#baz‚ p. › study
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Just as a note, Bazel is a super powerful (and silly) magician that made the magic stones featured in the OG. They introduced him in person in Omniverse.
Baz-l is Ships weasel dad
Anyway: Bazel becomes Sparks teacher cause she was born into a new class of magic he didn't know, so they're learning from eachother. Spark learning how to use her magic without it getting all fucky, and Bazel learning about Magitech
Ah there we go, been a hot second since I’ve watched Omniverse! Sometimes I see Baz-l spelt Bazel so thanks for clarifying lmao- maybe in part because, when i searched bazel ben 10 i got baz-l and saw charms of bezel with an ‘e’ though it is fandom wiki as it always has been :P
Either way that makes more sense, and it’s also a really cool way to develop biomechanical magic in relation to the typical organic-based mana that fuels most spells, who else would Spark study magic under than the man behind the Charms of Bezel himself!
#ask#fiestylittlebeetle#bezel#bezel ben 10#spark#ben 10 oc#oc#ben 10#again- love magic devlopment for ben 10- even if it’s just a little character interaction#to me it helps with a lot of the major sci-fantasy side of ben 10 more than just alien stuff alone#even if the canonical magic system has taken a few shots from retcons :P#anyway funny little magic man bezel (plus spark who would be his current student) helping gwen makes more sense than baz-l doing anything :P#especially since 1) he’s also very curious and 2) helps spark put to practice what she does know from him#even if the context is ‘track a missing malware’ and not particularly a lighthearted jaunt through a practical magical lesson
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Why do the haters insist that Priscilla was a 'victim' of Elvis when SHE HERSELF insists she wasn't one at all? I don't understand that one bit.
Because she's a good 'example' of imbalanced relationships.... meanwhile, these same folk ignore the woman herself.
Like, I'm not going to pretend E and P were a perfect relationship, they super were not, the divorce was needed. Big time. But, some folk take her personal story and make it a case study for their own agendas.
As if she's a fictional character.
And even worse, they add in hearsay and straight up lies they heard online into the pot so by the end Elvis has cloven hooves and Pricilla is a helpless babydoll. She's now a 78 grown woman, gave the Baz Elvis movie her blessing, and still looks back on Elvis fondly. She's far beyond a grown ass woman and knows herself more than randos that try to tell her how evil Elvis was The bottom line is: These folk don't want to know Elvis's side of the story. Nor are they really interested in Pricilla's nuanced approach to her former husband.
Idk. It's a good cause to give light to young woman caught up with men of power. I'd never discourage that, that needs a voice. But there are legit some people that just love breaking shit if it makes them look good.
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29 marca 2024
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1) Europa vs USA - gdzie lepiej pracować w branży IT? https://relocate.me/blog/job-relocation/working-in-tech-europe-vs-america/ INFO: "W Stanach jest lepiej", mówią niektórzy. Ale czy na pewno to prawda w każdym aspekcie wykonywanej pracy? Artykuł przygląda się różnicom w kulturze pracy, balansowi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym oraz podejściu do urlopów w obu regionach. Zobacz, dlaczego wiele osób pracujących w branży IT wybiera Europę zamiast Doliny Krzemowej.
2) Jak budować satysfakcjonującą karierę programisty/inżyniera? - zbiór porad https://seattledataguy.substack.com/p/how-to-build-a-career-you-enjoy-as INFO: Wykonujesz setki zadań, dajesz z siebie wszystko, czujesz przemęczenie, ale awansu jak nie było, tak nie ma? Taka praca nie jest dobra ani dla Ciebie, ani dla Twojej firmy. Cóż więc robić w pracy, aby poczuć satysfakcję, awansować, zostać zauważonym, a w konsekwencji zarabiać więcej? W obecnych czasach ludzie z branży IT mają niemały wpływ na to, co robią w pracy. Może warto to wykorzystać?
3) Sztuczna inteligencja vs prawo autorskie - prelekcja z TEDx (film, 18m) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdLY8MGGgio INFO: Tomasz Palak omawia kwestię prawne związane z używaniem sztucznej inteligencji. Czy obraz z generatora jest Twoim dziełem? A może jest dziełem autora obrazu, na którym uczył się model AI? Jest szansa, że wcale nie jest "dziełem" w rozumieniu prawa - i co wtedy? Prezentacja interesująca i momentami zabawna. Warto posłuchać.
4) DEVIN - czy to początek końca programistów? (film, 36m) https://youtu.be/dTf5oWUk1Us INFO: Od kilku tygodni, projekt Devin jest przedstawiany w internecie jako prawdziwy postrach dla programistów. Czy ta technologia naprawdę jest tak doskonała? Czy jest się czego bać? Dwóch programistów omawia nagrania prezentujące prace Devina i zwraca uwagę na kilka niuansów, które mogą sugerować, że wcale nie jest to aż tak dobre rozwiązanie, na jakie wygląda.
5) "O odmowie suplementacji AI" - felieton o wpływie AI na ludzi [PL] https://magazynpismo.pl/idee/felietony/listy-z-cyfrowego-roju/o-odmowie-suplementacji-ai/ INFO: Magdalena Bigaj w swoim felietonie omawia społeczne koszty postępu technologicznego. Jak wpłynie on na naszą kreatywność, a jak na inteligencję? Czy czeka nas jeszcze bardziej przyspieszona "Cyfrowa demencja"? Czy ludziom faktycznie jest wszystko jedno, czy konsumują dzieła stworzone w pełni przez człowieka, czy może te wygenerowane lub połowicznie wygenerowane przez AI? Artykuł do przemyślenia.
6) SQLite w produkcji – dlaczego warto? https://fractaledmind.github.io/2023/12/23/rubyconftw/ INFO: Główny inżynier w Test IO dzieli się swoimi doświadczeniami z wdrażaniem SQLite w projektach, skłaniając się nawet ku korzystaniu z SQLite jako głównego silnika baz danych w aplikacjach webowych. Zobacz, jak prostota, kontrola i szybkość SQLite mogą przyczynić się do szybszego rozwoju i łatwiejszego utrzymania Twoich aplikacji. Temat użycia tej bazy na produkcji jest dość kontrowersyjny (zwłaszcza w polskim świecie IT), ale być może argumenty praktyka pozwolą Ci dostrzec potencjał tego rozwiązania.
7) Podcast SOLID.Jobs x POROZMAWIAJMY O IT [sponsorowane] https://solid.jobs/podcast INFO: Podcast poruszający zaawansowane tematy związane z rozwojem oprogramowania. Tematem przewodnim obecnego sezonu jest Software craftsmanship, czyli całościowe podejście do rozwoju oprogramowania. Słuchając tego podcastu, staniesz się bardziej świadomym programistą i zaczniesz zwracać uwagę na kluczowe aspekty rozwoju zawodowego w branży IT.
8) Architektura początkowej fazy aplikacji SaaS - case study https://www.feelback.dev/blog/feelback-saas-launch-architecture/ INFO: Wnikliwa analiza architektury SaaS na przykładzie aplikacji Feelback, narzędzia do zbierania feedbacku od użytkowników. Założyciel projektu omawia decyzje technologiczne, które zapewniają prostotę, niskie koszty utrzymania i efektywność w jego projekcie. Znajdziesz tu też praktyczne porady dotyczące hostingu, konfiguracji i wdrażania produkcji, które mogą okazać się cenne przy tworzeniu własnego SaaS.
9) Lista 13 trików w Dockerze, których prawdopodobnie nie znasz https://overcast.blog/13-docker-tricks-you-didnt-know-47775a4f678f INFO: Squashing warstw w obrazie, dodawanie health checków do Dockerfile, limitowanie zasobów przypisanych do kontenera (RAM i CPU), uruchamianie kontenerów w trybie tylko do odczytu, używanie kontekstów i wiele więcej. Sporo ciekawostek, które mogą przydać Ci się w codziennej pracy.
10) Czy sztuczna inteligencja może wywołać eksplozję gospodarczą? https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24108787/ai-economic-growth-explosive-automation INFO: Artykuł analizuje prognozy dotyczące wpływu sztucznej inteligencji na wzrost gospodarczy, który może osiągnąć niebywałe dotąd 20-30% rocznie. Poznaj argumenty ekspertów, którzy wierzą, że AI to nie tylko kolejna rozdmuchana technologia, ale prawdziwy katalizator wzrostu.
11) Algorytmy i Struktury Danych - darmowy, rozbudowany kurs wideo (9h) https://frontendmasters.com/courses/algorithms/ INFO: Świetnie przygotowany kurs omawia najczęściej poruszane zagadnienia algorytmiczne. Od Big O, przez sortowanie bąbelkowe, aż po struktury drzew i list - ten kurs to solidna dawka wiedzy, która przyda Ci się na technicznych rozmowach kwalifikacyjnych. Aby zapoznać się z materiałem, należy założyć konto na platformie, ale kiedy już to zrobisz, zyskasz dodatkowo dostęp do dwóch innych kursów: "Jak zdobyć pracę jako programista" oraz "Programowanie w Scratchu dla dzieci".
12) Jak uzyskać lepszy feedback od menedżera? - zbiór porad https://newsletter.weskao.com/p/get-better-feedback INFO: Chcesz poprawić jakość oraz ilość feedbacku, który otrzymujesz od swojego menedżera? Ten artykuł zawiera 11 praktycznych wskazówek, które pomogą Ci to osiągnąć. Dowiesz się, jak ułatwić swojemu przełożonemu udzielanie Ci konstruktywnej krytyki, jakie pytania zadawać, aby uzyskać pomocne odpowiedzi, oraz jak skłonić menedżera do inwestowania w Twój rozwój.
13) Jak rozmawiać o deadlinach w pracy? https://newsletter.weskao.com/p/how-to-talk-about-deadlines-at-work INFO: Deadline to mało komfortowy temat zarówno dla menedżerów, jak i szeregów pracowników. Poznaj strategie, które pomogą Ci mówić o deadline'ach bez obawy o posądzanie o powolną pracę czy brak kompetencji. Artykuł zawiera kilka gotowych, krótkich scenariuszy rozmów, dzięki którym zaczniesz lepiej komunikować problem z potencjalnym niedotrzymaniem terminów projektu.
14) Jak Uber potroił produktywność swoich programistów? (film, 46m) https://www.devzero.io/videos/how-uber-increased-developer-productivity INFO: W 2016 roku Uber podjął wyzwanie zwiększania produktywności swoich inżynierów. Zobacz, jak przejście od monolitycznych repozytoriów do dedykowanych narzędzi i środowisk deweloperskich przyniosło ponad 80% poprawę szybkości i jakości pracy. Interesujące jest, jak zmiana praktyk programistycznych może wpłynąć na efektywność wykonywanej pracy.
15) Jak programiści korzystają z GIT-a? - wyniki ankiety https://jvns.ca/blog/2024/03/28/git-poll-results/ INFO: Autorka artykułu przeprowadziła serię ankiet na Mastodonie, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o doświadczeniach użytkowników w zakresie zagadnień takich jak merge, rebase, konflikty wersji i terminologia Git. Poznaj rezultaty, które mogą pomóc w zrozumieniu, jak różnorodne są metody pracy z tym narzędziem.
16) W edytorze Vim NIE chodzi o szybkość - to o co?! https://levelup.gitconnected.com/vim-is-not-about-speed-88968ae4283c INFO: Poświęcanie wielu dni, aby stać się szybszym o kilka sekund, nie brzmi jak dobra inwestycja czasu, ale w przypadku korzystania z VIM-a nie chodzi o czas. Dlaczego wielu programistów nadal wykorzystuje ten edytor i co przekonuje ich do jego używania?
17) Etapy gry Super Mario Bros powstawały... na kartce w kratkę https://www.archdaily.com/783657/the-sheets-of-graph-paper-they-used-to-design-super-mario-bros INFO: Tak, do projektowania etapów tej kultowej gry używano między innymi papieru milimetrowego. Warto rzucić okiem na szkice poziomów. Wrzucam jako ciekawostkę.
18) Omówienie 7 kreatywnych sposobów na wizualizację danych w narzędziach deweloperskich https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/beyond-bars-and-lines-7-cool-ways-to-visualize-data-in-your-dev-tool INFO: Prezentacja danych nie kończy się na liniach i słupkach. Istnieją inne formy ich przedstawiania, ale pytanie brzmi: kiedy i której z tych form warto użyć? Ten artykuł może być dla Ciebie inspiracją przy budowie modułów do wizualizacji danych.
19) Recenzja Apple Vision Pro od eksperta AR https://andrewhart.me/vision-pro/ INFO: W praktyce jak sprawdza się nowy zestaw AR od Apple? Ekspert z dziedziny rozszerzonej rzeczywistości dzieli się swoimi spostrzeżeniami po miesiącu użytkowania Vision Pro. Sprawdź, jak ocenia urządzenie i możliwości nowego systemu operacyjnego VisionOS. Niektóre z wniosków mogą być zaskakujące.
20) Lista 10 ćwiczeń dla programistów, zapobiegających bólowi pleców https://learnhub.top/10-essential-exercises-for-programmers-to-prevent-back-pain/ INFO: Spędzasz godziny na kodowaniu i odczuwasz ból pleców? Oto dziesięć prostych ćwiczeń, które pomogą Ci zachować zdrowy kręgosłup i uniknąć problemów związanych z ciągłym siedzeniem przed komputerem. Jedyna rzecz, której mi brakuje na tej stronie, to rysunki lub animacje przedstawiające ćwiczenia, ale opis tekstowy też jest w porządku.
21) ALLMS - uniwersalna biblioteka do obsługi LLM-ów (od Allegro) https://github.com/allegro/allms INFO: Biblioteka od Allegro (tak, tego serwisu aukcyjnego) służy do obsługi licznych LLM-ów. Współpracuje z rozwiązaniami od OpenAI, ale także z Llama2, Mistral, Gemma, czy produktami od VertexAI. Dzięki niej możesz szybko prototypować swoje pomysły i skalować je do użytku produkcyjnego. Obsługuje asynchroniczne zapytania, ponawianie nieudanych zapytań i wiele innych.
22) Intel One Mono - font dla programistów z wadami wzroku https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/company-overview/one-monospace-font.html INFO: To jest czcionka o stałej szerokości znaków, zaprojektowana przy współpracy z deweloperami o niskiej ostrości wzroku i deweloperami, którzy są prawnie niewidomi. Jej celem jest skrajne poprawienie czytelności kodu. Jeśli masz pewne ograniczenia związane ze wzrokiem, ta czcionka może polepszyć Twój komfort pracy.
23) Problem z użyciem UUID jako klucza głównego w MySQL https://planetscale.com/blog/the-problem-with-using-a-uuid-primary-key-in-mysql INFO: Zastanawiasz się, czy stosować UUID jako klucz główny w MySQL? Poznaj potencjalne pułapki i dowiedz się, jakie są minusy takiego wyboru. Artykuł omawia różne wersje UUID i wyjaśnia, jak mogą one wpłynąć na efektywność bazy oraz ilość miejsca, które zajmuje na dysku.
24) Rynek podatnosci - jak kupuje się Pegasusa i bugi? (film, 26m) https://youtu.be/9lwDu6HIeio INFO: Jak wygląda zakup takich rozwiązań jak na przykład Pegasus z perspektywy technicznej i ekonomicznej? Jakie firmy stoją za tym i jak skonstruowany jest ten cały biznes? Skąd pochodzą exploity, które Pegasus wykorzystuje?
25) NVIDIA uruchamia DARMOWE kursy z zakresu AI https://dev.to/arjuncodess/nvidia-just-launched-free-courses-in-ai-47ef INFO: NVIDIA, lider w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji, właśnie ułatwiła naukę AI dzięki nowym, darmowym kursom na swojej platformie. Obecnie dostępnych jest 16 kursów, ale podaję link do zestawu, który zawiera pięć z nich. Są one, zdaniem autora, równocześnie interesujące i przydatne dla programistów, a także zrozumiałe dla początkujących.
26) Nowości w CSS, które warto znać - wiosna 2024 https://frontendmasters.com/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-modern-css-spring-2024-edition/ INFO: Poznaj najnowsze, a jednocześnie mało znane rozwiązania w CSS, które mogą zmienić sposób, w jaki piszesz style. Artykuł zawiera przystępne wyjaśnienia i przykłady kodu dla takich nowości jak kontenerowe zapytania o rozmiar, jednostki kontenerowe, zagnieżdżenia, animacje sterowane przez przewijanie, zawijanie tekstów, subgridy czy pseudo-selektor :has(). Treść cechuje bardzo zrozumiałe omówienie nowości.
27) Przekręt na "Tajemniczego klienta banku" - nie daj się oszukać https://zaufanatrzeciastrona.pl/post/od-ponad-7-lat-ktos-bezkarnie-zarabia-na-osobach-poszukujacych-pracy-i-nic-z-tym-nie-da-sie-zrobic/ INFO: W sieci pojawiają się ogłoszenia o pracę jako osoba testująca interfejsy banków. Trzeba założyć konto w kilku bankach, coś poklikać i opisać swoje wrażenia. To prosta i dobrze płatna praca. Niestety, nie do końca tak to działa. Zasady tego przekrętu opisuje portal Z3S. Warto przeczytać i podesłać, zwłaszcza nietechnicznym znajomym, szukającym dorywczej pracy.
28) BooksByMood - książki dopasowane do Twojego nastroju https://booksbymood.com/ INFO: Jesteś czytelnikiem, który wybiera książki w zależności od aktualnego samopoczucia? Ta platforma pomoże Ci znaleźć lekturę idealnie pasującą do Twojego nastroju, z wysoką średnią ocen na Goodreads. Kliknięcie na nastrój wyświetla tylko jedną książkę, ale kolejne zobaczysz, klikając "NEXT".
29) InvertOrNot - Inteligentne odwracanie obrazów dla trybu ciemnego https://invertornot.com/ INFO: Jeśli implementujesz ciemny motyw w swojej aplikacji internetowej, największy problem stwarzają obrazy. Można im oczywiście narzucić odpowiednie filtry CSS, takie jak odwrócenie kolorów, ale w niektórych przypadkach może to wyglądać źle, a nawet przerażająco. To API pozwala zdecydować, czy na grafice podanej jako parametr lepiej zastosować odwrócenie kolorów czy jej przyszarzenie.
30) Śledzenie satelitów Starlink w czasie rzeczywistym https://www.starlinkmap.org/ INFO: Nigdy nie zastanawiałem się, ile satelitów posiada Starlink, ale ta wizualizacja zrobiła na mnie niemałe wrażenie. Tego jest DUŻO. Link dla fanów kosmicznych newsów. ;)
31) Czy później znaczy lepiej? - o sztuce podejmowania decyzji w projektach https://devszczepaniak.pl/pozniej-znaczy-lepiej-sztuka-podejmowania-decyzji/ INFO: W artykule autor dzieli się swoimi przemyśleniami na temat odkładania decyzji w projektach IT. Demonstruje, na przykładzie, dlaczego zwlekanie z decyzją ma sens, jakie konsekwencje niesie pochopna decyzja oraz które decyzje warto odkładać. Zwraca również uwagę na problem przedwczesnej optymalizacji oraz na podejście Lean Software Development.
32) Inżynieria promptów (LLM) dla początkujących https://uw7.org/un_8fcc1d802e18f INFO: Jeśli łączysz sztuczną inteligencję z systemami IT albo po prostu wydajesz polecenia, np., w ChatGPT, warto robić to efektywnie. Ten artykuł wyjaśnia na co i dlaczego warto zwrócić uwagę, aby uzyskiwane od modeli językowych odpowiedzi spełniały Twoje oczekiwania. Pomimo tego, że poradnik jest bardzo rozbudowany, jest to tylko pierwsza jego część. Na końcu znajdziesz link do kontynuacji.
33) Kompletny, wideo kurs NestJS (film, 14h) https://uw7.org/un_afc59275f4682 INFO: Kurs omawia niemal każdy aspekt tworzenia aplikacji w NestJS. Nawet jeśli to Twoje pierwsze zetknięcie z tą technologią, to nie będziesz mieć problemu ze zrozumieniem treści. Autor omawia takie podstawy jak kontrolery, modele, serwisy, a następnie przechodzi do obsługi baz danych, API REST-owych i pracy z GraphQL.
34) Pełny kurs Express JS - za darmo (film, 8h) https://uw7.org/un_be45166cbb3e7 INFO: To, co najbardziej spodobało mi się w tym kursie, to... głos prowadzącego. Spokojne i rzeczowe omawianie tematów, bez zbędnych zająknięć i przerw. Kurs omawia temat ExpressJS od absolutnych podstaw (konfiguracja środowiska, omówienie budowy aplikacji itp.) po implementację prostych rozwiązań.
P.S. Jeśli lubisz moje newslettery, to być może zainteresuje Cię także newsletter projektowy, w którym omawiam projekty, nad którymi pracuję.
0 notes
[ID: The first six images are all in the same format. They show bright red text in all caps, centered in the image, on a white background, and with a red border on the edges of the image. They read:
A guide to:
Blockout 2024
A introduction to digital mobilization
#blockout2024 is an individual movement dedicated to the deplatforming of celebrities
"Why celebrities?"
In an increasingly digital world, we need to reflect on the media we are expected to engage with.
Questioning, rejecting, and mobilizing against massive displays of luxury is a call to invest our attention for the betterment of humanity, not to support a system that doesn't support us.
"Are you cancelling celebrities?"
No. This is not a movement to attack or shame celebrities (though I'm judging). It's a reminder of the individual choice we have as consumers in who we support. In a world designed for the success of the 1%, reclaiming individual attention is important.
Celebrities owe nothing to us, therefore we owe nothing to them.
Reconsider who you choose to contribute to the platform of
This is an important example of digital mobilization, an emerging area of study in which technology is looked at as a toolkit for the widespread and effective mobilization of a cause.
Continue reclaiming individual power!
Images 7 and 8 show a list labelled "Celebrities that attended the Met Gala 2024". Below the title the tag #blockout2024 is added. The list in the images is arranged in columns. List read:
Alia Bhatt, Amanda Seyfried, Ambika Mod, Andrew Scott, Ariana Grande, Ashley Graham, Awkwafina, Ayo Edebiri, Bad Bunny, Baz Lurhmann, Ben Simmons, Brie Larson, Bruna Marquezine, Camila Cabello, Camila Mendes, Cara Delevingne, Cardi B, Catherine Martin, Charlie Hunnam, Chase Stokes, Chris Hemsworth, Christian Cowan, Colman Domingo, Corey Gamble, Cynthia Erivo, Ed Sheeran, Eddie Redmayne, Elizabeth Debicki, Elle Fanning, Emily Ratajkowski, Emma Chamberlain, Emma Mackey, FKA Twigs, Gabrielle Union, Gigi Hadid, Gracie Abrams, Greta Gerwig, Greta Lee, Gwendoline Christie, Hugh Jackman, Irina Shayk, Jack Harlow, Jaden Smith, Jamie Dornan, Jazz Charton, Jennie Kim, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Biel, Jonathan Bailey, Jonathan Groff, Josh O'Connor, Jude Law, Kaia Gerber, Keeley Hawes, Keith Urban, Keke Palmer, Kelsea Ballerini, Kendall Jenner, Kerry Washington, Kieran Culkin, Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Kylie Jenner, Kylie Minogue, La La Anthony, Lana Del Rey, Lea Michele, Lil Nas X, Lily Gladstone Lily, James Luca, Guadagnino Madelyn, Cline Matt, Damon, Matthew Mactadyen, Meg Ryan, Michelle Yeoh, Mike Faist, Mindy Kaling, Naomi Watts, Nicholas Galitzine, Nicki Minaj, Pamela Anderson, Nicole Kidman, Omar Apollo, Penelope Cruz, Phoebe Tonkin, Rachel Sennott, Phoebe Dynevor, Rachel Zegler, Rauw Alejandro, Rebecca Ferguson, Rihanna, Riley Keough, Rita Ora, Sabrina Carpenter, Sam Smith, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sebastian Stan, Serena Williams, Shakira, Sienna Miller, Steven Yeun, Stray Kids, Sydney Sweeney, Taika Waititi, Taraji P. Henson, Taylor Russell, Teyana Taylor, Troye Sivan, Tyla, Uma Thurman Usher, Willow Smith, Zendaya, Zoe Saldaña
The ninth and tenth images are another list, this time of celebrities usernames. I will be separating the @ sign from the usernames with a / sign. List read:
CelebrityBlockout #BlockList
@/The Rock @/Oprah @/ArianaGrande @/ KimKardasian @/Kloe Kardasian @/ KendalJenner @/kourtneykardasian @/Kaitlyn Jenner @/KrisJenner @/Vogue @/ENews @/ Kevin Hart @/SelenaGomez @/SamSmith @/ dailymail @/markhamill@/AmySchumer@/
LanaDelRay @/GalGadot @/Jojo Siwa @/ ChrisOlsen @/HaleyBaylee@/MTV@/TMZ@/
DojaCat @/ChrisHemsworth @/Netflix @/Jlo @/
lizzo @/justinbieber @/meghantrainor @/ haileybieber@/rihanna@/taylorswift @/beyonce @/tombrady
The next image is a screenshot of a spreadsheet showing celebrity names in the first column and their instagram links in the second column. The celebrities visible are Kim Kardashian, Gal Gadot, Jerry Seinfeld, Jamie Lee Curtis, Liev Schreiber, Amy Schumer, Michael Douglas, Sharon Osbourne, Debra Messing, Noah Schnapp, Ryan Murphy, Zachary Levi, George Lopez, Mark Hamill, and Howie Mandel.]
The original tweet I got this from says via 2024Blockout. I couldn't find the @ on Twitter so it's likely a TikTok account.
The goal is to block any major celebrity who hasn't spoken up about Gaza in order to cut off their means of making money off of us. If their videos and ads don't appear on our TLs and FYPs, that means no revenue for them. There's some videos going around explaining this campaign in depth better which I'll post later on, but I'm liking the idea and blocking whoever I can on Twitter and IG since I don't have TikTok.
Here's a blocklist I saw going around:
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don’t look at me
#will‚ h. › general#will‚ h. › writing#will‚ h. › appearance#will‚ h. › study#baz‚ p. › general#baz‚ p. › writing#baz‚ p. › appearance#baz‚ p. › study#alex‚ s. › general#alex‚ s. › writing#alex‚ s. › appearance#alex‚ s. › study
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Here’s a (non-exhaustive) list of essays I like/find interesting/are food for thought; I’ve tried to sort them as much as possible. The starred (*) ones are those I especially love
also quick note: some of these links, especially the ones that are from books/anthologies redirect you to libgen or scihub, and if that doesn’t work for you, do message me; I’d be happy to send them across!
Literature + Writing
Godot Comes to Sarajevo - Susan Sontag
The Strangeness of Grief - V. S. Naipaul*
Memories of V. S. Naipaul - Paul Theroux*
A Rainy Day with Ruskin Bond - Mayank Austen Soofi
How Albert Camus Faced History - Adam Gopnik
Listen, Bro - Jo Livingstone
Rachel Cusk Gut-Renovates the Novel - Judith Thurman
Lost in Translation: What the First Line of “The Stranger” Should Be - Ryan Bloom
The Duke in His Domain - Truman Capote*
The Cult of Donna Tartt: Themes and Strategies in The Secret History - Ana Rita Catalão Guedes
Never Do That to a Book - Anne Fadiman*
Affecting Anger: Ideologies of Community Mobilisation in Early Hindi Novel - Rohan Chauhan*
Why I Write - George Orwell*
Rimbaud and Patti Smith: Style as Social Deviance - Carrie Jaurès Noland*
Art + Photography (+ Aesthetics)
Looking at War - Susan Sontag*
Love, sex, art, and death - Nan Goldin, David Wojnarowicz
Lyons, Szarkowski, and the Perception of Photography - Anne Wilkes Tucker
The Feminist Critique of Art History - Thalia Gouma-Peterson, Patricia Mathews
In Plato's Cave - Susan Sontag*
On reproduction of art (Chapter 1, Ways of Seeing) - John Berger*
On nudity and women in art (Chapter 3, Ways of Seeing) - John Berger*
Kalighat Paintings - Sharmishtha Chaudhuri
Daydreams and Fragments: On How We Retrieve Images From the Past - Maël Renouard
Arthur Rimbaud: the Aesthetics of Intoxication - Enid Rhodes Peschel
Tragic Fable of Mumbai Mills - Gyan Prakash
Whose Bandra is it? - Dustin Silgardo*
Timur's Registan: noblest public square in the world? - Srinath Perur
The first Starbucks coffee shop, Seattle - Colin Marshall*
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai's iconic railway station - Srinath Perur
From London to Mumbai and Back Again: Gentrification and Public Policy in Comparative Perspective - Andrew Harris
The Limits of "White Town" in Colonial Calcutta - Swati Chattopadhyay
The Metropolis and Mental Life - Georg Simmel
Colonial Policy and the Culture of Immigration: Citing the Social History of Varanasi - Vinod Kumar, Shiv Narayan
A Caribbean Creole Capital: Kingston, Jamaica - Coln G. Clarke (from Colonial Cities by Robert Ross, Gerard J. Telkamp
The Colonial City and the Post-Colonial World - G. A. de Bruijne
The Nowhere City - Amos Elon*
The Vertical Flâneur: Narratorial Tradecraft in the Colonial Metropolis - Paul K. Saint-Amour
The trolley problem problem - James Wilson
A Brief History of Death - Nir Baram
Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical - John Rawls*
Should Marxists be Interested in Exploitation? - John E. Roemer
The Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief - Scott Berinato*
The Pandemic and the Crisis of Faith - Makarand Paranjape
If God Is Dead, Your Time is Everything - James Wood
Giving Up on God - Ronald Inglehart
The Limits of Consensual Decision - Douglas Rae*
The Science of "Muddling Through" - Charles Lindblom*
The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine - Maria Dolan
The History of Loneliness - Jill Lepore*
From Tuskegee to Togo: the Problem of Freedom in the Empire of Cotton - Sven Beckert*
Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism - E. P. Thompson*
All By Myself - Martha Bailey*
The Geographical Pivot of History - H. J. Mackinder
The sea/ocean
Rim of Life - Manu Pillai
Exploring the Indian Ocean as a rich archive of history – above and below the water line - Isabel Hofmeyr, Charne Lavery
‘Piracy’, connectivity and seaborne power in the Middle Ages - Nikolas Jaspert (from The Sea in History)*
The Vikings and their age - Nils Blomkvist (from The Sea in History)*
Mercantile Networks, Port Cities, and “Pirate” States - Roxani Eleni Margariti
Phantom Peril in the Arctic - Robert David English, Morgan Grant Gardner*
Assorted ones on India
A departure from history: Kashmiri Pandits, 1990-2001 - Alexander Evans *
Writing Post-Orientalist Histories of the Third World - Gyan Prakash
Empire: How Colonial India Made Modern Britain - Aditya Mukherjee
Feminism and Nationalism in India, 1917-1947 - Aparna Basu
The Epic Riddle of Dating Ramayana, Mahabharata - Sunaina Kumar*
Caste and Politics: Identity Over System - Dipankar Gupta
Our worldview is Delhi based*
Sports (you’ll have to excuse the fact that it’s only cricket but what can i say, i’m indian)
'Massa Day Done:' Cricket as a Catalyst for West Indian Independence: 1950-1962 - John Newman*
Playing for power? rugby, Afrikaner nationalism and masculinity in South Africa, c.1900–70 - Albert Grundlingh
When Cricket Was a Symbol, Not Just a Sport - Baz Dreisinger
Cricket, caste, community, colonialism: the politics of a great game - Ramachandra Guha*
Cricket and Politics in Colonial India - Ramchandra Guha
MS Dhoni: A quiet radical who did it his way*
Brega: Music and Conflict in Urban Brazil - Samuel M. Araújo
Color, Music and Conflict: A Study of Aggression in Trinidad with Reference to the Role of Traditional Music - J. D. Elder
The 1975 - ‘Notes On a Conditional Form’ review - Dan Stubbs*
Life Without Live - Rob Sheffield*
How Britney Spears Changed Pop - Rob Sheffield
Concert for Bangladesh
From “Help!” to “Helping out a Friend”: Imagining South Asia through the Beatles and the Concert for Bangladesh - Samantha Christiansen
Clothing Behaviour as Non-verbal Resistance - Diana Crane
The Normalisation of Queer Theory - David M. Halperin
Menstruation and the Holocaust - Jo-Ann Owusu*
Women’s Suffrage the Democratic Peace - Allan Dafoe
Pink and Blue: Coloring Inside the Lines of Gender - Catherine Zuckerman*
Women’s health concerns are dismissed more, studied less - Zoanne Clack
How Food-Obsessed Millennials Shape the Future of Food - Rachel A. Becker (as a non-food obsessed somewhat-millennial, this was interesting)
Colonialism's effect on how and what we eat - Coral Lee
Tracing Europe's influence on India's culinary heritage - Ruth Dsouza Prabhu
Chicken Kiev: the world’s most contested ready-meal*
From Russia with mayo: the story of a Soviet super-salad*
The Politics of Pancakes - Taylor Aucoin*
How Doughnuts Fuelled the American Dream*
Pav from the Nau
A Short History of the Vada Pav - Saira Menezes
Fantasy (mostly just harry potter and lord of the rings)
Purebloods and Mudbloods: Race, Species, and Power (from The Politics of Harry Potter)
Azkaban: Discipline, Punishment, and Human Rights (from The Politics of Harry Potter)*
Good and Evil in J. R. R. Tolkien's Lengendarium - Jyrki Korpua
The Fairy Story: J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis - Colin Duriez (from Tree of Tales)*
Tolkien’s Augustinian Understanding of Good and Evil: Why The Lord of the Rings Is Not Manichean - Ralph Wood (from Tree of Tales)*
The Hidden Cost of Wildlife Tourism
Chronicles of a Writer’s 1950s Road Trip Across France - Kathleen Phelan
On the Early Women Pioneers of Trail Hiking - Gwenyth Loose
On the Mythologies of the Himalaya Mountains - Ed Douglas*
More random assorted ones
The cosmos from the wheelchair (The Economist obituaries)*
In El Salvador - Joan Didion
Scientists are unravelling the mystery of pain - Yudhijit Banerjee
Notes on Nationalism - George Orwell
Politics and the English Language - George Orwell*
What Do the Humanities Do in a Crisis? - Agnes Callard*
The Politics of Joker - Kyle Smith
Sushant Singh Rajput: The outsider - Uday Bhatia*
Credibility and Mystery - John Berger
happy reading :)
#booklr#academia#dark academia#essays#recs#light academia#dark academia aesthetic#studyblr#studygram#studyspo#study aesthetic#study blog#rec list#art#history#photography#aesthetic#reading#reading list#tbr#read#study tools#I'll probably make a list of resources soon#poetry#academia aesthetic#book recs
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Want to know where all the good knowledge came from?
Citations yay!
Brown, P., & Levinson, S. (1978). Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena. In E. Goody (Ed.), Questions and Politeness: Strategies in Social Interaction (pp. 56-310). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Firth, R. (1972). Verbal and bodily rituals of greeting and parting. In J. S. La Fontaine (Ed.), The Interpretation of Rituals. Routledge.
Fox, K. (2004). Watching the English: The hidden rules of English behaviour. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Geddes, L. (2015, December 17). Why do Brits talk about the weather so much? BBC.
Grice, H. P. (1975) Logic and conversation. In P. Cole and J. Morgan (Eds.), Studies in Syntax and Semantics III: Speech Acts (pp. 183-98). New York: Academic Press.
Laver, J. (2011). Linguistic Routines and Politeness in Greeting and Parting. In F. Coulmas (Ed.), Volume 2 Conversational Routine (pp. 289-304). Berlin, New York: De Gruyter Mouton.
Spencer-Oatey, H., & Kádár, D. Z. (2021). Intercultural politeness: Managing relations across cultures. Cambridge University Press.
Small Talk
Coupland, J. (2014). Introduction: Sociolinguistic perspectives on small talk. In Small talk (pp. 1-25). Routledge.
Coupland, J. (2003). Small talk: Social functions. Research on language and social interaction, 36(1), 1-6, -6, DOI:10.1207/S15327973RLSI3601_1
McAndrew, F.T. (2020, January 18). Why Small Talk Is a Big Deal. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/out-the-ooze/202001/why-small-talk-is-big-deal
Cuncic, A. (2021, April 12). 10 Best and Worst Small Talk Topics. https://www.verywellmind.com/small-talk-topics-3024421
Rolfe, A. How to Up Your Small Talk game. https://www.reed.co.uk/career-advice/how-to-up-your-small-talk-game/?utm_source=pocket_mylist
Roberts, D. (2019, December 30). Why is small talk so excruciating. https://www.vox.com/2015/7/7/8903123/small-talk
Watkins, N. (2021, July 23). Hate Small Talk? Here’s Why and What to Do About It. https://socialpronow.com/blog/i-hate-small-talk/
Public Behaviour
The Muse Editor. (n.d.). Why Your Handshake Matters (and How to Get it Right). https://www.themuse.com/advice/why-your-handshake-matters-and-how-to-get-it-right
Landau, H.C. (2018, August 9) Importance of a Good Handshake. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-good-handshake-henry-chesky-landau
WhatsApp Conduct
Patel, M. (2017). WhatsApp Group Rules Guidelines: Maintain your Ethics and Etiquette. https://www.kadvacorp.com/technology/whatsapp-group-rules/
Baz S, R. (2017, September 1). A Proposal of Basic Conduct/Behavior Rules for WhatsAoo Groups. https://medium.com/en-los-espejos-de-un-cafe/a-proposal-of-basic-conduct-behavior-rules-for-whatsapp-groups-ef241d7f54f6
Mallick, Z. (n.d.). https://youyaa.com/whatsapp-group-rules/
8 Rules for WhatsApp Group Chat Etiuquette. (March 2020). https://sheerluxe.com/life/8-rules-for-whatsapp-group-chat-etiquette
Simpson Millar. (2018, March 28). Solicitors Tips for Employers on WhatsApp in the Workplace. https://www.simpsonmillar.co.uk/media/solicitor-s-tips-for-employers-on-whatsapp-in-the-workplace/
Rules For A WhatsApp Group. (n.d.). https://nrf.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Rules-for-a-Whatsapp-Group-.pdf
FAQ (n.d.). https://emojipedia.org/faq/
Journal of International Students. Bista, K. 2016. Cooper, P. Newsome, LK. 2016. International Students’ Cultural and Social Experiences in a British University: “Such a hard life [it] is here’. OJED/STAR
Hitchings, H. 2013. Sorry!: The English and their Manners. Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Holmes, J. 1990. Apologies in New Zealand English. Cambridge University Press
Leech, G. 1983. Principles of Pragmatics. London; New York; Longman
Taylor, C. 2016. Mock politeness and culture: Perceptions and practice in UK and Italian data. Intercultural Pragmatics. De Gruyter Mouton
Thank Yous
Spencer-Oatey, 2000. Culturally Speaking: Managing Rapport Through Talk Across Cultures. Continuum; London; New York
Grieve, A. (2010). “Aber ganz ehrlich”: Differences in episodic structure, apologies and truth-orientation in German and Australian workplace telephone discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 42(1), 190-219.
Coupland, J. (2014). Introduction: Sociolinguistic perspectives on small talk. In Small talk (pp. 1-25). Routledge.
Wierzbicka, A. (2010). 1. Cultural scripts and intercultural communication. In Pragmatics across languages and cultures(pp. 43-78). De Gruyter Mouton.
Meng, H. (2008). Social script theory and cross-cultural communication. Intercultural Communication Studies, 17(1), 132-138.
Goddard, C. (2009). Cultural scripts. Culture and language use, 2, 68-80.
Personal space
Beaulieu, C. (2006). Intercultural Study of Personal Space: A Case Study. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, 34(4), 794-805. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2004.tb02571.x
Norris, A. (2021). prints. Retrieved 24 November 2021, from https://www.theohnoshop.com/collections/prints-1?page=2
Reimann, A. (2010). Intercultural communication and the essence of humour. Journal of the Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University, (29), 23-34.
Itchy Feet: the Travel and Language Comic. (2021). Retrieved 24 November 2021, from http://www.itchyfeetcomic.com/
Bonus mini-post
Firth, R. (1972). Verbal and bodily rituals of greeting and parting. In J. S. La Fontaine (Ed.), The Interpretation of Rituals. Routledge.
Firth, R. (1972). Verbal and bodily rituals of greeting and parting. In J. S. La Fontaine (Ed.), The Interpretation of Rituals. Routledge.
Laver, J. (2011). Linguistic Routines and Politeness in Greeting and Parting. In F. Coulmas (Ed.), Volume 2 Conversational Routine (pp. 289-304). Berlin, New York: De Gruyter Mouton.
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Hunters’ Crossing: Moving In
A Kinky Swingin’ Supernatural AU
Featuring: Dean Winchester x Wife!Reader
Written for: @spnkinkbingo
Word Count: 3535
Square Filled: Teasing
Summary: Dean and you work on moving into your new house. Which just happens to be Sam and Rowena’s old place. A neighbor stops by while Dean is out, welcoming you to the cul-de-sac. As the day goes on, you enjoy distracting your husband until he has had enough.
Warnings: 18yo+, shower sex, oral sex (both), penetrative sex, fingering, anal sex, analingus, dirty talk, just happy couple smut.
Pre-read by @cracksinthewalls & @thoughtslikeaminefield (who also made the awesome header).
Dean had been up and itching to get the show on the road for over an hour. The only things left unboxed in the two bedroom ranch, you had been renting since moving back to town, was the mattress, bedframe and a change of clothes. As of sometime after midnight, Dean and you were packed and ready to go. Unfortunately for your husband, you were still sound asleep.
He started pacing, or what sounded like pacing from your exhausted face-down state. It turned out he had started moving the boxes from your room to the driveway.
Dean wasn’t being loud, but it was really fucking early for that.
You crawled out of bed just after eight, shrugged into the old top and leggings you had left out the night before, and prayed he had gotten coffee.
“And she’s up,” Dean snapped his fingers in excitement. You grumbled your good morning, but snuggled into his side as he dialed Benny, his lead mechanic and the guy who was bringing the trailer. You nursed your coffee (with all the right fixings) as Dean finished his call.
“Can you believe where we’re gonna be livin’?” Dean kissed your temple, then looked down at you like a kid on the way to Disneyland.
“Uh, yeah, so can the bank account. You’re lucky you’re so cute and Sam’s lucky you have a soft spot for him,” you finished on a mumble.
“You love that house, don’t be like that,” Dean tisked at you.
“I do! I do. It’s just, I could have slept for like four more hours,” you whined. “Thank you for my coffee.”
Dean rolled his eyes at you, but you could tell he was pleased he had done good. You left a quick kiss on his jaw before he walked away to start hauling more things outside.
Barely ten minutes had passed when Benny and Bobby sauntered up the walkway. Before you had even metabolized the caffeine, the first trip was underway.
Hunter’s Crossing was the last cul-de-sac at the end of Lawrence Lane. Which ran the length of the development known as the Ethereal Estates. The four bedroom, three bathroom McMansion that you and Dean had purchased from his younger brother Sam was on the northern corner, facing south. Dean pulled the Impala into the garage with Benny and Bobby with the truck and trailer filling the driveway right behind you.
As you climbed from the passenger’s seat, Benny let out an impressed whistle.
“Damn, Boss, you’ve gone full country club on us,” the large man drawled.
“Can it, nimrod, or you’ll give him an even bigger head,” Bobby warned. Benny and you both laughed.
“You done? Cuz, last time I checked you can walk and talk,” Dean snipped, only half-heartedly. Bobby gave you a gentle smile as you shivered against the early spring air. You all fell in line behind Dean and awaited your assignments.
Two hours into hauling furniture, Garth showed up to give a hand. Unlike Bobby and Benny, who worked directly for Dean at Winchester & Son’s garage, Garth, a long time friend, was an accountant who helped Dean learn the books when John retired. His wife Bess was the kindest person you had ever met.
You were settled into organizing mode when the guys left to pick up the last round of boxes. Then, the doorbell rang.
A man stood on the front porch, draped against the doorframe like he had known you for years, tucked into a fitted black suit paired with the softest looking tee shirt you had ever seen. His mischievous eyes crinkled above a flirtatious smirk as he introduced himself.
“Baz, hi, I’m at the center of the loop. Welcome to the neighborhood, wish it were over better circumstances, but happy to keep it in the family, as it were,” he rolled off before you could even reply. He must be in sales, you thought.
“Hi,” you gave him your name, finding it easy to smile under his charms.
“You're the sister-in-law? So where’s brother dearest?” He teased in a tonal accent.
“Oh you know, sent him to do the heavy lifting. They’ll be back before long.” You stood up straighter.
“Right, well, we’re having a dinner party next week. It’s kind of a regular thing, we take turns hosting, and my wife’ll kill me if I don’t pass on the invite. Friday at seven? We have cocktails, and get gussied up for one another,” he mentioned passively, but you caught the drift. It wasn’t a backyard barbecue. “It’s all a bit pretentious if you ask me-- Well, who am I kidding, right?”
You couldn’t help but giggle a bit at his expense. “It sounds great--- Bash?”
“Baz,” his voice sizzled along the last letter.
“Baz, sorry. Uh, I’ll have to check with Dean, but I don’t think we have anything going on.” You gave him your best customer smile.
“How about I’ll just pop back when you’re better settled? I didn’t mean to pressure you, love,” Baz waved as he backed off the porch.
“You’re fine, really,” you apologized. “It’s just the first day, a lot to sort out.”
“Of course! Take your time. Right, well, I’ll be seeing you, ta ta,” Baz waved with a tight lipped grin.
You closed the door and exhaled. That was more than you had heard from your neighbors in the three years you had lived at your last place. It was kind of exciting getting an invitation on the first day, now if you could just convince your husband to go. But Dean didn’t really get ‘gussied up’ for much.
Dean found you in the kitchen, kneeling on the counters as you sorted the plates. There was so much space, everything was able to get its own shelf. You heard him start the tap, just out of your line of sight. Quickly, you sensed his amusement as you continued to stack and place the piles by size.
“Don’t laugh at me, it’s easier this way,” you said without looking at him. When he didn’t reply, you grew curious to what he was up to, slowly you turned around to find him leaning against the island which held the double sink, eyes firmly on your ass. You sighed, but leered back at him, down to just his t-shirt after the last of your belongings had been unloaded. He wiped his wet lips with the hem of his shirt, flashing the sweaty plane of his abs at you.
“Don’t mind me, carry on,” Dean sassed, waving you back to the task at hand.
It was your turn to roll your eyes, pushing off the counter with an exaggerated arched back. You broke down the box and moved onto the next, knowing Dean was enjoying his water break more than he should.
“Why don’t you call for pizza? Get the guys fed for all their help,” you suggested as you climbed back up to stock another set of cabinets, this time with glassware.
Dean nodded before he finished off the last of his water. As he scrolled through his phone for a number, you remembered your visitor.
“Babe? You got anything going on on Friday?” You watched him think.
“No, why?” Dean didn’t look up, brow scrunched in concentration.
“We were invited to the neighbors’ for a dinner party,” you sing-songed the last words, emphasizing the level of chic.
“What neighbors?” Dean paused.
“The ones in the big house in the middle. Baz, was his name. Said they do it a lot and take turns hosting,” you shrugged. “Could be fun. It was nice to be welcomed to the neighborhood.”
“How long was this guy here?” Dean’s face froze in suspicion.
“He just stopped by!” You chuckled aghast, but you couldn’t hide the blush Dean’s interrogation had brought back.
“So, what, he just conveniently shows up to check out the hot new neighbor when he saw us leave?” Dean shook his head and stood straight, squaring off. “I don’t know, sounds like a creepy thing to do.”
“Shut up, he’s married! He said his wife would kill him if he didn’t extend the invitation. Calm down, would ya?” You hopped down to face him. Dean grumbled and went back to his phone. “Hey?”
“What?” Dean huffed.
“I love you.” You placed your chin on his shoulder as he got over his temporary pouting.
“Yeah?” Dean cocked an eyebrow, and smirked at you.
“Yep.” You popped the p.
“You want the usual?” Dean put his phone to the opposite ear.
“Please?” You grinned, as he settled against the sink once more.
His fingertips swatted the curve of your hip as you walked away.
You had left an entire room for the empty boxes. Without enough furniture to fill the space and after Sam and Rowena sold off half of theirs to cover the costs of the divorce, it was easy to let the cardboard pile up as the day went on. As you waited for lunch to arrive, you trudged through the living room to drop off another few flattened boxes.
Dean asked Benny and Garth to reassemble your bed and the guest bed upstairs, while he and Bobby organized tools and lawn equipment in the garage. You could see Dean and the older man talking through the window in the study, or the current box depot. Your husband had a fantastic profile and you took a few moments to appreciate it.
Slowly you tore yourself from your reverie and started to break down the remaining intact boxes. You quickly grew overheated and bent over to crack the window. You caught Dean’s eye as you wrenched the stiff windowpane up. He was watching you from the tops of his eyes, mouth open as his tongue played with his top teeth.
He always had such a sinful mouth.
The glint of chrome flashed from his window up to yours, the wrenches he was lining up nearly forgotten as you ducked your head out the window, strategically pinning your breasts between your folded arms. He was not shy about taking in the show, his eyes grew dangerous with want.
There was a sudden pounding on the front door. Just as quickly as you draped yourself out the window, you rocked back and away from Dean’s hungry glare.
The beer bottle was cold against your lips as you let the tangy liquid wash down the mouthful of pizza you had practically inhaled. You hadn’t realized how hungry you were until the smell wafted in from off the porch. Best pizza around and you were finally in the delivery radius, suburbia already had its perks.
“Save some for us, darlin’,” Benny teased, as he cracked off the top to his bottle.
"Hey, I'm not the one driving anywhere, you get your one, the rest are mine," you sassed back.
You took another sip, locking eyes with your husband across the table. He licked his lips before taking a generous swallow of beer. A familiar heat sizzled in his eyes.
"Good to know who's really in charge," Bobby nudged Garth to hand him his beer, which Garth passed on.
"I don't want to get drunk," the skinny man reasoned.
"Yeah, and I don't want to have to call Bess to pick you up," Dean agreed and took the offered beer from Bobby, though his was nearly full.
"Somebody's ready to celebrate," Bobby teased.
"They're ready for something," Benny taunted. "A little horizontal mambo seems to be in the cards."
"It has been a long day, a little might be all he's got left," Bobby agreed.
You almost spit out your beer as you giggled with their banter. Dean chugged his beer and rolled his shoulders.
"Mind your business, or I'll have you work late every Friday until I'm sick of looking at ya," Dean said after a faint belch.
"Yes, sir," Benny nodded, smirking at you with a little wink. You shook your head and sighed. The food quickly disappeared alongside the beer, leaving you all stuffed and lethargic. You rolled your shoulders and followed the guys out through the garage. Dean shook hands goodbye while you leaned against the double wide door frame, smiling and waving. You were grateful for all they had done to get you settled in.
“Have a good weekend, boys!” you called, watching them climb into the truck. Dean sauntered back to your side, sweat stained shirt rumpled, hair askew, and handsome as ever.
“Ready to go break in that fancy shower?” he asked, fingertip dragging your hair from your pulse point. A devilish chill ran down your spine, you couldn’t help but shiver from his touch.
“I am beat, Hot Stuff,” you lamented. “A shower does sound amazing though.”
“Let’s get you naked, then we’ll see who’s beat,” Dean punned horribly.
You groaned and then gave him a meager chuckle. “Do you even hear yourself sometimes?”
“I’m fucking hilarious, it’s one of the reasons you married me,” Dean insisted, leading you back into the house by the small of your back. You stomped through the mudroom and passed the kitchen to the stairs, every step up felt like you had concrete bricks for feet.
“No rush or anything,” Dean teased, hands firmly on your hips, always so supportive.
“Why did we buy a two story house?”! You fell dramatically forward, slumped on the landing, with your legs and arms askew like limp noodles. “Can I just nap here first? It’s so far!”
Dean stood two steps behind you, hands on his hips and bitch face on. “Really?”
You rolled to your back, knees bent and propped yourself up on your elbows, as if it was the hardest thing in the world. Starring up at his annoyed face, you got creative.
“Please? Just take a little break with me?” You opened your legs suggestively, seeing his eyes rake over your body before he rolled them in mock annoyance.
“Five minutes, then I’m getting clean, with or without you,” Dean warned. He fell into the cradle of your thighs, his chest was flush with your heat, as his face burrowed into your cleavage. His arms snaked around your shoulders, holding you up to him like a pillow. It would have been uncomfortable, if he didn’t feel so damn good squishing you into the plush carpet.
Every inch he touched burned through your clothing, the radiant heat of his body oozing into your tired muscles, turning your blood into molten sludge, pooling at your core. Dean hummed and shifted above you, the tip of his nose teasing a nipple.
“I can’t wait to fuck you in every room of this house,” Dean murmured, voice husky and full of promise. “Gonna make you scream my name until there is no doubt every inch of this place belongs to me.”
“To us,” you replied, pulling his face up to look at your lust blown eyes.
“Just you and me,” Dean agreed, kissing a clothed tit, and then the next. He slid up on his toes until his hard edges crooked against your welcoming curves. Then he kissed you blind.
You twisted your hands into his hair and the back of his shirt, clinging to him as he sucked every memory of exhaustion from your mind. The satisfaction of a day’s work done and the hope of new beginnings flooded into your already happy existence, filling you with a blissed out giddiness as Dean began to grind his hips against you. You gasped, breaking the kiss, before dragging his shirt over his head.
He leaned back and placed a swift kiss on your lips. “Five minutes are up.”
You groaned in dismay as Dean untangled himself from your limbs and climbed the last six steps to the second floor.
“You coming or what?” He barked at you, belt already flapping open, erection poking his shorts out of his fly.
Dean usually hated shower sex, too many slippery surfaces and not a lot of space to get things done. But now that you had a walk in shower stall, custom-made for his giant brother, Dean had become an enthusiast.
What started on the stairs, led to him staying dressed on the bottom half until you were completely bare. Then he started the water, letting it get as close to boiling as he could stand and how he knew you liked it. He escorted you under the massive showerhead and pulled back your hair, letting the water soak every inch of your skin.
He wouldn’t let you touch him.
Then he started to scrub, louva sudsy and soothing over your shoulders, under your arms, around your breasts, leaving the parts that needed him most tight and wanting. Once you were as clean as he was going to let you get, Dean brought out the shampoo, letting you finish, not trusting himself to be gentle enough with your tresses.
It took him less than five seconds to finally get naked.
Once your hands reached above your head, Dean started his attack. He lapped one nipple into his hungry mouth as you groaned. Dean watched you the entire time as he mouthed your tits, wanting to push you to the edge as many times as he could get away with.
Fucking tease.
Then he moved between your legs, and the way he left parts of you unwashed all made sense. Because he wanted to taste you, not your floral body wash. He fell to his knees and hooked a thigh over his shoulder, leaving rough kisses on each thigh. Back and forth he went until you were dizzy and whimpering. He rinsed his hands and licked his finger tips for good measure, watching you wait for him to get on with it.
Then he began to stroke your folds. Ever so carefully, he pulled you open, cherishing the way you quaked for him. Your wetness only aiding in the tortuously slow glide of his fingers, front to back, back to front. After more breaths than you could keep track of, Dean pressed into you, two calloused fingers as deep as they could go.
You grasped his neck, desperate to hold on, because as soon as he would, you needed Dean’s tongue on your throbbing clit.
“Whoa--- everything alright up there?” Dean said with laughter in his voice.
“God, fuck, Dean,” you begged.
“Please, stud, I need you,” you panted, nails digging into his back.
“Might want to think about how you were acting all day then. Climbing around like a jungle cat. Practically flashing me and Bobby in the garage. Flirting with the neighbors,” Dean tisked at you. “I’m just giving you what you gave me.”
Then he shut up and put out. That sinful mouth decadently pulled and puckered every inch of flesh, until you were screaming over the torrent of the shower. Once his tongue joined his fingers, you were gone. Liquid heat squeezed out of you as your body shuddered out the aftermath, thanking his skillful digits for their efforts.
At long last, you were bent in half, hands braced against the intricate tile as he speared into you from behind. Your body fighting to keep the water out, which only pushed Dean to thrust harder against the unrelenting tightness. Your legs were going to give out soon, it was all too much, the warmth of the shower and the way, even on your tiptoes, Dean had to crouch with his bowed legs to hit your sweet spot with every single stroke.
When he smacked your ass, you faltered, elbows bending and falling forward. He caught you, slowly easing out of your abused cunt, until you were back on steady feet. You turned to kiss his pink lips, still heady with your juices. Carefully Dean reached behind you to turn off the water, brushing his chest against yours. You reached up and pinched his nipple. In return, he let his hand drop down to cup your mound, tapping a gentle rhythm across your slit.
“Ready for that nap, now?” He offered, kissing your temple.
You spent the rest of the weekend unpacking and screwing, just like Dean wanted: in every room of the house.
He ate you out as a pre-breakfast in bed, first thing Sunday morning, slow and dirty. The noises that came from his plush lips made you writhe just as much as the work his tongue put in. You sucked him off while he made you a proper meal, but only during the prep work as bacon spatter is nothing to toy with.
You rode him while he tried to watch opening week baseball highlights in your new living room, your bare legs deliciously smooth against the leather of the couch. He took your ass after he watched you doing laundry, bending down to pull the hot towels out of the dryer was too much for him. So, he dragged you up stairs to a spare bedroom, licked you clean and then worked you twice over before slamming home and filling you filthy.
Moving was the best idea you’d ever had. You loved the house and couldn’t wait to get to know your neighbors. Life was good, you just didn’t realize it could get even better.
Tagging: @dolphincliffs @fangirlxwritesx67 @foxyjwls007 @akshi8278 @dontshootmespence @smi727 @ericaprice2008 @deandreamernp @mrswhozeewhatsis @itmighthavebeenintentional
Let me know what you think?
Series Masterlist
2020 Kink Bingo Masterlist
#hunters' crossing#spnkinkbingo#dean winchester smut#dean/reader#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester au#spn au series#spn smut
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Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Word Count: 2.5k Warning: fluff and a few curse words (and PINING!) Summary: There’s a carnival down by the bay and Becca ditches her friends to spend her special day with Ethan. This takes place during OHSY.
A/N: As always thanks to @aylamwrites for pre-reading. Also sorry this has taken so long, anon! Hope you’re happy with it 😬
It was a warm summer day and the gang of residents finally had a Sunday off together in what felt like months. Elijah, Jackie, Sienna, Becca, Bryce and Kyra were all sprawled around the living room of the former four’s apartment, their skin itching with heat.
“I’m going to die if we don’t get the A.C. fixed,“ Becca groaned from the wooden floor.
“I called Farley,” Sienna noted from the corner of the couch. “He said someone’s coming Monday morning.“
Bryce whined, “But it’s 90 degrees today!” He was parallel to Becca, cuddling his discarded shirt as a pillow.
“Don’t you have your own place?“ Jackie retorted.
Bryce reached over to pat Becca’s stomach and responded, “I’d choose sweating my balls off with my best pal over me-time any day.“
Jackie squinted her eyes, still not too sure of the dynamic between The B’s.
Elijah was scrolling through Pictagram when he piped in, “Guys, did you know there’s a carnival in Charlestown?”
The friends responded with mixed grumbles of “no”, “really?”, and one “aren’t we too old for rides?”.
“Says there’s a beer garden, and it’s by the water,” he added in hopes of coaxing his friends into a little adventure.
It was a unanimous decision for the residents to leave the uncomfortable heat of the apartment and head to the park. The carnival was down by the bay and in support of the Boston Historical Society. The group circled the grounds twice, taking time to play one of those water racing games and sample all that the best food trucks Boston have to offer.
The tap stall was by far their favorite. The gray truck was home to six different beers and even had a game bolted to the passenger side. If you managed to get all 3 rings on the vertically hanging and impossibly tiny peg, you got a free pint and a commemorative mug. Bryce managed to win free pints for himself, Becca and Kyra - although Kyra used the cancer card when the last ring spun along the peg tantalizingly slowly before falling off the side. Bryce shot her a disapproving look as Kyra accepted the free drink. The three winners stood by while Jackie fought with the worker about how this game was completely rigged, so desperately wanting a win and free beer.
Filling up her second mug as she waited, Becca snapped a commemorative photo of her day drunk state with Bryce’s megawatt smile and wink photobombing in the background. Cheekily, she texted it to Ethan. They were friends after all. The two hadn’t crossed any intimate lines since he returned from the Amazon, though they could be caught holding hands time and time again.
Before she could respond back she was being dragged away.
“Come on, Becks!”
Bryce led them to the photobooth where they all took a string of silly pictures. It was fun to immortalize this day, but Bryce had an ulterior motive.
“Happy Birthday, Becks,” he whispered in her ear as the six of them posed with various props.
She looked over at the bright eyed and absolutely perfect man next to her, “How did you -?”
Becca didn’t like birthdays and she certainly didn’t tell people when hers was. The only people who knew the significance of today were her mother, aunt, and HR representative at Edenbrook.
All he offered was a wiggle of his manicured brows and “I have my ways of persuasion.”
“Hospital database?” she matched.
Bryce chuckled and slung an arm over his best friend’s shoulders, “I’ll never tell.”
As the sweltering afternoon set in, the group settled into the grass of the secluded beer garden and enjoyed the band playing some classic rock cover songs. She was leaning into Bryce when Becca noticed a familiar gray sweater passing by.
Her eyes furrowed thinking she was hallucinating. Who in their right mind wears a cardigan in this heat!? After blinking a few times she was certain he wasn’t a figment of her imagination.
“Be right back,” she hopped up so quickly she nudged Bryce in the ribs. “Sorry,” she mouthed as she ran after the tall and notably refined figure she’s come to admire.
“Hey!” she called from six feet away, “Dr. Grumpy!”
Ethan turned towards the recognizable sing-song voice and let her catch up to him.
Becca had the biggest smile plastered onto her sun kissed cheeks when she said, “You came.”
“It’d be a shame not to support such a worthwhile cause,” he shrugged as he crossed his arms, trying hard not to let her smile infect him. “Also there’s a gourmet mac and cheese truck I’ve heard is a must-try.”
In her current tipsy state she didn’t catch most of his words but knew she texted him about Mac Attack’s presence as a follow up to their conversation about comfort food from last week.
With a deviously elated smile, Becca slung her arm through his and tugged, “Lets go.”
Ethan was stunned by her forwardness in such a public place, however, for some reason he didn’t care.
“Where to?” he asked with a faint smirk as he shuffled along with her.
“I’ve been thinking about fried Oreo’s all day,” Becca all but moaned, licking her lips.
He quipped, “I’d like some sustenance to combat the imminent heart attack.”
“Mac Attack it is!” she said in complete elation before skipping along, dragging Ethan alongside her.
They stood fourth in line at the popular bright yellow and red food truck. The clear blue sky started to turn shades of wandering pink and purple as the sun began to set. Becca was staring up at the sky as Ethan was studying the limited menu with distaste.
“That looks awful,” Ethan groaned, pointing at the bucket of everything-on-top gooey mac-and-cheese one of the patrons was walking away with.
“Well if you didn’t want to eat greasy comfort food, why’d you come?”
Ethan dismissed her comment, sheepishly caving, “Fine, let’s share.” The beam radiating off her freckled cheeks was all the reassurance he needed. “You like truffles?”
“Nope,” she popped the ‘p’. “I like crispy onions and bacon.”
Their eyes met and Ethan let the slightest of smiles find home on his lips.
Ethan paid for the meal and the two carried the carton over to an empty wooden picnic bench. He held the cheesy heaven in his large palm stably for them to pick at with their two-pronged forks.
“I concede,” Ethan began after the second forkful, “This is rather tasty.”
“Told you!” Becca lit up. “And you should wash it down with…” she patted her body and looked around their seating area for her mug. “Crap, I left it with Bryce.” Her doe brown eyes went wide as realization washed over her. “Shit, how long have I been gone for?” she said more to herself.
Becca stood up, grabbing her phone from her jean short pocket and texted the group chat a single emoji.
“All good.” She put the phone back in its place and bent down to shove the last big forkful of gooey goodness into her mouth. “Whatcha wanna do now?” Ethan gazed at her as she not-so-eloquently spoke with a mouthful. “Riiiides?”
“I don’t do rides.”
“Heh,” she tried and wonderfully failed to hide her smirk at the naughty remark she could have made. One and a half more beers and she would have made it.
He raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Your options are: ferris wheel, sizzler, or photobooth and beer garden,” she listed off a few things she wouldn’t mind doing. “Fair warning, my friends are camped out in the beer garden.”
He sighed, “Ferris wheel.”
“So romantic!” she winked.
“I regret this already.”
The two chucked the rubbish in the nearest garbage pail and made their way to the side of the park with the rides. They walked side by side, their hands brushing against the other’s every now and again. In the bubble of waning alcohol and heat of this surprising summer day her pinky extended to caress his before capturing it as her own.
Not far from the Ferris wheel entrance, they noticed Baz, Zaid and Ines in conversation by the ticket booth. With a timid look at one another Ethan took her whole hand in his and promptly changed course;
She can’t say she minded.
Becca tugged back on his hand stopping him in his tracks. Ethan whipped around, eyes pleading. He did not want to be caught, lest by Baz.
“Beer first. You gotta catch up,” she enlightened. “I don’t want four photos of Dr. Grouch. I want Ethan.”
Lucky enough they were at the east entrance while her friends were still camped out by the west. Even more in Ethan’s favor, one of the stalls was a local whiskey distillery.
“Someone knew you were coming,” Becca joked as she pointed to the wooden stall.
After some bargaining, the doctors were graciously allowed to down two flights of samples in exchange for Ethan placing a decent-sized delivery order.
“Last one.” He inspected the liquid. “I will not be offended if you can’t stomach it. Though I will judge you.” He lifted the dixie cup up and she saluted hers as well.
The thick brown solvent smelled like sweet gasoline and tingled against her tongue. Becca pursed her lips in an attempt to keep an indifferent face. She couldn’t do it. Her mouth begged for air and a chaser. “It burns,” she choked.
Everything about Becca was endearing. Her cheeks were flushed and her freckles were more prominent than he had ever seen, even in the dusk and illuminated by harsh floodlights. A brisk night breeze washed over them sending a shiver up her spine. Without a second thought, Ethan shrugged out of his cardigan, holding it open for her.
Becca closed the gap between them, turning her back and slipping her arms into the baggy sleeves of the soft fabric. The closeness and wafts of his cologne were another type of intoxicating. She fell into it. Her back pressed into Ethan’s chest, she tilted to see the ebullient blue eyes gazing down at her. His supple lips parted. The pleasant whiskey-laced breaths enticing her.
Their locked eyes were glazed, a telling signal that it was about time to let loose.
Ethan licked his lips and swallowed hard. “Where’s this godforsaken photobooth?”
With the kindest of smiles she broke the trance, pulling his cardigan tightly around her and moving onto the next activity.
They moseyed on over to the photobooth, coming full circle on her special day out.
Being just over 6’4”, Ethan was too tall and the photographer signaled him to sit on the stool. Becca gazed at the box of props in consideration, deciding to go au naturale. She already had the silly photos from earlier, anyway. Looking at Ethan sitting there impatiently Becca bit her lip, deciding on an audacious move.
She sauntered over, fitting herself perfectly in the space between his legs. She perched herself on his left thigh and draped her arm over the back of his shoulders, feeling every tense muscle along his upper back. Ethan reflexively closed his legs tight to give her better balance and wrapped his left arm securely around her waist. The much too big cardigan slipped, exposing her bare shoulders. Their eyes locked. His free hand flew to the exposed skin of her leg as it lifted to lay across his lap on its own volition. The corners of her lips perked before she turned her head to the camera, letting the photographer know they were more or less ready.
They both gave their best candid smile.
Becca was so close. Ethan was drawn to the sweet scent of vanilla and gardenias on her neck. His eyes hooded as he relished her, and his left hand grabbed a wanton fistful of sweater.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw him inching closer, and tilted her head towards him. Their noses brushed.
“It’s my birthday,” she whispered, their lips mere centimeters apart.
“Is it?” he murmured.
She nodded sheepishly, her half-lidded eyes never leaving his.
His wide eyes never looked more crystal clear.
A signature smirk took place as he hinted, “Then I supposed ‘Happy Birthday’ is in order.”
His heated breath was sweet with the last notes of whiskey and lingering of mint. It surrounded her, pulling her closer to him. His shallow breaths picked up as her lungs stopped working. It was as if he was breathing for her, giving her life in his simplistic existence. A fleeting pound against her side gave her a push.
She kissed him. For the first time in months they became one.
Their lips overlapped, capturing his plump bottom lip between her own. His shoulders rounded under her touch. Neither dared to deepen the moment. Her tender kiss became bruising as he gripped her tighter, closer - as close as their flush bodies could become.
Ethan pulled away, “Reb-”
She pressed her index finger to his lips. “Shh, that’s my present,” she sighed with her forehead against his.
They sat there longer than acceptable, hearts racing and eyes conveying all they wish they had the courage to say.
The loud grumble from the photographer brought them back into reality.
Becca waited a few steps away from the booth as Ethan apologized and paid for the photographs. He bought two copies; folding one delicately in his wallet before walking over and handing the other to her.
Becca stared at the first photo on the strip, her thumb hovering over their faces. “I can’t believe you’re smiling,” she contentedly muttered. Her eyes trailed down to the last. Looking up at Ethan she told him in earnest, “Best present ever.”
Ethan’s hand flew to rub the back of his neck as he averted his gaze down to the dewy grass. “I - I knew it’s your birthday, Rookie.”
She raised a brow, “Came down to celebrate with me?”
“Something like that.”
Becca found the hidden smile in his features instantly. She went to take a step closer to him, daring for their lips to meet once more.
But the universe had other plans.
The loud bellowing voice stopped her motions, “Becks!”
“Becca!” another rang.
“Over here!” Bryce shouted once more from a fried food stand.
They both let out a breath of air.
Becca bit her lip as she looked from Ethan to Bryce and back to Ethan. “I… should go.”
Deep brown met clouded blue, both filled with restrained sorrow.
“Don’t get into any trouble.”
“No promises.” She winked as she slipped out of his sweater. He accepted the fabric, now envious of how it was able to hold her all evening long. A lightbulb went off in Ethan’s mind as she started to turn away.
“Oh.. right,” Ethan called her back to attention. She spun around, hopeful. “Here.” He handed her an ivory envelope from his back pocket with her name written out in his fluid script.
She held the card in the same hand as the photos, looking down at it longingly. “Thank you.” Becca brought the weighted paper up to linger over her heart as she took one more look up at his sapphire blue eyes glistening along with the stars.
Ethan gave a single nod, “See you tomorrow, Rookie.”
Taglist: @ohchoices @dulceghernandez @aylamreads @binny1985 @ramseysno1rookie @interobanginyourmom @queencarb @perriewinklenerdie @rookiefromedenbrook @eramsey28 @choicesficwriterscreations @heauxplesslydevoted @schnitzelbutterfingers @purpledragonturtles @ramseyandrys @ermidc @mrsdrakewalkerblog @doilooklikeiknow @overwhelminglyaquarius @drethanramslay @edgiestwinter @rookieoh @lucy-268 @mvalentine @lilyvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @angela8756 @pitchblackstars @custaroonie @ezekielbhandarivalleros @sanchita012 @thegreentwin @openheart @tsrookie @adrex04 @togetherwearerapture
#open heart#open heart fanfic#choices open heart#ethan x mc#ethan ramsey#ethan ramsey x mc#ohsy#choices fanfic#choices oph2#oph series#oph2#choices oh#bryce lahela#oph#oph ff#ff
135 notes
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Casey Valentine), although it focuses more on Casey in the story!
Summary: The job that you have been doubting has been the one for you from the start through a couple of post-its.
Warning: None, just fluff in literal.
A/N: Heyyy, I am back-ish? I feel like this is somehow a way for me to ease the last couple of days of stress. I wrote this with a perspective in my mind, the thought of people walking in and out of my life at times. Those people somehow had given me a smile, an advice, a laughter, and just.. a small glance had made a small difference. This fic is somehow a way, to thank those who had saved other people’s lives with a piece of advice, for those who always has been there for the ones they love. And, to those who had one way or another had saved my life, in a metaphorical sense. All of you are a blessing to the world, and keep being you. These past days, has been one of the peak points for now and... I felt very low. I suddenly thought of the low moments in my life, where someone would come by. Its either for a minute, a month, a year or even a whole lifetime. They left a mark on my life, and had helped me in one way or another. Thank you, and this is for those who has saved people lives by being there for them during the hardest. You are definitely a gem, and you are always worth it. And, to those who I met here, you guys too had somehow made me better. Thank you <3 (I AM SORRY FOR THE LONG AUTHOR’S NOTE) // Also, this is one of my fav ones to write! ENJOY!
A birthday gift to the lovely @honourlight ! Happy birthday, and thank you for everything love! <3333
Tags: @bitchloveskcbaseball , @storyofmychoices @jaxsmutsuo , @mvalentine , @princess-geek , @lahellacute , @kacie-0156-deactivated20200905 , @this-person-is-busy , @annekebbphotography , @brycelahel, @mrsbhandari , @dcbbw , @choicessa , @choices-confessions , @aylamwrites , @fantasyoverreality98 , @drakewalker04 , @baltersome , @ofpixelsandscribbles , @thundergom @starrystarrytrouble, @ohramsey , @kelseaaa , @rookie-ramsey , @bratzlahela , @ohvamsey , @choicesficwriterscreations , @soft-for-drake , @lalizah , @drethanramslay @agnidero , @arcticlumineer
Her diagnostics office can be quite lonely sometimes, besides the enormous piles of journals that were stacked on every part of the desk. She loved her job, she often wonder what life would be if she were not a doctor. All of her high school friends would comment on her job choice, with various of reasons that made her questioned her decision over and over again; as every failure that occurred, every setback that kept on pushing her down.
The table was scattered with papers of research studies on deseases as the team are trying to find out. Working on the diagnostics team was a dream, working alongside her idol: Dr. Ethan Ramsey, and the infamous Dr. June Hirata and the long lost Mirani twin in her eyes; Dr. Baz Mirani.
Her eys wondered at the trinkets on the table, a pile of pictures were plastered on the wall. A small part of her desk that was known as home to her, even from thousand and hundreds miles away.
The collection of memories that was made throughout her life more than any other year. The feeling of joy, sadness, betrayal was washed through her eyes as her eyes did a small run down on all the respective memories.
It stopped on a particular one. A post-it. Post-it's.
'Thank you for saving my life Dr. V' - Your future rockstar!
'I wanted to disappear once, and now; I felt like life has given me a new reason to live again. Thank you.' - Emilia
'I never knew he would survived, but... he did, I never believe in miracles but, it felt like a chance to start to see again. Thank you for all you have done to us' - Reg .
'Mommy loves to told us a story about a guardian angel looking over us, watching us and taking care of us. Thank you for becoming mine.' - Sean, a drawing of butterflies in a beautiful garden which could be translated as scribbles.
'A hundred of years would never be enough to thank you for everything that you do.' - A&P
Her eyes started to welled up, over all the stories that played in her mind. All the memories from the patients that she called 'friends', the memories of playing blocks with lil Sean at the pediatric ward. The time Emilia hugged her when she was discharged from the hospital after going through a surgery with Bryce in command.
After a long day of work, the pair stopped by their favourite joint to have one of their impromptu dates, as he recalls a story from Emilia herself.
'She told me about this doctor, blonde, emerald eyes. The prettiest smile in the world....' His eyes fall onto her, despite the exhaustion taking over he; she looked amazing.
'Stop it Bryce...' feeling quite flushed trying to get him to change the subject.
He shook his head with a smile,
'She told me how you were there to hold her hand during her check-ups, she told me all the stories of watching disney together and one of my favourites, the day where she told me about, the thunderstorm.' Bryce looks at her in adoration somehow, the figure sitting in front of him, is one of the best person he ever met.
Casey felt herself somehow getting choked up, remembering those memories flowed by. The thunderstorm held a special place in her heart, as she remembers the time where Emilia felt shaken by the thunder. She accompanied her, throughout the storm as they ended up, falling asleep on her bed. Talking about all of their favourite cartoons growing up, a huge smile was seen on her face after.
'One thing that stood with me after all, she told me...
....you saved her life Casey.'
He took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze, a gesture that words can't compare.
Her attention was interrupted by the sudden knock on her door, she hides her head down as an attempt to wipe the sudden tears falling from her eyes.
After a couple of attempts, she glances up meeting Bryce. A smile on his face, and a look of concern too.
'Dr. Valentine, I have a preposition for you.' He said in his doctor voice that made her choke in laughter.
'Go on Dr. Lahela.' She made her way to him, as he present a couple of small post-it.
'You look pretty today, I love you in blue'
She laughed at the note in her hand, as he winks before leaving the room. She calls him once more, leaving a smooch on his cheek as they resume their lives.
She smiled at the sight of it, as she took a seat once more on her chair. A sight of the other post-its caught her attention, as she unveiled it slowly.
A set of tears started to fall, as those were the ones that she recognizes very well. She remembers the time where Edenbrook held a small campaign of doctor appreciation day with the patients. She wasn't present during it all as the thought of it flows down her back. But, the post-its in her hands was the same ones from that particular day. A small token of appreciation to the doctors, which to quote the words of Dr. Naveen Banerji before.
'You saved me. Thank you.' was written in black, as the words were bold.
In that very moment, she loved her job more than ever.
The job of saving lives, was not for the weak. But, for the ones who will never give up and she didn’t give up. <3
#playchoices#bryce lahela#bryce x mc#casey valentine#open heart#anotherbeingsworldwrites#post-it#my writing#a special piece
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hi thank you to @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists for tagging me in this fic writer tag game! i have not actually written a fic in a hot sec but i’m working on some stuff so yes. i have no idea who to tag but if you see this and you post fic then i’m tagging you <3
how many works do you have on ao3?
twenty one! tho i have nine more in my ao3 drafts
what’s your total ao3 word count?
fucking. 103844 what the fuck i only posted my first fic like. a year ago ish why did i spend six months writing 103k of muke fic when i could’ve written a fucking novel
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
two! 5sos & rainbow rowell’s carry on
what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. coffee shop fic (w/ muke)
2. random hair braiding prompt (w/ lashton)
3. the witch fic (w/ muke)
4. fake dating fic (w/ muke)
5. baz & smoking drabble (w/ snowbaz)
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
ok so i try to but also sometimes i put it off when i receive them, and then i forget about them and feel awkward answering them when i remember like five months later but i do read all of them and appreciate them all <3
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i am simply too depressed for angst. some people’s comfort tag is hurt/comfort but i can’t read that w out crying, let alone write it. i guess the end (so far) of what i’ve written of carry on fic is sorta angsty?
have you ever received hate on a fic?
no thankfully not bc i think i’d die inside
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
no! thank u to everyone who does i love that shit when it’s abt fictional characters and not real people but i can’t write it and also i don’t think i want to hfjdkd
have you ever had a fic stolen?
no i don’t think so hfjdks
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but the amount of shit that me and @radiosil3nce come up w could probably be put in a fic 😔
what’s your all time favourite ship?
ok. well. my first favourite ship was scorbus. i was dealing w a LOT of self internalised homophobia and then i started shipping them and realised hey maybe gay people aren’t gross, maybe i’m gay. it’s probably wolfstar, but also i don’t think i’d love wolfstar THAT much if i didn’t love sirius. based off of like, the dynamic alone, merthur. their dynamic’s elite. but wolfstar is my favourite just bc nothing makes me happier than thinking abt sirius black happy, and nothing makes sirius black happier than remus :)
what’s a wip that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
carry on fic but also draft’s wise, starstruck fic & my poly hp au
what are your writing strengths?
according to gigi it’s the fact that i write p good dialogue and am good at making my version of other people’s characters seem in character <3
what are your writing weaknesses?
probably. lack of motivation. and the fact that i can’t read over my own writing w out dying. and self confidence hfjdkdks
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
i’d probably do it! i think i’d just be nervous abt getting stuff wrong bc the only languages i know are english (barely) and french (studied it for five years and i can barely speak it) so. it’s not looking good
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
ok it was either winx with a self insert and a completely mary sue oc that i paired w brandon or a harry potter fic where draco had a sister who was a year younger than him called andromeda bc apparently in this andromeda black wasn’t a thing?? ok. also yes she was a self insert who decided to karate chop harry potter at the train station?? i was like, eight. enemies to lovers stan since ‘03 <3
what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
god quality wise, i think either carry on fic or my witch fic are my best. carry on fic bc it’s the most recent, so ofc it’s gonna be the best bc writing gets better AS you write, so new stuff is always gonna be better than old stuff. i love my witch fic, i got some really nice comments on it and i think it’s one of my best, but also my fake dating fic has a special place in my heart, it’s rlly the only one that i reread
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parts that I usually forget about carry on
Dev is Baz’s cousin
Penny had blue and red hair but never purple
Simon wanted (wants?) to be a professional football player
Fiona has dated Nicodemus
Ebb had a lot of power
All of Penny siblings start with P (Premal,Pacey,Priya and Pip)
The mage almost killed Agatha
Simon didn't know how to talk until he was 11 years old
Ebb was a lesbian
Simon loves Docotor Who
Simon’s grandmother is alive! And she’s agatha’s parents’s friend
Ebb and Nicodemus have more siblings and nephews
When the humdrum attacked in Hamsphiere Baz literally ripped off a tree like it was nothing
Simon burned one of his day care centers
Nicodemus stopped the numpties with newspaper
Simon is (was?) under house arrest in the end of the book
Simon never returned his handkerchief to Baz
Penny can enter the boys' room because the mother canceled the spell while studying there so she could see Penny's dad (now all Bunce can enter)
Baz ate his family’s dog
#carry on#rainbow rowell#baz pitch#simon snow#snowbaz#carry on rainbow rowell#penny bunce#agatha wellbelove#penelope bunce#tyrannus basilton grimm pitch
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton “Baz” Pitch/Simon Snow
Characters: Tyrannus Basilton “Baz” Pitch
Additional Tags: Carry On Countdown (Simon Snow), Carry On Countdown 2020, COC Day 5: Sleepless, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Insomnia, Character Study, Hallucinations, Baz pov, Coda, Love Confessions
Series: Part 2 of carry on countdown 2020
“And when I felt myself slipping too far, I held on to the one thing I’m always sure of—
Blue eyes.
Bronze curls.”
— Baz, Carry On (p.176)
Baz tries to sleep. Emphasis on “tries.”
Written by myself and @thepurplemu24
#carry on countdown 2020#coc: day 5 - sleepless#snowbaz#simon snow#baz pitch#snowbaz fic#sleep on me fic#fic collab#thepurplemu24#stufd with em#kam’s works#ao3#coda#pining#baz pitch character study#kamwashere#carry on#wayward son#rainbow rowell#carry on fic
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“all pack of lies, i guarantee you!” gatsby said, proceeding to lie his ass off about his past,
#great gatsby#but baz luherman film adpatation#bc what better to study for you final exams than the film adaptation of a novel with lots of symbolism!!!!!!!#thats sarcasm whats the p o i n t of stdying a classic book-turned-average-film#the symbolism already existed!!! the film doesnt make anything new!!!! its like you just wanted to study two classics#gah#rambles
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Thank you @the-pandora-jar for tagging me!
Writing is just not happening right now, so I’m going to do what I did last week and share character notes -- Baz this time. This is background that I write for myself before (or instead of 8-P ) writing the actual story.
Baz: Has been attracted to Simon as long as he's known him. Chronically ill. Very articulate. Not open about his feelings at all. Does not feel lovable. Knows he's outwardly attractive but ashamed of his disease and by extension those aspects of his body. Studied, not spontaneous. Doesn't want help from anyone. His father is fairly homophobic and also pretty distant. They don't talk about Baz's sexuality. Malcolm never remarried and Baz was largely raised by Vera until he went away to boarding school at age 11 [do I want to do boarding school?]. Baz knew he was gay from puberty though it took a little while to put words to it. Malcolm is disappointed by Baz's choice to be an English teacher when he could do law, medicine, business – “something important”. Baz has family money in addition to his salary. Natasha died in a traffic accident when Baz was 5. Fiona?
I’m tagging @belalugosiisdead @merisalright @pipsqueakparker @thehoneyedhufflepuff @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire @motherscarf @waywardfangirl and anyone else with stuff that they are (or aren’t!) working on.
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June Books
A bit late, but I’m checking in with the progress I made with the Comfort Zone Bingo in June! I’m not great at giving things a number score but I’ll include a little blurb with my thoughts. In some cases there will be spoilers. : P
No ~aesthetic~ pictures because I’m in the process of cleaning the room so everything’s in a jumble.
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins for ‘from another continent‘
Summary: A rich girl gets a valuable (stolen) gem for her birthday, it goes missing, and they gotta find who stole it.
I started reading this one a little bit before June; I think I was maybe five pages in when I got my bingo card so I’m counting it. The Moonstone gets the ‘not as racist as expected,’ given that it was written in the 1800s but the narrative makes it clear that the moonstone being taken from India was Bad and kind of implies that it being taken back to India is Good even if the characters might not agree. There’s a whole section narrated by a woman that everyone hates because she leaves religious tracts everywhere and it’s a delight. It loses some points because the moonstone isn’t a moonstone; it’s a diamond.
The Fairy Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley for ‘fairy tale or myth’
Summary: Fairytale/mythological figures are real, and some of them are trapped in a little town in New England. Two sisters have to figure out who’s summoning giants before the town--or their guardian--gets destroyed.
I had these books for years, and this seemed like a good chance to crack one open. It’s a pretty cute and humorous story with some jokes that actually made me laugh out loud. I liked that the cops were literally pigs. But also?
The climax involves the older sister, Sabrina, telling her sister to run to safety because she’s 100% certain that she’s going to die and doesn’t want her sister to have to witness it? I did not expect the silly fairy tale kids’ book to get intense like that but it went there and I enjoyed it.
The Carrow Haunt by Darcy Coates
Summary: A group of people decide to spend a couple weeks in the haunted house where a serial killer died because they are very smart.
Found myself at work without a book so I went ahead and got one of the horror books I’ve had my eye on. I actually really like horror, but in the way that a lactose-intolerant person might really like ice cream. I tried not to read it before bed but ended up reading the last 2/3s in the middle of the night because I knew I had to get to the resolution before I went to sleep.
It was really the best-case scenario because 99% of the ghosts were nice and helpful, and everyone lived, which seemed like an ass-pull until I realized that it had actually been foreshadowed, so alright. (There was one guy that it was still kind of an ass-pull but if he’d been the only one to die I would have been very upset.) The main leads did the thing where they feel the need to kiss each other while they should be focusing on surviving, but another character called them out on it which I appreciated.
The XY by Virginia Bergen for ‘no romance‘
Summary: A virus has made it necessary to men and women to live separately, to keep the sickness from wiping out humanity. After two generations, a girl meets a boy for the first time.
I was mostly interested in how the world building was done in this book, and pleasantly surprised that a book about men and women living in separate societies actually acknowledged trans people! The author didn’t go very far into it, but I wouldn’t know what being trans would look like if you’ve only ever met women, either, so I’m not upset that she didn’t explore any further than that.
For all the in-story world-changing implications of the things that happen in the book, the story feels like a slice of life story for the most part, and I love it because we get so much world building, and actually get to see what life is like in this world instead of immediately being thrown into some kind of war. The actual story between River and Mason is kind of predictable but the don’t end up together! A very good book.
The Book of V by Anna Solomon for ‘literary fiction’
Summary: A retelling of the book of Esther? And then there are two more modern women who are also retellings of the book of Esther where one’s in the role of the first wife Vashti and one’s in the role of Esther, in different time periods.
This one is listed as ‘women’s fiction’ in my book scanner, but from looking around it seems like a good chunk of women’s fiction is ‘literary fiction but if we call it that we’ll get cooties.’
It took me way too long to realize that Esther was, like... Esther-Esther. But I’m mainly just familiar with the story of Noah’s Ark; if a book blurb said it was about a guy named Daniel and a bunch of lions I’d probably just be like ‘oh neat.’ Esther’s parts were probably the most interesting part, but I really liked how the different stories kind of brushed up against one another. Like Esther starts humming when she’s stressed and then in one of the other women’s stories she gets stressed and also hums?
Like a big part of it is how much they have in common even living in very different situations in very different time periods. It was nice.
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell for ‘enemies to lovers’
Summary: Simon and Baz try to solve mysteries to kill time before they have to kill each other, but they fall in love because fanfic.
Can we just replace Harry Potter with this? Please? The beginning was a bit weird just because the conceit is that Carry On is fanfic for an existing franchise, and there were a lot of flashbacks and bits of exposition that wouldn’t typically be there if it was actually fanfic. Like, there might be a bit to explain where in the timeline the fic is set, but it’s at least a little weird that it stops to explain basic ‘how the world works’ things and straight up lift whole conversations that would have been in previous books? Which is necessary because it’s not fanfic and we’re not familiar with the world, but it just kind of threw me off. (Also if it’s fanfic I would have loved to see author’s notes)
But as a standalone story Carry On was great. Maybe this is just because I studied linguistics but the magic system alone? I know in my heart of hearts that someone’s used ‘YEET’ as a spell and that makes it the best magic system ever. Points deducted because they should all be taking sign language courses so they can cast things without talking, or at least something other than LATIN, when it’s explicitly stated that their magic comes from phrases and sayings that are still being used. Will be correcting this in my own fanfic in the future.
Life in a Medieval Castle
This one wasn’t for the bingo; I just wanted to read it. I learned that there were multiple instances where a messenger was forced to eat the letter he delivered to someone, wax seal and all. Cannot confirm whether or not this is the origin of the phrase ‘to eat one’s words.’
Next up: I Killed Zoe Spanos by Kit Frick
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