#batman: resurrection of ra’s al ghul
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heroesriseandfall · 1 year ago
What did the poor monks and caretakers of Nanda Parbat do to deserve everybody thinking Ra’s al Ghul owns the place when they specifically banned him from it?
This is where all the good vigilantes go for spiritual training and healing or whatever. When Ra’s came he tried to steal their holy water and destroy it. Free Nanda Parbat from the assassin stronghold allegations!
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umbrellajam · 9 months ago
ok sorry I just have to yell about this real quick -
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Nightwing (Vol. 2) #139 - The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul, part 6 Dick: "I let you make the choice for yourself...because I knew you'd make the right one."
Dick didn't know shit, lmao!! "Because I knew you'd make the right one" my ass lol.
Let's rewind two minutes shall we:
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Dick: "Tim... Listen... There are no easy answers... But you have the right to make the choice for yourself." || Dick (internal narration): "No-win. If I stop him, I don't trust him. If he goes through with it, I shouldn't have trusted him. C'mon, Tim..."
He doesn't know what choice Tim is going to make, whether his grief will overcome him and he'll take the Lazarus water or not, and has in fact been physically fighting Tim this entire issue to stop him by force. But ultimately he knows it's Tim's right to choose for himself, and decides to hope, and have faith in his brother.
And he has that faith rewarded, and reaffirms it afterward, despite the fact that he wasn't sure.
And paralleling that moment of "yes of course I knew you had it":
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Red Robin (2009) #12 Dick: "How'd you know? How did you know I'd be there to save you?" || Tim: "You're my brother, Dick. You'll always be there for me."
At least not consciously! Being caught by Dick is certainly not something he planned for, as he seems to be trying to imply.
Again, rewind:
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Tim (internal narration): "I did it. I saved the people he loved. I saved everything he worked so hard to build. No compromises. He won't say anything, he never does. But I know. I know that Bruce will be proud of me. Not a bad day." || Tim: (in the midst of pASSING TF OUT) || Dick: (swoops in and catches him)
Tim may not have actually known that Dick would be there. But that catch... A falling Tim being caught by Dick is a motif that occurs over and over and over across the years of their relationship. Why do I feel like there's a part of Tim, faint as he faded out, and much stronger when he woke up, that went, "Oh, it's Dick - of course if it was anyone, I knew it would be Dick"?
After their conflicts and miscommunications in this arc, after Tim sweeping back into town and explaining not a single thing as he races to thwart Ra's, despite Dick's frustrated pleas, after cutting Dick off with a simple, "Batman...trust me," and Dick's responding, "Of course"....
Tim feeling like he knew, even if he didn't know, or plan, or expect. Because that's his brother. And choosing to express that trust, after Dick chose to trust him...
Just. Dick and Tim. Verbally reaffirming their faith in each other, even after in-the-moment doubts. BROTHERS. My emotions.
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littlefankingdom · 2 months ago
Ra's Al Ghul being like "Detective, help me get resurrected, for Talia" when Bruce is like "let him die" in Arkham Knight is making me so mad. Bitch, you cannot use the daughter you would NOT resurrect so her lover help you live longer. The audacity. "If you love her, you shouldn't let me die" Bitch, if YOU love her, you would resurrect her too instead of keeping it all for yourself.
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avayarising · 1 year ago
So I’ve been reading The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul (thanks @lynzine), and…
Ra’s wants a new body to transfer his consciousness to, and has captured Robin!Tim and Damian. He says he can use either:
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But later, once Ra’s has taken over the body of his son, Dusan, the White Ghost, we see this:
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For the transference to work, you need a blood relative.
How is Tim blood-related to Ra’s Al Ghul?
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nefarious-616-necromancer · 2 years ago
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anthyies · 2 years ago
oomf is throwing hands with a ten year old
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kittykatninja321 · 1 year ago
the reason why Bruce can’t beat the “Robins are child soldiers” allegations while other heroes with kid sidekicks don’t get the same criticism is because they keep writing instances where Bruce treats the robins like child soldiers. Like correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think Oliver Queen has ever made a monument to a dead child of his calling them “a good soldier” or said some shit like
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wonderjanga · 14 days ago
How would Jason treat Marvel as a kid compared to after the resurrection?
Jason, when he was still Robin, would’ve had the biggest hero worship for Marvel, though he’d always be second to Diana. In fact, if Jason had to pick, Wonder Woman would’ve been his favorite female hero, and Captain Marvel would’ve been his favorite male hero. They’re both just… so cool.
So when Jason goes to the Watchtower with Bruce, the first person he seeks out is Wonder Woman, and then if she’s unavailable, he goes to Captain Marvel. Cause again, they’re so dang cool. Now, Ms. Woman is busy most of the time, but more often than not the Captain will hang out with him if he wants.
Marvel: “Oh, hey Robin #2!”
Robin!Jason: “Hi! Batman’s in a meeting.”
Marvel: “Wanna hang out then?”
Robin!Jason: “Yeah!”
And that’s how you’d catch little eleven year old Jason and big buff probably thirty year old Marvel chilling. If Dick’s uncle was Superman, Jason’s was Marvel.
The various activities they partook in included fighting in the training rooms:
Marvel: *flying nearby* “You can do it buddy!”
Robin!Jason: *parkouring to a hostage*
Marvel: “Watch out for the villain!”
Hologram Villain: *shoots him*
Robin!Jason: “ACK-” *gets hit with hologram bullets*
The simulation ended after that, and Jason was a little upset that he messed up, but Marvel gave him some ice cream and then they went to try again.
They would also watch stupid movies together:
Marvel and Robin!Jason: *watching Marley and Me*
Marvel: *bawling*
Robin!Jason: “It’s okay. It’s okay.” *giving him tissues*
Now, they actually didn’t meet again in battle… no no, see Billy has an interesting relationship with Ra’s Al Ghul. This is because a previous champion used to be friends with him. So Billy is also friends with Ra’s cause why not? See, Billy and Jason met again when Jason was walking down a hallway in the League of Assassin’s headquarters and Billy was also walking down that same hallway with Ra’s.
Jason: *head in the clouds*
Ra’s and Marvel: *talking*
Jason: *notices Cap and does a double take* “Wha- WHAT THE HELL??”
Marvel: *pauses and looks over to him* “Huh?”
Marvel: “Wait… Robin #2?”
Jason was then dragged along with the two as Ra’s and Marvel started talking again. Meanwhile, Jason is absolutely dumb struck at the fact that, one, how is Marvel getting along so well with Ra’s, and two, how did he recognize him??
Ra’s, Jason, and Marvel: *all stop in the mess hall*
Ra’s: “I’ll leave you to it. Goodbye, Thavma.”
Marvel: “Bye!” *waves* “So, Robin, what are you doing here?”
Jason: “Don’t call me Robin anymore- also what are YOU doing here??”
Marvel: “I’m Ra’s friend.”
Jason: “How????”
Marvel: “What do you mean how?”
Jason: “I mean HOW. Look at you.”
Marvel: “What’s that mean?”
Jason: “Buddy, you’re sunshine, okay? Who would ever conceive the notion that you and Ra’s are friends?”
Marvel: “I’ll have you know that I’ve known him for hundreds of years. We’re like this” *crosses fingers (🤞)* “You got that?”
Jason: “No. I do not got that.”
Jason was a little surprised Cap was treating him the same as he would before his death, especially considering that the hero now knows that Jason is affiliated with assassins. Jason then remembered that the hero in question is also affiliated with assassins so… yeah. Anyways, he had some (a lot) of questions.
Jason: “You know, you don’t see all that surprised that I came back to life.”
Marvel: “You died??”
Jason: “Yes??”
Marvel: “Oh. I just thought you stop being Robin and just became a normal kid.”
Jason: “Wha- NO??”
Marvel: “Yeah, I probably should’ve picked up on that. But even if I didn’t know you died it’s not exactly an uncommon occurrence for people to come back to life.”
Jason: “You make it sound like it happens all the time.”
Marvel: “It does in Fawcett.” *shrugs* “We have insurance there for zombies in case they crawl out of their graves so coffins can be reimbursed.”
Jason: “I… I forgot you came from Crazyville.”
Marvel: “It may be Crazyville, but that won’t stop it from being home.”
Anyways, fast forward about a year, and Jason is back in Gotham and pissed at everyone and everything. That doesn’t stop them from hanging out.
Nightwing: *breaks into Jason’s safe house* “Jason, this needs to stop-”
Jason and Marvel: *turn to him, mid taco bite, watching WWE*
Nightwing: “Captain Marvel??”
I actually already have a few posts of their interactions and even one of them before Jason died if you wanna read more of them together.
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 months ago
If I had my way, no one would touch Tim's Red Robin run without having read Batman: Prodigal, YJ 1998, and Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul (at minimum) first. I understand why people do, but also…..you miss soooo much of the story's depth if you don't read those books first
there are just so many callbacks and references and character nuance and background context that you will NEVER EVER GET if you don't understand how Yost's run is the deliberate culmination of 20+ years of stories that rewards readers who have followed Tim's character and relationships and growth since 1989
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ghostly-penumbra · 2 months ago
Summary: In a world where Danyal al Ghul is resurrected by his mother after his death, the child turns down the idea of going with his biological father, the feared Batman.
In this one, he doesn't.
Most things don't change. Unfortunately, some do.
A what-if scenario from my dannymay entry "Reflection".
Look, I don't actually hate Damian, but I stumbled upon far too many "Danny forgives his abuser/murderer because he was just a kid and forgiving us good and siblings must stick together 4evr 🥺 uwu" and fuck that noise, I say as an abused sibling.
in the first part of this series, Danyal wondered what would have happened had he gone to Batman when he arrived to the USA
here we find out 3:)
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Bruce watched his sons go with a smile on his face when Danyal finally reached out and held Jason’s offered hand.
It was a victory, for Danyal to see that his brother wasn’t out to get him, that he didn’t intend to harm him.
That his brother wouldn’t kill him.
The smile slipped from Bruce’s face, and the detective found himself cursing Ra’s al Ghul yet again.
- - -
Danyal had arrived at the Batcave in the middle of the night whilst Batman and Robin were in the middle of patrol, and introduced himself to Alfred as Batman’s son. His words, his face and his eyes quickly had the vigilantes returning home.
Talia’s nose, Bruce’s chin still full of baby fat, Talia’s soft hair, almost like silk… Martha Wayne’s blue eyes.
Bruce had frozen mid-step when he saw him, so small , with clothes that didn’t fit him and only a small backpack on his tired little shoulders. And when the boy’s eyes –Martha’s same blue – landed on him, a myriad of emotions passed through them, almost too fast for the detective to read them: awe, fear, hope, relief�� and when he spotted Robin, the fear came back, wariness, unease…
His Jason, in spite of growing quick to anger as of late, was still good with younger kids, and agreed to leave him alone with only some minor grumbling.
Once alone, the boy stood straight again, hands clasped behind his back and chin lifted up proudly even as he swam in his clothes. (So small.) His eyes, though, didn’t meet Bruce’s, and instead settled on his chin.
“Hello, my name is Danyal al Ghul, son of Talia al Ghul…” He paused for a second, but then carried on, “and of the Batman.”
“I see.” Bruce barely managed to get out past the lump of emotion clogging his throat.
“I… mother and I have decided that Nanda Parbat and the League of Shadows is no longer safe for me,” his voice wobbled and broke and they both pretended it didn’t, “so she sent me here with you, if—if you will take me.”
Bruce breached the distance between them and knelt in front of his son with measured, projected movements.
“Danyal,” he said at last, “can I hug you?”
With a stunned expression, his son stiffly nodded, and just as slowly, Bruce wrapped his arms around him, tugging him towards his chest and feeling Danyal tentatively wrap his tiny arms as far as he could reach in turn.
“Danyal, what happened? Why now, at last, did your mother send you to me?”
“… I was murdered by Damian al Ghul—son of Talia al Ghul, grandson of Ra’s al Ghul and Heir of the Demon’s Head… my—my twin brother.”
- - -
It was always a challenge to track down the League’s movements and status, but not one Bruce ever cowered from.
Talia’s latest movements weren’t impossible to track, if you knew what you were looking at.
Places she hadn’t gone to in a long time, where he knew she had caches of valuables, money, safe-houses and the necessary means to disappear.
He could almost see her helping Danyal along, guiding him long enough to know he could make it to Gotham, until her father turned his eyes towards her once again, questioning her actions.
He searched further, from everything from the past seven years, to what they were currently doing.
He wished he could leave the country to have a more hands-on approach with the ever elusive League, but with Danyal only really relaxing—feeling safe— when Bruce was present, he had barely even left to go on patrol.
Despite their tense start, Bruce was grateful for Jason, from his acceptance of the paused patrols, his patience with Danyal, his understanding of the smaller boy’s situation, and his genuine desire to connect with him and be a good big brother.
It was a relief to Bruce, as a father, to see the anger that had been growing more and more in him be tampered down, easily put aside by his kindness, his gentleness.
- - -
“Do you like reading?”
Jason asked, smiling from his upside-down position in the couch on Bruce’s studio, where the man was working on police cases while he couldn’t go out and be Batman.
Danyal was glued to Bruce’s side, having been assured that it was okay for him to do so, was welcome, even, and he looked at his father from his periphery, gauging his reaction.
When he got a curious lifting of an eyebrow, Danyal frowned and his focus returned to Jason. “I don’t know.” He seemed pained to admit it.
Jason, though, didn’t let that put a damper in his plan, and beamed at the kid instead. “Wanna find out if you like children’s tales?”
This time, Danyal did turn his head towards Bruce, just a little, and the small frown on his face showed he was having difficulty deciphering Jason’s statement.
With an indulgent smile, Bruce carded his fingers through his youngest’s fluffy hair, feeling the kid relax under the touch.
“Jason is a fan of reading,” he explained, “and he’s trying to see if you two have that in common, and you just don’t know it yet.” Jason smiled and nodded, as much as he could in his position. “But mostly, he wants to share something he loves with you.”
“Oh.” Understanding dawned on Danyal. “Uh, okay.”
Jason’s smile turned radiant, and he jumped from his spot, closing his eyes and gripping the back of the couch as the world straightened, but said with joy anyway, “I’ll be back in a second!”, and ran out of the room, no doubt towards their library.
Once the older boy was gone, Danyal finally turned towards him, glaring at the bookshelf behind them. He clenched and unclenched his chubby fist a few times, clearly thinking hard. Bruce had learned by now that it was best for him to let Danyal take his time—unlike Jason, who typically had to be encouraged into revealing his feelings.
“Father, I have only ever read academic and pedagogic papers, what if I don’t like what Jason loves?”
Bruce cupped Danyal’s cheek with one hand, a victory in his heart when his son leaned into the touch, when two days ago he had startled. “Did you love all the academic papers you read?”
After a second of thought, Danyal confessed, “I don’t know. I enjoyed the ones about astronomy, the other ones… not nearly as much.”
“Hmm. Then maybe you will like this better, or you won’t, and you can try to find something you do, Jason has a big collection, and the library is even bigger, I’m sure he’ll like to help you find out, if you allow him. But tell me, do you want to find out if you like fantasy and fairy tales better than academic texts?”
Danyal did stop to think about it, and then a spark of defiance entered his blue eyes, a small rebellion compared to what he had already done, but a rebellion nonetheless.
Bruce ever-active detective mind could tell his son was thinking of Ra’s, of his sure disapproval for such a frivolous topic, and felt his heart fill with pride when his son replied, rocking his whole body in a nod.
“Yes, I want to find out.”
When Jason returned, it was with his arms full of books, almost toppling over his hold.
“I got some variety here!” He put half of them on Bruce’s desk, closer to their father than to his little brother, and went back to his seat across from the room. “Got two copies of each one so you can have your own! You get to choose what to start with!”
Bruce spread the books out on his desk, over his paperwork, to let Danyal see the titles and covers.
“How about this one?” He suggested, pointing at one title in particular.
Jason, though, glared at him. “Danyal gets to choose.”
Bruce winked at him, but Jason’s frown only really abated when his little brother asked him, “What is The Little Prince about?”
And, in spite of the physical distance Jason respected, Bruce got to see his children grow closer.
- - -
Now here he was, down in the Cave, pouring over strategies on how to infiltrate one of the most guarded places on earth to rescue his son, get him out, and not allow the League to ever lay hands on either of the twins again.
“They made him a killer.” He lamented when Alfred approached to hand him another mug of coffee. “They’re only six… if only Talia had told me…” He massages his temples and closes his eyes, the map of Nanda Parbat burnt in his eyelids while he imagined a world where he got to raise both kids since infancy.
“The past is rarely what we want it to be, Master Bruce, we can only hope to influence the present so as to have a better future.” Alfred told him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder before taking his leave.
“If Damian is given the opportunity,” he muttered after a long moment of silence, drumming his fingers on the desk, “what kind of person would he become?”
“You would bring him here? After what he did?”
Bruce felt a stone drop in his stomach and he turned around to be met with Danyal, his sweet and shy youngest son, already clad in his star-themed pyjamas, staring him down even as he had to tilt his chin up to look him in the eye.
Straight in the eyes, instead of his chin or the bridge of his nose, where he felt safe looking in his shyness or nerves. Right now, his gaze was cold, a cold so great it burned you.
His tiny fists, clenched at his sides, were shaking, thumping against his thighs. If it was in rage or in fear, he couldn’t tell; both, possibly.
“Danyal.” He breathed out softly, carefully relaxing his posture and letting his hands fall palms-out by his sides. “Son, I know this isn’t ideal, but please listen to me, what Ra’s did to you is monstrous, to both of you; you are both just children…
“I promise I will keep you safe, and won’t let anyone hurt you, but I have to get your brother out of there, too, he’s not safe there. He’s only a child, Danyal, I can’t just leave him there.”
“Damian is not in danger, he is the danger! He murdered me and you don’t care!”
“Of course I do, if there was anything I could do to change it, to fix it, I would, but all I can do now is try to prevent it from happening again, to either of you; your brother is just a child too, who wasn’t taught any better-”
“ I knew better! I didn’t kill him !” Danyal screamed. His chest was heaving with laboured breaths, and his eyes shone with tears ready to fall. One of his hands went up to fist in his hair, tugging on it, and Bruce internally winced, trying to keep it off his face. “You—why—I can’t—you’ve only had me for a week, but you’ve already decided you love him more!”
Bruce had stood up, at the beginning of this, with measured movements, and now approached his youngest son the same way, with his hands spread out and taking a short step.
The only one he managed to take, before Danyal flinched back from him, eyes wide and afraid, sobs cutting short.
It was as if he had been stabbed in the gut, with the way he suddenly couldn’t breathe and how his knees would no longer hold his body and left him prostrated before his flesh and blood.
“Please, son, listen,” but the boy didn’t, instead bolting for the lift, almost falling into it when it opened, and leaving the cave with tears falling down his face, “Danyal!” Bruce called after him, watching him go.
And as he had sank into the floor, Bruce sank his head in his hands.
When he had regained enough of his composure, Bruce went back up into the manor, resolute in talking to his youngest. He was met, instead, with his second’s glare and anger.
“What did you do to Danyal?” Jason’s arms were crossed in front of his chest, his knuckles white and his blue gaze cold.
Bruce really didn’t like the sense of déjà vu he was getting.
“Not now, Jason, I have to talk with your brother.” He tried to go past him, but his son wasn’t budging. “Jason, move .”
“Why? So that you can go and make him cry more ?” He spat on his face, making Bruce flinch.
“Move aside, Jason, that’s an order.”
Changing his stance, Jason was no longer an unmoving wall, but someone prepared to dodge a blow. It was just as bad as with Danyal flinching back from him, even if this time he didn’t let his body fail him.
“Make me.”
“Jason,” he pleaded, “I have to fix things with your brother.”
“How? Breaking down his door? Barging in through his window? He locked himself in, he won’t even say a thing to me!”
And that obviously hurt Jason, who had adored his little brother the moment he knew about him, and for whom he had worked so hard in earning his trust, step by small step.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.
“I need to make things right, son.”
“Then think of how you’re gonna do that first!”
And with that, Jason marched off to Danyal’s door, sitting down to keep watch against their father.
Jason didn’t barge in through Danyal’s window, he knocked on the windowpane first, and waited patiently for his baby brother to decide to let him in himself.
“Hey, buddy,” he started, looking at the boy’s red and swelling eyes, knowing he had cried himself to sleep, “you haven’t touched the food Alfie left ya, and you gotta eat if you wanna grow up strong.” He handed Danyal the lunchbox he had brought with him and continued. “I know my cooking isn’t as amazing as Alfie’s, but I think I’m okay.”
Danyal bit down on one of his sandwiches with a thoughtful face.
“It’s good.” He declared after swallowing.
Jason beamed at the praise, and hurried to offer the bottled juice he had brought as well. “It goes better with the sandwich than tap water!”
Danyal took it, and they sat down next to the wall, silent as Danyal ate.
“Thank you, Jason.” His little brother told him, handing him back the lunchbox.
“No problem.” There was another moment of silence, and Jason hated having to break it. “If you don’t wanna talk,” he started slowly, “about what happened with Bruce, you don’t have to; but, if you don’t wanna keep it in, you don’t have to do that either.”
Danyal obviously mulled it over, putting a hand on his nape and rubbing gently, and Jason waited, thinking of what could’ve happened and what he could say to it.
Maybe he should have expected it, knowing Bruce for years already, knowing Batman, but Danyal’s words still left him speechless.
“Father wants to bring Damian here.”
“Are you out of your fucking mind?! How could you even think it was a good idea?!”
“Jason, Damian is a kid who needs a better environment, not to be in the belly of the League of Assassins, he needs his family!”
“And Danyal? First Ra’s sacrifices him so that his chosen heir doesn’t grow weak , and now you sacrifice him so daddy’s littlest murderer can come and play house!”
“… Damian is my son.”
“So is Danyal. Doesn’t he matter?”
Alfred cut in with a harsh, worried look, “Sirs. Young Master Danyal is gone.”
The vigilantes turned as one to a worried Alfred, meeting his panic with theirs.
Everything fell apart so quickly after that.
They looked for Danyal, of course they did, but it was like his son was a ghost; he had only taken two extra changes of clothes—from the full wardrobe they had just gotten for him days ago—, some money in cash and some food they hadn’t seen him take from the kitchen.
He knew how to travel by himself, that was how he had gotten to Gotham in the first place, and even if he hadn’t wanted to use it, he had had infiltration training, knew how to not be noticed, how to look as if he fit in a place he wasn’t meant to be in.
He could have already left the continent, for all Bruce knew.
Not long after, Jason left for Ethiopia.
Him, who had a goal in mind other than leave this place , Bruce managed to track, reading his hurried movements and seeing, as well, another plot emerging around him, the jaws of danger closing on his son, who had walked into a trap as he looked for a good parent.
Batman arrived too late.
“Danyal is gone and Jason is dead.” His voice was rough with disuse, after having screamed in sorrow until his throat burned. “What could I even offer Damian if I could bring him here?”
Disappointment? Failure? Death?
Alfred didn’t answer him, but he didn’t expect him to. Whilst looking at Jason’s battered Robin suit inside the glass case, they knew there was no answer.
He allowed himself another short moment of sorrow, and then pulled himself together. He had work to do.
“If Ra’s finds out Danyal was here, he could look for him, he could find him.” He could have him killed again. “Outside the two of us, no one is to know that we even met him, that we knew he existed .”
“I shall dispose of his belongings, then.”
Bruce could hear the well-hidden pain in Alfred’s voice, but this had to be done, it was now the only thing he could do for Danyal.
Had his small son stayed, it would have been unavoidable for the League of Assassins to find out, but Bruce had been ready for that, ready to fight the Demon’s Head for his children, to make sure they were safe.
Now, though, he knew he couldn’t promise that. The safety of a warm home was not something he could provide, as a father.
All he could do was hope, against his paranoia and his instincts, that Danyal would survive out there, that he could live.
And all he had left, all he could do, was to keep on his crusade against crime, hoping a better world would treat his son kindly where he had failed.
- - -
and then Danyal meets an eccentric but loving ghost-obssessed family that adopts him and love him very much and don't dissect him because that tropes fucking bores me too fr
and if he ever meets Damian again and sees for himself he has changed for the better and regrets his actions, he still doesn't forgive him and doesn't reconnect with him, because he doesn't owe him neither his forgiveness nor his love just because they're blood 😊
i have Thoughts about why Danyal was deemed the weak one (it's ableism) by Ra's, and how it connects him and separates him from Bruce as well
please leave a comment with your thoughts! unless you're a scammer, I won't fucking buy a comission if you spam me!
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heroesriseandfall · 1 year ago
I think Dick & Tim’s physical fights are underrated. Maybe people assume since they’re close and never hated each other they must not fight. Which, to be fair, they usually don’t, and they don’t try to kill each other.
But Dick especially has a long history of physically getting into fights with people he cares strongly about, and when Tim is about to follow through on a terrible idea, he is no exception to that. Tim apparently has no qualms about it either.
What’s especially enjoyable about it to me is they’ll fight for fun and then they’ll fight to stop each other from doing stuff that’s a bad idea (like, say, fixating on bringing back all your dead loved ones) and no matter what their brotherhood will survive it. <3
…Even if Tim cheats to win one of their fights by playing the “if you MEAN IT that we’re brothers you’ll let me do my bad idea” card. Then he comes home after and follows it up with “of COURSE I’d never make a plan to take you down in a fight, I would never have to!”
(It occurs to me that in A Lonely Place of Dying when they meet again, they instinctively fight each other before even looking. lol)
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Hit List pt. 2
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Pairing: Jason Todd/Red Hood X (f)reader
Tags: NSFW, toxic romance,dark romance, dark Jason, psychotic Jason, mean Jason, brain-washing, violence, Jason's death, threatening, stalking, intimidation, blackmail, unethical behavior, mafia au, exes, assassination, semi-public sex, fingering, kissing, love confessions, mourning, ruined orgasms.
The door opening snapped you out of your concentration. Your head shot up, eyes wide with surprise as the imposing figure in the red helmet stepped into your lab. Then your heartbeat froze as you recognized the terrifying figure you've been seeing on the news for the past month. The red hood - the crime lord of Gotham - was in your lab.
"Uh... can I help you?" you asked, your voice wary.
The red hood sweeped the room. You shifted uncomfortably.
“I’ve got some questions,” his low baritone was distorted through the modulator.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Six Years Prior◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Jason lay on the warehouse floor, his Robin suit was torn around different parts, the exposed skin under it seeping blood onto the cold floor. Speaking of cold, Jason was pretty sure he was going to die here.
Yeah... asking Batman to let him patrol alone was just another notch down the line of Jason's cocky mistakes. But after doing it for so long, being Robin has become a second nature. He could beat up henchmen with his eyes closed and his arms tied. So, of course, he thought he could handle Joker alone to save his mother. Hell, he might have even stood a chance, but the moment he'd entered the Joker’s hideout, some familiar scent hit him, and Jason became numb in an instant.
Joker had been at it for so long that the boy should no longer register the pain from the crowbar. Only... he did. He felt every cut, hit, punch, every bruising hit.
Joker needn't have bothered with the gag, Jason lost his voice from screaming a while ago.
The newly carved "J" scar on his cheek hurt like a bitch.
"Well? Looks like bats are going to be late to save ya, kiddo." Joker laughed. "Bad traffic, I guess."
Jason didn't bother talking. Too exhausted. Everything after that was blacked out. Then he stopped breathing.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Jason was in excruciating pain. He was losing his mind. All of the hurt from his torture, from the explosion that followed, attacked his senses all at once.
He was in Ra’s al Ghul’s hidden stronghold, recovering from his resurrection. The room was dimly lit, incense filling in the air as Jason lay on a cold stone slab, his body wracked with phantom pain from his death. Ra’s entered and stood beside him, offering him water and speaking with a calculated gentleness. "You’ve been through a lot, Jason. The cruelty of this world knows no bounds."
Jason spoke with a hoarse "Bruce… Did he…?"
Ra’s tone stayed calm. "Save you? He didn’t even try."
Jason struggled to sit up, his face contorted in confusion. "No. I dont believe you. He would have… he he’s my fath-"
Ra’s directed Jason’s attention to a screen showing pictures of batman running side by side with... Robin, "While you were rotting in a shallow grave, your so-called father was playing hero with the one who replaced you."
Jasons tone was angry yet desperate as tears filled his vision. "No. He wouldn’t - he didn’t forget me."
But seeing the images of the boy in the Robin suit, he shut his mouth.
Jason recalled moments of Bruce’s kindness - of patching him up after a rough mission, smiling at him when Jason mastered a new skill or got an award at school. "He saved me before. He would’ve done if he could-"
"But he didn’t, young one." Ras said. "I did. Who truly values you, Jason? The one who abandoned you to die or the one who gave you your life back?"
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Jason's breathing quickened as his fists pounded the hanging punching bag in Al Ghul’s dojo.
He had overheard an exchange between Ra's and his daughter. The topic of which was Batman, a word which recently became a trigger to him.
Jason continued olbiterating the punching bag, which had tore open where his fists landed, mixing with his bloody knuckles.
I wasn’t worth the risk? I was his son! How could he-how could he just let me die?!
Ra’s placed a hand on Jason’s shoulder making him stop his movements. "Its difficult to cope. You were nothing more than a soldier to him. A pawn in his war. But to me, you are a warrior. A leader."
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
"We found this in your bloodstream the night you were killed." Thalia Al Ghul held up a vial of clear liquid. Jason nodded, hunched over a table with his shirt pulled over. A medic was stiching up a nasty gash he got from a recent mission.
"It's relatively new," she continued. "Not FDA approved. Not even patented. But my men tracked it to a lab in Gotham University. It matches the research on several Academic papers published by a PHD student."
Jason frowned at the colorless liquid, hissing against the anchoring pain of the stitching. "What is it?"
"It's basic form blocks pain receptors. Joker played around with it and manipulated the chemical to immobilize people by overstimulating their nervous systems. It can cause a hallucinatory haze, so they're unable to defend themselves. Sound familiar?" She asked.
Jason ground his teeth and nodded, recalling how disoriented and agonized he felt during his torture.
Then, another memory surfaced his mind. One rainy day at school, when talking to you about your lab research.
"Im calling it 'Chill Mist,'" you said, proudly holding up a vial. "It'll be a breakthrough in healthcare, Jay. It blocks pain receptors and induces a calming state. For when people undergo trauma or surgery." You explained excitedly, spraying a bit of it in the air for him to smell.
"What's the name of the student working on it?" Jason's tone was grave when he asked Talia.
He anticipated the name before Thalia spoke it, but it didn't prepare him from the painful stab of betrayal in his chest.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Raw anger fueled him as Jason stared at the limp body of his duel oponent lying lifeless at his feet.
Ra’s clapped proudly once. "See what you’re capable of? This is just the beginning, Jason. You will become unstoppable."
Jason stared at the blood on his hands, the sword shaking in his grip.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Six Years Later ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Dmitry, a lower level henchman in the Russian mafia, sat across the table from the red hood, swallowing thickly. He felt for his gun in his holster and was relieved it was still there.
He's heard stories about the Red Hood from rival gangs, and he damn near shit his pants sitting across from him now. Worse, so when the man finally spoke, addressing him in his native language. "Привет Дима," (hello, Dima)
Dima looked around himself nervously, wondering why he was here instead of his boss. "Г-где Сергей?" (Where's Sergey?)
"Сергея больше нет. C сегодняшнего дня, я твой новый бос. Продолжим на английском. "(Sergey no longer exists. Starting today, im your new boss.We're gonna continue this conversation in English.)
Dmitry paled, his eyes cast down to the duffle bag resting beside the Red Hood's boots, suspecting the worst. "Бляд..." He swore under his breath. "W-we didn’t know it was your turf!"
The hood let out a sound that might have been a chuckle, but it was distorted behind the mask.
He leaned against the desk, spinning his knife lazily in his hand. "The whole fuckin' city's my turf."
Danny tried to protest, but Jason interrupted. "Here’s how it works now. You want to work in Gotham, you pay me a cut. I keep the cops off your back, keep you alive, and make sure you don’t sell this filth to kids. You mess up, you disappear. Simple enough?"
When Danny hesitated, Jason flipped the knife into his hand and buried it in the table beside him. "That wasn’t a question."
Danny nodded frantically.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
The by-now famous Red Hood walked into Arkham asylum to blaring sirens as inmates shook the bars of their prison cells, shouting his name. Under the fluorescent lights, he could make out some familiar faces. But he was only here for one.
Joker looked up as red hood approached, a grin spreading across his face. "What's this?" He asked. "A fan coming to visit -"
The gunshot rang out before he could finish talking. The smoke raising from the red hood's gun. He climbed out into a nearby window and jumped out, the jokers cold body on the floor behind him.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Jason's eyes narrowed as he watched you through the window of you lab. You looked different now, older than the girl he once knew, but no less intoxicating. He clenched his fists, feeling the phantom pain of his death crawling all over his body.
You didn’t know. He reminded himself. You didn’t know what the Joker planned that night...
But you made it. That damn toxin that burned through his veins, twisting his screams into something unrecognizable even to himself.
Jason ground his teeth behind his mask. How was it fair that you got to walk away? That you got to live while he had to claw his way out of a fucking grave?
His gloved hand flexed over the hilt of his knife. He wouldn’t kill you, no. But he would make you pay. One way or another, he would make you pay.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Your hand reached for your phone charging on the table, but he noticed. He grasped you by your lab coat, easily pushing you against the wall. His grip was firm as he pinned your hands above your head. The sharp edge of his helmet pressed against your side. "What? Don't you trust me? After all this time..." the words released in a low chuckle.
Confused, you struggled against him. "I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t-"
He stepped closer, pressing you against the wall and locking your movement. The sound of his boots against the floor echoed in the quiet of the empty room.
You heard a click of metal and risked a glance to see him lift the helmet before dropping it to the ground.
Your breath left in a rush as your world tilted. Impossible...
"Jason...?" you whispered, barely audible.
He smiled down at you. Not the boyish grin you remembered. But a sharp, humorless. "Surprise."
You stared, taking in the stark differences. The Jason you remembered was cocky and boyish. The man standing above you now had sharper features, his body bulkier, and his eyes were hollowed pools of blue - once bright and mischievous - now held pain and anger aimed at you.
You stammered. “You - how - youre dead!”
"Aparently not." He drawled. “And congrats on being the first person to know who’s under the Red Hood.”
The Red Hood. That’s who he’s become. The vigilante-turned-crime lord everyone in Gotham feared or admired. And he was standing in front of you, the same boy with whom you did your homework, the one who pulled your hair at school, who took your first kiss, and more.
Jason’s gaze roamed over you, his expression unreadable. "What's wrong, baby? You look like you’ve seen a ghost," he said, his tone filled with amusement.
You voice shool as tears filled your eyes. "What happened to you?"
He told you. Step by step. Recounting the literal horror he'd experienced. By the time he finished his story, it was clear to you that Jason blamed you for hia death.
Jason felt a twisted satisfaction in seeing your head shake, guilt evident in your teary eyes.
His hand slid to your body, the leather of his glove cool against your skin. “Tell me,” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Does it bother you? Knowing that every time I look at you, I see the reason I died?” he emphasized by wrapping around your throat.
You opened your mouth to speak, but Jason’s lips crushed against yours before you could form a single word. It wasn’t tender; it was raw, punishing, a collision of teeth and desperation that left you breathless.
He lifted you with ease and put you on the table you were working on. Worrying about chemical hazards was the last thing on your mind when you were being kissed by a dark reincarnation of your high school sweetheart.
"Jason-" you drew back on a gasp.
His lips brushed your ear before biting your neck, “Do you know how many nights I dreamed of making you feel an ounce of what I felt?” His words terrified you.
"What will you do to me?" Your voice trembled.
"I don't know..." He sounded distracted as his finger glided over your lab coat, unbuttoning it and pulling it down off you, leaving you in your t-shirt and jeans. You were suddenly cold, feeling bumps along your arms. Jason's haze was heated, and you followed it to your chest, where your nipples pebbled under your bralette. You held your breath as he raised his hand to circle one of your nipples, not saying anything.
"If you were me," Jason drawled, attention back on you, though his fingers continued circling your nipple. You suppressed a whimper desperate to be let out. "What would you do to you?"
"I..." Your voice hitched when his finger brushed the spot you wanted him so desperately.
"What would you do if you've defeated all of your enemies, but one." He asked, tone heavy.
Your heart ached at his words, and you shook you head. "I'm not your enemy, Jay-" you wispered.
Something you said made him freeze, a moment passed before he gave your nipple a brief but harsh pinch. “You don’t get to say my name like that,” he hissed, his other hand tightening on your hair.
Removing his gloves and dropping them to the floor with a soft thud. You watched at his scarred, large hand lowered to the buttons of your jeans, undoing them one by one. The sensation made your body jerk, and you bit your lip to keep from making any sounds.
Jason noticed and brought his lips up to yours, biting down on your bottom lip before saying. "Dont hold back now, baby. You never did before -"
"I've missed you." The confession left your lips in a quick breath.
That made him freeze again. Just like when he did when you called him by his nickname. Carefully, you reached to cup his cheek, your thumb tracing the "J" scar under his eye.
"Stop," he said under his breath.
"Jason," you wimpered, your voice strained. "I missed you so much-"
"Stop." He growled.
With tears in your eyes, you begged. "Please! Jason, I still love-"
He kissed you again, desperate to silence you. He was pretty sure the next words out of your mouth were going to break his conditioning completely. He couldn't pet that happen - not after how far he's come.
His fingers reached your sex, coating themselves in your slick and sliding up to rub your clit. "If you don't shut up for your own good, I'll have to find something else to keep your mouth busy."
The ministration on your sex, the words, and the fact that the love of your life was speaking them to you all sent your mind spiraling. But the sensations he caused in your body overtook any intentions in your mind, and you arched against him, desperately pushing yourself closer to him.
"That's right," he chuckled, his mind back where he deeded it to be. "Give up control, baby."
You were so close.
"Give me my revenge." He laughed, grinning against your ear.
You moaned just as you were nearing your climax.
He withdrew his fingers, ruining your orgasm.
"No!" You protested.
Pleading, your eyes sought his out in the darkness. He wore a wolfish smirk as he reached up and licked his fingers. His eyes were hooded as he glared at you. He didn't say much. Just hummed as he slowly approached you. Frightened, you tried backing away as far as you could. "Dont! Jason, I'll call the cops. I'll tell them -"
"Tell them what?" He pulled you by your hair. It was not a playful tug like he used to do in school, but a harsh grasp that had you gasping. "That the Red Hood fingered you? That he didn't let you finish?" He said in a mocking tone.
You swallowed harshly, not saying anything. This version of Jason was so cruel that you couldn't comprehend it.
"You're not gonna go to the police." He informed you. "You're gonna come to work wearing a skirt tomorrow." He finished before giving you one last kiss.
Before you could come up with anything more to say, he had put on his gloves and helmet, saluted you, and walked out the door.
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haveihitanerve · 9 months ago
What I believe would have happened to all the batkids if Bruce hadn't come in and been Batman, dark version-
Dick- he would have been consumed by vengeance and tried to kill Tony Zucco without Bruce’s guidance and support. Would have tried. He is dead by age eight. If he succeeds at killing Zucco, he is immediately caught by the police commissioner. At eight years old Dick Grayson is thrown in jail. He dies two years later, still behind bars. If he escapes the cops, he succumbs to his Talon nature as his tooth is not bitch slapped out of him by his father figure. He becomes a Talon and works for the Court of Owls, always present but never truly in control.
Jason- Jason never meets Bruce, never steals his tires, never gets killed by joker. He does not die at age 15. He doesn't even make it to age fourteen. He dies in an alleyway in Gotham, on a cold winters night, alone at age twelve. 
Tim- Tim does not stalk Batman and Robin. He is neglected by his parents and because there is no neighbor for him to stay with(cough cough bruce) Janet and Jack Drake take him with them on their cruise. Tim Drake is skinny as a bean pole and underweight. He gets rocked off the side and drowns because he never learned how to swim. 
Babs- Barbara Gordon becomes a detective just like her father at a very young age and makes it her mission to capture all the villains in Gotham. She succeeds almost and has about half of them in Arkam when she falls into a Joker trap. Due to the lack of technological access, she dies of a fatal wound at age twenty. 
Steph- Stephanie does not become a vigilante because of her father because he is taken down by Detective Gordon(age 18) before she has a chance to. Babs sees herself in the ten year old girl and starts to teach her how to be a detective and work with the law instead of outside it like vigilantes do. They create a strong bond however after Barbara dies Stephanie seeks revenge and is about to kill Joker when she gets shot from behind by none other than her own father, Arthur Brown, because with Detective Gordon out of the way he had a massive prison break. She dies at age 13. 
Cass- cass escapes from her father after her first killing and flees to Gotham, but without the protection of the Bat is captured by her father again and forced to become Ra’s Al Ghul’s bodyguard. Sickened with the death and killing required of her Cass committed suicide, but continually got resurrected by the pit until she could stand it no longer and stayed. 
Damian- Damian is never born, as there is no Batman. Talia never becomes pregnant with him. She does however, create a child with another assassin who is her lover and she gives birth to a strong, healthy boy named Aziz. He grows stronger every day until the day he turns twenty three, when Ra’s Al Ghul puts him in the pit and absorbs his youth, the same fate that would have befallen Damian had he stayed with the league(or in this case even been created). 
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avayarising · 3 months ago
Five things to do with a giant penny
Roll it over Ra’s Al Ghul and his ninjas (Batman: Bride of the Demon, 1990)
This is Tim’s first encounter with Ra’s Al Ghul and he’s not even Robin yet.
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Use it as a summoning circle to fetch your ghostly friend – and accidentally almost kill him (Batman/Deadman: Death and Glory, 1997)
Batman tried to summon Deadman using the giant penny as the base of the ritual circle, but had to interrupt his ritual because it was destroying him, and for a minute Bruce thought it had.
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Use it as a lever to rescue Alfred (Batman 1:553 1998)
When the earthquake hit Gotham, Wayne Manor fell into the Batcave and Alfred was trapped under rubble. Bruce lifted it off him with the giant penny.
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Ram it into Darkseid’s son (Robin Rises: Alpha, 2014)
Kalibak followed the Batfam back through the boom tube from Apokalips as they returned from getting the chaos shard to resurrect Damian. Fortunately, Damian’s resurrection gave him temporary superpowers so he could whack him with the giant penny.
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Bring Penny Abraham Lincoln to life to fight the robot dinosaur (Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, 2024)
A war in the land of the fifth-dimension imps affects reality, bringing the Batcave trophies to life. Penny Abraham Lincoln protects Bruce and Dick from the dinosaur.
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And here you thought it was just a trophy.
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zahri-melitor · 2 years ago
I need to not let jokes irritate me, but for the record:
Tim's morality doesn't come 'from a list on the fridge from Batman' or 'not wanting to be gun Batman'.
Tim, at his core, decided that he could not be a bystander when things were going wrong, and chose to step up and help. When faced with the decision of "someone has to do this difficult thing" he said "I'm someone", after trying to get someone with more training and expertise to take the role. And when he was older and there were others who could take the support role he had found for himself, he chose again to stay with his allies and follow the mission and protect Gotham, because the job was not complete.
"[Dick] taught me to never back away from any possibility that might lead to the truth."
When Tim thought he'd killed a criminal in the course of arresting them? He beat himself up with guilt and trained harder and in even more investigative and fighting techniques to stop it happening again.
But the clone lab/Lazarus water/blowing up Ra's bases/Captain Boomerang! Yes, those are things that Tim did at his lowest, when he was hurting from an enormous amount of loss. And he: chose to stop attempting the cloning and apologised to Conner for it on Kon's return; poured out the Lazarus water; look was admittedly pretty dodgy here but it's not like it's the first time Bat characters have destroyed Lazarus Pits on purpose; and chose to save Boomerang. He did not go through with things when people close to him reached out and acknowledged his pain.
What, other people blew up Lazarus pits? Yeah for a while there Bruce was funding Bane to run around the world destroying them and handing over details of known ones...look it's a whole involved thing due to fallout from Legacy and a conspiracy to convince Bane that he was Bruce's half brother, don't worry about it.
Bruce and Dick have both had to be restrained from killing, on occasion, when caught in rage and despair. There have been deaths that they didn't intervene in, and guilt they ALSO carry over this. Babs' moral code includes working with criminals, stealing money from corrupt officials and international conglomerates and hacking processing power from the Pentagon. Cass, after swearing to never kill again, broke Shiva's neck and hung her over a Lazarus pit to fall in because that didn't QUITE meet her definition of killing. It's not about 'are your ethics pure at all times'. It's about the choices they've made, even after a mistake.
Tim fears he's become too like Bruce at his most rigid and analytical on occasion (16th birthday paranoia; developing protocols when he was older which he insisted he wouldn't when he was younger; 'testing' himself with Boomerang). His reaction has been that it was even MORE important to him to ensure that he's acting in an ethical manner, and he's consistently passed that test.
He's not fated to be evil. There are afaik three (3) future/alternate universe storylines where Tim 'goes evil'. One is DCAU, where he was made Joker Jr because the Diniverse doesn't HAVE a Jason, Tim there is a composite (plus you know, he was tortured to that point). The second is Earth-3, which is, I remind you, the 'good and evil are reversed' universe. The third is Titans of Tomorrow. Future Evil Tim gets occasional storylines because it's a compelling mirror to hold up to Tim's ACTUAL morality.
Plus, if there is one single person who could be said to determine Tim's ethics and appears at the centre of his moral code, it's OBVIOUSLY Dick, not Bruce *waves at Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive and Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul*
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fancyfade · 10 months ago
I think this panel is the closest we get to acknowledging *how* inconsistent a presence Bruce was in Damian's life pre Batman 2011
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Batman and Robin #5
Like oK recap mostly based on memory but:
Batman and Son: Damian shows up, Bruce makes it clear he wants to take Damian out fighting crime Damian tries to do this by killing Spook (and tries to establish his place by taking out Tim). He's following League of Assassins rules, Bruce gets very mad (understandably) and Damian tries to prove himself to Bruce by saying where Talia is. Then, Damian is presumed dead.
Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul. Damain seeks Bruce out for help because Ra's wants to possess him, but Bruce is not there and he gets Dick and Tim. Bruce eventually orders damian to fight when they're in a battle situation against LoA and Sensei's dude, Damian leaps to prove himself but Talia knocks him out and removes him from the action b/c she thinks they're all going to die. Bruce decides not to go look for Damian and Talia b/c he says Damian needs to be free of destiny - Ra's' or his. But Damian does not know about this.
Bruce "dies"
Bruce comes back from his trip in time, surprised that Damian is Robin but they work together well when stopping Dr Hurt's guys. Later, in a mission damian disobeys Bruce's orders to find out more about the bad guys and Bruce says it won't work out, but he's not firing Damian as Robin, he just wants Damian to keep working with Dick in Gotham while he does his globetrotting batman and robin thing.
like, from Damian's POV Bruce just does duck in and out of his life (sometimes with a reason, sometimes not) and then shows up and tries very hard to be a 'real father' with strict rules but he has not put in the work to establish himself as someone who actually wants to be there beforehand... no wonder Damian feels stifled
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