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A Aat Administrasia Administrasiata Administrativen Administrativna Administrativni Adrianovia Ages Ako Akop Akra Aksent Aksentira Al Ala Alain Alezia Alkasar Allen Alternativa Alternativen Alternativni Alternativnite Alternativno Am Amb Ambrazuri Ambrazurite America Amerika Amerikite An Analogisnite And Anglessey Anglia Anglicanum Angliiskata Angliiski Angliiskia Angliisko Anglosaksonskite Antecedentes Antiohia Antiohiiskoto Antisnite Antisnostta Anzu Apogei Aponia Ar Arbalet Arbaleti Archaeological Archaeology Architecture Arheologiseski Arheolozite Arhitekt Arhitekti Arhitektura Arhitekturata Arhitekturna Arhitekturni Arhiv Aristokrasia Aristokrasiata Aristokrat Aristokrati Aristokratisen Aristokratisnata Aristokratisnite Aristokratite Armia Armiata Armii Artileria Artileriata Artileriiskata Artileriiski Artileriiskite Asno Aspekt Association Astia At Ataki Atakite Atakuvasi Atakuvasite Aula Aurell Avgust Avila Avtorite Avtorskite B Ba Baden Bailey Baio Balata Bamburg Ban Barbakan Barker Baronsko Barry Barthélemy Barut Baruta Bastion Batsford Bavarskiat Bavat Bavno Baza Bazileus Bditelnost Behind Beili Beilita Beilito Beleg Belknap Belvuar Bergfrid Berite Bes Beseda Bez Bezpolezna Bezpolezni Bezsmisleno Bi Biat Bibliografia Bibliography Biha Bilata Biskvitki Bist Bitia Bitkata Biumaris Biva Bivat Bivsa Blagodarenie Blagonadezdni Blagopriatstva Blagorodnik Blagorodnika Blagorodniseskata Blagorodniseski Blagorodniseskia Blagorodniseskoto Blagorodnisi Blagorodnisite Blagosklonnostta Blizka Blizki Blizkia Blizko Blizo Blizost Blizostta Blokira Blokirana Blokirat Bludavat Bludstvoto Bne Bnf Bodiam Bog Bogatstva Boinisa Boinisi Boinisite Book Books Bov Boydell Brag Brak Brandenburg Brannisite Brata Braun Bregovi Britain Britanskata Britanskite British Broa Broat Brodueiskata Broi Bronzovata Brown Bsi Bsite Builders Buildings Buntovete Buse By C
Cambridge Castellarium Castle Castles Cathcart Cathedral Central Century Channel Charles Chartrand Chateaux Chester Chevaliers Chicago Chichester Christopher Châteaux Civilizing Clūsa Commons Companion Context Continuum Coulson County Courtliness Courtly Crac Creative Creighton Croom Crusaders Crusading Culture Cunliffe D Da Dadeno Dadenosti Dal Dama Dania Daniel Danni Dat Datiran Datirani Datirasi Datsanite Dava Davaiki Davat David De Debela Debeli Debelina Decline Definira Definisia Definisiata Deinite Deistvie Dekorasiata Dekorasii Dekorativni Dekorativnite Delkasi Delo Des Desa Desetiletie Deto Devoikite Dia Diata Die Dieter Dieto Diktuva Diktuvat Dilisa Dilisni Din Dinan Direkten Direktno Dnes Dnesnia Dnesnite Dni Do Dobava Dobavaiki Dobavane Dobavaneto Dobavat Dobavka Dobavki Dobiv Dobra Dobre Dobrite Dokato Dokazano Dokazatelstvo Dokazva Dokument Dokumentasia Dokumentirano Dolinata Dom Doma Domakinskite Domakinstva Domakinstvo Domakinstvoto Domasniat Dominant Dominique Dominirat Dominus Domove Domus Donato Donjon Donzon Donzona Donzoni Donzonite Dop Doprinasa Dorazvita Dori Dornenburg Dorset Dosli Dost Dosta Dostat Dostavkata Dostavki Dostiga Dostigat Dostignata Dostoverni Dotogava Douv Dr Drastisna Drebnite Drevna Drevni Drevnorimskite Drezden Drogo Drug Druga Drugade Drugari Drugi Drugite Drugo Duby Due Duffy Duloto Duma Dumata Dungeon Dupka Dupki Dupkite Dusi Dva Dvama Dvata Dve Dvete Dvizeiki Dvizenie Dvoini Dvoranstvo Dvorsovi Dzeims Dzordz E Early Eaton Ebidat Ed Edesa Edin Edinisi Edinstveno Edm Edna Ednak Ednakvi Edni Edno Ednovremenno Eduard Eduin Edva Efekt Efektivnata Efektivni Efektivnost Efikasen Egipet Ekset El Elementarni Elementi Eleventh Elit Elita Elizabet En Enfilada England English Enoriiska Ensiklopedia Epoha Erlande Es Eskalada Esperans Estate Estestveni Estestveno Estestvo Estetika Estetikata Estetiseski Et Etapa Etapi Etaz Etaza Etazi Etimologia Etimologisen Eu Europe Evoluira Evropa Evropeiskata Evropeiski Evropeiskia Evtin Ezera Ezersata Ezik Faktori Familia Faza Feodal Feodala Feodalen Feodali Feodalizm Feodalizma Feodalna Feodalnata Feodalnia Feodalnite Feodalno Feudalism Finansite Finansovi Flamandskite Flammarion Flangovi Flangovoto Folly Fon Fonten Forma Formata Formi Fort Forteresse Fortifications Fortifikasia Fortifikasiite Fortove Fortress Fortresses Forts Fotografia Fototeka Foundation Four Fourteenth Fr France Frances Francois Frankskata Fransia Fransoa French Frenska Frenski Frenskiat Frenskite Frenskoto Friar From Ftava Fundament Funksia Funksii Funksionalni Funksionirat Futa G Gaar Galerii Galilea Garnizon Garnizona Garnizonite Gate Gebelin Georges Georgiev Germania Germanskiat Germany Gers Gi Gibel
Gies Gisor Gla Glad Glasas Glavno Gledna Gli Glindur Glost Gnd Gnu Go Goblen Goblena Godina Godini Godisno Golam Golama Golamata Golamo Golemi Golemiat Golemite Gorasi Gordost Gorespomenatite Gori Gornite Gospodar Gospodara Gospodarite Gosti Gotika Gotiseskata Gotiseski Gotiseskoto Gradi Gradini Gradove Gradska Gradskite Grafstvo Granisite Gravett Grazdanska Greda Gredi Greenwood Gresni Grizat Grizi Grupirat Gubat Gubi Guide H Hai Harakter Harakteristika Harakteristiki Harper Harseneto Hart Harti Harvard Haznata Hds Hektara Helm Henri Heritage Herlihy Hersozi Higham Hil Hiladi Historia History Históricos Hnoveni Hoensolern Hoenzalsburg Holy Horata Horizontalen Horizontalna Horizontalni Hospitalierite Hr Hrana Hristianite Hristianskite Hudson Humanities Hunadi Hv Hvі Hvіі I Ide Idea Ideal Idealen Ideata Idva Idvasiat Idvat Ierusalimskoto Igra Igraat Ii Ikonomika Ikonomiseskia Ili Illustrated Ilsev Im Ima Imas Imat Imenia Imenieto Imeto Imitirat Imore Imperator Imperia In Ind Index Industria Informasia Inovasia Inovasii Inovasiite Inovativniat Inovativnite Institusia Institusii Institut Instrumenti Interes Interesa International Interpretative Interpretirat Intimna Invazia Iordania Iorkskata Ireland Iresek Irlandia Irokezite Isbn Islands Ispania Ispanski Ispanskite Istinski Istinskite Istoria Istoriata Istorii Istorik Istoriseski Istorisi Istorisite Italia Italienne Iv Ix Iz Izbira Izbirat Izbiti Izblednava Izbrana Izbranite Izbrano Izd Izdanie Izdava Izdelia Izdigane Izdiganeto Izdigat Izdignata Izdignati Izdr Izgarat
Izgled Izglezda Izglezdasia Izgraden Izgradeni Izgradenite Izgrazdaneto Izgrazdat Iziskva Iziskvaneto Iziskvania Iziskvasa Izklusitelno Izkop Izkopavat Izkopi Izkustvena Izkustveni Izkustveno Izlaga Izlivane Izlizasite Izlizat Izmestat Izmesteni Izmezdu Iznenadvaso Izobrazen Izobrazenia Izobrazenie Izobretenia Izobretenie Izolda Izp Izpadat Izpolzva Izpolzvan Izpolzvana Izpolzvanata Izpolzvane Izpolzvaneto Izpolzvani Izpolzvas Izpolzvasi Izpolzvat Izraz Izrazava Izrazena Izrazhodva Izrazhodval Izsalo Izsezva Izsezvat Izsipva Izsipvaneto Izsledvania Iztok Iztoka Iztosen Iztosna Iztosnata Iztosnik Iztosnisi Iztosnite Iztosno Izv Izvesten Izvestni Izvestniat Izvivka Izvlisaneto Izvori J James Japanese Jean John Johnson Joseph Journal K Ka Kak Kakto Kakvito Kakvo Kaliakra Kalkira Kam Kambanariite Kamenari Kamenen Kamenna Kamenni Kamennite Kamenodelsi Kamenodelstvo Kamenolomni Kampaniata Kanada Karak Karaula Karfili Karkason Karl Karnarv Karti Karusi Kasestva Kasi Kastra Katedrali Katedralite Kategoria Kato Kavaleriata Kazano Kazarma Kazarmata Kegan Kenilu Kenyon Kerak Keramisni Kilogramovi King Kirpisena Kitai Kladenes Klasiseskite Kletva Klonat Klounes Klus Klusalka Klusovi Knazestvo Koato Koda Kodeks Koeto Kogato Koito Kolhida Kolisestva Kolkoto Kolonisti Kom Kompleks Kompromisi Kon Kone Konemann Konflikti Konfliktite Konkretni Konsentrira Konsentrirasi Konsentrisen Konsentrisna Konsentrisnata Konsentrisni Konsentrisnite Konstantinopol Konstruiraneto Konstruksia Konstruksiata Konstruksii Kontakt Kontinent Kontinentalna Kontrol Kontrolira Kontroliraso Kontrolirat Kontrolredaktirane Konusnite Kopaat Kopertino Kopirat Koreni Korenno Koritoto Kosi Kovasi Kove Kovodi Kovodstvoto Kovseznik Kr Kraa Kraen Krai Kraibreznite Kraina Kraino Krak Kral Krala Krale Kralisa Kralski Kralskite Kralstvo Krasivite Kraus Kreit Krepost Kreposten Kreposti Krepostite Krepostna Krepostnata Krepostni Krepostnite Krepostta Krieitiv Kriterii Krivolineina Kuhnite Kuka Kula
Kulata Kuli Kulite Kuls Kurs Kurtoazna Kurtoaznata Kusi Kvadraten Kvadratna Kvadratni Kvat L La Lalis Land Landsaft Landscape Landscapes Las Latinskata Latinski Lbi Lbisa Lccn Legendata Legendi Legendite Leicester Leit Leksikon Len Lenno Lesen Lesno Lesnoto Letas Lg Lga Lgaria Lgarski Lgi Lgia Lgo Lgokrakia Li Liddiard Life Linia Linii Link Lipsata Lira Lisenza Liseto Lisna Lisni Literatura Lm Lmove Lmovite Ln Lnat Lnenia Lnenie Lni Lnite Lnitelna Lnitelni Lnitelnite Lno Lnoletie Loalnost Lodki London Long Lord Lorda Lordove Lov Love Lsaid Ltd Lubov Lubovta Ludvig Luis Luks Luzeski Lzaso Lzat Lzava Lzavame Lzavat Lzenia Lzenie Lzenieto Lzi Lzinata Lzitelen Lzitelna Lzitelnata Lzitelno M Macclesfield Machine Madzarite Main Maistori Makar Maksimalno Mal Malbork Malka Malki Malkia Malkite Malko Malkoto Mandalo Mangonel Mansio Marc Margat Marienburg Martin Masa Masab Masikula Masikuli Masikulite Masina Masini Masite Masivniat Masto Mastoto Material Materiali Mcneill Meandri Mediawiki Medieval Medievistite Mehmed Meid Meksiko Melnisi Menu Meri Mesesi Mesqui Mesta Mestata Mesten Mestnata Mestni Mestnia Mestnite Mestnost Mestnosti Mestnostta Mestnoto Mestonahozdenieto Metal Metalni Metatelni Metod Metra Metrovia Mezdu Michael Middle Miklosis Minaloto Minavas Mirni Mirno Mit Mladezite Mn Mnenia Mneniata Mnenie Mni Mnimi Mnisa Mnogo Mnogobroinata Mnogoto Mnozestvo Moat Mobilen Modata Moderen Modern Moderni Mog
Mogat Mogila Mogilata Mogili Mogli Moldavia Monarh Monarha Monarsi Monreal Montgomery Morris Morskia Mortrieri Mos Mosen Mosna Mosni Mosnite Most Mosta Mot Mota Motte Moze Mozete Mrasni Mrezata Mu Museo Musulmanite Musulmanskata Märchenkönig N Na Nablegne Nablizo Nabludava Nacional Nad Nadminavat Nadmosie Nadpis Naemnisi Nai Nak Nakazanie Nakoa Nakoi Nakolko Nalaga Nalozi Nama Namalat Namalava Namalavaneto Namalavat Namalila Namat Namira Namiraneto Namirasi Namirat Nanasaiki Nanovo Naokolo Nap Napadateli Napadenie Napadne Napodobavasi Napravena Napraveni Napresnite Napresno Naprimer Napusne Nar Narastva Naresen Naresena Narezda Narisan Narisat Narusavane Nas Nasalo Nasaloto Naseleni Naselenite Naseleno Naselo Nasestvenisi Nasestvenisite Nasestviata Nasestvie Nasin Nasip Nasipi Nasite Naslednik Naslednisi Nasoka Nast Nat Natat Natrupvaneto Nausavat Nausen Nausnite Nav Navezdat Navliza Navodnava Navodnavane Navsak Naznasava Naznasavane Nbrasni Nd Ndl Ne Nea Nego Negov Negova Negovata Negovi Negovia Negoviat Negovo Nein Neiniat Neinite Neizdr Nekvalifisirani Nemskata Nemski Nemskoto Neobhodimo Neotlezala Neposredstveno Nepraktisna Nepraktisni Nepravilna Nepravilno Nepredvidimi Neprek Neprevzemaem Nepriatni Neprist Ner Neravnosti Nesigurni Neso Nesposobni Netosni Neudobni Neudobnia Neukrepeni Nevinagi New Nezamenimi Nezelani Neznasitelno Ni Nia Niderlandia Nik Nikak Nikakva Nikakvi Nikoga Niski Niskite Nissite Nite Nito Niva Nivo Nivoto Nkc Nki Nli No Noemvri Noisvansain Normandia Normandskata Normanite Normanskite Normanskoto Normativen Norris North Noseiki Noseni Nosi Noto Nova Novata Novi Novia Novite Novopostroeniat Novopostroenite Novosti Novov Ns Nsen Nsnata Nsni Nsnia Nsniat Nuzda Nuzdae Nuzdaehme Nuzdaem Nuzdi Nuzni Nuznite Nuzno O Ob Obase Obasnava Obasnenia Obasneno Obedinenoto Obekt Obekta Obekti Obezludava Obgradeni Obgrazdasata Obiknovenite Obiknoveno Obis Obisaino Obitateli Obitavane Obkr Oblastta Oboznasava Oboznasavane Obrabotvaema Obrabotvasi Obratno Obrazsi Obrazuva Obrazuvala Obrazuvat Obsa Obsada Obsadi Obsadite Obsadna Obsadni Obsadnoto Obsazda Obsazdasata Obsazdasite Obseg Obsestva Obsestvena Obsestveni Obsestvo Obsestvoto Obsim Obsirni Obsnostta Obsomedia Obstrel Obstrela Obstrelvane Obstrelvat Obuslava Obv Of Ofanzivna Ofisi Ofisialna
Ofisialnite Og Ognevata Ogradenite Ogradi Ogranisava Ograniseno Ograzda Ogromni Ogromnite Ohrana Ohranavaneto Oi Okazva Okolnata Okolnia Okolo Okop Okoto Oktomvri Olio Olioto Oliver Olovo Olovoto Om Opaseniata Opasnostta Opidum Opidumi Opirane Opisani Opisano Opisvan Opisvana Opit Opitni Opitva Opitvat Opozaravane Opredelasi Opredelena Opredeleni Or Ora Orden Ordeni Ordenite Ordensburg Orford Originala Originalnata Originalniat Ornament Osakva Osama Ose Oseani Oselava Oselavat Oseleli Osem Osenena Osevidno Osigurava Osiguravaiki Osiguravane Osiguravasi Osiguravat Osiguri Oslananeto Osnovata Osnovna Osnovnata Osnovni Osnovnite Osnovno Osnovnoto Osobeno Osobenosti Osobenostite Osobi Osprey Ostanali Ostanalite Ostanki Ostava Ostavat Ostrova Ostrovi Osven Ot Otbagvani Otbivan Otbrana Otbranata Otbranitelen Otbranitelna Otbranitelnata Otbranitelni Otbranitelnite Otbranitelno Otdavane Otdelni Otdelnite Otdelno Otdolu Otgore Otgovara Otgovor Otgovoren Otgovornostta Otidat Otk Otkat Otklonavaneto Otklonavat Otkolkoto Otkriite Otkrito Otkrivat Otlisitelen Otmena Otnasa Otnasasi Otnema Otnosenie Otnosno Otnovo Oto Otrazava Otrazenie Ots Otsasti Otsetliv Otslabva Otslabvat Ottam Ottogava Otv Otvetno Otvor Otvori Otvorite Ouain Oxford Oziveno Oznasava Ozovavat P Pada Padaneto Padasi Padenieto Pak Palestina Palisada Palisadi Pari Paris Parkove Patovoto Patronaz Paul Paunda Pazasa Pbr Peizaz Peizaza Pen Perfon Period Perioda Periodi Pernik Peseleiki Pesi Pet Petno Petrariata Peveril Philip Phillimore Pi Pili Pilo Pioner Piper Pirati Piruva Pise Pismenata Pistoleti Pite Plan Planinite Planirania Plantagenetite Plasa Plasaniata Plesivi Plit Plodorodna Plodorodnia Plos Pnost Po Poava Poavata Poavava Poavavat Poavi Pobedata Pobira Pod Poda Podavat Podbran Podd Poddr Podelena Podem Podhod Podhodasi Podhodi Podkopavane Podkopavat Podkrepa Podkrepane Podkrepeno Podlaga Podoben Podobna Podobni
Podobno Podobravat Podobril Podobrite Podovete Podpalat Podpori Podporite Podrazava Podrobno Podrobnosti Podronvaneto Podsertavani Podsertavasi Podsigurat Podsiguravane Podsigurena Podsileno Podsinenite Podvizen Podviznata Podviznost Podzemen Podzemni Podzemno Poema Poeme Pogl Pogresno Pohod Pohodi Pokaze Pokaznost Pokaznostta Pokazva Pokazvane Pokazvas Pokazvasa Pokazvat Pokoite Pokrit Pokrita Pokritie Pokriva Pokrivni Pokupkata Polagat Political Polovina Polozenie Polsa Polski Polukr Polumeses Polusava Polusavat Polusi Polza Polzite Polzvane Pomesenia Pomislat Pomos Pompozna Ponakoga Ponasa Pone Poneze Popov Poradi Porta Portal Portata Porti Portite Poseten Poseti Posetitelite Posle Posledna Poslednata Poslednite Poslednoto Posledvaloto Posluzi Pososvat Postava Postavane Postavaneto Postavat Postavilo Postepenno Posti Postoanna Postoanni Postroava Postroavane Postroavaneto Postroavat Postroen Postroena Postroeni Postroeniat Postroi Postroika Postroikata Postroiki Postroili Pot Potok Pounds Pov Povdigane Povedenie Poveritelnost Povese Poveseto Povliavat Power Powered Pozar Pozari Pozertvan Pozisiata Pozisii Poznat Poznata Poznati Poznavali Pozorno Pozvolava Pozvolavasa Pozvolavasi Pozvolavaso Pozvolavat Pozvolenia Pozvolenie Pozvolenieto Pozvoli Pr Praka Prava Pravat Pravo Pravos Pravoto Prazen Prebivava Prebivavane Pred Preden Predi Predimno Predimstvoto Predisno Predistoria Predlagat Predmeti Prednata Prednaznaseni Prednaznasenie Prednaznasenieto Prednia Predostavat Predotvratava Predotvratavane Predotvrati Predpazva Predpazvat Predpolagalo Predpolozenie Predpositani Predpositat Predsestvenisi Predstava Predstavata Predstaveno Predstaviteli Predstavitelna Predstavlava Predstavlavat Preduprezdenie Pregled Pregledaite Pregrada Pregradi Prehistoric Prehranata Preimusestvata Preimusestvo Preimusestvoto Preizgrazdaneto Prekaleno Prekarvaneto Preki Prekonstruiraneto Prelubodees Premahvaneto Premestvane Premestvat Preminat Preminavaneto Prenebregnat Preneseni Preobrazuvane Preodolavane Preodoleni Prepatstvia Prepitavat Prepratki Prerastva Presat Presmetnato Press Presses Prestiz Prestiza Prestizni Prestoa Prestoi Prestroenoto Preustanovi Preuveliseno Prevod Prevodnata Prevr Prevzemat Prevzet Prevzetite Prez Pri Pribaltiiskite Pribava Priblizava Priblizavaneto Priblizi Priblizitelno Pridobiva Pridobivat Pridvizi Pridvizvaneto Pridvizvasi Pridvizvat Priemat Priemi Prieto Prigodavat Prigoden Prigodeni
Prigotvaneto Prihod Priizdasite Prikaznia Prikazniat Prikrivasi Prilisas Prilisat Prilozeni Prilozenia Primer Primeri Primerite Primitivni Prinsip Prinsove Prinuzdavani Pripisvat Priroda Prirodni Prirodnite Pris Priselat Priselvane Prisina Prisini Prisposoblenia Pristiganeto Pritezanie Pritezatela Pritezatelite Pritezava Pritezavanite Pritezavat Private Privatizasia Privlisat Prizemnia Priznanie Proava Probie Probiv Probivane Probudat Prod Prodovolstvia Produksiata Proekta Proekti Proektirani Proektirat Programa Prohod Prohoda Prohodi Prohodite Proizhod Proiztisa Prokopavane Proletta Promana Promanata Promena Promeni Pros Prostira Prostiras Prosto Prostorni Prostranstva Prostranstvo Prostranstvoto Prosuvstvena Protiv Protiva Protiven Protivnikovi Protivoresasi Prousvane Provans Provinsialni Provinsialnia Provinsialnite Provinsiata Prozorsi Prozorsite Prug Pruga Prugata Publications Publishing Puski Pvaneto Qal R Rabota Rabotat Rabotesa Rabotesi Raboti Rabotilnisi Rabotilnisite Rabotnisi Rabotnisite Radko Radvat Raglan Raizing Ranni Rannia Ranniat Rannite Rannoto Rano Ravniat Razbiraneto Razbivat Razdelena Razdeleni Razgleda Razgranisenie Razhodite Razkazvani Razlika Razlisavat Razlisen Razlisna Razlisni Razlisno Razmer Razmeri Raznoobrazni Razpada Razpadaneto Razpolagat Razpolozeni Razpolozenie Razprostranavane Razprostranavat Razprostranena Razprostraneni Razprostranenieto Razprostraneno Razraboteni Razrabotsisi Razrazili Razresenie Razrusava Razrusavaneto Razruseni Razs Razsiravat Razsistvane Razsitaiki Razsitat Razstoanieto Raztopeno Razviat Razvit Razvita Razviti Razvitie Razviva Razvivat Rb Rba Rdavasi Rde Rdeniata Rdi Rdina Reaksia Redaksiite Redaktirane Redaktirate Redaktor Redisa Reference Reginald Regiona Regionalni Regions Reka Rekite Rekonstruksia Relefa Remonti Renaissance Renesans Renesansovi René Republiki Resava Rese Resenie Resenieto Resetka Resetki Resni Resnik Resurs Resursi Resursite Revelations Rezidensia
Rezidensiata Rezidensii Rezultat Rezultira Rgovia Rgovski Rha Rhnostta Rhovete Rhu Riba Rimlanite Rimska Rimskata Rimski Rimskite Risara Risarat Risari Risarite Risarski Risarstvo Risarstvoto Rise Riskuva Risunka Rkva Rkvata Rkvite Rlane Rlaneto Rlat Rnat Rnbul Rni Robert Rodeni Rola Rolata Romanskia Romantiseskoto Romantisnite Romantisnoto Romantizma Routledge Rov Rova Rovove Rovovete Row Rs Rsal Rsaska Rsat Rsava Rsena Rsene Rseto Rsi Rt Ruini Rum Ruski Rva Rvata Rvena Rvenata Rveni Rveniat Rvenite Rvenoto Rvesen Rvesina Rvia Rvite Rvo Rvodelsi Rvonasalno Rvoto Rza Rzan Rzane Rzaneto Rzani Rzanie Rzanieto Rzat Rzavi Rzavni Rzavnost Rzim Rzo Rzva Rzvat S Sa Sab Sablon Safad Safadin Sak Saksonski Sala Saladin Salah Salata Sam Sama Sambelan Samia Samiat Samite Samo Samostoatelni Samostoatelno Sapultepekskia Sarasinite Sarasinskite Sarls Sarlz Saso Sast Sasti Sastisno Sastni Sastnite Sat Sata Sato Sblizavaneto Sbornik Schultz Se Sebe Sedmisa Sedmisi Sedstvo Segovia Seh Seint Sekat Sel Sela Selani Seli Selia Selisa Selisata Seliseto Selite Selse Selta Semeistva Semeistvo Sen Sena Senata Sent Sentralizirana Sentraliziranata Sentralna Sentralnata Sentralni Sentrove Senvil Seriozen Seriozno Sertezi Seskata Seski Sesto Sestveno Sestvo Sestvuva Sestvuvasi Sestvuvat Setete Seti Setiri Sevalie Sever Severna Severnogermanska Sexuality Sgrada Sgradata Sgradi Sgradite Shaped Shema Shire Short Shvasane Si Sia Siato Siege Sigurno Sigurnost Sii Siion Siito Sila Silata Sili Silindrisen Silindrisni Silno Simon Simvol Simvoli Simvolisna Simvolisno Simvoliz Sinon Sinovete Siria Siriiski Sirok Siroko Sisart Sisloto Sist Sistema Sisterna Sitadeli Site Sitiranata Sk Skandinavia Skele Skeleta Skeleto Skite Sklad Skladiranite Skladovite Sklusva Skoro Skorostno Skrivalise Slabata Slabi Sladil Sladka Slapo Slavanski Sled Slednite Sledvat Slivat Sloeve Slozen Sloznostta Slugi Slusaat Slusai Slusva Slusvasoto Sluzat Sluzba Slōz Sm Smail Smata Smatat Smeil Smes Smesisa Smetka Sna Snabdavaneto Snabdavat Snarada Snarazenie Snata Sni Snite Sno Snost So Sobstvenik Sobstvenisi Sobstvenost Sobstvenostta Social Society Sofia Som Soroca Sosialen Sosialna Sosialni Sosialnia Sosialno Sotlandia Soto Sovek Soveski Spain Spanish Spedaliere Speseli Spesialno Spestat Spis Spodelane Spodelenoto Spomaga Spomenava Spomenavane Spomenavat Spored Sposobna Sposobni Sposobnost Sposobnostta Spramo Spravat Spre Sraknete Sravnavat Sravnenie Sred Sredata Sredisa Sredise Srednite Sredno
Srednovekovieto Srednovekovna Srednovekovnata Srednovekovni Srednovekovnia Srednovekovniat Srednovekovnite Srednovekovno Srednovekovnoto Sredstva Sresa Sresan Sresanata Sresani Sresanite Sresano Sresat Sresu Srez Srodni Srutva Ssitali Ssitat St Stai Standarti Staniata Star Staria Stariat Starite Statia Statiata Statii Statisen Statistika Statut Stava Stavat Staveno Staviteli Stavni Sten Stena Stenata Steni Stenite Stepen Stephen Stephens Stigne Stil Stila Stilovete Stiv Sto Stoan Stoanie Stoat Stoi Stoikata Stoiki Stoikite Stoinost Stonosen Stonosnite Stonossite Storat Str Strana Stranata Strani Stranisa Stranisata Stranisen Stranisna Stranisno Strategiseski Strela Strelasia Strelat Strelsi Strelsite Stremi Stroat Stroen Stroena Stroene Stroeneto Stroeni Stroez Stroeza Stroezi Stroi Stroitelat Stroitelen Stroiteli Stroitelite Stroitelnia Stroitelniat Stroud Structural Struva Struvat Stta Studeni Stvasite Stvie Stvieto Sudite Sudnata Suh Sultan Sumi Surm Surma Surmuva Surmuvane Surmuvat Sutton Suveren Suvstvitelno Suvstvo Suzdata Sv Sveisaria Sveisarskia Svesenata Svetite Svoa Svoata Svobodna Svobodnata Svobodno Svoeto Svoite Symbolism Syria T Ta Tah Tahna Tahnata Tahnoto Taina Tak Taka Takava Takiva Taligi Tam Tamplierite Tarani Tasno Tasnoto Tat Tazi Te Teb Tehniki Tehnikite Tehnite Tehnologia Tehnologii Tejada Tekst Tekstove Tempus Tendensia Tendensiata Teritoria Teritoriata Teritorii Teritoriite Termin Termina Terminologiata Tesen Tesenie Tesni Tesnite Tetrapirgii Tevtonskia Tezata Tezi Tezki Thames That The Thompson Ti Tiho Timber Tipa Tipisen Tipisna Tipisnata Tipisni Tipisnite Tipisno Tisa Tisata To Toest Togava Togavasnite Toi Tolkova Tom Toma Topovnite Toska Tova Tower Tozi Traat Trabva Trabvalo Trace Tradisionno Traektoria Trakia Transportirani Tre Trebuset Trebuseta Trebusetite Trenirani Tresni Tresniat Tresno Tresnostta Tresnoto Tretia Tri Tripoli Tristan Trudni Trudno Tuhlen Tuhlena Tuhlenata Tuhlenite Tuhli Tuk Tunel Tuneli Turnbull Turniri Turris Tv U Uazvimi Ubezise Ud Udar Udara Uels Ugasavaneto Ugodno Ugoiztosnia Uikidanni Uikipedia Uikiresnik Uilam Uindzorski Uindzorskiat Ukrasena Ukrepava Ukrepavania Ukrepen Ukrepena Ukrepeni Ukrepenite Ukrepeno Ukrepenoto Ukrepitelni Ukreplenia Ukrepleniata Ukreplenie Ukreplenieto Ukrepva Ukrepvane Ulusat Umenia Umirotvoravane Umis Umisleno Unasledava Unasledavat Unesko Uni Unikalen Unikalno Universalen Universitaires University Uorik Upad Upotreba Upovava Upravlava Upravlenie Upravlenieto Upraznavat Us Usastnisite Usastval Usastva Usenite Usilia Usilie Usilvane Uslovia Usloznava Usloznen Usloznena Usloznenata Uslozneni Uspavat Uspeat Uspesnite Uspesno Uspevaemostta Ustoat Ustroistva Utosnavane Uutni Uvelisava Uvelisavane Uvelisena Uvelisi Uvreden Uzakonavasi Uznata Uznisite Uzno V Val Valove Valuta Varira Varirat Vasala Vasalen Vasali Vasalna Vasalnata Vat Vazen Vazna Vazni Vaznite Vazno Vd Vdiga Vedenia Vednaga Vek Veka Vekove Veliki Velikoto Velisestvena Veroatna Veroatno Versia Vertikalna Vertikalni Vese Veseli Vhod Vhoda Vhodove Vi Vid Vida Vidat Vidi Vidimostta Vidite Vidove Viii Vikingite Viktorianska Vinagi Visaso Visok Visoka Visokata Visoki Visoko
Visokoto Visosina Visosinata Vissa Vizalka Vizantiiskata Vizantiiskite Vizdane Vizdaneto Vizte Vklusena Vklusva Vklusvat Vkus Vl Vladenie Vladetel Vladetela Vladetelat Vlast Vlastelin Vlastelina Vlastta Vlastvat Vliaat Vlianie Vlianieto Vlizane Vlizasite Vlubenite Vmesto Vnezapna Vnezapni Vnezapno Vnimatelno Vnusitelni Voda Vodat Vodata Vodena Vodeno Vodesi Vodi Vodnite Voenen Voenna Voennata Voenni Voenniat Voennite Voenno Voina Voinata Voiski Vouvaneto Vpesatlavat Vposledstvie Vr Vrag Vraga Vragovete Vraso Vratiski Vrazeskata Vrazeski Vrazeskite Vreme Vremena Vremennata Vremenni Vremennite Vremeto Vs Vsaka Vsakakvi Vsako Vse Vseizvesten Vseki Vsem Vsiski Vsisko Vst Vto Vtorata Vtoria Vurtemberg Vzima Vzora W Wales War Ward Warfare Warwick Wayback Welsh White Wikimedia Windgather Woodbridge World X Xi Xii Xiii Xiv Xix Xv Xvi Xvii Xviii Xx Xxi Xxii Xxiii Y York Z Za Zabavi Zabelazva Zabeli Zabranava Zad Zadnata Zaedno Zaet Zagradeni Zagubi Zaimov Zaklusenia Zaklusi Zala Zalez Zali Zam Zamana Zamek Zamenani Zamenen Zameneni Zamerat Zamestnisi Zaminal Zamira Zamki Zamkove Zamok Zanimanie Zaobikalasia Zaobleni Zapada Zapadat Zapadna Zapadnata Zapadnoevropeiskite Zapalitelnata Zapazen Zapazeni Zapazenite Zapazva Zapazvat Zaplaha Zaplahi Zaplasane Zaposne Zaposva Zaposvaiki Zaposvane Zaposvat Zaradi Zarazdat Zasilenata Zasita Zasitat Zasitata Zasitavanoto Zasitavat Zasiten Zasiteni Zasiti Zasitna Zasitnata Zasitni Zasitnisite Zasitnite Zasoto Zaspivaneto Zatrudnat Zatrudni Zatv Zatvarasi Zatvor Zatvoreno Zatvorenoto Zavasi Zavisimite
Zavladavaneto Zavoa Zavoevanie Zavoevatela Zavoevatelat Zavouvane Zavr Zavzema Zavzemat Zàm Zd Zdadena Zdadeni Zdadeno Zdania Zdaniata Zdanie Zdanieto Zdava Zdavane Zdavaneto Zdavat Zdravata Zdravi Zdravinata Zdravite Zelanieto Zelaznata Zelazno Zema Zemedelska Zemi Zemite Zemlanki Zemlankite Zemna Zena Zenata Zenen Zenia Zenie Zenite Zeno Zhod Zia Ziata Zibilan Zidari Zieto Zilisa Zilise Zilisnite Zilisno Ziteli Zitelite Ziveat Zivot Zka Zkata Zki Zlivi Zmozno Zmoznost Zmoznosti Zmoznostta Znak Znasenie Znasenieto Znasim Znasimi Znasimo Znasimost Znasitelno Zobnovava Zorz Zpirasi Zpolzvat Zrazdane Zrodeniat Zvat Zvezdoobraznite Zvuk Zámek Zámok
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BAVAT - Voices
The debut track from BAVAT, “Voices” is a bright and pastel-hued single from the eponymous Israeli singer. Moving over quirky synth shapes, Bavat’s vocals move with a playful glee as her pop-ballad R&B towers over gassing bass lines. A track that’s delightfully here, there and everywhere, “Voices” was a song written about those confusing moments of love as BAVAT explains:
“‘Voices’ talks about these kind of moments, when thoughts in your head and your heart get mixed up, and drive you crazy. You hear a lot of voices in yourself, and you can't decide which is right and which is wrong for you, especially when it comes to the person you love.”
BAVAT’s got a video with the song’s colorful persona to match. You can check it below:
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2e7c8716da02b29bc41dc9deda482d07/f7b811ed580d738b-c6/s540x810/645f84fdd19e90da2c87e82e700fa350d3fb42a6.jpg)
Quelques jours avant la fête d’Halloween, dans le lieu-dit de Bavat, commune de Saint-Arcons d’Allier, des potiron à foison, en veux-tu, en voilà. . . . . . #vscocam #commcam #youmustsee #ampt_community #EverydayEverywhere #france_photolovers #iphonesia #igersauvergne #instagoodmyphoto #jj_mobilephotography #LOVE_FRANCE_ #picoftheday #auvergne #auvergnetourisme #auvergnehorizon #saintarcons #bavat #hauteloire #auvergnerhonealpestourisme #auvergnerhônealpes #potiron #pumpkin #nature #halloween (à Bavat) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4_29SQKhQ9/?igshid=1h3y6zequty5m
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american forenames and surnames + american forenames and surnames encoded with javanais
Aacers Adfan Adfavan Alavoyt Aldentu Alhavily Amanne Amayne Aravina Aravouttes Arkindarks Ayatob Baustavine Bavalaver Bavat Bavawforke Bavay Baveonaomps Baver Baverrinc Bavertsyken Bavet Bavetchers Bavicavol Baviller Baving Bavon Bavondrie Bavood Bavoschns Bavuy Berren Bertavicks Blavorsey Blennavulin Bothra Bravalavine Bravalbava Bravaravow Braves Bravices Bravicker Bravimeggy Bravummy Brell Bryson Bushars Cabracy Caravicary Carbavay Cavame Cavanez Cavars Caver Caversonyd Cavesavon Cavia Cavickirwal Cavie Cavimmey Cavin Cavingle Cavolte Cavon Cavoody Cavuanne Cavush Chava Chaws Chenry Chercava Chertharber Chrambaugh Clard Clavill Clerty Coodgenne Coravam Cravovath Cullavan Cunta Dalmas Dannavitan Darqavuez Davaomb Davap Davark Daven Daverac Daveritne Daves Davilkie Davilly Davimavan Daviver Davodra Davos Davouiz Davoz Derne Dilavo Diner Donavien Dotestavan Dothy Dovarr Duadava Dwalaken Dwavalle Ednavimaver Eilby Elgavon Ellyn Elvarce Emaxton Emell Emick Ershavia Espitz Faeld Farlava Farolfe Favanney Faven Faver Favevez Favie Favolip Ferick Flaveri Flavon Flord Flowley Forbestine Forgie Fravollavo Gaval Gavalath Gavaudia Gavavel Gavavony Gavavorre Gavealie Gavenavall Gavense Gaverez Gavers Gavuilly Gellard Gravene Graving Gravontona Greemaver Gwavan Hanie Havar Havauriste Havavell Havavers Havefarwill Havefavin Haveff Havene Havet Havinez Havings Havioster Havole Havom Havon Havustavez Hawfose Helavec Helsaves Henavadon Hernavickne Hestaven Hilairee Hithavan Hogavebava Hollank Holley Hombs Hubyava Hught Irwavon Isavala Jaravu Javanchoop Javel Javer Javes Javett Javevanne Javez Javie Javiolfan Javis Javistine Javobia Javurie Jendsen Jimavisavo Joandon Joany Joharlavias Johavoody Jonzam Jornton Julary Kavaner Kavevy Kavindet Kavis Kavowavin Kavunney Kavuyers Kettansond Klavanal Knavarrix Kravec Kurne Lasmavard Lavalleo Lavandez Lavap Lavard Lavarrim Lavecks Lavel Laven Lavenn Lavern Laveton Lavie Laviste Lavite Lavochard Lavolavay Lavon Lianeyavis Lottsa Lowavuans Lowellie Lupen Lupett Lynnavon Lynold Lynor Manaverry Mance Manne Mantavo Marde Marke Marlaven Marlee Maval Mavan Mavelavo Maven Mavenastie Maves Mavexavon Mavey Mavie Mavielavant Maving Mavio Mavisamps Mavomaver Mavony Mavooken Mavor Mavorge Mavotavia Mavue Mavuelle Mavurre Mavustras Mayavie Maynne Mcbraviamp Mcbreddarry Mccarlavods Mccliell Mccoon Mcdon Mcgert Mcgestush Mckavis Mclarton Mclavavie Mcphe Mcphews Melvabre Mespea Moningancey Moodorannes Moria Narna Navambenza Navarce Naves Navill Navinold Naviolleon Navobs Navon Nichancoff Ochanne Ollava Opavate Opaver Pamphrava Patkine Paughez Pavatterren Pavay Paveachave Paven Pavesavones Pavetters Pavids Pavoacaveen Penciste Perbavon Piceyer Pittsonn Pored Pravey Pravine Pucaver Qavon Ravace Ravavingen Ravazque Ravehavims Raven Ravett Ravie Ravighare Ravilles Ravine Ravistavee Ravoodon Ravummy Rhava Rhavard River Robavone Roblake Rodwavavan Roshavia Rowles Salpsava Salvacard Savabers Savarry Savas Savelia Saver Savevene Savews Savey Savia Saviamista Savic Savichams Saviffmavey Saviggs Savio Savoel Savon Savong Savord Savorgennie Scolmavibs Shaphavey Shaven Shavuil Shurtley Slavon Snyavistinn Songtavie Sonnaver Stalier Stanavins Stavolins Stavon Stusavon Styravo Sulip Tanick Tantava Tavathel Taveffmava Tavery Taves Tavesavey Tavoldsa Tavons Tavorden Tavott Travarksone Travavey Travecaven Troyd Valsaver Varlavi Vason Vavan Venavay Vinch Visavuckne Wathy Wavackni Wavan Wavanny Wavant Wavaraves Wavarquez Wavarravey Waved Wavelan Wavelphin Waver Wavew Wavey Wavich Wavix Wavoanavoan Wavon Wavows Wavuancer Welbell Westaverry Whithanavon Wiltavez Wiltos Wisavaveggs Witephan Woopacon Yoravon
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This post contains various small headcanons that aren’t big enough to warrant their own post about it. Just a few facts and thoughts I’ve had pertaining to Abi as a muse and things you are free to very much incorporate into threads, asks, etc if we’re writing partners! You can locate other headcanon posts via this tag!
Abi is born to a moderately sized family in Ul'dah. She's the youngest sibling and only daughter with three older brothers.
Abi's father is a well-known merchant and her mother is a retired performer.
Her father upon her mother's request for a change in scenery packs his life up and moves them to the starting city where Abi ��would be born and raised.
Abi and her mother are spoiled rotten due to her father's belief that they deserve to be as the only females in the family and he raises her brothers the same.
She's closest with her oldest brother. He meant the world to her.
When she's on her own, she runs off into the streets of Ul'dah, learning how to be cunning and rely on her cute features for gambling and taking full advantage of such.
Becoming fascinated with the pugilists, she eventually enlists and starts her training, taking on tasks and practicing until one day, she picks up monk.
Abi's canon classes are MNK ( ARR ) AST ( HW ) PLD ( SB ) DNC ( SHB ) and MCH ( END ).
When visions start to play over and over, Abi decides to start adventuring, this leads her to the starting MSQ quests in Ul'dah and she takes on the chain there.
Eventually, when the Scions are all introduced and Thancred leads her to Minfilia, she learns there are others similar to her experiencing the same types of visions and jobs. This is the start of the WOLGROUP light party with Tsusan Haragin, Hyousuke Bavat, and Shinobu Ibuki.
Abi is the WOL who is meeting with Nanamo when she is poisoned. She's the one who's framed for the murder. Tsus and Hyou are stealing things. It's chaos.
She's the first of the WOLGROUP to vanish when Thancred is snatched to the First, she's with him during his timeline and they're Sineater Hunters together, paralleling her starting city being Ul'dah.
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“Hyat haθrā manå bavat, yaθrā cistiš aŋhat maēθā.”
“So that unified our minds may be, whenever judgement would be in doubt.”
haven’t been feeling too well today...
So here’s a nice verse from the Ahunuvaiti Gatha!
“So may we be those that make this world advance, O Mazda and ye other Ahuras, come hither, vouchsafing to us admission into your company and Asha, in order that our thought may gather together while reason is still shaky.” [Y 30.9]
In other words... May we be the ones who help this world progress and evolve into perfection, may Ohrmazd and the other Divine god-beings graciously grant us this to allow us to be one with Him and Asha, the Whole Truth. Even during times of great doubt and difficulty we shall remain faithful, conscious, focused with higher purpose as ONE mind; together.
To continue on our self-betterment and ultimately world-changing paths, w/ the aid of God; as the human race. Our minds connected for the greater good, despite any clouding in judgment.
This one resonated a lot w/ me. Idk
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pspspspspspsps yangstagram
#i miss yangyang i kno im annoying but im stuck on bavation and i miss him#noelle.txt#past midnight im sleeping yangstagram when i wake up maybe?
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6th Annual Golden Flower Awards Part I
Best Leading Actor - Drama
Clooney, George - The Descendants 🌟
Fassbender, Michael - Shame
Fiennes, Ralph - Coriolanus
Giamatti, Paul - Win Win
评奖理由:每年的这个单元入围者的实力都旗鼓相当。但是Fiennes在Coriolanus里的舞台痕迹过重;Fassbender在Shame里有相当一部分时间是“体力活”。取Clooney舍Giamatti的原因是在于前者偶像多年,在The Descendants一片里洗尽铅华。Clooney经过多年的磨练,终于让人们对他的演技加以认可。
Best Leading Actress - Drama
Streep, Meryl - The Iron Lady
Thurman, Uma - Kill Bill Vol. 1&2
Weisz, Rachel - The Deep Blue Sea
Williams, Michelle - My Week with Marilyn 🌟
评奖理由:一位老戏骨对抗三位中青年女优。Kill Bill虽然是Thurman的代表作,但动作片的类型对演技的要求有局限性。同样被作品拖累的是Weisz,再出色的个人表演也挽救不了剧本的失败。同样扮演史实人物的Streep和Williams,虽然化妆在对于两者表演的加分上都功不可沫,但是在The Iron Lady中还是有些喧宾夺主的感觉。Williams这几年在独立小制作的文艺片里开拓了自己的一片疆土,未来的发展不可限量。
Best Leading Actor - Musical/Comedy
Carell, Steve - Crazy Stupid Love
Gordon-Levitt, Joseph - 50/50
Reilly, John C. - Carnage
Waltz, Christoph - Carnage 🌟
评奖理由:和戏剧类最佳男主角相反的是,��年的音乐/喜剧类的入围者实力都稍弱一些。今年这类片子中给我印象最深刻的无疑是Carnage。这部根据舞台剧改编的影片中演员的表演是核心之重。片中两位男主演的交锋可以说是火花四溅,最后选择了Waltz是基于其喜剧表演与他在Inglorius Basterds中的纳粹军官的角色反差较大,Academy Awards的最佳男配角实至名归。
Best Leading Actress - Musical/Comedy
Davis, Viola - The Help 🌟
Foster, Jodie - Carnage
Winslet, Kate - Carnage
Zeta-Jones, Catherine - Chicago
评奖理由:和男演员相反的是,女演员的类别里,音乐/喜剧类的入围者较戏剧类的入围者整体实力更高一些。Foster和Winslet在Carnage里的表演不用赘述,两位都是功成名就的实力派,演起这类作品可以说是得心应手。人美歌甜的Zeta-Jones在Chicago里把她的这份才华充分发挥了出来,她也凭借此片在当年的Oscar上赢得了最佳女配角。但是以上三位在最近���年才迎来事业高峰期的Davis面前还是自叹不如,虽然在The Help里Davis的戏份喜剧性较弱,但是好表演就是好表演,为她在今年初的Oscar上大热倒灶败给Streep而可惜,不过将来她的机会肯定不会少。
Best Supporting Actor
Del Toro, Benicio - Traffic
Hawkes, John - Martha Marcy May Marlene 🌟
Hoffman, Philip Seymour - The Ides of March
李济勋 - 建筑学概论
评奖理由:与主角不同的是,配角需要在很短的时间内表现自己,所以有些时候好的配角往往让人印象深刻。常年活跃在独立小制作的Hawkes去年凭借Winter's Bone走进了大众的视野,今年在Martha Marcy May Marlene中的邪教头目的表演让人过目不忘。
Best Supporting Actress
Bavat, Sareh - A Separation
Mulligan, Carey - Shame / Drive 🌟
Redgrave, Vanessa - Coriolanus
Spencer, Octavia - The Help
Best Music
Artist, The
Chicago 🌟
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Midnight in Paris
评奖理由:歌舞片在这个单元的胜算向来很大。值得一提的是,The Artist和Midnight in Paris的配乐都在人们脑海中留下了深刻的印象,着实不易。
Best Screenplay
A Separation 🌟
评奖理由:在伊朗“神作” A Separation面前,其他片子的编剧们也只好感叹生不逢时。好的剧本往往取材于生活,而伊朗特殊的社会环境和人文生态也成就了该剧本的深度和对社会各种现象的探讨。
Best Director
Hazanavicius, Michel - The Artist
Payne, Alexander - The Descendants
Soderbergh, Steven - Traffic
Tarantino, Quentin - Kill Bill Vol.1 🌟
Best Picture - Drama
A Separation 🌟
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Like Crazy
评奖理由:A Separation的“神作”理由就在于该片能够通过两位普通人家的生活矛盾上升到对社会中性别,宗教,政治,司法对人们的世界观和价值观的深刻影响,而影片寓意式的结尾会让观众们对伊朗甚至中东这个地区的人文和社会有一层更深的认识。
Best Picture - Musical/Comedy
Chicago 🌟
Help, The
评奖理由: 对社会问题的探讨不及The Help, 小资的人文关怀不及50/50, 演员们之间的演技碰撞不及Carnage, 但Chicago是最符合音乐/喜剧这一个类别的了。当年该片取得的成功也让歌舞片在21世纪焕发了新的光彩。
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A beautiful word of acceptance in Love
shared as a set of posts by John Parsons on Tuesday that also touches upon the Hebraic roots of faith and hope:
From our Torah this week we read: "Be holy as I am holy" (Lev. 19:2). This doesn't mean wrapping yourself up in some protective cloak of religious rituals as much as it means accepting your own atonement: reconciling who you are with your past, finding healing and love, and walking in genuine hope... Holiness isn't as much "separation" from the profane as it is "consecration" to the sacred, and in that sense it is a kind of teshuvah, a turning of the heart back to reality.... Negatively put, "being holy" is turning away from fear, despair, and anger; positively put, it is embracing the worth and value of life, respecting the Divine Presence, and walking in the radiance of God's love. Hashivenu Adonai.... [Hebrew for Christians]
Do you have a Jewish heart? If you say that you love the “LORD God of Israel” (יהוה אֱלהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל) -- and it’s clear that the LORD God of Israel loves the Jewish people -- it follows that you should likewise love the Jewish people (see Deut. 7:6-8; 14:2; 2 Sam. 7:23-24; 1 Kings 8:53; 10:9; 1 Chron 17:20-21; Isa 43:1-3; Jer. 31:31-37; Ezek. 36:24-28; Rom. 11:1-2;11:28; Hos. 11:1-11, etc.). After all, the Yeshua is called מֶלֶךְ הַיְּהוּדִים / melech ha-Yehudim: the "King of the Jews" (Matt. 2:2, 27:11, etc.), and the very term "Mashiach" [i.e., “Christ”] is a regal term denoting the anointed King of Israel. Christians who pray to “Jesus Christ” are really praying to Yeshua as the anointed King of the Jews... And one day (very soon) Yeshua will indeed return to Jerusalem, the "City of the Great King" (Matt 5:35), to assume the throne of David and complete the redemption originally promised to the Jewish people (Zech. 12:1-13:1; 14:1-9, Ezek. 37:12-14, etc.). God will prove faithful to ethnic Israel. To deny this is to radically question God’s faithfulness to the "Church." Indeed, let me say this as plainly as I can: Churches or teachers who claim that God has abandoned ethnic Israel are directly impugning the credibility of the Gospel message itself. Yes, it’s that serious of an issue... [Hebrew for Christians]
The physical descendants of Abraham are called בָּבַת עֵינוֹ (bavat eino), the “pupil of God’s eye” (Zech. 2:8), a term of endearment God uses for no other nation on earth (see Deut. 32:8). Indeed, the LORD has never abandoned His original covenant people but will yet choose them for His Name’s sake (Isa. 14:1). The church has not replaced Israel in God’s redemptive plan but is merely “grafted in” to the original “root” of Israel. “Remember,” Rabbi Paul warns, “it is not you who support the root, but the root supports you” (Rom. 11:18).
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HÔTEL GAYTHERING: Hoppy Hour 5-8 p.m. with $3 beers, $1 off well, $2 off call & $3 off premium drinks. Get ready for Throwback Thursday #TBT with $3 local craft beers and $7 Sailor Jerrys. It’s a throwback music video hits party #70’s #80’s #90’s. For additional info, visit gaythering.com. 1409 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach
MIAMI BEACH CINEMATHEQUE: At 7 p.m., MBC Interactive Archive Retrospective: Highlights of World Cinema Pickpocket by Robert Bresson.
PALACE: Cafe con Leche Thursdays hosted by Missy Meyakie and Josefina La Mujer De Los Globos. For more information or to make a reservation, call 305.587.3588 or visit palacesouthbeach.com. “Every Queen Needs A Palace.” 1052 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach TWIST: Sabroso Thursdays! 10 p.m. - 5 a.m. 2-4-1 drinks until 3 a.m. on everything. Music by DJ Adora & DJ Mika. Stiff drinks and beautiful dancers. “Never a cover… Always a groove.” 1057 Washington Ave., Miami Beach VIBES KITCHEN + BAR: Every Thursday enjoy $3 hummus & pita, $3 amaretto sours & $3 PABST beer. 1429 Washington Ave., Miami Beach FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 HÔTEL GAYTHERING: Hoppy Hour 5-8 p.m. with $3 beers, $1 off well, $2 off call & $3 off premium drinks. $3 Bud Lights & $7 Jack. Then join Bears & Hares at 10 p.m. The animal house is open, welcoming bears & hares… and all other creatures. “On Fridays we wear flannel.”
MIAMI BEACH CINEMATHEQUE: At 6:50 p.m., Miami premiere engagement! "Best of Cannes" (Palme d'Or Winner!): Shoplifters by Hirokazu Kore-Eda.
PALACE: Fresh Face Fridays - Not your regular lunch. Hosted by Tiffany Fantasia. “Every Queen Needs A Palace.” THE MANOR: The Boulet Brothers Dragula. Music in the Ballroom with DJ JPS. Ultra Lounge with DJ Miik. $150 VIP room bottle special. No cover before midnight FL Residents 21+. After midnight, members $7, non-members $10; $12 all night for under 21. For info, visit themanorcomplex.com. 2345 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors TWIST: Always Packed Fridays with DJ Bill Hallquist. 2-4-1 Happy Hour, 1-9 p.m. on everything. “Never a cover… Always a groove.” VIBES KITCHEN + BAR: Enjoy Fridaze at Vibes with $5 vodka cocktails. Open till 4:30 a.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22
HÔTEL GAYTHERING: Inner Space Yoga with Joseph 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. All levels. Work your spiritual and physical fitness with this energetic flow sequence. Donation based classes. Hoppy Hour 5-8 p.m. with $3 beers, $1 off well, $2 off call & $3 off premium drinks. Enjoy $3 Stellas & $7 Titos.
MIAMI BEACH CINEMATHEQUE: At 4:35 p.m., Miami premiere engagement! "Best of Cannes" (Palme d'Or Winner!): Shoplifters by Hirokazu Kore-Eda.
PALACE: Enjoy Saturday Brunch Extravaganza hosted by Noel Leon, 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Then at 5 p.m., join in for a Drag Gone Wild hosted by Tiffany Fantasia. “Every Queen Needs A Palace.”
SCORE: At 11 p.m., party at Bigger Saturdays with music by DJ Rodolfo Bavat + DJ Cindel. Special giveaways by Bang! Advance tickets available at seetickets.us. The Loft. 1439 Washington Ave. THE MANOR: Manor World Christmas. No cover before midnight, for FL Residents 21+. After midnight, members $7, non-members $10; $12 all night for under 21. $3 well drinks 11 p.m. - midnight. $150 VIP room bottle special all night. TWIST: Muscle Boy Saturdays with DJ Mika. 10 p.m. - 5 a.m. 2-4-1 Happy Hour 1-9 p.m. on everything. “Never a cover… Always a groove.” VIBES KITCHEN + BAR: Join in for Shirts off Saturdays at Vibes with $5 vodka specials & $2 shots. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 HÔTEL GAYTHERING: Hoppy Hour 2-8 p.m with $3 beers, $1 off well, $2 off call & $3 off premium drinks. Enjoy Sunday Funday bar games with $3 PBRs & $7 Absolut flavors all night.
MIAMI BEACH CINEMATHEQUE: At 5:15 p.m., Miami premiere engagement! "Best of Cannes" (Palme d'Or Winner!): Shoplifters by Hirokazu Kore-Eda.
PALACE: Join in for the most iconic brunch experience in South Beach, Brunchic. “Every Queen Needs A Palace.” TWIST: 2-4-1 Happy Hour 1-9 p.m. on everything. Steamy Sundays in the Garden Bar. Pussila’s Underwear Contest: winner gets $100 bar tab. Music by DJ Paulie. “Never a cover… Always a groove.” VIBES KITCHEN + BAR: Enjoy SunDaze at Vibes with $5 tequila sunrises & $5 tequila sunsets. Open till 3 a.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 HÔTEL GAYTHERING: Hoppy Hour 5-8 p.m. with $3 beers, $1 off well, $2 off call & $3 off premium drinks. At 8 p.m., join in for Karaoke Mondays hosted by Tiffany Fantasia with $3 Coronas & $7 Milagros.
PALACE: Missy Meyakie Lepaige hosts Mondays Are A Drag with beer and burger specials. TWIST: Happy Hour 1-9 p.m. on everything. At night, VJ Nathan presents: Pop! Mondays. Sounds by DJ Sushiman. “Never a cover… Always a groove.“ VIBES KITCHEN + BAR: Every Monday, enjoy $6 margaritas at Vibes. Open till 3 a.m. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 HÔTEL GAYTHERING: Hoppy Hour 5-8 p.m. with $3 beers, $1 off well, $2 off call & $3 off premium drinks. Then join in for Tight Ass Two’s Days with 2-4-1 well drinks all night. Enjoy $7 Alexander Beaverhausens. Inner Space Yoga with Paul 7-8 p.m. All levels. Work your spiritual and physical fitness with this energetic flow sequence. Donation based classes. 2-4-1 sauna happy hour 5-11 p.m. PALACE: Tacos & Tequila Tuesdays with Noel Leon with half off tacos and tequila specials. "Every Queen Needs A Palace.” TWIST: 2-4-1 Happy Hour 1-9 p.m. on everything. Globoy Tuesdays with beats by DJ Aulden Brown. $5 Fireball shots. “Never a cover… Always a groove.” VIBES KITCHEN + BAR: Every Monday, enjoy $7 Long Islands at Vibes. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26 HÔTEL GAYTHERING: Hoppy Hour 5-8 p.m. with $3 beers, $1 off well, $2 off call & $3 off premium drinks. Gaymer night starting at 6 p.m. is Smash the Slumlords. Hosting Just Dance, Super Smash Bros. and retro games. Dance with your friends and help a worthy cause with your donations to play. Trivia night starts at 8 p.m. Winner gets $50 off their bar tab for the night. $3 PBRs & $7 Absolut all night. MIAMI BEACH CINEMATHEQUE: At 6:50 p.m., Miami premiere engagement! "Best of Cannes" (Palme d'Or Winner!): Shoplifters by Hirokazu Kore-Eda.
PALACE: Way Back Wednesday hosted by Tiffany Fantasia with shows from 7-11:30 p.m. “Every Queen Needs A Palace.” TWIST: Getting Fresh with TP Lords, featuring Josefina La Globos and sounds by DJ Sushiman. Showtime 1 a.m. “Never a cover… Always a groove.” VIBES KITCHEN + BAR: Every Wednesday, enjoy $5 whiskey cocktails & $5 white wines. Open till 3 a.m.
This was originally published in Wire Magazine Issue 51.2018
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/dfb57e05428cc3a338a867497fa1ac8d/tumblr_inline_pk1me6Vayo1qjrkt0_500.jpg)
#wire magazine#wiremag.com#wire#miami#miami beach#south beach#sobe#fort lauderdale#wynwood#wilton manors#gay#lgbt#glbt
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If you’re new to the story, please go check out Book 1 first …
Book 3 Chapter 1 is here …
MPORTANT: Please note this story includes content that may be considered mature, such as moderate battle violence, some strong language and occasional mild sexual scenes.
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Lady Naru walked us out after the meeting broke up, giving Daste a particularly fond parting hug and kiss on the cheek before we left the chamber and finally broke the spell. The whole way down the stairs and out of the door she hovered close at my side, and she just kept firing questions at me. She wanted to know the most contrary things, I genuinely couldn’t work out why she was asking about these things, none of it seemed to have any import at all. She just wanted to know about me. How it had been for me growing up, what I’d been through in my training, and my adventures out in the wider world. The exact kinds of questions da always asked me when he returned to Bavat, actually.
She’s kind, and gentle with me. I found myself warming to her very quickly, something about her just puts me at ease, but there’s more to it than that. It’s taken me so long to work out how it feels to me, but I realise now it’s like I already know her. From somewhere deep in my past, before I was capable of remembering her. She just feels so familiar to me.
That being said, the whole time I could still feel Kesla watching the two of us like a hawk, and I knew she was silently judging our new acquaintance, deciding if she can be trusted. I’d like to think she’s just being protective, but the truth is this is just Kesla being Kesla. She really is incorrigible in some ways.
Personally, I just want to have this. I have no real family apart from my father, or at least I don’t think there’s anyone else out there, I never got to know my mother. Da won’t even talk about her, the one time he relented to my questions he simply said that nothing good can come from me knowing before I’m ready. I wish I had the first clue what that even means. But because of this I’ve always striven to get as many friends as I can, even though it can be a little difficult for me sometimes, I’m really not good at all that social mess, I just never got the hang of it. So I’ve got plenty of family out there, but only one of them is blood.
Sulin Naru is another connection to my past, someone who’s very close to my father. The more I manage to learn through inference from her own questions the clearer it’s become to me she really does know my father, so even if Kesla’s unconvinced, she’s won me over. I want to spend more time around her, as much simply because I really do like her as because she’s one of my father’s oldest friends.
Besides, she’s kind of fascinating. I’ve never met a real sorcerer, in truth very few have, at least knowingly, but thanks to my education I know a lot more about them than most. The opportunity to learn more from personal experience is too great a temptation for me.
After leaving the Transit House and heading back across the bridge, we went back to our hotel for the first time in days, mostly on the pretence of swapping out some of our old gear for fresh clothing and supplies from our luggage. Certainly it was nice to be able to change my own travelling clothes from my packs, and I needed to replenish my own components as well as help Tulen rethink her own gear in the face of what we’re now into, but we ended up staying longer. To start with, we needed to see to our horses, Kesla and Shay in particular giving some attention to their fearsome mounts, Trampler and Elder, who seemed to have grown lonely despite having been looked after well enough by the stable-workers. Then Art declared he needed a drink, which prompted others to admit they were hungry, despite the hearty breakfast we had before we left the temple, so we ended up taking food and a few pints before heading out again.
So now the afternoon’s growing long above us as we’re navigating the streets again, this time following my nose as I use the blood dried into my ruined handkerchief as focal point for the tracking spell I’ve put up alongside Olsbeq’s Awareness Augment. I’ll admit it’s been a while since I tried this, and I suspect I look a little strange to casual passers-by right now due to the components, but I’ve got more immediate concerns right now. Despite my own personal mastery of the mechanics of the spell, I have to admit Tulen has a good point with this particular piece of magic. It’s a lot.
After smearing lines of corn syrup around my eyes, ears and under my nostrils, I had to take a piece of raw cotton and soak it in castor oil before holding it under my nose and taking a deep breath. With the unpleasant medicinal tang of it in my head I summoned up the relevant sigil and spoke the incantation, then ran my fingers over the lines, mashing them as deep in as I could without either temporarily blinding or deafening myself as the charm took hold. I’ll admit having the sweet corn syrup in my nostrils easily drove off the unpleasantness of the castor oil, but it still had me blinking from the sting in my eyes while my ears popped as the spell finally took hold. Then suddenly I could see and hear everything. Or at least that’s what it feels like.
Most of the group look pretty much the same as they normally do, just in much greater detail since now I’m able to make out each individual stitch and weave in their clothing, every near-imperceptible line and wrinkle in their skin, every single hair grown from their heads. There are other, subtle details, though. When I looked at Kesla the first thing I saw was her strength, as if the latent power stored in her muscles was a palpable thing, just rising from her like strangely beautiful fumes. There’s something very similar to Thel and Dumoli, I quickly noticed, as well as Yeslee, although that didn’t take me by surprise after seeing it in the others.
Others were more interesting to observe, however. Krakka glows like a beacon, he’s entirely too bright for me to look at, and I know that’s the blazing power of his beloved goddess. Shay shines too, but hers is more subtly subdued, more akin to my own slightly pearlescent glow, which I know comes from her own half-elf blood. I know full well that I must be as brilliantly illuminated as Tulen, though, her magical potential ebbing and flowing much like the dancing auroras seen over the mountains sometimes in the Northern Reaches which I hear are a nightly event in Tektehr. In her case it pulses with the beat of her heart, and I’m sure my own does the same, although I suspect my own brilliant colour scheme is subtly different, although I hope it’s at least as strikingly beautiful. Since she refused to try the spell again she couldn’t tell me.
Lady Naru was, unsurprisingly, a bonfire. If I had any doubt before that she really is a sorcerer, it died in that instant. Her own power is no aurora, it blazes as bright as Krakka’s but with the dancing, golden fire of the sun’s corona. And while Tulen’s waves waft off her in impressive but ultimately lazy waves, Naru’s boil and flare with furious flashes like a blast furnace. I couldn’t make out her face in the midst of it any better than Krakka’s.
Big Man surprised me the most, though. I’ve grown so used to him as this dark, dull, cold hulk of impenetrable ceramic, the only real indicator of life his bright red eyes, but when I laid eyes on him after activating the Augment … he’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. His physical form is still there, but I can see that his hard, cold form is really just a shell. The real Driver 8 is the bright red fire inside him, which crackles and dances and spins with unmistakable arcane life. I couldn’t help myself when I saw it, the words escaped me all on their own: “Big Man … you’re incandescent.”
He looked at me for a long moment before replying, and I swear I could actually see his attention this time, I knew he was looking right at me now, looking me over, and something about the way his dancing fire seemed to spin and weave as he did it … I can’t explain it, it felt like appreciation, and love. For the first time I knew he cares about me the same way I’ve come to care about him. The rest too, I’m sure.
“Thank you, Gael. You are very much the same to me.”
Hearing that put the theory to bed for me. It seems this is very much how he sees the world too, so given Kesla’s requirements this was clearly the smart choice. So I concentrated and did the requisite fine-tuning, just like I always did back in the classrooms when we tried this, as well as in my examinations when I last tried it, and everything calmed down again. I could still see everything, and feel everything, and I hear things I never do with my normal ears, but otherwise it was mostly as it is normally.
Now all I have to do is focus, when I need to, and I can pick up on what’s going on around me, or I can read people around, me, pick up subtleties I would never be able to observe with my normal eyes or ears or sense of smell. I’m inherently aware of everyone around me, not only within my sight but beyond too, and with a surprisingly minor adjustment I can increase the range significantly. I don’t know quite how far out I can make this work, but it’s a fair assessment that anything within a quarter mile is conceivably within my awareness now.
Once she was assured my spell would easily serve the same functions as Big Man’s sensory abilities, Kesla divided the group. Putting Shay in charge of our group seemed to make Thel a little prickly when it became clear that means taking her lead from the half-orc, but she’s warming to the idea easily enough, although I think having Brung along for the ride probably helped. She also put Krakka with us too, just in case we do run into anything more than we can handle on our own, and I suspect she assigned Darwyn, Yeslee and Zuldrad too for the same reasons. I noticed Darwyn breathing a little smoother once she realised this meant she wouldn’t have to put up with her ex, much like last time.
Then again, our resources are pretty well spread out between the two groups now. Art knows the streets as well as his fellow thieves, and with Driver 8 watching out for them they shouldn’t have to worry about anyone following them, at least without them catching up on it. Besides, he can take on a small army by himself, having both Tulen and Lady Naru with them almost feels like overkill for inherent defence. Besides, if they are going to head into the richer quarters of the city, then surely the chances of them running into an actual fight actually drop considerably. We’re the ones who are actually going out looking for trouble right now.
Besides, we can still keep in touch with the others if we need to. Tulen promised before we parted ways that the moment anything at all happens on their end she’ll let me know about it, and Lady Naru said the messenger magic’s as easy to her as anything else. That being said, I find myself wondering what it would actually be like to try using that spell while I’m already in the thrall of the Augment. It’s perhaps not the most enticing prospect right now …
Stopping just short of the curb, I give the bundled cloth in my free hand a little squeeze as I turn a slow semi-circle and scan the broad thoroughfare ahead of me. I don’t see the others stopping behind me, but I know they do all the same, even the order they do it in as they note than I’m adjusting to the change in surroundings again. I can feel Shay shifting her weight from one foot to the other, regarding me for a long beat, and I can even sense she wants to speak now, even as I take in all the other bodies around us. Business is still in full swing so the wide street is pretty busy, but there doesn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary.
Finally Shay clears her throat and takes a step closer. “Um … Gael, you all right there?”
“Perfectly fine.” I breathe, thoroughly aware that I’m speaking at a conversational level she can easily pick up on even out here with all this ambient noise.
The way I can not only see the creasing of the little wrinkle between her brows but the muscles behind it is a little discomfiting for me right now, but it’s a more subtle effect I’m still a little lost over how to actually realistically ignore. “Gael … you’re walking like you’re in a trance, and your eyes are … gods, that is weird. Your pupils are dancing. They can’t decide if they’re going to stay wide open or tight as pinholes. And you look frightful. People are staring.”
Frowning and actually feeling every inch of my face subtly adjusting from that one movement, I look around again, and I can see what she means easily enough, as much feeling the attention of those who are passing us by. I’m drawing a lot of looks all right, but then with what must looks very much like fresh blood painted in smeared lines across my face I’m well aware of the outlandishness of my appearance. Even in Untermer I know this must be a weird look, even without the way I’m apparently moving around.
“Honestly, Shay?” I find myself forming the words without thinking too much about it, really. “I have no idea how the hell Big Man does this every day.”
“Because he’s a golem, Gael. He was built that way. He’s always seen the world like this.” She steps closer now, putting her hand in the small of my back, but gently, not putting any real pressure on me yet. “I thought you said you’d done this before, though. That you had control over it.”
“I did. I do. It’s just …” I blink, and while the act only lasts for the split of a second it seems to feel to me like it takes much longer. Oh, that might be the worst part of this, the stretching of perceived time in certain moments. “Ooof … um … oh, yes, well … that was in a controlled environment. Back in the Academy, in the classroom, or in the examination hall. This is … somewhat different.”
Shay’s frown deepens as she looks right into my eyes, and as she opens her mouth it’s worryingly like I can already see the words she’s forming. Like some horrible pre-emptive echo. “Do you need help?” She presses my back more firmly now, but I can feel every tendon in her fingers, the bones behind them, even the ridges of her fingerprints, through the layers of my clothes.
“No. I’m all right. Really. I promise.”
Stepping back as she breaks contact, Shay still watches me closer than a hawk, looking thoroughly unconvinced by my words. “Gael, I …” She takes a deep breath, then lets it out in a deep sigh. “Fuck. Okay, if you insist. Kesla put me in charge, sort of, but … I’m going to defer just this once, because you’re supposed to be the expert on magic here.” She sets her jaw, and I see the muscles shifting under her impressive cheeks. “Which way?”
Squinting now, I focus on the other half of the combined spell I’ve woven, and the handkerchief still gripped in my hand almost seems to pulse as I shift my gaze. I feel the subtlest throb behind my eyes, then I see that bright red line I’ve been following since I finished the spells shift. Curving right, down past two stores across the thoroughfare and then cutting into the alleyway just past. I start walking without thinking.
“Whoa, wait!” I feel Shay grab me hard, and it sets off a whole flood of physical sensations through me as she digs her fingers into my shoulders and pulls me back. Just as the trotting horse and cart I’d been fully aware of but somehow still managed to completely ignore as I focused on the path rolls right through the space I would have occupied on the cobbled street. “Gods, Gael, focus.”
“That’s just what I am doing …” The words are out without conscious thought once again, my reasoning mind still detached from my awareness, I think. Another of the strange side effects of this spell. “But thank you. That could have been bad.”
“No shit.” Shay lets go of me and I set off instantly, and I hear her muttering a slightly winded oath as she scrambles to follow me again. I can feel her frustration radiating from her like a palpable fever now. I can also sense all the others following too, and I know they’re just as concerned as Shay now, especially after that near miss.
“Shay,” I hear Thel muttering as she draws in close to her side, even though the low tone’s intended to be private. “What the fuck is going on with ‘em?”
“Magic. I don’t get it either, and I like it even less. They say they’re on top of it, though.”
“Seriously? You saw what just happened. They’re stumbling round like they’re being controlled by some crazy druid. They carry on like this they’re gonna get hurt.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
Thel doesn’t reply this time, but I can feel her frustration growing now too. Directed as much at Shay as at me, though, I notice. Chafing at the required deference, I think.
The moment I step into the alley the smell hits like a physical wall, trash and raw sewage and body odour. I pull the scent-portion of my input out as much as I consciously can as I start stepping gingerly, not actually having to look down to keep track of the cleaner, drier spots in the broken paving as I navigate the overflow from the badly maintained drains. I keep my focus directed on the path ahead as I lead the group into the next stretch of the labyrinth.
“Ugh … charming place.” I hear Krakka mutter from somewhere in the middle behind me.
“Welcome to Untermer.” Shay growls under her own breath “Again.”
“You get used to it.” Darwyn pipes up, and the amusement is clear in her voice, but I can also sense her more mischievous streak stepping up too. “Eventually.”
“I don’t want to get used to this.” Krakka snaps “Even the poor quarters in Tabaphic don’t smell this bad.”
They continue for a few more moments, and while it’s definitely bickering I can tell it’s relatively light hearted now they have something else to take their mind off my current predicament for a minute or two. But something else is starting to draw my own attention now. Not here, in the tight, winding confines of the allay, but ahead. In the more open space that I can already sense a little way ahead.
So I just stop on the spot, not really a conscious decision but just smart given the situation. Shay catches it quickly enough, of course, but I feel the message taking more time to travel through the rest of the group, so some of them come close to walking into the backs of others as we all draw to a clumsy halt.
“Um … Gael, are you –”
“Something’s ahead of us.”
The group falls dead silent at those words, and I feel several of them tense on the spot. Shay and Thel both reach for the weapons on their hips purely by instinct but don’t draw. An electric moment passes by, then I feel Shay step up close so she can lean over my shoulder, intending to whisper in my ear now.
“What kind of something?” I know she’s looking ahead now, but she can see as well as I can that the alley’s twists are as haphazard as any others we’ve encountered, nothing ahead actually visible right now.
That’s what Kesla would call a stumper, actually. I’ve been keeping my attentions trained for threats this whole time, and so far nothing’s actually presented itself, at least nothing explicitly dangerous. What I can feel up ahead … there’s no direct menace to it, I can tell at least that whatever threat there is here it’s not specifically focused on anything right now, it’s more pregnant with possibilities. A watchfulness, I suppose … of course that’s what it is. Guards. Sentries. Someone set out on watch. More than one person, I can feel now.
“Someone is … watching this path.”
“What …” Shay tenses a little more, I feel her grip tighten on her sword as well as hearing the creak of the tendons in her fingers, the subtlest creak in the leather of the scabbard. “They’re expecting us?”
“No, I don’t …” I concentrate a little deeper into what’s ahead, and it’s like a picture in abstraction forming ahead of me, it’s very strange. I can see the brick of the walls ahead of me, but somehow I can also make out what lies beyond, a small square lying between the crush of surrounding buildings. No nature here, though, just flagstone paving underfoot and some scattered man-made topography, looks like some tables and simple benches set out in the space. There are doorways in some of the walls, one of them currently open, and there’s a figure sat on the stoop, half in and half out of the entryway. This is the most watchful attention, I can see, but they’re not alone. There are three others here, two sat at one of the tables while a third is pacing idly in the middle of the open ground. None of these others look particularly alert, but they’re awake enough. All it takes is for one to notice you, after all.
This is … yes, this is definitely the place. As I push my focus a little tighter onto all of them, I can see they’re clearly of the same basic stock as the rest we’ve been fighting lately. The same makeshift leather gear and cloaks, the same borrowed or stolen Guild gear and weapons. As I push even deeper, looking past the man sat in the doorway – and it’s the strangest thing, I know right through that it is a man – I can sense they’re definitely not the only ones here.
The building in question is three storeys, somewhat slender but long so there’s room despite it being cramped. It’s all kinds of disconcerting that I can actually look through walls to see what lies inside, but more so to actually be able to make out the occupants too, although in these cases they’re more indistinct, mostly just vaguely man or woman-shaped blobs. The way they’re picked out in warm colours makes me think perhaps I’m seeing them through their body warmth, which is another strange and worrying thing, and I wonder if that’s how Big Man sees us all when we’re out of his direct sight. I try not to think about it now as I make a rough count but then the number just suddenly comes to me even though I didn’t actually ask for it first. Oof … I hate this.
I’m stumbling backwards before I quite realise, but I don’t fall as Shay just grabs hold of me again and holds me up. “Shit … Gael, come on. This cannot be good for you. Seriously, how long can you even keep this up?”
Blinking a few times, I finally just mash my eyes closed for a few beats and then give my head a good shake before finally forcing myself into a comfortable standing position again as I open them. “Oooh … it’s rather subjective, I’m told. It depends on the wizard, really. Tulen can barely handle it for a minute or two, after all.” When I look back at them now I’ve dialled it all right back so I’m seeing the group mostly how they normally are, but I still can’t quite escape the most obvious effects. Minerva … Krakka’s still a beacon. “I’ll be all right for a little longer, I think.”
“Bollocks.” Shay really doesn’t try to sugar-coat it this time. “Please, Gael. Just drop it.”
“He’s in there, just a little way down. But he’s not alone, there are quite a few more of them with him.”
Shay shuts her mouth a moment after I finish speaking, the words she clearly wanted to say dying in her throat. Instead her face darkens further as she looks past me for a moment, then back. “You’re sure about that?”
“Yes. It’s a strange thing, but … yes. I even know how many of them there are, just like Driver 8 does. It’s … I think I’m starting to understand him a little now. But I don’t like it.” I look at the others, seeing them all listening intently. Yeslee’s shouldered her way through the group now, stood just behind Shay as she looks right over her head down the alley ahead of us. I don’t even need to see her nostrils working to know she’s scenting the air now, I can almost see the air being drawn in through the flaring. “There’s close to three dozen altogether. The same kind of people we’ve been dealing with this past week.”
“Have they rumbled us?” Thel asks after a moment’s musing, looking almost excited now. Clearly she’s been pretty sick of all the waiting we’ve been doing of late. “Y’know, do they know we’re here?”
“Of course.” I can’t help cocking my brow at that. “Um … no, from what I can tell they’re pretty idle, actually. I mean the guards seem alert enough, but no more than you or I would be if this were just a normal day. I think. Um …” Faltering, I turn to Shay again, preferring the opinion of someone who actually has a tactical mind.
“Means they’re not expecting us, but they’re not being stupid about it either.” She strokes her chin for a moment , thoughtful now, then looks up at Yeslee. “What do you think?”
Yeslee’s brows shoot right up at that. She seems genuinely surprised that Shay’s actually asking for her opinion, but doesn’t actually come right out and say it. Instead she looks down at the half-orc for a moment, her expression smoothing out again as she thinks about it. “You’re the boss here.”
This time it’s Shay’s turn to be amazed, the way Yeslee said that was so matter of fact I know it was meant with the utmost respectful deference. She’s genuinely willing to go with Shay’s ideas since Kesla clearly thinks she can do it too. That being said, it’s not without precedent, Yeslee remembers as well as I do what a good job Shay did hunting us back in the mountains. “Um … yeah, cool. Thanks.” Frowning, she turns back to me. “How do we get in there, then?”
Thinking for a moment, I realise what she means. “Oh, yes. Of course. Entrances, yes.” I concentrate again, and I don’t even need to turn around, I can see the layout of the place again even though it’s behind me now. I’m trying very hard indeed to not actually think about that right now, I’m liable to make myself throw up, or something worse perhaps. “Um … okay, there’s the main one on the far side, but that’s not easy to access from here, we’d have to go all the way around to approach it from the street.”
“No point anyway, guarantee they’d be watching out from that way.” Yeslee pauses for a moment, still thoughtful, then looks up. “Oh, yes. Of course. The same way I would.”
“Why ain’t they picked up on us coming this way?” Thel’s looking back down the way we’ve come now, and she’s gripping the axe at her left side tight, while her free right hand just works on its own, clenching and then flexing. If they’re watching the front entrance, then –”
“I must have picked up on that without even realising it.” I shake my head a little, but with my eyes open it just causes everything to swim and jumble for a second. Gods … I shouldn’t do that again. “Um … I don’t know. As we were approaching, I was looking out for anyone actually observing us. I mean, more than just idle curiosity. Like watching with a purpose. I didn’t seem to pick up on it, but … I brought us in at a somewhat oblique angle, I think. I’m not sure.” I shrug, looking at Shay again as I sigh. “I don’t know. Maybe they just missed us.”
“You’re sure we’re not being watched, then?” Shay’s eyes are locked on mine as she asks, then she looks up the way Yeslee’s still doing. “There’s no chance they could be hiding it from you?”
“No, it doesn’t work that way. If there was someone observing us, I’d know it.”
“Is there a way in from above?” Yeslee’s question seems to stump Shay as much as me, I have to think about it for a moment, then my attention just seems to … it’s strange, there’s almost like a pinging sound deep in my head as I just know again, my attention seeming to home in on the answer. Minerva … I’m starting to hate this.
“There is. And there are two of them up there, watching out, although their attention seems to be mostly devoted to the front of the building. I think that might be why they missed us. It’s a lot of rooftop to cover for two of them.”
“That’s right, they should be more spread out so they could watch both sides simultaneously.” Yeslee breathes, finally looking down as she reaches into one of her pockets and produces her coiled bowstring. A simply flick of her wrist unspools it all at once, then she simply slips the tiny knotted loop at one end over the top of her bow’s stave and then upends the whole thing before bending it against her foot. The stave creaks somewhat and I know that she’s exerting a spectacular amount of force on it now as she bends the bow into shape, but as she simply pulls the string taut and slips the other end in place too she shows no strain at all. Finally she reaches into the pocket again and produces the two carved bone horns, tipping each end of the bow with the same quick care she’s shown in the rest of this operation. The whole thing can’t have taken more than fifteen seconds. “They’re not half so smart as they think they are, I suspect.”
“You’re sure you want to try this now?” Shay cocks a brow as she looks at the Fir Bolg.
“Best not to give them a chance to get more clever while we’re being so lucky.” She slips the newly strung bow over her hand and lets it rest across her back as she starts to roll her shoulders and picks up her feet. It’s a ritual I’ve come the recognise, she’s limbering up for a climb. “Can you make it up this wall after me?”
Frowning a little, Shay narrows her eyes. “After you? I thought …” She cocks her head and starts to smile. “Ah, yes.” She looks up again. “I think so. I’ve scaled smoother than this before. The drainpipes should help, anyway.” She looks at the rest of us, and her gaze lingers on Darwyn. “How about you?”
Darwyn’s not even looking at her, she’s just frowning upward as she takes the wall in. I follow her gaze, and my enhanced senses instantly start picking out imperfections, cracks and weak spots in the brickwork around us. Slowly I start to see what they’re talking about – these walls are sheer, but they’re also very rough, and there are far more handholds, perilously tight as most of them might seem, than I would have thought to just look at them normally. That being said, it’s still … well, if I’m daunted by a six foot drop onto a sandy beach, this kind of thing genuinely boggles me.
“Sure.” She shrugs after a moment, giving a cocked little smile. “Compared to some of the buildings I’ve had to climb up this might as well be a ladder.”
“Really?” I can’t keep the incredulity out of my face. “You’re sure?”
Looking up at me now, she cocks her brow. “Been doing this shit since I was genuine tiny. Art wishes he was good as me.”
Zuldrad snorts behind her, and when she gives him a hard glare he entirely ignores it, just smiling a quizzical little smile as he starts stripping off his gloves. After a frowning moment Darwyn starts doing the same. Seems he’s going with them too, then.
“Well … all right then, I suppose.” I turn back to Shay. “I can’t do this. You know I can’t do this. I’m bad enough with trees. I just never got the knack, it was very embarrassing for me when I was young.”
Letting out a little sigh, Shay just steps forward and lays her hand on my arm, giving it a gentle squeeze while she pulls me close until she can lay her forehead against mine. “Just breathe. You don’t have to. It’s just going to be the four of us, the rest of you are staying down here.”
“Brung can climb too, though.” Thel ventures, and when we look her way we find her small goblin companion’s stood at her side now, looking up the wall himself. “And he’s just as sneaky as any of you.”
“No, I want him to stay down here.” Shay steps back from me now, and I realise she’s not pulling her own gloves off any more than Yeslee is. Then again, neither of them have any fingers on their gloves. “You’re all going to be just as busy as they rest of us, I promise.”
“We are?” The words are out before I can stop them, the Augment’s still messing somewhat with my ability to differentiate between my simply thinking the words and actually saying them.
“Yes. You’re going to be the distraction.” The way she grins when she says that fills me with trepidation.
Thel, on the other hand, is just starting to smile again. “Oh, well reckon I can live with that. Long as I get to batter somebody I’m happy with this plan.”
Pulling off her cloak, Shay considers for a moment before folding it once and holding it out to me, but I really don’t mind. In truth it’s worth it if I get to look at her new armour.
Kesla insisted she should consider something with more protection than just the bracers she was wearing the other night, but I think Shay’s learned her lesson well enough after nearly dying. Instead she’s gone all the way to the other extreme – as soon as we got back to the hotel and had access to the rest of our luggage she went straight to her room to retrieve the new suit of armour she acquired from Hurrig back in the Academy in Bavat. She also rather sheepishly asked Tulen and I to help her get into it.
It was definitely worth the efforts, I think she looks amazing. Even without the Augment she looks absolutely beautiful, albeit in a rather dangerous way. The fine black scale-mail has the subtlest gleam, but something about it seems to let the light slide off of it rather than reflect too much, which I suspect is intended to add to her stealth. Hurrig was right when he said it should fit her, in truth it looks almost like it was made to measure for her specifically, the cuirass as snug around her torso as the sleeves and leggings. The pauldrons, faulds, vambraces and grieves, meanwhile, don’t so much bulk her out as simply compliment her form, and as she takes time to adjust the lie of her weapon harnesses I swear I can see the subtle shifting of her muscles through the metal scales. It might simply be another layer of the Augment, but I suspect it’s a genuine aspect of the armour itself. Either way, it’s quite beautifully made, and suits her down to the ground.
“Bloody hell.” Thel’s oath breaks me out of my reverie as surely as it grabs Shay’s attention. She’s looking the half-orc over with fresh appreciation, and as she starts to smile again she nods. “That is impressive.”
“Yeah, it is.” Darwyn nods too, although she’s frowning a little as she adjusts her own gear, having now shed her own cloak. “Bit fancy though, ain’t it? For what we’re doing, I mean.”
“Better not to take any chances if I can help it.” Shay takes a moment to smooth her hands over the snug scales covering her chest, moving cautiously down towards her belly. The armour makes the subtlest hissing sound as she does it, but to my ear it’s nothing more than the rasping of snakeskin against leather, there’s little chance of it giving her away. “Besides, this stuff is much lighter than it looks, and it’s got great flex. I won’t have any more trouble getting up there than without.” Stopping just short of her belt she takes her hands away and flexes both for a moment before looking to me again. “You should have worn yours too.”
“I’m sure I’ll be all right.” I puff up a bit, trying not to seem too defensive but probably not quite succeeding. “I suspect you don’t want me in the lead for this, anyway.”
That makes her smile a little, but it’s somewhat rueful. “Yes, you’re right there. You should really hang back, just be support for this. I doubt they’ve got the wizard in there, I imagine she’s still in that tavern where Kesla saw her earlier. Unless the orc’s in there I doubt they’ll even need you.”
“Please don’t tempt fate like that. I really don’t want to have to go up against him again.” I look up the wall again. “All right then, while you’re going in this way, what are we actually doing?”
“Well first of all I want you to give us all a refresher on that image you put in our heads earlier, so we’re sure who we’re actually looking for.”
I’m only a beat realising what she actually means by that, remembering that before I implemented the Augment and the tracking spell I had Thel picture Tog’s face from the other night in her head before pulling a copy of it into my own so I could project it to the rest. I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t be able to do it again. “Of course.”
“Then I want you to contact Yulen, let them know what we’re about to do. I doubt we’ll need any backup but it can’t help to at least let them know we’re about to do something dangerous. You know, just in case.”
I start to blanche at that, I can’t help it. “Oh, no, I don’t know if I can actually do that right now. Not while I’m using –”
“Gael, please just drop this stupid spell. It’s no good for you, clearly. We need you properly alert for this, and for that I want your mind clear. I can’t have you distracted by what might be going on three streets away.” She steps close again, and even if I didn’t already know how serious she was just through my current inexplicable way of just being able to read it her expression’s enough to convince me. “All that’s left for you to do is work out where in there he is and give us an idea of how many we’re going to have to fight our way through to get to him, then you’re going to stop it, are we clear?”
Frowning, I look at her for a long, loaded moment, then turn to take the others in as they continue their various preparations. In truth I’m not really sure that I want to keep the Augment up right now, I suspect I might be uncomfortably close to hurting myself from this if I keep it up. So I jut sigh and nod my assent. “Of course. You’re right. This is getting uncomfortable.”
“All the better, then.” Shay reaches out again, this time touching my shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze, but again I still feel far more from that contact than I’d really like. “Like I said, I want you to hang back, just follow the others in. Thel, once we’re in place up there I want you and Brung to go in this way. You just strut straight in there like it’s your business, while your goblin friend sneaks around them. Once he’s ready I want you to …” She shrugs, but she’s smiling now. “Hell, do whatever feels natural, I just want you to make a big racket and really get their attention.”
“Killing one or more o’ them guards’ll do that just fine, I reckon.” Thel’s own grin is particularly wicked now as she lays both her hands on the heads of her handaxes.
“Then feel free. Krakka, you back her up if she needs it, but I want you behind her anyway. Gael takes the rear, I don’t want them to jump in unless they’re really needed. They need to be able to call to the others if things do go south.”
“How much help do you think they can actually be though?” Krakka wonders, and looking at him now I wonder if he’s even at all enthusiastic about the plan. “They’re halfway across the city by now.”
“Yes, but Tulen can just port at least two of them in at a snap, can’t she?” Shay smiles down at him. “As I said, I doubt they’ll actually be needed. But a little insurance doesn’t hurt.”
Krakka looks up at her for a moment, then just shrugs. “True. All right, then. Is that everything?”
Shay looks up the wall one more time, then down the alley in the direction we all intend to head, one way or another. “I believe it is.” Finally she turns back to me. “Go on, then.”
Remembering what she’s asked of me, I take a deep breath and open up my focus again, looking past the rest and taking one last deep glimpse into this makeshift enemy stronghold ahead of us. Taking a last hold on that strange red thread and pulling it taut as I concentrate on our target, somewhere deep within …
#never split the party#The Creeping Bam#the adventures of the creeping bam#book 3 chapter 9#fantasy fiction#original fiction#original fantasy fiction#to be continued
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The meaning of my first name
My first name is Yovav (יוֹבָב). Only recently I found out what it means. I assume it isn't immediately obvious to you as it wasn't to me, so I hope you'll enjoy this.
If you grew up secular in Israel you’re probably asking yourself why anyone would name their son after the villain in Pinocchio. Of course that’s not it. My immigrant parents didn't see that one coming, plus the villain Cat isn’t named Yovav in the original Italian [1].
"Yovav is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible" I answered my 9th grade bible teacher. Not much is said about biblical Yovav so I can’t blame her.
For our purposes, it's worth pointing out the name Yovav appears in various Semitic tribes, Including Israelites and Ishmaelites [2].
The Yo part of Yovav is the easy part. Yo is the short-form name of the god of Israel Yahwe.
Take for example the name Yoel (Joel). El in plain Hebrew means a god, thus Yoel tells us that Yahwe is a god.
Well, dah...
Consider these common Hebrew names:
Yoav (Joab), god is a father; Yoaz, god is mighty; Yoad, god is eternal; Yoram, god is high; Yonatan (Jonathan), god gave; Yonadav, god generously gave; Yoshua, (aka Jesus), reads as god is noble.
Done with Yo, we are left with the problem of VAV in Yovav. The examples above hint that VAV is either a verb or a title attributed to god.
I used to think VAV was a hapax legomenon, a root that appears only once in the bible, and since it appears only in the form Yovav, there's no context to help us guess what it stands for.
Then I started taking Arabic lessons to enhance my work with Palestinians. I was lucky to have an etymologist for a teacher at the wonderful JICC. For three consecutive years I would badger my teacher about the origin of whatever new word I found interesting that day in class. He never failed to provide an answer. A very detailed answer.
Finally I thought I could really challenge him. I asked if there's an Arabic root that would shed light on the forgotten Hebrew root VAV. Immediately he said it relates to BAB, a very basic Arabic word for door. Hebrew speakers are familiar with Bab el-Wad (the valley’s gate) a powerful 1948 war song.
Bab el-Wad by Shoshana Damari
If we explore this root a little further, it leads to the profession Bawwab (بَوّاب), which means doorkeeper, guardian. Read VAV as a title and Yovav means Yahwe the protector.
With that connection in mind, it became apparent that BAB actually still exists in Hebrew, and that VAV isn't a hapax legomenon after-all.
Look at the Book of Zecharia II, verse 12. It contains the phrase [in his] Bavat Ain which we understand as the gate of his eye, his pupil [3].
כֹה אָמַר, יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת... שְׁלָחַנִי אֶל-הַגּוֹיִם הַשֹּׁלְלִים אֶתְכֶם כִּי הַנֹּגֵעַ בָּכֶם נֹגֵעַ בְּבָבַת עֵינוֹ.
Zecharia is saying that those who harm us, it is as if they stuck a finger in the pupil of Yahwe! The pupil is a highly sensitive organ, thus the term Bavat Ain describes something sensitive we protect dearly.
Sure enough, pupil in Arabic is precious of the eye (حَبّةُ العَيْن). Zohar Argov, "the king", sings about the flower in his garden, his precious lady, whom he calls Bavat Eini (“כי לי היית בבת עיני בכל יום וכל ליל”).
Simply put, Bavah in Hebrew is BAB (gate) in Arabic. Bubu (بُؤْبُؤ), yet again, is a simple Arabic word for pupil, clearly derived from the same root.
We recognize this word in the familiar Aramaic term Bav, as in the division of the Mishna into sections or “gates” [4]:
Bava Kamma (בבא קמא, The First Gate). Bava Metzia (בבא מציעא, The Middle Gate). Bava Batra (בבא בתרא, The Last Gate).
Revisiting the Arabic verb Bawwab in the infinitive, it implies "classification; division into chapters or sections; grouping; sorting; tabulation" (تَبْوِيب), exemplified by the Bavs of the Mishna.
So my Arabic teacher got it right. Surprise surprise. The VAV in Yovav is like BAB in Arabic. Read VAV as a noun and Yovav means gate to god.
If indeed it is a connecting portal, then we find the gate to god in Arabic as Bab-Allah. See for example the song على باب الله (at the gate to god).
This is such a powerful concept there is even a religious movement called Bábism. Babists broke away from Islam after their leader proclaimed himself the gate to the hidden Imam, even as the gate to Allah proper.
In the Jewish tradition we also encounter the gate to god, or more precisely the gate to heaven (שער השמים). It is attributed to Bet-El where Jacob had a dream of angles trafficking betwen heaven and earth. Elsewhere in the bible Jerusalem is promoted as the true gate to god or to heaven [5].
Looking further into antiquity, we find an earthly portal to heaven in The Tower of Babel. By now you can probably decode it yourself: Bab-El.
The Confusion of Tongues, Gustave Doré (1865) Adding to the confusion, Yovav (Babel) Kalifon (2017)
So, having given it some thought, I finally conclude that my name Yovav means Babel - a portal to god.
The good news is that even if I am wrong and my name actually mean god is the gatekeeper, then it nicely complement the meaning of my last name!
[1] In the original Pinocchio story, the villain Fox and Cat have no names. In the Hebrew animation series they are Samson and Yovav, for no particular reason.
[2] Yovav ben Yaktan ben Ever, from the line of Shem (Genesis 10). Yovav ben Zerah of Basra, king of Edom, line of Esau (Genesis 36). Yovav king of Madon, whose confederacy lost to Israel (Joshua 11). Yovav from the heads of the line of Binyamin (Chronicles 8).
[3] Don't mind the T in Bavat. It is not part of the root. It is a feature of the construct state in Semitic languages.
[4] Bav in Aramaic is a gate, and Bava is the gate.
[5] There is little distinction between god and heaven in Hebrew, as we see in the Hebrew god-fearing (יראת שמים, sky-fearing) and for god’s sake (לשם שמים, for heaven’s sake).
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2e7c8716da02b29bc41dc9deda482d07/c42cd0f6a9efe825-3d/s540x810/006625cef25e2cae3be21910616c07a3d2f2b416.jpg)
Quelques jours avant la fête d’Halloween, dans le lieu-dit de Bavat, commune de Saint-Arcons d’Allier, des potirons à foison, en veux-tu, en voilà. . . . . . #vscocam #commcam #youmustsee #ampt_community #EverydayEverywhere #france_photolovers #iphonesia #igersauvergne #instagoodmyphoto #jj_mobilephotography #LOVE_FRANCE_ #picoftheday #auvergne #auvergnetourisme #auvergnehorizon #saintarcons #bavat #hauteloire #auvergnerhonealpestourisme #auvergnerhônealpes #potiron #pumpkin #nature #halloween (à Bavat) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4_2VkgqkSz/?igshid=c0q9zs8i5out
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If you’re new to the story, please go check out Book 1 first …
Book 3 Chapter 1 is here …
MPORTANT: Please note this story includes content that may be considered mature, such as moderate battle violence, some strong language and occasional mild sexual scenes.
If you want to support my writing, feel free to swing by my Patreon or Ko-fi.
When I wake up I find the sunlight streaking through the small, slender windows set high up into the walls of this little room is bright, warm and clean, and spilling through at a particularly high angle, telling me I’ve managed to sleep in. I roll over slowly, stretching as much as space will allow, bringing my arms up over my head so I can lace my fingers together and let my shoulders flex a bit. While I’m doing this I straighten out my legs and point my toes like those ballet dancers we saw that time my father took me to the Opera House in Bavat. All the time I’m arching my back, and I can’t help letting a contented little purr escape as I smile. At least for a few moments I can forget the awful things that happened a few days ago, and the unpleasant aftermath I’ve been dealing with since. But now I remember and I slump down slack on the mattress again, and as I bring my arms back under the blankets, comforter and throw I pull it all right up to just over my chin and start to bury myself underneath all this warm, cosy fabric again. Trying to claw back a little of that ignorant contentedness I manage to wake up with.
Then I hear a vague, slightly whiney snuffle from the other side of the bed and the body I’ve been sharing the bed with for the last three days stirs. I carefully shift myself so I can roll over onto my other side without disturbing her, and let go a little sigh as I wait for Shay to fully emerge from her lengthy slumber.
One last little shift and she finally slumps over onto her side facing me, and for a long moment she just lies there, looking surprisingly serene. I don’t do anything, I don’t want to disturb her, when she finally wakes up I want it to be on her own terms, in her own time, and I can sense that’s now pretty imminent. So I just wait, and while I do it, I try to enjoy what’s left of this comfortable lazy morning.
That first night back … Minerva, that was … it was … horrible. When I ran to check on Kesla and found her laid out, face down in the mud with barely enough clear for her not to just drown right away, that was bad, but while she was really badly beaten up she was stable. I was fully prepared to help her until she mentioned Shay, telling me how badly she was hurt, and … I owe her. She saved my life, up there in the mountains in the Norther Reaches, after Ashsong ran his fancy enchanted sword through me and I died, Shay sacrificed a substantial amount of her own lifeforce to help Krakka bring me back from the unknowable darkness of … whatever comes next. I didn’t even think about what I was doing, I just ran straight to her.
It was … gods, there was a lot of blood. The wound was in her abdomen, Shay was clutching tight but with shaking hands and there was blood coming through her fingers all the same, half of her shirt was completely saturated with it despite the torrential rain. She was so pale, she might have been sweating too but there was no way to tell with the weather, and her jaw was clenched tighter than I’d ever seen it before, her breath coming fast and hard through her nose as her eyes were narrowed against the pain. She was still lucid, but … she was hurt, clearly, she was in a spectacular amount of pain, but worse, she knew this was bad. I don’t know a whole lot about the human body, but I’ve learned enough in my time to know that a stomach wound like this one … even with quick care, she was likely to die.
So I dropped on my knees right in the mud, gripped my staff tight in one hand while I put my other arm under Shay’s back to shift her up into a shallow sitting position, pressing her close to me even as she spat and cursed and squirmed at the fresh pain from the movement … and I spoke the incantation to port us both back to the Temple of Minerva in the Gods’ Round. Suddenly we went from the constant soaking pelt of torrential rain to the sudden emptiness of still air, the subtle warmth and cleanliness and calm, collected quiet of the clean white and silver expanse of the main entrance vestibule, and I just started screaming. Over and over, howling for help at the top of my lungs while I cradled my sodden, bloody, shaking friend close to me, my staff long forgotten on the suddenly rain-and-blood splashed floor beside me.
Help came quickly, the temple staff are nothing if not efficient, even in the growing evening, and I guess I wasn’t really surprised to see Shul Mivzida, the half-hob wizard, at the head of the group that rushed to our aid. No matter where she was in the temple, I imagine she just ported straight to wherever she homed in on my cries for help, I suspect it’s just the way she’s made. She has to help, she can’t stop herself. When she stepped into view and saw us her ubiquitous little frown tightened a touch and she set her jaw while she clenched her little fists at her sides and stalked over. One quick, cursory look at Shay, not even needing to examine the wound, clearly told her everything she needed to know, because she immediately started barking orders to the gathering attendants and clerics. Hustling like my friend’s life depended on it, which of course it did.
Ultimately the most expedient course of action was deduced and Shul just dispatched most of those attending to us off before bringing two of the clerics along with her to Shay’s side before making them both lay hands on my back while she gripped Shay’s shoulder. Then she ported us all straight into the infirmary and immediately made the three of us manhandle Shay, once again screaming and squirming from the disturbance, onto the nearest care bed. Then she finally set about her examination.
I refused to leave her side the whole time. It took them five hours to sufficiently repair the damage inflicted by what was clearly a nasty, brutish weapon, not only to the flesh in her belly but, far more worrying, her intestines beneath, which had indeed been ripped open, just as Shul feared. To her educated and magically enhanced eye, the infection was already setting into her blood, the slow, horribly painful death I knew my friend dreaded, and that was the reason for the intensity of their subsequent healing work. Shul tried to usher me away from her side, but I flat refused, I think I even screamed at her, I can’t believe how angry I got all of a sudden at the very suggestion.
No, I just stayed where I was, gripping her hand tight enough a small part of me feared I might break it but I couldn’t let go. Just willing my help to her as two of Minerva’s clerics poured all of their goddess’ blessings they could into my friend, while a third cleric worked her own healing magic upon the extensive wound itself. All while Shul concentrated on using her own magic to draw out the infection before it could take root too deep and make everything they were doing tragically pointless …
When Tulen arrived with Art shortly after I’ll admit I barely even noticed. I didn’t even learn he’d been so badly hurt until the next morning, and when I heard I instantly hated myself for being so bullheadedly focused on Shay. I didn’t really acknowledge anything outside this tightly focused operation until Kesla finally came hobbling in an hour after the mending of the wound was finally done, dropping into a chair nearby with such pained exhaustion that I actually took notice. We just looked at one another for a long time, I couldn’t begin to work out how long we watched each other before she finally managed to find the words and the energy to speak.
“How … how bad is it?” Her voice was so painfully quiet, it hurt my heart a little to hear it.
“It’s bad. Really, really bad. We still don’t even know for sure that this will work.”
“Well it better. After what we just went through it fucking better.” There was no venom in her words, not even really any anger at all, she said it with an almost entirely flat tone that spoke volumes about just how tired and fundamentally broken she was in that moment. And that was all she said on the matter. For the rest of the night she just sat in that chair, watching them tend to Art as she gripped her own wounded ribs, keeping up the vigil just like I did.
Sometime in the small hours of the following day the healing spells were finally completed and Shul assured us the worst of the infection had been beaten back, but it was going to be a while before she was right again. Over the next day, after we’d moved Shay into this room in the temple’s dormitories to recover, Shul repeatedly worked her spell to fight off the rest of the infection. At first she was just preventing it from springing back up and taking root again, then finally she burned it out of her entirely, and then it was done. After that it was just a matter of letting her sleep and waiting for her to finish recovering all on her own.
They made a room up for me, just as they did for the rest of the party, but I haven’t been to it once since we came back. I’ve slept here the whole time, only going out to use the facilities and fetch my food before bringing it right back to eat it here while I watched my friend. I’ve spent my time reading my spellbooks, practicing newer spells to make sure I can finally master them, or just lying beside Shay as she continued to sleep. Every once in a while she’d shift, making the odd noise that suggested she might finally be waking up, but so far she hasn’t. I’ve kept up my own vigil all the same, though.
Art first came to visit yesterday, once he was finally able to start moving around again, and it was a very awkward half hour for me, given how completely absent I’d been during his own recovery. It might have gone on if he hadn’t made it thoroughly clear throughout the visit that he didn’t care at all about any of that, he understood. “Shay got it way worse’n me. You done right, luv. Keep it up, I say.” He kept on reassuring me during the whole visit that he didn’t harbour any ill feelings about me seeming to ignore his own injuries, so by the time he left I was almost feeling all right about that myself too.
So when he came back again later in the afternoon I was actually happy to see him. I put my book aside and we just started talking, and it was really nice. We just hung out, as he would put it, talking about the same kind of seemingly inconsequential nonsense we always seem to get to talking about when we have downtime together, but he also started asking deeper questions too. Asking me about parts of my past he’d so far neglected to address. I indulged him in everything, not least because he was very sweet and respectful about it, never pried into anything I wasn’t comfortable talking about.
Then where it came time for dinner he just waved me down and went to get it himself, and when he brought the food back we ate it together in the room while Shay slept on nearby. And we kept on talking, into the early hours, before I finally fell asleep. I woke up a little later to find he’d gone at last, and so I just got into bed again with Shay like I had the night before and went to sleep proper. In the end it was a really nice day, I decided – Art and I learned more about each other in one afternoon and evening than we have in the seven months we’ve known each other before now …
Shay stirs one final time, rolling her shoulders a bit as she shifts, and for a moment I think she might roll over again. Then she purses her lips for a moment before letting out a blustery little sigh, groaning subtly as she starts to stretch a little, her brow furrowing now as her eyes screw a little tighter shut. Now her eyelids are starting to flutter … then they finally open.
It’s only a little, her eyes remain heavily lidded as they move around for a moment, taking time to actually focus before they finally fix on my own. For a long, drawn out moment we just look at each other, lying here face to face, and I have no idea what’s going through her head right now. Then her lips part, and she lets out a little sigh as she closes her eyes again. But only for a moment. She purrs a little, not so much contentment than just a non-committal inward vocalisation, then looks up at me again. “Oh.”
Wow … I can’t help it, that just makes me giggle. There’s no way I can control it, I just start giggling and I can’t stop it, I must lie here for a good minute before I can finally get a handle on it and force myself back under control again. The whole time Shay just lies there watching me, a gentle smile slowly forming across her pretty lips. Finally I manage to suck in a good breath and let it out in a relatively easy sigh. “You idiot.”
“Yeah, I’d say that’s about right. That didn’t go at all the way I’d hoped it would.”
“You’re lucky to be alive, Shay. Whatever … whatever that was, what happened to you … if it hadn’t been for Minerva you’d be dead.”
“I’ll have to go thank her as soon as I’m up and about, then. It’s a good thing we’re in the temple.” She starts to frown as she turns her head enough to start taking in the room. “We are in the temple, I imagine. It certainly has that look.”
“There’s a lot to it, yes. We are still in the temple.”
“Okay.” She nods, and her eyelids start to droop again, not enough that she’s definitely going to fall asleep, but she’s definitely relaxing. Then she stiffens, eyes widening very quickly. “Oh, gods, yes … of course. Did we … is everybody … we didn’t lose anyone, did we?” She suddenly looks so desperate, her eyes searching mine with real urgency now.
“No, we didn’t, everyone else is good. Kesla got a bit battered, and Dumoli took some nasty wounds too, not so bad as yours but it wasn’t good for him either.”
“How about Art? I saw him, he was all broken up, is he all right?”
“Pretty much, yes. Krakka and a few of the other clerics took a while working on him but he’s just about his old self again, at last. Which means he’s damned near insufferable.” I can’t help smiling a little as I say it, and Shay returns a gentle chuckle.
“Gods … I’m glad.” she finally breathes “That already had me rattled before I even got into that fight with Vandryss. Tulen as well, I noticed. I practically had to shove her into your crazy magic battle with that wizard.”
I remember that, Tulen did somewhat seem to come out of nowhere, but it was at just the right time. That woman was … whoever she is, she’s very powerful. It was all I could do to put myself on an equal footing with her, and the longer we fought the worse it was getting for everyone around us. Even when I had Tulen backing me up, she still damn near fought us to a standstill.
“Thank you for that. I did need her.”
“You know you never have to thank me. I was just looking out for you.”
For a moment or two I’m lost for words, I genuinely am. The way she looks at me so softly, it’s so sweet, there isn’t the slightest implication she did any of it out of any sense of obligation she might feel. She just cared. And she still does … I reach up carefully and very gently stroke the backs of my fingers across her face. Shay closes her eyes as I do it, before reaching up and taking my hand. When she opens her eyes again she just watches me, and we just lie there for a little while, just holding hands and enjoying each other’s company.
“This is very nice.” Shay finally says “The bed, I mean. It’s surprisingly roomy considering we’re both in it. Soft too, but not too much. I would’ve expected a temple’s dorms to be a bit more spare than this.”
“Well there are two different dormitories, one’s for staff while the other one’s set aside for guests. That’s where we are.” I shrug. “But from what I can tell, the staff aren’t much worse off than this. The Order looks after their own, so since at least half the staff in your typical temple of Minerva are Silver Order they have very high standards.”
Shay’s smile grows. “Yeah, well suppose I can’t really see that Saxiros fellow staying in a poky little cell with roommates, so that makes sense.”
I have to nod along with that. “Very true.”
Shay grows quiet again for a little while, but she seems to be just relaxing now. Finally shifts a little, letting go of my hand, and moves around so she can roll onto her back, looking up at the ceiling now. “So … I saw some of what happened there, after I got stabbed. Kesla was … well, she fought hard, but Vandryss is a bloody demon. I swear. I saw her run that bastard sword of hers clean through her and she just shrugged it off.”
A chill runs right through me hearing that. I shift a little too, finally propping myself up on my elbow so I can look down at her. “Minerva … that didn’t kill her? Was it … did she miss the heart?”
“Sure didn’t look like it.” Shay looks up at me, and while she’s mostly just thoughtful, there’s maybe a hint of … I wouldn’t say fear, but definitely a clear edge of healthy caution now. “To be honest, I don’t know what to think about it. Everything about her was just off. She moves wrong, she’s too fast, too agile. I mean sure, perhaps that means she has some elf blood in her like us, but even then it’s more than just … something. Shrugging off getting stabbed through the heart, though?” She looks at the ceiling again. “Meanwhile I had to be an idiot and forget to guard myself with one blade while I forgot she had two. You’re right, I should be dead.”
“Well I’m bloody glad you’re not, you complete idiot.” I don’t bother trying to keep the edge out of my admonishment now, I want her to hear how upset I might be about even having to think about it. “If you’re going to start giving me a hard time about not being more careful when I’m fighting, I’m definitely going to return the favour in times like this.”
Looking up at me now, Shay genuinely looks a little surprised, probably to hear me talking about it so honestly. Finally she shifts herself again and starts trying to sit up. I start to lean forward to help her but she just shakes her head, and as she starts to groan and fumble forcing herself up after three whole days of lying down I just sit up myself, drawing my legs up under me as I let the covers drop around my waist. She finally makes it up but it clearly takes some work, and when she finally does she spends a long moment a little doubled over as she probes where the wound was, breathing a little heavy.
When she looks up, though, she actually mostly seems a little surprised. “Damn … those healers really know they’re stuff. Feels like I never even got hurt.”
“Yes, well you’ll still have quite the scar, but then you mercenary types seem to like it.” I find myself looking down at my fingers now, and when I look up again I notice Shay doing the same. “Personally, I’d rather not have these.”
Shay looks into my eyes for a good, long moment, thoughtful now, maybe a touch wistful. “Sometimes a good reminder can be a huge benefit. Do you know what they say about mistakes? The number one rule, if you will.”
Frowning, I consider for a moment. “I don’t do so well with philosophy. My marks were never that high in that particular class. I was always glad it never had a major bearing on the finals.”
She laughs at that, leaning in to give me a little nudge with her shoulder. “You pillock. No, look … my da always taught me that mistakes were important, because even though they could have really bad results sometimes, there was still good in them because they help you learn. He said that those who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.”
I watch her for a long moment as that sinks in. That’s some damn smart thinking, actually. Every time Shay tells me anything about her father, the mysterious elven warrior Errelim Ivystone, I grow more fascinated by what I learn. “That’s very profound, actually.”
“Damn straight.” Shay reaches out and takes my hand, gently raising it so she can show the scars from Ashsong’s sword on my fingers to me. “These are a reminder for you, every time you see them they tell you what you did wrong, but also what you did right that helped us win. I messed up the other night, and it cost me, like when you fought Ashsong. And now I have something to remind me of what I did wrong, so I don’t let it happen again.”
I look down at the scars for a few more moments, feeling conflicted. Then Shay reaches out and wraps me up in her arms, and I slowly return her hug, closing my eyes as I let my head rest on her shoulder. I feel her breath, warm on my crown, and just hold on, contented to stay like this for a while yet. It’s almost disappointing when she finally lets go and I let her pull away from me again.
“Thank you.” she says at last, head down now but still looking up at me through her lashes. So very coy now.
“You’re my friend. I know you’d do the same for me.” I have to chuckle a little at the thought, actually, now I realise. “Fuck, Shay … you did do that for me already.”
She looks up all the way again now, cocking her head a little as she thinks about it. “You’re right.” She nods, smiling a little too. “But I’d still do it again. Anytime. I love you very much, Gael Foxtail. You’re the best friend I’ve had in a very long time.”
Gods … I honestly don’t quite know what to say to that. Shay chews on her bottom lip now, just a little, clearly now very self-conscious about what she’s just revealed. But … I have to admit, I feel exactly the same about her. I guess I love her too. So I reach out, taking her face between my hands, and lean forward so I can kiss her on the cheek before laying my forehead against hers. “Yeah, well … same here, you great daft pillock.”
That has her grinning, and she hugs me again, more casually but it still feels nice returning it. Then her stomach chooses that exact moment to make a particularly long, mournful gurgle, and we both spring apart, a little surprised. She looks down at her belly, then back up at me, a little sheepish now. “Wow … how long have I been down?”
“Three days.”
Her eyes go wide. “Three … bloody hell. No wonder I’m so fucking hungry.”
“Yes, well food would definitely be the way to go.” I frown a little. “And a wash, perhaps. They have some really nice baths here.”
“They do?” Shay’s brows shoot right up now. “How big is this place?”
Grinning again, I lean back onto my hands, stretching my back a little. “Mmmm … bigger than you’d think. Remember the library? It’s magic. We can do interesting things with architecture.”
Shay considers it for a moment, then shrugs, smiling a little again. Then she looks down at herself, realising how dressed down she is now. Like me she’s stripped down to the very basic layers, just a nightshirt and a pair of drawers to protect her modesty now. As her frown returns she takes a tentative sniff under the collar, then another at her armpit, and makes a face. “Oof … yeah, you’re right. A wash would be good. But first I need food. I’m starving.” Then her frown deepens. “But first … maybe a piss. Looks like you’re right, I really must have been out of it for days …”
“Good point.” I’m starting to feel a little full myself now … throwing the covers off on my side, I swing my legs out and settle my feet into the thick carpet before finally pushing myself upright. “You should come with me.”
As I collect one of the warm flannel robes from the rack on the back wall, Shay swings her own legs out, then pauses on the edge of the bed, sitting forward for a long moment. For a moment or two she’s probing her side again, then she reaches to her shoulder, where the new tattoo is. “Huh … well that’s just …” I can’t see her face from this angle, but I see her stiffen all the same. “Wait … no, please …”
For a moment I think she might be undergoing some kind of crisis I can’t begin to fathom as she starts to claw about under her collar, but then I realise she’s simply trying to check under the nightshirt. The tattoo … she’s worried about the tattoo, because of course it’s not sore or itchy anymore. I can’t help my sigh of relief as I almost gasp the words: “Shay, it’s all right. Your tattoo should be fine. It’s just healed.”
“But … but how the hell did it …” She pauses, taking a deep breath before shifting her shoulder a little while she tries moving the collar aside with a little more care. Finally she’s able to get a proper peak at the edge of it at least, and so do I … yes, much as I expected, it’s all there, and the subtle redness and slightly swollen raised lines are now gone, while it looks like she’s bypassed the scabbing process entirely. What she has there now is just the finished tattoo in its pristine artistic glory.
Turning to look at me now, she looks thoroughly nonplussed. “What the hell? I though you said it was just three days.”
“It’s magic, Shay.” I pull the robe on, but leave it open for now. “They poured a lot of healing magic into you, they had to, as much for the infection as to repair the damage. So of course it bled over to your tattoo.” I shrug. “Look at it this way, no more discomfort. I remember you really weren’t enjoying the pain after we left the shop.”
“Yes, well that I can do without, the itching too, I suppose I’m glad I missed that …” She keeps frowning. “It’s just a little … I don’t know if I like that the magic just … did something with my body that wasn’t even intended.”
“Yes, well that’s the thing about magic.” I check through the other robes, finally selecting one I imagine should fit her nicely. She’s taller than me, but not that much broader across the shoulders, so it’s not too hard. “It does what it wants, even when we try to pin it down with limits and mechanisms. But it still has rules, at least in a very broad sense, and what they used on you was entirely benevolent magic, so there was no danger of it doing any harm to you while it was fixing you. In the end that’s just …” I shrug as I make my way around the bed to reach her. “An interesting side effect.”
Pondering on it for a moment longer, Shay finally shrugs again. “Fair enough. Just so long as I’m not a bloody virgin again I can live with it.”
I have to laugh again at that. “I highly doubt it.”
“Good.” She pushes herself up off the bed and gets her legs under her, but it clearly takes some effort. She grunts as she tries to straighten up, and her legs are very wobbly, bad enough that her knees give a little before she’s all the way up and I have to spring forward in time to catch her before she goes down again. She grabs hold of me too, genuinely a little spooked, and for a moment she’s left breathing fast and hard as I prop her up. Then she finally takes a deeper breath and pushes herself away from me, trying to stand on her own again, and this time it seems to work out better. “Oh … this isn’t fun, Gael. I haven’t felt this shitty since …” She sighs. “Ah shit … since I helped bring you back.”
“You’ll be all right.” I take a very cautious step back from her, still ready in case her legs decide to betray her again, but I think she’s safe enough now. “I was all right enough after a few days, and I died. I’m sure you can bounce back quicker than that.” I pass her the robe.
“Wow, this is …” Shay holds it out in front of her, opening it out so she can give it a proper look over. “This is nice. I don’t know if I can wear this, it’s too fancy.”
“Well it’s yours regardless, so you might as well.” I start to cinch the sash about my waist now, giving it the tradition two turns around before I finally start to tie it off. I do it slowly, exaggerating my motions somewhat so Shay can see what I’m doing.
“What?” Her eyes go wide again. “Are you serious? How … surely that’s not right …”
“Compliments of the Order. Everything in this room technically belongs to you, so …”
“Except you, of course.” A smile starts to touch her lips as she relaxes again, and it’s quite sly. She starts to pull the robe on now.
I start blushing immediately. “I don’t … no, we’re just friends, aren’t we?”
Shay’s smile broadens into a gleeful grin and she gives a bubbly little chuckle. “It was a joke, you dope. I mean, you are very pretty, I would definitely be interested, but …” She keeps grinning when she sees the face I must be making, and gives my shoulder a gentle thump. “Dummy. I’m just messing with you. Besides, I know you’re already spoken for.”
Now that one really has me stumped, I try to work out if she’s still joking or actually serious now as she finally closes the robe and starts looping the sash around her waist like I did before. I’m left floundering for a few moments as she starts trying to work out the particulars of the knot. “No … wait, no. I don’t have … there’s nobody that I’m … what the hell are you talking about?”
Finally she just gives up and ties a simple bow. Throwing her hands up vaguely, she gives me a long, hard stare, all her humour gone now, seemingly in an instant, which takes me somewhat by surprise. I can’t say I’m particularly comfortable being regarded with that look. “Gael, come on. How are you still this clueless?”
“I don’t get it. It’s not a funny joke, Shay. You’re supposed to be able to understand the punchline.”
Shay looks at me for another loaded moment, then throws her hands up in the air again. “Freya, please, how are you still not getting it?”
I’m about to try answering back, even though I don’t know what I’m actually going to say, when there’s a knock at the door. Shay cocks a brow, but I just give her a harsh look as I push past her, stepping across the inexplicably warm carpet that gently tickles my bare feet. Stopping short of the door, I take a breath. “Who is it?”
“It’s a handsome prince on a big white charger.” Art’s cocky voice comes through the door with surprising clarity given that everything here is specifically designed and enchanted to deaden as much outside ambient sound as possible to facilitate a comfortable slumber. Then again, I want to hear the answer, so I can. Magic can be a bit of a brainteaser sometimes, I’m still finding. “Who d’you think it is, genius?”
When I look back at Shay her sly smile’s returned, and she starts moving towards me with a surprising amount of her old, silken dancer’s grace again. “How is it the old saying goes?”
Frowning, I find myself floundering again. “I … what?”
“Oh yes. Speak a demon’s name and it’s apt to appear.” Her grin widens.
The stare I give her must remain pretty blank since I still don’t know what she’s getting at. “Whatever it is, I really don’t care anymore.”
“Hey, I’m still here, y’know.” Art nags from the other side of the door “You coming out anytime today or not? I figured maybe you wanted to actually eat a meal outside this room for once.”
“He has a point, you know.” Shay sighs, clearly letting it go now as she steps up beside me. “I’m hungry, and I’m dying for a piss. Can we just get out of here already?”
#never split the party#The Creeping Bam#the adventures of the creeping bam#book 3 chapter 3#fantasy fiction#original fiction#original fantasy fiction#to be continued
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If you’re new to the story, please go check out Book 1 first …
Book 2 Chapter 1 is here …
IMPORTANT: Please note this story includes content that may be considered mature, such as moderate battle violence, some strong language and occasional mild sexual scenes.
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“Granzun. That was his name, ‘least when he was still with the Guild. Might still be going by it now, though I doubt it if he really is mixed up in nefarious shit this bad.” Art of Shadows puffs his cheeks out with a heavy breath, still looking down at the floor the way he’s been doing for most of the time since we got settled in. Like he doesn’t want to look anybody in the eye right now. “He was … is a big bastard, one o’ the biggest orcs I ever seen in my time. That’s why I’m mindful to reckon it really is him an’ not just some other orc merc somehow wound up getting hands on a familiar weapon. Way Gael described the one they fought …”
Even now, I’m still surprised by how someone with such feline features can be so expressive. He’s not a happy camper right now, it’s writ large across his face. He's certainly a striking one, now I’ve been able to get a proper look at him. Smaller than some bakaneko I’ve known, lean and lithe, and not at all intimidating now I see him in a more social atmosphere. If I didn’t already know what lethal violence he’s actually capable of I wouldn’t be able to believe it if someone told me, even looking at his impressively appointed prowler’s gear. That’s what he is, I’ve learned – my original guess was right, turns out he really is Thieves Guild, or at least was once upon a time, before he became one of the Creeping Bam. And not just a common pickpocket or burglar, either – Art, as he prefers to be called, proved from his earliest days in training that he had it in him to be something truly, lethally exceptional, so they moulded him according to his full potential. So now he can vanish completely into shadow, move more silently than a light breeze, and open an opponent’s arteries and let him bleed out before he even knows he’s been stabbed if he needs to. Makes him dangerous enough to take seriously, especially in this company.
Most of this strange new crew seem to be special enough to take similarly seriously, even the half-elf wizard, Gael Foxtail, despite their youth and … I don’t really know what to call it, actually. There’s something about them that sets them somewhat apart from the others, even though they’re all very comfortable round each other. I get the impression they haven’t been out of their fancy magic Academy in Bavat for all that long, something like naivete sometimes showing itself in the way they handle themselves, the way they talk. They’re smart, there’s no denying it, and very pretty, I can’t help noticing that … but they clearly still don’t know half as much about how the real world works as they really should.
That said, I also get the impression they do know more than the other wizard, the one I understand is only tagging along with the group, instead of a proper member. Tulen Kelsira is very striking indeed, almost the most intriguing individual in this whole group, and they’re very friendly, too … a little too friendly, in fact. She definitely hasn’t got it clear in her head yet that, while we certainly don’t mean her harm, it’s not always smart for her to act quite so trusting with people she’s literally just met without getting to know ‘em a bit first.
Kesla Shoon … yeah, she balances that out some. She’s welcoming enough, but wary with it all the same, and that’s wise, I’d be the same. But then she’s … gods, this woman is intimidating, more than just about anybody else in this room, if I’m honest. Sharp as any blade in this room too, I don’t doubt, might be she’s smarter than either of the wizards in some ways, I think. The way her eyes just look right into you, right through you … like she can see what you’re thinking clear as if it’s written on your forehead.
But it's the Fir Bolg that most surprised me, when we finally met her. Seeing the long black arrows in her substantial quiver was enough for me to work out it was her doing all that fast, scary, deadly accurate shooting earlier in the Round. I heard stories about her race when I was growing up, but I never met a Tuathan forest guardian before today. Part of me didn’t believe they were genuinely real.
Yeslee Toll is even more intimidating than the group’s nominal leader … hell, she’s almost more intimidating than the golem. Ever since she finally settled down in one of the chairs with the rest of us, she hasn’t really moved, sat forward with her now unstrung black longbow lightly gripped between her long fingers, stern-faced, never taking her eyes off us. Don’t reckon I even seen her blink.
She’s tall too, taller than her bow, which on its own is tall as Kesla when it’s strung. Long, lean, rangy limbs, wiry with ropy muscles I’d imagine – they’d have to be for her to be able to draw that bow with such ferocity. There’s something passingly elvish about her features, but there’s too much of an animal in them to really mistake her for one, the subtlest hints of a snout to her face, and the way her pointed ears are far too broad. I saw her teeth once, when she spoke to Kesla after she first came in, well after the others, to inform her she’s confident there’s no signs of anyone she didn’t like lingering. They’re more like a predatory beast’s teeth, almost sharp as the bakaneko’s. Her eyes, which seem to pierce right through to my soul, are big and bright and blazing with a fierce intelligence, although I can’t actually read anything in their rich violet depths.
If she didn’t unsettle me so much I might find her quite attractive, actually. Her rich tan-coloured skin seems very smooth and warm, and finely compliments her hair, a mass of thick curls the colour of creamy, expensive chocolate, bound back into a long, thick, heavy braid that’s fallen over her shoulder now to lay across one of her knees. I’ll admit that when I find her eyes too intense to keep looking into I distract myself by looking at it, and it really is quite beautiful, easily her most striking feature.
“What happened to him?” Kesla gently presses after a few moments, once it’s become clear the young thief’s reluctant to elaborate on that particular point.
Art blinks, looking up into her face, and there’s a war of emotions going on in his face, behind his eyes. He shoots a look at the other two individuals clad in well-appointed, expensive-looking black leather gear, the ones I’ve learned are still with the local Thieves Guild, although I can also tell they know Art from way back. The hobgoblin, much as I can read his expressions at all, seems to be friendly enough with him, but it’s fundamentally clear the pretty young halfling is really pissed off with him about something. So she makes a conspicuous effort to ignore his look, while the hob simply lets go a little sigh and nods back.
Taking this as permission enough, Art takes a deep breath and collects himself at last, although he keeps wringing his paws like he’s been doing since we sat down. “Well, he was another orphan, originally. Ain’t many full-blood orcs in the Guild, ‘least not in Untermer, so he just grew up in the melting pot with the rest of us, really. He was bigger’n us, an’ stronger, but … he did have a talent for sneaking, spite of his size. Not good enough to be a proper prowler, but good enough that when he was old enough he started getting work with some o’ the crews like the rest of us. But when we finally grew up …” He winces, looking to his friends again.
“Yevnik got his claws into ‘im, like he did with Art.” The hob, Zuldrad, growls, and there’s a little more expression to him now, like he’s chewing on something he don’t like. “Wanted to use that strength of his for other things. So they turned him into an enforcer. Y’know, raw muscle, breaking legs, skulls, whatever. A proper killer when they needed one. One that made big messes that made big points.”
“Gods …” Gael hisses under their breath, and the look they give the bakaneko as he scowls, looking proper haunted again, is surprisingly heartfelt. I wonder if there’s something between ‘em, maybe.
“Gran kinda became one o’ the sticking points made me leave in the first place.” Art’s own growl’s a feral thing, making me think of a beast on the hunt in a forest down south, like I used to see sometimes when I was a kid. Mainly must come from a place of anger, but more than a little bitterness too. “Got me proper thinking about what that old bastard was actually doing to me. To all of us he’d … took an interest in. Made me realise it was wrong, that he was turning us into … something nasty.”
The halfling, Darwyn, squirms in her seat a little bit, although she winds up floundering a little in the expansive padding since her feet are dangling so high off the floor. Looks like she’s having problems keeping up her façade of irritation with her former old friend the way she’s looking down at the floor now, something like guilt starting to colour her face a little. “Gran got himself into a bit o’ trouble after that. Starting getting too caught up in his work, got too hard for the crews to control when he had to flex. Killed a few he weren’t s’posed to, overstepped some. Got so Cobb had to cut him loose, gave him the boot.”
“Expelled him from the Guild?” Kesla blinks in surprise. “I thought that … wasn’t done.”
Art shrugs, less like an evasion than he’s just uncomfortable, his hide crawling with something unpleasant. “Usually it ain’t, but … Gran was one of us, and Cobb still loved ‘im. So he pushed him out ‘stead of cutting his throat an’ dumping the body in the harbour. Though in a way that was … kind of a message in itself.”
“He disappeared after that. Mostly.” Darwyn finally looks up, but still doesn’t acknowledge Art, instead focusing on Kesla. “I’d see him round, every once in a while, but … it was always pretty awkward.”
“How so?”
The halfling turns to me, almost seeming surprised I’ve spoken at all, and she doesn’t answer for a long moment, watching me, seeming more thoughtful now. “Well … I reckon Cobb always figured he’d take the hint, just leave. Y’know, choose exile, if you will. The way he got booted, it was kinda saying he should get outta town, never come back. But he stuck around. He really wasn’t s’posed to be here anymore.”
“But he stayed. What was he doing?”
“Never said. I asked a couple times, but … wasn’t so much that he didn’t wanna talk about it, more like, I dunno … almost like he couldn’t. Like there were rules he didn’t like to break, an’ silence was a big part of it. I didn’t press, but … never gave me a good feeling.” She sighs, shifting a little as she looks back at the floor again. “Last year or so I ain’t even seen him once, anyway. I was almost surprised to find out he’s still alive.”
“Yeah, well he is.” Art’s still growling ever word, and now it seems like anger’s winning over the rest of the emotions he’s at war with. “Ain’t a good thing for us, I can tell you that one for free.”
Silence falls across the group, and for a moment I think about sitting back into the seat at last, maybe letting myself rest. I fight the urge off, pretty merciless actually. From what I can tell what alcohol’s left in my system is pretty much all burned out now, but I don’t want to give what little there is a chance to get a grip on me now. I doubt there’s any real danger of anything new happening, not yet at least, but … I’m not comfortable enough to relax, not yet. Certainly not under that uncompromising stare.
I turn Yeslee’s way now, glaring back best I can. She’s unwavering, like a basilisk, I swear I’d be stone if she really was one. I can’t meet her eyes for long, I break contact and instead sit forward the rest of the way, planting my feet as well as I can on the floor from my position as I lace my hands together between my knees. Finally I just start inspecting our surroundings again.
It's true the temple to Minerva’s one of the largest structures in the Round, but it’s also a good deal easier on the eyes than the more monolithic houses of Rao the Peacemaker or Mithra, the Blind Lady. It’s definitely more inviting than the intimidating obsidian manse of Corvina, the Raven Queen, squatting like a brooding vulture in the midst of the cluttered buildings filling the round with little real rhyme or reason in their arrangement.
The whole building seems to have been built out of gorgeously sleek, smooth-cut white marble, picked out in gleaming curves and arches that catch the dancing light of the many lamps, candles and braziers lit in deference to the stone’s inherent coldness. This seems to be enhanced by the detailing that picks out much of the designs, my eyes frequently drawn to inlaid patterns of what I’m sure is burnished silver. Some patches are large enough that I see myself reflected in them, and this also seems to enhance the illumination around us. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been in, by far.
When we first came in it was made instantly clear that we were expected. A delegation of temple staff greeted us right inside the entrance, three of them heavily armoured guards who collected our prisoner in short order and left with a small, elderly human wizard in tow. She seemed to be weaving a spell the moment she started following them, which Gael quickly informed us was intended to dampen any residual magic that might be clinging to the prisoner, just in case anyone tried to trigger his curse after all. It was something like a relief to hear that, knowing there’s much less chance of him just dropping dead on us before we can get round to questioning him.
After a few pleasantries were shared with the other wizards in attendance, we were gently ushered into one of the rooms to the side of the chapel itself, finally settling in this lounge, with comfortably expansive leather seating and a calming atmosphere. Refreshments were offered but Kesla waved them off, at least for now. We still have business to attend to before we can really make use of any proper downtime.
“Okay, so …” Kesla sits forward the rest of the way like me now, stroking her chin thoughtfully as she considers … well, everything, I guess. “We know one of them, but it’s someone you ain’t seen or had any dealings with in a good long while, and you got no idea who he’s actually working for, if it is the same whoever it is they were before. We got a lead with the Guild-issue gear, but that’s a tenuous link at best since we don’t know how they got their hands on it.” She ponders for a moment, then looks at Darwyn. “No chance this Granzun could be the one got that stuff to ‘em, is there?”
“No.” She shakes her head, pretty vehemently. “No, it won’t have been him. ‘Least not directly. He might’ve given ‘em an in, but … no.”
“And we’re sure it ain’t this fella … what was his name again?” I look at Kesla. “The Guild bigshot?”
“Which one?” She fixes me with a flat look I can’t interpret. “Cobb or Yevnik?”
“The one you don’t like.” I try not to snap it, or glare unduly as I answer. Might just be the very long day we’re still not done with might be getting on top of all of us now.
“Yevnik.” She sighs, turning back to Art again. “What d’you reckon? With all the evidence put together, you think maybe there’s a possibility he’s our bastard? You did say it was him turned Granzun into a monster in the first place.”
“Ain’t never been any love lost between him an’ Cobb, so he’s always kept an eye on that old bastard.” Darwyn answers for Art, but then the bakaneko seems reluctant enough right now. “He’s bent as a length o’ cheap iron, but far as any of us can tell he’s loyal to the Guild. Either it’s one amazing fucking act, or he’s honest enough in that.”
“No ideas about any others, then?”
She considers for a long moment, eventually looking to Zuldrad for his own opinion, but he just shakes his head. She shrugs with a heavy sigh. “None I can think of, but then that’s the problem. We’re all thieves. Keeping secrets is kinda what we’re best at.”
That makes Kesla frown, and she turns to look at a few of the others in her band, seemingly searching for fresh opinions. None are forthcoming, at least until the tall, graceful half-orc warrior, Shay, simply gives her own tired shrug. “She’s got a point. We’re not going to know, not just going from appearances.”
“Means that live one’s all we got to go off right now.” Kesla turns to Gael. “Side from that blood trick o’ yours. Which you said was a long shot, right?”
“It might be, yes.” The young half-elf wizard nods, vaguely working her fingers around the shaft of her tall metal staff in a manner than clearly speaks of nerves. “I certainly wouldn’t want to hang all of our hopes on it unless we have no other choice.”
“Right.” Kesla takes a deep breath and sits forward until she can plant her feet more firmly, then starts to push her way upright. She’s way too young and in much too good shape to be so stiff in rising, but I get the impression it’s been a long day for them, even longer than ours from what I heard. But she makes it up well enough, then stoops to pick up her sword from where she laid it at the side of her seat before planting herself, working with swift ease to strap the belt back round her hips. “Best get to it.”
“Gods, do we have to?” Art huffs, dropping back into the thick, plush cushions of his own chair and tightly crossing his arms. He sees Kesla turning his way, surprisingly calm in the face of his reaction, and immediately starts to back-peddle. “Um … shit, sorry boss. It’s just … c’mon, it’s been a hell of a hard day. I’m sure I ain’t the only one’s beat an’ hungry right now. Can’t we at least take an hour or so to just … muster up some energy again?”
She cocks her head to regard him for a long moment, and I can just about see her softening looking down at that earnest, slightly nervous face. Wow, these folk really do care about each other, it’s clear as glass. He might call her “boss”, but that seems to just be a fond affectation. “I don’t need everybody for an interrogation. Anybody just wants to crash, they’re welcome to it. Far as we know we’re safe right now, might as well make the most of it. I just wanna get this shit outta the way now, case time’s more pressing than it seems.”
Well I’m not sitting this out, so I push myself forward enough to hop down from my seat. “Count me in, then. I want answers much as you.” I stoop to collect my axes, but after brief consideration leave the big one where I’ve laid it.
“Fair enough.” Dumoli starts to work his own way out of his chair, although he’s planted himself a little deeper into the cushions so it’s taking greater effort to free himself. I roll my eyes as I slide my right-hand axe through its loop.
“Leave it, Du. I got this. You might as well crash with this lot.”
He turns slow, frowning up at me, and almost looks offended now, I reckon. “What are you talking about? I’ve got a stake in this too, same as you.”
“You do, but you gotta admit it’s been a long, shitty road getting this far, an’ I’m sure you’re tired as me. Don’t make sense for both of us to run ourselves into the ground.” I nod towards Brung, and he follows my gaze to see where our goblin friend seems to have already followed the mood of the group. When we came in he ignored the comforts of the well-upholstered seating and just went straight to the oversized hearth we’re all gathered round, dropping on his backside with his back right to the low blaze burning inside it. Now he’s curled up like a cat in front of it, mostly silent save that subtle clicking purr I’ve long grown used to from our years of camping together on the road.
Seeing proves enough to convince him, so he flounders at the last, now just perched on the edge of the seat as he lets out a deep sigh. “All right, damn it. You win, so I could do with a drink.” He frowns down at the floor and leans forward again, this time dropping onto his feet with far more noise than strictly necessary thanks to his heavy, steel-shod boots, and starts looking round. “Where’s the bar?”
“Oh, yes.” Gael might be as tired as the rest of us, but you’d never know it the way they’re on her their feet almost before any of us realise it. They cast about the room for a moment, then raise their hand, waving to something off to the side. I’m slow picking up on the fact there’s been someone in here all the time, but then the attendant’s white and silver robes seem to help them blend into their surroundings, at least until the step forward.
Bowing courteously with a cool, neutrally friendly smile on their rather androgynous face, the youthful human folds their hands together at their waist. “Master Foxtail, how may we be of assistance?”
That seems to stump them, the young wizard frowning for a moment. “Oh … yes. Um … yes, of course. Some refreshments for my friends, please. I don’t know what you have on hand, though … um …”
Another bow. “No need, Master Foxtail. We anticipated your needs, the kitchens are already preparing a hearty repast for you and yours, and there will be wine and ale on the way momentarily. However, I shall request some of the refreshments be brought through now.” They give one last bow and turn before Gael can even respond, moving out through the doorway I’d quite lost track of with light-footed ease.
Gael blinks. “Okay … turns out they’re particularly efficient here.”
“Hey, that’s fine by me.” Art seems to be getting comfortable in his chair now, looking a good deal happier than he was before. “I’m with Dumoli, a drink sounds grand right now.”
Du cocks a brow my way as he settles back into his chair, and I can’t help smiling back, although I’m sure it looks tired as it feels. I’ll admit a drink sounds as great to me right now, but some food to soak up the alcohol so I don’t just pass out on the spot sounds better. Except that I elected to join Kesla instead, and besides, I wanna know what’s up as much as she does.
“Fine, you lot settle in. We’ll be back in …” Kesla frowns, casting a glance to me for a moment that I’m not clued-up enough to answer, then waves her hand vaguely. “When we’re done. Just don’t eat everything, yeah? I’m hungry too.”
“So am I, but I’ll join you.” Gael looks their clothes over for a moment, smoothing out what needs it, then picks up their staff. Finally they turn back to the others. “Anyone else?”
Darwyn gets up almost immediately, but given how the situation’s been laid out to me it’s not a surprise. She looks round the rest for a moment, seeming non-plussed by some, especially Art, but that’s no surprise either. “What? Y’know why I’m here, I got Cobb’s interests to protect.”
There’s a long moment of silence as nobody else seems particularly inclined to get up now, and I can see the day really has taken its toll on the group as a whole, not just us. Even the golem, Driver 8, doesn’t stir in the spot next to the hearth he crouched down into when we first entered, in fact I haven’t seen him move once since. All I get looking at him now is the vaguest niggling sense that he is watching us now all the same, but he remains conspicuously silent as the rest of them.
Then Shay says: “Yeah, why not?” before unfolding her long, lithe legs and rising from the long couch with the same comfortable, enviable ease that Gael recently displayed, plucking her own swordbelt up in the process.
Beside her, Tulen blinks at the rest, surprised, before focusing on Gael. “Should I –”
“No, I think we’ll be fine.” Gael waves her down before she can start to follow. “I’ll send for you if we need you, but I think we’ll be all right.” They shoot a very subtle look at Kesla that I barely manage to catch, and the tall mercenary woman gives a very clipped nod in simple response.
“It’s cool, I can keep ‘er company.” Art smiles towards Tulen, whose pale blue cheeks seem to darken a little as she returns it, a little coy but warm enough all the same. Gael gives him a surprisingly cold look that he completely misses, and I notice Darwyn glaring daggers at him again too.
“Just leave it.” Kesla whispers to Gael as she lays a hand on their shoulder, gently guiding them away from the group now. For a moment it looks like they might be thinking about arguing, but they drop it quick enough, although they’re still frowning mightily as they start towards the door with Darwyn in tow.
“So you’re from Abharet, I hear?” Shay’s held back, taking a moment to adjust the lie of her swordbelt, but clearly she’s mainly used it as an excuse to engage me in conversation. I have to crane somewhat to look her in the eye as I slot my other axe into place on my left hip, and I can’t help a moment’s suspicion at her question, but she seems earnest enough.
“Um … yeah. Originally. Not for a while, mind.”
Shay starts walking after the others, but she’s clearly moving at a leisurely pace in deference to my comparatively stumpy legs so I have no trouble keeping up as we leave the room. “I hear the days are longer down there. Compared to Rundao, that is. It’s warmer too. What’s that like?”
I can’t help frowning up at her now, a little thrown by that question. “You don’t … huh. Where are you from, then?”
“The Reaches, up north. I was born in the mountains, where the Icespine starts.”
Ah, so. That makes sense, then. She’s used to relatively short days and far longer nights, while the dawn and dusk both last a long time, and even in the summer it never gets too warm. If this really is her first time out of the North, which I’m gathering it is, she’s already experiencing a very different environment to the one she’s used to. “I see. So how are you finding Untermer, then?”
“Sunny, and warm.” She smiles, a little sheepish but companionable enough even so. “The longer days are definitely gnawing at me a little too. I take it it’s worse down south?”
That makes me grin despite my tiredness. “Yeah … personally, I wouldn’t say worse, but yeah, it’s a good deal more temperate in Abharet. I grew up in Yhuret, it’s not too far south of the border, but I been further Poleward in my time. The forests are lush, and the greenest you’ll ever see in this world. Sometimes I miss it, Rundao definitely ain’t the same. The leaves don’t change colour where I came from like they do here when autumn arrives.”
“Jungles, right?” There’s a real spark in her eyes now, a genuine twinkle of excitement, and she’s not paying attention to where she’s walking now, moving backwards now so she can regard me as we move. “My da taught me about stuff like that. He said that the forests down there are huge, and they get really hot but there’s so much moisture that everything stays wet all the time. Even the air.”
“Humidity, yeah.” My grin stays where it is, I’m enjoying this conversation, as much for the nostalgia as anything else. “There’s places where the jungles are deepest where the trees get really tall, like they’ll stretch hundreds of feet into the sky, and there are whole seasons where it’ll just rain constantly. We call those the Rainforests.”
“Yeah, he taught me about those too. He said there were ancient civilisations that used to exist there, before the Sundering threw everything into chaos and the heat after made the jungles grow so wild and out of control. That today there are places in the deepest parts of the forests where there are whole cities, but empty and ruined.” Shay smiles fondly at that thought, and I’m intrigued to know who this father of hers might be. Is he the orc or the elf? “Sounds like quite an adventure, if I do say so myself.”
“Well I hear the Northern Reaches are pretty wild and dramatic too, so reckon you seen your fair share of adventures too.” I see Kesla and Gael have stopped ahead of us now, just on the edge of the chapel, and while I might suspect they’re waiting for us to catch up I reckon it’s more likely they just don’t know where to go. “I understand you’re new to the group, so did they pick you up while they were there?”
Shay stops now, giving me a more considered look, a little wary but mostly just critical. I wonder if maybe I just touched a nerve, and if so I wonder what that’s even about. “A few weeks back, yes. Before that I was … freelance, if you will.”
“So you were still a fellow merc, then.” I offer up a friendlier smile now, hoping it does the trick. “So not much of a change, really. You’re at home with the work. And I saw you out there earlier, you were … really something.”
Cocking her head, Shay continues to examine me, and her expression’s becoming more appraising, with hints of her own smile touching the corners of her mouth now. “Thank you. It took me many years to get that good, and most of it was thanks to my parents. Especially da. He’s a far greater fighter than I could even hope to be.”
“You two coming or what?” Kesla calls now, jogging us both from our reverie, and when I turn they’re watching us, the big woman with a look of mildly amused indulgence while Gael’s simply blushing, seeming a little embarrassed by her friend’s implied impatience. Personally, I don’t reckon Kesla’s really all that bothered by it. The halfling seems largely indifferent.
Stepping up to them at last, I take another look at our surroundings, and slowly realise that when we came in before I really wasn’t paying too much attention because this place really is magnificent. The chapel is a substantial space all on its own, the central chamber of worship around which the rest of the temple revolves, a beautiful vaulted ceiling stretching high above our heads, might be a good hundred feet up, supported by pillars thick as ancient tree trunks. The gleaming white marble of the structure and the silver highlighting looks especially spectacular in the strong light from the thousands of candles arrayed in row upon row along the walls. The dark, almost black wood of the arranged pews, meanwhile, offers a strong contrast, as does the single splash of real colour in the place, a long line of thick red carpet running the length of the central aisle to the altar to Minerva.
The great statue at the back of the chamber is what most immediately draws the eye, at least now I don’t have other matters to draw my attention. At least thirty feet tall and sculpted from what seems to be a single piece of flawless white marble, it’s somewhat stylised but beautifully striking all the same, a very flattering representation of the goddess indeed. There’s a certain avian quality to her features, I imagine intended to evoke the owl she favours as her totem, especially in her wide, slanted eyes, but there’s an intriguing warmth in her face all the same, the subtle smile she wears having a surprising calming effect. Once again there’s silver inlaid in strategic places to give the statue greater detail, particularly her eyes and her long, flowing tresses, but I get the impression that the rod in her left hand and flame in her offered right are solid pieces of the metal rather than plated. Some kind of flame of knowledge, maybe? I don’t really know enough about this particular religion to judge.
Leaning into Gael’s side, I whisper up at her, feeling the need to use more hushed tones now in this place. “Um … out of interest … what exactly is that she’s holding out?”
Gael frowns for a beat, then looks to the statue and smiles. “Oh, right. It’s the Spark of Inspiration. Minerva’s the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom. The Spark brings Serendipity to the lucky ones who are graced with its gifts.”
I have to cock my brow at that. “Come again?”
“Serendipity. A bolt of inspiration. It’s when a brilliant idea just comes to you out of the blue. Like when artists or other creatives are visited by the Muses. They’re her servants.”
“They like Thorin’s Valkyries?” I notice Kesla and Shay exchanging a glance when I say that.
“After a fashion, yes. Divine servants who serve their godly masters and fulfil the requirements of their particular purviews when dealing with our side of the Veil.”
Half of what she said kind of goes over my head, but I reckon enough of it came clear enough for me to get the gist. “Right. Cuz the Sundering kinda put the kibosh on the gods walking among us, means they can’t get their hand in direct anymore.”
This brings a more amused smile to Gael’s face. “Again, after a fashion. Those of us who are in tune with the other side of the Veil can still commune with them, hence the godly clergy, although there are others who occasionally find themselves … in the right headspace to hear it too. Like warriors in the heat of battle, every once in a while you might feel Thorin’s hand on your shoulder.”
I blink at that, and there’s another look that passes between Kesla and Shay. “Yeah … once or twice.”
After a moment of thoughtful silence – or perhaps moderate existential dread in my case – Kesla breaks in with: “So anyway, since we don’t know our way round here ourselves …”
“Oh!” Gael’s quicker on the drop this time. “Of course. Um …” ��She falters, starting to cast about now.
“Master Foxtail, how may we assist you?”
This makes all of us jump, we can’t help it. Even Kesla seems a little perturbed to find the attendant suddenly stood right beside her, a short human barely an inch or two taller than me, but a good deal slighter, looking up at Gael expectantly. She’s got a subtle smile on her face, something I’ve noticed is almost like a uniform expression among the staff in this place, actually, like she knows things far beyond any of our kens. It’s unsettling all on its own.
“Oh for the …” Shay casts a slightly baleful look Gael’s way, which just makes them blush deeper. “Really? How do they keep doing that?”
“My apologies, Mistress Swift-Kill.” The smile almost fades as she bows in contrition, but I’m sure I can see it subtly haunting her lips, visible only because I’m looking for it. I try not to roll my eyes. “You simply seemed at a loss.”
“Yeah, sure.” Kesla cocks a brow Gael’s way while Shay frowns at the attendant, likely trying to work out how she’s already known in this place. I suspect she could probably point me out of a crowd, Darwyn too, and I don’t like it one bit. Magic’s never really sat well with me.
“We are somewhat at a loss, yes.” Gael admits at last “It’s the young man we brought in with us, somewhat unwillingly. It occurs to us that we’re ill-informed of his location, which is unfortunate since we have business to discuss with him.”
I’ll admit it takes me a moment to work out exactly what the young wizard just said, but the attendant seems to get it right away. The smile comes back full-force as she nods. “Of course, Master Foxtail. Please follow me.” She indicates the most direct path across the chamber, passing between two pews, before setting off on her way.
Again, Kesla looks at Gael with her brow raised, but this time the corner of her mouth’s quirking a little too. “You couldn’t have just sniffed him out like you do?”
“What are you …” Gael frowns back, and while they’re of a height there’s the strangest sensation than they’re having to glare up at their friend now. “I’m not a dog, Kesla.”
This time Kesla grins wide, giving them a gentle little shoulder check before moving past so she can follow the attendant. “You can’t take a joke either, it seems.” She walks backwards for a few paces, stretching her hands out wide in a near-shrug, then tips them a wink before turning back to her path.
Gael glares after her, bristling some now. “Why you … Kesla! Come on, that’s not fair either!” They start stalking after, and I just watch as the young half-elf catches up to her friend only to be immediately pulled into a close one-armed hug before they continue.
Finally I look up at Shay, who’s just stood where she was before, hands on hips, head cocked a little as she watches them go. After a beat she must sense me watching her, turning my way with a slow raise of her brow.
“What exactly is that all about?” I wonder aloud.
“I really couldn’t say, I’ve not known any of them long enough yet.” She cocks her head their way. “Shall we?”
“I dunno, I’m getting hungry now.” I admit, only for her to cock her head the other way now, still looking down at me in that same stance. “Nah, you’re right, it can wait. Just know you’re goin’ into this in the company of a hungry dwarf. Ain’t the smartest way to conduct business.”
After a beat she grins wide. “You know what? I like you.”
“Yeah, well you’re all right too.” I start walking now, and she falls into easy, confident step after me as we pass between the pews. The others are already well ahead of us, the attendant waiting off to the left on the far side of the chamber by one of the doors leading out of the chapel, but nobody’s moving so fast we need to rush to catch up.
The conversation’s dried up now, I guess, but we’re comfortable in each other’s company, so it’s a trade-off I can live with. When we finally reach the door on the far side Gael’s already gone through after the attendant, but Kesla’s waiting for us just outside, and as we arrive she gives us both a look. It’s not reproach, there’s clear amusement in it, but maybe there’s a little bit of a check in it too. Shay simply shrugs, while I keep my face good and blank as I look up at her, just daring her to comment. She holds her tongue instead, shouldering the door open all the way as she essentially leans through it, stepping forward at the last before she starts to fall. I’m getting the impression her own tiredness is making her a bit irreverent, and it's clearly catching because when I look up at Shay again she’s fighting her own wry smile.
It's only as I step through that I realise Darwn’s behind me now, which almost unsettles me. She really is uncanny sneaky, now I think about it, her own diminutive size definitely masking her even from someone similarly short, but there’s more to it than that. She’s a prowler like Art and their hobgoblin friend, I hear, so it’s clearly a by-product of the training. I wonder if she’s just like this all the time, if the stealth’s become so deeply ingrained in her now she can’t actually turn it off anymore. Wouldn’t surprise me.
She catches me looking as she steps through after me, and there’s a moment when she gives me something of a pointed look, although it seems a good deal warmer than I expected given how she’s been since I met her. Now I think about it, though, given how she’s clearly mostly pissed off with Art, might be her being away from him now’s improving her mood some. Even so, she still challenges me as she lets the door start to slowly swing closed behind her. “What?”
“Oh, nothing. Don’t worry ‘bout it. Just … I dunno, just thinking.”
Regarding me for another moment, she cocks a brow. “That can be dangerous sometimes, I heard.”
I don’t sense an implied threat in that, just a statement of interesting fact, so I don’t bristle. Reckon it might be further sign I’ve pretty much finished sobering up now, that. “That as may be, but none of us can help it. You certainly don’t strike me as somebody who can just switch it off at a whim.”
This time she genuinely grins at me, and I’m surprised by just how bright a smile it is. It’s a breath of fresh air, really, and her face lights up from it. “I’d say same about you, Mistress Stormforge.”
“Thel, please. Since we’re stuck together in this, might as well get friendly.”
“Then please, call me Dar.” He smile softens, then she looks past me and her eyes widen a little. “Bloody hell … get a look at this.”
As I follow her gaze, part of me is aware enough to take note of Shay now stood stock still a few feet further into the room, but most of me is just shook by what’s clearly aweing her too. I thought the chapel was impressive, but the space we’re in now makes it look like a tired little antechamber. The same clean, crisp white marble climbs up around us, reaching even higher into the air above our heads, but the room spreads out for what seems like hundreds of metres, an impossibly vast space given what I remember of the building’s external structure. There are windows high up in the walls that I can’t make out all that well now the night’s rolling in, but I can see enough to judge these must be some pretty impressive stained-glass masterpieces when they have sunlight pouring through them. Right now, in deference to the time, the illumination’s instead coming from several generously filled candelabras stood at strategic points throughout the room’s length.
I’ve never been in a library before, but I heard enough to recognise one when I see it. There’s impossibly tall bookshelves lining the wall, higher books accessible by stepped ladders that look to made to roll around on wheels, and shorter ones set in rows along the vast length of the chamber. Two large tables are set out in front of the first free-standing shelves, each with several large, very comfortable looking leather chairs arranged round it. I can’t see exactly how it’s set up beyond, but as I step to one side so I can look down the near side of the room I can just make out more tables set out between the other shelves at varying points.
Looking round at it all, I try to do a little math in my head and quickly come up short on ability to even start coming up with an answer. The walls alone must hold thousands of books, many thousands of them … hell, there could be millions in this place, looking at it now, this place is so huge. How could there possibly be this many books in the world? How many people would it even take to write all of them?
“Gods … look at this place.” It’s only when I hear her winded words that I realise Kesla’s stood close by too, clearly brought up short when she saw this just like the rest of us. “Gael, how … how the hell does this even work? This room is …” She falters, words seeming to fail her.
“You’re right.” I manage to spit out, just barely. “This building, the temple … this room’s way too big.”
“It’s magic, isn’t it?” Shay ventures, and it takes me a moment to realise she’s a good deal less rattled than I am.
“Quite subtle, but yes. It’s just a simple dimensional displacement enchantment on the space itself, so there’s more room in here than the real estate actually allows for.” Gael’s smiling wide, clearly very pleased with themselves, and it seems to take them a moment or two to realise Kesla and Shay are both giving them looks. The smile turns a little sheepish, but they don’t lose it. “Um … yeah, sorry, I just get a little carried away about this stuff sometimes. It’s … um, it’s basically a copy of the Grand Library at the Academy. All the major temples have one, so that it can be instantly accessed by any of our Order who find themselves in need of a particular piece of knowledge while out on the road. There are copies of every single book we have at the Academy here, just like in every other location, just in case.”
Kesla and Shay share a look now, and after a moment they both nod, appreciative now. “That’s … yeah, that’s actually really clever.” Kesla admits, and Shay keeps on nodding her agreement.
“Yeah, sure. It’s real fancy.” Darwyn doesn’t seem anywhere near as impressed by the idea as the rest of us, now if anything she seems a little suspicious of the place now she’s gotten over her initial surprise. “But we got business, right?”
For a long moment Kesla just looks down at her, unreadable now, but her eyes certainly are piercing right now, and it’s impressive that the halfling doesn’t squirm half as much under it as I’d expect. Then again she doesn’t seem like someone who’ll easily back down from much of anything, really.
“Yeah, sure.” Kesla finally allows “You’re right.” She turns back to the attendant, who I realise has been waiting patiently a little way down the near side of the room since we came in. “Lead on.”
Giving a little bow, the young woman regards us all for a beat with her inscrutable smile, then turns back to the path and starts walking again, the rest of us slowly falling into step behind. I fall back to walk with Darwyn now, watching her sidelong for a few moments as we go, and she doesn’t take long to pick up on it. When she finally turns to regard me she’s nowhere near as annoyed as I would’ve expected.
“All right, what is it?”
I hold my hands up, disarming again. “Hey, no offense meant. I’m just naturally curious. I mean, you’re not one of ‘em, I understand you’re here because of an obligation?”
“My boss asked me to help ‘em out however I could. Mainly that means he really wanted me to keep an eye on what’s going on, where this trail leads. Protect the Guild’s interests in general, and his in particular. Right now our interests are aligned, so it’s mutually beneficial for us to work together on this.”
That makes me cock a brow. “So … what about if this goes somewhere you don’t like? Say, I dunno, something you lot think it’s best we don’t know about? That gonna be a problem?”
Darwyn’s a long time answering me, and while we’re walking we pass more tables, the odd wizard type sat at more than one, each dressed in some variation of the Order’s characteristic livery. Most simply pore over leatherbound volumes or making notes, too engrossed to even notice us, but as we pass a particularly pretty young elf of indiscriminate gender, much like Gael, they look up to watch our passing. There’s more than a little suspicion in that look that makes me a little uneasy. I glare back with the sharpest frown I can muster, but they’re not fazed for a second.
“Yeah, I dunno what to say to that, actually.” Darwyn finally admits, and she’s so matter-of-fact about it I’m really not sure what to make of it. “Guess you’ll just have to hope we don’t find out.”
I watch her for a long beat as we continue, but she just ignores my look now, and I’ll admit I might be a little too tired to pursue it now. Or maybe just hungry. Now I think about it my stomach’s grumbling again, definitely nagging for some more fuel for the fire now.
“There you are.”
We’re most of the way down this near side of the inexplicably long room now, from what I can tell we’ve come to the last set of tables in the run, and these seem to be occupied too. This time whoever it is has risen to greet us, which is surprise enough for me, but while Kesla seems a little taken aback too she’s enough at ease that she must’ve been at least half expecting this. There’s two of ‘em, both tall and well presented in their classy robes, and also clearly familiar to this group given the warmth of their greeting.
The shorter of the two is already stepping up, and making a beeline straight for Gael, actually. He’s a big one, a solid, broad-shouldered human with a well-groomed beard and a very friendly face indeed, brightened even more by his blinding smile as he opens his arms and folds the young half-elf into her arms before they quite have the chance to respond. They return the hug warmly, smiling broad themselves as they lean into it, and they seem to stay there for a long time. Long enough that the other one has plenty of time to join us too.
“Mistress Shoon.” He’s a dragonhalf, one of the most full-on dragon-like I’ve encountered in my years, with gleaming leathern scales of striking green and disconcertingly bright yellow eyes that remind me more than a little of Brung’s. There’s a different look in them though, an aloofness I’ve never encountered in our goblin friend, although his pronounced muzzle’s still curling into something approximating a smile as he steps forward with hand outstretched. His robes are richer and more well-appointed than the human’s relatively simple, understated garb, but this is nothing compared to his impressive horns, which I could almost believe had been specifically styled to present the most impressive visage possible. He seems friendly enough, but somehow there’s just … something about him that makes me take a set against him all the same. I can’t help it, he just rubs me up the wrong way without doing anything.
“Well met, Master Saxiros.” Kesla gives a far more subtle smile as she takes his hand, giving it a quick pump before letting go again, and while she’s being friendly enough I think I detect the subtlest edge in her too. It’s not quite dislike, just … wariness, maybe. “You’ll forgive our presentation I hope. It’s been a rough day.”
“So I heard.” As soon as his hand’s released he clasps both behind his back, assuming such a rigid stance he could be made of iron. “It’s a bad business, clearly. Master Foxtail surprised me somewhat, actually. They made it sound like something close to chaos out there. I trust you’re all still well?”
Behind him I see Gael jump a little at the mention of their name, finally pulling away from their friend while he seems just as quietly embarrassed by their mutual reaction. Clearing their throat, they check over their gear while he smooths down his robes, avoiding each other’s gaze now. I try not to smile too much seeing it.
“Good enough, I’d say. It was a hairy spot, but we came through without too much difficulty.” Kesla looks to her friend for a moment as she adds: “Gael got a little beat up, but nothing Krakka couldn’t set right.”
The dragonhalf turns to look at them now, lifting his spiky brows a little as he regards them. “Indeed?”
“They took us a little more by surprise than I would have preferred.” Gael’s blushing red now, clearly uncomfortable, but I wonder if it’s less her own awkwardness than from just getting caught out in the first place. I saw them fight, they’re certainly capable enough for a wizard. They’ve no reason to feel ashamed. “They have a wizard of their own, it seems.”
“A talented hedge wizard, surely?” Those bright yellow eyes flicker to the young man, who’s clearly forgotten his own embarrassment in the face of this surprising news, then back to Kesla. “You can’t think –”
“Might be another situation like Ashsong, least ways it’s pointing to the possibility.” Kesla shrugs. “Mostly spit-balling theories, can’t be sure given how little we saw. But Gael said they looked too well trained for a hedge wizard, so we’re thinking maybe another warlock.”
“Gods …” The dragonhalf’s frowning deep now, clearly not liking this development. “That’s not good at all. It certainly explains this nasty business with their … insurance policy, but …” He strokes the bony spikes on his chin for a moment, thoughtful, then looks up again, regarding me for the first time. “Are these the new arrivals you spoke about?”
“After a fashion.” Kesla shoves her hair out of her face, but a few errant locks are quick to return as she turns my way too. “Thelgaewynn Frostforge. She’s one o’ the mercenaries we were looking for. Turns out they got as big a stake in this as we do.”
“I see.” He regards me for a moment, more coolly than I’d really like to be honest, but I try not to read too much into it as I step forward as he leans down a little, offering his hand. “Taphun Saxiros, of the Silver Order.”
“Clearly.” The word’s out before I can quite stop it, and I can’t quite help my ironic eyebrow raise either, but I try not to look too sarcastic as I clasp his clawed, long-fingered hand and give it a good pump. His grip’s firm as I would’ve expected, and he doesn’t shrink from my contact either, so I hold his eye as he looks me over. When we part I stand my ground, tucking my thumbs into my belt in deference of the fact that resting them on my axes could be construed as a threat.
“So that must mean that you have lost people in this too, then?”
“Yeah, unfortunately it does.” I set my jaw as I look up at him, fighting my own frown. “Two of ‘em. Good friends, a mother and her very young daughter. So reckon you can appreciate this is pretty personal for us.”
Saxiros blinks, shooting a brief look at Kesla, then nods as he turns back to me, his face seeming to soften a little. “Yes, it clearly is. Well then, I hope the Silver Order can be of help to you in this, then.”
That makes me blink. “Um … sure. Thanks. It’s mighty appreciated, then.”
Giving another nod, Saxiros looks past me to Darwyn. “And your friend?”
“Darwyn Trustfoot.” Kesla folds her arms. “She’s from the Thieves Guild, been helping us out with our hunt.”
The look he gives her is a good deal sharper, like he’s personally affronted, but he stops short before saying what he clearly wants to, simply turning back at last to give the halfling a cautious look. “Hmmm … fair enough, I suppose it’ll wash. It wouldn’t really be the first time.” He stoops again, a deal lower this time as he offers his hand. “Charmed, of course.”
Cocking a brow as she leans from one foot to the other, Darwyn just looks down at his hand for a long moment before turning to Kesla. She seems thoroughly non-plussed.
“Honestly?” Kesla cocks her head. “If you lot do decide you’re gonna deal with the Order direct on this, this is who you’re gonna be dealing with. So y’know …”
“Ah.” Darwyn looks like she’s holding off on rolling her eyes, but she still don’t look much more impressed. But she still steps forward at last, reaching out her own hand too. “When you put it like that …”
They make it a quick shake, and Saxiros looks like he’s chewing on something decidedly unpleasant the whole time, but he goes through with it all the same. Even so, when they let go he can’t help working his hand like it feels dirty, and Darwyn’s looking down at her own like she just picked up something nasty too.
“All right, anyway …” Kesla interjects now, clearly getting back to the job in hand, and I don’t blame her. “Enough with the pleasantries, I know it’s a big deal but –”
“Of course.” Saxiros is still frowning as he turns to regard her now, but there’s no reproach in it. “You’re right. I take it you want to speak with the one you took alive, then?”
“Yeah, we do. It’s been a long day but we wanna get this done now while there’s still the possibility of a trail we can pick up.” She looks past him to the younger male wizard, who’s stood by with Gael, looking a little crestfallen now. “Sorry, Jathran. ‘Fraid reunion’s gotta wait a little.”
He sighs as he looks at the floor for a moment. “No, it’s all right.” He wraps his arm round his friend’s shoulders now, giving them a companionable little crush. “We can catch up when you’re done. Just watch out for them, please.”
Kesla arches her brows at that, looking at him for a moment with a very serious face. “Oh … yeah. ‘Course I will. You don’t gotta worry ‘bout that.”
“Should I accompany you?” Saxiros asks, and now I’m looking at him I see something new in that face, an expression that looks very at odds with his features. He looks uncertain, I think. Like he doesn’t want to come in there with us, but he has to offer it up all the same.
“No, reckon we’ll be good just us five, Master Saxiros.” Kesla clearly picks up on his reluctance too, and she’s being tactful about letting him down easy. “Thanks for the offer, though.”
The dragonhalf bows respectfully, and covers his subtle sigh of relief well enough that I almost don’t catch it. “Very well, Mistress Shoon. Good luck, and we’ll see you when you’re done.” He looks across the others for a beat each, lingering on me for a little longer, and gives another civil nod. “Mistress Stormforge.”
“Master Saxiros.” I nod back, mindful enough to show deference in what’s clearly his domain right now.
His regard for Darwyn looks a little less sincere, but he brazens through it well enough. “Mistress Trustfoot.”
For a long moment it seems she’s not gonna return the sentiment, and I wonder if that might prove a disrespect too great for this pompous puffed up bureaucrat. I can certainly see from the subtle narrowing in his eyes as the silence draws on that he might just snap if she does press her luck. Then she sighs and nods back, although she’s clearly speaking through gritted teeth as she finally responds with: “Master Saxiros.”
Saxiros glares down at her for another beat before finally turning to Kesla again, regaining his composure a little quicker now as he manages a broad and very sharp, toothy smile. She simply nods in return and turns back to the attendant as she starts to take a few backwards steps the way we’ve been headed, quick on the uptake now. She gestures for us to follow again and turns into her next step.
Gael hangs back for a moment or two longer to share a few brief words with the younger wizard, Jathran I think it was, and we let ‘em. As the attendant leads us to a doorway on the right in the back wall of the chamber I lean close to Darwyn, keeping my voice low now. “Bit harsh with the big boss wizard, weren’t you?”
Darwyn gives me a look, not irritated but a little complex all the same. “Never met ‘im before myself, but Cobb’s had the odd dealing with that Saxiros bloke before. Apparently he’s a spectacular twat. Given what I just saw, I’m inclined to agree some.”
“Yeah, but … y’know, if you’re gonna be striking up a business partnership with the Order on this –”
“Doubt it’ll matter any. Like you said, we’re dealing with the Order, not him specific. He can just put up with whatever we decide if he wants us to be civil.”
Cocking a brow, I give her a drawn-out sidelong look, but she doesn’t rise to it. Then we’re at the door, the attendant already holding it open and Kesla and Shay seem to have already gone ahead. I turn to look back over my shoulder and see Gael break away from her friend now, giving him a jovial little pat on the arm before giving Saxiros a more respectful clipped bow. Then she hustles over while Darwyn simply ducks on through the door herself.
“Sorry.” Gael breathes as they arrive, sheepish again.
“No harm done.” I look back to find Saxiros has already sat back down, reaching over to take his book up again, but Jathran is still stood by, watching Gael. “Y’know you don’t have to come in, you could just hang out with your friend. Seems like a nice lad.”
“Oh yeah, he is that.” Gael’s smile is clumsy, but they cover well enough. It doesn’t stick, though. “But uh … no, I better come. I need to. This is for my da. I have to do this.”
“Okay, then.” Nodding, I gesture for them to go ahead, and they’re not long stepping through the door ahead of me. Taking a deep breath, I follow, giving the attendant an appreciative smile as she responds with a respectful bow as I pass. Then the door’s closed behind me and we’re left alone.
#never split the party#The Creeping Bam#the adventures of The Creeping Bam#book 2 chapter 20#fantasy fiction#original fiction#original fantasy fiction#to be continued
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