#bavarian illuminati
ellajohnson · 7 days
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aeltri · 1 year
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Grand Orient — It remains that in 1877 the Grand Orient, without denying God, proclaimed its atheism, which word is negative like the later denomination agnostic. A theist is one who affirms God and an atheist is one who does not so affirm. Now, in England the charge of Freemasonry to every one of its members is: “Fear God and honour the King.” But French [Grand Orient] Freemasonry has neither a king to honour nor a God to fear. There is no ground of union between two institutions so diverse as these are, and any proposition for healing the breach between them by a process of restoring communion - presumably without stipulations - is on the face of it foredoomed to failure, while in the heart of it there is sown already the poisonous seed of insincerity.
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As the recent gala showed, however, philosophical differences don't stop them from working together. Alliances of convenience between various factions appear to be brokered by the Frankfurt based Bavarian Illuminati. Ben was seen in Frankfurt and while he belongs to the UGLE his ancestors were also inducted into the Grand Orient Lodge in Turkey. The present day Grand Orient Lodge HQ is in Paris. See how everything connects? Freemasons like Ben serve as international liaisons and couriers.
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slypuzzle · 3 months
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hecticelectron · 4 months
become who you pretend to be
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I passed a handwritten sign in my high school once. It said,
WE, the Bavarian Illuminati—WHO CONTROL EVERYTHING—issue you this warning: YOU BECOME WHO YOU PRETEND TO BE.
I never figured out who wrote it (although I have my suspicions). But it stuck with me.
The saying has meant good and bad things, depending where I was in my life. In both cases, TTRPGs gave me something I needed.
I wrote some more on it here.
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rosario-aurelius · 6 months
Love Under Will: An Introduction to Thelema and Its Antecedents
When Aleister Crowley coined the term “the aim of religion, the method of science,” he was advancing the tradition of humanism for the reunion of science and religion into what Eliphas Levi called the catholic or universal religion of humanity. The aim of scientific illuminism is the advancement of uniting these seeming opposites into a fabric whose unit, based on scientific analysis and…
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techniche · 1 year
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The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson (2009)💡
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creature-wizard · 6 months
Is the Illuminati real
So, there was a real group of people called the Bavarian Illuminati. They were basically into rationalism and human rights and democracy and such things as made European conservatives of the 18th century antsy. The Catholic Church banned 'em.
Now, lots of people were into the same ideals at the time. And contemporary conservatives who refused to imagine that the common folk could have anything against monarchy and theocracy and all that of their own accord started blaming the Illuminati for stirring up all of this dissent. And as it goes with these kinds of things, they basically blamed them for everything they didn't like.
And this is basically where we still are with the Illuminati. Conservatives use them as their boogeyman to blame for any social trend they don't like. The mythology has become quite elaborate over the years, merging with antisemitic conspiracy theories and anti-witch conspiracy theories. Conservatives are constantly reinventing the material to sell it to each new generation. For example, during Europe's witch hunts, witch hunters claimed that people could be witches without any conscious awareness of it; essentially astral projecting to witches' sabbaths at night and waking up in the morning with no recollection whatsoever. Around the Satanic Panic, conspiracy theorists reinvented this as the alter programming conspiracy theory, where supposedly anyone could be a satanist because the conspiracy supposedly knew all of these techniques to give people DID and program each alter into whatever they needed.
So, there was a group of people called the Illuminati, but there is no group of people known as the Illuminati today that we have to worry about. It's all a bunch of conspiracy theory bullshit.
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thecreaturecodex · 7 months
Protean Anagram Solutions
When I started making proteans last summer, I decided to name them all after a person, shuffling the letters in the name to make an anagram. I challenged my followers to figure out who each protean was named after.
So here's the solutions. Some of these people got when the monsters were originally posted. Others I got no replies on.
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The temortanga, protean of fashion, was named after Stefani Germanotta, aka Lady Gaga
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The alengos, protean of plant life and ecology, was named after Henry Gleason, an ecologist who argued against a universal "climax community" and that every ecosystem had a unique balance of plant life.
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The ricretillo, protean of weather, air and water, was named after Evangelista Torricelli, who invented the barometer and was the first to explain how winds form from differences in air pressure and temperature.
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The cthilpuk, protean of emotions and moods, was named after Robert Plutchik, who created a psychological classification for emotions.
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The yexhul, protean of evolution and animal life, was named after the Huxley clan, particularly Thomas Henry Huxley, first generation evolutionary biologist, and his grandsons Julian (a eugenicist) and Aldous (who parodied eugenics in Brave New World as a dig at his brother).
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The heputwisa, protean of conspiracies and lies, was named after Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati.
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The renegwe, protean of plate tectonics, earth and fire was named after Alfred Wegener, proponent of continental drift
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tentakilly · 5 months
The UNGOC(Global Occult Coalition) consists of 108 and possibly more anomalous and occult groups including but not limited to:
The Bavarian Illuminati, The International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology, The Holy Order of Knights Templar, Servants of the Silicon Nornir, The United Church of Satan, The World Parahealth Organization, The Universalist Order of the Æsir, Walt Disney company, Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie And Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan.
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ausetkmt · 4 months
Rappers and the Illuminati - Jay-Z, Sexyy Red, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Future, Rick Ross and More
Rappers and the Illuminati have been connected in music and beyond. The idea of the Illuminati has been a fixture in hip-hop for decades. Founded by German philosopher and law professor Johann Adam Weishaupt, the secret society was created in 1776 with Enlightenment elements at its core. Weishaupt’s goal was to organize the elites and wealthy as the Bavarian Illuminati and educate them so they could influence political decisions. See how some rappers have gravitated toward the idea of the group in their music, interviews and on social media while other artists have denied their involvement.
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Dulce Employees
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mousegard · 1 month
aria ramps up to an explosive confrontation!
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Symphogear SfZ: Aria of the Black Eagle, Season 2
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Episode 13: A Mere Four Vessels
The Black Eagle Strike Force receive an unexpected order from Edelgard. Doctor Ver goes mask-off. The Illuminati runs into an unanticipated impediment to their plans.
The great dome at Frontier’s stern still stood inert, a temple to a god who had not yet been made immanent. “Well, no rest for the wicked,” Prelati said, and she conjured a seal of silver alchemy and began to interface with the door. It slid open, as if welcoming them. “Can’t we rest for even a mo—” Cagliostro’s complaint was cut short when she was forced to clasp a hand around her nose and mouth. “Che schifo, what is that stench?” Saint-Germain could smell it, too—briny like the sea, sickly sweet like spoiled potatoes, stale like a pharaoh’s tomb; foul in so many contradictory ways. Over time, perhaps, some seawater might have trickled into Frontier, and abyssal creatures with it, and perhaps the great ship had become their tomb. “Oh, it’s not so much worse than anything we’d smelt in the Valley of Kings,” she told Cagliostro, conjuring a ring of silver alchemy to peer deeper into the dark depths of the corridor awaiting them. “This is a moment for the ages. Never has the Bavarian Illuminati encountered a Custodian megastructure of this scale, let alone one this well preserved. This is a first in modern human history. I suppose one could say this is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” With that, she took her first step into Frontier, and her comrades followed.
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rayar32 · 11 months
Might as well put up another OC post because I've been rotting over them for awhile now so—
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Milia is the vampire to the Petronius' werewolves; though instead of the usually confident and suave night creature archetype already fulfilled by the show's (almost) vampire, Milia is an anxious mess that is way too honest with her feelings and just wants to be happy.
Unfortunately for her, she is dead, or rather undead.
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Milia's complete relic, the Babr-e Bayan, is a powerful armor that nullifies alchemical effects and fiercely protects its user, though due to an ancient curse the armor can only be worn by dead bodies, and so Milia was quite literally crafted by a sect of the Bavarian Illuminati for that purpose.
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Raised as the 7th test subject for a complete, true vampire, Milia's whole identity was built on her being nothing more than a deceased body that ages and grows, a stepping stone in development for a true wielder of the Babr-e Bayan; on her 17th birthday, the day she was supposed to be disposed of, she ran away from her holding cell and never looked back.
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Thankfully Luiza and her family find her, take her in, and help her get adjusted into living as a human being, though that process is long and filled with... a lot of trial and error, thanks to Luiza and Helena's own lack of experience when it comes to socializing. But hey, she gets better! (at least for a little bit)
Don't ask her whether she's dead or alive though because that'll most definitely trigger an existential crisis—
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hompunkulus · 1 month
Atrocities of Religion and Satanism as the Voice of the Silenced and Enraged
Satanism is a philosophy of self-awareness, hedonism, and self-expression. It has been around for centuries in different guises through literature, art, or politics. In no order, we have William Blake, Hellfire Club, and Bavarian Illuminati. The aforementioned were based on rationalism on one end and gnosticism on the other.
On a less intellectual and more transgressive, and even criminal level, you have the Aghori (who are still around), Thugees, Hashishan, and Snake Witches (from Japan). The Aghori eat human flesh and excrement, cover their bodies with cremation ash and chant on corpses. The Thugees were an atrocious criminal society that worshipped Kali and offered heads of their kills to her. The Hashishan were Persian assassins that were trained not only in espionage and violence, but also in poisons and psychedelics. The Japanese Snake and Dog witches were known for human and animal sacrifices and having deadly curses at hand. But none of these groups are Satanists, they are mentioned for historical purposes of the general Left Hand Path, this is to say, all Satanisms and Satanists are Left Hand Path but not all Left Hand Paths are Satanic, although the Christian hive mind would say otherwise. That all paths not of Christ are of Satan.
Today, you have transgressive groups like Joy of Satan who glorify Nazi symbolism and Order of Nine Angles who have very real ties to Far Right militant extremists and CSA, mainly through an offshot the Tempel ov Blood. These are only two known Satanic groups, though. They are pebbles on a river bed in the grand scheme of modern Satanism.
Bigotry, CSA, and human sacrifice have no place in my philosophy and practice, or in that of the majority of the Satanic community.
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A Little Devil Spit
The Holy Roman Catholic Church, and a number of Christian denominations, have an actual history of genocide, CSA, and xenophobia. The early Roman Catholics converted and murdered pagans, Christian Spaniards started the Inquisition, and the Quakers hunted, tortured, and murdered men, woman (mainly women), and children for, often false, accusations of witchcraft because of the verse in Exodus 22:18 "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."
The early 90's saw a sickening amount of CSA cases coming from local churches and today we are still fighting battles against racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia within our House of Representatives, Supreme Court, and local police guided by outdated Puritan 'values'. Church and State are supposed to be seperate entities, today they are a dynamic villainy backtracking to Jim Crow and Inquisition era ideations.
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What makes me a Satanist is I will, and have historically, used my voice to call bullshit when people accuse Satanism, witchcraft, and vampirism to be violent, extremist, and atrocious cults when it is clear who are the real leaders of said atrocities.
A quote that defines a big part of my Satanic belief is from the last interview with Anton LaVey, "I would say that I am a very happy man, an extremely happy man, in a compulsively unhappy world."
The doctrine of Satanism, if we learn from history and modern incarnations, is it is about intellectual discourse, carnal appreciation, and indulgence in the pleasures of life, and not about race wars or other such nonsense and ignorance.
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ladyeckland28 · 3 months
The origins of the Illuminati trace back to the late 18th century, amid a period of Enlightenment that emphasized reason, science, and skepticism of traditional authority. Founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, the group initially called itself the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt sought to promote enlightenment ideals and counteract the influence of religious and political tyranny.
The formation of the Illuminati occurred in the context of significant social and intellectual upheaval. The Enlightenment, with its focus on rationality, individual liberty, and separation of church and state, was sweeping across Europe. Weishaupt envisioned a secret society that could influence political decisions and promote progressive ideas subtly, away from the watchful eyes of authoritarian regimes and religious institutions.
The Illuminati aimed to educate its members in reason, philanthropy, and other secular values so they could influence political and societal changes from within. The society was structured hierarchically, similar to the Freemasons, with different levels of secrecy and initiation. This hierarchical structure allowed Weishaupt and his close associates to control the organization while keeping the identities and activities of lower-level members relatively obscure.
The order rapidly expanded, attracting influential members from various sectors of society, including academics, literary figures, and politicians. It purportedly infiltrated other organizations, such as the Freemasons, to extend its reach and influence. However, this rapid growth and the secretive nature of the Illuminati eventually drew the attention of the Bavarian authorities.
In 1784, the Bavarian government, alarmed by the potential subversive activities of secret societies, issued an edict banning all such organizations. By 1785, the Illuminati was effectively disbanded as members were arrested, and their documents seized. Although the order's active existence was short-lived, the mythos surrounding the Illuminati persisted.
Over the centuries, the Illuminati has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, suggesting that the group continued to operate clandestinely, orchestrating major historical events and exerting control over global affairs. These theories often lack credible evidence and are fueled by the order's initial secrecy and ambitious goals, combined with a general suspicion of unseen forces manipulating world events.
In summary, the Illuminati was a product of the Enlightenment, founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 to promote secular and progressive ideals through a secret society. Although officially disbanded by the Bavarian government in the 1780s, the legacy and legend of the Illuminati have endured, continually re-emerging in popular culture and conspiracy theories.
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