I feel responsible for him after what we promised his mother.”
“Yeah, I’m thinking the same,” Frankie says, looking back up at you, “So I guess we’re parents now and we go with Maria and Patrick? At least to check it out? Hopefully they meant what they said about us leaving if we don’t want to stay, but I think we can risk it?”
You nod and together you walk back to others.
“Alright,” Frankie says, “We’ll hand over our guns and come with you. We feel responsible for baby Jack and it seems you might be the option to keep him safe.”
Maria nods, “I’m happy you think that, I hope you’ll wanna stay with us once you see what we’re building.” She turns and waves forward a younger man, “Ned, get Winston please, if you can ride with Nellie on the way back these two can ride him with the baby. She turns back to you, “Winston is a very steady and gentle horse, he’ll keep you safe on the ride back.”
The horses had been left out of earshot of the camp and you’re delighted to see a small herd of them once you’ve packed up. Winston turns out to be a large bay horse who lets you reach up and stroke his soft nose while he nickers gently. Frankie swings himself into the saddle with ease and a happy look, giving the horse a pat on the neck. You hand Jack to him and Maria helps you hang your packs on the side of the saddle before you get on behind Frankie.
“All these years, Frankie,” you smile as the group sets out, “and I never knew you were such a cowboy.” You’ve got your arms around his waist, Jack is safely tucked into the makeshift pouch on his chest.
“My uncle had horses,” he says, “and he taught me how to ride, just haven’t done it in years, but it’s like riding a bike.” He clicks his tongue and Winston sets off, following Maria and Patrick’s horses. “How about you, are you ok back there?” he gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah, I’m ok,” you bury your nose in his soft shirt, holding on to him, “I was never a great rider but I know how to stay on at least.”
“Just hang on to me, cariño, Winston and me won’t let you fall.”
The ride back to the group's camp only takes a couple of hours, Maria and Patrick leading the way cross country rather than following the road. The sky lightens and Maria rides up next to you and points down a hill towards a large lake.
“That’s Jackson,” she says, “and that’s the dam we’re trying to get fixed. If we manage we’ll have electricity.”
“That’s the dam we saw on the map, cariño,” Frankie says, “We were thinking about coming here and seeing if it was fixable.”
“Do you know anything about how hydroelectric dams work?” Maria asks, raising her eyebrows at Frankie and he shakes his head.
“No, not really, not more than the theory of it. But I’m used to fixing a lot of different things, I used to be a pilot before the outbreak.”
“I don’t want to get into it now, but we will have a conversation with the two of you later about what skills you have that can be useful for the community,” Maria says as the group rides up a large gate set in the wall surrounding the town. “But for now, let's get you settled, it’s been a long night for us all.” She waves to the men guarding the gate and someone on the inside pulls it open.
“We’ll put you up in one of the empty houses for now, we’ve cleaned them all out and there’s sheets and pillows in most of them.”
You look around you as the horses pass through the gate. The sky is light, the sun almost up, and it casts a golden glow over the western themed houses. Maria points down the street and you see a wood barricade at the end of it.
“Down there is the rest of the town, we’ve only walled off this smaller area so far, it was already a gated community so we built on the existing walls.”
“Is the rest of the town cleared of infected?” Frankie asks and Maria nods.
“Yeah, we had to do it bit by bit, but we cleared the last house a month ago. But it’s outside the wall so it’s not completely safe, we still get infected wandering in sometimes.That’s why we have guards and patrols to handle them and any potential raiders.”
She leads you to the stables and you dismount, Ned comes over and takes Winston’s reins.
“I’ll get him dried off, just go with Maria and get settled,” he says with a smile and Frankie slides off, one hand on Jack and then gives you a hand down. You yawn wide as you get down, the sleepless night is catching up with you as you feel safer.
Maria leads you to a small house near the outskirts of the gated community and opens the door.
“This will be your place for now, or at least if you decide to stay with us,” she says, motioning you inside. “There’s no food here, come to the mess hall for that. But try to get some rest first, there’s a crib for Jack in one of the upstairs bedrooms.”
“Thanks Maria, we’re very grateful for your help,” you say and she gives you a quick nod.
“I’m sure you’re hoping you didn’t make a mistake in trusting us, and I’m hoping we didn’t make a mistake in trusting you,” she says, “We’re a small community and we need decent people to keep this place safe and thriving, I hope my gut feeling about you two is correct.”
“It is, we’re just looking for somewhere good and safe to settle down, even before we found baby Jack,” Frankie says, “If you are who you say you are, we’ll be happy to help build the community.”
“Good, that’s great to hear,” she says, moving towards the door, “I’ll see you both later today, there’s firewood outback if you want to heat up water and clean up.”
With that she leaves, closing the door behind her, and you find yourself alone with Frankie in a house, a safe house, for the first time in years.
“Hermosa,” Frankie slides his arm around your waist, “you look dead on your feet, c’mon, let’s sleep before we do anything else.”
You nod, yawning big again and letting Frankie guide you up the stairs to the second floor where you found what looks like a master bedroom. The house looks well preserved despite all the years it’s been abandoned and there’s pillows and sheets with thick blankets on the bed. It looks very inviting and you groan at the sight of it. Sliding off your backpack you sit down on the bed while Frankie smiles at you, bouncing Jack on his arms. He’d woken up during the ride but now he’s yawning again.
“I’ll find the crib for Jack,,” Frankie says, “Just go to bed, cariño, I’ll be right there.”
You give him a grateful nod and start unlacing your boots and peeling off your clothes. Everything you own is grimy and unwashed but you find your least dirty t-shirt and change into it. As you pull back the sheets Frankie comes yawning through the door.
“The crib is in the room across the hall,” he says, “Jack fell asleep instantly but I left the door open so we’ll hear him if he wakes up.”
“Hopefully he’s as tired as us and we can get a few hour’s sleep,” you yawn, sliding into the bed as Frankie starts pulling off his clothes. It doesn’t take him long to climb in next to you. You yawn again and Frankie pulls you into his arms, tucking your head in under his chin.
“Sleep, hermosa, I think we’re safe here for now,” he whispers, running his fingers through your hair and you feel yourself slip into sleep without even trying. The last thing you register is Frankie’s lips against your cheek.
When you wake up a few hours later you think for a minute that you’re in a dream. You’re warm under the covers, Frankie’s arm is wrapped around your waist and you can feel his shallow breaths against your neck. The bed under you is soft and a shaft of sunlight is filtering in through the closed curtains, hitting a painting of a mountain landscape. You let your eyes drift around the room and take it in as you slowly remember where you are; Jackson, a safe place at last.
Frankie stirs behind you, tightening his grip around your waist, “Morning, cariño,” he mumbles and pushes his nose into your hair, inhaling and kissing your neck.
“More like ‘afternoon’,” you smile, reaching back and threading your fingers through his curls.
“Mhmm…I slept like a log,” he rolls over and stretches out, pulling you with him so that you end up half on top of him. You lean your chin on his chest and trace your fingers through his scruffy beard.
“Me too, and it seems like Jack did too,” you mumble, kissing his chest as he strokes your hair. And right on cue, Jack whimpers from the room across the hall and begins to cry.
“I’ll get him,” you say, pushing yourself off the bed, “he’s probably hungry, it’s been hours since he ate.”
“I know how he feels,” Frankie mutters, “I’m starving, we should see if we can give him the last of the spagettios and then go to the mess hall Maria mentioned.” He sits up and shoves his fingers through his curls, making them stand on end.
While you get Jack and get him to stop crying, Frankie gets the camping stove out and heats up some food.
“Hey, look,” he calls from downstairs, “someone’s left some supplies on the porch.” He comes in with a bag as you bring Jack down. “Looks like some clean clothes both for us and Jack, and some diapers.” He holds up some reusable diapers, “they’ve thought of everything.”
He comes over to Jack and gives his little belly a poke, “did you poop your pants, little man? Yeah, you did, I can smell you.” Frankie chuckles as Jack giggles and squeals. “Do you wanna do food or poop?” he asks you with a grin and you immediately hand Jack over to him.
“Food, you’re on poop duty,” you reply, grinning back at him and Frankie makes a grimace.
“Knew you’d say that, cariño,” he sighs, “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Too late now, Frankie,” you laugh and grab the last can of spagettios from his backpack.
Frankie starts cleaning up Jack as you warm the food and when Jack’s got a clean diaper on Frankie comes over.
“I was thinking about what Maria said before,” he says, setting Jack down on the counter and holding on to him, “About everyone doing what they can to help out this community.”
“You’re thinking about what they’ll say if you tell them about your background?”
“Yeah…” he trails off, watching Jack open his mouth for a first spoonful of pasta. “I’m not going to tell them about the PTSD or the drugs, it’s none of their business and I’ve got it under control. But if I tell them about my army background, they’ll want me to do patrols, and I’d like to do that, if you’re ok with it?” Frankie looks over at you, his eyebrows drawn together in that slightly worried look.
“I can’t imagine doing patrols and guard duty here is anything like what it was like with FEDRA, Frankie,” you say, putting your hand on his arm, giving him a reassuring squeeze, “And if you start feeling it, please Frankie….” you gently take his chin between your thumb and finger and give him a little tug with every word, “You’ve. Got. To. Tell. Me.” You look into his warm brown eyes and he gives you a crooked smile.
“I know, no more hiding things,” he nods, taking your hand from his chin and pressing his warm lips to your palm, “I promise, for real this time.”
“Good. Because we didn’t just go through all that shit and travel halfway across the country for you to do all of that again,” you smile as he pulls you in by your hand and leans his forehead against yours.
“I promise, I really, really mean it, no more lies, no more hiding, I’m going to be what you deserve now, cariño.” He dips his head and finds your lips, one hand still holding on to Jack who’s gurgling happily on the counter, the other slipping around your neck and holding you just as close as the little boy.
Once Jack is fed and changed you heat up some water on the old wood fired stove. The old house you’re in has a modern kitchen but both the living room and the kitchen have the old fireplace and stove and plenty of firewood stacked next to them. You light a fire and Frankie gets water from the hand cranked well outside. It’s not exactly a hot shower or bath but it’s warm water to wash in and you take the chance to wash some of your clothes too, hanging them to dry in front of the fire before you leave for the mess hall.
The mess hall is easy to find, it’s the largest building in the old gated community and used to be the community center. Someone has made a rough wooden sign and it hangs over the door of the western style building. Frankie holds Jack on his hip, his other hand holding yours as you walk down the main street towards the hall. You can’t help but glance at Frankie and Jack. It’s almost hard to believe the change that Frankie’s undergone in just a few weeks since you left Boston. The withdrawals had left him haggard and tired looking, and you know he’d struggled with the more psychological symptoms longer than the physiological symptoms. But traveling further away from Boston had changed his mood and with the added responsibility of Jack, a child to care for, you started seeing a version of Frankie that you hadn’t seen since before the outbreak. You don’t think he’s even realizing it himself but you’re seeing how he’s slowly turning back into the dad he was to Lucía, treating Jack like a son even though he might not be ready to see him as such. At least not yet.
Now he bounces Jack on his hip, tickling the boy's chin as Jack happily gurgles up at him and you see Maria smiling at the two of them as you enter the mess hall.
“Hey there, I was wondering when you’d show up,” she says, coming over and smiling at Jack who gives her a toothless grin.
“Thanks for the supplies,” you say, “I’m guessing you had something to do with that?”
“Yeah, I thought you might need some things to feel a bit more human after traveling for as long as you have.” She gestures to a cantina set up at one end of the room, “Have some food and come and sit down with us.”
You grab some bowls of rich looking stew and say hello to the woman overseeing the cantina. She’s delighted by Jack’s gurgling smile and gives him a small bowl of fresh blueberries that she mashes up with some honey.
“Someone kept bees in one of the gardens before the outbreak,” she says, “so we now have a huge bee colony and more honey than what we know what to do with.”
You thank her and join Maria and Patrick at a table in a corner of the mess hall. The stew is warm and hearty, and you have to pace yourself or you’ll inhale it, hungry as you are by now. Maria and Patrick let you finish your food before Patrick leans forward and leans his elbows on the table.
“So, you seem like decent folk, but I’m sure you understand we’d like to know a bit more about you now that you’ve had a chance to see our community.”
You both nod and Maria looks at you, “Where have you come from?”
“Originally, when the outbreak happened, Arlington, a town down south. But we’d been in Boston for about five years by the time we left.”
“What made you leave? You’re a long way from Boston and it’s a dangerous journey,” Patrick glances between you and Frankie and Frankie answers first.
“Have you heard of a group that calls themselves The Fireflies?” he asks and both Maria and Patrick nod, “They were causing a bit too much trouble in the QZ. They blew up a guard station, a truck, and FEDRA responded as you can imagine, making life very difficult. So we decided to leave.” Frankie glances over at you and takes your hand and rubs little circles into your skin, “We met a year before the outbreak, she’s been my wife for over ten years and I wouldn’t have survived without her, luckily for me she was willing to risk it all and come with me when it became necessary to leave Boston.”
Frankie’s telling a truncated version of the story behind why you left but for now, there’s no need for anyone to know anything else.
“She used to work the civilian radio in Boston and we know the Fireflies are making trouble all across the QZ’s so at first we just planned to get away from Boston and find an isolated farm and try to survive on our own, how long that would be didn’t really matter, as long as she was with me.” Frankie continues to tell the story of your journey across the Midwest, ending with how you found Jack and his mother and how you stole the slavers’ pickup.
“We’ve heard about slavers from some of the people who have joined our community,” Maria says, “the outbreak really brought out the worst kind of behavior from certain people.”
“We’ll certainly make use of your radio skills,” Patrick says to you, “there’s a radio tower nearby that we haven’t managed to fix yet, we need to fix the dam first, but you might be able to help us with the radio when it comes time for that.”
You nod, “I can fix most things on the particular model we had in Boston, if we have the right parts, but Frankie’s the real fixer.”
“What have you worked with, Frankie?” Maria asks and you see Frankie inhale, there’s so much trauma connected to what he did both before and after the outbreak, and you take hold of his hand, squeezing it lightly, giving him your support, and you can tell both Maria and Patrick senses the tension.
“Before the outbreak I was retired from the army,” Frankie begins, trying to keep his hand from nervously shooting up and rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m ex special ops, Delta Force, I was a helicopter pilot, a soldier.”
You can see Maria and Patrick exchange a quick glance and Patrick nods, “I’m not gonna lie, Frankie, we live under constant threat of raiders and infected here, to have someone with your background on our side would be a great help.”
“I realize that, and so did FEDRA, they recruited me in exchange for letting myself and my wife stay in the QZ we got to at the beginning of the outbreak. But I didn’t stay with them for too long, their ways of doing things…” Frankie trails off and shakes his head. “So, we,” he glances at you, “did what we needed to do to stay alive. We both smuggled, got stuff into the QZ’s we were in both for our own survival and benefit. But we did good too, I hope,” he looks at you again and you nod.
“We did good, Frankie, you know that. We brought in medicine and supplies that FEDRA was denying the population.”
“Everyone here has lived under FEDRA rule,” Maria says and Patrick nods in agreement, “we know all too well what it’s like. I don’t judge you for being smugglers, as long as you’re good people.”
You feel Frankie tense up at the last words, but he bites his tongue as you squeeze his hand.
“We stopped smuggling a while back though,” he says instead, “I couldn’t handle the risk it put her in,” he looks at you and his eyes soften as you smile at him, “and then, when it got more dangerous, I didn’t want to risk leaving her behind alone if something would happen to me.”
“Well, we don’t need smugglers here, but we do need good guards and we all take turns doing guard duty or go on patrols,” Maria says, “We run this place like a commune, everything we have is owned by everyone, and we share the resources we bring in.”
“I’m in charge of the hunting parties,” Patrick says, “so if either one of you is a good hunter, let me know. We eat mainly meat that we trap or shoot, but it’s hard work feeding everyone.”
“Our crops are starting to ripen, we’ve worked hard all year to cultivate local crops and we hope to have greenhouses too at some point. But for that, we need electricity, so that’s our first priority,” Maria explains, “but we’ll give you some time to settle in today and I’ll show you around tomorrow.”
“Frankie, if you don’t mind, can I take you up to the dam tomorrow?” Patrick asks and Frankie nods.
“Yeah, sure, whatever works for you,” he replies, “If you’re ok with taking Jack tomorrow, cariño?”
You nod and Maria reaches over the table and strokes the baby’s hand, “We don’t have any babies here, yet at least, but we hope that Jackson will be safe enough for people to raise families in the future.” She looks up at you and Frankie and seems to hesitate, “I know you two accidentally became Jack’s caretakers, but I get the sense that you’d like to continue to care for him?”
You both nod, “We feel responsible for him now,” you say as Frankie puts a protective hand around Jack and smiles at him, “and we did promise his mom to keep him safe, at least until we could find his uncle, and with him gone, that feels more important than ever.”
“What happened to his uncle?” Frankie asks, looking up again and Patrick grimaces and shakes his head.
“It was two clickers, three of us were clearing out one of the last houses in Jackson, outside the gated community, and we'd killed three runners and heard nothing else. But they were inside a shed in the yard and came rushing out as we approached. Jack was unlucky, got bit as we took them down.”
“We’ve been here just over six months now and we’ve lost three good people to raiders and infected,” Maria says, “and it never gets easier. But we’ve learned a lot from each death, we’re safer now, better guarded.”
“Sorry to hear it,” Frankie says, “but you seem to have built up a good perimeter defense, judging by what we saw when we rode in.”
“I would love to have your eyes on it, Frankie,” Patrick says, “give us some advice on improvements.”
Maria gives a low chuckle, “Give the man a break, Pat, he’s been here all but two minutes and you’ve already commandeered his time.”
“It’s alright,” Frankie said, shaking his head, “No problem at all, if we’re staying here I’m more than happy to help out in any way I can to keep this place as safe as possible.”
“Speaking of staying then,” Maria says, smiling at you and Jack now, “why don’t you have a wander around Jackson, and see what we have to offer. It’s not big but I think it’ll give you an idea about what we’re trying to build here and we’ll see you tomorrow morning?”
“Sounds like a plan,” you say and Frankie nods, shaking Patrick’s offered hand.
“Welcome to Jackson.”
It doesn’t take you long to see all of Jackson, the community is clearly very small but like Maria had said, you could see what they were planning. People were working on a number of projects around the small gated community and the park in the center had given way to crops that looked almost ready to harvest. The garden of one of the biggest houses has been converted into a stable yard and a stable is almost fully built up against the wall that surrounds the community. You say hello to Winston and Ned, who turns out to be the one responsible for Jackson’s horses.
At the furthest end of the small town is the slaughterhouse, where fresh game has been brought in by two women and hung up, the blood trickling from two white tail deer.
As you wander back towards the house you’re staying at, Frankie hooks his arm around your waist and pulls you close.
“This all feels very…normal,” he says, “like maybe they have a chance at making this work.”
“Normal, apart from the infected and the raiders?” you say, looking up at the high wall that surrounds the small community, guards with rifles patrolling at the top.
“Yeah, but Maria and Patrick seem to have the right idea about how to run this place, so maybe they can make it work,” Frankie glances around the small town, “It’s kinda like the settlers in the old west. You were somewhat safe in the towns but it was dangerous to travel outside them. The biggest problem with what’s happened after the outbreak isn’t the infected, it’s how FEDRA handled the situation.”
You’ve arrived at the house and Jack’s fallen asleep so you put him down and join Frankie out on the porch.
“So what do you think?” he says, pulling you down onto his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Do you think we should stay here and make a go of it?”
“I think so, Frankie, if you think you’ll be alright with patrols and guard duty?”
“Yeah, I think so…” he rubs his hand up and down your back, looking out over the small street the house is on, “It’s not for FEDRA, it’s for this place, for you and for Jack, to help keep you and this place safe.”
“I think you’ll be able to help them a lot too, you can use your skills for something that really makes a difference for this place.” You run your fingers through the curls at the back of his head, long enough now for you to wind around your fingers. Frankie’s looked away from the street and is looking at you, his warm brown eyes soft as he smiles up at you.
“And they have sturdy doors on these houses,” his hand has drifted up from your back to wrap around your neck and he’s gently pulling you closer to his lips. As you smile the pink tip of his tongue comes out and licks his plush bottom lip, you don’t even need to feel the bulge growing under you to know what he’s thinking about. You press your lips against his as he pulls you closer, his mouth opening to let you in with a low groan.
“Cariño,” he mumbles, “this is all I ever want,” his hand presses against your back as he deepens the kiss, “you and me in a quiet place where I can give you everything you deserve.”
“You deserve it too, Frankie,” you mumble, his hand tangling in your hair as his tongue slips in between your lips. You can feel him nod under you but you lose all train of thought as he bucks his hips under you.
“Fuck, hermosa…” he mutters, “we need to move inside or our new neighbors…”
You pull him up, take his hand and slip through the door while he wraps his arms around you from behind, kicking the door closed with his foot.
“Bring Jack upstairs and put him in the crib,” you say, as Frankie starts kissing your neck, pushing your hair out of the way.
“Do you really think we’ll make it upstairs,” he mutters, his hand already tugging at your t-shirt, slipping it under it and pushing under your bra.
“We have a kid now, Frankie,” you chuckle, “no sex in front of the baby.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he grumbles and pulls away from you, keeping it decent as he picks up Jack, carefully to not wake him, and follows you upstairs. Once Jack is safely nestled into his crib and the door closed but with a crack open in case he wakes up, Frankie comes into your bedroom with a smirk.
“You’re gonna need to be quiet or you’ll wake him and alert the neighbors, and I’m gonna make sure you really wanna scream my name, cariño…” he wiggles his eyebrows at you and you hold your finger up to him.
“Francisco Morales, you wouldn’t dare,” you wave the finger threateningly in front of him as he stalks across the room, making you back up until your legs hit the bed, his grin is lethal, all wicked intentions and mischief.
“Just let me take care of you, mi hermosa, mi amor de mi vida,” he croons, slipping his hands around your waist and gently pushing you back onto the bed, making you crawl up towards the top as he bends his head and starts kissing every inch of skin he can reach while peeling off your shirt, quickly followed by your pants. When his wide shoulders pushes your legs apart you groan and fall back against the sheets. You can feel his hot breath against your core as he settles down and grabs your thighs, kneading them and letting his fingers caress the soft skin.
“Frankie,” you sigh, reaching down and threading your fingers through his curls.
“Fuck…” he grumbles, “I’ve missed this, this sight, this smell, cariño, you’re so fucking sweet,” without warning he dips his head and runs his tongue through your folds, a long deep lick that ends at your clit. The sensation explodes through your nerve endings and you arch your back up, pressing your hips against his mouth.
“Did you miss this too, hermosa?” he chuckles, looking up at you from between your thighs, a smirk on his face, but before you get a chance to answer he dives back down, tasting every part of you as his nose circles around your clit but never really touching. The teasing makes you moan, canting your hips up against him and he pins you down with an arm over your middle.. When he slips in two fingers you’re already on the edge, with a whimper you cry his name, trying to keep your voice down. He pumps them slowly, curling them back as his lips seal around your clit. You glance down at him and he’s got his eyes on you, his black eyes are glowing as he watches you pant, your body taught as a bowstring.
He lifts his head slightly, his mouth hovering just over you and every one of his breaths sends tremors through your body.
“Come on, let me feel you come on my mouth and then I’ll fuck you, I wanna feel you around my cock so badly, cariño, you have no idea how hard I am…” he grinds his hips into the mattress, dragging the tip of his tongue over your clit again. His words and his eyes, still burning up your body makes you groan, barely able to keep looking at him. As his lips close around your clit again, ramping up the pressure, you throw your hand over your mouth, biting down hard on your lip as you moan. When you fall over the edge his fingers almost stop moving as you spasm around them but the rough pads keep pushing you through every wave that crashes over you. Frankie doesn’t let up, his tongue flicking over your clit as heat courses through your body until every muscle in your body relaxes and you fall back against the bed.
“So fucking good, cariño,” Frankie moans, trailing sticky kisses along the soft skin of your thighs, moving up to your hips, resting his head there and looking at you as he caresses your skin.
“Come up here and fuck me then, Frankie,” you mumble, reaching down for him and he groans, hiding his face against your hip, sucking a mark into you, making you hiss under him. His tongue comes out and soothes the mark before he sits up and quickly pulls off his shirt and pants before crawling up the bed, hooking his arm under your knee as he goes. He’s painfully hard and weeping, you can feel him drag over your leg, the contact makes him exhale sharply and he grabs his cock firmly. He slides the tip through your sensitive slick folds as he bends down and slips his tongue between your lips. You feel the familiar stretch of him as he pushes the blunt head into you, forcing your knee up higher and grinding his way deeper.
He gasps as you involuntarily clench down around him, “Bebita…fuck…so tight..I…I can’t fucking move…” With a deep groan he pulls out a little before slamming in deep again, making you bite down hard on your lip to stop yourself from crying out. Your arms come up around his neck and pull him down closer as he begins to move in earnest. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and moves in and out, slow at first but soon he picks up pace, groaning over you as his own high draws near. The familiar tingling is building inside you again as he hits a spot deep inside and he can feel you starting to tremble around him.
“C’mon…please…again, hermosa, fuck…” he pushes himself up on one elbow and looking down at you, his sweaty curls hanging over his forehead as his hand slides down and grabs your hip, “I’m…fuck…” he drops down with his forehead against yours, his eyes squeezing shut as your climax explodes through your body and you feel him follow, grinding deep. Both your moans mix in the air, all attempts at keeping quiet forgotten until you collapse on the damp sheets.
“Fuck,” he mutters, his face against your neck, “I came inside you, is it ok?”
“Yeah, I would’ve stopped otherwise, I forgot to tell you it was ok,” you mumble, kissing his damp forehead and pushing back his curls. As you start caressing his hair, scratching his scalp he snuggles deeper into your neck and sighs contentedly.
“I missed this so much, cariño,” he mumbles, “you and me, a bed, nothing else.”
“And a sturdy door?” you smile as his arm comes up around your body, his hand resting on your breast as his thumb lightly strokes across the nipple.
“Yeah, a sturdy door with a lock,” he nibbles at your neck, pressing light kisses along your jaw until he settles down again, humming under his breath.
“I wish there was some way we could let Will and Benny know about this place,” he says after a while. “It’d be good to have them here if they could make the journey.”
“Yeah, I miss them, and Eve and Diana,” you sigh, “and I think Maria and Patrick would love to have two more ex Delta Force guys here.”
Frankie rolls over, pulling you with him so that he can pull your back against his chest and wrap his arm around your waist, “We’ll keep an eye out, maybe we’ll figure something once we fix the dam,” he kisses the back of your head, tucking you in under his chin, “sleep now, cariño.”
Patrick comes by next morning and knocks on the door as you’re finishing up breakfast. Frankie grabs his pack and leaves after giving you a kiss and dropping a peck on Jack’s head. He makes you smile when you hear him give the baby instructions to behave and be a good boy for tu mamá .You hadn’t even thought about yourself as his mom, Julia was still his mom, but you guess Jack would have to call you something once he started talking, and Frankie seemed to have settled on mamá for now. It made your heart warm to hear his affection for the little boy, finding him and his mother had maybe been very lucky for you and Frankie, as well as for baby Jack.
For the first time in years, Frankie didn’t feel worried about leaving you behind as he left and went outside the safety a wall entailed. Jackson felt safe, not just because of the wall, but because of the people on the inside. He glanced back up at the gate as it closed behind him, it looked strong and sturdy, and the guards on top were alert.
Patrick, or Pat as he asked Frankie to call him, had brought a group of men and women on the short ride across to the Jackson dam. As they rode Pat pointed out how they’d started building a wall that would circle around the dam structure too.
“That way we won’t have to worry about raiders cutting the electricity once we get it up and running, or infected getting in,” he says, “both possibilities are something we have to take into account whenever we go to the dam now. We have to clear the dam compound every time.”
This time there’s nothing in the building or around it, and Pat leaves three guys to keep watch on the wall over the main entrance.
Together the crew looked over the different components and Pat explained to Frankie what parts they’ve been having problems with. It took them the better part of the day to figure out that something is blocking one of the mechanisms deep inside the dam, then another hour to find the right maintenance hatch and get it open. The tell tale sound of a clicker comes up from the deep hole as they wrench the hatch open. Ladders, however, seem to be something, infected can’t handle so it’s not too much of an issue to shoot the poor dam worker through the head as he scratches against the wall under the hatch. For good measure Frankie and Pat toss a few rocks into the maintenance tunnel and lower a flashlight to lure out any remaining infected. When they deem it safe enough Pat carefully climbs down while Frankie and another man, Walter, cover him.
“Alright, all clear down here,” Pat’s voice comes back up from the tunnel and Frankie climbs down, followed by Walter.
They follow the tunnel down to the entrance in the dam wall and climb out, spotting the problem immediately. A large mess of plastic scraps and synthetic rope has tangled into the mechanism and it takes an hour to clear it without creating further damage. Eventually the machinery turns smoothly and Walter remains behind as Frankie and Pat climb back up to the main operating room.
“Now, if we’ve done everything right, things should work now, and the first turbine will start generating enough electricity to start the main turbines and produce electricity for the town,” Pat hoover his hand over a button and gives Frankie a tight smile, “So far, this hasn’t worked once, so fingers crossed, Frank.”
He pushes the button and in the distance they hear machinery kicking into gear, running for a few seconds before shutting down.
“Fuck…” Pat mumbles, scratching his head, “that’s more than we’ve had before but I don’t know why it shut down.”
“It sounded like it started fine but short circuited,” Frankie says, “Let me open up and check behind the console.”
“Let me know if you need anything, I’m gonna go check on the turbines,” Pat says, leaving Frankie to grab a set of mismatched tools and pry open the console. He sees the issue as soon as he opens it, a thin tendril of smoke is rising from one of the wires, the insulation has corroded and it’s touching another wire. It’s a matter of minutes to rewire it and make sure the inside is protected from any dampness. Once the dam is up and running the heating will keep this dry and protected.
“Pat,” Frankie calls, “I’ve fixed I think, let’s try it again.”
Pat comes back and motions to Frankie to hit the button, “Do the honors, you’re the one who fixed the last bit.”
“Here goes nothing,” Frankie grimaces and gently pushes the button again. This time the machinery kicks into gear, running smoothly for a couple of minutes until a louder rumble starts up, the main turbines starting to turn and suddenly, making both men startle, lights flood the room their in, lights go on all over the console and static starts pouring out of an abandoned radio on the window sill.
“Oh shit! It worked! It fucking works!” Patrick yells, punching the air before clapping Frankie on the shoulder with a big grin. From the outside they can hear yells of delight from the other men and women of the work party. They go out to join them, leaning over the edge of the dam and watching the water pump through the turbine hall and the lights in the lamps lining the edge flicker to life.
“All the cables feeding electricity to Jackson are underground so we’re hoping they’re unharmed, the town should have electricity now!” Pat says, grinning widely, “Come on, let’s head back and make sure everything’s working.”
Three of the guys are staying behind to keep guard and make sure the dam runs smoothly, they’re to be relieved in a few hours, for a night shift.
“We can’t leave the dam unguarded now,” Pat says, “and we might need to do something about the lights, black them out for now, so that we don’t draw too much attention to it.”
When they get back to the Jackson gate people are waiting for them, you’re there with Jack on your hip. The lights in the house had suddenly come on, a few of the light bulbs immediately broke, but the fridge started humming and the tv buzzed to life with loud static that startled Jack enough to make him cry. You had to run around and turn as much as possible off, checking what worked and what didn’t. The hot water boiler seemed to be working just fine and was full of water that was slowly heating up. Even the radiators came to life, warming the house. Maria had shown up a little while later, on her way to the gate.
“Let’s go greet our returning heroes,” she laughed, “I can’t believe we’ve got electricity!”
All of Jackson turned out, forming a crowd just inside the gate and everyone cheered as the work party, led by Pat, rode into town. Frankie quickly found you in the crowd, grinning wildly as he came over, his horse in tow.
“What a welcoming committee;” he grinned, bending to kiss you and then Jack.
“How does it feel to be a town hero on your second day, Frankie?” you laugh, hugging him tightly as he took Jack from you, putting him on his hip.
“Feels good, feels like coming home, cariño. Feels like coming home.”
Chapter 36
If anyone reading knows how a hydroelectric dam actually works, don't tell me all the mistakes I made, I'm playing fast and lose with the technical details here!
I'm also kinda playing lose with any abandonment issues Jack should, realistically, have after being taken from his mother at six months. But I'm excusing that by thinking that he probably didn't get to spend too much time with his mother anyway, in my mind Julia would've been forced to work straight after giving birth and Jack was left behind whenever the slavers wouldn't let her bring him to whatever work she was made to do (seriously, the last part of The Last of Us 2 is horrifying, it gives a very nasty view into how a slaver's camp worked in this world).
The song that Frankie sings to Jack is called Arroz con Leche and is a well known Latino lullaby. You can hear the version Frankie sings if you look for Arroz con Leche sung by Soleada Arboleda on Spotify!
Taglist: @pimosworld @i-own-loki @casa-boiardi @littlenosoul @stormseyer @mxtokko @javicstories @nunya7394 @welcometothepedroverse @harriedandharassed @meveispunk @hiroikegawa @jwritesfanfics @vickie5446 @your-slutty-gf
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poisonappleeater · 5 months
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Neverland Lover Pt. 1
Regina Mills x transmale!reader
takes place in s3 in neverland !! i dont remember some details of the plot of this arc so forgive me for any inaccuracies :( ALSO also reader is a bandit bc yeah (gender identity may or may not be significant to plot)
Regina’s been non-stop worried sick about Henry. Even when it was her turn to sleep, her eyes never closed. Yours rarely did either. Not when you were surrounded by the dangers of Neverland. And especially not when you were so busy watching her pace around a tree in the dead of night, when she would chew her apple-red lips, when she would hold her stomach with worry. But you were the only one who ever noticed. You didn’t know why no one else ever showed concern. Sure, maybe it was understandable to be weary of a woman with ambiguous morals, a murderous history, and a callous tone; but she was a woman with a heart. And it wasn’t blackened, not completely. It couldn’t be. Not with the way she protected her son. Maybe you were partial to Regina, and maybe your debilitating crush on her had something to do with it. (You’ve tried EVERYTHING to rid of your feelings for her. You couldn’t. And you knew she’d never go for you. A refined, ex-evil Queen of the Enchanted Forest/Mayor of Storybrooke had no business fraternizing with a bandit like you. You weren’t even sure if she saw you as a man.) You stared at her in the night, an infatuated hiccup in your heartbeat.
You, her, and the Charmings trekked through Neverland once more in the dim cerulean light before hearing snapping branches. The sound didn’t come from any one of you… Regina snapped her head around, onyx-hued hair following her motion.
“What was that?” she questioned. It was silent again. Everyone slowed their movements. You and Mary Margaret reached for your arrows.
“Maybe a bird?” David blurted. Mary Margaret looked at him and sighed. She loved him, but damn, he was dense. Before you could nock an arrow, the vindictive cries and yelps of Lost Boys pierced the air, swoops of swinging vines approaching you as the boys flew into view. You, Regina, and the Charmings gave each other wide-eyed glances in preparation for whatever was to come.
David muttered, “Okay, not a bird. Got it.”The Lost Boys surrounded you, some with hand-crafted knives in clutch. David and Emma held their swords at the ready, and you and Mary Margaret took aim. Regina conjured a fireball with a graceful flourish of the wrist (and maybe you blushed a little at the sight). She found your eyes with her own. Perhaps it was the light of the flame, but there was warmth in her gaze.
“Where did you hide the boy?” growled a ratty, blonde lad through gritted teeth. He must have been referring to Henry.
You spoke first. “We hid him nowhere. He’s not here.”
“And even if we did know where he was, we wouldn’t tell you,” asserted Emma.
The scrawny boy revealed plaque-riddled teeth with a snarl. “You’re so sure, eh? Maybe we can get you to tell us,” he mused. “Boys!” On command, the small army of scoundrels hurled themselves at you in attempt to chokehold you and the others. You stabbed one in the thigh with an arrow as he tried to pounce on your shoulders; David rendered a boy unconscious with the handle of his sword. Peering over your shoulder, you saw Regina flip one boy over with bare hands and toss one into the trees with a plume of purple smoke. Without her knowing, a third Lost Boy tried to attack her from behind.
“Regina!” you warned her. You made quick work of nocking another arrow, aiming at the boy’s shoulder. Regina turned to look at you, the boy mere milimeters away from her. In due time, your arrow hit the lateral deltoid of the scrawny cretin, effectively demounting him from his attack. Regina breathed heavily. With you unguarded, you were ambushed by two boys. Dammit. You struggled harshly but were able to hold their necks in your elbows. Just as you stabilized your hold, you felt the white-hot sting of metal in your side. The blade, albeit short, felt infinite in length as it continued to plunge into you. The pain was debilitating. You wailed with the air you had left in your lungs. Abruptly, the runts, previously cackling, were launched away from you. You heard two thuds, and the two boys fell silent. Regina must have taken them down with a spell.
“Dammit, Y/N,” Regina knelt beside you immediately. All the Lost Boys were unconscious, and the only sounds left were your agonied groans. She placed a hand tenderly beneath your head before observing your surroundings. That’s when you noticed the Charmings peering down at you with concern and care in their faces, but confusion as well at the affection Regina showed you.
“We need to get out of here,” Mary Margaret reasoned. Regina faced her, an incredulous expression on her perfect face.
“Does it look like he can walk right now? Give me a second. It won’t take long.” She slipped her royal blue blazer off. Regina’s soothing, velvety voice was enough to distract you from the pain for just a moment. The pain quickly returned when she reminded you of it.
“This is going to hurt.” Regina knitted her brows in concentration. Before you could provide any sort of response, she swiftly removed the knife from your abdomen, sure to maintain its angle to minimize further damage to your body. You yowled through gritted teeth, your heels scratching at the dirt floor as your legs moved.
“Sorry…” Regina crooned, efficiently putting pressure on your wound with her blazer before hovering her hand over your abdomen. You watched in fascination as your pain dissipated with a violet glow, your lesion seemingly undoing itself.
“Thank you, Regina.” A sparkle appeared in her eyes when you said that. Regina nodded ever so slightly in response, looking down subsequently to avoid your gaze.
David interrupted the tension, likely without noticing. “Let’s go.” Mary Margeret took your hand to help you up now that Regina was suddenly unavailable to you, lost in her own thoughts.
The pixie-haired brunette noticed Regina’s aloofness and smiled at you emphatically. “Yeah, let’s keep moving.”
You sat alone in the dead of night near the fire that you all put together. (Regina lit it with a fireball. You couldn’t get over how cool that was.) You rubbed your fingers over the spot on your lower right abdomen where Regina healed you. You played the scene over and over in your mind, missing the feeling of her hand beneath your tired head, the sensation of warmth as she treated your injury. Everyone was asleep, and it was silent aside from the crackle of the fire. That was until you heard footsteps approaching from behind. You turned and nocked an arrow in a fraction of a second.
“Just me.” Regina announced and sauntered ever so gracefully to a spot a few feet away from you. She knelt near the flame. You stared at her for a moment, letting yourself become familiar with the details of her face: the small scar above her lip, the curve of her nose, the shape of her profile. Your heart fluttered. You glanced at her wine-colored blouse, remembering her soiled jacket.
“You didn’t have to dirty your blazer just to fix me up.”
“You didn’t have to look out for me when we had our tussle with the lost boys.” It was silent again for a moment, although it felt long. “I could’ve handled myself,” she added. You shrugged.
“You already had two rascals on your hands.”
“How’s the stab wound? Any residual pain?” Regina changed the subject, eyes averted. She spoke softly, a rasp in her voice.
You replied, “None at all. And thank you, again. You’ve saved me a hell of a lot of trouble.” Your expression of gratitude perplexed the dark-haired woman, and silence remained stagnant in the air until Regina spoke again.
“You treat me kindly. Why is that? Ulterior motive?” she asked cynically. She raised an eyebrow. Heat rose to your cheeks, your eyes widened. You stuttered before mustering a proper response.
“You’re human. There’s no reason for me to treat you less than that.” The woman in the silk blouse broke out into a chuckle.
“But I have a heinous past. You know that, don’t you?” You didn’t know how to answer that without disclosing your feelings. You shrugged again and turned your head away from her in hopes that the warmth of the flame masked the warmth in your cheeks. Regina stopped laughing when she realized your sincerity.
“You really see me that way?”
“You’re not evil, Regina.” When you look turned to look at her once again, her eyes were already on you. The expression on Regina’s face unsettled you slightly, solely because it was akin to the way she looked at Henry. Wet eyes, subtly raised brows, slack jaw. You’d never seen her look at anyone else in Storybrooke that way. Your stomach flipped.
“Well, goodnight, Y/N,” Regina nodded, standing up, brushing herself off, and walking off before lying against a tree. You knew she was only faking sleep. You remained vigilant while your friends slept, leaving you to ponder a gorgeous, raven-haired woman.
feel free to reply with any opinions or criticism!! hopefully ill be faster w posting the next part
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pollymorgan · 3 months
Negan, Lucille and Amalia
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Warning: smut, bisexuality, cheating, unrequited love, threesome
Sometimes fate is a peculiar thing. Or was it just by chance that I happened to run into Lucille while shopping, when I was visiting my parents in my old hometown?
Lucille and I were high school buddies and incredibly close friends. Oh man, the fun we used to have back in the day. It's incredible how long ago that feels and how enamored I was with her at the time. But then she got together with that awful guy, Negan. It really wasn't just jealousy on my part. Okay, maybe a little. But the guy was simply wrong for her. His idiotic remarks drove me crazy, he was arrogant and a real troublemaker. I knew he would eventually break my angel’s heart. So, I was even more surprised when Lucille told me at the grocery store that they were now married. Had that handsome scoundrel really made it?
The blond, petite woman was just as warm-hearted as ever, and her green eyes seemed to shine even brighter than before. Incredibly, after so many years, she managed to make my heart race wildly all over again.
As we said goodbye, she hugged her slim body tightly against mine, and I breathed in the delicate scent of lilac from her hair. Then she looked at me with her most beautiful smile.
"How about we have a girls' night tonight, like the old times? I'll cook something, and we can chat about the good old days. Negan is going on a motorcycle tour, so we'd have the place to ourselves unless, of course, you're already booked?"
The thought of spending the evening alone with her caused a tingling sensation in my stomach, like one I hadn't felt in ages. I swallowed hard and tried to respond as neutrally as possible, "Oh yes, that would be great... Just tell me what I can bring."
After we sorted out a few details - such as when we would meet and how I would get to her house - we exchanged phone numbers, and I left the store feeling like a freshly infatuated teenager.
Back at my parents' house, I pondered endlessly about what to wear. I definitely didn't want to be too dressed up. After all, it was just supposed to be a "girls' night." But I also didn't want to appear too casually dressed. So, in the end, I opted for a simple black dress that accentuated my curves but was not too extravagant.
With a bottle of red wine in my bag, I set off for the Smiths' house at the agreed-upon time. I noticed my excitement skyrocketing as my GPS indicated I was getting closer to the destination. When I parked in front of their property, I gazed at it for a while, then quickly checked my subtle makeup in the rearview mirror and stepped out decisively. Clutching the bottle tightly, I rang their doorbell, and a soft voice called out, "I'll be right there..."
As Lucille opened the door, she appeared somewhat flustered. She brushed a blonde lock from her forehead, took a deep breath in and out. "The food was supposed to be ready before you arrived, but I completely underestimated the time!"
I smiled at her. How sweet was it that she was getting stressed out on my account? I noticed she had accentuated her beautiful eyes with a subtle brown shade on her eyelids. She hadn't worn any makeup at the store today. Had she put on makeup especially for me? My imagination was already running wild.
Spontaneously, I gave her a kiss on the cheek in greeting. "Let's prepare it together, it's more fun that way, and besides, I brought this..." as I held out the bottle of red wine to her.
Lucille smiled at me. "Amalia Johnson! You haven't changed a bit..."
I shrugged playfully. As she walked ahead, my gaze automatically stuck to her figure from behind. She was still as petite as back then. Her blonde curls bobbed with each step, accentuating her slender legs and tiny perky derriere perfectly outlined in her dress. It was only then that I noticed she was also wearing a black dress similar to mine. The realization snapped me out of my thoughts and brought a grin to my face.
"Oh, matching outfits?" I asked amusedly, and Lucille turned to face me. Instantly, her eyes traveled over my body.
"It sure seems that way, but it looks better on you. Your bust looks simply perfect in that dress," her words about my body sent a jolt of electricity through me but also gave me the opportunity to openly gaze at her cleavage. Her breasts were barely covered by the thin fabric of the dress, clearly outlined.
"Do you have to say that? You don't even need a bra and you look fantastic. Do you know how hard it is to find a fitting and chic bra in my size?" I joked.
Lucille fetched two wine glasses from the cabinet and handed me a corkscrew, saying, "You've always been better at this..."
Immediately, the memory resurfaced of when we were camping with a few friends, and although I remembered the wine, I had forgotten the corkscrew, spending half the evening struggling to open the darn bottle and being celebrated as a hero when I finally succeeded. The recollection made us burst into hearty laughter. As we toasted to a lovely evening, we locked eyes, and I immediately wondered again how perfect a person could actually be.
"And Amalia? Have you found the woman of your dreams yet?" she suddenly asked me, as she turned her attention back to the pot on the stove that was already boiling.
Yes, she's right in front of me, I thought silently and then shook my head. "No, I just went through a breakup.. Women are complicated, maybe I'll try with a man, they seem to be simpler." I laughed.
"Oh no, forget about it.." she said, and despite her smile, I heard the seriousness in her voice, which made my heart sink.
"Everything okay between Negan and you, I mean?" I asked.
She took a big sip from her glass and then shrugged slightly before answering, "Oh, honestly, I don't know... He can be really great when he's not spending the whole night playing computer games in the basement or hanging out with his weird friends, if he's even really hanging out with them at all.."
I immediately noticed her voice starting to tremble. I grabbed my glass and stood next to her at the stove. My arm wrapped around her waist and I held her tightly against me, "What do you mean? Do you think he might have someone else?"
The blonde woman rested her head against my shoulder. "Oh, I don't know... he's always not there and always has some strange excuses, I've caught him lying so many times, but whenever I try to confront him, he just disappears again and eventually reappears with a sweet declaration of love... Oh, fuck..." she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her forearms. ".. I wanted to have a nice evening for us and not burden you with my problems."
"Don't think that..." I said, stroking her hair lightly, "...are you alone again today because of that? Did he just run off again?" I asked her.
My words apparently hit the mark, because now she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. They flowed from her beautiful green eyes, and she immediately hid behind her hands. Without thinking, I pulled her tightly into my arms and held her, then whispered in her ear. "Shh... it's okay, I'm here now and we're still going to have a nice evening... But you don't have to hide your emotions from me, understood? You can tell me everything..."
I felt her nod slightly and her tears dampened my shoulder. Then, as we stood together at the stove cooking, she told me some things about her marriage that only confirmed my dislike for Negan, but I didn't comment negatively, I just listened because I felt that's exactly what she needed.
As we changed the topic to match the food, we opened our second bottle of wine. We reminisced and almost forgot to eat, but the alcohol flowed even faster. My stomach was starting to ache from all the laughter, and my cheeks were glowing. As we cleared the table, all the cutlery even fell to the floor because we were giggling so much. It only took one keyword and we were doubled over with laughter again. Oh God, how I had missed this. How I had missed her! It was like a journey back in time. Like we were 17 again.
After we had calmed down a bit, I was just about to load the dirty dishes into the dishwasher when Lucille opened the fridge and held up a bottle of champagne.
"And now this?" she asked, beaming with joy.
"Oh God, champagne on red wine, I don't think that would be a good idea..." I remarked. But Lucille had already opened the bottle and let the cork pop, which made us burst into laughter again.
"Oh, forget it, we're not thinking about tomorrow today..." she said decisively and took a big swig straight from the bottle, a few drops that had overflowed spilling down her chin. Damn, she was incredibly sexy.
"Let's go out to the porch swing and look at the stars, just like back then..." she said determinedly. I nodded in agreement and thought about how I used to never look at the sky back then, but it was always the perfect opportunity for me to secretly stare at Lucille and examine every little detail of her beautiful face.
It was pitch dark outside, only a few small lamps showed us the way to the cozy spot in her garden. The swing wasn't big, but it was comfortable. So we sat close together and gently swayed back and forth. Despite the darkness, I could see Lucille's gaze, the one she had when she was a little drunk. It hadn't changed a bit and made me grin slightly.
"Can I ask you something?" she broke our short silence.
"Of course, anything..." I said decisively, taking another sip from the bottle.
"Have you ever been with a man?" Her gaze went directly to my eyes, and she looked at me expectantly.
"Twice!" I quickly replied, already grinning, " ... and one of them was Philip Blake!" Her eyes widened even more. "No way, you're kidding me... you were with Philip Blake?!?"
I nodded, laughing. "Yes, it was a one-time thing, I think he's the reason I turned lesbian..." I joked, then I tried to compose myself. "No, seriously... I wanted to try it out and..."
"And how was it.." Lucille interjected.
I shrugged. "Well, apparently it didn't convince me... Counter-question, have you ever been with a woman?" I had barely finished the question when my heart started pounding wildly in my chest.
Lucille shook her head slightly and moved a little closer to me. Or was I just imagining it?
"Not even a kiss?" I asked curiously. I noticed her gaze drifting to my lips, and now I was sure I wasn't imagining it. Her head came closer to mine. Just before our lips met, she paused and whispered, "But there's a first time for everything..." I felt her warm breath on my face before her lips gently landed on mine. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening. But then I responded to her touch.
How many times had I imagined this? But in reality, it felt a thousand times more beautiful. A wave of heat flooded my body as our mouths slowly opened. Her tongue lightly caressed mine and slowly explored. I had never felt something so tender and passionate before. The world stood still, at least for me in that moment. Her hands gripped my face and pulled me even closer, making the kiss more intense. I had never enjoyed anything so much as I did at that moment. The feeling of happiness, mixed with alcohol, made me feel like I was floating. Suddenly, Lucille pulled away from me and stood up. I looked at her in shock and stammered, after regaining my composure, "Sorry... I didn't mean to... I mean that...".
But she winked at me and reached out her hand. "I just thought we go inside and I show you my bedroom."
In a trance, I reached for her hand and followed her inside. Her delicate hand felt so good in mine. But then I stopped, halting her as well. "Lucille, you have no idea how much I want this, but I don't want you to do something you might regret tomorrow."
Determined, she pressed another kiss on my lips and then said, "...today, we're not thinking about tomorrow, okay?" I nodded and followed her excitedly up the stairs.
Then we stood facing each other in front of the bed, and Lucille looked at me somewhat nervously. "And now, I mean, what do we do now?" Her uncertainty was adorable and made me grin.
"Are you sure you want this?" I asked again, hoping with every fiber of my being that she wouldn't back out now. So relieved when she immediately replied, "More than sure!"
I took a step towards her to close the gap between us and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Okay, let me take the lead. Just tell me if you like something, or if you don't, promise?"
"Okay," she confirmed softly before our mouths met again. Then my kisses slowly traveled down her chin, to her neck, and I breathed in her distinctive scent. My fingers slid down the thin straps of her dress and let it fall slowly to the ground. Now Lucille stood before me in just black panties. My hands slowly moved down her back, landing on her petite bottom.
"You're so beautiful," I murmured, placing small kisses on her décolleté. I noticed how her heart was pounding as strongly as mine, and how her nipples were hardening, even though I hadn't touched them yet. Slowly, my tongue glided to the right one, lightly teasing it, eliciting a soft moan from Lucille and causing my lower abdomen to tighten.
"Please... lie down on the bed," I urged her. But her hands moved to the zipper of my dress. "In a moment, but undress yourself first, I want to feel your skin against mine."
With those words, I felt her undo my closure and strip off my dress. Then she immediately began to unfasten my bra. As we both stood almost completely naked before each other, her eyes wandered to my breasts. "Wow, you're perfect. I never thought it would turn me on so much... Can I touch them?"
I grinned at her caution. "Of course, you can touch me anywhere..." I clasped her wrists and placed her hands on my chest. Her initially hesitant touches quickly became more demanding. Pressing her, we kissed as I slowly pushed her onto the bed.
Now she lay before me at last. The woman I had dreamed of so often. With determination, I grabbed her panties and slid them off, as she lifted her hips to make it easier for me. After I had removed them and carelessly tossed them aside, I grasped her knees and firmly parted her legs, which she willingly allowed.
Her perfect pussy glistened with excitement. Lucille was so beautiful and incredibly hot at the same time.
I grinned at her, "So you like it, I see..." Then I took her hand and guided it to her center. "Do you feel how wet you are?" Her fingers slowly traced through her folds.
"Are you too?" she asked. Determinedly, I also removed my panties and then placed the hand that had just touched her most intimate parts on my groin.
"Tell me!" Her slender fingers ran through my center, lightly touching my clit and making me shudder.
"Yes! You feel so good..." she said, now a bit more confident.
I took her hand and kissed her fingers, soaked with our arousal.
"Lie back down, let me taste you..." I commanded, and the beautiful woman immediately lay back on the bed, never taking her eyes off me.
I climbed onto the bed and knelt between her legs. My kisses roamed around her belly button, and I saw the hairs on her body standing up. Then I continued with my lips further down. I took my time caressing the delicate skin and noticed how Lucille spread her legs wider and pushed her pelvis towards me. As my mouth explored her mound, I heard her soft moans growing louder. Then I licked flatly over her labia, enjoying the taste of her wetness, before I started to caress her swollen clit with my tongue. I felt her shudder under my touch, and as she moaned my name, my pussy clenched in excitement.
Suddenly, we heard a soft clearing of the throat, which immediately startled us. I quickly turned towards the door, where the sound had come from, and saw Negan leaning in the doorway. Fuck! We hadn't heard him coming. Horrified, I grabbed a pillow to cover my naked body and looked desperately at Lucille. She stared at Negan as if frozen. "Listen, let me explain," she stammered.
"Amalia fucking Johnson! The girl every guy wanted to hook up with in high school, but who never let any guy get close, is fucking behind my back my wife!" he said amused, running a hand over his forehead. Negan had aged, which didn't make him any less attractive, no, quite the opposite. His hair was gelled back, now noticeably gray. He had a neat short beard. His dark green eyes quickly moved between the two of us.
"Negan, it's not what you might think..." I tried to save the situation somehow, even though it was beyond saving.
He pushed off the door frame and came a few steps towards us. In the process, he casually took off his black leather jacket and threw it onto a chair. Now he was only wearing a white shirt and dark jeans.
"So I think you were just in the middle of licking my wife's pussy, and Lucille sounded like she was about to come. And believe me, sweetheart, I know what she sounds like when she's about to. So either you finish what you started, or I have to do it. You decide who the spectator is here..." After finishing the sentence, he casually sat down on the bed. I looked at Lucille in disbelief. She thought for a moment and then said, "Please, Amalia, continue..."
I heard Negan laugh, then he gave Lucille a quick but passionate kiss on her lips. Again, he looked at me, "Come on, you heard her..."
"Is... is this really okay with you?" I asked Lucille hesitantly. She nodded vigorously, "More than that... is it okay with you too?.." I also nodded and meant it with full conviction. Strangely, this situation aroused me incredibly. And quickly, I disappeared between her legs again.
"Ladies, I think this is fucking paradise..." I heard Negan comment as I touched Lucille's most sensitive spots, which I had just explored.
Amidst Lucille's moans, I heard Negan undo his belt. After a short time, I looked up and saw him holding his penis in his hand. It was rock hard and covered with many prominent veins. Admittedly, I haven't seen many aroused cocks live. But Negan's was really quite large. And I don't know if it was him or the whole situation, but it aroused me incredibly.
"Touch him!" I urged Lucille, and I immediately saw Negan smirk.
"Really?" she asked somewhat uncertainly.
I grinned, "He's your damn husband, of course.."
Would you like a second part?
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alice-after-dark · 3 months
The Red King and the Unicorn - And Then There Were Four
Heavily inspired by The Last Unicorn, Howl's Moving Castle, and Beauty and the Beast.
Ah dammit this has a plot now.
TW for discussion of gore.
Husk waits until their new arrival has fallen asleep on the couch before he digs into the topic weighing on his mind. "How'd it go?"
"Dreadful," Alastor groans, sipping the tea Husk has brewed for him. "Four more dead."
Husk chokes. "Four?! In one week?!"
"Two naga, a faerie, and...a unicorn."
Husk flinches, eyes flickering over to the couch. "Let me guess, all of them stripped?" Alastor nods and Husk curses. "Four in one fucking week. They're escalating. Were you able to find anything?"
"Nothing. Carmilla is certain they have to be receiving help from a magical being to cover their tracks so well. She and Zestial are becoming agitated by the lack of progress uncovering these scoundrels and you know how the fae can be."
"The faerie who was killed...hers or his?"
"Hers. That makes the third Seelie fae killed this month alone. A little one too. Withered like a dead rose with its wings and eyes plucked." He took another sip of his tea, smile strained. "The naga...two women, both skinned from the waist down with their fangs ripped out. And the unicorn...there was hardly much left for us to find."
Husk pulls out the chair beside Alastor and joins him at the table. "So...what's the current plan?"
Alastor neatly places his silverware on the now empty plate and twines his fingers together. "We continue as we have been. We remain vigilant and cautious and proceed with our investigation. The carnie man may not have known anything, but somewhere out there, someone will. We just need to find them."
Husk nods. "And what are we gonna do about him?" He jerks his head to the occupied couch.
"From what Niffty gathered from the carnie man's records, the poor thing has been imprisoned for decades. He won't be in any position to defend himself should these poachers come hunting for him." Alastor lifts a hand and the throw blanket on the back of the couch drapes itself over the sleeping unicorn. "I admit I didn't expect to actually find anything real at that hoax of a show. He was quite a surprise."
"That why you nabbed him in a deal?"
"Precisely. I'm no fool to let such a rarity slip through my fingers. That insipid carnie had no idea what he had." He stands. "Now, I have a little curse breaking to prepare for. We'll discuss this further at a later time."
Husk nods and takes Alastor's plate and teacup to the sink. "Go say hi to Niffty before you go lock yourself away all day. She missed you this morning."
"Of course. And keep our new arrival inside the house for now. I don't want him venturing too far while he's still weakened."
"You got it, boss."
Alastor vanishes in a whirl of shadows and moments later Niffty's delighted squeal floats in from the yard. Husk smiles only briefly before glancing back at the unicorn.
You're in for one Hell of a time, kid. Hope you're ready.
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Alfons Sylvatica
Story Event: I'm his cherished doll
Chapter 1
Prologue (@/archiveikemen ♡)
Alfons' stories sure are something. But this one might be reaching the new highs. Still, I don't think this could go any other way knowing this guy. The story goes places in later chapters, so proceed with caution. Slight nsfw
~~Part 1~~
William: "What would you like to do, Kate?"
His question once again made me think about my situation.
(I can't believe I'm so small and don't even know when or if this condition is even reversible...)
(What if I can't go back to normal? I won't be able to work at the post office and earn my wage...)
(Will I have to, instead, live with the Crown members for the rest of my life, as they're the only ones to know what's going on?)
(Uh... I'm starting to feel dizzy)
I had to decide what to do, but I couldn't think straight...
Alfons: "Ahh, poor little Kate."
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Alfons: "Thanks to Roger, you're in this amusing ... pardon me, awful predicament."
He came up to me, lamenting theatrically.
Alfons: "Would you be so kind and let me take care of you?"
Kate: "What!?"
Alfons was a hedonistic scoundrel, always in the pursuit of pleasure.
In this powerless state, any resistance on my part was going to be pointless, and there was no telling how he was going to toy with me.
Alfons: "No need to worry, Kate. As you can imagine, given our size difference, nothing untoward is going to happen."
Alfons: "All I promise is that I will help you get the most enjoyment out of this situation."
Kate: "I-I want to find a way to get back to normal..."
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Alfons: "Roger will work tirelessly to make this happen. After all, it's his fault..."
Roger: "Well, that's true. I'll do my best."
Alfons: "As you can see, you don't have to try so hard, little one. There's not much you can do anyway."
Alfons: "Besides, it'd be a shame not to take advantage of this delightful opportunity."
~~Part 2~~
Alfons: "Besides, it'd be a shame not to take advantage of this delightful opportunity."
(It'd be a shame not to enjoy it, huh...)
Hearing his offhand remark, I realized I hadn't thought about it at all.
Kate: "... I guess so."
Admittedly, obsessing over my situation only made my head spin and offered no solution.
Alfons: "Right? Well, then it's settled."
He picked me up by the collar and placed me in the palm of his hand.
Kate: "Whoa!?"
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Alfons: "Then, I'm going to borrow this pitiful little Robin."
Kate: "Huh, what? Did I agree to that?"
William: "I'd say your response was somewhat positive."
All Crown members were watching us with a warm look in their eyes.
Victor: "I wanted to take care of you too, Kate... but if you agree to it, I'll just step aside?"
Elbert: "Al... I don't think he will do anything lethal, so don't worry."
Roger: "On the other hand, you may want to prepare for the other things, eh?"
Harrison: "Well, good luck."
Alfons: "So he says. Let's go then."
Before I could object, Alfons snatched me from the dining room.
(What now... I feel I ended up with the least suitable person, considering the circumstances)
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Alfons: "Now then, to start with..."
(Oh no... what if he asks me to become a cat toy...)
Alfons: "How about going for a swim?"
Kate: "...a swim?"
~~Part 3~~
Alfons: "And? It feels good, doesn't it?"
Kate: "It feels good, but it tickles, the bubbles..."
Of all the outfits that Victor prepared for me,
Alfons, in what could only be considered a prank, chose a thin lingerie-like garment,
that was now completely soaked in light blue carbonated water.
Alfons: "I envy you, soaking in a pool in the garden."
Alfons watched as I tried to hold on to the rim of the wide-mouthed glass placed on the garden table,
as he was swirling its contents.
(I can't stay pleasantly submerged like that... when I'm wearing something so closely resembling underwear...)
(Though I'd like to believe I'm sufficiently obscured by the bubbles and water refraction...)
I nervously held onto the glass...
Alfons: "Look, you're too stiff. Please don't, you need to relax more."
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Alfons: "There's plenty of sugar in it, so your body should simply float..."
Kate: "Huh... now that you mentioned it, I thought it felt sticky, and I wasn't sinking fast enough."
(Float you say...?)
Alfons: "Come now, take your hands off the edge."
Kate: "Wah... wah..."
My fingers that clung to the rim of the glass were pried open and my body suddenly floated to the surface.
(I've never experienced such a feeling, be it in the sea or in the bath...)
(It's supposed to be a serious situation, but... this might be...)
(A little bit fun)
The dizzying confusion and anxiety flew away,
leaving me with a feeling that I may enjoy this situation.
Kate: "Floating in the glass... it feels like I'm in a dream."
Alfons: "Heh, your face is finally starting to look good."
Alfons: "I'm glad you're having fun."
Kate: "Eep!?"
Before I knew it, his finger snuck up on me and lightly brushed my chest, making me squeal.
Alfons: "I'm sorry, but your lovely breasts were exposed and looking so defenceless that my fingertips just followed my desires."
~~Part 4~~
Kate: "Eep!?"
Before I knew it, his finger snuck up on me and lightly brushed my chest, making me squeal.
Alfons: "I'm sorry, but your lovely breasts were exposed and looking so defenceless that my fingertips just followed my desires."
Kate: "Wha...!"
My face got hot when I finally realised that as I floated on my back,
my wet clothes clung tightly to my body, leaving no space for imagination.
Kate: "Hey, you said you wouldn't do anything inappropriate...!"
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Alfons: "Did I say that?"
(Ugh, this guy...)
Kate: "Ah....eek!"
One by one, his fingers travelled from my breasts to my navel, making my hands and feet splash the liquid involuntarily.
Alfons: "How does it feel? Does it feel good? Or does it hurt?"
Alfons: "I don't know what it's like since I have no comparison... so please tell me about it."
He narrowed his eyes, resting his chin on his hand, and gave me a mischievous look.
Like a cat toying with its prey.
Kate: "It doesn't feel good... you pervert!"
Alfons: "Oh my! To be called a pervert, how vexing."
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Alfons: "I don't think I deserve to be called a pervert just because I indiscriminately do whatever brings me fun."
Kate: "Isn't doing things indiscriminately a perversion...?"
Alfons: "If that's the case, then why don't you become a pervert too?"
Kate: "...huh?"
Alfons: "Next step, let's 'savour' something even more delightful."
~~Part 5~~
After my sticky body was wiped dry,
I was brought to the kitchen, where a sweet smell enveloped me.
Alfons: "See, these are the scones with which Victor was trying to express his desire to take care of you."
Alfons: "Plenty of clotted cream and jam to go with them."
Alfons: "There are also biscuits and cakes."
Kate: "Whoa..."
(Surrounded by sweets as tall as my waist... I feel like Alice in Wonderland)
Kate: "All of this is... for me?"
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Alfons: "Mhm. Well, I'll eat whatever you can't."
Alfons: "Go ahead and help yourself. Bite straight into it or lie on the top of it, whatever strikes your fancy."
I felt like I was dreaming, and it brought out the childlike part of me.
(My body is already sticky with sugar, so if it gets any dirtier... it won't make much of a difference)
The table was carefully covered with a cloth on top of the tablecloth to prevent it from getting dirty.
(I think I'm getting used to being dressed like this... after all, I've been wearing it up till now)
I climbed down from Alfons' hand and cautiously stepped forward.
Sweet smells seemed to intertwine over the table,
And by the time I sampled some of the sweets, as if I were sucking nectar from flowers, I was completely filled with joy.
Kate: "Mmm, these biscuits are delicious...!"
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Alfons: "Uh-huh, indeed. Though I'd love some whisky."
Kate: "Heh, you were drinking earlier, weren't you?"
Alfons: "Don't you want to try those scones?"
Kate: "Of course, I will! I was just saving them for last."
I placed my hand on a spoon about the length of my leg in an attempt to scoop up the clotted cream.
(Oof... the cream is so heavy I can't lift it...)
Alfons: "You still want to use the spoon? Ever the well-mannered lady, regardless of the circumstances."
Kate: "It's not like I can just scoop it up with my hands, can I?"
(I wonder if I could leverage it?)
Kate: "Good. One, two, three..."
I put my weight on the handle of the spoon, and then...
Kate: "Wah!?"
Chapter 2
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mandoalorian · 1 year
Borrowed Time [Din Djarin x F!Reader]
ੈ♡˳‧₊*: • Chapter 10: The Daimyo ✩࿐ ˚.✧
Summary: You are the princess of Mandalore, held hostage on your own planet by Moff Gideon and his army of Imperial troopers. Left with no choice, you send out a distress signal; a plea for protection— and who comes? None other than Din Djarin, a foundling of The Death Watch. He, by creed, is your sworn enemy. And where you have asked for his protection, he has been told by his mentor that he must marry you and gain the ability to restore Mandalore to its former glory.
Word Count: 2400
Warnings: angst (sorry!)
AN: really did not like Season 3 of The Mandalorian so consider this fic my attempt at retconning.
Series Masterlist
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Tatooine was white hot, strikingly hot, and from the second the Razor Crest emerged through the atmosphere, you felt beads of sweat begin to lace your hairline. The temperature was unlike anything you had ever experienced before. As Din flew over the plains of smooth sands, you held Grogu in your lap, your arms wrapped tight around his little body as Din prepared for landing. The little green bean had just woken up from a nap and was cooing happily, his big dark eyes gazing out at the vast landscape beneath him. He was enamoured by it all, captured by the beauty surrounding him.
“Grogu and I have spent a lot of time on Tatooine,” Din informed you plainly, bringing his gloved fingers down to the ship's control panel. You watched him as he tapped away at a few brightly coloured and flashing buttons. You admired how he could fly, and you hoped it would be something he could teach you once this war was over, if he still wanted to be with you by that point. “We’re preparing to land now. The Dune Sea isn’t too far off.”
“I’ve never been to Tatooine before,” you admitted sheepishly. You were feeling a little tired, and you wished you’d had the chance to nap alongside Grogu earlier in the day. Nonetheless, it meant you’d at least sleep well tonight.
“That doesn’t surprise me,” Din muttered before pausing and adjusting the propulsions. The Razor Crest made its usual loud screeching noise as it neared the ground. “Tatooine is no place for a princess.” The word tasted like venom on his tongue, like he held some kind of resentment. He’d been distant from you the entire journey, but now as the siege neared, his mood had shifted entirely. This was indicated by his tone of voice and body language.
You hesitated before replying to your husband. Yes, you were a ‘princess’, but more than that you were a Mandalorian. Hadn’t you proved yourself to Din yet? You chose to ignore the way he’d reduced you to that stereotype and tried not to overthink it too much. No matter how hard you tried to escape from your past, he was still right. You were a princess.
You furrowed your brows together and shook your head as if to shake away those intruding feelings. If not for the temperature, you found it difficult to believe that Tatooine was populated. “People… live here?” 
Din pulled on a lever and the ship started to lower. 
“There are a few nearby towns. Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, Mos Pelgo… but it’s mostly just slaves and scoundrels amongst these sands. It’s a dangerous place,” The ship landed with a gentle waver and Din stood up. Before you, was a palace of some kind. It was grand and mighty, but completely different to the palace you were brought up in. “I’d like you to wait with Grogu on the ship while I speak with Fett and Shand.” 
You swallowed the nervous knot in your throat and nodded in agreement. “Okay.”
You weren’t happy about letting Din go on without you, but you knew you had to trust him. After all, he trusted you. 
Why did he trust you?
You were married—and yet you barely knew him—and he barely knew you. When it had only been a few weeks, could you really say that you were in love with him? You had never felt this feeling before, but even still, you did find yourself wondering. Was it all down to mere circumstances that were clouding your judgement? The past few weeks had felt like a myth… a fairy tale, but it wasn’t exactly down to fate. Your rescue was planned meticulously by the Armorer.
This is the way.
This is the way your song is written. Saved by a nobody bounty hunter and forced into an arranged marriage before you prepared for the siege to reclaim your home planet.
This is the way.
Your stomach was twisted into knots as your mind wandered, trying to fathom and make sense of everything that had happened so far. You fiddled with the ring on your finger, the ring the Armorer had forged for both you and Din, made out of steel beskar alloy. The ring that symbolised your commitment to one another.
“Din?” you wanted to ask him if he believed you were crazy—if he was having second thoughts—were you having second thoughts? The Mandalorian bared you little acknowledgement. 
“Stay safe.” Your eyes followed your husband as he grabbed his blaster from the armory. He placed a hand atop Grogu’s head before bidding his child farewell, and within seconds, he was gone. 
Grogu’s curious cooing interrupted your thoughts and brought you back down to reality. “You okay, little one?” you asked the child. “I think we best go find you something to eat.”
Din hadn’t visited his old friend Boba Fett in quite some time, and he’d hoped that this whole ordeal wouldn’t be too much trouble for the new Diamyo of Mos Espa. He did owe Din a favour, and though Din wasn’t exactly pleased he had to ask Fett for help, he knew he didn’t have much of a choice. When Din left the ship, he didn’t say goodbye. He didn’t offer you a kiss or even the smallest ounce of acknowledgement; he just left. You sat there in the co-pilot seat, baby in hand, wondering if you had done something wrong. Something to upset him. 
But Din was overthinking too. This wasn’t him. He had never been the type of man to settle down and bear commitment. Now he had a child and a wife, and he was on his way to make Mandalorian history. He was currently sharing a bed with one of the most influential Mandalorians who ever lived. You were royalty… and he was nothing.
An independent contractor – outlaw – scoundrel… there were many words for it, and neither was nicer than the other. Din believed that you deserved better than the life he could give, and as he looked back towards the Razor Crest in the distance of the Dune Sea, he decided that once he’d helped you repossess the throne, he’d be gone. He’d take the child and leave you to lead Mandalore alone. You were strong, brave, fierce… you didn’t need him.
And if you really did like Din, he was certain that you’d get over him. He pictured you falling in love with someone else, perhaps remarrying someone regal and more important than he could ever be. It made Din want to throw up, the burning heat from the twin suns not helping with his sudden onset nausea. 
Din had enjoyed every second he had spent with you, and during the times when he wasn’t with you, he had found himself wishing to get back to you. There was just something about you… energy, a force that made you so compelling. You were so easy to love. Din knew it wouldn’t be easy to leave, but it would be a sacrifice for the greater good.
He’d only hold you back.
Din swallowed his feelings for the time being and tapped on the bulkhead to Fett’s Palace that once belonged to the infamous Jabba The Hutt. A gatekeeper droid popped out of a hidden compartment above Din’s head.
“State your name and business.” The metallic voice barked.
“Din Djarin… I am a friend of Daimyo Fett. I wish to speak with him.”
The gatekeeper droid disappeared back into the bulkhead without saying a further word and left Din standing outside for a few minutes. Just as Din was about to turn his heel and head back to the ship, the bulkhead began to open with a loud screech. 
Boba Fett, dressed in a dashing green Mandalorian-inspired armour, emerged from the darkness, alongside the notorious assassin Fennec Shand.
“Daimyo Fett,” greeted with respect, Din bowed in front of the new leader.
“To what do I owe this pleasure, Mando?” Boba asked, before taking off his helmet as a symbol of recognition and offering his friend a beaming smile. Din couldn’t help but smile himself. It had been too long, and he was glad to reunite with his old friend.
“I come here with a request,” Din proposed. 
“Always been quick to cut to the chase,” Fennec commented, but from the smile on her lips, Din knew she was already on board.
“I’ve… found myself in a situation. On board my ship I have the Princess of Mandalore… and we’re on a mission. I’m aiding her in reclaiming the Mandalorian throne from Moff Gideon and his Imperial army.”
“Moff Gideon is alive?” Fennec’s lips parted in shock as she digested the news. She, like most others in the outer-rim, had heard rumours of his arrest and even death. But none of it was true.
“I’m afraid so, and more powerful than ever. He has the darksaber… an ancient Mandalorian weapon. We need to take him down.”
“Let me get this straight, you’re asking us to leave our safe haven here to go to war…?” 
Puzzled, Din hesitated. That wasn’t the response he’d anticipated. He was so sure Boba would welcome his proposition with open arms. “Well…” Din started. He was doing this for his wife, really. The love of his life. But how was he to explain that to someone like Boba Fett?
Thankfully, he didn’t have to.
Boba placed a hand on Din’s shoulder pauldron. “You have my word, Mando. All of this… this palace… I couldn’t have done this without you. Fennec and I will help you in any way that you require.”
“I appreciate it.” Din took hold of Boba’s hand and shook it firmly, signifying a culmination of their agreement. 
“So, when do we leave?” Fennec asked, already bubbling with anticipation. She loved a good fight, especially if it meant taking down Imperials.
“The princess and I leave in the morning, but Bo-Katan and The Nite Owls are en-route to Mandalore now to set up reinforcements.”
“So, what’s the princess like?” Boba nudged teasingly. “She a handful?”
You could be, at times. You were certainly high-maintenance but that was okay because Din liked maintaining you.
Din exhaled. “She’s… not bad.”
You and Grogu had been playing catch with a small rubber ball that you’d purchased from a market stall back on Nevarro. It was fun, and something to keep you and the child preoccupied while you waited for Din to return. You almost anticipated scavengers boarding the ship while you waited for your husband; an effect of his scare-mongering about the bad people amongst the sands of Tatooine. But nobody showed up. In a strange sense, you almost craved a confrontation. You weren’t afraid to get blood on your hands and you wanted to prove to Din just how strong you were. You were a fighter, and while you were thankful for his protection… you didn’t need it.
Din returned to the Crest about an hour later. He’d joined his friends for a feast while explaining to them what the plan was. Of course, he’d returned with a leg of Bantha meat for you and the child to share.
“Are they willing to help us?” you asked, your eyes wide and desperate as you awaited his response.
“They are,” Din confirmed, and his heart warmed when he watched you breathe a sigh of relief, your lips twisting into a grateful smile. “Although, Boba hasn’t had the most pleasant of encounters with Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls. That is… something to be mindful of. He will be leaving in the morning; not much earlier than us. He and Shand should will get to Mandalore before we do.”
You were so pleased and overcome with emotion. You didn’t know how Din was able to pull this off, or how he had so many allies around the galaxy who seemingly owed him favours. Your first interpretation of him was that he was cold and cruel and distant. You never expected someone like him to have friends, and yet you had been so wrong. Din was the kindest person you’d ever met. He may have disguised himself to have a heart of beskar steel, but truly, it was nothing less than pristine gold.
“Oh Din,” you ran into his arms and wrapped yourself around him. “I love you so much.”
Din didn’t move. He didn’t speak, and he stood so still that for a second, you weren’t even sure if he was breathing. You waited for him to reply, to acknowledge you and say those words back. 
But he didn’t.
“You best get some sleep before we leave tomorrow.” 
You blinked, and after a prolonged moment of silence, you drew yourself away from him. You couldn’t help but look up at him with wide, bewildered eyes, but decided to shake off the feeling rather than confront it. Now wasn’t the time to fight over something as menial as not saying a couple of words. It didn’t matter. Din loved you. You knew that.
He’d sworn an oath when he married you.
“O—okay.” You let your arms fall down to your sides and walked on over to Din’s quarters. 
Grogu cooed in confusion as he watched you silently saunter off. 
Din sighed and picked up his son before carrying him to the cockpit and sinking down into the pilot seat. He really did love you, but he knew that sharing any more sentiments would just make the ‘giving you up’ part more painful. And he’d already made his mind up.
You waited for Din to come to bed with you, but he never did. You tossed and turned and spent hours trying to fight sleep, just wanting to feel his warm body next to yours… his arms around you.
But he never came.
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