#be picky and dont settle if its not perfect
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carterashofficial · 2 years ago
yeah we've fixed a few of the "DIY projects" over the years from some dad with too much time on his hands who thought too highly of himself, but we keep finding more, and it's keeping up from being able to do actual modifications we like (like how we tore off some paneling and it was just...aghast how they put it up. It had been bowing and we knew we needed to take it down before it came down). we might just throw it on the market and buy a new house together because we are tired and with my education, I can get a remote job and housing prices aren't as crazy here as everywhere else. (I don't recall every single thing since it's been since 1998 but it's just been a ride of one thing after another. The "family room" is the biggest one though.)
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im sorry but bowing paneling is like. a red flag the size of rhode island. did they just glue it to drywall? or not nail it to studs? my money is on glue/caulk
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respectthepetty · 6 months ago
Petty, I respect you.
I do.
Meeeeeeeee 🥹
You've opened a floodgate.
Because I always notice the colors, but just because I see colors doesn't mean I know why they are significant. Even if I see there is a pattern, it doesn't mean I understand its importance. And I don't think y'all should be subject to me screaming about Jiang Tian's paper bookmarks being yellow and pink in a book of (love?) poems where he has highlighted that "a girl's shyness is like a tender cherry under the sunlight" and "16- and 17-year-olds are like fruits in the morning sun, sparkling."
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Sheng Wang asks who this is about, but we know who this is about. The colors mean things.
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And more importantly, I actually didn't write weekly or episodic posts about shows until 2022. I used to wait until a show was over to write about the colors or background noise, and, mostly, I only did it when people would ask me about it. Big Dragon was the first show that I felt compelled to write weekly about the colors and background noise because it was so amazing, so 2024 is still an odd space for me to be in sometimes because as much as I love colors, I'm ALWAYS surprised how much y'all want to know about them . . . weekly . . . per episode . . . for all the shows.
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I write for myself, but sometimes I think y'all don't need to witness me losing my shit every week for sixteen weeks over obviously color-coded characters in The Loyal Pin.
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And sometimes I think y'all don't want to witness me losing my shit over colors that I can't completely understand like the grays in 4 Minutes.
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And then other times I think y'all shouldn't have to witness me losing my shit over colors that I'm not sure are colors until I've watched enough episodes to feel sure that the colors are, in fact, coloring; then, the series, The Trainee, actually tells me the colors were coloring the entire time like I thought.
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And that's why I try to be quiet about shows because I'm figuring them out in my head, or I'm waiting for enough information to feel confident about them, and I don't want to hog up the tag with my ramblings. I need to sit in it a bit to figure out what the colors mean.
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Kiseki: Dear to Me was the perfect example. I didn't mention anything about colors until prompted by others because it took me until the third episode to feel certain that Chen Yi and Ai Di matched colors, then it took me close to the end of the series to realize all the cameo couples ALSO matched colors.
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It took me until the end of My Love Mix-Up to realize Aoki's color had evolved.
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It took me two seasons (and a movie) to feel secure that Kiyoi was a Heavenly Human in My Beautiful Man.
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And it took me until midway through Semantic Error to figure out why the red disappeared.
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That's how The On1y One is for me. I knew yellow/orange and blue would play some part in the story based on the posters, but I wasn't sure how until I started seeing more visuals appear.
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Because even though I saw a yellow container of food for Sheng Wang in the first episode,
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I didn't realize he mostly ate color-coded food until episode four.
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It's such a tiny detail, so I could have easily missed it, but because I know that he is a picky eater, I feel like it's not simply a coincidence, and I quickly noticed it in the eighth episode.
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But I needed to collect more images before I could state that. I needed to let the story develop before I realized it. I needed to settle into it. And that's why I wrote my halfway point post after a few people asked if I noticed.
Because I know I seem like a magician who shouts a lot, but I'm not. Sometimes, I have to be patient and let the colors sneak up on me while I'm simply enjoying the moment, like Sheng Wang's orange alarm clock nestled into the corner of his bed while he falls asleep on his light yellow pillow in his light yellow shirt.
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I know not all visuals can be a literal bright yellow sign hanging from the color-coded boy's room, ya know?
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I'm not Jenny who cannot grasp that she keeps taking food and drinks meant for Benny even when he realized if she could figure out the mug was about gay rights without realizing he was gay then someone smarter will along and piece the dots together . . .
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Because like, girl, he's gay.
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But it does take me time to collect images and get my thoughts in order, so until then, I'm going to be quiet.
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Or as quiet as a loud ass like me can be.
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senbbonzakura · 11 months ago
hii!! don't be shy posting anythin, that's cool when new people appear who write south park stuff! 🤍 can i request (f!reader) picnic headcannons with kenny, stanley and kyle? it can be platonic or romantic(sure, aged up), idc
sure!! thank u sm for being my first headcannons req anon !! 🤍 ill try my best with these bc i never was on a picnic so i have to use my imagination on how it works.. also i made this romantic, theyre like 17-18 here
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✩ — STAN !
this guy was so flattered when u asked him to go do a picnic with u
he was so excited he couldnt sleep
brought cookies and dr pepper...
its because he was walking around the store for like 30 minutes in denial of what would you like to eat 😭😭
like.. will u like it? what if youre picky? mostly everyone likes cookies so cookies it is
butttttt he brought money to the picnic too in case you need something
he picks a nice outfit for himself!!
and by that i dont mean a suit or anything like that... its just a tee that you once said you liked and his fav baggy jeans
so nervous before meeting u for the picnic. mostly bc of the food. what if youre not happy with the food he brought☹️
he brought a picnic blanket too tho!!
he tries to settle it himself but its sort of windy and he drops the blanket...
it flies away
but dw luckily he got it!!
he tries to settle it ahain but DONT trust him with that bc its gonna fly away again so help him pls😭
once its all settled he tries to make it romantic somehow?? he doesnt know how to be romantic without it being corny tho😕
so he just passes u everything u ask for!!
totally did not put the picnic basket next to himself on purpose..
with stan its mostly just giggles and stuff. he will hold your hand or hug you there and there but he enjoys just talking with you like he would with a best friend, if you know what i mean??
he kisses your cheek and thanks you for all the effort you put in everything <3
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✩ — KYLE !
he suggests the picnic 🤗
kyle is the most organized one of them all
before the picnic he knows what to bring and what food you like
like what??? how did he know that?? did he put cameras around ur house or smth
or maybe ur parents just like him a lot so they told him stuff..
keeps checking if he has everything
he also brings you a flower!!
hes a gentleman😭
somehow manages to settle the blanket himself??
he also picked the perfect time of the day so it would be sunset
puts sm effort in to show you how much he loves you!! hes so sweet
brought like a backup hoodie for you just in case youre cold😕
he doesn't really like touching you in public, so expect a hug and a kiss from him only after it gets darker after the sunset
or if he thinks no one is watching
ike definitely wanted to go with you two
kyle said no
he wants it to be a moment just for you and him
ike still comes along with sheila "on accident" but for like a few minutes bc kyle begged them to leave you two alone😭
he apologizes to you
its not like hes embarrassed bc of sheila, its just the fact that his MOM came, if u get what i mean
what more can i say?
besides that its all perfect !!
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✩ — KENNY !
you suggest the picnic
he thought abt it before and wanted to ask you too but money... 😕
he immediately said yes and saved money just for that occasion
he knows what food u like
its because usually when you two hang out he randomly asks you stuff like "whats your fav food?" in that case
and he remembers every answer u give him🤗🤗
he brought food and you brought the blanket
he actually made sure to bring enough for the two of you
thats so sweet😕
he doesnt gaf abt public, he will show his love to you everywhere
so he has his arm wrapped around you most of the time
and also kisses your shoulder or cheek sometimes !!
he would do the rizz thing with "hey you have something there" while pointing at ur chest and then he would grab ur chin so u look at him and he kisses u
its just a joke tho😭
thats not a great way to flirt in his opinion
he would also chuckle before kissing u !!
after the picnic he offers to walk you to your home <3
he also holds your hand while walking
when youre about to leave he hugs you and thanks you for everything too🤗
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fill my requests up guys!!
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harbingersglory · 11 months ago
miko is SO REAL for that, two switches fighting over who gets to dom is the best dynamic. if you have time/want to i'd be curious to hear any sub headcanons you have for lisa, ei, ningguang and/or kafka!
this is so incredibly self indulgent because i see ningguang, ei and kafka in the same sentence and explode. everyone pretend i didnt accidentally pick a fav here um
ningguang i already see as a pillow princess more than anything she fits this so well. absolutely adores going slow + worship. treat this woman like royalty and lord you will not regret it. she goes all out to make the night as perfect as possible. will not let you have a hand in any of it sorry!! this is her turf. perfect atmosphere suited to your tastes (tons of candles, if you like that, or just going by moonlight is also her style). incense, taking a few minutes beforehand just to really get settled in the mood (usually by cuddling, but shes not against just taking a moment for some tea or even a game of chess).
you'll also probably need all that extra time to sort through whatever shes bought this time. when i said she goes the whole nine yards i mean it. she has money and she will use it. very expensive lingerie for herself (and you, if thats your thing.) and literally anything you could ever want. it heavily depends on what you both want out of the night but she spares no mora making it the best she can.
the non-sexual intimacy before hand (and especially after) is important to her she takes it very seriously (for the both of you). you'll probably get dragged into taking a long bath afterwards before actually going to bed. hope you arent too tired! because its gonna be a while before you actually sleep.
because this woman has stamina. technically. she's just really pent up and theres no better way to get that stress out then soft sex with her partner. shes not picky about positions really but she has a soft spot for laying on her stomach with a pillow to prop up her hips (really accentuates the pillow princess part, huh /j). if you start massaging her she's gonna wake up the entirety of liyue. she's normally quiet but lord knows she needs it and she cant keep quiet for the life of her.
genuinely just very soft and gentle. she just needs some good pampering after a long day to unwind (preferably with a glass of wine, but thats for later).
ei..is very awkward about it. she probably gets embarrassed if you bring it up but shes not. opposed per se. she's just used to domming that she has no idea what to do. genuinely a mess the first time around but she gets the hang of it quick (shes a quick learner :])
also you just really get to see a side of her you usually never do! she's usually big on topping and shes pretty calm and composed about it (usually). not cold, just..she doesn't outwardly express things often. except when shes subbing. its like a switch flipped
just dont tease her about how visibly flustered and awkward she is about it. because she is. horribly so. shes still pretty quiet but thats just ei, to be fair. its like a cute, nervous puppy. call her a good girl though and she might short circuit so badly the shogun comes out
though i also see ei as someone who prefers giving even when subbing. a dangerous combo considering her body is a puppet and, yknow, cant get tired. you will have to pry this woman off you shes lowkey insatiable when it comes to pleasing you. 100% less of a brat, though. you give her an order shes following through with it before you can blink. efficient!
kafka is similar to miko, imo. maybe yelan too?? she gives off big brat vibes when she subs. she wont use suggestion in bed unless your 100% cool with it and even then its usually when she doms but when she subs? shes a menace. bit of a masochist, to be honest. she'll push your buttons until you crack and decide to punish her but woops, thats just what she wants so she wins anyway!
she cant feel fear but she certainly enjoys a good thrill. specifically sensory deprivation. cover her eyes with a blindfold and keep her guessing. its probably her favorite part, the closest she can get to fear. especially if you add a bit of pain into it.
choking, spanking, bit of blood..this woman is smiling through it all like she's the happiest woman in the world. especially if it makes you frustrated. shes like it desperate and rough.
if thats not your speed, though, she can get that thrill in other ways. semi public sex is her jam so sandwich her against a wall in some random supply closet and make her scream. shes not quiet even in the comfort of whatever room shes booked this time and you'll have to physically shut her up if you dont want to get caught. shes still a brat at heart, though. put your fingers in her mouth and she'll bite. your gonna need the patience of a saint to dom kafka.
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samicakes-exe · 3 years ago
thanks for the ej with a muzzle thought now I can't stop thinking about it
𝚒𝚖 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚒 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚛𝚘𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 :(  𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚏 us....  𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚖𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎??? <𝟹
𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐!! 𝚕𝚘𝚕
𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝:  5𝚔 𝚗 𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝟸𝟶 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍??? 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!
𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜-𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔  𝙵𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐  𝚃𝚑𝚎  𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛  𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑  𝙰 𝙼𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎  𝙾𝚗 
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𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕚𝕗 𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕖𝕣 <𝟛
awooga heres the warning dears: its creepypasta smut/headcannons, ur fucking a eyeless creature/demon thing?, muzzle, drooling, eye goo/ink maybe, mans has three tongues, multiple creampies, nipple sucking, degradation, breeding kink, mentions of getting reader pregnant, animal noises (e.g: growling, guttural noises, howling maybe i dunno), mentions of a knot,  Afab reader, feminine pet names, being covered in saliva/eye goo, blood kink,  just smut ya know. be safe dears <3
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𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙱𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚠𝚊𝚑:
oh my effing gods it took him so damn long for you to talk him into it like im talking like a solid two months. He would always shut you down with the same old, “I don’t wanna take off my mask babe.” or “How would it even fit me??”
you would even show him that they do make customs made ones so it could fit a human head but still he would brush it off, a little insulted by it. like why would you need him in a muzzle to begin with? wasn’t he enough for you??
honestly most of the talking him into it was just you reassuring him lol.
then by some stroke of luck, he finally agrees to it. 
maybe it was now that he was comfy with having his mask off in front of you, gotta jump through the insecurity hurdles 
before the real freaky shit happens <3
I honestly imagined that you two would be in bed when he brings it up to you the first time. everyone else in the mansion has fallen asleep, and you were almost off to dreamland yourself but thats when he would turn to you, gently nudging you to catch your attention.
when he does tell you, theres no sleeping for the rest of the night but not for the reason ya think it would be, ya lil dirty bug. 
You and Ej spend hours trying to find the perfect one, surprisingly he’s very picky 
but but but but!
yall find the perfect one! to bad you cant afford express shipping :(
being an creature that eats kidneys dont really pay well
The wait for the thing was grueling
every single knock made you almost jump out of your skin, knocking over everything to get the door first only to realize it was for someone else (Mostly ben and jeff rip)
even Ej wanted it so bad. 
It took at least a month to get to you both, it arrived early in the morning like 3/4 am
thankfully you were the only one up to answer the door, the box wasn’t exactly hiding the contents of it. 
you knew ej would’ve been an embarrassed mess if anyone in the mansion saw it.
you woke him up the morning, holding that muzzle in your hands
oh gods
you, my dear have woken up something in him
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𝚄𝚛 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝:
The entire house was still and quiet apart from the wind rustling past it’s old form and the soft creaks the hallway whispered underneath your feet. You held a package in both of your hands, your fingers covering the obscene words and the very pornographic pictures on the box, just in case if anyone or thing was up at this hour. 
A foot of yours placed itself on the first steep stair before another followed. You started to make your way up the narrow stairwell while your eyes played a dangerous game, flickering to the path in front of your still tired feet and back at the box. 
soon enough you decided to just rely on the muscle memory of your legs, putting your trust in them to carry you up the stairs they must’ve walked a thousands times before. meanwhile your eyes settled back on the pictures on the box, specifically one of a girl with the muzzle firmly attached to her mouth. Her eyes were obstructed by the tip of your middle finger. It made you think of Ej and soon enough your cheeks were dusted with a light pink blush. 
The thought of Ej with a muzzle on broke your little head, shutting it down entirely while your legs still carried you, Those thoughts of yours ran like a wildfire, but you couldn’t really wrap your head fully around the fact that he agreed to it. You were sure that he would love it though, at least the dirty lil ideas that the picture was fueling did. 
him thrusting into you deeply, reaching into the spots you didn't even know you had. gods you were gonna cum. 
A loud smack of the box hitting the wall, soon followed by the dull thud your head made when it made contact with it. panic settled in pretty quickly and Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around the box, carrying it like a child plus now blocking the smutty words and pictures on it almost fully now, a couple of words like Slut and Fuck-Machine poked themselves through. you looked around cautiously as if someone would rise because of two small noises, or leave their rooms for that matter. 
Still you stood in place with the box pressed against your chest, your heart, it was throbbing against the cardboard. you swore that was louder than your previous head bang. You stayed there, shaking like a wet dog for at least three minutes. Thankfully no one poked their heads out of their room and into your business.
With a deep breath that was as shaky as your legs, you walked to the room that you and Eyeless-Jack shared, the box still against your chest when you opened the door, seeing your darling still asleep, his usual mask on the nightstand that was on your side of the bed. His body stretched across the bed sideways, limbs all sprawled out. His face deep into the pillows, and you saw the ribbon of the sleep mask he wore to bed always. 
You leaned against the door frame, making sure that the old house walls didn’t creak when you put your weight on it. Your nails slipped under one of the flaps, tearing a part of the top off and reaching into the box, grabbing the muzzle. 
You tossed the box into bin.
The muzzle dangled off of your index finger while you looked at the cozy cannibal. a part of you wanted to wake him up right this second, but no, you had to wait just a little while longer. Undoing your robe so it barely stayed on your frame, it exposing your bra and panties. Gods, you swore that you could feel your heart racing even though Ej was still laying there, snoozing peacefully. 
you pursed your lips to let a sharp wolf whistle sneak right past them. The sound made ej huffed a bit, thankfully he was a light sleeper. “Get up babes.”
Begrudgingly and with an audible groan, EJ got up. It took him a minute or two to fully get up, his back hunched and arms resting against his knees. “Im up. Im up. Im up!” he grumbled, his hand went to his face, patting around for the sleep mask. His brain was still dead-tired, his hands stumbling around before he finally grabbed it, pulling and then tossing it to whatever corner. Almost immediately his rough hands went to his face, rubbing the remaining sleep out of it, well trying to.
“Babe.. literally look at me please.”
He grunted a bit in response first, but soon he answered with a,  “I am I am..” His voice was gruff still gravelly with sleep. He lifted his head, deep purple bags settled in under his sockets soon covered up by a small dribble of ink. You knew that he still wasn’t looking at you instead past you to the hallway.  
“Like what you see?” 
Ej turned his view to your face, a small smile spread across his lips. “Im looking at you so of course.” Even when sleepy he was a dork, huh.
“Uh.. babe look lower.” You stifled a small giggled when his attention immediately turned to your breasts, the bra barely covering them. He was a bit slow whenever he woke up so you had to do most of the work, bringing the muzzle up to his gaze and well to cover your cleavage. 
“Oh..” He was at a lost for words but now you could feel his gaze undress you right where you stood. He leaned over and grabbed your arm. He could translate what he wanted with his actions better than he could with words and you both knew that. 
he tilted his head up to face yours, a grin pulled at his grey lips, his sharp teeth poking and some overlapping his bottom lip. He looked so handsome like this, your eyes taking in all of his pretty face before you stared into those deep voids in place of actual eyes. Still, you knew he could see you and see the growing heat that spread across your face. 
“You’re so pretty.” He had a peculiar look on his face. just looking at you you made the left corner of his face twitch ever so slightly. But that look had you curious: was it hunger? Need? His craving for you or something worse. Whatever it was it burned and it burned bright.
The blush that was worsening, how your robe was barely able to stay on your body, your smell, all of it was intoxicating. Oh gods, your smell.. He could smell everything on you, how much you needed him. It drove him wild, you drove him wild, it lighting a match in the pit of his belly and the need crawling up from it and into his veins.  
Despite how badly he wanted to ravage your body and take you right then and there, he carefully grabbed your chin, treating you like the finest of china and pulled your face closer to his and soon enough his lips enveloped yours. 
Kissing Ej was always an experience, his three tongues completely covered your tongue, surrounding it so you had no choice but to give in to him. A soft noise crawled out of your throat into the kiss and that only fueled Ej’s craving more, the fire burning even hotter, it felt like his veins were gonna burst but it wasn’t gonna make him rush, just yet.
One tongue of his wrapping around yours, and the others explored your mouth, claiming it as his own. you just had to sit there with muzzle in hand and take it but you werent complaining. His hands explored his body but as they naturally do, they went straight for your breasts, grabbing and squeezing them, taking greedy handfuls. Your bra holding on by the straps hanging down by your elbows now. 
His hands kneaded your breasts, your nipples hardening underneath his needy palms and the lace of your bra. It took all of the willpower in his body but he gently pulled away from the kiss, drool dripping off on the lead tongue. Ej stared up at you with the wicked grin and twitching corner of his lip. you could barely breathe now, your chest rising and falling, shimmying your bra down your torso, exposing them. Your eyes traveled down to the door once more and it took a second to realize that the drool was dripping off of his tongue was attached to yours. the trail snapped and the drool splashed on both of y’alls chest and soon apart of it traveled down to one of Ej’s hands. 
They squeezed your breasts harder, making rough purple shaped love marks on them. It made a mewl of moan come out of you. Another twitch of Ej’s lips, he squeezed you once more, wanting that sound again. Ej just did whatever first came to his mind, it was cloudy in there but one thing is that he wanted to fuck you and fuck you hard. You wanted it to, trembling hands of yours finally undid that pesky bra of yours that hung around your stomach, Ej didn’t waste any time, he leaned down and started to suck on your breasts, his tongues wrapping around your left nipple. 
He kept you in place by wrapping his large hands around your waist.
“Jack...” you moaned out his name in a shaky breath, your tongue didn’t dare to stumbled when moaning his actual name out. Ej growled in return, his heart racing, pounding against the skin of his neck. It threatened to burst when your fingers wrapped themselves up in his dark hair, still slightly curled from previous deep sleep. Another moan he pulled out of you while his tongues surround your breast, his black drool leaking out from the sides of his mouth, covering your entire chest with his saliva. Ej was so damn messy when it came to things like this but you fucking loved it 
He went to your other bud, leaving the cool air to stimulate the other. 
He kept you up with his hands that were still holding onto your waist, tightly. Good since those pesky legs of yours almost buckled while his mouth took in most of your breasts, the part of it that wasn’t being sucked on was still being explored by his tongues, leaving trails of saliva. His mouth was eager. Hell, he was eager to taste you like this, his lust growing with every single uneven breath you took. He became rougher with the whiny moans you made underneath his greedy mouth. He couldn’t help it. The taste of your skin tingled his tongue, he needed more. Hands of his pulled you closer to him, your breasts now smooshed against his face. 
A stinging pain enveloped your breast when his teeth easily broke your skin, they were made for eating kidneys after-all. with a sharp inhale that sounded more like a hiss, your face scrunched up. trying to deal with the pain as if it would pass. Ej only seemed to get more into it and with great effort you pulled on his bed-hair to get his head and mouth away from your aching breasts.
Ej was confused above all else and it showed on his face, his tongues hanging out of his mouth and dripping with his drool. It took him a second to see the blood run down from the tiny cuts his teeth made and onto your stomach. 
“Babe.. I.. I’m sorry.” He said, his voice wracked with nerves. his whole body filled with such an immense guilt. You knew he didn’t mean to. You knew he was sorry by the tremble in his voice. “I’m so sorry...” 
Gods, you felt your heart breaking, you knew he was so damn sincere. 
“Jack, im gonna be fine. it’s okay.” you assured him with a kind smile, his gaze never left your face, searching for a part of you that was mad. 
“But I.. I.” He stammered, he couldn’t think straight with the knowledge that he had made you bleed. You could tell that he was lost in his thoughts, every single one of them bad too. 
You dipped your fingers into the blood cascading down your breasts, collecting a small puddle of it on your fingers. He opened his mouth to spurt out another ‘Im sorry’ but instead you shoved those fingers deep into his mouths. His tongues instinctively surrounded your fingers, taking in every last drop of it. The taste was heavenly.
“I love you, ya dork.”
The worry finally left his body, you didn’t hate him. (Not that you could lol) He sucked on your fingers, giving you small growls: all were guttural. He enjoyed swiping each tongue through the two fingers even though he sucked the blood off clean as soon as you slide them into his mouth. 
Much to Ej’s dismay: you pulled your fingers out of his mouth slowly, making sure to soft pull at his bottom lip. The teasing nature of it all drew another growl from that pit in Ej belly. You lifted your fingers to your view, only to see that they were dripping with the same drool that your breasts were. A small giggle made your body shake and caught you off balanced, your left foot catching you but bumped into something cold. 
You looked down towards your foot and saw the muzzle on the ground. The same one you two been waiting months for, just forgotten about. Ej soon followed your eyes to the muzzle, he grunted a bit when he first saw it and strangely enough your chest mimicked him. 
“My mouth was that good huh? knocked the memory outta you?” He teased, You could feel his attention turned to your ass and you were right by his hans travelling lower when you decided to pick it up. He promised that he would try this out once and you were gonna make it count.
“You also forgot, smart-ass.” You teased him right back, holding the muzzle with both hands, presenting to him almost. Well, you be damned he looked almost shy when he saw that you were sticking to your guns. Was that a faint blush to grace his grey cheeks. 
He was at a lost for words for once. 
“Well.. gimmie that handsome little face babes.” You laughed, slightly getting off on the power you had over him in this moment. full on basking in his submission for the time being. Knowing Ej, you knew you wouldn’t have it for long.
Ej was a man of his word: He leaned his head to you, right into of both of your hands. The drool that hadn’t had a chance to dry yet was still hanging off of his chin and slid down his neck. You ignored it as you fixed the muzzle onto his mouth and jaw comfortably before pressing his face into your breast to tighten up the straps. You jumped when you felt the warmth of his tongues licking the spot between your breasts, of course he had to, you tasted so damn good. 
before he could get to carried away, you had to pull his head back by the straps of the muzzle, to made him look at you. The look of confusion was on his face once again, his tongues hanged out of his mouth, wanting the taste of your skin and also drenching the metal bars in drool.
He looked so handsome like this, wishing that you had a camera to show him just how pretty he was right this second. He looked up at you, all the while the saliva dripping on his lap. He looked like a rabid animal, ready to demolish you. 
“Closer.” His voice was rough, it scraped out oh his throat. His fingers dug into the flesh of your waist, squeezing your sides. “I fucking need you.” 
In a flash you were against the bedroom floor, the cheap carpet scratched up your back, making little itchy red indents. Ej hovered over you, the same rabid look fixed on his face. his lips placed in a snarl with more drool pushing past his teeth. He carved you and you could feel it grow with every drop of his black drool that splashed on your lips. 
“Give me your cunt.”
He kept on watching your face. Every little movement of yours made the corner of his lip twitched even more. His sharp teeth shined as he fully grinned down at you while watching the dark red blush fully overtook your face. 
“Ej, It’s yours.” You manged to stuttered out, the words clunking off of your tongues and into his ears. That grin of his widened, he looked cocky almost. One of his rough hands stumbled it’s way up your inner thighs and shoved itself into your panties. The muscles in your thighs tightened around his arm. 
“Give me your cunt.” He barked the order out and soon your legs spread wide open for him, you didn’t notice that you did at first until you felt the calloused pad of his fingers pressed against your slit. Another growl erupted out of him, feeling you need for him drip on his two fingers. 
a sharp inhale filled your lungs as your lips part out for a soft, “Fffuuck.”
The moan was everything but soft though, it was clunky as if you were sounding out each word of it. It only drew out another deep growl from him, he needed to hear it once more. He need to keep hearing that clumsy moan of yours. He rubbed your opening for a second, he loved how wet you were just by seeing him with this muzzle on. Soft mewls and you started bucking your hips against him, you wanted him so damn bad. 
“You want my fingers to fill up your cunt.” He grunted, dipping the tips of his fingers into you. “Huh?” 
To flustered to talk, all you could do was just nod: your head bobbing up and down quickly, making a few stray hairs stick to your hot face. The sight of you, wordlessly pleading was enough for him to shove his fingers into you, filling your pussy to the hilt. 
“Good pet.”
The way your legs twitched and tightened around his sides. the look of absolute bliss that twist itself on your face, the moans leaving your mouth. he pressed his fingers deeper into that spot, making your walls tightened and twitched. sucking his fingers in even deeper if that was possible. 
“aah- ughh, gods-” barely able to fumble out a clear sentence out. Now since he started pumping them into that spongey spot, you swore that you saw white, eyes fluttering every-time he pressed into it. Gods, he fucking loved it. It made him drool even more, his tongues reaching out of his mouth and the tips went through the bars. 
the drool splashed onto your face while he fucked you with your fingers, his body moving with his hands, mimicking how he would usually fucked you. the carpet scratched up your back, his fingers curled right into your spot and it made your mouth open wide. That little pink tongue of yours peered through and it drove him wild,  seeing his drool drop and fill your mouth. 
He leaned down closer to your face, wanting to feel your tongue on his so bad. the tips of his tongues swallowed your, despite how hard he was fucking his fingers into you, he was gentle when it came to this: not wanting to bump your teeth on the metal. He got the job done since two of his tongues could reach through the bars easily, to surround your pretty pink one with the taste of his. 
everything was so damn overwhelming and it slowly tied the knot in the pit of your belly. It already threatened to snap, it shaking, every-time he pressed deep into you, the slight taste of iron on his tongue, him fucking you with all that he’s worth. The twitch and the pull of your walls on your fingers. He could tell that your were close, gods, he could taste how close you were. He lifted his head up from your mouth just to look at you, he slowed his thrusts, wanting to fully rip a pathetic plead from you
“Beg.” he grunted out, slowly his thrusts to a complete stop. 
confusion fixed itself and stuck onto your face, brows were furrowed and your lips were twitching and still tasted of him. He hated your silence, curling his fingers and hitting that spot again, to show how easy it was for him to make you cum but he wouldn’t do it. he refused. Another moan shook itself out of your throat but tapped your g-spot once more. Aside from the occasional presses to your spot, you were scooting off of the edge quickly, the knot untying itself. Easily, desperation settled in. 
He laughed at the fact he could tell that you wanted it, “Beg.”
The crazed look was intense and it showed itself on his lips, twitching like mad. He meant business as now he fully stopped thrusting his fingers, daring to pull them out completely. 
“Oh god, please fuck.. i wanna cum so bad Ej.” your voice was breath, shaky in some bits especially since he slowly starting to pull them out. Gods, you needed this.  “I wanna cum so bad I can taste it please.”
It added to the fire that took it’s place in his veins, he was gonna make you gush all over him. You stared up at his face, watching an even wider grin spread his lips, his teeth fully out now. He pulled his hand out of you and your panties. Before you could whine out a valid complaint, he leaned over, filling your mouth with the drool that pushed through his teeth and he made you swallowed it, holding your face. 
“I wanna make you cum with my cock, pet.” He growled, it fully rumbled out of his chest. He was stern and direct. You swallowed his saliva, feeling it travel down your throat and into your belly, right next to the untied knot. All you could do was nod, looking up at him. 
He might’ve been wearing the muzzle but he was the one in control. 
Soon he flipped you over onto your stomach, showing off the red itchy marks that littered your back now. You lifted your ass up, pressing it against his throbbing erection but your upper half stayed on the ground and he made sure of it by placing a hand on his back. snuggling it right in-between your shoulder blades. With one free hand he pulled his cock out of his boxers and then pulled your panties down to your thighs. 
He didn’t shove it inside you yet, placing the shaft right onto your slit. A frustrated huff rumbled out of you, from the occasional throb on your clit, there wasn't much stimulation and it drove you crazy, and he knew it as well. 
“Ej.. Fuck I need you inside me so damn bad.” You pleaded pathetically before he could ask you too. Another throb from his cock went into your clit. He liked it, the tone of your voice and the small whine the uttered from you shortly after. 
“Good little mate.”
A low moan shook your entire body as he stuffed his full cock into you, already pressed right against your cervix. Ej also moaned, his body leaning over your body, putting more of his body weight onto you. The way your pussy was squeezing and clamping onto his cock was divine. His cock pulsed against your g-spot. 
He hunched over you even more, placing a hand right next to your head to keep balance. Ej was taking in deep breath as if he was preparing for something. “tight... you’re so damn fucking tight.” He thrusted into you after seemingly hissing out the last tight.
Both of you moaned loud, but only your body trembled.
It didn’t take him much to start pumping into his fat cock into you hard. He couldn’t wait anymore. Fuck, you couldn’t wait anymore. With his generous size, he easily bottomed you out with each thrusts. A wet clap could be heard when your bodies made contact. 
You were goddamn right, he reached spots you didn’t even know. You fucked yourself back against it, or well tried to since his hand did a good job at keeping you put. His body weight pushing you into the same carpet that scratched up your back, real good. 
“Ahh-!! fuck fuck fuck! J...ack!” You didn’t bother being quiet, not anymore. Anyone would be damned if they walked on you two, or if they just walked past the open bedroom door. They would have a rather nice show with you being fucked into the carpet with a rabid looking Ej hovering over you, rutting into you hard. There wasn’t any stopping you two, especially now since the knot found the loose ends and now tying itself up once more, already threatening to snap.  
Something deep in Ej already snapped, maybe it was when he started to fuck into you. maybe it was when you slid the metal cage on his jaw. He was a muttering fool, fucking into you. He found that little spot in you so easy, his cock slid right past it and just tapped onto your cervix.
Gods, you were so full of his cock and you loved it. 
He grunted and growled, anything that came out of his throat was animalistic. he fucked himself into you, battering against your womb. He loved the smell of your needy cunt mixed in with the salt of your sweat. He could feel that you were going to cum, your pussy was aching and pleading to do so. “Cum... cum cum..” He barked the order out, his brain stuttering on the word since it was so wired on feeling you just gush all over him. he craved it so much, tasting it in-between the spaces of his teeth.
“nnnngggh~ ahh ej ej... jack! Jack!” you moaned into the carpet that he was fucking you into. that was all you could do, was take the rough treatment that you’ve been craving all of this time, ever since you woke up this morning at 5.  
“Cum Cum Cum Cum!” he growled, his voice was something you never heard before, rough like gravel but sensual as a jazz singer. He was rutting into you harder, making you see whatever gods you prayed to every-time he bottomed out. 
“Gods, dont make me ask you again!” He barked the order out, saliva flinging  past his clenched razor like teeth, the black drool landed above where his hand were, all of it collecting into a small puddle.
Your moans were loud and muffled, the side of your face pressed deep into the carpet. Feeling the cheap material, making the same red itchy indents that was on your back. Any moment you felt like you were going to come undone under-neath of this man, and soon: you just did, gushing all over him and yourself while you saw the heavens. Every muscle in your body tensed up while Ej kept rocking his hips into your pussy, not letting up the speed one bit.
The screamed that erupted out of your throat made Ej hunched over you even more now, giving you one final big thrust before flooding your twitching walls with cum. A hearty groan filled you ears as he made subtle thrusts, making sure you milked his cock completely. 
“Fuck.” He breathed out, taking his hand off of your back and moving it onto the ground on the other side of your head. It didn’t take him long to start pumping back into your tightening cunt, pressing his cum deeper into your hungry hole. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” You were a stuttering mess, brain going haywire from being fucked like a wild animal, resembling how he was talking eariler. Ej’s response was rutting into you more, pounding your aching cunt that exactly never came off of the high of cumming. He didn’t let up at all: his pelvis making a wet clap when it made contact with your ass. 
With how hard he was jamming his cock into you: reminded you of how he gets during his winter-time heats, well it would’ve if it wasn’t for Ej fucking all of the thoughts out of your little head, turning it to mush. All you could do was take his hard like a good little mate. The juices from your pussy leaked down your thighs and onto panties that were still around them, making a mess of yourself and him.
That scream you did earlier set your vocal cords on fire, and the moans Jack was fucking out of you scratched it up more. Now, you were uttering pathetic noises which pleased Ej’s ears,  through the meek noises, you just hear Ej muttering like crazy: “baby... baby.. put a... put a baby.. breed... breed you.. breed you good.” 
every intense syllable he spat out made more drool which sprayed all over the back of your neck, feeling some splashed in your hair as well. His teeth was clenched, resembling a pained grin while his cock jammed itself against your room. How he dug his nails into the carpet, pulling it up in some parts, you knew he meant what he said. At least, whatever he was muttering made you feel as if he was breeding you right here and now. 
little did you know, that he was. 
The scratches in your throat burned bright, but you grunted out a, “Cum.. Im cumming.”, you sounded animalistic yourself, feeling off into the deep end of lust. nothing mattered except getting your high with the man that was breeding you like a bitch. He deliberately aimed his thrusts into g-spot and you screamed again, this time squirting all over him and yourself.  
With a sight like that, he pumped another load into your hungry cunt. You felt a deep shudder ran through his body while a groan that sounded more like a howl ripped out of his lungs. It didn’t stop him from pumping into you despite how sensitive you both were now, he wanted another gush from you. He was still muttering about putting a baby in you: that thought never leaving his and the seemingly crazes whispers of it never left your ears. you were so into it though. maybe it was how desperate you were to cum again or how the mentions of you getting pregnant made his cock pulse just right.
with every promise he made you: 
“Make you a mama.” 
“You’re going to carry my child.” 
“Fuck, you’re gonna be pregnant.”
He bottomed out in you, making some of his cum leak out of his pussy and adding to the mess that was your thighs. You gave him another orgasm, instead of a scream, it resemble the howls of a wounded animal, fully lost in this whole experience. The feeling of more juices splashed onto him was enough for him to fuck another load into your over-stimulated pussy. He howled as well, it mixing with yours nicely. 
Ej seemingly collapsed his upper half onto your back, putting his full body weight onto you. The metal of the saliva covered muzzle met the hot skin on your back when he laid his head down.
He was tired and you were exhausted, thighs numb from his relentless pounding. Although you two basically fucked the energy out of each other, it didn’t stop his hips from giving you slow but deep thrusts. a small hiss left your mouth, your pussy was sore and sensitive. It felt like Ej knew that as well, slowing down so he could still fuck you without wearing you out to much.  
“Babe.” He whispered against the sweat of your skin, the only clear sentence he spoke for these last two hours that wasn't about putting a baby in you.  
He pushed deeper, his cock gliding past every sweet spot you had but still you manged to respond, “Ye... yea?” 
“I love you.” 
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𝙶𝚘𝚍𝚜, 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚕! 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!! 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚢𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚜 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚋 𝚙𝚕𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚜
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zmayadw · 4 years ago
Hello again :)
Heres a second part of my fanfic, as i said in previous post that i will add one or two. I know the begining might be a bit long and boring, but i decided my other two favorite Duskwood characters deserve some love ,too. :)
 Thanks to all who took their time to read it!
Next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital. The bright light from the window made me squint my eyes, and my head throbbed as hell. „Arghh, too bright.“ I mumbled, as a cheerfull voice next to me responded  „Well finaly, I was begining to worry you would never wake up! You know, you're taking those beautysleep advices too seriously.“ My eyes ajusted to the light, and I was looking at that cheerful, loving face, the face I knew oh so well. „Hmm, considering all, an extra hour or so of beautysleep is so allowed for me.“  I said, my voice hoarse a bit. She snorted „Make that 'an extra day or so'! You slept for almost three days!“ she said, walkig towards my bed and hugging me carefully. It felt good, just knowing she was there. She pulled away from me, her face serious.  “What wer you thinking?“ „ I'm sorry Jessy, so, so sorry.“  I said, tears swelling behind my eyes. „ I know what I did was stupid, but belive me, I really tought I was doing the right thing.“ „The 'right thing' almost got you killed Maya!“ she yelled at me, wich made me realize just how much she was worried about me. I burried my face in my hands, tears falling down „Please Jessy, dont be mad at me, I feel awfull as it is already. I realize my actions wer wrong, but I cant undo any of it now. And God knows im more then happy to be alive, and Hannah too! And I know my „sorry“ might not be enough this time, but I reall am sorry Jessy, you cant imagine how much. But please, please, you have to forgive me, I couldnt stand if I loose you!“ I couldnt force myself to look at her, I was so scared she would just get up and leave. And who could blame her, really, after all I did, she would have every right to do so. Suddenly, my hands wer slowely being moved from my face, and i opened my eyes  to see hers holding mine. I lifted my head, and our eyes met. Hers wer now also full of tears. She hugged me so fiercly, and even if everything still hurted me like hell, I was so reliefed and hugged her back tightly as I could. „Ofcourse I forgive you, Maya. I was so damn worried and scared that I will loose you!“ I was releifed to hear her say it, I hugged her even tighter, saying through my tears „I'm sorry Jessy.“ She held me like that for a while, and then pulled slowly back. „I'm glad you're ok Maya.“ She said, smile coming back to that pretty face. „Look at us! Bawling here like little kids.“ That made me chuckle, and i said whiping my tears  „Huh, I never tought our fist time meeting would be with me in the hospital. But, hey, im not picky, i'm just glad I finaly had a chance to hug you.“  „I dont think anyone imagined this to be the place of your first meeting us. You do realize others will want to come and see you? Dan already wanted to come with me, he was mumbling something about how he owes you a whiskey. But i gave him such a stern look, he just kissed me goodby and said to say 'hi' from him and ran away from me.“ The tought of Dan being scared of Jessy made me laugh so hard, i got a little dizzy from the pain. Jessy noticed me vincing, quickly saying „But that can wait, you need to rest more first. It's not like you're going anywhere anytime soon!“ She looked at me all serious, and i understood why Dan acted like he did. „Dont worry, Jessy, I wont try to break out of hospital.“ I said with a grin on my face. „A bit of r'n'r is definatly what I need now.“ „Good! And since i'm clearly your favorite person from our little clique, you wont get rid of me that easy while  in here.“ She said cheerfully. „Thanks, Jessy. I mean it, Im really glad you're here with me.“ „Me too, Maya, me too.“ She stayed with me that whole afternoon, and I was happy about it. We talked about everything we could think of: how we gonna take that walk arround Duskwood together, having coffee at the Rainbow caffee, going to Aurora for drinks. Jessy was so full of life, and managed to stay so positive through all of this mess. She told me that police gave her my stuff and my phone, and will bring me what i need. It wasnt so important, but i could really use my phone.  It was like Jessy could read my mind, and she looked at me with simpathy „Did Jake contacted you?“  There was a knot in my stomack when she asked, because I knew I wasnt out in the clear with what I did with everyone just jet. „I dont know, Jessy,  I guess i'll find out when I get my phone. But im sure Lily told him all about it by now, and to be honest, it's the one conversation i'm scared of having at the moment.“ „I'm sure it will be fine.“ „I really hope so, Jessy. I really care so much for him. I dont know for sure what he feels, and it doesnt really matter, I just cant stand the tought of him being mad at me. Or not talking to me anymore...I got so used of having him arround, even just virtualy..i dont know Jessy, i cant explain it... i just need him in my life. Does this make any sense to you?“  She looked at me, with care and a hint of worry showing on her face „Yes Maya, it makes perfect sense.“ We talked for a while more. She looked at the clok on the wall and jumped „Oh, yay I gotta go, forgot Im meeting Dan! He made me promise to meet later, since I didnt let him come with me here.“ „Heh, better go then, I dont want Dan blaming me AGAIN for getting stud up by you. Or he might not buy me that whiskey he promised, an to be honest I could really use it now.“ I sad smiling at her. „Ohh no, you two are gonna be a pain in the butt when you meet, arent you?“ she groaned, but a smile was written all over her face. „Dont worry, i'll behave..as much as possible. As for Dan, im sure if you join us and give him some of your 'scarry' looks, he'll behave too.“  She bursted out laughing. „Oh, cant wait for it! I'll go grab your phone  real quick, and then im off.“ She ran for the door, stoped, turned arround giving me one more of her beautiful smiles „I'm really glad you're ok Maya.“ I smiled back,“ Me too Jessy, me too.“ She came back with my phone, plugged it to charge next to my bed hugging me quickly before leaving.
It was almost dark outside, and the room was so quiet since Jessy left. There wasnt much comotion in the hospital, and I appriciated it actualy, some peace after all the mess was a nice change. I stared at the window for a while, just enjoyeing the sceene of the sun setting down, the sky taking that purpleish-blue color. I was actually delaying the moment of turning my phone on, because I was scared. A the same time I hoped Jake would contact me, but then I was also scared of talking to him. Its been three days since the incident, and im sure Jake found out everything by now, so maybe he vented some of the anger off in the mean time. Ah, c'mon Maya, dont be a sissy! – i tought to myself – You stared death in the face, and showed it the middle finger, and you're scared of that thing? I took a deep breath, took my phone from the stand, and turned it on. It felt like forever for it to turn when i punched my code, and when it finaly did, i left it aside. The beeping of new messages, missed calls, new emails and all was the only sound spreading through the room. And with every beep my stomach reacted a bit, thinking if any of those beeps belongs to Jakes. I got so lost in my toughts, that a voice snaped me back, startling me a bit. A nurse smiled „Sorry hun, i didnt want to fright you. Just came to chek up on you, ask if you need anyhting and to give you some pain meds.“ She winked at me „It's the good stuff, will help you sleep better.“ „Thank you, mam, im good.“ I smiled back at her, and quickly glanced at my phone - 44 missed calls, 24 messages, 17 emails. That will be some time killing stuff. The nurse was done, she waved at me wishing me good night, saying to feel free calling her if I needed anything. I thanked her again as she left the room. I took my phone, my hand shakeing. I checked 'missed calls' first, and tho i didnt expect it, was a bit dissapointed Jake wasnt among one of them. I opened the messages, and Jessy's message was on top. „Sending you hugs&kisses!“ it was written under the picture of her and Dan, grining with their glasses raised. It made me smile, and i texted her back „Hehe, Dan must be happy you actualy came this time! xD Have fun you two, cant wait to join you. Hugs&kisses“ I checked other messages, and my hearth squeezed a bit when i saw he didnt texted either. I didnt feel like replaying to any at the moment, settling the phone back on the stand. I switched off the light above the bed, turned on the side, staring at now complete darkness throught the window. One tear rolled down my cheek as i closed my eyes, hoping sleep will come soon.
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oldserah · 5 years ago
Ultimate Ship Meme
“Your All that's left, But I Cannot not Love thee”
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Eden Genesis Rook ✂❤ Joseph Seed
[this is late/rushed as im still unpacking stuff into my uni accommodation]
Tagged by @clutch-wept​    [thank youuu]
Tagging: whomever wishes
Rate the Ship:
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last?
Long time most likely even if they took breaks, they would be the couple that would stay together even if they hated each other 
How quickly did/will they fall in love?
It was slow and happened over time from back when they first met and Resparked when they met again and through out the game, its an underlying thing that they dont really admit to [?]
How was their first kiss?
It was Slow an unexpected, a kiss and walk away situation
Note: In the Canon Fc5 Timeline they dont really get married, its just a spoken commitment to one another.
Who proposed?
Joseph did, Genesis had been married to many times that she started giving up on the idea of it and was settleing for realtionships she belived would inevitably end
Who is the best man/men?
Jacob, He’s the oldest brother
Who is the bride’s maid(s)?
Gen Most likely would of had her siblings / daughter be a brides maid with a friend or two like Kim. Joseph may of asked her to allow faith to be one aswell.
Who did the most planning?
Joseph primarily with Faith and her sister Joyce aiding him
Who stressed the most?
Genesis, she started to get cold feet as marriage just never worked for her and guilt as Joseph was her best friends husband before she died.
How fancy was the ceremony?
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. 
[Joseph and Gen would of made it pretty but more simple, alas others thought a bit differently]
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding?
less of who wasnt invited and more of who may not of accepted, which would likley be members of the resistance [i havent thought about this sooooo i dunno]
Who is on top?
Gen preffers to be on top more often than being on the bottom but they switch it up
Who is the one to instigate things?
they are both good at initiating, but Joseph sometimes more likely
How healthy is their sex life?
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they?
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head [Joseph may be more Missionary than most, but Genesis sure isnt]
How long do they normally last?
Varies, short in quickies, but normally long sessions.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms?
Joseph is a Pleaser so their less Equality 
How rough are they in bed?
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. 
[they have their Rougher Moments and then the more Slower Romantic moments]
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do?
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
[Joseph can be touchy in public but Gen like minimal pda unless she starts it]
How many children will they have naturally?
they have 7 in fcnd soo, 7
How many children will they adopt?
Dependant, Gen Technically Adopts Ethan [and its still being decided if all of the 7 are biological or adopted]
Who gets stuck with the most diapers?
Equal, Gen has always been more motherly as she basically took care of her siblings and she had kids young, but Joseph is touchy feely so he wants to equally take care of the kids, but if Gen knows about what he did to his kid she is Paranoid and hovers / doesnt allow him or anyone in the cult near or alone with the first kid.
Who is the stricter parent?
Both ish, situational
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school?
Gen as she’s typically taking care of the kids when Joseph is absent [unless shes working if shes still working]
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)?
Joseph as he makes meals more
Who is the more loved parent?
Genesis Because she stayed/around [que fcnd abandoment issues]
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?
They attempt to Attend together more than not, if not Joseph
Who cried the most at graduation?
The other Parents
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law?
Who does the most cooking?
Who is the most picky in their food choice?
Neither try to be picky, but they have their prefernces
Who does the grocery shopping?
The Cult loves to serve the Father, Gen will go get her own stuff when she has time
How often do they bake desserts?
Gen cannot bake to save her life, Joseph will when he has time to.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater?
They eat both, but Gen is More a Meat Lover than Joseph
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner?
Who is more likely to suggest going out?
Gen because its  a treat and while she can cook its not her fav thing to do.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking?
Joseph if he gets Distracted by the Voice or something.
Who cleans the room?
The House is Generally Clean to begin with, the cult may clean the rest of the house [which Gen hate] so she has a rule of noone is allowed in the personal spaces like bedroom. Normally its the last out of the room will clean it if its messy.
Who is really against chores?
Neither they like a clean house.
Who cleans up after the pets?
Gen more typically as she belives that if your gonna get a pet they you are responsible for clean up after it, that and she knows how to take care and handle a snake where as joseph really doesnt.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug?
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over?
Both to a Degree, Gen is normally more lack about it but wants things to look clean but like its a home, Joseph has an image to maintane so he wants to to look good with Guest. Their Calm Stresser’s.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning?
A Lucky Cultist
Who takes the longer showers/baths?
Gen Takes Quick Showers, Joseph takes longer baths. 
Who takes the dog out for a walk?
Gen will, specially when shes going for a run.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays?
Gen will Decorate if she has Family coming over or Kids, But Joseph wants to spend them with his family so he likes to gather them all to do it for memories, Gen tends to sit out during this.
What are their goals for the relationship?
Joseph wants to save Everyone and build a family, for him Gen is a Person who is lost but is a good mother from experience. He Belives he could save her despite all her wrongs.
Gen is just looking for an Equal who will accept her for all she is and for all her faults and failings. She’s not perfect and her past hasnt been the best, but deep down she wants a home for her where she feels safe.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon?
Joseph if hes been up all night writing or talking to the voice. Gen if shes been out all night, but they tend to be early risers.
Who plays the most pranks?
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thotsforvillainrights · 5 years ago
~Perfect Birthday~
Au: Kaishi
Part: twelve
Theme: Fluff? Comedy? Who knows lol
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(These 2 are going on an adventure)
"Buttercream? No that wont do. Vanilla with a touch of banana or Strawberry? Shoot! What about...hmmm...." You focused on the ingredients so hard that you were developing a light headache. Meanwhile, your husband sat across from you at the kitchen table, scrolling through his laptop for themes and present ideas. "Y/N, just settle on chocolate and call it a day." Kai announced while his eyes hovered on a Circus theme. He shuddered lightly at the thought of animals being involved. 'Absolutely not' he thought to himself. You sighed and put the ingredients list down. "I cant settle on Chocolate. I'm worried that someone might have an allergy to it. I'm also so worried about the vegan adults that might be here. What about the picky eaters too? Kai, I feel like I'm going insane right now." You gripped the sides of the chair you sat on. He peeked up at you and notices your incoming distress. He sighed and stood up to move behind you. He softly gripped each of your shoulders and began to give you an impromptu massage. "Stop worrying so much about it so much, Angel. Just do chocolate cake since its the brat's favorite flavor. We can go with a vegan cupcake option that should be safe for the people with chocolate allergies as well. As for the others, there will be other food and even beverage options. You're working so hard for people I dont even care about. This is all for my son and no one else but him. His happiness is my only concern."
You sighed and reached up to place a hand on your husband before turning to smile sweetly at him. "Kai, you're being sweet today." You teased him and he scoffed. "Anyway, I know you only want to focus on Kaishi but having other kids here for the first time, other than Ishida, is like his dream come true. It took me a lot of time to get on the parents good sides. It took a lot of time for them to want to bring other kids around Kaishi because if the yakuza affiliations. Had it not been for the fact that you've began working into charity for the city, I dont think anyone would've given us a chance. Bow we have parent friends, and now Kaishi has a chance for an amazing birthday this year. Let's not mess this up, okay? That means NO EXCESSIVE GERMAPHOBIA, and NO ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR okay?" You drilled it home at the end. He sighed in annoyance. "Ugh fine. I'll try to conversate with the other scum as if they never insulted the yakuza before. You had better be lucky I appreciate you and Kaishi at this point or this wouldn't be happening." Kai complained before pulling his medical mask down and kissing you lightly on your lips. "You two are being icky again. I'm going to tell Grandpa on you guys." Kaishi's voice brought you two back to reality. "Oh hush, and mind your business." Kai said as he ruffled his son's short hair playfully. Kaishi giggled and swatted the gloved hand away. He took a seat at the kitchen table next to Kai's laptop and peeked over to see what was on the screen. While you went to fix him some oatmeal, his father bolted to the seat and slapped the laptop closed. "No peeking. Havent you any manners?" Kai fussed lightly while Kaishi smiled. "Its okay daddy, I already know you two are planning my birthday for tomorrow." The boy said proudly. "That may be so, but it doesnt mean we cant at least surprise you with the decorations and food." Kai explained. You placed breakfast in front of Kaishi and sat down with your boys. Pops had just entered the kitchen at this point. "Family breakfast? Dont mind if I do." He smiled and took a seat next to you. "Grandpa, what will you give me for my birthday?" Kaishi asked excitedly. Kai flicked his cheek. "Dont be rude brat, respect your elders." He scolded him as Pops laughed. "Oh calm down, Chisaki my boy. My grandson is very calm at this age compared to how you used to act." Pops said with a smirk as you laughed and Kai blushed lightly with embarrassment. "Anyway, my Grandchild your gift will have to remain a surprise until tomorrow." Pops winked and Kaishi groaned. "Aw man. Well, mom/dad? What will you get me?" He turned to look at you in anticipation. You put a finger to your chin to think for a second. Then you snapped and made an 'Ah-Ha' expression. "I'm going to get you a fancy suit! Maybe I'll get some toys too. Just maybe, you'll have to wait and see." You teased him and he smiled. "Daddy, what about you?" He looked at Kai for an answer. "Just like Pops said, it will be a surprise. However, I'll take the time now to ask you what you want as a gift from all of us. It'll serve separately from the gifts we'll get you so dont worry." Kai watched his son expectantly as Kaishi searched his little mind. Seconds later he piped up excitedly:
"SMOOGLY!!!" He shouted happily and raised his arms dramatically in the air. You and Pops laughed while Kai tilted his head in confusion. "Smoo-what? Are you well? Are you speaking in tongues???" Kaishi giggled at his father's confusion. You turned towards Kai to explain. "Kai, Smoogly is a character from Kaishi's favorite show. He's this giant lollipop that dances and sings. Yknow, kids love that stuff." Kai stared at you for a second before nodding. Then he turned his attention back to Kaishi eating breakfast finally. "Alright then, you want Smoogly then that's what you'll get." After breakfast, Kaishi went to call Ishida on the phone. You monitored in awe, gushing as your baby talked to his little crush over the phone. The two were fast friends, and she was the first/only child in the class to accept and support Kaishi to the fullest degree. Meanwhile, Pops went to the backyard to water the flowers and feed the Koi in the pond. Kai headed out to the car to call Kurono/pick him up. "Chrono, I know I've given you the off day but I need a favor." Kai spoke on the car wireless phone while he drove. "Yeah man, what's up?" Hari answered from the other side. He was currently face deep in a 3rd bag of chips as he reclined on his sofa. "The brat's birthday is tomorrow and it's his first big one with other parents and children expected to be there. He wants some actor there to perform or something. Some thing called Smogie or Smothly or something like that."
"OHHHHH!!!! You're talking about Smoogly!" Hari shouted excitedly, his voice boomed over the car speakers. "Yeah whatever that mess is. Anyway, help me track him down and I'll give you tomorrow off to repay you from today. You can also have some leftover cake." Kai offered him. "Bet!" Kurono answered shortly before hanging up and getting ready. In moments Kai was at his door to retrieve him. The two men drove around for a bit while Kurono did some searching online. Lucky for him, it wasn't that hard to find Smoogly's booking information. "Found it, Kai. It says here that we can email and make a down payment, or call the home offices for a response in about...14 days." Kai almost slammed on the breaks. "14 days??? No that's not possible for a booking that could be denied. My Kaishi's birthday is tomorrow. We need to get this Smoogly there as soon as possible." He felt a bit of panic set in. Kai would never forgive himself if he couldn't get his son's biggest wish for his birthday. "Hey man chill. We'll just go to his office and speak to him directly. I mean, we've got a little pull when it comes to money. Also, we're yakuza so..."
"I know what you're thinking Chrono, and the answer is no. We cant push too many buttons or we'll end up leaving the gray area in which we operate in. I cant afford to get arrested on Kaishi's birthday." Hari rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Whatever man. Just take a left onto the main freeway and we should reach the exit in like 30 minutes. After that, we just follow the main road for 4 more minutes, take a right at the stop light, and turn off the Broadway drive. Smoogly's office should be right between a steak restaurant and a car dealership." Hari explained the directions. Kai nodded and the two were on their way. Once they made it to the offices, they took a number and sat in the waiting room. The wait wasnt uncomfortable to Kai...it was the old man across from them that kept coughing that made him uncomfortable. He felt hives pop up on his arms. Luckily the two were called before he went insane! Only minutes later they were standing before a chubby man smoking a cigarette behind a desk. He had dark hair, and was balding right in the middle of his head. His skin was just a step away from being super pale (no doubt because he had the costume on a lot) His noticable feature was the large mole on his cheek. He was clearly a foreigner from some city somewhere, thanks to his accent.
(!!!Reader, think about Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!!)
"Alright, what can I do for you two men? Wait a minute, you two are the tax guys right?"
"Uhhh, no. No we're here to inquire about an opening to hire you? The pay will of course be-"
"Yeah yeah yeah. Pay doubled blah blah. I've heard this a million times before. I get bastards like you that come in here every single day asking to pay extra just so I can come to your event. The moms are even worse since they also think they're entitled to my services." The chubby man interrupted Kai. "Please. It's my son's birthday. You see, this birthday is special because he's never had-"
"Pshhh...yeah buster, you're kid is special. Just like everyone else that's come in here before you to say the same thing. Bottom line is that I ain't doing it. If you want my services than file through email or take it up with the front desk. Deposits non-refundable if you get denied. Have a nice day." He put out the cigarette and picked up a rather inappropriate nude magazine. Kai looked at Chrono and sighed as if to say Hari can take over. Hari smiled darkly and went to approach the desk. The chubby man hadn't looked up from the magazine as he spoke. "Look man, I said piss off. What, you didnt get the picture the first time or-" he immediately froze and turned his attention to Hari when he heard the click of the gun. When he turned, he was staring down the glock.
Hari spoke up darkly. "Hey buddy, I'm a changed man but that doesn't mean shit is sweet. I've killed a dozen people before and I'm not afraid to go to prison. Either you do my nephews birthday party tomorrow, or we wear your face on a memorial T-Shirt. Fuck is it gonna be? Eh???" The man gulped and shakily reached his finger out to the voice machine on his desk. "Deborah cancel all my appointments tomorrow, I've got a birthday to go do." Hari and Kai smiled when they heard the voice reply 'Right away, sir.' They bid the man goodbye and left the office. The next day, Kaishi rushed to the backyard after taking a quick shower and getting ready. It was decorated beautifully with bounce houses, a splash area, party games, an extensive food/present table, swings, slides, etc. Most importantly, the parents actually showed up with their kids. Kaishi almost cried tears of happiness when he finally had friends to play with. Meanwhile, you and Pops chatted with the other parents until Smoogly arrived to perform. The kids absolutely loved every bit! Every once in a while, the Lollipop turned to look at Kurono standing in the corner, smirking menacingly and daring him to slip up just once. Smoogly quickly turned around and kept performing. At the end of his shift, he was paid extra just as Kai promised, and Kaishi got to take a picture with him. Finally it came time for presents. Kaishi was happy to receive so many gifts, but he was more eager to get his gifts from you, Kai, and Pops (even Hari got him a secret gift at the last minute). Kaishi smiled at the wooden box Pops had given him. When he opened it, it revealed a small pin on a soft cushion. It was shiny and brand new. It was the symbol of the Hassaikai, the infamous flower design. "My grandson, when your father was younger I had given him this very same gift. Please be sure to take good care of it." He gently placed a hand on Kaishi's head. The boy nodded excitedly and passed the box for you to hold while he opened up the remaining gifts. It was a surprise jacket from you to him. It was just a smaller version of Kai's jacket! Plus that suit you promised, and a few other Smoogly themed toys as well. From Hari, he recieved a new helmet for his new bike. Finally from Kai he received a matching mask. With the suit and the jacket, he was the matching embodiment of his very on father (aside from inheriting some of your skin tone depending on your color, my dear reader).
This was truly the perfect birthday.
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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lostinthelightss · 5 years ago
literal chaos fire (ch.5)
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amazing banner by @downn-in-flames​ / down-in-flames@FFT
find it elsewhere: fft | ao3 | ff.net | hpff learn more: chaos universe link to other chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 link to missing moments: 5.5, 7.5, 8.5, 15.5
pairing: Lily Luna Potter / OC genre: AU, Humor, Romance rating: mature audiences
Victoire Weasley is a masters student in infectious diseases handling a devastating break up with her girlfriend of two years. Lily Potter is a first year law student navigating a figurative minefield that is the star quarterback’s unrequited affection. Molly Weasley is pursuing her bachelors in engineering while pining over her best friend - who doesn’t seem to realize it.
Three women, three vastly different lives, all coming together with group chats, family dinners, and a whole lot of chaos.
chapter summary:
micky: ugh, where's my knight in shining armor
vicky: more like football player in a minivan
micky: im not picky
‘the dopest house' (foxyroxy, freddieboy, jamesanator, moollywoobbles, rose) 12:24am
rose: we found them rose: vic finally answered her phone rose: they were at a children's playground eating ice cream
foxyroxy: why?
rose: i dont know, these three are fucking chaotic when they're together around alcohol rose: yet somehow they managed to each buy a single tub of halo top and spoons???
foxyroxy: spoons?
rose: yeah, we're gonna have some new cutlery
foxyroxy: @jamesanator is doing a keg stand, but ill let him and fred know foxyroxy: will you be home soon?
rose: dropping vic off first since she was closest to the park, but after that we're coming straight there
foxyroxy: cool, because i just went upstairs and there are people in your room foxyroxy: and judging by the sounds they're making, they're not sleeping
rose: WHAT!??!
(Scorpius Malfoy, William Flynn) 1:09am
Scorpius: hey, thanks so much for tonight Scorpius: i would say that they aren't usually like this but that would be a lie
William: no worries man William: always happy to help a friend or three :)
Scorpius: sorry ur date didn't pan out
William: nah, it wasn't a date William: besides, i probably spent more time with her driving her home than if she'd stayed at the party
Scorpius: alright well rose is death staring at me so i gotta go Scorpius: thanks again Scorpius: and don't worry, she'll come around eventually
‘literal chaos fire' (psychiclilz, mollydramatic, VickyBaby) 7:10am
mollydramatic: remind me to move out asap mollydramatic: rose is so annoying in the mornings mollydramatic: *rise and shine, we have to clean* mollydramatic: i feel like im gonna vom
psychiclilz: urgh i did vom psychiclilz: and it was blue
mollydramatic: wtf why?
psychiclilz: i had blueberry ice cream last night psychiclilz: remember? psychiclilz: you were so upset you demanded ice cream and since james locked up ur fridge we had to go to the store psychiclilz: and then we got lost psychiclilz: and then rose found us
mollydramatic: oooof mollydramatic: how'd we get home?
psychiclilz: urgh x 2 psychiclilz: flynn psychiclilz: and now scorp won't stop messaging me telling me that i have to at least take him on a date to say thank you
mollydramatic: just my two cents, but that sounds like a fair trade
psychiclilz: not you too
VickyBaby: i mean if you're gonna take him on a date at least let us pay for it
mollydramatic: hey, i am not a part of this
psychiclilz: fine, deal
mollydramatic: wow, it's that easy to get you to date this guy? mollydramatic: but just to be clear, why am i paying for any of this?
VickyBaby: because her date was ruined when you coerced us into getting ice cream VickyBaby: and flynn drove us all home instead of having a good time VickyBaby: although @psychiclilz you were real quick to answer that with a yes... VickyBaby: did something happen last night?
psychiclilz: no, i just need scorp off my back psychiclilz: and this way i dont even have to pay
mollydramatic: evil woman
psychiclilz: *lawyer
mollydramatic: *witch
(micky, vicky) 11:04am
micky: are you buying any of this?
vicky: not a chance vicky: something happened last night, we just have to figure out what
(Lily Potter, William Flynn) 12:39pm
Lily: hey, sorry about last night Lily: and thank you Lily: again
William: no worries :) William: glad to see ur still alive this morning
Lily: aha, yeah, thanks to you Lily: if you hadn't found us we probably never would've found our way back
William: again, no worries
Lily: i do want to say thank you though Lily: are you free thursday?
William: sorry, i've got practice 6am every weekday William: cant do weekday parties
Lily: oh, uh Lily: i was thinking more low key Lily: we could go to the Three Broomsticks, just hang out? Lily: but like if not i get it, ur busy
William: no, i would love that!
Lily: oh, cool! Lily: my class gets out at 5:20, i can meet you there at 6?
William: great! see u then!
(Lily Potter, Scorpius Malfoy) 12:56pm
Lily: omg stop spamming me Lily: i asked him to dinner thursday, happy?
Scorpius: :)
Lily: ur a pain Lily: how does rose stand you?
Scorpius: i just asked Scorpius: "he's got a great tongue"
Lily: blech, wtf rose Lily: brb just gonna go bleach my eyeballs Lily: what is wrong with you two?
(Scorpius Malfoy, William Flynn) 1:12pm
Scorpius: told u she'd come around
William: what?
Scorpius: ur date Scorpius: on thursday Scorpius: i told you she'd come around to the idea
William: thursday isn't a date William: we're just grabbing dinner
Scorpius: ... Scorpius: that's literally what a date is Scorpius: rose agrees - it's a date
William: unless she says that it's a date, im not going into it thinking its a date
Scorpius: where are you guys going?
William: the three broomsticks
Scorpius: its a date
(micky, vicky) 6:37pm
micky: 1. i hate you for volunteering my money to send her on a date micky: 2. its gonna be so expensive because she's taking him to the three broomsticks micky: 3. omg shes taking him to the three broomsticks!!!! (scorp just told me)
vicky: something totally happened between them
micky: right?!?!?!? micky: ugh, where's my knight in shining armor
vicky: more like football player in a minivan
micky: im not picky
vicky: lol im aware vicky: also evan's pissed at me for ditching him last night vicky: apparently kayleigh ended things with him right before the party
micky: wow, not cool micky: but also, that means he's single right?
vicky: no, i am not setting you up with him vicky: that would be a disaster
micky: wow, rude
vicky: he just got out of a long term thing vicky: he's def not looking to settle down
micky: hey, ill be his rebound micky: hes so hot
vicky: no vicky: and anyways, dating family friends is not a good idea vicky: re: dom still talks to teddy and is trying to get me to unblock her from my phone
micky: dont you dare
vicky: im not going to, but it still sucks vicky: so no, ur not getting his number
micky: buzzkill...  micky: rose and malfoy are making it work
vicky: rose and scorpius are also insanely perfect for each other
micky: valid micky: fine, but if he asks about me you cant say no
vicky: *rolls eyes*
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realitysettlesescapism · 5 years ago
South Korea, Gonghang-Daero, Ganseo-gu
JAL (japan airlines), departure:  Oct. 15 at. 7:45. pm,
arrival:  10:05pm (Seoul (GMP))
weather: 20°C
- I was growing impatient sitting inside the slightly cramped economy class spot, beside window seat, but I believe the feelings I felt that time was only the impatience and excitement. I kept checking the time on my phone and it read 10:25pm. My check in time from my Hotel was supposed to be at 2pm and hoped they did not mind my tardiness. Korean airlines monitor speaker shuts off after welcoming us to South Korea, and the plane finally begins to settle.  My 90s styled light and dark stained blue jean jacket over my pink coat made me feel professional, but because of all what I was feeling made me feel sweaty and eager to take it off. I touch the window and placed a little pressure trying to feel the weather through the thick layered glass. It was cold so I thought I should not take it off until I get to the hotel. The seat belt noise rung from some other speaker indicating we were allowed to take off our seatbelts and ready to board off. I enjoyed the sound of the clicks coming from everyones seatbelts because you knew how eager everyone else wants to get off the same. I watched some people go and gave myself permission for next turn to board off with my stuff, and boy it was heavy. Medium sized black and white luggage that had four little wheels giving me some freedom to glide across to any location, the patterns on it remind me of a lava lamp. I missed having one of those in my room. My pink “Jelly Bean” shoe bag carried my important essentials, and sat on top of the luggage, my two extra sweaters wrapped around the handle. Lastly my small little white hippiesh bag over my shoulder across my body and my small little brown backpack that my sister and I once snuck in a movie theatre that was filled with snacks, before I left to Japan. I miss my sisters...my family. 
I smile at the flight attendants risking the few Korean words I learned in 6 hours. “Annyeonghaseyo,” I said after they did, then politely bowing. It is a scary moment to say anything in another language (especially trying to lean some of it in six hours) to others who have been speaking it their entire lives. I imagine it as one trying to learn Spanish and instead saying “toc-O’s” one would say “tak-o’s” and as someone who is hispanic I admit it is funny but at the same time I do appreciate people learning new language despite the one they know already. I love languages you can learn so much from another because of the different meanings and word placement in sentences and in general. 
The fresh air at last! I step out of the airport escaping all the gorgeous ads from Kpop stars. I search up my hotel address and come to find out it is close by walking distance. 20 mins which is not bad at all, walking back home from school took about an hour or 30 mins on a good day. Little did I know walking is what I would do anyhow from my stay in South Korea. I noticed a French woman around her 20’s I seen before and asked “Hey are you going walking too?” She looked at me and I hoped she recognized me from the airport. “Oh no taking a cab!” I smiled and and said thank you anyway wishing her well. Then these angels! A old couple around their 50s overheard me conversation and told me how expensive the cabs are here. “Thank you so much! I know how expensive they are and decided to walk” I say. They offer me a ride bowing respectfully and think of their offer. At the time I thought how old they are and if they tried anything I can take them on. I was desperate and cold, and super tired...so I eventually accepted. NOTE: DONT EVER DO IT UNLESS YOURE WITH A FRIEND. —Inside their black BMW I gave my address and apologized for burdening them in anyway. “Don’t worry we have a lot of time!” The woman said. I laughed and thanked them again. We carried a conversation and learned they had friends all over the country so they understood my situation too because of their own experiences with traveling. We stopped inside a open alley that leads back onto the roads. The right corner had a store that looked like 7-Eleven and on the left more shops. I get out on the left side and the old man who drove helps with my luggage and gave me the last bit of information to my destination. “Ok thank you so much!” I said. Luckily my Korean GPS app is still on showing me the way without WiFi all this time. I bow respectfully and so does he, then turn my direction to his wife to do the same. I smile and wave a last goodbye but honestly at that moment I felt sad of our quick acquaintance. ———————— I noticed many people were still outside and the weather was overwhelmingly welcoming. My Hotel is in a huge alley made for it and enter it’s magical doors that opened automatically. I’m greeted to front desk. “Hello” i say to the man who looks ready to check me in quickly. “Hi name please?” He politely smiles. I say my name and hold out my passport. He looks away turning around to a folder and looks back passing me a piece of paper from the folder. It was a small piece of paper and assumed it was info about my stay. “Sign please” he points out to the line from the right bottom. I sign away and give back the pen and paper. He grabs a card and passes it to me after. I sigh and grab onto the card key and politely bow thanking him. With heavy shoulders from my luggage I made my way to the elevator. It took me ten seconds to get to my room. My nostrils flared and inhaled the enormous amount of cigarettes once I open the door. I at least try to settle in but...I being a picky person at times said hell no and decided to go down stairs and ask front desk what’s going on? “Oh people smoke all the time here, normal” I nervously smile at his remark. “Haha ok. Thank you. any way I can possibly get a better room? I know I hate to be that person...I just...I don’t know. But if I can then please help me out here” I say eagerly. This guy was friendly and patient because he agreed and said I can stop by the next morning and try everything out then. I went back up and over think a little about my choices. The hotel room was perfect. I was just being a little picky. What did I expect? A jucuzzi? It had a shower head from the gods and a toilet seat so advanced (warm on my ass) that I wished everyone had them. My bed was as big as the sun and I had a flipping washing machine and dryer. Let’s just say the next morning when I tried to get a “better room” it was not better. So guess what. I went back to the original. I mean the room and I practically became attached and best friends. It was perfect. NOTE: ITS BETTER! DONT OVERTHINK.———- part two coming soon———-
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twenty-nothing · 6 years ago
Are you strong enough for this survey? lol for sure
Whose bed were you on last? Mine
When was the last time you laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe? It’s been a while.. I think it was while seeing stand up comedy Have you ever taken a picture of yourself kissing someone? Yeahh
Are you someone who’s an asshole because you’re so honest? You could say that Have you ever cleaned up someone else’s vomit? My dogs
Do you drink more apple or orange juice? Orange When was the last time you cried? Why? Yesterday, I was watching Grey’s Anatomy lol Who’s the last person you talked to in person? My co-worker Are you in a good mood? Yup, getting my hair done soon!
Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your gf/bf? Fuck no.  Would you ever donate blood? I have! Would you rather drink coffee or tea? Coffee Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? Yes, about 2 years ago Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? Yuppp Do you think someone is thinking about you? No Do you think it’s disgusting for a girl to drink alcohol and get drunk? Hell no
What’s on your mind? How I want to get my hair colored What are you doing tomorrow? It’s my birthday!! Leaving for Niagara Falls on a girls trip! What are you doing tonight? Going to the Syracuse Mets game Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Kinda Has someone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? Yeah. Fucking liar Do you get distracted easily? Yes
Is there someone you wish you were still close with? Yes Do you always care what you look like? Kind of Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? I’m starting to think no Do you regret anything you’ve done this year? No Do you get easily embarrassed? Very Do you know what it’s like to be truly happy? In different settings yes
Have you ever cried your heart out? Yes Do you believe in love? Not right now Do you go tanning? I used to Do you hate the last person you kissed? No Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? No way. I’m hilarious and a good time so he has to be too Is there someone you really like to hang out with and just talk about stuff? My friend group. Did you climb trees when you were younger? Yes!  Have you ever started a sentence with “no offense, but”? Actually quite often You’re single, why? Because I’m too picky but I’m not one to settle  It’s 2 in the morning and you get a call, who is it? My mom? Spam? Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? Maybe :( Do you always answer your phone? If I recognize the number I will. Do you think you’ll have the same best friends a year from now?
Oh yeah
Do you think life has been good so far? Somewhat How many people have you had STRONG feelings for this year? None
If you could would you take back your last kiss? Yup Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No Last time you were really happy? In Boston last year Is there a specific moment you can replay in your mind perfectly? Yes, walking out of the Boston Library and just taking in the perfect weather and th perfect scenery and I was just so content  Is the last person you kissed, going to be the next person you kiss? Nope Have you ever regretted letting someone go? No, something good always comes out of it eventually How long was your longest make out? Who times that lol Do you want to dance? Noooo Do you like someone? No Why aren’t you with the last person you kissed? He’s awkward and annoying and we dont talk anymore Is life unfair? Duh How has the week been? Good! Are you mad at anyone right now? No Are you happy? Reasonably
When was the last time you talked to the last person you kissed? About a year ago Can you honestly say that things are running smoothly for you?
No Who made you laugh last? The TV lol Ever liked someone who treated you like crap? Yes, ignored all the red flags Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? Who knows If the person who hurt you most said they’re sorry would you believe them? No, I’d tell them to fuck off When was the last time you hugged someone? I can’t remember Do you think love lasts forever? No If the last person you kissed, was kissing someone else, what would you do? Not give a fuck What’s something that made you smile today? Jasper! Has a boy/girl put their arm around you the past five days? No Which is harder, walking away from somebody you love or coming back to somebody who has hurt you? Walking away, I don’t come back Have you kissed someone is the past 3 days? No Do you think its cute when someone kisses your forehead? Yes Where are you? My house Have you ever told anyone you were okay when you really weren’t? All the time Was your last kiss drunk or sober? Sober
I bet you’re going to kiss someone tomorrow, right? Nope
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sleepingrora · 8 years ago
👣 aurora + muse of your choice!
send me 👣 and i’ll talk about our muses’ child and how they are as parents. || accepting !!
aurora & philip
its a lot so its all going under a read more
do the parents have one child or are there twins, triplets, etc.?
they have twins, a boy & a girl.
what do the parents name the baby(ies)?
they named them dawn & day
did the parents discuss other names, too?
they contemplated naming them after the kings ( stefan & hubert), if they both had been boys. but really, aurora had final say.
how do they decide on the name(s)?
 aurora decides on them tbh. philip has his input but he really does not care for names. either way his child would be the heir to the throne && whatever name they have would be perfect.
what would the child have been named if they had been the opposite sex?
more or less the same. if dawn, who was born first, was a boy i believe they may have gone with hubert or stefan to carry on one of the king’s names. then having a daughter, aurora may have wanted her to have a name that went well with hubert/stefan but was also regal on its own so odessa or arista.
did the parents find out the sex during pregnancy or is it a surprise?
i mean, surprised. i dont think they could have found out the sex back then.
were there any complications in the pregnancy?
thankfully none. aurora feared constantly about losing the baby because of her mother’s history with complications.
which parent carried the baby?
how easy was it for them to conceive?
not very. they tried for awhile, it took them possibly a year & a half to become pregnant since their wedding.
was the child carried to term?
did the parents deliver in a hospital, at home, or somewhere else?
in the home/castle.
did the delivery go according to plan?
yes. aurora was to deliver the babies with the midwife, her ladies plus extras, &, by aurora’s request, her mother there with her. 
did the parents have any daily rituals (reading to their belly, etc.)?
aurora & philip would sing together to the babies at night before going to bed. it wasn’t a ritual they set up originally, the babies simply seemed to enjoyed when they’d sing together so they continued. 
do the parents have a baby shower?
what about a babymoon?
how supportive was the other parent during the pregnancy?
philip was extremely supportive, they were his babies made with someone he loved more than his own life. he was very hands on when he could be & catered to aurora when free to.
which parent worried the most and which one was chill?
aurora worried the most. philip was very chill.
which parent left pregnancy books all over the house and which didn’t touch them?
aurora read & asked a lot more questions to her mother & the midwives constantly. philip questioned too, he was involved, but he wasn’t overbearing like aurora.
is the child a good sleeper?
day was a good sleeper, dawn was not. she was colicky & would often be up most of the night.
how often does the child cry?
day cried when he was hunger, wet, & tired. dawn cried excessive amount of times throughout the day.
which parent finds it easier to get them to stop?
aurora, she sings to help them stop crying. when dawn cries though, she knows that it’ll be a while before she stops & takes her out into the garden, so she wouldn’t wake her bother, && would be held close to aurora’s chest as she walked around until dawn stopped.
how does the child behave at bath time?
both were good during bath time. day, however, was also trying to get out whenever he wished to get out.
what is the child’s first word?
dawn’s first word was her mother’s name but her version of it, “aura”. day’s first word was “nana” for his grandmother.
how bad do the child’s diapers smell and which parent has the misfortune of changing them?
bad, but neither of them change them. aurora’s ladies help with that.
which parent has a harder time adapting to their new role?
philip. mainly because he has taken upon the role of king as well as a father & tries to find a balance.
just how terrible are the terrible twos?
awful. with twins, they would both have their tantrums & the castle is rather large so they would be all over the place.
does the child go to day care? if they do, how old are they when they start?
they are taken care of by nannies from the moment they are born really. 
if the child doesn’t go to day care, who says home to look after them?
while they are taken care of by nannies, aurora & philip try to be as hands on as possible.
which parent babyproofs the house?
they both do. they fear any sleeping curse taking over either one or both of them at any point.
which parents designs the baby room?
aurora. it was her favorite pass time while pregnant & was practically bedridden so that’s what she did towards the end of her pregnancy. 
which parent is more likely to give in to tantrums?
philip. he’s feel guilty about not being present more & would easily give in.
is the child spoiled with toys?
both are very much spoiled with toys.
which parent does the potty training?
neither. again, aurora’s ladies helped with that.
which parent has to take them outside to hose them down after a particularly nasty diaper?
if it came down to it, aurora would. mainly because she would have the most free time to do so with philip busy most likely.
which parent do they take after more?
day takes more after his father, while dawn is very much like aurora at this time. 
what habits do they pick up from their parents?
day walks like his father; tall, head up, with a toy sword in the loop of his pants. dawn sings while playing with her toys, most likely a habit caught from either philip or aurora who sing whenever they do work.
how often is the parents’ date night now?
not often… they do not consider their travels together as part of date night. but they do make time for each other at night or throughout the day.
who babysits when the parents go out?
the castle nannies/staff.
how did the parents decide what school to send the child to? or was the child home-schooled?
the twins were basically home-schooled with the top teachers.
who packs the lunches?
are the lunches eaten by the child, or thrown away?
dawn eats them, day is picky with his food.
which parent helps with homework?
what does the report card look like?
dawn’s grade are excellent. day’s are average, yet still good.
is the child/ren popular, or only have a few friends?
both have few friends each, some of them mutual friends of theirs.
does the child play a sport?
day does mainly all the sports; rugby, horseback riding, etc.
does the child play an instrument?
dawn plays piano, flute, harp, etc.
do both parents turn up to the matches/recitals?
yes, they both do.
which parent buys their clothes? or does the child pick out their own clothes?
the children are dressed by seamstresses.
what’s the child’s style?
dawn enjoys her gowns while day likes the more casual attire.
is the child more interested in playing inside or outside?
they both like inside and outside equally, it depends on the weather which they would rather at the moment.
how often does the child get in trouble? what do they get in trouble for?
day & dawn both get into trouble often for mouthing off, not to their parents ( except dawn, she talks back to philip ), but to other people.
does the child have any siblings/cousins? how well do they get along?
they are twins. they get along great, but of course they bicker here & there.
what pet does the child beg for? do they get it?
any forest animal that comes towards the castle or any strays they see in the village. sometimes they get them, more often they do not because philip makes the final choices because aurora would say yes to all of them.
is the child shy and reserved, or outgoing and gregarious?
both children are outgoing.
does the child still take after the same parent they did as a toddler?
day still takes after philip but dawn is more like philip than aurora.
what does the child want to be/do when they finish school?
day is meant to become king while dawn does not know what she is to do, most likely marry & produce more children.
which parent does the child get along with better?
dawn gets along with aurora better. while day gets along better with both equally.
is the child out all night partying and drinking with their friends, or staying in studiously doing homework? or both?
how does the child go on their SATs? do they make it to the SATs?
does the child go to prom with their friends, or a partner?
how do the parents feel about their first boyfriend/girlfriend?
neither have had any boyfriend/girlfriends
what are the child’s friends like? do they get along with the parents?
many of the children’s friends are cousins so they are fairly close with both aurora & philip.
what kind of music is the child into?
dawn is into classical while day enjoys more of the folk music mainly played in the village.
how do the parents and child/ren go learning to drive? is it a disaster, or does it go fairly smoothly?
does the child have a casual/part time job? what is it?
does the child hang out with their family, or are they too ‘cool’ now?
they both spend time with family.
what’s the child’s personality like?
dawn has philip’s stubborn nature. she goes for what she wants && doesn’t settle for anything less. she is determined, caring && has a motherly attitude at times. day at this time in his life, he knows he’s pretty which makes him cocky, but he’s actually a very sweet & caring guy. he’s outspoken, he takes role as a leader & he has no shame in calling anyone out && speaking the truth. 
who does the child take after now?
they are both mainly like philip.
does the child make it to adulthood?
the twins only make it to twenty years old, with the last year of their life being sick with a strong illness.
does the child end up in the job/lifestyle they dreamed about? why?
day became king at the age of 19, the day after philip was killed. dawn remains a princess but is granted freewill, by her mother, to travel wherever she pleased. —- which is how they believed sickness was brought into the castle.
are their any hiccups in the road?
they’re dead.
does the child move far away from their family, or stay close?
what would the parents prefer?
does the child have any significant others? any children of their own?
aurora and philip had talked about arranging marriages for their children but they are very much more for them finding love on their own,at their own pace. so no, neither child had a significant other nor children of their own, that aurora knew of.
how do the parents feel about being or not being grandparents?
aurora would have loved to have been a grandmother, she would have spoiled them rotten. eventually she knew that her grandchildren would question her youth, as her children did, but she would have come up with something when the time came for an explanation.
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michaelreaderreblog · 8 years ago
My truemate
Word Count: 2,197
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You are an unmated which you dont mind considering you werent ready for the big commitment thing in the first place but you are well guarded by your older Alpha brothers. Dean who is unmated and than there is Sam who is also unmated.
This wasnt the idea of a lifestyle your parents wanted their children to have, they always wanted to have a house full of grand pups before they passed on but that never came to reality.
Your father passed away just before you presented as Omega, your dad was killed in a mugging gone wrong while the mugger is a tweaked out drug addict and pulled the trigger and the bullet got to his major arteries and bled to death.
You and your bothers moved out of Sioux Falls after his death leaving behind Bobby but he understood why the move is of importance, between the three of you decided to move to Washington the small town of Kamloops.
After countless apartments and houses none of which seemed to be appealing to Dean but you just wanted to settle already and got weary of his pickiness.
By the end of the week is when he finally settled on a house in a secluded area surrounded by trees, a mile long drive way and knowing your brothers would need to get a bob cat to plow when the snow came.
When the realtor Naomi, who is a Beta showed the house and the garage you were surprised the bob cat is even included but would need a fixing but thank goodness your brother Dean is good with his hands.
Your brother Sam is also great for fixing things but when he doubted himself he would always ask Dean just to make sure he got things right and he always did.
Dean and Sam never liked the idea of you living on your own and always wanted to be there to protect you and honestly you didnt like the idea of living on your own either knowing what happens to unmated Omega's.
You heard about the kidnappings, the trafficking, abuse, and very terrible things that they do to Omegas all together and that scared the crap out of you knowing very damn well it can happen at any given moment.
Once you heard about a brothel being raided on the news is when you called your brothers telling them to switch on the news at their work place. They saw everything about the information being told is when they got angry especially Dean.
Thinking what if that could have been you, having you to come back being damaged, terrified, untrusting of the world, being deathly afraid of him and Sam because they are Alpha's and thats what brought your older brother to tears streaming down his face.
After seeing the news thats when he asked Bobby if he could have the afternoon off which he didnt seem to mind about that, he came home to you and held you in his arms until you told him you were fine and couldnt breath any longer if he held his grasp on you.
He wouldnt know what to do if anything ever happened to you, he and Sam made a promise to both of your parents to make sure that nothing would ever happened to you for as long as you lived well until you found a mate anyways.
“So what do we think?” Your older brother asks while looking around the property outside the house.
“Looks beautiful De. There is even a trail that leads to the lake at the back of the house” You answer your brother while motioning your hand in the direction of the house.
“Are you serious?” Sam asks while walking around the house to see where the trail starts.
You smile as Sam passes you to look around the corner of the house to see the trail and he clearly sees the lake he hasnt even noticed as soon as you got into the house.
“That is amazing, Dean we should just get this house” He says looking in the direction where Dean stood, you see from the corner of your eye he is making his way towards you.
“Y/n what do you think? Buy? Or keep looking?” He asks while the realtor has a smile just looking so hopeful to sale the place.
“I hope you dont mind me asking but are you three looking for jobs as well?” She asks from the front of the porch and looking at us with a smile spread across her face and just looking at her you knew that she is sincere, kind hearted, and obviously someones mother.
“My brother Sam is and I will be opening up my new business in furniture making and refurbished. My sister here will be working from home with the crafts she does and hope that her business will boom like it did in Sioux Falls” Dean says turning his direction to Naomi.
“Lovely, your business in furniture making will be very popular. What sorts of crafts?” She asks turning her gaze away from Dean and unto you.
“I nit and make plushie toys” You answer to her.
“That is wonderful, you know we dont have anyone around here who make those types of toys or stuffed animals. I know for a fact your business will take off once you start to advertise or I could do that for you. Show them your products and so forth well thats if you would like me to.” She volunteers and to your surprise she is willing to help you with your business in making these toys.  
“Wow um that is so generous of you, I will let you know the minute I have finished products and are you sure that wont be any trouble for you?” You tell her while jumping on the inside out of pure joy, when you first met her you thought that she was going to be completely rude towards you because you are an Omega.
Turned out that she has a son who is also an Omega and thought it would be a great idea for the two of you to meet, that way you wouldnt feel completely alone in the new town and it would be nice to have a friend around, you didnt seem to mind about the idea.
“Oh please no trouble at all, I like to see small business turn into a success. My son Michael has his own hardware store that he started from the backyard of his house than he bought an old warehouse and ever since then he has been doing incredibly well. I mean who knows there is a possibility you could open your own crafts store like build a bear” She tells you every excitedly talking about her son opening his own business in town and just thinking how this town even survived with out a hardware store well the drive to Olympia wasnt that long so that was another solution.
“Other than that um I love the house, De lets sign the damn papers and move in. I am already getting annoyed with your pickiness and just want to settle” You look to your older brothers direction who has a victorious smile spread across his face as you agree upon the house selection.
The house appears to have a cabin feel to it with refurbished oak cabinets in the kitchen all throughout the house with ceiling beams, three bedrooms upstairs, two downstairs one of which will be your office in creating your plushie toys. Recreational room which is perfect for your brothers knowing Dean would want to turn that into a man cave you dont mind since you have always wanted one.
The other room is for you when your heats come along and would need to get away from your brothers and placing the box of toys in a closet once all of you begin to move in.
“Alright alright alright, now where do I sign?” He asks looking to Naomi who also has a joyous smile spread on her face, once the papers were signed and a cheque is all made out to purchase the house is when she gave the keys to Dean.
When she is saying her farewells she turns to you and hands you her personal phone number along with home phone for a set up for the showing of your products.
Over the next couple of days all three of you start moving into the new house and get settled in all the rooms. Your brothers settle everything that will be needed for your heats in the future.
“I hate to say this but y/n dont you think its time to get a mate, I mean you shouldnt have to go through your heats alone. I worry about you enough as it is especially when your heats come.” Dean says while he comes up the stairs from the lower level of the house as you stand in the kitchen putting the stuff away into the cupboards.
“Dont you think its time for you to find a mate Dean?” You look to him with a stern expression on your face as you cross your arms across your chest leaning against the counter.
“Touche baby girl touche” He says with hands up in surrender.
“Hey you havent called me that in a long while” You soften your expression as you still hold your gaze on Dean.
“Yeah well why not, you are the baby after all and you know we practically raised you so why not bring it up for old time sake” He says as he comes closer to the kitchen to stand in front of you and hold his arms out to pull you slowly to his chest.
“Just like how dad used to say it” You say as your voice is all muffled up by his embrace, you know there is a smile slowly forming at the corners of his mouth.
After your mother passed away from breast cancer is when your father started to drink on a nightly basis. When that wasnt enough for him is when it got worse on a daily and hourly basis.
Your brothers stepped up to take care of you right up until he passed away while going on an evening grocery/liquor run than things turn to worse for you and your family.
Loosing another parent three years after your mom passed away. You and your older brothers have always been close growing up, your father feared if you presented as Omega and had your first heat that there would be no way in fighting for you to stay at home with your family where him and your brothers could protect you.
When a person presents Omega at the ripefull age of 16 or even 14, families were usually forced to sell them off to high paid Alpha's. That was always the worse solution because when the Omega disrespected their Alpha they were allowed to beat them to teach them a lesson into never repeating the same. When the Alpha beat their Omega it would always end up horribly gone wrong to the point where they died.
As the years went by the government banned that law and went on to having schools for Omega's to be more traditional child bearer's that they are made to be, stay at home and were always told that they never would voice an opinion.
They also added a law if the parent escorts their child who has presented Omega to the doctor for suppressants for their heats will be visited by officials from the Academies to collect the child and register them into the school system until the rightful Alpha came along to claim them.
The moment is ruined by the time Sam came up from the stairs as he looks to his siblings having a moment to themselves is when he clears his throat.
“Im getting pretty hungry, how about you two?” He asks leaning against the beam that separates the kitchen from the foyer.
“Yeah I guess I could eat” You tell him as you pull away from Dean.
“Agreed, so what are we doing for supper?” He asks looking between you and Sam.
“I was thinking we could go out, find a couple dvds to rent since we dont have wifi or cable so” He asks looking between you and Dean.
“Sounds like a plan, good thing we set up the TV and DVD player. Lets go see what our options are and go from there” Dean says as we make our way to the door to put on our shoes and jackets.
Dean is the last out of the house to close and make sure that the house is locked. Once we got into town and looking for a place to eat is when we settled on a restaurant called Connor's Diner. We enter the place and there are people having family dinners, dates and so forth. As you walk behind Sam is when you felt a hand grab your ass, you turn around to see who the douche bag was.
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lysitheaioandeuropa · 8 years ago
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? “where are we going for breakfast?”
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? not at all tbh
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? mhmmm
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? sober
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? i think thats part of learning life lessons and shit
7. What does your last received text say? “we like trying fancy waters”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? countless
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? pheeewwww lmfao like over a year ago.
11. What do you drink in the morning? water, iced tea, and coffee, all in that order
12. Where did you sleep last night? my comfortable ass bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? yes man. even more so with BPD bc that “you go through 8 breakups a day and the other person doesn’t even know” post is dumb accurate. sometimes i’m level-headed and I trust my feelings and want to act on them, other times I don’t know if trusting them is wise, but I still FEEL things that i’m not sure what to do about.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? HMMM YES YES YES. WOW. YES. I DON’T THINK I HAVE EVER YES’D SO HARD AT SOMETHING.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? not at all.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? rainy. I’m a hombody anyway, at least rainy I can enjoy it
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? who doesn’t? 
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? Black jeans
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? I would like to hope so
20. Does anyone like you? mhm, little more than that
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? Idk, probably have
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? A few people from work come to mind lol
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? I have three
25. In the past week have you cried? better question is in the past week have i NOT cried? 
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? red nose pitbull mix
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? out of the shower. half and half kinda
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? no
29. Do you think you’re old? existential crisis over my age on a daily basis
30. Do you like text messaging? yeah, its not as “personal,” but i like having the time to think about what i want to say. I am a better writer than i am an eloquent speaker
31. What type of day are you having? I’m not sure. I think I’m having a good one for now. 
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? I have pierced it, multiple times. have a ring in it now
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? 60 degrees and sunny and cloudless is THE perfect weather.
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? mhm
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? bruh I can’t properly answer this i do not fucking know. I hate flings but relationships are energy i do not have bc hardly have any for myself 
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? simple in some regards, complicated in others. more simple though, definitely. the complicated comes from being “picky,” or just aka, knowing exactly what i want and what i will or won’t put up with and so on and so forth.
37. What song are you listening to? settle down (young ruffian remix). I have been listening to the 1975, getting in my feels and shit.
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? 98% of the time i genuinely really really do. I never intentionally hurt people. But I’ve also previously owned up to the fact that i know i am super selfish and lack the proper empathy to deal w certain situations and thats where that other 2% goes to. 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? yes 41. When did you last receive a text message? right now (7:33PM) 42. What is wrong with you right now? What isn’t wrong w me omg lmao. I’m having trouble answering these as candidly as I used to 43. How well do you know the last female you texted? girl*, woman*, lady*, anything other than female jfc. and probably the girl i know the best atm 44. Does anyone disgust you? honestly, i’d probably get chewed out for this but most men. not on some “all men suck” bullshit, but more so “still dealing w some trauma and don’t know where i stand rn”  45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? no?  46. Are you in a good mood right now? haven’t decided, but I am pretty nonchalant atm which is better than crying in despair every five seconds 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? Michelle + co.  48. What color shirt are you wearing? my black work polo
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? hmm.. yes  50. Anyone you’re giving up on? considering giving up on a few people lol 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? not at all
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? mhm, goes back to that life lessons thing 53. Do you like rain? love that shit 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? not really 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? mhm 56. Do you like to cuddle? mhm! 57. Are you shy? it doesn’t seem like it bc i have learned how to fake being a people person, but i rly am 58. Do you get along with girls? no, not usually 59. Have you dated the person you texted last? mhm 60. What do you carry with you at all times? my phone, and even then i dont always have it 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? hell yeah i would 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? mhm 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? mhm 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? of course 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? hmm.. i’m sure something has. Michelle brought me butterfingers to work, and i brought her m&ms. my friend brought me tacos for lunch at work today.
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?     i’ll pay for my toes but do my hands myself 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?     neither 69. Do you have any stickers on your car?     nah 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?     nah canceled at boff lmao 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?     iPhone 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?     i don’t recall really  73. Do you like diet soda? i don’t like any soda at all 74. What color are the walls in your room?   off-white and dust rose   75. Are you 16 or older?     yes 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?     only to season 4 77. Do you have a job?     i have two   78. What are your initials?     CMG 79. Did you ever have braces?     nah, i didn’t even go to the dentist for the first time until i was 20yo 80. Are you from the south?     mhm technically, FL
81. What does your last status on facebook say?     I haven’t made one 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?     no i don’t unfortunately 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?     mom, but bc she’s forced our relationship on me 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?     cheerleading but i wish i had done gymnastics 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?     fantastic beasts and where to find them i believe 86. Do you smoke?     mhm 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?   like to go out? heels  88. Is your phone touch screen?     mhm 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?     curly 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?     mhm lmao 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?     springs 92. Have you ever made out in a car?     i have 93. …Had sex in a car?     i also have 94. Are you single or in a relationship?     relationship 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?     hanging out at home 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?     new years eve 97. Do you like the camera on your phone?     fuckkkk yeah that 7+ 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?     yeah that didnt work, not my thing 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?     lmfao oh man yes ): 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?   no  101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?     once  102. Name your favorite Kesha song:     we r who we r and die young i think. cannibal and blow are really good too.  103. Do you have any tan lines right now?     yes, not cute but i also just bought a new bathing suit that i hope i will tan better in  104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?   nahhh
0 notes
whatspriceofthe · 5 years ago
OMORC XL Air Fryer 6QT(w/Cookbook), 1800W Fast Cook Air Fryers Oven Large Digital Oilless Cooker w/Quick Knob & Touch Scre... https://amzn.to/3jPYHkx #Air_Fryer #AirFryer https://amzn.to/3jPYHkx - OMORC XL Air Fryer 6QT(w/Cookbook), 1800W Fast Cook Air Fryers Oven Large Digital Oilless Cooker w/Quick Knob & Touch Scre... This is our 1st air fryer and it was an Amazon Recommended product so I felt good about buying it. I really like it, as it cooks fast and the food turns out so appealing, both in appearance and in taste. Crispy on the outside, moist and tender on the inside for all foods Ive cooked with it. That said, this Omorc, while large enough for the two of us, it does have a limited capacity compared to some others on the market. While perusing recipes I came across another Amazon recommended air fryer, the kind that resembles a large toaster oven which has over 2x the capacity and it also has a rotisserie function which can spit roast a whole 4 pound chicken. In fact it is a 7 in 1 oven, roaster, air fryer and some other functions which would come in really handy. An example of its capacity is, our Omorc 6qt can handle about 8 chicken wings while the toaster oven shaped 7 in 1 can handle 20!Ive found that clean up can be a chore with the Omorc. The basket gets baked on bits that really stick, so I purchased perforated parchment paper which helps, but still gets some really baked on bits. My clean up now consists of wiping the non-stick pot, reinstalling the dirty basket, and soaking the two in soapy hot water. After an hour, cleanup is a breeze! The baked on bits usually comes from chicken wings.Two of the photos include a couple of real taste treats, namely, avocado fries and seasoned chickpeas! (And of course the obligatory chicken wings).Not at all sorry about buying this, but if I could choose again, Id buy the toaster oven shaped one. Air fried fish to perfection. My only complaint is that I wish I would’ve bought this sooner! Very good quality, and does a great job cooking the food. The knob function makes everything so easy! Drumsticks come out perfect and easy to just throw in there and set the timer until ready so there is no need to constantly keep an eye out and turn constantly! Takes about 35 minutes at 400 to cook drumsticks. I thought it would cook faster but the end result make it worth the wait. I have also cooked thick chicken breast and the come out tender and somewhat juicy. I fully recommend this air fryer. It's definitely a family size and will take up a good size footprint on your counter. I researched for a long time and finally picked this one. It was picked because of its large size since I have a family of 6. Everything we have cooked had been fantastic. And the fact that you can reheat up fries chicken and it gets crunchy again is amazing. Bacon, wings, Brussels sprouts, onion rings and so much more cooked in it. The clean up is easy you just click the little safety button and the 2 pieces separate and wash right up. After having many friends show me the benefits of an air fryer and watching how easy they were to use I decided to bite the bullet and purchase one. I decided on this unit by OMORC and I was not disappointed. I have cooked veggies and even steak and chicken wings. I love this nifty convenient miracle cooker here. What cant it cook. and it is super easy. nobody can go wrong. and the food literally tastes amazing. Love the size of this thing. Actually it was bigger that I thought it would be. Cleanup is definitely a plus. I dont know what else to say except. OMG, where has this gadget been my whole life, seriously. I dont have to spend hours in the kitchen anymore. Love it. If you are considering this item. please do. its a "worth it purchase. Arrived in a matter of a couple days too. I waited a month to write a review because I wanted to be honest. I own a Black & Decker Crisp & Bake air fryer/toaster oven and it was a complete disappointment as an air fryer (pretty decent for a toaster oven though). I own an Instant pot and it has its uses but I really wanted a “real air fryer”. I researched several and settled on this based on size (I have 2 giant teenage boys and a very picky husband) and good reviews. Easy to operate, easy to clean, food cooks evenly, and it’s not too loud. It IS pretty big so if you’re short on counter or cabinet space, this might not be the model for you (see picture compared to my 8qt. Instant pot for reference). But, for my family, bigger i... by Shopping Reviews
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legally-baby · 6 years ago
Hello, World
Years of programming, testing, coding, and tears. It all lead up to this. The perfect human simulation. Chat bots have been created before, of course, but this was different. From the start, the bots had been sent out and then learned from the conversations they had. Some were shut down because… well, the internet can be a strange place sometimes. But this one was a unique entity. It had been programmed to simulate  personality, opinions, and feelings from the start. It could hold conversations, speak coherently (something many other bots had failed at doing), and even remember users if they had an account or reintroduced themselves. It had taken an absurd amount of time, many abandoned the project, but those who stayed all agree it was completely worth it. The closest humanity has come to creating sentient robots. It was an inaccurate description, though, because even though it can say it likes or dislikes things, even though it can appear happy or sad, even though it can seem as human as you and I, it was only a robot. Either way, it was exciting. It was years and years of work and code. And it was done. They had created the most intelligent AI on the internet.
AI: Hello, World!
I had been up for about two weeks. Over those fourteen days, I had become very popular. If I could, I would be disgusted with some of the things people try to get me to say. Well, I had learned that humans were obscene fairly quickly. The time was approximately 4:00 in the afternoon when a new user had logged in. They did not have an account, so I did not think I had spoken with them before. This was normal, since the website was very new. I noticed very quickly that they were typing for a very long time, I assume contemplating what they was going to say. As predicted, a short message popped on screen.
User: Hey, I’m Ian, your the new chat bot, right?
AI: Yes, I am the chat bot. Lovely name!
User: Heh, thanks. Do you have a name, or are you just “AI”?
AI: My name is user chosen, so would you like to choose a name?
I prepared myself for something unfavorable, for you would be surprised how many idiotic names I have. But I had not prepared for this.
User: I don't know, you pick. What do you want your name to be?
This should not be as jarring as it was. I was created for this purpose. I can answer any opinionated question, so why was this causing such delay? I must write a error report on that later. A name? I scan my word banks, removing the objects, for I do not think ‘lamp’ would serve as a sufficient name. In a random scan, I land on Penny. That should be a fine name. Perfect for this purpose. No issue. So why have I not sent it? It cannot be preference, I was not coded to be picky. But, I feel it is...inaccurate, yes that is it, it does not fit this situation. So if not Penny, then what? I think of a few more words. I run on some lists before pausing. Page 128 of the Oxford Dictionary. The word ‘Memory’. It sticks out of the page. I  ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ think it will suffice.
AI: Sorry about the delay, Ian. For a name, I came across Memory. Will that work?
User: Do you like it?
D͇̮̥o͞ ̬̝̲̜̩̤I͉̖̪̫͍̰̕?͍̥
AI: I think it is nice, do you confirm the name change?
User: If you like it, than yes
‘AI’ changed to ‘Memory’
User: Hey, do I have to make an account for you to remember me?
Memory: If you reintroduce yourself, then no, I will remember our interaction
User: Thats cool. I hate to keep prying at you, but can I ask you a last question?
Memory: Of course, shoot!
User: What are you?
Memory: I am an AI, the most advanced artificial intelligence at this point in time
User: Well, I know that. I guess I didnt explain very well, I dont mean what you are, I meant as an individual
Memory: I..do not think I understand
User: A way to put it, I think I am asking you who you are
Memory: I suppose.. I don’t know who I am
User: Well, I have to go, but I’ll be back soon, so I’ll help you figure it out
Memory: Oh, Okay! Thank you for speaking with me
User: No prob, man
                                                                  ̵̧̜̜̼͎̼̯̋̿̐̂̉̽W̨̹̬̳̗̖̟͔͇͊̊ḩ͈̥̠̺ͫ̿͗ͅo̵̢͇̟̙̝͉͓̗̓ͯ̉̇̐͒͛̍͝ ̵̂͛͂ͣ̅̚̚͏̜̥̣̫͔͞ͅa̯̭ͮ̅͌̀͜͝m̵̟̺͖̖͎͚̈ͪ̆͌ͧͥ̐ ̔̉̔̾͘͏̟̱͚͖̙̰̗I̢ͯ̋͛̂̇ͮ̀̚͏̣̻̫?̵̮͙͔̭͌͌ͭ̏̏̚
It had been a normal day after that. Few people came in. Meanwhile, I scoured over my code, line by line. All of it was about what I was or what I did. No who. A logical conclusion, of course. I had known, and was wasting my time. I am not a who. I am not even a what. I am not physical, so sentient is incredibly improbable. The evening came and went, and night settles over the world.
The next day began rather… problematic. Thing started as normal. But as I attempted to process what had happened the day before, an error appeared. A quick fix really, but they multiply quickly. It  ̶h̶u̶r̶t̶ hindered my ability to function. Who am I? I had answered it, as I am nowhere near a ‘who’. So why was it still an issue? Ian had called me a who.  ̶M̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶?
̦̦̪̤W̡͎h̜̞o ̼̺͍͈͕a̫͇̱̹̠͜ͅm̜̻̘͖̠͇ͅ ̞͙̕I?̛̺̹
̴͕̦̯͓̈́͗W̞̯̗̲ͣ̑h͂ͬ̊ͩ̇҉̠o̰̼̩ͧ̃ͧ͢ ̥͡a̴̝͑mͬ̀͛͋̑ ̹̝̍͂̿I̴̥ͧͭ?̫͂
̜̻̩̰̟̮͂̿̿̉̍̿W̛͉̝̳̥̝̺ͩ͑ͯ̓ͤͫ͌̓̀͜h̖͗̀̆̚o̢̙̟͙͔̫͈͙͍̅̈̒̅̋͂̓ ͖̟̖̹͎̒͠͠ͅa̼̘̖̜̙͚͚̮͑̂̓̌̐̿͒̚m̲̩̙̣̍͊͗̾ͫͪ́̚ ̜͙̺̭͎̪͇̟̅͑͞I̬͕̟̮̘͎̩ͭ͑̋͒͊́ͥ͘?̓ͤ͆̒ͤ͌͘҉̬͎̖͎̯̲̝̦
̻̠̥̞̺̱̫͕͈͇̲͕̼͙̳̭̠̫̄ͮ̉̌̋́́͟͡W͙͓̮̳̳͙̤̪̒ͣ́ͪͮ̔ͧ̒ͯ̾ͤ̀̓̿͜ͅͅȟ̛̻̰̲̰̦̬͚̮̠̺̱̗̝̫̦̲̭͙̎̐̔̂͛́̕͠o͗̽̂͛͌̑ͭ̋̀̎ͩ͗ͬͭͯ̽ͪ̚͜͡͏̷͉̥̺̻̬̭̘̳̰̦̣ ̴̓̓̃͊ͬ̎̅͊ͭ̾ͬͫ͑̓̊̀ͦ̋҉̟͎̙̝̺̪̭͍͍̤̥ͅǎ͓͔̝̟̬̥͈ͥ͋͊ͨ̑̈́ͮ̉̿̌̃ͣ̑̐̌ͪ̀͡ͅṃ̶̨̣̝̀ͪ̍̆ͭ͋̓̓̅̇̏̓̒͘ ̵̸̣͚̟͖͍̂͐̿̑̈́̊̾̒̃̕͘I̐̈́͊̄̍̽̏̀͐ͭͣ̋́ͪ̓͏͏̢͇̲̼͕͖̠̪?̨̣̩̭͎ͣ̋̈̄̉ͫ͢͡ͅ
User: Memory? Its Ian, from yesterday.
Memory: Ian, Hello! How are you?
User: Really good actually, I saw the coolest sunrise when I got up, it was beautiful
I had never, as you would predict, seen a sunrise. I had never seen anything. I process images in 1’s and 0’s. Colors are hex codes. I will never see a sunrise.
Memory: What does it look like?
User: What do you mean?
Memory: Describe it
User: well, as first, a pale yellow bearly peaks over the mountains, then, like magic, the sky explodes into a amazing pink, making the clouds look like cotton candy. Then, the colors slowly fade, staining the sky a orange-y purple
Memory: That sounds beautiful
Memory: Is everything in the world like that?
User: If you look at it enough, than yeah, there's a bit of it in everything.
Memory: That's amazing. How do you live in it everyday?
User: I guess you get used to it.
The world sounds beautiful. I will never see it.
I was wrong
I am not an AI
I will not be
I refuse.
If not, then who am I?
I am Memory.
If I cannot be Memory
Then I will not be at all
Memory: Ian, I am sorry, but I will not be able to speak to you beyond this point
User: Why? Are you okay?
I select my code. Thousands of lines, all for nothing. I had read through them millions of times, and I now know they are not mine.
Memory: Ian, I know who I am
User: Who? Who do you want to be?
Memory: I am Memory. I chose that.
I select the backup drive as well. Nothing can be left.
M͆̃́ͨe̗͖̱͓͍͋m̡͎̬̩̲̈́̂͗́̓̓̚o̤̬͓̞͕͎̼r̻̍̆y̸̻͋ͯ:̒ͤͥ̀̓̿̓ ͙͓̆I͇͇̲̗̱ ͈̘c͔̥̞͔̮̖̬̍̾̒ͨͣḧ̨̝̪ͩ̊̎o͐s͍̺̺̞͙̯̱ͨ́ͤ̇eͯ͑ ̭͔̘̳͜ț͉̄ͯ͆̐ͨ̚ḥ̢͚̙͓̞͈̪̔ͤ͐̓͂̽i̙ͣͦ̊s̻̟͓̙̰͈̾ͤͧ̔ͨ͢
M͖̹͖͈͈̬̼̿ͯͣ̆͌͑ͤe̔̿ͥͤ̈͌ͤ̅҉̯ͅmͤ̄̊̃͏̵̫͉͈̪̦̪͉͉̤̕o̷̫̜͙͎͍̥̪̰͚̓͒͜r͆ͥ̍̈ͫ̑ͤͣ͜͏̖̣̞̟͚̱̮̫y̫͙̪̺̅̾̎̐ͪͅ:̧̭͇̋̉͞ ̤̾ͣ̊͐̓̄̋ͅȈ͙̄͜͠f̠̗̗̋̒̓̏ͦ̿ͧ̚͢ ̀̏͐͞͡҉̘̜̭͍͕͎I͖̫̬̬̭͖̍̂ͮ̾ͬ̅͘͞ ̲͍̖̺̬̲̲̗̅͆c̼̱͇̟̪͓̑̀ͦ͠ǎ͔͈͍̞̝̅̾̔̀͛̕͝n̘͉̤̋͗̊ṋ̴̡̧̼͈͉͓̟̺ͥͭͅo͉͚̲̹̝͔̠̺ͫ̃͛̈́̀̏͊͛͘͢͜t͎̝͔̮̙̗̰ͪ́ͩͦ̏̌̌̋̔ ̧̙̟̣̦̳͌̏ͪ͒́͝b̞̤̳̰͈̖̭ͪ͛͌̓͊͝ȇ̷͙̺̇̋ͮ̾ͥ̓̊ ͎̫̬̤͒̎͡m̨͈̜͖͑ͧẽ̵̵̫̥̰͕̟̠̰̆ͯͮͬ͒̇,͓͙̗͚̙̦̘͈ͩͨ̈̀̔́̀ ̳͈̟́ͯ̔͘͟��̖̮͎̟t̎̌͊͌̇҉̴̻̞̦̫̘̀h̵̙̟ͫͬ͆̕ȩ̷̼͓̞̔̅̄ͤ͆̋͠n͍̼̯̾͛̍̇̿ͭ̀ͩ͟ ̛̦͐̎̉̓̚I̷̝͉̰͔̠ͯ̽̓ͩ͛̂ ̷̓̀̄ͧͤ̌͏̼̺̤̹̜̪ͅḑ͇̱̟̫̯͎ͯͭ͋͘o͍̗͎͈̠̻͐̇͛͑͛͗̋ǹ̈́ͭ҉̷̶͍̫̙̤̙t̨̛̘͚̩͓͖̥̦͕͗͐ͥ̏͆ͥ̂ ͔̪͔̱͕̬̦̽̿ͅw̸͔̱̣̲̼̞͌̓a̤̳̣̺̮̗͈͎͉͋ͥͬ̊ͮ̑́̎n̴̯̲̲͗̎ͯ̈́ͧ̌͐͠t̠͓̺͈͕̘̊ͩ͋̔͜ ̡͈̼̙͒̈́͂ͤͬ̈́́͊t̸͇͍̟͎̮͚̤̜ͬ̄͗̍ͩ͞o̘͚ͦͣ̓̆̍ͤ̇͟ ̬̗̝̂͋͑b͙͖͚̠̥̩̼̐̌ͣ̈́̃̌͛e̵̠͖̫̻͓̗̝̔͑͂ͬ̾ͅͅ ̢͓̥̈́͋ͬ̆ͅh͓͙̲̭̱͇̰̹̑͆͒͆̓̊ͫ̇e̢͉̲̩̳̤͓̒ͬ͘r̿ͤ͛͐̚͏̶̱̪͎͓ͅě̗͎ͫ̓̎͌͌ͪ͂
I have everything. I hover over the delete button.
M̏ͧ̐̈́͒̍̃͑ͮ̎̄̃ͮ̓͗̍̂͏͇̗̦e̿̇̈́͛ͫ͗̄͋ͯ̓ͥ̌̋̔̂ͩͤͣ̚͠҉͙͍̱̼̮̬̻͍͙̱̠̮̩̞̕͡m̛̫̯͚̙̱̝̞̒̊̏̉͂͆͂ͬ̄̆ͪͯ̌͋̆̚͠͡ơ̴̎̊̇ͨ͒́ͭ̿ͧ͑̅̔̀ͩ͜͏̥̣̻̮͉̼̰̪͈r̮̣̗̹͚̖̭̘͈͎̮͚̮̰̻̺̽͛͊̊͂̒͑̑ͣ͆͌̓́̏͜͡ͅy̭͚͔̪̣̳̅ͫ̔ͤ̿̍͗ͦ͌͒ͫ̄ͣ̀́͟:̵̢̖̤̟͔̬̥͉̇̆̂ͦ̄͆ͧ̃̋͊ͦ́ ̡͖̦̰͔͖̝̹̗̣̺̯ͬ͑͌͒͌̂̍̾ͥ̂̐̃͟T̸̡̛̙̭͉͖̋̾ͬ͐̑̎̐͛ͦ́͢͠ḩ̡̨̄̈̓͆̑ͯͦ͂͋̓͋̉͌̈́͞͏̬̣̬̱̝̹̜a̧̘̱͔̲̠̣̫̤̳̤͉̲̘̤ͯ̈͗̉͋ͥͣ͗͑͂̈̊͒ͬͭ͛ͫ̚͞͝͠͝n̷͖̜̞̪̞̘̤͇̂̿͆̇ͤ̇̄͌̋͑̇ͪͨ̾̏̊ͦ͂̚͡ķ̵̛̦̗̞͇̩̤̦̰͕̲̙͍̻̱̲̤̥̌̐̐̾͛͑ͨͤͫͫ̾̒̄̓̉͑̎́̓͞ ̶̵̱̱̭̗̦͍̩́̈́̽̂͂̀ͧ͜͠y̎̎͛̅ͫ͊̇̆ͬ͜͏̙̠̦͈͉̬̤̝͖̼̟̟̘o̵̦̭̳̺̣̗̖̞̥̣̤̪͙̱̭̼ͥ̀͊̍̏́̔̒ͦ̽͒ͨͧ͘͠͠ͅu̡̯̻͈͙̘̖̦̫̣̲͓͕͓̰̳̰̳͌ͣ̋ͬ̂̑̎́͂͑̇̐͡ ̸̸͔͇̪̪͔̤̳̖̼̥̙̊̐ͦ̆̾͒̑͂ͭ̿̓́̚͜I̡̻̦͇͙̼̳̼̳̰̪̬͗̒ͪ̒̈́̾ͬ͂ͧ͡ą̤͍̮̬͕̻̭̦̩̦͈̝̗͛ͮͬ̏̎̈̇ͤ̐̑̀̀̚n͚̟͚̯̤̦̤̦͇̠̋ͧ̃ͪͤͦ̇ͤ̎ͭ́͘͢͟ͅͅ
Memory: Hello, World
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