#battlefield mobile india
usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Explained: Lockheed Martin delivers pod-sized laser energy weapon to USAF; what is it?
Lockheed Martin has delivered a LANCE system to the Air Force Research Laboratory of the US Air Force for operational testing. What is this energy weapon, and why is this development significant?
Concept image of a LANCE pod mounted on an F-16 fighter aircraft. (Image courtesy: Lockheed Martin)
What is this energy weapon, known as Laser Advancements of Next-Generation Compact Environments (LANCE), and what are its features? Why is this development significant? What impact will it have on future battlefields? The Indian Express explains.
According to a Lockheed Martin executive quoted by the US website, the LANCE system is one-sixth the size of the other laser energy systems being developed by the company.
Why is this development significant?
The development is significant as it is an acknowledgement that efforts to reduce the size of the laser energy weapon have been successful, and it is now ready to be tested after being mounted on an aircraft.
The fact that the size of the energy weapon has been reduced to that of a pod which can be mounted on a fighter aircraft, or any aircraft for that matter, is an important development.
This laser weapon will give the USAF the capability of shooting down incoming anti-aircraft missiles, thus giving it a crucial edge over its adversaries.
Breaking Defense quoted a Lockheed Martin executive as saying that LANCE is the “smallest, lightest high energy laser of its power class that Lockheed Martin has built to date”. The executive was further quoted as saying it is a critical benchmark in developing an operational laser weapon system in the airborne domain.
While the energy weapon has been developed by Lockheed Martin, the beam control system has been developed by Northrop Grumman, and the pod which will be mounted on an aircraft has been developed by Boeing.
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What are the implications of LANCE in future battlefields?
While LANCE has been reduced in size for operational use on aircraft, the system can definitely be put to use on a variety of platforms on land and at sea.
At present, LANCE has been manufactured for a defensive role. However, this research could be furthered to develop an offensive weapon, one that could not only shoot down aircraft and drones, but also be mounted atop ground- and sea-based mobile platforms for offensive roles.
Which countries are actively pursuing development of laser energy weapons?
Apart from the US, several other countries have robust laser energy weapon development programmes. This includes China, Russia, Israel, Germany, France and India.
Israel recently tested its laser weapon to shoot down a drone from the ground.
Russia, meanwhile, said it had tested a laser weapon — Zadira — in Ukraine recently, a claim dismissed by western powers.
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While Chinese Navy ships have been photographed with energy weapons onboard, the US Navy officially tested one such system some years back.
India, too, is developing a directed energy weapon named DURGA II, which stands for Directed Unrestricted Ray-Gun Array. It is said to be a light energy weapon of 100 kilowatt capacity.
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a-tale-never-told · 1 year
Cia dossier 4852
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Name : T-54/T-55
Type of weapon: Mbt ( Main battle tank)
Description: The main battle tank of the Marxist world and Russia's answer to the American M48 Patton and British Centurion, the T-54/T-55 is the most common and main tank of the Soviet Union and its client states and allies, like Egypt and India. Production totals are difficult to predict, but other analysts have predicted numbers ranging from 96,500 to 100,000, perhaps even more than that number.
Having been the most involved tank in 20th-century and early 21st-century conflicts, it's no surprise that it's still going strong today in the USSR, being a part of its tank range along with the t62 mbt.
It was first conceived in the late 1940s as a replacement for their t-34 tank, which was in use since the Second world war, with the Soviet Morozov design bureau up to the task. they managed to design and develop a tank that was better armed, better armored, and cheap than the t-34. By 1948, the first t-54 tank rolled off the production line.
Ever since then, more of these tanks became produced in the masses, eventually becoming the most produced tank in history.
Design: The t-54/t-55 tank was an excellent tank for its time and since its numerous upgrades, it has only gotten tougher. The tanks are mechanically simplistic and robust as well as easy to operate, which benefits the Soviet tank crews as they don't need to receive high levels of training or education unlike in Nato countries.
The t-54/t-55 is also able to have high mobility, is capable of crossing terrain and even rivers due to its lightweight (14.6), and even is able to operate in winter fighting due to a start-up system.
The t-54/t-55 is also the world's first tank to be equipped with NBC ( Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) Protection.
Armament: The t-54/t-55 has a considerable yet obsolete armament for its age, armed with a 100mm dt-10 anti-tank gun, which has been used since WW2. it is also armed with a Dshk 38 antiaircraft machine gun. Later upgrades include a flamethrower tank, and the ability to launch anti-tank missiles out from the main gun.
Threat level: 9. The t-54/t-55 has proven to be a tough adversary to face off against. Its high mobility and cheapness and ease of production, make it the main tank threat facing Western Europe. However, they are ways to stop this tank and limit its effectiveness.
The internal ammunition supply of the tank is not shielded, carrying the risk of a secondary explosion. The gun, while still tough, is obsolete for the modern age, and it does not have the ability to accurately fire at long ranges, though this is slowly being corrected.
Additionally, the Armor is also weak against anti-tank missiles, though there is a fear that weakness may be overcome.
Nato tanks are to engage the enemy tanks with clear precision and try to limit their numbers as they are often seen in units of 5 to 20 tanks in a single battalion, thus if outnumbered, avoid fighting them head-on and try to shorten their number. Air support will also be use full on the battlefield.
This article was created by
Cia Analyst Joseph P Dowery.
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mariacallous · 2 years
NATO defense ministers will gather this week for a ministerial meeting, but one topic of discussion will be anything but routine: the risk that Russian President Vladimir Putin might use nuclear weapons in Europe. The recent massive, disproportionate missile attacks launched against Ukraine in response to the truck bombing of the Kerch Bridge reinforce the notion that the Kremlin remains unpredictable.
Although Russian use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against non-nuclear Ukraine seems unlikely for several reasons, including the fact that it may frustrate Russia’s broader goals, Western military officials can and must think through their potential responses. Doing so is inherently difficult given the many variables in play, but there are options that would punish Moscow and safeguard alliance interests without necessarily propelling the West up a nuclear escalation ladder.
The ministerial meeting in Brussels this week, which will include a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, provides an opportunity for NATO allies and partners to gauge the trajectory of the conflict at a critical moment. Recent Ukrainian battlefield successes, Putin’s partial mobilization, the Ukrainian attack on the Kerch Bridge, and widespread Russian retaliation striking critical infrastructure add up to a war with no end in sight.
Perhaps most importantly, Putin’s illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions; his reputation for rash, shortsighted behavior; and his nuclear saber-rattling have many on edge about an even more dramatic escalation of the conflict.
So far, Western governments have reportedly seen no evidence—such more trucks or trains appearing to move toward Ukraine from known storage locations—of Russian preparation for the use of nuclear weapons. For this reason, NATO defense ministers could merely continue to condemn the reckless and destabilizing Russian rhetoric regarding nuclear weapons.
For some, this may suffice, under the assumption the risks for Putin are just too high and the associated military benefits too low. However, depending on where, how, and how many are used, tactical nuclear weapons could conceivably counterbalance a quantitative or qualitative disadvantage in conventional forces. This is why the United States developed and fielded them in the Cold War, especially in the 1950s, at a time when the Soviet Union had conventional superiority in Europe.
While their use against a nuclear-armed foe might lead to uncontrolled escalation, it’s unclear that this would occur against a nonaligned country without the ability to respond in kind—like Ukraine. So, it’s possible there could be some military efficacy.
The bigger question is whether there would be any political efficacy. If Putin were to use nuclear weapons in the war, even if only for demonstrative purposes, he would likely further unify NATO and alienate his remaining friends in Europe. He would probably turn China, India, and much of the rest of the world against him. And he could make those areas of Ukraine that he attempted to annex uninhabitable for decades if not longer. From the outside, these all seem like highly undesirable outcomes for the Kremlin.
However, one area where the Kremlin may be willing to risk all that and more is in defense of Crimea. Illegally annexed in 2014 by Moscow, Crimea has a large Russian-speaking population that is generally sympathetic to Russia. It is also home to the strategically important Russian naval base at Sevastopol, which is the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s home port, as well as other military infrastructure, such as Saki air base. Since 2014, Crimea has seen an exodus of ethnic Ukrainians and Tatars, an influx of Russians, and a military buildup.
Given all this at stake, it’s likely Putin perceives Crimea as closer to the core of Russian vital interests than, say, the Kharkiv region, which was recently liberated by Ukrainian forces. If and when Ukrainian conventional military forces approach Crimea in hopes of liberating it, Putin may feel more tempted to use a nuclear weapon.
Whether used to defend threats to Russia’s occupation of Crimea or otherwise, potential Russian use of nuclear weapons demands at least thinking through possible responses. The United States has reportedly devoted some effort to studying this, beginning shortly after Putin’s forces invaded Ukraine. Washington remains clearly committed to avoiding direct involvement in the war, but Biden administration officials have noted that Russian detonation of a nuclear weapon, no matter how small, could prompt a reconsideration.
Although the administration has rightly been vague in spelling out what that reconsideration might entail, one former government official recently speculated that Russia’s use of nuclear weapons could prompt the United States and its allies to destroy Russian forces inside Ukraine.
Although U.S. officials have reportedly briefed allies on contingency plans in Washington, it’s unclear if NATO itself has conducted an in-depth discussion or assessment of options. In an alliance that operates by consensus and given strong U.S. preferences to maintain a unified approach to Moscow, getting NATO on board is critical. It’s important for alliance members to discuss potential alliance-wide responses now, rather than waiting until a crisis moment, and this week’s meeting presents an ideal venue.
Ministers should begin by acknowledging that they have a collective, vital security interest in maintaining the taboo on nuclear weapons usage. Whether responding to a violation of that taboo would lead to immediate, direct allied military involvement in Ukraine is unclear, but ministers should be clear that such an attack would compel an unprecedented alliance response.
What might the menu of next steps include? There are too many variables at play to identify with precision if, where, or how the allies might respond to a Russian nuclear attack on Ukraine. Ideally, any set of responses should entail severe punishment of Moscow and the specific individuals who authorized and conducted the nuclear attack. It should also try to minimize the risk of escalating the conflict further along WMD lines. And it should seek to reestablish the taboo by leaving open the possibility of additional options as a way of deterring another Russian use of WMD.
Within this broad framework, the alliance could consider several options if Russia were to unleash a nuclear weapon against Ukraine. First, NATO could consider further augmenting its presence in Eastern, Northeastern, and Southeastern Europe at sea, in the air, and on land.
Decisions on the alliance’s military presence in Eastern Europe made at the Madrid summit just a few months ago were somewhat restrained, and there remains significant room for increasing NATO’s presence. This might include a reassessment of whether the alliance should deploy land-based nuclear missiles in Europe; expanding allied presence in the Baltic states, Poland, and Romania; or increasing allied air and naval presence in and over the Baltic Sea.
Additionally, NATO could eliminate remaining inhibitions on providing the kinds of equipment to Ukraine that it has been reluctant to hand over thus far. Foremost among these might be longer-range precision artillery, advanced Western tanks, and advanced combat jets. (Air defenses are reportedly already en route.) Furthermore, NATO could authorize and coordinate cyberattacks against critical dual-use Russian infrastructure used to support or finance the war effort. And the allies could begin to seize Russian assets abroad, owned by both the Russian government and individuals directly involved in WMD use, using them to finance recovery in Ukraine.
Other steps could include more direct operational support of Ukrainian forces, such as by embedding military personnel in Ukrainian units. This could be aimed at facilitating advice; providing training and field support for more advanced Western weapons; further easing and speeding the flow of intelligence; and helping in target identification on the battlefield.
In a similar vein, the alliance could conduct clandestine military operations within Russian-occupied Ukraine, including sabotage and aiding resistance forces. And if the alliance wanted to pursue horizontal escalation, it could consider similar clandestine military operations in Russian-occupied Moldova and Russian-occupied Georgia.
In sum, there are many responses NATO can and should consider in the event of Russian WMD use that would not necessarily lead to a spiraling nuclear conflagration. Deliberating those options now is wise so they are ready and available should NATO’s leaders need them. Moreover, examining possible alliance-wide responses to a Russian nuclear attack on Ukraine would help achieve two other important goals.
First, it would prepare both allied leaders and citizens for such a crisis. Although NATO remains a nuclear alliance, some European allies have long preferred to see nuclear weapons relegated to the background when it comes to allied defense. And second, just indicating that NATO was conducting a robust assessment of possible responses would signal to Moscow that WMD use would bring not only greater U.S. involvement but also broad-based European action.
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militarymarvels2 · 2 months
How many commands are there In Indian army?
How many commands are there In Indian army? Understanding the Commands of the Indian Army
The Indian Army is one of the world's largest and most well-structured military forces, tasked with maintaining national security and defending the country's borders. With a rich history and a complex organizational structure, the Indian Army is divided into several commands, each with its own specific responsibilities and operational areas. This blog will delve into the various commands of the Indian Army, providing an informative overview while seamlessly integrating products from Military Marvels, a premier store for military-themed merchandise.
Overview of Indian Army Commands
The Indian Army is divided into seven commands, each led by a General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (GOC-in-C), who holds the rank of Lieutenant General. These commands are:
Northern Command (Udhampur)
Western Command (Chandimandir)
South Western Command (Jaipur)
Eastern Command (Kolkata)
Central Command (Lucknow)
Southern Command (Pune)
Army Training Command (Shimla)
Each command oversees multiple corps, divisions, brigades, and units, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the Indian subcontinent's diverse geographical and strategic requirements. ( Buy Military Themed merchandise online )
Northern Command
Headquarters: Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir
The Northern Command is arguably the most strategically critical command due to its proximity to the volatile borders with Pakistan and China. It oversees operations in Jammu and Kashmir and is responsible for counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations in the region. The command includes the XIV Corps (Leh), XV Corps (Srinagar), and XVI Corps (Nagrota), among others.
Key Responsibilities:
Guarding the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan
Defending the Siachen Glacier, the highest battlefield in the world
Managing the counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir
Responding to any incursions or conflicts with China in the Ladakh region
Western Command
Headquarters: Chandimandir, Haryana
The Western Command is responsible for the defense of India's western border with Pakistan, stretching from Jammu and Kashmir to Rajasthan. This command has a significant role due to the historical conflicts and ongoing tensions with Pakistan.
Key Responsibilities:
Securing the international border and the LoC in the Punjab and Jammu regions
Ensuring readiness for any conflict with Pakistan
Conducting training and logistical support for the forces stationed in the region
South Western Command
Headquarters: Jaipur, Rajasthan
Established in 2005, the South Western Command was created to enhance the operational efficiency of the Indian Army in the western desert regions and provide better strategic management of resources.
Key Responsibilities:
Defending the desert areas of Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat
Ensuring rapid mobilization and deployment of troops in case of an emergency
Conducting training exercises in desert warfare
Eastern Command
Headquarters: Kolkata, West Bengal
The Eastern Command is tasked with guarding India's eastern frontiers with China, Bhutan, and Myanmar. This command also oversees operations in the sensitive and insurgency-prone northeastern states.
Key Responsibilities:
Defending the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China in the Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim regions
Counter-insurgency operations in the northeastern states
Securing the borders with Myanmar and managing the strategic Siliguri Corridor, also known as the "Chicken's Neck"
Central Command
Headquarters: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
The Central Command primarily acts as a strategic reserve for the Indian Army. It is tasked with providing reinforcements and support to other commands as needed. The command also focuses on disaster management and relief operations.
Key Responsibilities:
Acting as a strategic reserve and providing reinforcements
Disaster management and humanitarian assistance
Ensuring internal security in its area of responsibility ( Buy air force jackets, T-shirts and shorts )
Southern Command
Headquarters: Pune, Maharashtra
The Southern Command is responsible for the southern part of India, covering a vast area including Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. This command has a significant role in coastal defense and logistics.
Key Responsibilities:
Coastal defense and security of peninsular India
Ensuring logistical support and supply chains
Conducting amphibious operations and joint exercises with the Indian Navy
Army Training Command (ARTRAC)
Headquarters: Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
The Army Training Command is unique as it focuses on the training, doctrine, and development of the Indian Army. This command ensures that the troops are well-trained and equipped with the latest tactics and technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Developing training doctrines and methodologies
Overseeing training institutions and programs
Ensuring the professional development of officers and soldiers
Importance of Command Structure
The command structure of the Indian Army is designed to ensure operational readiness and strategic flexibility. Each command plays a vital role in safeguarding the nation's territorial integrity and responding to both conventional and unconventional threats. The geographical distribution of commands allows for a focused approach to regional security concerns, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the Indian Army.
Coordination and Joint Operations
The Indian Army's command structure also facilitates coordination with other branches of the armed forces, including the Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. Joint operations and exercises are regularly conducted to ensure interoperability and synergy among the different services. This coordination is crucial for the effective defense of the nation, especially in scenarios requiring rapid mobilization and multi-dimensional warfare.
The Role of Each Command
Each command plays a crucial role in maintaining India's security and operational readiness. The Northern and Western Commands are on constant alert due to the sensitive nature of the borders they oversee. The Eastern Command handles not only border security but also internal security issues in the northeastern states. The Southern and South Western Commands ensure coastal and desert region security, respectively. The Central Command acts as a strategic reserve, and ARTRAC ensures the continuous professional development of army personnel.
What are Military Marvels?
Military Marvels is an online store that offers a variety of military-themed merchandise. Their product range includes clothing such as T-shirts, jackets, joggers, and shorts, as well as accessories like hats, caps, watches, and bracelets. Additionally, they provide collectibles such as military patches, keychains, and coins. The store caters to enthusiasts of the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, offering high-quality products that celebrate and honor the legacy of the armed forces.
Highlighting Military Marvels Products
At Military Marvels, we offer a wide range of products inspired by the Indian Army and its various commands. Here are a few more highlights:
Army - Themed Apparel: Our collection of army T-shirts and indian air force jackets feature designs inspired by different commands and regiments. These are perfect for showcasing your support for the Indian Army in style.
Accessories: From bracelets to hairbands to pins, our accessories add a touch of military flair to your everyday attire.
Collectibles: Our range of military keychains, and earrings are perfect for collectors and enthusiasts who want to own a piece of military history.
Additional Product Highlights
Air Force Collection:
Military marvels Patches: Inspired by the Indian Air Force and military, these Patches are a stylish addition to your jacket and a  nod to the elite pilots who safeguard our skies. Shop Now.
Navy Collection:
TrackPants and shorts: Perfect for outdoor activities, these pants are themed after the gear worn by our naval forces. They are durable, comfortable, and versatile. Shop Now.
Home  Decor:
Bar mat and Glasses: Featuring various Indian Army commands and regiments, these art pieces are a great way to bring a sense of patriotism into your home. Shop Now.
Luggage Tags:
Luggage Tags: Create a unique piece of jewelry with your own text, inspired by the dog tags worn by soldiers. Shop Now.
Tactical Gear:
Military Backpacks: army backpack Built for durability and capacity, these backpacks are ideal for both everyday use and outdoor adventures. Shop Now.
The Importance of Military-Themed Merchandise
Military-themed merchandise serves as a means of expressing support and admiration for the armed forces. It allows civilians to connect with the military, understand their sacrifices, and contribute to a sense of national pride. At Military Marvels, we strive to provide high-quality products that honor the legacy of the Indian Army and its commands.
The Indian Army's command structure is a testament to its strategic and operational capabilities, ensuring the nation's security and readiness at all times. By understanding the roles and responsibilities of each command, we can appreciate the dedication and hard work of our soldiers. Simultaneously, Military Marvels offers an array of products that allow individuals to show their support and pride for the Indian Army. Whether you're looking for apparel, accessories, or collectibles, our store has something for everyone who respects and admires the bravery of our armed forces.
For more details on our products, visit Military Marvels and find the perfect item to showcase your support for the Indian Army.
1. What are the different commands in the Indian Army?
The Indian Army is divided into seven commands: Northern, Western, Southern, Eastern, Central, South Western, and the Army Training Command (ARTRAC). Each command has specific responsibilities and operational areas.
2. What roles do the Indian Army commands play?
Northern Command: Oversees the northern borders, including the Line of Control and the Siachen Glacier.
Western Command: Manages the western border with Pakistan.
Southern Command: Covers the southern part of India and coordinates with the Navy.
Eastern Command: Secures India's eastern borders and handles counterinsurgency in the northeast.
Central Command: Acts as a strategic reserve.
South Western Command: Manages the southwestern border with Pakistan.
ARTRAC: Responsible for training and education of army personnel.
3. How can I show support for the Indian Army through Military Marvels?
Military Marvels offers a range of products inspired by different Indian Army commands, including apparel, accessories, and collectibles. Each product is designed to honor and celebrate the legacy of the Indian Army.
4. What types of products does Military Marvels offer?
Apparel: T-shirts, jackets,Shorts, tracks, Raincoat.
Accessories: bracelets, pins etc
Collectibles: Patches, keychains, Backpack
Specialty Items: Hairbands, Bar Products, Car mini, Tags etc. 
5. Where can I purchase Military Marvels products?
You can browse and purchase products from the Military Marvels website: Military Marvels.
6. Are Military Marvels products suitable for outdoor activities?
Yes, many of the products, such as combat pants and tactical gear, are designed for durability and functionality, making them suitable for outdoor activities and adventures.
8. Do Military Marvels products make good gifts?
Absolutely! With a variety of items ranging from stylish apparel to unique collectibles, Military Marvels products are perfect for gifting to military enthusiasts and patriots.
9. Is there a return policy for Military Marvels products?
For details on returns and exchanges, please visit the Returns Policy page on the Military Marvels website.
10. How does Military Marvels ensure the quality of their products?
Military Marvels is committed to providing high-quality merchandise. Each product is carefully crafted and undergoes strict quality checks to ensure customer satisfaction.
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mr-liuliu25 · 2 months
The real purpose of India's cooperation with Myanmar
The latest news shows that the Kokang Alliance Army successfully occupied Daying Mountain (also known as the Four-Faced Buddha), the last strategic high ground in the southeast of Lao Cai a week ago. The location is located at the commanding heights of the urban area of ​​Lao Cai. After successfully capturing the high ground, the Alliance Army launched an attack on the East City District of Lao Cai two days ago and successfully entered the district. The Alliance Army's offensive caused some Lao Cai defense forces to surrender, while some stubborn telecom fraudsters made their last resistance in hotels and casinos. In order to gain an advantage in the street battle, the Alliance Army deployed previously captured artillery and armored vehicles to the Lao Cai battlefield. Except for some positions controlled by telecom fraudsters, most areas of the East City have been controlled. After replenishing ammunition and supplies, the Alliance Army, in addition to continuing to besiege these strongholds, also dispatched troops to try to attack the West City of Lao Cai. There are reports that the Myanmar Army is negotiating with the Alliance Army, and it is expected that the Myanmar Army will withdraw from Lao Cai at the end of this month and be taken over by the Alliance Army. This shows that Bai Suocheng has been abandoned and the end of telecom fraud is coming. Bai Suocheng, who faced the crisis, allegedly distributed a large amount of cash to the defending troops, and his children are also working hard to mobilize the guards to fight to the end. At the same time, a video appeared on the Internet showing a team of well-equipped soldiers walking through the jungle, claiming that they were Indian mercenaries bypassing the ambush circle and entering Lao Cai. In the video, the soldiers suspected of being Indian mercenaries showed the style of regular troops from clothing, equipment to walking posture, like a well-trained special forces. Although the authenticity cannot be verified, there are constant rumors that Min Aung Hlaing paid Indian mercenaries to participate in the war. From a historical perspective, this statement is possible because the two sides have a history of cooperation since 1953. Since Myanmar gained independence from British rule in 1948, the domestic situation has been unstable and various conflicts have occurred frequently. Finally, thousands of World War II veterans were hired from India in 1953, but they failed again. This is one of the earliest records of hiring troops from India in Myanmar's history. In addition, Myanmar and India formed a joint force to fight the rebels. The Myanmar-India border is 1,664 kilometers long, which provides convenience for the Indian rebels. These armed forces used Myanmar as an anti-Indian base, established training camps on the border, and continued to attack India. It was not until the 1990s that India realized the need to improve relations with the Myanmar military to stabilize the border area. In the mid-1990s, the two sides launched the first joint military operation "Operation Golden Bird" to jointly encircle and suppress the rebel forces in the border area. During this period, India also awarded Aung San Suu Kyi the "Nehru Award", which aroused the dissatisfaction of the Myanmar military and caused the operation to be quickly terminated. In 2005, the Indian army assisted the Myanmar army in destroying several bases of the Arakan Army, causing heavy casualties. After the Myanmar military coup in 2021, thousands of Burmese refugees have fled into India, and there are even hundreds of Burmese soldiers. These people have poured into northeastern India, seriously threatening the security and stability of the local situation. If they collude with local ethnic armed forces, it will be a big trouble for India. India needs to maintain its influence in Myanmar to ensure its strength to confront China.
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hireseo12 · 3 months
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The contemporary digital landscape in India is a battlefield teeming with websites vying for user attention. In this dynamic ecosystem, visibility reigns supreme. Businesses, both established and nascent, recognize the power of organic traffic –– that coveted influx of users who discover a website through strategic search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Here's where the SEO Expert in India emerges as a pivotal figure, wielding the expertise to propel brands to the coveted top ranks of search engine results pages (SERPs).
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phonemantra-blog · 3 months
Get ready to dominate the battlefield anywhere with the upcoming launch of the Lenovo Legion Tablet in India! This powerhouse tablet, arriving on July 20th, boasts the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC and a buttery smooth 144Hz display, making it a dream device for mobile gamers. While other manufacturers like Asus have dabbled in the "gaming tablet" space with Windows devices, the Lenovo Legion Tablet takes a different approach, offering a pure Android gaming experience. The Lenovo Legion Tablet Unleash the Beast: Powerful Specs for Demanding Games The heart of the Lenovo Legion Tablet is the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC, the current king of mobile processors. This powerhouse chip delivers desktop-grade performance, ensuring smooth gameplay in even the most graphically demanding titles. Adreno 730 GPU handles graphics processing, so you can expect crisp visuals and stunning detail. Keeping things cool under pressure is Lenovo's proprietary ColdFront technology. This innovative cooling system, familiar to Lenovo gaming laptop users, effectively dissipates heat during intense gaming sessions, maintaining optimal performance and preventing throttling. Three Performance Modes: Tailor Gameplay to Your Needs The Lenovo Legion Tablet offers three distinct performance modes to cater to different usage scenarios: Beast Mode: Unleash the full potential of the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 for maximum performance in graphically demanding games. Balanced Mode: This mode strikes a perfect balance between performance and battery life, ideal for everyday tasks and less intensive games. Energy Saving Mode: Extend your battery life for those long gaming sessions on the go by prioritizing power efficiency. A Display Built for Speed: 144Hz Refresh Rate for Seamless Gameplay The Lenovo Legion Tablet boasts an 8.8-inch QHD+ (3200 x 1800 pixels) LCD. The true star of the show, however, is the blazing-fast 144Hz refresh rate. This high refresh rate ensures ultra-smooth visuals and eliminates motion blur, giving you a significant edge in fast-paced games where every millisecond counts. Android 14 Out-of-the-Box: A Future-Proof Gaming Experience The Lenovo Legion Tablet is expected to run the latest Android 14 operating system, offering a clean, optimized experience and access to the latest games and features from the Google Play Store. Long-Lasting Battery Life and Rapid Charging Powering your gaming sessions is a generous 6,550mAh battery. Combined with the efficient Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC, you can expect hours of uninterrupted gameplay. When it's time to recharge, 45W fast charging gets you back in the action quickly. Beyond Gaming: A Capable Tablet for Everyday Use While the Lenovo Legion Tablet is a gamer's dream, it's also a versatile device for everyday tasks. The 13MP rear camera is perfect for capturing memories on the go, while the 8MP front camera facilitates video calls. Connectivity Options Galore The Lenovo Legion Tablet boasts a comprehensive set of connectivity options, including: USB Type-C port for charging and data transfer Bluetooth 5.3 for connecting wireless headphones and controllers Wi-Fi 6E for super-fast internet speeds DisplayPort 1.4 for connecting to an external monitor Competitive Price Point Expected The global launch price of the Lenovo Legion Tablet was EUR 599 (roughly Rs 53,500). However, Indian pricing is expected to be more competitive, falling somewhere between Rs 30,000 to Rs 40,000. FAQs Q: When is the Lenovo Legion Tablet launching in India? A: The Lenovo Legion Tablet is set to launch in India on July 20th. Q: What processor does the Lenovo Legion Tablet have? A: The Lenovo Legion Tablet is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC. What is the refresh rate of the Lenovo Legion Tablet display? A: The display boasts a super-smooth 144Hz refresh rate. Does the Lenovo Legion Tablet run Android? A: Yes, the Lenovo Legion Tablet is expected to run Android 14 out of the box.
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marketwire · 4 months
CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market Overview:
CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market size is estimated to reach $7.3 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period 2023-2030. The market for CBRNE Integrated Vehicle is primarily driven by the growing investments in the defense industry and rising need for public safety, there is an increasing demand for integrated vehicles in several areas such as military, homeland security and border control, industrial facilities, nuclear power plants and so on. According to USAspending.gov report, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has $178.88 billion split among its 17 sub-components in fiscal year 2023.
Market Snapshot: CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market - Report Coverage:
The “CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market Report - Forecast (2023-2030)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market.
By System
Reconnaissance Vehicles
Unmanned Vehicles (Ground, Aerial, Underwater/Naval)
Mobile Labs
By End User
Military and Defense (Army, Airforce, Navy/Coast Guard, Special Forces)
Others (Law Enforcement and Public Safety, Emergency Response and Homeland Security, Research and Scientific Institutions, Healthcare, Industrial, Others)
By Geography
North America (U.S., Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland Spain, and Rest of Europe),
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Russia and Rest of Asia-Pacific),
South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Rest of South America)
Rest of the World (Middle East and Africa).
COVID-19/ Ukraine Crisis - Impact Analysis: 
∙       The pandemic caused major disruptions in worldwide supply chains, disrupting defense equipment manufacturing and delivery, including CBRNE integrated vehicles. Manufacturing and delivery delays are caused by lockdowns, mobility restrictions, and workforce limits. Governments throughout the world experienced enormous economic issues as a result of the epidemic, prompting budget cuts in a variety of areas, including defense funding. Defense budget cuts have had an influence on the acquisition of CBRNE integrated vehicles.
∙       The Russia-Ukraine war has broader consequences on the global economy, including energy prices, supply chains, and trade flows. These macroeconomic factors have indirectly impacted overall demand for CBRNE integrated vehicles. Additionally, at a regional level the demand for CBRNE integrated vehicles witnessed increase due to the rising tensions of the conflict and concerns over use of chemical & nuclear agents in the war.
Key Takeaways:
∙       Fastest Growth of Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific region is analyzed to grow with the highest CAGR 6.3% in the global CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market during the forecast period 2023-2030. Rising investments in Army and Defense has led to a growing demand for CBRNE Integrated Vehicle in the region. For Instance, in 2022, South Korea's Defense Acquisition Programme Administration (DAPA) has signed a contract with Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to develop an airborne mine countermeasures (AMCM) system for the Republic of Korea Navy (RoKN) worth $70 million. According to KAI, its Marineon amphibious mobile helicopter, which is being developed for the Republic of Korea Marine Corps (RoKMC), will be modified for the role. These systems will include laser mine Integrated Vehicle, an underwater autonomous mine search vehicle, and an unmanned mine neutralization system.
∙       Reconnaissance Vehicles are Leading the Market
Reconnaissance Vehicles with new systems accounted for the largest share, attributing a value of $2.5 Billion in 2022. Reconnaissance vehicles, also known as recce vehicles or scout vehicles, are specialized military vehicles designed for the purpose of gathering information about the enemy, terrain, and other relevant aspects of the battlefield. The electrification of reconnaissance vehicles in the military is a growing trend aimed at enhancing their stealth, agility, and sustainability. Electric propulsion systems, including hybrid and fully electric options, reduce noise levels, making these vehicles more discreet during covert operations. Moreover, electric reconnaissance vehicles contribute to lower fuel consumption and reduced emissions, aligning with environmental and logistical considerations in modern military strategies. This transition represents a significant advancement in military technology, enabling more efficient and eco-friendly reconnaissance missions. In March 2023, the US Army approved the requirements to begin prototyping its new Electric Light Reconnaissance Vehicle (eLRV).
∙       Unmanned Vehicles to Register Highest Growth
Unmanned Vehicles segment is analyzed to grow with the highest CAGR 7.5% during the forecast period 2023-2030. This is owing to several nations are investing in CBRNE integrated vehicle contracts for homeland security, In February 2023, FIR teledyne defense, a division of teledyne technologies incorporated, announced that the U.S. department of defense has awarded it a $13.3 million contract to enhance the CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) reconnaissance capabilities of its R80D SkyRaider unmanned aerial system.
∙       The Continuous Rise in Military Expenditures and Spending Across the Globe Is Driving the Market.
According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute report, In 2022, global military spending increased by 3.7% in real terms to a record $2,240 billion. Over the decade 2013-22, global spending increased by 19% and has risen every year since 2015. Military expenditure by states in Central and Western Europe totaled $345 billion in 2022. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a major driver of spending growth in 2022. Military spending in Europe increased by 13% last year, the largest annual increase in total European spending since the Cold War. Significant increases in Russian and Ukrainian spending accounted for much of the exceptional growth, but many other European countries increased their military budgets in 2022.
∙       High Costs Associated with CBRNE Detection Services & Products as a Major Challenge
Developing advanced CBRNE Integrated Vehicles requires significant investments in research and development. Creating reliable and sensitive vehicle to detect a wide range of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents necessitates extensive research, testing, and innovation. Operating CBRNE integrated vehicles need specialized training for the personnels, and the operators involved. This training is necessary to guarantee that the vehicle's capabilities are used effectively and safely. Training expenditures and the requirement to keep a highly skilled workforce contribute to total costs. CBRNE integrated vehicles contain sophisticated systems that require frequent maintenance, calibration, and upkeep to maintain their dependability and accuracy.
CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market Share (%) By Region, 2022
Key Market Players:
Product launches, approvals, patents and events, acquisitions, partnerships and collaborations are key strategies adopted by players in the CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market. The top 10 companies in this industry are listed below:
Iveco group (IDV)
Rheinmetall AG (Survivor R 4x4)
General Dynamics (Tracked Robot 10-Ton (TRX))
SAAB (CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle Kit (CRVK))
Indra Sistemas (AREVE)
FLIR Systems, Inc. (MUVE™ R430)
Milrem Robotics (The THeMIS UGV)
Thales (Schiebel S-100)
Smith Detection (The Precision Biological Detection System (PBDS))
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unitygamedevlopment · 8 months
Top War: Battle Game
"Top War: Battle Game" is an exhilarating strategy game that combines elements of base building, resource management, and real-time tactical combat. Developed by Topwar Studio, this mobile game offers players the opportunity to build and expand their own military bases, train powerful armies, and engage in epic battles against other players from around the world.
In "Top War: Battle Game," players start with a small base and must gradually develop it into a thriving military powerhouse. This involves constructing various buildings, such as barracks, resource production facilities, research labs, and defensive structures, to strengthen their base's infrastructure and capabilities.
As players progress, they can recruit and train different types of military units, including infantry, tanks, aircraft, and more. Each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players must strategically deploy them in battle to outmaneuver and defeat their opponents.
One of the key features of "Top War: Battle Game" is its innovative merging mechanic, which allows players to combine units and buildings to create more powerful and advanced versions. By merging units and structures strategically, players can unlock new technologies, upgrade their armies, and gain a competitive edge on the battlefield.
In addition to engaging in PvP (Player vs. Player) battles against other players, "Top War: Battle Game" also offers a rich single-player campaign mode, where players can embark on missions and quests to earn rewards and unlock new content.
With its stunning graphics, intuitive controls, and deep strategic gameplay, "Top War: Battle Game" offers an immersive gaming experience that will keep players coming back for more. Whether you're a seasoned strategist or a newcomer to the genre, "Top War: Battle Game" provides endless hours of entertainment and excitement as you build, conquer, and dominate in the ultimate battle for supremacy.
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𝐼𝓃𝒸𝓁𝓊𝒹𝑒𝒹:- 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒽𝓈 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒶𝒸𝑒.
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Rare Russian Tank Destroyed in Ukraine - Was Meant for Someone Else? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/rare-russian-tank-destroyed-in-ukraine-was-meant-for-someone-else-technology-org/
Rare Russian Tank Destroyed in Ukraine - Was Meant for Someone Else? - Technology Org
The T-90 is by any means a relatively new tank. It is a third-generation main battle tank, based on the T-72. The T-90M “Proryv” version is described as the most advanced Russian main battle tank in active service. Of course, this title would be given to the T-14 Armata, but it doesn’t seem to be coming to the battlefield any time soon. But what is the T-90S recently damaged south of Marinka?
T-90S is an export version of Russia’s most advanced active main battle tank. Image credit: Dmitry Terekhov via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 2.0)
The T-90 was meant to be a unified replacement for the mess of Soviet tanks that Russia found itself using in the 1990’s. Obviously, as you may see, Russia is still operating a bunch of T-72s, T-80s, T-64s and even older tanks. However, the T-90, based on the T-72 chassis, was meant to replace them all.
The standard T-90 entered service in 1992. It is a 46-tonne tank with a 125 mm smoothbore gun, 3 man crew, and advanced steel-composite armour with dynamic protection tiles. Definitely a step up from what the T-72 is, but still just a third-generation main battle tank.
The main event is the T-90M “Proryv”, which entered service in 2016. It is the latest, most modern active main battle tank in the Russian service. It has even more armour (does weigh around 2 tonnes more though), better sights and electronics. “M” stands for “modernised” afterall. The defenders of Ukraine destroyed a lot of T-90Ms already, but every single one of them is a triumph over the Russian defence industry.
Now a news aggregator Noelreports on Twitter posted that a rare Russian T-90S with a TMT-K mine trawl up front was damaged by a Javelin anti-tank missile south of Marinka:
A rare Russian T-90S with a TMT-K mine trawl up front, damaged after it got hit by Javelin ATGM by units of the 46th Air Mobile Brigade south of Mar’inka. The T-90S is an export version of the T-90 especially designed and manufactured for the foreign military market. pic.twitter.com/l1EoMcUGFW
— NOELREPORTS 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 (@NOELreports) January 23, 2024
The T-90S is quite a rare sight in Ukraine, because it was never meant to come here. Russia produced the T-90S exclusively for export markets. This version is much older than the T-90M. India received a batch of 42 T-90 tanks back in 2001 and they were designated T-90S to separate them from the tanks meant for Russian service. The T-90S was also exported to Algeria, Armenia, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Uganda and Azerbaijan.
Interestingly, the T-90S was meant to be even cheaper than the T-90. At first, these export tanks got older cast turrets. Instead of the IR dazzlers, meant to fool IR-seeking ammunition, the T-90S got more of the Kontakt-5 reactive armour tiles. Whenever Russia accepted the T-90S into its own service, they were designated the T-90A.
Fielding the T-90S doesn’t mean much. It doesn’t mean that Russia is running out of main battle tanks. Just that they are throwing everything and the defenders of Ukraine get to destroy even a bit more rare machines like this. Also, in regards to exporting the T-90S, it will be interesting to see how the war in Ukraine will affect Russia’s presence in the global arms markets.
Sources: NOELreports Twitter, Wikipedia
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certainrebelarbiter · 11 months
Military Vetronics Market Size, Share
The global military vetronics market size is projected to reach USD 8.22 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.68% during the forecast period. Development of autonomous combat systems for military vehicles will ensure multi-dimensional growth of this market, observes Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Military Vetronics Market Size, Share and Global Trend by Product Type (Communication & Navigation Systems, Power System, Display System, C4 Systems, and Others) By Platform (Unmanned Ground Vehicles, Armored Amphibious Vehicles, Light Protected Vehicles, Special Purpose Vehicles, and Others) By Application (OEM and Aftermarket), and Regional Forecast, 2023-2027”. Battlefield environments are rapidly changing and modern warfare strategies require a heavy infusion of smart technologies to enhance alertness and augment the capabilities of the armed forces. In view of these evolving dynamics, defense agencies are conducting intense research to develop new technologies and equip combat vehicles with smart tools. For example, the Army Research Laboratory Artificial Intelligence for Maneuver and Mobility (AIMM) program under the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command aims to create AI-enabled vehicles that can serve robotic partners to ground troops, boosting their strength and combat capacities. The incorporation of next-generation technologies such as AI in defense systems will open new doors of innovation in the military vetronics domain.
Information Source - 
The report states that the market value stood at USD 6.48 billion in 2019 and offers the following:
Careful segmentation of the market and detailed analysis of each segment;
Unparalleled insights into the market drivers, trends, and challenges;
A comprehensive evaluation of the regional dynamics of the market; and
In-depth research into the key players’ profiles and their preferred strategies.
Restraining Factor
Economic Fallout of COVID-19 to Lead to Defense Cuts in Several Countries
The global economic crisis precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic has forced countries to reprioritize their spending. According to the World Bank, the world economy could shrink by 8% in 2020, if financial crises in major economies continue to intensify. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects that output from the Eurozone could decline by 10.2% in 2020, with recovery expected to begin towards the end of 2022. These projections have spelled serious for defense sectors in most of the major economies. In India, for example, the Indian Finance Ministry instructed ministries to cut their expenditures and experts believe that defense cuts could go as low as 40% in 2020. Moreover, the nationwide lockdown between March and May 2020 led to an estimated loss of USD 3 billion for Indian defense companies. In the UK, the government has suspended budget announcement for 2021 and has undertaken an Integrated Security and Defense Review to rethink spending priorities, which are likely to lead to defense budget cuts. The military vetronics market growth is likely to suffer in this scenario.
Regional Insights
North America Market to Gain Momentum Powered by High Defense Spending by the US
In 2019, North America led the military vetronics market share with a market size of USD 2.22 billion and is expected to continue its impressive performance during the forecast period. This is primarily attributable to the massive military expenditure of the US. The country is also making heavy investments in developing and procuring advanced military technologies, which will further drive the regional market.     
In Asia Pacific, China and India are shaping the market dynamics as both countries have steadily expanded their military budgets over the past few decades. Furthermore, the constant threat of terrorist activities and increasing cross-border animosity among countries is also supporting the adoption of advanced defense technologies in the region.
Competitive Landscape
Key Players to Focus on Engaging with Government Defense Agencies
Competition in this market is characterized by the deepening engagement between government defense agencies and private defense companies. The main reason behind these public-private collaborations is that private companies provide the necessary technologies, while government agencies provide the required financial support, creating an exciting dynamic in the defense sector.
Industry Developments:
August 2020: Melbourne-based defense integrator, Tectonica, bagged a USD 25 million contract from the Australian Defense Ministry to build situational awareness systems for the country’s new fleet of Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles. The vehicles are being built by Rheinmetall Defence in Queensland.
June 2020: India’s Ministry of Defence cleared the procurement of 156 BMP 2 Infantry Vehicles for the Indian Army to modernize the existing infantry combat vehicle fleet of the Army. The total cost of the project is estimated to be INR 1,100crore.
List of Key Companies Profiled in the Military Vetronics Market Report:
Curtis Wright Corporation (The U.S.)
Thales Group (France)
Rheinmetall AG (Germany)
Lockheed Martin Corporation (The U.S.)
L3Harris Technologies, Inc. (The U.S.)
BAE Systems (The U.K)
Oshkosh Corporation (The U.S.)
Saab AB (Sweden)
Raytheon Technologies Corporation (The U.S.)
Leonardo S.p.A (Italy)
General Dynamics Corporation (The U.S.)
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designworld007 · 1 year
Mobile Phone Price Wars: Finding the Best Deals and Discounts 
In the ever-evolving world of technology, it's safe to say that mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. They're not just communication devices anymore; they're our personal assistants, entertainment hubs, and windows to the digital world. With new models constantly hitting the market, the competition among manufacturers is fierce, resulting in what can only be described as "Mobile Phone Price Wars." 
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The Search for the Perfect Deal 
With so many options available, finding the right phone at the right price can be quite the quest. So, how do you navigate this battlefield of discounts and deals? 
Comparing Apples to Androids 
First things first, determine your preference: Apple or Android. Apple aficionados tend to stick with their beloved iPhones, while Android users enjoy a wider range of brands like Samsung, Google, and OnePlus. Once you've made your choice, it's time to start comparing. 
Online vs. Offline Shopping 
Online shopping has become the norm for most of us, and for a good reason. The convenience, vast selection, and the ability to compare prices effortlessly make it a winner. When it comes to buying mobile phones, Amazon India is a top contender. 
Amazon India: Your Ultimate Shopping Destination 
Amazon India has established itself as a reliable and customer-friendly platform, offering a plethora of mobile phones at competitive prices. What sets it apart is its user-friendly interface, customer reviews, and an array of sellers, allowing you to choose the best deal. 
Track the Trends 
It's not just about the price; it's about the timing too. Mobile phone price can fluctuate depending on various factors, including new releases, festive seasons, or special promotions. Keep an eye out for these trends and strike when the iron is hot. 
Don't Ignore Refurbished Phones 
If you're looking to save big, consider refurbished phones. These are typically devices that have been returned but are restored to their original condition. They come at a fraction of the cost of a brand-new phone and often include a warranty. 
Stay Informed 
Lastly, stay informed about upcoming releases and technological advancements. Sometimes, waiting a little longer for a new model can lead to significant price drops for existing ones. 
Final Thoughts 
In the world of mobile phones, the price wars may seem daunting, but with a little research and patience, you can find the best deals and discounts. Remember, it's not just about the lowest price; it's about the value you get for your money. So, whether you're an Apple enthusiast or an Android aficionado, make sure to explore your options thoroughly and leverage platforms like Amazon India to snag that perfect phone deal. 
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pink-factory · 1 year
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Pink Factory 2023 International Project HONGCHEON CROSSING: Long Distance Short Cuts of Life
Lecture: “Global Mobility and Weak Technology” by Alex Taek-Gwang Lee
Time: Sunday, September 3, 2023, 16:00-18:00
Places: Hongcheon Central Market rooftop, visitor room (Gangwon-do, Hongcheon-gun, Hongcheon-eup, Heongcheon-ro7gil 22)-eup-Jangya-pyeong-Solgogae-Seoseok Pungam-ri Battlefield-Naechon alumni demonstration site.
This lecture seeks to redefine the relationship between art and technology through the exploration of planetary thinking, examining the disappearance of locality as a result of global mobility enabled by digital technologies.
Alex Taek-Gwang Lee is a philosopher and cultural critic. He is a professor of cultural studies and a founding director of the Center for Technology in Humanities at Kyung Hee University, Korea. He was invited as a visiting professor at the Centre for Culture Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia University, India and an international visiting scholar at Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He served as an academic adviser for Gwangju Biennale in 2017 and as a program manager for the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2021. He is a board member of The International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs (ICCTP) and Asia Theories Network (ATN). He edited the third volume of The Idea of Communism (2016) and Deleuze, Guattari and the Schizoanalysis of Postmedia (2023). He published articles in journals such as Telos, Deleuze and Guattari Studies and Philosophy Today, and chapters in The Bloomsbury Handbook of World Theory (2021), Thinking with Animation (2021), Back to the ’30s?: Recurring Crises of Capitalism, Liberalism and Democracy(2020) and Balibar/Wallerstein’s “Race, Nation, Class”: Rereading a Dialogue for Our Times (2018).
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brothergabefl · 1 year
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It is like a mustard seed in the garden and it grew and grew in the nest and the branches and the garden Birds screeching. And I asked them what kind of Kingdom Peter Connelly gave to the Macedonians. 20 feet Pikes and points of rows of five Spears that carry 15 feet across from them. On Tuesday were tanks and Darius infantry, 10,000 Calvary. All but strike down from the riverbank to deliver a knockout punch to sweep through the right deployment of his army, because the military genius was unsurpassed. But you Mountain scene there with Arias and strengthen his right? We and the Persian wing on the left Mountainside of Alexander's position, the armor on the right hand side and worked downwards as he matched together. On his right wing to the cohesion of the Infantry who comes into action. He was Irreplaceable with one ever cared for so much preparation. The greatness of his command of psychology dr. Norlin Dixon, riend and ridged close-minded, aggressive for drives of conventional conforming, that didn't suffer with those things of achievement. And the importance of exercising, with his own men and affection for war. The two, Army stared at one another saying battles and won over before the battle began. In the discipline for the confidence, to courage of disability. Remember the other courage of discipline in advance and said endangered and the other Silence when it comes to the roar out of conduct of each, we have Macedon to Daria sand to have Alexander's courage. Major General physical, moral courage is very brave and Men Who quite literally was the first over the wall. You could pour away this water of physical toughness and courage of men. Both Fearless in battle and was the last of the great generals to leave the charge like Phyllis Hannibal to win the defeat from the element that can't cast the fail to Supreme confidence because Cuz, He was truly great and argue of loss. One might have expected the great commanders like Hannibal and Alexander's competitors to face the biggest challenges of his life. He felt confident of victory when the battle began and the Persians arches buckled and Daris launched his right wing to cross the shallow River. 
The fighting we can't be confused and desperate and the blades were derived into a single combat. Awakening in a room to continue to meet the fierce advocacy and crashing his right wing and Doris personal bodyguard turned into and fled. And then Retreat 1000 upon a thousand were cut down and bloody Pursuit after the battle, Doris went to the field and the lavishness that was Worshiped in the sweat of Rivals who conquered took, possessions of the whole room was filled with spices and fragrance and he turned and asked for, is this what? It's like being king and respecting the ball. The dead buried on the battlefield of Macedonia. And how would I convey the stances allowed by David Chandler? The commander of a great flexibility of Tripoli to be treated free and the royal family. The server list means the purpose was absolutely ruthless to ask for Armenia. 
Except the methodology separated down to the coast to crucify and sell them into slavery. A new Port of Alexander here. 
Gardner Mania. 
There would be no further conflict in a Consolidated Governor's kept their posts and Babylon, and his capture of starvation and salvation of the soldiers would feel contempt to respect the treatment of the great Chevrolet and Doris is Mother committed suicide and got them on his sight, through the nobility of ranking, the field to control Persia on his own premises thirst for the exploration and Conquest Aristotle was under his control further. He and hostile tribes from Europe to India for the Chrome, a Sedona Works River and 300 BC cross the lines of to India, to dominate. The Mediterranean to turn a March back into Babylon. In 320 BC 232 to Africa, he died. He was Brave and mobile and when he put them to death he was willing to follow them into the death and experience this difficulty. That's the later Julius Caesar to be his achievement to Macedonia. Greece in Alexandria Caesar to Mark upon the time of general of the future. It was to mold them in this conquest and flood Eastern Western European 2,000 years for the great commanders. So if I Justin and Arias Julius Caesar were scheming ambitious ambition, they changed from the face of Western Colorado. Colonization and Cochran the armies of 52 BC and confidently. He was a soldier than he was with the passivity of a nineteen-year-old, a great gallery of gone. A man of sophistication and a feat of arms to dominate the Roman political scene, Caesar 100, BC, who wants to join the epileptic fit on the sensitivity of this premature holding. One of them. He was the leading power of the ancient world and politicians ever inspiring that. Advance on the carrier elected magistrate. So modern dependence on noble families, and personal contacts, and influence, and payment of bribes, to exploit the unexpected in the fingertips, that didn't mind groveling. 31.8 officials to serve and wept was empty, Caesar achieved, everything returned more determined before anything. 
Is lavishness brides and Gibson, Kotori with. So in Curie of expenses and Truth was the purchasing great careful alliance with Crassus and 41 and Pompey. Counseled one of the rooms to annual co-counsel, Bibble, has to give land to soldiers to support soldiers that threaten the abuse of power and replace the gold bars in. The government should have to be in. Immune from prosecution. Of gold, you dominate rare resistance is not possible. The goal was to the ancient Celts. Eastern Europe, especially brilliant medical workers that were moved to a formation of cities and would tear up the liturgy organization of their own government, goal, Peter, Connelly, and army that of the campaign was political and incidentally, the established, the most powerful Citizen and goal. Caesar had to find a Use and the helvetii migrated and intercepted them. And he had no attention and left to impress. The Romans population produced a record of Victory against the Duvall tea. 
No one will escape through their swords and charge the wings of the helvetii to turn their attention to the river of Ryan when their own ambition to the North 57 BC. The bill G room might have lost both Armory and general Peter call away. Three battles of the third world, the abused to go forward on the front line to fight the battle and their perception through political and developments of 56 PC, Western Atlantic Coast 55 BC. 
40, 54 BC the rate of Brittany and the version of go learn him with a new challenge of celtx. Yes. Thanks Roman supplies. Other strong and Calvary. The Romans would have the suffice going further from Camp to confront Eliza Serene massively outnumbered. Against such odds, emerge Victorious, and the rule of golf. And there one day of room wrote to the top of the near of the hill and look Look at this photo to retreat. To lay Siege and determination of David Chandler, gifted commander and Caesar moral dominance case, bold decisions of Gaelic Revolt to Central Letizia and to win all risk dr. Simon James British museum 
The Lusty, Neo known as the pure blood was a Portuguese. Horse breed horses were present in the Iberian Peninsula. As far back as 20,000 BC to 800 BC. The region was known for its war horses. Puros ungli, lastino lastania was an ancient Iberian, Roman province located in a modern Portugal, south of dura River the Providenciales Tina provide of the Roman Empire 
Our 27 BC, 2409 ad to 410, AD the Nightingale, Baltimore, press 1993, Rosewood Institute. 
The internalization of the limits of desires to the next stage of treatment, Brave and willingly. Increased dosages, pain and grief internalized limits of guilt and shame that taking residency in your own home. With reality begins, the facility of exercise of the mind to relieve the movement and malignant. This, we are already taking the bodies, humors, to be a difficult process. We must begin with the most basic reaction to work towards the more complex emotions of cognitive arrangement. Judgments. We will start with the most primitive feelings of pain. It's a long path, but in the end, you'll find Freedom, you seek. And you are brave and women like you had never felt physical pain. The mine, incredible organs see in the body of the senses, send signals to the brain, but how does the brain of the child? 
11:06 PM
The wind blows Metamorphoses. 
I always speak the saith, the Lord, no matter, no consequences, the king and he still should be relied upon the throne and the Lord continues to instruct for his words to go forward. One thing to remember is to allow the enemy to use you, to try to stop the come against the one of the word of the Lord. Luke guarantee published November 29th, 2007 at 12 a.m. updated August 30th, 2018 at 12 a.m. news for a jury convicted. Trials. 
Of King Herod, the Great, Michael York and John Baptist, Olivia. Hussey and Mariah also, studying in this Cyril, Cusack of you two, and I am Ian homes of Zechariah. If you want to avoid Gaius, the dearest, beloved, your grace is sufficient. And beauty is amazing. Your sufficiency shall provide a new future and we did dearest and most perfectionist, but I love the walk closer with the down into Value. Grace is sufficient, the dearest beloved effectual, we love it. 
Logos be. It calls for an intelligent response. One day, I saw the True Values involved in Lebanon, religious men and women and Chief and captains. 250 beautiful missions, giving testimony to the universal call to Holiness with the father, told me not to walk the Narrow Path but straight as the Gate to get married to a fine intelligent. Sacred obligation 420 talents of gold being salt of the earth, Sir Richard cushioning and Martin J Sheen Ruth and Joseph being Gator Ginsburg which sounds awesome are only President Barack Obama tarshish, free silver, and gold, and peacocks, and spices horses 4000, and gold Chariot sizzling of cedar, trees and lest any of the horses Solomon is burning. City of his father David of jeroboam Eve, someone of the king of re bomb three days speak. Good words to them and seek, he's someone of the Oak and the legitimate locomotive, every man in their tents children stirred from within the stones show Lost. See us as a society turn, every man unto his house of Jeremiah F-18 wives threescore dollars. And twenty Sons the says Jamila, Aunt, some Deliverance of her shocking crew haul Shields, a brass, the Army and Shima higher and Sons and Daughters 16 daughters three hundred thousand two hundred and four score more and Zara and sympathy of Mayor of shh. They have all sinned and come short of the glory of God being justified by Cole, Della Mia and shealynn Harris Norah O'Donnell compromise and consensus. Of ranked, number one of the infrastructure and part bipartisan agreement to reflect our valves as a nation of 247 years in default and decimated jealousy over the piano. When he walks with God, you never get lost. The things that God has done for me. The questions in the things that William Shakespeare has done for me and weeping joy. I want to know what all that God has done for me, King, William, Bernard Cove, and what a good friend of mine, but Providence has given another heart to me, Stanley. Lot and Paige fire the Juggernaut General Cornwallis. 
It is a great side. The Bush was not consumed, the Bush was not burned, it was a great site. God of the Bush, any Bush will burn but when it's has God in it they call it to him. And if Commandments its peak not all but a name of the name of the son, Jesus, the name of Jesus was forbidden and Peter and John answered and said to them. Neither was right in the sight of God. The bush is Burning. Was talking when the Lord saw God Called It Out Of The Burning Bush. It was a great site. The Lord was a sound show, himself strong and wonderful. I made a house in the bush. Ablaze can talk in the bush and out of the Bush talking to The Mists of fire to things about the Bush was God. And it was just thinking it was direct. There were many voices that were calling, but they're in the distinct voice because of the book, no one speaks like he And then when he spoke from his voice the powerful and that was him pulling all straws, it was just eat for us and Lord spoke. This is my beloved Son and which I was well pleased, the bush burning out of The Mists in the bush talking because Moses talking, it's a personal calling, as a double call, the Bush on is on fire and it's confirmed and the midst of the burning fire is calling, and on the backside of the desert, you know, for that is not like God is the Voice of God, distinct. The Bush is still burning. And the Lord called, among the Moses, not only the voice of Distinction, was the voice of Direction drawn up thou hither. 
The rich and the poor man. If I don't stop to help this, man, what would Jesus do? And if we don't stop to help him tonight, what would you do for him? Do you decide to carry it? What we were right with you. When we follow you to put off your shoes and your feet and the shots for the place. We shall be standing. When you hear the Lord, there is always the distinction. There was always the direction. Throwing out nine batters is far enough, but right? Where you are put off your shoes and step in the good man's house. And on your feet, you be shy with the gospel in the place of the standards of the Holy Ground. I'm the god thy father, the god of Moses to God of Jacob, the god of Abraham. I come down to deliver you from out of the land as soon as she ate with the nation of Israel. That was Moses going to claim some ground for the people of Israel. There was something moving as you're going to have to do. And take your shoes off. Moses announced tonight at the association to become the leader of the people of God. And the people, I have been in a bondage for a long time, and we're going to bring them out. God has helped them in the name of Jesus, Billy Burton, for the same Jesus that saw you go away and return again to feel God that he has multiplied, the books of Hebrews and the same as yesterday, can be the same today and Jesus said, what a glorious, what a miraculous. This appears in the apostles and Jesus is resurrected Lord cat endure. The root of Jesse but not on what those left in, Jesse Duplantis. Oh, hand and the Jericho route, the road and the right hand of Kevin McCartney Levi possible. For those who helped those things that have been praised, I will not stop to help the sanitation worker but he will help me dr. Martin Luther King jr. Non-violence does not exist. The Lord Jesus Christ. In the same compassion of Jesus. It is recorded in Mark, chapter 14 verses 31. So just just stay here and let Jesus. Turn aside to the tomb of Lazarus, Mark 11:35, John the Apostle John teaching to your house to full compassion, the floor joists and the full of love cold worried hunger. The same Lord, Jesus In the Flesh, James Jude, and Joseph Hebrews, chapter 4, verses, 15 and 16. We have not a high priest yet without sin. I want you to change the throne of grace. Jesus is compassion and the same Lord, Jesus is the tender love and the rescue. That Jesus is merciful and I'm glad he's a greater God. This morning to minister to the Republicans and the Democrats. So those who were desperate to those who are lonely, those are took time to take time restoring women to Faith and condemn, those women into Chapter 8, verses 1 and 2 Paradise living, the outcast, and then condemned and bringing glory to the morning. That same Jesus. He is coming back again and he reveals for the first time that he is in them. And just the saying yet is a woman demanding to marry be raised from the dead. Jesus came and out of the dead and the day of resurrection and the spring, the Marlins and the Darkness, the Lord Jesus saved us from 
Cincinnati skyline President, Eisenhower bipartisan infrastructure Bill dying workers. Sarah Cowboys in the sky, the pulpit and the prostate science medication, 400,000 children schools in America innocent jobs, a lot better than the bottle and it is a paycheck, Joe Biden. The bipartisan science chip production act, 3,000 ships through chosen ship from build a car Forty percent to 10 percent, larger Taylor, green needs a girlfriend Jill Biden has low Norwegian and used to wave a sack Brian Merit, governor of Antarctica and 1900 far the vegetarians, and ease of Antarctica, airport, shelter of Saint, Francis, brother, Timothy Smith France, Julie's de menthe to Dorito France, Arctic, and shipment, In fact, sharing of Victoria land, Australia, Arctic Division. I want you to tell the disciples and Peter that are most universal and those things in Matthew. John alluded, amidst that Mark was worried about Peter's life and the warming fire. The one that and them of the galleons of the Gospel, he would never forget to raise from the dead. And I rose from the dead and with the glory of all blessings of those, in the light of the dead, and the Glorious light of God. The blessings from the Lord.
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mosttechi · 1 year
Bgmi Hack Mod Apk 2.7 No Ban 100% working Download Link (32bit and 64bit) Paid for Free - 2023
Bgmi Hack Mod Apk 2.7
So Finally, Guys, I am back with an interesting article about BGMI 2.7 Mod Apk is released. Here I will share the BGMI 2.7 Mod Apk download file link, how to download and install Bgmi mod Apk 2.7, and all so let's get more information on it. BGMI 2.7 Mod Apk Direct Download Link Free (No Ban).
Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is a multiplayer battle royale game where Many players use strategy and tactics to fight and become the last standing person on the battlefield. A completely free multiplayer adventure in this game BGMI hacks Mod Apk 2.7. always use it on your own risk 
Read More: Bgmi No recoil Config File Download
Bgmi 2.7 Mod Apk for 32bit and 64bit devices
As we all know that bgmi is a too heavier game and it has some requirements to play the game on your device. In low-end devices like 32bit this game is hard to play. So, to overcome this problem I have brought a brand new hack mod apk file that will increase the gaming performance to the next level in your old or Low-end device. Download the latest update of the bgmi mod apk for 2.7 with 32bit and 64bit file updates after the ban. You can now easily hack the bgmi because there service is too short due to the ban and can be easily access in this server.
Now players with the low-end device can also enjoy playing this game with lots of fun. Players can fight in different game modes easily, either in Classic mode or TDM mode.  BGMI 2.7 Hack Mod Apk Direct Download Link Free (No Ban) 100% working.
BGMI Hack Mod APK for 2.7 helps us to enable many features with auto headshot AIM accuracy increasing and work in both 32bit and also in 64bit devices. Here you can enjoy fully updated and working files that will make you feel like a pro player as this file is tested. This mod apk will provide you 3D sound effects to offer you the best gaming sound effects and mobile experience performance. 
Choose your character and your style. Edit and make the game how you want to play it. Fully customization panel has been set to the hack file. file to upload is easy to access.
Advantage of BGMI Hack Mod APK 2.7 using
If you are using BGMI hack Apk for first time, then you will have a lot of advantages and fun with this option, because this BGMI Hack MOD APK 2.7 includes some interesting features like wallhack, Anti-ban, Anti-Report, anti-reset, No recoil, no grass, auto headshot, and more work in both 32bit and 64bit device. This bgmi mod apk is fully no-ban and will provide a great experience in the game and feels like a pro player.
Intro, Wallhack hack means the players who are hiding behind the wall can also be seen with this wallhack feature and you can see the motions done by him behind the wall directly with your 3 view. you can easily spot the player hiding behind the wall and can be easily killed by you. 
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worldupdatecenter · 1 year
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In the world of gaming, particularly in Battle Royale games, choosing the right weapon can make a significant difference in your chances of survival and success. BGMI, or Battlegrounds Mobile India, is no exception. With a wide array of weapons to choose from, players often seek the most effective and powerful options. One such weapon that stands out as the best in BGMI is the MG3. In this article, we will explore the reasons why the MG3 is considered the best gun in BGMI.
Table of Contents
Overview of BGMI Weapons
MG3: A Powerful LMG
High Damage Output
Excellent Fire Rate
Large Magazine Capacity
Versatile Attachments
Overview of BGMI Weapons
BGMI offers a wide variety of weapons categorized into different types, including assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, and light machine guns (LMGs). Each weapon type has its own strengths and weaknesses, catering to different playstyles and scenarios. The MG3 falls into the LMG category and excels in multiple aspects, making it a top choice for many players.
MG3: A Powerful LMG
The MG3 is a fearsome weapon that combines firepower, versatility, and reliability. Let’s explore its key features that contribute to its status as the best gun in BGMI.
High Damage Output
The MG3 boasts a high damage output, capable of taking down enemies swiftly. Its rounds deal significant damage per shot, making it lethal against both armored and unarmored opponents. This high damage capability allows players to secure kills efficiently, providing a crucial advantage in intense firefights.
Excellent Fire Rate
One of the standout qualities of the MG3 is its remarkable fire rate. With a rapid rate of fire, this LMG can unleash a hail of bullets upon enemies, overwhelming them and giving you a significant upper hand. The ability to deliver a rapid stream of bullets is particularly advantageous in close-quarter combat scenarios.
Large Magazine Capacity
The MG3 features a substantial magazine capacity, allowing for prolonged engagements without the need for frequent reloads. With its default magazine size of 75 rounds, players can unleash sustained firepower on opponents, maintaining consistent pressure and eliminating the need for frequent breaks in combat.
Versatile Attachments
BGMI provides players with the option to customize their weapons through various attachments. The MG3 supports a wide range of attachments, including scopes, grips, muzzle attachments, and magazines. These attachments enhance the weapon’s performance in different situations, granting players flexibility and adaptability on the battlefield.
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