#bavarian illuminati
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ellajohnson · 6 months ago
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markwinger · 6 months ago
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aeltri · 1 year ago
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Grand Orient — It remains that in 1877 the Grand Orient, without denying God, proclaimed its atheism, which word is negative like the later denomination agnostic. A theist is one who affirms God and an atheist is one who does not so affirm. Now, in England the charge of Freemasonry to every one of its members is: “Fear God and honour the King.” But French [Grand Orient] Freemasonry has neither a king to honour nor a God to fear. There is no ground of union between two institutions so diverse as these are, and any proposition for healing the breach between them by a process of restoring communion - presumably without stipulations - is on the face of it foredoomed to failure, while in the heart of it there is sown already the poisonous seed of insincerity.
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As the recent gala showed, however, philosophical differences don't stop them from working together. Alliances of convenience between various factions appear to be brokered by the Frankfurt based Bavarian Illuminati. Ben was seen in Frankfurt and while he belongs to the UGLE his ancestors were also inducted into the Grand Orient Lodge in Turkey. The present day Grand Orient Lodge HQ is in Paris. See how everything connects? Freemasons like Ben serve as international liaisons and couriers.
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slypuzzle · 9 months ago
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hecticelectron · 10 months ago
become who you pretend to be
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I passed a handwritten sign in my high school once. It said,
WE, the Bavarian Illuminati—WHO CONTROL EVERYTHING—issue you this warning: YOU BECOME WHO YOU PRETEND TO BE.
I never figured out who wrote it (although I have my suspicions). But it stuck with me.
The saying has meant good and bad things, depending where I was in my life. In both cases, TTRPGs gave me something I needed.
I wrote some more on it here.
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thetemplarknight · 6 months ago
The Illuminati - the secret society revealed!
The Illuminati is a secret society that for three hundred years has been accused of seeking to overthrow governments - Tony McMahon reports
Is there an international conspiracy responsible for every revolutionary upheaval and political movement we have seen over the last three hundred years or more? Does this conspiracy strive for a one-world government and total domination? This is the goal attributed to an entity termed ‘The Illuminati’ – or enlightened ones. But just exactly what is this secret society termed the Illuminati? Does…
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techniche · 2 years ago
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The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson (2009)💡
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tonyrossmcmahon · 6 months ago
The Illuminati - the secret society revealed!
The Illuminati is a secret society that for three hundred years has been accused of seeking to overthrow governments - Tony McMahon reports
Is there an international conspiracy responsible for every revolutionary upheaval and political movement we have seen over the last three hundred years or more? Does this conspiracy strive for a one-world government and total domination? This is the goal attributed to an entity termed ‘The Illuminati’ – or enlightened ones. But just exactly what is this secret society termed the Illuminati? Does…
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creature-wizard · 1 year ago
Is the Illuminati real
So, there was a real group of people called the Bavarian Illuminati. They were basically into rationalism and human rights and democracy and such things as made European conservatives of the 18th century antsy. The Catholic Church banned 'em.
Now, lots of people were into the same ideals at the time. And contemporary conservatives who refused to imagine that the common folk could have anything against monarchy and theocracy and all that of their own accord started blaming the Illuminati for stirring up all of this dissent. And as it goes with these kinds of things, they basically blamed them for everything they didn't like.
And this is basically where we still are with the Illuminati. Conservatives use them as their boogeyman to blame for any social trend they don't like. The mythology has become quite elaborate over the years, merging with antisemitic conspiracy theories and anti-witch conspiracy theories. Conservatives are constantly reinventing the material to sell it to each new generation. For example, during Europe's witch hunts, witch hunters claimed that people could be witches without any conscious awareness of it; essentially astral projecting to witches' sabbaths at night and waking up in the morning with no recollection whatsoever. Around the Satanic Panic, conspiracy theorists reinvented this as the alter programming conspiracy theory, where supposedly anyone could be a satanist because the conspiracy supposedly knew all of these techniques to give people DID and program each alter into whatever they needed.
So, there was a group of people called the Illuminati, but there is no group of people known as the Illuminati today that we have to worry about. It's all a bunch of conspiracy theory bullshit.
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cryptotheism · 2 years ago
This flowchart is put at the beginning of Liber Null, presumably put together by the Illuminates of Thanateros (the IOT at the bottom)- would you call this a relatively accurate analysis?
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Listen. I love the Liber Null. I love the chaotes. I love chaos magic, but graphs like this are why I'm writing a book.
This is a crock of horseshit. "Shamanism" in this context is a deeply ahistorical term. The idea that "witchcraft" and "sorcery" (what does this even refer to) are somehow separate from the rest of the historical lineage is wrote nonsense.
Hermeticism and Alchemy are not the same thing, they have a mutualistic relationship, but alchemy and hermeticism can both exist separately.
The Knights Templar did not predate hermeticism that is an insane thing to claim. Perfect Discourse alone predates them by 700 years. Sure Lazzarelli didn't translate Crater Hermetis until like 1550, but the Islamic world was going nuts with hermetic ideas all through the Golden age. Like where do you think Lazzarelli got the fucking manuscripts from.
The Rosicrucians were a splinter of the Freemasons.
The Bavarian Illuminati being on here makes sense but they're also a weird outlier. They were only pretending to be a magical organization and shouldn't really be considered one, but they're important to the OTO mythology.
I love the idea that the Golden Dawn is just Freemasonry + Illuminati. That's ridiculously reductive. The Dawn's whole thing is drawing from as many sources as possible with reckless abandon.
Where's Paracelsus? Where's Blavatsky? Where are the Spiritualists? Where are the Enlightenment Poet-Mystics? Where are the Christian Cabalists? This lists three different Freemason splinters but not a single mention of ancient Greek magic or Jewish mysticism. If Goetia gets an entry, Merkava/Hekhalot should get one, as should Kabbalah. If sufism gets an entry, so should Orphism and the neopythagoreans.
Where's Agrippa??? How're you gonna do a graph like this without Agrippa??
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markwinger · 6 months ago
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year ago
Protean Anagram Solutions
When I started making proteans last summer, I decided to name them all after a person, shuffling the letters in the name to make an anagram. I challenged my followers to figure out who each protean was named after.
So here's the solutions. Some of these people got when the monsters were originally posted. Others I got no replies on.
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The temortanga, protean of fashion, was named after Stefani Germanotta, aka Lady Gaga
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The alengos, protean of plant life and ecology, was named after Henry Gleason, an ecologist who argued against a universal "climax community" and that every ecosystem had a unique balance of plant life.
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The ricretillo, protean of weather, air and water, was named after Evangelista Torricelli, who invented the barometer and was the first to explain how winds form from differences in air pressure and temperature.
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The cthilpuk, protean of emotions and moods, was named after Robert Plutchik, who created a psychological classification for emotions.
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The yexhul, protean of evolution and animal life, was named after the Huxley clan, particularly Thomas Henry Huxley, first generation evolutionary biologist, and his grandsons Julian (a eugenicist) and Aldous (who parodied eugenics in Brave New World as a dig at his brother).
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The heputwisa, protean of conspiracies and lies, was named after Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati.
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The renegwe, protean of plate tectonics, earth and fire was named after Alfred Wegener, proponent of continental drift
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mousegard · 3 months ago
Aria of the Black Eagle - Season 2 Masterpost
As the Black Eagle Strike Force continues to search for a way home, their presence draws a new enemy into the maelstrom of the Frontier Incident—the Bavarian Illuminati!
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But the Count of Saint-Germain and her fellow immortals are far from the greatest threat Edelgard von Hresvelg and her comrades face in 21st-century Tokyo—for their meddling has resurrected an ancient threat from the darkest depths of Fodlan's prehistory.
SYMPHOGEAR SfZ Episode List:
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Episode 1: Words Without a Rhyme
Byleth regains the memories and knowledge of her past lives. She does not take it very well.
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Episode 2: Dancers at the End of Time
When Byleth's identity crisis leads to her clashing blades with Edelgard, Hibiki goes nuclear to stop them.
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Episode 3: Mirror Darkly
An unfortunate discovery about Gungnir leaves Hibiki listless—and vulnerable to Those Who Slither in the Dark.
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Episode 4: Something Stupid
When Miku accidentally confesses her feelings to Hibiki, she must turn to the gayest people she knows for help.
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Episode 5: Operation Lost Ark, Part 1
The Black Eagles agree to assist in transporting a relic that could bring them home. But the Bavarian Illuminati has its eye on them—and is ready to make its move.
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Episode 6: Operation Lost Ark, Part 2
On the way to a secure vault for dangerous relics, Edelgard comes face-to-face with a terrifying threat at the bottom of the sea—and her deepest fears.
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Episode 7: Operation Lost Ark, Part 3
A showdown on the shoreline between Section Two, the Bavarian Illuminati, and Those Who Slither in the Dark awakens a terrifying power.
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Episode 8: Intermezzo
In the aftermath of Operation Lost Ark, Maria prepares for her day in court. Chris takes in a stray. A wounded Suttungr finds herself in the care of an unlikely ally.
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Episode 9: Ordinary
While Millaarc helps Section Two search for Elsa, Epimenides makes his debut with an offer for the Black Eagles.
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Episode 10: Village of the Howling Dog
The search for Elsa brings the Black Eagles to a haunted village. Meanwhile, an imprisoned Ver gathers new allies.
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Episode 11: Ver's Eleven
With team of monsters at his side, Ver attempts to escape the Illuminati's clutches—without falling into the Black Eagles'.
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Episode 12: Reach For My Hand
With Elsa still missing, Hibiki helps Millaarc pull off a daring—and dangerous—rescue.
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Episode 13: A Mere Four Vessels
Ver heads to Frontier to pull off his plan—and Section Two has no choice but to follow, with or without government authorization.
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Episode 14: Children of a False God
When four Autoscorers accidentally become vessels of Sothis, Byleth sees a side of her old friend she has never seen before.
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Episode 15: SfZ
While the vessels of Sothis wreak havoc across Frontier, Ver stands at the apex of the world and declares the beginning of a new golden age for humanity.
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Episode 16: Farewell, My Sister
Can Maria save the world? Can Hibiki make one more new friend? Can Edelgard and Chris part ways on amicable terms?
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Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3
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tentakilly · 11 months ago
The UNGOC(Global Occult Coalition) consists of 108 and possibly more anomalous and occult groups including but not limited to:
The Bavarian Illuminati, The International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology, The Holy Order of Knights Templar, Servants of the Silicon Nornir, The United Church of Satan, The World Parahealth Organization, The Universalist Order of the Æsir, Walt Disney company, Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie And Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan.
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unwelcome-ozian · 5 months ago
Hi. Im trying to understand what is illuminati programming? Does it make you believe in conspiracy theories like the illuminati? Or is just another name for monarch programming?
Monarch Programming is an umbrella term for TBMC, Designer Programming, MK-ULTRA, and Designer programming.
The Illuminati is often categorised as a conspiracy theory. There is a lot of documentation regarding groups whose name means Illuminati. For example Alumbrados. The more formal genesis of the Illuminati came with the birth of Adam Weishaupt (its founder); born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, in 1748 to Jewish parents, who converted to Roman Catholicism and had him attend monastery schools and a high school run by the Jesuits.
A name applied to several bodies of religious enthusiasts, including (1) the Alumbrados; (2) the Rosicrucians; and (3) a masonic sect founded in Bavaria in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. Repudiating the claims of all existing religious bodies, they professed themselves to be those in whom alone the ‘illuminating’ grace of Christ resided. They were banished from Bavaria in 1784 but survived elsewhere.
On May 1, 1776, the Illuminati (from the same root word for Lucifer, “Bearer of Light” or Enlightened Ones) was founded as a single powerful secret organisation to overthrow established civilization and religion, and to establish a Novus Ordo Seclorum (New World Order). Weishaupt developed the following seven-fold plan as the means to arrive at that goal: 1) Abolish all ordered governments; 2) Abolish private property; 3) Abolish inheritance; 4) Abolish patriotism; 5) Abolish religion; 6) Abolish the family unit; and 7) Creation of a New World Order/World Government (Griffin 1993:52).
According to Rev. Seth Payson, who in 1802 wrote Proof of the Illuminati, the Illuminati is symbolised by the Great Pyramid, with the all-seeing eye on top (Great Seal of the U. S. on the back of the one dollar bill), with thirteen levels. These thirteen levels are divided into three groups: 1) Nursery (Preparation, Novice, Minerval, Illumined Minor), 2) Masonry (Apprentice, Fellowcraft, Master, Illumined Major/Novice, Illumined Dirigens/Knight), and 3) Mysteries (Presbyter/Priest, Prince/Regent, Majus, and Rex). The Order is controlled by the “Council of 13” (Council of 12 + the leader—Weishaupt himself). The true power of the organisation was considered to be “circles within circles;” that is the innermost circle, governed by the Council of 13 (Payson 2003:67-8).
Illuminati programming is a specific form of programming. The beliefs would vary depending on that group's point of view of the teachings. I categorise Illuminati programming under spiritual programming (RA). It is traditionally linked with anti semitic programming.
The beliefs for programming are consistently changing. For example: Kazakhstan has become known in conspiracy circles. Some of the theories name it an Illuminati-funded, future Asian capital of the coming “New World Order.”
Here’s an interesting article about one of the origins of the conspiracy theory.
Watchmen of the New Jerusalem: Jedidiah Morse, the Bavarian Illuminati and the refashioning of the jeremiad tradition in New England
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magustiel · 4 months ago
So what even are the Illuminati? And what is OTO?
The Illuminati is a wildly misunderstood thing that has generally evoked a lot of fear. A lot of neoplatonic and gnostic organizations have sort of been folded under it like an umbrella. OTO, Masons, etc. "Illuminati." But then, as said, there's the actual high rank.
Ordo Templi Orientis is an occult secret society and hermetic magical organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century. By a fella named Aleister Crowley, you might have heard of him. He made this symbol, which you might also recognize.
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Aquarian Star, Thelemic Star, Unicursal Hexagram, it's the same picture. That is to say, The Men Of Letters were heavily inspired by O.T.O. and Illuminati patterns. Which is why my server had archaic rank names until I reset from Lodge to New Way. But--Such as, global HQ for season 12 would be Illuminati, the bunker would probably be more like O.T.O., if that makes sense.
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But the pure idea of a singular unified Illuminati is itself fascetious. Many global shifts, wars, and such are treated similarly to a game with them, moving around parts, collectives, shifting how masses think to redirect their goals, to cause or avoid this war or that conflict, to try to get this or that result.
They even have an entire Divine Chess Game. I made the updated version for this generation I call Xorvintaal if you remember me screaming like "BITCH YOU WANNA TREAT THIS AS A GAME, SO WE MADE THE FUCKING GREATEST ONE". TLDR, they're all still independent. Bavarian Illuminati does not necessarily agree with American Illuminati, but their figureheads still hang out at a bar together. Does that make sense? Instead of fighting, they play out a match at global scale. May the best autist magical busibody win.
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