#bc when you paint irl or traditionally
snyrtch · 2 years
15 Questions, and (not 15) mutuals lmao
I was tagged by @highwayphantoms ty!
Are you named after anyone? I was named after my paternal prababka- it's a lovely name, but I only let my family use it. IRL I typically go by either my chosen name, Tarren, or by my first two initials. My middle name was inherited from my maternal grandfather. It's quite unique and I am rather fond of it. My family traditionally takes one or both given names from the kid's grandparents/great-grandparents. ​ 
When was the last time you cried? That would be last night bc I watched a sad movie :^)  
Do you have kids? Not yet! I plan to have maybe two children, if everything works out. I would also like to foster or guardian one additional kid too.  
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Constantly! It's the easiest type of joking I ever learned.  
What’s the first thing you notice about people? My eyes tend to drift just to the cheekbones for some reason when I meet people. I don't feel comfortable making direct eye-contact until I have established some kind of acquaintanceship I suppose? So it's close to the eyes, but not quite. I see the texture there, the shape of the hair. Colors of all, etc. This question is kind of hard to answer because it can also be interpreted as, what stands out first when meeting, right? Not just the initial glance. So I suppose I notice and pay attention to someone's voice a lot when building new relationships.  
What’s your eye color? They're hazel! I'm fond of them. Some lights the major tone is grey, in others green. Some brown in the center. A lot of friends have thought they were brown entirely until I started wearing contacts more frequently & were genuinely shocked.  
Scary movies or happy endings? Yes. Both. Good. Yes. I love horror and supernatural elements, I just don't like the unbearable and overwhelming doom some horror media has about it. I like the contrasts of joy and humor and horror.  
Any special talents? When I was little I could bend my back in half! I have an uncanny sense of time; If I set something in the oven or microwave, I'll go back and get on my computer. Almost without fail, I'll sit up and go 'oh I should check on that really quick!' and the microwave or toaster oven will beep/ding, the timer will go off, etc, the second I step foot in the kitchen. If I go to bed and say 'I'd like to wake up at 8' I will always wake up within 20 mins of either side of 8, regardless of when I went to sleep.  
Where were you born? Technically, in York, Maine, though we lived in Kittery. I loved Maine. Very much my kind of weather.  
What are your hobbies? :^) Well. Writing, digital art, painting, sewing, researching obscure topics, video games, espresso/coffee making and latte art, cooking, tea collecting/blending, medicinal herbs, gardening, (does ren faire obsession count as a hobby?), baking. Some of those are more prominent as actual hobbies than others. I hope soon to get into archery. One day I'd like to get back into horseback and violin or cello.  
What sports do you play/have played? I am simply not athletic 👍🏻  
How tall are you? I'm 5'8".  
Favorite subject in school? In High School, I didn't have time to take art classes while doing orchestra, unfortunately. But I did enjoy orchestra the most, I think. In College, I took a Non-fiction Creative Writing class that truly changed my view of nonfiction, being creative, and how to create boundaries when writing from personal events. Literally life-changing lol.  
Dream job? Woof. Uh, anything. I'm going to probably end up being a Research Psych, but if I could legitimately never work again and have a semi-self sufficient household where I could do things like art and gardening without worrying about capitalism, but could also manage to buy supplemental groceries and modern needs that would be. Ideal.  
I'll go ahead and tag @sharpe-teeth @darethshirl @moss-flesh @siennamain @bluewren @fade-touched-shenanigans and @glowing-blue-feathermage
None of y'all have to do it of course, but I find these kind of things fun and an easy way to get to know everybody! :^)
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dreemurr-skelememer · 3 years
hello goodmorning kia i hpoe you;re having a great day ^^
also i just wanted to ask, how do you colour / paint hair? the way you do hair in your art just makes me go,, :point_right: :point_left:,, /pos
i'll be real, hair is the HARDEST to color for me HAHAHA so im not entirely too sure!
the way i color is very similar to how i color and paint everything
Tumblr media
(oops edit: i fucked up the text for a sec)
i don't actually like the way this painting looks LOL
this is the general way of how i do it!! it also works the same for literally every other part of the painting
the main focus in this is step 5, which is just overpainting or thick painting (i dont actually know the name. its like the thing you do where you paint in one layer and adjust by picking colors over and over)
it's good for clean-up and also forming any mistakes you made with the sketch/lineart (in this case, my sketch is my lineart which i do in all of my work)
of course, the most important part about this is understanding color theory, which is honest to god the hardest concept of art to understand LOL
i still dont get it fully myself but the most you understand color theory, the less you'll need to really look for technical skills and tutorials and the easier it'll be to figure out yourself :]
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Heyah, Nice new avatar-pic you have :) If you're still answering the questions about anything... 1. What's the first Fandom / character you started writing for? 2. I think I read you're a teacher, right? If yes, for what grade? 3. What's your fave hc about George Weasley? 4. What are your hobbies? 5. Did you ever write smut, respectively do you like writing it? Uhm yeah, I guess that's it for now. Feel free to ask me anything back XD
Q&A time bb
1) Well, it would be Harry Potter, but the first time I had a fandom crush on someone was when I was 3 and I was in love with Aladin so I dreamed up his twin ‘Al’ so I could be with him. 
2) I’m a full time sub! So I work exclusively at my elementary school, full time, and I fill in for whoever is out that day! So I’ll do ESCE (pre-k special ed) through 5th grade! I love it to bits. Except the days I have to do ISS.....
Those days suck.
3) Fave HC is that he has a weird texture thing so he loves soft things to bits and pieces. 
also that he’s a switch who will sub whenever you want but that’s neither here nor there
4) I have lots! I like to sew, bake, cook, garden, knit, write, paint.... a lot of traditionally feminine hobbies I’d say. bc I love me some pretty things.
5) I kind of do? But I have friends on here that know me IRL so like ??? that’s weird for me. But I do  tend to write tease fics and NSFW headcanons a lot. 
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trickstarbrave · 7 years
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