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tenth-sentence · 10 months ago
In B-DNA, base pairs are stacked one on top of another, with a spacing of 0.34 nm and 10 base pairs per nm helical repeat.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 10 months ago
The fundamental structural unit of chromatin is the nucleosome, an assembly consisting of a group of certain proteins, called histones (designated H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, see figure 25.13a), wrapped in DNA (figure 25.13b). (...) In a nucleosome, B-DNA is wound around the histone unit by about 1.8 coils (figure 25.13b,c). (...) The nucleosomes are further folded to form a filament, with a diameter of ~30 nm, which has been proposed to have the structure down in figure 25.13d.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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swagging-back-to · 5 months ago
bdna na naaaa
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grison-in-space · 4 months ago
Oh, that's not too hard. Your BRCA1 mutation report probably has the specific deletion listed on it, if they did comprehensive sequencing—and they probably did, these days.
Once the specific mutation is known, just take the BLAST sequence from a reference human genome. The reading frame will be in the 5' to 3' direction, because DNA has directionality through the phosphate-carbon backbone. (The directionality is basically which carbon on the ring hooks to which phosphate on the backbone.) Then you render the matching pairs on the opposing strand going the opposite way.
I bet you someone has turned this into a font somewhere, tbh, but you could probably get away with artistically rendering the DNA using any number of shorthands depending on how you want to show it and how easy you would like it to be to read. For example, DNA wrenched open as it would be during transcription is more clear to read than DNA in its least coiled BDNA form which in turn would be clearer than DNA wrapped around histones and so forth. If you wanted to render DNA being paired up for mitosis or meiosis and your deletion is heterozygous, you could also depict the deleted portion on your wild type chromatid bubbling and twisting away from the mutated chromatid, which is what happens in nature.
I stumbled across your blog and thought PERFECT. I am trying to get a tattoo of the missing base pairs that led to my eventual dual diagnosis of cancer. I have my genetics report that tells me I am BRCA1, but I can't really decipher anything else about it and I am not sure where to start. I think what I am asking is how do I write it out, so I have an idea what I am doing? I hope I said this right.
This is a really good question that I have no idea how to answer. Any insight is appreciated!
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enochlee · 2 years ago
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꽃 속에 꽃이 피다 #산수유 #Cornus_officinalis #arboretum #garden #plants #flowers #BDNA #springflowers #수목원 #정원 #식물원 #식물 #꽃스타그램 #국립백두대간수목원 #백두대간수목원 #봄꽃 (국립백두대간수목원에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCV7oqS1Yl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-noodle-king · 5 years ago
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Here’s another art dump post! 
First up is Vampire Emma/Illusionist from the Overwatch Skintober challenge I never finished. Vampire was day 9 but it was actually the first one I drew because I was really vibin’ with it. I was gonna wait till I had done all the day before it to post it, but then I stopped at day 5, and came back to finish day 6 a month and a half later, so, obviously that never happened XD
Then we have a dramatic lighting test I made using one of the drawings of Reggie I did x amount of time ago. I was planning on posting it as a standalone thing, but never got around to it, so, here it is now.
3rd up is Rascorch, a fakemon I had a go at designing. I really really like it and will not be taking criticism!
4th is one of my RWBY OC teams, team BDNA (Belladonna). Like with the RWBY team I did post, CRSS (Cress), I redesigned these gals, but I ended up not liking 2 and 4, so I didn’t post them. left to right is: Blair Blackhart, Drucilla Green-Gale, Nyx Rosewood, and Apple Granger. Blair is a con-artist based on the Blair Witch (her magic is all tricks and slight of hand, more like a magician, but passing herself off as a witch), Dru is based on the Wicked Witch of Oz, Nyx is based on the concept of the modern witch (crystals, self-made rune circles) and Apple is based on the classical evil sorceress seen in fairtales (see the evil queen from snow white, maleficent and mother gothel for specific stylistic influences).
And the finally a bunch of rune circles which I started making every so often after I redesigned Nyx, because they’re really fun to make.
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hoediaz · 3 years ago
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that-one-girl-studies · 2 years ago
Some help for fellow Phlebotomy students!
This is the saying that helps me remember the order of draw for venipuncture:
Yellow (blood cultures)
Light (PT, PTT, Coagulation)
Stop (Chemistry testing)
Green (Any plasma test except plasma cells)
Light (Blood group, Carbon Monoxide levels, CBC)
Go (Glucose, Lactic acid, Blood alcohol levels)
And then these are the tubes and their functions!
Yellow tube:
Blood cultures
Invert 8-10x
Light blue tube:
Coagulation studies.
Always draw two.
Invert 3-4x
Red, tiger, or gold tubes:
Chemistry testing
Electrolyte panel:
Bicarbonate, carbon dioxide, chloride, potassium, sodium
Basic metabolic panels:
Electrolyte panel, BUN, creatinine, glucose, calcium
Drug monitoring:
Digoxin, vancomycin, aminoglycosides, phenobarbital, phenytoin, valproic acid, methotrexate, lithium, theophylline
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Basic metabolic panel, hepatic function panel
Hepatic function panel
ALT, AST, Bilirubin, albumin, total proteins
Total cholesterol
Lipid panel
Thyroid profile
T3, T4, TSH
Individual tests
Folic acid, Vitamin B12, HIV, hCG
Invert 5-6x
Capillary/Dermal Tubes:
Pink tube:
Blood bank studies
Rh typing
Pearl/white tube:
Keep on ice.
Royal blue with purple or red stripe:
Heavy metal testing
Chain of custody.
Tan, royal blue (no stripe), or lavender:
Lead levels
Royal blue (plain):
Trace metal analysis.
Sodium Heparin
Pale yellow:
Compatibility for transplant
DNA & Paternity testing.
Chain of custody
Capillary/Dermal Tubes END
Dark or light green tubes:
Any plasma test EXCEPT plasma cells
C reactive protein for inflammation
Immunoglobin A measures antibodies and tests for autoimmune diseases
Liver enzymes
Bone marrow disorders
Serum HCG
Gets spun!
Lithium heparin
Sodium heparin (Dark green)
Ammonium Heparin
Invert 8-10x
Lavender tubes:
Blood group (ABO)
Carbon monoxide levels
WBC w/ diff.
Hemoglobin A1c
Rh typing
Sickle cell anemia
ANY blood cells
Invert 8-10 times
Gray tubes:
Glucose fasting and tolerance testing
Lactic acid
Do NOT use tourniquet
Patient does NOT need to make a fist
Blood alcohol levels:
DO NOT USE alcohol-based antiseptic
USE Chlorhexidine as an antiseptic.
Potassium Oxalate
Sodium Fluoride
Invert 8-10 times
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, or if I missed something!! This is straight from my notebook, so it's highly likely that I missed something!
Have a wonderful day and stay safe!!
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iamthatis · 8 years ago
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NASCAR driving experience with our ServiceNow vendor BDNA. #nascar #texaamotorspeedway #servicenow #bdna (at Texas Motor Speedway)
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mitrakprsyariah · 4 years ago
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. HADIRILAH SURVEY MARYAM RESIDENCE Survey setiap hari Sabtu dan Minggu Perumahan Islami Terintegritas Maryam Residence Setu Bekasi 🗝 Legalitas Aman 🏕 Lahan Tanah Darat 💸 Tanpa Bank & Bi Checking 💸 Tanpa Riba & Denda Mempersembahkan "Hunian dengan Lingkungan yang Islami" PROMO KEMERDEKAAN MARYAM RESIDENCE SETU Pembelian Cash Keras Diskon 40 juta 🌲 DP Cash 30% Bonus (2 unit) AC 1/2 PK) + Gratis 12X Berkuda 🌲 DP Cash 20% Bonus (2 unit) AC 1/2 PK + Gratis 12 Berkuda 🌲 DP Cicil Bonus (1 unit) AC 1/2 PK + Gratis 12X Berkuda Ingin tahu bagaimana penjelasan lengkapnya, Segera Survey lokasinya jangan sampai kehabisan! Untuk info lengkapnya bisa Hubungi kami di wa.me/6287878341677 . #rumahbekasi #rumahkpr #rumahcom #rumahstrategis #tanpabank #rumahdijual #rumahbogor #rumahdepok #rumahsyariah #kprsyariah #rumah123 #carirumah #mitrakprsyariah #juragankavlingjabodetabek #dijualrumah #jualrumahmurah #rumahmurah #rumahsetubekasi #rumahsyariahsetu #rumahsetu #perumahanmurah #properti #rumah2lantai #rumahsiaphuni #rumahmodern #rumahdijualmurah #huniannyaman (at Setu Bekasi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSQqkS-BdNA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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whats-in-a-sentence · 10 months ago
Figure 25.11b shows more detail of a B-DNA double helix, especially the major and minor grooves. (...) Another of the most common secondary structures of DNA is A-DNA (figure 25.11a), which forms under conditions of high salt concentration and minimal water and is also a right-handed helix. Z-DNA (figure 25.11c) is a conformation variation, which has a left-handed double helix.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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enochlee · 2 years ago
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봄이 기지개를 펴고 있는 수목원 #노루귀 #arboretum #garden #plants #flowers #BDNA #springflowers #수목원 #정원 #식물원 #식물 #꽃스타그램 #국립백두대간수목원 #백두대간수목원 #봄꽃 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAGYvSyfMG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-noodle-king · 5 years ago
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Team SLVR, some of my first OC’s kinda ever. I originally planned on doing proper drawings of them but I haven’t been back to doing those in a long while now, so I figured I’d post up their new designs and their finally designed weapons.
I’m not going to dwell on everything wrong with their original designs/drawings, because dunking on my past self’s art and design choices is not productive to growth. However I do actively enjoy thinking about character design, and there are a few big changes from the original designs to the new ones worth talking about. But I’ll keep it short.
I’m gonna put that, and then character details and stuff about their semblances and weapons under the cut.
Their original colour schemes were so messy and all over the place, ignoring the core theme of RWBY character designs; each character has a colour that represents them. Sand’s design has more red and purple in it than pale yellow, Lime’s is completely the wrong green, Violet’s is also the wrong purple, and there’s way too much of it without proper variation or dispersal throughout the design, and then Rouge’s is the only one with gold instead of Silver, their team colour. Completely ignoring all of the issues with the designs themselves, the colour language is completely off, and for something so integral to the very concept of RWBY OC’s to be so wrong, was my biggest issue with these original designs, when I finally came back to them
Hence, the colour overhaul in the new designs! I gave them all monochromatic eyes and hair, matching their personal colours. Sand has pale yellow eyes and hair, Lime has a bright acidic green, Violet a light purple, and Rouge a bright red, and then these same colours are pulled down throughout their designs, head to toe, and then broken up by a couple shades each of creams through dark greys and black, and finally they all have silver accents. Sand is the leader, and he’s meant to be a lighthearted and approachable character, so he has a bulk of lighter colour on his top half, with his personal colour covering what would otherwise be a large amount of black on his boots. Lime is practical, pragmatic, straightforward; she wears more armour, but also more of her personal colour is on show. Violet is outwardly timid, but also very powerful, her clothes are baggy and her colour seems to box her in and drown her out somewhat. And Rouge is a rogue, he’s sneaky and works in the shadows, so his personal colour takes a backseat to the bulk of black in his outfit.
And now for actually character stuff rather than just design rambling ^_^;;
Team SLVR (Silver) is based on mythical beasts/monsters of legend, and alongside team BDNA (Belladonna), who were based on various famous/archetypal witches, they were intended to be rivals for Team CRSS (Cress), to form a narrative of the fairy tale heroes against witches and monsters; with the obvious caveat of the witches and monsters being people with human feelings and motivations, and ultimately having more in common with each other than against. 
Sand Martichoras:  Sand is based on the Manticore, and his Semblance ‘Venom Lash’ presents itself as his Aura manifesting a large, spectral scorpion tail from his lower back; Venom Lash can be used to strike with the tail itself in order to poison a foe and drain them of their strength, or Sand can channel it’s power into his attacks, imbuing his dust shells with the same poisoning quality. His weapon, The Scorpion Stinger, is a weighty spear with a wide flat spearhead more appropriate for sweeping attacks than thrusts, and on the opposite end is a shotgun. It can be snapped in half to use both simultaneously, and can then be used like nunchucks or even as a grappling hook with the cable connecting them. Sand is the leader of Team SLVR, he’s confident but lighthearted and easy to talk to. Some would say he’s overconfident, or even vain, but for the most part he gets along with everyone he meets.
Lime Gorgana:  Lime is based on the Basilisk, as well as Medusa, and her Semblance ‘Eye of the Gorgon’ presents itself as a pulsating green glow all about her, and her Aura manifesting several hissing snakes all around her head; Eye of the Gorgon is a powerful semblance which Lime struggles to control, it being able to activate without her meaning to when she becomes overly emotional. Eye of the Gorgon petrifies Dust, rendering it inert stone; when it is directed, it can petrify a controlled amount up to quite a great distance away, so long as Lime can see the container the Dust is in or the person carrying it. However it also petrifies Dust immediately around Lime as well, in a very small area while it is being carefully controlled and directed, but in a larger one when she loses control of it; regardless it means she cannot use or even carry any Dust of her own. Her weapon, The Serpentine Fang, is a simple one, owing to it’s inability to use Dust; it’s base form is a lithe, collapsible rapier which pairs elegantly with her arm-mounted shield, then it’s scabbard doubles as either a large, weighty cleaver, or when the rapier is inserted, as a substantial greatsword. To compensate for her inability to use Dust of any kind, Lime has trained her body to be a powerful and adaptive weapon all it’s own, equally skilled in the use of her shield, hand to hand combat, the rapid, flowing motions of combat with her rapier, and the devastating, crushing blows of her greatsword. Lime is the second in command of Team SLVR; her and Sand often disagree about many things, but they also trust each other explicitly. She is very levelheaded, and very pragmatic and practical, some would even call her cold blooded for some of the decisions she’s made in the heat of combat, but her skill with strategy is unquestionable .
Violet Wolfsbane:  Violet is based on the Werewolf, and her Semblance ‘Lunar Frenzy’ manifests as her Aura expanding to project the shape of a spectral, bipedal wolf about her. While her Semblance is active Violet loses control, going into a frenzy, her expanded Aura protects her from a greater range of attacks and it hardens itself against damage, allowing her to fight for much longer than otherwise; it also gives her enhanced speed and strength, allowing her to leap and bound across great distances and rend through strong defences. However it comes at a great toll, draining her strength and expending her Aura, meaning that once it runs out, she collapses, often unable to even remain conscious, making it’s use in actual battle extremely high risk. Her weapons are The Violent Renders, manacle-like wrist bracers with crescent blades on their sides which can rotate and open out into tiered claws for varied uses, such as slashing, stabbing and rending. In their expanded state, the blades can also be detached from the manacles to be swung by cables at distant foes. Violet is timid despite her height, often walking hunched over or standing with all her limbs angled inwards, as if trying to make herself smaller, and she speaks with a soft voice. She is afraid of her Semblance and doesn’t like using it, but Sand, Lime and Rouge have helped to bring her somewhat out of her shell and have attempted to instil more confidence in her, especially with regards to her power.
Rouge Entigo:  Rouge is based on the Wendigo, as well as the Jackalope, and his Semblance ‘Blood Hunger’ manifests as his Aura taking on a mottled black and red effect, with spectral antlers atop his head and pitch black eyes. While Rouge is channelling Blood Hunger, he is able to cannibalise his own Aura to exponentially increase his strength, as well as to perform other feats he is not otherwise capable of; By taking large chunks of power from his Aura at a time, Rouge is able to perform short range teleportation (only to a location he can see) or he can cut a similar portion off of another persons Aura; he can also corrupt Dust to significantly weaken it’s effects, or temporarily prevent the activation of someone else’s semblance. If someone else is willing, they can feed their Aura into Rouge’s, allowing him to devour it to use Blood Hunger more, or for longer. Rouge’s weapon is a shortsword/large dagger called The Happy Rogue, which can expand out into a lightweight hand scythe, or can be split into a pair of thin daggers, which can still then be expanded into a hand scythe/handaxe combo. As well as their obvious offensive capabilities, Rouge often uses The Happy Rogue for climbing, liking to take advantage of terrain for stealth as well as combat. Rouge is a prankster on the surface, but underneath he has quite an aggressive side, and has a penchant for violence. He and Lime were childhood classmates, and learned and trained together long before Team SLVR was formed, and while he doesn’t showoff his fighting skills nearly as much as she does, they’re equally matched when it comes to combat.
As individuals they all possess powerful semblances, versatile weapons and impressive fighting capabilities; together they are a formidable team, they work well together, and close ranks around their personal weaknesses. But they all have weaknesses that the rest of the team can’t cover for; Lime can’t use her semblance while near the others, or she risks petrifying their Dust, likewise Sand’s Semblance risks Poisoning the others, Violet’s semblance has a short shelf life in combat and if she drops at the wrong time she becomes a big liability, and while Rouge’s has the same problem, he can also take power from the others to extend it, heightening both the risk and the reward. Their strength as a team comes from knowing each others limits, weaknesses, and boundaries, and trying their best to work within and around them.
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marketnewsri · 4 years ago
Construction ERP Software Market Opportunities, Drivers and Growth Factors 2020-2026
October 08, 2020: In this report, Radiant Insights offers a comprehensive analysis of key market trends in the global Construction ERP Software market. It also includes discussion on historical trends, current market status, competitive landscape, growth opportunities and challenges which are backed by factful feedbacks. The report extensively provides quantitative analysis of the industry from 2014-2026,by Region, Type, Application. Consumption assessment by application, production by type in different regions. Furthermore, the report quantifies the market share held by the major players of the industry and provides an in-depth view of the competitive landscape. The market size in terms of revenue (USD) and production is calculated for the study period along with the details of the factors affecting the market growth (drivers and restraints). The worldwide market for Construction ERP Software market will reach xxx Million USD in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of xx% 2021-2026. Geographically, global Construction ERP Software market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players including •    ServiceNow •    Flexera Software •    IBM Corporation •    Oracle •    Hewlett Packard Enterprise •    BMC Software •    BDNA Corporation •    LANDESK Software •    Aspera Technologies •    Cherwell Software •    CA Technology
Request a Free Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/global-construction-erp-software-market-analysis/request-sample On the basis of product, we research the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate, primarily split into •    On-Premises •    On-Cloud For the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of Construction ERP Software for each application, including •    SMEs •    Large Enterprises Production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate are the key targets for Construction ERP Software from 2014 to 2026 (forecast) in these regions •    China •    USA •    Europe •    Japan •    Korea •    India •    Southeast Asia •    South America Download Full Research Report @ https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/global-construction-erp-software-market-analysis     Table of Contents 1 Report Overview    1.1 Definition    1.2 Manufacturers and Regions Overview        1.2.1 Manufacturers Overview        1.2.2 Regions Overview    1.3 Type Overview    1.4 Application Overview    1.5 Industrial Chain        1.5.1 Construction ERP Software Overall Industrial Chain        1.5.2 Upstream        1.5.3 Downstream        1.5.4 Economic/Political Environment
2 Global Construction ERP Software Market Assesment by Types    2.1 Overall Market Performance        2.1.1 Product Type Market Performance (Volume)        2.1.2 Product Type Market Performance (Value)    2.2 China Construction ERP Software Market Performance    2.3 USA Construction ERP Software Market Performance    2.4 Europe Construction ERP Software Market Performance    2.5 Japan Construction ERP Software Market Performance    2.6 Korea Construction ERP Software Market Performance    2.7 India Construction ERP Software Market Performance    2.8 Southeast Asia Construction ERP Software Market Performance    2.9 South America Construction ERP Software Market Performance 3 Global Construction ERP Software Market Assesment by Application    3.1 Overall Market Performance (Volume)    3.2 China Construction ERP Software Market Performance (Volume)    3.3 USA Construction ERP Software Market Performance (Volume)    3.4 Europe Construction ERP Software Market Performance (Volume)    3.5 Japan Construction ERP Software Market Performance (Volume)    3.6 Korea Construction ERP Software Market Performance (Volume)    3.7 India Construction ERP Software Market Performance (Volume)    3.8 Southeast Asia Construction ERP Software Market Performance (Volume)    3.9 South America Construction ERP Software Market Performance (Volume) About Radiant Insights: At Radiant Insights, we work with the aim to reach the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Our representatives strive to understand diverse client requirements and cater to the same with the most innovative and functional solutions.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 10 months ago
Figure 25.10 shows a ribbon model of double-stranded B-DNA, the predominant form of DNA in dilute aqueous solution and thought to be the most common form in nature. (...) This displacement and the relative orientation of the glycosidic bonds linking each base to the sugar-phosphate backbone lead to two different sized grooves: a major groove and a minor groove (figure 25.10).
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FIGURE 25.10 Ribbon model of double-stranded B-DNA. Each ribbon shows the 2'-deoxyribose-phosphodiester backbone of a single-stranded DNA molecule. The strands are antiparallel, one running to the left from the 5' end to the 3' end, the other running to the right from the 5' end to the 3' end. Hydrogen bonds are shown by three dotted lines between each G-C base pair and two dotted lines between each A-T base pair.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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captainmasudkhan-blog · 5 years ago
Bahrain Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Market: Supplier Shares and Strategies, Country Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts
Market Reports on Saudi Arabia Provides the Trending Market Research Report on “Bahrain Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Market for 100 Assays: Supplier Shares and Strategies, Country Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts-Infectious and Genetic Diseases, Cancer, Forensic and Paternity Testing” under Healthcare category. The Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Market is projected to exhibit highest growth rate over report offers a collection of superior market research, market analysis, and competitive intelligence and industry reports.
This new Bahrain Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Market report s designed to help current suppliers and potential market entrants identify and evaluate emerging opportunities in the molecular diagnostics market during the next five years.
Highlights Five-year test volume and sales forecasts Feature comparison of major analyzers Profiles of market players and start-up firms developing innovative technologies and products Specific product and business opportunities for instrument and consumable suppliers
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Request a free sample copy of Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Market Report @ http://www.marketreportsonsaudiarabia.com/marketreports/sample/reports/1604009
Rationale The molecular diagnostics market is unquestionably the most rapidly growing segment of the in vitro diagnostics industry. The next five years will witness significant developments in reagent systems and automation, as well as introduction of a wide range of new products that will require innovative marketing approaches. The rate of market penetration into routine clinical laboratories, however, will depend on the introduction of cost-effective and automated systems with amplification methods.
In order to successfully capitalize on the opportunities presented by the molecular diagnostics market, many companies are already exploiting new molecular technologies as corporate strategic assets, managed in support of business and marketing strategies. Integrating new technology planning with business and corporate strategies will be one of the most challenging tasks for diagnostic companies during the next five years.
Market Segmentation Analysis Five-year test volume and sales forecasts for major applications, including: Infectious Diseases Forensic Testing Cancer Paternity Testing/HLA Typing Genetic Diseases Others Five-year test volume and sales projections for over 30 NAT assays.
Product/Technology Review Comparison of leading molecular diagnostic analyzers.
Review of molecular diagnostic technologies, test formats, detection methodologies, trends in testing automation and over 30 target/signal amplification methods, including: PCR bDNA SDA NASBA TMA SSSR, and others LCR Companies, universities and research centers developing new molecular- diagnostic technologies and products.
Competitive Assessments Strategic profiles of major suppliers and emerging market entrants, including their sales, product portfolios, marketing tactics, collaborative arrangements and new technologies/products in R&D.
Opportunities and Strategic Recommendations New product development opportunities with potentially significant market appeal during the next five years. Alternative market penetration strategies. Potential market entry barriers and risks. Business planning issues and concerns.
Browse our full report with Table of Content: http://www.marketreportsonsaudiarabia.com/marketreports/bahrain-nucleic-acid-testing-nat-market-for-100-assays-supplier-shares-and-strategies-country-volume-and-sales-segme/1604009 About Us Market Reports on Saudi Arabia provides you with an in-depth industry reports focusing on various economic, political and operational risk environment, complemented by detailed sector analysis. We have an exhaustive coverage on variety of industries – ranging from energy and chemicals to transportation, communications, constructions and mining to Food and Beverage and education. Our collection includes over 2000 up-to-date reports all researched, analyses and published by top-notch international research firms.
Contact us at: Market Reports On Saudi Arabia Tel: +91 22 27810772 / 27810773 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.marketreportsonsaudiarabia.com Follow us on : Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin
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