#like I’m not the only one who hates this venue right ?? 😭
gio-cosmo · 2 months
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I hate this dumbass venue so much 😭😭😭
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deeswrld · 1 year
Random astro observations
Some content is 18+
I’ve noticed people with Sagittarius/9H placements always seem to stand out in the field they pick or in some sort of way become pioneers. E.g. Jimi Hendrix was a Sag stellium and has a reputation of a guitar God for his innovative and crazy good guitar skills. Teena Marie (Sag moon) became a beloved non black R&B singer/artist at Motown. I just feel like Sag placements are just out here breaking barriers lol.
People with trining risings all have a certain similar look!!
E.g Most Air risings tend to have pointy chins and high cheekbones with prominent noses—I’ve noticed they always seem to have a prominent nose bridge even if it’s not that thin but it sorta gives them this Greek god/goddess look with their eyebrows slightly arching.
With water risings I’ve noticed Scorpio risings have a more reserved look in their eyes and all water risings have a somewhat oval shaped face. You can literally tell them by their eyes lol. Cancer risings have bambi eyes and Pisces risings have doll like watery eyes.
Now, I knew I started recognizing earth risings when I found Sarah Paulson to look like Adele.😭 Which further goes to prove the trining risings point I made previously.
I think I’ve stated this before but hear me out! Idk what the connection is but the moon sign also affects how you look!! I fr can’t stop guessing people’s moon signs at first glance.💀
Libra rising with 1H venus & mercury culture is constantly teasing others!! Wanting to be in a relationship yet wanting to be independent and having no problem breaking things off if they feel something’s not right.
Gemini risings with 10H suns have an INSANE bone structure/hot body!!! 😮‍💨🔥 Their arms & legs tend to be long! Legs tend to be skinny and thighs thick meanwhile their collarbones just stand out, overall they just have great bone structure! I’ve noticed this with myself & Irene Cara! 😩
I’d apply it to 10H suns in general but I haven’t looked into it as a collective thing yet.
11H Aries mercuries only speak what they think is true to them regardless of anybody’s opinion and I love how real they keep it, they’re also very humanitarian and speak up for groups/communities!
Pisces and Aquarius in the big 3 HATE boundaries. I’ve noticed this with myself and Axl Rose!😂 Ironically I’m Pisces sun-Aqua moon and he’s Aqua sun-Pisces moon.😛
I’ve noticed a pattern with people that have Aqua venus and mars and being aggressive…🥲
Taurus venus love soul/R&B music?
I’ve noticed some 10H Chiron people have trouble with work like, they might switch jobs often.
8H Chiron and having a phobia of being touched by anybody and for no reason too?
People who’s planets fall in your 9H might be the ones who you rarely see crying but are the first to try and cheer you up! You might also see them as arrogant or too blunt at times too especially if their mercury falls in your 9H!
People who’s planets fall in your 10H, you’ll see them as reserved and hardworking, they might like to give you stuff as a love language like share their food or they might like to invite you to go somewhere. Even though it might feel a little awkward at times, you both might get into deep conversations.
Not Gemini suns with Leo moons out here causing chaos then if somebody else asks them about it they’ll charmingly lie their way out of it and make it seem like it was the other person’s fault.😭😂
Scorpio mars lowkey live for toxic sex. ✋🏽 Some Scorpio mars & Aries mars I know, also secretly have a spanking kink??😛
If you have mars in somebody’s 1H they just won’t be able to contain themselves around you! You might sexually fantasize about them a LOT too. And you’ll find them hot down to the way they talk, their body language!!😮‍💨🔥
And if somebody’s mars falls in your 1H you’re prone to getting horny like 24/7 and it’ll feel like an intense and passionate connection! Sex might be like, ripping each other’s clothes off and one get thrown on the bed while the other dominates them and they both make out while grabbing each other—basically just not being able to keep your hands off of each other lmao. Also, having sex anywhere too and going for multiple rounds during the day!💀🔥
That also applies to Aries mars in composite too!⤴️⤴️
Pisces and Sagittarius suns—when they’re not at each other’s throats—actually make a good pair!❣️
Earth suns with Earth mars are so sensual and sexy😩😩😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨!!!
Having composite mars at Libra degree (7, 19) can indicate compliments and vanilla sex!😮‍💨
If somebody has their mars in your 7H, most likely they’ll be super possessive over you. 😭
If someone has their venus in your 7H then you’ll feel very comfortable with their love language or feel like you’ve found the one!💗
Sagittarius mars in composite is often grabbing thighs, giggles or soft laughter, a somewhat competitive energy and possessive aura.❣️Also, wanting to travel and explore new places together or talking about moving or including each other in future plans! Also, learning new things from each other or talking about subjects like geography/history and genealogy or about different cultures! You both could be from different backgrounds too or similar but one person is mixed, etc…
Also, when looking at appearance not only should we consider the rising but also the 7H! Say if you’re a Gemini rising; You might be able to build muscle easily or have long legs yet thick thighs because Sag falls in your 7H and Libra is also ruled by venus. Just like how Aries risings tend to have charming smiles and great bodies (7H falls in Libra), etc…
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rabbitenn · 1 year
Hii I read your last momo x reader and loved it so if it’s alright, could I request a romantic scenario about momo and the reader who had been an aspiring musician trying their best to reconnect with each other after momo ghosted them when becoming an idol? Maybe they used to date in the past and grew apart after momo discovered Re:Vale. I’m sorry if this is too specific I’m just in need of an angst to fluff😭🤍
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In the end, it was always you and him.
ft. Sunohara Momose x gn! reader.
cw/genre: angst to fluff, romance. alcohol consumption (kids, don’t drink; adults, drink responsibly !).
hey lovely ! thank you sm for requesting and reading my other momo fic, I’m very happy you enjoyed that one <3 and omg don’t apologize, I really like this idea, we all love some good old angst to fluff hehe ~ I hope I managed to write this according to your expectations, dear 🩷 I’m very sorry for the long wait :((
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Momo can’t really believe his eyes right now.
Of all places, this night bar was certainly not where he would have expected to find you again.
Not many people fill the worn out tables of the small local, the dimly lit stage casting you in yellow light.
Why were you here of all places?
You belonged in huge arenas, colored lights moving and changing with the notes you strummed on your guitar.
And yet, no matter how small the venue, everyone went silent the moment you started to play, your voice accompanying the melody your fingers strummed.
For the minutes you’re up there, Momo’s mind goes back five years, when he was just a college student with his soccer dreams shattered, and you were there to pick up the pieces, gluing them back together with the notes of your guitar.
He remembers, how you wanted to pursue a career in music… were your dreams scattered to the wind too, the moment he suddenly disappeared on you?
The music stops.
Momo takes a sip of his beer, almost choking on it in the process.
In the half light, your eyes meet.
This can’t be happening.
This really cannot be real.
Why now and why here?
Why is Sunohara Momose, your ex, who you have only seen on stage for the last five years, suddenly in front of you?
Well, is he even your ex, seeing how you didn’t exactly properly break up?
He just disappeared one day. No new texts, no new calls, nothing.
You were heartbroken, and really thought something had happened to him. Until one day, you saw Re:vale perform again.
And Momo was there.
You can’t let yourself show vulnerability now, however, so you keep walking towards him.
Why? You don’t really know, you don’t really think, but next thing you know you’re standing in front of him.
“Hey, [Y/n]… long time no see…” Your ex-boyfriend greets, awkwardly.
He hasn’t changed much, and the little differences aren’t new to you either, you’ve been seeing him on tv, on magazines, ads.
Everywhere except by your side.
You still hate yourself a little for thinking how cute he looks with pink on his cheeks, his sharp canines showing through his shy smile.
You loved that about him.
How he could brighten any room with his cheerfulness, but he could also get so bashful.
Maybe you still do love that about him.
Because as much as resentment and bitterness at his ‘disappearance’ found their way into your heart like a poisonous seed, you find yourself shifting back into old ways.
“Too long, hasn’t it?” Is your answer.
Your lips curve up into a sad smile, as you order a drink from a passing waiter, perhaps just to break the awkward silence.
“Yeah…” Momo mumbles, fuchsia eyes looking to the side. His hands tighten around his own beer, knuckles going white. He glances in your direction, just to find you already staring at the floor, not quite knowing how to carry a conversation that’s been put on hold for half a decade.
Your drink arrives. You nurse it for some moments, it’s larger than you had expected… but oh well, you might need the liquid courage anyway if you’re really here, sitting with someone who… well it’s complicated, you don’t know what he is to you right now.
As your lips graze the rim of the glass, Momo can’t help but reminisce in the way he used to feel them on his own, your hands in his hair, his around your waist….
No, he cannot linger on it now.
That’s over.
And it’s his fault.
He notices your guitar case, propped by your side.
“So, you still play?” He ventures. ‘Stupid’, he chides himself afterwards, ‘you’ve heard them play just now.’
However, his statement of the obvious is met with a sweet smile on your part, then shifting into something more woeful.
“Yeah… I do… It’s just… I was never able to… well, succeed…” You hang your head, hair falling in front of your face.
Momo’s eyes widen, either at your confession or at your state, he’s not entirely sure.
Probably at both.
But this isn’t good. He remembers all too clearly what happened the last time you got drunk.
He doesn’t want to see you getting sick again…
So, with a temptative motion, the idol reaches for your glass.
“[Y/n]…” He winces when he utters your name now. Just your name, not the cute pet names he used to come up with for you. “I think you’ve had enough…” Your ex-lover’s hand brushes yours when he tries to retrieve your glass.
“No!” You pout, dragging the drink back towards you.
“Come on, [Y/n], you’ll feel sick afterwards if you keep this up.” Momo tries, brows knitting together in concern.
“Won’t…” You slur, pulling your glass closer towards you, throwing your head back as you down its remaining contents in one go.
This would be a long night.
Effectively, after a while, you feel nauseous.
All you can register is the grey concrete of a dim lit street and walls covered in shadow.
And the feel of someone holding your hair back.
Your legs are going to give out from under you… this is bad… wasn’t someone telling you not to drink this much moments ago?
You should have listened.
Where is he now?
“Momo…” You mumble weakly, as you feel your vision going dark and all strength leaving you.
You never hit the floor.
Arms that used to hold you every night support you, your face against a shoulder that feels warm and comforting…
Maybe you’re delirious, or maybe you’d been longing for this feeling for too many years.
“Missed you…” Are your last words before your consciousness abandons you.
“Rest now, baby…” Momo whispers, a tinge of sadness in his voice, in his smile, as he hooks one arm under your knees, the other, around your shoulders.
You come to on a bed that feels both familiar and unknown.
Daylight pricks painfully against your bleary eyes the moment you push your covers away.
This t-shirt… you don’t remember having worn it in so long… You just know it belongs to someone you used to love, the print on its front from a band you used to listen to.
“Good that you’re awake…” A familiar voice utters nearby, its tone soft and full of concern.
A gasp leaves your lips when your eyes meet vibrant pink irises.
You suddenly sit up straight, pulling the covers closer around you.
You bring a hand to your head, the abrupt move clearly not good for your hangover.
“M-Momo?” You ask, as you look around and realize that, yes, this is, in fact, not your house.
“Good morning.” He smiles awkwardly, those damned small fangs too cute. “You… uh… were pretty drunk last night…”
Heat rises to your cheeks as memories of the pub come back to you, the too-big-beer and the fact you didn’t drink often, a deadly combination.
“I’m sorry for imposing.” You say, going to get up, realizing you’re not wearing any pants, the oversized t-shirt stopping just where your thighs begin. “I… where are my clothes?”
“I washed them, they should be dry by now.” Your host explains.
Wow, he went and washed them and all, when you know how he isn’t the best at keeping up with laundry.
“Uh… could you… bring them… I’m going to get changed and leave.”
“Are you sure you feel okay?” Those puppy eyes and that tone. They almost make you reconsider.
“I shouldn’t be here to begin with.” You let out. Then you click your tongue at yourself, realizing how ungrateful your statement sounded. “I mean, thank you for having cared for me, but I’ve caused you enough trouble.”
Your ex’s expression darkens, as he turns on his heel, retrieving your clothes from the bathroom.
You get dressed in a rush, pick up your belongings, and are out of his doorstep before things can get more awkward.
Momo stays there, back leaning against the door you just closed between you, wondering, is there a second chance for you two?
What he doesn’t know yet is that you’ll come knocking on his door soon enough.
You find out as soon as you get to your apartment complex, though, the elevator mirror showing back an oversized t-shirt that’s definitely not yours.
Why are you wearing your best clothes, and why are you fussing over whether your hair looks good enough and your makeup is alright, you can’t fully understand.
This is not some date, and even if it was, or rather, back when it could have been, it’s not like he hasn’t seen you with no makeup, sweats and messy hair.
You take a deep breath, before ringing his doorbell, hands clinging to the bag that contains the reason for this visit.
“Yeah? Who is it?” His voice comes from the other side of the intercom, and the stupid thought of wondering if you look decent through its camera crosses your mind.
You clear your throat.
“It’s me. I… I forgot to return something to you the other day…”
A sound announcing the door’s opening accompanies his “Of course, come in.”
You can imagine his tender smile just by hearing his voice.
No, you have to focus. You’re here to return his t-shirt, thank him for the other night, and then, leave.
You can’t let your heart fool you again, five years of solitude should have been enough for the moral of this story.
You can’t help but smooth your hair as your heartbeat quickens while the elevator goes up, and up, and maybe you wish it’d never stop.
But finally, this limbo suspended in mid-air stops, the doors opening with a ‘ding’, the door to his apartment already open.
“Hey.” Momo greets you, white hoodie and black sweats on, as his hand fiddles with the door handle, the bright azalea petals contained in his stare slowly falling to the ground as his gaze casts downward.
This expression… you remember memories archived in now yellowing pages, when your lips used to graze his cheek; words of praise for him, the lyrics to the love song you composed with the compliments you showered him in.
“Hi.” You breathe out, biting your lower lip, eyes averted to the side.
A few seconds of heavy silence pass, too many things you wish you could say now; too many years you’d like to have had by his side; too many things he wishes he could do differently now.
You shake your head, mustering a smile.
You realize it’s genuine, that you’re truly happy to be standing in front of him right now, right here, even if things can’t really go back to the way they used to be.
“This is yours.” You offer him the bag. “I left with it by accident the other day… I wanted to thank you for taking care of me that night too…”
The idol takes the package from you, surprise palpable in the way his gaze widens.
“Well, I’ll be on my w-“
“Would you like to come in?”
You two question at the same time.
You give him a sad smile.
“Momo I shouldn’t…”
“Please…” He practically begs you, like he used to ask for ‘one more!’ whenever you played songs for him on your guitar, under starry summer skies. “I- I need to tell you something! We- I want to talk to you…”
“Momo.” You call him, a bit stern. “You had five whole years to reach out…” You inhale deeply. “If it could wait that long then it’s not important, is it?”
“It is!” He goes to reach for you, but stops himself.
You won’t look at him.
Weren’t you happy a minute ago to be here? With him?
So why? Why do you pull away now?
“Please, [Y/n]… I- I was stupid, okay? When I joined Yuki and formed the new Re:vale… I wanted to do my best for him, in five years… And in so, I ended up neglecting you. I don’t know why I acted that way, I can’t understand why I let us drift apart… So please, let me fix it?”
You don’t know if it’s his words, the desperation his tone carries, or his pleading eyes, but you really can’t hold half a decade of pent-up emotions anymore.
“You idiot…” You mumble, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? You just… might as well have vanished. Until I saw you on tv one day, and I knew you were okay…”
Arms that stopped your freefall just the other night wrap around you, rivers of lost time streaming down your cheeks, dewdrops of regret on his lashes.
“What are we, Momo?” You ask, voice a quivering crystal thread, holding on on sheer will power and a heart that never really stopped being his.
“Why don’t we find out again, baby?” Comes his reply, his term of endearment for you managing to curl your lips into a nostalgic smile. “[Y/n]? Go on a date with me?” Is the temptative question he utters in the privacy of just you and him.
With your face burrowed into his shoulder, and his fresh and musky scent surrounding you in new morning light, you know this is a one-answer question.
“I’d love that.” You say, as his hands cup your face, thumbing away your tears.
Your lips still won’t touch again.
But the night is young.
And many more will come after this one.
And for now, that is enough.
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pitconfirm · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for tagging @mars-mystic!! mwah 😽
1. How many works do you have on ao3
eight, two of which are anon teehee (but i think one is very obviously mine 😅)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
60,694... soon to be over 70k 🙈
3. What fandoms do you write for?
im just here for lance nation..... writing about my pookie wookie
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
excluding my anon fics which are the actual #1 and #3...
1 - Gatito (the people yearn for kitty lance)
2 - Midas Touch
3 - Broken Glass (guys please someone else write more 141831 im begging....... i cannot be the only threesome in this tag)
4 - Venus Flytrap
5 - Kamikaze
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments.... i love every comment I respond to every comment unless it's just emojis or i have literally no idea how to respond 😭
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess Kamikaze is my only fic with a kind of angsty ending... but not really. i don't like angsty endings 😭 i need problems to be solved. if i know a fic has an angsty ending i generally will not even touch it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
im now realising that most of my fics on ao3 are just straight up porn..... i swear i am planning more substantial things in the future. but i guess my two tumblr drabbles have happy endings?? oh wait or Detonate.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
luckily i've never gotten any hate at all..... not even anon hate asks, i feel like im missing out. this is what I get for being kind and amazing 😔🫶
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
do i even need to answer this. every kind. almost.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not crossovers but there are like.... specific aus living in my mind that i want to write. hunger games au, dbh au.... beloveds.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i hope not 🤨
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no....... not yet 🤔
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
tbh I’ve read so many different fandoms and ships over the years but strollonso is the one I’ve been most feral about. or maybe arthur/eames from inception…..
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I literally have zero wips right now except venus flytrap. the ideas in my brain have dried up like the sahara desert to work on this thing. once I’m finished we’ll see
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have good wit and flow. and maybe attention to detail… always thinking what more I can add to a scene to make it more palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think just…. really terrible self criticism. a lot of the time I’m writing and I’m like… what if this sucks what if everyone hates this what if blah blah blah….. WHO CARES!!!!!! I wish I could be less worried about that
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I will write a few words if I feel confident enough about them but not whole passages. I always have nando saying little bits in spanish
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TOOOO EMBARRASSING. I only ever wrote for one other fandom and I was 13 on wattpad and shudder every time I remember
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I guess it has to be venus flytrap for the pure amount of effort I’ve put in…. and because it’s definitely the most well written by farrrr. I cringe a little reading my other stuff now 😭 but I guess that’s just the nature of improving over time
NO idea who’s already done this so forgive me if I’m being a goof @lil-shiro @lou-who-writes @parallelplayers @boxboxbrioche @vicsy @userkritaaay and now my brain is firing blanks so sorry if I forgot any of my beautiful writer friends
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ryuichirou · 10 months
More replies~ Not a lot of the short ones today.
Starting off with the thing that was brought up by one of the Anons yesterday…yeah…
Anonymous asked:
reddit cylinder thread?
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
The thing about the cylinder incident is that so many of the boys can be dumbasses so it could be any of them who gets a…cylinder…stuck in an m&m container
Sooooo for those of you who don’t know, it’s this thread. Truly a manifest of ingenuity and inventiveness lol
Totally agree with the third Anon, this is why I didn’t just say “oh it was definitely (name)”: I don’t trust a lot of the nrc boys not to do this type of shit 😭 amazing
Anonymous asked:
Makes me wonder about what Ortho is like meeting Eric Venue when Vil introduce to him. I can tell it is a happy meeting especially when Vil' father is the only father of the overblot gang to have good relationship to their child. Same goes to Azul's mom once she meets Idia as they even try some food. (Idia having questions on why a sweet mom has someone like Azul who basically done nothing but capitalism) I want to ask what Vil and Idia meeting the Shroud's parents but seems to have small info especially chapter 7 spoiler. Although they would be resentful against their parents. (FOR OBVIOUS REASONS)
Oh Ortho would be super excited. As a little film buff, he is very aware of Eric’s filmography, and he would probably be happy both because he’s meeting Vil-san’s dad and because of his own fanboying. He’ll definitely ask for a photo and an autograph, as if he didn’t just get a permission to call Eric “dad” (he doesn’t call him that so, he’s always Eric Venue-san)
How much I want to see Azul’s mom… I’m not sure if Idia wants to see her, and I’m not sure if Azul wants Idia to see her (he seems like someone who would be afraid that his mom would embarrass him), but Idia is definitely going to meet her one day. And she’s definitely going to feed him while complaining about how both Idia and Azul seem to be such picky eaters >:( But yeah, even though Idia would be overwhelmed, he would definitely address the fact that Azul is too mean for someone who has such a caring mom.
Can’t say anything about the Shrouds, so I won’t comment on the last part for now lol sorry.
Anonymous asked:
If Vil is gonna be part of Idia's life, then so is Rook. There is no way he'll miss a chance to see Vil with the shroud family.
Rook is inside of the STYX’s walls, don’t worry about it. No matter the universe, Rook is always going to be right there by Vil’s side <3
Anonymous asked:
So um I'm wondering if two people your account or is it just one? I'm asking because I see that you use We a lot instead of I so I was just wondering no like hate or unintentional offending (jeez I sound stupid) but genuine confusion
No worries, we get asked this question quite often!
There’s two of us. You can see more info here.
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f10werfae · 2 years
How Much Is Too Much?
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Pairing:Husband!Henry Cavill x Doctor!Reader
Summary: Fans retell the best parts of the relationship
Warnings: none
- Requests are open!
Likes, Comments And Re-Blogs are appreciated
Henry Cavill Masterlist 💫
@/loverbunny: Does anyone remember that one Henry Cavill interview where he just kept bringing up Y/n? It’s so cute how his eye twinkles whenever her name’s mentioned and he’s also so proud of her and her career. Saying quote on quote, “i’m proud to be her man”
@/jessicashaw: I had to take my little sister to an appointment to the local hospital and she was literally treated by Dr. Y/n L/n, apparently she was there to cover a random shift? Idk but she was so nice and helpful😭 After the check up she gave my sister SUPERMAN STICKERS?!
@/Ghostedfortoast: I was at the background shoot for one of Henry Cavill's movies and I heard him talking about how his wife was opening a free walk in clinic for the homeless, and I swear I saw that man's heart get a boner
@/thereallife: I saw Cavill at an award show, and I kid you not mid award show, he saw his wife was arriving outside the venue. This man walked back outside and accompanied her in through the red carpet, and since all the photographers had left. HE WAS KNEELING JUST TO GET HER ANGLES RIGHT WHEN TAKING HER PICS
@/beesnothoney: Nah because in Henry's new interview, actually lemme just quote this man, “My wife is so amazing, she was actually my medic on set, so I was around her all the time. It was brilliant, I loved it” AND THEN HIS CO STAR WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW MUCH NOISE WOULD BE COMING FROM HENRY'S TRAILER KILLS ME.
@/leavemealone: I work in Pull&Bear and I saw Henry and Y/n walk in at around 7pm i’m guessing after her work because she was in scrubs. I think she was trying to buy the new winter jacket we had but the poor girl looked exhausted. Henry had to put it on her and zipped it all the way so it covered her head, AND HE UNZIPPED IT JUST ENOUGH TO KISS HER THEN THEY FOUGHT OVER WHO WOULD PAY UNTIL HE SNEAKILY PASSED ME HIS CARD
@/1990firefly: Henry Cavill came into the build a bear I work and got a dog stuffy and dressed it like a doctor. But here’s the best part. IN AN INTERVIEW Y/N REVEALED HE CALLS HER 'PUP' 😭😭. ➥@/pandalove: I HEARD HE CARRIES THAT BEAR WHEN HE TRAVELS ABROAD WITHOUT HERR🥹
@/jumpinglacks: My mum once worked a shift with Y/n L/n, and said her husband (Hen obvs) came during their break to bring her out for lunch. I hate being single.
@/tiredturtleegg: I saw the Cavill couple out in town yesterday, kid you not he was feeding her the spaghetti and anytime she’d reach for her fork he’d slap it away 🥲
@/denisethemenace: Anyone remember when Y/n L/n first revealed she was pregnant, and the reason she found out was because Cavill realised her tits had grown bigger. This man never fails to surprise me ➥ @/livingfreedead: DONT FORGET HE SAID HE WAS JUST DOING HIS REGULAR TOUCH UP OMG😭‼️
@/greekathenanice: Y/n just said in her 73 questions video that whenever their son can’t sleep, he reads her anatomy books and tries to teach Henry things about the body. This kid is like 4. How.
@/floralflower: Whenever you think about settling for less. Remember that when Y/n was pregnant Henry literally sewed her scrubs that would fit her then drove her to and from work☝️
@/letmeliveplease: Henry Cavill gushing over his wife’s maternity photos during a Buzzfeed interview, is everything. That man started tearing up because he loves her so much, NO MAN COULD EVER COMPARE
@/treatsweet: Henry revealing that Y/n only likes to bathe with him now is so cute, apparently it’s because that’s the only time the baby decides to kick and be active
@/HenryCavill: Y/n refuses to talk to me because I forgot to buy her cookie dough ice cream on the way home. This is my public apology. I’m sorry pup, please let me back into the bedroom, I want a hug. ➥@/DrY/nL/N-Cavill: Yeah okay. Your son (and I) Misses you. Love you♥️
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httpstes · 2 years
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆astro observations ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Links to other Astrovations: Astro Observation ll, Astro Observation lll, Astro Observation IV, Astro Observation V, Astro Observation VI
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୨୧ Taurus mixed with cancer in the big three is imo the most chillest yet elegant placement. These the types of people that can easily ground you and calm you down in high stress or extremely formal situations. They ease the formalities at events and what not. Not to say they don’t have class which they 100% do but it’s not in a overarching, strict punctual way yk? They’re classy and sophisticated but in a soft comfy way.
୨୧ Sag moons will forever (including all sag placements tbh 😭) be my number one favourite placement. Now i don’t have much fire in my chart or maybe it’s my pisces moon i literally do not know but I LOVE THESE BITCHES SO MUCHH. My sag moon family members and friends are like a teacher/friend and confidant all wrapped in one. They can be blunt depending on the rest of the chart but truly most of the ones I’ve met aren’t as "harshly blunt" as i’ve seen them portrayed. These people will explain things in detail about random topics they are interested in and they sound so fucking smart omh. I admire their optimistic and carefree attitude sm, they know how to give good advice and can unconsciously inspire others to do things they could never imagine doing.
୨୧ Libra rising and taurus rising go hand in hand honestly and it’s the two rising signs i see together a lot compared to other dual planetary ruled signs like virgo & gemini, aries & scorpio ect. I’ve just seen so much love (platonic and romantic) being shared between this duo. They have a natural understanding of eachother and despite having different approaches to things they both surely share a love for beauty, romance and everything nice in life. I also noticed these duos rarely fight, maybe it’s the venusian energy between them 🤷‍♀️
୨୧ Moon-Venus harsh aspects i’ve noticed either have commitment issues or attachment issues no in between 😭 A close friend of mine has this and he’s told me multiple times how hard it is to actually fall for someone as he doesn’t want to deal with the pain of the relationship and he also just finds it gross in general LMAOO
୨୧ Virgo placements, moon and venus in particular, are so thoughtful and caring. When they go out they buy you random things they think you need and check up on you to see how your doing and if you need help with anything, they remind you they are always there. This however I feel only applies to virgo placements close friends unless afflicted. As these people are picky and won’t give out their time and energy to everyone who comes by.
୨୧ Jesus christ i love capricorn moons but man how much emotional baggage are yall carrying ?!? Fr these mfs are so strong for not having given up yet. They at least have one thing that keeps them going to help them get up in the morning and prepare for a new day. They seem to hate failing and like getting credit when they believed they deserve it for the hard work they have put in. Capricorn placements get up after every fall, and despite how hard times can get they always find a way to push through. I admire you guys sm.
୨୧ Okay i’m practically complimenting myself with this one but ik it’s true 😭 If you are an earth rising or have water in the third house YOU HAVE NICE HANDS. Now i always knew my hands were somewhat nice, i mean i never rlly thought of them that much LMAO. But ever since i started highschool i be getting compliments left and right about them hand structure or what not. But yea water in third = nice hands.
୨୧ Leo risings win the lottery for being pretty and feeling good about the envious looks other people give them. These people are BLESSED with good looks and whether conventionally attractive or not, i’m telling you there is always something about Leo risings that make you turn twice to look back at them.
୨୧ Pisces placements, Moon-Neptune, Moon in 12th are prone to addiction. I know that’s been said a lot on here but from experience and looking at half my friend groups chart bc for some reason we all have pisces moons, it’s true. Now addiction is not always drugs and alcohol. I’ve noticed in some and of course depending on other placements can be addiction to daydreaming, (which again is another stereotypical pisces thing) perfectionism and over working. These things all distract us from our thoughts or mundane everyday life, whatever it may be, pisces placements are definitely prone to addiction of all forms.
୨୧ Venus in second house may be known for their beauty or be physically attractive. Something about these people is magnetising, from their movements to the way they speak, they are very captivating people.
୨୧ Venus in the 3rd, 10th, 8th is similar but with Venus in the 3rd, most of it has to do with their voice, the way they communicate and how their mind works. Venus in the 8th is also just as captivating but in a more mysterious dangerous way. Venus is comfortable in the second house but when it moves to the 8th it is exploring unknown waters. People with Venus in 10th house are known for their beauty. Whether they become famous for it or not, it may not be a prize winning talent but their physical appearance is definitely acknowledged by others.
୨୧ Aries moons are the most motivating people i’ve ever met. They encourage others with such passion and without even realising it. I look up to these people and they push me to work harder. Something else I like about this placement is that they tell things as it is. They don’t beat around the bush and when they tell the truth they tell you because they want the best for you. Ily guys
୨୧ I’ve heard a lot about venus-asc but sun/moon-venus are just wow. Sun-venus esp the conjunction present their beauty to the world, it’s glamorous and gold and everyone is infatuated with their energy. Moon-venus on the other hand has a more silent type of beauty. It’s definitely there you can see it but it’s not as loud as sun-venus. It’s once the moon-venus let’s you in that you will see the beauty that shines from within and suddenly they’re the most gorgeous to ever exist.
୨୧ Moon in tenth house regardless of what sign it’s in are hustlers. They have ambition and goals that they want to complete and while those goals may vary from long-term success or short-term goals that they have, they put in hard work equally for both.
୨୧ Gemini risings are some of the funniest people I’ve ever met. They can adapt to anyone’s personality and can easily connect with anyone. They make friends easily too.
୨୧ Capricorn and Aquarius in a chart can make someone come off as socially awkward or kind of standoffish but they can really get deeply enveloped with conversations and actually listen to what your saying. They take in the words and remember it. I’d literally kiss ass to be in the presence of these people, the way they carry themselves and the way they walk is so attractive 😭
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This is my first actual astro observations post so yay >:)
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virghogh · 2 years
My experience with the Venus signs as a sassy Leo venus💅👑
Mostly just for fun✨
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Aries - SOOO fun. Perfect for me. At first… Matched my desire for rushing into feelings, never bored, our energy was just enticing. I think we could have lasted but you are hot headed and when you get upset, you self destructed and said things my ego wouldn’t look past. So I respectfully walk away. You fell fast and moved on faster😭
Taurus- I’m so sorry for rushing you😭 we just clicked so well at first and it was so romantic. I learned so much necessary patience with you but… ultimately I refuse to wait forever and want to be shown off. I don’t want to be inside forever.
Gemini- WE CLICKKKKKKK. We get along so well, you’re just as dramatic and extra as me and we are always laughing and I nEEd that. As friends. you’re not loyal and you meet absolutely zero of my romantic needs as a demanding Leo Venus😙. no you’re not a cheater but my Leo Venus needs ride or dies. A Gemini would never die for somebody they have too much to live for😭 I can’t do your willing indecisiveness. You’re either with me or not! 😤
Cancer- sorry it’s a pass for me😭😭🙅‍♀️Nothing really bad to say just we r too different in what we want in relationships. we just do not click. The water and fire do not vibe, we want similar things but just in completely different ways💀😭everything is just a little too heavy for my fire…
Leo- PERFECT. SHOW STOPPING. INCREDIBLE. SOULMATE. One of the Venus signs I think can truly do so well with each other. I don’t even really need to explain but you just get me the same way I get you. Probably not super sustainable if there isn’t at least one self aware Leo Venus💀cuz the dramatics and ego are INSANEE if they’re unchecked like pls💀
Virgo- so cute and sweet and you’re just so willing to meet me where I’m at I luv luv luv uuuu🥺 but again I’m not patient enough for you ); I’m sorry maybe one day. I need someone to show me there’s a fire inside them, and you keep such a cold exterior until you open up. I try to wait for you and be patient but your coldness makes my warmth dim and I feel pushed away )):
Libra- ugh I hate to admit it but wE DO GET ALONGGGG. At first and on the surface we check all the boxes. We can show each other off and a damn good time- all the time. But sometimes I think my roar scares you. And then you judge me. I can’t be put in a box you created for me ): Leo’s don’t work like that. It’s all fun until I wonder if you actually… SEE me…
Scorpio- perfect. Actually the soulmate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you honestly. I think this is the best and most sustainable long term but, sometimes I do miss the heat and spark from other fires. It can feel a little suffocating sometimes. sometimes I just need to step away and fan my fire a bit.
Sagittarius- like we get along. Ur fire, I’m fire, it’s chill! We get each other’s vibe instinctively so it’s.. you know… chill. But that’s it. Only chill. I think I’m too romantic for you. We also bicker a lot.
Capricorn- I know you love me. There’s something about Capricorn Venus that lovesss a little drama, and the bright Leo light. You treat me so right and have this passion and drive that makes me drawn to you. and I love being the star in your show. But it’s not sustainable at all. We have extremely different values, and that’s important to both of us. It’s not fun once I realize I can’t act forever😅 and once the show is over we realize we’re v incompatible. Ur too serious and I’m too dramatic.
Aquarius- the most loyal partner I ever had. And I don’t just mean sexual or romantic cheating. I never question your feelings for me. Once you’ve made up your mind, nothing can scare you off. You’re here until I’m done. I never have to guess what you’re thinking. as my opposite, I think we trigger each other’s anxious and avoidant behavior so this relationship is not for those who can’t do the work. we have more in common than we think, and the ways we’re different is supportive of each other’s long term growth. Its work but I wouldn’t mind being with u forever <3
Pisces- literally have never met one… maybe it’s for a reason…. 🤔🥶👀👀
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