#bc i kinda want to write for trevor...
rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
hey yall! it's rafeandonlyrafe (aka kt/katie). sorry for any panic i may have caused by deleting my old blog but it was a secondary account under i blog i really wanted to get rid of! so im back with this username as my main account and will be going through the process of reuploading all my old fics, but not tonight, because im seeing the other zoey in the morning!!
my old blog was football/soccer fanfiction and i recently became uncomfortable with writing for them. i received a lot of negative messages about this choice, so i decided the best thing i could do for myself was to completely start fresh. i would have warned people but it was a very rash decision that had to be done for my mental health, and i feel SUCH a big weight off my shoulders now just having this account.
also also i will be taking a littleeeee step away from writing only because im working on something REALLY exciting... a novel! that i'm planning to self publish on amazon. im sure it won't be good, but i've always wanted to write a full length book and i have some free time right now to write it so im going to go for it! i will not stop writing fics but they probably will slow down (even though i know i wasnt exactly consistent before)
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Bloody Faces, Bloody Hearts
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request: “I would love to see trevor zegras prompt 30 if you want to write it”
prompt 30: “you’re hurt just let me help you”
parings: trevor zegras x reader, luke hughes x platonic!reader
warnings: injuries, crying, underage drinking, kinda describing a panic attack, pain medication mention, angst to fluff, fighting, arguing
word count: 2.3k (i love writing angst) UNEDITED
(A/N i didn’t specify the team or other player bc i didn’t wanna slander anyone)
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Your ever so lovely boyfriend, Trevor, was getting into a lot of fights as of late. But in the span of 5 days, he managed to not only have a physical fight on the ice, but also got into a huge argumentative fight with you.
You were sitting on the couch at Trevor and Jamie’s place trying to collect yourself. You and Trevor got into a screaming match over him going out and coming home late almost every day for two weeks and not making any time to spend with you. You didn’t care about practices, or him going on long roadies, hell you even came with on short ones when you could get out of work. Hockey isn’t, and never will be, the problem. The problem is that you went three days without seeing him other than when he got into bed next to you.
“I think I should go home.”
“What?” Trevor asked. “You are home, what do you mean ‘I think I should go home’?”
“I mean I think I should go home to Michigan for a few days. See my mom, maybe stop by UMich to see Luke. I think we need some time apart to cool down and you need to get your priorities straight.”
He had some words to say about that, but you weren’t listening. He was repeating that you’re his priority in various ways, and the more you packed the more desperate he got.
“So prove it Trevor!” you cried. “This isn’t a breakup. I am not breaking up with you. But maybe you’ll know how it feels to come home everyday without seeing the love of your life and realize you’ve been taking me for granted.”
Your voice got softer as you went on and you reached up with one hand to cup his cheek, “I love you, okay? Always. I just used two Fault in Our Stars terms so you know I mean it.” He laughed lightly at that and brought his hand up to where yours was to hold it.
“Okay,” he nodded. “I love you, too. I’ll see you later.”
It took you almost two days to reach UMich, but you thought having some “not really-but might as well be-little brother” time with Luke would do you some good. The Hughes family is how you and Trevor met, and they were more of your family thank your actual blood one.
‘Hello?’ Luke answered the phone.
“Lukey Moosey! Do you have plans tonight?”
‘No? Why, what’s up?’
“Your favorite person ever just booked a hotel right outside of campus and is stealing you for the night!”
You tried to say this with as much heart and excitement you could muster, but the youngest Hughes saw straight through you.
‘Something happened,’ he said, as more of a statement than a question. You sighed as your response. ‘Is it a “you’re wearing Quinn’s hoodie and we’re drinking” kind of something happened or a “disney movies and pout” kind of something happened?’
“I just drove two days to come home, what do you think?”
‘Don’t get tequila.’
“Jack scarred me too much for me to ever drink tequila again, don’t worry. I’ll pick you up in an hour.”
You got a hotel for you and Luke to spend the night in because you didn’t want his teammates around when you just need some Luke time. Plus, you’d rather only be responsible for one teen underage drinking.
Luke nursed a beer while you drank a vodka margarita you made in the bathroom as you told him everything that has happened with you and Trevor.
Luke listened, and spoke as well, to help you sort out your priorities and issues with the situation, and did his little brother duties swimmingly.
You two sat up against the headboard of the hotel bed and put on a Spider-Man movie after you both caught up with everything non-Trevor related in your lives. You leaned your head against his shoulder and pulled your knees up to lay them near his chest.
“Thanks, Luke,” you said low.
He wrapped an arm around you, “any time, y/n/n.”
For the rest of your undisclosed amount of time in Michigan, you spent it at your parent’s house, with some time with your second set of parents mixed in.
The latter is where you were currently sitting on the couch watching the Pregame for the Ducks game. Yeah, you were in a fight with Trevor, but you were still going to root for him.
They had the lead in the middle of second period at 2-0. The other team was becoming more defensive in their playing, as well as more aggressive. And your boyfriend had a tendency to be on the other side of someone’s aggression.
There was a fight. Gloves dropped, punches thrown, blood on faces. And Trevor was not getting as many hits in as the other player.
Fights happen. This isn’t the first Trevor has been in and it certainly won’t be the last. But this one was different. This one was worse. This one was the most violent brawl you’ve ever seen in a hockey game.
Their fight moved down the ice closer to the goal. The other played punched Trevor in the face so hard that he flew back, slammed his head on the goal post, and crumbled to the ground, bending his ankle in an unnatural way.
You suddenly felt extremely hot. Your body felt as if it were burning, your brain was threatening to drop down through your throat and bring you to the ground with it. You stood up when the fight got bad, and your legs gave out when they said he was unconscious.
“Oh my god,” Ellen gasped. You didn’t know if it was in reference to you or Trevor.
“He- he’s…”
Ellen put her arm around you and hushed you softly, “They’ll take good care of him, it’ll be alright.”
You shook your head, “No. No, I should be there. I have to go.”
“Y/N, you’re not in the right mind to drive right now,” Ellen told you.
“I’m not driving. I’m taking the next flight out and I’ll pick up my car from the airport later, I need to be there now.”
Jim and Ellen insisted on driving you to the airport and keeping your car safe at their house. You took the last seat on the flight to Anaheim that took off in the next three hours, and that’s when you finally called Jamie. You got worried when he picked up and said nothing.
“Is it bad?” you whimpered.
‘It’s not great, but it could be worse,’ Jamie answered honestly.
“I have a flight in three hours. I don’t know how I’ll get to you at 3am, but I’m coming.”
‘I’ll see if Mason can pick you up.’
Your flight was agonizingly long, but the wait to board was even worse. Anxiety still flooded your body despite how much anxiety medication you took. Nothing would cure it until you saw Trevor.
Jamie texted you that they were back home from the hospital, because it was bad enough to warrant a trip instead of the PT’s taking care of it, so that was where the very tired Mason dropped you off.
You quickly thanked him and ran out with your suitcase clattering behind you. You carefully unlocked the door and found Jamie dozing off on the couch still fully dressed. You set your suitcase by the door and crept over to the sleeping boy.
“Jamie,” you whispered as you gently rocked him awake.
He inhaled a deep and slow breath when he stirred and blinked tiredly at you, “Hey.”
“Hey,” you breathed out a laugh. “What’s the damage?”
“Minor concussion, bruised rib, and a torn ligament in his ankle.”
You winced, “So not great.”
“No, not even close,” he responded, stretching out the ‘o’ sound in no.
You sat in silence for a moment. You knew Trevor was likely asleep, and he needed rest so you weren’t about to go wake him up.
“He asked about you,” Jamie said, looking down at the floor. “The concussion was causing some slight amnesia, and he didn’t remember that you left. I just kept telling him it was hard to get ahold of you and that you were coming. I don’t know what I would’ve done if the memory didn’t come back and you weren’t here.”
You pursed your lips together to refrain from making a choked cry.
“He’s been a mess, y/n. The first thing he did was check for Quinn’s sweatshirt, and he broke down when he saw that you took it.”
“Me leaving didn’t give him enough of a clue that it was serious?”
“I think it just… solidified it, you know? You bring it out when things are bad for you; when you just need a big brother. I think he would’ve gone after you if you went to Vancouver,” he joked.
You stayed silent. You weren’t going to apologize for sometimes needing your family.
“I shouldn’t have left,” was what you got out.
“Yes you should have. I was spending more time with you than he was. You had every right.”
That’s when you broke down in tears. No— tears isn’t the right term, these were wracked sobs coming out of you. Jamie wrapped you in his arms and shushed you as he rubbed your back.
“I need to wake him up for pain meds, and I’m sure he’ll be a lot more cooperative if you do it,” Jamie offered.
“Will you come with me?”
Jamie got up with you and placed a comforting hand on your back as you trekked down the hall to your and Trevor’s room. You carefully sat down on the edge of the bed next to his chest and rubbed your hand up and down his back to wake him up.
“Z,” you singsonged. “Z baby I need you to wake up.”
Trevor grumbled into his pillow and tried to turn over, but was stopped by a sharp pain from his bruised rib. You winced at his cry and helped ease him down on his back against the pile of pillows supporting him.
“Y/N…?” Trevor asked sleepily.
You nodded and combed your fingers through his hair. His cheek was heavily bruised and he had a cut with a butterfly stitch across his eyebrow. For how much the other guy was hitting him, you were surprised his entire face wasn’t purple.
“It’s time for you to take some more pain meds,” you said low.
“You’re here,” he gapped. His eyes were wide, and you couldn’t help but think he looked like Bambi.
“Of course I’m here,” you smiled softly, still petting his hair.
“But you left. I wasn’t- I wasn’t expec… expecting…”
“Easy there, Zegras. Don’t need you having a brain aneurysm over me being in our bedroom,” you tried to laugh.
“You’re here.”
“And you need pain-“
“Z, we will talk about this but I need you to give me a moment. You need to take your pain medication.”
Trevor must’ve seen the desperate pleading in your eyes through the soft lamp light because he immediately stopped talking. He bit his lip and nodded at you. He put his arms behind him and tried to prop himself up so that he could swallow the pills, but he cried out and collapsed back down. When you reached to help him, he pushed your arms back and slowly shook his head.
“I can do it myself,” he grunted.
“You’re hurt. Just let me help you,” you said.
You two locked eyes for a moment before he nodded again. You heard the door click close, a signal that Jamie had left. You put a hand between his back shoulder blades to slowly lift him up, and helped you push himself back to sit against the headboard with minimal wincing. He quickly took the water and pills you handed him and scooted himself back down a little to be be halfway sitting up instead.
You started to stroke his hair again and he closed his eyes, breathing synced with your fingers combing up and down through his hair. You were silently crying and praying to every god imaginable that you didn’t make a sound, but this was to no avail.
“Oh, hey no,” Trevor rushed out. He cupped your cheek with one hand and linked his fingers together with yours with the other.
“You didn’t get up,” you squeaked out. “You went down, and suddenly nothing made sense anymore. My ears were ringing, my head was spinning, I felt like I couldn’t breathe.”
“I’m okay,” he whispered, rubbing circles with his thumb across your cheek bone.
“My mind blacked out when they said you were unconscious. I was standing one second, and Ellen was putting a straw in my mouth to drink ice water the next. And I didn’t know anything until-“
Trevor pulled your face down to his level and slammed his lips onto yours to cut you off. When your lips parted, your foreheads were brought together, with Trevor whispering for you to breathe slow with him, thumb back to caressing your cheek.
“I wasn’t out for too long. Troy and Mason helped me off the ice, and Jimmy rushed over to the arena and rode with me to the hospital. Gibby drove Jimmy’s car to the hospital, and we took him home. Everything is okay,” he breathed out. His voice was soft, low, and steady— a wonderful combination to calm you down.
“I was so scared,” you whimpered.
“I know, it’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. Come here,” he motioned for you to lay down next to him.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” you said. 
“You can lay on my chest, it’s okay,” he assured. 
You crawled into bed next to him and rested your head on his chest. Your hand came up to lay where you could feel his steady heart and you closed your eyes. 
“I love you,” you told him. 
“I love you, too.”
And with a kiss to the top of your head, you were out.
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blueindigo17 · 4 months
hi writeblr!! it's nice to meet you!!
I’ve had this blog for years but never posted anything bc to be honest I was a little afraid of tumblr when I first joined, but recently I decided that since I like talking about my wips so much to my friends/family irl, why not blog about them? I also want to find some writing mutuals, since I like hearing about people’s stories just as much as I like telling them about mine. Feel free to interact, follow, message, etc. I love making friends :D
About me <3
My name is Allie, but I go by Blue or BlueIndigo online. Feel free to use any of those :)
My pronouns are she/her
I’m 19, which also happens to be my favorite number :)
I have five wips, 96 characters (about half of which with a birthday I celebrate like it were my own), and yet very few words actually written (some words plotted though. look at me go!)
I'm kinda in between fandoms at the moment, however I want to start watching Criminal Minds bc I've never seen it and I have a feeling I'm gonna get sucked into the fandom immediately lol
I am a MASSIVE swiftie (favorite album is 1989 TV), and I listen to a lot of 5SOS, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray, and Harry Styles
I love reading !! My favorite author is Taylor Jenkins Reid & favorite books are Malibu Rising, Carrie Soto Is Back, and Daisy Jones & The Six.
I play ukulele, and I've written a handful of songs for one of my wips (more on that later)
I use these emoticons :) :D <3 in practically every sentence
I have a thing where my wip titles have to make good acronyms or I don’t use them. idk why either.
I love talking about my WIPs to the point of annoyance.
Speaking of talking, #blueindigo says things for non-wip related stuff <3
I like to write…
Realistic fiction
Contemporary fiction
Young adult/new adult
Coming of age
LGBTQ+ characters
Found family
pretty much just people being people :)
More about my wips below !!
Never Have We Ever (NHWE)
Tags: #wip: never have we ever #wip: NHWE
Summary: Liz has the best friends a girl could ask for. Harley, Mikey, and Natasha have been her people since elementary school, and Trevor and Amanda since middle school. Their whole lives, things have been pretty much the same. Same kids in their classes every year. Same streets between the same houses. Same, same, same. At the end of her freshman year of high school, just about when Liz is wondering how much same she could possibly handle, she catches Trevor’s eye as he laughs at someone’s joke, and something deep inside her lights up. Something she doesn’t know what to do with. Something she can't push back down once it comes barreling up to the surface. So much for same. After that, things can’t stop changing. And not just in her own life—her friend group starts pulling apart at the seams. Harley begins withdrawing from everyone with no explanation. Mikey gets in bigger trouble with his dad than ever. Natasha only has a year before she has to move off to college. Amanda accidentally reveals a secret no one was ever meant to know. At least Trevor seems to have gotten off easy. In this collection of short stories, Liz has to wonder if the change of pace she thought she wanted is worth it. Sometimes it’s hard to be brave, and she’s never been the most open to change, but unfortunately, that does not stop it from happening. The only question is: what is she going to do about it?
Genres: short stories, realistic fiction, young adult, coming of age, contemporary Themes: found family, first crushes, dealing with change, growing up, maintaining friendships Characters: Liz Stanton 🩵, Harley Wilson 💚, Mikey Miller 💛, Natasha Knightley 💜, Trevor Marshall ❤️, Amanda Hamilton 🩷
NHWE is my oldest WIP, started on December 16, 2019. It’s been on ice lately, since the plot has gone through so many changes that I haven’t known what to do with it in a while, but one of my goals with posting about it is to warm myself back up to it. I think writing that summary was a good place to start. Wish me luck :D
The Together List (TTL)
Tags: #wip: the together list #wip: TTL
Summary: Audrey is in her first month of college. Within three weeks, she’s moved out of her childhood bedroom and into a room with a window that seems to open on its own and a door that creaks loud enough to wake up the whole floor, she’s stumbled into a friend group that seemed to pull itself together like drawstrings, and she’s gotten a job at an adorable independent milkshake shop with her roommate and one of her new friends. What more could she possibly ask for? The world, it seems. Audrey has a list ten miles long of all the little things she wants college to be. One night, she starts listing them out loud. Her friends—Logan, Lennon, McKinley, Aspen, and Levi—chime in with their own after a moment, and before anyone knows it it’s been three hours and they haven’t stopped. They aren’t even sure whose idea it is, but they start writing it down. Every box on this ridiculously decorated list will be checked off by the end of the year, they swear. Someone makes an Instagram account as a joke, but by the first post it’s become as serious an endeavor as they’ve ever had. They wouldn’t call themselves local celebrities, but they certainly wouldn’t correct you if you did. The thing about fame at this age, even at small amounts, is that it's bound to go to someone's head...
Genres: realistic fiction, young adult fiction, new adult fiction, coming of age, LGBTQ+ fiction Themes: LGBTQ+, friendships, fame, college, becoming an adult, relationships Characters: Audrey Marshall 💙, Logan Levine 🧡, Lennon Adler 💛, McKinley March 💜, Aspen Brady ❤️, Levi Jackson 💚
TTL was created on August 18, 2021. I saw a post on Pinterest of someone's summer bucket list and that sounded like such a fun thing to do with friends that I had to write about it. Two and a half-ish years later, TTL has also gone through many changes, so I'm sort of trying to refresh it now. I'm very excited to see where it takes me!
(Fun fact: the main character, Audrey, is the older sister of Trevor from NHWE!)
The Violet Sisters Club (TVSC)
Tags: #wip: the violet sisters club #wip: TVSC
Summary: The Violet Sisters Club, a world famous all-female pop rock band, is facing a very public lawsuit from a former hotheaded manager over their most recent album. Following the conclusion of their case, lead singer Naomi Tyler, drummer Inez Wilde, guitarist Chrissy Cameron, and bassist Francesca Sheridan escape to the luxurious Overlook Estate, a privately owned rental property on an island off the southern coast of California. Here, they can spend the summer out of the public eye, writing songs they don’t need to worry about releasing and letting the public wonder what they’re up to as they let the tension out of their muscles. With a property twice the size of Alcatraz Island and a beach twice as long, the Overlook offers the band a respite from the go, go, go of touring, the privacy invasion of paparazzi, and the exhaustion of being micromanaged every minute of every day. Four pools, seven hot tubs, the aforementioned private beach, a high tech recording studio (just in case), a few golf carts just to get around the property and a Jeep to get to town. It’s unimaginably expensive, it’s incomprehensibly big, and it’s everything they need. But this escape may not be the relaxing California beach paradise they imagined. Soon, it becomes hard to hide how much the stress of fame was eating away at each of them—emotions run high, patiences run thin, days run long, nights run longer, and the strength of the band is questioned as the girls’ insecurities and anxieties bubble to the surface after a lifetime in the spotlight.
Genres: realistic fiction, contemporary fiction, literary fiction Themes: fame, music, romance, found family, secrets, breakups Characters: Naomi Tyler (lead singer, songwriter) 💜, Inez Wilde (drummer, vocalist, songwriter) 🩷, Chrissy Cameron (guitarist, vocalist, songwriter) 💙, Francesca Sheridan (bassist, vocalist, songwriter) 💚
TVSC was created on February 5, 2023, but the characters have been around almost as long as TTL. Initially, I created the Violet Sisters Club as a fictional band that would exist within The Together List, but at some point I couldn't get the idea of a TVSC-focused novel out of my head. I'm glad I never tried, because some of my favorite ideas I've ever had have gone into TVSC. If I could have one wish, it would be for all of TVSC's songs to be real so I could listen to them without having to write them first.
Now That We Don’t Talk (NTWDT)
Tags: #wip: now that we don’t talk #wip: NTWDT
Summary: There are two important things to know about Hazel Henry and Saiah Bradford.  One: They kinda-sorta hate each other after they broke up last year at prom. (The same prom that ended with the school almost burning down and Hazel's twin brother's best friend going to the hospital. Bad memories all around.) Two: Someone on the planning committee for their senior class trip must be out to get them, because when they arrive at the hotel, they find out they’ve been assigned to the same room. This should have been impossible; Saiah requested to be paired with her best friend, Tory, who's going to have some explaining to do later, and Hazel would bet her life on the fact that she requested a room alone. Now, for the next two weeks, they’re both stuck in the same narrow room with its little square bathroom and practically-nonexistent closet. The air conditioner turns on at random times, they seem to be paired together for every single scheduled activity, and perhaps worst of all—their friends all seem to find this situation absolutely hilarious.  But it’s just two weeks, right? It’ll be over before they know it, and soon they can both go back to pretending their relationship—and each other—never existed. Right? Right? Happy senior year to them. 
Genres: realistic fiction, young adult fiction, contemporary fiction, LGBTQ+ fiction, romance Themes: reconciliation, romance, friendship, forgiveness, guilt, regrets, family, growing up Characters: Hazel Henry 🩷, Nick Henry 💙, Saiah Bradford 💚, Tory Whitehouse 💛
NTWDT was created on October 18, 2023. Hilariously, I came up with the plot after making Hazel and Saiah in the Sims, and I literally couldn't stop thinking about them whenever I wasn't playing. As I do with every character I create, I became obsessed with them, and now here we are. And in case you're wondering, yes, I named it after the Taylor Swift song lol.
Trouble In Paradise (TIP)
Tags: #wip: trouble in paradise #wip: TIP
Summary: Sixteen years ago, Joe Alexander and Ben King drove across the US in the pursuit of Joe's true love. Today, Joe is preparing to move out of his and his ex-wife's house and drive across the country once more, joined by his daughter, Bryce, and his best friend/his daughter's biological father, Ben. It's all familiar—the long stretches of empty fields, collapsing onto a cheap hotel bed for the night, never being able to decide where to stop for food—and yet, Joe has no idea what he's in for.  This is a story of two cross-country road trips, and the lives that one woman is able to ruin in between. Joe Alexander and Ben King have both lost their entire worlds to Lilly Alexander. But the ones they’ve gained after her might be—in some weird, unconventional way—a little better.
Genres: realistic fiction, contemporary fiction, adult fiction, literary fiction Themes: reconciliation, moving on, guilt, parenting, cheating, manipulation, mental illness, sexual abuse Characters: Joe Alexander, Ben King, Bryce Alexander, Lilly Alexander
TIP is technically my newest WIP, since I came up with the full plot just last month (February 13, 2024). I've had the vague idea of it for just over a year, but I didn't quite know what to do with it until recently. It's definitely more mature with its topics than my other wips (as you might be able to tell by the themes), but I really like the concept and I've had a lot of fun plotting it so far, even if it's a little out of my comfort zone.
(Fun fact: the original title way back when the characters didn't even have last names was High Infidelity, after the Taylor Swift song, since I thought it was so thematically appropriate.)
OKAY I'm pretty sure I have officially run out of things to say. If you made it all the way here, thank you so much for reading! Like I said earlier, feel free to interact any way you like :D
This post is sort of a masterpost for all my wips, but I'm also considering doing posts for each wip separately so I can go into more detail. That'll be later though.
Thanks again for reading, and have a good day/night !!
―BlueIndigo <3
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beevean · 7 months
Man its just that the average nfcv fan vision of the belmonts is a human centipede. You grab the og belmonts, you kno the good hearted almost superhuman warriors who fought and killed Dracula time and time again, let nfcv turn them into regular vampire hunters that are framed as morally gray bc "muh poor vampires :(", and who are cynical jerks that don't do much of anything. And then you let the fandom bully them into the ground bc haha loser men and muh girlbosses.
And its kinda weird bc its also often making fun of them due to their traumas? Like yea maybe alcoholism due to losing your entire family at a young age isnt a joke you know. Or seeing your mother get killed in front of you as a child. Yes ofc you can make fun of dark stuff i'd be lynched as a hypocrite if i said you cant, but the way its done and how continuous it is... irrespectful? Like they dont respect the serious aspects of the character and legit think they suck for having horrible things happen to them? Im bad at gauging jokes like that but... yea (they just dont know how to bully fictional characters unlike us who throw Isaac off a 10 stories building everyday <3)
In any case, N! Trevor and N! Richter do not deserve that sort of treatment already, and much less their mainline counterparts :/
And regarding girlbosses, they way ppl need to put down their men to show how cool the girls are just, reeks of insecurity to me? Why does having a "loser dumb wife guy" makes her a girlboss? Why would a confident gal need a loser to take care of instead of a good partner were both compliment eachother's strong and weak points? Maybe im being a bit dramatic here, but it carries off a similar mentality to sexist guys that need to put down their gal's accomplishments to feel well Plus, the way how fandoms still revolve around said loser guys and how a lot of the times the writing itself makes the girlboss character a compliment or a motivation for the man without depth for herself makes it all feel performative. Just write a normal character with character traits who happens to be a woman ffs :/
It's incredible. NFCV alone feels like a shitty fanfiction, full of those fanfic tropes that would make me close immediately: flanderization, wimpification of "pretty" male characters, thirsting, juvenile wit, spotlight-stealing OCs, gratuituous sex and SA treated with the finesse of a charging hippo. Then you let the fandom fandomify this shitty fanfic even more, and the result is just a disaster, a kiddie pool of the most baffling misconceptions you could see.
Just to make one example, Trevor in the games is a noble but ruthless hunter, both friendly and fierce, fighting for mankind yet wanting respect yet gladly giving credit to his friends; in the show, he's a washed out Bojack Horseman-esque asshole, who despite his cynicism admittedly attempts to do the right thing when push comes to shove; and according to fandom he's pretty much a funny penis man with two braincells, Sypha and Alucard. the scene where he punches Dracula and he goes "you must be the Belmont" became a meme for a reason :^)
And yeah you're right that the fandom doesn't seem to. like the Belmonts much. But then again, they're acting like the show wants them to :) The writing doesn't take Trevor's alcoholism seriously, so they don't, alcoholism is a funny joke that makes people silly and just a tad pathetic (and it's not a serious addiction and symptom of larger problems no sir). Richter is a goofball who cries in a corny way, so it's easy to laugh at him - and that's when fans don't say that Julia deserved to die for being a "colonizer". Lenore is sexualized to hell and back, so the fans thirst for her and they think that Hector must thirst for her too, and look, wasn't her death so prettly tragic, maybe she was a good person after all!
The way fandoms treat girl characters nowadays is... barely an improvement over the 2000s when Amy would be called a slut for having a backless dress. Now it's all about how stronk and kewl and queens and girlbosses they are. And you can't criticize the writing of a female character because "just say you hate women 🙄", even when the said character is a female victim of abuse who was written by a molester as a smug radfem whose personality never goes beyond "i want to steal from men because men bad" *coughcoughcough*
The show itself is regressive when it comes to its female characters. They're all the damn same. They're either spunky sassy gals who put their men in their place, or evil but hot dommy mommies (Striga and Morana don't fit the mold because they're not characters). Most of them are magic users, even those who in the games were normal women. I will forever stand by my point that Annette did not need to be a metal bender, and if the writers truly cared, they could have fleshed out the skeleton provided by RoB. But they didn't. Because girl power!!! but only if you're conventionally "badass" and have a "strong" attitude.
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weltato · 1 year
I'm watching the most recent US Ghosts episode (2x14 Trevor's Body) and I need to write down all of the points that make me go either "oh!" or "oh?" or "holy shit" etc. Warning for excessive use of caps lock bc I got excited and tbh this is mostly just my thoughts as I'm watching. Fangirl mode: engaged.
First thing's first: Trevor's body has indeed been found! Of course he gets fished up XD
And the ant club, the ant club is back! They have Pete as a new member, oh my gosh I didn't know I needed to see Pete & Thor friendship so much
Alberta said Yiddish words and I'm so proud of her, look how happy she looks and Sass is so resigned we love him
(side note: I'm not Jewish so I've no idea what she said but I'm guessing it's something akin to "parents" or the like, someone pls teach me)
He's about to get smacked I swear
He even tried to stop them getting together in the first place, man is so bitter, Nigel just talk to him and explain pls
Oh no his parents are divorced oh Trevor no I'm so sorry, look at him he looks so broken HETTY THIS MAN NEEDS A HUG ASAP
"Peter, as our resident cuckold-" 😂 Thanks Hetty
FLOWERRRRR Flower bestie, the one time we wanted you lucid
oh no sad Trev again, aw he looks so upset bless him
oh my gosh, Jay is just sat there reading 🤣 iconic does he do this every time they're all plotting together?
aw noooo, Trev it wasn't you, it wasn't your death that did it (probably hopefully maybe) they might have had problems before who knows?? just have Sam ask them
my goodness Jay is so invested, look at him being a good husband and friend, he just accepted the parent trap idea
and of course Thor takes "trap" literally XD
Lenny and Esther, amazing names (I actually really like the name Esther this makes me so happy)
Oh no... This is the look of a man who knows he done goofed
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Nigel....what did you do?? Answer me honestly, what happened??
Isaac has enough self-confidence issues as it is DO NOT COMPOUND THINGS!!
a respite doesn't cut it buddy, Isaac is hurt now, you have hurt him, how dare you, you're gonna have Hetty and Thor coming for you mate
damn it Jenkins!!
oh my gosh it's Nancy! the cholera ghosts are getting a shoe in the door, good for them!
"Isaac is now second most famous cuckold in the house" you didn't have to kill him again Thor
oh Alberta, no. as much as I know you're wanting to help Isaac that is not going to help
please don't suggest he goes for Jenkins this will stir up more problems
omgosh Thor you beauty
but a Puritan? really? at another household? oof, that's gonna be heavy
THANK. YOU. SASSAPIS! clever boy
and Isaac asks about the Puritan anyway 🤣 of course he does
and now we're back to Trevor- IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT I PROMISE T^T
"we're going to hell" don't tell Hetty, she can make you go down on 'em
and of course Albert and Flower watched XD that tracks with them so well
Sass being the good guy until Hetty appeared....yeah, sure pal, sure
and Hetty found it "educational" uh huh, yeah, sure thing Hetty, you keep telling yourself that
Trev looks rightfully disgusted
shouting through windows, lovely ngl I find this so awkward
yes Isaac I'm just as uncomfortable as you are buddy
Trevor 1968-2000 he's 40! he doesn't look it honestly
aww, that's actually a sweet little memorial
yay! Isaac is forgiving Nigel! yay!!
Jenkins is in fact a son of a bitch, well said Isaac It's all your fault, Jafar Jenkins
ohmygosh moving in? moving in? yes?
yes you are baby stepping Nigel but Isaac needs this let him have it
told you Trev, told you, not your fault - DAMN IT LENNY WHILE THEY WERE IN SCHOOL?? DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME SIR?
someone give Trevor a hug or so help me I will scream
thank you Alberta TvT lowkey wanted Hetty but you work too, that's so sweet
yeah, you guys ARE #couplegoals you totally are, you're so sweet, the only people that I can say are also goals are Alison and Mike
(who wants another crossover episode?)
oh so is Thor 35 then? good to know
yep, the ghosts are children confirmed
and of course we end with Trevor trying to kill Tara Reid
Ok so that was a trip and a half, I'm excited for next episode now.
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sygneth · 1 year
First things first:
Don't hesitate to ask me things, DM me or suggest drawings, I don't bite (usually).
DON'T repost my art without credits, reblogs are very appreciated. You can use it for personal purposes (icon, wallpaper in ur phone, printing it out and eating putting on your fridge ect.) (and if it's the icon/header/ect. kinda thing please credit me).
If you are here for art only, you may be interested in my art archive sideblog @sygneth-archives
About me (meet the artist): 2023 - 2024
I am and will be posting content that is not suitable for children and sensitive people. My current and future posts for both fandom stuff and OC content may directly include or mention topics such as:
graphic violence, death
mild gore; body horror, blood
swearwords, slurs (censored), in-universe slurs for fandoms
anxiety, depression and other mental disorders and their consequences
suicidal thoughts, suicide
abusive relationships, toxic relationships, trauma
sexual jokes/talk, suggestive talk and posing, soft NSFW content (occasional frontal nudity but rather not in sexualised way)
use and abuse of alcohol, cigarettes and other substance
addiction, co-addiction, codependence and people not always dealing with them the right way
If you don't want to see this kind of content, please unfollow me or consider taking some measures that will help you filter out those posts. Stay safe.
Second things second:
I'm a multifandom mess and I'm not in charge of whatever my brain decided that I am going to hyperobsess over. Fortunately my obssessions rather stack than die away so sooner or later I will probably come back to whatever era you've found me at.
My recurring topics are for sure Undertale/Deltarune, ACD Sherlock, Good Omens, Disco Elysium, and whetever else that I forgot to mention.
I am currently handling a few projects:
Echoes of Elysium (a Disco Elysium comic where Harry tries to stay sober and sort out his relationship with people, set directly after the events from game, with some retrospections) - AO3 - ComicFury - INFO - Page 1
Sherlock Holmes and Victor Trevor College Adventures (a short comic series about friendship/QPR between the two of them, retelling/filling in the events from the story) AO3 - Masterpost - Chapter 1 (finished) - Chapter 2 (finished) - Chapter 3 (in the making)
HIATUS (let me believe I'll come back to them):
Postcards from Revachol (a postcard series + my thoughts to it, where I paint over my photos of my hometown bc it reminds me of Revachol and here is why)
Postapo Disco Inferno (a stupid silly AU where I do not think too much. Revachol got bombed 20 years earlier and Harry, Kim & Jean have a dog Dolores) - here
Sonnaá (my OC universe that may turn into something with some chronology one day)
Aside from those I am sometimes drawing or writing unrelated things in mentioned fandoms or in other fandoms too.
General tags:
#my art , #my writing - the names say it all
#holmes collage adventures - a mini-series exploring Holmes' and Victor Trevor's friendship
#echoes of elysium - for the Echoes comic
#echoes talking - for the Echoes lore
#postapo disco inferno - for postapo silly content & Dolores the dog
#jeanalysis, #jeanposting - special tags for a special man
#conversations with the void - my shitpost tag
#[fandom] scribbles, #[fandom] talking, #[fandom] meta, #[fandom] analysis - pretty self explainatory, I assume (including them here to keep the order)
Tags for other things are generally corresponding but forgive me if I suck at keeping them in order (I probably do).
Third things third: If i come up with anything else, I will update this pinned post. Have a nice day!
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luke-hughes43 · 4 months
ok so i wanted to get y’all’s thoughts on something.
so a while ago (before i started writing on tumblr) i kinda made an au on my laptop that was trevor and matt boldy’s twin sister.
so i’m writing this post in a rest stop in maine bc this idea came to me during my drive back home and i wanted to share before i forget.
my idea was to see if you guys wanted me to post it here and add into the stella/bella au.
ik i’ve written about trevor and dixie in stella’s world and i can leave it like that but part of me wants to add the trevor x boldy twin storyline into it too.
i’m gonna do a poll abt it and i’d appreciate some feedback!!!!
i’m gonna add a third answer and have it be to post the au but in its own world.
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thatoneao3author · 1 year
Interstellar Ian - gallavich kid’s show au
i can’t find a discord server to ramble about a gallavich-centric au i’m working on so i’m gonna ramble about the concept here. I am writing a fic for it so I’m not gonna go in depth on the specific plot points, just the idea/background/set up
if you are interested in specifics, though, i’ve already posted a few excerpts from chapter one on this blog under the tag ‘Interstellar Ian AU’. 
so seriously hear me out here
ian gallagher is the host of a kid’s show in the same vein as Lazy Town, Blues Clues, etc. He serves as the host who takes the viewers through adventures in a space setting in a show he scored when he was fifteen: Interstellar Ian. it’s on PBS Kids, which is a educational kid’s channel here in the US that is publicly broadcasted and easily available to everyone for free via libraries and youtube and such. shows like Arthur and Sid the Science Kid aired there. it’s actually a really good resource for low-income families with kids but that’s a rant for another day. ian’s show is on their roster!
Frank scammed his way into getting Ian one of his first minor roles when he was fifteen but from there, it was all Ian working his way up. Being an actor screws with all of Ian’s plotlines/erases them even down to the earliest episodes in season one, but most of the rest of the show’s canon still plays out the same except the family’s financial strain isn’t as high for a couple years while fiona uses his income for the household. 
it kinda evens back out once ian is an adult and moves into a little apartment closer to set and becomes independent. Ian continues hosting this show into his early adulthood, even though it’s starting to become evident by season eight of Interstellar Ian that they are starting to run out of fresh content and maybe should’ve wrapped it up a few years ago. 
Instead of dating Mickey first, Ian actually meets Trevor (trans guy from around season six/seven) FIRST bc he costars on the show during some of the earlier seasons. they have a secret relationship and it eventually goes public, drama, drama, drama, and oops Trevor isn’t an actor anymore and he goes on to open his shelter/queer youth program. Ian and Trevor are on good terms by the main timeline of the fic though 
ian remains host of the show and after the initial drama, he becomes well known as a queer icon/actor, especially for young ppl who watch the show/grew up watching it
During the filming of season seven of interstellar ian, Ian also messes around with the new director on set: Caleb the ex firefighter. They don’t get caught or anything but there is still drama and they decide to step back and Not Do That Anymore 
Ian has a Thing(tm) for messing around with cute guys on the set of his show and he swears off of it forever. 
forever lasts until there is a new electrician hired to the set, reformed criminal!mickey milkovich
in this universe, mickey decided to stop being a major nuisance to the world because mandy got custody of their half-sister from earlier in the show, Molly, and he wants to be able to help them out or at least not cause more problems for them. so he took a course and is a certified electrician who signs a contract with the show because he needs long term + stable work. 
Ian can’t drive. he just doesn’t have a car, he never got a license because he got caught up in the acting thing gig around the age that he should’ve gotten it and now he has too much pride to do it. so he leaves the set an hour or two later than basically everyone else. everyone knows this, he was even given a key to the warehouse they film the show in because of it
so, when mickey starts showing up as the actors and crew are leaving to fix flickering lights and switch around wiring, the star of the show is still just There. because despite being famous and rich, his main form of transportation is the public kind and that’s inconsistent 
ian and mickey meet due to this overlap in schedules and ian spends the first chunk of the fic struggling because he doesn’t wanna mess around with another guy from set and cause unneeded drama, while mickey seems to like him- but not because he’s an actor/minor celebrity, just because he’s “pretty or whatever” 
that’s the general gist of what’s going on, but some other cool details include: svetlana stars as ian’s hairstylist/makeup artist who faked her way there with a forged cosmetology certification, mickey has one pierced ear and maybe a cat, ian takes care of franny a lot + mickey steps up for his younger half sister: molly (so you get like, familial/dad-like gallavich at a few different points), the fic is ian centric and in his pov, and there is a multi-chapter gap in the fic where gallavich “aren’t dating” but are basically in a relationship and I know some of you guys love that trope based off of most of the fics i’ve read in this fandom 
I think that’s all I wanna reveal but if you have questions or thoughts, feel free to reblog/send me an ask with them! the plot plan for this thing includes 15 chapters total and i’ve written 4 of them in their entirety. I’m thinking i’ll write all/most of the fic before I start posting it, but we’ll see what happens!
if you wanna know when this fic goes up, make sure you follow this blog. I’ll be using the specific tag ‘Interstellar Ian AU’ to organize information on this, as well. thanks <3
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panicv0mit · 9 months
seeing the netflixvania posting im so fucking sorry. ive yet to watch it (will suffer through it with my friend who, like myself, is also a long time castlevania fan) and this is like. seeing a forest go up in flames and deciding to walk in anyway.
my expectations were low but it seems i'll have to set them even lower. what have they done to my favorite belmont
My netflixvania posting is but a crumb compared to all the shit I got stored in my brain but if I started rambling it would never end (except I am gonna ramble a lil bit now) spoilers (?) incoming.
Let me just say that the first 2 seasons of netflixvania were actually pretty good, I loved the final fight in season 2. It was FINE, it ended on a decent note, opened the door for the other Belmonts to step in etc etc........and that's not what they did at all. They just HAD to make 2 more fucking seasons and those had MAJOR issues between the severe mischaracterization of Hector and Alucard (I COULD GO ON AND ON ABOUT HECTOR ALONE) and disgusting unnecessary SA scenes...it was fucking abysmal. And you know what? It hurt to watch like genuinely. Everything that could have gone wrong in a show did go wrong. I liked Isaac's story, Sypha and Trevor were fine. But the horrible writing could not hold the show together at all. I was RELIEVED when it ended but OOPS SORRY!!!! AT THE VERY END THEY LET DRACULA PASS ON WITH HIS WIFE!!!!!!!! HEEHEE!!!!! HOOOHOO!!! Let me ask you a question. Walk with me here, friend. What is the story of castlevania? Who are they fighting? If you answered Dracula, then you're correct.
I'm not saying you have to keep resurrecting the same villain over and over again, HOWEVER. Dracula is a ginormous part of Richter's story. THAT'S THE WHOLE THING!!! BELMONTS VS DRACULA!!!! AND THEN ALUCARD WAKES THE FUCK UP AND IS LIKE AW SHIT THE CASTLE IS BACK!!!! They literally locked themselves out of TWO storylines!!!!! There will be no rondo, no symphony. They are using the characters in name ONLY. and it fucking BLOWS. I was actually somewhat excited to see the new series, I wanted to see Richter really bad he's my GUY....and then the reality set in and I'm wait a minute....NO...NOOO NOOOOOO!!!!!! bc I knew in my heart they were gonna fumble and fuck up severely. And they ARE! I am THREE episodes in and I have felt NOTHING, the show just isn't doing it for me. The pacing is fucking weird, dialogue feels unnatural sometimes, and the overall story is just.. meh. Especially with Richter. If Annette was the only main character, I wouldn't be so disappointed bc her part is really the only one that matters, it's clear she has more of a focus put on her instead and THATS OKAY! but for us Richter fans it feels so empty, he as a character in this show feels like fucking wet cardboard. They're giving him NOTHIN. That's not him at all. It feels off everything feels wrong. The first episode was the worst so far. There was no set up, no slow pacing, just them going from plot point to plot point like they were checking off a list. It all plays out, in my opinion, like if someone was fucking around in AI dungeon and trying to make their own castlevania. That's how unnatural things feel at times. As I'm writing this I'm like losing train of thought like what am I even saying I HAVE NO IDEA. At the end of the day, it's just a huge let down. My expectations were low and initially watching it isn't THAT bad, but when I sit down and let my mind simmer on it...I just get kinda sad. Why do they keep letting ppl who clearly don't know anything about castlevania in general write these shows. I don't feel passion from it. It shows horribly. I don't wanna see another one after this but no they've already confirmed season 2 and Alucard is gonna roll up and they're gonna do whatever the fuck idk. I'm gonna go play curse of darkness and symphony of the night and make out with my wife Hector or somethin
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onlythebravest · 11 months
hii ash! and thank you!!
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
I really want to share what I wrote in my latest hrpf, but I also have this pretty funny larry snippet, so I’ll go with that. I shared it in the server ages ago, you probably weren’t even in the server when I shared it so… you won’t have read it at least 😂 it’s from my omega gender confusion au that’s pretty much been placed on the shelf indefinitely, but I do occasionally think about it atill
“I just want to start off by saying that I love it when you call me alpha. It makes me feel so good, always.”
“That’s good.”
“But sometimes, I kind of just want to be this stereotypical submissive omega.”
Louis glanced at Harry and saw that his brows were furrowed. “Y’know like how I can be during my heats sometimes,” he tried to explain. “Or you know, just in general. When I’m very submissive.”
Harry was silent for several seconds before he hesitantly said, “I’m sorry but, if that’s what you mean with submissive, you’re not very submissive, Lou.”
Louis rolled his eyes. “Not in comparison to you, no.” He shook his head. “Not everyone’s as obedient as a narc dog, you know.”
Harry’s mouth fell open and his eyes widened as he stared at Louis in disbelief. He let out a chuckle as he said, “I’m sorry, what? What did you just call me?” Louis started laughing. “Narc dog? Where did that come from?”
Harry shook his head, his expression a mixture between disbelief, shock and confusion.
“I don’t know? It just… sorta came to me?”
“I’m not a narc dog.”
Chuckling, Louis said, “You kinda are, babe.”
Harry shook his head slowly, almost absentmindedly. “I don’t… I don’t think narc dogs are very submissive, Lou.”
“To their owner they are.”
“Owner? Are you… You don’t own me.” Louis smirked as he shrugged. “I’m not a pet!” Harry was all but shrieking. “I’m not some puppy you can own.”
Louis continued to smirk. “Might as well be, don’t you think?” He held up one hand as he said, “Omega,” and the other was he said, “puppy.” He shrugged. “Same, same, don’t you think?”
Harry was shaking his head, disbelief still painting his every move, and he opened and closed his mouth several times. Finally, he said, “I thought we were gonna have a serious conversation here, not compare me to a fucking narc dog.”
Louis tilted his back and started laughing more freely, louder.
“Stop laughing!” Harry whined, swatting Louis’ arm, but when Louis looked at him, he was chuckling too, so Louis just reached out and grabbed his neck, pulling him in for a hug. “It’s not funny. I’m not a narc dog.”
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
honestly, I just thought of this scene this very moment but I’m now very excited about it. Trevor collapsing due to his not sufficiently treated touch starvation on the ice. a big dramatic reveal which would be right I’ll his alley if it weren’t for the fact that this is something he’s been trying to hide from his team. doing it on the ice feels just so trevor for some reason. and as a bonus, we will have easy access for Jamie to sweep in and save the day 😂 it’s perfect! I really want to write this like immediately. I’m so excited!!!! like so so excited even though I know you don’t care avoht this bc it’s an entire different fandom 😂 and you might not even know who these two boys are, but trust me I’m so excited
send me WIP qs please
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superw3nch · 2 years
this idea literally came to be out of nowhere and if i don’t get it out i will literally scream. even though I should be finishing the like five other fics i’m currently writing but whatever. 
anyway I present married!charlie and billy
in an AU where Billy survives season 3
Billy proposes as soon as he’s cleared from the hospital
soon after they break the News to both their families
Sue cries and Max is so happy to officially call Charlie her sister now
Mr. And Mrs. Sinclair try their best to be upset but they’re so happy
Erica actually hugs Billy
Lucas is excited tho he has a harder time admitting it
then before they could even get the invitations out they move to California
Billy hates Hawkins and Charlie is ready for a change after what happened
they get a shitty apartment one bedroom barely even half a bath 
but its okay because it’s theirs
billy gets a job working as a surfing instructor and charlie finds this hole in the wall record shop and just falls in love
things are fine and theyre still planning the wedding and then boom she's pregnant
and charlie has a hard time with the pregnancy cause like what the fuck there’s a person growing inside of me??? 
billy does his best to be there for her even though he’s kinda scared too cause he just wants to be a good Dad
he doesn’t want charlie or the baby to ever feel unloved or unwanted
but he’s great better than great Charlie tells him this everyday and has no problem if she still has to remind him 
he holds her hand at every appointment and asks questions before she can even get them out
they find out what they’re having
Charlie was terrified of having a girl fear of the baby being just like Erica 
Billy wanted a girl, he’d be happy and love the baby regardless, but fuck he wanted a girl 
He wants to spoil a girl dress her up in frilly pink clothes and little bows he’s thinks that’s the Anthesis of cute
Lucas just wants to be an uncle
And the first kid is a boy
They struggle with names they go through about 50
Jason (no bc Charlie knows a boy in Hawkins named Jason and he’s a dick)
Trevor (Billy thinks that’s a douche name)
Harold (and they both say no bc their kid is not a 75 year old man)
Noah (maybe but Erica says she would refuse to call her nephew a Dork name like Noah)
Jonathon liked it though so that’s a plus
Carter (sue and max’s favorite said he’d be successful one day)
But finally they settle on Robert, Bob for Short bc there was a family friend named Bob that passed and Billy can see the way Charlie’s eyes lights up when she talks about him
Joyce cries when they tell her over the phone
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fictional-yearning · 2 years
Alright, so my scenario was this: a fic (or headcanons - whichever you find more preferable) about our dear Adrian falling for a Fem!Belmont dhampir. Yes, a vampire within the prestigious Belmont family - proposterous, I know 😏. Anyway, they fall in love, and A is kinda confused about Reader being Trevor's polar opposite in many ways - i.e. she's much more polite (can still curse like a sailor tho), she is more understanding of sup.monsters (due to her own nature + morals), and she's a melancholic romantic. And if you're willing to add it to the fic somehow (it's totally optional)...the events of season 3 still happen, but A never gets restrained or f-d by Sumi and Taka, R finds out about their plan and just stops them.
I'm doing headcanons bc I never actually finish the requests where I try to write out the whole thing 🤣 I love this setup btw. I hope you like it!
Due to your particular situation, you and your mother had cut ties with the rest of the Belmonts when you were just a child and retreated to live together in a cottage in a small town, where you trained your abilities in the shroud of the nearby woods.
It was only through folk tales of a vampire-like being having been sighted fighting off Dracula's hordes during the nights that Trevor was able to locate you. Finding out your mother had died not too long after his own parents did was a hard hit for Trevor, given that you were everything he was not: proper, ageeable, delicate and polite. He made it his mission to push your buttons so that you'd bring out what he called "your hidden Belmont charm".
You had never met another vampire, so you were fascinated by Alucard, wanting to spend time with him every chance that you got. Your presence alone helped him soote the complicated guilt he felt over his half-vampiric nature: if you were a dhampir like him, and the best person he knew, then surely, being a dhampir could not be so bad, right?
Soon, you became a perfectly synced battle duo, with Alucard's fighting style evolving to watch your back and yours to do the same for him. When off the battlefield, you also spent most of your time together, either researching about the supernatural or sharing stories from the books you'd read.
Despite all, however, you never confessed your feelings for each other, despite Trevor and Sypha's insistent pushing, as you were both too insecure to believe the other could like you in that way. But when it came time for all of you to part ways after your adventure, your answer surprised everyone: "If it's alright, I'd rather stay with Alucard".
Alucard found it hard to believe that anyone would want to spend time with him, much less now that he found himself in this state. You told him that you were tired of fighting, and that you had nowhere else to go. You couldn't bring yourself to also state the simple truth that there was nowhere in the world you'd rather be but by his side.
You'd come to regret this lack of bravery over and over, but more than ever as the weeks went by and Sumi and Taka joined you in the castle. You could see how forward they both were with Alucard, and how happy he looked when he was with them. You were happy for him, but you regretted it so much that you couldn't be like them and do the same.
When you started to notice something off about the couple, you were disappointed in yourself. You didn't want to ruin Alucard's happiness with what you thought was jealousy, and so, you tried not to fuel those thoughts and made an effort to better get along with the two guests instead.
It would soon prove to be impossible. The more you tried to be closer to them, the more they shut you off. It was almost like they wanted you to leave so they could have Alucard all for themselves.
Fortunately, you didn't let that happen, and so it was only a matter of time before you caught them in the act of planning their attack. The only problem being, that they caught you spying on them, too.
It all happened incredibly fast. You fought, and your calls for help were heard by Alucard, who came swiftly in your rescue, killing Sumi and Taka as soon as he could make sense of the situation, and tightly holding you as he bawled his eyes out asking you for forgiveness.
You shook you head and told him that having been too happy wasn't something that he should apologise for. The man had a heart of gold that had been taken advantage of. Thankfully, you had a brain. So now that you were truly together, you were sure that all would be well.
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hugheshugs · 2 years
can u do something abt getting high w/ the boys (quinn, luke, jack, trevor, & alex, since 4/20s coming up LOL 😩) idk why but i feel like quinn would stop being sad for once & j laugh at literally everything, luke would either have the munchies or j start saying out of pocket shit to everyone, jack would def be flirty/touchy w u, trevor would obv know what he's doing & be super chill, and alex would j fall asleep 💀 idk i might be super off but what are ur thoughts ahahaha?
ooo okayokay, im not the best person to write a blurb abt this bc i've never been high so idk what its like 😭 but i'll give my thoughts :)) also wont elaborate on trevor bc i dont write for him !!
quinn i feel would definitely be giggly. its like, the one time he isnt stressed or overthinking so his mind takes full advantage of it and he loosens up. he also wants hugs cuz duh, and this is when he accepts people's affection towards him. physical touch is a must, not even romantically but just in general, with his friends and all. and he shows them how much he loves and appreciates them too, probably by doing small things like smiling at them or laughing at their stupid jokes
luke totally has munchies omg !! he eats everything he can see and quinn also feeds into it by giving him everything he wants. quinn sees a bag of chips "oh, i need to give that to luke!" and idk why i feel like he'd love sour gummy worms and chocolate pudding. he'd become the cookie monster in human form.
jack !! so !! fucking !! touchy !! (this is kinda 18+) his hands need to be on you 24/7, he's a horny little shit. he'd need you to be straddling his lap, his hands would be on your ass and he would be too high to care that his friends are watching.
alex would absolutely be sleepy. the boys would probably try to keep him up but he'd be rubbing his eyes, fighting hard to stay awake. he'd probably want cuddles too and i think quinn would give them to him.
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gutmeats · 2 years
For the character opinion bingo - Thomas Hunt. Sorry, I wish I could be more original.. 😅 Thank you!
ssshsshshsh dont apologize i will take every opportunity to shout my love of this man from the rooftops <3 im soooooo normal about him dw
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i feel like. as opposed to my trevor one i filled out i should maybe explain some of these
by the "affectionately <3" above "everyone but me is wrong about them" i mean it in sort of like a. i have a very specific way of viewing him, and no one else in the fandom seems to feel quite the same way, but i do like how other people write him <3 this fandom is full of insanely talented people. wasted potential being marked kind of goes hand in hand with that, along with projecting my own issues onto him
i changed marrying him bc if im being honest, while i do really love him, it comes more from a place of wanting to see him with someone who really cares about him, but i am not that person. its why i have avalon instead of self shipping . 10/10 would bone tho
kinda sorta got too much screen time in the sense that i really like that he got that amount of screen time, but i totally understand why people who read rcd and didn't want to marry him were annoyed. i really thought rcd was doing a thing where you spend more time with your dang fiance
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sadmages · 3 years
I’m gonna send you a list of things I thought about tma bc of the curses animatic and tumblr in general so you can be sure that you didn’t spoil for me
I knew jonmartin and the fear apocalypse were a thing
however I thought the apocalypse happened in the last few episodes of s5
So i thought s5 was a generally normal season
I thought salesa and annabelle were a lesbian couple
I thought basira kidnapped jon and Martin in s5
In general I thought they were traveling the world in s5 but I thought it was the normal world and there was just weird stuff happening
I thought tim and sasha died either right before s5 started or right before the apocalypse
I also thought there was a main plot about a giant evil lady they were fighting (your representation of Helen) and I thought she was the main antagonist/big final boss
One sec I’m rewatching the animatic
And I thought your not! Sasha and your Helen were the same thing so that contributed to it
I also thought that the tape recorder specifically saved martin when he was in the lonely/what I thought was weird evil fog (but that’s super specific)
I misunderstood the scene where basira kills Trevor and unthought the whole thing was a kidnapping and entirely happened in South America/somewhere tropical
And then I thought that basira was taking them back to her camp or something
And then the giant animal she killed blocked her path or something and she couldn’t go on and they ran away
I think I also thought annabelle and salesa were basira and daisy lmao bv I had heard the names basira and daisy before
And yeah I thought Helen/evil giant lady was chasing them around and the final battle was gonna be them fighting her
Even as I started listening I thought s5 was gonna be about stopping a web ritual and then there was gonna be a twist in the middle
So essentially I knew absolutely nothing and your animatic didn’t spoil anything I didn’t already know
I did know the climactic event of s5 though, but I had no idea how or why it happened, idk how spoilery you want this to be tho
Helen the giant evil lady being the final endboss yesyesyes The tape recorder saving Martin from evil fog™ !!
I'm kinda glad to know it makes sense but doesn't make sense at all without context???? In any case THANK YOU for taking the time to write all this Im gonna keep coming back to it and wonder what this tma s5 would be like
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Willex rwrb au!!!! I loterally made a headcanon post about that like last week because Henry and Alex remind me of each other SO MUCH!!! Please tell me more!!!
Willex rw&rb au!!! So I actually first got inspired for this au by @a-chaotic-ananas (at least I’m like 99% sure) and this post by @sunsetscurving and I just saw it once and it lived rent free in my head forever
I haven’t written or planned it at all but it lives in my fic prompts list rent free and I can never pass up the chance to scream about it so here’s what I’ve got in my head:
I actually had a really hard time thinking of which of them would be Henry and which would be Alex? Bc like you said Alex gives me big Henry vibes yknow just their personality, the anxiety, family issues, all that but on the other hand I could totally see Alex as, well, Alex (Claremont-Diaz) for several reasons like Alex really gives me the “I want to be a politician to change things and work for equality” vibes and just Alex’s (C-D) law school, anxiety-writing essays at 2am, shit sleep schedule, chaotic sibling relationships, etc just are so Alex for me
And then willie gives me Henry vibes bc he’s more of the “I do not wanna be a politician/ruler I just wanna be gay and chill” Henry vibes yknow? Like I could totally see him saying hell no to all of that like Henry and also the whole depressing family vibes fit Willie to me for some reason. There’s not a lot here oop but Alex gives me Alex energy more than Willie gives me Alex energy so yeah
And since Alex is Alex I wanted him to have a weirdish family dynamic and even tho we’ve never met Alex’s parent I just. I don’t like them. So Alex is the first son of the president or whatever it’s just that he was adopted by the Molinas bc his parents kicked him out when he was like 15 and came out to them and Julie and Alex were childhood best friends so the Molinas were like nope and just adopted him
I haven’t decided if that meant Ray or Rose would be the president bc on one hand Ray would be a vibe and easier for me to write but on the other hand Rose being president would be iconic yknow and she could have the vibes
Yknow what no I have decided now Rose would be an iconic president
So then Julie is June and Carlos is just an extra character bc I love him
Reggie is Nora bc smart!reggie supremacy I said what I said and bc they have the same genius but also chaos bisexual energy and I just love the idea of Julie, Reggie, and Alex being little shits together
And Luke takes the place of willies best friend bc the chaotic adhds gotta stick together of course and I just think willie and Luke would be great friends and also this gives the whole possibility of a lil bit of Julie and Willie kinda pretending to be together like June and Henry do but with the added bonus of juke and willex angst bc that’s the wrong person!!!
Sorry just the idea of Rose with Ellen energy is amazing like just imagine Rose making the whole “why dating the prince of England is a TERRIBLE idea, Alex” powerpoint. The pure chaotic energy you could get—
Also the whole “Alex demanding Henry see him by causing problems on purpose outside the palace” both a) has “i thought we were having fun together”/“that’s not good enough, Willie” jatp parallels and b) I just feel like Alex would totally do that
Bobby as Luna bc more jatp parallels (kinda)!! and Alex-Bobby friendship!! It’s what we deserve really
And also instead of Alex’s dad we get the close family friend Trevor bc I said so and imagine the Alex-Julie-Reggie-Willie-Luke dynamic at the lakehouse with Carrie too (and Flynn of course bc Julie, Carrie, Flynn, and Alex were all childhood friends and Carrie and Flynn are totally dating)
Caleb Covington as Philip or just some royalty or maybe even instead of the Queen? Idk I just like the idea of him causing problems with willex like how he’s the jatp antagonist
I think that’s everything from my head? Yeah it is but I’ll add more if I think of it and feel free to add your own stuff!!
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