#bc why am I getting crushed when I defend AND when I attack I truly cannot win
gio-cosmo · 2 months
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I hate this dumbass venue so much 😭😭😭
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
masters of the scene
we’re somewhat on a schedule here, talk about progressss!!!! I’m also the shookest bc i had to split this part in two. that hadn’t happened since i was like, twelve. shookestest. Hopefully part 2 of this one will be up this week, so fingers crossed for that. 
(also, this being split also means that instead of our usual l/m/l pov, this is half luna, half matteo. same with the other one, sorry)
shout out to my baked goods for helping me and being proud aunts of this au even when it’s a mess most of the timeeeeee, ily 
in case you’ve missed any part:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
AU: Matteo Balsano is a famous singer who has been crushing on this one girl he saw every day behind a window many years ago, back when he first started recording his debut album and inspired his first big hit, “Princesa”. Luna Valente, professional Olympic skater turned actress is at a local (and very popular) talk show to promote her breakout movie. This is where it all starts.
According to our sources, the answer is a big, bold, YES.
Your – and ours too! – favorite couple has reunited with their management to discuss ‘how to break it to the public’ according to our sources. Benson and Balsano, who have been linked by fans and media for a little over three months now, are finally ready to take a big step on their relationship and shout their love to the world!
“[Sol] thinks it’s time for them to tell everyone. She’s in love, and is tired of hiding it from her family, friends and especially of her fans.” But what about Matteo? “[He] has his doubts and is adamant of how the public will react to their relationship. He doesn’t want anyone attacking him or her for it.”
Earlier in the week, news of Benson’s retirement from professional skating broke and the fans were very vocal on their displeasure of Balsano’s – rumored- involvement, as well as the lack of public response in support for his girl. So, was this topic touched at all?
“Absolutely. [Matteo] cares about how his fans see him, and while he knows none of them would believe he was at fault, he still wants to clear the air and let them know the truth.” And what’s the truth exactly? “He never asked for [Sol] to quit. But he likes her and wanted to spend more time with her before their obligations forced them to be apart, so he suggested a break. Ultimately, it was Sol who chose she was done with the sport.” Talk about true love!
Either way, we’re all excited to see what’s next on this couple’s agenda, and can’t wait for them to blind us with their cuteness!
For more Soltteo, click here!
“Well? Is everyone suddenly deaf? Do I have to ask again?” Matteo’s lawyer – and best friend, if his snaps were any indication- tried to lighten the mood with a joke, grinning towards them. His eyes flickering to Nina’s the most.
“Not much.” Matteo answered, his gaze still on her. Luna huffed silently at him, making him grimace. Luna had the urge to stick her tongue out to him, but she had to remind herself she was an adult. Or trying to be one, anyway.
“So, no deal has been made? Has any party thrown any ideas?” Gastón questioned them.
Delfi nodded. “Actually, Miss Benson gave a very nice one before you came in.” Luna blinked a couple times. To be honest, her brain hadn’t even registered half the words that had came out of her mouth, her anger usually blinded – and deafened, too, apparently- her memory.
“I did?”
Thankfully, Delfi smiled before explaining, “yes, you did. A televised interview is brilliant; you don’t have any exclusivity with printed media, and Matteo’s can’t be compromised since it’ll be live on TV.” The older girl turned to her – soon to be ex-  manager, “I’d advice to choose Jazmín. Not only because of the ratings and demographics, but also because she’s close to us and would agree to not touch certain topics, as well as to open a spot on her show faster than any other person. The fact that Sol is somewhat familiarized with her doesn’t hurt, too.”
Tamara vaguely nodded at Delfi, but was quick to turn to her, silently asking her if that was what she wanted. Luna knew she’d suggested and all, but that had been in a moment of anger. Angry at Mariano for attacking Matteo, and angry at Matteo for being quick to judge, as well as resented he had ignored her for two weeks, to now try and act like nothing had happened. Truthfully, she didn’t think it was a good idea.
“I’m not sure, Delfi. You’ve said so yourself, I’m not properly ‘trained’ and if I end up saying something that could make everything worse I-”
Gastón frowned, interrupting her babbling. “But I thought this was your idea? Why would you suggest it if you’re not sure you can pull it off?” His words hadn’t any malice in them, yet, she still felt a twinge of offense, and Luna didn’t know how to answer him.
Her best friend did, though. “Sometimes our mouths are quicker than our brains.” Nina’s eyes went between Matteo and her, making Gastón grin, and nod in understand. She was full offended now, reaching out to her friend to pinch her arm in protest. Nina whelped silently, mouthing ‘sorry’ to her; her eyes, though, showed her amusement.  
Delfi called for their attention, “we can train you, if you want.” She offered.
“I don’t think-” Mariano wanted to protest. Luna wanted none of it.
“Don’t you dare. Delfi’s been nothing but professional here, actually trying to help, don’t you dare minimize her work or insinuate she’s not capable of doing it.” Mariano pursed his lips, turning to Tamara in help. Tamara’s glare and shake of her head was all he got. When she was sure he’d given up, Luna acknowledged Delfi. “I’m not sure this is a good idea, sorry. If I’m being honest, Jazmín scares me; going to her show, alone, is terrifying.”
Delfi pondered her words for a moment, not really looking at her, or at anyone or anything in specific. She just stayed quiet, looking at nothing and biting her lip.
No one said anything for a couple of minutes, and Luna wasn’t sure if they were waiting for Delfi, or if they, themselves, were thinking her words over. Either way the silence was awkward for her, and silently prayed for someone else to break it.
Tamara did.
“If you excuse me, I think I’ll go ask where our drinks are at.” She put her gaze on her. “Care to go with me, Sol?” She couldn’t nod fast enough. Luna wasn’t too naïve, she knew Tamara wanted to speak to her, alone, but the silence was driving her mad and would take whatever excuse.
She felt Matteo’s eyes follow her out of the room.
Luna let out a big sigh as soon as the door closed. Tamara was a few steps ahead, waiting for her. “So, what do you want to tell me?”
“I wanted to apologize. It seems that I underestimated your relationship with Balsano, and going in there, asking you to ignore him was a bad idea, I’m sorry.” Tamara’s words were full of sincerity. However, they only confused her.
“What do you mean?”
The woman showed surprise. “You didn’t notice?”
“Would I be asking you if I had?”
Tamara smiled. “I suppose not, no. What I’m saying is, he seems to like you, and you ignoring him, God forbid, set him off. He kept looking at you, waiting for you to notice him, and when you didn’t, it got to the point of annoying him, making him lash out at Mariano and I.”  
“But Mariano was provoking him, Matteo – well, I would be annoyed too if someone did the same to me.” Luna pointed out, crossing her arms as she walked.
“Perhaps.” Tamara agreed, her smile intact, “I do want you to know, though, that this is Matteo Balsano we’re talking about. Do you think he’s not used to being provoked in interviews? By the fans or the paps? He knows better than to give in their games.” Luna fell a few steps behind. Tamara stopped walking altogether, waiting for her to speak again.
“Be honest, Tamara, what are you trying to get at?”
“I think you know what I’m trying to say, munchkin. I could be wrong in what way exactly, but he cares about you.” Tamara sighed. “Either way, I was wrong when I advised you to ignore him. It’s obvious he took it personal and now both him and Delfi are upset.”
“I am upset with him, anyway. I wouldn’t have been completely cordial when I saw him, even if you hadn’t told me anything.”
“I don’t know the boy, but I think he’d rather have you mad at him than evasive.” Luna was over with having everyone else getting amusement out of her and Matteo, so she turned the conversation back to professional.
“Do you think I should do that interview?”
Her manager composed herself, her expression turning serious. “Honestly? Yes. Not for Balsano’s reputation, but to give your fans a peace of mind. We warned you a written statement could come off as careless, no matter how much you made it sound as grateful and loving as you feel. Most of them feel betrayed, confused, and back-stabbed. I know you feel like you can’t handle it, but you’re the bravest person I know, Luna, and you could beat Jazmín at her own gossip game if you wanted to. And, even if you don’t, Delfi is right; they have connections with her, they can blacklist any topic or question you don’t feel comfortable talking about. I would accept her offer of more training, too.”
Luna tried to sigh her nervousness away. She failed. “Can I think about it some more? I don’t want to rush it.”
Tamara smiled comfortingly, nodding once. “Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything else from you. It means I successfully taught you something.”
She frowned, feeling bad Delfi’s dab had affected her. “You did an amazing job as my manager, Tamara. I’m sorry I didn’t defend you back there, because honestly, you did more than good. You gave me choices, gave me a voice when it mattered, just like now. I’m thankful I had you with me.”
The woman sighed happily, giving her a hug. “Sweetest girl, that you are. I’m glad I could help you the years I did, you’re truly a brilliant, humble, talented young lady and to work with you has been my honor, munchkin.” She sighed again as she dropped her arms around her and started walking again. Her next words make her cackle. “Now, let’s go look for our drinks. I have a feeling I might need a bit of rum with mine.”
Matteo could only watch as the door closed, ignoring the urge of following right behind and beg Luna for a chance to talk. He’d obviously been blind to ignore she would get mad at him for blowing her off for weeks. Either he was losing his touch with women, or it went powerless when it came to her. Whatever it was, he was now in trouble with her and completely oblivious as to how to fix it.
“Dumb and dumber, come here.” Delfi called for Gastón and him, using her favorite nicknames for both. At this point it’d lost any malice behind them (there hadn’t been any to begin with, really), and he was used to it, so he followed suit when she signaled for them to huddle up in a circle. Gastón looked unsure of doing so, glancing quickly in Nina’s direction. He so was going to give him crap for it once they were done here.
“What’s the plan?” He wondered, eager to hear what Delfi had decided to do. 9 out 10 times, it turned out to be a good idea. The 10th time was usually him changing the plan.
“We have to convince her to agree to the interview. It’s the best counterattack, and if it’s with Jazmín we can make it foolproof, keeping it safe and predictable. We can even think and write her answers beforehand,” she looked at him, “it’s honestly the best way for her, Matteo.”
Matteo pursed his lips. “I trust you, Delfi, but I don’t want to force her to do something she’s not comfortable with. She’s mad enough at me as it is, pressuring her could make it worse.”
“We also can’t be one hundred percent sure Jazmín will agree to stick to a script. Remember last time? She went for the kill with Luna. She knew it would get her and Matteo in trouble, yet she still chose to do it.” Gastón reminded her, siding with him. It was in moments like this when Matteo was grateful he was his best friend.
Delfi cringed. “Well…”
Matteo knew that look. Delfi knew more than she was letting them see. “What?” he urged her to explain. Did she know about it beforehand? Why hadn’t she stopped it if she did?
“I couldn’t stop Ámbar, really! She went behind my back and coerced Jazmín to hint it and warned me literally seconds before she went live. You know I would’ve stopped it if I knew with time.”
“Blondie started this mess?” Gastón was incredulous. Matteo, however, was seeing red. It finally clicked on him that she’d purposefully had set Luna up back then. He’d recognized her smirk in the interview, and he’d completely forgotten to ask her about it further once it was over. He’d tried to play it off as her being her smug self when it was about being in public – he’d seen it enough when they dated not to- but now it made sense. And he could bet it was all about him eating those stupid cupcakes.
Delfi looked at him, worry in her eyes. “Matteo, don’t. Focus on what’s important right now, not in the past. Ámbar cut off Jazmín when it got out of hand, remember? She helped your girl once it was obvious she couldn’t save herself. Calm down.”
“She shouldn’t have started it in the first place! I thought she was Luna’s friend, and yet, you’re telling me she threw her to tigers? Exposed her to the tabloids knowing damn well she wasn’t ready for it? And for what? Because I ate her stupid dollar cupcakes?” he hissed, pulling his hair in frustration.  
Delfi’s glare was pure ice, now. “I’m not going to fight with you about this, as it is between Ámbar and you. You want to complain about it? Do it with her, bitch your mouth off, if you want to. However, right now, we’re discussing how to protect your precious star from more attacks since you have decided you want to keep her in your life; because – surprise! - if she stays, then so will the news about her. So, focus, you idiot.”
Matteo was still seething, grinding his teeth together. Gastón palmed his back softly. “Dude, she’s right. I’ll help you hide Ámbar’s body later – and Jazmín’s, too, if you want- but now it’s not the time to get mad. Think of Luna, she needs our help more than she needs you to defend her honor with Ámbar.”
Finally, he relented. “Fine. I’ll deal with Ámbar later. How do I convince Luna to accept, though? She won’t even look at me right now.”
“That’s easy.” Delfi said, discreetly pointing to where Nina was sitting. “We talk to her, and she talks to your love. I’ll get Pedro to talk to Simón, so he does too. They’re her best friends and will convince her to jump off a cliff is that’s what they want.” Matteo frowned, Delfi rolled her eyes. “They’d never do that, oh my God.”
“Whatever. How do we convince Nina to convince Luna, then?” He looked at his best friend, silently asking him if he knew. Gastón merely shrugged.
“Do I have to do everything for you two idiots?” Delfina huffed, before raising her voice. “Nina, can you come, please?” she called, making the girl look up from where she was sitting, looking at her phone. She was with them in less than a minute.
“Hi.” She said shyly, blushing when Gastón threw a grin in her direction. Delfi turned to him and pretended to gag. Matteo was half mad still but teased his friend with a wink.  
“I’m going to go straight to the point – you need to convince Luna to do that interview.”
Nina blinked once. Twice. “Okay.”
Matteo was skeptical. She just couldn’t have agreed that easily, he must’ve heard her wrong. “Really?”
“I’m not stupid, I know that’s the safest bet for my friend.” Nina frowned at him, “I can’t say it’ll be easy, though, she seems to be very scared after her last one with Jazmín. Maybe-” her frown deepened, stopping her thoughts from escaping her mouth.
“Maybe?” The three of them prompted.  
“Maybe if she weren’t alone… If she had someone else to stop her from rambling, like Ámbar-”
Matteo objected. “Absolutely not. Ámbar can’t go with her, just no.” He shook his head multiple times, rejecting the idea.
“I wasn’t saying it has to be Ámbar. Simón, Tamara, or Delfi-” Nina threw him a quick look. “- even you could. Luna just needs someone to calm her rambles and assure her they won’t let her talk more than necessary. That’s all.”
Delfi’s eyes shone. “That’s brilliant! If Matteo goes too, and both make it clear they’re just friends and he had no input in her decision, everyone will have to believe they’re just friends, and we won’t have to give exclusives with ‘our side’ of the story, either. You’re a genius, Simonetti.”
“Um, aren’t you guys forgetting something?” Gastón interjected, “Luna couldn’t be madder with Matteo if she tried. How is she gonna agree not only to the interview, but to an interview with him?”
Matteo’s mood went down once again at the reminder. What he didn’t expect, though, was for Nina to punch him on his arm. “Ouch! What was that for?”
Nina huffed. “For making my best friend mad, of course. Do you know how hard that is to achieve? She’s all sunshine and rainbows most of the time!”
“You can punch him more later, Nina,” Delfi told her. Matteo glared at his manager, who simply waved him off, “but please tell us, how can this idiot fix it?”
Nina thought about it for a moment. “Well, apologizing, for starters.” Done. He’d beg if he needed to. “And being completely honest. No bullcrap like ‘I forgot to call you back’ or ‘my battery died’, Luna hates when people lie to her, and will hate to hear dumb excuses more. Even if it’s a hurtful truth, like not wanting to talk to her, she’ll prefer that to a lie.” Then she turned to him, her brown eyes sharp. “Why did you ignore her these weeks? Is it because you didn’t want to answer her question?”
“I panicked.” He admitted, ashamed of his cowardliness. “I wasn’t – still am not- ready to admit my reasons.”
“Why?” she wondered, curiosity getting the best of her.
“Because she will see him as the creep he is.” Gastón snorted. Matteo flipped him off.
Nina’s eyes shone with mischief. “So, it is true. You’ve known her longer than that night at JaJazmin.”
“Something like that.” He wasn’t going to spill everything to Nina, not before he told her best friend first; the only person he owed an explanation to was Luna, no one else.
The girl just stared at him for a couple of seconds, before nodding and changing the subject.
“Luna is more likely to forgive with a full stomach. After this meeting she has one with Yam, and after that we’re going out for lunch. I guess, if we casually bumped into each other at Yelao’s…”
Matteo felt hope expanding through his body. He might not owe an explanation to Nina, but he now owed her a big, great favor.
“We’ll be there.” Gastón confirmed for both, knowing well Matteo had no objections to that plan.
“I feel like I have to warn you, though,” Nina spoke to him, “since you were so against Ámbar accompanying Luna to the interview. She’s going to be there, as well as Simón.” Matteo pursed his lips, but he could acknowledge this was probably his only chance. Only the skies knew when Luna would talk to him again if he didn’t apologize soon.
“I’ll manage. I promise.” He had to. Just then, the door opened once again, revealing Luna, Tamara, and one of the receptionists, each carrying a small platter with drinks.
Delfi waited until all drinks where on the table, and the receptionist was gone, to star talking again.
“So, have you given any thoughts on the interview, yet?” She must’ve taken Luna by surprise, because she almost choked on her hot cocoa. He raised his arm on instinct to palm her back, but 1) she was very far away, and 2) he was sure she’d probably rather choke and die than having him help her; so, he put his arm down as fast as he could.
Tamara answered for her. “Could you give her a couple of days? She wishes to think it over before making any decision.” His manager frowned for a bit, ultimately nodding and glancing quickly to him. He understood the look; Matteo had those days to make it right between the two and convince her.
“Of course, of course. But please try not to take too much time, it’s only going to get harder for you both the longer you wait.” Luna gave Delfi a thumb up, not quite done with her coughing. Matteo had to bite his tongue to stop himself from asking if she was okay. Thankfully, Gastón approached her with a glass of water.
“Thank you.” She coughed a couple more times, before drinking the whole glass, sending Gastón a small smile. “Are we done with this yes? I kind of have an appointment with Yam, she’s making my dress for the wedding.”
Now it was Matteo’s turn to choke on his lungo. “Wedding?” Delfi palmed his back a couple of times.
“Yam’s getting married and we’re her bridesmaids. She’s insisting on making our dresses herself, since Mora is making hers; we have our first fitting today.” Nina explained to him. He could bet she was having fun at his reaction, if her smile was any indication.  
“Nina.” Luna called for her friend, shaking her head slightly. Then she turned to him, and Matteo was relieved she didn’t look mad. Just a bit serious. “So, are we done? Or do you have something else to discuss with us?” He wanted so bad to tell her no. That they weren’t anywhere near done, that they hadn’t even started yet. But he wouldn’t be talking about the meeting.
“Since you have stuff to think over, I’d say we’re done. For now, that is.” Delfi answered her, “if you choose to it, then I’ll schedule another meeting and we’ll go into more detail about what kind of deal we can make with each other.”
“We’ll get in touch in a couple of days.” Tamara agreed, moving to gather her things from a chair, urging the lawyer to finish his drink, before saying her farewells. When it was his turn for her goodbye, she was serious as she took his hand, and whispered. “Can I trust her with you? Will you take care of her, the way she deserves?”
He didn’t even think about it before answering. “Yes.”
The older woman stared for a moment, her eyes searching for something. Whatever she found, or didn’t find, was enough for her. “Good.”
The lawyer only gave him a brief nod to everyone before following Tamara out. Once they left, Luna and Nina started their goodbye’s too. Nina offered him a quiet ‘see you later’, which he responded with a grateful smirk. Luna hesitated for a second as she stood in front of him, biting her lip.
“I’m very sorry, Luna.” Her green eyes set on his, “if you have time I can explain, I-”
His girl sighed. “I have no time for this, Matteo.” He recoiled at her words, not expecting her to be so… sharp. She sighed again when she saw his reaction. “I literally have no time right now. We’re late to Yam’s already, but…”
“But?” He sounded hopeful, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it.
“But if you have the guts to call me again, maybe we can talk about it some other time.”
He felt his grin appear on his face and couldn’t resist hugging her. “I will! I’m so, so very sorry, Luna I swear-”
“Yeah, yeah, but don’t you think you’re in the clear! I’m still angry at you, and I’m expecting the truth and nothing but the truth, okay?” she was being serious, he could tell. She broke the hug quickly, arching her brows to get the point across. He saluted her.
“Yes, ma’am. I promise.” His face was starting to hurt from grinning so much, so wide. Luna didn’t return the smile, yet, he could see her eyes softening a little when she looked at him.
He watched her – and Nina, but mostly her- leave, the weight on his heart dropping almost completely now that she had agreed to give him a chance to explain.
“I can’t believe she actually agreed to hear you out so quickly. I’m impressed.” Gastón broke the silence a couple of seconds after they left, whistling lowly and palming his shoulders.
“Same. I would’ve let you on the dog house for at least another week. Either she’s too good, or…” Delfi quietened down, thinking over her words.
“Nothing, actually. She’s too good, period. We need to toughen her up.” She sounded worried at this, pursing her lips. “Are you guys still ‘casually’ meeting them up for lunch?” Gastón and him looked at each other, then nodded. “Be careful. The place you’re going is lowkey enough for me to not advice you to take a guard but stay alert of your surroundings. It’s not only you, but her, and Simón and Ámbar. It can get wild in a minute.”
She was right, of course, she was always right. “We’ll be careful. Thank you for worrying, Del.” Then his brain caught up on the other subject. “Wait, since when does Ámbar and Simón are acquainted with each other?”
Delfi grimaced. “You don’t even want to know, believe me. Those two are a mess.”
Gastón gasped, laughing out loud. “You don’t mean… those two…?” he suggested, wiggling his brows.
“What? No!” She made a disgusted face. “The studio from Ámbar’s new musical wanted the RB to write a song for her to sing, but Simón’s having a hard time meeting Á’s taste. He’s apparently not ‘emo’ enough to write about her character.”
“’Emo’? Why does she need him to be ‘emo’?” His friend asked the same question that was on his mind.
“The song’s to be sung at her character’s lowest point, I think. It needs to be emo AF.”
“And Simón can’t be emo?”
Delfi raised her left brow. “Have you ever heard an emo song from the RB?”
“Exactly.” She said in an obvious tone. “Okay, losers, I gotta go. Pedro and I are having lunch, and I’ll run our plan by to him, be careful and try not to make too much drama.” She looked pointedly at him at the last part.
“It’s not my fault drama finds its way into my life, okay?”
“Be serious! If I hear from someone else, you two went at each other’s throats in public…”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll tell everyone I have a micropenis.”
Gastón choked on air, barely holding in his laughter. Somehow, even after hearing that threat at least three times a month, he still found it funny.  
“And they will believe me.” Delfi threw him one last warning look, before kissing his cheek, only giving Gastón a wave as goodbye as she left them alone.
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