#bb blah
babeyisbaby · 1 year
I love when daddie falls asleep on calls. His soft breathing and snores help me stay calm. I like to close my eyes and picture us cuddling
Nuzzling under his chin, feeling his breath warm my scalp. His hands squishing me like a plush toy. The smell of him surrounding me
It hurts a little to think about. I love him too much. We’ll both cry when it happens
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athina-blaine · 18 days
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images saved under folder titled "actual 22-year-old who should have been at the club 😭"
I know there's this idea in fandom that Kabru is already in a place where he's able to easily shoulder others' burdens, or that maybe taking care of someone else would teach him how to better take of himself. I'm sure a huge part of that comes from his fairly utilitarian role in the main story (he doesn't really get the chance to be vulnerable or break down outside of maybe ch 76), but I just don't subscribe to that. If anything, I think it would be excessively easy for him to continue neglecting his own needs if it's for the sake of other people, especially for someone he cares about 👇
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I think it's important that, in the end, Kabru isn't the right person to say what Mithrun needs to hear here. The only desires Kabru offers up to Mithrun are Kabru's own desires to help others with their needs; "I want you to live a life that isn't driven by revenge", "I want to help my friend by eating my fill" (as beautifully illustrated by @yuri-puppies here). Mithrun says, "I wanted to die and part of me still does", and Kabru thinks that this is an acceptable thing to feel so long as Mithrun is able to keep his promise and be useful to others. It takes Senshi offering the idea that scraps are useful no matter what that Mithrun is able to finally feel relief. Just look at the difference between,
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which I think is a message Mithrun needed to hear as much as Kabru does. All this to say, I hope Kabru is able to get to the point one day where he feels safe and secure enough to put his own wants and needs first, even when it helps no one but himself
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pinkyjulien · 1 month
Had to get one of my cat to the vet this morning and they're not 100% sure of what it is, buuut it could potentially be tied to epilepsy oughh
Baby got plenty of new pills and drops, and a shot 💙 Gotta keep an eye on him, he's now resting
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mothershewrote · 3 months
MOTHER DIRECT! THIS MONTH! The annual showcase of EarthBound-inspired art hits July 27 at 6PM ET and we're back in the mix debuting EarthBound Beginnings final main character with a live action trailer that's gonna rough you up. 💪🗡️😎 MARK YOUR CALENDARS.
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babygoestozspace · 1 year
I kinda hate how Cirie's demise has exposed how comp dependent BB has become. Like yeah we been knew, but it’s like… you don't need to do all this song and dance on Survivor. But because a single person has the power to control the fate of everyone in the house week to week, it requires players to cover themselves on all sides, resulting in the post-16 meta of a huge onion alliance to maximize one's chances of not hitting the block any given week. There's no need for that in Survivor; the only person an immunity winner can impact is themselves, so the rest of the tribe isn't forced to play around the whims of a single person. And with the comps themselves becoming increasingly physical over the years, somehow this glorified summer camp is more dependent on physical fitness than the game that starves people on an island for a month and a half.
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rockmeamadeo · 1 year
i see old as shit bosselot like morticia and gomez
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vagueiish · 8 months
...the more i think about it, the less it makes sense that all the companions (that are able) have the hots for oli. he's a giant massive loser, nobody would ever actually be attracted to him, like. what? he should actually be unromanceable
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statementlou · 2 years
To add to your independent post, Billboard considers Bad Bunny and Taylor Swift as Independent Artist because they are not under the Big 3. Bad Bunny is signed as a distribution deal with a Puerto Rican Label and releases in the US under a contract with Universal Latin and another company so it doesnt count as UMG and Taylor is with Republic Records. Billboard does an Independent Artist Chart each week www billboard com/charts/independent-albums/
thank you for this, very interesting!! (about this) I feel like this really shows how stupid this distinction has become, since obviously by any rational metric Taylor Swift and Bad Bunny (and Louis) have major league representation who operate in particular ways that are basically the same as the Big 3 and are playing on the same level. So it makes sense that despite technically being "independent" Louis considers himself a major label artist. He said that he considered going independent, which in the way he means would mean he (/his team) would have to handle promo, manufacturing, distro deals, wrangling with streaming platforms, everything, themselves, and without the infrastructure to just slot into that a big label have, a part of which is the handshake network of ins at radio stations and tv shows etc etc- but to get that he takes on the trade off of having a label who press for hits and for him to do certain things (both of which he mentioned in yesterday's interview wrt BMG who thought BTM was too alternative and that he should press for radio play, but it's worth noting that Louis got his way with BTM and didn't seem too bothered about going out to do the US thing, this isn't SYCO, it's just a little trade off). And the way Louis phrased it ("what I didn’t want to do is go out on my own and then be sat on me rocking chair when I’m 60, 70 going, maybe I should’ve had one more go with a major label") to me says that even though he had made the decision that his priority was to do what he wanted even if it meant not getting hits, he didn't want to cut off the possibility of having it all, the control and the hits. I love how grounded he seems about it all- like yeah wouldn't that be fun and I will try for it within what feels good for me but beyond that, no, and if it doesn't happen NBD. But yeah, he likes the numbers, he wants to fill stadiums, he's said it and I think he'd say it more if people could also believe that he's also good without it instead of latching onto that as unhappiness with anything less. Anyway IDK anything about the Billboard indie chart thing but I can't help but wonder if it used to actually be a chart for artists who were out there doing things small scale and DIY and because of the ridiculousness of this semantic issue is now just always topped by Bad Bunny or whatever. Honestly the definition should get fixed because there are still artists putting things out themselves or on small labels and not going through major distros or having access to major league promo and for them to share a category with these behemoths (Louis included) who are benefitting from corporate connections and handlers just doesn't make any sense. But since the (outdated and useless) definition does remain in place, I will point out that the fact that Louis can claim and play both sides works out quite nicely for him, and you know that's not just happenstance or luck, he's very clever about these things.
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corazonatrapado · 3 months
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hay una extraña familiaridad al pisar lugar que alguna vez albergó momentos de sus años de mayor juventud. es una nostalgia que le nace desde el pecho y se extiende por todo su cuerpo, que le empapa cada pedacito de sí pero apenas si termina expresada en su gesto. hacía bastante que no se sentía así, era eso. continente americano había enviado el sentimiento al lugar más profundo, pero ahora, estando de vuelta allí, era difícil echarlo de regreso a su caja de seguridad. y tampoco quería. de eso se convence cuando vislumbra cabellos oscuros a la distancia y luego, esas facciones que le sorprende no haber olvidado ya. ¿hace cuánto que no se veían? meses, años, un tumulto de tiempo que elabora una revuelta en su mente al encaminarse hasta ella. al estar frente a frente, inútilmente vuelve a sentirse un adolescente, y las paredes que dan vida a aquella reunión de ex-alumnos no ayudan en nada. ‘ de todos los lugares posibles, donde menos esperaba verte... era aquí, ’ excusa para ofrecer un saludo, pero la confesión es genuina. la pensó al considerar asistir, pero algo le decía que la posibilidad de reencontrarse no era mucha. si tan solo hubiera sabido. carraspera y siente cómo una sonrisita tira de sus comisuras. ‘ ¿tú no estabas esperando por mí? ’ probablemente arriesgado iniciar con un intento de su antigua dinámica, pero el nerviosismo que de repente lo invade tiene toda la culpa. starter privado para: @angeilical
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 2 months
I'm asking waayyy too much BUT ITS THE LAST ONE I PINKY PROMISE( for today. . .)
Anyyywaayyssss, okay so what if weird girl!reader was hanging around n climbing trees or something (bc I do that-) and JJ sees her and he's like "girl wtf r u doing up there" and blah blah blah it's there first time meeting too (it would be fun if rafe sees this and they're not dating yet n he gets a lil jelly hehe)
Ty bb🪽🫀
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Omg yes!! This is such a cutie idea!! I actually had this pic saved on her Pinterest board bc she absolutely climbs trees. Sometimes she just climbs a little too high… Jealous!Rafe, fluff, lovesick!Rafe 18+MNDI!
(Also in another world Jj & Weird!girl would be so cute actually)
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“What’re you doing up there?” The sound of someone’s voice nearly has you falling off the tree branch you’re perched on as your hand flies to chest and a surprised gasp leaves you. You look below you to see a head of messy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes squinting up at you through the sun. You’ve never met him, but recognize him of course, it’s not like the island is particularly big so you’ve seen everyone at least once. Jj Maybank, he’s from the cut so it makes sense that you’ve never really crossed paths. He’s cute though.
“Umm… I’m doing pretty much exactly what it looks like I’m doing, sitting in a tree.” You let out a little small chuckle as you look down at him. “What are you doing down there?”
“Well, I’m exactly what it looks like I’m doing, walking on the ground.” You snort at that, giving him a playful roll of your eyes. “I know, I’m hilarious. I was just makin’ sure you weren’t stuck up there or anything.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say stuck. I’d say I may have flown too close to the sun climbing up this high.” You shrug as you kick your dangling feet back and forth.
“Soooo… you’re stuck then?” Jj smirks up at you as he adjusts the cap on his head so it’s facing backwards. It gives you a better view of his face, he’s cute. Maybe if you weren’t already so invested in Rafe you would definitely be interested in him.
“I mean, mentally? Yes. Physically? No. I could get down whenever I want, actually.” Your voice is sickly sweet and Jj wonders why he’s never talked to you before. He’s seen you around and he’s always thought you were hot. That whole semi creepy but still angelic vibe you give off really does it for him.
“Yeah? You need some help?” He chuckles and leans his hand against the trunk of the tree, out stretching his neck and accentuating his jaw. He looks like he’d be nice to bite.
“She’s good, Maybank.” Your head whips around to see Rafe walking down the dirt path with a stone cold look set on his face. “I can help my girl. You can fuck off now.”
“Rafey! Hi!” You smile wide as you wave down at him enthusiastically. You sent him a picture of you up in the tree telling him you might need a little help getting down and he immediately dropped everything to come to your rescue.
“Rafey, huh? That’s adorable, truly.” Jj smirks at Rafe and it has him breathing out hard through his nostrils. He’s been trying really hard not to beat every man who looks at you to a pulp but seeing fucking Jj Maybank smirking up at you while you giggle is making him see red.
“Shut the fuck up, Pogue. Didn’t I tell you to fuck off? I suggest you do before we have an actual problem.” Rafe takes a few steps towards him, his eyes are like blue fire as he glares at Jj like he wants to burn him alive. It’s kind of hot. If you’re being honest with yourself.
“Okaaaay, I think that’s enough. I’m good Jj, thank you for offering to help me, you’re sweet.” You give him a saccharine smile and it makes him swoon just a little. You are so cute that if he wasn’t trying to stay off the cops radar he would probably stand here and fuck with Rafe even more.
“Yeah, no problem, sweetheart. See ya around, let me know if pretty boy over here decides to fuck you over, I don’t mind being your rebound.” Jj bites his lip as he winks at you before turning to walk off. Rafe wants to chase after him and wipe that smug ass look off his face by shoving it into the dirt.
“Raaaafe.” You snap your fingers to get his attention and it pulls him out of his rage filled trance. He looks up at you, smiling down at him so sweetly and he almost forgets who Jj Maybank even is. Almost. He still wants to kick his fucking ass.
“Hmm? Yeah baby?”
“Can you help me get down now?” He giggle and Rafe swears it’s his favorite sound other than when you scream for him while you fall apart in his cock.
“Oh shit, yeah. C’mere.” Rafe moves so he’s directly under you with his arms outstretched. “Jump down, I’ll catch you.”
“I don’t know, Rafe. I’m pretty high up.” Your expression turns nervous so Rafe leans up so he can hit the bottom of your shoe with the tips of his fingers.
“You’re not even that high, see? Just fuckin’ jump. Promise I won’t let you fall.” He shakes his hands above his head and gives you that semi goofy, reassuring smile that’s reserved only for you.
“Okay. Fine.” You let out a dramatic sigh before bracing your hands on the branch so you can push yourself down into Rafe’s arms. A little squeal leaves you when he grips onto your hips and pulls you against his chest. You wrap your arms around his neck so you can plant a messy smooch on his lips. “My savior!! How will I ever repay you, fair knight?”
“Pft. You’re so fuckin’ dramatic.” Rafe snorts as he lightly sets you down on the ground.
“I’m dramatic? You were about to beat Jj’s ass for trying to help me!” You laugh, jokingly pushing your hand into his shoulder.
“Nah, he was doing more than just trynna help you.” Rafe grabs onto your hand so he can pull you closer against his chest. “He was fucking flirting with you and you’re mine.”
“Yours, huh? Guess I missed the letter in the mail that said we were official.”
“Oh my god, you’re so dumb.” Rafe throws his head back with a groan but you can see the smile painted across your lips. “I thought I made it pretty fuckin’ clear that you’re my girl.”
“Hmmm… I don’t know, might need you to spell it out for me.” Your giggle makes butterflies erupt in his stomach and Rafe never believed in that butterflies in your tummy bullshit until he met you.
“Ugh. You’re a brat, you know that?” You shrug, letting out a satisfied hum. “Fine. Be my girlfriend?”
“Uh, duh, I already am.” He rolls his eyes and you give him a satisfied smile. “Just wanted to hear you say it.”
“You’re sooo in for it when we get back to my place. Brat.” He grips onto your neck, pulling your lips against his in a rough kiss. “Car. Let’s go.”
“Okay, okay, sooo bosssy.” He smacks your ass and you yelp, running full speed toward his truck.
“Oh hell nah! Get your lil ass back here!!”
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Taglist: @babygorewhore @strawberrydolly333 @starkeysprincess @sturnioloshacker @nemesyaaa @rafeinterlude @loserboysandlithium
All things Rafe & his weird!girl here
Divider is @strangergraphics
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noble-crimson · 3 months
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Blah blah blah, something something TADC OC blah blah 🫣
Challenge I set with @g00bergoo and I’m holding up my end of the bargain XD -
Say hello to Dell, a deer ballerina who has found herself stuck in this digital hell just like everyone else. She’s resilient though, and quite mouthy to boot!
Caine named her after the computer brand just because it was funny to him 💀
Expect to see more of her, she’s my special lil’ deer bb 🥺
and yes, before anyone asks, she definitely has a design for my Folklore AU as well ����
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babeyisbaby · 2 years
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leclerc-s · 8 months
karma is the guy on the track
series masterlist
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fernando alonso the last time we did max almost ended up in american prison.
max jones-verstappen well that guy should've kept his hands to himself.
zoya torres wait, what happened last time?
isabella perez oh, max punched some dickhead who didn't know what no was. oscar piastri what she forgot to mention was that the guy tried groping her and then penelope. zoya torres yeah, i would've punched him too.
sebastian vettel no inchidents this time please
charles leclerc seb, let it go!
lewis hamilton someone's getting arrested this time
logan sargeant probably max or daniel.
daniel jones-ricciardo i would argue against that but i, too, would throw hands to protect one of the girls. max jones-verstappen i would do it again.
zoya torres wait, where was carlos during all of this?
carlos sainz i was trying to stop charles and pierre from running into traffic. pierre gasly see, it's best i don't remember what happened that night. charles leclerc i second that.
mick schumacher who's posting bail if one of us gets arrested?
lewis hamilton seb, nando, and i got each other covered.
max jones-verstappen i say the people dating bail each other out.
natalia ruiz i agree.
oscar piastri i hope logan gets arrested.
logan sargeant fuck you, what did i do? oscar piastri YOU PUSHED ME IN THE OCEAN AFTER MONACO DICK! logan sargeant i forgot i did that oscar piastri WELL I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ASSHOLE!
rowan todd this is my official petition to get is it over now as a surprise song
isabella perez OH I SECOND THAT! daphne jones-ricciardo noted.
daniel jones-ricciardo i vote endgame as a surprise song
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lewis hamilton i knew the nonsense outros were unhinged but oh my god, they caught me so off guard.
isabella perez can't wait to show christian the videos
max jones-verstappen i literally hate you so much freya vettel that's a fucking lie and we all know it.
natalia ruiz i agree, you've grown attached to her
max jones-verstappen she's like mold.
daphne jones-ricciardo glad to announce that no one got arrested.
mick schumacher we're saving it for vegas
lando norris the things i do for you people.
esteban ocon get over it muppet, we'll still celebrate your birthday in vegas lando norris good, the jetlang is about to be insane.
carlos sainz you're the one who wants to fly to vegas to have a party there for your birthday! this is your fault
lando norris blah blah. you're just old
sebastian vettel i hope you all enjoy vegas, but i won't be going.
lando norris BUT IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! sebastian vettel i know, i gave lewis your gift. would've given it to bailey but i know you would want to snoop through her things.
bailey winters it's true. last year i hid his gift in my luggage and he found it.
lando norris i'm a snooper, what can i say.
fernando alonso this is official petition for rowan and pierre to NOT get married again!!
pierre gasly you people never let anything go
rowan todd okay, it was one time. it's not like we're going to do it again.
mae jones-verstappen seb, you have to be at vegas!
sebastian vettel and why would i mae?
max jones-verstappen i regret to inform everyone that mae want to have a party in vegas and announce our marriage by hosting a fake wedding. and since seb officiated the monaco wedding, he has to be there for vegas.
arthur leclerc at least someone is going to do a vegas wedding right
pierre gasly you know what little leclerc? dulce perez i will run you over french fry. pierre gasly nevermind
sebastian vettel fine. but only because i like mae.
mae jones-verstappen VICTORY!
fernando alonso he's going to regret this so much.
lewis hamilton at least jenson will stop complaining about not being invited.
fernando alonso oscar can invite the other half of multi-21 sebastian vettel LET IT GO ALREADY!! fernando alonso NEVER!
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @Smnthnclj @dan3avocado @melissayalene @nothanqks @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @chezmardybum @d3kstar@weekendlusting@anytimeanywherebitchblog @ragioniera @burberryfilms @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! anyways, we're ignoring the rumors because mentally i can't take any more silly season right now. i am choosing to ignore the rumors and believe alex is moving to ferrari in 2025. delulu is truly the solulu on this blog.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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pinkyjulien · 5 months
So I started playing Fallout 4 and I
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celestie0 · 6 months
custom font colors tutorial
note: this is for my bb @tobaccosunbxrst but also just wanted to post it to public for anyone curious on how to do custom fonts w html on tumblr. i originally made this tutorial privately for my mutual @certainlysyko so apologies for the silly choice of example text that i used lol. anyways.
so as we know, tumblr only has the following default color options for text:
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but what if we want some other cool colors like coral pink or cerulean blue or barf green?
to do custom fonts, it’s very simple, but it needs to be done on pc/laptop (cannot be done on app). we are going to start with a post:
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then, you’re just gonna change whatever word that you want the custom color for into one of the tumblr defaults. you do this by just selecting the text with your cursor and then tumblr’s default colors pop up. you can change into any of them, this just establishes the code in the html and makes it easy to spot
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then you're going to go to the little settings thingy at the top right of the post (the settings wheel) and click on this drop down, then click on "html" which will switch it to html
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now it's in html. this looks very simple bc there is only one statement here. i’ll touch on how to deal with more lengthier blocks of html code later. but for now, note this section only:
<span class="npf_color_rachel">
this is ALL we need to work with in the code
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we're going to change it from
<span class="npf_color_rachel">
<span style="color: #[hex code]">
so, for example, something like
<span style="color: #81b7ce">
note. you can also just copy paste the lines above so you don’t have to type it out
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soooo all we did was delete the class=npf_color_rachel part and just replaced it with style=“color: #[hex code]
and here's the preview! all done :)
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this is the website i use to find the hex codes. a hex code is basically those codes after the hashtag so like #81AACE (don't forget to input the hashtag)
now, for those lengthier posts i mentioned, you can use ctrl+f and search the word "color". it will show up any place on the post where you have a colored font (so do this after you’ve already changed all the places you want custom colors into default tumblr colors, like in the 1st step)
this way, you can easily find the places with <span blah blah> that you need to edit
here is an example of that in one of my posts:
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and yeah! that’s basically it. disclaimer, i’m not a software engineer nor so i know much about tech haha, this is just for tumblr aesthetics
alright peace out! 🧚‍♀️✨ hope this is helpful
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sevnation · 6 months
my redacted top ten! (listener edition)
1. angel, all i post about on this account is angel. theyre just like me fr and i have so many plots and headcanons for them (theyre a stoner, theyre from a hunter family, blah blah blah) but i also love the way they interact with david, perfect match imo.
2. sweetheart, whats not to love about sweetheart. sassy, break in master, most powerful stealth in the redactive universe to date, and they’re dating milo!
3. fool!freelancer specifically. fool!freelancer is so attractive i was literally acting like gavin the whole video. if fool!freelander walked up to me in a cafe we’d be in the bathroom in 20 minutes
4. doc. i love doc. theyre so morgan coded its insane and they treat hush with such gentleness (hush, the serial murderer)
5. lovely. NOW DONT GER ME WRONG. i love lovely so much, theyre my baby and they deserve better. however, i cant listen to the vincent audios without crying. my baby gained powers after almost being killed, losing said powers and ACTUALLY DYING, and is now living life as a dead person. me and vincent wouldve been scrapped
6. darlin. same as lovely, cant listen to sam’s playlist beyond the ‘alpha and mate have a talk’ because it makes me break down into tears.
7. starlight. avior and starlight COME HOME ITS BEEN 2 MONTHS AND 1 WEEK. but anyway, theyre not low because i dont like them, theyre low because i like everyone else more. starlight my sassy king
8. baabe. NOW LISTEN PLEASE LISTEN DONT GRAB ME PLEASE. i love baabe sm theyre so sweet but ASHER HAS LITTLE TO NO AUDIOS. I DONT KNOW PLS. i love baabe and ash tho my bbs
10. asset / cutie. no explanation.
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