What Deity Did
12 posts
Designer & Creator of alternative jewellery & bags ~usually involving polkadots and skulls. :D
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson is marching with protestors in Fergoson, MO.
After being given control of Ferguson from the Missouri Governor, Johnson has ordered all police to remove their masks and cease their violent tactics. He is protecting the citizens’ right to peaceful protest, and is actively engaging in dialogue with protesting residents.
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
Rachel Pepe is a 13-year-old transgender girl from Middletown, NJ who’s gearing up to go back to school. The problem is that because she’s legally registered with the school as male, officials say she can only return to school if she “acts” and “dresses” as male.
Thorne Middle School says they won’t accommodate Rachel’s request to use women’s restrooms or even the single-stall bathroom in the nurse’s office, and they will refuse to call her by her name. No out-of-district educational opportunities will be made available, either.
"He was going to school last year as Brian," said Angela Peters, Rachel’s mother, adding that her child developed stress-related seizures, depression and panic attacks. "How can I send her back as Rachel? And I am not sending her back as Brian because the depression will start again."
Rachel remained deeply isolated from the rest of the student body but still, her mother said, the children would bully her because she was so quiet.
"She would get off the bus and just cry," Peters said. "Then she would go to sleep for 17 or 20 hours and refuse to go back there."
There is no reason in the universe to treat a child with such hostility and meanness. Rachel is incredibly brave for sharing her story on a national level when there’s so much hate brewing in her own community. School should be a safe place, but it so often isn’t; when a student has to fear mistreatment from teachers for being who she is, the school is failing her.
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
i wasn’t ready
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
omg what the fuck i actually gained 1000 followers this morning after i followed this blog here….not even kidding!!
woahhh..i just tried it and the same thing happened
omg i just gained 568 in 5 minutes…
wtf how is that even possible!! 1,296 IN 10 MINUTES!!!
i swear im gonna be tumblr famous in 2 days thanks to this
#yeahright - #meanwhile im still just on one !
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
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DEITY ANARCHY This is punk, Deity-style!  in fab black & white check fabric, featuring a punk girl with real chain piercing! -with our trademark heart pocket & punk patches. It has a flapover magnetic tab fastener, very large interior pocket & shoulder strap.  £55 + p&p
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
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DEITY 'DEAD PRETTY' Shoulder bag This one's a big'un! -in supersoft black patent PVC & lined in red & white polkadot fabric, with our trademark heart pocket but this one is super-large and features a dead girl cameo print! It has a flapover buckle fastening, cameo & bow decoration, very large interior pocket & shoulder strap. 
£60 + p&p
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
my sarcastic inner monologue is about the best thing I have going for me
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
you guys i opened a door to let the dogs out and a fucking spider ran across my foot inside and then i was screaming and my mom dropped a plastic bowl on it to not let it run away and then it fUCKING GAVE BIRTH ON THE FLOOR IN THE BOWL AND THEN WE WERE BOTH SCREAMING
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
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DEITY 'DEAD DOTTY' Shoulder bag in funky black & yellow polkadot fabric, with our trademark heart pocket but this one is super-large and features a dead girl cameo print! It has a flapover buckle fastening, cameo & bow decoration, very large interior pocket & shoulder strap.  £48 + p&p
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
So this is my new blog... i'm really not sure what i am doing with it yet(!), but the general consensus seems to be that i should be on here, so here i am! Exactly what i'm gonna do next, i haven't yet decided, but ermmmm, yeah, this is me. :)
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(, i don't really smoke a pipe, it's just the first recent pic of me that i clicked on! i'll sort out a better one later) So i'm Soo, and i'm designer, creator, promoter, publicist, owner and everything else of #TheDeitychain! I design & create jewellery and bags: i don't use patterns and very often what i start to create ends up being something else by the time i have finished(!), cos i might get a better idea whilst i'm in the middle of putting it all together, but that's just how i roll. ;) I have a website: (shameless plug!) where all of my current creations can be bought, and i also make a lot of items to order (yes that means i take commissions if you are interested!).
What you can expect to see:  well firstly, lots of polkadots & stripes! (it's kinda my thing!) skulls, tattoos, studs, punky styling and anything with a gothic edge..... and most likely a lot of nonsense inbetween! :o
Please come say Hi, and if you wanna follow me, well that'd be awesome!
~Soo. x
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
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Test post: I tattooed my front door! 
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deitysoo · 11 years ago
Robots. Definately!
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