#bb-8 icons
editfandom · 21 days
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gayofthefae · 9 months
El's last act before leaving was to be petty as fuck. If it was nice, she would have left her brothers goodbye notes too.
And I respect her for that.
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
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that’s the way of the world. go with the winner
— Breaking Bad (2008)
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notimminent · 1 year
@outlawiism cheered, ❛ two years later and you haven’t changed. ❜
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❛ yeah, well, your hair's a lot scragglier and greasy. at least I've showered in the last twelve months. space hobo chic, like always. ❜ she's not crying, you're crying. she hadn't thought she'd see him again, especially with the big even that had happened to the world recently. In that time, she'd moved with her father to new asgard, hoping to start a life where she would fit in and would get proper care. plus, to her excitement, there was never a dull day (and their king was smokin' so that was fun, always getting flustered when emma was talking to val). what emma hadn't been expecting was to run into peter quill again -- especially since last time they chatted it was a little bit... out of character for him. ❛ i gotta stay recognizable since you promised me you'd take me to see the stars up close again. if you didn't know who i was, you might take some random brunette with an oxygen tank. i have gotten sassier, though, that's changed for the better. ❜
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mercifulmemories · 1 year
@bastxrds asked for a thing from bb-8
People underestimated the little droid all the time. He was very cheeky, very opinionated, and a lot to handle. BB-8 liked the work they did with the Resistance, he liked feeling important. He also liked working with Poe. That guy never treated him like just another piece of machinery, he treated him like any other fighter, and he appreciated that. 
Of course, the Resistance had plenty of droids, but it was obvious that pilots had their droids they preferred, and he was glad that Poe liked it. It was probably because he was outspoken, and sassy, but that was just a guess. 
Rolling over to his friend, he nudged against his leg to say hello, and moved to roll alongside him. 
bebeep (Hi!)
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airenyah · 2 years
just rewatched the rooftop kiss and it's STILL one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen
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saphronethaleph · 2 months
So a sort of look at a structure one could do for the Sequel Trilogy, admittedly with hindsight.
Opening sequence? Basically the same, except that Poe is meeting with a Resistance spy - the data he's got is the evidence that means the First Order is more than just a rando Remnant faction but is a serious threat. Then the stolen TIE crashes but Finn and Poe link up together. They meet BB- and Rey, and the four of them escape on a ship - possibly the Falcon, but it could be another of the same type, they're supposed to be common. Alternatively make up a new ship type they steal and have that be the Iconic Ship of the trilogy.
Team dynamic is Poe Flies, Finn Shoots, Rey Fixes.
They're heading straight to the Resistance, or that's the plan - they may need to briefly detour somewhere if their ship got damaged in the escape (if so, this is where they visit Maz).
The Resistance is explicitly described as a deniable New Republic operation which is fighting this specific Remmant faction - at the moment. They've fought others before, they're kind of like knights errant, and they have at least one Jedi (let's say Qu Rahm) who gives both Finn and Rey some training.
The Jedi Order as a whole is not involved with the First Order fight because it's utterly routine, there's dozens of Remnant factions... at least until BB-8's information reveals that the First Order has Kylo Ren associated with it, and also the existence of Starkiller Base.
The knowledge of BOTH of those things means that the Jedi Order is able to evacuate their current temple (Naboo or Yavin? Either way it should be a known planet) just in time before it gets blown the fuck up by Starkiller base. Then there's tension involving the need to swat SK base quickly, which mostly goes as per the original film.
In the second film:
The Resistance is still tiny, and the First Order's actions have promoted them from "just another Remnant faction" to "holy fuck" and they're starting to weld the Remnant back together. It is actually not widely known that Starkiller base got destroyed and the First Order is using intimidation tactics to pretend they're unbeatably strong - not helped by how the Resistance genuinely is pretty weak, nobody on the Republic side wants to be the first to jump, and Leia is trying to talk everyone into giving more support (it does slowly tick up)
The general structure here does need more changes than TFA did, simply to fit into the trilogy as a whole, but here I think a good Driving Question could be finding out who Snoke is and where the Knights of Ren came from. Our Heroes are juggling between getting Jedi training (for Finn and Rey), launching raids on the First Order, and trying to find out Snoke's origin - the latter of which fails, but he does get killed instead by Kylo Ren, who takes control of the First Order.
The main ending note at the end of the film would be the loss of Leia; she tried to turn her son back to the light side with full sincerity, but also went to kill him if he didn't. Neither worked, but he's been badly wounded and about half of the Knights of Ren got taken out. (n.b. if this is cheating to get around Carrie Fisher's death, and it probably is, that could be Luke's demise instead - or both.) Our Heroes might well be involved with a hot-extraction of R2 and C-3P0, who have important details of what happened.
Third film:
The death of Leia/Luke/both has become a rallying point and the New Republic is gearing up for war, which gains momentum with every day that the First Order doesn't blow up a planet; it's made clear in scenes showing Kylo that he's under a huge amount of pressure, because Starkiller Base made promises that the First Order cannot fulfil. In lieu of that they're having to turn instead to more standard means of brutally enforcing their claim to authority, and it's not working out well.
Our Heroes meanwhile are involved in hit-and-fade strikes, one of which sees the death of Qu Rahm. The loss of their teacher causes Rey and Finn some problems, but Poe is the one who pulls them out of it - it doesn't matter if they have a teacher or not, what matters is who they are, and that didn't change because they had a teacher. All he did was open their eyes to who they really were.
That's the realization that drives the stormtrooper-rebellion side of things from the Resistance/Republic side, while on the Imperial side we see Phasma having more and more trouble keeping a lid on things. Finn is The Traitor and basically blamed for everything that goes wrong ever as far as the First Order is concerned.
Running out of options, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren orders a decapitation strike by the entire F.O. fleet on the capital world of the Republic. This is a serious threat, because normal strategic calculus assumes that you just don't DO this, and this is what leads to the big final battle over said capital world - the Republic is outnumbered on a tactical scale, and the available members of the Jedi Order help launch an assault on the First Order flagship to try and disrupt the F.O. fleet.
This is where the Stormtrooper Rebellion is really kicked off, as Finn brings the existing tension in the First Order fleet to a boil (key moment: a Stormtrooper panics at the sight of Jedi, one of their officers tries to gun them down, Finn kills the officer before it can happen; this is the moment that disproves the propoganda and it spreads). Rey gets the big final duel, but it's against Kylo, and on at least two occasions she manages to call in strike support from Poe flying outside in his starfighter. This means the final battle is the Jedi Order versus the Knights of Ren on a super star destroyer being torn apart by Imperial infighting, and the resolution is liberation - for the stormtroopers, for example - and the surrender of the remaining First Order fleet.
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kenora-pizza · 6 months
Musical musings - TTTE edition
One of the things that got me back into TTTE was the banger soundtrack and character themes. Music has always been a huge part of my life, I have classical training for the piano and an in-depth knowledge of musical theory and harmonic practices for classical music. So here are some of the things I noticed about various character themes and some of the engines' whistles.
Gordon is considered to be the biggest engine out of the main 12, and this could be reflected in his whistle, as it has the greatest interval between the two notes which make it up, that being a minor seventh between C and Bb.
James' whistle (G - C#/Db) is a tritone/Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th. In medieval times, this interval was considered to be a representation of conflict, discord (no, not THAT Discord) instability and danger. You can hear it in pieces like the iconic opening to Camille Saint-Seans' Danse Macabre, and in Hector Berlioz's La damnation de Faust to represent the titular character's arrival in Hell. James, I've noticed, is pretty damn insecure. He clings to his red paint like a lifeline and hides behind a veneer of arrogance and vanity. He can be quite boastful, to the detriment of his relationships with other engines, with him usually being the aggressor in conflicts with them. So I suppose the use of a tritone for his whistle is appropriate.
Percy appears to (mentally) be the youngest of the main 12, and this could be represented by having the highest whistle out of all of them.
Thomas' character theme and Edward's Series 2 theme both feature modulations to the parallel major of the initial key's relative minor, with Thomas' theme starting in F major and ending in D major, and Edward's theme starting in C major and ending in A major. The "relative minor" of a major key is the minor key which shares its key signature (ex. the relative minor of F major is D minor since they share the same key signature of one flat, likewise with C major, A minor and a key signature of no accidentals). The "parallel major" of a minor key is the major key which shares its 1st note (AKA, the tonic). So....like mentor, like mentee. Or like Father, like Son, in terms of musical themes.
Henry's theme is in a quadruple meter (following an 8-measure phrasing pattern, likely 12/8 time), meaning that there are 4 beats to a measure. However, each one of these "beats" consists of a triplet(If you were to count out a measure, it'd be 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 10-11-12, and you'd conduct it like 4 beats instead of each of the 12 individual notes) And Henry is the number 3 engine. Hmm.......
If I think of any more, I'll post 'em. If anyone even reads this lol
P.S: One of my favourite OSTs is Kingdom Dance from Tangled, and every time I listen it, I think of the twins. Probably because it uses the E Dorian mode (with a dash of E Mixolydian) which is common in Scottish music. Just in case anyone's confused, the "Dorian" mode is an 8-note scale which starts on the second note of a given major scale. (e.g, E is the 2nd note of a D major scale, so its Dorian mode uses the same signature of 2 sharps). The Mixolydian mode is an 8-note scale which starts on the 5th note of a given major scale. (e.g, E is the 5th note of an A major scale and thus, its Mixolydian mode uses the same key signature of 3 sharps).
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 5x06
"How you ever had a crush on Richie Cunningham, I will never understand."
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I'm actually so easy to please
"And Lois... *laughs* I'd do anything to get rid of Lois."
but thinking about how annoying she is makes him laugh, soooooo... she's a good influence, I rest my case😌😌
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Jonathan knows too, like-
Chloe & Lois as an investigative duo are actually really fun
Lex really lives in Jonathan's head rent free💀💀
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"She's here to dance."
Chloe really threw Lois under the bus like that I'm cryingsjakjsha
the struggle is real💀
SOOOOO let's see if Jonathan actually apologizes when it turns out Lex didn't do anything
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Lois x bisexual lighting I LIVEEEE
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they did that for me😭😌
"I'll have a coke😇" ... "S- straight up, on the rocks.😤"
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I just choked on my ice cream
LMAOOOOOO bless his heart
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I'm really not ready for what's about to go down here😭😭
Someone needs to go to jail for that music choice💀💀
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this is history in the making. absolutely iconic.
i do wish she was my girlfriend actually they're so right
aaand she's getting into it
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he's kind of giving me:
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it's okay bb, we're all looking respectfully right now
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kshadjwka his fight or flight is kicking in😭😭
"What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?"
story of their life fr
the struggle has never been more real, pray for Clark💀
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they did that.
smallville writers really did that.
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legend behaviour if you ask me
i would like to take this moment and say thank you.
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"I've never been in a position where people look up to me."
This is such a silly statement, Jonathan is literally the person Clark looks up to the most. His bigger personality flaws clearly come from Jonathan's influence💀 (not to say he didn't also learn a lot of good traits from him -he absolutely did- but you know)
I'm really curious what Lex's (and Jonathan's) politics are actually, don't be shy writers tell me👀
creepy mf
"Hey 007. Nice of you to show up." "I'll start assuming that means thank you?"
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giggling kicking my feet
"I can't touch him." "Well, I can."
pls his face😭
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he knows he could never be as cool as her
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my parents🥹
(listen the shit i went through to upload this last picture tho, i hit the upload limit and had to delete stuff, then i accidentally deleted the whole post for a second🤡 my whole life flashed before my eyes💀💀)
Lex talking about a guy falling in love with his best friend's wife uh oh, no thank youuuuu😬😬
He was making a good point though.
"The thing I always try to remember is, no matter how much le lays on, he never expects more than he expects from himself."
Clark really grew up didn't he😭😭
"What are you doing, you just moved back in."
from the guy who said "I'd do anything to get of Lois." at the beginning of the episode, what in the clownery🤡🤡
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All men do is lie.
she's such a menace, I LOVE HER😭😭
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they're secret bffs your honor😭
"And you didn't have to come after me but you always do. So I wanted to say thank you. You're a really good friend."
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well. stay normal challenge failed again but that's exactly how i thought this would go, sooo
Question for the people: should i even tag Lex in posts like this? I don't think twice about tagging characters like Jonathan because I don't expect fans to look through his tag for him specifically, but i know people do it with Lex and I feel bad at the thought of them having to scroll through me losing my mind over Clois with a few Lex mentions in between. Lex fans lemme know
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telomeke-bbs · 1 year
One of the most mystifying aspects of Bad Buddy was the decision to have Pat wear the now-iconic Baseball Mom tee for the Epic Rooftop Kiss at the end of Episode 5.
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It's so utterly incongruous with the drama onscreen. The scene was a pivotal moment for the narrative, with Pat's big coming out to Pran followed by the very steamy demonstration of mutual emotions, after episodes of unending turbulence around where they stood with each other. And The Kiss they delivered was so stupendous, it rocked the Internet to its very foundations.
And for that hugely important moment, Director Aof decided Pat should wear – a big woman's t-shirt more associated with loud, overzealous American moms cheering on their kids at Little League baseball? 👀
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At first I thought production simply wanted something open and sporty for Pat, to contrast with Pran being all covered up (mirroring their states of mind – Pat actively seeking to confess his feelings on the rooftop, Pran all closed-off and repressed). That line of thinking was definitely behind a lot of Pat and Pran's outfits, and I assumed they just used a random tee and cut off its sleeves for this.
But in retrospect this seems altogether too blasé an approach, especially since we can see how purposeful the wardrobe decisions were throughout the rest of the series. (The Soon Vijarn Recap video for BBS Ep.5 also makes it very clear Director Aof was closely involved in wardrobe selection, choosing all the outfits for their appropriateness to the narrative – see this link here, at timestamp 23.24.)
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(above) The Soon Vijarn Recap video for BBS Ep.5 timestamp 23.49
The examples of the wardrobe reflecting the characters' inner states are copious. Pran's emotional journey in the first half of BBS – learning to open up, getting his feelings returned, and falling into a relationship – was mirrored by his sartorial journey, and he went from all colorless and buttoned-up to a wardrobe filled with more relaxed, expressive and colorful outfits when out in public:
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(above) Pran all buttoned-up in his early whites (Ep.2 [1I4] 1.56, Ep.3 [1I4] 12.40 and Ep.5 [1I4] 6.03)
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(above) A selection of Pran's more relaxed and colorful sweaters that he wore outside later in the series (Ep.7 [3I4] 2.52, Ep.10 [3I4] 0.26, Ep.12 [3I4] 6.36 and Ep.12 [4/4] 10.14)
Loud extrovert Pat on the other hand was decked out almost from the beginning in bright prints and wacky t-shirts (with some rivaling Baseball Mom in wackiness), all the better to broadcast his outgoing character and personality:
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(above) A selection of Pat's bright and wacky tops (Ep.2 [2/4] 5.03, Ep.6 [3I4] 4.37, Ep.8 [2/4] 8.30 and Ep.10 [1I4] 4.52)
The mystery deepened further when the fandom tracked down the maker of Baseball Mom – it looks like a small, possibly home-based business in the US, and the t-shirt is part of a line, one of several related tops (see this link here). It simply wasn't a random tee from some small Bangkok shop (unless the vendor had gotten it secondhand off some American tourist, and was re-selling it locally). This looks like a t-shirt that was specifically procured for the show (possibly even sourced from overseas), rendered sleeveless with low-cut armholes to echo the openness of Pat's personality, and then put on Ohm with absolute intent.
But why?
I'm convinced that there is an element of subversion about this (not the least because the t-shirt undercuts the heavy drama of the scene so drastically). @ranchthoughts has already pointed out in this write-up linked here that the feminine Mom is an allusion to the subversion of gender roles embodied by Pat's character, and I very much agree. It's also possible that this particular tee was chosen because the baseball standing in for (and thus somewhat obscuring) the letter 'O' in the word Mom kind of makes the word call out to M🤍M or MLM. (And here's an afterthought that occured to me watching Only Friends and the promo trailer for My Golden Blood – the baseball bat is also visual shorthand for the emotional violence that Pat and Pran wreak upon their relationship when each figuratively beats up on the other – and on himself too – while acting out their strange, rambunctious relationship as enemies who are secret friends and later lovers.)
But I also do think that there's still more to Baseball Mom than the above, and this particular train of thought was triggered by an Ask from @pandasmagorica about Ep.5's rooftop scene (linked here).
I now think we can piece together a reason for Baseball Mom on the rooftop, but it's only fair to signal that this wackiest of wardrobe choices is getting possibly the wackiest of explanations (and it's a doozy).
Now what @pandasmagorica's Ask triggered for me was the realization that Pat's directness on the rooftop was actually almost the complete opposite of something that he'd been doing very often, right up until Episode 5 – and that was his propensity to torment Pran with the bait-and-switch.
Time and again, Pat would reach out with the offer of something precious to Pran – a smile, a kind word, a tender moment, a suggestion of intimacy – but then quite suddenly he would subvert the situation and switch out the proffered affection with something wholly discomfiting, crushing hopeful Pran's expectations.
There are several examples:
During their childhood, Pat returned Pran's watch after Pran saved Pa from drowning (Ep.1 [4/4] 9.46), signaling the start of his friendship with the lonely little boy next door – only to impose the caveat "But…don’t talk to me in front of people. They might think we're buddies."
That (almost shirtless) bedside conversation at the end of Ep.4 (beginning at Ep.4 [4/4] 10.43), when Pat kept bombarding poor Pran with personal, leading questions, half-begged to be allowed to share his bed and cuddle, before shattering his neighbor's heart by declaring that it was Ink whom he liked romantically.
Tending to Pran’s injured shoulder at Ep.4 [3I4] 7.07, before suggesting he only wanted Pran to recover so that they could compete in rugby again;
Returning Pran’s long-lost guitar to him, then ruining the tenderness of the moment with “I just like to see your face… when you lose” (Ep.3 [4/4] 10.30).
And with Pran deep in his feelings for Pat, the constant intimations of closeness and deeper feelings, shell-gamed away at the last minute, must have been soul-crushing for our poor yearning boy. (This is also what the lyrics of Pran's theme – Just Friend? – are all about, e.g., "I can’t make sense of what you’ve done"/"Are we just friends or are we more?"/"If you don’t mean it, don’t act that way".)
No wonder Pran was trying so hard to keep a distance from the cheerful boy next door, who was always invading his personal space (after having taken over his heart). So much so that Pran on the rooftop was expecting more of the same, which explains his blunt statement "Pat, you've got to stop doing this to me. We are not a thing" in response to Pat telling him that it hurt to see the song they co-wrote in high school played with someone else.
Pran saw this as more of Pat's teasing games, but irony of ironies Pat was being totally serious this time. And yet, even on the rooftop in Ep.5, Pat did a version of the bait-and-switch one more time, but with the polarity reversed for once – he listed all the ways Pran's exile should have brought him joy, only to end with "It was so depressingly lonely for me." 😢
I think Pat learnt early on that this is what you do to your loved ones – because there's actually an example of Ming doing something similar to his son at Ep.8 [2/4] 16.12. Helping to wash Pat's car, he quietly allowed his son to natter on about his day with fibs about rugby practice, before landing a sledgehammer blow saying "When did I teach you to lie?" at Ep.8 [2/4] 16.41. This was an ambush, intended to take Pat by surprise and inflict the maximum amount of damage – and judging by Pat's despondent moping after, Ming certainly succeeded.
But it's not only Pat doing this to Pran, or Ming doing this to Pat, that we see in BBS. Director Aof and his writers actually littered the narrative with other examples of the set-up and switch-out as well, doing it to us the viewers:
Pat may have started out Ep.1 a ruffian, but then we saw that he was really a cheery big kid who needed his popsicles and cuddles from Nong Nao for comfort (Ep.1 [4/4] 8.37 and Ep.2 [1I4] 1.36).
Ink was introduced as a demure girl from the north (remembering that northern Thailand is seen as close to the birthplace of Thai culture) in Ep.4 [1I4] 7.41; then she tripped and let out a curse word at Ep.4 [1I4] 8.01.
Pa's glow-up at Ep.7 [1I4] 2.39 and subsequent story arc subverted her initial (albeit not very successful) portrayal as the frumpy kid sister with no life and no agency as a character.
BBS placed the emotional burden of Episodes 1 to 4 solely on Pran's pining shoulders, and then suddenly whipped it away in Ep.5 and dumped it squarely on Pat (kudos to Ohm, who gamely played Pat as a shining object of affection for the first third of BBS, before showing us that Junior Jindapat was so much more than a lovable, empty vessel himbo, and was instead someone who actually did possess an inner life that he could access).
And perhaps the biggest BBS bait-and-switch of all – Pran's unrequited love for inaccessible Pat turns out to be requited after all, but then without warning it's Pran who spins out of reach on the rooftop.
Looking at BL as a genre, the bait-and-switch is sometimes employed as a storytelling device to provide an unexpected dramatic twist (though whether or not it satisfies is debatable). For example there is the trap set for Lhong in TharnType, the aloof ice prince Sarawat turning out to have been carrying a torch for Tine in 2gether, and Nubsib's reveal in Lovely Writer as someone who also shared a past with Gene.
And if you think about it, all of Bad Buddy itself was kind of one big bait-and-switch as well. They set it up so that – at the start – it looked like the series would be shaping up into a run-of-the-mill, formulaic romance. The roadmap was laid out quite clearly – enemies to lovers, Romeo and Juliet or Kwan and Riam but the BL version thank you very much, star-crossed and kept apart by their warring families.
So we were expecting BBS to follow the usual romcom beats and rhythms, delivering the standard tropes, with the main storyline about how the enemies would fall in love against the odds, then find a way to beat the odds and stay together, or fall victim to it and be forever driven apart.
Except that Director Aof and his team pulled the rug out from under us time and time again, after setting this all up. The idea that Pat and Pran were enemies got turned on its head (they'd been secret friends since childhood). The process of falling in love didn't follow conventional beats at all – Pran was already in love, while Pat was… possibly already beset by emotions, just getting them all mixed up and projecting them onto Ink.
Instead of showing us the main couple falling for each other over the course of 12 episodes, this was firmly established by the end of Episode 5. Instead of their families being the primary conflict driving them apart, it was Pran's overthinking and emotional walls that drove a wedge between them in Episode 6. When family conflict finally did rear its head to threaten their relationship, well Pat and Pran just sidestepped it and carried on.
And the tropes? One by one they fell by the wayside as well. Ink turned up in Ep.4, looking like a formidable love rival for Pran (and he believed it too). Except that she wasn't the stereotype of the evil girlfriend at all – she turned out to be Pat's supportive bestie, while her eye (and camera) were focused on Pa instead. Any stereotypes overhanging macho Pat and pernickety Pran got subverted too, with Pat ditching sports practice for musical theater and Pran a credible street fighter and also a star player on his rugby team – so much for the seme and uke in this BL. The "gay for you" trope got put down (Ep.9 [2/4] 1.41), as was the "wifey" one (Ep.9 [4/4] 8.48). There are so many examples.
Even the end of Ep.11 was a bait-and-switch as well, when a large portion of the fandom was hoodwinked by Director Aof's Ep.12 preview into thinking that we were headed for a break-up. (Fortunately they switched it out for the happy ending that we got instead, thank goodness.)
There's so much of this going on, it seems as though BBS was actually celebrating the bait-and-switch (and in that way kind of subverting its use in BL as well). The thing is, nothing was ever what it seemed in Bad Buddy, and it was all intended to be so, from Day One, because it's solidly a thematic preoccupation underlying the series.
I now think Baseball Mom really plays into all of this glorification of the bait-and-switch as a storytelling device, and its subversion as well. But in a really wacky way, as perhaps is only fitting for the wackiest of Pat's t‑shirts.
So looking back on decades of popular media, who's been crowned the Big Boss of the Bait-and-Switch, the Grand Poobah of Switcheroos, the Queen of the Short-Con, the House Mother of all Bamboozlers?
It’s this little lady right here: 😍
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This is Lucy Van Pelt, from Charles Schulz's comic strip Peanuts. Lucy is many things in the Peanuts universe, but one thing she's iconic for is a bait-and-switch prank, where she holds a football and then goads Charlie Brown on to kick it. He usually takes a bit of convincing, but eventually he goes for it and at the last second, Lucy pulls the ball away and poor Chuck ends up kicking the air, sent flying in the process. It's a running gag in the comic strip, first appearing in 1952 and recurring every year after that:
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So what's the link with Baseball Mom though?
Football aside, in Peanuts Lucy is also a member of Charlie Brown's baseball team – and significantly she's absolutely terrible at the game. She misses the easiest of pitches, and even when perfectly positioned she gets hit on the head by the ball instead of catching it in her mitt.
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So while she may be totally, confidently in charge of the situation baiting Charlie Brown with the pigskin, when it comes to baseball instead of football – Lucy is completely out of her element.
The parallel with Bad Buddy is that master of the bait-and-switch Pat Napat Jindapat – the BBS manifestation of Lucy – was pulling different versions of the Charlie Brown football prank on hapless Pran over and over again, causing much anguish to the latter's battered heart.
But suddenly on the rooftop, the tables got turned and Pran pulled the big switcheroo on him instead – by confirming their mutual feelings with a kiss so dizzyingly sensational that Pat must have been delirious with happiness… only to send it all crashing down by abandoning him there without a word of explanation.
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.5 [4/4] 12.58 – an abandoned Pat stares uncomprehendingly as Pran walks away from the wreckage of their broken hearts
In that moment Football Lucy morphed into Baseball Lucy, from self-assured manipulator to incompetent klutz, all alone in right field when the ball came zooming in from way out left. And what better way to mark this moment than with a t-shirt loudly proclaiming Pat's newly-minted Baseball Lucy status on its front?
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(above) The Baseball Mom graphic – BBS's own version of The Scarlet Letter
Yes, I know this explanation is outlandish; that's how it sounded to me too when it first took shape in my head. So I decided to test it, by looking for supporting information elsewhere in the context of Bad Buddy. And the findings are truly surprising. 👀
No characters from Peanuts actually appear (in canon form) within any of BBS's visuals (not that they could, I suppose, for licensing reasons). But Charlie Brown and his cohort of characters aren't unknown in Thailand – there is a Charlie Brown Café (79/335 แขวงช่องนนทรี เขตยานนาวา, Bangkok, Thailand, 10120) that was previously at MBK Centre and a Charlie Brown's Restaurant (315/303 ซ.นราธิวาส24 แขวง ช่องนนทรี Yan Nawa, Bangkok 10120, Thailand) at Belle Park Plaza/Fortune Condo Town:
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(above left) Charlie Brown Café; (above right) Charlie Brown's Restaurant
And even though we don't directly see Charlie Brown, Lucy or any other Peanuts characters in BBS, there are oblique references. One of the more obvious ones alludes to Lucy's younger brother, Linus Van Pelt:
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When we see Pran out in the world with his PP hobo bag (written up here) or Pat snuggled in bed with his beloved Nong Nao (written up here), we know by now that the bag and the stuffed doll-pillow are our boys' favorite comfort objects, providing psychological security even as they face their personal fears.
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(above left) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [1I4] 3.01 – Pran and his PP hobo bag, that he deploys like a shield when outside; (above right) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [1I4] 1.37 – Pat cuddling Nong Nao for comfort when he's all alone
But another name for these comfort objects actually has a connection to Peanuts – they can also be called Linus blankets, after the security blanket that Lucy's brother carries around with him all the time. Just a coincidence? I'm not so sure. (I think it's also significant that all three objects have blue as their predominant color.)
There's also a nod at Charlie Brown himself later, on the rooftop in Ep.7 [4/4] – Pat's tee is an unmistakeable visual reference to Charlie Brown's signature yellow top with its zigzag motif:
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(above left) Bad Buddy Ep.7 [4/4] 1.48; (above right) Charlie Brown in his own iconic t-shirt
After their roles were reversed on the rooftop at the end of Ep.5 (with Pran pulling the ultimate bait-and-switch move back on Pat by walking away after The Kiss), the mantle of Charlie Brown the football prank victim was thrust onto Pat instead, and that is what we see here in Ep.7.
The brand name emblazoned on Pat's t-shirt also rings some bells – it's Patriots, which immediately calls to mind the NFL team from New England, and is another nod at Lucy's American football. (There is also a Minor League baseball team called the Somerset Patriots based in New Jersey; not as well-known as their counterparts – compatriots? – a few states away, but still… 👀).
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.7 [4/4] 2.13
And looking a bit closer the Ep.7 scene on the rooftop (the last one to be filmed among all of Bad Buddy's queues) really starts to overflow with meaning because it's actually a parallel to Ep.5's rooftop bait-and-switch.
It's far too much to include here, so I've put it into its own separate post (see this write-up linked here) – the short of it is that Pat as Charlie Brown plays the bait-and-switch one last time on Pran in Ep.7, but for the very first time turns the last-second switch-out into a win for his beloved instead, rescuing Pran who was floundering with the musical. And this reversal of the bait-and-switch, a redemption of sorts, is what convinces Pran to end their courtship competition and enter into confirmed couplehood instead. 👍
Now all that aside, there's still one more element in Bad Buddy that I think is a direct reference to Lucy's bait-and-switch in Peanuts – and that's all the rugby, doing its part as a stand-in for Lucy's American football.
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.4 [4/4] 2.04 – the boys face off on the rugby pitch
It would never have been possible to feature American (gridiron) football authentically in Bad Buddy (it's not a popular sport outside of North America, to be honest, and would have been totally alien in a Thai setting). So they shone the spotlight on rugby instead, most probably because the ball used for play there is ovoid and almost the same as the one used in American football – it seems like the rugby in BBS is pointing at Lucy and the American football she deviously deploys.
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(top) Bad Buddy Ep.7 [2/4] 13.01; (bottom) Bad Buddy Ep.7 [2/4] 13.02
This would explain why Director Aof and his team opted to feature rugby instead of soccer –the latter is far more popular in Thailand, and would have been a more obvious choice. In addition, soccer would have been far easier to stage – all the BBS rugby scenes had to be filmed at a completely different campus from the primary uni location (Bangkok University instead of Rangsit University) because the latter doesn't seem to have a rugby pitch, though it does have a soccer one. In case you were wondering as I was, the goalposts are starkly different so they couldn't just pretend to play rugby on the soccer pitch – it would have been a terribly obvious fake-out if they had.
They couldn't substitute another team sport even if it was easier to accommodate, because rugby (or rather the ball) was integral to this aspect of the storyline. It needed to be rugby if the intention was to evoke Lucy's favorite weapon of torment.
Further evidence in support of this can be found when you look at the original (rough-draft promo) Bad Buddy trailer that was released in 2020 (I think) to promote the 2021 lineup, before actual filming of the series itself in mid-2021:
The rugby was present even at that early stage (and Toto was on Pat's team! 😂). But what's mindblowing is that they're actually using an American football (the AF500), not a rugby ball (you can tell from the laces, which modern rugby balls do not have). 👀 So the gridiron football was very much part of Bad Buddy's primordial DNA, way back at its inception, even before actual filming began. Another nod at Lucy in Peanuts here.
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(above) A screenshot from the original Bad Buddy promo trailer at timestamp 1.48
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(above) A screenshot from the original Bad Buddy promo trailer at timestamp 2.15
Now all of this is dandy I suppose, but even with Linus blankets, Pat dressed like Charlie Brown, the oval ball and BBS's insistence on rugby (masquerading as American football) over soccer, for the longest time the hardboiled skeptic in me still wasn't fully convinced that Pat wearing Baseball Mom was actually Lucy in disguise getting her comeuppance, Bad Buddy style.
UNTIL I DECIDED TO LOOK MORE CLOSELY AT THE RUGBY MATCH IN EPISODE 4. And that was the clincher, that cemented the intentionality behind Baseball Mom in my mind, because there actually is a sequence where Pat executes Lucy's signature bait-and-switch move, with the rugby ball standing in for an American football, and with Pran as his fall guy.
The sequence in question starts at Ep.4 [4/4] 3.33, when we see Pat running with the ball, coveted by Pran (in more ways than one).
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.4 [4/4] 3.33
Pran tackles him, but in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, Pat flicks the ball away and before any of us (Pran included) can realize what's happened, Korn is off and running with it instead (and I think he scores the rugby version of a touchdown too).
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.4 [4/4] 3.38
Meanwhile, Pat and Pran are still locked in a full-body clinch – and if you look closely, it's Pat who's actually holding on to Pran, not letting him go (with obvious delight, even if he's unaware of exactly why he's relishing the contact so much).
Much of Bad Buddy is really chaste, but there's something about this moment here that makes it seem like a line has been crossed, and that things have turned inexplicably raunchy somehow. There's full-body grappling, legs spread wide, crotch jammed to butt, a whole lot of heaving and panting. Pat is clearly enjoying every second, almost as though it’s the successful climax of his great big plan to waylay Pran with this bait-and-switch. And of course it's the perfect cue for him to deliver that now infamous, golden line: "If you hug me this tight, you might as well take me as your boyfriend." 😂
Actually Pat had been teasing and taunting Pran with hints of romance even before the game (going so far as to acknowledge that his behavior was flirtatious, at Ep.4 [4/4] 0.48) so it's impossible not to see that body tackle on the pitch as anything but a close encounter suffused with sexual tension – and Pran would of course be the first to notice it. (It's possibly also a subversion of the accidental "falling on you" trope, since it's at once contrived yet consensual.)
If you break it down, Pat used the ball to get Pran to tackle him, only to switch it out at the last minute with something else (close, practically intimate body contact) that poor Pran (drowning in his crush) would have found absolutely devastating. This is practically a playbook version of Lucy doing the football bait-and-switch with Charlie Brown.
To be honest though, I'd always found this rugby clinch a little odd and confusing, and had wondered why they even had this scene. It was logistically complicated to set up (two whole teams of players!), and the bait-and-switch portion would have been extremely tricky to choreograph and film. The whole rigmarole was also a lot of work for just a few seconds of screen time. That the ball slips away unseen also makes it seem anti-climactic for the viewer – but not for master gameplayer Pat, who successfully got his planned payload nonetheless.
And because he did it using Lucy Van Pelt's signature move, I now think the reason for this scene is for it to be held up as the paragon of Pat's bait-and-switch traps in Bad Buddy, and a parallel for the Epic Rooftop Kiss when Pran slaps the old switcheroo back on Pat instead.
On the rugby pitch Pat baited Pran by pulling away (with the ball), and then crushed his heart with physical intimacy (hugging him like a lover, but making it seem like he was only play-acting at returning Pran's love). On the rooftop Pran baited Pat with physical intimacy (The Kiss, proof to Pat that his feelings were returned), and then crushed his heart by pulling away (and taking with him all promise of his love).
Atop Chana City Residence at the end of Ep.5, perpetual prankster Pat couldn't stop himself and went in for the bait (Pran offering himself up romantically), only to see it whisked away from him at the very last second.
Suddenly the rules changed and Football Lucy, the House Mother of all bait-and-switch bamboozles, became the victim of the biggest bait-and-switch of them all, and was thrust into a different game instead. Bereft of Pran and denied his moment of victory, Pat became Baseball Mom indeed. 😔
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.5 [4/4] 13.06
P.S. You can order Baseball Mom (the t-shirt, not Pat 😂) from Amazon at this link here. (If the link doesn't work, you may need to change your "Deliver To" location at the top left of the landing page on Amazon to another country – not useful if you want to buy it when they don't deliver to your location, but useful if you just want to view the page, or get them to deliver to a third party who can then forward it to you. If changing the location doesn't work, try following the other instructions in this post linked here.)
I suspect the fandom has been buying up Baseball Mom like crazy, because it went from limited stock and availability on Amazon (selected locations only), to becoming available for other global locations and on Walmart.com as well – so maybe demand from the BBS fandom has boosted sales so much they started marketing it on more channels? Thai BL soft power trickles down. 🥰👍
P.P.S. OK, just a little aside – this Peanuts fan theory for Baseball Mom is really wacky, but I think the universe is telling me to put it out there anyway because just as I was finishing the write-up, this random post about the Peanuts football bait-and-switch appeared on my dashboard.
What are the odds of it crossing my dash at the same time I'm writing about it, when I've not seen it referenced before throughout my history on Tumblr, ever? (There were a few random Peanuts and Charlie Brown posts that appeared at the same time as well.) I'm not superstitious, but I do think the universe has spoken. 😂
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rebeljyn-moved · 3 months
(if the droids option doesn't win I might still add them to the other options, like k2 along with the rogue one icons/headers)
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the-maidofmischief · 20 days
Can you make some bb-8 icons from Star Wars? thank you!
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Please like or/and reblog if you take any!
made by the-maidofmischief
200x200 px
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thesims3help · 10 months
Sims 3 - Gameplay enhancing mods: CAS, Build/Buy, World, Objects + Chores & Services.
A category-based mod post. Mods and links previously featured in our Masterlist. All credits to their rightful owners.
Categories include: CAS, BB mode, (Edit) World, game objects related mods, along with chore fixes and new services.
Truely Unique Sims
o violet on Tumblr - Pure CAS lighting mod
The Sims 3 [cas background, cas lighting mod, & cas organizers] | Patreon
CAS Sim Bin Genetics as Presets
CAS Lighting Edit
ColorLash: Eyelashes Match Eyebrow Color + Mascara
XCAS core mod: more tattoo locations, edit naked outfit, slider hack, body hair, more
One More Slot Please! (with vertical shifting)
[TS3] Catalog Search Mod | Patreon
Add Any Lot Size
No More Free Roofs by Gurra (simlogical.com)
TS3 HD Textures Series - Terrain Pack [UPDATE: Fixed road tiling]
Builder Stuff
Reworked & Improved EA Lights
Lazy Duchess — [TS3] Auto Lights Overhaul (tumblr.com)
More Light Coming Through Windows
Microwave Slots
Railings on Spiral Staircases!
Stuff on the Back of the Toilet
More 1-tile Dressers!
Decorate 6 Base Game Dressers - with more slots
"Stuff on the Fridge" Mod
What's On Your Stereo?
Showbiz, Profession & Other Trophies for Displays & Pedestals
Floor Plants Placeable On Slots [BG & SEAS]
More Slots for EA Furniture - End Tables, Coffee Tables, Windows, Bookshelves & More
Midnight Hollow Toys and All Teddies on Surfaces
Horse Trophies for Display Cases
Shelves + Extras Shift & Hide With Walls Down
So Many Shiftables! And a little more.
Shiftable Curtains
'Cortinas Festivas!' and 'Traditional Curtains' Blind Fix UPDATED!
Shiftable Televisions
Shiftable Skill and Partnership Certificates
Shiftable drafting table sketches
Fountain and Hot Tub Fixes by sydserious (simlogical.com)
Base Game Half Walls FIXED!!!!
Dangerous Stoves Mod - More Fire!
Collection Icons and Files
Functional Washboard - Sims 4 Conversion
Harvestable Tree Default Replacement
More Harvestables
Buyable Mermadic Kelp
Same Energy Gain For Every Bed
Super Hampers -- Automatic Laundry Pick Up (Plus Bigger Hampers) by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
Spring Harvest And CookBook
Harvestable Flowers
Better Hoverboards
Canning Station Overhaul
The Transmogrifier (aka Object Script Changer)
New and Improved 9/11/21] Functioning Well - and Off-Grid Plumbing!
No Crappy Bunk Beds!
Default Umbrellas & Parasols
Default Taxis
Digital Photo Frame Overlay Replacement
Unlocked Permanent Tents for Residential and Community Lots
Wildflower Sell Price Nerf
Buyable Beach Towels (with custom script)
Vending Machine Tweaks
Salvaged Junkyard Objects Made Usable
Make those elevators go faster! Or slower...
Toilet Tweaks
Fairy House motive tuning: Bladder and Hygiene
Buyable Culinary Career Rewards: MinusOne Kelvin Fridge by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
[WA] Buyable Permanent Sultan's Tabernacle (Scripted object) by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
[SEAS] Gift Pile Tweaks by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
[SEAS] Buyable Bunch o' Gifts (Gift Pile) by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
Motorcycle Parking Spaces
Reduce/Remove Lag caused by Houseboats
SetHour Cheat
Lot Population Mod
TS3 Apartment mod - Updated for patch 1.55 - 1.63/1.67
nraas - Apartment Mod
Invisible Sim Fixer Mod by Consort (simlogical.com)
RPG Manager - Edit your Bin sims, towns and Active household!
Space Rock Spawner Edit
Lunar Lakes missing EP rabbit holes by Darkitow (simlogical.com)
Auto-place official festival lots in later Store worlds
AMB Community Lots Auto Placement Fix + Add Other Lots (Compatible with Patch 1.63-1.67)
Chores + Services:
Gardener Service 2
Housekeeper Service - v1.2
Housecleaning For All Sims
Dirty Laundry Mod (Update 8/8/23) - Maid & Butler Tweaks
Butler & Maid will Feed Pets & Clean All Pets.
DouglasVeiga's Dancer Service
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flib1-yibi · 2 months
8.) Which turtle is usually your favorite? 10.) Which version of Leonardo is your favorite?
11.) Which version of Raphael is your favorite?
12.) Which version of Donatello is your favorite?
13.) Which version of Michelangelo is your favorite?
14.) Which version of Splinter is your favorite?
15.) Which version of April is your favorite?
16.) Which version of Casey is your favorite?
17.) Which version of the Shredder is your favorite?
18.) Who is your favorite villain? 23.) What is one of your favorite TMNT fics? 28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
29.) What is one headcanon that you have?
32.) What was the first thing you've made for TMNT?
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT? (and a little extra question , whats your favourite ship??)
8.) Which turtle is usually your favorite?  
Ans: Donatello 
10.) Which version of Leonardo is your favorite? 
Ans: I dont really get what you mean by this but i like Leonardo from the post-apocalyptic one, but if its not AU then its 2007 Leonardo 
11.) Which version of Raphael is your favorite? 
Ans: ooh! Definitely BB Raph or 2007 Raph 
12.) Which version of Donatello is your favorite? 
Ans: My version of donnie or the 2012 
13.) Which version of Michelangelo is your favorite? 
14.) Which version of Splinter is your favorite? 
Ans: 2012 Splinter up top!! 
15.) Which version of April is your favorite? 
Ans: Rise April 
16.) Which version of Casey is your favorite? 
Ans: 2012 
17.) Which version of the Shredder is your favorite? 
Ans: The Batman and ninja turtles Shredder one 
18.) Who is your favorite villain?  
23.) What is one of your favorite TMNT fics?  
Ans: ooh, i dont ready any fanfics of tmnt  
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics? 
Ans: QPR/ Queer-platonic relationships 
29.) What is one headcanon that you have? 
Ans: Mona lisa is a bi icon 
32.) What was the first thing you've made for TMNT? 
Ans: Fanart! Then comes the royal Au and then Vocaloid 
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?  
Ans: Definitely Royal au  
(and a little extra question , whats your favourite ship??) 
Ans: OH, i like leosagi  
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kitkatopinions · 10 months
Nitpick for Day #14 ZWEI!
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Here's the thing about Zwei... He was so so so so pointless and probably just invented to sell plush toys. That isn't my problem, though. Things have been invented to sell plush toys before and they're going to be invented to sell plush toys again. But with that being said, I personally think if you're going to invent a pointless pet whether to sell or just to have a pet, you should at least make that pet a recognizable part of the show that's given at least something more than half a season of randomness and then a couple cameo shots in like two other seasons.
Like Momo in ATLA, Rufus in Kim Possible, that little deerfox on Hilda, most Disney Princesses needing an animal sidekick, or even BB-8 in Star Wars. The fact that they stick around and are present enough to be associated with the product is the thing, it's like the entire thing. Zwei on the flipside is kind of just... As passing and not at all iconic to the show as like, Scarlet and Sage. The fact that they then turn around and act like Zwei is sellable as a plush toy is just annoying.
Especially when, if Zwei had been around for more of the early show, then leaving him behind after the Fall of Beacon would've felt like a symbol of leaving the simpler, more innocent RWBY and Ruby Rose herself behind and taking a more grown up stance. Instead it's like "Oh yeah that little dog that mattered for like five episode that weirdly knew how to fight Grimm." He does not at all matter, is not at all iconic to RWBY.
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slow-burn-sally · 10 months
My Favorite Characters with ADHD
Again, these are only my opinions.
Jeremy - The Secret Of NIMH. Come on. Look at him. He is a combined-type ADHD boy if ever there was one. Distracted, clumsy, impulsive, I bet the writers either had ADHD, knew someone who had ADHD, or had a child with ADHD.
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2. Newton Geiszler - Pacific Rim.
Also impulsive as fuck, a class clown, obnoxious, yet obnoxiously smart, and somehow still charming as fuck. He reads very ADHD to me. BB. Forgive me for using the meme gif. It's just so good.
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3. Rose Nylund - The Golden Girls
Who doesn't love Rose? She's friendly, sweet, fun, creative, horny, and hilarious. She also can't remember anything for more than five minutes, and is the human equivalent of a small, cute dog who bumps into things a lot by accident. I love you Rose. Long live Betty White.
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4. Sherlock Holmes (The Jeremy Brett Granada-Holmes).
I actually think Holmes may have had both ADHD and Autism, but really, Brett's Holmes is bombastic, impulsive (seeing a trend), able to hyperfocus at the speed of light. Overshares, blows up friendships. Cannot keep a clean flat. Hyper as all get out. Think about it.
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5. Nadja of Antipaxos - What We Do In The Shadows
She's a hot mess. Distracted, forgetful, intensely interested in some things, and cannot be bothered to give a flying fuck about other things. Out of sight, out of mind. She's probably also AuDHD actually, but for the purposes of this list, I will draw your attention to her many impulsive and rash decisions surrounding her emotions, and her over the top RSD. She's so beautiful, help.
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6. Jonathan Strange - Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.
Oh my god such an ADHD boy! He cannot sit still, and he has no patience for rules or regulations. He's self centered, impulsive (hello!), running off on the King's Roads, and drinking mouse juice to make himself go mad on purpose. Failing at four careers before finally becoming a magician by absolute accident. I love you Johnty. Never change.
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7. Cornelius Hickey (or whatever his real name is) - The Terror.
He's impulsive (aye-oh!), makes sudden, rash decisions, is prone to flashes of anger, has off the charts RSD, and though he manages to hyperfocus on sabotaging the expedition for his own needs, he still makes a lot of careless mistakes and fucks it up royally. Too bad one of his hyper-focuses wasn't "learning about ships". I love you Hickey, you adorable bastard. How is his hair always so good?
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8. Back to JS&MN for Christopher Drawlight.
Christopher Drawlight cannot sit still to save his life. He's always being charming, chatting people up, and making social connections, both real and fabricated by himself. Only sometimes, he loses track of which lies he's told, and to whom, which gets him in a lot of trouble. His hyperfocus is social status, and he can't let it go, even at the bitter end. He's really one of my favorite characters, even if he is a horrible person. This goes for both book and show Drawlight, by the way. Both top notch. Both ADHD as fuck.
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9. Dory - Finding Nemo.
I mean... do I have to say anything else? I don't think I do. I love Dory so much. I relate so, so much. Inattentive ADHD Fish Sister.
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10. All versions of Doctor Who, but Tenant is becoming iconic, and I love him, so let's go with number 10!
Just an all around hyperactive ADHD guy. Fun, creative, adventurous, risk taker, IMPULSIVE (it doesn't end). But really, all Doctor Whos feel ADHD to me. There's something capricious and clumsy and dreamy and jumpy about all of them.
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