#bc i have a lab tmr
san8ny · 8 months
i love alot of u guys and most of u guys and yeah
[PLATONICALLY BC ALOT OF U GUYS DONT KNOW FRIENDSHIP!! I LOVE U ALL IN A “oh fatima can u tie my shoelace” “yeah omg sure” TYPA WAY!!]
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
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s. s ave me, meoto…
#n o t me clinging to meoto to retain my sanity bc g o o d l o r d today was the worst#today was truly a very bad; very horrible day indeeeeeeed#man. today truly was a comedic tragedy in every way possible. i’d laugh if i were anyone else tbh#first i couldn’t start my workstation bc we were out of this cleaning acid thing.#t h e n this other branch lab sent over a precise amount of [reagent] that we needed to make the cleaning acid thing#*and* what’s worse was that they also demanded like. 1/5 of the acid we mixed. like bro. make it yourself mans.#but the worst part was when i tried to use a dropper to poke this sediment out of [tube i was supposed to be cleaning]#bUT THEN HALF OF THE DROPPER MELTED BC THAT BUGGER CAN’T HANDLE HIGH TEMPERATURES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA#stupid new droppers man. the old droppers could handle 100 degrees just fine. s o now the tube is clogged with melted plastic and it’s just.#life’s *really* great sometimes yk~~~~? (ʘ‿ʘ)#and so the night shift dude who came to take over the workstation against expectations seemed kinda pissed that i hadn’t started anything#and im just there. with my intestines wriggling about like internal abdominal worms. tryin not to cry in the face of my mistake.#while he’s fumin’ away like a freakin’ chimney or sth. like. man. no one asked you to take this workstation. you came here on your own. :(#anyway i ditched him and left for my break to calm myself down only to be approached by some random terribly lost middle aged to old lady#who was looking for directions to *somewhere* but she only spoke chinese aaaaaaaa#and i can’t read maps/i don’t even live in the area of my workplace so i have no idea if the lady managed to make it safely#but. lol. the lady showed me her message screen when she asked me for directions to her destination#and by pure coincidence the person she was texting is apparently related to someone with the same first name as me#the cons and cons of having common names man. i hope the lady managed to find her friend with the same name as me though lol#anyways. pls hw im begging. pls drop the crossfade for lxl birthday tmr i n e e d more meoto to carry on—#s o b s this is what im living for now ig. meoto………..
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studentbyday · 7 months
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tkbrokkoli · 29 days
been scrubbing these damn shoes w the white soles for eternity
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fshqiqii uo pqjrktjktjw wow one bad weekend and my whole month is ruined
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
can u write a tmr newt x gn!reader where they were really close in the glade but slowly started to drift off of their friendship when they were in wckd compartments but got together again during one of the scorch nights(angst to fluffy thingy) tried my best to make it make sense:^)
ooo okay okay I got you ; idk I just had zero ideas for this?? I apologize lmao, I got like the basis of what you wanted, I'm just posting bc I spent way too long making just this 💀
NEWT ; rekindling a friendship in the scorch
summary ; friends to not friends to friends again in the scorch
warnings ; language
word count ; 959
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You and Newt were inseparable in the Glade. You did nearly everything together, following each other around, finding comfort in one another. It changed once you escaped the maze, however.
Even though you shared a room in your new home inside a lab, it didn't help whatsoever. After that first warm shower, everything between you two just changed.
You were never able to have lunch with your friends, always being pulled away for more and more testing. You'd seen Newt following Thomas around like a lost dog.
Between all the stress and physical deterioration, you didn't have time to talk or share thoughts with him anymore. He seemed to think the same way as you basically ignored each other as the days passed. Everything seemed to be a problem now, even though no words were spoken, only looks, or for that matter, the lack of them.
Upon finding out that WCKD was never gone in the first place, you quickly join the escape with your new friend Aris, crawling around through the vents at dark. The escape was quick and calculated, and nearly ended in death, probably a solid fourteen times. But, your group escaped to the dark, sandy scorch outside.
Bergs fly overhead, lights shining onto the sand in search of you. You all ran through the rough terrain as fast as you could and hid behind a large area of hills, waiting for them to retreat, hoping they wouldn't find you.
Unluckily, you slid down next to Newt, not a glance shared between you two. You instead looked over at Aris and Thomas to your right, making sure they were both in one piece.
The long, painful hike through the scorch continued, Newt behind Thomas and Teresa while you were behind those three, then Minho and Fry. Winston and Aris were behind you, symmetrically separating you and Newt.
The night passes, hours and hours of walking and sweat fatiguing you.
You stumble upon a mall, building up your outfits and learning some more about the Cranks that flooded the scorch. Your fight through the mall was intense and still really God damn awkward as you found yourself helping Newt up off the floor after being tripped, nearly left for dead for the Cranks.
You sprint behind the group, catching up as Thomas leads you to the exit.
Once the adrenaline wore off, it was back to the exhausting trudging through the sand.
You kept your distance with Newt, especially after Winston had fallen ill to the Flare Virus. You'd both known Winston for most of the time you could remember about your lives. The pain after hearing the lonely gunshot in the distance stopped you all in your tracks before continuing some moments later.
The days were far too long for the group of teenagers. Why you were all bundled up in a desert was beyond you, but you'd take listening to the others rather than dying because you didn't cover up. No one knew who was actually immune or not, so it wouldn't be worth it to try and test it out.
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You'd taken refuge under some rocks in a little flatland area in the desert once it hit dark. You'd barely spoken in the past few days, malnourished and exhausted. You, Aris, Fry, and Newt are the stragglers left awake, baking cans of beans over the fire while also tending to it, making sure the others got some warmth as they slept.
As the hours passed, Fry and Aris fell asleep, cuddling up in the heavy clothing they found extra warmth in. Who knew a desert would be freezing once the sun had set? Obviously not you, since most of any important memory ever had been wiped, but yknow.
That left you and Newt awake, sitting a few feet away from each other, an awkward silence among you. You tap your fingers on the sand beneath you, then graze them around in little patterns, unable to find yourself tired even if you wanted to. You were exhausted tired, not sleepy tired, sadly.
The blonde surprisingly speaks up.
"Thanks for saving my ass in the mall"
You glance over at him, then look back down at the sand beneath your fingertips. You nod. "Yeah, anytime"
He slowly nods, looking out at the empty miles of sand and dirt surrounding you in all directions. "Is something wrong between us?" He asks, "You haven't been talking to me at all, and you've always got this intimidating look on your face when I look over at you, so I mean, I didn't wanna bother you, ya know?"
You shrug in response. "I mean, it started back at that lab. They were always testing on me and I was just tired, but once we escaped I kinda thought you were trying to ignore me. I dunno, sorry if I read that wrong"
His expression morphs to one of sadness and guilt before wrapping you in a hug, pulling you closer to him.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to ignore you, Y/n"
You lightly smile, wrapping your arms around him. "Sorry for kind of being a bitch about it"
"Look, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. We did kind of escape the maze, then WCKD after being tricked, and we've been running through this bloody desert for days. I don't blame you. If anything, I'll blame Rat-Man for burning you out with testing in that lab. " The dirty blonde smiles, patting your back.
"Oh, thank you, Newt. How could I ever repay you?" You chuckle, pulling away from the hug as he does.
He shrugs, a devious yet smug smirk on his face. "You could repay me in water?"
"My cantine has been empty since this morning!"
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mxlly143 · 4 months
I accidentally took a 7hr nap and js woke up 2hrs ago so wish me luck while I force myself to sleep bc I have my lab practicals tmr
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if you want a story about 3 people with birthdays on a 6 hour bus in a couple of days and also why my science teacher is amazing then this is a story for you if you can be bothered. idk i dont care but i wanted to actually put this somewhere to remember it.
am going on school camp on the 1st. and we're all going in turns- like, classes are split into weeks into groups. im in the last one bc kayaking and biking were the least popular camps bc snow camp exists (i get it perisher is nice but i would freeze)
so all of us going in the last week fit on 1 bus because there's not many. and most of my classmates are on this weeks camp, so there are... 6 of us in science&maths, 11 in history, geo, religious studies and pdh, and 5 of us in english. french doesnt exist to me i have a double tmr afternoon and im ignoring it.
anyways bc my science teacher is amazing and also kind of mean sometimes, she had told us she was bringing in a cake. a woolies mud cake- and yeah, she did we ate it in the lab today ignoring the rules.
so i arrive early and see her walking into the room and she like- lifts the woolies bag and so i go 'oh cake' and then there's this conversation and somehow we get to the fact that my laptop says it's 2am at 830 in the morning and i need to reset it and it is definitely not relating to my godawful sleep schedule. then she says 'you could be dreaming' then my other 2 classmates who were late walk in and im like 'she bought the cake' and she THEN SAID 'no its my lunch' and so i look at her like 'what.' and she laughed and then i explained why i thought it was cake and the weird time on my laptop and she said 'you could be dreaming' and then i said 'no bc if it was a dream you would have the cake' then she said 'no i have the cake' and uiweorghjkdfs
i love her but wow. i mean i cant say shit i am also a menace to friends but STILL. (after we finished the work we also had an argument about the best season and she says winter despite living in australia then we got onto how annoying it is to be cold when doing a sport then she pulled a 'BACK IN MY DAY I GOT UP AT 4AM FOR SWIMMING' and we laughed bc she isnt old- like. early 20s- and yeah i love my science teacher. summer is the best though)
so of those of us that are going on camp, it is one of my classmates' birthday on the 30th, his friend's on the 31st and mine on the 1st, and bc the drive down to the pack site is on the first (then we split into camps & groups) and it was also my science teachers bday yesterday - the three of us w/ bdays are bringing stuff for us as if we're gonna share but no. the probably stupid amount of treats will be for only the three of us bc its a 6 hour drive. and we're very funny.
but also bc we're the last camp, everythig is due the week we get back???? so this week is speedrun finish things and oreygwhbfjdkn i hate maths criterion c assessments they kill me. so much.
anyways. some people in my classes are ass. some of them i absolutely love.
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
OK done the journey there just jotting down some thoughts so I don't forget omw back:
took me abt an hour all in all bc I was keeping track of directions and going at a v leisurely pace (~8mph). could easily do it in 40 mins or less I reckon
moderate hills esp towards the end of the route but nothing too intense, I'm just out of practice cycling. didnt have to stop at any point tho and I reckon after a couple passes I won't even feel them at all. one longish mild downward slope which was fun to go fast on but might be a pain on the way back
generally rly nice route, much easier than I expected. there's a national cycle trail parallel for the vast majority of it which was semi-busy today as its a sunday but I imagine there'll be far less pedestrians at the times I'd be travelling on weekdays + any cyclists would also be commuting so I won't have to slow down as often.
nice view + smells like wild garlic atm :-)
99% paved which suits me. would be fine if there were some rougher sections bc I have a hybrid/touring bike but honestly I dont rly like cycling off road lol
one confusing junction where I had to come off the cycle trail... I think a diversion for road works (?) it's fine bc the road it connects onto is my old bus route so I'm v familiar w it already + there are bike lanes so it's v safe for cyclists. I'm gonna try and skip straight to the cycle trail on the way back tho just bc navigating traffic is a pain sometimes and breaks my flow. looking at the map it seems to pass really close to my work so I'll just follow it and see if my satnav tries to redirect me again
not feeling any muscle tiredness yet but we'll see how the way back goes and how i feel tmr. when I start cycling to work for real I'll just do it 2-3 days a week until I'm confident I can do it daily. itll be weather dependent anyway, today is gorg but it loves to randomly rain here and I don't have the right kind of brakes for bad weather.. also would be great bc my dr wants me exercising an hour a day which isn't feasible w my routine currently but itd tick that box
need to get cycling gloves + proper cycling shorts. not necessarily w padding but it wouldn't hurt if I'm gonna be doing it often.. didnt get crazy sweaty but that might change w a backpack on + I'll need a change of clothes for work regardless bc I don't wanna get grease stains on my work trousers lol. I think my work has showers but only for the production lab(?) I'll ask my manager if she knows whether im allowed to use them. I could get away without it but it'd be nice to have the option...
all in all successful experiment 👍 taken a 45 min break to chill + have a snack now its time for pt2: going home yayyy
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puppyboypatrick · 1 year
ok here we go. u hallucinate crazy shit in the middle of the day and night, u once rolled on the floor of our engineering lab over a song, u have watched itsv every single day for the past week, the list goes on you chronically online loserboy /affectionate (im leaving out the. well. yk the obvious 30 people in your head one because thats LOW HANGING FRUIT and im better than that)
also i havent watched itsv yet today. but i am. bc im gonna see atsv again tmr. but i havent yet so #getFUCKED /j
and in my full defense it was headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet that song is fully worth rolling on the floor for
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jnkgrnde · 2 years
— safety net
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pairings : shuri x black!fem!reader
warnings : spoilers for wakanda forever, semi-angst
summary : ever since shuri lost her family, she’s been scared to love and get attached to anyone in fear of losing them too. you help her out, slowly but surely.
authors note : i love this song so bad so i decided to write for shuri 🫶🏾🫶🏾 and i can’t sleep bc i have to go back to school tmr so i wanted to finish writing this to pass the time
shuri’s been so scared to really care for someone since she lost both her mother and brother. she was afraid that if she became too attached, that person would be taken away from her.
until she met you.
you were like a breath of fresh air, helping her breathe during the times she felt trapped. you cared for her like no other, checking in on her as much as you could, making sure she ate when she needed to, sleep when she needed to and more.
whenever she was with you, she could temporarily forget the pain of her past and just be herself. she never thought she’d get to feel like that again.
it didn’t take long for the queen to realize she was falling for you. hard.
and it scared her.
she was scared of losing you, whether it’d be if she confessed and you didn’t feel the same way or if the the feud with namor suddenly came back, and you’d be killed.
her feelings only grew for you as the days went on, to the point that she couldn’t ignore them — you were on her mind before she slept, while she worked, while she ate. she, of course, didn’t know you felt the same way.
you didn’t think that the queen of wakanda would fall for someone she only met mere months ago. over time, she started acting differently. she would stutter over her words when you were around, she would freeze just like her brother would with nakia, she’d ask how you slept when you visited her lab in the mornings and offered to walk you to your room almost every night when it was time for you to go.
these things left you to overthink, trying to be rational. were you reading into false signals? was she just being kind to you just as you were to her?
all those thoughts were erased the night she came knocking at your door, nervously rubbing her hands together and wiping them on her pants. “is something wrong, my queen?” you questioned, taking in her nervousness. “can i.. talk to you for a bit, y/n?” she asked, finally looking up. her eyebrows were furrowed together. “of course. come in.” you slid out the way and watched shuri walk over to your bed, sitting on the edge. you closed the door, the click echoing in the tension filled room.
you sat beside her in silence. “i like you.” she suddenly said and you snapped your head to look at her. “and i- i feel like i can’t. like i’m not supposed to. almost everyone and everything i’ve ever loved has been destroyed one way or another, and i’m scared it could happen to you, y/n. you’re just such a bright and loving soul, and i don’t want to be the cause of something horrible happening to you.”
you couldn’t stop your hands from holding her sculpted face, forcing her to look at you. it broke your heart tremendously when you saw her on the verge of tears. “shuri. whatever you do, whatever happens, you could never lose me. even if Bast decided it was my time, i’d forever watch over you.” shuri swallowed hearing the words you spoke. her heart pounded furiously in her chest, looking deep into your eyes. she felt your thumb softly wipe away her shedded tears. “you could never drive me away. if you want me to guide you through this, i will with no hesitation. if you need some time, i will give you all the time in the world and more. just know that i will wait for you. i’ll wait for you as long as i need to.”
shuri was at a loss for words. tears were flowing and she couldn’t stop them. she’d never got this much reassurance before, and she didn’t realize how much she needed it. being under the pressure of being both Black Panther and the queen of wakanda was taking a toll on her greatly, and she was still coping with her family’s deaths. she hadn’t been comforted by many, making her bottle up her feelings and push them away, so being allowed to properly let go of everything just for one night in front of the person she yearned for made her heart swell.
she couldn’t stop her body for moving and her lips locked with yours. it was like fireworks went off in both of your hearts. the kiss was passionate, tears being shed and you wanted to be closer to each other more than anything. you just wanted to feel each other. you separated for air, both laughing with each other. “thank you. thank you for waiting for me.”
“anytime, my love.”
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stuckinapril · 10 months
exam anon again i am done with allll my exams and everything for the year!!! i go on holidays at the end of week and thank god for that because i am exhausted 😭 how's ur week been!
SLAY omg how do you think you did!! so proud of you for surviving exam szn <33
my week was absolutely magical. i've been doing everything i said i would. i was off my phone like all of yesterday and most of today, i've been so good about hitting up the gym even when i don't want to, got my hair trimmed and eyebrows done today, experimenting w new curly hair products so that should be fun, met up w a friend today and laughed so hard bc she's absolutely hilarious, studying like crazy, having lots of fun w my fall/winter fits (!!!), volunteeting tmr + lab for the rest of the week, literally living at my local library, eating so healthy, taking walks in the cold (like i did today while catching up w flash cards), and i'm curling up w a book or movie every night. not exaggerating to say my time has been so rich and full as of late. november has been so kind to me.
wbu?? what are your plans now that you're done w exams? thank u for dropping by ily
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ihopeucomehomesoon · 1 year
i should have tried saying hi to redacted today bc he sat in the row i sit in two people away from me but i hate the thought of being ignored/unacknowledged by him so i just sat pretending/notpretending to be caught up reading my lab manual in prep for lab tmr im trying not to spend so much brain space thinking abt him but this post disproves it
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studentbyday · 1 year
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day 60 // 100dop && day 37 // 100doc
finished notes on substitution and elimination (i did not actually study for the whole 8h today, but i did finish this faster than i would've without the timer, so that's a good sign...)
started notes on factors affecting reactivity
finished readability.py
started dna.py (my brain basically conked out after this and any further attempt at productivity was futile, i haven't started the lab report nor the assignment nor the practice questions and the quiz opens tmr and it's already friday and i reaaaaallyyyy need practice at predicting reaction mechanisms and determining the right products, knowing the theory is not enough bc i look at the reactants they show me and i'm like "?????" and with school predicted to take up all of my time and energy this Fall, i have absolutely no idea if i will be able to finish cs50 before the year end - i might have to continue next year and redo/resubmit things...)
here's to trying again tomorrow... 🐢
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dykeyote · 1 year
This might be more specific of an ask than you are looking for, so if it is, feel free to talk about just Seddie in general, but one thing I’d love to hear someone else’s thoughts on is how Sydney and Jedediah’s history will affect their romantic relationship. Like, they both have so so much trauma, and so so many issues (please, put these kids in therapy) and while that stands as a testament to all that they’ve been through together, I think it could also have a pretty negative repercussion on their relationship. I mean, heck, it already has in the first season! I feel their situation is just vastly different from the typical romances written in media. Personally, I actually really love that and am glad this kind of dynamic is being explored, but what do you think? Do you have predictions, thoughts, or opinions on “Toxic Cecil and Carlos” or Blue’s decision to write a relationship like theirs?
OH MY GOD NO I LOVE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS THIS IS SO GREAT im probably gonna have this be the last one i reply to before i go to bed bc i just think its such a fun question ...... will talk abt the rest tmr ........ BUT i absolutely think its going to affect their relationship no for certain . mainly because i think they havent worked out their issues at All before diving into dating each other and i think thats really gonna come back to bite them, how can you go from years of ignoring someone to dating them straight away? and we already kinda see that this isnt gonna go well, seeing as adams apparently a couples therapist - i wouldnt be surprised if we see them either break up or almost break up at some point, i Really think things are gonna be rough for them. mainly i think itll be difficult for jedidiah to be able to provide sydney with the attention and love that a growing relationship needs due to his Completely unresolved guilt and trauma surrounding sydney's reanimation, and i think sydney will have a difficult time trusting him and being comfortable around him with the fear we know he has for him. not to mention jedidiahs feelings of undue responsibility and his underlying ableism that seems to still be incredibly unresolved - i really think theres a Lot of issues theyre gonna need to work through and i think things will probably get worse before they get better. and you know what? i think thats AMAZING. i love that their relationship is so complex!! normally im not a huge fan of couples getting together early in shows because i feel like their dynamic becomes less interesting the moment after they get together. but they still have so much to work through!! theres gonna be so many problems!! im honestly unsure if theyre going to remain together in the end and while obviously as a sydidiah enjoyer to the grave thats sad 4 me . but its so good narratively because it means theres still uncertainty!! sydney and jedidiah dating does not mean that theyve stopped being flawed and interesting characters and i actually think its going to exacerbate things!! i hope theyre able to work through it and be able to be together healthily obviously but the fact that i Have to hope is really good narratively because it means that their dynamic hasnt lost what was so compelling and tragic in the first season. also from a representation standpoint i think its great because i think gay people need the messy rep that straight people get that doesnt take "messy" and turn it into "homophobic" or "queerbaiting". and thats what they are!!!! delightful!!!!!! i want to study these freaks in a lab
(also every time theyre called toxic cecilos it makes me giggle because it just makes me think of 70a bc kevin and carlos r the closest thing to toxic cecilos in the show which i find funny bc there the avoidant scientist is the one in the right but i digress . i like wtnv and calling them that makes me laugh)
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kimjoongs · 3 years
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goodnight everyone mwah
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